Genz Benz Musical Instrument Amplifier 122 User Manual

Owner’s Manual  
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION – The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 bass amplifier has been designed with our unique ultra light  
unified design process, yielding a 1200 watt (2 x 600 watt) professional high powered tour-class bass guitar amplifier  
weighing only 6.75 lbs! The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 is the 2nd generation of Genz Benz SHUTTLE MAX amplifiers  
which now incorporates our new 3-Dimensional Power Management circuitry. Our proprietary 3DPM™ technology  
insures greater and more solid sounding output while retaining the feel and playability of a more traditional tube  
based power amplifier. When driving the power amp hard, the player can feel increased heft and girth of the  
individual notes, while maintaining dynamics and articulation. The result is an amplifier that achieves a more 3  
dimensional tone and feel, like a tube amplifier power section, without the anemic flatness other amplifier designs  
can exhibit. This compact design blends the best of analog and digital platforms to produce the ultimate in warmth,  
punch and power.  
The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 is equipped with a ¼” unbalanced instrument input; input stage clip detector; mute  
switch with LED indicator; FET and 12AX7 tube preamps each with high/low gain stage settings and 4 band active  
equalization with 2 sweepable midrange bands; 3 switched SIGNAL SHAPE filters with level adjustments; master  
volume; proprietary 3DPM™ technology; tuner out; aux input; 3 effects loops; balanced direct output with ground lift,  
pre or post EQ, and mic/line switches; headphone output; 2 Neutrik NL-4 Speakon™ speaker jacks; and a 5-button  
The power amp design is a powerful, light weight Class D design and is supported by a state-of-the-art high-  
frequency Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS), which does away with the weight of a traditional power transformer.  
The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 uses two 600 watt amplifier modules, both driving full output power into 4 ohms speaker  
loads—1200 watts total output. The power supply is usable from 100-240 volts, lending itself well to international  
touring players.  
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PREAMP VOLUME CONTROL – This control sets the volume of the preamp after the input and FET channel gain  
stages and before the EQ controls. Use this control in conjunction with the GAIN control and the MASTER VOLUME  
control for your overall output level.  
GAIN SWITCH (LOW/HIGH) – This switch sets the gain sensitivity for the TUBE channel. It works both like an Active/  
Passive switch and like a gain boost switch. The amber LED indicates that the HIGH setting is selected. The difference  
between the LOW and HIGH gain positions is approx. 10dB. Since there is a GAIN switch provided for each channel this  
allows the player to set different gain structures for the FET or TUBE channels.  
If warm, clean tube tone is desired, we recommend that the LOW setting be used for basses with hotter output or active  
pickups (generally most basses using one or two 9 volt batteries to power their on-board preamp or those with an output  
sensitivity over 1 Volt) and the HIGH gain setting be used for basses with lower output or passive pickups.  
If tube compression, growl, or all-out distortion is desired then the HIGH gain setting may be used regardless of the  
pickup sensitivity. The “hotter” the pickup output, the more tube distortion can be achieved.  
PREAMP GAIN CONTROL – This control sets the input sensitivity gain of the 12AX7 tube preamp after the GAIN switch.  
The design of the TUBE GAIN control allows you to set your tone from rich, clean tube tone, to mild tube compression, to  
warm tube growl, to all-out aggressive tube overdrive. The volume of the signal is then controlled by the TUBE preamp  
VOLUME control and also the MASTER VOLUME control. The higher the GAIN settings are, the lower the channel  
VOLUME will need to be set, so as not to overload the EQ network.  
Note: It is generally recommended when using heavily distorted tones with a tweeter loaded cabinet, that you reduce the  
high frequency settings on the amp or cut the tweeter level control of our cabinet.  
O/L LED – In the TUBE channel, this LED senses the condition of the input signal after the GAIN control and also  
senses and warns of possible clipping in the EQ network. The O/L circuit does not sense distortion or overdrive in the  
tube. Your ears are the best judge of that for your desired tone. The O/L sensing circuit is very dependent upon the  
output of the bass instrument pickups, the GAIN and VOLUME settings of the TUBE channel and the amount of EQ used  
i.e. the more radical the EQ boost and volume level of the preamp VOLUME control, the more possibility of an overload  
condition. If overloading of the TUBE channel is occurring, adjusting the preamp VOLUME and/or preamp GAIN controls  
down will reduce or eliminate the over-load condition and adjusting the MASTER VOLUME control up will return the  
overall loudness.  
NOTE: It is OK for this LED to flash occasionally with your hardest notes played and it may flash even if the FET  
channel has been selected for use. This is normal and is due to the mixing topology for the 2 channels.  
PREAMP VOLUME CONTROL – This control sets the volume of the preamp after the input and TUBE channel gain  
stages and before the EQ controls. Use this control in conjunction with the PREAMP GAIN control and the MASTER  
VOLUME control for your overall output level.  
ACTIVE EQUALIZATION (both channels) – The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 contains two active 4 band equalizers (one for  
the FET and one for the TUBE channel) each with 2 sweepable parametric midrange frequency networks (LOW MID and  
HIGH-MID) that offer 15dB of cut or boost with a bandwidth of approximately 1 octave wide. These are slightly over-  
lapping filters to provide ultimate flexibility. Parametric filters are typically (but not always) used to reduce or remove  
offending frequencies in the instrument’s pickup response, or to boost response to achieve a particular voicing. Spend  
some time experimenting so that the process becomes creative as well as corrective.  
LOW FREQUENCY CONTROL – The LOW frequency EQ section is an 80 Hz shelving curve with 15dB of cut or boost.  
LOW-MID FREQUENCY FILTER -- The center frequency of the LOW-MID filter is continuously user adjustable from 120  
Hz to 2 KHz with a single control. The LOW-MID GAIN control sets the amount of level (cut or boost) for the specific  
frequency set by the LOW-MID FREQUENCY control.  
HIGH-MID FREQUENCY FILTER -- The HIGH-MID frequency is continuously user adjustable from 300 Hz to 5 KHz with  
a single control. The HIGH-MID GAIN control sets the amount of level (cut or boost) for the specific frequency set by the  
HIGH FREQUENCY -- The HIGH frequency EQ section is a 4 KHz shelving curve with 15dB of cut or boost.  
NOTE: These equalizer networks are similar to those found on professional sound consoles and are very useful tools.  
These active equalizers are very wide response type filters and a little “tweaking” goes a long way.  
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SIGNAL SHAPE – The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 is equipped with 3 SIGNAL SHAPE circuits, each with a level control to  
adjust the amount of level the tone shaping circuit produces.  
L.F. BOOST – This filter adds low frequency peaking gain in the 35-65 HZ band range. This is especially effective  
when used with a 5 string bass. The level control has a range of 0 to +7dB. This filter is unique in that it provides  
compound, asymmetrical slopes critical to achieving well-controlled low frequency extension.  
MID SCOOP -- Engaging this switch generates a midrange frequency cut centered at 600 Hz. The level control  
adjusts the amount of cut from 0db to –15dB.  
H.F. ATTACK – This filter adds high frequency peaking gain in the 2.5K – 16 KHz range. The level control has  
a range of 0 to +7dB. LED indicators are provided to visually show when each filter is engaged. Each filter Q  
(bandwidth) is optimized for its particular function and is different for each filter. These functions are also foot-  
switchable from the 5-button footswitch. The switches on the amplifier’s faceplate must be in the out position for the  
footswitch to work properly.  
MASTER VOLUME – The MASTER VOLUME control adjusts the overall volume of the amplifier and the effects  
return. Typically, best results are obtained when this control is operated between the 9:00 and 3:00 positions.  
• The POWER light indicates that the amplifier is ON and the low voltage power supplies are active.  
• The red PROTECT LED indicates that the amp is in PROTECT mode. This LED may flash during power turn-on  
and turn-off. This is normal. It will also illuminate during any internal fault condition. If this happens, turn the amp  
off and consult a repair technician.  
• The blue SIGNAL LED indicates that the power amplifier has received signal (over several watts output) and is  
performing properly.  
• The Amber PEAK LED indicates that the power amp has reached maximum power. Under high output conditions it  
is normal that this LED will light with the strongest pulses of the signal. Driving hard beyond this point will cause  
the amplifier to gradually begin audible distortion.  
NOTE: The PROTECT circuit senses both AMP A and AMP B power amp modules. It is possible that if one module  
goes into the PROTECT mode, the remaining power amp module will perform properly.  
In an emergency situation, if the PROTECT circuit engages during use, it is possible to unplug the failed power amp  
speaker cable at the amplifier connection and continue on with the remaining power amp module to complete the  
performance. Additionally, this amplifier utilizes redundant backup preamp power supplies, so that in the unlikely  
event of a power amp module failure, the backup power supply will automatically take over and supply the preamp  
insuring that the remaining module and direct output signal continues to function normally.  
3DPM™ --- 3 DIMENSIONAL POWER MANAGEMENT --- Our proprietary 3DPM™ technology insures greater  
and more solid sounding output while retaining the feel and playability of a more traditional tube based power  
amplifier. When driving the power amp hard the player can feel increased heft and girth of the individual notes, while  
maintaining dynamics and articulation. The result is an amplifier that achieves a more 3 dimensional tone and feel,  
like a tube amplifier power section, without the anemic flatness other amplifier designs can exhibit.  
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GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SETTING YOUR INPUT SIGNAL – There are a wide variety of variables that can  
impact your signal and tone in the design of all amplifiers. Below are some basic guidelines to consider when begin-  
ning to set your tone on the SHUTTLE MAX ꢀꢁ.ꢁ.  
• Begin a basic set up for the FET and TUBE channels with all EQ settings set at the 12 o’clock position.  
• If you are using an Active bass, begin with the channel GAIN switches in the LOW positions. For a Passive bass  
begin with these set in the HIGH position.  
• Set the GAIN control for each channel to approx. 10-12 o’clock positions. Now, bring up the preamp VOLUME  
control to approx. the same position ---10-12 o’clock.  
• At this time you may want to set the MASTER VOLUME to the 9 o’clock position.  
• From this point you can set your EQ settings to your desired taste.  
• If the O/L light on either channel is blinking, you should back down either your preamp GAIN control or preamp  
VOLUME control so that it blinks with only the very hardest notes played --- or not at all.  
• If you set radical EQ settings this may impact the level of your signal causing the O/L light to engage more. If so,  
then reduce your preamp VOLUME control a little more.  
• In the TUBE channel the O/L light will not sense tube overdrive so you will be able to get varying amounts of tube  
compression or distortion without the O/L light coming on. If you do see the O/L light blinking on the TUBE channel  
then you will want to reduce your preamp VOLUME control.  
• As you fine-tune your settings and levels and get your tone ready for a performance level of output, it is suggested  
you try to keep your preamp VOLUME levels and your MASTER VOLUME levels operating in approximately the  
same range, generally between 9 - 3 o’clock. This is not a hard-fast rule but it is a good starting place.  
NOTE: In the TUBE channel if you are using an aggressive tube distortion your preamp GAIN may be set very high  
and your preamp VOLUME set very low to keep the O/L LED from lighting. In this case the MASTER VOLUME will  
primarily be used to set your final output level. For heavy distortion, you may want to use the HIGH GAIN switch with  
a hot Active bass.  
It is generally recommended when using heavily distorted tones with a tweeter loaded cabinet, that you reduce the  
high frequency settings on the amp or cut the tweeter level control of our cabinet.  
DIRECT OUTPUT – An XLR balanced DIRECT OUTPUT is provided for connection to a PA system or directly into a  
recording studio console or A/D converter. The DIRECT OUTPUT signal may be switched between MIC and LINE  
level, PRE and POST EQ, and the audio signal ground may be connected or lifted from pin 1 with the GND LIFT switch  
to eliminate hum due to ground loops. The DIRECT OUTPUT is fully protected against 48 volt phantom power and  
may be used for driving microphone lines of up to 300 feet without problems.  
AUX INPUT – A 1/4” unbalanced line level AUXILIARY INPUT is provided. It sums directly to the main output bus, and  
is controlled by the MASTER VOLUME control. This input is ideal for practicing with recorded tracks from a CD player,  
iPOD, or MP-3 player. This input is a tip-ring-sleeve type jack with built-in summing resistors that sum left and right  
signals when used with a stereo cable. This input will also work with a mono tip-sleeve plug. Adjust the level of the  
playback source to balance with the bass guitar’s volume.  
TUNER OUTPUT – The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 is equipped with a fully isolated TUNER OUTPUT. This jack is located  
after the front end scaling preamplifier but pre-SIGNAL SHAPE circuits and pre-EQ. This output may also be used  
to drive a separate direct box or high-impedance recording device. The TUNER OUTPUT remains active when the  
amplifier is muted with the front panel MUTE switch, allowing silent tuning on stage.  
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EFFECTS LOOPS – The serial EFFECTS LOOP jacks are provided to allow access to the signal for the purpose of  
inserting signal processing equipment such as compressors, chorus, delay, and reverb processors. Individual pre-  
EQ loops are provided for the TUBE channel and the FET channel. An additional MASTER post EQ loop is provided  
for the summed (TUBE + FET) signal. This loop may also be used as a PREAMP OUTPUT or POWER AMP INPUT  
patch point. SEND (output) and RETURN (input) are nominal +4 dB level.  
“Series” devices (such as compressors and gates) require that the signal flow out from the SEND jack on the amplifier,  
through the processing device, and back into the RETURN jack on the amplifier. Parallel or mixed signal devices  
(such as chorus, delay and reverb processors) require that the signal flow out of the SEND jack on the amplifier,  
and into the processing device where it is split into a dry (unaltered) signal and a wet (processed) signal. On the  
processing unit, you will use the mixed signal output to return the signals (both wet and dry) to the RETURN jack on  
the amplifier. The ratio between the wet signal and the dry signal is heard as the amount of effects added back to the  
original signal, which is controlled by the mix knob (also called “balance”) on the effects processor. This may be a real  
knob (as in the Alesis® Microverb), or software controlled (as in the Yamaha SPX-90, SPX900 or SPX 990). Set the  
input sensitivity on the effects processor according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The front panel MUTE switch  
will also mute all of the SEND outputs when engaged.  
FOOT SWITCHES – A DIN connector is provided for connecting the  
included 5-button footswitch. Model# F/S-STL-MAX. This footswitch  
controls channel switching and mixing along with all the global SIGNAL  
SHAPE circuits. Additionally a ¼” footswitch jack is also provided for  
switching the MUTE function separately. Any single button latching style  
footswitch will operate this function.  
HEADPHONE OUT – A 1/4” TRS jack is provided for connection to headphones for silent practice use. A speaker load is  
not required. Do not connect this output to anything but headphones.  
POWER AMPLIFIER – The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 uses 2 state-of-the-art, Class D power amplifiers with high frequency  
Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) to achieve unprecedented high performance and light weight packaging. Switch  
Mode Power Supplies convert the AC line directly to high voltage DC then the precision PWM (pulse width modulation)  
inverter creates a new AC power signal at a frequency more than 1000 times higher than the original wall frequency of  
50/60Hz. This new high voltage, high frequency power signal is then fed into a custom high frequency transformer that  
steps the voltage down, a high frequency rectifier and high ESR filter capacitors finish the process off by converting  
the high frequency AC signal back to the DC voltages that the amplifier’s internal circuitry uses. One advantage of this  
conversion process is that the DC power supply rails are refreshed more than 1000 times more often than in traditional  
linear supplies, thus reducing annoying hum in the audio signal. The high frequency switching is used to reduce the  
size and weight of the magnetic and filter components while increasing the performance by recharging the power supply  
rails more often. The Class D amplifier uses digital PWM techniques similar to those in more familiar digital to analog  
converters to reduce the size and weight by a factor of 10 times that of a comparably rated conventional Class AB  
amplifier. Essentially, a Class D amplifier converts the analog signal into a logic level PWM digital signal with a digital to  
analog converter, level shifts this PWM signal up to a higher voltage and current and then reconstructs the analog signal  
by passing it through what is essentially a power digital to analog converter. Additionally, we developed our proprietary  
3DPM™ technology to give a distinctly analog feel and sound to the class D platform. This system provides exceptional  
performance even for low frequency applications such as bass guitar.  
SPEAKER OUTPUTS – The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 utilizes dual power amp modules (Amp A and Amp B) each with its  
own Neutrik Speakon™ connector (wired 1+/1-). The minimum speaker load per power amp is 4 ohms. Do not ground  
either the “+” or the “-” outputs.  
The SHUTTLE MAX12.2 dual power amp design offers a variety of available output power choices:  
One 8 ohm load (either Amp A or Amp B driven) . . . . . . . 375 watts  
One 4 ohm load (either Amp A or Amp B driven) . . . . . . . 600 watts  
Two 8 ohm loads (Amp A and Amp B driven) . . . . . . . . . . 750 watts  
One 4 ohm load (Amp A) and one 8 ohm load (Amp B) . . 975 watts  
Two 4 ohm loads (Amp A and Amp B driven) . . . . . . . . . . 1200 watts  
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POWER INPUT – VOLTAGE SELECTOR SWITCHES - The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 utilizes selectable universal  
power supplies that operate from 100V to 240 volts, 50 to 60 Hz for worldwide use. Simply set the voltage selector  
switch to the appropriate AC mains voltage (BEFORE connecting to the power source).  
Utilize the proper IEC cord-set appropriate for the country the product is being used.  
For countries using 100V, 110V, 115V and 120V AC mains, select the voltage selector switch to the 115V position.  
For countries using 220V, 230V, and 240V AC mains, select the voltage selector switch to the 230V position.  
There is no externally accessible AC mains (line) fuse. The internal fuse is integral to the SMPS power supply and is  
not user serviceable. This fuse will not fail except under very unlikely fault conditions to the SMPS, and if this occurs  
a qualified service technician is required to correct the problem.  
CHASSIS DESIGN – The SHUTTLE MAX’S ULTRA LIGHT DESIGN utilizes the highest quality aircraft grade,  
computer machined aluminum chassis. To clean the amplifier, nothing more than a damp cloth and a little bit of  
glass cleaner (like Glass Plus™) should be used.  
for optional rack mounting in a standard EIA style 19”  
equipment rack or tour-case. An optional rack mounting kit is  
available from your dealer. Model# STL-MAX-RK.  
GIG-BAG – A custom padded carry bag with shoulder strap is available  
as an optional accessory from your dealer. Model# STL-MAX-BAG. Do  
not operate the amplifier inside the carry bag as the chassis aluminum  
construction and cooling fan inlet vents are part of the amplifier’s cooling  
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STL-MAX 12.2  
Rated Power: 600 Watts @ 4 ohms (x 2, yielding 1200 watts)  
Dimensions: 3.5”H X 13.5”W X 13”D  
Weight: 6.75 LBS  
• Never set an amplifier on anything that will tip over or collapse under its weight.  
• Provide a minimum distance of 25.4 mm (1 inch) around all sides of the amplifier for sufficient  
ventilation. The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the amplifier’s vent openings with items  
such as newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.  
• No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the SHUTTLE MAX ꢀꢁ.ꢁ  
• This amplifier should not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such as  
vases or drinks, shall be placed on this product.  
• The SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 amplifier should be connected to a mains socket outlet (power receptacle)  
with a protective earth (ground) connection at all times.  
• The amplifiers mains plug (power plug) is considered the disconnect device, and the connection must  
remain accessible at all times.  
• This amplifier is capable of producing sound pressure levels that may cause hearing loss.  
• There are no user serviceable parts and hazardous operating voltages are present inside this unit.  
Always consult a qualified repair facility for service.  
• The use and operation of this device constitutes an agreement of full release of any and all liability  
connected with its use. Only persons familiar with the operation of high-powered professional audio  
equipment should attempt to operate this device.  
• In addition, by use of this device, the user agrees to hold Genz Benz and its designers, sales agents  
and all other affiliates and related parties harmless in the event of any accident, injury, damage or loss  
resulting from such use.  
• The manufacturer’s sole responsibility is to provide a warranty on the specified performance of the  
product under normal operating conditions for a period of 3 years.  
• Genz Benz warrants the SHUTTLE MAX 12.2 to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for  
a period of 3 years from the date of purchase, when purchased from an authorized Genz Benz dealer.  
• This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear incurred from the normally designed use of the  
• This warranty is effective only if a copy of the original sales receipt is presented at the time of warranty  
• This limited warranty is completely transferable to any subsequent buyer as long as the original sales  
receipt is also transferred to such subsequent buyer.  
• All warranty service must be performed by a Genz Benz authorized service center.  
• Before returning any unit for service, a returned merchandise authorization number (RMA#) must be  
obtained by calling 480-941-0705.  
• This warranty is valid in the US and Canada only. For all products sold outside the USA, warranty is  
handled through our international distributor for each country. For more information visit our website:  
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Declaration of Conformity  
(89/336 EEC-EMC Directive)  
Manufacturer’s Name:  
Manufacturer’s Address:  
Genz Benz, a division of KMC Music Corporation  
7811 East Pierce Street  
Scottsdale, AZ 85257, U.S.A.  
Product Type:  
Model Number:  
Audio Amplifier  
SHUTTLE MAX (all versions)  
Operating Power Condition:  
Effective Date:  
100/115/230/240 V, 50/60 Hz  
Conforms to the Following Standards: [X] EN 55013: 2001 + A1: 2003  
[X] EN 55020: 2002 + A1: 2003  
[X] EN 60065: 2001+A1, A11, A12, A2  
[X] IEC 61000-3.3: 1994 + A1: 2001  
[X] IEC 61000-4.2  
[X] IEC 61000-4.3  
[X] IEC 61000-4.4  
[X] FCC 15.107 and 15.109  
[X] RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC  
[X] WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC  
[X] CE Mark LV Directive 73/23 EEC  
7811 E. Pierce St. Scottsdale, AZ 85257  
Ph: 480-941-0705 Fax: 480-946-2412  
A division of KMC Music Corporation, Bloomfield, CT  
Genz Benz and Shuttle® Max are trademarks of Genz Benz and KMC Music.  
REV 1  
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