HP Hewlett Packard Network Router DT 10 User Manual

SmartShare® User Manual  
User Manual  
RM-20, RM-50, RM-100, RM-200, RM-500,  
DT-5, DT-10, DT-20, DT-50  
Firmware: 1.11  
Copyright © SmartShare Systems, April 2008. All rights reserved.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Table of Contents  
Key Features ..............................................................................................................1  
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................2  
Installation Guide...........................................................................................................4  
1. Connect to the local network equipment ...............................................................4  
2. Start the setup menu...............................................................................................4  
3. Configure the Internet connection .........................................................................4  
4. Connect to the Internet equipment.........................................................................4  
5. Test the configured Internet connection speed ......................................................4  
The SmartShare Bandwidth Management System ........................................................5  
User Load Balancing..................................................................................................5  
User Identification .................................................................................................5  
Overflow Users ......................................................................................................5  
Download and Upload Limiters.................................................................................5  
Dynamic Quality of Service.......................................................................................6  
Flow Management .....................................................................................................6  
LowLatency Network Overclocking®........................................................................6  
Status menu....................................................................................................................7  
Bandwidth Usage.......................................................................................................7  
Bandwidth Manager...................................................................................................7  
Anti Terror Logger.....................................................................................................8  
Internet/WAN (Wide Area Network) configuration menu............................................9  
Internet Service Provider connection type.................................................................9  
WAN with Static IP ...............................................................................................9  
WAN with DHCP ..................................................................................................9  
WAN with PPPoE..................................................................................................9  
Connection Speed ......................................................................................................9  
External Servers (optional) ......................................................................................10  
NTP Server...........................................................................................................10  
LAN (Local Area Network) configuration menu ........................................................10  
Network Setup .........................................................................................................10  
IP Address Range.....................................................................................................10  
Local DNS Servers (optional)..................................................................................10  
Local NTP Server (optional)....................................................................................10  
Built-in DHCP Server..............................................................................................10  
NAPT (Network Address and Port Translation) configuration menu .........................11  
Port Forwarding to Local Servers............................................................................11  
All Ports Forwarding to Local Servers ....................................................................11  
ATL (Anti Terror Logger) configuration menu...........................................................11  
Log File Storage.......................................................................................................11  
Local Network SNMP Agents .................................................................................11  
Advanced configuration menu.....................................................................................12  
Remote Management ...............................................................................................12  
Router Mode ............................................................................................................12  
Network Features.....................................................................................................12  
VoIP Extra Priority ..............................................................................................12  
LowLatency Network Overclocking....................................................................12  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
DHCP Proxy ............................................................................................................12  
Built-in DHCP Server Options ................................................................................12  
Outgoing SMTP Connections..................................................................................13  
Allow All .............................................................................................................13  
Allow to External Server only .............................................................................13  
Redirect all to External Server.............................................................................13  
Allow from Local Mail Servers only...................................................................13  
System Information..................................................................................................13  
Bandwidth User Groups...........................................................................................14  
Additional LAN Subnets..........................................................................................14  
User Groups Denied Access to WAN......................................................................14  
System menu................................................................................................................15  
Download Firmware ................................................................................................15  
Install License Key ..................................................................................................15  
Trial Mode ...............................................................................................................15  
Restore Factory Defaults..........................................................................................15  
Reboot System .........................................................................................................15  
Managers configuration menu .....................................................................................16  
Logout menu ................................................................................................................16  
Using the Serial Port ....................................................................................................16  
Security Considerations ...............................................................................................17  
Physical Access........................................................................................................17  
Password Protection.................................................................................................17  
Firewall ....................................................................................................................17  
Protecting Local Users from Each Other.................................................................17  
Troubleshooting and FAQ ...........................................................................................17  
Power Consumption.....................................................................................................18  
LED Indicators.............................................................................................................19  
Glossary .......................................................................................................................19  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Installation Guide  
1. Connect to the local network equipment  
Connect the LAN port on the SmartShare to any Ethernet port on the local network  
switch, using a straight Ethernet patch cable.  
2. Start the setup menu  
Use a web browser on a PC connected to the local network to start the setup menu in  
the SmartShare.  
The setup menu address is:  
The factory default administrator user name is: adminand password: admin  
3. Configure the Internet connection  
Go to the WAN page and configure the Internet connection and enter the download  
and upload speeds in Kbit/s.  
The information that must be entered on the WAN page must be obtained from the  
Internet service provider (ISP). The ISP usually supplies this information in a letter  
accompanying the confirmation of the Internet subscription.  
Please note that the connection speed advertised by most Internet service providers  
are the gross speeds, while the settings in the SmartShare must be entered as the net  
speeds, which means that the settings may need some adjustment to compensate for  
the difference.  
Entering the speeds as 80% of the ISP’s advertised speeds is a good rule of thumb.  
Go to the Save page to save and activate the new settings.  
4. Connect to the Internet equipment  
Connect the WAN port on the SmartShare to the Ethernet LAN port on the Internet  
modem, using a straight Ethernet patch cable.  
5. Test the configured Internet connection speed  
Test that the download speed settings are correct by downloading from a very fast  
server on the Internet from two PCs simultaneously. Go to the Status page and check  
that the Download Limiter status changes from READY to ACTIVE while the  
download connection is saturated. If it does not change, try decreasing the download  
speed entered on the WAN page by 10-30%. Keep testing and decreasing the values  
until satisfied.  
Test that the upload speed settings are correct by uploading to a very fast server on the  
Internet from two PCs simultaneously, while monitoring the Upload Limiter status.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
The SmartShare Bandwidth Management System  
This section describes the SmartShare bandwidth management system in details, and  
is written for network experts only.  
User Load Balancing  
Conventional routers simply forward all packets to/from users in the same order the  
packets arrive at the router, so the users with a lot of packets get a larger share of the  
available bandwidth than the users with fewer packets.  
The SmartShare User Load Balancer intelligently forwards packets to/from individual  
users in turn, so every user gets a reasonable share of the available bandwidth.  
User Identification  
The SmartShare identifies individual users by their IP address presented to the LAN  
interface on the SmartShare. This also means that if a group of users in an apartment  
shares the apartment’s network connection through another NAT router in the  
apartment, they will be treated as one single user, because that NAT router only  
presents one IP address to the SmartShare.  
The IP address range controlled by the SmartShare is visible on the LAN  
configuration menu. Each IP address in this range is considered an individual user.  
Advanced administrators can use the Bandwidth User Groups to specify which IP  
address ranges are controlled by the SmartShare. When specifying an address range,  
you have the option of choosing to identify all IP addresses from a /24 subnet as one  
Overflow Users  
All IP addresses outside the controlled address range are considered overflow users,  
and will be crammed together and treated as a single virtual user by the SmartShare.  
This means that the overflow users can access the Internet, but the entire group of  
overflow users will only get the bandwidth of one single user.  
There is no bandwidth distribution within the group of overflow users. A single heavy  
user in the group of overflow users can consume all the bandwidth assigned to the  
group of overflow users, and thus block the connection for the other overflow users.  
Download and Upload Limiters  
The SmartShare monitors the download and upload bandwidth, and while there is  
bandwidth enough, all users can use all the bandwidth they like.  
When the download bandwidth becomes overloaded, the SmartShare starts restricting  
the heavy users by activating the Download Limiter.  
When the upload bandwidth becomes overloaded, the SmartShare starts restricting the  
heavy users by activating the Upload Limiter.  
The SmartShare Download and Upload Limiters are designed to ensure that no single  
user is limited more than appropriate.  
Advanced administrators can use the Bandwidth User Groups to specify maximum  
download and upload bandwidth per user in each group of users.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Dynamic Quality of Service  
The SmartShare always prioritizes timing critical traffic flows, such as IP telephony  
and online gaming, over ordinary traffic flows.  
The priority assignment is based on traffic pattern analysis of each flow. It is not  
based on the TCP/UDP port number, TOS precedence, DSCP or other fields set in the  
packet, because those properties can be controlled by peer-to-peer applications or  
malicious users.  
Dynamic QOS is an integral part of the SmartShare bandwidth management system,  
so it does not require any configuration or allocation of bandwidth.  
The SmartShare typically recognizes a timing critical flow and assigns it highest  
priority within one second.  
Flow Management  
All NAT routers contain a table, where each flow is registered while established. Each  
entry in the flow table contains the public IP addresses and TCP/UDP port numbers of  
the flow and the corresponding IP address and TCP/UDP port number of the computer  
on the LAN. The same principle applies to the NAT router in the SmartShare.  
The SmartShare flow table is large enough to handle the many flows that can be  
expected when many users are active. In addition to having a very large flow table,  
the SmartShare Flow Manager is designed to handle excessive flows without crashing  
or freezing.  
Just like the SmartShare Download and Upload Limiters prevent heavy users from  
eating up all the available Internet bandwidth at the expense of other users, the  
SmartShare Flow Manager prevents heavy users from eating up all the available flows  
in the flow table at the expense of other users.  
LowLatency Network Overclocking®  
As the name suggests, any Network Overclocking® may have unwanted side effects,  
and should be disabled if it causes problems.  
When LowLatency is enabled, the TCP MTU is lowered significantly, and thus the  
packets become smaller. When the packets are smaller, the packet rate is increased,  
and thus the delay and jitter is decreased.  
Obviously, using smaller packets means that more packets must be used to convey the  
same amount of data, so it does not increase the effective bandwidth.  
Modifying the TCP MTU is known from PPPoE connections, where the MTU is  
lowered slightly to make room for the PPPoE header added to the packets.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Status menu  
This page shows the current status of the Internet connection.  
This shows system status, such as the name, location and contact information, current  
time (if an NTP server is available), the duration since the last time the SmartShare  
was powered on or rebooted, and the memory utilization.  
This shows the status of logical connection to the ISP, regardless of the physical  
connection’s link status.  
If the WAN is configured to use a Static IP address, the status will always show the  
link as being up, because the SmartShare can not know if the ISP will respond to  
traffic or not.  
When the WAN has received its configuration from the ISP, the status will show the  
link as being up and the assigned IP Address will be visible.  
The permanent MAC address of the WAN is visible, because some ISP’s ask for the  
MAC address when they set up their customer’s access.  
Bandwidth Usage  
Download and Upload Rates  
The download and upload rates show the current bandwidth utilization in Kbit/s.  
Flow Rate  
The flow rate shows the number of new flows established per second.  
Bytes Downloaded and Uploaded  
This shows the total number of bytes transferred in each direction.  
Flows Processed  
This shows the total number of flows processed, including currently established flows.  
Bandwidth Manager  
Concurrent Flows  
When analyzing the utilization of the Internet connection, it is not only interesting to  
know the bandwidth utilization, but also how many concurrent flows are established,  
because each flow uses memory in the SmartShare. Flows are sometimes called  
sessions or connections. A high number of concurrent flows means that the computers  
on the local net are connected to many servers on the Internet, but it does not  
necessarily mean that packets are flowing and bandwidth is being used.  
Download Limiter  
The SmartShare monitors the download bandwidth, and while there is bandwidth  
enough, all users can use all the bandwidth they like. In this situation, the Download  
Limiter status is shown as READY.  
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When the download bandwidth becomes overloaded, the SmartShare starts restricting  
the heavy users by activating the Download Limiter. In this situation, the Download  
Limiter status is shown as ACTIVE.  
Upload Limiter  
The SmartShare monitors the upload bandwidth, and while there is bandwidth  
enough, all users can use all the bandwidth they like. In this situation, the Upload  
Limiter status is shown as READY.  
When the upload bandwidth becomes overloaded, the SmartShare starts restricting the  
heavy users by activating the Upload Limiter. In this situation, the Upload Limiter  
status is shown as ACTIVE.  
Anti Terror Logger  
Log Servers  
This shows the overall status of the FTP servers where the SmartShare stores the ATL  
log files. The status can be: Initializing, OK, Warning or Error.  
SNMP Agents  
This shows the overall status of the SNMP agents in the switches and routers on the  
local network. The status can be: Initializing, OK or Error.  
Buffer Usage  
The SmartShare temporarily stores the ATL log files in a buffer until they are  
transferred to the FTP server. Buffer Usage shows the utilization of this buffer.  
Flows Logged  
Shows how many flows have been logged by the SmartShare since the last time the  
SmartShare was powered on or rebooted.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Internet/WAN (Wide Area Network) configuration menu  
The Internet service provider usually supplies all the information that is needed to set  
the WAN configuration in a letter accompanying the confirmation of the Internet  
Internet Service Provider connection type  
The WAN can be configured for 3 types of connection to the Internet service  
Static IP  
WAN with Static IP  
The following information is required:  
IP address  
Router (Default Gateway)  
Primary DNS Server  
The following information is optional:  
Secondary DNS Server  
WAN with DHCP  
This type of connection is fully automatic. If the Internet service provider (ISP)  
requires a device name in the DHCP request, it can be configured here.  
WAN with PPPoE  
The following information is required:  
PPPoE username  
PPPoE password  
Connection Speed  
The Internet connection speed must be set correctly, or the bandwidth distribution will  
not function as intended.  
The following information is required:  
Download speed in Kbit/s  
Upload speed in Kbit/s  
If the connection speed advertised by the Internet service provider (ISP) contains two  
numbers, for example 1024/256; the download speed is normally the larger of the  
numbers and the upload speed is the lesser.  
Please note that an advertised speed of 1M sometimes means 1024 and 2M sometimes  
means 2048, but 10M typically means 10000 and 100M always means 100000.  
Many ISPs advertise the gross connection speed, which does not include overhead in  
the ISP’s network (e.g. PPPoE encapsulation and ATM cell alignment). The speed  
settings in the SmartShare must be entered as net values. This means that they may  
need some adjustment to compensate for the overhead in ISP’s network. Entering the  
speeds as 80% of the ISP’s advertised speeds is a good rule of thumb.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
External Servers (optional)  
NTP Server  
If the system time must be synchronized with an external NTP server, its host name or  
IP address can be set.  
The default configuration is: (empty)  
LAN (Local Area Network) configuration menu  
Network Setup  
The router name must be set. Optionally a domain name can be configured. This  
information is used by the built-in DHCP server (if enabled) to configure clients on  
the LAN using DHCP for automatic IP configuration.  
The default router name is: router  
The default domain name is: local  
IP Address Range  
The IP address range must be set. This information is used to distribute the bandwidth  
among the active users and by the built-in DHCP server (if enabled) to configure  
clients on the LAN using DHCP for automatic IP configuration.  
The default IP address range is:  
Local DNS Servers (optional)  
If there are any DNS servers on the LAN, their IP addresses can be set. This  
information (in addition to the DNS server information from the WAN) is used by the  
built-in DHCP server (if enabled) to configure clients on the LAN using DHCP for  
automatic IP configuration.  
The default configuration is: (empty)  
Local NTP Server (optional)  
If there is an NTP server on the LAN, its IP address can be set. This information is  
used by the built-in DHCP server (if enabled) to configure clients on the LAN using  
DHCP for automatic IP configuration.  
The default configuration is: (empty)  
Built-in DHCP Server  
If enabled, the built-in DHCP server automatically configures clients on the LAN  
using DHCP for automatic IP configuration.  
The default configuration is: Enabled  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
NAPT (Network Address and Port Translation)  
configuration menu  
Port Forwarding to Local Servers  
These fields can be configured to make servers on the local network available from  
the Internet.  
If the port number of a local network device can not be configured on the device, e.g.  
port 80 on a web-managed switch, the port numbers can be remapped by NAPT.  
The default configuration is: (empty)  
All Ports Forwarding to Local Servers  
These fields can be configured to make servers on the local network available from  
the Internet by mapping their LAN address to a public IP address on the Internet.  
The default configuration is: (empty)  
ATL (Anti Terror Logger) configuration menu  
Log File Storage  
The SmartShare stores the ATL log files on an external FTP server.  
If ATL is enabled, it is possible to configure up to two FTP servers for storing the  
ATL log files. When the SmartShare is ready to store an ATL log file, it will use the  
primary FTP server. Every time the primary FTP server fails to receive an ATL log  
file, the SmartShare will store it on the secondary FTP server instead.  
FTP Server, User Name and Password are required fields, Directory Path is optional.  
The Status field shows the result of the last FTP transfer.  
Local Network SNMP Agents  
The SmartShare uses the SNMP agents in the switches and routers on the local  
network to locate where each MAC address and IP address is connected, and thus  
identifies the users.  
If ATL is enabled, it is possible to configure which SNMP agents are present on the  
local network. Information about each switch and router on the LAN should be set, so  
the SmartShare is able to poll them for the required information to identify the users.  
IP Address and Community are required fields. The Status field shows the result of  
the last SNMP poll of the device.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Advanced configuration menu  
Remote Management  
The built-in web based setup menu can be changed to a different port.  
The built-in SNMP agent can be changed to a different port.  
The default web management port is: 80  
The default SNMP agent port is: 161  
Router Mode  
If you want to use the SmartShare as a traditional IP router without the NAT, select IP  
The default router mode is: NAT Routing  
Network Features  
VoIP Extra Priority  
Enabling VoIP Extra Priority has the following effects:  
VoIP will always have highest priority, even if it takes excessive bandwidth  
from the other users.  
The default setting for VoIP Extra Priority is: Disabled  
LowLatency Network Overclocking  
Enabling LowLatency Network Overclocking has the following effects:  
The “ping time” in online games is lowered.  
The delay and jitter for IP telephony is minimized.  
LowLatency Network Overclocking works by reducing the TCP MTU significantly,  
and may not be compatible with all web sites and Internet services. If it causes  
problems, it can be disabled again.  
The default setting for LowLatency Network Overclocking is: Disabled  
DHCP Proxy  
If a DHCP server is not connected to the layer 2 LAN, and the built-in DHCP server  
is disabled, the DHCP proxy can be used to relay DHCP requests from DHCP clients  
on the LAN to remote DHCP servers via layer 3.  
The default configuration is: Disabled  
Built-in DHCP Server Options  
If the built-in DHCP server is used its default and maximum DHCP lease time can be  
changed from their default values.  
The default configuration is: 720 minutes and 1440 minutes.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Outgoing SMTP Connections  
The SmartShare has 4 different modes for handling outgoing SMTP (TCP port 25)  
connections from the local network to the WAN:  
Allow All.  
Allow to External Server only.  
Redirect all to External Server.  
Allow from Local Mail Servers only.  
The default configuration is: Allow All  
Allow All  
Allow all local users to connect to any SMTP server on the WAN.  
Allow to External Server only  
Allow all local users to connect to the specified SMTP server on the WAN only.  
Attempts to connect to other SMTP servers on the WAN will be rejected by the  
Redirect all to External Server  
Redirect all outgoing SMTP connections to the specified SMTP server on the WAN.  
In this mode, the packet headers of all outgoing SMTP connections are modified, so  
the connection is established to the specified SMTP server instead.  
This mode is useful if the local users are only allowed to use a specific SMTP server,  
but are unable or unwilling to configure their email applications.  
Allow from Local Mail Servers only  
Allow the specified local mail servers to connect to any SMTP server on the WAN,  
and reject attempts from all other local users to connect to SMTP servers on the  
System Information  
System contact and location can be configured. This is not used by the system itself. It  
is shown on the status web page and available via SNMP.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Bandwidth User Groups  
Bandwidth User Groups can be used to configure which IP address ranges the  
bandwidth manager controls, and optionally set per-user bandwidth limits within each  
user group.  
The following can be configured for each user group:  
First and last IP address.  
User type. Choose “IP Address” for normal user identification, where each IP  
address identifies one user. Choose “/24 Subnet” if you want all IP addresses  
within a /24 subnet to be identified as one single user. This can be used in  
routed networks, where each apartment (or office) is assigned a /24 subnet.  
Download and Upload bandwidth per user (optional). This can be used to set  
the per-user maximum bandwidth allowed for users in the user group. If left  
blank, there will be no specific bandwidth limits; the users will participate  
normally in the smart management of all the available bandwidth.  
Description. This can be used to store an informative description of the user  
The default configuration is: Disabled  
Additional LAN Subnets  
Routes in addition to the LAN subnet can be added here. Each route added can be a  
NAT or a transparent route.  
In a switched network with NAT to the LAN, some users on the LAN can have public  
IP addresses by adding them to this table as follows: Set Subnet to the user’s public IP  
address, set Subnet Mask to, leave Next Hop Gateway empty and  
select IP Routing.  
On the user’s PC, set the IP address to the public IP address and the Subnet Mask to (or if is not accepted) and Default  
Gateway to the IP address of the SmartShare, as shown on the LAN configuration  
menu (e.g.  
Remember to configure the Bandwidth Distributor with the added public IP addresses.  
The default configuration is: Disabled  
User Groups Denied Access to WAN  
Local users in the defined address ranges are denied access to the WAN. Attempts to  
connect to the WAN will be rejected by the SmartShare.  
The default configuration is: (empty)  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
System menu  
Download Firmware  
The SmartShare firmware can be upgraded from the firmware server at SmartShare  
Systems or any other firmware server. Firmware upgrade is a two step process. First,  
enter the URL of the firmware to be downloaded, and click the Download Firmware  
button. Second, when the firmware has been downloaded, checked for validity and is  
ready for installation, you can choose to cancel the upgrade or to proceed with the  
installation of the downloaded firmware.  
Install License Key  
Features of the SmartShare can be changed by installing different license keys. Enter  
the new license key and click the Install New License button. After the license key  
has been validated the SmartShare must be rebooted to activate the new feature set.  
Trial Mode  
If a trial license is installed, the SmartShare can operate in a trial mode where the  
model type and optional features can be changed. This can be used for demo or test  
An ongoing trial can be stopped at any time, and the SmartShare will revert to normal  
As long as there is trial time remaining, new trials can be started.  
When the trial expires, the SmartShare will reboot and revert to normal operation.  
The available trial time is controlled by the installed license, and additional trial time  
can be installed with additional licenses.  
Restore Factory Defaults  
Press this button if you wish to restore the factory default configuration.  
Reboot System  
Press this button if you wish to reboot the SmartShare. Rebooting the system does not  
clear the configuration.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Managers configuration menu  
Multiple users can manage and configure the SmartShare.  
The following can be configured for each manager:  
User Name (required).  
Password. Password for access to the web management interface.  
Community. SNMP Community for access to the SNMP agent. If not set,  
access to the SNMP agent will not be allowed.  
First and last IP address (optional). If set, the manager is only allowed  
management access if he connects from a PC within the specified IP address  
Manager Level. This determines how much the manager has access to do.  
The following Manager Levels are available:  
Blocked. No access.  
User. Access to the Status page only.  
Installer. Full access.  
The factory default administrator user name is: adminand password: admin  
The factory default community is: (empty)  
Logout menu  
Log out and return to the login page.  
Using the Serial Port  
The serial port can be used with any terminal emulator, such as Hyperterm or Tera  
Term Pro, as a fallback solution if the LAN connection has been lost.  
The speed is: 115200 8N1 (115200 baud, 8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit).  
The following commands are available:  
? – Show help.  
info – Show configuration information.  
reboot – Reboot the SmartShare.  
restore – Restore configuration to factory default.  
license – Show hardware MAC and license ID.  
license=xxxxx – Install new license key.  
password bypass – Enable factory default administrator user name: adminand  
password: adminfor 5 minutes.  
The serial port is not password protected.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Security Considerations  
Physical Access  
The SmartShare should be installed in a locked patch panel. Anyone with physical  
access to the SmartShare can power it off, disconnect it or change the configuration  
via the Serial port.  
Password Protection  
The SmartShare configuration menu is password protected. Keep your password safe.  
The SmartShare firewall prevents potential intruders on the Internet from accessing  
computers on the local network.  
The firewall does not prevent users on the local network from downloading virus or  
other malware from the Internet to their computers. Users on the local network should  
protect their computers with anti-virus software.  
The firewall does not prevent intruders connected on the local network from accessing  
other computers on the local network. Switches and wireless access points in the local  
network should prevent intruders and other users on the local network from accessing  
each other’s computers. For further information, please refer to the chapter about  
protecting local users from each other.  
Protecting Local Users from Each Other  
When installing and configuring the local network infrastructure, i.e. switches and  
wireless access points, it should be considered if the local network should be open  
(where all local users can connect to each other and share files etc.) or protected  
(where all local users are separated from each other, and each user only has access to  
the Internet and local servers).  
User separation has different names, depending on equipment and vendor. In  
switches, look for “source-port filters” (HP ProCurve terminology), “Private VLANs”  
(Cisco terminology) or similar. In wireless access points, look for “AP isolation”,  
“client isolation” or similar.  
User separation does not affect the SmartShare, and the SmartShare works equally  
well with both open and protected networks.  
Troubleshooting and FAQ  
Q: After the SmartShare was installed, some of the computers on the local network  
can no longer access the Internet.  
A: This is probably because the computers still have the old configuration from the  
previous Internet router. In Microsoft Windows, start a Command Prompt (Start ->  
Run; cmd.exe), and run the command ipconfig /releaseand then run the  
command ipconfig /renew.  
Q: There is no connectivity from the LAN to the WAN after the LAN has been  
configured on the SmartShare.  
A: The LAN can not use the same IP address range as the WAN. Verify that the  
configuration doesn’t conflict.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
Q: After powering on the SmartShare, the WAN connection to the ISP is not  
A: First, verify that everything is correctly connected. It may take a few minutes for  
the WAN connection to the ISP to stabilize; if it isn’t established after a few minutes,  
verify that the configuration in the WAN menu is correct. If it still doesn’t work,  
disconnect the SmartShare and use a laptop to verify that the connection from the ISP  
Q: Users with peer-to-peer applications have problems accessing the Internet.  
A: Configure the peer-to-peer application to use fewer simultaneous flows (a.k.a.  
connections or sessions).  
Q: The administrator password for the SmartShare is lost.  
A: Use the Serial port to enable the default username and password for 5 minutes,  
then login via the web and set a new password. Refer to “Using the Serial Port”.  
Q: The SmartShare can not be accessed any more.  
A: Use the Serial port to restore the factory default settings. Refer to “Using the Serial  
Q: Some of the computers on the local network can not access the Internet.  
A: If a device with a DHCP server is wrongly connected to the LAN, the computers  
on the LAN may get an incorrect configuration from the unauthorized DHCP server.  
Most routers and wireless access points have a DHCP server on their LAN ports. Run  
the command ipconfigon a computer having access problems. If it shows an IP  
address outside the range configured in the SmartShare built-in DHCP server, a  
device with a DHCP server is wrongly connected to the LAN. Locate the device and  
disconnect it from the LAN.  
Q: A user needs a public IP address, but the SmartShare is in NAT Routing mode.  
A: Public IP addresses can be added using the “Additional LAN Subnets” feature.  
Q: The SmartShare has blocked access for a peer-to-peer user.  
A: The SmartShare does not block access for peer-to-peer users. However, the peer-  
to-peer user may have exceeded the number of allowed concurrent flows accepted by  
the SmartShare Flow Manager, and it has determined to start limiting the number of  
flows for this user, in order to protect the other users. Ask the peer-to-peer user to  
wait for three hours until the flows have been released.  
Power Consumption  
DT models  
12 Watt  
RM models  
24 Watt  
15 Watt  
35 Watt  
Typical annual power consumption  
105 kWh  
210 kWh  
The consumption at the primary side of the power supply, i.e. at the 110-240V plug, is  
shown in the table above. The annual cost of electricity for the SmartShare can be  
estimated by multiplying the price of electricity (per kWh) with the typical annual  
power consumption of the installed SmartShare model.  
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SmartShare® User Manual  
LED Indicators  
The two LEDs for each LAN/WAN/Ext1/Ext2 Ethernet port indicate as follows:  
LINK/ACT = Off No connection.  
LINK/ACT = On, 10/100 = Off 10Mbit link to other device established.  
LINK/ACT = On, 10/100 = On  
LINK/ACT = Blink  
100Mbit link to other device established.  
Link is active with transmissions.  
The POWER LED indicates as follows:  
POWER = Off  
POWER = Orange Light  
Power is off.  
Power is on.  
The STATUS LED indicates as follows:  
STATUS = Green Light  
The SmartShare is booting.  
STATUS = Green Blink Slow  
Data connection to ISP is established.  
Download Limiter is ready.  
Data connection to ISP is established.  
Download Limiter is active.  
Connection to ISP is down or not established yet.  
(Not used.)  
STATUS = Green Blink Fast  
STATUS = Red Blink Slow  
STATUS = Red Blink Fast  
STATUS = Red Light  
Internal System Error.  
STATUS = Red and Green  
Internal System Error.  
Anti Terror Logger (or Anti Terror Logging)  
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol  
Domain Name System  
Differentiated Services Code Point  
File Transfer Protocol  
Internet Protocol  
Internet Service Provider  
Local Area Network  
Light Emitting Diode  
Maximum Transmission Unit  
Network Address Translation  
Network Address and Port Translation  
Network Time Protocol  
Quality Of Service  
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol  
Simple Network Management Protocol  
Stateful Packet Inspection  
Type Of Service  
Wide Area Network  
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