Sony XR C2604J User Manual

3-044-705-11 (1)  
Ca sse t t e  
Ca r st e re o  
Operating Instructions  
For installation and connections, see the supplied installation/ connections  
2000 Sony Corporation  
Ca sse t t e s lo n g e r t h a n 90 m in u t e s  
The use of cassettes longer than 90 minutes is  
not recommended except for long continuous  
play. The tape used for these cassettes is very  
thin and tends to stretch easily. Frequent  
playing and stopping of these tapes may cause  
them to become entangled in the cassette deck  
Notes on Cassettes  
Ca sse t t e ca re  
• Do not touch the tape surface of a cassette, as  
any dirt or dust will contaminate the heads.  
• Keep cassettes away from equipment with  
built-in magnets such as speakers and  
amplifiers, as erasure or distortion on the  
recorded tape could occur.  
• Do not expose cassettes to direct sunlight,  
extremely cold temperatures, or moisture.  
• Slack in the tape may cause the tape to be  
caught in the machine. Before you insert the  
tape, use a pencil or a similar object to turn  
the reel and take up any slack.  
• Distorted cassettes and loose labels can cause  
problems when inserting or ejecting tapes.  
Remove or replace loose labels.  
The sound may become distorted while  
playing the cassette. The cassette player head  
should be cleaned after each 50 hours of use.  
Table of Contents  
Wit h Op t io n a l Eq u ip m e n t  
Th is Un it On ly  
Location of controls ................................................. 5  
CD/MD Un it  
Playing a CD or MD .......................................... 11  
Playing tracks repeatedly  
— Repeat Play .............................................. 13  
Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
Resetting the unit ................................................ 6  
Detaching the front panel .................................. 6  
How to use the menu ......................................... 6  
Setting the clock .................................................. 7  
Playing tracks in random order  
— Shuffle Play .............................................. 13  
Ca sse t t e Pla ye r  
Listening to a tape ............................................... 7  
Radio Reception during Fast-forwarding or  
Rewinding of a Tape  
— ATA (Automatic Tuner Activation) ........ 8  
Ra d io  
Memorizing stations automatically  
— Best Tuning Memory (BTM) .................... 8  
Memorizing only the desired stations ............. 9  
Receiving the memorized stations .................... 9  
Ot h e r Fu n ct io n s  
Ad d it io n a l In fo rm a t io n  
Adjusting the sound characteristics ............... 10  
Attenuating the sound ..................................... 10  
Changing the sound and display settings ..... 10  
Maintenance ....................................................... 13  
Dismounting the unit ....................................... 14  
Specifications ..................................................... 15  
Troubleshooting guide ..................................... 16  
Boosting the bass sound  
— D-bass ........................................................ 11  
Location of controls  
Refer to the pages listed for details.  
1 MENU button 7, 8, 9, 10, 12  
qa SOUND button 10  
2 Volume control dial  
qs RELEASE (front panel release) button  
6, 14  
3 SOURCE (TUNER/CD/MD) button 8, 9, 11  
qd SEEK/AMS –/+ (cursor left/right) buttons  
4 PRST/DISC +/(cursor up/dow n) buttons  
7, 8, 9, 10, 12  
seek 9  
Automatic Music Sensor 12  
manual search 12  
7, 8, 9, 10, 12  
During radio reception:  
Preset stations select 9  
During CD/MD playback:  
Disc change 12  
qf Reset button (located on the front side  
of the unit behind the front panel) 6  
5 DSPL (display mode change) button  
qg ENTER button 7, 8, 9, 10, 12  
8, 11, 12  
qh Number buttons  
6 MODE button  
During radio reception  
Preset number select 9  
During radio reception:  
BAND select 8, 9  
During tape/CD/MD playback:  
(1) REP 13  
During CD or MD playback:  
CD/MD unit select 11  
7 Z (eject) button 7  
(2) SHUF 13  
8 Display w indow  
qj OFF button* 6  
9 m/M (fast w inding)/DIR (tape  
transport direction change) buttons 7  
* Wa rn in g w h e n in st a llin g in a ca r  
w it h o u t ACC (a cce sso ry) p o sit io n o n  
t h e ig n it io n ke y sw it ch  
q; D-BASS button 11  
Be sure to press (OFF) on the unit for tw o  
seconds to turn off the clock display after  
turning off the engine.  
When you press (OFF) momentarily, the  
clock display does not turn off and this  
causes battery wear.  
At t a ch in g t h e fro n t p a n e l  
Attach part A of the front panel to part B of  
the unit as illustrated and push the left side  
into position until it clicks.  
Getting Started  
Resetting the unit  
Before operating the unit for the first time or  
after replacing the car battery, you must reset  
the unit.  
Remove the front panel and press the reset  
button with a pointed object, such as a  
ballpoint pen.  
• Be sure not to attach the front panel upside  
• Do not press the front panel too hard against the  
unit when attaching it.  
Reset button  
• Do not press too hard or put excessive pressure  
on the display window of the front panel.  
• Do not expose the front panel to direct sunlight  
or heat sources such as hot air ducts, and do not  
leave it in a humid place. Never leave it on the  
dashboard of a car parked in direct sunlight or  
where there may be a considerable rise in  
Pressing the reset button will erase the clock  
setting and some memorized functions.  
Detaching the front panel  
You can detach the front panel of this unit to  
protect the unit from being stolen.  
Ca u t io n a la rm  
If you turn the car ignition off without  
removing the front panel, the caution alarm  
will beep for a few seconds.  
If you connect an optional power amplifier and  
do not use the built-in amplifier, the beep  
sound will be deactivated.  
1 Press (OFF).  
2 Press (RELEASE), then slide the front  
panel a little to the left, and pull it off  
tow ards you.  
How to use the menu  
This unit is operated by selecting items from a  
To select, first enter the menu mode and  
choose up/ down (+/ of (PRST/DISC)), or  
choose left/ right (/ + of (SEEK/AMS)).  
• Be sure not to drop the panel when detaching it  
from the unit.  
(+) : To select upw ards  
If you detach the panel while the unit is still  
turned on, the power will turn off automatically  
to prevent the speakers from being damaged.  
When carrying the front panel with you, use the  
supplied front panel case.  
() : To select dow nw ards  
Cassette Player  
() : To select  
leftw ards  
(+) : To select  
rightw ards  
Listening to a tape  
Insert a cassette.  
Playback starts automatically.  
Setting the clock  
The clock uses a 12-hour digital indication.  
Example: To set the clock to 10:08  
1 Press (MENU), then press either side of  
(PRST/DISC) repeatedly until CLOCK”  
The side facing up is played.  
The side facing dow n is played.  
1 Press (ENTER).  
To change the tapes playback direction, press  
m and M.  
The hour indication flashes.  
To st o p p la yb a ck a n d e je ct t h e  
ca sse t t e  
2 Press either side of (PRST/DISC) to set  
the hour.  
Press Z.  
Fa st -w in d in g t h e t a p e  
3 Press + side of (SEEK/AMS).  
During playback, press m or M.  
The minute indication flashes.  
To advance  
To rew ind  
4 Press either side of (PRST/DISC) to set  
the minute.  
* The I i indicator will flash while fast-winding  
the tape.  
To start playback during fast-forwarding or  
rewinding, press the other fast-winding button  
partially until the locked button is released.  
2 Press (ENTER).  
The clock starts.  
After the clock setting is complete, the  
display returns to normal playback mode.  
Ch a n g in g t h e d isp la y it e m  
Each time you press (DSPL), the item changes  
as follows:  
Tape playback y Frequency*  
* While the ATA function is activated.  
After you select the desired item, the display  
will automatically change to the Motion  
Display mode after a few seconds.  
In the Motion Display mode, all the above  
items are scrolled in the display one by one in  
Memorizing stations  
Best Tuning Memory (BTM)  
The unit selects the stations with the strongest  
signals and memorizes them in the order of  
their frequencies. You can store up to 6 stations  
on each band (FM1, FM2, FM3, MW, SW1, and  
The Motion Display mode can be turned off. (See  
Changing the sound and display settingson  
page 10.)  
Ca u t io n  
When tuning in stations while driving, use  
Best Tuning Memory to prevent accidents.  
Radio Reception during  
Fast-forwarding or  
Rewinding of a Tape  
ATA (Automatic Tuner Activation)  
1 Press (SOURCE) repeatedly to select the  
Each time you press (SOURCE), the source  
changes as follows:  
B CD*  
B MD*  
When fast-forwarding or rewinding with the  
m or M button, the tuner will turn on  
* If the corresponding optional equipment is  
not connected, this item will not appear.  
1 During playback, press (MENU).  
2 Press (MODE) repeatedly to select the  
Each time you press (MODE), the band  
changes as follows:  
2 Press either side of (PRST/DISC)  
B FM1  
B FM2  
B FM3  
repeatedly until ATAappears.  
SW2 b  
SW1 b  
MW b  
3 Press (MENU), then press either side of  
(PRST/DISC) repeatedly until BTM”  
3 Press + side of (SEEK/AMS) to select  
4 Press (ENTER).  
The unit stores stations in the order of their  
frequencies on the number buttons.  
A beep sounds when the setting is stored.  
The selected play mode starts.  
4 Press (ENTER).  
The unit does not store stations with weak  
signals. If only a few stations can be received,  
some number buttons will retain their former  
To return to normal playback mode, select  
OFFin step 3 above.  
When a number is already indicated in the  
display, the unit stores stations in order from the  
one currently displayed.  
If yo u ca n n o t t u n e in a p re se t  
st a t io n  
Memorizing only the  
desired stations  
You can preset up to 18 FM stations (6 each for  
FM1, 2, and 3), up to 6 MW stations, and up to  
12 SW stations (6 each for SW1 and 2) in the  
order of your choice.  
Press either side of (SEEK/AMS) to search  
for the station (automatic tuning).  
Scanning stops when the unit receives a  
station. Press either side of (SEEK/AMS)  
repeatedly until the desired station is  
1 Press (SOURCE) repeatedly to select the  
If the automatic tuning stops too frequently, press  
(MENU), then press either side of (PRST/DISC)  
repeatedly until LOCAL(local seek mode) is  
displayed. Then press + side of (SEEK/AMS) to  
select LOCAL-ON.Press (ENTER).  
Only the stations with relatively strong signals will  
be tuned in.  
2 Press (MODE) repeatedly to select the  
3 Press either side of (SEEK/AMS) to tune  
in the station that you w ant to store on  
the number button.  
If you know the frequency of the station you want  
to listen to, Press and hold either side of  
(SEEK/AMS) until the desired frequency appears  
(manual tuning).  
4 Press and hold the desired number  
button ((1) to (6)) until MEMappears.  
The number button indication appears in  
the display.  
If FM st e re o re ce p t io n is p o o r  
Monaural Mode  
1 During radio reception, press (MENU),  
then press either side of (PRST/DISC)  
repeatedly until MONOappears.  
If you store a new station on a number button  
which already has a station registered, the  
previously stored station will be replaced by the  
new station.  
2 Press either side of (SEEK/AMS)  
repeatedly until MONO-ONappears.  
The sound improves, but becomes  
monaural (STdisappears).  
Receiving the memorized  
3 Press (ENTER).  
To return to stereo mode, select MONO-OFF”  
in step 2 above.  
1 Press (SOURCE) repeatedly to select the  
2 Press (MODE) repeatedly to select the  
3 Press the number button ((1) to (6)) on  
w hich the desired station is stored.  
Press either side of (PRST/DISC) to receive the  
stations in the order they are stored in the  
memory (Preset Search Function).  
Changing the sound and  
display settings  
Other Functions  
The following items can be set:  
CLOCK (page 7).  
BEEP to turn the beep sound on or off.  
D.INFO (Dual Information) to display the  
clock and the play mode at the same time  
(ON) or to display the information altemately  
A.SCRL (Auto Scroll)* (page 12).  
M.DSPL (Motion Display) to turn the  
motion display on or off.  
Adjusting the sound  
You can adjust the bass, treble, balance, and  
You can store the bass and treble levels  
independently for each source.  
1 Press (MENU).  
1 Select the item you w ant to adjust by  
pressing (SOUND) repeatedly.  
2 Press either side of (PRST/DISC)  
repeatedly until the desired item  
BAS (bass) t TRE (treble) t  
BAL (left-right) t FAD (front-rear)  
Each time you press () side of  
(PRST/DISC), the item changes as follows:  
2 Adjust the selected item by pressing  
either side of (SEEK/AMS).  
Adjust within three seconds after selecting  
the item.  
* When no CD or MD is playing, this item will  
not appear.  
3 Press (+) side of (SEEK/AMS) to select the  
Attenuating the sound  
desired setting (Example: ON or OFF).  
When the interface cable of a car telephone is  
connected to the ATT lead, the unit decreases  
the volume automatically when a telephone  
call comes in (Telephone ATT function).  
4 Press (ENTER).  
After the mode setting is complete, the  
display returns to normal playback mode.  
With Optional Equipment  
Boosting the bass sound  
CD/MD Unit  
You can enjoy a clear and powerful bass  
sound. The D-bass function boosts the low  
frequency signal and high frequency signal  
with a sharper curve than conventional bass  
This unit can control a maximum of ten  
external CD/ MD units in this configuration:  
CD unit maximum of five  
MD unit maximum of five  
You can hear the bass line more clearly even  
while the vocal volume remains the same. You  
can emphasize and adjust the bass sound  
easily with the D-BASS control.  
Any combination up to ten will work.  
If you connect an optional CD unit with the  
CD TEXT function, the CD TEXT information  
will appear in the display when you play a CD  
TEXT disc.  
Playing a CD or MD  
Frequency (Hz)  
1 Press (SOURCE) repeatedly to select CD  
or MD.  
Adjusting the bass curve  
2 Press (MODE) until the desired unit  
Press (D-BASS) repeatedly to select the  
desired bass curve.  
As the D-BASS number increases so does  
the effect.  
CD/ MD playback starts.  
When a CD/ MD unit is connected, all the  
tracks play from the beginning.  
D.BASS-1 t D.BASS-2 t D.BASS-3 t  
Ch a n g in g t h e d isp la y it e m  
Each time you press (DSPL) during CD, CD  
TEXT, or MD playback, the item changes as  
The bass sound may distort at same volume. If the  
bass sound distorts, select less effective bass curve.  
Elapsed playback time  
Disc name*1/Artist name*2  
Track name*3  
If you have not labeled the disc or if there is no  
disc name prerecorded on the MD, NO NAME”  
appears in the display.  
If you play a CD TEXT disc, the artist name  
appears in the display after the disc name.  
(Only for CD TEXT discs with the artist name.)  
If the track name of a CD TEXT disc or MD is not  
prerecorded, NO NAMEappears in the  
After you select the desired item, the display  
will automatically change to the Motion  
Display mode after a few seconds.  
In the Motion Display mode, all the above  
items are scrolled in the display one by one in  
Co n t in u e d t o n e xt p a n e t  
Lo ca t in g a sp e cific t ra ck  
Automatic Music Sensor (AMS)  
The Motion Display mode can be turned off. (See  
Changing the sound and display settingson  
page 10).  
During playback, press either side of  
(SEEK/AMS) momentarily for each track  
you w ant to skip.  
Au t o m a t ica lly scro llin g a d isc n a m e  
Auto Scroll  
If the disc name, artist name, or track name on  
a CD TEXT disc or MD exceeds 8 characters  
and the Auto Scroll function is on, it  
automatically scrolls across the display as  
The disc name appears when the disc has  
changed (if the disc name is selected).  
The track name appears when the track has  
changed (if the track name is selected).  
To locate  
To locate  
Lo ca t in g a sp e cific p o in t in a t ra ck  
Manual Search  
During playback, press and hold either  
side of (SEEK/AMS). Release w hen you  
have found the desired point.  
If you press (DSPL) to change the display  
item, the disc or track name of the MD or CD  
TEXT disc is scrolled automatically whether  
you set the function on or off.  
1 During playback, press (MENU).  
To search  
backw ard  
To search  
forw ard  
2 Press either side of (PRST/DISC)  
repeatedly until A.SCRLappears.  
Ch a n g in g Discs  
3 Press + side of (SEEK/AMS) to select  
During playback, press either side of  
(PRST/DISC) momentarily.  
The desired disc in the current unit begins  
4 Press (ENTER).  
To cancel Auto Scroll, select A.SCRL-OFFin  
step 3 above.  
For succeeding  
For some discs with very many characters, the  
following cases may happen:  
Some of the characters are not displayed  
Auto Scroll does not work.  
For preceding  
Disc number  
Track number  
Playing tracks repeatedly  
Repeat Play  
You can select:  
REP-1 to repeat a track.  
REP-2 to repeat a disc.  
Fu se Re p la ce m e n t  
During playback, press (1) (REP)  
repeatedly until the desired setting  
When replacing the fuse, be sure to use one  
matching the amperage rating stated on the  
original fuse. If the fuse blows, check the  
power connection and replace the fuse. If the  
fuse blows again after replacement, there may  
be an internal malfunction. In such a case,  
consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
B REP-1  
B REP-2  
Repeat Play starts.  
To return to normal playback mode, select  
REP-OFFin step above.  
Playing tracks in random  
Fuse (10 A)  
order Shuffle Play  
You can select:  
SHUF-1 to play the tracks on the current  
disc in random order.  
SHUF-2 to play the tracks in the current  
unit in random order.  
SHUF-ALL to play all the tracks in all the  
units in random order.  
Never use a fuse with an amperage rating  
exceeding the one supplied with the unit as  
this could damage the unit.  
During playback, (2) (SHUF) repeatedly  
until the desired setting appears.  
B SHUF-1  
B SHUF-2  
Shuffle Play starts.  
To return to normal playback mode, select  
SHUF-OFFin step above.  
Cle a n in g t h e Co n n e ct o rs  
The unit may not function properly if the  
connectors between the unit and the front  
panel are not clean. In order to prevent this,  
open the front panel by pressing (RELEASE),  
then detach it and clean the connectors with a  
cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Do not apply  
too much force. Otherwise, the connectors may  
be damaged.  
Dismounting the unit  
Release key  
Main unit  
Back of the front panel  
For safety, turn off the engine before cleaning  
the connectors and remove the key from the  
ignition switch.  
Never touch the connectors directly with your  
fingers or with any metal device.  
Ca sse t t e p la ye r se ct io n  
Ge n e ra l  
Tape track  
4-track 2-channel stereo  
Audio output  
Wow and flutter  
Frequency response  
Signal-to-noise ratio  
0.13 % (WRMS)  
30 15,000 Hz  
55 dB  
Power aerial relay control  
Power amplifier control  
Telephone ATT control  
Tu n e r se ct io n  
Tone controls  
Bass ±8 dB at 100 Hz  
Treble ±8 dB at 10 kHz  
12 V DC car battery  
(negative earth)  
Approx. 188 × 58 × 182 mm  
(w/ h/ d)  
Approx. 182 × 53 × 163 mm  
(w/ h/ d)  
Approx. 1.2 kg  
Parts for installation and  
connections (1 set)  
Front panel case (1)  
BUS cable (supplied with  
an RCA pin cord)  
RC-61 (1 m), RC-62 (2 m)  
CD changer (10 discs)  
CDX-838, CDX-828,  
CDX-737, CDX-636  
MD changer (6 discs)  
Tuning range  
Aerial terminal  
87.5 108.0 MHz  
External aerial connector  
Power requirements  
Intermediate frequency 10.7 MHz  
Usable sensitivity  
9 dBf  
75 dB at 400 kHz  
65 dB (stereo),  
68 dB (mono)  
Mounting dimensions  
Signal-to-noise ratio  
Harmonic distortion at 1 kHz  
0.7 % (stereo),  
Supplied accessories  
0.4 % (mono)  
35 dB at 1 kHz  
30 15,000 Hz  
Frequency response  
Optional accessories  
Optional equipment  
Tuning range  
531 1,602 kHz  
Tuning range  
SW tuning interval:  
SW1: 2,940 7,735 kHz  
SW2: 9,500 18,135 kHz  
(except ofr 10,140 11,575  
Other CD/ MD changers  
with the Sony-BUS system  
Source selector  
Aerial terminal  
External aerial connector  
Intermediate frequency 10.7 MHz/ 450 kHz  
Sensitivity 30 µV  
Design and specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
Po w e r a m p lifie r se ct io n  
Speaker outputs  
(sure seal connectors)  
Speaker impedance  
4 8 ohms  
Maximum power output 45 W × 4 (at 4 ohms)  
Troubleshooting guide  
The following checklist will help you remedy the problems you may encounter with your unit.  
Before going through the checklist below, check the connections and operating procedures.  
Ge n e ra l  
Ca u se /So lu t io n  
Pro b le m  
Set the fader control to the centre position for two-speaker  
No sound.  
Rotate the dial clockwise to adjust the volume.  
The power cord or battery has been disconnected.  
The reset button was pressed.  
The contents of the memory  
have been erased.  
t Store again into the memory.  
Indications do not appear in the  
Remove the front panel and clean the connectors.  
See Cleaning the connectors(page 14) for details.  
Ta p e p la yb a ck  
Pro b le m  
Ca u se /So lu t io n  
The sound is distorted.  
The tape head is contaminated.  
t Clean the head with a commercially available dry-type  
cleaning cassette.  
Ra d io re ce p t io n  
Pro b le m  
Ca u se /So lu t io n  
Preset tuning is not possible.  
Memorize the correct frequency.  
The broadcast signal is too weak.  
Automatic tuning is not  
The broadcast signal is too weak.  
t Use manual tuning.  
The stations cannot be  
The sound is hampered by  
Connect an power aerial control lead (blue) or accessory power  
supply lead (red) to the power supply lead of a cars aerial  
booster. (When your car has built-in FM/ MW/ SW aerial in the  
rear/ side glass only.)  
The STindication flashes.  
Tune in the frequency accurately.  
The broadcast signal is too weak.  
t Set to MONO mode (page 9).  
CD/MD p la yb a ck  
Pro b le m  
Ca u se /So lu t io n  
The sound skips.  
A dirty or defective disc.  
Erro r d isp la ys (when an optional CD/MD unit is connected)  
The following indications will flash for about five seconds, and an alarm sound will be heard.  
So lu t io n  
Disp la y  
Ca u se  
Insert the disc magazine in the CD/  
MD unit.  
The disc magazine is not inserted in  
the CD/ MD unit.  
Insert discs in the CD/ MD unit.  
No disc is inserted in the CD/ MD unit.  
Insert another CD/ MD.  
A CD/ MD cannot play because of  
some problem.  
Clean or insert the CD correctly.  
Insert another MD.  
A CD is dirty or inserted upside  
An MD does not play because of some  
No tracks have been recorded on an  
Play an MD with tracks recorded on  
The CD/ MD unit cannot be operated  
because of some problem.  
Press the reset button of the unit.  
The lid of the MD unit is open or MDs Close the lid or insert the MDs  
are not inserted properly. properly.  
The ambient temperature is more than Wait until the temperature goes  
down below 50°C.  
*1 When an error occurs during playback of a CD or MD, the disc number of the CD or MD does not appear  
in the display.  
*2 The disc number of the disc causing the error appears in the display.  
If the above-mentioned solutions do not help improve the situation, consult your nearest Sony  
Ca sse t t e  
Ca r st e re o  
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan  

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