Sony Laptop PCG F450 User Manual

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Owner’s Record  
! For DVD-ROM: As the laser beam  
used in the DVD-ROM drive is  
harmful to the eyes, do not  
attempt to disassemble the drive  
cabinet. Refer servicing to  
The model number and serial number are  
located on the bottom of your Sony VAIO®  
Notebook. Record the serial number in the  
space provided here. Refer to the model  
and serial number when you call your  
Sony Service Center.  
qualified personnel only.  
Model Number: PCG-F430/ PCG-F450  
Serial Number:________________________  
Pour prévenir tout risque dincendie  
ou délectrocution, garder cet appareil  
à l’abri de la pluie et de lhumidité.  
Pour prévenir tout risque  
délectrocution, ne pas ouvir le châssis  
de cet appareil et ne confier son  
entretien quà une personne qualifiée.  
L’appareil doit être le plus près  
possible dune prise murale pour en  
faciliter l’accès.  
Safety Information  
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do  
not expose your notebook computer  
to rain or moisture.  
To avoid electrical shock, do not open  
the cabinet. Refer servicing to  
qualified personnel only.  
Regulatory Information.  
Never install modem or telephone  
wiring during a lightning storm.  
Never install telephone jacks in wet  
locations unless the jack is specifically  
designed for wet locations.  
Never touch uninsulated telephone  
wire or terminals unless the telephone  
line has been disconnected at the  
network interface.  
Declaration of Conformity  
Trade Name: SONY  
Model No: PCG-F430/ PCG-F450  
Responsible Party:  
Sony Electronics Inc.  
Use caution when installing or  
modifying telephone lines.  
Avoid using the modem during an  
electrical storm.  
Do not use the modem or a telephone  
to report a gas leak in the vicinity of  
the leak.  
A socket outlet should be as close as  
possible to the unit and easily  
1 Sony Drive  
Park Ridge, NJ 07656  
Telephone No.: 201-930-6970  
This device complies with Part 15 of  
the FCC rules. Operation is subject  
to the following two conditions: (1)  
This device may not cause harmful  
interference, and (2) this device  
must accept any interference  
received, including interference  
that may cause undesired  
! To change the backup battery,  
please contact your nearest Sony  
Service Center.  
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This equipment has been tested and found  
to comply with the limits for a Class B  
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the  
Rules. These limits are designed to provide  
reasonable protection against harmful  
interference in a residential installation.  
This equipment generates, uses, and can  
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  
installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause  
harmful interference to radio or television  
reception, which can be determined by  
turning the equipment off and on, the user  
is encouraged to try to correct the  
FCC Part 68  
This equipment complies with Part 68 of  
the FCC rules. On the bottom of this  
equipment is a label that contains, among  
other information, the FCC equivalence  
number (REN) for this equipment. If  
requested, this information must be  
provided to the telephone company.  
This modem uses the USOC RJ-11  
telephone jack.  
The REN is used to determine the quantity  
of devices which may be connected to the  
telephone line. Excessive RENs on the  
telephone line may result in the devices not  
ringing in response to an incoming call. In  
most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs  
should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain  
of the number of devices that may be  
connected to the line, as determined by the  
total RENs, contact the telephone company  
to determine the maximum REN for the  
calling area.  
interference by one or more of the  
following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving  
Increase the separation between the  
equipment and the receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet  
on a circuit different from that to  
which the receiver is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced  
radio/ TV technician for help.  
If the terminal equipment causes harm to  
the telephone network, the telephone  
company will notify you in advance that  
temporary discontinuance of service may  
be required. But if advance notice is not  
practical, the telephone company will  
notify the customer as soon as possible.  
Also, you will be advised of your right to  
file a complaint with the FCC if you believe  
it is necessary.  
You are cautioned that any changes or  
modifications not expressly approved in  
this manual could void your authority to  
operate this equipment.  
Only peripherals (computer input/ output  
devices, terminals, printers, etc.) that  
comply with FCC Class B limits may be  
attached to this computer product.  
Operation with noncompliant peripherals  
is likely to result in interference to radio  
and television reception.  
The telephone company may make  
changes in its facilities, equipment,  
operations or procedures that could affect  
the operations of the equipment. If this  
happens, the telephone company will  
provide advance notice in order for you to  
make the necessary modifications in order  
to maintain uninterrupted service.  
All cables used to connect peripherals must  
be shielded and grounded. Operation with  
cables, connected to peripherals, that are  
not shielded and grounded, may result in  
interference to radio and television  
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If trouble is experienced with this  
Telephone Consumer  
Guidelines (Canada)  
equipment, please contact 1-888-4SONYPC  
(1-888-476-6972), or write to the Sony  
Customer Information Center, One Sony  
Drive, Park Ridge, NJ 07656, for repair  
and/ or warranty information. If the trouble  
is causing harm to the telephone network,  
the telephone company may request that  
you remove the equipment from the  
network until the problem is resolved.  
Please refer to your telephone directory  
under Privacy Issuesand/ or Terms of  
Service.For more detailed information,  
please contact:  
Terrasses de la Chaudiére, Tour centrale  
1 promenade du Portage, 5 étage Hull PQ  
K1A 0N2.  
Repair of this equipment should be made  
only by a Sony Service Center or Sony  
authorized agent. For the Sony Service  
Center nearest you, call 1-888-4SONYPC  
This Class B digital apparatus complies  
with Canadian ICES-003.  
Cet àppareil numérique de la classe B est  
This equipment cannot be used on public  
coin service provided by the telephone  
company. Connection to Party Line Service  
is subject to state and possible provincial  
tariffs. (Contact the state or provincial  
utility service commission, public service  
commission, or corporation commission,  
for information.)  
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.  
You can return your unwanted lithium ion  
batteries to your nearest Sony Service  
Center or Factory Service Center.  
Telephone Consumer  
Protection Act of 1991  
(United States)  
In some areas the disposal of lithium ion  
batteries in household or business trash  
may be prohibited.  
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of  
1991 makes it unlawful for any person to  
use a computer or other electronic device to  
send any message via a telephone facsimile  
machine unless such message clearly  
contains, in a margin at the top or bottom  
of each transmitted page or on the first  
page of the transmission, the date and time  
it is sent and an identification of the  
For the Sony Service Center nearest you,  
call 1-888-476-6972 in the United States or  
1-800-961-7669 in Canada.  
! Do not handle damaged or leaking  
lithium ion batteries.  
! Ne pas manipuler les batteries au  
lithium-ion qui fuient ou sont  
business, other entity, or individual  
sending the message, and the telephone  
number of the sending machine or such  
business, other entity, or individual.  
In order to program this information into  
your facsimile machine, see your fax  
software documentation.  
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equipment will operate to the users  
! Danger of explosion if battery is  
incorrectly replaced. Replace only  
with the same or equivalent type  
recommended by the  
Before installing this equipment, users  
should ensure that it is permissible to be  
connected to the facilities of the local  
telecommunications company. The  
equipment must also be installed using an  
acceptable method of connection.  
manufacturer. Discard used  
batteries according to the  
manufacturer’s instructions.  
! Une batterie non conforme  
présente un danger d'explosion.  
La remplacer seulement par une  
batterie identique ou de type  
équivalent recommandé par le  
fabricant. Évacuer les batteries  
usées selon les directives du  
The customer should be aware that  
compliance with the above conditions may  
not prevent degradation of service in some  
Repairs to certified equipment should be  
coordinated by a representative designated  
by the supplier. Equipment malfunctions  
or any repairs or alterations made by the  
user to this equipment may give the  
telecommunications company cause to  
request that the user disconnect the  
! The battery pack used in this  
device may present a fire or  
chemical burn hazard if mistreated.  
Do not disassemble, heat above  
212°F (100°C) or incinerate.  
Users should ensure for their own  
protection that the electrical ground  
connections of the power utility, telephone  
lines and internal metallic water pipe  
system, if present, are connected together.  
This precaution may be particularly  
important in rural areas.  
Dispose of used battery promptly.  
Keep away from children.  
! La manutention incorrecte du  
module de batterie de cet appareil  
présente un risque d'incendie ou  
de brûlures chimiques. Ne pas  
démonter, incinérer ou exposer à  
une température de plus de 100°C.  
Évacuer promptement la batterie  
usée. Garder hors de portée des  
Caution: Users should not attempt to make  
such connections themselves, but should  
contact the appropriate electric inspection  
authority, or electrician, as appropriate.  
NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number  
(REN) assigned to each terminal device  
provides an indication of the maximum  
number of terminals allowed to be  
connected to a telephone interface. The  
termination on an interface may consist of  
any combination of devices subject only to  
the requirement that the sum of the Ringer  
Equivalence Numbers of all the devices  
does not exceed 5. The Ringer Equivalence  
Number for this equipment is 0.4.  
NOTICE: The Industry Canada label  
identifies certified equipment. This  
certification means that the equipment  
meets certain telecommunications network  
protective, operational and safety  
requirements as prescribed in the  
appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical  
Requirements document(s). The  
Department does not guarantee the  
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AVIS: Lindice d’équivalence de la sonnerie  
(IES) assigné à chaque dispositif terminal  
indique le nombre maximal de terminaux  
qui peuvent être raccordés à une interface.  
AVIS: Létiquette dIndustrie Canada  
identifie le matériel homologué.  
La terminaison dune interface  
téléphonique peut consister en une  
combination de quelques dispositifs, à la  
seule condition que la somme dindices  
déquivalence de la sonnerie de tous les  
dispositifs nexcède pas 5.  
Cette étiquette certifie que le matériel est  
conforme aux normes de protection,  
dexploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de  
télécommunications, comme le prescrivent  
les documents concernant les exigences  
techniques relatives au matériel terminal.  
Le Ministère nassure toutefois pas que le  
matériel fonctionnera à la satisfaction de  
Avant dinstaller ce matériel, lutilisateur  
doit sassurer quil est permis de le  
raccorder aux installations de lentreprise  
locale de télécommunication. Le matériel  
doit également être installé en suivant une  
méthode acceptée de raccordement.  
Labonné ne doit pas oublier quil est  
possible que la conformité aux conditions  
énoncées ci-dessus nempêche pas la  
dégradation du service dans certaines  
Les réparations de matériel homologué  
doivent être coordonnées par un  
représentant désigné par le fournisseur.  
Lentreprise de télécommunications peut  
demander à lutilisateur de débrancher un  
appareil à la suite de réparations ou de  
modifications effectuées par lutilisateur ou  
à cause de mauvais fonctionnement.  
Pour sa propre protection, lutilisateur doit  
sassurer que tous les fils de mise à la terre  
de la source dénergie électrique, des lignes  
téléphoniques et des canalisations deau  
métalliques, sil y en a, sont raccordés  
ensemble. Cette précaution est  
particulièrement importante dans les  
régions rurales.  
Avertissement: Lutilisateur ne doit pas  
tenter de faire ces raccordements lui-même;  
il doit avoir recours à un service  
dinspection des installations électriques,  
ou à un électricien, selon le cas.  
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Setting Up Your VAIO Notebook Computer....................5  
Locating Controls and Connectors................................................ 5  
Connecting a Power Source ........................................................... 9  
Starting Your Computer ............................................................... 13  
Shutting Down Your Computer .................................................. 14  
Registering Your Computer ......................................................... 15  
Using the Keyboard ....................................................................... 16  
Using the Touchpad ...................................................................... 22  
Using the Floppy Disk Drive ....................................................... 23  
Using the DVD-ROM .................................................................... 25  
Using PC Cards .............................................................................. 29  
Using Smart Connect..................................................................... 32  
Using Infrared Communication Devices.................................... 33  
Using Power-Saving Modes......................................................... 35  
Using a Second Battery Pack........................................................ 37  
Using the Weight Saver ................................................................ 40  
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Connecting Peripheral Devices ......................................... 43  
Connecting a Phone Line ..............................................................44  
Connecting an External Mouse or Keyboard .............................53  
Connecting a Digital Still Camera  
Troubleshooting ................................................................ 59  
Recovery CDs..................................................................................68  
About Your Recovery CDs............................................................75  
Adding Memory................................................................. 79  
Specifications ..................................................................................82  
Index................................................................................... 85  
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computer. Sony has combined leading-edge technology in audio, video,  
computing, and communications to provide you with state-of-the-art  
personal computing.  
For a complete description of the specifications of your VAIO notebook computer, see  
page 82.  
Exceptional performance: Your notebook includes a fast Intel  
Pentium III processor and a V.90 compatible modem.*  
Portability: The rechargeable battery pack provides hours of use  
without AC power.  
Sony audio and video quality: High-quality MPEG1/ MPEG2 video,  
which supports full-screen display and enables you to take  
advantage of todays advanced multimedia applications, games, and  
entertainment software.  
Multimedia features: Enjoy the stereo speakers or use a headphone  
(not supplied) to listen to audio and video CDs.  
Windows 98 Second Edition: Your system includes the latest  
operating system from Microsoft.  
Communications: Access popular online services, send e-mail,  
browse the Internet, and use fax features.  
Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): This new optical storage technology  
provides increased storage capacity and a rich multimedia  
computing experience. DVD-ROM drives play both DVD-ROM and  
CD-ROM discs.  
* Actual upload and download speeds may vary due to line conditions, ISP support, and government  
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VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Unpacking Your Notebook Computer  
Remove the following hardware items from the box:  
Main unit  
battery pack  
Power cord  
AC adapter  
Weight saver  
Video cable  
The removable floppy disk drive is located in the multipurpose bay.  
Read Me First contains Frequently Asked Questions, the most up-to-  
date information on using your computer, and software support  
The VA I O Notebook Computer User Guide (this manual) contains  
information on how to get the most from your computer, find help,  
and solve common problems. It also includes product specifications.  
The VAIO Consumer Information Guide contains ergonomic  
considerations and your computers limited warranty statement.  
The Microsoft Windows 98 Getting Started manual explains how to  
use the basic features of the Windows 98 operating system.  
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Unpacking Your Notebook Computer  
Recovery CDs  
System Recovery CD(s)  
Application Recovery CD(s)  
Software CDs  
Microsoft Works Suite 99 (5 CD set)  
Setting up your VAIO Notebook Computer (poster)  
Packet containing special product offers  
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Setting Up Your VAIO  
Notebook Computer  
Locating Controls and Connectors  
LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay)screen(page 20)  
Speakers (pages 20, 54)  
Battery 1 and 2 indicators (pages 11, 19)  
Hard disk drive indicator (page 19)  
Num Lock indicator (page 19)  
Keyboard (page 16)  
Touchpad (page 22)  
Caps Lock indicator (page 19)  
Left/right buttons (page 22)  
Power indicator (page 11)  
Scroll Lock indicator (page 19)  
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VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
S400 i.LINK connector (page 57)  
Microphone connector (pages 51, 55)  
PC card slots (page 29)  
Infrared port (page 33)  
Video out  
Battery bay (page 10)  
Headphone connector (pages 51, 54)  
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Locating Controls and Connectors  
PPK buttons (see the online  
document Customizing Your VAIO  
Notebook Computer for information  
Multipurpose bay (pages 23, 37, 40)  
Internal microphone  
on use)  
Power button  
DVD-ROM drive (page 25)  
Phone line jack (page 44)  
Monitor connector (page 50)  
USB connectors (page 58)  
DC In connector (page 9)  
Mouse/Keyboard connector (page 53)  
Serial connector (page 56)  
Printer connector (page 49)  
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VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
There is a ventilation slot located between the USB connector and the DC In connector. Do  
not cover the ventilation slot when your computer is on.  
Port replicator connector cover (pages 46, 48)  
Multipurpose bay RELEASE lever (pages 39, 41)  
Tilt stands  
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Connecting a Power Source  
Connecting a Power Source  
You can use either AC power or a rechargeable battery pack as a power  
Using the AC Adapter  
Plug the cable attached to the AC adapter into the DC In connector on  
the computer.  
Plug one end of the power cord into the AC adapter.  
Plug the other end of the power cord into an AC outlet.  
Notebook computer  
AC adapter  
Power cord (supplied)  
DC In  
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10 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Using Battery Power  
You can use one or two battery packs as a source of power. The second  
battery pack inserts into the multipurpose bay on the right side of the  
computer. (See Using Power-Saving Modeson page 35.) Additional  
battery packs are available as a separate option.  
The battery pack that comes with your computer is not fully charged at  
the time of purchase. Follow the steps below to insert and charge the  
battery pack.  
To insert the battery pack  
Open the cover of the battery bay.  
Insert the battery pack into the battery bay on the left side of the  
Battery pack  
Label side facing down  
Close the cover of the battery bay until it clicks.  
When attaching your computer to the port replicator, do not attempt to insert or remove the  
battery pack. Lifting and turning the computer with a port replicator attached could cause a  
temporary loss of power.  
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Connecting a Power Source  
To charge the battery pack  
Connect the AC adapter to the computer.  
Insert the battery pack.  
The computer automatically charges the battery (the battery indicator  
light flashes in a double-blink pattern as the battery charges). When the  
battery is 85 percent full, the battery indicator light turns off. This  
process takes approximately two hours. To charge the battery  
completely, continue charging for an additional hour. See Displaying  
Detailed Battery Informationin the online document Customizing Your  
VA I O Notebook Computer for information on checking the battery life.  
There are two battery indicator lights on the computer:  
Battery indicators  
Secondary battery pack  
(not supplied)  
Battery pack (supplied)  
Battery Indicator  
Indicates the status of the battery pack in the battery bay  
on the left side of the computer.  
Indicates the status of the battery pack in the  
multipurpose bay on the right side of the computer.  
Battery Indicator  
Light Status  
The computer is using battery power.  
The battery is running out of power.  
The battery is charging.  
Single blink  
Double blink  
The computer is using AC power.  
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12 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
When the battery power is running low, both the battery and power indicators blink.  
When the computer is directly connected to AC power and has a battery pack in the battery  
bay, it uses power from the AC outlet.  
See “Using a Second Battery Pack” on page 37 for information on installing and charging a  
battery pack in the multipurpose bay.  
Keep the battery pack in the computer while it is directly connected to AC power. The battery  
pack continues to charge while you are using the computer.  
If the battery level falls below 10%, you should either attach the AC adapter to recharge the  
battery or shut down your computer and insert a fully charged battery.  
You can extend battery life by changing the power-management modes in the PowerPanel  
utility. See “Using Power-Saving Modes” on page 35.  
The battery pack supplied with your computer is a lithium ion battery and can be recharged at  
any time. Charging a partially discharged battery does not affect battery life.  
The battery indicator light is on while you use the battery pack as a power source. When  
battery life is nearly depleted, the battery indicator starts flashing.  
For some software applications and some peripheral devices, your computer may not enter  
System Hibernation mode when the battery life is low. To avoid loss of data when using  
battery power, you should save your data frequently and manually activate a power-  
management mode, such as System Suspend or System Hibernation.  
To remove the battery pack  
Open the cover of the battery bay.  
Pull out the battery pack.  
Close the cover of the battery bay.  
! You may lose data if you remove the battery pack while the computer is on and  
not connected to the AC adapter or if you remove the battery while the  
computer is in System Suspend mode.  
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Starting Your Computer  
Starting Your Computer  
Slide the LCD lock lever in the direction of the arrow, and lift the  
LCD lock lever  
Press the power button on top of the computer until the green power  
indicator light turns on.  
Power indicator  
Power button  
If you hold the power button in the On position for more than four seconds, the  
computer turns off.  
If necessary, adjust the brightness controls for the LCD display. To  
decrease the brightness, press Fn+F5 and then the down or left arrow  
key. To increase the brightness, press Fn+F5 and then the up or right  
arrow key.  
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14 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Shutting Down Your Computer  
! To avoid potential loss of data, follow these steps to shut down your computer.  
Click the Start button on the Windows 98 taskbar.  
Click Shut Down at the bottom of the Start menu to display the Shut  
Down Windows dialog box.  
Select Shut down.  
Click OK.  
Respond to any prompts warning you to save documents.  
Wait for your computer to turn off automatically. The power indicator  
(green) turns off.  
Turn off any peripherals connected to your computer.  
If you are unable to shut down your computer using the steps described above, press the  
Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys at the same time to restart the computer. If you are unable to restart the  
computer in this way, you can press the power button and hold it for four seconds. This  
operation may result in data loss.  
During a period of inactivity, you can conserve battery life by using System Suspend mode. See  
“Controlling Power Management” in the online document Customizing Your VAIO  
Notebook Computer.  
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Registering Your Computer  
Registering Your Computer  
You can take advantage of Sonys commitment to quality customer  
support and receive the following benefits by registering your computer  
with Sony.  
Sony Customer Support Talk to a Support Representative to  
troubleshoot problems you may be having with your computer.  
Extended Limited Warranty Protect your investment. Extend your  
Warranty nine months for a total of 12 months from the original date  
of purchase when you register your computer.  
Express service Provides convenient resolution of problems.  
If you have not already registered, follow these steps to use your  
notebook computers online registration service.  
You must connect your phone line before using any online services, including the online  
registration service. See “Connecting a Phone Line” on page 44.  
Click the Sony VAIO Registration icon on the VAIO desktop.  
Enter the information requested on the first online registration form.  
Press the Tab key to move from box to box.  
Click the Next button to advance to the next form.  
Complete the remaining forms by clicking the Next button each time  
you complete a form.  
The computer automatically transfers your registration information using  
your built-in modem and a toll-free telephone number.  
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16 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Using the Keyboard  
Your keyboard is very similar to a typewriters, but the keyboard has  
additional keys that perform specific computer-related tasks.  
Function keys  
Escape Key  
Print Screen key  
Shift key  
Ctrl key  
Fn key  
Applications key  
Alt key  
Numeric keypad area  
Windows 98 key  
Numeric keypad  
Contains the keys found on a typical calculator. Use the  
numeric keypad area to type numbers or to perform  
mathematical calculations such as addition and  
subtraction. Note that you must press the Num Lock key  
to activate the numeric keypad. (When you do so, the  
Num Lock light will be on.)  
Navigation keys  
Correction keys  
Function keys  
Several keys are devoted to moving the cursor on the  
The Insert, Back Space, and Delete keys enable you to  
make corrections in your documents.  
The 12 function keys along the top of the keyboard are  
used to perform designated tasks. For example, in many  
applications, F1 is the Help key. The task associated with  
each function key may vary from one application to the  
Escape key  
The Esc (Escape) key is used to cancel commands.  
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Using the Keyboard  
Print Screen key  
The Print Screen key takes an electronic snapshot of the  
screen and places it in the Windows Clipboard. You can  
then paste the screen shot into a document and print it.  
Operator keys  
Several keys are always used with at least one other key:  
Ctrl, Alt, and Shift. When held down with another key,  
the Ctrl (Control) and Alt (Alternate) keys offer another  
way to give commands. For example, in many  
applications, instead of choosing the Save command from  
a menu, you can hold down Ctrl and press S (referred to  
as Ctrl+S). The Shift key operates the same way as on a  
typewriter; it is used to produce capital letters or special  
symbols such as @ and $.  
Windows 98 key  
The key with the Windows logo displays the Windows 98  
Start menu; it is the equivalent of clicking the Start button  
on the taskbar. See Combinations and Functions with  
the Windows 98 Keyon page 18.  
Fn key  
The Fn key is used in combination with other keys to  
issue commands. See Combinations and Functions with  
the Fn Keyon page 20.  
Applications key  
The Applications key displays a shortcut menu of  
context-sensitive choices. Pressing this key is the  
equivalent of clicking the right mouse button.  
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18 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Combinations and Functions with the Windows 98 Key  
+ F1  
+ Tab  
+ E  
Displays Windows Help.  
Switches the selected button on the taskbar.  
Displays Windows Explorer.  
+ F  
Displays the Windows Find: All Files window to find  
a file or folder. This is the equivalent of selecting Find  
and then Files or Folders from the Start menu.  
+ Ctrl + F  
Displays the Windows Find: Computer window  
where you can locate other computers. This is the  
equivalent of selecting Find and then Computer from  
the Start menu.  
+ M  
Minimizes all displayed windows.  
Shift +  
+ M  
Returns all minimized windows to their previous  
+ R  
Displays the Run window. This is the equivalent of  
selecting Run from the Start menu.  
Fn +  
+ Insert  
Displays the Properties window. This is the  
equivalent of double-clicking the System icon in the  
Control Panel.  
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Using the Keyboard  
Light is green when the power to the computer is turned on.  
Light is red in System Idle mode, and flashes red in System  
Suspend mode. The light turns off when the computer is in  
System Hibernation mode or powered off.  
Battery 1  
Indicates the status of the battery inserted in the battery  
bay on the left side of the computer.  
Battery 2  
Indicates the status of the battery inserted in the  
multipurpose bay on the right side of the computer.  
Hard disk  
Lights when data is being read from or written to the hard  
drive. Do not enter System Suspend mode or turn off the  
computer when this indicator light is on.  
Num Lock  
The number keys in the  
The alphanumeric  
numeric keypad are active.  
character keys in the  
keypad area are active.  
Caps Lock  
Scroll Lock  
The letters appear in  
uppercase as you type. The  
Shift key lowers the case of  
typed letters when Caps  
Lock is on.  
Letters appear in lower  
case as you type (unless  
you hold down the Shift  
The screen scrolls  
Information moves across  
the display normally.  
differently. (Exactly how it  
scrolls depends on the  
specific application. It has  
no effect in many  
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20 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Combinations and Functions with the Fn Key  
Puts the system into System Suspend mode, a power-  
management state. To return the system to the active  
state, press any key or press the power button on your  
System Suspend  
Displays the power source status, as in the example  
Display power source  
Charging a  
Using AC  
battery pack  
Toggles the built-in speaker off and on.  
Mute On/ Off  
Adjusts the built-in speaker volume.  
To increase volume, press Fn+F4, then  
To decrease volume, press Fn+F4, then  
Fn+ (F4)  
Speaker volume  
or .  
Adjusts the brightness of the LCD.  
To increase light intensity, press Fn+F5 and then  
To decrease light intensity, press Fn+F5 and then or  
or .  
Brightness control  
Fn +F6: not available on this model  
Contrast control  
Toggles through the LCD, external display (connected to  
the Monitor connector) and both LCD and external  
Switch to the  
external monitor/ LCD  
LCD and external display  
Only external display  
Only LCD  
Toggles between LCD-only and dual LCD/ TV display  
Control TV out  
LCD and external display  
Only LCD  
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Using the Keyboard  
Provides for the lowest level of power consumption.  
When you execute this command, the state of the system  
and state of the peripheral devices are written to the  
hard disk and the system power is turned off. To return  
the system to its original state, use the power button to  
turn on power.  
System Hibernation  
Video standby  
Turns off the LCD to save power. To turn the LCD back  
on, press any key.  
Change the  
display size  
Zooms the display size in or out when the display is set  
to a low resolution.  
System Idle  
Puts the system into System Idle mode, a power-  
management state. To return the system to the active  
state, press any key.  
Some functions are not available until Windows launches.  
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22 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Using the Touchpad  
The keyboard contains a cursor-pointing device called a touchpad. You  
can point to, select, drag, and scroll objects on the screen using the built-in  
Right button  
Left button  
Slide one finger on the touchpad to place the pointer on an item  
or object.  
Press the left button once.  
Double-click Press the left button twice.  
Press the right button once. In many applications, this action  
displays a shortcut menu of context-sensitive choices.  
Slide one finger while pressing the left button.  
Move your finger along the right edge of the touchpad to scroll  
vertically. Move your finger along the bottom to scroll  
horizontally. (The scroll function is available only with  
applications that support a touchpad scroll feature.)  
See Mouse Help for information on touchpad features, such as clicking both buttons  
simultaneously, adjusting touchpad speed, and Easy Launcher functions. To access Mouse  
Help, click the Start button, select Settings, and then Control Panel. Click the Mouse icon in  
the Control Panel and click the Help button.  
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Using the Floppy Disk Drive  
Using the Floppy Disk Drive  
The computer comes with the floppy disk drive in the multipurpose bay.  
To insert a diskette  
Hold the diskette with the label side facing up.  
Gently push the diskette into the drive until it clicks into place.  
Floppy disk drive  
To remove a diskette  
When you finish using the diskette, wait until the LED indicator light  
turns off and then press the Eject button to remove the diskette.  
Eject button  
LED indicator  
Do not press the Eject button when the LED indicator is turned on. Otherwise, data may be lost.  
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24 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
To remove the floppy disk drive  
Turn off the computer.  
There is a RELEASE lever on the bottom of the computer. Slide this  
lever in the direction of the arrow.  
Multipurpose RELEASE lever  
Insert the weight saver. See Using the Weight Saveron page 40.  
To reinsert the floppy disk drive  
Turn off the computer.  
If another device is in the multipurpose bay, remove the device. See  
To remove the floppy disk driveon page 24 or To remove the  
second battery packon page 39.  
Insert the floppy disk drive into the multipurpose bay with the VAIO  
label facing up. Continue pushing the drive into the bay until the  
RELEASE lever locks into place.  
Multipurpose bay  
Floppy disk drive  
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Using the DVD-ROM  
Using the DVD-ROM  
Your computer comes with a DVD-ROM drive. The DVD-ROM drive  
plays both DVD-ROMs and CD-ROMs.  
To insert a disc  
Turn on the computer.  
When the computer is in System Suspend or System Hibernation mode, you cannot  
insert a disc. See “Controlling Power Management” in the document Customizing Your  
VAIO Notebook Computer for more information on System Suspend and System  
Hibernation modes.  
Press the Eject button to open the DVD-ROM drive.  
The tray slides out.  
Eject button  
Place a DVD-ROM/ CD-ROM in the tray with the label side facing  
up. For DVD-ROMs, which can be played on both sides, the side of  
the disc facing up is the side that plays. Push the disc onto the hub  
until the disc clicks into place.  
Label side  
facing up  
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26 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Close the tray by pushing it gently.  
Be sure to seat the disc firmly over the hub fingers. If you do not seat the disc firmly, you could  
damage your DVD-ROM drive and you may not be able to open the tray.  
When you finish using a disc, wait until the LED indicator light turns off, then press the Eject  
button to remove the disc.  
When the computer is in System Suspend or System Hibernation mode, you cannot remove a  
disc. See “Controlling Power Management” in the online document Customizing Your VAIO  
Notebook Computer for more information about System Suspend and System Hibernation  
If the disc does not come out when you press the Eject button, turn off the computer and  
insert a thin, pointed object into the manual eject hole.  
To play DVD-ROMs  
To achieve optimum performance when playing DVD-ROMs, you should  
use the following recommendations: Your computer should not  
be connected to the port replicator while playing DVD movies or using  
DVD applications. Close any open applications before playing a DVD  
movie. The DVD player automatically adjusts the screen properties when  
you play a DVD movie. Depending on the display setup properties you  
have selected, you may need to use the Fn + F command to expand the  
movie to full-screen size.  
When playing DVD movies on battery power, set the power management profile to DVD. With  
other profiles, the movies are choppy. As an alternative, you can set the power-management  
profile to Automatic Profile Selection, which will cause the DVD profile to be selected  
automatically whenever you insert a DVD. See “Controlling Power Management” in the  
online document Customizing Your VAIO Notebook Computer for information on how to set  
the power-management profile.  
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Using the DVD-ROM  
Playing a DVD  
You can play DVDs using a DVD-ROM drive and the Media Bar  
software. See the online manual that came with the Media Bar  
software for details.  
While playing a DVD, the display mode is 1024 x 768 dots and the  
number of colors is set to 256. This improves play performance.  
! Some discs recorded at 20 or 24 bits may produce noise while playing. If you  
have audio devices connected, this may cause damage to your hearing and the  
speakers. Reduce the volume before playing such discs.  
! You cannot switch between LCD and TV if you press Fn+F8 when a DVD is  
inserted in the DVD-ROM drive.  
To minimize the play mode window, see To play a DVD in Normal  
Display Modebelow.  
If you have connected a TV, follow the instructions in Selecting the  
Display Modein the online document Customizing Your VAIO Notebook  
To play a DVD in Normal Display Mode  
To play a DVD in a display mode of 1024 x 768 (16 bits):  
Click Stop in the DVD Player window. If you have maximized the  
DVD player window, right-click the window to display the pop-up  
menu. Choose Show Control Panelto display the DVD player  
window forward.  
Click Setting to display the DVD Settings window.  
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28 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Remove the check from Set to display 256 colors when playing back  
Click OK to confirm the setting.  
To display wallpaper while playing a DVD  
Follow the instructions in To play a DVD in Normal Display Mode”  
on page 27, or  
Follow step 1 and step 2 of To play a DVD in Normal Display Mode”  
on page 27, then remove the check from the check box labeled Do  
not show wallpaper when playing back DVD.”  
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Using PC Cards  
Using PC Cards  
Your computer includes two PC card slots. PC cards allow you to connect  
portable external devices such as another hard disk drive, or to connect a  
The PC card slots can accommodate two Type I or two Type II PC cards, or one Type III PC  
card. These slots are compatible with Card Bus.  
Some PC cards may require that you disable idle devices when using the PC card. You can use  
Sony Notebook Setup to disable devices. See “Displaying the Sony Notebook Setup Screen”  
in the online document Customizing Your VAIO Notebook Computer for details.  
Be sure to use the most recent software driver provided by the PC card manufacturer.  
If an “!” mark appears on the Device Manager tab in the System Properties dialog box,  
remove the software driver and then reinstall it.  
You may not be able to use some PC cards or some functions of the PC card with this  
To insert a PC card  
Use the lower slot for Type III PC cards.  
You do not need to shut down the computer before inserting or removing a PC card.  
Pull the PC card release button out from the computer and push it in  
toward the computer.  
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30 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Remove the PC card slot protector.  
When you use a Type III PC card, you need to remove both the top  
and bottom PC card slot protectors.  
Insert the PC card into the PC card slot, front label facing up. Gently  
push the card into the slot until the card is fixed into the connector.  
The release button comes out.  
Insert with the  
arrow facing forward  
PC card  
Do not force a card into the slot as this may damage the connector pins. If you have difficulty  
inserting a card, check that you are inserting the card with the correct orientation. See the  
manual that came with your PC card for more information on use.  
For some PC cards, if you alternate between normal power operation and the System Suspend  
or System Hibernation power-management modes while the card is inserted, you may find  
that a device connected to your system is not recognized. Reboot your system to correct the  
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Using PC Cards  
To remove a PC card  
Close any applications that are using the PC card.  
Click the PC card icon in the taskbar and close the card window.  
Pull the PC card release button up and press it in toward the  
Gently grasp the card and pull it out.  
Insert the PC card slot protector back into the empty slot.  
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32 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Using Smart Connect  
The preinstalled Smart Connect software allows you to use an i.LINK  
cable (not supplied) to connect your VAIO Notebook Computer to  
another VAIO computer that also has Smart Connect. You can then use  
one computer to copy, delete, and edit files on the other computer. You  
can also print from a printer attached to either computer.  
When you use Smart Connect to connect two VAIO computers, you must assign each  
computer a unique name by which it can be identified when the two computers are  
See the Smart Connect online help for more information.  
i.LINK cable  
i.LINK cables compatible with your VAIO notebook computer include  
cables with the following part numbers: VMC-IL4415 (a 1.5-meter cable  
with a 4-pin connector at each end), VMC-IL4435 (a 3.5-meter cable with a  
4-pin connector at each end), VMC-IL4615 (a 1.5 meter-cable with a 4-pin  
connector at one end and a 6-pin connector at the other), and  
VMC-IL4635 (a 3.5-meter cable with a 4-pin connector at one end and a  
6-pin connector at the other).  
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Using Infrared Communication Devices  
Using Infrared Communication Devices  
Your computer includes an infrared port, located on the left side. You can  
use this port to communicate with other infrared-equipped devices with  
compatible protocols, such as a digital still camera or other computers.  
To use infrared communication with another computer  
Align the infrared ports on the two computers so that they are in a  
direct line.  
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34 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Infrared communication capability can be turned on and off. By default, it is not enabled  
when your system is shipped. To enable infrared use, click the infrared icon in the Windows  
Control Panel and select the Enable infrared communication check box on the Options tab.  
You can disable infrared communication when you are not using it to conserve battery life.  
Use the infrared icon in the Windows Control Panel to enable and disable infrared  
communication. Do not use the icon in the taskbar.  
Check the Status tag of the Infrared Monitor in the Windows Control Panel to determine if the  
infrared device is detected.  
If the two devices are too far apart or too close together, data transfer may be interrupted or  
there may be noise in the transmission.  
Do not cover the infrared ports with your hand or any other object.  
Avoid direct sunlight, fluorescent light, or flashing incandescent light near the infrared ports.  
The active area of infrared transmission extends about 39 / inches (1 meter) with a radius of  
approximately 15 degrees.  
Infrared port  
15 degrees  
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Using Power-Saving Modes  
Using Power-Saving Modes  
When you use a battery as the source of power for your computer, you  
can take advantage of power-management settings to conserve battery  
life. In addition to the normal operating mode, which allows you to turn  
off specific devices, your computer has three distinct power-saving  
modes: System Idle, System Suspend, and System Hibernation. When  
using battery power, you should be aware that the computer  
automatically enters System Hibernation mode when the remaining  
battery charge drops below five percent, regardless of the power-  
management setting you select.  
If the battery level falls below 10 percent, you should either attach the AC adapter to  
recharge the battery or shut down your computer and insert a fully charged battery.  
Normal Mode  
This is the normal state of your computer when it is in use. The green  
power indicator light is on in this mode. To save power, you can turn off a  
specific device such as the LCD or the hard disk.  
System Idle Mode  
This mode is convenient if you do not need to use your computer for a  
brief period. The hard disk and video display enter a low power state,  
and the CPU clock and processor stop. The power indicator light is tan in  
this mode.  
To activate System Idle mode  
Press Fn+S, or use the PowerPanel utility.  
To return to normal mode  
Press any key. Note that resuming from System Idle using the touchpad or  
mouse is not possible. You must press a key, a PPK (see Starting Your  
Favorite Software with Programmable Power Key (PPK) Setupin the  
online document Customizing Your VAIO Notebook Computer), or the  
power button.  
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36 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
System Suspend Mode  
The computer saves the current state of the system in RAM and switches  
off power to the CPU. The tan power indicator light flashes in this mode.  
To activate System Suspend mode  
Press Fn+Esc, or press the power button and release it immediately. You  
can also use the PowerPanel utility to enter System Suspend mode.  
To return to normal mode  
Press any key.  
System Hibernation Mode  
The state of the system is saved on the hard drive and power is turned off.  
The power indicator light is off in this mode.  
To activate System Hibernation mode  
Press Fn+F12. The Save to Disk Managerscreen appears, and then the  
computer enters System Hibernation mode. You can also use the  
PowerPanel utility to enter System Hibernation mode.  
To return to normal mode  
Turn on the computer by pressing the power button. The computer  
returns to its previous state.  
When returning from System Hibernation mode, the system status stored on the hard disk is  
erased and the computer starts normally if you press the power button and hold for seven  
Time to return to normal mode  
System Idle requires less time than System Suspend, and System  
Suspend requires less time than System Hibernation.  
Power consumption  
System Idle uses more power than System Suspend, and System  
Suspend uses more power than System Hibernation.  
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Using a Second Battery Pack  
Using a Second Battery Pack  
You can purchase a second rechargeable battery pack. With two battery  
power. When using two battery packs, the battery pack you insert first  
charges first. The battery pack you insert second charges when the first  
battery pack is 85 percent full. You can monitor which battery pack is  
charging by observing the battery indicator lights.  
To insert a second battery pack  
If another device is in the multipurpose bay, remove the device. See  
To remove the floppy disk driveon page 24.  
Insert the battery pack into the multipurpose bay.  
If the battery is being used, the battery 2 indicator light turns on.  
Multipurpose bay  
Battery pack  
Label side facing down  
Attach the weight saver to the computer to stabilize the battery pack.  
There is a RELEASE lever on the bottom of the weight saver. Slide the  
lever toward the front of the computer to lock the weight saver. See  
also Using the Weight Saveron page 40.  
Battery pack  
Weight saver  
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38 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
To charge the second battery pack  
Keep the battery pack in the computer while it is connected to AC power.  
The battery indicator flashes while the battery is charging. See also To  
charge the battery packon page 11 for more information.  
Battery indicators  
Second battery pack  
(not supplied)  
Battery pack (supplied)  
To determine the amount of time the battery lasts, see “Displaying Battery Information” in  
the online document Customizing Your VAIO Notebook Computer.  
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Using a Second Battery Pack  
To remove the second battery pack  
If you attach two battery packs, you can remove either of them without  
shutting down the computer. When removing one battery pack, make  
sure that the other battery packs indicator light is on. If the indicator light  
of the battery pack you are removing is on, right-click the battery icon on  
the task tray and click the Switch discharge batteryoption.  
There is a Release lever on the bottom of the weight saver. To remove  
the battery pack, slide this lever in the direction of arrow 1, then slide  
the RELEASE lever on the bottom of the computer in the direction of  
arrow 2.  
Arrow 2: RELEASE lever  
Arrow 1: Weight saver Release lever  
Remove the weight saver, and then pull out the battery pack.  
Reinsert the weight saver. See Using the Weight Saveron page 40.  
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40 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Using the Weight Saver  
The weight saver protects the multipurpose bay when it is empty.  
To attach the weight saver  
If another device is in the multipurpose bay, remove the device. See  
To remove the floppy disk driveon page 24 or To remove the  
second battery packon page 39.  
Fold out the hinged arm of the weight saver and then push on the  
hinged arm to lock it into place. Slide the weight saver in the  
direction of the arrow until it clicks.  
Weight saver (supplied)  
Manually lock the weight savers Release lever.  
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Using the Weight Saver  
To remove the weight saver  
There is a release lever on the bottom of the weight saver. To remove  
the weight saver, slide this lever in the direction of arrow 1, then slide  
the Release lever on the bottom of the computer in the direction of  
arrow 2.  
Arrow 1: Weight saver Release lever  
Arrow 2: Release lever  
After removing the weight saver, pull out the weight savers hinged  
arm and fold it into the weight saver.  
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Connecting Peripheral Devices  
You can add functionality to your computer by connecting any of these  
Phone line (page 44)  
Port replicator (page 45)  
Printer (page 49)  
External display (page 50)  
External mouse or keyboard (page 53)  
External speakers (page 54)  
External microphone (page 55)  
Digital still camera or other serial device (page 56)  
Digital video camera recorder (page 57)  
Universal Serial Bus (USB) device (page 58)  
Before you connect peripherals, turn off the computer and all peripherals.  
You do not need to turn off your computer to connect USB devices.  
Connect the power cord only after connecting all cables.  
Turn on the computer only after turning on all peripherals.  
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44 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Connecting a Phone Line  
You need to connect a phone line to take advantage of online services and  
the Internet.  
In order to register your Sony VAIO notebook computer, register your software online, and use  
Sony Customer Support, you must connect to a phone line. You must register your computer  
to receive the extended warranty.  
Plug one end of the phone cable into the phone line jack on the  
Phone line jack  
Wall jack  
Phone cable (not supplied)  
Plug the other end into the wall jack.  
Your computer does not work with party lines, cannot be connected to a coin-operated  
telephone, and may not work with multiple phone lines or a private branch exchange (PBX).  
Some of these connections may result in excess electrical current and could cause a  
malfunction in the internal modem.  
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Connecting the Port Replicator  
Connecting the Port Replicator  
Your notebook computer supports the use of an optional port replicator.  
Attaching a port replicator enables you to connect additional peripherals  
to your computer.  
USB (page 58)  
Network (Ethernet)  
Monitor (page 50)  
Serial (page 56)  
Printer (page 49)  
DC In (page 9)  
Mouse/Keyboard (page 53)  
The port replicator can be powered only with an AC power adapter. Do not remove the AC  
adapter from the port replicator or the AC outlet while using the port replicator; this may  
cause data damage or hardware malfunctions.  
When you attach your computer to the port replicator for the first time, the installation of the  
network driver starts automatically.  
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To attach your computer to the port replicator  
To supply power to your computer while it is connected to the port  
replicator, you can connect the AC adapter directly to the port replicator.  
When attaching your computer to the port replicator, do not attempt to insert or remove the  
battery pack. Lifting and turning the computer with an attached port replicator could cause a  
temporary loss of power.  
Turn off your computer and disconnect all peripherals.  
On the bottom of the computer, slide the port replicator connector  
cover open.  
Port replicator connector  
Attach the bottom of the computer to the port replicator connector  
until it clicks.  
Notebook computer  
Port replicator  
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Connecting the Port Replicator  
Plug the cable attached to the AC adapter into the DC IN connector on  
the port replicator. Plug the power cord into the AC adapter and an  
AC outlet.  
AC adapter  
Power cord  
Use the AC adapter that comes with your computer or the optional Sony PCGA-ACX1  
The power indicator light turns green.  
Release lever  
Port replicator connector  
Turn on the computer.  
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48 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
To remove your computer from the port replicator when the power is off  
Turn off your computer and the connected peripherals.  
Pull the levers on each side of the port replicator to disengage the  
computer from the port replicator.  
Lift the computer away from the port replicator.  
Close the port replicator connector cover on the bottom of your  
It is extremely important to close the port replicator connector cover after removing your  
computer from the port replicator. If the cover is left open, dirt may get inside and damage  
the computer.  
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Connecting a Printer  
Connecting a Printer  
You can connect a Windows 98-compatible printer to your computer to  
print documents.  
To connect a printer  
Use the  
symbol to locate the Printer connector. Plug the printer  
cable (supplied with the printer) into this port on the computer.  
Power cord  
Printer cable  
(supplied with the printer)  
See the manual that came with your printer for more information on installation and use.  
If your printer stops functioning after resuming from a power-saving mode, see “I cannot  
print” on page 65.  
Before using the printer, you may need to change the Printer setting in the Sony Notebook  
Setup software. See “Displaying the Sony Notebook Setup Screen” in the online document  
Customizing Your VAIO Notebook Computer.  
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50 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Connecting an External Display  
You can connect an external display to your notebook computer. For  
example, you can use the computer with any of the following:  
Computer display (monitor) (page 50)  
Multimedia computer display (page 51)  
Projector (page 51)  
To connect a computer display  
Use the  
symbol on the back of the computer to locate the Monitor  
connector. Plug the display cable (not supplied) into this connector on  
the back of the computer.  
If necessary, plug one end of the display power cord into the display,  
and the other end into an AC outlet.  
Computer display  
Power cord  
Display cable (not supplied)  
See the manual that came with your computer display for more information on installation  
and use.  
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Connecting an External Display  
To connect a multimedia computer display  
You can connect the notebook computer to a multimedia computer  
display that includes built-in speakers and a microphone.  
Use the  
cable into this connector.  
symbol to locate the Monitor connector. Plug the display  
Use the symbol to locate the Headphone connector. Plug the  
speaker cable into this connector.  
Use the symbol to locate the Microphone connector. Plug the  
microphone cable into this connector.  
See the manual that came with your multimedia computer display for more information on  
installation and use.  
To connect a projector  
You can use a projector, such as the Sony LCD Projector, as an external  
Power cord  
Audio cable (not supplied)  
RGB signal cable  
See the manual that came with your projector for more information on installation and use.  
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52 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
To select a display  
When you connect an external display to the monitor connector, you can  
toggle the output between the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), the external  
monitor, or both devices.  
Use the Fn+F7 keys to select a display. See also Selecting the Display  
Modein the online document Customizing Your VAIO Notebook  
Computer for more information.  
Switch to an  
Toggles between the LCD, the external display  
connected to the Monitor connector, or both  
the LCD and external display.  
LCD and external display  
Only external display  
Only LCD  
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Connecting an External Mouse or Keyboard  
Connecting an External Mouse or Keyboard  
You can connect a PS/ 2 -style mouse or keyboard.  
Plug the keyboard cable or mouse cable into this connector with  
the mark facing up.  
To connect both a mouse and keyboard at the same time, use the optional  
PS/ 2 division connector.  
See “Using the Keyboard” on page 16 for more information on using the keyboard.  
See the manual that came with your mouse or keyboard for more information on installation  
and use.  
Before you connect or disconnect the mouse or keyboard, turn off the computer.  
Do not connect or disconnect the PS/2 device (keyboard or mouse) when the computer is on.  
It may cause malfunction.  
The Sony USB mouse PCGA-UMS1 (not supplied) is a USB device. So you must connect it to  
the USB connector.  
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54 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Connecting External Speakers  
You can enhance the sound quality of your computer by connecting  
external speakers.  
Make sure your speakers are designed for computer use.  
Turn down the volume of the speakers before you turn them on.  
Do not place diskettes on the speakers; the speakers’ magnetic field may damage the data on  
the diskettes.  
To connect external speakers  
Use the symbol to locate the Headphone connector. Plug the  
speaker cable into this connector.  
Speaker cable  
(supplied with speakers)  
See the manual that came with your speakers for more information on installation and use.  
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Connecting an External Microphone  
Connecting an External Microphone  
You can enhance the quality of sound input by using an external  
Make sure your microphone is designed for computer use. The microphone should be  
compliant with the plug-in power microphone.  
To connect an external microphone  
Use the to locate the Microphone connector. Plug the microphone  
cable into this connector.  
See the manual that came with your microphone for more information on installation and  
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56 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Connecting a Digital Still Camera  
or Other Serial Device  
You can connect other computer peripherals, such as the Sony Digital Still  
Camera, to the Serial connector on your computer.  
To connect a digital still camera  
If your digital video camera recorder includes a Memory Stick Media slot, you can copy  
images from it to your computer via a Memory Stick card. Copy images to the Memory Stick  
card and insert the card into the optional Memory Stick/PC Card Adapter. Insert the adapter  
into the PC card slot on your computer.  
Use the  
symbol to locate the Serial connector. Plug the connecting  
cable (not supplied) into this port on the computer and into the  
Digital I/ O connector on the digital still camera.  
Digital still camera  
to Digital I/O  
(not supplied)  
The Sony Digital Still Camera is pictured; you may need to connect your camera differently.  
See the manual that came with your digital camera or other serial device for more information  
on installation and use.  
If you use a digital camera that has an infrared data communication system or other infrared  
communication device, see “Using Infrared Communication Devices” on page 33.  
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Connecting a Digital Video Camera Recorder  
Connecting a Digital Video Camera Recorder  
You can connect an i.LINK-enabled digital video camera recorder to  
the S400 i.LINK  
(IEEE-1394) connector.  
To connect a digital video camera recorder  
Plug one end of the i.LINK cable (not supplied) into the i.LINK  
connector on the left side of the computer and the other end into the  
DV In/ Out connector on the digital video camera recorder.  
Digital video  
camera recorder  
to i.LINK  
to DV In/Out  
i.LINK cable  
(not supplied)  
The Sony digital video camera recorder is pictured; you may need to connect your camera  
On Sony digital video cameras, connectors labeled “DV In/Out” or “i.LINK” are i.LINK-  
See the manual that came with your digital video camera recorder for more information on  
installation and use.  
Do not connect more than one digital video camera at a time. The software supplied with your  
computer will not recognize multiple cameras.  
The i.LINK connector on the computer does not supply power to external devices. If the  
external device requires power from the i.LINK connector, you cannot use the device with the  
The computer supports transfer rates up to 400 Mbps; however, the actual transfer rate is the  
lowest transfer rate of the external device.  
The i.LINK features available may vary depending on the software applications you use. See  
the documentation that came with your software for more information.  
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58 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Connecting a Universal Serial Bus (USB) Device  
You can connect a USB device to your computer.  
To connect a USB device  
Use the symbol to locate the USB connector. Plug one end of the  
USB cable into this port and the other end into the USB device.  
USB device  
USB connecting cable  
(not supplied)  
You can use the optional Sony USB mouse PCGA-UMS1 with this  
computer. The USB mouse software driver is preinstalled in the  
computer. Therefore you only need to plug the USB mouse into the USB  
See the manual that came with your USB device for more information on installation and use.  
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This section describes how to solve common problems you may  
encounter when using your computer. Many problems have simple  
solutions, so try these suggestions before you call Sony Customer  
When you reconnect devices, be sure to turn off the computer as described in “Shutting  
Down Your Computer” on page 14. Turning off the computer using other methods may result  
in data loss.  
My computer does not start  
turned on. Check that the power indicator on the front panel of the  
computer indicates that the power is on.  
Check that the battery packs are inserted properly and that they are  
Make sure there is no diskette in the floppy disk drive.  
Confirm that the power cord and all cables are connected firmly, as  
described in Connecting Peripheral Deviceson page 43.  
If you plugged the computer into a power strip or UPS, make sure the  
power strip or UPS is turned on and working.  
If you are using an external display, check that it is plugged into a  
power source and turned on. Check that the brightness and contrast  
controls are adjusted correctly. See the manual that came with your  
display for details.  
Moisture condensation may have occurred. Do not use the computer  
for at least one hour and then turn on the computer.  
When the internal backup battery is low on power, it may not be able  
to start your system properly. The message Press <F1> to resume,  
<F2> to setupwould appear at the bottom of the display. Should this  
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60 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
1 Press F2. The BIOS Setup menu appears.  
2 Set the date (month/ day/ year). Press Enter to move to the next item. To  
enter 01/ 31/ 1999, for example, type 1, press Enter, type 31, press Enter,  
type 1999, then press Enter.  
3 Press Ð to select System Time, then set the time (hour: minute: second).  
Press Enter to move to the next item.  
4 Press Îto select Exit, then press Ð to select Get Default Values. The  
message Load default configuration now?appears.  
5 Check that Yes is selected, and press the Enter key. If No is selected, press  
Í to select Yes.  
6 Select Exit (Save Changes), then press the Enter key. The message Save  
Configuration changes and exit now?appears.  
7 Check that Yes is selected, then press the Enter key. The computer restarts.  
When I turn on my computer, the message “Operating system not found”  
appears and Windows does not start  
Check the floppy disk drive to see if a nonbootable diskette is in the  
If a nonbootable diskette is in the drive, turn off the computer,  
remove the diskette, and then turn on the computer again. Confirm  
that Windows starts properly. If Windows still does not start, follow  
the procedure below to initialize the BIOS.  
If the floppy disk drive is empty, follow the steps below to initialize  
the BIOS:  
1 Remove any peripheral devices connected to the computer.  
2 Turn the computer off and then turn it on again.  
3 Turn on the computer and press the F2 key when the Sony logo appears.  
The BIOS setup menu screen appears.  
4 Press the arrow keys to select the Exit menu.  
5 Press the arrow keys to select Get Default Values and then press the Enter  
key. The message Load default configuration now?appears.  
6 Check that Yes is selected, then press the Enter key.  
7 Press the arrow keys to select Exit (Save Changes) and then press the Enter  
key. The message Save configuration changes and exit now?appears.  
8 Check that Yes is selected, then press the Enter key. The computer restarts.  
If your computer still displays the message Operating system not  
foundand Windows does not start, contact Sony Customer Support.  
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My LCD does not display anything  
Check that the computer is plugged into a power source and that it is  
turned on. Check that the power indicator on the front panel of the  
computer is on.  
Check that the battery packs are inserted properly and that they are  
The computer may be in LCD (Video) Standby mode. Press any key  
to activate the display.  
The screen image on my external display is not centered or sized properly  
Use the controls on your external display to adjust the image. See the  
manual supplied with your display for more information.  
My computer “locks up”  
Try restarting the computer. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start  
button, click Shut Down, and then click Restart the computer.  
If you cannot restart as described in the preceding step, you can  
restart the computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete.  
If the previous step does not work, press the power button and hold it  
for at least four seconds. This turns off the power.  
If your computer locks up while playing a DVD-ROM/ CD-ROM,  
stop the DVD-ROM/ CD-ROM, and restart the computer by pressing  
Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete may result in data loss in files that are currently open.  
My software program “locks up” or crashes  
Contact the software publisher or designated provider for technical  
support. See either the printed or the online version of Read Me First for a  
complete list of phone numbers. See the online User Guide for a list of  
technical support phone numbers.  
My DVD-ROM drive tray does not open  
Make sure the computer is turned on.  
Press the Eject button on the DVD-ROM drive.  
If the Eject button does not work, you can open the tray by inserting a  
sharp, pointed object into the hole to the right of the Eject button.  
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62 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
I cannot play a CD-ROM  
Make sure the label of the CD-ROM is facing up.  
If the CD-ROM requires software, make sure the software is installed  
according to the programs instructions.  
Moisture condensation may have occurred. Leave the computer for at  
least one hour while the computer is turned on.  
Clean the CD-ROM.  
Check the speaker volume.  
I cannot play a DVD-ROM  
If a region code warning appears when you are using the DVD  
player, it could be that the DVD-ROM you are trying to play is  
incompatible with the DVD-ROM drive in your notebook computer.  
The region code is listed on the discs packaging.  
If you hear audio but cannot see video, your computers video  
resolution may be set too high. For best results, change the Windows  
Control Panel/ Display/ Settings to 800 x 600 using 256 colors.  
If you see video but cannot hear audio, check all of the following:  
Make sure your DVD players mute setting is off. Check the master  
volume setting in the audio Mixer. If you have connected speakers  
externally, check the volume settings in your computer speakers and  
check the connections between your speakers and the computer.  
Check the Windows Control Panel/ System/ Device Manager to see  
that the drivers are installed properly.  
A dirty or damaged disc may cause the computer to hangwhile it  
tries to read the disc. If necessary, reboot the computer, remove the  
disc, and then check that it is not dirty or damaged.  
When I click an application icon a message appears, such as “You must insert  
the application CD into your CD-ROM drive,” and the software does not start  
Some titles require specific files that are located on the applications  
CD-ROM. Insert the disc and try starting the program again.  
Make sure you place the disc in the tray with the label side facing up.  
My floppy disk drive cannot write to a diskette  
If the diskette is write-protected, disable the write-protect feature or  
use a diskette that is not write-protected.  
Check that the diskette is properly inserted into the floppy disk drive.  
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My speakers have no sound  
If the built-in speakers are turned off, press Fn+F3 to turn on the  
If the speaker volume is turned to the minimum, press Fn+F4, and  
then press or to increase the volume.  
If your computer is powered by batteries, check that the battery packs  
are inserted properly and that they are charged.  
If you are using an application that has its own volume control, check  
that the volume is turned up.  
Check the volume controls in Windows 98.  
If you connect external speakers, check that the speakers are properly  
connected and the volume is turned up. If the speakers have a mute  
check that the batteries are inserted properly and that they are  
If you have connected an audio cable to the Headphone connector,  
disconnect the cable.  
My modem does not work  
Check that the phone line is plugged into the line jack. See  
Connecting a Phone Lineon page 44 for details.  
Check that the phone line is working. You can check the line by  
plugging in an ordinary phone and listening for a dial tone.  
Check that the phone number the program is dialing is correct.  
Check that the software you are using is compatible with the  
notebook computer modem. (All preinstalled programs are  
compatible.) Call the software publisher or Sony Customer Support.  
My modem connection is slow  
The computers modem uses V.90 technology. Many factors influence  
modem connection speed, including telephone line noise or compatibility  
with telephone equipment (such as fax machines or other modems). If  
you think your modem is not connecting properly to other PC-based  
modems, fax machines, or your Internet Service Provider, check the  
Have your phone company check that your phone line is free from  
any line noise.  
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64 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
If your problem is fax-related, check that there are no problems with  
the fax machine you are calling and that it is compatible with fax  
If you are having a problem connecting with your Internet Service  
If you have a second phone line available, try connecting the modem  
to that line.  
My microphone does not work  
If you are using an external microphone, check that the microphone is  
plugged into the Microphone connector. See Connecting an External  
Microphoneon page 55 for details.  
My mouse does not work  
If you are using an external mouse, check that the mouse is plugged  
into the mouse connector. See Connecting an External Mouse or  
Keyboardon page 53 for details.  
If you connected an external mouse while your computer is on, you  
must restart your computer.  
If you are using an optional Sony USB mouse PCGA-UMS1, check  
that the mouse is plugged into the USB connector.  
My touchpad does not work  
You may have disabled the touchpad while no mouse was connected to  
the computer. If so, you must restart the computer to make the touchpad  
work again.  
I cannot use DV devices. The message “DV equipment seems to be  
disconnected or turned off” appears.  
Check that the DV device is turned on and that the cables are  
properly connected.  
If you are using multiple i.LINK devices, the combination of the  
connected devices may cause unstable operation. In this case, turn off  
the power to all connected devices and disconnect unused devices.  
Check the connection, then turn on the power again.  
My touchpad interprets a single tap as a double-click  
Click the Mouse icon in the Control Panel and then change the button  
assignments in the Mouse Properties dialog box. One of the buttons is  
assigned to the double-click action.  
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My computer does not shut down  
It is best to shut down your computer using the Shut Down command on  
the Windows 98 Start menu. Using other methods, including those listed  
here, may result in loss of unsaved data. If the Shut Down command does  
not work properly, follow these steps:  
Restart the computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete. If this does not  
work, press the power button and hold it for at least four seconds to  
turn off the power.  
Unplug the computer from the AC adapter and remove the battery  
pack from your computer.  
My PC card is not working  
Make sure the PC card is compatible with Windows 98.  
Use the Sony Notebook Setup utility to disable devices you are not  
currently using.  
The sound of my computer’s fan is too loud  
Use the PowerPanel utility to change the Thermal Control Strategy  
setting to Quiet. This setting slows down the CPU fan speed. See the  
PowerPanel Help for more information.  
I cannot print  
The default setting for the printer port mode is correct for most  
printers. If you cannot print, try changing the printer port mode. In  
Sony Notebook Setup, select the Printer tab. If the printer port mode  
is set to ECP, change it to bidirectional. If the printer port mode is set  
to bidirectional, change it to ECP. See Displaying the Sony Notebook  
Setup Screenin the online document Customizing Your VAIO  
Notebook Computer for details on using Sony Notebook Setup.  
Your connected printer may not function after the computer resumes  
from a power-saving mode. When this occurs, follow the procedures  
below to reset the printer connection:  
1 Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop, and then select  
2 Click the Device Manager tab.  
3 Select Refresh, and then click OK. The printer should now function  
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66 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Power Management  
The operating system may become unstable if a lower power state such as  
system hibernation is initiated and then changed before the operating  
system completely enters the lower power state. To restore the computer  
to its normal operating stability, close all open applications, press the  
power button, and hold it for four seconds or more to completely shut  
down the computer.  
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Changing the Window Design of Sony Software  
Changing the Window Design of Sony Software  
To change the window design of Sony software:  
Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.  
Double-click UI Design Selector.  
Click <<or>> and select the desired design.  
Click Apply. The UI Design Selector window design changes. The  
window design for your software will match the UI Design Selector  
To choose another selection, click <<or>>.  
Click OK. The UI Design Selector closes and the window design of  
your Sony software displays.  
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68 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Using the System Recovery and Application  
Recovery CDs  
The following sections describe how to use the System Recovery and  
Application Recovery utilities.  
Using the System Recovery CD(s)  
You can reinstall software titles that shipped with your computer if they  
are corrupted or accidentally erased. You may not need to recover the  
entire contents of your hard drive. If you experience a problem with your  
computer, reinstalling an individual device driver or software title may  
correct the problem. Use the Application Recovery CD(s) to reinstall  
individual applications or device drivers. See Using the Application  
Recovery CD(s)on page 70.  
The System Recovery CD contains a backup copy of all the software  
originally installed on your hard disk drive. It can be used only to  
recover the hard disk of the notebook computer you purchased.  
The System Recovery utility gives you three options:  
Full Restore without Format restores all the software titles that  
originally came with your computer without formatting the hard  
Full Restore with Format formats the hard disk drive and then  
restores all the original software. If your hard drive is partitioned into  
C and D drives, the computer offers you the option to reformat the  
drive into a single partition.  
Operating System Only restores the Windows 98 Second Edition  
operating system, the notebook computer utility programs, and the  
device drivers that shipped with your computer.  
! If you choose the Full Restore with Format or Operating System Only option,  
your hard disk will be formatted, which removes all the information on the hard  
disk drive. You will lose any software you have installed and any other files you  
have created since you started to use your computer. This means you will have to  
reinstall any applications that were not included with the computer when you  
purchased it. If you choose the Full Restore without Format option, you may  
need to reinstall applications that were not included with the computer when  
you purchased it. If you have any questions on using the System Recovery CD,  
contact Sony Customer Support.  
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Using the System Recovery and Application Recovery CDs  
To use the System Recovery CD(s)  
You need to complete the Microsoft Windows 98 registration process when you use the  
System Recovery CD. Make sure you have the product ID number located on the cover of your  
Microsoft Windows 98 Getting Started manual. You will need this number to complete the  
recovery process.  
Insert the Sony System Recovery CD in the DVD-ROM drive.  
The System recovery utility boots from the DVD-ROM drive. It must be in the DVD-ROM drive  
when you turn on the computer.  
Shut down your computer as described in Shutting Down Your  
Computeron page 14.  
Wait four seconds and turn on your computer.  
Click OK to signify you have read and accept the Microsoft End-User  
License Agreement.  
When the System Recovery menu appears, follow the on-screen  
instructions to complete the recovery process.  
Your system may include one or two System Recovery CDs. If you have two System Recovery  
CDs, insert the first CD to run the System Recovery program. You are prompted to insert the  
second CD once the information from the first CD has been installed.  
The recovery process takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete.  
If your computer does not start from the Recovery CD  
Press the power button and hold it for more than four seconds to turn  
off the computer.  
Turn on the computer. When the Sony logo is displayed, press the F2  
key. The BIOS setup menu screen appears.  
Press the arrow keys to select the Exit menu.  
Press the arrow keys to select Get Default Values and then press the  
Enter key. The message Load default configuration now?appears.  
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70 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Check that Yes is selected, then press the Enter key.  
Press the arrow keys to select Exit (Save Changes) and then press the  
Enter key. The message Save configuration changes and exit now?”  
Check that Yes is selected, then press the Enter key. The computer  
restarts from the Recovery CD.  
Using the Application Recovery CD(s)  
The Application Recovery CD(s) allows you to reinstall individual  
applications and device drivers if they are corrupted or accidentally  
erased. Reinstalling an individual device driver or software title may  
correct a problem you are experiencing with your computer, and you may  
not need to recover the entire contents of your hard drive. If you do need  
to reinstall all the software titles that shipped with your computer, use the  
System Recovery CD(s). See Using the System Recovery CD(s)on  
page 68.  
You can also use the Application Recovery CD to install Windows NT  
Workstation 4.0 drivers on your computer.  
You must be in Windows to run the Application Recovery CD. The application will not run  
from MS-DOS . If you have any questions on using the Application Recovery CD, contact  
Sony Customer Support.  
To use the Application Recovery CD(s)  
Turn on your computer. If your computer is already on, close all  
When the Windows desktop appears, insert the Sony Application  
Recovery CD in the DVD-ROM drive. The Application Recovery  
utility loads automatically.  
When the Application Recovery menu appears, select the icon for the  
application you want to restore and then follow the on-screen  
instructions to complete the recovery process.  
Your system may include one or two Application Recovery CDs. If you have two Application  
Recovery CDs, insert the first CD to run the Application Recovery program. You may be  
prompted to insert the second CD, depending on the application you wish to restore.  
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About the Software on Your Computer  
About the Software on Your Computer  
Your VAIO notebook computer is ready to help you work, play, learn, and  
communicate as soon as you turn it on. This section gives you an  
overview of the activities you can perform with your software titles. For  
support information, see For Answers to Your Software Questionson  
page 76.  
Adobe Acrobat® Reader  
Adobe Systems Inc.  
Acrobat Reader software allows you to view, navigate, and print electronic  
documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), an open file format that is  
intended to preserve the fidelity of documents created on all major computer  
Adobe PhotoDeluxe® Business Edition  
Adobe Systems Inc.  
Create amazing photo effects with Adobe PhotoDeluxe. Without learning  
complex software, you can enhance, restore, and be creative with your photos.  
Includes built-in guided activities, stock photos, clip art and templates to assist  
America Online®  
America Online  
America Online is a popular Internet online service. Stay in touch with family and  
friends with easy-to-use e-mail, manage your personal finances, get the latest  
news and sports scores, and chat with thousands of others who share your  
AT&T WorldNet® Service  
Fast, reliable Internet access from AT&T WorldNet Service. AT&T WorldNet  
Service provides Web-based e-mail, a personalized start page from Excite, easy  
access to the Excite search engine, free Web pages, online and live agent technical  
support, instant messaging, and special shopping discounts at Market Square.  
CompuServe® 2000  
CompuServe, Inc.  
CompuServe is the most comprehensive source of organized business and  
educational information online today. CompuServe allows you to access the  
vastness of the Internet, without wasting time wading through it. Maximize your  
time online with CompuServe.  
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72 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
DVgate™ Still  
Sony Electronics  
Connect a digital video camera recorder to the i.LINK connector and capture  
your own still images. You can save your images in a variety of popular file  
DVgate™ Motion  
Sony Electronics  
Connect a digital video camera recorder to the i.LINK connector and capture your  
own video images. You can edit clips from your video, add others, and combine  
clips into new movie segments.  
EarthLink Network TotalAccess™  
EarthLink Network, Inc.  
An Internet Service Provider that supplies access, information, and assistance to  
its customers, introducing them to the Internet. Member benefits include e-mail,  
newsgroups, a personal start page, a free 6 MB Web site, a member newsletter,  
and 24-hour technical support.  
McAfee VirusScan®  
Network Associates, Inc.  
Protect your computer from viruses. VirusScan can detect viruses from floppy  
disks, Internet downloads, e-mail attachments, intranets, shared files, CD-ROMs,  
and online services.  
Media Bar™  
Sony Electronics  
Media Bar software is your all-in-one solution for audio/ video playback. Media  
Bar software handles all common computer multimedia formats and controls  
selected Sony devices. In addition to audio/ video library cataloging and playlist  
management, Media Bar software includes digital video quality control and  
effects features. Media Bar software seamlessly integrates a variety of new media  
formats with an easy-to-use software interface.  
Microsoft® Internet Explorer for Windows® 98  
Microsoft Corporation  
Internet Explorer delivers the Web the way you want it. It is safe, easy to use, and  
you can personalize how you access the Web. Outlook Express and other tools in  
Internet Explorer also help you have a great experience when you are on the Web.  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
About the Software on Your Computer  
Microsoft® Outlook® Express  
Microsoft Corporation  
Outlook Express, the messaging tool that takes your e-mail and newsgroup  
communication to new heights! Outlook Express is easy to set up and use, and  
provides you with secure, personalized, and complete features that make  
creating, sending, and reading your e-mail a more rich and dynamic experience.  
Microsoft® Word 2000  
Microsoft Corporation  
Microsoft Word 2000 makes it easy to create common Web, e-mail, and print  
documents for use around the world. It embraces HTML as a first-class file format  
and extends Words ease-of-use to the Web and e-mail. Word 2000 also extends  
that ease of use to international users, making it easy to create multilingual  
Netscape Communicator®  
Netscape Communications  
Netscape Communicator is an all-in-one Internet tool that makes it easy to browse  
the Web, send Internet e-mail, chat, read newsgroups, and compose great Web  
Sony Electronics  
This image management software displays images from your hard drive, a Sony  
digital still camera, or a Sony Mavica camera. The images appear in a convenient  
light-table format, so that you can easily view the contents of an entire folder.  
Prodigy Internet™  
Prodigy Communications Corporation  
An online service that helps you find what you need online faster and smarter.  
Prodigy delivers powerful online content such as sports scores, stock quotes,  
news, and easy access to Excite, plus quality customer service all at a  
competitive price.  
Quicken® Basic 99  
Intuit, Inc.  
Quicken is a fast, easy way to organize your finances. Quicken works just like  
your checkbook, so it is easy to learn and use. Quicken manages all your finances,  
bank accounts, credit cards, investments, and loans. You can even pay your bills  
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74 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Smart Capture  
Sony Electronics  
Smart Capture is a fun new way to send multimedia messages via e-mail. Smart  
Capture manages the i.LINK connection between your computer and a Sony  
Digital Handycam Camcorder that supports the i.LINK interface. It allows you  
to capture compressed video or still images that you can save or share via e-mail.  
A smart solution to computer, digital audio/ video, and network convergence.  
Smart Connect  
Sony Electronics  
Smart Connect allows you to use an i.LINK cable to connect your VAIO computer  
to another VAIO computer that supports Smart Connect. You can then use one  
computer to copy, delete, and edit files on the other computer. You can also print  
from a printer attached to either computer.  
Smart Label  
Sony Electronics  
This tool allows you to record your voice and play it back at any time to remind  
you of important information, such as telephone numbers or appointments. It can  
also be used as a normal text memo pad. It can record a voice memo up to 60  
seconds long. You can combine this with pictures and/ or text to create a memo  
that you can place on your computer desktop.  
Smart Pad  
Sony Electronics  
Smart Pad enables you to record handwritten information such as text, symbols,  
simple maps, and drawings.  
Smart Publisher  
Sony Electronics  
Smart Publisher makes it easy for you to send Web pages to the Internet, using e-  
mail or FTP.  
Smart Write  
Sony Electronics  
A word processor that allows you to create documents that incorporate pictures  
and sound. With Smart Write, you can record your voice right into the page and  
draw directly onto your documents with a computer pencil.”  
WinFax® Basic Edition  
Symantec Corporation  
WinFax Basic incorporates an easy-to-use interface that allows you to send and  
receive faxes easily. Upgrade to WinFax Pro to receive additional features.  
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About Your Recovery CDs  
About Your Recovery CDs  
Application Recovery CD(s)  
Sony Electronics  
This program allows you to reinstall individual applications and device drivers.  
Use it to restore corrupted or accidentally erased files.  
System Recovery CD(s)  
Sony Electronics  
This program allows you to restore the software titles that shipped with your  
computer if they become corrupted or are erased accidentally. It can be used only  
to restore the hard disk of this Sony computer.  
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76 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
For Answers to Your Software Questions  
Acrobat Reader, Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition  
(Adobe Systems Incorporated)  
http:/ /  
206-628-2746 (fee-based support)  
Web site  
M-F, 6 AM-5 PM PT  
America Online (America Online)  
http:/ /  
Web site  
7 days a week, 24 hours a day  
AT&T WorldNet Service (AT&T)  
http:/ /  
Web site  
7 days a week, 24 hours a day  
CompuServe 2000 (CompuServe, Inc.)  
http:/ /  
Web site  
M-F, 8 AM - 1 AM ET, S-S 10 AM - 10 PM ET  
EarthLink Network (EarthLink Network, Inc.)  
http:/ / techsupport/  
Web site  
7 days a week, 24 hours a day  
McAfee VirusScan (Network Associates, Inc.)  
http:/ /  
Web site  
M-F 9AM-5PM Central Time  
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For Answers to Your Software Questions  
Netscape Communicator (Netscape Communications Corporation)  
http:/ /  
888-4SONYPC (888-476-6972)*  
7 days a week, 24 hours a day  
Web site  
* Support from 1-888-4SONY PC is free of charge for 90 days after the original date of purchase.  
Prodigy Internet™ (Prodigy Communications Corporation)  
http:/ /  
Web site  
7 AM - 3 AM ET  
Quicken Basic (Intuit Inc.)  
http:/ / support/  
Web site  
7 days a week, 24 hours a day  
Windows 98 Operating System, Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express  
(Microsoft Corporation)  
http:/ / support/  
888-4SONYPC (888-476-6972)*  
7 days a week, 24 hours a day  
Web site  
* Support from 1-888-4SONY PC is free of charge for 90 days after the original date of purchase.  
Sony Service Center  
For the Sony Service Center nearest you, call 1-888-4SONYPC  
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Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Adding Memory  
In the future you may want to install memory modules to expand the  
functionality of your computer. You can increase memory up to 256 MB  
(128MB x 2), by installing optional memory modules; 64 MB of memory  
are already installed (64MB x 1). You can add an expansion memory  
module in a slot. Up to 128 MB expansion memory modules are available  
as optional memory modules.  
The size of your memory may differ if you purchased a specially configured system.  
! Make sure you observe the proper safety precautions when you install memory  
modules in your computer. See the bulleted list below. Be careful when adding  
memory. Mistakes when installing or removing a memory module may cause a  
The procedures described below assume familiarity with the general  
terminology associated with personal computers and with the safety  
practices and regulatory compliance required for using and  
modifying electronic equipment.  
Disconnect the system from its power source and from any  
telecommunications links, networks, or modems before you open the  
system or follow any of the procedures described below. Failure to do  
so may result in personal injury or equipment damage.  
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage memory modules and  
other components. Perform the procedures described below only at  
an ESD workstation. If such a station is not available, do not work in  
a carpeted area, and do not handle materials that produce or hold  
static electricity (cellophane wrappers, for example). Ground yourself  
by maintaining contact with an unpainted metal portion of the  
chassis while performing the procedure.  
Do not open the memory module package until you are ready to  
install the module. The package protects the module from ESD.  
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80 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
Use the special bag for preventing ESD or use aluminum foil when  
you store the memory module.  
Typical expansion memory configuration  
Total System Memory  
Slot 1 (MB)  
Slot 2 (MB)  
64 MB is the default memory amount.  
To remove a memory module  
Shut down your computer and disconnect all peripheral devices,  
such as your printer.  
Unplug the computer and remove the battery packs.  
Wait until the computer cools down. Then unscrew the screw at the  
bottom of your computer. Loosen the screw with an appropriate  
Touch a metal object (such as the connector panel on the back of your  
computer) to discharge static electricity.  
Remove the memory module.  
1 Pull the tabs in the direction of the arrows.  
The memory module is released.  
2 Pull the memory module in  
the direction of the arrow.  
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Adding Memory  
Tighten the screw on the bottom of the computer.  
Your computer comes with a memory module installed in the memory slot. To upgrade your  
memory you will need to remove this module from the slot before installing your upgrade  
To install a memory module  
Follow steps 1 to 4 of To remove a memory module.”  
Remove the memory module from its packaging.  
Install the memory module.  
1 Slide the memory module into the slot.  
2 Press the module into place until it clicks.  
Tighten the screw on the bottom of the computer.  
To view the amount of memory  
Turn on the computer.  
Click the Start button, point to VAIO, and click Sony Notebook  
Setup.The Sony Notebook Setup screen appears.  
Click the About This Computertab to view the amount of system  
memory. If the additional memory is not shown, repeat steps 1-4 in  
To install a memory module.”  
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82 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
450 MHz* Pentium III  
6.0 GB†  
500 MHz* Pentium III  
9.0 GB†  
Hard Disk Drive  
Standard RAM  
64 MB SDRAM,  
expandable to 256 MB  
64 MB SDRAM,  
expandable to 256 MB  
LCD Screen  
14.1XGA TFT  
14.1XGA TFT  
L2 Cache Memory  
256 KB (on die)  
256 KB (on die)  
MPEG2 Digital Video; supports full-screen playback  
128-bit accelerator with 2.5 MB Video RAM  
16-bit CD-quality stereo sound  
Sound Capabilities  
Diskette Drive  
DVD-ROM Drive  
Removable 3.51.44 MB  
Reads CD data from 10.3X to 24X variable transfer rate.Reads  
DVD data from 1.7X to 4X variable transfer rate.**  
Laser Diode  
DVD-ROM drive wave length 780 nm and 650 nm;  
laser output 4.59 µW  
Drive Bay  
K56flextechnology/ V.90 compatible modem††  
Supports 4 Mbps, 1.1 Mbps, and 115 Kbps IrDA Standard  
Supports floppy disk drive (included)  
Supports second rechargeable battery (optional)  
Type II PC cards and  
Type III PC card  
Card Bus support  
Built-in Capabilities  
Stereo speakers  
Digital touch pad  
Data and fax send/ receive††  
2 USB Ports  
Serial Port  
Keyboard/ mouse (PS/ 2®-style)  
VGA Monitor  
Video out  
Parallel (printer)  
Phone line (RJ-11)  
Port Replicator  
Supplied Accessories  
Video cable  
Floppy disk drive  
Rechargeable battery  
AC adapter and power cord  
Weight Saver  
90-day limited express service‡‡  
Extendible to one year from original date  
of purchase upon registration  
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Limited Warranty  
90-day parts/ labor standard‡‡  
Extendible to one year from original  
date of purchase upon registration  
Power Requirements  
Power Management  
49.5 watts maximum (19.5V DC/ AC 120-240V)  
Energy Star compliant  
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)  
Lithium-ion, supports dual battery operation  
12.8(w) x 1.8(h)***x 10.5(d)  
(324 x 46.9 x 265.5 mm)  
6.8 lbs. (3.1 kg) (with battery and weight saver)  
7.3 lbs. (3.3 kg) (with battery and floppy disk drive)  
41º F to 95º F (+5º C to 35º C)  
temperature gradient less than 18º F (10º C) per hour  
Operating Humidity  
20% to 80% (not condensed), provided that  
humidity is less than 65% at 95º F (35º C),  
hygrometer reading of less than 84º F (29º C)  
Storage Temperature  
Storage Humidity  
-4º F to 140º F (-20º C to 60º C),  
temperature gradient less than 18º F (10º C) per hour  
10% to 90% (not condensed) provided that humidity  
is less than 20% at 140º F (60º C),  
hygrometer reading of less than 95º F (35º C)  
* MHz denotes microprocessor internal clock speed; other factors may affect application performance.  
The size of your hard disk may differ if you purchased a specially configured system. GB means one billion  
bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary.  
Data on a CD-ROM disc is read at a variable transfer rate, ranging from 10.3X at the innermost track to  
24X at the outermost track (the data transfer standard 1X rate is 150 kbytes/s). The average data transfer  
rate is 17.2X or 2580 kbytes/s.  
** Data on a DVD-ROM disc is read at a variable transfer rate, ranging from 1.7X at the innermost track to  
4X at the outermost track (the data transfer standard 1X rate is 1392 kbytes/s). The average data transfer  
standard is approximately 2.85X or 3823 kbytes/s. A DVD-ROM drive reads data on a CD-ROM disc at a  
variable transfer rate, ranging from 10.3X at the innermost track to 24X at the outermost track. The average  
data transfer rate is approximately 17.15X or 2936 kbytes/s or 2576 kbytes/s.  
†† Maximum speed for faxing is 14.4 kbps. Your modem is capable of downloading at 56 kbps using K56flex  
technology or V.90. Your online service or Internet Service Provider, however, may not support this  
technology or operate at this speed.  
‡‡ Certain restrictions apply.  
*** Height measured at thickest point. Thinnest height is 35.8mm.  
If a region code warning appears when you are using the DVD player, it could be that the DVD-ROM you are  
trying to play is incompatible with the DVD-ROM drive in your VAIO Notebook. Region code indicators such  
as a “1” or “ALL” are labeled on some DVD discs to indicate what type of player can play the discs. Unless  
a “1” or “ALL” is labeled on your DVD disc or on the packaging, you cannot play the disc on this player.  
Specifications are subject to change without notice.  
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right 5  
About Your Recovery CDs 75  
AC adapter 9  
AC power 9  
digital video recorder 57  
Sony Digital Still 56  
hardware 43  
memory 79  
peripherals 43  
printers 49  
brightness 13, 20  
contrast 20  
Alt key 17  
Application Recovery CD 70  
Applications key 17  
attaching port replicator 46  
charging battery packs 11, 38  
power source 10  
battery packs 10  
charging 11, 38  
indicator light status 11  
indicator lights 5, 11, 19, 37  
inserting 10  
inserting into battery bay 10  
loading 10  
power status 11  
rechargeable 9  
removing 12, 37, 39  
starting 13  
troubleshooting 59, 61  
unpacking 2  
coin-operated telephones 44  
digital still camera 56  
digital video recorder 57  
external keyboard 45  
external speakers 54  
hard drives 29  
adjusting 13, 20  
built-in speakers 5  
See also speakers 20  
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86 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
microphone 55  
monitor 45, 50  
mouse 45  
multimedia computer display 51  
multiple phone lines 44  
network 29, 45  
party phone lines 44  
PBX 44  
installing additional hard disk 29  
phone line 44  
port replicator 45, 46  
power source 9  
printer 49  
projector 51  
serial device 56  
USB device 58  
weight saver 40  
DVD-ROM/ CD-ROM discs  
DC In 9, 45  
headphone 6  
i.LINK 6  
infrared 33  
keyboard 5, 7, 45  
Line In 6  
microphone 6  
monitor 45  
mouse 7, 45  
network 45  
Printer 7, 49  
printer 49  
Energy Star ii  
Escape key 16  
Serial port 45  
USB 7, 45  
expansion memory configuration 80  
Express Service technical support 15  
adjusting 20  
correction keys 16, 17  
Ctrl key 17  
speakers 20, 54  
cursor-movement keys 17  
fan 65  
DC In 9, 45  
digital still camera 33  
connecting 56  
digital video camera 57  
disconnecting port replicator 48  
laws governing v  
floppy disk drive  
disconnecting 24  
troubleshooting 62  
Fn 21  
ejecting 23  
Fn key 17  
inserting into drive 23  
combination commands 20  
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function keys 16, 17  
LCD 5  
hard drives  
indicator light 5, 19  
installing additional 29  
headphone connector 6, 51  
Mouseware 22  
weight saver release 39  
Line In 6  
i.LINK 6, 57  
IEEE-1394 57  
indicator lights 19  
battery 5, 11, 19, 37  
Caps Lock 5, 19  
charge status 11  
hard drive 5, 19  
Num Lock 5, 19  
power 5  
Liquid Crystal Display screen  
lithium ion battery  
Scroll Lock 5, 19  
infrared communication devices 33  
other computers 33  
infrared port 33  
infrared transmission  
active distance 34  
troubleshooting 34  
input devices iv  
Insert key 17  
installing 81  
battery pack 10  
CD-ROM/ DVD-ROM discs 25  
diskettes into drive 23  
troubleshooting 64  
laws governing v  
troubleshooting 63  
connector 51  
hard drives 29  
hardware 43  
memory module 81  
peripherals 43  
interference iv  
selecting 52  
internal microphone 7  
internal speakers  
See speakers  
switching among 20  
connector 7  
troubleshooting 64  
Mouse Properties screen 22  
keyboard 17, 45  
connector 5, 7  
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88 VAIO Notebook Computer User Guide  
accessing help 22  
features 22  
multimedia computer display 51  
multiple phone lines 44  
connecting 9  
Print Screen key 17  
printer 7  
navigation keys 16, 17  
connecting 29  
connector 45  
port replicator 45  
Num Lock 5  
indicator light 19  
numeric keypad area 16  
Printer connector 7, 45, 49  
projector 51  
radio interference iv  
DVD-ROM drive tray 25  
operator keys 17  
output devices iv  
adding 49  
party phone lines 44  
PBX 44  
battery packs 12  
PC card  
memory module 80  
inserting 29  
release button 29  
removing 31  
slot protector 30  
slots 29  
troubleshooting 65  
connecting line 44  
jack 44  
laws governing v  
port replicator  
connecting 45, 46  
disconnecting 48  
lever 48  
second battery pack 10, 37  
display 52  
network 45  
LCD 52  
power 19  
monitor 52  
cord 9  
indicator light 5  
switch 13  
power source 10  
Serial connector 45, 56  
serial devices  
connecting 56  
power saving modes 35  
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digital still camera 56  
Shift key 17  
Shut Down Windows dialog box 14  
shutting down 14  
troubleshooting 65  
Software Questions 76  
Sony Service Center 77  
speakers 5  
warranty 15  
connecting 40  
help 18  
built-in 5  
external 54  
switching 20  
troubleshooting 63  
volume 20  
Specifications 82  
Start button 14  
computer 13  
startup problems 14  
key 17  
display 20  
monitor 20  
System Hibernation mode 21, 36  
System Idle mode 21, 35  
System Recovery CD 68  
System Suspend mode 20, 36  
touchpad 5, 22, 64  
troubleshooting 59  
startup 14, 59  
turning on  
computer 13  
interference iv  
unpacking the computer 2  
connecting 58  
connector 7, 45, 58  
mouse 58  
ventilation slot 8  
video camera 57  
Video Standby mode 21  
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