Meade VCR mySKY Plus User Manual

InstructIon Manual  
Your personal guide for skY exploration  
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mySKY is an easy-to-use, multimedia tool that will guide  
Important Note About Your mySKY  
you through the night sky. It’s like having your own personal  
astronomer pointing out the wonders of the universe.  
Your mySKY uses very sensitive magnetic sensors to  
determine where you are pointing it in the sky. The magnetic  
lines of force that are detected by these sensors are bent  
and distorted by any magnetic materials or large metal  
objects such as cars, metal fences or steel reinforced  
buildings. In order for your mySKY to work accurately,  
you must be about 10 yards or meters from the average car.  
The larger the metal object, the farther you should be from  
it to get the best performance from your mySKY.  
mySKY Keys  
The TRIGGER The TRIGGER is located on the hand grip.  
When the TRIGGER is pushed, you tell mySKY that you are  
pointing at an object in the sky that you wish to identify and  
learn about.  
Quick Start  
Follow the Quick Start Guide on the back cover to insert  
the batteries, plug in the earbuds and turn on mySKY. When  
mySKY starts up, a screen displays which offers the choice:  
“Instructions” or “SkyMap.”  
Three Lights on the Top of mySKY: The three small lights  
on the top of mySKY are the sights to line up the celestial  
object you wish to identify and learn about.  
Introduction & Quick Instruction Video  
If you are using mySKY for the first time, press the up arrow  
to select “Instructions”— you will see a brief introductory  
video that explains how to get started using mySKY.  
First, line up the light on the front between the two lights on  
the back. Then line up the object you wish to identify just  
above the front light. Pull the TRIGGER and mySKY will  
identify the object you were pointing at.  
ARROW KEYS: Use the four arrow keys shown in the figure  
to the left to select options on the display screen. Press one  
of the arrow keys to select the item you want. For example,  
if you press the UP ARROW, the option at the top of the  
screen is selected and so forth. In most cases, when you  
press an arrow key, that option is automatically selected.  
When moving through a list, use the up and down arrows to  
move one item at a time. In a long list you can use the LEFT  
or RIGHT ARROW keys to move a page up or down quickly  
to find the item you want.  
The instruction video will teach you how to use the keys,  
what the trigger is for, how to use the identify function and  
how to take a guided tour.  
During the video, the three keys just below the screen  
have the following functions: The Left Key is BACK. When  
pressed, it will take you back to the beginning of the video  
or to the previous video. The Center Key is PAUSE/PLAY.  
When pressed, it will pause the video. When pressed again,  
the video will resume. The Right Key is NEXT. It will advance  
the video to the next segment.  
ENTER: The ENTER key is the round key in the center of the  
arrow keys. When entering numbers or selecting from a list  
of items, first move through the items using the arrow keys.  
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Illuminated Sights  
Soft Keys  
SD Card Slot  
Arrow Keys  
Power ON/OFF  
“Identify” Trigger  
Brightness Control  
Volume Control  
Press ENTER to select a highlighted choice.  
MORE: The MORE key takes you to another screen with  
more choices.  
VOLUME: Press the + or – side of the volume control to get  
a comfortable level when using the ear buds or  
external speakers.  
OBJECT: The OBJECT key takes you to a series of menus  
where you can choose an object to find and learn about.  
OPTIONS: The OPTIONS key takes you to a menu of  
BRIGHTNESS: Press the + or – side of the brightness key  
to brighten or dim both the sights on top of mySKY and  
the display.  
various settings for your mySKY.  
TOURS: The TOURS key takes you to a menu of available  
guided tours you can take to explore the night sky.  
POWER Button: Press and hold the power to turn mySKY  
on. Press and hold it again to turn the mySKY off.  
SKYMAP: The SKYMAP key displays the SkyMap on  
the screen.  
The labels for the soft keys will change from screen to  
screen. Many of the labels are shortcuts that will take you to  
other menus or screens.  
Location, Time and Date  
When the instruction video ends or when you select  
“SkyMap”, mySKY needs to know your location, date and  
time. The Time and Location screen displays the following  
three choices:  
Accept the current Location, Time and Date displayed.  
Enter new Location, Time and Date  
Demonstration Mode.  
Soft Keys  
The three keys just below the screen are called soft keys.  
The labels on the lower part of the screen show the actions  
that will be performed by the soft keys. In the picture above,  
the left key is labeled BACK, the center key is labeled MORE  
and the right key is labeled SKYMAP. Some of the most  
common labels for the soft keys are:  
If you have used your mySKY before, it remembers your last  
location and the internal clock keeps track of the time and  
date as long as your batteries are good.  
If the current time, date and location is correct, select  
BACK: The BACK key lets you go to the previous screen.  
the top choice and press ENTER.  
NEXT: The NEXT key moves you forward to the next step or  
To enter a new location, time and date, use the arrows to  
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scroll down to the “New Location/Time” line and press  
DONE. Next, choose your state or country: Press the UP or  
DOWN ARROWS to scroll through the list one line at a time.  
Press the right or left arrows to scroll through the list one  
page at a time. Once your country or state is highlighted,  
press ENTER and the City list displays.  
Identify Mode  
mySKY has several modes of operation. The most  
important mode is “Identify” – this is the default mode.  
mySKY is ready to identify celestial objects, such as  
stars, constellations, planets and so forth. The SkyMap  
on the screen shows the area of the sky where you are  
pointing mySKY. Center an object in the sights and pull the  
TRIGGER. mySKY will tell you what the object is.  
Scroll through the list of cities and choose the city nearest  
to your location (the city can be as far away as 100 miles  
or 160km). Once your choice is highlighted press ENTER.  
Enter the date in the format: mm/dd/20yy. For example, if  
you wish to enter March 6, 2008, press the following keys:  
Important Note: Once you have pressed the TRIGGER, you  
no longer need to point mySKY at the object (you can relax  
your arm and hold mySKY in a comfortable position to see  
the display).  
0 (zero), ENTER, 3, ENTER (mm)  
0, ENTER, 6, ENTER (dd)  
In many cases, an image of the selected object appears on  
the screen. Press PLAY (if it is displayed) to see and hear a  
multimedia description of the object. Pressing the INFO key  
displays text about the object.  
0, ENTER, 8, ENTER (20yy)  
Press DONE after you have entered the date.  
Next enter the time: Enter the hour and minutes, as correct  
to the minute as possible, in 12 hour AM/PM format. For  
example, if you wish to enter 9:20 p.m. press the  
following keys:  
Take a Tour  
Another mode is “Tour.” When you select the “Tonight’s  
Best Tour”, for example, mySKY will guide you to the best  
0, ENTER, 9, ENTER (hour)  
2 ENTER, 0, ENTER (minutes)  
0 ENTER, 0, ENTER (seconds)  
objects in the sky for your time, date and location. When the  
first object of the Tour displays, you have several choices.  
Select PM. If you make a mistake, press the DEL key.  
mySKY compensates for Daylight Savings automatically.  
When you are finished entering the time, press DONE.  
Your location, time and date are now stored in memory  
until you change the batteries or they run down. The next  
time you turn on mySKY, the Time and Location screen will  
display current time and day with your last location as the  
first choice. If the information is correct, select the top line  
and press DONE.  
If this is an object you wish to learn more about, press the  
UP ARROW key for “More”. If you wish to skip this object,  
press the NEXT key. If you want to return to the last object,  
press the BACK key. If you select “More”, press PLAY for  
audio and video presentations or INFO for on-screen text  
data about the object. If you wish to skip this object, press  
the RIGHT ARROW to choose “Next” and proceed to the  
next object on the Tour. If you wish to have mySKY find the  
object in the sky for you, press the UP ARROW to  
select “GoTo”.  
Select the Demonstration mode if you wish to get  
a demonstration of mySKY’s operation during the daytime  
or when you are inside.  
Sensor Calibration  
When mySKY has your time and location, you will be  
asked to place mySKY on a stable surface while it adjusts  
its sensors. This usually takes about 30 to 45 seconds.  
If it takes longer, make sure the mySKY is not setting on  
any operating machinery, speaker or other surface that is  
moving or vibrating. When the mySKY is done adjusting the  
sensors, the sights on the top of the unit will light up and  
the screen will display the SkyMap screen. You are now in  
the default “Identify” mode and you can immediately begin  
identifying night sky objects and use other mySKY features.  
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How to Locate an Object in the Sky:  
When you press “GoTo” on any object screen, the screen  
will display a star map and an arrow will appear. Move  
mySKY in the direction the arrow is pointing.  
The circle will then flash to let you know that you have found  
the object and the screen will display the object page.  
As you move mySKY closer to the object, the arrow will get  
shorter and shorter.  
Push the soft key labeled PLAY for audio descriptions,  
video, and images of the object or INFO for on-screen text  
data about the object. To exit a tour: Press the key labeled  
END TOUR. If the END TOUR option is not displayed, keep  
pressing the BACK key until END TOUR is displayed.  
When you get very close to the object, a crosshair will be  
displayed at the position of the object on the SkyMap.  
Catalogs of Celestial Objects  
The sky is full of interesting and mysterious objects, not  
just stars and planets. mySKY has a database that contains  
over 30,000 celestial objects. Although most of these  
objects cannot be seen with the naked eye, mySKY can  
still show you where they are and give you images and  
information about them. If you select an object from any of  
mySKY’s catalogs, mySKY will display a screen like the one  
above. If you select “GoTo,” mySKY will display an arrow  
on the screen to guide you to the object you have chosen.  
mySKY’s catalogs include: stars; double and variable stars;  
planets; constellations; galaxies; and nebulas, just to name  
a few. These objects are arranged in various catalogs:  
Move mySKY slowly to center the crosshair in the circle at  
the center of the display.  
Solar System—planets, the Moon, comets, and asteroids  
Deep Sky—star clusters, nebulas, galaxies and more  
Constellations—all 88 constellations with star maps  
Stars—several catalogs of stars  
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the DOWN ARROW to select “Saturn”.  
Example of locating an object: Choosing  
Saturn from one of mySKY’s catalogs  
If necessary, push the BACK key until you see the SkyMap  
screen. The three soft keys are labeled OBJECTS, OPTIONS  
and TOURS.  
For most objects (in this case, Saturn), you will see an image  
of the object or a similar object representing the object type.  
Press the key just below the “Objects” label. The Objects  
screen displays.  
If you press PLAY, you may see additional images of the  
object on the screen and hear a description of the object  
in your earbuds. All the planets, constellations, major stars  
and most popular celestial objects have both audio and  
visual information. If PLAY is not shown as an option or you  
want technical data about the object, press INFO and text  
with details about the object will be displayed.  
Notice the “Solar System” option is at the top of the screen.  
Press the UP ARROW to select “Solar System”. The Solar  
System screen displays.  
If the object you selected is part of a list or catalog, you can  
use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROWS to display the previous  
or next object in the list. When the object you want is  
displayed, press PLAY or “GoTo.”  
If you select “GoTo” with the UP ARROW, mySKY will  
display the SkyMap and guide you to Saturn with an arrow  
as described earlier. Congratulations! You have  
located Saturn!  
Use this technique to find other objects in the sky. mySKY  
contains over 30,000 celestial objects and you can locate  
any of these objects just as easily.  
Notice the “Planets” option is at the top of the screen.  
Press the UP ARROW to select “Planets”. The Planets  
screen displays.  
30,000 objects may seem overwhelming at first and you  
may never check all of these out. Start with the planets  
and constellations. Then move to Messier objects and  
Named Stars, or perhaps Variable Stars (stars that vary  
in brightness). You will not be able to see many of these  
objects without a telescope, but you will become more and  
more familiar with the night sky and with the objects that  
inhabit it. mySKY can be a personalized astronomy course  
that lets you learn at your own speed while having fun.  
There are two Planets screens available. The first screen  
displays the four most commonly viewed planets: Venus,  
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. If you select MORE a second  
Planets page will be displayed. Any time you see “More”  
displayed on a screen, it means you can go to another  
screen with more choices or information. Notice the  
“Saturn” option is at the bottom of the screen. Press  
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minutes. This protects your batteries from running down  
when you are not using the mySKY. If you wish to change  
the auto-off setting, press the Soft Key labeled AUTO-  
OFF. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to select the  
mode you want to use. If you turn this feature off, please  
remember to turn off the mySKY’s power when you are  
finished using it.  
If you choose a selection from mySKY’s Constellation list  
and then select “Trace,” mySKY will guide you to the major  
stars of the chosen constellation, one by one, tracing out its  
popular shape on the sky (for example, it will trace out the  
“dipper” shape of Ursa Major).  
The first star in the constellation will be located when you  
select “Trace”. Select “Next” and the second star will be  
located. Continue to select “Next” to locate each star in the  
This option allows you to connect the mySKY to a Meade  
computerized telescope (cable sold separately). Use the UP  
and DOWN ARROWS to toggle between the two selections.  
Select DONE after you make your choice. This will allow  
you to command your telescope to move to any object  
you have selected with mySKY. Your telescope must first  
be set up and aligned as usual. Then connect one end of  
the cable to mySKY and the other to your telescope. See  
the instructions that came in the cable package for details.  
When connected, all you need to do is select “Point Scope”  
from the Object screen and if the object is above your  
horizon, the telescope will move to center the object in the  
eyepiece of the telescope.  
Other Options  
Explore the features of the “Options” menu—you may find  
them quite useful while using mySKY. The features include  
Night Vision, Connection, Lights, Technical Info  
and Auto-Off.  
Battery Level  
After selecting “Options,” press the DOWN ARROW to  
select “Technical Info.” Press the right Soft Key labeled  
BATT to select “Battery”. A screen will display showing your  
current battery level.  
If you notice mySKY acting erratically, it may be time  
to change the batteries.  
Updating mySKY software:  
1. Install Autostar Suite Astronomer’s Edition software  
on your computer. Insert the Autostar Suite DVD into  
your DVD drive. The installation software should start  
automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions (be sure  
your computer has an internet connection).  
Night Vision Screen Mode  
Press the UP ARROW to toggle between Night Vision and  
the Full Color Display. When you select Night Vision, the  
screen is displayed in red to protect your night vision.  
2. Power off mySKY.  
3. Remove the SD memory card by moving the rubber  
cover on the side of the mySKY and pushing in on the  
edge of the SD card. The card will pop-out.  
The Lights menu offers you two submenus: Blink Sights  
and Light Balance:  
4. Insert SD card into a PC SD card reader. If your PC does  
not have a built-in SD card reader, you will need to obtain  
a stand-alone reader (inexpensive and available at most  
local PC and electronic stores). Connect the SD card  
reader to a USB port on your computer and insert the  
SD card into the card reader.  
Blink Sights: This option allows you to blink the three sights  
on top of mySKY. This will help when you’re lining up with  
a celestial object that is dim. Select the Blink Sights option  
and then press the LEFT ARROW to enable blinking. Press  
the LEFT ARROW again to turn on the lights  
without blinking.  
5. Find the “Update mySKY” icon that was installed on  
your computer desktop and double click it. In the  
Updater window, click on the drive letter that contains  
your SD card. Now click on the “Update mySKY SD  
card” key. The update process will start, the “Update  
mySKY SD card” key will be grayed out, and the progress  
bar will begin to fill in. About half way through, you will be  
asked to remove the SD card and then re-insert it.  
After you have put the SD card back into the reader, click  
on OK. Wait until the progress bar is completely filled in  
and the “Update mySKY SD card” key is no longer  
grayed out before you remove the SD card. Do not  
remove the SD card, close the updater program, or  
turn off your computer while the SD card is being  
Light Balance: Select the Light Balance option and then  
press the RIGHT or LEFT ARROW to change the brightness  
of the three sights on top of mySKY. Press DONE after you  
have set the brightness level. Note that the Brightness key  
on the side of mySKY sets the brightness level for both the  
sights and the display. The Light Balance option does not  
set the brightness level of the display.  
Auto Power-Off  
mySKY has an auto-power-off control that is set to ON by  
default. This control automatically turns off the power if no  
movement is detected or no keys are pressed for about 5  
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updated. In the unlikely event of a computer crash, start  
this step over.  
6. After the software has been updated, reinsert the  
SD memory card back into mySKY.  
7. Turn on mySKY. That’s it! You now have updated software.  
How to Reset mySKY if It Freezes Up  
First, press and hold the ON/OFF key.  
If that does not work, open the battery compartment and  
remove one battery for 15 seconds. Replace the battery.  
Press the ON/OFF key again to restart mySKY.  
Microsoft Windows 98se / Me / 2000 / XP/ Vista .  
Meade would like to thank the following people and  
institutions for materials used in mySKY.  
Jack Newton  
Jason Ware  
Mark Sibole  
Steve Hamilton  
And many others who have submitted their astrophotos to  
Meade over the years.  
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Meade’s mySKY is warranted by Meade Instruments Corporations (“Meade”) to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period  
of ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase in the U.S.A and Canada. Meade will repair or replace a product, or part thereof, found by Meade  
to be defective, provided the defective part is returned to Meade, freight-prepaid, with proof of purchase. This warranty applies to the original  
purchaser only and is non-transferable. Meade products purchased outside North America are not included in this warranty, but are covered  
under separate warranties issued by Meade international distributors.  
RGA Number Required: Prior to the return of any product or part, a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number must be obtained from Meade by writing,  
or calling (800) 626-3233. Each returned part or product must include a written statement detailing the nature of the claimed defect, as well as the  
owner’s name, address, and phone number.  
This warranty is not valid in cases where the product has been abused or mishandled, where unauthorized repairs have been attempted or performed,  
or where depreciation of the product is due to normal wear-and-tear. Meade specifically disclaims special, indirect, or consequential damages or lost  
profit which may result from a breach of this warranty. Any implied warranties which cannot be disclaimed are hereby limited to a term of one year  
from the date of original retail purchase.  
This warranty gives you specific rights. You may have other rights which vary from state to state.  
Meade reserves the right to change product specifications or to discontinue products without notice.  
© 2008 Meade Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change  
without notice. Meade, mySKY, Tonight’s Best, and Autostar are trademarks, or registered trademarks  
of Meade Instruments Corporation in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and  
Vista are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or  
other countries. Images depicted on this package may not be representative of the images seen or  
captured through this product. 40-08019.  
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For technical support, please call: (800) 626-3233  
install Batteries  
Slide door forward  
and flip open.  
connect Headphones  
Open rubber cover.  
Plug headphone jack  
into headphone port.  
choose Instructions or SkyMap  
power on  
Choose Instructions  
to view introduction  
video or SkyMap  
to start exploring.  
Press power button  
to power on.  
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