IBM Laptop GC28 1982 02 User Manual

IBM Parallel Environment for AIX  
Version 2 Release 4  
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IBM Parallel Environment for AIX  
Version 2 Release 4  
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Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page v.  
Third Edition (October 1998)  
This edition applies to Version 2, Release 4, Modification 0 of IBM Parallel Environment for AIX, program number 5765-543, and to  
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix  
About This Book  
Who Should Use This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix  
How to Use This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix  
Overview of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix  
Typographic Conventions  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Abbreviated Names  
Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi  
Parallel Environment (PE) Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi  
AIX Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi  
LoadLeveler Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi  
Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi  
National Language Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii  
Accessing Online Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii  
Online Information Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii  
Getting the Books and the Examples Online  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii  
AIX 4.3 Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv  
What's New in PE 2.4?  
Parallel Checkpoint/Restart  
Enhanced Job Management Function  
MPI I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv  
1024 Task Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv  
Enhanced Compiler Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv  
Xprofiler Enhancements  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv  
Message Queue Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv  
Chapter 1. Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format . . . . . . . . . .  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25  
Chapter 4. POE Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105  
Chapter 6. VT Messages  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages  
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
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viii IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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About This Book  
This book is designed to help any user of IBM Parallel Environment for AIX (PE)  
who needs to know what a message means and what should be done in response  
to that message. This book lists all of the error messages generated by the PE  
software and components and describes a likely solution.  
This book assumes that AIX and the X-Windows system are already installed, if  
required. For information on installing AIX and X-Windows, consult IBM AIX for  
RS/6000 Installation Guide, SC23-2341.  
Who Should Use This Book  
This book is designed for system programmers and administrators, but should be  
used by anyone responsible for diagnosing problems related to PE. To use this  
book, you should be familiar with the AIX operating system. Where necessary some  
background information relating to AIX is provided. More commonly, you are  
referred to the appropriate documentation.  
How to Use This Book  
Overview of Contents  
This book contains the following information:  
Chapter 1, “Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format” on page 1  
Chapter 2, “pdbx Messages” on page 3  
Chapter 3, “pedb Messages” on page 25  
Chapter 4, “POE Messages” on page 51  
Chapter 5, “MPI Messages” on page 105  
Chapter 6, “VT Messages” on page 137  
“Xprofiler Enhancements” on page xiv  
Typographic Conventions  
This book uses the following typographic conventions:  
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Type Style  
Used For  
Bold words or characters represent system elements that  
you must use literally, such as command names, program  
names, file names, and flag names.  
Bold words also indicate the first use of a term included in  
the glossary.  
Italic words or characters represent variable values that you  
must supply.  
Italics are also used for book titles and for general emphasis  
in text.  
Constant width  
Examples and information that the system displays appear in  
constant width typeface.  
In addition to the highlighting conventions, this manual uses the following  
conventions when describing how to perform tasks:  
Ÿ User actions appear in uppercase boldface type. For example, if the action is to  
enter the smit command, this manual presents the instruction as:  
Ÿ The symbol “Á” indicates the system response to an action. So the system's  
response to entering the smit command would read:  
Á The System Management Interface Tool's main window opens.  
Abbreviated Names  
The abbreviated names used in this book are defined below.  
Short Name  
Full Name  
Advanced Interactive Executive  
Communication Subsystem  
distributed shell  
graphical user interface  
Hierarchical Data Format  
IBM RISC System/6000  
Internet Protocol  
IBM RS/6000  
Message Passing Interface  
Message Passing Library  
Parallel Environment  
PM Array  
Program Marker Array  
Parallel Operating Environment  
Parallel System Support Programs  
reduced instruction set computer  
remote shell  
System Data Repository  
IBM RS/6000 SP  
IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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Short Name  
Full Name  
standard input  
standard output  
User Space  
Visualization Tool  
Related Publications  
Parallel Environment (PE) Publications  
As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use SBOF-8588 to order  
the entire PE library.  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Hitchhiker's Guide, GC23-3895  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Installation, GC28-1981  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Licensed Program Specifications,  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1, SC28-1979  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 2, SC28-1980  
– Part 1: Debugging and Visualizing  
– Part 2: Profiling  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: MPI Programming and Subroutine  
Reference, GC23-3894  
AIX Publications  
Ÿ IBM AIX Version 4.1 Commands Reference, SBOF-1851  
Ÿ IBM AIX Version 4.2 Installation Guide, SC23-1924  
Ÿ IBM AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging  
Programs, SC23-2533  
Ÿ IBM AIX Version 4 Communications Programming Concepts, SC23-2610  
LoadLeveler Publications  
Ÿ Using and Administering LoadLeveler, SC23-3989  
Other Publications  
Ÿ IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: MPL Programming and Subroutine  
Reference, GC23-3893  
Note: The following publications are related to this book only if you run parallel  
programs on the IBM RS/6000 SP. They are not related if you use an IBM  
RS/6000 network cluster.  
Ÿ IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, GA22-7281  
Ÿ IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide,  
About This Book xi  
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Ÿ IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration  
Guide, GA22-7347  
Ÿ IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis Guide, GA22-7350  
Ÿ IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical  
Reference, SA22-7351  
Ÿ IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Messages Guide, GA22-7352  
As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use GBOF-8587 to order  
the entire IBM RS/6000 SP software library.  
National Language Support  
For National Language Support (NLS), all PE components and tools display  
messages located in externalized message catalogs. English versions of the  
message catalogs are shipped with the PE program product, but your site may be  
using its own translated message catalogs. The AIX environment variable  
NLSPATH is used by the various PE components to find the appropriate message  
catalog. NLSPATH specifies a list of directories to search for message catalogs.  
The directories are searched, in the order listed, to locate the message catalog. In  
resolving the path to the message catalog, NLSPATH is affected by the values of  
the environment variables LC_MESSAGES and LANG. If you get an error saying  
that a message catalog is not found, and want the default message catalog:  
export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N  
export LANG=C  
The PE message catalogs are in English, and are located in the following  
If your site is using its own translations of the message catalogs, consult your  
system administrator for the appropriate value of NLSPATH or LANG. For  
additional information on NLS and message catalogs, see IBM AIX Version 4  
General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs, SC23-2533.  
Accessing Online Information  
In order to use the PE man pages or access the PE online (HTML) publications,  
the ppe.pedocs file set must first be installed. To view the PE online publications,  
you also need access to an HTML document browser such as Netscape. An index  
to the HTML files that are provided with the ppe.pedocs file set is installed in the  
/usr/lpp/ppe.pedocs/html directory.  
xii IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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Online Information Resources  
If you have a question about the SP, PSSP, or a related product, the following  
online information resources make it easy to find the information:  
Ÿ Access the new SP Resource Center by issuing the command:  
Note that the ssp.resctr fileset must be installed before you can do this.  
If you have the Resource Center on CD-ROM, see the readme.txt file for  
information on how to run it.  
Ÿ Access the RS/6000 Web Site at:  
Getting the Books and the Examples Online  
All of the PE books are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). They are  
included on the product media (tape or CD-ROM), and are part of the ppe.pedocs  
file set. If you have a question about the location of the PE softcopy books, see  
your system administrator.  
To view the PE PDF publications, you need access to the Adobe Acrobat Reader  
3.0.1. The Acrobat Reader is shipped with the AIX Version 4.3 Bonus Pack and is  
also freely available for downloading from the Adobe web site at URL  
As stated above, you can also view or download the PE books from the IBM  
RS/6000 Web site at The serial and parallel  
programs that you find in this book are also available from the IBM RS/6000 Web  
site. At the time this manual was published, the full path was However, note  
that the structure of the RS/6000 Web site can change over time.  
What's New in PE 2.4?  
AIX 4.3 Support  
With PE 2.4, POE supports user programs developed with AIX 4.3. It also supports  
programs developed with AIX 4.2, intended for execution on AIX 4.3.  
Parallel Checkpoint/Restart  
This release of PE provides a mechanism for temporarily saving the state of a  
parallel program at a specific point (checkpointing), and then later restarting it from  
the saved state. When a program is checkpointed, the checkpointing function  
captures the state of the application as well as all data, and saves it in a file. When  
the program is restarted, the restart function retrieves the application information  
from the file it saved, and the program then starts running again from the place at  
which it was saved.  
About This Book xiii  
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Enhanced Job Management Function  
In earlier releases of PE, POE relied on the SP Resource Manager for performing  
job management functions. These functions included keeping track of which nodes  
were available or allocated and loading the switch tables for programs performing  
User Space communications. LoadLeveler, which had only been used for batch job  
submissions in the past, is now replacing the Resource Manager as the job  
management system for PE. One notable effect of this change is that LoadLeveler  
now allows you to run more than one User Space task per node.  
With PE 2.4, the MPI library now includes support for a subset of MPI I/O,  
described by Chapter 9 of the MPI-2 document: MPI-2: Extensions to the  
Message-Passing Interface, Version 2.0. MPI-I/O provides a common programming  
interface, improving the portability of code that involves parallel I/O.  
1024 Task Support  
This release of PE supports a maximum of 1024 tasks per User Space MPI/LAPI  
job, as opposed to the previous release, which supported a maximum of 512 tasks.  
For jobs using the IP version of the MPI library, PE supports a maximum of 2048  
Enhanced Compiler Support  
In this release, POE now supports the following compilers:  
Ÿ C  
Ÿ C++  
Ÿ Fortran Version 5  
Ÿ xlhpf  
Xprofiler Enhancements  
This release includes a variety of enhancements to Xprofiler, including:  
Ÿ Save Configuration and Load Configuration options for saving the names of  
functions, currently in the display, and reloading them later in order to  
reconstruct the function call tree.  
Ÿ An Undo option that lets you undo operations that involve adding or removing  
nodes or arcs from the function call tree.  
Message Queue Facility  
The pedb debugger now includes a message queue facility. Part of the pedb  
debugger interface, the message queue viewing feature can help you debug  
Message Passing Interface (MPI) applications by showing internal message request  
queue information. With this feature, you can view:  
Ÿ A summary of the number of active messages for each task in the application.  
You can select criteria for the summary information based on message type  
and source, destination, and tag filters.  
Ÿ Message queue information for a specific task.  
Ÿ Detailed information about a specific message.  
xiv IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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Chapter 1. Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format  
The message identifiers for the PE messages in this manual are structured as  
pdbx (the line-oriented debugger)  
pedb Motif/X-Windows Style Parallel Debugger  
Parallel Operating Environment  
Program Marker Array  
Message Passing Interface  
Visualization Tool - Performance Monitor  
Visualization Tool - Trace Visualization  
Visualization Tool - Trace Collection  
Visualization Tool - Widget Messages  
Xprofiler X-Windows Performance Profiler  
Ÿ The first four digits (0029, 0030, 0031, 0032, 0033, 2537) identify the  
component that issued the message.  
Ÿ The remaining three to four digits identify the sequence of the message in the  
Note: If you need help from IBM in resolving a PE problem, contact your local IBM  
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0029-0101 Ÿ 0029-1002  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages  
0029-0101 Your program has been loaded.  
Explanation: This message is issued when your program has been loaded into the tasks in  
the partition. This message indicates all the functions available in pdbx are available for you  
to use.  
User Response: When this message is displayed, you can start debugging the tasks in the  
0029-0104 The remote debugger on task: number has exited with the following error:  
Explanation: The debugger on the remote node has exited prematurely and pedb will exit.  
User Response: The error message from the remote debugger is presented. Use the  
information provided by the remote debugger message to proceed.  
0029-0105 Error creating temporary file string.  
Explanation: When starting pdbx in attach mode, a temporary file is created, consisting of  
a list of tasks that are executing under the poe job that you specified. The contents of this  
file are displayed in the menu from which you select the tasks that you wish to attach. This  
temporary file is created in /tmp by default, unless you specify a different directory with the  
TMPDIR environment variable. The naming convention for this file is:  
</tmpdir>/.pdbx.<poe-pid>.menu where </tmpdir> is either /tmp or the directory specified by  
the TMPDIR environment variable, if it has been defined, and where < poe-pid is the process  
ID of the poe job to be attached to. The message that you received appears when the  
temporary attach task menu file cannot be opened, or when errors are detected while writing  
to the file.  
User Response: Verify that there is enough space available in the /tmp filesystem, or if  
you have specified a directory with the TMPDIR environment variable, check the filesystem  
that contains this directory for sufficient space. You may also want to check to be sure that a  
file of the same name does not already exist.  
0029-1001 Missing command file name following the -c flag. For information on the  
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h  
Explanation: The -c flag requires the name of a file as an argument. This argument was  
missing. It is also required that the file have read permissions set for the pdbx user.  
User Response: Specify the name of a pdbx command file following the -c flag. A pdbx  
command file is a file containing valid pdbx commands.  
0029-1002 Missing or invalid argument following the -I flag. For information on the  
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h  
Explanation: The -I flag requires the name of a directory that pdbx will search for source  
code files on the remote tasks. This argument was missing or invalid.  
User Response: Specify the name of a directory following the -I flag. This directory should  
be available to each task in your partition because the -I flag will be passed to each remote  
dbx debugger.  
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0029-1003 Ÿ 0029-2001  
0029-1003 Missing or invalid argument following the -d flag. For information on the  
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h  
Explanation: The -d flag requires an integer argument that specifies the nesting depth limit  
of program blocks.  
User Response: Specify an integer. Note that this overrides the default nesting depth limit  
of 25 program blocks.  
0029-1005 Unable to read command file specified by the -c flag.  
Explanation: You must specify a command file that you have read access to after the -c  
flag. The file that you specified after the -c flag did not have read permission so that pdbx  
could open it for reading.  
User Response: Check the name of the file and the permissions to ensure that it is  
0029-1006 You must use the attach, quit, or help command.  
Explanation: When starting the debugger in attach mode, at the initial prompt the only  
allowable commands are attach, quit, or help.  
User Response: Enter a valid command to continue.  
0029-1009 Could not create remote pdbx_startup file: string.  
Explanation: For each task to be initialized, the remote dbx requires the creation of a  
temporary startup file. pdbx requested that the partition manager daemon create the file and  
the partition manager daemon was unable to do so.  
User Response: The temporary pdbx_startup file is to be created in the directory specified  
by the MP_TMPDIR environment variable, the -tmpdir flag, or /tmp. Make sure that this  
directory is available for writing by you on each node allocated to your partition.  
0029-1010 Could not read message from poe.  
Explanation: pdbx was unable to read data from the POE debug socket.  
User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized  
exit may not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the  
debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
0029-1012 Cannot switch to context string, which has RUNNING task(s), until all tasks  
in the partition have been loaded with a program.  
Explanation: Some of the tasks have been loaded with a program and some have not. The  
tasks that have been loaded are RUNNING and waiting to synchronize with all of the other  
tasks in the partition. This wait is normal processing that happens at the start of a parallel  
program to pass ip addresses around in preparation for future message passing calls.  
User Response: Continue to load programs on the remaining tasks in the partition. At this  
time you can only switch context to groups and tasks that have all task(s) in  
DEBUG_READY state.  
0029-2001 Could not delete the groups events (breakpoints or tracepoints) from task:  
number, because this task is RUNNING.  
Explanation: Since the task was not in DEBUG_READY state, pdbx could not delete its  
events (breakpoints or tracepoints). It is possible to continue but there are some events  
(breakpoints or tracepoints) that pdbx no longer has a record of.  
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to view the state of the tasks.  
The tasks in the group that are in RUNNING state are the ones on which pdbx could not  
delete the events.  
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0029-2002 Ÿ 0029-2014  
0029-2002 Could not add the groups events (breakpoints or tracepoints) to task:  
number, because this task is RUNNING.  
Explanation: Since the task was RUNNING and not available for debug commands, pdbx  
could not add the group events (breakpoints or tracepoints) for this task. It is possible to  
continue but the group breakpoints will not have been set for this task.  
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to check the state of the tasks.  
Create a new group after all of the tasks of interest have stopped RUNNING and are under  
debugger control.  
0029-2003 Breakpoint or tracepoint: string could not be set by pdbx on task: number.  
Explanation: The remote dbx was unable to set a breakpoint or tracepoint.  
User Response: Make sure the requested breakpoint or tracepoint was valid. Use the  
status command to see what pdbx events have been set. Issue the pdbx where command  
to find out where the program is on each node.  
0029-2004 string is ambiguous on one or more of the tasks in the current context.  
Also, the response from whatis string varies from task to task. The  
following grouping of tasks would give each group the ability to resolve  
the symbol consistently:  
Explanation: If a symbol, typically a function, is found to be ambiguous, pdbx issues a  
menu to the user that allows him to select the instance(s) to which the command ( such as  
stop in, list, or func ) is applied. To simplify the user interface, the parallel debugger requires  
that all tasks in the partition have a consistent view of the ambiguous symbol, since pdbx  
can display only one selection menu for a context.  
User Response: Issue the whatis command to make sure the symbol in question is  
resolved in the current context. This message is also followed by a table that suggests a set  
of groups, each of which would resolve the symbol in the same way. Using these or similar  
groups, you could issue the same command by changing the context as desired.  
0029-2005 The network connection from pdbx or pedb to task: number failed.  
Explanation: An error was encountered when pdbx or pedb attempted to read or write  
using a socket connection to the task. pdbx or pedb will no longer have any control over  
this task.  
User Response: The debugger can continue after a task loses contact with the home  
node. Under certain circumstances, you might choose to continue debugging using the  
remaining tasks for some period of time.  
0029-2013 Debugger attached and ready.  
Explanation: All of the specified tasks have been attached, and you are able to start  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2014 Internal Error: non-zero status: number returned from pm_respond().  
Explanation: Internal Error: The main communication control section of the home node  
portion of pdbx has indicated a failure.  
User Response: Restart pdbx, verify that your job runs correctly under poe and that poe  
is correctly installed and configured for your id. If the problem persists, gather information  
about it and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0029-2015 Ÿ 0029-2021  
0029-2015 Could not open socket for debugger to communicate with poe.  
Explanation: The socket() call failed when the debugger tried to set up communications  
with POE.  
User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized  
exit will not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the  
debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
0029-2016 Could not make socket connection to poe.  
Explanation: The connect() call failed when the debugger tried to set up communications  
with POE. The information about a synchronized exit is not passed back to the debugger  
from the POE job. The debugger probably cannot re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
User Response: You can continue debugging with limited function. Please note that the  
debugger probably cannot re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
0029-2017 Missing or invalid argument to -a flag. For information on the correct syntax  
to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h  
Explanation: The -a flag requires an integer argument specifying the process identifier of  
the POE process.  
User Response: Specify the POE process id when using the -a flag. For example, specify  
pdbx -a 34192.  
0029-2018 Program not loaded. Issue 'load' or other context-insensitive command.  
Explanation: Your program must be loaded on the partition before the pdbx command is  
User Response: Load your program into the partition. For more information, see the pdbx  
load command in the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual.  
0029-2019 Cannot specify a context for a context-insensitive command.  
Explanation: The command that was entered defines a context-insensitive action for a  
context-sensitive command. Context insensitive commands cannot be issued in conjunction  
with context-sensitive commands.  
User Response: Re-specify your command string without the context-sensitive prefix.  
0029-2020 Either the alias name which has a 15 character maximum or the alias string  
which has a 79 character maximum is too long.  
Explanation: You have defined an alias that is longer than 15 characters or an alias string  
that is longer than 79 characters.  
User Response: Re-specify your alias definition within the allowable maximum limits.  
0029-2021 Internal error in string: number - pdbx was unable to resolve the current  
context into task numbers.  
Explanation: The context-sensitive command that you entered has no current context  
User Response: Change to a different context or create a new group, and then re-enter  
the command. If the problem persists, gather information about it and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0029-2022 Ÿ 0029-2029  
0029-2022 Task: number has already been loaded with a program.  
Explanation: The task number that you specified has already been loaded.  
User Response: Specify another task that has not been loaded. Issue the group list or  
tasks command to check the state of the tasks. The tasks in NOT LOADED state are the  
ones that still need to be loaded with a program.  
0029-2024 You specified a breakpoint or tracepoint event number on the pdbx delete  
command that does not exist within the current context.  
Explanation: The event that you specified does not exist within the current context.  
User Response: Check the event number within your current context. Find event numbers  
using the status or status all command.  
0029-2025 No events were deleted, because of incorrect syntax. The correct syntax is  
'delete' followed by an event list where the event list can contain space or  
comma-separated event numbers, or range(s) of event numbers separated  
by colons or dashes. 'delete *' will delete every event within the context,  
while 'delete all' will delete every event in every context.  
Explanation: Invalid syntax for the pdbx delete command.  
User Response: Specify the delete command followed by a space or comma- separated  
list of event numbers. Specify ranges of events using a dash or a colon. The command  
delete * will delete all events within the context, while delete all will delete all events in all  
contexts. Find event numbers using the status or status all command. Consult the man  
pages for further information regarding the pdbx delete command. Re-issue the command  
using the correct syntax.  
0029-2026 EOF detected (and ignored) on STDIN. To exit, use 'quit'.  
Explanation: Unexpected EOF (user pressed <Ctrl-d>) from STDIN.  
User Response: pdbx does not recognize an EOF generated from the keyboard as a  
request to exit the debugger because it can be inadvertently typed as <Ctrl-d>. To exit the  
debugger, use the quit command.  
0029-2027 The task or group cannot execute remote debugger commands.  
Explanation: The task or group that is the current context has no tasks in DEBUG READY  
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to determine the states of the  
tasks. Use the halt command to bring RUNNING tasks under debugger control.  
0029-2028 Task number may not have detached properly.  
Explanation: The write to the task socket did not succeed.  
User Response: None.  
0029-2029 No remote dbx is available to issue the 'dhelp' command.  
Explanation: All the tasks are RUNNING and cannot handle the dbx command. The dhelp  
command needs at least one task to be under debugger control.  
User Response: Issue the halt command to bring the RUNNING task(s) under debugger  
control or issue hook to an unhooked task and re-issue dhelp.  
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0029-2030 Ÿ 0029-2036  
0029-2030 The correct syntax is: 'group add group_name member_list'. A member list  
can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task  
numbers separated by colons or dashes. Specify the group name as a  
string of alphanumeric characters that starts with an alphabetic character.  
Explanation: Invalid syntax for the pdbx group add command.  
User Response: Consult the man pages for the pdbx group command and re-specify the  
command. Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts with an  
alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0029-2031 No tasks were added to any group because you specified an incorrectly  
formed member list. A member list can contain space or  
comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task numbers separated by  
colons or dashes.  
Explanation: The group member list is incorrectly specified.  
User Response: Consult the man pages for the pdbx group command and re-issue the  
command again.  
0029-2032 No action was taken because the group name is longer than the maximum  
group name length of number.  
Explanation: The group name specified is too long to be processed.  
User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts  
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0029-2033 No action was taken because the first character in the group name  
specified was not an alphabetic character.  
Explanation: The group name specified started with some character that was not  
User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts  
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0029-2034 Cannot create any more groups because the maximum number already  
Explanation: You issued the group add command but there are already as many groups  
defined as can exist.  
User Response: You need to reduce the current number of groups in order to open up a  
slot for another group to be created.  
0029-2035 No action was taken on group string, because it is the group reserved to  
contain all of the tasks.  
Explanation: You issued the group add command in an attempt to add tasks to the group  
reserved to contain all of the tasks. No action could be taken because this group already  
contains all of the tasks.  
User Response: Specify a different group name on the group add command.  
0029-2036 Task: number has experienced an error in communicating with pdbx. It  
cannot be added to a group.  
Explanation: The specified task is not communicating properly with the home node, so it is  
marked as unavailable for any command that attempts communications.  
User Response: The debugger can continue after a task loses contact with the home  
node. Under certain circumstances, you might choose to continue debugging using the  
remaining tasks for some period of time.  
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0029-2037 Ÿ 0029-2044  
0029-2037 Cannot add task: number, because it is already in group string.  
Explanation: The task specified on the group add command is already included in the  
group specified.  
User Response: Retry the command specifying only task(s) that are not already included  
within the specified group.  
0029-2038 No action has been taken because a task number is out of range.  
Explanation: The task specified on the group or on command is not an acceptable value.  
User Response: Retry the range specification using only task numbers between 0 and one  
less than the value of -procs or MP_PROCS (since the first task is number 0).  
0029-2039 one task was added to group string.  
Explanation: A task was added to the specified group.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2040 number tasks were added to group string.  
Explanation: The list of tasks was added to the specified group.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2041 The correct syntax is: 'group change old_name new_name'.  
Explanation: The group change command was improperly formed.  
User Response: Re-issue the command specifying the existing group name and the new  
group name.  
0029-2042 No action was taken because the group name string was not found.  
Explanation: The group name you specified to be renamed on the group change  
command could not be found by pdbx.  
User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.  
Make sure that the group you wish to rename already exists.  
0029-2043 No action was taken because the group name string is already used.  
Explanation: The new name, for the group to be renamed, on the group change  
command already exists. The existing group will not be renamed to avoid confusion or  
User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.  
Make sure that the group name you wish to change the existing group to does not already  
0029-2044 No action was taken because the new group name is longer than the  
maximum group name length of number.  
Explanation: The new group name specified on the group change command is too long to  
be handled.  
User Response: Choose a string under 32 characters for the new group name and retry  
the command.  
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0029-2045 Ÿ 0029-2051  
0029-2045 Group string has been renamed to string.  
Explanation: You have given a new group name to a previously existing group.  
User Response: Note that the old group name no longer exists.  
0029-2046 The correct syntax is: 'group delete group_name [member_list]'. A member  
list can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task  
numbers separated by colons or dashes. Specify the group name as a  
string of characters.  
Explanation: The group delete command requires an existing group name as an  
User Response: Re-issue the command with an existing group name as an argument. If  
you wish to delete one or more tasks from a group, specify the list of tasks to be deleted  
after the group name.  
0029-2047 Nothing was deleted because the group name string was not found.  
Explanation: The group delete command requires an existing group name as an  
argument. The specified group could not be matched with any of the existing groups.  
User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.  
Make sure that the group you wish to delete or modify already exists.  
0029-2048 No action was taken on group string, because it is the group reserved to  
contain all of the tasks.  
Explanation: The debugger requires at least one group which represents all the tasks in  
your partition. This group cannot be deleted or modified.  
User Response: You can create a group with all tasks except one or two in two steps:  
1. Create a group with all tasks using group add" new_group 0-num_procs where  
num_procs is the number of tasks in your partition.  
2. Use group delete new_group member_list to remove one or more tasks from the new  
0029-2049 Incorrectly formed member list. No tasks were deleted from any group. A  
member list can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or  
ranges of task numbers separated by colons or dashes.  
Explanation: You specified a member list with the group delete command, but the  
member list was not recognized, so no action was taken.  
User Response: Re-issue the group delete command with a valid member list.  
0029-2050 Task: number was successfully deleted from group string.  
Explanation: A task has successfully been deleted from a group.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2051 The group string was not found.  
Explanation: The group you specified on the group list command is not known to pdbx.  
User Response: Re-issue the group list command with a valid group name or issue  
group list to list all groups.  
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0029-2052 Ÿ 0029-2059  
0029-2052 Internal error in string : number - No action was taken because the group  
has no members.  
Explanation: You issued the group list on an empty group.  
User Response: This is an internal error, retry the command. If the problem persists,  
gather information about it and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0029-2053 Valid group actions are: add, change, delete and list.  
Explanation: You issued a group command with invalid syntax.  
User Response: Check syntax and re-issue the group command.  
0029-2054 The correct syntax is: 'hook' (with no arguments).  
Explanation: You issued the hook command with one or more arguments. hook takes  
effect on the current command context or the temporary command context when used in  
combination with the on command.  
User Response: Re-issue the hook command with no arguments.  
0029-2055 No action has been taken because the task or group is not unhooked, or  
has completed and is in exited state.  
Explanation: There are no unhooked tasks in the command context that you specified.  
When a task that has been unhooked completes, it changes from unhooked state to exited  
state. Once an unhooked task completes, it can no longer be hooked.  
User Response: Use the group list or tasks command to view the state of the tasks.  
0029-2056 Task: number has already exited.  
Explanation: You attempted to hook this task but the task had already completed  
processing and exited.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2057 No action was taken on group string, because it is a group name reserved  
for use by the debugger.  
Explanation: The group add or group change command was issued with a group name  
that the debugger uses.  
User Response: Specify a different group name on the group add or group change  
0029-2058 The correct syntax is 'on context' or 'on context command', where  
command is the command you wish to execute on the specified context.  
Explanation: An on command has been issued with incorrect syntax.  
User Response: Check syntax and re-issue the on command.  
0029-2059 Group string not found. No action performed.  
Explanation: You issued the on command with a group specified, but the group is not  
known to pdbx.  
User Response: Issue group list to display group names, then re-issue on command.  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 11  
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0029-2060 Ÿ 0029-2068  
0029-2060 The correct syntax is: 'source filename'.  
Explanation: The source command cannot be issued with zero or greater than one  
User Response: Re-issue the source command with only one argument.  
0029-2061 Cannot open the command file that was specified on the source command.  
Explanation: The source command has been issued with a filename that either does not  
exist or has no read permission.  
User Response: Make sure the file exists and has read permission.  
0029-2062 The correct syntax is either 'status' or 'status all'.  
Explanation: An argument other than all was specified on the status command.  
User Response: Re-issue status with no arguments or with all as the single argument.  
0029-2063 All events (breakpoints or tracepoints) are in use for this task or group.  
Explanation: The maximum number of events for this task or group has been exceeded.  
Each breakpoint or tracepoint that is set causes an event to be recorded.  
User Response: Use the delete command on any event(s) in this task or group to reduce  
the number of events, then re-issue the original command.  
0029-2064 The task has experienced an error in communicating with pdbx.  
Explanation: Events cannot be added to this task because there is a communication  
problem with this task.  
User Response: The debugger can continue after a task loses contact with the home  
node. Under certain circumstances, you might choose to continue debugging using the  
remaining tasks for some period of time.  
0029-2065 You specified an invalid breakpoint or tracepoint. The command failed on  
task number - string  
Explanation: The breakpoint or tracepoint that you tried to create using the pdbx stop or  
trace command was not accepted by the remote dbx debugger.  
User Response: Check the pdbx stop or trace command syntax.  
0029-2066 The correct syntax is: 'unhook' (without any arguments).  
Explanation: You issued the unhook command with one or more arguments. The unhook  
does not take any arguments. unhook takes effect on the current command context or the  
temporary command context when used in combination with the on command.  
User Response: Re-issue the unhook command with no arguments.  
0029-2067 The correct syntax is: 'unalias alias_name'.  
Explanation: You specified zero or greater than one arguments with the unalias command.  
User Response: Check the pdbx syntax for unalias and re-issue the command.  
0029-2068 string is not aliased.  
Explanation: You attempted to unalias an unknown alias.  
User Response: To display the existing aliases, issue the alias command with no  
arguments. Issue the unalias command with one of the existing aliases to remove it.  
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0029-2069 Ÿ 0029-2075  
0029-2069 Reading command file string.  
Explanation: The debugger has started reading the command file specified by the -c  
command line flag, the source command or as a result of having a .pdbxinit file in the  
current working directory or your home directory.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2070 command file line number: string  
Explanation: The debugger displays each line of the command file as it is read showing  
the line number and the text.  
User Response: In the event one or more lines in the command file cause errors in the  
debugger, this message will show the line number and the text that needs to be corrected.  
Unless a severe error is encountered causing the debugger to terminate, a command file will  
generally be read in its entirety even if it contains multiple errors.  
0029-2071 No tasks were attached due to a badly formed task list.  
Explanation: Invalid syntax for the attach command.  
User Response: Specify the attach command followed by a space or comma-separated  
list of task numbers. Specify ranges of tasks using a dash or a colon. The command attach  
all may be used to attach to all the tasks of the poe application.  
0029-2072 Cannot send commands to task: number because it is executing.  
Explanation: It is not possible to send a dbx command to a task that is RUNNING.  
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to to make sure the tasks are not  
0029-2073 Error creating temporary file string.  
Explanation: When starting pdbx in attach mode, a temporary host.list file is created,  
consisting of only the tasks that you selected to attach to. This temporary host.list file is  
created in /tmp by default, unless you specify a different directory with the TMPDIR  
environment variable. The naming convention for this file is:  
</tmpdir>/.pdbx.<poe-pid>.host.list where </tmpdir> is either /tmp, or the directory specified  
by the TMPDIR environment variable, if it has been defined, and where < poe-pid> is the  
process ID of the poe job to be attached to. The message that you received appears when  
the temporary host.list file cannot be opened, or when errors are detected while writing to the  
User Response: Verify that there is enough space available in the /tmp filesystem, or if you  
have specified a directory with the TMPDIR environment variable, check the filesystem that  
contains this directory for sufficient space. You may also want to check to be sure that a file  
of the same name does not already exist.  
0029-2075 string : number - Unable to allocate number of bytes in string.  
Explanation: Internal error: A memory allocation routine failed because there is not enough  
memory available. pdbx continues processing, but it is likely you will have subsequent  
User Response: Start pdbx again and try the following:  
Ÿ Debug your program with a subset of the tasks, or with smaller data segments.  
Ÿ Contact your System Administrator to increase system resources, if possible.  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0029-2076 Ÿ 0029-2084  
0029-2076 There are no tasks in DEBUG READY state (active).  
Explanation: The response to the active command is that there are no tasks that are  
ready to be debugged. This is to say that there are no tasks that are active with respect to  
the debugger.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2077 Command string is not valid when using pdbx.  
Explanation: pdbx does not allow the use of this command.  
User Response: Check the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual  
for a description of commands that are not allowed.  
0029-2080 Could not set breakpoint or tracepoint event.  
Explanation: A stop or trace event could not be added in the current context.  
User Response: Check the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual  
for information on setting pdbx breakpoints and tracepoints.  
0029-2081 Cannot set breakpoint or tracepoint event in different source files.  
Explanation: pdbx will not attempt to set a breakpoint at a line number when in a group  
context if the group members (tasks) have different current source files.  
User Response: Either choose to set events for individual tasks or set the same source file  
for the whole group.  
0029-2082 Could not find a task available for debugger commands in the current  
Explanation: No tasks in DEBUG READY state were found in the current context. This  
action requires that a dbx command be issued to the remote node, and that the node is not  
RUNNING. If the task is RUNNING, it is not ready for debugger commands.  
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks to make sure that one or more tasks are  
ready to be debugged.  
0029-2083 The correct syntax is: stop if <condition>  
stop at <line-number> [if <condition>]  
stop in <procedure> [if <condition>]  
stop <variable> [if <condition>]  
stop <variable> at <line-number>[ if <condition>]  
stop <variable> in <procedure>[ if <condition>]  
Explanation: You issued the stop command with the incorrect syntax.  
User Response: Re-issue the command using the correct syntax.  
0029-2084 Missing argument to the -dbxpromptmod flag.  
Explanation: The -dbxpromptmod flag requires a text string as an argument. This text  
string was missing.  
User Response: Specify a text string to be used to modify the dbx prompt so that it will  
not collide with your data or program.  
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0029-2085 Ÿ 0029-2101  
0029-2085 The dbx prompt modifier is too long; the maximum length is number.  
Explanation: The dbx prompt modifier string that you specified using the command line  
-dbxpromptmod flag or the MP_DBXPROMPTMOD environment variable was too long.  
User Response: Reset the MP_DBXPROMPTMOD environment variable or retry the pdbx  
command with a shorter string following the -dbxpromptmod flag.  
0029-2086 Event: number cannot be deleted because it does not exist in the specified  
or current context.  
Explanation: You issued the delete command with an event number that does not exist in  
the command context.  
User Response: Use the status or status all command to display the events that are  
associated with the command context. Re-issue the delete command with a valid event.  
0029-2087 Task number was not deleted, because it is not a member of group string.  
Explanation: You issued a group delete group_name member_list command, but one of  
the tasks in the member_list was not in the group specified.  
User Response: To display members of a group issue group list group_name.  
0029-2090 Cannot reestablish events that were generated from a pdbx select menu.  
Explanation: You issued a group add command to an existing group or a hook command  
and one or more events in the group or task resulted from a pdbx select menu. These  
events cannot be recreated automatically by pdbx.  
User Response: You can manually recreate the events using the list in the message that  
follows this one.  
0029-2091 The correct syntax is either 'halt' or 'halt all'.  
Explanation: You issued the halt command with an incorrect argument. halt takes effect  
on the current command context or the temporary command context when used in  
combination with the on command. The halt command attempts to get RUNNING or hung  
programs under debugger control. This is done by sending interrupts to all tasks that are  
RUNNING in the current context. When halt all is specified, interrupts are sent to all  
RUNNING tasks, regardless of context.  
User Response: Re-issue the halt command with no arguments or with all.  
0029-2100 Specify a decimal number from 1 through number, or <Ctrl-c> to exit menu.  
Explanation: Syntax that was supplied in response to the select menu is not recognized.  
User Response: A command has been issued where the symbol cannot be resolved.  
Reply to this menu with the correct syntax to further qualify which symbol is to be selected.  
0029-2101 Specify a list of space or comma-separated numbers and ranges or an  
asterisk. A number is a decimal number from 1 through number. A range is  
a dash ('-') separated pair of numbers.An asterisk will select all choices in  
the menu. A <Ctrl-c> will exit the menu.  
Explanation: The syntax that was supplied in response to the select menu was not  
User Response: A command has been issued where the symbol cannot be resolved.  
Reply to this menu with the correct syntax to further qualify which symbol is to be selected.  
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0029-2102 Ÿ 0029-2108  
0029-2102 The sh command with no arguments is not allowed.  
Explanation: You issued the sh command with no arguments, which is not allowed.  
User Response: Issue the sh command with a specific executable name supplied. For  
example: sh ls.  
0029-2103 The requested command could not be executed on the specified context  
because at least one task in that context is currently RUNNING.  
Explanation: You can only issue the on context command form of the on command when  
there are no tasks RUNNING in the specified context.  
User Response: Use the command group list context or tasks to check the tasks' states.  
To get all of the tasks in another context under debugger control, issue on context, then  
<Ctrl-c>, then halt.  
0029-2104 The following command: string is unrecognized at the pdbx-subset prompt.  
Explanation: You issued a command from the pdbx-subset prompt that is not understood.  
User Response: Issue the help command at the pdbx-subset prompt for short descriptions  
or use man pdbx to find out which commands are available at the pdbx-subset prompt.  
0029-2105 The current context contains at least one RUNNING task. When these  
RUNNING task(s) reach a breakpoint or complete execution, a pdbx prompt  
is displayed.  
Explanation: You issued the back or halt command from the pdbx-subset prompt. Some  
of the tasks in the current context are RUNNING. A pdbx prompt will appear when the  
RUNNING task(s) reach a breakpoint or complete execution.  
User Response: Either wait for the pdbx prompt or issue a <Ctrl-c> to get a pdbx-subset  
prompt. You can then issue the tasks or group list command to view the state of the tasks.  
The on command is available at the pdbx-subset prompt if the user wants to then switch to a  
different context.  
0029-2106 Switching to context: string, where there is at least one RUNNING task.  
When these RUNNING task(s) reach a breakpoint or complete execution, a  
pdbx prompt is displayed.  
Explanation: You issued the command on context. The target context has some task(s)  
that are RUNNING. This is an informational message to let you know that a pdbx prompt will  
not be displayed immediately.  
User Response: If you want to switch to a context where all tasks are ready to be  
debugged, press <Ctrl-c> to obtain a pdbx-subset prompt. You can list the state of tasks  
using the tasks or group list command. The on command is available at the pdbx-subset  
prompt if you want to then switch to a different context.  
0029-2107 Could not attach to task number.  
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to attach to the task.  
User Response: Check the poe application and restart the debugger.  
0029-2108 The following RUNNING task(s): string have been interrupted.  
Explanation: The task(s) listed were in RUNNING state. The halt command attempted to  
interrupt them so that a pdbx prompt will be issued for the current context.  
User Response: After the pdbx prompt is issued, further debugger commands can be  
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0029-2109 Ÿ 0029-2116  
0029-2109 No action taken on task(s): string, because they have either been stopped  
by the debugger, finished executing, or have been unhooked.  
Explanation: The tasks listed were not RUNNING. These tasks may already be under the  
control of the debugger because of a breakpoint or step command. They could also have  
finished execution or be unhooked.  
User Response: None, this is an informational message.  
0029-2110 No action has been taken because you specified a task number that was  
not attached to.  
Explanation: A task specified on the group or on command is not an acceptable value.  
User Response: Retry the commnad using only task numbers that you attached to. Use  
the tasks command to display a list of valid task numbers.  
0029-2111 Task number has requested exit.  
Explanation: The indicated task has attempted to exit. The program terminates when all  
tasks have requested exit.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2112 The syntax: "on context" is valid at the pdbx-subset prompt, but "on  
context command" is not.  
Explanation: While at the pdbx-subset prompt, the on context command form of the on  
command was issued. The only valid form of the on command at the pdbx-subset prompt is  
on context.  
User Response: Retry the on command using syntax: on context.  
0029-2114 The correct syntax is: 'string'.  
Explanation: You issued incorrect syntax, and the correct syntax is displayed as part of  
this message.  
User Response: Retype the command using the syntax displayed.  
0029-2115 Switching to context: string, where there is at least one RUNNING task.  
When these RUNNING task(s) reach a breakpoint or complete execution, a  
pdbx prompt is displayed.  
Explanation: You issued the on context command at the pdbx-subset prompt. The target  
context has some tasks that are RUNNING. This is an informational message to let you  
know that a pdbx prompt will not be displayed immediately.  
User Response: Either wait for the pdbx prompt or issue a <Ctrl-c> to enter get a  
pdbx-subset prompt. You can then use the tasks or group list command to view the state of  
the tasks. The on command is available at the pdbx-subset prompt if you want to then  
switch to a different context.  
0029-2116 Group string has been deleted, because it has no members.  
Explanation: The group delete command has been issued. All of the members in the  
group were specified to be deleted, so the group itself was also deleted.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 17  
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0029-2117 Ÿ 0029-2122  
0029-2117 Group string has been deleted.  
Explanation: You issued the group delete command and the group has been successfully  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0029-2118 No action was taken because task(s): string are currently RUNNING, and  
because the specified group has breakpoints or tracepoints set for it. Only  
tasks in the DEBUG READY state can be added to a group which has  
group breakpoints or tracepoints set.  
Explanation: You issued the group add command. This group had some group events  
(breakpoints or tracepoints) set. When adding a task to this group, the group events will be  
added for the new task. To add an event, the task must be able to send debugger  
commands to the remote debugger. In this case, the tasks listed were not in the DEBUG  
READY state so that remote debugger commands could be issued.  
User Response: Use the tasks and group list commands to view the state of the tasks.  
To change the state of tasks, use the halt command and <Ctrl-c> to bring up a pdbx-subset  
0029-2119 No action was taken because task(s): string are currently RUNNING, and  
because the specified group has breakpoints or tracepoints set for it. Only  
tasks in the DEBUG READY state can be deleted from a group which has  
group breakpoints or tracepoints set.  
Explanation: You issued the group delete command. This group had some group events  
(breakpoints or tracepoints) set. When deleting a task from this group, the group events will  
be deleted from the deleted task. To delete an event, the task must be able to send  
debugger commands to the remote debugger. In this case, the tasks listed were not in  
DEBUG READY state so that remote debugger commands could be issued.  
User Response: Use the tasks and group list commands to view the state of the tasks.  
To change the state of tasks, use the halt command and <Ctrl-c> to bring up a pdbx-subset  
0029-2120 All attached tasks have exited. Type either detach or quit to exit the  
debugger, and then restart pdbx if you wish to continue debugging.  
Reminder: quit also causes the poe job to be terminated, while detach  
does not.  
Explanation: All the tasks of the partition have exited.  
User Response: Issue the quit or detach pdbx command.  
0029-2121 No action has been taken because the partition is already loaded.  
Explanation: You issued the load command after the partition was already loaded.  
User Response: The load command is not valid after the partition has been loaded.  
0029-2122 This event cannot be set because task: number is unhooked.  
Explanation: You issued a trace or stop command against a task that is unhooked. This  
pdbx command requires that the task be in DEBUG READY state.  
User Response: You can use the hook command to regain debugger control of previously  
unhooked tasks. Issue the group list or tasks command to see which tasks are unhooked.  
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0029-2123 Ÿ 0029-2129  
0029-2123 This event cannot be set because some task(s) in the group are unhooked.  
Explanation: You issued a trace or stop command against a group which contains some  
task(s) that are unhooked.  
User Response: The hook command can be used to regain debugger control of of  
previously unhooked tasks. You can create another group which does not contain any tasks  
that are in the unhooked state.  
0029-2124 Could not add event to task: number, because it is in state: string.  
Explanation: You issued a trace or stop command against the task specified in the  
message. No action was taken on behalf of this task because the task was not in DEBUG  
READY state.  
User Response: If the task is unhooked, the hook command will bring the task to DEBUG  
READY state. If the task is RUNNING, the halt command will interrupt the task and bring it  
to DEBUG READY state. If the task has exited, events cannot be set.  
0029-2125 Could not delete event: number from task: number, because it is in state:  
Explanation: You issued the delete command with the task identified in the message as  
the current context, but the task was not in DEBUG READY state. The task must be in  
DEBUG READY state so that the remote debugger can record the fact that the event has  
been deleted. No action has been taken.  
User Response: If the task is unhooked, use the hook command to bring it to DEBUG  
READY state.  
0029-2126 Could not delete event: number from task: number of this group on the  
remote node, because it is in state: string.  
Explanation: You issued the delete command against the current context which is a group.  
The task listed in the message is a member of this group. No events can be deleted from  
the task because the task is not in debug ready state. The group event has been deleted on  
the home node. If the task is unhooked, this event will not be reset when the task is again  
User Response: When the task is again in DEBUG READY state, issue the on taskid dbx  
status command to manually check the event's status on the remote debugger.  
0029-2128 The correct syntax is: 'group list [ group_name ]'.  
Explanation: You issued the group list with incorrect syntax.  
User Response: Reissue the command specifying either group list to see the tasks and  
states which belong to all groups or group list followed by a group name to see the tasks  
and states that belong to a specific group.  
0029-2129 No action was taken because the group name contained non-alphanumeric  
Explanation: The group name specified was made up of some character(s) that were  
neither alphabetic nor numeric.  
User Response: Choose a group name of at most 32 characters that starts with an  
alphabetic character and is followed by alphanumeric characters.  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 19  
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0029-2130 Ÿ 0029-9036  
0029-2130 No action was taken because the group name specified was null.  
Explanation: You issued one of the group commands, but no group name was provided.  
User Response: Choose a group name of at most 32 characters that starts with an  
alphabetic character and is followed by alphanumeric characters.  
0029-2131 All tasks have exited. Issue quit then restart the debugger if you wish to  
continue debugging.  
Explanation: All the tasks of the partition have exited.  
User Response: Issue the quit command to exit pdbx.  
0029-2132 The help command failed because two or more arguments were specified.  
Issue help for a list of commands and topics that have help. Issue 'help  
command' or 'help topic' to view the help text.  
Explanation: You issued the help command with more than one argument.  
User Response: Re-issue the help command with one argument. Issue help alone for a  
list of valid arguments.  
0029-2133 The help command did not recognize the command or topic specified.  
Issue help for a list of commands and topics that have help. Issue 'help  
command' or 'help topic' to view the help text.  
Explanation: You issued the help command with an unrecognized argument.  
User Response: Re-issue the help command with a valid argument. Issue help alone for a  
list of valid arguments.  
0029-9000 pdbx is terminating.  
Explanation: pdbx is terminating normally.  
User Response: Have a nice day.  
[program [program arguments]] [-c command_file] [-d nesting_depth] [-I  
directory [-I directory]...] [-F] [-x] [poe options]  
-a poe_process_id [-c command_file] [-d nesting_depth] [-I directory [-I  
directory]...] [-F] [-x] [poe options]  
Attaches to a running POE job by specifying its process id. The  
debugger must be executed from the node from which the POE job  
was initiated. Note that when using the debugger in attach mode there  
are some debugger command line arguments that should not be used.  
In general, any arguments that control how the partition is set up, or  
specify program names and arguments, should not be used.  
Reads startup commands from the specified commands_file.  
Sets the limit for the nesting of program blocks. The default nesting  
depth limit is 25.  
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0029-9039 Ÿ 0029-9040  
This flag can be used to turn off lazy reading mode. Turning lazy  
reading mode off forces the remote dbx sessions to read all symbol  
table information at startup time. By default, lazy reading mode is on.  
Lazy reading mode is useful when debugging large executable files, or  
when paging space is low. With lazy reading mode on, only the  
required symbol table information is read upon initialization of the  
remote dbx sessions. Because all symbol table information is not read  
at dbx startup time when in lazy reading mode, local variable and  
related type information will not be initially available for functions  
defined in other files. The effect of this can be seen with the "whereis"  
command, where instances of the specified local variable may not be  
found until the other files containing these instances are somehow  
Writes the pdbx usage to STDERR then exits. This includes pdbx  
command line syntax and a description of pdbx options.  
Specifies a directory to be searched for an executable's source files.  
This flag must be specified multiple times to set multiple paths. (Once  
pdbx is running, this list can be overridden on a group or single node  
basis with the 'use' command.)  
Prevents the dbx command from stripping _ (trailing underscore)  
characters from symbols originating in FORTRAN source code. This  
flag enables dbx to distinguish between symbols which are identical  
except for an underscore character, such as xxx and xxx_.  
This POE_option flag is normally associated with Visualization Tool  
trace collection. It specifies the directory to which output trace files are  
written. For pdbx, it specifies the directory to which the individual  
startup files (.pdbxinit.process_id.task_id) are written for each dbx  
task. This is frequently local, and may be a shared directory. If not set,  
and if its associated environment variable MP_TMPDIR is not set, the  
default location is /tmp.  
Environment Variables: Because the pdbx command runs in the Parallel Operating  
Environment, it interacts with the same environment variables associated with the  
poe command. See the POE manual page for a description of these environment  
variables. As indicated by the syntax statements, you are also able to specify poe  
command line options when invoking pdbx. Using these options will override the  
setting of the corresponding environment variable, as is the case when invoking a  
parallel program with the poe command.  
0029-9039 Cannot read attach configuration file.  
Explanation: pdbx could not read the attach configuration file, which is created when the  
original POE job was started, and is removed when the job ends.  
User Response:  
1. Make sure the correct POE process id was used when invoking the debugger.  
2. Check the /tmp directory for the existence of a configuration file containing the POE  
process id. (For example, check /tmp/.ppe.<poe pid>.attach.cfg).  
0029-9040 Cannot open attach configuration file.  
Explanation: pdbx was unable to open the attach configuration file.  
User Response:  
1. Make sure that the correct POE process id was used when invoking the debugger.  
2. Check the /tmp directory for the existence of a configuration file containing the POE  
process id. (For example, check for /tmp/.ppe.34192.attach.cfg).  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 21  
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0029-9041 Ÿ 0029-9048  
0029-9041 Cannot locate attach configuration file "string".  
Explanation: pdbx was unable to locate the attach configuration file.  
User Response:  
1. Make sure that the correct POE process id was used when invoking the debugger.  
2. Check the /tmp directory for the existence of a configuration file containing the POE  
process id. (For example, check for /tmp/.ppe.34192.attach.cfg).  
0029-9042 No tasks listed in attach configuration file.  
Explanation: The attach configuration file created when the original POE job was started  
contained a zero in the first field indicating that POE is between job steps.  
User Response: Wait for the next job step to start which will take a few seconds. Then you  
can re-enter pedb in attach mode, if you wish.  
0029-9043 The command "string" is not valid when debugging in attach mode.  
Explanation: The command is not valid when debugging in attach mode.  
User Response: Use a different command.  
0029-9044 Could not write to poe debug socket.  
Explanation: pdbx was unable to write to the POE debug socket.  
User Response: The debugger was unable to communicate to POE that the debugger is  
detaching. Please note that the debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this  
POE job.  
0029-9045 The "detach" command can only be used when running in attach mode.  
Explanation: The detach command is only valid if the debugger has been attached to a set  
of tasks.  
User Response: Use quit to exit the debugger if running in normal mode.  
0029-9046 The correct syntax is: 'string'.  
Explanation: You issued incorrect syntax, and the correct syntax is displayed as part of  
this message.  
User Response: Retype the command using the syntax displayed.  
0029-9047 An instance of pdbx has already been attached to this POE job.  
Explanation: Only one instance of the debugger may be attached to a given POE job at a  
time. The existence of the /tmp/.pdbx.<"poe-pid">.host.list file indicates that a debugger  
has already attached to this POE job.  
User Response: If pdbx isn't currently attached to the POE job in question, remove the  
corresponding /tmp/.pdbx.<"poe-pid">.host.list file in /tmp, and try again.  
0029-9048 The following flag(s) are not valid when starting the debugger in attach  
mode - Please check for valid flags and retry.  
Explanation: The user attempted to start pedb in attach mode with a command line flag(s)  
that is not valid. The error message is given and the debugger exits.  
User Response: The user should check for valid command line flags and try again.  
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0029-9049 Ÿ 0029-9999  
0029-9049 The following environment variables have been ignored since they are not  
valid when starting the debugger in attach mode - string  
Explanation: Some of the environment variables the user has set are not valid when  
starting pdbx in attach mode. A message is given indicating what variables have been  
ignored. The debugger continues.  
User Response: Note any environment variable of interest that have been ignored. This  
message exists to highlight the fact that some of the environment variables that normally  
have an effect when the POE job is initially started will not have an affect by having them set  
when the debugger is invoked for attach.  
0029-9999 pdbx is exiting.  
Explanation: pdbx is terminating due to an error as opposed to a deliberate action.  
Generally, this message is preceded by a specific message which gives the reason why  
pdbx is quitting prematurely.  
User Response: Refer to the message on the screen that precedes this error message.  
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 23  
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0030-0002 Ÿ 0030-0033  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages  
0030-0002 string <number>: Data Display data is not attached to data window  
Explanation: Cannot access information to update the data window.  
User Response: Further data viewing will be limited.  
0030-0013 Range index value number is out of bounds. The index value must be within  
the range between number and number.  
Explanation: You have entered an index that is not within the range of acceptable values  
for the array selected.  
User Response: Enter an array range index that is within the range of acceptable values  
specified at the top of the window.  
0030-0014 Minimum array element number is greater than maximum element number.  
Explanation: You have entered an array range value for minimum index that is greater  
than maximum index.  
User Response: Re-enter a value for minimum that is within the correct range.  
0030-0019 An unrecognized section of the manual has been entered.  
Explanation: A string was chosen or typed in to select a section of a manual. The string  
did not match any of the manual sections listed in the window.  
User Response: Correct the string in the choice field so it matches one of sections listed  
under manual selections, and then press <Enter> or click on the Ok or Apply button. You  
could also select a section by clicking with the left mouse button on a section listed under  
manual selections, and then press the Ok or Apply button to bring up the section under  
0030-0021 An unrecognized online help index has been chosen.  
Explanation: A string was chosen or typed in to select a section of the online help. The  
string did not match any of the online help sections listed in the window.  
User Response: Correct the string in the choice field so it matches the entry in the online  
help sections that you wish to choose, and press <Enter> or click on the Ok or Apply button.  
0030-0030 Only array ranges with up to 1000 elements can be specified.  
Explanation: You have specified an array range that would select more than the maximum  
allowable array elements. You may only look at a maximum of 1000 elements at a time even  
if the array is larger than that.  
User Response: Either enter values for minimum and maximum that define a smaller  
range of elements, or use a larger value for stride to select fewer array elements within the  
0030-0033 No source file is available for task: number.  
Explanation: pedb could not locate a source file to correspond with where the program on  
this task is stopped. Consequently no source file for this task will appear in the source file  
User Response: pedb processing will continue. You can select a source file using the Get  
Source File option from the File pulldown or by double clicking on a stack entry which  
contains a source file name.  
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0030-0034 Ÿ 0030-0044  
0030-0034 No source file is available to edit.  
Explanation: pedb could not locate a source file to edit. Pressing the edit button causes an  
edit window to be displayed containing the file that is currently displayed in the pedb source  
window. Since there is no source file to edit, the edit window will not be displayed.  
User Response: Normal pedb processing will continue.  
0030-0035 No task(s) selected.  
Explanation: The context has not been set to a task or a task group.  
User Response: Press a task or group button to set the current context.  
0030-0036 The STOP function is not available, since pedb is not in PLAY mode.  
Explanation: The STOP function is only available when PLAY mode is active. Its purpose  
is to cancel PLAY mode. The case may be that the stop button was pressed while play  
mode was in the process of stopping.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-0041 Cannot send a request to the remote debugger when a task is RUNNING or  
PLAYING. No action has been taken on any task.  
Explanation: pedb cannot process your request when the task of the current context is  
RUNNING or PLAYING. You may have tried to create or delete breakpoints, or tried to press  
the single step or continue buttons. pedb can only process requests when the task is in  
DEBUG READY state.  
User Response: You should resend the request when the task is in DEBUG READY state.  
0030-0043 Cannot send a request to the following task(s): string. No action has been  
taken on these tasks.  
Explanation: A request has been issued for all tasks in the current context. pedb cannot  
process your request until all tasks in the current context are in DEBUG READY state.  
Setting or deleting breakpoints, clicking on STEP OVER, STEP INTO or CONTINUE are  
examples of actions that cause requests to be sent to all tasks in the current context. You  
may have tried to to create or delete breakpoints, or tried to press the single step or continue  
buttons. pedb can only process requests when all tasks in the current context are in  
DEBUG READY state, otherwise, the request is ignored.  
User Response: Resend the request when all tasks in the current context are in DEBUG  
READY state, or change to a context that meets this criteria.  
0030-0044 Shell script string could not be located, or can not be executed.  
Explanation: The named shell script could not be located in the default directory,  
/usr/lpp/ppe.pedb/bin or the user directory if specified by environment variable  
User Response: Verify that the script is available and has the appropriate permissions to  
be executed by your login. If MP_DEBUG_BIN_DIR is set, make sure that the named script  
exists and has the proper permissions or that it does not exist so that the default script  
supplied with the debugger can be executed.  
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0030-0050 Ÿ 0030-0056  
0030-0050 An invalid value: string was specified for the Play Delay. Please enter  
non-negative integer value. If you click on Cancel, the new delay field will  
be reset to the previous value of number.  
Explanation: An invalid value for the play delay has been entered. Only non-negative  
integers are valid.  
User Response: Specify a non-negative integer value for the play delay in tenths of  
0030-0051 string number: Could not resolve mouse selection to a stack entry.  
Explanation: Internal error: You have double-clicked on an entry in a stack window and  
pedb cannot resolve your selection to a call stack index. No action has been taken. pedb  
continues processing.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-0052 Cannot read attach configuration file.  
Explanation: pedb could not read the attach configuration file, which is created when the  
original POE job was started, and is removed when the job ends.  
User Response:  
1. Make sure the correct POE process id was used when invoking the debugger.  
2. Check the /tmp directory for the existence of a configuration file containing the POE  
process id. (For example, /tmp/.ppe.<poe pid>.attach.cfg ).  
0030-0053 No tasks listed in attach configuration file.  
Explanation: The attach configuration file created when the original POE job was started  
contained a zero in the first field indicating that POE is between job steps.  
User Response: Wait for the next job step to start, which takes a few seconds. Then you  
can re-enter pedb in attach mode, if you wish.  
0030-0054 Cannot open attach configuration file.  
Explanation: pedb was unable to open the attach configuration file.  
User Response:  
1. Make sure the correct POE process id was used when invoking the debugger.  
2. Check the /tmp directory for the existence of a configuration file containing the POE  
process id. (For example, /tmp/.ppe.34192.attach.cfg ).  
0030-0055 You are not allowed to delete group Attached.  
Explanation: The default group when running in attach mode, ( Attached ), is not allowed  
to be deleted.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-0056 Missing or invalid argument to -a flag. For information on the correct syntax  
to use when invoking pedb, type: pedb –h  
Explanation: The -a flag requires an integer argument specifying the process identifier of  
the POE process.  
User Response: Specify the POE process id when using the -a flag. For example, specify  
pedb -a 34192.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 27  
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0030-0057 Ÿ 0030-0064  
0030-0057 Task number has been detached.  
Explanation: A reply was received from the debug engine (dbe) that indicated the specified  
task has been detached.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-0058 Attached to task number.  
Explanation: The specified task has been attached by the debugger.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-0059 Debugger attached and ready.  
Explanation: All the specified tasks have been attached, and you are able to start  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-0062 The following flag(s) are not valid when starting the debugger in attach  
mode - 'string '. Please check for valid flags and retry.  
Explanation: The user attempted to start pedb with a command line flag(s) that is not  
valid. The error message is given and the debugger exits.  
User Response: The user should check for valid command line flags and try again.  
0030-0063 The following environment variables have been ignored since they are not  
valid when starting the debugger in attach mode - 'string '.  
Explanation: Some of the environment variables the user has set are not valid when  
starting pedb in attach mode. A message is given indicating what variables have been  
ignored. The debugger continues.  
User Response: Note any environment variable of interest that have been ignored. This  
message exists to highlight the fact that some of the environment variables that normally  
have an effect when the POE job is initially started will not have an affect by having them set  
when the debugger is invoked for attach.  
0030-0064 Error creating temporary file string.  
Explanation: When starting pedb in attach mode, a temporary host.list file is created,  
consisting of only the tasks that you selected to attach to. This temporary host.list file is  
created in /tmp by default, unless you specify a different directory with the TMPDIR  
environment variable. The naming convention for this file is:  
</tmpdir>/.pedb.<poe-pid>.host.list where </tmpdir> is either /tmp, or the directory specified  
by the TMPDIR environment variable, if it has been defined, and where < poe-pid> is the  
process ID of the poe job to be attached to. The message that you received appears when  
the temporary host.list file cannot be opened, or when errors are detected while writing to the  
User Response: Verify that there is enough space available in the /tmp filesystem, or if you  
have specified a directory with the TMPDIR environment variable, check the filesystem that  
contains this directory for sufficient space. You may also want to check to be sure that a file  
of the same name does not already exist.  
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0030-0065 Ÿ 0030-0071  
0030-0065 Could not open socket for debugger to communicate with poe.  
Explanation: The socket() call failed when the debugger tried to set up communications  
with POE.  
User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized  
exit will not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the  
debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
0030-0066 Could not make socket connection to poe.  
Explanation: The connect() call failed when the debugger tried to set up communications  
with POE. The information about a synchronized exit is not passed back to the debugger  
from the POE job.  
User Response: You can continue debugging with limited function. Please note that the  
debugger probably cannot re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
0030-0067 Could not read message from poe.  
Explanation: pedb was unable to read data from the POE debug socket.  
User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized  
exit may not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the  
debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.  
0030-0068 Could not write to poe debug socket.  
Explanation: pedb was unable to write to the POE debug socket.  
User Response: The debugger was unable to communicate to POE that the debugger is  
detaching. Please note that the debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this  
POE job.  
0030-0069 An instance of pedb has already been attached to this poe job.  
Explanation: Only one instance of the debugger may be attached to a given POE job at a  
time. The existence of the /tmp/.pedb.<poe-pid>.host.list file indicates that pedb has already  
attached to this POE job.  
User Response: If pedb isn't currently attached to the POE job in question, remove the  
corresponding .pedb.<poe-pid>.host.list file in /tmp, and try again.  
0030-0070 Could not locate poe configuration file - 'string'.  
Explanation: pedb was unable to locate the POE configuration file.  
User Response: Check to see if the desired POE job is running and if the configuration file  
was created in /tmp. For example, check for a /tmp/.ppe.34192.attach.cfg file, where 34192  
would be the process id of the POE job.)  
0030-0071 The information in the poe configuration file has been modified and  
therefore the old information is no longer valid. This is most likely due to a  
poe job step ending.  
Explanation: The POE configuration file,/tmp/.ppe.<poe-pid>.attach.cfg, was modified.  
User Response: Restart the debugger in attach mode to debug the next POE job step.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 29  
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0030-0072 Ÿ 0030-0107  
0030-0072 All tasks have exited. Select Ok to detach.  
Explanation: All the tasks in the partition have completed program execution. Selecting Ok  
causes pedb to detach from the program and exit. An alternative would be to click on  
Cancel and then select the Quit option from the File pulldown menu. Please note that this  
method would kill the POE job as well as causing pedb to exit.  
User Response: As mentioned above, clicking on this window, and then select the  
File->Quit option to kill the program and exit the debugger.  
0030-0073 Missing or invalid argument following the –I flag. For information on the  
correct syntax to use when invoking pedb, type: pedb –h  
Explanation: The –I flag requires the name of a directory that pedb will search for source  
code files. This argument was missing or invalid.  
User Response: Specify the name of a directory following the –I flag. This directory should  
be available to each task in your partition because the –I flag will be passed to each remote  
dbx debugger.  
0030-0074 Missing or invalid argument following the –d flag. For information on the  
correct syntax to use when invoking pedb, type: pedb –h  
Explanation: The –d flag requires an integer argument that specifies the nesting depth limit  
of program blocks.  
User Response: Specify an integer. Note that this overrides the default nesting depth limit  
of 25 program blocks.  
0030-0100 The Load command is ignored because the task number is already loaded.  
Explanation: This task has already been loaded with a program.  
User Response: If the wrong executable has been loaded for a particular task then pedb  
will have to be restarted.  
0030-0101 Your program has been loaded.  
Explanation: This message is issued when your program has been loaded into the tasks in  
the partition. This message indicates all the functions available in pedb are available for you  
to use.  
User Response: When this message is displayed, you can start debugging on all tasks in  
the partition.  
0030-0104 Cannot find executable 'string'.  
Explanation: pedb could not find the specified executable file.  
User Response: Check that the name and path of the program to be debugged are  
entered correctly, and verify that the file has the proper permissions.  
0030-0105 Cannot execute 'string'.  
Explanation: The file to be debugged is not executable by this userid.  
User Response: Check the file permissions, and the results of the id command to ensure  
that you can execute the file. You may have to change your group or the file permissions.  
0030-0107 Press a task or group button, because there is no current context.  
Explanation: There is no defined context to execute on.  
User Response: Select a context and re-execute the function.  
30 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0030-0109 Ÿ 0030-0113  
0030-0109 string searched to the top/end of the file and did not find string  
Explanation: This message is formatted dynamically from the string you are searching for,  
and the direction of the search. Message format is:  
Searched to the limit of the file and did not find string.  
For example: User specifies a string of my_variable in this find window. If using the First or  
Next option, the message text will be: Searched to the end of the file and did not find  
my_variable. If using Previous or Last, the message text will be: Searched to the top of file  
and did not find my_variable  
User Response: Try specifying a different string or use the case sensitive button to ignore  
case when searching. To search from a different starting point in the text, scroll to that  
general area, and then left click on the desired starting line.  
0030-0110 No source file is available for task: string, thread: string.  
Explanation: pedb could not locate a source file to correspond with where the program on  
this task and thread is stopped. Consequently no source file for this task and thread will  
appear in the source file window.  
User Response: pedb processing will continue. You can select a source file using the Get  
Source File option from the File pull-down or by double clicking on a stack entry which  
contains a source file name.  
0030-0111 Could not locate source file: string for task: string, thread: string.  
Explanation: pedb could not locate a source file to correspond with the current program  
state in this task and thread. Consequently no source file for this task and thread will appear  
in the source file window.  
User Response: Check the source file search path and file permissions. pedb processing  
will continue.  
0030-0112 Unable to open file string for task string, thread string.  
Explanation: pedb was not able to open the file for reading or determined that the selected  
file was not a regular file (such as a directory or device).  
User Response: This typically occurs when manually selecting a new source file for the  
source window. In this case, the user should check that the filename is valid and the proper  
permissions are in effect to allow it to be read. If this message occurs because the debugger  
stopped in a new source file, one may also want to check the source search path using the  
Source Path window under File on the menu bar. pedb will display no source if it stops in a  
file it cannot read.  
0030-0113 Source file: string on task: string, thread string is larger than the maximum  
allowable size, which is 65534 lines.  
Explanation: pedb could not load the entire source file into the buffer used to process the  
Source File window. If you started pedb in normal mode, both pedb and the program will  
terminate. If you are using pedb in attach mode, pedb will detach from the program and exit,  
but the program will not be terminated.  
User Response: If you want the ability to debug all the source code for this program, split  
the code into multiple files, with each file being less than 65535 lines. After completing this,  
recompile the program.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 31  
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0030-0114 Ÿ 0030-0120  
0030-0114 Array string on task string, thread string has a different number of  
dimensions. It is excluded from the export.  
Explanation: The array with a matching array name on the specified task and thread does  
not meet the match criteria and is excluded from the export.  
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple  
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see IBM Parallel  
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1 and IBM Parallel Environment for AIX:  
Operation and Use, Volume 2.  
0030-0115 Array string on task string, thread string has a different minimum range. It is  
excluded from the export.  
Explanation: The array with a matching array name on the specified task and thread does  
not meet the match criteria and is excluded from the export.  
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple  
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see IBM Parallel  
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1 and IBM Parallel Environment for AIX:  
Operation and Use, Volume 2.  
0030-0116 Array string on task string, thread string has matched. It is included in the  
Explanation: This informational message indicates that this particular array has met the  
match criteria and will be included in the export.  
User Response: Continue normal pedb operations because this message indicates  
successful processing.  
0030-0117 No matching array found on task string, thread string.  
Explanation: No arrays that meet any of the matching criteria have been found on this task  
and thread.  
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple  
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see IBM Parallel  
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1 and IBM Parallel Environment for AIX:  
Operation and Use, Volume 2.  
0030-0118 pedb does not support message queue debugging for the non-threaded MPI  
Explanation: Informational message that appears when the user attempts to get message  
request queue data from an application which is using the non-threaded MPI library.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0119 The version of the MPI library being used is not supported by this version  
of the debugger.  
Explanation: An informational message indicating that the version of the debugger being  
used cannot interpret data from the version of MPI being used.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0120 The version of the MPCI library being used is not supported by this version  
of the debugger.  
Explanation: An informational message indicating that the version of the debugger being  
used cannot interpret data from the version of MPCI being used.  
User Response: None.  
32 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0030-0121 Ÿ 0030-0129  
0030-0121 The MPI application has not been run in debug mode; therefore, there will  
be no data on blocking calls and no timestamp information.  
Explanation: Some MPI debugging data is only collected when MPI is run in DEBUG  
User Response: See the documentation concerning the setting of the MPI_EUIDEVELOP  
environment variable.  
0030-0122 Could not create a new request record.  
Explanation: This is an internal debugger error most likely caused by either a memory  
allocation failure or the fact that the record already exists.  
User Response: Try canceling the message queue debugging windows and starting over  
again. If the error persists, try to make sure there is sufficient memory available.  
0030-0123 Could not retrieve the needed request record.  
Explanation: This is an internal debugger error which indicates that a message queue  
debugging request record that should exist could not be found.  
User Response: Cancel the message queue debugging windows and start over.  
0030-0124 Task task is not in pedb DEBUG mode.  
Explanation: Informational message.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0125 Task task is not in the current context for view 0.  
Explanation: Informational message.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0126 MPI has not been initialized for task task.  
Explanation: Informational message.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0127 MPI has been finalized for task task.  
Explanation: Informational message.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0128 Select a new filter (or filters), then press Apply or OK.  
Explanation: Informational message displayed in the Select Filters window.  
User Response: None.  
0030-0129 Select a message to get message details or group information.  
Explanation: Informational message displayed in the task message queue window.  
User Response: None.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 33  
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0030-0130 Ÿ 0030-2208  
0030-0130 Could not get message group information.  
Explanation: An error occured while attempting to retrieve group information for an MPI  
message record.  
User Response: If the error persists, cancel and restart the message queue debugging  
0030-0131 Could not get message details for task task.  
Explanation: An error occured while attempting to retrieve message detail information for  
an MPI message record.  
User Response: If the error persists, cancel and restart the message queue debugging  
0030-0132 The minimum range value must be greater than the minimum value of the  
next lower range.  
Explanation: When changing the queue size scale ranges, the new minimum value must  
be greater than the previous range's minimum value.  
User Response: Open the Scale Range Setting window and try again.  
0030-2075 string number: Unable to allocate number of bytes in string  
Explanation: Internal error: A memory allocation routine failed because there is not enough  
memory available. pedb continues processing, but it is likely you will have subsequent  
User Response: Start pedb again and try the following:  
Ÿ Debug your program with a subset of the tasks, or with smaller data segments.  
Ÿ Start your program, and use pedb to attach to a smaller set of tasks that are most  
interesting to you.  
Ÿ Contact your System Administrator to increase system resources, if possible.  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-2204 Could not find event number for string when parsing break/trace  
Explanation: An internal error occurred when parsing breakpoint or tracepoint information.  
pedb was unable to find the event number associated with the breakpoint or tracepoint.  
User Response: Retry the previous breakpoint or tracepoint action. If you continue to get  
this error message, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-2205 Only number breakpoints allowed per view.  
Explanation: The maximum number of breakpoint per view has been reached.  
User Response: Select another view to define additional breakpoints, or remove some  
breakpoints that are no longer needed, and then retry setting the breakpoint.  
0030-2208 Task number has exited.  
Explanation: The task has exited and can no longer be contacted. No further debugging of  
the program on this task is allowed in this session.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
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0030-2209 Ÿ 0030-2218  
0030-2209 Task number has requested exit.  
Explanation: The indicated task has attempted to exit. The program terminates when all  
tasks have requested exit.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2212 The group was not added because the first character in the group name  
specified was not an alphabetic character.  
Explanation: The new group name specified in the Add Group Window started with a  
character that was not alphabetic.  
User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts  
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0030-2213 The group was not added because the group name contained  
non-alphanumeric characters.  
Explanation: The new group name specified in the Add Group Window was made up of  
some character(s) that were neither alphabetic nor numeric.  
User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts  
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0030-2214 The group was not added because the new group name is longer than the  
maximum group name length of number.  
Explanation: The new group name specified in the Add Group Window is longer than the  
maximum allowed name length.  
User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts  
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0030-2215 The group was not added because the group name specified was empty.  
Explanation: When attempting to add a new group, the group name was not specified.  
User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts  
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.  
0030-2216 Group string already exists.  
Explanation: When attempting to add a new group, the name of an existing group was  
User Response: Provide a unique group name.  
0030-2217 The maximum number of groups has been reached.  
Explanation: When attempting to add a new group, the total number of groups exceeded  
the maximum allowed.  
User Response: Delete unwanted groups to make room for new ones.  
0030-2218 There were no free group structures.  
Explanation: When attempting to add a new group, there were no free group structures.  
User Response: Delete unwanted groups to make room for new ones.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 35  
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0030-2219 Ÿ 0030-2227  
0030-2219 No members were chosen.  
Explanation: When attempting to add a new group, you didn't choose any tasks as it's  
User Response: Select members for the new group.  
0030-2220 Too many members were specified.  
Explanation: When attempting to add a new group, there were too many members chosen.  
User Response: Select fewer members for the new group.  
0030-2221 Cannot delete group ALL.  
Explanation: Removing the group ALL is not allowed.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2222 A group cannot be deleted if it is the current context in any view.  
Explanation: Removing a group if it is the current context is not allowed.  
User Response: Change the context in all views to something other than the group that is  
to be deleted.  
0030-2223 The attempt to delete group: string failed because the group was not found.  
Explanation: When attempting to remove a group, you specified a group name that does  
not exist.  
User Response: Check for the proper group name and try again.  
0030-2224 The partition is not yet loaded.  
Explanation: This os an informational message indicating that your program has not yet  
been loaded onto the tasks in the partition.  
User Response: If you specified the program name on the pedb command line, wait until  
all of the tasks have been loaded with your program before starting to debug. If you did not  
specified the program name on the pedb command line, use the Load Executables option  
from the File pulldown menu to load one or more programs.  
0030-2226 The task number has been unhooked, and now the program running on that  
task is no longer under control of the debugger.  
Explanation: The task has been unhooked, and now the program running on that task is  
no longer under control of the debugger.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2227 Source file string is newer than the object file being debugged.  
Explanation: pedb detected a source file that appears to be newer than the executable file  
being debugged. If the file was changed since the executable file was built, the code  
displayed in the source window will not match the object.  
User Response: If one of the source files has been changed, quit the debugger and  
recompile. This will insure that movement through the program will be correctly depicted in  
the source area of pedb. If the modification time of the source file is due to copying or tar'ing  
the file there should not be any mismatch between the actual position in the program and the  
displayed in the source area. In this case, updating the modification time of the executable  
with the touch command will prevent this message from appearing.  
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0030-2230 Ÿ 0030-2240  
0030-2230 No Items were selected.  
Explanation: The user selected Apply or Ok on the Variable Selection window without  
choosing any variables to be displayed.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2232 Could not locate source file: string for task: number.  
Explanation: pedb could not locate a source file to correspond with the current program  
state in this task. Consequently no source file for this task will appear in the source file  
User Response: Check the source file search path and file permissions. pedb processing  
will continue.  
0030-2234 Unable to open file string for task number.  
Explanation: pedb was not able to open the file for reading or determined that the selected  
file was not a regular file (for example, a directory or device).  
User Response: This typically occurs when manually selecting a new source file for the  
source window. In this case, the user should check that the filename is valid and the proper  
permissions are in effect to allow it to be read. If this message occurs because the debugger  
stopped in a new source file, one may also want to check the source search path using the  
Source Path window under File on the menu bar. pedb will display no source if it stops in a  
file it can not read.  
0030-2235 Source file: string on task: task is larger than the maximum allowable size,  
which is 65534 lines.  
Explanation: pedb could not load the entire source file into the buffer used to process the  
Source File window. If you started pedb in normal mode, both pedb and the program will  
terminate. If you are using pedb in attach mode, pedb will detach from the program and exit,  
but the program will not be terminated.  
User Response: If you want the ability to debug all the source code for this program, split  
the code into multiple files, with each file being less than 65535 lines. After completing this,  
recompile the program.  
0030-2236 Unknown source file suffix: character, assuming c.  
Explanation: The source file had a suffix that was not recognized as a character that  
represented a language. pedb assumes the source file was written in C. This is the default.  
Note that some language constructs that are unique to the C language are used on this file.  
User Response: The source file could be renamed if appropriate.  
0030-2238 Incorrectly formed member list. No tasks have been added to the group. A  
member list can contain space or comma separated task numbers, or  
ranges of task numbers separated by colons or dashes.  
Explanation: The range of task numbers is incorrectly specified.  
User Response: Consult the manual pages for how to create groups in pedb and  
re-specify the selection. For more information, see the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX:  
Operation and Use manual.  
0030-2240 No executable name was entered.  
Explanation: The Ok was pressed in the Load Executables window without entering or  
selecting a program name.  
User Response: Re-open the Load Executables window and enter a program name.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 37  
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0030-2241 Ÿ 0030-2257  
0030-2241 Task number loaded with string string.  
Explanation: Describes what executable and arguments were loaded for a particular task.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2242 Unable to send command to task 'number '.  
Explanation: An error occurred in sending an pedb command to the indicated task.  
Probably the remote node is no longer accessible.  
User Response: Verify that the remote node in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-2243 No more new views are available.  
Explanation: During an pedb session there is a limit to how many views can be created.  
Also, once a view has been closed it cannot be reopened.  
User Response: You can use the views that are left to continue debugging.  
0030-2244 ALL tasks have exited. Quit and restart pedb if you wish to continue.  
Explanation: All the tasks of the partition have exited.  
User Response: Quit pedb.  
0030-2245 Internal pedb error at line number in file 'string '. string  
Explanation: This is a generic message to mark a situation that should not have occurred.  
User Response: Retry the operation or restart pedb. If you continue to get this error  
message, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0030-2246 Cannot perform this function in a context unless all the tasks are in  
DEBUGGED state.  
Explanation: This is a generic message to mark a situation in which a function could not  
be performed because not all tasks in the context were in DEBUGGED state.  
User Response: Switch to a context where all tasks are in DEBUGGED state.  
0030-2250 Task number has been sent halt execution.  
Explanation: Halt execution for this task has been selected. This task was running and a  
request to the remote debugger has been made to stop the task.  
User Response: If the remote debugger is able to regain control over the task, the user  
should be able to continue debugging this task with pedb.  
0030-2257 Tasks: string in group: string have been sent halt execution.  
Explanation: Halt execution for this group has been selected. For each task in the group  
that was running, a request to the remote debugger has been made to stop the task.  
User Response: You will be able to continue debugging on the tasks that the remote  
debugger is able to regain control over.  
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0030-2259 Ÿ 0030-2266  
0030-2259 Unable to write to the directory string.  
Explanation: pedb was not able to write to the directory specified. This is the directory that  
is used to write the temporary files used in visualization.  
User Response: Check the permissions of the directory. pedb uses this directory for  
temporary files. The default is /tmp. This can be overridden using the MP_TMPDIR  
environment variable.  
0030-2260 Unable to parse the stack trace, placing task: number in exited state.  
Explanation: A message was issued indicating that a trace table was unavailable for the  
function that contains the current program counter.  
User Response: Further debugging of this task will be limited.  
0030-2261 Task number is out of range.  
Explanation: A task specified on a Select by Range window is not not within the  
acceptable range of values between 0 and the highest task number in your partition.  
User Response: Retry the range specification using only task numbers between 0 and one  
less than the value of -procs or MP_PROCS (since the first task is number 0).  
0030-2262 One or more tasks have not been attached and therefore could not be  
Explanation: One or more tasks specified on a Select by Range window have not been  
attached and therefore could not be selected.  
User Response: Make sure the desired tasks have been attached. Adjust selection criteria  
as necessary.  
0030-2263 HDF Failure: Unable to write array data type.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the data type to the HDF file. You  
may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2264 HDF Failure: Unable to write array dimensions.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the array dimensions to the HDF  
file. You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2265 HDF Failure: Unable to write optional notes for dimension number.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the optional notes to the HDF file.  
You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2266 HDF Failure: Unable to write file label.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the file label to the HDF file. You  
may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 39  
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0030-2267 Ÿ 0030-2275  
0030-2267 HDF Failure: Unable to write array slice.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to write the array slice to the HDF file.  
You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is full.  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2268 HDF Failure: Unable to close writing to file string.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to close writing of array slices to the HDF  
file. You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2269 HDF Failure: Unable to start writing to file string.  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to open writing of array slices to the HDF  
file. You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2270 Overwriting HDF file string.  
Explanation: The file selected for export will be overwritten.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2271 Appending to HDF file string.  
Explanation: The file selected for export will be appended to.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-2272 A non-integer value has been entered for the array range.  
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the  
minimum/maximum array range.  
User Response: Enter an integer value.  
0030-2273 The value entered is less than the minimum range. Enter a minimum value  
greater than or equal to number.  
Explanation: The minimum value range is less than the allowable minimum.  
User Response: Enter a minimum value greater than or equal to the minimum index of the  
0030-2274 Unable to open the file string for exporting.  
Explanation: pedb was not able to open the file for writing or determined that the selected  
file was not a regular file ( such as a directory or device ).  
User Response: Check the permissions or type of the file that was selected. Make the  
appropriate modifications to the selected file to allow Exporting.  
0030-2275 Unsupported Export Data type.  
Explanation: The type of the array variable is not supported by this release.  
User Response: See the list of supported data types.  
40 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0030-2276 Ÿ 0030-2284  
0030-2276 A non-integer value has been entered for the stride.  
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the stride value.  
User Response: Enter an integer value.  
0030-2277 Zero has been entered for the stride. Enter a non-zero integer value.  
Explanation: The stride value must be an non-zero integer.  
User Response: Enter an integer value that is non zero.  
0030-2278 HDF Failure: Unable to close writing to Scientific Data Set  
Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to close writing of array slices to the HDF  
file. You may encounter this error when the HDF file is corrupted or when your file system is  
User Response: Select a different file to export to and check file system space.  
0030-2279 Export request list had no tasks  
Explanation: This is an internal error. The list for exporting array information should contain  
at least one task.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-2280 A non-integer value has been entered for the minimum range text field.  
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the minimum array  
User Response: Enter an integer value.  
0030-2281 A non-integer value has been entered for the maximum range text field.  
Explanation: A non-integer value was entered in text field the specifies the maximum array  
User Response: Enter an integer value.  
0030-2282 The integer value entered for the minimum text field is outside the  
allowable range of integers.  
Explanation: The integer value entered is larger or smaller than the allowable range, which  
is defined by the largest and smallest integer value.  
User Response: Enter an integer within the range of the largest and smallest integer value.  
0030-2283 The integer value entered for the maximum text field is outside the  
allowable range of integers.  
Explanation: The integer value entered is larger or smaller than the allowable range, which  
is defined by the largest and smallest integer value.  
User Response: Enter an integer within the range of the largest and smallest integer value.  
0030-2284 The integer value entered for the stride text field is outside the allowable  
range of integers.  
Explanation: The integer value entered is larger or smaller than the allowable range, which  
is defined by the largest and smallest integer value.  
User Response: Enter an integer within the range of the largest and smallest integer value.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 41  
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0030-2285 Ÿ 0030-2291  
0030-2285 Task number is not in DEBUG state. It is excluded from the export.  
Explanation: A task must be in DEBUG state to be able to participate in an export.  
User Response: If the user does not care that the task was excluded from the multi array  
export, the message can be ignored. If the user wants the array from the task to be included  
in the export, the user must put the task in DEBUG state prior to exporting.  
0030-2286 Array string on task number has a different number of dimensions. It is  
excluded from the export.  
Explanation: The array with a matching array name on the specified task does not meet  
the match criteria and is excluded from the export.  
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple  
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see the IBM Parallel  
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual.  
0030-2287 Array string on task number has a different minimum range. It is excluded  
from the export.  
Explanation: The array with a matching array name on the specified task does not meet  
the match criteria and is excluded from the export.  
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple  
matching arrays to exported at the same time. For more information, see the IBM Parallel  
Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual.  
0030-2288 Array string on task number has matched. It is included in the export.  
Explanation: This informational message indicates that this particular array has met the  
match criteria and will be included in the export.  
User Response: Continue normal pedb operations because this message indicates  
successful processing.  
0030-2289 No matching array found on task number.  
Explanation: No arrays that meet any of the matching criteria have been found on this  
User Response: The user must be aware of the match criteria when trying to allow multiple  
matching arrays to exported at the same time.  
0030-2290 Could not run the executable for task number.  
Explanation: The application for the given task encountered a signal when an attempt was  
made to run it.  
User Response: This depends on the signal that was encountered, which was given by a  
previous message. If it was signal 9 there is a good chance that the executable was  
compiled under an old release and needs to be recompiled.  
0030-2291 You cannot Export at this time because task: number is running.  
Explanation: A task must be in debug state to be able to participate in an export. You have  
issued a command that put the task in a running state after the export window for the array  
was opened.  
User Response: To export using this window you must allow the task to continue until a  
debug state has been reached. This can be done by waiting for a running task to return, or if  
it is blocked, by stepping other tasks or pressing the halt button.  
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0030-2292 Ÿ 0030-2296  
0030-2292 You cannot Export at this time because the program stack has changed  
since you created this window. The chosen array is out of scope.  
Explanation: The array that was chosen in the Export window is no longer within scope.  
The program stack has changed due to an execution command, such as step or continue.  
The array chosen may no longer exist due to scoping rules.  
User Response: If the array chosen by the Export window can no longer be reached by  
stepping program execution back into the function or subroutine, the window is no longer  
useful and should be cancelled. If the function or subroutine can be reentered by controlling  
program execution, this window can be used when the scope of the variable is consistent  
with the program stack.  
0030-2293 You cannot Visualize at this time because task: number is running.  
Explanation: A task must be in debug state to be able to participate in an visualization.  
You have issued a command that put the task in a running state after the visualization  
window for the array was opened.  
User Response: To visualize using this window you must allow the task to continue until a  
debug state has been reached. This can be done by waiting for a running task to return, or if  
it is blocked, by stepping other tasks or pressing the halt button.  
0030-2294 You cannot Visualize at this time because the program stack has changed  
since you created this window. The chosen array is out of scope.  
Explanation: The array that was chosen in the Visualization window is no longer within  
scope. The program stack has changed due an execution command, such as step or  
continue. The array chosen may no longer exist due to scoping rules.  
User Response: If the array chosen by the Visualization window can no longer be reached  
by stepping program execution back into the function or subroutine, the window is no longer  
useful and should be cancelled. If the function or subroutine can be reentered by controlling  
program execution, this window can be used when the scope of the variable is consistent  
with the program stack.  
0030-2295 You cannot view the Array Subrange at this time because task: number is  
Explanation: A task must be in debug state to be able to view an array subrange. You  
have issued a command that put the task in a running state after the Array Subrange  
window for the array was opened.  
User Response: To view array subranges using this window you must allow the task to  
continue until a debug state has been reached. This can be done by waiting for a running  
task to return, or if it is blocked, by stepping other tasks or pressing the halt button.  
0030-2296 You cannot view the array subrange at this time because the program stack  
has changed since you created this window. The chosen array is out of  
Explanation: The array that was chosen in the Array Subrange window is no longer within  
scope. The program stack has changed due an execution command, such as step or  
continue. The array chosen may no longer exist due to scoping rules.  
User Response: If the array chosen by the Array Subrange window can no longer be  
reached by stepping program execution back into the function or subroutine, the window is  
no longer useful and should be cancelled. If the function or subroutine can be reentered by  
controlling program execution, this window can be used when the scope of the variable is  
consistent with the program stack.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 43  
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0030-2297 Ÿ 0030-3008  
0030-2297 Please specify a filename in the Export Filename field.  
Explanation: No file name has been specified the the Export Filename field of the Export  
window. It may be that the field is empty or that the field contains only a directory path.  
User Response: Please type a file name into the Export Filename field of the Export  
window before pressing the Export button. Another option is to press the Defaults button,  
which will restore the default values for the Export window including the default value for the  
Export Filename field.  
0030-2298 An invalid path: %1$s, was specified in the Export Filename field.  
Explanation: The directory portion of the pathname specified in the Export Filename field  
of the Export window was not accessible.  
User Response: Please type a file name into the Export Filename field of the Export  
window that contains a valid path name. Another option is to press the Defaults button,  
which will restore the default values for the Export window including the default value for the  
Export Filename field.  
0030-3001 Task number: Unable to find variable  
Explanation: The remote debug engine was unable to locate information about the  
User Response: None.  
0030-3003 Task number: Invalid expression ID  
Explanation: Internal error. The remote debug engine was unable to map the given  
expression id.  
User Response: None.  
0030-3005 Task number: Unsupported request code  
Explanation: Internal error. The remote debug engine was unable to recognize the request  
User Response: Debugging can most likely continue, but will possibly be limited. Gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0030-3006 Task number: Expression name is not valid  
Explanation: The remote debug engine was unable to find the scope in which the  
expression name resided.  
User Response: None.  
0030-3008 Task number: Unable to find program to be debugged - check path and  
name on server  
Explanation: The remote debug engine was unable to find the application to be debugged.  
User Response: Verify that the executable is available on all nodes in the partition in the  
pathname specified or in the executable search path on the node.  
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0030-3014 Ÿ 0030-3020  
0030-3014 Task number: ReplyExpression(): Internal error returned from unknown  
Explanation: Received an error code from a routine that ReplyExpression() called but there  
was no additional information to pass on.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-3015 Task: number encountered signal: number - string  
Explanation: The application encountered a signal of the type specified.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-3016 Task: number has stopped due to a halt execution request.  
Explanation: This task has been interrupted via a halt execution request. The current  
program counter is likely at a location where the code has not been compiled with -g, thus  
portions of the display may be empty. The halt execution function is implemented with signal  
SIGINT. If the program has a SIGINT signal handler control will return to the SIGINT signal  
handler when execution is resumed.  
User Response: Selecting entries on the stack may be useful to view local variables in the  
scopes of the call chain. Execution of this task can be continued via the VCR buttons.  
0030-3017 Task number: No current file name was found, so no local variables are  
available. The executable may not have been compiled with -g.  
Explanation: While attempting to display local variables for the current or selected function,  
the owning source file could not be found. Not enough information is available to build a  
local variable list. pedb continues processing.  
User Response: If this area of the code is of interest, you should recompile the containing  
object with the -g compiler option, then re-invoke pedb.  
0030-3018 Task number: No current function name was found, so no local variables  
are available. The executable may have been stripped.  
Explanation: While attempting to display local variables for the current function no function  
name could be found at the current program counter. Not enough information is available to  
build a local variable list. pedb continues processing.  
User Response: If this area of the code is of interest, you should recompile the containing  
object with the -g compiler option.  
0030-3019 Unable to issue the execution request to task: number, because it is not in  
DEGUGGED state.  
Explanation: A request to execute the application has been issued. This task is not in  
DEBUGGED state so the request will not be honored. pedb continues processing. If the task  
referenced was part of a group and other tasks in the group did not cause this message,  
those other tasks will have been processed normally.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-3020 process_dbe_task_response(): Internal error: Don't recognize reply code:  
string, for task: string.  
Explanation: An unrecognized message was received from the remote debugger.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 45  
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0030-3021 Ÿ 0030-3027  
0030-3021 Play mode has been stopped.  
Explanation: Play mode has been terminated by the halt or stop button.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-3022 Play mode has been started.  
Explanation: Play mode has been initiated by the play button.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-3023 The halt button had no effect on task: number, because it was not running.  
Explanation: The halt button was selected. No action was taken to stop the execution of  
this task because it was not running.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-3024 The halt button had no effect on tasks: string in group: string, because they  
were not running.  
Explanation: The halt button was selected. No action was taken to stop the execution of  
the tasks listed because they were not running.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0030-3025 Task number: Unable to initialize remote debug engine. Check location and  
permissions of executable.  
Explanation: Initialization of the remote debug engine has failed.  
User Response: Verify that the executable program name has been specified correctly and  
has read and execute permissions.  
0030-3026 Task number: Initial break point line number contains non-numeric data.  
Explanation: A line number and filename have been specified for the initial breakpoint via  
the MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP environmental variable. The format is  
filename:line_number. In this case the line number had non numeric characters.  
User Response: Respecify the line number in MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP with only  
0030-3027 Task number: While attempting to set the initial breakpoint, pedb could not  
find the file which contains the main routine. Check that the file containing  
the main routine or the program statement has been compiled with the -g  
option. The initial breakpoint can be set manually using the  
MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP environment variable.  
Explanation: The remote debug engine is attempting to set an initial breakpoint in the main  
routine. A line number within a source file that correlated with the main routine was not  
User Response: Check that the file containing the main routine or the program statement  
has been compiled with the -g option. The initial breakpoint can be set manually via the  
MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP environment variable.  
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0030-3028 Ÿ 0030-3034  
0030-3028 Task number: Remote debug engine was unable to set the initial breakpoint.  
Explanation: The remote debug engine was unable to set the initial breakpoint.  
User Response: Check that the file containing the main routine or the program statement  
has been compiled with the -g option. Check that the MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP  
environment variable, if used, is set to an executable line of source code.  
0030-3029 Task number: Function atoi() could not translate line number string to a  
Explanation: The translation of the string following the colon in the  
MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP environment variable failed.  
User Response: Check that the environment variable MP_DEBUG_INITIAL_STOP has  
format: filename:line_number and it is set to an executable line of source code.  
0030-3030 Task number: Internal error: ProcessValueModify(): Call to  
GetExpressionList() failed.  
Explanation: Internal error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-3031 Task number: Internal error: ProcessValueModify(): Call to FindTreeNode()  
Explanation: Internal error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-3032 Task number: Unable to process the change value request, check types and  
Explanation: The Change Value window was used but the remote debug engine was  
unable to change the value of the programs variable.  
User Response: Check that the new value entered is of a type that can normally be  
assigned to the variable selected. If a range has been used to define the value to be  
assigned, check that the range is within bounds.  
0030-3033 Task number: The tracepoint request failed because the selected source line  
generates no executable code.  
Explanation: A source line in the source code window has been selected, and a tracepoint  
request has been made for that line. The line selected generated no executable code when  
compiled. No action has been taken.  
User Response: Select another source line, then request the tracepoint again.  
0030-3034 Task number: The breakpoint request failed because the selected source  
line generates no executable code.  
Explanation: A source line in the source code window has been selected, and a breakpoint  
request has been made for that line. The line selected generated no executable code when  
compiled. No action has been taken.  
User Response: Select another source line then, request the breakpoint again.  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 47  
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0030-3035 Ÿ 0030-3042  
0030-3035 Task number: The breakpoint request failed. An invalid source line or invalid  
condition was specified.  
Explanation: A source line in the source code window has been selected, and a breakpoint  
request has been made for that line. The line selected may not have generated any  
executable code when compiled. If a condition was specified, it may have been invalid. No  
action has been taken.  
User Response: Select a another source line or specify a different condition.  
0030-3036 Task number: The tracepoint request failed. An invalid source line or invalid  
condition was specified.  
Explanation: A source line in the source code window has been selected, and a tracepoint  
request has been made for that line. The line selected may not have generated any  
executable code when compiled. If a condition was specified, it may have been invalid. No  
action has been taken.  
User Response: Select a another source line or specify a different condition.  
0030-3037 Task number: Internal error: An unsupported breakpoint action has been  
requested in ReplyBreakpointLocation().  
Explanation: Internal error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0030-3038 Task number: Maximum array range specified is out of bounds.  
Explanation: The user specified a maximum array range that was out of bounds.  
User Response: Check the permissible ranges and reset the range values.  
0030-3040 Task number: The executable name chosen for debugging resolved to a full  
pathname where the length of the path prefix exceeds the PATH_MAX flag  
value or a pathname is longer than the NAME_MAX flag value while the  
POSIX_NO_TRUNC flag is in effect.  
Explanation: The remote debugger could not find the program to execute on a task.  
User Response: Check the path for the program on the remote node.  
0030-3041 Task number: The executable name chosen for debugging was not found.  
Explanation: The remote debugger attempted to find the program to execute on a task.  
User Response: Check that the executable file for the program is available on the remote  
0030-3042 Task number: The executable name chosen for debugging was not a regular  
Explanation: The remote debugger attempted to find the program to execute on a task.  
The program name specified was not a regular file. It may have been a directory, socket,  
device or some other special file.  
User Response: Check that the executable file for the program is available on the remote  
48 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0030-3043 Ÿ 0030-9022  
0030-3043 Task number: The executable chosen for debugging did not have execute  
Explanation: The remote debugger attempted to find the program to execute on a task.  
User Response: Update the permissions on the program file on the remote node.  
0030-3044 Task number: The executable chosen for debugging is not a RS/6000  
Explanation: The remote debugger could not find the program to execute on a task.  
User Response: Check that the program file on the remote node is a RS/6000 executable.  
0030-3045 Task number: The executable chosen for debugging did not have read  
Explanation: The remote debugger could not find the program to execute on a task.  
User Response: Update the permissions on the program file on the remote node.  
0030-3046 Task number: The executable chosen for debugging did not have execute or  
read permission.  
Explanation: The remote debugger could not find the program to execute on a task.  
User Response: Update the permissions on the program file on the remote node.  
0030-3047 Task number: The executable chosen for debugging is a 64 bit RS/6000  
executable. The pedb debugger does not support debugging 64 bit  
Explanation: The pedb debugger does not support debugging 64-bit executables.  
User Response: Choose a 32-bit executable to debug.  
0030-3049 All tasks have exited. Select Ok to exit,then restart pedb if you wish to  
continue debugging.  
Explanation: All the tasks in the partition have exited. There is currently no program restart  
facility in pedb.  
User Response: Selecting Ok will exit pedb. Issue the pedb command again to do further  
0030-3050 The remote debug engine for task: number has failed with: string.  
Explanation: There is a remote debug engine started for each of the instances of the POE  
program. One of the remote debug engines has failed. The entire debug session has been  
User Response: Re-start pedb. If the problem persists set the MP_DEBUG_LOG  
environment flag to 3 and have the log (/tmp/ available when  
reporting the problem.  
[[program] program options] [poe options] [X options] [[-I source  
directory]...] [-d nesting depth] [-x]  
-a poe process id [limited poe options] [X options] [[-I source  
directory]...] [-d nesting depth] [-x] pedb -h  
Chapter 3. pedb Messages 49  
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0030-9051 Ÿ 0030-9999  
Attaches to a running POE job by specifying its process id. The  
debugger must be executed from the node from which the POE job  
was initiated. Note that when using the debugger in attach mode there  
are some debugger command line arguments that should not be used.  
In general, any arguments that control how the partition is set up, or  
specify program names and arguments, should not be used.  
Sets the limit for the nesting of program blocks. The default nesting  
depth limit is 25.  
Writes the pedb usage to STDERR then exits. This includes pedb  
command line syntax and a description of pedb flags.  
Specifies a directory to be searched for an executable's source files.  
This flag must be specified multiple times to set multiple paths. (Once  
pedb is running, this list can also be updated using the Update Source  
Path window.)  
Prevents stripping _ (trailing underscore) characters from symbols  
originating in FORTRAN source code. This flag enables distinguishing  
between symbols which are identical except for an underscore  
character, such as xxx and xxx_.  
Environment Variables: Because the pedb command runs in the Parallel Operating  
Environment, it interacts with the same environment variables associated with the  
poe command. See the POE manual page for a description of these environment  
variables. As indicated by the syntax statements, you are also able to specify poe  
command line options when invoking pedb. Using these options will override the  
setting of the corresponding environment variable, as is the case when invoking a  
parallel program with the poe command.  
0030-9051 Source emphasis failed - feature disabled.  
Explanation: An error occurred while parsing the source file for source emphasis. Source  
emphasis is disabled for this session.  
User Response: If the source being displayed is Fortran, you may try using the Free Form  
profile by setting FortranProfile: FF in the X resource file.  
0030-9999 pedb exiting.  
Explanation: pedb is terminating due to error as opposed to a deliberate action. Generally  
this message is preceded by a specific message which gives the reason why pedb quit  
User Response: Refer to the message that precedes this error message.  
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0031-001 Ÿ 0031-018  
Chapter 4. POE Messages  
0031-001 No man page available for poe  
Explanation: User has requested that the poe man page be displayed (via -hoption), but  
the /usr/man/cat1/poe.1 file does not exist, or some directory in the path leading to the file  
is not searchable.  
User Response: Check that the file exists and that all directories in the path leading to the  
file are searchable. The pedocs fileset may need to be installed if the file doesn't exist.  
0031-002 Error initializing communication subsystem.  
Explanation: The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-007 Error initializing communication subsystem: return code number  
Explanation: The remote node was unable to initialize its communication subsystem. This  
message gives the return code from the function called. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the communication subsystem is running properly. If the SP  
Switch is being used, make sure that the system software is operational.  
0031-009 Couldn't integrate VT traces  
Explanation: The system continues, but trace files for the Visualization Tool (VT) were not  
User Response: Check that sufficient space is available for the VT trace files on each  
remote node.  
0031-011 tcp service string unknown  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: The PM daemon, pmd, is not known to the system. Review the results of  
installation to assure that the daemon specified by inetd is startable on each remote node.  
0031-012 pm_contact: socket  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates, as it could not create a socket.  
User Response: The message is followed by an explanatory sentence. Check that the  
number of sockets required does not exceed the number available.  
0031-013 pm_contact: setsockopt  
Explanation: The Partition Manager continues, but some socket options may not be set  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-018 Couldn't get info for hostname string  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: The name mentioned cannot be identified. Check that the host name is  
spelled correctly and is known by name to the node on which the Partition Manager is  
running. If hostname is blank, allocation has failed.  
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0031-019 Ÿ 0031-028  
0031-019 pm_contact: connect failed  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: The Partition Manager is unable to connect to a remote node. Message  
0031-020 follows. Probable PE system error. Gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-020 Couldn't connect to task number (string)  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: For the indicated remote task number and indicated host name, socket  
connection could not be established. Check for valid names.  
0031-022 setsockopt(SO_LINGER)  
Explanation: The Partition Manager continues.  
User Response: An error occurred in setting the LINGER socket option. Gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-024 string: no response; rc = number  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: No acknowledgement of startup was received from the pmd daemon  
running on the indicated node. Check for error message from that node. The return codes  
are: -1, EOF on connection; 1 I/O error; 2 allocation error  
0031-025 unexpected acknowledgment of type string from remote node  
Explanation: The Partition Manager received an unexpected acknowledgement during  
initialization. Initialization with a remote node has failed.  
User Response: Check the remote node log file to determine the reason for failure.  
Probable PE error.  
0031-026 Couldn't create socket for PM Array  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates. An explanatory sentence follows.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-027 Write to PM Array  
Explanation: The Partition Manager continues. An explanatory sentence follows.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-028 pm_mgr_handle; can't send a signal message to remote nodes  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates. An explanatory sentence follows.  
User Response: Probable PE error. This error has occurred in the Partition Manager signal  
handler. Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
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0031-029 Ÿ 0031-040  
0031-029 Caught signal number (string), sending to tasks...  
Explanation: The indicated signal is not used specifically by Partition Manager, and is  
being passed on to each remote task.  
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.  
0031-031 task number is alive  
Explanation: The message is sent from the indicated task in response to signal SIGUSR2.  
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.  
0031-032 exiting...  
Explanation: The message is sent from the indicated task in response to signal SIGINT,  
and the remote node is exiting.  
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.  
0031-033 Your application has forced paging space to be exceeded...bailing out.  
Explanation: The remote node exits with signal SIGDANGER. The message is sent from  
the indicated task in response to signal SIGDANGER. AIX is running out of paging space.  
0031-034 task signal number: string  
Explanation: The message is sent from the indicated task in response to the indicated  
signal, which is not handled explicitly by the Partition Manager.  
User Response: Verify that the signal was intended.  
0031-036 sigaction(SIGHUP)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-037 sigaction(SIGINT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-038 sigaction(SIGQUIT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-039 sigaction(SIGILL)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-040 sigaction(SIGTRAP)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 53  
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0031-041 Ÿ 0031-051  
0031-041 sigaction(SIGIOT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-042 sigaction(SIGEMT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-043 sigaction(SIGFPE)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-044 sigaction(SIGBUS)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-045 sigaction(SIGSEGV)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-046 sigaction(SIGSYS)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-047 sigaction(SIGPIPE)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-048 sigaction(SIGALRM)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-049 sigaction(SIGTERM)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-050 sigaction(SIGURG)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-051 sigaction(SIGTSTP)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
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0031-052 Ÿ 0031-062  
0031-052 sigaction(SIGCONT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-053 sigaction(SIGCHLD)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-054 sigaction(SIGTTOU)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-055 sigaction(SIGIO)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-056 sigaction(SIGXCPU)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-057 sigaction(SIGMSG)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-058 sigaction(SIGWINCH)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-059 sigaction(SIGPWR)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-060 sigaction(SIGUSR1)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-061 sigaction(SIGUSR2)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-062 sigaction(SIGPROF)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 55  
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0031-063 Ÿ 0031-077  
0031-063 sigaction(SIGDANGER)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-064 sigaction(SIGVTALRM)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-065 sigaction(SIGMIGRATE)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-066 sigaction(SIGPRE)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-067 sigaction(SIGGRANT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-068 sigaction(SIGRETRACT)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-069 sigaction(SIGSOUND)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-070 sigaction(SIGSAK)  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
Cause: The return from sigaction for the indicated signal is negative.  
0031-071 invalid number of procs entered  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates. Incorrect number of tasks specified.  
User Response: Enter a number from 1 to the max numbers of tasks to be run.  
0031-076 invalid infolevel  
Explanation: The -infolevel option was neither a 0 nor a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-077 invalid tracelevel  
Explanation: The -tracelevel option was neither a 0 nor a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
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0031-078 Ÿ 0031-089  
0031-078 invalid retrytime  
Explanation: The -retrytime option was neither a 0 nor a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-079 invalid pmlights  
Explanation: The -pmlights option was neither a 0 nor a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-080 invalid usrport  
Explanation: The -usrport option was neither a 0 nor a positive number less than 32768.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-081 invalid samplefreq  
Explanation: The -samplefreq option was neither a 0 nor a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-083 invalid wrap trace buffer  
Explanation: The -tbuffwrap option was neither YES or NO.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-084 invalid tbuffsize value  
Explanation: The -tbuffsize option specifies too large a trace buffer (or an invalid number).  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-085 invalid tbuffsize unit  
Explanation: The -tbuffsize option is not of the form numberK or numberM.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-086 invalid ttempsize value  
Explanation: The -ttempsize option specifies too large a file (or an invalid number).  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-087 invalid ttempsize unit  
Explanation: The -ttempsize option is not of the form numberM or numberG.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-088 invalid tpermsize value  
Explanation: The -tpermsize option specifies too large a file (or an invalid number).  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-089 invalid tpermsize unit  
Explanation: The -tpermsize option is not of the form numberM or numberG.  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 57  
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0031-092 Ÿ 0031-102  
0031-092 MP_PROCS not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_PROCS environment variable is not a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-093 MP_INFOLEVEL not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_INFOLEVEL environment variable is neither 0 or a positive number  
less than 32768.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-094 MP_TRACELEVEL not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_TRACELEVEL environment variable is neither 0 or a positive  
number less than 32768.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-095 MP_RETRY not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_RETRY environment variable is neither 0 or a positive number less  
than 32768.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-096 MP_PMLIGHTS not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_PMLIGHTS environment variable is neither 0 nor a positive number.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-097 MP_USRPORT not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_USRPORT environment variable is neither 0 nor a positive number  
less than 32768.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-098 MP_SAMPLEFREQ not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_SAMPLEFREQ environment variable is neither 0 nor a positive  
number less than 32768.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-100 MP_TBUFFWRAP not set correctly  
Explanation: The MP_TBUFFWRAP environment variable is neither YES nor NO.  
User Response: Correct the variable.  
0031-101 Invalid MP_TBUFFSIZE  
Explanation: The MP_TBUFFSIZE environment variable specifies too large a trace buffer  
(or an invalid number).  
User Response: Reduce or correct the size.  
0031-102 Incorrect MP_TBUFFSIZE unit  
Explanation: The MP_TBUFFSIZE environment variable is not of the form numberK or  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
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0031-103 Ÿ 0031-116  
0031-103 Invalid MP_TTEMPSIZE  
Explanation: The MP_TTEMPSIZE environment variable specifies too large a trace file (or  
an invalid number).  
User Response: Reduce or correct the size.  
0031-104 Incorrect MP_TTEMPSIZE unit  
Explanation: The MP_TTEMPSIZE environment variable is not of the form numberM or  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-105 Invalid MP_TPERMSIZE  
Explanation: The MP_TPERMSIZE environment variable specifies too large a trace file (or  
an invalid number).  
User Response: Reduce or correct the size.  
0031-106 Incorrect MP_TPERMSIZE unit  
Explanation: The MP_TPERMSIZE environment variable is not of the form numberM or  
User Response: Correct the flag.  
0031-110 pm: atexit  
Explanation: The user exit handler could not be installed.  
Cause: Probable PE error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-113 Stopping the job. Wait 5 seconds for remotes.  
Explanation: The Partition Manager has received a SIGTSTP signal from the LoadLeveler  
program or the <Ctrl-Z> keyboard interrupt and is preparing to stop the job on all the remote  
nodes. The system will then issue a stop message giving the task number for the job as it  
would for any <Ctrl-Z> keyboard interrupt.  
User Response: Wait for the stop confirmation message. To continue the job in the  
foreground, type in fg tasknumber after you receive the stop message. To continue the job in  
the background, type in bg tasknumber after you receive the stop message.  
0031-115 invalid resd option.  
Explanation: The specification of the -resd option was neither YES or NO.  
User Response: Correct the specification.  
0031-116 MP_RESD not set correctly.  
Explanation: The specification of MP_RESD was neither YES or NO.  
User Response: Correct the specification of MP_RESD.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 59  
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0031-117 Ÿ 0031-124  
0031-117 Unable to contact Resource Manager  
Explanation: The Partition Manager was unable to contact the Resource Manager to  
allocate nodes of the SP.  
User Response: Check that the Resource Manager is running. Otherwise, gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0031-118 string string requested for task number  
Explanation: The named host or pool was requested from LoadLeveler or the Resource  
Manager for the indicated task number. This informational message is issued when a host  
list file is read for node allocation.  
0031-119 Host string allocated for task number  
Explanation: The named host was allocated by LoadLeveler or the Resource Manager for  
the indicated task number. This informational message is issued when the implicit node  
allocation is used.  
0031-120 Resource Manager unable to allocate nodes due to internal error  
Explanation: A system or socket error occurred when the Resource Manager client  
attempted to contact the server to request nodes. This is most often caused by loss of the  
connection between client and server under heavy network loads. An 0023 jm message is  
often printed before this message which may provide more specific information about the  
User Response: Retry the job; this should correct the problem if the network was  
temporarily overloaded. If this fails, contact your system administrator to determine if network  
is in a stable state before retrying. Otherwise, gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-121 Invalid combination of settings for MP_EUILIB, MP_HOSTFILE, and  
Explanation: The execution environment could not be established based on these settings.  
User Response: See IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1 for  
valid combinations of these settings.  
0031-123 Retrying allocation .... press control-C to terminate  
Explanation: The requested nodes were not available from the Resource Manager.  
However, since the retry option was specified (by either the MP_RETRY environment  
variable or the -retry command-line flag), the Partition Manager will continue requesting  
nodes at the specified delay interval.  
User Response: To terminate the allocation request, press <Ctrl-C>.  
0031-124 Fewer than number nodes available from string.  
Explanation: The requested nodes were not available from LoadLeveler or the Resource  
User Response: Check that you haven't specified a number of nodes greater than the  
number of physical compute nodes in your RS/6000 SP or RS/6000 network cluster.  
Otherwise, wait until later when the needed number of nodes is available. You might want to  
specify the retry option by either setting the MP_RETRY environment variable or using the  
-retry command line flag.  
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0031-125 Ÿ 0031-134  
0031-125 Fewer nodes (number) specified in string than tasks (number).  
Explanation: There was a larger number of nodes specified than what is defined in the  
host.list file.  
User Response: Check that you haven't specified a number of nodes greater than the  
number of physical compute nodes in your RS/6000 SP or RS/6000 network cluster.  
Otherwise, wait until later when the needed number of nodes is available. You might want to  
specify the retry option by either setting the MP_RETRY environment variable or using the  
-retry command line flag.  
0031-126 Unable to read string for current directory  
Explanation: The Partition Manager is unable to interpret the data from the pwd command.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-127 Executing with develop mode string  
Explanation: A develop mode of value is currently active, which could significantly impact  
the performance of your program.  
User Response: If you do not want or need the develop mode turned on, use the  
MP_EUIDEVELOP environment variable or the -euidevelop flag to set a value of no,  
normal, or minimum.  
0031-128 Invalid euilib selected  
Explanation: An euilib other than ip or us was entered.  
User Response: Re-specify the euilib as either ip or us.  
0031-129 Invalid euidevelop option, should be YES or NO  
Explanation: An euidevelop other than YES or NO was entered.  
User Response: Re-specify euidevelop with either YES or NO.  
0031-130 Invalid newjob option, should be YES or NO  
Explanation: A newjob other than YES or NO was entered.  
User Response: Re-specify newjob with either YES or NO.  
0031-131 Invalid pmdlog option, should be YES or NO  
Explanation: A pmdlog other than YES or NO was entered.  
User Response: Re-specify pmdlog with either YES or NO.  
0031-133 Invalid stdoutmode  
Explanation: A stdoutmode other than ORDERED, UNORDERED or an integer from 0 to  
(the number of tasks -1) was entered.  
User Response: Re-specifystdoutmode with either ORDERED, UNORDERED or a  
0031-134 Invalid mode for stdinmode  
Explanation: A stdinmode other than ALL or an integer from 0 to (the number of tasks -1)  
was entered.  
User Response: Re-specify stdinmode with either ALL or a number.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 61  
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0031-135 Ÿ 0031-142  
0031-135 Invalid labelio option, should be YES or NO  
Explanation: A labelio other than YES or NO was entered.  
User Response: Re-specify labelio with either YES or NO.  
0031-136 Invalid MP_NOARGLIST option, should be YES or NO  
Explanation: The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: Enter YES or NO for MP_NOARGLIST.  
0031-137 poe: Internal Error: Could not broadcast ACK for string data  
Explanation: An error occurred when POE was trying to acknowledge receipt of connect or  
finalize data from all nodes. Either one of the remote nodes is no longer accessible or a  
system error has occurred.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If the problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-138 The following nodes may be causing connect failures during message  
passing initialization:  
Explanation: The home node has gathered connect data from each of the remote nodes  
and has determined that one or more nodes have been reported most as not connectable to  
during message passing initialization. A list of those nodes proceeds this message.  
User Response: For jobs using the SP, contact System Administrator to determine if that  
node is up on the switch. For non-SP jobs, verify that the node can be contacted by other  
means. Also, refer to the node-specific error message related to mpci_connect for more  
information on what could be causing the problem (e.g. unauthorized user). If problem  
persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-139 Could not open socket for debugger.  
Explanation: The call to socket() failed when attempting to open a socket for the parallel  
User Response: None.  
0031-140 Could not bind local debug socket address.  
Explanation: The call to bind() failed when attempting to bind the local address for the  
debug socket.  
User Response: None.  
0031-141 Could not accept debugger socket connection.  
Explanation: The call to accept() failed when attempting to make a socket connection with  
the debugger.  
User Response: None.  
0031-142 Could not write to debug socket.  
Explanation: The call to write() failed when attempting to write to the debug socket.  
User Response: None.  
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0031-143 Ÿ 0031-149  
0031-143 Could not read message from debug socket.  
Explanation: The call to read() failed when attempting to read a message from the debug  
User Response: None.  
0031-144 error creating directory for core files, reason: <string>  
Explanation: A corefile directory could not be created for the given reason.  
User Response: Fix reason and rerun job.  
0031-145 error changing to string corefile directory, reason <string>  
Explanation: The core file could not be dumped to the named directory for the given  
User Response: Fix reason and rerun job  
0031-146 MP_CMDFILE is ignored when MP_STDINMODE is set to none  
Explanation: If you set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the -stdinmode  
option to "none", the MP_CMDFILE environment variable or the -cmdfile option is ignored.  
User Response: To eliminate this WARNING message, you should remove the  
MP_CMDFILE setting or specify MP_STDINMODE, which is not case sensitive, to another  
value other than "none".  
0031-147 MP_HOLD_STDIN is ignored when MP_STDINMODE is set to none  
Explanation: If you set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the -stdinmode  
option to "none", MP_HOLD_STDIN=yes is ignored.  
User Response: To eliminate this WARNING message, you should set MP_HOLD_STDIN  
to "no".  
0031-148 Using redirected STDIN for program name resolution  
Explanation: You redirected stdin without specifying a program name or command file  
name, and you did not set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the -stdinmode  
option to "none". Because program behavior is undefined in this case, a warning is issued.  
User Response: You should set the MP_STDINMODE environment variable or the  
-stdinmode option to "none". For more details, see “Managing Standard Input” in IBM  
Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1.  
0031-149 Unable to load shared objects required for LoadLeveler.  
Explanation: You submitted a POE job via LoadLeveler and a shared object or library  
required for LoadLeveler does not exist. This error usually indicates files created at install  
time have been deleted, moved, or had their permissions changed.  
One of the following files cannot be accessed:  
User Response: Contact your system administrator to determine if the files described  
above are accessible, and correct if possible. Otherwise, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 63  
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0031-150 Ÿ 0031-155  
0031-150 Unable to load shared objects required for Resource Manager  
Explanation: The execution environment specified use of the Resource Manager, but one  
or more of the following shared objects did not exist in /usr/lpp/ssp/lib or /usr/lib:  
See IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1 for more information  
about the execution environment.  
If you submitted the job from an SP node, this error usually indicates that files created during  
installation have been deleted, moved, or had their permissions changed. If you submitted  
the job from a non-SP node (using the SP_NAME environment variable), this error usually  
indicates that the ssp.client fileset has not been installed on the submitting node.  
User Response: Contact your system administrator to determine if the files or fileset  
described above are accessible or installed. If possible, make the files or fileset accessible or  
reinstall them. Otherwise, you should gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-151 Pool specified in hostfile for task number not same as previous.  
Explanation: Unless Resource Manager use is specified by setting the SP_NAME  
environment variable, pool entries in a hostfile must be the same for all tasks.  
User Response: Modify the hostfile as described, or use the MP_RMPOOL environment  
variable or the -rmpool command line option. If Resource Manager use was intended, set  
SP_NAME to the name of the system partition in which to run the job.  
0031-152 Ignoring adapter and/or CPU usage specification in hostfile.  
Explanation: Unless Resource Manager use is specified by setting the SP_NAME  
environment variable, adapter and/or CPU usage specifications are ignored in the hostfile.  
User Response: Remove the usage specifications from the hostfile to eliminate the  
warning messages, if desired. This will result in default usages as described in IBM Parallel  
Environment for AIX Operation and Use, Volume 1. The MP_ADAPTER_USE and/or  
MP_CPU_USE environment variables or the associated command line options may be used  
to override the defaults. If Resource Manager use was intended, set SP_NAME to the name  
of the system partition in which to run the job.  
0031-153 Unexpected return code number from ll_init_job.  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-154 Unexpected return code number from ll_parse_string.  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-155 Unexpected return code number from ll_set_data (number).  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-156 Ÿ 0031-171  
0031-156 Unexpected return code number from ll_get_data (number).  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-157 Couldn't flush VT traces  
Explanation: The program continues.  
User Response: At termination, the Partition Manager was unable to successfully terminate  
trace processing for VT. Check any messages issued by VT.  
0031-158 select  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager terminates.  
User Response: The select call to the sockets connecting the Partition Manager with the  
remote nodes failed. Presumably connection has been lost. The explanatory sentence may  
give an indication of the source of failure.  
0031-160 I/O error on socket connection with task number  
Explanation: An explanatory sentence follows. The Partition Manager continues. A read on  
the socket used to connect the Home Node with the indicated remote task failed. Probably  
the remote node has closed the connection. The task is marked as exited and processing  
User Response: Examine the communication subsystem for failure.  
0031-161 EOF on socket connection with task number  
Explanation: Processing continues. The socket used to connect the Home Node with the  
indicated remote task has closed. Probably the remote node has closed the connection.  
User Response: Examine the communication subsystem for failure.  
0031-164 process_io: read(io command)  
Explanation: Processing continues. The command sent to the Partition Manager is ignored.  
User Response: Probable system error. An incomplete or invalid I/O command was  
received by the Partition Manager.  
0031-169 pm_remote_shutdown  
Explanation: Processing continues. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: A quit message being sent to all remote nodes could not be written to one  
of the sockets.  
0031-171 unknown io command  
Explanation: Processing continues. The data is ignored.  
User Response: An unsupported or invalid I/O command code was received by the  
Partition Manager from a remote node.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 65  
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0031-172 Ÿ 0031-203  
0031-172 I/O buffer overflow  
Explanation: The stdout or stderr string overflows the output buffer (8K). The excess is  
User Response: Probable internal error. Normally, the output is automatically flushed if it  
exceeds the buffer length. Gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-179 Unable to acknowledge profiling request for task number  
Explanation: An error occurred writing a message to the indicated task, allowing it to begin  
to write the profiling data to disk.  
User Response: Probable internal error. Verify that the indicated node is still connected in  
the partition. Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-180 read(PROF)  
Explanation: Processing continues. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: The Partition Manager cannot read the remote node's response to a  
SIGUSR1 profiling signal.  
0031-183 Connection to task number blocked. Task abandoned.  
Explanation: While trying to stop the indicated task on a remote node, the Partition  
Manager discovered that the socket connection was blocked (unavailable). The remote task  
is marked as inactive and the Partition Manager continues.  
User Response: Manual intervention may be required to kill the job on the remote node.  
0031-200 pmd: getpeername <string>  
Explanation: The daemon is unable to identify the partition manager.  
User Response: Probable system or communication subsystem failure.  
0031-201 pmd: setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE): <string>  
Explanation: The daemon is unable to set the indicated socket option. Explanatory  
sentence is provided.  
User Response: Probable system or communication subsystem failure.  
0031-202 pmd: setsockopt(SO_LINGER): <string>  
Explanation: The daemon is unable to set the indicated socket option. Explanatory  
sentence is provided.  
User Response: Probable system or communication subsystem failure.  
0031-203 malformed from address: <string>  
Explanation: The socket address family is incorrect.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-207 Ÿ 0031-216  
0031-207 pmd: sigaction <string>  
Explanation: Error when setting up to handle a signal.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-208 pmd: fork <string>  
Explanation: The pm daemon is unable to fork to execute the user application.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-212 pmd: node string: user string denied from access from host string  
Explanation: The user is not permitted to run on the indicated node. The Partition Manager  
User Response: Make sure that the Partition Manager home node machine and user id  
are identified, for example, in $HOME/.rhosts or in /etc/hosts.equiv for this user on this  
machine. The access requirements are the same as for remote shell (rsh) access to the  
0031-213 pmd: setuid <number>  
Explanation: The setuid function failed for a given userid.  
User Response: Make sure that the user is known by the same number on all systems.  
0031-214 pmd: chdir <string>  
Explanation: An attempt to change to the indicated directory failed.  
User Response: Make sure that the directory exists. Check to see that the indicated  
directory can be properly mounted by the Automount daemon, if the directory is part of a  
mounted file system. To change the name of the directory to be mounted, set the  
environment variable MP_REMOTEDIR=some_script, where some_script is the name of a  
script or quoted command that echoes a directory name. For example,  
MP_REMOTEDIR='echo /tmp' will request that /tmp be the current directory on the remote  
For non-Korn shell users, the script mpamddir in /usr/lpp/poe/bin may provide a usable  
name. It tries to match the entries in the Automount list with the user's directory as reported  
by the pwd command.  
If the directory is from a DFS file system, the DFS/DCE credentials may not have been  
properly established, using the poeauth command.  
0031-215 can't run parallel tasks as root  
Explanation: The userid of the user running the application can not be 0.  
User Response: Re-run under a userid other than root.  
0031-216 POE (number) - pmd (number) - user program (number) versions  
Explanation: The versions of the POE home node, the pmd and the user's program are  
User Response: You should first check that the POE home node, the pmd, and libmpi.a  
are at compatible PE version levels. If necessary, install compatible versions. You should  
also check that the user program has been compiled with a version of PE that is compatible  
with the version of PE on the home node and the pmd. If necessary, recompile the user  
program using compatible POE home node and pmd versions.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 67  
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0031-217 Ÿ 0031-251  
0031-217 POE (number), pmd (number), and dbe (number) versions are incompatible.  
Explanation: The versions of POE, pmd, and the debug engine (dbe) are incompatible.  
User Response: You should check that POE, pmd, and dbe are at compatible PE version  
levels. If necessary, install compatible versions.  
0031-218 Partition manager daemon not started by LoadLeveler on node string.  
Explanation: The daemon on the indicated node was not started by LoadLeveler, and an  
entry in the /etc/poe.limits file on that node specified that LoadLeveler must be used to start  
the daemon.  
User Response: Set up the Execution Environment (see IBM Parallel Environment for AIX  
Operation and Use, Volume 1) so that LoadLeveler will be used, or contact the System  
Administrator to determine if use of the MP_USE_LL keyword in the /etc/poe.limits file was  
0031-235 invalid userid received  
Explanation: The userid is not valid on this node.  
User Response: Run under a valid userid.  
0031-237 invalid group id received  
Explanation: The group id received by the pm daemon is either negative or non numeric  
and therefore not valid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-243 invalid environment length received  
Explanation: The length received by the pm daemon is either negative or non numeric and  
therefore not valid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-247 pmd: setgid <number>  
Explanation: The pmd was unable to set the groupid for the remote task.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-250 task number: string  
Explanation: The given task has received the given signal.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-251 task number exited: rc=number  
Explanation: The indicated task has exited. This informational message is displayed when  
processing completes normally and when the job is terminated by the <Ctrl-C> interrupt key.  
User Response: No response needed.  
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0031-252 Ÿ 0031-259  
0031-252 task number stopped: string  
Explanation: The indicated task has been stopped. The second variable in this message  
indicates the signal that stopped the task.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-253 Priority adjustment call failed: rc = number, errno = number  
Explanation: The call to start the priority adjustment process failed. Check that the priority  
adjustment program is executable. Execution continues, but no priority adjustment is applied  
to this process. The return code and errno reported relate to the system function.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-254 User string not authorized on host string  
Explanation: The userid is not found on the given host.  
User Response: Add the userid to the host with SMIT.  
0031-255 Group string does not exist on host string  
Explanation: The group id is not found in /etc/group.  
User Response: Add the groupid to the host with SMIT.  
0031-256 Priority adjustment process has been invoked  
Explanation: The user has elected to adjust the priority of the poe job.  
User Response: Informational only, no action required.  
0031-257 mp_euilib is not us, high priority daemon has been started.  
Explanation: User has elected to use high priority for the poe job and the userspace library  
is not being used.  
User Response: Informational only, no action required.  
0031-258 User string not authorized for group string on host string.  
Explanation: The userid is not permitted to access the given groupid on the given host.  
User Response: Add the userid to the group access list on the host.  
0031-259 /etc/poe.priority file not found; priority adjustment function not started  
Explanation: In attempting to start the dispatching priority adjustment function, there was  
no /etc/poe.priority parameter file found for this task. Most likely, it was not set up or is  
inaccessible. Normal application execution continues, although the priority adjustment  
function will not be run.  
User Response: Ensure the /etc/poe.priority file exists. Consult the chapter on File  
Formats in the IBM AIX Parallel Environment: Installation manual for further details.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 69  
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0031-260 Ÿ 0031-306  
0031-260 Invalid entry in /etc/poe.priority file for user string, class string; priority  
adjustment function not started  
Explanation: In attempting to start the dispatching priority adjustment function, there was  
no entry for the user and class found in the /etc/poe.priority file for this task. Most likely, the  
entry is missing or in error. Normal application execution continues, although the priority  
adjustment function will not be run.  
User Response: Ensure the entries for this user and class in /etc/poe.priority file exists  
and are properly defined. Consult the chapter on File Formats in the IBM AIX Parallel  
Environment: Installation manual for further details.  
0031-300 Program statically linked with ip, css library loaded is not ip.  
Explanation: The IP library does not exist on the system or the user is specifying the  
usage of the us library when the program has been linked with IP.  
User Response: Make sure the IP library exists. Make sure you're not specifying us when  
you want to use IP.  
0031-301 mp_euilib specifies ip, css library loaded is not ip.  
Explanation: The IP library does not exist on the system.  
User Response: Make sure the IP library exists. Make sure you're not specifying US when  
you want to use IP.  
0031-302 Program statically linked with us, css library loaded is not us.  
Explanation: The US library does not exist on the system or the user is specifying the  
usage of the IP library when the program has been linked with US.  
User Response: Make sure the US library exists. Make sure you're not specifying IP when  
you want to use US.  
0031-303 mp_euilib specifies us, css library loaded is not us.  
Explanation: The us library does not exist on the system.  
User Response: Make sure the us library exists. Make sure you're not specifying ip when  
you want to use us.  
0031-304 remote child: error restoring stdout.  
Explanation: The previously closed stdout cannot be restored.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-305 remote child: error restoring stderr.  
Explanation: The previously closed stderr cannot be restored.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-306 pm_atexit: pm_exit_value is number.  
Explanation: Program exit value  
User Response: Informational message. No action required.  
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0031-307 Ÿ 0031-311  
0031-307 remote child: error restoring stdin.  
Explanation: The previously closed stdin cannot be restored.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-308 Invalid value for string: string  
Explanation: Indicated value is not a valid setting for the indicated environment variable or  
command line option.  
User Response: Set to a valid value and rerun.  
0031-309 Connect failed during message passing initialization, task number, reason:  
Explanation: The Communication Subsystem was unable to connect this task to one or  
more other tasks in the current partition for the reason given.  
User Response: If a timeout has occurred, the MP_TIMEOUT environment variable is set  
to too low of a value. (The default value is 150 seconds.) If you have not explicitly set the  
MP_TIMEOUT environment variable and the program being run under POE is NFS mounted,  
150 seconds may not be sufficient.  
If the reason given indicates "Permission denied", you should ensure the login name and  
user ID of the user submitting the job is consistent on all nodes on which the job is running.  
If the reason given indicates "Permission denied" or "Not owner" and the job was submitted  
under LoadLeveler, you should ensure that the adapter requirement given to LoadLeveler is  
compatible with the MP_EUILIB environment variable.  
If the reason given indicates "No such device", the Communication Subsystem library  
(libmpci.a) bound into the executable does not match the switch adapter for that node. This  
error usually occurs when the executable was statically bound on a system that was  
configured for a different switch adapter. For example, a program that was compiled on a  
system configured with a TB2 adapter, and was then attempted to be run on a system with a  
TB3 adapter. In this case, you should recompile the program on a system configured for the  
same switch adapter as that of node where the executable will be run.  
For any other reason, an internal error has occurred. You should gather information about  
the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-310 Socket open failed during message passing initialization, task number,  
reason: string  
Explanation: The Communication Subsystem was unable to open a socket for message  
passing for the indicated task for the reason given.  
User Response: If the reason given is “No buffer space available,” have the system  
administrator raise the value of sb_max using the no command. The current suggested  
value is 128000.  
For any other reason, an internal error has most likely occurred. Gather information about  
the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-311 Restart of program string failed. Return code is number.  
Explanation: The restart of the program indicated was unsuccessful.  
User Response: Check that the program name is valid, and that it was previously  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 71  
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0031-312 Ÿ 0031-319  
0031-312 The checkpoint file string already exists in the working directory.  
Explanation: While attempting to checkpoint the program, an existing version of the  
checkpoint file was found in the working directory. Execution is terminated.  
User Response: Check the name of the file specified by the MP_CHECKFILE and  
MP_CHECKDIR environment variables. If necessary, remove the previous version of the file.  
0031-313 Error saving information for program string. Return code is number.  
Explanation: The internal routine setExecInfo failed. This is an unrecoverable internal error.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-314 Checkpointing is not enabled. Set CHKPT_STATE to enable.  
Explanation: Checkpointing of the program is not enabled, because the value of the  
CHKPT_STATE LoadLeveler environment variable was not set to enable.  
User Response: To enable checkpointing, set CHKPT_STATE to enable.  
0031-315 Invalid value for mp_chkpt flags.  
Explanation: A non-valid value was set for the flags of the mp_chkpt function.  
MP_CUSER is the only valid value.  
User Response: Set the flag value in the mp_chkpt function call to MP_CUSER.  
0031-316 Error suspending the pipe connection during checkpointing. Return code  
is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred calling the internal routine mp_stopMPI, to suspend the  
pipe connection during checkpointing.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-317 Error resuming the pipe connection during checkpointing. Return code  
is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred calling the internal routine mp_resumeMPI(), to resume the  
pipe connection during checkpointing.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-318 Checkpointing failed. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred during the checkpointing process.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-319 Error blocking signals during checkpointing. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred attempting to block all signals while checkpointing the  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-320 Ÿ 0031-326  
0031-320 Error occurred saving file information during checkpointing. Return code  
is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred attempting to save the file information for the data segment  
while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-321 Error occurred saving signal information during checkpointing. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred attempting to save the signal information for the data  
segment while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-322 Error occurred opening the checkpoint file.  
Explanation: An error occurred attempting to open the checkpoint file. Processing is  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-323 Error occurred writing header information during checkpointing. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred writing the header information while checkpointing the  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-324 Error occurred writing program information during checkpointing. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred writing the program information while checkpointing the  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-325 Error occurred saving data segment during checkpointing. Return code is  
Explanation: An error occurred saving the data segment while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-326 Error occurred saving the MPCI data during checkpointing. Return code  
is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred saving the MPCI data while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 73  
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0031-327 Ÿ 0031-334  
0031-327 Error occurred saving the stack data during checkpointing. Return code is  
Explanation: An error occurred saving the stack data while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-328 Error occurred writing the footer data during checkpointing. Return code  
is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred writing the footer data while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-329 Error occurred unblocking signals during checkpointing. Return code is  
Explanation: An error occurred unblocking signals while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-330 Error getting environment variable string.  
Explanation: The internal getenv function failed to get the specified environment variable.  
The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-331 Error occurred disconnecting from MPCI during checkpointing. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred disconnecting from MPCI while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-332 SSM_CSS_INIT expected and it was not received.  
Explanation: System error occurred where an SSM_CSS_INIT was expected for the  
control pipe input. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-333 More node information found than expected.  
Explanation: An internal error was detected where there was more node information  
returned from SSM_CSS_INIT than expected. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-334 SSM not SSM_ACK to our sync request.  
Explanation: An internal error was detected where there was no acknowledgement  
returned for a synchronization request. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-335 Ÿ 0031-342  
0031-335 SSM subtype not what was expected  
Explanation: An internal error was detected where an unexpected message type was  
returned. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-336 Error with VT_trc_set_params_c.  
Explanation: An internal error was detected after trying to set up the VT trace parameters.  
The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-337 Error in starting the user's code.  
Explanation: An internal error was detected after trying to start the user executable code in  
the remote node. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-338 Error sending exit request to home node.  
Explanation: An internal error was detected after trying to send an exit request to the  
home node. The remote node terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-339 VT trace initialization failed.  
Explanation: VT trace initialization failed on a remote node. The remote node continues,  
but no visualization trace file will be created for that node.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Check for other messages from VT. Gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0031-340 Error occurred getting time during checkpointing. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred getting time while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-341 Error occurred reconnecting MPCI during checkpointing. Return code is  
Explanation: An error occurred re-establishing the connections to MPCI while  
checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-342 Error occurred initializing time during checkpointing. Return code is  
Explanation: An error occurred initializing time while checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 75  
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0031-343 Ÿ 0031-349  
0031-343 Error occurred opening the checkpoint directory.  
Explanation: An error occurred during opening the checkpoint file directory while  
checkpointing the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-344 Checkpoint files were not found. Restart cannot be performed.  
Explanation: Local checkpoint/restart files were not found. As a result, restart of the  
program is not possible.  
User Response: Make sure the location of the checkpoint files match what is specified by  
the MP_CHECKDIR and MP_CHECKFILE environment variables, and that those files are  
valid from a previously checkpointed parallel program. Otherwise, gather information about  
the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-345 Checkpointed program is not a parallel program. Restart cannot be  
Explanation: The program contained in the checkpoint file is not a parallel program. As a  
result, restart of the program is not possible.  
User Response: Make sure the location of the checkpoint files match what is specified by  
the MP_CHECKDIR and MP_CHECKFILE environment variables, and that those files are  
valid from a previously checkpointed parallel program. Otherwise, gather information about  
the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-346 Error occurred restoring data segment. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred restoring the data segment of a checkpointed program.  
Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-347 Error occurred restoring file descriptors. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred restoring the file descriptors of a checkpointed program.  
Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-348 Error occurred restoring signal handlers. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred restoring the signal handlers of a checkpointed program.  
Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-349 Program restart processing ended without program being restarted.  
Explanation: The program restart function completed without the checkpointed program  
ever restarting.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-350 Ÿ 0031-356  
0031-350 Error occurred comparing environment variables during restart. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: The original POE and MPI environment variables do not match those  
contained in the program to be restarted. As a result, the program cannot be restarted.  
User Response: Make sure the contents of the checkpoint files specified by the  
MP_CHECKDIR and MP_CHECKFILE environment variables is valid for the previously  
checkpointed parallel program. Otherwise, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-351 Error occurred unblocking signals during restore processing. Return code  
is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred unblocking the signals while restoring a checkpointed  
program. Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-352 Error occurred reestablishing MPI/MPCI connection during restore  
processing. Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred reconnecting to MPI/MPCI while restoring a checkpointed  
program. Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-353 Error occurred synchronizing POE tasks during restore processing. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred synchronizing the POE tasks while restoring a  
checkpointed program. Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-354 Error occurred obtaining global variables during restore processing.  
Return code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred obtaining the global variables from the environment while  
restoring a previously checkpointed program. Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-355 Error allocating data while restoring a checkpointed program.  
Explanation: An error occurred allocating storage during the restore processing of  
previously checkpointed program. Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-356 Error occurred reinitializing the clock during restore processing. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An error occurred obtaining the switch clock address and reinitializing the  
clock for a previously checkpointed program. Restore operation has failed.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 77  
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0031-357 Ÿ 0031-363  
0031-357 Error occurred opening the checkpoint directory during restore.  
Explanation: An error occurred during opening the checkpoint file directory while restoring  
the program.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-358 Error reading internal messages while synchronizing POE tasks. Return  
code is number.  
Explanation: An internal error in pm_SSM_read occurred while trying to read the  
messages during the synchronization of POE tasks, while restoring a previously  
checkpointed file. Restore processing is terminated.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-359 Comparison of values for string is not consistent between original and  
restored value.  
Explanation: The original and restored values of the environment variable indicated were  
not consistent, when a checkpointed program was being restored.  
User Response: Make sure the contents of the checkpoint files specified by the  
MP_CHECKDIR and MP_CHECKFILE environment variables is valid for the previously  
checkpointed parallel program. Otherwise, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-360 Variable string was not found in the environment when restoring program.  
Explanation: The environment variable indicated was not found in the current environment,  
for a previously checkpointed program during restore processing.  
User Response: Make sure the contents of the checkpoint files specified by the  
MP_CHECKDIR and MP_CHECKFILE environment variables is valid for the previously  
checkpointed parallel program. Otherwise, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-361 Unexpected return code number from ll_get_job.  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-362 Unexpected return code number from ll_request.  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-363 Unexpected return code number from ll_event.  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-364 Ÿ 0031-370  
0031-364 Contacting LoadLeveler to string information for string job.  
Explanation: Informational message to user to indicate that LoadLeveler is being used for  
the interactive or batch job.  
User Response: None required.  
0031-365 LoadLeveler unable to run job, reason: string  
Explanation: LoadLeveler either could not run the interactive job for the reason indicated,  
or, LoadLeveler terminated the interactive job for the reason indicated.  
User Response: Refer to Using and Administering LoadLeveler for information on the  
specific reason indicated in the LoadLeveler message that follows this message.  
0031-366 Invalid combination: nodes=number, tasks_per_node=number,  
Explanation: The combination specified did not result in a mathematical equality -- nodes  
times tasks_per_node must equal procs, when all three are specified.  
User Response: Correct one or more of the specifications to ensure they are  
mathematically consistent.  
0031-367 Invalid combination: tasks_per_node=number, procs=number.  
Explanation: User specified the options indicated, and tasks_per_node did not divide  
evenly into procs, which is required as described in IBM Parallel Environment for AIX  
Operation and Use, Volume 1.  
User Response: Correct the specifications as described above.  
0031-368 Number of nodes specified (number) may not exceed total number of tasks  
Explanation: User has specified more nodes (using MP_NODES or -nodes) than tasks  
(using MP_PROCS or -procs), which is an error.  
User Response: Correct the specifications so that there are the same or fewer nodes than  
0031-369 Number of tasks or nodes must also be specified when using  
Explanation: User has specified tasks per node (using MP_TASKS_PER_NODE or  
-tasks_per_node), but has not specified either the number of nodes (using MP_NODES or  
-nodes) or the number of tasks (using MP_PROCS or -procs), which is required as  
described in IBM Parallel Environment for AIX Operation and Use, Volume 1.  
User Response: Provide either of the omitted specifications.  
0031-370 Internal error: invalid taskid (number) received from LoadLeveler.  
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 79  
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0031-371 Ÿ 0031-376  
0031-371 Conflicting specification for -msg_api, using string.  
Explanation: A batch job using POE was submitted to LoadLeveler with a network  
statement in the Job Command File that contained a specification for messaging API that  
was different than the specification provided to POE via the MP_MSG_API environment  
variable or the -msg_api command line option. The specification used in this case will be  
that which appeared in the network statement.  
User Response: Verify that the specification in the network statement was intended. If it  
was, modify the POE specification to eliminate the warning, if desired.  
0031-372 Cannot run MPI/LAPI job as specified in submit file.  
Explanation: A batch job using POE was submitted to LoadLeveler with a Job Command  
File that did not contain any network statements, and the specification provided to POE  
(using the MP_MSG_API environment variable or the -msg_api command line flag)  
indicated that both MPI and LAPI were being used. For batch jobs using both messaging  
APIs, the network statements must be used.  
User Response: Ensure that use of both messaging APIs was intended. If so, add the  
required network statements. If not, modify the POE specification to indicate the correct  
messaging API.  
0031-373 Using string for messaging API.  
Explanation: Informational message to indicate the messaging API being used for the  
batch POE job submitted to LoadLeveler.  
User Response: None.  
0031-374 Conflicting specification for -euilib, using string.  
Explanation: A batch job using POE was submitted to LoadLeveler with a network  
statement in the Job Command File that contained a specification for the messaging passing  
library that was different than the specification provided to POE via the MP_EUILIB  
environment variable or the -euilib command line option. The specification used in this case  
will be that which appeared in the network statement.  
User Response: Verify that the specification in the network statement was intended. If it  
was, modify the poe specification to eliminate the warning, if desired.  
0031-375 Using string for euilib.  
Explanation: Informational message to indicate the messaging passing library being used  
for the batch POE job submitted to LoadLeveler.  
User Response: None required.  
0031-376 Conflicting specification for -euidevice, using string.  
Explanation: A batch job using POE was submitted to LoadLeveler with a network  
statement in the Job Command File that contained a specification for the message passing  
device that was different than the specification provided to POE via the MP_EUIDEVICE  
environment variable or the -euidevice command line option. The specification used in this  
case will be that which appeared in the network statement.  
User Response: Verify that the specification in the network statement was intended. If it  
was, modify the POE specification to eliminate the warning, if desired.  
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0031-377 Ÿ 0031-402  
0031-377 Using string for euidevice.  
Explanation: Informational message to indicate the messaging passing device being used  
for the batch POE job submitted to LoadLeveler.  
User Response: None required.  
0031-378 Ignoring SP_NAME in batch mode  
Explanation: User has submitted a POE job in batch mode under LoadLeveler and the  
SP_NAME environment variable or associated command-line option was set.  
User Response: Unset SP_NAME in the environment or remove -spname from the  
arguments line in the LoadLeveler submit file to eliminate the warning, if desired.  
0031-379 Pool setting ignored when hostfile used  
Explanation: User has set the MP_RMPOOL environment variable or the -rmpool  
command-line option but a hostfile was found.  
User Response: Ensure that use of the hostfile was intended.  
0031-380 LoadLeveler step ID is string  
Explanation: The indicated step ID was assigned by LoadLeveler to the current interactive  
job. It may be useful when using the llq command to determine the job status.  
User Response: None required.  
0031-381 Switch clock source requested, but not all tasks on SP  
Explanation: You or another user set MP_CLOCK_SOURCE=SWITCH, but one or more of  
the tasks were not on SP nodes that have access to the switch. The job is terminated.  
User Response: If mixed-node execution is acceptable, unset the MP_CLOCK_SOURCE  
environment variable. Otherwise, check that the nodes allocated were all on an SP.  
0031-400 Invalid value number for stdoutmode  
Explanation: User has entered a non-negative value with -stdoutmode or  
MP_STDOUTMODE which is greater than or equal to the number of processes requested;  
for SINGLE mode, this value must be between 0 and n-1, where n is the number of  
User Response: Re-run with valid value.  
0031-401 Invalid value number for stdinmode  
Explanation: User has entered a non-negative value with -stdinmode or MP_STDINMODE  
which is greater than or equal to the number of processes requested; for SINGLE mode, this  
value must be between 0 and n-1, where n is the number of processes.  
User Response: Re-run with valid value.  
0031-402 Using css0 as euidevice for User Space job  
Explanation: User specified command line option -euidevice or used environment variable  
MP_EUIDEVICE with a setting of other than css0, which must be used for User Space jobs.  
User value has been overridden to allow job to continue.  
User Response: None required.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 81  
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0031-403 Ÿ 0031-409  
0031-403 Forcing dedicated adapter for User Space job  
Explanation: User explicitly specified User Space job using -euilib us or MP_EUILIB=us  
and poe is making sure the adapter usage requested from the Resource Manager is  
dedicated. This can also occur if no euilib was specified and the execution environment  
resulted in an implicit User Space job.  
User Response: None required.  
0031-404 Forcing shared adapter for IP job  
Explanation: User explicitly specified IP job using -euilib ip or MP_EUILIB=ip and poe is  
making sure the adapter usage requested from the Resource Manager is shared. This can  
also occur if no euilib was specified and the execution environment resulted in an implicit IP  
User Response: None required.  
0031-405 Hostfile entries for string usage for task number conflict, using string  
Explanation: User has hostfile entry which, for the same node, specifies shared AND  
dedicated, or multiple AND unique, adapter or cpu usage, respectively.  
User Response: Correct conflicting entries and rerun.  
0031-406 IP not enabled for node string  
Explanation: The Resource Manager allocated a node which was not configured to run IP  
over the switch.  
User Response: Have the node configured for IP over the switch, or have the node  
removed from the pool being used, or change the hostfile entry.  
0031-407 LoadLeveler unable to allocate nodes to poe for batch job, rc = number  
Explanation: An internal error occurred in LoadLeveler. Reason codes are as follows:  
-2 Could not get jobid from environment  
-5 Socket error  
-6 Could not connect to host  
-8 Could not get hostlist  
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-408 number tasks allocated by LoadLeveler, continuing...  
Explanation: Loadleveler allocated the indicated number of nodes, which was different than  
that specified by the POE job (using MP_PROCS or -procs or default). The job is continued  
with the indicated number of nodes.  
User Response: If a fixed number of nodes is required, verify that the min_processors and  
max_processors keywords in the job command file agree with the number of nodes  
requested from POE. If they agree and the message continues, contact System  
Administrator to determine node availability.  
0031-409 Unable to start Partition Manager daemon (string) on node string, rc =  
Explanation: An error (possibly internal) occurred when LoadLeveler attempted to start  
/etc/pmdv2 on the indicated node. Reason codes for internal LoadLeveler errors are as  
1 -- Remote host could not fork new process  
2 -- Could not get jobid from environment  
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0031-410 Ÿ 0031-415  
3 -- Could not get hostname  
4 -- Nameserver could not resolve host  
5 -- Socket error  
6 -- Could not connect to host  
7 -- Could not send command to remote startd  
User Response: Check pathname and permissions for /etc/pmdv2. Retry; if problem  
persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-410 Invalid cpu usage: string  
Explanation: User has requested an invalid cpu usage, via the -cpu_use command line  
option or via the MP_CPU_USE environment variable.  
User Response: Correct the request to be either multiple or unique and rerun.  
0031-411 Invalid adapter usage: string  
Explanation: User has requested an invalid adapter usage, via the -adapter_use  
command line option or via the MP_ADAPTER_USE environment variable.  
User Response: Correct the request to be either shared or dedicated and rerun.  
0031-412 Invalid pulse value.  
Explanation: An invalid value was specified for the MP_PULSE environment variable or  
the -pulse command line flag.  
User Response: Respecify a valid value for MP_PULSE or -pulse.  
0031-413 Incompatible version of LoadLeveler installed... terminating job  
Explanation: POE has determined that an incompatible version of LoadLeveler is installed  
on the node where this job was attempted to be run.  
User Response: Follow local site procedures to request installation of LoadLeveler 2.1.0  
on the node.  
0031-414 pm_collect: read select error  
Explanation: A system error occurred while reading from a remote node. The system error  
message is appended. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-415 Non-zero status number returned from pm_collect  
Explanation: An error has occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: Perform whatever corrective action is indicated for earlier messages and  
retry. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 83  
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0031-416 Ÿ 0031-604  
0031-416 string: no response; rc = number  
Explanation: An error occurred on reading data from remote node to home node.  
User Response: This is an IP communication error between home and remote node. No  
acknowledgement of startup was received from the pmd daemon running on the indicated  
node. Check for error message from that node. The return codes are: -1, EOF on  
connection; 1 I/O error; 2 allocation error  
0031-417 unexpected acknowledgment of type string from remote node  
Explanation: The Partition Manager received an unexpected data value from remote node  
during pm_collect function. The data is ignored and processing continues.  
User Response: none  
0031-600 Number of tasks (number) > maximum (number)  
Explanation: User has requested more tasks than maximum number allowed.  
User Response: Rerun job within defined limits for number of tasks.  
0031-601 Open of file string failed  
Explanation: Specified hostfile could not be opened.  
User Response: Check path name and permissions.  
0031-603 Resource Manager allocation for task: number, node: string, rc = string  
Explanation: The node for the specified task was not allocated successfully. The reason  
codes are:  
User Response: For reason codes 1, 6, or 7, use environment variable  
MP_RETRYCOUNT or command line flag -retrycount to the number of times that the  
Resource Manager attempts to allocate the node. If that fails, contact the system  
administrator to determine node availability.  
For reason code 13, the node returning the message may have a previous MPI, LAPI, or  
other POE job in an unknown state. Check the node and kill the previous process IDs for  
these processes. The POE jobs that are hung may not be reported by jm_status -j.  
0031-604 Unexpected non-numeric entry in hostfile  
Explanation: A non-numeric pool number exists in hostfile.  
User Response: Correct the hostfile entry.  
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0031-605 Ÿ 0031-612  
0031-605 Unexpected EOF on allocation file for task number  
Explanation: There were not enough entries in the hostfile for the number of processes  
User Response: Lower the number of processes or add more entries to the hostfile.  
0031-606 Pool request not allowed in hostfile unless using Resource Manager  
Explanation: Execution environment (see IBM AIX Parallel Environment Operation and  
Use) did not specify use of the Resource Manager, but a hostfile entry contained a pool  
User Response: If Resource Manager use was intended, check environment variables.  
Otherwise, remove pool request from hostfile.  
0031-607 Pool requests and host entries may not be intermixed in hostfile  
Explanation: Pool requests and host entries co-existed in hostfile.  
User Response: Modify hostfile to contain only pool requests or only hostnames.  
0031-608 Unrecognized option for task number: < string>  
Explanation: An option other than shared, dedicated, multiple, or unique was found in  
the hostfile.  
User Response: Correct hostfile entry.  
0031-609 Unable to open save_hostfile string  
Explanation: Specified save hostfile could not be opened.  
User Response: Check pathname and permissions.  
0031-610 Error in command broadcast  
Explanation: An error occurred in broadcasting the poe command to the partition.  
Probably one of the remote nodes is no longer accessible. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-611 Unable to open command file <string>  
Explanation: The file designated to issue POE commands can not be opened. POE  
User Response: Verify that the file name is spelled correctly and is readable.  
0031-612 pm_contact: write select error  
Explanation: A system error occurred while writing to a remote node. The system error  
message is appended. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 85  
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0031-613 Ÿ 0031-619  
0031-613 Unable to send command to task number  
Explanation: An error occurred in sending the poe command to the indicated task.  
Probably the remote node is no longer accessible. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote node in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-614 Unable to send single command to task number  
Explanation: An error occurred in sending the poe command to the indicated task.  
Probably the remote node is no longer accessible. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote node in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-615 strappend failed for string , rc = number  
Explanation: The internal string append function failed. The system terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-616 gethostbyname failed for home node  
Explanation: The internal gethostbyname function failed. The system terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-617 pm_getcwd failed, rc = number  
Explanation: The internal pm_getcwd function failed. A return code of 1 implies either  
can't open pipe to ksh or command failed. A return code of 2 means the working directory  
string is longer than bufsize. The system terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-618 The following nodes were not contacted:  
Explanation: See message 0031-623 for a list of the remote nodes that did not respond  
during the phase indicated by the code in message 0031-631. It is possible that some nodes  
were not tried, so the list doesn't necessarily indicate that all the nodes were unavailable.  
POE terminates.  
User Response: Probably connectivity to one of the listed nodes has been lost. Verify that  
the node can be contacted by other means. If problem persists, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-619 string  
Explanation: The text is explanatory text as would be provided by the perror() or psignal()  
functions. For perror(), it is the text contained in sys_errlist[errno] for the error errno. For  
psignal(), it is the text contained in sys_siglist[signal] for signal signal. A preliminary  
0031-number message indicates the context.  
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0031-620 Ÿ 0031-626  
0031-620 pm_SSM_write failed in sending the user/environment for taskid number  
Explanation: The internal pm_SSM_write function failed. The system terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-621 pm_SSM_write failed in sending the partition map information for taskid  
Explanation: The internal pm_SSM_write function failed. The system terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-622 unexpected msg from task number, type number Text: string  
Explanation: An unexpected message was returned from the indicated task. The system  
User Response: Probable PE error. Gather information about the problem and follow local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-623 task number: hostname string  
Explanation: The line indicates the task number and associated host name. See message  
0031-618 and 0031-631 for more information.  
User Response: The list may contain names of failing nodes. Verify that connectivity exists  
and the the pmd daemon is executable on that node.  
0031-624 Error from sigprocmask for blocking stop signals  
Explanation: An error occurred in setting the signal mask to block stop signals during  
installation. POE terminates.  
User Response: Probable PE internal error. Gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-625 sigaction(SIGSTOP)  
Explanation: An error occurred in setting the flags for the SIGSTOP signal. POE  
User Response: Probable PE internal error. Gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-626 got signal number; awaiting response from signal number  
Explanation: POE received a signal while processing the responses to a previous signal.  
The new signal is ignored unless it is the SIGKILL signal.  
User Response: Often this means that a remote node is not responding. Verify that the  
node can be contacted by other means. If problem persists, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 87  
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0031-627 Ÿ 0031-631  
0031-627 Task number connection blocked. Task will be abandoned.  
Explanation: While shutting down the partition, POE was unable to write to the indicated  
task, because the socket was blocked. The socket and task are subsequently ignored and  
the shutdown continues.  
User Response: Often this means that a remote node is not responding. The tasks running  
on this node must be terminated manually. Verify that the node can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-628 pm_contact: read select error  
Explanation: A system error occurred while reading from a remote node. The system error  
message is appended. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-629 pm_contact: write timeout occurred; nprocs = number  
Explanation: The select statement timed out waiting for ready to write to a remote node. A  
list of nodes not contacted is appended. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If necessary, the timeout interval may be set with the environment variable  
MP_TIMEOUT. The default is 150 seconds. If problem persists, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-630 pm_contact: read timeout occurred; nprocs = number  
Explanation: The select statement timed out waiting for ready to read from a remote node.  
A list of nodes not contacted is appended. POE terminates.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other  
means. If necessary, the timeout interval may be set with the environment variable  
MP_TIMEOUT. The default is 150 seconds. If problem persists, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-631 pm_contact: signal received; nprocs = number, code = number  
Explanation: Operation was terminated by a signal, either created by the user (SIGINT), or  
with the system (for example, SIGPIPE). POE terminates. The code indicates where in the  
contact sequence the signal occurred as follows:  
2 - connect  
3 - write select  
4 - write message 1  
5 - write message 2  
6 - read select  
7 - read acknowledgement  
8 - end of contact routine  
User Response: The remote node(s) do not respond. Verify that the node can be  
contacted by other means. Verify that the pmdv2 daemon is executable on the indicated  
remote node. If necessary, the timeout interval may be set with the environment variable  
MP_TIMEOUT. The default is 150 seconds. If the problem persists, gather information about  
the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-632 Ÿ 0031-638  
0031-632 Can't connect to PM Array. errno = number  
Explanation: POE tried to connect to the Program Marker Array tool, but was  
unsuccessful. The system error number is returned. Most likely, the Program Marker Array  
has not been started.  
User Response: If the Program Marker Array is not being used, ignore this message.  
Otherwise, terminate POE, start the pmarray, and restart POE. If Program Marker Array has  
been started, verify the value of the environment variable MP_USRPORT for a valid port  
number for connection.  
0031-633 Unexpected EOF on socket to task number  
Explanation: POE got a socket EOF when trying to broadcast a message to the partition.  
The affected node is marked as not active, and the broadcast continues. The broadcast  
calling routine may take additional actions.  
User Response: Verify the reason for loss of connection. Often this means that a remote  
node is not responding. Verify that the node can be contacted by other means. If problem  
persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-634 Non-zero status number returned from pm_parse_args  
Explanation: An error has occurred parsing the parameters.  
User Response: More information or error messages should accompany this message,  
describing the errors in more detail. Correct the invalid values and retry.  
0031-635 Non-zero status number returned from pm_mgr_init  
Explanation: An error has occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: Perform whatever corrective action is indicated for earlier messages and  
retry. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-636 User requested or EOF termination of pm_command  
Explanation: End of file was reached in the specified command file or user typed quit.  
User Response: If termination is unexpected, verify that command file contains correct  
number of commands based on MP_PROCS and MP_PGMMODEL settings.  
0031-637 Non-zero status number returned from pm_command  
Explanation: An error has occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: Perform whatever corrective action is indicated for earlier messages and  
retry. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-638 Non-zero status number returned from pm_respond  
Explanation: An error has occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: Perform whatever corrective action is indicated for earlier messages and  
retry. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 89  
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0031-639 Ÿ 0031-645  
0031-639 Exit status from pm_respond = number  
Explanation: The pm_respond function exited with the indicated status.  
User Response: If other error messages occurred, perform corrective action indicated for  
the message(s); otherwise, no action is required.  
0031-641 Unrecoverable failure in Resource Manager, terminating partition...  
Explanation: A non-zero return code was returned from the SP Resource Manager  
message interpretation function. The Partition Manager terminates the partition. The return  
code value is printed. The defined values are:  
1 - A system error occurred. An explanatory message follows.  
3 - A socket error occurred. Probably the Resource Manager has failed. If this is a batch  
job running under LoadLeveler, the job will be terminated.  
User Response: Correct the condition causing the non-zero return code, and restart POE.  
0031-642 End of File from Program Marker Array  
Explanation: The socket connecting POE to the Program Marker Array has returned EOF.  
Execution of POE continues.  
User Response: If the Program Marker Array has not been deliberately terminated,  
determine the cause of the EOF, and, if desired, restart POE. Otherwise, ignore the  
message and allow the POE job to terminate normally.  
0031-643 Error read from Program Marker Array  
Explanation: The socket connecting POE to the Program Marker Array has returned an  
error condition. POE continues. The defined error codes are:  
1 - I/O error on the socket. An explanatory message is appended if errno is set.  
2 - POE was unable to allocate storage for the message from PM Array. Probable  
internal error. Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
3 - Some other error. An explanatory message is appended if errno is set.  
User Response: If the Program Marker Array has not been deliberately terminated,  
determine the cause of the error, and, if desired, restart POE. Otherwise, ignore the  
message and allow the POE job to terminate normally. If the error code was 2 or 3, gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0031-644 Can't route PM Array message to task number  
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to forward a message from the Program  
Marker array to the indicated task. POE continues, but the connection to PM Array is closed.  
User Response: Probably the remote task is no longer active, but the Program Marker  
array responses are backlogged. In this case, the messages can be ignored. Otherwise,  
look for other failures that may also cause this symptom.  
0031-645 PM Array message to unknown destination number  
Explanation: The PM Array message is not to a remote task and not for the Home Node.  
The destination code is given. POE continues, but the connection to PM Array is closed.  
User Response: Probably the PM Array tool is issuing invalid messages. Check the PM  
Array application.  
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0031-646 Ÿ 0031-652  
0031-646 PM Array is trying to tell us something ...  
Explanation: A message from PM Array is directed to the Home Node. At present there  
are no Home Node functions responding to the PM Array, so the message text is just printed  
User Response: Verify that the PM Array tool is working correctly.  
0031-647 string  
Explanation: This is the message buffer text from PM Array as described in message  
User Response: Verify that the PM Array tool is working correctly.  
0031-648 Couldn't tell world about EOF on STDIN  
Explanation: An error occurred while broadcasting EOF on STDIN to the partition. The  
partition is terminated, and POE exits.  
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes are accessible and restart POE. If the failure  
continues, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-649 Couldn't tell task number about EOF on STDIN  
Explanation: An error occurred while sending EOF on STDIN to the indicated task. The  
partition is terminated, and POE exits.  
User Response: Verify that the remote node is accessible and restart POE. If the failure  
continues, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-650 No receiver for STDIN bound for number  
Explanation: STDINMODE defines a task number that is not active.  
User Response: Probable user error. Verify the value of STDINMODE set by the  
environment variable or under program control.  
0031-651 Error reading input command file  
Explanation: An I/O error occurred reading the input command file describing the  
initialization sequence for pdbx and pedb. Input reverts to STDIN.  
User Response: If possible, determine which file is being read and correct it. If the problem  
persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-652 Error reading STDIN  
Explanation: An I/O error occurred reading STDIN. STDIN is subsequently ignored.  
User Response: Verify that the file used for STDIN is readable. If the problem persists,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 91  
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0031-653 Ÿ 0031-659  
0031-653 Couldn't route data from STDIN to task number  
Explanation: An error occurred routing STDIN to the indicated task. The partition is  
terminated and POE exits.  
User Response: Verify that the remote task is active. If the problem persists, gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0031-654 Allocation error for SSM_read, task number, length number  
Explanation: An error occurred allocating storage for a message from a remote node. The  
partition is terminated and POE exits. The task id and length requested are printed.  
User Response: Verify that sufficient storage is available to run POE on the Home Node,  
and that the requested length is not excessive. If the problem persists, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-655 Can't route message to destination number  
Explanation: An error occurred routing a message to the indicated destination task. The  
requested routing is not supported.  
User Response: If the message is generated by Parallel Environment, this is an internal  
error. If generated by a user program, this is a user error. Determine the source of the  
message. If the problem is an internal error, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-656 I/O file string closed by task number  
Explanation: The stdio stream indicated has been closed by the indicated task.  
User Response: Verify if this is the intended operation. If so, ignore the message. This  
message may also occur at the end of a job that terminates normally.  
0031-657 Can't send mpl_init_data to nodes  
Explanation: An error occurred in broadcasting the CSS initialization data to the remote  
nodes. The partition is terminated and POE exits.  
User Response: The failing routine is pm_address. Look for other symptoms to determine  
the cause of failure.  
0031-658 Can't send termination signal to nodes.  
Explanation: An error occurred in broadcasting the termination message to the remote  
nodes. The partition is terminated and POE exits (which it was trying to do, anyway).  
User Response: The failing routine is pm_shutdown_job. Look for other symptoms to  
determine the cause of failure.  
0031-659 Can't log accounting data from node number  
Explanation: An error occurred in logging the accounting records received from the remote  
nodes. Execution continues.  
User Response: The failing routine is pm_acct_response. Look for other symptoms to  
determine the cause of failure.  
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0031-660 Ÿ 0031-667  
0031-660 Partition Manager stopped ...  
Explanation: The Home Node (POE) has stopped in response to a SIGTSTOP (<Ctrl>Z)  
signal. The remote nodes have been stopped.  
User Response: To resume the job, issue SIGCONT, or use the shell job control  
commands fg or bg.  
0031-661 signal_sent = number not recognized  
Explanation: The indicated signal was recorded as being sent to the remote nodes, but is  
not recognized by POE. Execution continues.  
User Response: Probable POE internal error. Gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-662 Node number did not send PROFILE_DONE, sent msgtype number  
Explanation: The indicated node did not send the PROFILE_DONE message after  
profiling, but sent a message of the indicated type. Message 0031-663 gives the text sent.  
User Response: Consult the explanatory text. If that fails to disclose the problem, gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0031-663 string  
Explanation: This is the text of a message received instead of the expected  
PROFILE_DONE message.  
User Response: If the text fails to disclose the problem, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-664 Unknown message type number received  
Explanation: The indicated message type is not known by POE. Execution is terminated.  
User Response: Probably the socket contains a non-structured message, which would be  
a stray. If the source of the stray socket message cannot be determined, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-665 Invalid value for SSM_SINGLE number  
Explanation: The indicated value is invalid as a destination for SINGLE I/O mode. The  
specification is ignored.  
User Response: Verify that the correct value for SINGLE I/O mode is used.  
0031-666 Out of range value for SSM_SINGLE number  
Explanation: The indicated value is out of range: less than zero, or greater than the  
number of tasks. The specification is ignored.  
User Response: Verify that the correct value for SINGLE I/O mode is used.  
0031-667 Invalid value for SSM_UNORDERED number  
Explanation: The indicated value is invalid as a specification for UNORDERED I/O mode.  
The specification is ignored.  
User Response: Verify that the correct value for I/O mode is used.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 93  
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0031-668 Ÿ 0031-675  
0031-668 pm_io_command: error in pm_SSM_write, rc = number  
Explanation: An error occurred while responding to a STDIO MODE QUERY message.  
The response is abandoned.  
User Response: Probable POE internal error. Gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-669 Can't acknowledge IO_command sync  
Explanation: A socket error occurred while broadcasting a synchronization request  
acknowledgment. The partition is terminated and POE exits.  
User Response: One or more remote nodes may not be reachable. Verify that the remote  
nodes can be contacted, and restart POE. If problems persist, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-670 Illegal stdout mode number  
Explanation: The indicated value for STDOUT mode is not valid. The requested I/O  
buffering is not performed.  
User Response: Correct the value for STDOUT mode.  
0031-671 Can't acknowledge PMArray data from task number  
Explanation: An error occurred trying to return an acknowledgement to a node sending  
data to PM Array.  
User Response: Probable POE internal error. The error may also be caused by loss of  
contact with the remote node. Gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-672 Invalid routing request from task number to task number  
Explanation: The Home Node has received a message, but doesn't know how to route it to  
the indicated task (destination).  
User Response: Probable POE internal error. Gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-673 Invalid mode/destination for STDIN: number  
Explanation: The requested destination for STDIN is invalid. The request to route STDIN is  
User Response: Verify the STDIN I/O mode requested.  
0031-674 Unexpected return code number from pm_SSM_write  
Explanation: Internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-675 Invalid mode number requested  
Explanation: User program has called function MP_STDOUTMODE or mpc_stdoutmode  
with invalid mode.  
User Response: Refer to man page for explanation of valid modes.  
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0031-676 Ÿ 0031-687  
0031-676 Invalid value string for mp_euidevice  
Explanation: The mp_euidevice specified on the command line with -euidevice or in the  
environment with MP_EUIDEVICE is not valid.  
User Response: Refer to IBM AIX Parallel Environment Operation and Use for valid  
choices and rerun.  
0031-677 Unexpected return code number from _mp_stdoutmode  
Explanation: An error may have occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: If earlier error messages exist, perform whatever corrective action is  
indicated for these. If there are no other messages or if problem persists, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-678 Hostfile may not contain pool requests if not using job management  
Explanation: The user explicitly requested not to use the job management system (with the  
MP_RESD environment variable or the -resd command line flag), but the hostfile contained  
pool requests.  
User Response: Use hostnames in the hostfile or do not request that LoadLeveler or the  
Resource Manager not be used.  
0031-679 Profiling may not have completed on node number  
Explanation: A profiling file may not have been completed for the given node. However,  
profiling files may exist for other nodes in the job.  
User Response: If a profiling file from this node is needed, ensure that there is enough  
room on the node's filesystem for the profiling file and re-run the job. If the problem persists,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
0031-680 Invalid mode number requested  
Explanation: User program has called function MP_STDINMODE or mpc_stdinmode with  
invalid mode.  
User Response: Refer to man page for explanation of valid modes.  
0031-682 Unexpected return code number from _mp_in_mode  
Explanation: An error may have occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: If earlier error messages exist, perform whatever corrective action is  
indicated for these. If there are no other messages or if problem persists, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-687 Unsuccessful call to pm_SSM_read  
Explanation: Internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 95  
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0031-688 Ÿ 0031-702  
0031-688 Incorrect subtype number received in structured socket message  
Explanation: Internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-689 Unexpected return code number from _mp_stdoutmode_query  
Explanation: An error may have occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: If earlier error messages exist, perform whatever corrective action is  
indicated for these. If there are no other messages or if problem persists, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-690 Connected to Resource Manager string string  
Explanation: Informational message to user to indicate successful connection to Resource  
User Response: None required.  
0031-692 Invalid option number requested  
Explanation: User program has called function MP_FLUSH or mpc_flush with invalid  
User Response: Refer to man page for explanation of valid options.  
0031-696 Unexpected return code number from _mp_flush  
Explanation: An error may have occurred in a lower level function.  
User Response: If earlier error messages exist, perform whatever corrective action is  
indicated for these. If there are no other messages or if problem persists, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-699 Task number waiting to profile...  
Explanation: Designated task is waiting to profile.  
User Response: None required, information only.  
0031-700 invalid priority received  
Explanation: The priority received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-701 invalid envc received  
Explanation: The envc received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-702 invalid pmdlog argument  
Explanation: The pmdlog argument received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0031-703 Ÿ 0031-711  
0031-703 invalid nprocs argument  
Explanation: The nprocs argument received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-704 invalid newjob argument  
Explanation: The newjob argument received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-705 invalid pdbx argument  
Explanation: The pdbx argument received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-706 pmd: Error reading node info from home node.  
Explanation: The node info received by the pm daemon is invalid.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-707 pmd: error sending node map ack to home node.  
Explanation: The pm daemon was not able to send a node map ack to the home node.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-708 pmd: invalid JOBID.  
Explanation: The pm daemon was not able to send a node map ack to the home node.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-709 pmd: SSM recv'd not cmd str or exit  
Explanation: An incorrect SSM was received by the pm daemon from the home node.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-710 pmd: pipe creation error  
Explanation: The pm daemon was unable to create pipes to its child.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-711 parent select errno = number  
Explanation: select error from pmd parent.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 97  
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0031-712 Ÿ 0031-722  
0031-712 parent error reading STDIN, rc = number  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was unable to read STDIN.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-713 pmd parent: error w/ack for sig req to home  
Explanation: pm daemon parent had error sending ack for sig request.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-714 pmd parent: error writing to child's STDIN  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to write to its child's STDIN.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-715 pmd parent: error writing to child's cntl  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to write to its child's control pipe.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-716 pmd parent: error reading STDOUT from child  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to read STDOUT from the child.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-717 pmd parent: error writing to STDOUT  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to write to STDOUT.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-718 pmd parent: error reading control from child  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to read the control pipe from the child.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-719 AFS authorization failed in settokens  
Explanation: settokens() failed in pmd child when given the afstoken.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-720 child: initgroups error - errno = <number>  
Explanation: initgroups failed, errno given.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-721 unable to set user info  
Explanation: userinfo() was unable to set user info.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-722 can't set priority to number  
Explanation: setpriority() failed in pmd child.  
User Response: No response needed.  
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0031-723 Ÿ 0031-730  
0031-723 userid = <number>  
Explanation: userid is set to the given userid.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-724 Executing program: <string>  
Explanation: The child is executing the given program.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-725 Failed to exec program string; errno = number  
Explanation: The child failed to execute the given program.  
User Response: Probable system error. POE's /usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libc.a may not be up to  
date. Have the system administrator run the following script to rebuild POE's libc.a:  
/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/bin/makelibc. Verify that the euilibpath includes the following path:  
0031-726 pmd: error sending node attach data record to home node.  
Explanation: The remote node PMD was not able to send the node attach data via IP  
communications to home node. The remote node will now exit.  
User Response: Probable system error. Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-727 pmd parent: error writing to child's debug engine pipe  
Explanation: pm daemon parent was not able to write to debug engine pipe, which is used  
to communicate with the node debug server.  
User Response: Probable system error.  
0031-728 Cannot set string limit to number, hard limit is number.  
Explanation: If the user's soft limit is greater than the inetd hard limit, the soft limit will only  
get changed to the hard limit value.  
User Response: If this causes a problem, ask the system administrator to increase the  
hard limit values for inetd .  
0031-729 ident_match failed; user identification failed.  
Explanation: The user is not authorized to communicate via the TCP/IP socket between  
the POE home node and partition manager daemon.  
User Response: Ensure the user is properly authorized to use POE, and ensure  
ident_match routine is properly installed and available.  
0031-730 POE DFS credentials file is empty; DFS credentials cannot be established.  
Explanation: POE was unable to locate the DFS credentials, because the  
/tmp/poedce_master file was empty. As a result, DFS authentication cannot be established.  
User Response: Contact the system administrator to ensure the DFS credentials files were  
successfully copied using the poeauth command.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 99  
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0031-731 Ÿ 0031-803  
0031-731 Error getting and setting DFS credentials.  
Explanation: The PMD called the poe_dce_set function to get and set the current context  
for establishing the DFS/DCE credentials when it encountered an error. poe_dce_set  
should have issued additional messages describing the errors.  
User Response: Contact the system administrator to ensure the DFS/DCE credentials are  
properly set up. If the problem persists, Gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-732 Error loading POE DFS/DCE routines.  
Explanation: The Partition Manager Daemon attempted to load poe_dce_set.o, the  
loadable object for the DFS/DCE routines it uses for setting up the user's credentials.  
Possibly DFS/DCE was not installed or is inoperable, or the required installation steps for  
running POE with DFS were not done.  
User Response: Contact the system administrator to ensure that DFS/DCE is properly  
installed and that the necessary POE installation steps were completed. If the problem  
persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting  
hardware and software problems.  
0031-733 The initialization of the remote debug engine failed.  
Explanation: The Partition Manager Daemon detected an error while starting the remote  
debug engine. The debugger is terminated.  
User Response: The remote debug engine portion of pdbx and pedb depend on the  
bos.adt.debug fileset. Contact your system adminstrator to make sure that the fileset  
bos.adt.debug is properly installed on the nodes where the job runs.  
0031-734 POE DFS master file was not found. DFS credentials cannot be established.  
Explanation: POE did not find the POE DFS credentials master file,  
/tmp/poedce_master,<uid>. DFS user authentication was selected (by specifying MP_AUTH  
= DFS), but most likely the poeauth command was not run to set up the DFS/DCE  
credentials. As a result, DFS authentication cannot be established and the job is terminated.  
User Response: Make sure a valid set of DFS/DCE credentials were successfully copied  
using a dce_login and running the poeauth command, then run the POE job again.  
0031-800 -procs string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -procs interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-801 -hostfile string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -hostfile interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-802 -newjob string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -newjob interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-803 -pmdlog string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -pmdlog interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
100 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0031-804 Ÿ 0031-902  
0031-804 -pgmmodel string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -pgmmodel interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-805 Invalid programming model specified: string  
Explanation: -pgmmodel should be either SPMD or MPMD.  
User Response: Re-enter -pgmmodel with either SPMD or MPMD.  
0031-806 Invalid retry count string  
Explanation: Retry count should be an integer.  
User Response: Re-enter -retry followed by an integer.  
0031-807 Invalid node pool specified: string  
Explanation: -rmpool should be an integer >= 0.  
User Response: Re-enter -rmpool followed by an integer >= 0.  
0031-808 Hostfile or pool must be used to request nodes.  
Explanation: When using LoadLeveler or the Resource Manager, the environment variable  
MP_RMPOOL or the command line option -rmpool must be used to specify the pool, since  
a hostfile did not exist.  
User Response: Ensure that absence of hostfile was intended, verify command line or  
environment variable settings of hostfile, resd, and rmpool, and then retry. Refer to IBM  
Parallel Environment for AIX Operation and Use, Volume 1 for further information.  
0031-809 -tracefile string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -tracefile interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-810 -tracelevel string ignored in remote child  
Explanation: -tracelevel interpreted only in parent code.  
User Response: No response needed.  
0031-900 Can't request profiling for task number  
Explanation: A communication failure has occurred.  
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-901 Didn't get response to profiling request for task number  
Explanation: A communication failure has occurred.  
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-902 Unexpected response to profiling request for task number  
Explanation: A stray message may have been received during profiling.  
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 101  
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0031-903 Ÿ 0031-A400  
0031-903 Can't confirm profiling for task number  
Explanation: A communication failure has occurred.  
User Response: Retry; if problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-904 Can't rename profiling file to string  
Explanation: A communication failure may have occurred, or the profiling file could not be  
User Response: Check path name and permissions. If problem persists, gather information  
about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software  
0031-906 Task number finished profile...  
Explanation: Designated task has finished profile.  
User Response: None required, information only.  
0031-907 Task number terminating due to pulse timeout  
Explanation: Designated task has been terminated due to a timeout in the POE pulse  
processing. The connection to the home node may have dropped, or the job may have been  
hung or abnormally functioning.  
User Response: It is possible that the pulse interval was too small to allow sufficient time  
for the task to complete. Verify that the node is still up, or that the job was not doing  
something abnormal. You may also want to increase your interval value with the MP_PULSE  
environment variable or -pulse command line flag.  
0031-908 SSM_PULSE acknowledgment failed for task number.  
Explanation: There was a failure in sending the acknowledgment message for the POE  
pulse function from POE to pmd for the indicated task.  
User Response: Possible system error, unless the network connection between the nodes  
dropped. Otherwise, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures  
for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-909 POE terminating due to pulse timeout for task number.  
Explanation: POE has determined that there were remote nodes which did not respond  
during POE pulse processing. There was not enough responses prior to the pulse timeout  
interval. The connection to the home node may have dropped, or the job may have been  
hung or abnormally functioning.  
User Response: It is possible the that the pulse interval was too small to allow sufficient  
time for the task to complete. Verify that the nodes are still up, or that the job was not doing  
something abnormal. You may also want to increase your interval value with the MP_PULSE  
environment variable or -pulse command line flag.  
0031-A400 Error in creating socket  
Explanation: The program pmarray terminates. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: Probable system error. Check the condition(s) given in the explanatory  
102 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0031-A401 Ÿ 0031-A409  
0031-A401 Error in binding socket  
Explanation: The program pmarray terminates. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: Probable system error. Check the condition(s) given in the explanatory  
0031-A402 Error in listen  
Explanation: The program pmarray terminates. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: Probable system error. Check the condition(s) given in the explanatory  
0031-A403 Error in accept  
Explanation: The program pmarray terminates. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: Probable system error. Check the condition(s) given in the explanatory  
0031-A404 Error in socket read. File descriptor = number  
Explanation: The program PMArray terminates. An explanatory sentence is appended.  
User Response: Probable system error. Check the condition(s) given in the explanatory  
0031-A405 Unsupported data type number received by PMArray, task number  
Explanation: Execution continues. The data is ignored.  
User Response: PMArray received data which was not recognized. This probably  
indicates that the PMArray program is not connected properly to the Partition Manager.  
0031-A406 Bad message type number  
Explanation: Internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-A407 Internal error reading socket message  
Explanation: Internal error has occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0031-A409 Invalid action code number, msg type number  
Explanation: An unexpected message was received during initialization of the Program  
Marker Array.  
User Response: Restart pmarray; If problem persists, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 4. POE Messages 103  
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104 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0032-001 Ÿ 0032-010  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages  
0032-001 Invalid source task (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of src (source task ID) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the source task id is within the range 0 to N-1, where N is  
the number of tasks in the partition.  
0032-002 Invalid destination task (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of dest (destination task id) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the destination task id is within the range 0 to N-1, where  
N is the number of tasks in the partition.  
0032-003 Invalid message length (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for message length or block length is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the message length is not less than zero.  
0032-004 Invalid message type (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for type (message type) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the message type is within the allowable range as  
specified by MP_TASK_QUERY (qtype=2).  
0032-005 Invalid message id (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for msgid (message id) is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that the message id is not less than 0.  
0032-006 Invalid message buffer addr= number in string, task number  
Explanation: The message buffer address cannot be valid.  
User Response: Make sure that the buffer is correctly identified in the call.  
0032-007 Invalid message offset (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for offset is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that offset is not less than blklen.  
0032-008 Invalid blknum (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for blknum is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that blknum is not less than 0.  
0032-009 Invalid stype value (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for stype is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that stype is either 1, 2, or 3.  
0032-010 Invalid nbuf value (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified in nbuf is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that nbuf contains valid data.  
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0032-011 Ÿ 0032-019  
0032-011 Invalid qtype value (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for qtype is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that qtype is either 1, 2, or 3.  
0032-012 Invalid nelem value (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for nelem is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that nelem is not less than 0.  
0032-013 Out of memory, task number  
Explanation: There is insufficient memory available to continue.  
User Response: Reduce the size of user storage required per task.  
0032-014 Internal error: string, task number  
Explanation: An internal software error occurred during execution.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0032-015 System error: string, task number  
Explanation: A system software error occurred during execution.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0032-016 Deadlock detected, task number  
Explanation: A software-generated deadlock was detected.  
User Response: Make sure that your application code does not contain potential deadlock  
conditions. Refer to IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Parallel Programming Reference  
0032-017 Receive buffer too small, task number  
Explanation: The buffer specified for the operation was too small to hold the received  
User Response: Increase the size of the buffer or reduce the size of the message.  
0032-018 Too many messages, task number  
Explanation: Too many outgoing and incoming messages have been posted without being  
User Response: Make sure that MP_WAIT (mpc_wait) or MP_STATUS (mpc_status) is  
being called to complete pending non-blocking sends and receives. In addition, make sure  
that for each message sent, there is a corresponding receive issued by some task.  
0032-019 Invalid group id (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of gid (group id) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that gid is not less than 0. In addition, make sure that the  
value specified for gid is a value that was returned by either MP_GROUP (mpc_group) or  
MP_PARTITION (mpc_partition).  
106 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0032-020 Ÿ 0032-029  
0032-020 Invalid task id (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for taskid is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that taskid is within the range 0 to N-1, where N is the  
number of tasks in the partition.  
0032-021 Invalid task rank (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for rank is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that rank is within the range 0 to N-1, where N is the number  
of tasks in the group referenced by gid.  
0032-022 Invalid step value (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified by step is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that step is in the range -N to N, where N is the number of  
tasks in the group referenced by gid.  
0032-023 Invalid gsize value (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified by gsize is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that gsize is in the range 1 to N, where N is the number of  
tasks in the partition.  
0032-024 Invalid task group list (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The list of task ids for the group (glist) contains one or more invalid task ids.  
User Response: Make sure that the local task id is included in the group list, and that all of  
the task ids in the list are within the range 0 to N-1, where N is the number of tasks in the  
0032-025 Duplicate task id (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: A duplicate task id was found in the group list.  
User Response: Make sure that each task in the group list is included only once.  
0032-026 Inconsistent source task in string, task number  
Explanation: The same source task was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same source task.  
0032-027 Inconsistent destination task in string, task number  
Explanation: The same destination task was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same destination task.  
0032-028 Inconsistent message length in string, task number  
Explanation: The same message length was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same message length.  
0032-029 Inconsistent step value in string, task number  
Explanation: The same value of step was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same step value.  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 107  
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0032-030 Ÿ 0032-050  
0032-030 Inconsistent flag value in string, task number  
Explanation: The same value of flag was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same flag value  
0032-031 Inconsistent gsize value in string, task number  
Explanation: The same value of gsize was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same gsize value.  
0032-032 Inconsistent label value in string, task number  
Explanation: The same value of label was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same label value.  
0032-033 Inconsistent task group list in string, task number  
Explanation: The same task group list was not specified by each task in the group.  
User Response: Make sure that each task specifies the same task group list.  
0032-034 Buffering cannot be turned on twice, task number  
Explanation: A task called MP_TASK_SET (mpc_task_set) with stype=3 twice.  
User Response: Make sure that each task makes the indicated call no more than once.  
0032-035 Buffer changed before message completion, task number  
Explanation: The contents of a buffer posted by a non-blocking send operation were  
modified before the send was completed.  
User Response: Make sure that the buffer used to send a message is not reused before a  
WAIT or STATUS operation indicates that the send is complete.  
0032-036 Calling string from a RCVNCALL handler is invalid, task number  
Explanation: MPL routines for Collective Communication as well as those which can  
modify the operation mode of MPL are not valid within Receive and Call handler code.  
User Response: Use only point to point subroutines for messaging within a Receive and  
Call handler. Do not attempt to change any MPL operating mode or use Collective  
Communications from within a handler.  
0032-050 Invalid buffer pointer  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred. Since much of the information defining an MPI  
message buffer is buried in the MPI_Datatype, accurate detection of an invalid buffer would  
be prohibitively expensive. Although this error class is defined by the MPI Standard, it is not  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_BUFFER  
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0032-051 Ÿ 0032-057  
0032-051 Invalid count argument  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COUNT  
0032-052 Invalid datatype argument  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-053 Invalid tag argument  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TAG  
0032-054 Invalid communicator  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-055 Invalid rank  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-056 Invalid request (handle)  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-057 Invalid root  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ROOT  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 109  
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0032-058 Ÿ 0032-064  
0032-058 Invalid group  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_GROUP  
0032-059 Invalid operation  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OP  
0032-060 Invalid topology  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-061 Invalid dimension argument  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_DIMS  
0032-062 Invalid argument  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-063 Unknown error  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN  
0032-064 Message truncated on receive  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
110 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0032-065 Ÿ 0032-071  
0032-065 Known error not in this list  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-066 Internal MPI error  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-067 Error code is in status  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS  
0032-068 Pending request  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_PENDING  
0032-069 Invalid info key.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INFO_KEY  
0032-070 Invalid info value.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-071 Info key not defined.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 111  
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0032-072 Ÿ 0032-078  
0032-072 Invalid info.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INFO  
0032-073 Invalid file handle.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_FILE  
0032-074 Collective arguments not identical or erroneous collective call order.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-075 Invalid access mode.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_AMODE  
0032-076 Unsupported data representation.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-077 Unsupported operation.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-078 File does not exist.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
112 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0032-079 Ÿ 0032-085  
0032-079 File exists.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-080 Invalid file name.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE  
0032-081 Permission denied.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ACCESS  
0032-082 Not enough space.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE  
0032-083 Quota exceeded.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_QUOTA  
0032-084 Read-only file or file system.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_READ_ONLY  
0032-085 File currently in use.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_FILE_IN_USE  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 113  
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0032-086 Ÿ 0032-104  
0032-086 Data representation already defined.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-087 An error occurred in data conversion.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
0032-088 Known I/O error not in this list.  
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad  
description of the type of error that occurred.  
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-100 No error  
Explanation: The function completed successfully.  
User Response: No response required.  
Error Class: MPI_SUCCESS  
0032-101 Invalid source rank (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of source (source rank) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the source rank is within the range 0 to N-1, where N is  
the number of tasks in the communicator group.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-102 Invalid destination rank (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of dest (destination rank) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the destination rank is within the range 0 to N-1, where N  
is the number of tasks in the communicator group.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-103 Invalid count (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of count (element count) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the count is greater than or equal to zero.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COUNT  
0032-104 Invalid message tag (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for tag (message tag) is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the message tag is within the range zero to val, as  
specified by MPI_Attr_get(MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_TAG_UB,&val, &flag).  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TAG  
114 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0032-105 Ÿ 0032-112  
0032-105 Invalid group handle (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The specified group handle is undefined or NULL.  
User Response: Make sure that the group handle is either predefined or was returned by  
an MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_GROUP  
0032-106 Negative length or position for buffer (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The values specified for buffer size and position must be positive.  
User Response: Specify a proper size and/or position for the pack or unpack buffer.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-107 Invalid stride (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for stride is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that the value(s) of stride (ranges[?][2] in C, or ranges(3,?) in  
FORTRAN is non-zero).  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-108 Invalid use of NULL request in string, task number  
User Response:  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-109 Uncommitted datatype (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The datatype handle has not been committed.  
User Response: Make sure that you call MPI_Type_commit to commit the datatype before  
using it in the specified function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-110 Attempt to free a predefined datatype (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: It is not valid to attempt to free a predefined datatype.  
User Response: Call MPI_Type_free for user-defined datatypes only.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-111 Invalid blocklength (number) in type constructor string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for blocklength is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that blocklength is greater than or equal to zero.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-112 Collective requests not supported in string, task number  
Explanation: This function does not support the non-blocking collective communication  
extensions to MPI.  
User Response: Only use point-to-point request handles with this function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 115  
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0032-113 Ÿ 0032-119  
0032-113 Out of memory in string, task number  
Explanation: There is insufficient memory available to continue.  
User Response: Reduce the size of user storage required per task.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-114 Internal error: string in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal software error occurred during execution.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-115 System error: string, in string task number  
Explanation: A system software error occurred during execution.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-116 Null function not allowed in string, task number  
Explanation: The value NULL (zero) was specified for function.  
User Response: A valid function must be specified. If a do-nothing function is desired, it  
must be supplied by the user.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-117 User pack or receive buffer too small (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The buffer specified for the operation was too small to hold the message. In  
the PACK and UNPACK cases it is the space between current position and buffer end which  
is too small.  
User Response: Increase the size of the buffer or reduce the size of the message. Error  
0032-118 Invalid datatype (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The datatype is not a valid argument to the function.  
User Response: The MPI_Datatypes (MPI_LB, MPI_UB, MPI_PACKED) are not valid in all  
functions. Make sure the type being use is valid for the function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-119 Datatype already committed (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: It is invalid to try to commit an datatype that is already committed.  
User Response: Avoid calling MPI_Type_commit more that once per user defined  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
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0032-120 Ÿ 0032-127  
0032-120 Declaration has upper bound < lower bound (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: No datatype can be defined with negative extent (upper bound less than  
lower bound).  
User Response: Make sure any MPI_LB or MPI_UB argument to MPI_Type_struct is  
consistent with the layout being defined.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-121 Invalid rank (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for rank is out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that rank is within the range 0 to N-1, where N is the number  
of tasks in the group or communicator.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-122 Invalid dimension (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The specified dimension is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that all dimension values are valid for the function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_DIMS  
0032-123 MPI_DATATYPE_NULL not valid in string, task number  
Explanation: The datatype is one which has already been freed.  
User Response: Free a datatype only when it is known that it will not be needed again.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-124 Invalid use of predefined key (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The specified keyval is predefined.  
User Response: Only user-defined keys are allowed with this function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-125 Duplicate rank (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: A duplicate rank was found in the group list.  
User Response: Make sure that each rank in the group list is included only once.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-126 Inconsistent message size (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: Collective operations require that the amount of data sent must equal the  
amount received, pairwise between tasks.  
User Response: Make sure that all (count,datatype) pairs used in collective communication  
operations specify the same number of bytes for sender and receiver.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-127 Inconsistent reduction operator (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The participants in a collective operation did not all specify the same value for  
User Response: Make sure that op is identical for all tasks making the call.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 117  
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0032-128 Ÿ 0032-135  
0032-128 Inconsistent root node (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The participants in a collective operation did not all specify the same value for  
User Response: Make sure that root is identical for all tasks making the call.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-129 Can't use an intercommunicator (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: Only intra-communicators are valid with this function.  
User Response: Make sure that comm is a handle for an intra-communicator.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-130 Can't use an intracommunicator (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: Only inter-communicators are valid with this function.  
User Response: Make sure that comm is a handle for an inter-communicator.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-131 Can't free a predefined communicator (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: It is invalid to try to free a predefined communicator.  
User Response: Only attempt to free user-defined communicators.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-132 Only valid with graph topology (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: This function is only valid for communicators with graph topologies.  
User Response: Make sure that the communicator has a graph topology. See  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-133 Only valid with cartesian topology (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: This function is only valid for communicators with cartesian topologies.  
User Response: Make sure that the communicator has a cartesian topology. See  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-134 A Buffer is already attached in string, task number  
Explanation: An attempt was made to attach a buffer when a buffer was already attached.  
User Response: Call MPI_Buffer_detach first to remove the current buffer.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-135 Invalid send buffer update in string, task number  
Explanation: The contents of a buffer posted by a non-blocking send operation were  
modified before the send was completed.  
User Response: Make sure that the buffer used to send a message is not reused before a  
WAIT or STATUS operation indicates that the send is complete.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
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0032-136 Ÿ 0032-142  
0032-136 Invalid communicator (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value used for communicator is not a valid communicator handle.  
User Response: Make sure that the communicator is valid (predefined or created by an  
MPI function) and has not been freed by MPI_Comm_free.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-137 Invalid keyval (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value used for keyval is not a valid attribute key handle.  
User Response: Make sure that the key handle is valid (predefined or created by an MPI  
function) and has not been freed by MPI_Keyval_free.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-138 Undefined datatype (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The datatype handle does not represent a defined datatype.  
User Response: Make sure the MPI_Datatype argument is either an MPI predefined type  
or has been defined by an MPI type constructor function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-139 Invalid reduction operation (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value used for op is is not a valid reduction operation handle.  
User Response: Make sure that the op handle is valid (predefined or created by an MPI  
function) and has not been freed by MPI_Op_free.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OP  
0032-140 Invalid error code (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value used for code is not a valid error code.  
User Response: Make sure that the error code was returned by an MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-141 Invalid error handler (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value used for errhandler is not a valid error handler handle.  
User Response: Make sure that the error handler handle is valid and has not been freed  
by MPI_ERRHANDLER_FREE. A valid error handler handle is one that is predefined or one  
that was created by a call to create an errhandler for the same object type (a file error  
handler cannot be used as the error handler for a communicator, for example).  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-142 Invalid task count (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An invalid number of tasks was specified (either explicitly, or implicitly).  
User Response: Make sure that the number of tasks is non-negative, and is not greater  
than the size of the communicator.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 119  
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0032-143 Ÿ 0032-149  
0032-143 Invalid dimension count (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for ndims is invalid.  
User Response: Make sure that the number of dimensions is greater than zero.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_DIMS  
0032-144 There is no solution in string, task number  
Explanation: There is no set of dimensions which satisfies the conditions required by a call  
to MPI_Dims_create.  
User Response: Modify the parameters used in the call to MPI_Dims_create so that a  
solution is possible.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_DIMS  
0032-145 Invalid array size (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An array size was specified to be less than zero.  
User Response: Make sure that all array sizes (specified by maxdims, maxedges,  
maxindex, etc.) are non-negative.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-146 Invalid neighbor rank (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An invalid rank was used for an element of the edges array.  
User Response: Make sure that all elements of the edges array are greater than or equal  
to zero, and less than nnodes.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-147 Invalid coordinate (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified is not a valid process coordinate in the communicator  
User Response: Make sure that each coordinate is in the range zero to N-1, where N is  
the size of the corresponding dimension of the cartesian topology associated with comm  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-148 Invalid root (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified for root is not a valid process rank in the communicator  
User Response: Make sure that root is within the range zero to N-1, where N is the  
number of tasks in the group associated with comm. N can be determined by calling  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ROOT  
0032-149 MPI is already initialized in string, task number  
Explanation: A call to MPI_Init was made when MPI was already initialized.  
User Response: If in doubt, make sure that MPI is not already initialized (by calling  
MPI_Initialized) before calling MPI_Init.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
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0032-150 Ÿ 0032-156  
0032-150 MPI is not initialized in string, task number  
Explanation: A call to an MPI function other than MPI_Init or MPI_Initialized was made  
before MPI was initialized.  
User Response: Call MPI_Init before any other MPI function other than MPI_Initialized.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-151 MPI is already finalized in string, task number  
Explanation: A call to an MPI function was made when MPI was in the finalized state.  
User Response: Do not call any MPI function after calling MPI_Finalize.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-152 Inconsistent algorithm selected in string, task number  
Explanation: The collective function resulted in different algorithms being selected by  
different tasks.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-153 Inconsistent datatype (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: Different datatypes were used by different tasks in the collective  
communication operation.  
User Response: Make sure that all tasks use the same datatype.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-154 Not a persistent request (number), string, task number  
Explanation: An attempt was made to start a non-persistent request.  
User Response: Make sure that the request handle is associated with a persistent request  
(i.e., it was returned by MPI_Send_init, MPI_Recv_init, etc.).  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-155 Invalid number of ranks specified (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The number of process ranks specified (either explicitly or implicitly) is out of  
User Response: Make sure that the rank count is between zero and the number of tasks in  
the group, inclusive.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-156 Group is not a subset of communicator (number), in string, task number  
Explanation: The group specified in MPI_Comm_create is not a subset of the group  
associated with comm.  
User Response: Make sure that all of the process ranks in group are also in comm.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_GROUP  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 121  
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0032-157 Ÿ 0032-163  
0032-157 Invalid request handle (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value specified is not a valid request handle.  
User Response: Make sure that the request handle was returned by an MPI function.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-158 Persistent request already active (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An attempt was made to start a persistent request when the request was  
already active.  
User Response: Complete the request by calling MPI_Wait, MPI_Test, etc. before starting  
it again.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-159 Can't free an active receive request (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An attempt was made to free an active receive request (by calling  
User Response: Active receive requests should never be freed, as there is no way to  
verify that the receive has completed.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-160 Too many communicators (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: MPI is unable to create a new communicator because the maximum number  
of simultaneous communicators would be exceeded.  
User Response: Be sure to free unneeded communicators with MPI_Comm_free so that  
they can be reused.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM  
0032-161 Can't free a predefined reduction op (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An attempt was made to free a predefined MPI reduction op.  
User Response: Only use MPI_Op_free to free user-defined ops.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OP  
0032-162 Can't free a predefined error handler (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An attempt was made to free a predefined MPI error handler.  
User Response: Only use MPI_Errhandler_free to free user-defined error handlers.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-163 Copy callback failed in string, task number  
Explanation: A non-zero return code was returned by the copy callback function associated  
with an attribute keyval. The specific value returned by the copy callback function is not  
available via MPI.  
User Response: Make sure that user-defined copy callback functions are functioning  
correctly, and are returning MPI_SUCCESS upon successful completion.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
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0032-164 Ÿ 0032-170  
0032-164 Delete callback failed in string, task number  
Explanation: A non-zero return code was returned by the delete callback function  
associated with an attribute keyval. The specific value returned by the delete callback  
function is not available via MPI.  
User Response: Make sure that user-defined delete callback functions are functioning  
correctly, and are returning MPI_SUCCESS upon successful completion.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-165 Out of buffer space in string, task number  
Explanation: There is insufficient buffer space available to complete the buffered send.  
User Response: Use MPI_Buffer_attach to attach a larger buffer.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-166 Local and remote leaders are the same (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The local and remote leaders are not allowed to be the same task, as this  
would create an intercommunicator with overlapping local and remote groups.  
User Response: Make sure the local and remote leaders are distinct.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-167 Local and remote groups overlap (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The local and remote groups are not allowed to overlap.  
User Response: Make sure the local and remote groups are disjoint.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK  
0032-168 Invalid reduction operation/datatype combination (number) in string, task  
Explanation: The combination of reduction operation and datatype specified is not allowed.  
User Response: Check the MPI documentation to determine which datatypes are allowed  
with each reduction operation.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-169 Invalid buffer size (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The size of a buffer must be greater than or equal to zero.  
User Response: Make sure that the buffer size is non-negative.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-170 Invalid direction (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The direction value was out of range.  
User Response: Make sure that the direction is between zero and N-1, where N is the  
number of dimensions in the communicator topology.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_DIMS  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 123  
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0032-172 Ÿ 0032-177  
0032-172 Invalid color (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: A negative value was used for color.  
User Response: Make sure that color is greater than or equal to zero, or is  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-173 Invalid node degree (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: A negative value was used for an element of the index array.  
User Response: Make sure that the index array contains only non-negative entries.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-174 Too many messages in string, task number  
Explanation: Too many outgoing and incoming messages have been posted without being  
User Response: Make sure that MPI_WAIT, MPI_TEST, or one of the other MPI wait or  
test functions is being called to complete pending sends and receives. In addition, make sure  
that for each message sent, there is a corresponding receive issued by some task.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-175 No receive posted for ready mode send in string, task number  
Explanation: A ready mode send was posted for which there was no corresponding  
receive. This error is flagged only at the destination. It cannot be detected at the sender.  
User Response: When ready mode send (MPI_RSEND, MPI_IRSEND) is used, make sure  
that the corresponding receive has already been posted on the destination task. This error  
always uses MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL as its error handler. Any user defined error  
handler is ignored.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-176 One or more tasks became unreachable via string, task number  
Explanation: Some node or switch adapter that is part of the MPI job has been reset or  
shutdown. There may be hardware problems.  
User Response: Restart job. Consider checking with local system support first to learn  
whether they are aware of the underlying problem and are dealing with it.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-177 A nonblocking collective communication failed to complete, string, task  
Explanation: A nonblocking collective communication operation has failed to complete at  
the time MPI_Finalize is called. This is most likely the result of an infinite loop in a reduction  
User Response: This message should not be seen in a program which has correctly  
waited on every nonblocking request. Make sure every request is completed before calling  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
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0032-178 Ÿ 0032-183  
0032-178 A negative number of triplets was specified (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The number of range triplets specified must be positive. A zero is accepted  
as a valid number though calling the range include or exclude function with zero ranges is  
probably not useful.  
User Response: Correct the number of ranges argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-179 The values of first and last are inconsistent with stride (number) in string,  
task number  
Explanation: For each range, the value of last need not be greater than the value of first  
but when last is less than first, the stride must be negative and when it is greater, the stride  
must be positive.  
User Response: Use values of (first, last, stride) which agree.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-180 MPI_CANCEL was attempted on an inactive persistent request (number) in  
string, task number  
Explanation: A persistent request only represents a communication when it is active. It is  
made active by an MPI_START and made inactive by MPI_WAIT or MPI_TEST. Since there  
is no communication to cancel, MPI_CANCEL cannot be applied to an inactive request.  
User Response: Avoid using MPI_CANCEL on a persistent request that does not currently  
involve a communication.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_REQUEST  
0032-181 MPI calls are not permitted on MPL callbacks string, task number  
Explanation: The Receive and call facility is part of MPL and does not support MPI calls  
on handlers created by MP_RCVNCALL.  
User Response: Use only the prescribed set of MPL calls on callbacks.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-182 The value given for high disagrees with rank zero string, task number  
Explanation: All members of the intercommunicator local group must give the same value  
for high. For the purpose of this error message, rank zero is presumed to have the correct  
value with which others can be compared.  
User Response: Decide which value is correct and use it for the entire group.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-183 An asymmetric graph was specified string, task number  
Explanation: For each edge, a to b specified in a graph there must also be an entry in  
edges to specify the edge b to a.  
User Response: Correct the asymmetry in the graph.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 125  
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0032-184 Ÿ 0032-188  
0032-184 MPI was not finalized in string, task number  
Explanation: An MPI program exited without calling MPI_Finalize. The parallel job is  
terminated with an error exit code.  
User Response: Correct the program and/or determine if the program terminated  
abnormally, perhaps via a library routine calling exit (0) after encountering an error condition.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-185 Locally detected error occurred on another task in string, task number  
Explanation: Another task detected an input argument error on a collective operation. This  
error is flagged only when special checking is active. Setting MP_EUIDEVELOP to yes turns  
this checking on for collective communication. This checking is always active for MPI-IO  
collective calls, so deadlock can be avoided with the default MPI_ERRORS_RETURN error  
When an errors_return error handler is in effect, this return code appears for tasks that did  
not detect a local error. These tasks will not print any messages. Tasks that detect local  
errors can print a message identifying the local error. The return code alerts the user that the  
collective operation has failed because of errors elsewhere.  
User Response: Correct the program, ensuring that all tasks have correct input. Focus on  
the tasks that indicate a local error.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-186 Consistency error occurred on another task in string, task number  
Explanation: In a collective routine, two or more tasks detected that they were provided  
with inconsistent arguments. MPI requires that all callers have matching arguments. This  
error is flagged only when consistency checking is active. Setting MP_EUIDEVELOP to yes  
turns this checking on for collective communication and collective I/O.  
When an error_return error handler is in effect, this return code appears for tasks that did  
not detect the inconsistency. These tasks will not print any messages. Tasks that detect an  
inconsistency can print a message identifying the inconsistency. The return code alerts the  
user that the collective operation has failed because of errors detected elsewhere. This error  
message cannot identify which values are correct and which are not.  
User Response: Correct the program, ensuring that all tasks have correct and consistent  
arguments to collective calls.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-187 Datatype size cannot be expressed as an integer or MPI_Aint in string, task  
Explanation: A call to create a user-defined datatype would create a type with a size  
whose magnitude is too great to be expressed by an integer or MPI_AINT.  
User Response: Restructure the program to use datatypes of smaller magnitude.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-188 Datatype stride cannot be expressed as an integer or MPI_Aint in string,  
task number  
Explanation: A call to create a user-defined datatype would create a type with a stride  
whose magnitude is too great to be expressed by an integer or MPI_AINT.  
User Response: Restructure the program to use datatypes of smaller magnitude.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
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0032-189 Ÿ 0032-253  
0032-189 Datatype extent cannot be expressed as an integer or MPI_Aint in string,  
task number  
Explanation: A call to create a user-defined datatype would create a type with an extent or  
true extent set by MPI_LB or MPI_UB whose magnitude is too great to be expressed by an  
integer or MPI_AINT.  
User Response: Restructure the program to use datatypes of smaller magnitude.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-190 Datatype upper or lower bound cannot be expressed as an integer or  
MPI_Aint in string, task number  
Explanation: A call to create a user-defined datatype would create a type with an upper  
bound, lower bound or other displacement within the datatype whose magnitude is too great  
to be expressed by an integer or MPI_AINT. The bound or displacement that overflowed  
could be based on either range of bytes touched or on MPI_LB and MPI_UB positions.  
User Response: Restructure the program to use datatypes of smaller magnitude.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-251 MPI-IO operations attempted in single threaded environment. In string, task  
Explanation: MPI-IO operations can only be performed if the MPI environment is  
User Response: Make sure the MP_SINGLE_THREAD environment variable is not set or  
is set to NO.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-252 Attention: There are more outstanding nonblocking collective  
communication calls than threads (number) to support them, which may  
cause a deadlock condition. In string, task number.  
Explanation: In the threaded library, each nonblocking collective communication call is  
carried out on a separate thread. There is a limited number of threads to service these  
requests. Extra requests are queued, which may lead to a deadlock condition depending on  
the starting order of the nonblocking collective communication requests. This condition can  
occur only with nonblocking collective communication, an IBM extension to standard MPI.  
User Response: There are two possible user responses: If you only need a few  
outstanding collective communication operations, make sure that other nonblocking requests  
have been waited on to keep the number of outstanding requests smaller than the available  
threads. If you need many outstanding nonblocking requests, you need to manage your own  
pool of threads and call the blocking collective routines on those threads.  
0032-253 Conflicting collective operations on communicator in string, task number  
Explanation: Any program that creates two or more concurrent collective operations on a  
single communicator is erroneous. This error is due to a race condition that occurs when two  
or more threads issue collective calls using the same communicator without enforcing an  
order. Programs that contain this race condition may sometimes complete normally,  
sometimes receive this message, and sometimes exhibit unexpected failures in collective  
communication. This error is only detected by calls that create a new communicator or file  
User Response: Add thread synchronization to the program to ensure that the same  
communicator is not used concurrently by two different collective communications calls in the  
same process.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 127  
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0032-254 Ÿ 0032-281  
0032-254 MP_SINGLE_THREAD is set in a multi-threaded program, detected in string,  
task number  
Explanation: The MP_SINGLE_THREAD environment variable is set, but multiple threads  
are executing.  
User Response: Unset the MP_SINGLE_THREAD environment variable and rerun the  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-255 It is not valid to decode a named predefined datatype. In string, task  
Explanation: The datatype given is a named predefined datatype which cannot be  
User Response: When attempting to decode a datatype be sure that it is a derived  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE  
0032-256 Maximum array size is not big enough. In string, task number.  
Explanation: The maximum size of an array, passed by an argument, is not big enough for  
the amount of information that needs to be returned.  
User Response: Check the function call to make sure the correct arguments have been  
used and that a big enough storage area has been allocated.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-270 Error in asynchronous support code: number in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal software error occurred during execution of the asynchronous  
code that supports some MPI functions.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-271 I/O error logging: number in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal error occurred during I/O error logging.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INTERN  
0032-280 Invalid info key string, task number.  
Explanation: The info key specified is too long.  
User Response: Make sure that the info key length is less than MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INFO_KEY  
0032-281 Invalid info value string, task number.  
Explanation: The info value specified is too long.  
User Response: Make sure that the info value length is less than MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL.  
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0032-282 Ÿ 0032-305  
0032-282 Invalid info key number (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: The info key number specified must be between 0 and N-1, where N is the  
number of keys currently defined in the info argument.  
User Response: Correct the info key number argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-283 Invalid info argument (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The info handle provided does not represent a valid MPI_Info object.  
User Response: Make sure the info argument has been created and has not been freed  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_INFO  
0032-300 Invalid file handle (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: The file handle specified is not associated with an open file.  
User Response: Make sure the file has not already been closed.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_FILE  
0032-301 Pathname too long string, task number.  
Explanation: The pathname specified is too long.  
User Response: Shorten the pathname.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE  
0032-302 Invalid access mode (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: The amode argument specified is invalid.  
User Response: Correct the amode argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_AMODE  
0032-303 File does not exist string, task number.  
Explanation: The name specified does not correspond to an existing file or directory.  
User Response: Correct the file name argument.  
0032-304 Unsupported operation on sequential access file string, task number.  
Explanation: The operation attempted is not supported on a file opened in  
User Response: Close the file and re-open it with the appropriate amode.  
0032-305 Pending I/O operations when closing a file string, task number.  
Explanation: The file is being closed while there are still pending I/O operations on it.  
MPI_FILE_CLOSE does not provide an implicit MPI_WAIT on uncompleted nonblocking file  
User Response: Modify the program so that all I/O operations are complete prior to closing  
the file.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 129  
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0032-306 Ÿ 0032-312  
0032-306 Unclosed files when finalizing string, task number.  
Explanation: There are still open files when MPI_FINALIZE is called.  
User Response: Make sure that all files are closed prior to calling MPI_FINALIZE.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-307 Invalid environment string, task number  
Explanation: You did not specify a documented MP_ environment variable.  
User Response: Contact IBM service.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-308 Invalid order (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The value of the order argument in the type constructor call must be either  
User Response: Correct the value of the order argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-309 Invalid array element (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: One element of the array has an invalid value (either negative or zero).  
User Response: Correct the value of the array element.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-310 Invalid element in array_of_distribs (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: One element of the array_of_distribs argument to  
MPI_TYPE_CREATE_DARRAY has an invalid value (not one of MPI_DISTRIBUTE_BLOCK,  
User Response: Correct the value of the array_of_distribs element.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-311 Invalid element in array_of_dargs (number) in string task number.  
Explanation: One element of the array_of_dargs argument to  
MPI_TYPE_CREATE_DARRAY() has an invalid value (either negative or zero, and different  
User Response: Correct the value of the array_of_dargs element.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-312 Invalid group size (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: The value of the size argument must be positive.  
User Response: Correct the value of the size argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
130 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0032-313 Ÿ 0032-319  
0032-313 Invalid grid size (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: The cartesian grid of processes defined by arguments ndims and  
array_of_psizes to MPI_TYPE_CREATE_DARRAY() has a size different from argument size.  
User Response: Correct either the value of the size argument or the values of the  
array_of_psizes elements.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-314 Invalid psize element (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: One element of the array_of_psizes argument to  
MPI_TYPE_CREATE_DARRAY() must have a value of 1 since distribution  
MPI_DISTRIBUTE_NONE has been set in that dimension.  
User Response: Correct the value of the array_of_psizes element.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-315 Invalid block distribution (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: The values of the three arguments array_of_psizes, array_of_dargs, and  
array_of_gsizes do not satisfy the condition: array_of_psizes[i] * array_of_dargs[i] >=  
array_of_giz es[i], whereas distribution MPI_DISTRIBUTE_BLOCK has been set in  
dimension i.  
User Response: Set appropriate values to array_of_psizes, array_of_dargs, and  
array_of_gizes elements.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-316 Invalid subarray size (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: One element of the array_of_subsizes argument to  
MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY() has a value greater than the element of array_of_sizes  
in the same dimension.  
User Response: Correct the value of the array_of_subsizes element.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-317 Invalid start element (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: One element of the array_of_starts argument to  
MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY() has a value which is not compatible with the values of  
the elements of array_of_sizes and array_of_subsizes in the same dimension.  
User Response: Set appropriate values to array_of_starts, array_of_sizes, and  
array_of_subsizes elements.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-318 Internal error in cyclic distribution (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal error occurred while processing a cyclic distribution.  
User Response: Please note the return code and contact IBM.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-319 Internal error in block distribution (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal error occurred while processing a block distribution.  
User Response: Please note the return code and contact IBM.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 131  
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0032-320 Ÿ 0032-328  
0032-320 Invalid displacement (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: A negative displacement has been specified.  
User Response: Modify the value of the disp argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-321 Permission denied string, task number.  
Explanation: The user does not have the required access permissions on the file.  
User Response: Modify file access permissions.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ACCESS  
0032-322 File already exists string, task number.  
Explanation: The file already exists, and MPI_MODE_CREATE and MPI_MODE_EXCL  
have been specified.  
User Response: Modify access mode or make sure file does not exist at open.  
0032-323 Not enough space in file system string, task number.  
Explanation: The file system does not have the required space to complete the requested  
User Response: Increase file system size.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE  
0032-324 File is a directory string, task number.  
Explanation: The file specified is a directory.  
User Response: Modify file pathname.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_BAD_FILE  
0032-326 Read-only file system string, task number.  
Explanation: The requested operation cannot be performed on the file specified, which  
resides in a read-only file system.  
User Response: Modify file pathname or change file system attributes.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_READ_ONLY  
0032-327 Pending I/O operations when setting a view string, task number.  
Explanation: A view is being set while there are still pending I/O operations on the file.  
User Response: Modify the program so that all I/O operations are complete prior to setting  
the new view on the file.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-328 Invalid data representation string, task number.  
Explanation: An invalid data representation was specified.  
User Response: Assign to datarep either a predefined data representation or a  
user-defined data representation that has been previously registered.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
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0032-329 Ÿ 0032-336  
0032-329 Pending I/O operations when setting file size string, task number.  
Explanation: The file size is being set while there are still pending I/O operations on the  
User Response: Modify the program so that all I/O operations are complete prior to setting  
the file size.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-330 Invalid offset (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: A negative offset has been specified.  
User Response: Modify the value of the offset argument.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-332 File too big string, task number.  
Explanation: An attempt was made to write a file that exceeds the maximum file size.  
User Response: Modify your program so that the file does not exceed the maximum size.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-333 Pending I/O operations when synchronizing a file string, task number.  
Explanation: A sync operation is being attempted while there are still pending I/O  
operations on the file.  
User Response: Modify the program so that all I/O operations are complete prior to  
synchronizing the file.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-334 Inconsistent file inodes string, task number.  
Explanation: An open operation is being attempted and the file name corresponds to an  
inode that is not consistent with the inode associated with the file names provided by other  
User Response: Modify the file names and make sure they are all associated with the  
same file inode.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-335 Inconsistent access modes string, task number.  
Explanation: An open operation is being attempted and the access mode is not consistent  
with the access modes provided by other processes.  
User Response: Modify the values of the access modes and make sure they are identical  
on all processes.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-336 Inconsistent file sizes string, task number  
Explanation: The file size is being set and values for the new size are not identical on all  
participating processes.  
User Response: Modify the values of the new size and make sure they are identical on all  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 133  
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0032-338 Ÿ 0032-404  
0032-338 Inconsistent elementary datatypes string, task number  
Explanation: The file view is being set and the elementary datatypes specified by the  
participating processes do not have the same extent.  
User Response: Modify the elementary datatypes and make sure they have the same  
extent on all processes.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_NOT_SAME  
0032-339 Invalid file system type string, task number  
Explanation: The file being opened does not reside in a file system of a supported type.  
User Response: Make sure the file name refers to a file residing in a file system of a  
supported type.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_OTHER  
0032-340 Invalid file size (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: The size of a file must be greater than or equal to zero.  
User Response: Make sure that the file size is non-negative.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ARG  
0032-400 Internal stat failed (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal call to stat() failed.  
User Response: Check error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-401 Internal unlink failed (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal call to unlink() failed.  
User Response: Check error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-402 Internal ftruncate failed (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal call to ftruncate() failed.  
User Response: Check error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-403 Internal open failed (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal call to open() failed.  
User Response: Check error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-404 Internal close failed (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal call to close() failed.  
User Response: Check error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
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0032-405 Ÿ 0032-410  
0032-405 Internal fsync failed (number) in string, task number.  
Explanation: An internal call to fsync() failed.  
User Response: Check error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-406 Internal lseek failed (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal call to lseek() failed.  
User Response: Check the error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-407 Internal read failed (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal call to read() failed.  
User Response: Check the error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-408 Internal write failed (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal call to write() failed.  
User Response: Check the error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-409 Internal fstat failed (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal call to fstat() failed.  
User Response: Check the error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
0032-410 Internal fstatvfs failed (number) in string, task number  
Explanation: An internal call to fstatvfs() failed.  
User Response: Check the error number and take appropriate action.  
Error Class: MPI_ERR_IO  
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 135  
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0033-1001 Ÿ 0033-1007  
Chapter 6. VT Messages  
0033-1001 Node is inactive  
Explanation: The node selected for monitoring is not active.  
Error Class: The selected square does not represent a node that is communicating with the  
performance monitor.  
User Response: Select a different square.  
0033-1002 Monitoring is currently ON. Changes will not be effective until monitoring is  
stopped and restarted.  
Explanation: You have tried to add or remove a node for monitoring while monitoring was  
in progress. Changes are only registered when monitoring is off.  
Error Class: Selecting or deselecting a node while monitoring is active.  
User Response: Stop monitoring and restart it to let the requested change(s) take effect.  
0033-1003 string was requested for monitoring but is not a known host  
Explanation: The monitoring program attempted to contact the named host for monitoring  
but was unable to determine its network address.  
Error Class: The gethostbyname() function failed to locate the host.  
User Response: Ensure that the host can be contacted on the network.  
0033-1004 Failed to fork PM statistics collector program because string  
Explanation: A process to run the Performance Monitor statistics collection program could  
not be started.  
Error Class: The fork() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1005 Unable to execute string program Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor statistics collection program could not be run.  
Error Class: The dug executable could not be invoked for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1006 Failed to create socket for the data collector because string  
Explanation: The socket for communicating between the Performance Monitor and the dug  
program could not be created.  
Error Class: The socket() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1007 Bind failed for the data collector socket.errno= number  
Explanation: bind could not be done on the socket for communicating between the  
Performance Monitor and the dug program  
Error Class: The bind function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
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0033-1008 Ÿ 0033-1014  
0033-1008 Accept failed for the PM data collector  
Explanation: A connection on the socket for communicating between the Performance  
Monitor and the dug program could not be accepted.  
Error Class: The accept() function failed.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1009 Select a node before starting monitoring  
Explanation: Monitoring can not be done unless at least one node to monitor has been  
Error Class: You requested monitoring to start before specifying any nodes to monitor.  
User Response: Select at least one node to monitor before starting the monitoring  
0033-1010 Select a View to see statistics before starting monitoring  
Explanation: Monitoring is not done unless one view of the performance data has been  
Error Class: You requested monitoring to start before specifying what view(s) of the data to  
User Response: Select at least one view of the data before starting the monitoring  
0033-1011 Unable to connect to host names : string  
Explanation: The indicated nodes did not respond to the Performance Monitoring initiation  
sequence and therefore cannot be monitored.  
Error Class: Usually because the performance data gathering daemon is not running on the  
indicated host(s).  
User Response: Ensure that the performance data gathering daemon is running on the  
requested hosts. If the daemon appears to be running, ensure that it is at the proper level.  
0033-1012 Error connecting to stream socket  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1013 Error number opening file node_list  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1014 Error opening stream socket  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
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0033-1015 Ÿ 0033-1022  
0033-1015 Error number reading node list file string  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1016 Error writing socket during allocation  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1017 Error writing socket during deallocation  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1018 Unable to query the Resource Manager  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1019 Host number missing in node list file string  
Explanation: Internal Program error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1020 pm_read_msg: Socket read failed string. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor encountered an error when communicating with the  
dug statistics collection program.  
Error Class: The socket read() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1021 pm_send_msg: Socket write failed string. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor encountered an error when communicating with the  
dug statistics collection program.  
Error Class: The socket write() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1022 dug: Unknown command number from pm_dug  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program encountered an unknown command on  
the socket for communicating with the Performance Monitor.  
Error Class: Usually the Performance Monitor has been terminated ungracefully without  
being able to notify dug.  
User Response: dug will terminate after a consecutive series of unknown commands. If the  
Performance Monitor is still active, contact program support.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 139  
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0033-1023 Ÿ 0033-1029  
0033-1023 dug: socket() failed. Error is string  
Explanation: The socket for communicating between the Performance Monitor and the dug  
program could not be created by dug.  
Error Class: The socket() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1024 dug: socket read failed string, Node= string. Error is string  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program encountered an error reading the socket  
from the statistics gathering daemon.  
Error Class: The socket read() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1025 dug: socket write failed string, Node= string. Error is string  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program encountered an error writing the socket  
from either the Performance Monitor or the statistics gathering daemon.  
Error Class: The socket write() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1026 dug: socket select failed. Error is string  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program encountered an error waiting for input  
from the statistics gathering daemon on one of the nodes being monitored.  
Error Class: The select() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1027 dug: connect_dig_socket(), socket() system call failed for node string. Error  
is string  
Explanation: Socket system call failed  
Error Class: The socket() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1028 dug: connect_dig_socket(), connect() failed for the node string. Error is  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program did not get a response from the  
Performance Monitor while it was trying to write data. dug will assume that the Performance  
Monitor has been terminated and will terminate itself.  
Error Class: Usually because the Performance Monitor has been terminated ungracefully  
without being able to notify dug.  
User Response: If the Performance Monitor is still active, contact program support.  
0033-1029 dug: number unknown commands were received. VT is presumed to be no  
longer active and dug is terminating  
Explanation: The performance statistics collection program, dug, has received the  
indicated number of unknown commands and is terminating because it assumes that the  
Performance Monitor is no longer active.  
Error Class: Usually because the Performance Monitor has been terminated ungracefully  
without being able to notify dug.  
User Response: If the Performance Monitor is still active, contact program support.  
140 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-1030 Ÿ 0033-1036  
0033-1030 pm_connect_dug() : tmpnam() failed. Unable to get Unix stream socket  
pathname. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor was not able to establish a communication channel  
with the performance statistics collection program, dug.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1031 pm_connect_dug() Select Failed for the Unix socket. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor experienced an internal program error on its  
communication channel to the performance statistics collection program, dug.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1032 pm_connect_dug() Connection with dug timed out after number seconds.  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor did not receive a response from the performance  
statistics collection program, dug, after a reasonable amount of time.  
Error Class: The dug program may not have been started successfully or may have been  
terminated after starting.  
User Response: Ensure that the dug program can be invoked and continues to execute.  
0033-1033 pm_connect_digq() : tmpnam() failed. Unable to get Unix stream socket  
pathname. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor was not able to establish a communication channel  
with the program digq which queries the nodes that are running the performance statistics  
monitor daemons, dig.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1034 Failed to fork PM Dig Query program because string  
Explanation: A process to run the Dig Query program could not be started.  
Error Class: The fork() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1035 Unable to execute string program Error is string  
Explanation: The Dig Query program could not be run.  
Error Class: The digquery executable could not be invoked for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1036 Failed to create socket for the Dig Query because string  
Explanation: The socket for communicating between the Performance Monitor and the Dig  
Query program could not be created.  
Error Class: The socket() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 141  
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0033-1037 Ÿ 0033-1042  
0033-1037 pm_connect_digq() Connection with digq timed out after number seconds.  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor did not receive a response from the dig query  
program, digq, after a reasonable amount of time.  
Error Class: The digq program may not have been started successfully or may have been  
terminated after starting.  
User Response: Ensure that the digq program can be invoked and continues to execute.  
0033-1038 pm_read_msg: Socket read failed string. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor encountered an error when communicating with the  
Dig Query program.  
Error Class: The socket read() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1039 pm_send_msg: Socket write failed string. Error is string  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor encountered an error when communicating with the  
Dig Query program.  
Error Class: The socket write() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1040 digq():Cannot create socket for broadcast query. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to create a  
socket with which to query the nodes that are running the performance statistics daemon.  
Error Class: The socket() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1041 digq():Cannot set socket to broadcast. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to set the  
SO_BROADCAST socket option. It must broadcast in order to query all the nodes running  
the performance statistics daemon.  
Error Class: The setsockopt() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1042 digq():Error in getting the local domain name. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to get the local  
Error Class: The gethostname() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
142 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-1043 Ÿ 0033-1048  
0033-1043 digq():Error in getting the Internet address of the local host string. Error is  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to get the  
Internet address of the local host.  
Error Class: The gethostbyname() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1044 digq():Cannot send broadcast packet. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to broadcast a  
query to the nodes running the performance statistics daemon.  
Error Class: The sendto() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1045 digq() failed while waiting for a response from either the Performance  
Monitor or from the nodes running the performance statistics daemon.  
Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, experienced a problem while  
waiting for a response from either the Performance Monitor or from the nodes running the  
performance statistics daemon.  
Error Class: The select() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1046 digq():Cannot receive reply to broadcast. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, received notification that a  
node running the performance statistics daemon was ready to respond but when it tried to  
accept the response, an error occurred.  
Error Class: The recvfrom() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1047 digq():gethostbyaddr() failed. Error in getting the Host name for address hex  
number. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to resolve the  
name of the host with the indicated Internet address.  
Error Class: The gethostbyaddr() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1048 digq():Failed to create socket for the Dig Query because string  
Explanation: The socket for communicating between the Performance Monitor and the Dig  
Query program could not be created.  
Error Class: The socket() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 143  
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0033-1049 Ÿ 0033-1054  
0033-1049 digq() was unable to establish a communication channel to the  
Performance Monitor. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to establish a  
communication channel to the Performance Monitor.  
Error Class: The bind() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1050 digq() experienced a problem while waiting for input from the Performance  
Monitor. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, experienced a problem while  
waiting for input from the Performance Monitor.  
Error Class: The select() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1051 digq() experienced a problem accepting input from the Performance  
Monitor. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, experienced a problem while  
waiting for input from the Performance Monitor.  
Error Class: The accept() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1052 digq() was unable to read a message from the Performance Monitor.  
Error is string  
Explanation: The Dig Query program unable to read message from Performance Monitor.  
Error Class: The socket read() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1053 digq() was unable to send a message to either dig or the Performance  
Monitor in string Error is string  
Explanation: The digquery encountered a error when communicating with the  
Dig/Performance Monitor program.  
Error Class: The socket write() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1054 digq()::p;oadcast: Unable to get the socket interface configuration.  
Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to get the  
interface configuration of the socket in order to locate broadcast devices.  
Error Class: The ioctl() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
144 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-1055 Ÿ 0033-1061  
0033-1055 digq()::p;oadcast: Unable to get socket interface flags. Error is string  
Explanation: The performance statistics query program, digq, was unable to get the  
interface flags of the socket in order to locate broadcast devices.  
Error Class: The ioctl() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-1056 Initialize_socket(), Connection to Resource Manager failed  
Explanation: Connection to resource manager failed.  
Error Class: Resource manager may not be running.  
User Response: Start Resource manager daemon.  
0033-1057 pm_start_monitor(), Get Time of Day Call failed(), Error is string  
Explanation: UNIX gettod call failed.  
User Response: Refer to AIX system documentation.  
0033-1058 Timer_FunctionPM(), Get Time of Day Call failed(), Error is string  
Explanation: UNIX gettod call failed.  
User Response: Refer to AIX system documentation.  
0033-1059 dug: Only number of number bytes of string could be written on socket  
connection to string.  
Explanation: The indicated message was incompletely written to dig.  
Error Class: The socket was probably closed because dig terminated.  
User Response: Make sure dig is still running on the monitored node. If it appears to be,  
contact local support.  
0033-1060 dug: dig on Node string closed the socket connection before string was  
Explanation: The indicated information was not received.  
Error Class: The socket was probably closed because dig terminated.  
User Response: Make sure dig is still running on the monitored node. if it appears to be,  
contact local support.  
0033-1061 dug: dig on Node string sent back number bytes of string but number bytes  
were expected.  
Explanation: An invalid amount of data was received from dig.  
Error Class: There is probably a version of dig running that is incompatible with the  
monitoring routine.  
User Response: Make sure the right level of dig is running on the monitored nodes  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 145  
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0033-1062 Ÿ 0033-2003  
0033-1062 dug: socket read for string failed Error is string  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program encountered an error reading the socket  
connection to the monitor program.  
Error Class: The monitor program has probably terminated.  
User Response: Make sure the monitor program is still running and it did not experience a  
problem trying to communicate with the dug program.  
0033-1063 dug: Monitor program closed the socket connection before string was read.  
Explanation: The indicated information was not received.  
Error Class: The socket was probably closed because the monitor program terminated.  
User Response: Make sure the monitor program is running and did not report any  
problems trying to communicate with dug.  
0033-1064 dug: Monitor program sent back number bytes of string but number bytes  
were expected.  
Explanation: An invalid amount of data was received from the monitor program.  
Error Class: The version of the monitor program is incompatible with the version of dug  
User Response: Make sure the right level of dug and the monitor program are running.  
0033-1065 dug: socket write of string to monitor program failed. Error is string  
Explanation: The dug statistics collection program encountered an error writing the socket  
from either the Performance Monitor or the statistics gathering daemon.  
Error Class: The socket write() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-1066 dug: Only number of number bytes of string could be written on socket  
connection to monitor program.  
Explanation: The indicated message was incompletely written to the monitor program  
Error Class: The socket was probably closed because the monitor program terminated.  
User Response: Make sure the monitor program is still running and did not errors while  
contacting dug  
0033-2002 Add: meter name was not specified  
Explanation: The display meter for a manual configuration was not specified.  
Error Class: During the manual creation of an event/display pair, the display meter was not  
User Response: Be sure both the event and the display meter are specified during manual  
0033-2003 Add: event name was not specified  
Explanation: The event widget for a manual configuration was not specified.  
Error Class: During the manual creation of an event/display pair, the meter widget was not  
User Response: Be sure both the event and the display meter are specified during manual  
146 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-2004 Ÿ 0033-2010  
0033-2004 AddHostname() could malloc number bytes for the first element of the  
history buffer  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor could not allocate sufficient storage for the internal  
representation of the first node to be monitored.  
Error Class: Insufficient memory is currently available on the system for Performance  
Monitoring to operate.  
User Response: Remove some of the concurrently executing processes or add more  
memory to the system.  
0033-2005 AddHostname() could malloc number bytes for a subsequent element of the  
history buffer  
Explanation: The Performance Monitor could not allocate sufficient storage for the internal  
representation of one of the nodes to be monitored.  
Error Class: Insufficient memory is currently available on the system for Performance  
Monitoring to operate.  
User Response: Remove some of the concurrently executing processes or add more  
memory to the system.  
0033-2006 "string" is not a valid meter name  
Explanation: The indicated name was specified as a display meter in a configuration file  
but is not a recognized meter.  
Error Class: The configuration file is invalid.  
User Response: If the error occurred while using the View Selector, contact local support  
for the Visualization Tool. If the error occurred while loading a configuration file, correct the  
entry called out by the error message.  
0033-2007 Internal Error: bitmap_index : unable to find given bitmap  
Explanation: While attempting to save a display meter configuration, the meters spectrum  
was not recognized as valid.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2008 Cannot allocate color for "string"  
Explanation: The indicated color could not be allocated under X  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2009 Cannot find the host running the Resource Manager  
Explanation: The Resource Manager host could not be located.  
Error Class: Either the Resource Manager or its host is down or the network connection to  
the Resource Manager host is down.  
User Response: Ensure that the Resource Manager and its host are up and that the  
network connection to it is up.  
0033-2010 Cannot get black color for cspectrum  
Explanation: The color black could not be allocated under X  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 147  
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0033-2011 Ÿ 0033-2028  
0033-2011 Cannot get color for string spectrum  
Explanation: A color for the indicated spectrum could not be obtained.  
Error Class: Either the X server where VT is running does not support a named color or no  
free color cells remain in the colormap.  
User Response: If the spectrum identified used resources to select the colors, ensure all  
the colors specified (either by default or in a resource file) are supported by the X server.  
Otherwise, run VT with the -cmap option to request a private colormap.  
0033-2022 string is an illegal time unit because it is not greater than zero  
Explanation: The value entered for the time sensitivity of the display (the time resolution) is  
the frequency with which the display will be updated and must be greater than zero.  
Error Class: The value entered is not a positive number greater than zero.  
User Response: Enter a number greater than zero.  
0033-2023 Incorrect password for Configuration Add  
Explanation: The configuration add function is enabled only during development and  
debugging and requires a password for invocation during normal use.  
Error Class: An incorrect password was supplied.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2025 string is an invalid configuration file  
Explanation: The configuration file that was specified to be loaded could not be read.  
Error Class: The file specified is not a regular file.  
User Response: Specify a regular file.  
0033-2026 Cannot open configuration file string because string  
Explanation: The configuration file that was specified to be loaded could not be opened to  
be read.  
Error Class: The reason is indicated in the message.  
User Response: Specify a readable file.  
0033-2027 Configuration file string cannot be located because string  
Explanation: The specified configuration file could not be loaded.  
Error Class: The stat() command failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the problem with the configuration file.  
0033-2028 cx_delete_entry: Internal Error. Attempt to delete unused entry from  
configuration table  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
148 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-2029 Ÿ 0033-2037  
0033-2029 Cannot close previous trace file because string  
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to close the previous trace file.  
Error Class: The fclose() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: If the problem appears to be correctable, do so. Otherwise gather  
information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and  
software problems.  
0033-2030 Reset cannot occur because the trace file "string" could not be opened  
Explanation: The reset button was pressed but the trace file had not been successfully  
Error Class: An error occurred with the specified trace file.  
User Response: Ensure the trace file is successfully opened before attempting to reset.  
0033-2031 Cannot open help file string  
Explanation: The text file for the requested help could not be located.  
Error Class: Either the file is not installed in the proper location or it is not installed with the  
proper permissions.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2032 An error occurred while reading help file string. The reason is string  
Explanation: It was not possible to successfully read the text file for the requested help.  
Error Class: The read() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2033 Internal Error: iwc_remove : unable to find "string" event type  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2035 Internal Error DialogAcceptCB received unknown event  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2036 Internal Error DialogCancelCB received unknown event  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2037 Internal Error MenuCB received unknown event  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 149  
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0033-2041 Ÿ 0033-2048  
0033-2041 Internal Error make_menu_item: Invalid Item Type  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2042 string is not valid for the sampling interval number will be used  
Explanation: An invalid sampling frequency was specified and the default will be used  
Error Class: The sampling frequency must be between 1 an 999 seconds.  
User Response: Respecify a valid frequency or accept the default.  
0033-2043 Internal Error panel_updateCB() was called with invalid data  
Explanation: An internal program error occurred.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2044 A trace file is required but was not specified  
Explanation: Trace display can only occur if a trace file is specified.  
Error Class: The field where the trace file name is entered was left empty.  
User Response: Specify a trace file name before attempting to display the trace file.  
0033-2045 Could not open trace file "string" because string  
Explanation: The specified trace file could not be opened.  
Error Class: The fopen() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Ensure that the specified trace file can be opened.  
0033-2046 "string" is not a regular file  
Explanation: Although it exists, the specified trace file is not a regular file and it must be in  
order to be used as input.  
Error Class: The name specified is not the name of a regular file.  
User Response: Ensure that the specified trace file is a regular file.  
0033-2047 Event widgets must produce port numbers.  
Explanation: The widget specified cannot be used as an event widget.  
Error Class: The widget specified cannot drive a display widget.  
User Response: Specify a valid widget.  
0033-2048 Event widget class is invalid. Configuration cannot be created.  
Explanation: An event/display chain was being created but the specified event widget is  
not valid.  
Error Class: If this message occurs using the Icon View Selector, it indicates a bad  
configuration file. If it occurs while manually creating a chain, it indicates the specified event  
widget is not legal.  
User Response: Ensure that the configuration file or the manual process specifies a valid  
event widget.  
150 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-2049 Ÿ 0033-2055  
0033-2049 Event widgets must accept multiple ports. Configuration cannot be created.  
Explanation: An event/display chain was being created but the specified event widget  
cannot handle multiple processes.  
Error Class: The 'single' attribute of the event widget is set to TRUE which indicates it  
cannot handle multiple processes.  
User Response: Ensure that the specified event widget can handle multiple processes.  
0033-2050 Incompatible events selected. Configuration cannot be created.  
Explanation: The event widgets selected do not generate the same type of events and  
cannot drive the same display meters.  
Error Class: The type attributes of the specified event widgets are not the same.  
User Response: Ensure that the selected event widgets produce the same type of events.  
0033-2051 Filter widget class is invalid. Configuration cannot be created.  
Explanation: An event/display chain was being created but the specified filter widget is not  
Error Class: If this message occurs using the Icon View Selector, it indicates a bad  
configuration file. If it occurs while manually creating a chain, it indicates the specified filter  
widget is not legal.  
User Response: Ensure that the configuration file or the manual process specifies a valid  
filter widget.  
0033-2052 Meter widget class is invalid. Configuration cannot be created  
Explanation: An event/display chain was being created but the specified display meter  
widget is not valid.  
Error Class: If this message occurs using the Icon View Selector, it indicates a bad  
configuration file. If it occurs while manually creating a chain, it indicates the specified filter  
widget is not legal.  
User Response: Ensure that the configuration file or the manual process specifies a valid  
display meter widget.  
0033-2053 Internal Error: Event widget could not be created  
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create the display meter widget.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2054 Internal Error Filter could not be created  
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create the filter widget.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2055 No configuration file specified  
Explanation: The program attempted to load a configuration file but the file name was  
Error Class: Either the configuration installation is bad or a bad file name was specified on  
the command line option or environment variable.  
User Response: If the configuration file command line option or environment variable was  
used, ensure it specifies a valid file name. Otherwise, contact program support.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 151  
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0033-2056 Ÿ 0033-2061  
0033-2056 Request to open another display failed. Only 20 displays may be open at  
any time. Close some displays and try again.  
Explanation: Only 20 displays can be opened at a time.  
Error Class: An attempt was made to open another display while 20 were already opened.  
User Response: Close a display before attempting to open another.  
0033-2057 "string" is not a regular file name and cannot be used to save a config file  
Explanation: An attempt was made to save a configuration file in something that is not a  
regular file.  
Error Class: The name specified for the configuration file is the name of an existing object  
(eg. a directory) that cannot be written into.  
User Response: Specify a name that is not already in use or that is the name of a regular  
0033-2058 Unable to open View Selection File "string"  
Explanation: The View Selection File determines the layout of the Icon Selection Panel.  
The file could not be found.  
Error Class: The message indicates the place where the file was expected but was not  
User Response: Ensure that the View Selection File exists in the proper place. The VTDIR  
environment variable can be used to set the root of the path (up to but not including the  
ViewSelect subdirectory). If the View Selection File cannot be found, contact program  
0033-2059 Executable file string not found  
Explanation: Executable file not found in current path.  
Error Class: Executable is not found in $PATH; environment variable.  
User Response: Exit from VT, reset $PATH, and restart VT.  
0033-2060 Source Code file string not found  
Explanation: Source code file not found in current directory or source path command line  
variable (-spath) or Resource File (Vt).  
Error Class: Executable is not found in $PATH; environment variable.  
User Response: Without exiting VT, press the mouse 3 button while pointing in the Source  
Code display and add the directories to the source search path. Otherwise, exit VT and  
change the directory name(s) from the command line variable (-spath) or Resource File (Vt).  
0033-2061 Executable file string not compiled with -g option  
Explanation: Source not Compiled with -g option.  
Error Class: Symbol Table information not found in executable.  
User Response: Compile the source with -g option.  
152 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-2062 Ÿ 0033-2067  
0033-2062 Command line option string is not recognized or is missing a required  
parameter. It will be ignored  
Explanation: The indicated option is not recognized and the Visualization Tool does not  
know what to do with it other than ignore it.  
Error Class: The option may have been misspelled or may just be wrong.  
User Response: Ensure that valid options are passed to the Visualization Tool as  
command line options.  
0033-2063 Invalid release level, hex number, for trace file "string" Release level for  
current VT is hex number  
Explanation: VT detected a release level in the trace file it was processing that it did not  
Error Class: Either the trace file was generated by a backlevel version of the VT tracing  
system or the file is not a valid trace file (either it was valid and became corrupted or it never  
was a valid trace file)  
User Response: Verify that the file is a valid trace file and was generated by the same or a  
compatible level of the VT trace system as the VT visualization system. If it was not,  
re-generate the trace file. If the file should be a valid, compatible trace file, attempt to locate  
causes for corruption.  
0033-2064 This version of VT was created on string  
Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates when the VT executable was  
Error Class: Selecting the About button under Help  
User Response: None  
0033-2065 Insufficient Paging space available to bring up string display. Required  
Paging Space= number, Available Space= number  
Explanation: This is an warning message that indicates the Initialization of widget fails  
because paging space is low. During Initialization of widgets lot of memory is consumed for  
the history buffer storage. Thus the approximate requirement is calculated and checked  
against the available memory either in heap or in the paging space and if required memory  
is higher than the available memory , Initialization fails and returns with this message and  
display will not be shown.  
Error Class: Low paging space.  
User Response: Check AIX manual.  
0033-2066 Low Paging space detected by VT, increase your paging space  
Explanation: This is an warning message that indicates when the paging space is too low.  
Error Class: Low paging space.  
User Response: Check AIX manual.  
0033-2067 Invalid Time specified in time field  
Explanation: Invalid characters or invalid format specified for the time field.  
Error Class: User error.  
User Response: Respecify a correct time value.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 153  
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0033-2068 Ÿ 0033-2073  
0033-2068 Unable to map trace file "string" into memory.  
Explanation: During an attempt to load a tracefile, although the file existed, was a regular  
file, and was successfully opened, the file could not be mapped into memory.  
Error Class: Available data space insufficiently large to hold mapped file data structure.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-2069 Could not open file "string" for print output because string  
Explanation: The specified file could not be opened to store output for the print request.  
Error Class: The fopen() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Ensure that the specified file can be opened and is writable.  
0033-2070 Non zero return code from print command  
Explanation: The command specified for printing returned with a non zero exit code.  
Error Class: The print command may have experienced some sort of failure.  
User Response: Ensure that the command is correct and the resulting program or shell  
script is operating properly. Note that the command may be returning a non zero value when  
it is actually operating properly. In this case, you may want to write a shell script to invoke  
the command and return 0 to vt.  
0033-2071 Internal error trying to create print output  
Explanation: A failure occurred during the processing of the print command.  
Error Class: This will typically occur due to an X windows failure.  
User Response: If the problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting software problems.  
0033-2072 Errors were found while post processing tracefile string. Details may be  
found in string.  
Explanation: During post processing of the named tracefile, errors were found. Details  
about these errors are in the named log file.  
Error Class: See the log file for specific causal information.  
User Response: If the errors indicate an undesired result, correct the application program  
and regenerate the tracefile.  
0033-2073 Playback is disabled while post processing the tracefile and when using the  
Performance Monitor. Please wait for post processing to complete or close  
the Performance Monitor.  
Explanation: Trace file playback is disabled when using the Performance Monitor and  
during the post processing of the trace file.  
Error Class: One of the trace playback buttons was pressed while trace file playback was  
User Response: Wait for the post processing to complete or close the Performance  
Monitor. If you do not believe either of these situations exist, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.  
154 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-2074 Ÿ 0033-3003  
0033-2074 Post processing of tracefile string. is complete. Details may be found in  
Explanation: During post processing of the named tracefile, information about the tracefile  
and post processing was logged to the file. See the log file for specific information. found.  
Details about these errors are in the named log file.  
Error Class: Post processing of of the tracefile completed without reporting any errors.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
0033-2075 Unable to open tracefile string for postprocessing. Check file permission  
Explanation: The tracefile required post processing, but opening the file in read/write mode  
was unsuccessful because of the file permissions.  
User Response: Check file permissions and ownership.  
0033-2076 Unable to open tracefile string for post processing.  
Explanation: The tracefile required post processing, but opening the file in read/write mode  
was unsuccessful for a reason unrelated to file permissions.  
User Response: Retry  
0033-2077 Unable to open help message file.  
Explanation: The help message file, which defaults to  
/usr/lpp/ppe.pedocs/peopsuse2.html, is unavailable for reading.  
Cause: The file set ppe.pedocs is not installed.  
User Response: Install ppe.pedocs.  
0033-2078 Unable to open HTML browser.  
Explanation: The HTML browser, which defaults to Netscape, is unavailable.  
Cause: Netscape is not installed or it is not in your search path.  
User Response: Install Netscape or add it to your search path.  
0033-2079 Unable to execute the shell script string.  
Explanation: The shell script, pointed to by the MP_VT_HELP_SHELL environment  
variable, cannot be opened for execution.  
Cause: The shell script does not exist or the execution bit is not set.  
User Response: Check the name and the permission of the script.  
0033-3003 VT_trc_init() failed to find a writeable directory Cannot create trace files  
Error is string  
Explanation: During trace initialization, neither the temporary directory nor the current  
working directory were found to be writeable.  
Error Class: The program could not write into either the directory specified as the temporary  
directory (/tmp) or the directory specified as the current working directory.  
User Response: Ensure that the directories are writeable.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 155  
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0033-3005 Ÿ 0033-3019  
0033-3005 Could not obtain current time for timestamp file because string  
Explanation: The program could not determine the current time of day to write into the  
timestamp file.  
Error Class: The gettimeofday() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3009 VT_trc_capture(), Cannot Open File string Err = string  
Explanation: The program was trying to write another trace file record but could not open  
the ongoing trace file.  
Error Class: The fopen() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3010 VT_trc_capture(), malloc of number bytes failed. Error is string  
Explanation: The program was trying to allocate the memory buffer for AIX statistics  
information but failed.  
Error Class: Not enough memory was present for the memory buffer.  
User Response: Specify a smaller memory buffer or increase the amount of available  
memory on the system.  
0033-3011 VT_trc_set_params(), realloc of number bytes failed. Error is string  
Explanation: The tracing routine attempted to reallocate the trace memory buffer (Tier 1) to  
the requested size and failed.  
Error Class: Not enough memory was present for the memory buffer.  
User Response: Specify a smaller memory buffer or increase the amount of available  
memory on the system.  
0033-3012 Internal Error: write_trc_data(), Error writing buffer to file. Err = string  
Explanation: An error occurred while writing a trace record to the intermediate trace file.  
Error Class: The fwrite() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3015 VT_trc_init(), System call getpwuid() failed, Err : string  
Explanation: The program was trying to allocate space for the memory buffer for message  
events but failed.  
Error Class: Not enough memory was present for the memory buffer.  
User Response: Specify a smaller memory buffer or increase the amount of available  
memory on the system.  
0033-3019 Internal Error: Invalid EUIType number found by VT_trc_done()  
Explanation: While merging the temporary trace files, a message event was encountered  
that was not recognized.  
Error Class: The indicated subtype is not valid as a message.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
156 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-3022 Ÿ 0033-3029  
0033-3022 Client: Cannot open stream socket for Dig Daemon, Err=string  
Explanation: The parallel application was attempting to create a unix socket with which to  
talk to the AIX statistics daemon but failed.  
Error Class: The socket() function failed.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3023 Client: Cannot connect to the server Dig Daemon, Err : string  
Explanation: The parallel application attempted to connect to the AIX statistics daemon but  
Error Class: The connect() function failed.  
User Response: Ensure that the dig daemon is running on all of the nodes that the parallel  
application is executing on. If it is and the message still occurs, contact program support.  
0033-3025 PMdig: Error waiting for communication, select() failed. errno= number  
Explanation: The AIX statistics daemon, dig, experienced a problem while waiting for  
communication from clients.  
Error Class: The select() function failed  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3026 PMdig: Error accepting socket connection errno=number  
Explanation: The AIX statistics daemon, dig, experienced a problem trying to service a  
Error Class: The accept() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3028 PMdig: Unable to send statistics record to string errno= number  
Explanation: The AIX statistics daemon, digd, experienced a problem trying to send data  
to one of its clients.  
Error Class: The write() function failed  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3029 PMdig: Data read Error from a client, in string, Control message was  
number bytes but number bytes were expected Client is string Error Class:  
The fwrite() function failed on the indicated file for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Refer to AIX product documentation for information on the indicated error  
number. If the problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site  
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 157  
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0033-3068 Ÿ 0033-3073  
0033-3068 VT_integrate() Could not open output file "string" Error is string  
Explanation: While integrating the intermediate trace files, the program could not open an  
intermediate output file.  
Error Class: The fopen() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3069 VT_integrate() Could not write output file string  
Explanation: While integrating the intermediate trace files, the program could not write to  
the intermediate output file.  
Error Class: The fwrite() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3070 PMdig: Unable to read the location of the CPU utilization information  
Explanation: The AIX statistics program, dig, was unable to read the location of the sysinfo  
Error Class: The read() function into the kernel failed.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3071 VT_trc_init(), Invalid trace flag value number Tracing set to off  
Explanation: Invalid Trace flag value.  
Error Class: User has set invalid value for environment variable or passed wrong value on  
command line.  
User Response: Specify a correct value.  
0033-3072 write_tmp_to_usd_file(), Fork failed to the write data on to the user  
specified directory. Error is string  
Explanation: While writing the AIX statistics file to the current working directory, the fork  
which would allow the dig daemon to act on the behalf of the user failed.  
Error Class: The fork() function failed for the indicate reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3073 write_data_to_usd_file(), setuid() failed from root to user_id= number, Can't  
create AIX trace file, Err=string  
Explanation: While writing the AIX statistics file to the current working directory, the  
program was unable to change its user id to the user id that submitted the application  
Error Class: The setuid() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
158 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-3074 Ÿ 0033-3080  
0033-3074 write_data_to_usd_file(), setgid() failed from root to user_gid= number, Can't  
create AIX trace file, Err=string  
Explanation: While writing the AIX statistics file to the current working directory, the  
program was unable to change its group id to the group id of the user that submitted the  
application program.  
Error Class: The setgid() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3075 VT Node Tracing completed. Node merge beginning  
Explanation: A node is beginning to merge its intermediate trace files.  
Error Class: Application has completed on the reporting node.  
User Response: None (information only).  
0033-3076 VT Node Trace merge completed  
Explanation: Informational message. Merge of euitrc and aixtrc node trace files on the  
originating node has completed, and all data has been sent to the home node. single .trc  
Error Class: Printed during trace processing when the appropriate MP_INFOLEVEL is set.  
User Response: None. Refer to the Operation and Use Publication for an explanation on  
0033-3077 VT Final Trace Integration beginning at string  
Explanation: Informational message. Time printed as merging of all the remote node trace  
data begins on the home node.  
Error Class: Printed during trace processing when the appropriate MP_INFOLEVEL is set.  
User Response: None. Refer to the Operation and Use Publication for an explanation on  
0033-3078 VT Final Trace Integration completed  
Explanation: Informational message. Time printed before merging of all the .vttrc tracefiles  
into a single .trc tracefile.  
Error Class: Printed during trace processing when the appropriate MP_INFOLEVEL is set.  
User Response: None. Refer to the Operation and Use Publication for an explanation on  
0033-3079 PMdig::Gettimeofday() call failed while getting begin time. errno= number  
Explanation: UNIX gettod call failed.  
Error Class: Refer to error in message.  
User Response: Refer to AIX system documentation.  
0033-3080 PMdig::Gettimeofday() call failed while getting end time. errno= number  
Explanation: UNIX gettod call failed.  
Error Class: Refer to error in message.  
User Response: Refer to AIX system documentation.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 159  
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0033-3081 Ÿ 0033-3087  
0033-3081 PMdig::write() on socket failed in sending version to string. errno= number  
Explanation: dig disconnected client because of version mismatch.  
Error Class: May be a version problem.  
User Response: Check with the system administrator to insure the same version of the dig  
program is installed on each node, for the respective version of VT or POE.  
0033-3082 PMdig::ExtractMessage() Invalid command hex number found from string  
Explanation: Invalid data is present in the buffer.  
Error Class: May be a version problem.  
User Response: Check with the system administrator to insure the same version of the dig  
program is installed on each node, for the respective version of VT or POE.  
0033-3083 VT_trrtn:: select() failed in string. Error is string  
Explanation: Invalid data is present in the buffer.  
Error Class: System Error as explained in the printed message.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3084 VT_trrtn:: dig_init() failed because dig is already generating traces.  
Explanation: Dig is already running traces for some task so currently not available.  
Error Class: Two or more tasks are running on the same node.  
User Response: Execute only one job task per node at a time.  
0033-3085 VT_trrtn:: dig_init() failed because dig version is incompatible with the  
poe-trace version.  
Explanation: POE version is different from dig version.  
Error Class: Versions are different.  
User Response: Rerun dig with proper version  
0033-3086 VT_trrtn:: dig_init() Unable to contact dig.  
Explanation: Not able to communicate with dig.  
Error Class: Dig cannot be located or cannot be run.  
User Response: Check that the dig executable can be found and that the system is not  
0033-3087 VT_trc_capture(),Maximum filesize for intermediate file exceeds the  
TTEMPSIZE value. Tracing stopped  
Explanation: The intermediate trace file size has exceeded the allowed size (either  
explicitly set with a command option or environment variable or implicitly set to the default of  
Error Class: The allowed size of the trace file is smaller than the actual trace file.  
User Response: Specify a larger size for the permanent trace file size, reduce the number  
of trace records being generated (either by changing the trace level flag or by increasing the  
time between AIX statistics samples) or use the wrap around trace buffer.  
160 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-3088 Ÿ 0033-3094  
0033-3088 VT_trrtn::write_trc_data(), Tracing continued after reducing the max size for  
temp file from number to number  
Explanation: Tracing continued even if write failed on temp disk.  
Error Class: Temp Disk full.  
User Response: Increase the space in the temp disk.  
0033-3089 VT_trc_init::get_dir_stat failed for cwd directory string, Error is string  
Explanation: Cannot access current working directory.  
Error Class: System Error.  
User Response: Refer to the AIX system documentation for cause of the error.  
0033-3090 string: string write failed to the dig daemon.  
AIX Tracing has been stopped. Error is string  
Explanation: Write on a socket failed.  
Error Class: Network problem or dig is not running.  
User Response: Refer to the AIX system documentation for cause of the error.  
0033-3091 Read failed from the dig daemon, Error is string  
Explanation: Read from a socket failed.  
Error Class: Network problem or dig is not running.  
User Response: Refer to the AIX system documentation for cause of the error.  
0033-3092 VT_trint, statfs call failed, Disk space computation failed. Continuing ...  
Error is string  
Explanation: During trace integration on the home node, the statfs system call failed.  
Error Class: System problem. The specific error number is reported.  
User Response: Refer to the AIX system documentation for the possible cause of the  
0033-3093 Trace Integration stopped , Disk space left is number, required is number  
Explanation: There is not enough disk space left to write the final trace file on the home  
Error Class: Insufficient disk space on the home node.  
User Response: Increase the available disk space.  
0033-3094 VT_trc_capture write_buff_to_file() Insufficient disk space to write, space  
left is number, required is number.  
Explanation: Not enough disk space left.  
Error Class: Insufficient disk space.  
User Response: Clean the disk.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 161  
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0033-3095 Ÿ 0033-3100  
0033-3095 VT_trc_capture write_buffusd_data() Insufficient disk space to write,  
Tracing stopped. Space left is number, required is number  
Explanation: Not enough disk space left.  
Error Class: Insufficient disk space.  
User Response: Clean the disk.  
0033-3096 VT_trc_init() HPSOclk_init string failure, Tracing is disabled. Error is string  
Explanation: Clock initialization failed during trace initialization. Tracing cannot continue  
and is disabled at this time.  
Error Class: An unknown error was encountered in HPSOclk_init and the errno global  
variable was set with the error code.  
User Response: If the problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3097 VT_trc_capture() HPSOclk_gettime failed, Tracing stopped. Error is  
Explanation: Cannot read the VT trace record time stamp.  
Error Class: System problem.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3098 VT_trc_init(): SP Switch Option was not detected. The time of day clock  
will be used to timestamp trace records  
Explanation: The program is indicating that it is not using the SP switch to synchronize VT  
trace records across nodes. This is not a problem unless the program SHOULD be using the  
Error Class: The /dev/css0 device is not present, is present but at a back level or is not  
operating properly.  
User Response: Ensure that ssp.css is installed and that /dev/css0 is present. If it appears  
to be, refer to css documentation for problem determination procedures.  
0033-3099 VT_trc_init(): SP Switch Option was detected and will be used to timestamp  
trace records  
Explanation: The program is indicating that it is using the SP switch to synchronize VT  
trace records across nodes. This is not a problem unless the program SHOULD NOT be  
using the switch.  
Error Class: The /dev/css0 device is present and functioning normally.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3100 VT_trc_init(): Unknown configuration detected during clock initialization.  
Explanation: The program is indicating that after the initializing the trace record time  
stamp, an unknown switch configuration was detected. Since initialization completed  
successfully, tracing continues but the resulting trace file should be checked for timestamp  
User Response: Even if the trace file appears correct, report the message following local  
site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
162 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-3101 Ÿ 0033-3108  
0033-3101 VT_trc_set_params(): Setting Temp File size to threshold size. Set Size =  
number, Minimum size = number  
Explanation: The happens when user tries to set the size of temporary file to be less than  
the minimum threshold size. Program then automatically sets the size to the minimum size  
and continue trace generation.  
User Response: Change the parameters in VT_trc_set_param call to be above threshold  
0033-3103 VT_trc_set_params(): Setting Buffer size to Threshold size. Set Size =  
number, Minimum size = number  
Explanation: The happens when user tries to set the trace buffer size to be less than the  
minimum threshold size. Program then automatically sets the size to the threshold size and  
continue trace generation.  
User Response: Change the parameters in VT_trc_set_param call to be above threshold  
0033-3104 VT_trc_set_params(): Setting system statistics sampling frequency to the  
Threshold value. Set Size = number, Minimum size = number  
Explanation: The happens when user tries to set the sampling frequency to be less than  
the minimum threshold size. Program then automatically sets the size to the threshold value  
and continue trace generation.  
User Response: Change the parameters in VT_trc_set_param call to be above threshold  
0033-3105 write_buff_to_file(): fstatfs() function failed Error is string  
Explanation: This a system error. fstatfs returns the disk space left on the temporary or  
permanent file system.  
User Response: Check the AIX system manual.  
0033-3106 DIG, Error in string data on broadcast socket. Error is string  
Explanation: The is a system error. Recvto or sendto command failed.  
User Response: Check the AIX system manual.  
0033-3107 dig, string client on string sent a number byte string message but number  
bytes were expected.  
Explanation: Receive from the client failed.  
User Response: Check the AIX system manual.  
0033-3108 dig: dig daemon running at level number received connection request from  
a client at level number. Connection refused.  
Explanation: Incompatible version of DIG and the client.  
User Response: Ensure that the level of dig running on the remote nodes and the level of  
the monitor program are compatible.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 163  
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0033-3109 Ÿ 0033-3115  
0033-3109 connect_dig() Select Failed for the Unix socket. Error is string  
Explanation: The Tracing routine experienced an internal program error on its  
communication channel.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3110 Accept failed for the connection from DIG executable. Error is string  
Explanation: A connection on the socket for communicating between the Application  
program and dig daemon could not accepted.  
Error Class: The accept() function failed.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3111 connect_dig() Connection with DIG timed out after number seconds.  
Explanation: The Trace routine did not get response from the aix data collector after a  
reasonable amount of time.  
Error Class: The dig program may not have been started successfully or may have been  
terminated after starting.  
User Response: Ensure that the dig program can be invoked and continues to execute.  
0033-3112 connect_dig() : tmpnam() failed. Unable to get Unix stream socket  
pathname. errno is number  
Explanation: The Trace routine was not able to establish a communication channel with  
the aix data collector, dig.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3113 Failed to fork DIG, Aix statistics collector program. Error is string  
Explanation: A process to run the Aix statistics collection program could not be started.  
Error Class: The fork() function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-3114 Unable to execute string program errno is number  
Explanation: The Aix statistics collection program could not be run.  
Error Class: The dig executable could not be invoked for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
0033-3115 Bind failed for the data collector socket. Error is string  
Explanation: bind could not be done on the socket for communicating between the  
Performance Monitor and the dug program.  
Error Class: The bind function failed for the indicated reason.  
User Response: Correct the specified problem.  
164 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-3116 Ÿ 0033-3123  
0033-3116 DIG(), Connection with Application program timed out after number  
Explanation: The DIG daemon did not receive a response from the Trace client reasonable  
amount of time.  
Error Class: The trace client may have died or system delay.  
User Response: Rerun the application.  
0033-3117 DIG(), Version Mismatch. Dig version=hex number, Trace Version=hex  
Explanation: The version of DIG daemon does not match with the trace routine version of  
the application program.  
Error Class: Installation problem.  
User Response: Reinstall VT .  
0033-3118 dig daemon started on string  
Explanation: Informational message that indicates when the most recent dig daemon  
User Response: None.  
0033-3119 dig daemon received string signal  
Explanation: The dig daemon received a signal that may affect its operation.  
User Response: None  
0033-3120 dig daemon was unable to set signal handler for signal number Return code  
= number Error is string  
Explanation: The dig daemon could not set a signal handler.  
User Response: Contact local support.  
0033-3121 dig: Socket read error occurred while trying to check the version of string  
client on string errno= number  
Explanation: The dig daemon encountered an error while trying to check the version of a  
trace or monitor client.  
User Response: Contact local support.  
0033-3122 dig: Socket was closed by string client on string before version could be  
Explanation: The dig daemon could not set a signal handler.  
User Response: Contact local support.  
0033-3123 dig: Socket read error while trying to read control message from  
string errno= number  
Explanation: The AIX statistics daemon, dig, experienced a problem trying to accept  
commands from one of its clients.  
Error Class: A system error occurred that prevented reading the socket.  
User Response: The system error is reported as part of the message. If the problem  
cannot be corrected from the system message, contact local support.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 165  
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0033-3124 Ÿ 0033-3129  
0033-3124 Internal program error occurred during trace integration  
Explanation: During the trace integration portion of the poe job, a required structure was  
not initialized properly.  
Error Class: A program error occurred that prevents trace integration.  
User Response: Poe will attempt to continue but all trace data for this job is lost. Report  
this problem using local support procedures.  
0033-3125 Unexpected acknowledgment of type string from remote node hex number  
Explanation: The home node received an unexpected acknowledgement during trace  
Error Class: Communication with a remote node has failed.  
User Response: Check the remote node log file to determine the reason for failure.  
Probable PE error.  
0033-3126 SSM interface failure between home node and remote task hex number.  
Return code was hex number  
Explanation: During the trace integration portion of the poe job, there was a  
communications failure between the home node and the node indicated.  
Error Class: An error occurred that prevented trace integration to continue and this  
message will be followed by additional information from poe about the exact nature of the  
User Response: Follow the actions recommended in subsequent poe messages.  
0033-3127 Error getting environment variable string  
Explanation: The internal getenv function failed to get the specified environment variable.  
The remote node terminates.  
Error Class: Probable PE error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3128 Error using the SSM interface during trace integration.  
Explanation: The internal SSM interface failed during communication of trace data between  
a remote node and the home node.  
Error Class: Probable PE error.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
0033-3129 Remote node number failed to complete trace integration.  
Explanation: The specified node did not complete sending trace data to the home node.  
Error Class: Probable PE error.  
User Response: This message will most likely be accompanied by other PE messages.  
Try to isolate the problem using those messages, or gather information about the problem  
and follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.  
166 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-3130 Ÿ 0033-3134  
0033-3130 Unable to allocate space to store "string", which is the name of the  
temporary kernel statistics trace file.  
Explanation: The dig program (which is spawned from the parallel application) could not  
save the name of the file that it was supposed to write kernel trace records into.  
Error Class: Probably low paging space.  
User Response: Check paging space on the remote application during execution. If there  
is a low amount of available paging space, increase the paging space. Otherwise, follow site  
procedures for reporting software problems.  
0033-3131 The dig executable was invoked with number parameters. It requires 2.  
Explanation: The dig program is intended to be invoked only from a process spawned by a  
parallel application. The parallel application will pass it the name of the socket with which dig  
can communicate with the original parallel application and the name of the file into which dig  
should write kernel statistics records.  
Error Class: dig was invoked in a non-standard manner.  
User Response: Do not run dig directly.  
0033-3132 Unable to allocate number bytes to store the name of the temporary file for  
communication events.  
Explanation: VT trace generation could not allocate space to create the name of the  
temporary file for communication events.  
Error Class: Probably low paging space.  
User Response: Check paging space on the remote application during execution. If there  
is a low amount of available paging space, increase the paging space. Otherwise, follow site  
procedures for reporting software problems.  
0033-3133 Unable to allocate number bytes to store the name of the temporary file for  
kernel statistics.  
Explanation: VT trace generation could not allocate space to create the name of the  
temporary file for kernel statistics.  
Error Class: Probably low paging space.  
User Response: Check paging space on the remote application during execution. If there  
is a low amount of available paging space, increase the paging space. Otherwise, follow site  
procedures for reporting software problems.  
0033-3134 Unable to create temporary name for communication events file. Error is  
Explanation: VT trace generation could not create a temporary name for the file to record  
communication events. The message gives the reason the system call failed.  
Error Class: Unknown.  
User Response: Attempt to correct the cause identified in the message. If that is not  
possible, follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 167  
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0033-3135 Ÿ 0033-4002  
0033-3135 Unable to create temporary name for kernel statistics file. Error is string  
Explanation: VT trace generation could not create a temporary name for the file to record  
kernel statistics. The message gives the reason the system call failed.  
Error Class: Unknown.  
User Response: Attempt to correct the cause identified in the message. If that is not  
possible, follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.  
0033-3136 Write of number bytes from trace buffer to temporary file, "string", failed.  
Error is string.  
Explanation: VT trace generation could not write the internal memory buffer to the  
temporary trace file. The reason the system gave for the failure is given.  
Error Class: Failure of system write call  
User Response: Attempt to correct the cause identified in the message. If that is not  
possible, follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.  
0033-3137 The preceding message refers to file: "string".  
Explanation: This message identifies the file to which the preceding error message applies.  
Error Class: An error occurred while reading the indicated file.  
User Response: Use the file name provided as part of this message in the problem  
resolution procedure for the previous message.  
0033-3138 Internal error during trace initialization or generation, malloc failed for size  
number, Error is string  
Explanation: Memory was being requested to allocate a larger array to temporarily hold the  
request field for one of the MPI WAIT or TEST message passing calls. This can happen  
during initialization (VT_trc_init()) or during generation of the trace event record. The  
program could not allocate sufficient memory.  
Error Class: The malloc() failed to allocate the indicated number of bytes for the indicated  
User Response: Increase the amount of memory available on the system.  
0033-4001 string Data record for process number received but the largest process  
number is number. Data ignored.  
Explanation: During visualization, a data record was marked for a process that does not  
Error Class: The trace file is either corrupted or out of date.  
User Response: For the current visualization session, the data record is ignored but the  
results of the visualization session are suspect. The trace file should be regenerated, if  
possible. If the problem persists, contact local support.  
0033-4002 string Data record for virtual process number number which is not a valid  
process number Data ignored.  
Explanation: During visualization, a data record was marked for a process number that is  
not valid.  
Error Class: The trace file is either corrupted or out of date.  
User Response: For the current visualization session, the data record is ignored but the  
results of the visualization session are suspect. The trace file should be regenerated, if  
possible. If the problem persists, contact local support.  
168 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-4003 Ÿ 0033-4007  
0033-4003 string History buffer position should be 0 but is number History buffer will  
be reset  
Explanation: During visualization, the internal semaphores of the display have become  
Error Class: Internal program error.  
User Response: For the current visualization session, the display will reset its history  
buffer so that any previous data values will be lost. Visualization will attempt to continue but  
the results are suspect. The problem should be reported to local support.  
0033-4004 string Invalid data value, number, received. It will be ignored.  
Explanation: During visualization, an invalid value was received by the indicated display.  
Error Class: The trace file may be corrupted or an anomaly may have occurred during trace  
User Response: The data value will be ignored and visualization will continue but the  
results may be suspect. Report the problem and provide the trace file to local support.  
0033-4005 string Invalid record subtype, number, received.  
It will be ignored.  
Explanation: During visualization, an invalid record subtype was received by the indicated  
Error Class: The trace file may be corrupted or an anomaly may have occurred during trace  
User Response: The record will be ignored and visualization will continue but the results  
may be suspect. Report the problem and provide the trace file to local support.  
0033-4006 string Out of sequence timestamp. Data record received with time stamp:  
timestamp But previous data record had timestamp: timestamp Data record  
will be ignored.  
Explanation: During visualization, a data record was encountered with a timestamp earlier  
than a previous record.  
Error Class: The trace file may be corrupted or an anomaly may have occurred during trace  
User Response: The record will be ignored and visualization will continue but the results  
may be suspect. Report the problem and provide the trace file to local support.  
0033-4007 string Internal program error. Invalid timestamp(s) t1 = timestamp t2 =  
timestamp Data record will be ignored.  
Explanation: During visualization, the program attempted to process an invalid pair of  
Error Class: The trace file may be corrupted or an anomaly may have occurred during trace  
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated. The program will attempt to  
continue visualization but results will be suspect. Report the problem and provide the trace  
file to local support.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 169  
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0033-4100 Ÿ 0033-4350  
0033-4100 string Internal program error. The meter height of number is less than the  
minimum meter height of number.  
Explanation: During visualization, the program attempted to reallocate the pixmaps used to  
display the processor label numbers.  
Error Class: The meter height received was not initialized correctly.  
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the  
problem to local support.  
0033-4101 string Internal program error. The proc label width of number is less than or  
equal to zero.  
Explanation: During visualization, the program attempted to reallocate the pixmaps used to  
display the processor label numbers.  
Error Class: The proc label width received was not initialized correctly.  
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the  
problem to local support.  
0033-4102 string Internal program error. The virt_mouse_proc or number is less than or  
equal to zero.  
Explanation: During visualization, the user clicked the mouse in one of the submeters and  
VT was unable to handle the redisplay.  
Error Class: Virtual Mouse Proc obtained a value less than zero or was greater than the  
number of processors.  
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the  
problem to local support.  
0033-4125 string Internal Error processing set. Operation was string  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the Connectivity Graph.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error  
User Response: The trace record being processed when the error occurred will be  
ignored. The Connectivity Display becomes unusable and should be closed. The information  
presented after the the message should be reported to local support.  
0033-4150 string Internal program error. VT received number for the number of  
processors. The number of processors must be greater than zero.  
Explanation: During visualization, VT received a bad value for the number of processors.  
Error Class: Either AIX kernel statistics was in error or VT produced an invalid value for the  
number of processors.  
User Response: The processing operation will be terminated and VT will exit. Report the  
problem to local support.  
0033-4350 Pixmap not created for compressed rectangles. Internal Error in  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when calling XCreatePixmap.  
User Response: The StripGraph display may not display hatched pattern as intended.  
Visualization will continue but the results may be suspect. The information presented in the  
message should be reported to local support.  
170 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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0033-4351 Ÿ 0033-4355  
0033-4351 Pixmap not created for compressed rectangles. Internal Error in  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when calling XCreateGC.  
User Response: The StripGraph display may not display hatched pattern as intended.  
Visualization will continue but the results may be suspect. The information presented in the  
message should be reported to local support.  
0033-4352 Meter height incorrect. Internal Error in StripGraph:ReallocProcLabels().  
meter_height is less than min_meter_height. meter_height = number,  
min_meter_height = number  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when checking internal variables.  
User Response: The StripGraph display cannot draw the process labels. Visualization  
cannot continue. The information presented in the message should be reported to local  
0033-4353 Procces Label width incorrect. Internal Error in  
proc_label_width is less than or equal to 0. proc_label_width = number  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when checking internal variables.  
User Response: The StripGraph display cannot draw the process labels. Visualization  
cannot continue. The information presented in the message should be reported to local  
0033-4354 Drawing area size incorrectly computed. Internal Error in  
Space left over should not be less than 0. i_space_left_over = number.  
total_meter_height = number. da_max_height = number.  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when checking internal variables.  
User Response: The StripGraph display cannot draw to current calculated drawing area.  
Visualization cannot continue. The information presented in the message should be reported  
to local support.  
0033-4355 Time index value incorrect. Internal Error in  
stripgraph->back_time_indx has a bad value. stripgraph->back_time_indx =  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when checking internal variables.  
User Response: The StripGraph display cannot locate time in history buffer to start  
drawing. Visualization cannot continue. The information presented in the message should be  
reported to local support.  
Chapter 6. VT Messages 171  
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0033-4356 Ÿ 0033-4575  
0033-4356 Time index value incorrect. Internal Error in  
stripgraph->back_time_indx is greater than or equal to HIST_BUFF_LEN.  
HIST_BUFF_LEN = number.  
Explanation: During visualization, an internal error occurred in the StripGraph display.  
Error Class: Internal Program Error when checking internal variables.  
User Response: The StripGraph display cannot locate time in history buffer to start  
drawing. Visualization cannot continue. The information presented in the message should be  
reported to local support.  
0033-4575 Insufficient Paging space available to bring up string display. VT is  
Explanation: This is an error message that indicates that the Initialization of a widget fails  
because paging space is low. During initialization of widgets lots of memory is consumed for  
the history buffer storage, and visualization cannot continue unless all parts of its displays  
are successfully initialized. VT terminates.  
Error Class: Low paging space.  
User Response: Check AIX manual.  
172 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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2537-0002 Ÿ 2537-0006  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages  
2537-0002 No file was specified in Binary Executable File dialog.  
Explanation: When you are trying to load one or more gmon.out files, you are required to  
also specify the name of the binary executable file that was executed to produce the  
gmon.out file(s).  
User Response: Specify a valid binary executable file in the Binary Executable File dialog  
by either selecting one from the Files list, or by entering the file in the Selection field, along  
with its path.  
2537-0003 No file was specified in Gmon.out Profile File(s) dialog.  
Explanation: At least one gmon.out file must be specified in the Gmon.out Profile File(s)  
User Response: Specify valid gmon.out file(s) in the Gmon.out Profile File(s) dialog by  
either selecting them from the Files list, or by entering the file(s) in the Selection field, along  
with their path.  
2537-0004 Space allocation by XtRealloc() failed.  
Explanation: A memory allocation function failed because there is not enough memory  
available. Xprofiler continues processing, but it is likely you will have subsequent problems.  
User Response: Exit Xprofiler and re-start it. You may want to contact your System  
Administrator to increase system resources, if possible.  
If you continue to receive this error message, gather information about the problem and  
follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0005 The total number of objects (nodes + arcs) in the Function Call Tree for the  
specified application is greater than what Xprofiler allows to be displayed  
at one time. Only number of these objects will be displayed.  
Explanation: Xprofiler limits the number of objects that can be displayed in the main  
window to a combined total of 5,000 function boxes and their corresponding arcs. If the  
Function Call Tree for the specified application exceeds this total number of objects, Xprofiler  
will give priority to functions that consumed most of the CPU time. Then functions with  
smaller amount of CPU usage and arcs are added in, until the upper limit is reached.  
User Response: When analyzing a large application, it is a good practice to limit the  
number of functions that are initially displayed each time you load gmon.out file(s). The  
option -disp_max is used to limit the number of function boxes that are initially displayed  
when gmon.out file(s) are loaded. From this point, additional function boxes can be  
displayed through filtering options in the Xprofiler main display. The -disp_max option can  
be specified on the command line when starting Xprofiler, or through a field in the Load Files  
2537-0006 The value of runtime option -disp_max (=number) exceeds the number of  
objects that can be displayed at one time. The value for -disp_max has  
been reset to number.  
Explanation: The value that you specified for the -disp_max option is greater than the  
maximum number of objects that Xprofiler allows to be displayed at one time, which is 5,000.  
The value for -disp_max has been set to this limit.  
User Response: When specifying the -disp_max value, make sure it does not exceed  
Xprofiler's upper limit.  
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2537-0007 Ÿ 2537-0010  
2537-0007 You must first select a function from the list.  
Explanation: Before using the Utility->Locate in Graph option in either the Flat Profile or  
Function Index report window, a function in the report must be selected first. This same rule  
also applies to the Code Display menu options in Flat Profile report.  
User Response: Before using these options, you must first select a function from the report  
window. To select a function, you can either click on an entry in the window, or use the  
Search Engine at the bottom of the report window to locate the entry for the specified  
function. If the entry is found using the Search Engine, it is automatically selected for you.  
2537-0008 The selected function is not currently in the display.  
Explanation: The function box for the function you specified is not currently displayed in  
the Function Call Tree. The reason for this could be due to some previous filtering by you, or  
because the program being analyzed calls more functions than Xprofiler allows to be  
represented in the Function Call Tree at one time. Another possibility is that you specified  
the name of a function in the Search By Function Name Dialog which is not called in the  
User Response: If you are using the Search By Function Name Dialog to locate the  
function box in the Function Call Tree, first check that you have specified the name of a  
function that is called by your program. If you have specified a valid function name, or if you  
are trying to locate the function box from a different window, check to be sure that the  
function box wasn't removed due to a previous filtering operation. If this is the case, the Filter  
by Function Names Dialog can be used to add this function to the Function Call Tree. You  
should then be able to use any of the methods for locating the associated function box in the  
main display.  
2537-0009 You must first select a call entry from the list.  
Explanation: Before using the Utility->Locate in Graph option in the Function Call Summary  
report window, a function caller-callee entry in the report must be selected first.  
User Response: Before using these options, you must first select a function caller-callee  
entry from the report window. To select an entry in this report window, you can either click  
on it, or use the Search Engine at the bottom of the report window to locate the entry for the  
specified caller-callee pair. If the entry is found using the Search Engine, it is automatically  
selected for you.  
2537-0010 The selected arc is not currently displayed in the Function Call Tree.  
Explanation: You tried to locate the arc that corresponds to the selected entry in the  
Function Call Summary report window, but this arc is not currently displayed in the Function  
Call Tree. One reason for this could be due to some previous filtering by you, which resulted  
in the removal of one or both of the corresponding function boxes in the Function Call Tree.  
The other reason is that the two functions in the entry belong to different libraries, and both  
libraries are currently displayed in the Function Call Tree within cluster boxes.  
User Response: If both functions for the selected entry of the Function Call Summary  
report belong to different libraries, and both libraries are currently displayed within cluster  
boxes, then either select the Remove Cluster Box option from the Cluster Node Menu, or  
choose the Expand Library Arcs option from the Filter menu. If one or both functions for the  
selected entry are not currently represented in the Function Call Tree, use either the Filter by  
Function Names... or Show Entire Call Tree options from the Filter menu to add the function  
boxes to the Tree.  
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2537-0011 Ÿ 2537-0016  
2537-0011 The selected function's source file name is not available.  
Explanation: Internal error. There is no source file name associated with the selected  
function, so no file can be opened.  
User Response: If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the  
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0012 shmat() failed to attach a shared memory segment or a mapped file. errno =  
Explanation: An attempt to attach a shared memory segment or a mapped file failed. This  
may be caused by a shortage of shared memory segments.  
User Response: Use ipcs -a to check system's shared memory segment usage. If  
possible, remove any unused segments that belong to you by issuing the command ipcrm  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0013 Can't begin search because no search string was specified.  
Explanation: You are using either the Search By Function Name Dialog or the Filter By  
Function Names Dialog, and you clicked on the OK or Apply button without first entering a  
search string in the Enter function name: field.  
User Response: Enter a text string in the Enter function name: field before clicking either  
the OK or Apply button to begin the search.  
2537-0014 The specified function was not found in your program.  
Explanation: The function that you specified wasn't found for your program, so the filtering  
operation that you attempted was not performed.  
User Response: Enter the name of a function used in the application that you are  
2537-0015 This function is not in a cycle.  
Explanation: The selected function is not in a function cycle, so the attempt to use  
Function Menu's All Functions on the Cycle option will not generate any result. A function  
cycle consists of at least two functions that call each other (e.g., Function_A calls  
Function_B, and vice versa). Keep in mind that recursive function calls are not considered to  
be a call cycle.  
User Response: Make sure that the function you select is in a function cycle.  
2537-0016 Cannot find the function name string in the application. The option  
specified for this function is ignored.  
Explanation: The function name specified with either the -e, -E, -f, or -F load option doesn't  
match any of the functions called in the application that you are trying to analyze. The option  
used with this function name was ignored, and has no effect on the display of the Function  
Call Tree.  
User Response: Make sure the function name specified with any of these load options is  
for a function called in the application.  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 175  
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2537-0017 Ÿ 2537-0023  
2537-0017 There must be at least one space separating the runtime option string and  
its corresponding value.  
Explanation: At least one space must be typed between an Xprofiler command-line option  
and its associated value. For example, -e foo or -e foo are acceptable formats, but -efoo  
is not. Any command-line options that were specified incorrectly are ignored.  
User Response: Insert a space between any Xprofiler command-line option and its  
associated value.  
2537-0018 Only one instance of the string runtime option is allowed. All but the first  
instance of this option are ignored.  
Explanation: The command-line option string can only be specified once. If this option is  
specified multiple times, only the first instance is used.  
User Response: Make sure that this option is specified only once when starting Xprofiler.  
2537-0019 Error in the format of search string string.  
Explanation: The text string specified in search string field did not follow the syntax  
definition for extended regular expressions.  
User Response: Make sure the search string follows the syntax rules for extended regular  
expressions. To get syntax details for extended regular expressions, refer to information on  
the ed editor, as well the AIX functions regcmp and regcomp.  
2537-0020 Cannot open file string for writing. Check the file's specified path and  
access permissions.  
Explanation: An attempt to write data to the file in the directory that you specified failed,  
due to the fact that the file cannot be opened for writing. This is because the path that you  
specified for the file contains an invalid directory name, or because the file doesn't have write  
User Response: Verify that the path you have specified is correct, and make sure you  
have write permission to the file.  
2537-0021 Error in the verifyFlag field of the SearchEngine class.  
Explanation: Internal error. This occurred in the SearchEngine class while verifying the  
input search string.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0022 The specified file string is not listed in the Included Function Files Dialog.  
Explanation: You typed the name of a file in the Selection field of the Included Functions  
Dialog which does not match any of the names listed in this dialog.  
User Response: Make sure the file name that you specify is one of the names listed in the  
dialog. Instead of typing the name in the Selection field, you can simply click on a file name  
in the list above it to select it.  
2537-0023 You must first select or enter a file name.  
Explanation: You clicked on the OK or Apply button in the Included Functions Dialog  
before specifying the name of the file whose contents you wish to display.  
User Response: Before clicking on the OK or Apply button, first specify the name of the  
file that you want displayed. To do this, you can either click on one of the files listed in this  
dialog, or type the name of a file in the Selection field.  
176 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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2537-0024 Ÿ 2537-0030  
2537-0024 Cannot open file string for reading. Check for valid path and file  
specification and permissions.  
Explanation: An attempt to read data from the file in the directory that you specified failed,  
due to the fact that the file cannot be opened for reading. This is because either the file  
name or a directory in the specified path is invalid, or the file is missing read permission, or  
a directory in the path is missing execute permission.  
User Response: Verify that both the file name and path are correct, and that all directories  
in the path have execute permission, and make sure you have read permission for the file.  
2537-0025 There is only one included function file associated with the selected  
function, and the included function file is same as the file currently  
displayed in Source Code Display Window.  
Explanation: An attempt was made to view a selected function's included function  
information. In this case, there is only one included function file associated with the selected  
function, and this file is the same as the file currently displayed in the Source Code Display  
Window, so no other code display window will be brought up.  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
2537-0026 An error occurred in locating a selected list item.  
Explanation: An internal error occurred while trying to locate a selected item in a listing.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0027 Line table information is not available in the object file.  
Explanation: A file's line table information is not available, and therefore no address can be  
mapped back to source statement.  
User Response: Compile your application with the -g compile-time flag if you would like to  
see source statement profiling.  
2537-0029 Bad gmon.out file string. This file will be ignored.  
Explanation: An error was detected while processing a gmon.out file that you asked to be  
loaded. This error was either bad gmon.out header information, or a discrepancy between  
the file size listed in the header data and the actual size of the file. In either case, the file is  
not loaded. If there was more than one gmon.out file specified, all valid files will be loaded.  
If this was the only gmon.out file chosen for loading, nothing is loaded, and the main display  
appears empty.  
User Response: Make sure that all files specified as gmon.out files are of that file format.  
2537-0030 No valid gmon.out files have been specified. Give at least one gmon.out file  
as input.  
Explanation: All of the files that you specified as gmon.out files were invalid. Therefore,  
no files were loaded, and nothing is displayed in the Xprofiler main window.  
User Response: When loading files in Xprofiler, give the name of at least one valid  
gmon.out file. If there are additional error messages below this one, try addressing the  
errors called out in those messages first, and then try to reload your gmon.out files.  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 177  
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2537-0031 Ÿ 2537-0036  
2537-0031 A severe error was detected, and file processing has stopped. Refer to the  
message window below this window for more details.  
Explanation: A function involving the symbol tables for your application failed to perform  
correctly while Xprofiler was trying to process your input files. Xprofiler will not proceed any  
further, and its main display will be empty. More details regarding the exact nature of the  
problem appears in a message window below the window for this message.  
User Response: Check the second error message window for more details on the problem,  
and follow the User Response documented for that message.  
2537-0032 shmget() failed to allocate a shared memory segment. errno = number.  
Explanation: An attempt to allocate a shared memory segment failed, possibly due to a  
shortage of shared memory segments.  
User Response: Use ipcs -a to check system's shared memory segment usage. If  
possible, remove any unused segments that belong to you by issuing the command  
ipcrm -m.  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0033 shmdt() failed to detach a shared memory segment. errno = number.  
Explanation: An attempt to detach a shared memory segment that was no longer needed  
User Response: Exit and re-start Xprofiler. If you continue to get this error message,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
2537-0034 shmctl() failed to remove a shared memory segment identifier. errno =  
Explanation: An attempt to remove a shared memory segment identifier that was no longer  
needed failed.  
User Response: Exit and re-start Xprofiler. If you continue to get this error message,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
2537-0035 Failed to generate the selected function's corresponding binary code.  
Explanation: Xprofiler failed to generate a selected function's corresponding binary code in  
Disassembler Code display. A preceding message may provide additional information that  
pinpoints the actual cause of the failure.  
User Response: Use the information provided in the preceding message to reveal the real  
cause of the problem. Correct the problem and then try again.  
2537-0036 Cannot open this report window because there is no function call count  
information available.  
Explanation: There is no function call count information available for the application you  
are analyzing. This is because none of the associated source files for this application have  
been compiled with the -pg flag. Therefore, the Function Call Summary window will not  
User Response: If you wish to view function call count information, you need to compile  
the source files containing the functions that you're interested in with the -pg flag.  
178 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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2537-0037 Ÿ 2537-0041  
2537-0037 The gmon.out file count data in the Xprofiler internal table is incorrect.  
Explanation: Internal error. Xprofiler has an internal table that contains an entry for each  
gmon.out file that you specified to be loaded for the application you are analyzing. In  
addition, there is a record for this table that contains the number of gmon.out file entries.  
This record value does not match the number of actual table entries, and because of this,  
the Function Call Tree will not be displayed.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0038 The gmon.out file string contains more load unit sections than expected,  
and therefore will not be loaded.  
Explanation: You specified a gmon.out file to be loaded that contains more sections for  
load unit descriptions than there should be, according to the value in the header of this file.  
Your executable, and the libraries that contain the functions called in the program are  
considered to be load units. The format of the file that you specified is not considered by  
Xprofiler to be in the valid gmon.out format, and because of this the file was not loaded.  
User Response: Check to be sure that this is a valid gmon.out file. If it is not, execute  
your program again to generate a valid gmon.out file.  
2537-0039 The number of load unit sections in the gmon.out file string is different from  
those of the previous files specified for loading at this time.  
Explanation: You specified multiple gmon.out files to be loaded. The file identified in the  
message contains a different number of sections for load unit descriptions than the other  
valid gmon.out file(s) specified before it on the command line or in the Selection field of the  
Load window. This file is considered to have been created from a different executable file,  
and therefore was not loaded.  
User Response: When trying to load multiple gmon.out files, make sure that they all were  
created from the same executable.  
2537-0040 The library string, which was available when loading other gmon.out files,  
can no longer be found.  
Explanation: You specified multiple gmon.out files for loading, either on the command line  
when starting Xprofiler, or in the Selection field in the Load Files window. Every gmon.out  
file contains an entry for each of the libraries having a function that was called by the  
program you are analyzing. By the time one of the gmon.out files was being loaded by  
Xprofiler, one of these libraries could no longer be found. Perhaps some software was being  
updated on your system around the time you were loading, and the updates included a  
change to this library file.  
User Response: Make sure the library file hasn't been removed, renamed, or moved to a  
different location. Then try to load your executable and gmon.out files again.  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0041 A load unit address listed in the gmon.out file string  
q; doesn't match  
the address for the same load unit in those files that have already been  
Explanation: You specified multiple gmon.out files to be loaded. The address information  
contained in the file identified in the message for one of the load units is different from the  
address for the same load unit in the gmon.out files that have already been loaded. Because  
of this mismatch, the identified gmon.out file was considered to have been created from a  
different executable file, and therefore was not loaded.  
User Response: When trying to load multiple gmon.out files, make sure that they all were  
created from the same executable.  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 179  
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2537-0042 Ÿ 2537-0048  
2537-0042 Number of CPU sampling data records in the gmon.out file string is greater  
than the value in the associated header.  
Explanation: AIX error. The gmon.out file contains more records of CPU sampling data for  
one of the functions in your program than indicated by the value in the header data. Header  
data immediately precedes each set of CPU sampling records.  
User Response: Execute your program again to generate a new gmon.out file, and try to  
load this new file with Xprofiler.  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0044 Cannot read the header in the executable file string  
Explanation: Internal error. Xprofiler was unable to read the header data located at the  
beginning of the specified executable file.  
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for  
reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0045 The file string does not contain a valid magic number, and therefore is not  
considered to be an executable file.  
Explanation: The file that you attempted to load as an executable is not considered by  
Xprofiler to be a valid AIX executable file. This is because the magic number in the header  
at the beginning of this file is not the correct value for an AIX executable.  
User Response: Specify the name of a valid AIX executable file in the Selection field in the  
Binary Executable File section of the Load Files window, or just before the gmon.out file  
name(s) on the command line.  
2537-0046 Missing the corresponding value for the string runtime option.  
Explanation: You specified a valid Xprofiler runtime option, but didn't include a  
corresponding value that is required to accompany it.  
User Response: Either specify a value in the corresponding field in the Command Line  
Options section of the Load Files window, or immediately after the runtime option on the  
command line.  
2537-0047 Invalid Xprofiler runtime option -character.  
Explanation: The specified runtime option is not supported by Xprofiler, and therefore is  
User Response: Refer to the accompanying message for valid Xprofiler options and  
correct syntax. If you want to reload the executable and gmon.out files using other valid  
options, you can either re-start Xprofiler with all desired options specified on the command  
line, or use the Load Files window for option specification.  
2537-0048 Usage: xprofiler [program] [-b] [-h] [-s] [-z] [-a path(s)] [-c file] [-L pathname]  
[[-e function]...] [[-E function]...] [[-f function]...] [[-F function]...] [-disp_max  
number_of_functions] [[gmon.out]...]  
Explanation: A listing of the supported Xprofiler runtime options and the proper command  
User Response: None. This is an informational message.  
180 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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2537-0049 Ÿ 2537-0053  
2537-0049 Failed to obtain file information about string.  
Explanation: Failed to obtain information about the specified directory. This is because  
either the specified path contains a non-existent directory, or one of the parent directories in  
the path does not have execute permission.  
User Response: Verify that all directory names in the specified path are valid. If they are,  
then check to be sure that all directories in the path have execute permission.  
2537-0050 Failed to access current working directory.  
Explanation: Either the current working directory, or one of its parent directories does not  
have execute permission, or one of the parent directories is missing read permission.  
Xprofiler uses the current working directory to fill the Filter and Selection fields of the Load  
Files window with a default path when they are empty. If one of the directories in this path is  
missing execute permission, you will not be able to load any files from the current working  
directory, or any of its subdirectories.  
User Response: Make sure you have proper access permissions to the current working  
directory and all parent directories, if you wish to load files that are located here. You may  
load files from other directories by using the Filter or Selection fields in the Load Files  
window, providing you specify a path in which all directories have both execute and read  
2537-0051 You are missing either read or execute permission for the lowest directory  
in the path string.  
Explanation: You attempted to load a file from a directory that is missing either read or  
execute permission. If the directory is missing execute permission, you will be unable to load  
any files from the directory, even though you can see them listed in the dialog. If read  
permission is missing from the directory, you will be able to load files located there, but once  
you move out of that directory in the dialog, you won't be able to go back in.  
User Response: Verify that you have both read and execute permission on the lowest  
directory in the specified path.  
2537-0052 Could not find head of cycle during function cycle analysis phase.  
Explanation: Internal error. While loading your executable and gmon.out files, Xprofiler  
analyzes these files to determine whether there are any function cycles. During this process,  
Xprofiler was unable to re-locate the first function listed for a particular cycle.  
User Response: Try reloading your files again. If you continue to get this error message,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
2537-0053 An error occurred during the final stage of function cycle analysis.  
Explanation: Internal error. After first determining all function cycles during a phase in the  
load process, Xprofiler is now unable to re-locate the first function in one of these cycles  
during the final stage of this phase.  
User Response: Try reloading your files again. If you continue to get this error message,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 181  
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2537-0054 Ÿ 2537-0060  
2537-0054 NarcCorrelate() had a negative return value.  
Explanation: Internal error. The Function Call Tree was unable to be reconstructed by the  
NARC library, because the node and arc data that this library uses has either been  
overwritten, or placed in the wrong shared memory location, by Xprofiler.  
User Response: Exit and re-start Xprofiler, and try to display the Function Call Tree again.  
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow  
local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.  
2537-0057 Spaces are not allowed in the function name search string.  
Explanation: The Search By Function Name Dialog does not permit embedded spaces  
within the function name search string. Any spaces at the beginning or end of the string are  
User Response: Remove any spaces that are imbedded within the search string, and then  
click on either the OK or Apply button to start the search.  
2537-0058 A function address listed in the gmon.out file string doesn't map to the  
corresponding function for the specified executable file. This gmon.out file  
will not be loaded.  
Explanation: Xprofiler was unable to map a function back to the appropriate library file  
using the address listed for this function in the gmon.out file. Therefore, this gmon.out file  
will not be loaded. One possible reason for this problem is that the gmon.out file was not  
created by the executable file that you specified. Another possibility is that the library file  
associated with the function has changed since the gmon.out file was generated.  
User Response: First, verify that this gmon.out file was generated by the specified  
executable, and if not, load it with the correct executable file. If the associated library has  
changed since this gmon.out file was created, re-compile your program, and then execute it  
to generate a valid gmon.out file.  
2537-0059 An attempt was made to access an invalid address.  
Explanation: Internal error. While reading a gmon.out file, Xprofiler either reached the end  
of the file and tried to read past it, or the gmon.out file contains a record with a pointer that  
points to to NULL. In either case, the problem should have been detected during an earlier  
stage of file processing, instead of being encountered at this time.  
User Response: Try reloading your files again. If you continue to get this error message,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
2537-0060 The name of the a.out file (string) does not match the name of the  
executable (string) recorded in gmon.out file(s). The name string will be  
Explanation: The a.out file name specified on the command line or in the Load File Dialog  
does not match the executable name recorded in the gmon.out file(s) that you are loading  
with this file. One possible explanation is that the executable file was renamed after being  
executed to generate the gmon.out file(s) that you specified. The name of the executable  
that you used for loading will appear in the main display and in all appropriate report  
windows during the current Xprofiler session.  
User Response: Make sure the two executable names both refer to the same binary  
executable file. If not, the results may be unpredictable.  
182 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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2537-0061 Ÿ 2537-0065  
2537-0061 An attempt to access call count information in the gmon.out file, string,  
Explanation: Internal error. Xprofiler was unable to access the call count data in this  
gmon.out file. This problem should have been detected during an earlier stage of file  
processing, instead of being encountered at this time. All CPU sampling data in this file will  
be included in the information in the main display and all report windows, but the call count  
data will not. If this is the only gmon.out file being loaded, the exclusion of this call count  
data will also affect the placement of function boxes in the Function Call Tree, and cause the  
arcs between these boxes NOT to be drawn.  
User Response: Try reloading your files again. If you continue to get this error message,  
gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware  
and software problems.  
2537-0062 A function address listed in the gmon.out file string doesn't map to the  
corresponding function for the specified executable file.  
Explanation: While processing function call count information, Xprofiler was unable to map  
a function back to the appropriate library file using the address listed for this function in the  
gmon.out file. Therefore, some of the call count information was lost, and the information  
displayed in the main window and some of the report windows will be incomplete. One  
possible reason for this problem is that the gmon.out file was not created by the executable  
file that you specified. Another possibility is that the library file associated with the function  
has changed since the gmon.out file was generated.  
User Response: First, verify that this gmon.out file was generated by the specified  
executable, and if not, load it with the correct executable file. If the associated library has  
changed since this gmon.out file was created, re-compile your program, and then execute it  
to generate a valid gmon.out file.  
2537-0063 The second non-comment line in the specified configuration file string does  
not start with PROG=.  
Explanation: The second non-comment line in an Xprofiler configuration file must start with  
the string PROG=; otherwise, it is considered a syntax error.  
User Response: Make sure the second non-comment line in the specified configuration file  
begins with the string PROG=, starting in column 1.  
2537-0064 Cannot find a match for following function(s) in the program that is  
currently in display: string  
Explanation: A function name in the specified configuration file cannot find a match in the  
program that is currently in display.  
User Response: Make sure the function name is specified properly and the function does  
exist in the program currently in display.  
2537-0065 The following string(s) in the specified configuration file are not recognized  
configuration keywords: string  
Explanation: A keyword used in the specified configuration file is not a recognized  
configuration keyword.  
User Response: Make sure the keyword is supported by the Xprofiler configuration file.  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 183  
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2537-0066 Ÿ 2537-0072  
2537-0066 The following string(s) in the specified configuration file do not follow  
configuration file syntax key=value: string  
Explanation: The string in the specified configuration file does not follow configuration file  
syntax key=value, where key is a configuration keyword such as PROG or FUNC and value  
is the keyword's corresponding value, such as program-name or function-name.  
User Response: Make sure every non-comment string in the configuration file has the  
correct syntax.  
2537-0067 No value is given in the Slider Value field.  
Explanation: You are using either the Filter By CPU Time Dialog or the Filter By Call  
Counts Dialog, and you clicked on the OK or Apply button without first entering an integer  
value in the Slider Value field.  
User Response: Enter a non-negative integer in the Slider Value field before clicking either  
the OK or Apply button to begin the search.  
2537-0068 Cannot convert the string in the Slider Value field to an integer.  
Explanation: You are using either the Filter By CPU Time Dialog or the Filter By Call  
Counts Dialog, and you entered a string in the Slider Value field that cannot be converted to  
an integer.  
User Response: Enter a non-negative integer in the Slider Value field before clicking either  
the OK or Apply button to begin the search.  
2537-0069 You must first select or enter a configuration file name.  
Explanation: You tried to use the Load Configuration option without specifying the name of  
the file whose contents you want to load.  
User Response: To use the Load Configuration option, first specify the name of the  
configuration file that you want loaded. To do this, you can either click on one of the files  
listed in this dialog, or type the name of a file in the Selection field.  
2537-0070 The first line in the specified configuration file string does not start with  
Explanation: The first non-comment line in an Xprofiler configuration file must start with the  
string VERS=; otherwise, it is considered a syntax error.  
User Response: Make sure the first non-comment line in the specified configuration file  
begins with the string VERS=, starting in column 1.  
2537-0071 The configuration file string was created by a different version of Xprofiler.  
Explanation: The version number in the specified configuration file does not match  
Xprofiler's version number. In this release, there is no harm caused by this mismatch, but  
just be aware of this. The version number of Xprofiler is shown on stderr when Xprofiler is  
first brought up. In the configuration file, the version number of Xprofiler is recorded on the  
VERS= line.  
User Response: In this release, there is no harm caused by this mis-match, but just be  
aware of this situation.  
2537-0072 The specified file string is in 64-bit format, which is not supported in this  
Explanation: The specified file is in 64-bit format, which is not supported in this release.  
The file will be ignored.  
User Response: Make sure that all files used in Xprofiler are in 32-bit file format.  
184 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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2537-0073 Ÿ 2537-0073  
2537-0073 The specified file string is in an un-recognized format, the file can not be  
processed further.  
Explanation: The specified file is not in a recognized format; the file can not be processed  
User Response: Make sure that all files used in Xprofiler are in a supported file format.  
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages 185  
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186 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations  
This glossary includes terms and definitions from:  
Ÿ The Dictionary of Computing, New York:  
McGraw-Hill, 1994.  
address. A value, possibly a character or group of  
characters that identifies a register, a device, a  
particular part of storage, or some other data source or  
Ÿ The American National Standard Dictionary for  
Information Systems, ANSI X3.172-1990, copyright  
1990 by the American National Standards Institute  
(ANSI). Copies can be purchased from the  
AIX. Abbreviation for Advanced Interactive Executive,  
IBM's licensed version of the UNIX operating system.  
AIX is particularly suited to support technical computing  
applications, including high function graphics and  
floating point computations.  
American National Standards Institute, 1430  
Broadway, New York, New York 10018. Definitions  
are identified by the symbol (A) after the definition.  
Ÿ The ANSI/EIA Standard - 440A: Fiber Optic  
Terminology, copyright 1989 by the Electronics  
Industries Association (EIA). Copies can be  
purchased from the Electronic Industries  
Association, 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.,  
Washington, D.C. 20006. Definitions are identified  
by the symbol (E) after the definition.  
AIXwindows Environment/6000. A graphical user  
interface (GUI) for the IBM RS/6000. It has the following  
Ÿ A graphical user interface and toolkit based on  
Ÿ The Information Technology Vocabulary developed  
by Subcommittee 1, Joint Technical Committee 1, of  
the International Organization for Standardization  
and the International Electrotechnical Commission  
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC1). Definitions of published parts  
of this vocabulary are identified by the symbol (I)  
after the definition; definitions taken from draft  
international standards, committee drafts, and  
working papers being developed by ISO/IEC  
JTC1/SC1 are identified by the symbol (T) after the  
definition, indicating that final agreement has not yet  
been reached among the participating National  
Bodies of SC1.  
Ÿ Enhanced X-Windows, an enhanced version of the  
MIT X Window System  
Ÿ Graphics Library (GL), a graphical interface library  
for the applications programmer which is compatible  
with Silicon Graphics' GL interface.  
API. Application Programming Interface.  
application. The use to which a data processing  
system is put; for example, topayroll application, an  
airline reservation application.  
argument. A parameter passed between a calling  
program and a called program or subprogram.  
This section contains some of the terms that are  
commonly used in the Parallel Environment books and  
in this book in particular.  
attribute. A named property of an entity.  
IBM is grateful to the American National Standards  
Institute (ANSI) for permission to reprint its definitions  
from the American National Standard Vocabulary for  
Information Processing (Copyright 1970 by American  
National Standards Institute, Incorporated), which was  
prepared by Subcommittee X3K5 on Terminology and  
Glossary of the American National Standards  
Committee X3. ANSI definitions are preceded by an  
asterisk (*).  
bandwidth. The total available bit rate of a digital  
blocking operation. An operation which does not  
complete until the operation either succeeds or fails. For  
example, a blocking receive will not return until a  
message is received or until the channel is closed and  
no further messages can be received.  
Other definitions in this glossary are taken from IBM  
Vocabulary for Data Processing, Telecommunications,  
and Office Systems (GC20-1699).  
breakpoint. A place in a program, specified by a  
command or a condition, where the system halts  
execution and gives control to the workstation user or to  
a specified program.  
broadcast operation. A communication operation in  
which one processor sends (or broadcasts) a message  
to all other processors.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998  
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buffer. A portion of storage used to hold input or  
output data temporarily.  
communication and US (user space) as a message  
passing interface that is optimized for performance over  
the switch. See also Internet Protocol and User Space.  
communicator. An MPI object that describes the  
communication context and an associated group of  
C. A general purpose programming language. It was  
formalized by ANSI standards committee for the C  
language in 1984 and by Uniforum in 1983.  
compile. To translate a source program into an  
executable program.  
C++. A general purpose programming language, based  
on C, which includes extensions that support an  
object-oriented programming paradigm. Extensions  
condition. One of a set of specified values that a data  
item can assume.  
control workstation. A workstation attached to the  
IBM RS/6000 SP SP that serves as a single point of  
control allowing the administrator or operator to monitor  
and manage the system using Parallel System Support  
Ÿ strong typing  
Ÿ data abstraction and encapsulation  
Ÿ polymorphism through function overloading and  
Ÿ class inheritance.  
core dump. A process by which the current state of a  
program is preserved in a file. Core dumps are usually  
associated with programs that have encountered an  
unexpected, system-detected fault, such as a  
Segmentation Fault, or severe user error. The current  
program state is needed for the programmer to  
diagnose and correct the problem.  
call arc. The representation of a call between two  
functions within the Xprofiler function call tree. It  
appears as a solid line between the two functions. The  
arrowhead indicates the direction of the call; the  
function it points to is the one that receives the call. The  
function making the call is known as the caller, while  
the function receiving the call is known as the callee.  
core file. A file which preserves the state of a  
program, usually just before a program is terminated for  
an unexpected error. See also core dump.  
chaotic relaxation. An iterative relaxation method  
which uses a combination of the Gauss-Seidel and  
Jacobi-Seidel methods. The array of discrete values is  
divided into sub-regions which can be operated on in  
parallel. The sub-region boundaries are calculated using  
Jacobi-Seidel, whereas the sub-region interiors are  
calculated using Gauss-Seidel. See also Gauss-Seidel.  
current context. When using either of the PE parallel  
debuggers, control of the parallel program and the  
display of its data can be limited to a subset of the  
tasks that belong to that program. This subset of tasks  
is called the current context. You can set the current  
context to be a single task, multiple tasks, or all the  
tasks in the program.  
client. A function that requests services from a server,  
and makes them available to the user.  
cluster. A group of processors interconnected through  
a high speed network that can be used for  
high-performance computing. It typically provides  
excellent price/performance.  
data decomposition. A method of breaking up (or  
decomposing) a program into smaller parts to exploit  
parallelism. One divides the program by dividing the  
data (usually arrays) into smaller parts and operating on  
each part independently.  
collective communication. A communication  
operation which involves more than two processes or  
tasks. Broadcasts, reductions, and the MPI_Allreduce  
subroutine are all examples of collective communication  
operations. All tasks in a communicator must  
data parallelism. Refers to situations where parallel  
tasks perform the same computation on different sets of  
command alias. When using the PE command line  
debugger, pdbx, you can create abbreviations for  
existing commands using the pdbx alias command.  
These abbreviations are know as command aliases.  
dbx. A symbolic command line debugger that is often  
provided with UNIX systems. The PE command line  
debugger, pdbx, is based on the dbx debugger.  
Communication Subsystem (CSS). A component of  
the Parallel System Support Programs that provides  
software support for the SP Switch. CSS provides two  
protocols: IP (Internet Protocol) for LAN-based  
debugger. A debugger provides an environment in  
which you can manually control the execution of a  
program. It also provides the ability to display the  
program's data and operation.  
188 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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distributed shell (dsh). An Parallel System Support  
Programs command that lets you issue commands to a  
group of hosts in parallel. See IBM Parallel System  
Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical  
Reference for details.  
an error in, or enhance, a previously installed product.  
2) One or more separately installable, logically grouped  
units in an installation package. See also Licensed  
Program Product and package.  
foreign host. See remote host.  
domain name. The hierarchical identification of a host  
system (in a network), consisting of human-readable  
labels, separated by decimals.  
Fortran. One of the oldest of the modern programming  
languages, and the most popular language for scientific  
and engineering computations. It's name is a  
contraction of FORmula TRANslation. The two most  
common Fortran versions are Fortran 77, originally  
standardized in 1978, and Fortran 90. Fortran 77 is a  
proper subset of Fortran 90.  
environment variable. 1. A variable that describes the  
operating environment of the process. Common  
environment variables describe the home directory,  
command search path, and the current time zone. 2. A  
variable that is included in the current software  
environment and is therefore available to any called  
program that requests it.  
function call tree. A graphical representation of all the  
functions and calls within an application, which appears  
in the Xprofiler main window. The functions are  
represented by green, solid-filled rectangles called  
function boxes. The size and shape of each function  
box indicates its CPU usage. Calls between functions  
are represented by blue arrows, called call arcs, drawn  
between the function boxes. See also call arcs.  
event. An occurrence of significance to a task; for  
example, the completion of an asynchronous operation  
such as an input/output operation.  
function cycle. A chain of calls in which the first caller  
is also the last to be called. A function that calls itself  
recursively is not considered a function cycle.  
Ethernet. Ethernet is the standard hardware for  
TCP/IP LANs in the UNIX marketplace. It is a 10  
megabit per second baseband type network that uses  
the contention based CSMA/CD (collision detect) media  
access method.  
functional decomposition. A method of dividing the  
work in a program to exploit parallelism. One divides  
the program into independent pieces of functionality  
which are distributed to independent processors. This is  
in contrast to data decomposition which distributes the  
same work over different data to independent  
executable. A program that has been link-edited and  
therefore can be run in a processor.  
execution. To perform the actions specified by a  
program or a portion of a program.  
functional parallelism. Refers to situations where  
parallel tasks specialize in particular work.  
expression. In programming languages, a language  
construct for computing a value from one or more  
Gauss-Seidel. An iterative relaxation method for  
solving Laplace's equation. It calculates the general  
solution by finding particular solutions to a set of  
discrete points distributed throughout the area in  
question. The values of the individual points are  
obtained by averaging the values of nearby points.  
Gauss-Seidel differs from Jacobi-Seidel in that for the  
i+1st iteration Jacobi-Seidel uses only values calculated  
in the ith iteration. Gauss-Seidel uses a mixture of  
values calculated in the ith and i+1st iterations.  
fairness. A policy in which tasks, threads, or  
processes must be allowed eventual access to a  
resource for which they are competing. For example, if  
multiple threads are simultaneously seeking a lock, then  
no set of circumstances can cause any thread to wait  
indefinitely for access to the lock.  
FDDI. Fiber distributed data interface (100 Mbit/s fiber  
optic LAN).  
global max. The maximum value across all  
processors for a given variable. It is global in the sense  
that it is global to the available processors.  
file system. In the AIX operating system, the  
collection of files and file management structures on a  
physical or logical mass storage device, such as a  
diskette or minidisk.  
global variable. A variable defined in one portion of a  
computer program and used in at least one other  
portion of the computer program.  
fileset. 1) An individually installable option or update.  
Options provide specific function while updates correct  
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 189  
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gprof. A UNIX command that produces an execution  
profile of C, Pascal, Fortran, or COBOL programs. The  
execution profile is in a textual and tabular format. It is  
useful for identifying which routines use the most CPU  
time. See the man page on gprof.  
files are in a form that allows them to be installed or  
removed with the AIX installp command. See also  
fileset, Licensed Program Product, and package.  
Internet. The collection of worldwide networks and  
gateways which function as a single, cooperative virtual  
GUI (Graphical User Interface). A type of computer  
interface consisting of a visual metaphor of a real-world  
scene, often of a desktop. Within that scene are icons,  
representing actual objects, that the user can access  
and manipulate with a pointing device.  
Internet Protocol (IP). 1) The TCP/IP protocol that  
provides packet delivery between the hardware and  
user processes. 2) The SP Switch library, provided with  
the Parallel System Support Programs, that follows the  
IP protocol of TCP/IP.  
IP. See Internet Protocol.  
SP Switch. The high-performance message passing  
network, of the IBM RS/6000 SP(SP) machine, that  
connects all processor nodes.  
Jacobi-Seidel. See Gauss-Seidel.  
HIPPI. High performance parallel interface.  
job management system.  
hook. hook is a pdbx command that allows you to  
re-establish control over all task(s) in the current context  
that were previously unhooked with this command.  
The software you use to manage the jobs across your  
system, based on the availability and state of system  
home node. The node from which an application  
developer compiles and runs his program. The home  
node can be any workstation on the LAN.  
host. A computer connected to a network, and  
providing an access method to that network. A host  
provides end-user services.  
Kerberos. A publicly available security and  
authentication product that works with the Parallel  
System Support Programs software to authenticate the  
execution of remote commands.  
host list file. A file that contains a list of host names,  
and possibly other information, that was defined by the  
application which reads it.  
kernel. The core portion of the UNIX operating system  
which controls the resources of the CPU and allocates  
them to the users. The kernel is memory-resident, is  
said to run in kernel mode (in other words, at higher  
execution priority level than user mode) and is protected  
from user tampering by the hardware.  
host name. The name used to uniquely identify any  
computer on a network.  
hot spot. A memory location or synchronization  
resource for which multiple processors compete  
excessively. This competition can cause a  
disproportionately large performance degradation when  
one processor that seeks the resource blocks,  
preventing many other processors from having it,  
thereby forcing them to become idle.  
Laplace's equation. A homogeneous partial  
differential equation used to describe heat transfer,  
electric fields, and many other applications.  
The dimension-free version of Laplace's equation is:  
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX. A program  
product that provides an execution and development  
environment for parallel FORTRAN, C, or C++  
programs. It also includes tools for debugging, profiling,  
and tuning parallel programs.  
The two-dimensional version of Laplace's equation may  
be written as:  
installation image. A file or collection of files that are  
required in order to install a software product on a IBM  
RS/6000 workstation or on SP system nodes. These  
190 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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latency. The time interval between the instant at which  
an instruction control unit initiates a call for data  
transmission, and the instant at which the actual  
transfer of data (or receipt of data at the remote end)  
begins. Latency is related to the hardware  
MPMD (Multiple Program Multiple Data). A parallel  
programming model in which different, but related,  
programs are run on different sets of data.  
MPI. Message Passing Interface; a standardized API  
for implementing the message passing model.  
characteristics of the system and to the different layers  
of software that are involved in initiating the task of  
packing and transmitting the data.  
Licensed Program Product (LPP). A collection of  
software packages, sold as a product, that customers  
pay for to license. It can consist of packages and  
filesets a customer would install. These packages and  
filesets bear a copyright and are offered under the  
terms and conditions of a licensing agreement. See also  
fileset and package.  
network. An interconnected group of nodes, lines, and  
terminals. A network provides the ability to transmit data  
to and receive data from other systems and users.  
node. (1) In a network, the point where one or more  
functional units interconnect transmission lines. A  
computer location defined in a network. (2) In terms of  
the IBM RS/6000 SP, a single location or workstation in  
a network. An SP node is a physical entity (a  
LoadLeveler. A job management system that works  
with POE to allow users to run jobs and match  
processing needs with system resources, in order to  
better utilize the system.  
node ID. A string of unique characters that identifies  
the node on a network.  
local variable. A variable that is defined and used  
only in one specified portion of a computer program.  
nonblocking operation. An operation, such as  
sending or receiving a message, which returns  
immediately whether or not the operation was  
completed. For example, a nonblocking receive will not  
wait until a message is sent, but a blocking receive will  
wait. A nonblocking receive will return a status value  
that indicates whether or not a message was received.  
loop unrolling. A program transformation which  
makes multiple copies of the body of a loop, placing the  
copies also within the body of the loop. The loop trip  
count and index are adjusted appropriately so the new  
loop computes the same values as the original. This  
transformation makes it possible for a compiler to take  
additional advantage of instruction pipelining, data  
cache effects, and software pipelining.  
See also optimization.  
object code. The result of translating a computer  
program to a relocatable, low-level form. Object code  
contains machine instructions, but symbol names (such  
as array, scalar, and procedure names), are not yet  
given a location in memory.  
menu. A list of options displayed to the user by a data  
processing system, from which the user can select an  
action to be initiated.  
optimization. A not strictly accurate but widely used  
term for program performance improvement, especially  
for performance improvement done by a compiler or  
other program translation software. An optimizing  
compiler is one that performs extensive code  
transformations in order to obtain an executable that  
runs faster but gives the same answer as the original.  
Such code transformations, however, can make code  
debugging and performance analysis very difficult  
because complex code transformations obscure the  
correspondence between compiled and original source  
message catalog. A file created using the AIX  
Message Facility from a message source file that  
contains application error and other messages, which  
can later be translated into other languages without  
having to recompile the application source code.  
message passing. Refers to the process by which  
parallel tasks explicitly exchange program data.  
MIMD (Multiple Instruction Multiple Data). A parallel  
programming model in which different processors  
perform different instructions on different sets of data.  
option flag. Arguments or any other additional  
information that a user specifies with a program name.  
Also referred to as parameters or command line  
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 191  
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point-to-point communication. A communication  
operation which involves exactly two processes or  
tasks. One process initiates the communication through  
a send operation. The partner process issues a receive  
operation to accept the data being sent.  
package. A number of filesets that have been  
collected into a single installable image of program  
products, or LPPs. Multiple filesets can be bundled  
together for installing groups of software together. See  
also fileset and Licensed Program Product.  
procedure. (1) In a programming language, a block,  
with or without formal parameters, whose execution is  
invoked by means of a procedure call. (2) A set of  
related control statements that cause one or more  
programs to be performed.  
parallelism. The degree to which parts of a program  
may be concurrently executed.  
parallelize. To convert a serial program for parallel  
process. A program or command that is actually  
running the computer. It consists of a loaded version of  
the executable file, its data, its stack, and its kernel data  
structures that represent the process's state within a  
multitasking environment. The executable file contains  
the machine instructions (and any calls to shared  
objects) that will be executed by the hardware. A  
process can contain multiple threads of execution.  
Parallel Operating Environment (POE). An execution  
environment that smooths the differences between  
serial and parallel execution. It lets you submit and  
manage parallel jobs. It is abbreviated and commonly  
known as POE.  
parameter. * (1) In Fortran, a symbol that is given a  
constant value for a specified application. (2) An item in  
a menu for which the operator specifies a value or for  
which the system provides a value when the menu is  
interpreted. (3) A name in a procedure that is used to  
refer to an argument that is passed to the procedure.  
(4) A particular piece of information that a system or  
application program needs to process a request.  
The process is created via a fork() system call and  
ends using an exit() system call. Between fork and  
exit, the process is known to the system by a unique  
process identifier (pid).  
Each process has its own virtual memory space and  
cannot access another process's memory directly.  
Communication methods across processes include  
pipes, sockets, shared memory, and message passing.  
partition. (1) A fixed-size division of storage. (2) In  
terms of the IBM RS/6000 SP, a logical definition of  
nodes to be viewed as one system or domain. System  
partitioning is a method of organizing the SP into  
groups of nodes for testing or running different levels of  
software of product environments.  
prof. A utility which produces an execution profile of  
an application or program. It is useful to identifying  
which routines use the most CPU time. See the man  
page for prof.  
profiling. The act of determining how much CPU time  
is used by each function or subroutine in a program.  
The histogram or table produced is called the execution  
Partition Manager. The component of the Parallel  
Operating Environment (POE) that allocates nodes, sets  
up the execution environment for remote tasks, and  
manages distribution or collection of standard input  
(STDIN), standard output (STDOUT), and standard  
error (STDERR).  
Program Marker Array. An X-Windows run time  
monitor tool provided with Parallel Operating  
Environment, used to provide immediate visual  
feedback on a program's execution.  
pdbx. pdbx is the parallel, symbolic command line  
debugging facility of PE. pdbx is based on the dbx  
debugger and has a similar interface.  
pthread. A thread that conforms to the POSIX  
Threads Programming Model.  
PE. The IBM Parallel Environment for AIX program  
performance monitor. A utility which displays how  
effectively a system is being used by programs.  
reduction operation. An operation, usually  
mathematical, which reduces a collection of data by one  
or more dimensions. For example, the arithmetic SUM  
operation is a reduction operation which reduces an  
array to a scalar value. Other reduction operations  
include MAXVAL and MINVAL.  
POE. See Parallel Operating Environment.  
pool. Groups of nodes on an SP that are known to the  
Resource Manager, and are identified by a number.  
remote host. Any host on a network except the one at  
which a particular operator is working.  
192 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages  
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remote shell (rsh). A command supplied with both  
AIX and the Parallel System Support Programs that lets  
you issue commands on a remote host.  
standard output (STDOUT). In the AIX operating  
system, the primary destination of data produced by a  
command. Standard output goes to the display unless  
redirection or piping is used, in which case standard  
output can go to a file or to another command.  
Report. In Xprofiler, a tabular listing of performance  
data that is derived from the gmon.out files of an  
application. There are five types of reports that are  
generated by Xprofiler, and each one presents different  
statistical information for an application.  
stencil. A pattern of memory references used for  
averaging. A 4-point stencil in two dimensions for a  
given array cell, x(i,j), uses the four adjacent cells,  
x(i-1,j), x(i+1,j), x(i,j-1), and x(i,j+1).  
Resource Manager. A server that runs on one of the  
nodes of a IBM RS/6000 SP (SP) machine. It prevents  
parallel jobs from interfering with each other, and  
reports job-related node information.  
subroutine. (1) A sequence of instructions whose  
execution is invoked by a call. (2) A sequenced set of  
instructions or statements that may be used in one or  
more computer programs and at one or more points in  
a computer program. (3) A group of instructions that  
can be part of another routine or can be called by  
another program or routine.  
RISC. Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC), the  
technology for today's high-performance personal  
computers and workstations, was invented in 1975.  
synchronization. The action of forcing certain points  
in the execution sequences of two or more  
asynchronous procedures to coincide in time.  
shell script. A sequence of commands that are to be  
executed by a shell interpreter such as C shell, korn  
shell, or Bourne shell. Script commands are stored in a  
file in the same form as if they were typed at a terminal.  
system administrator. (1) The person at a computer  
installation who designs, controls, and manages the use  
of the computer system. (2) The person who is  
responsible for setting up, modifying, and maintaining  
the Parallel Environment.  
segmentation fault. A system-detected error, usually  
caused by referencing an invalid memory address.  
System Data Repository. A component of the Parallel  
System Support Programs software that provides  
configuration management for the SP system. It  
manages the storage and retrieval of system data  
across the control workstation, file servers, and nodes.  
server. A functional unit that provides shared services  
to workstations over a network; for example, a file  
server, a print server, a mail server.  
signal handling. A type of communication that is used  
by message passing libraries. Signal handling involves  
using AIX signals as an asynchronous way to move  
data in and out of message buffers.  
System Status Array. An X-Windows run time monitor  
tool, provided with the Parallel Operating Environment,  
that lets you quickly survey the utilization of processor  
source line. A line of source code.  
source code. The input to a compiler or assembler,  
written in a source language. Contrast with object  
task. A unit of computation analogous to an AIX  
SP. IBM RS/6000 SP; a scalable system from two to  
128 processor nodes, arranged in various physical  
configurations, that provides a high-powered computing  
thread. A single, separately dispatchable, unit of  
execution. There may be one or more threads in a  
process, and each thread is executed by the operating  
system concurrently.  
SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data). A parallel  
programming model in which different processors  
execute the same program on different sets of data.  
tracing. In PE, the collection of data for the  
Visualization Tool (VT). The program is traced by  
collecting information about the execution of the  
program in trace records. These records are then  
accumulated into a trace file which a user visualizes  
with VT.  
standard input (STDIN). In the AIX operating system,  
the primary source of data entered into a command.  
Standard input comes from the keyboard unless  
redirection or piping is used, in which case standard  
input can be from a file or the output from another  
tracepoint. Tracepoints are places in the program  
that, when reached during execution, cause the  
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 193  
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debugger to print information about the state of the  
variable. (1) In programming languages, a named  
object that may take different values, one at a time. The  
values of a variable are usually restricted to one data  
type. (2) A quantity that can assume any of a given set  
of values. (3) A name used to represent a data item  
whose value can be changed while the program is  
running. (4) A name used to represent data whose  
value can be changed, while the program is running, by  
referring to the name of the variable.  
trace record. In PE, a collection of information about a  
specific event that occurred during the execution of your  
program. For example, a trace record is created for  
each send and receive operation that occurs in your  
program (this is optional and may not be appropriate).  
These records are then accumulated into a trace file  
which allows the Visualization Tool to visually display  
the communications patterns from the program.  
view. (1) In an information resource directory, the  
combination of a variation name and revision number  
that is used as a component of an access name or of a  
descriptive name.  
unrolling loops. See loop unrolling.  
US. See user space.  
Visualization Tool. The PE Visualization Tool. This  
tool uses information that is captured as your parallel  
program executes, and presents a graphical display of  
the program execution. For more information, see IBM  
Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use,  
Volume 2.  
user. (1) A person who requires the services of a  
computing system. (2) Any person or any thing that may  
issue or receive commands and message to or from the  
information processing system.  
user space (US). A version of the message passing  
library that is optimized for direct access to the SP  
Switch , that maximizes the performance capabilities of  
the SP hardware.  
VT. See Visualization Tool.  
utility program. A computer program in general  
support of computer processes; for example, a  
diagnostic program, a trace program, a sort program.  
X Window System. The UNIX industry's graphics  
windowing standard that provides simultaneous views of  
several executing programs or processes on high  
resolution graphics displays.  
utility routine. A routine in general support of the  
processes of a computer; for example, an input routine.  
xpdbx. This is the former name of the PE graphical  
interface debugging facility, which is now called pedb.  
Xprofiler. An AIX tool that is used to analyze the  
performance of both serial and parallel applications, via  
a graphical user interface. Xprofiler provides quick  
access to the profiled data, so that the functions that  
are the most CPU-intensive can be easily identified.  
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