Gateway Computer Monitor VX730 User Manual

User Guide  
VX730/930 Monitor  
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Picture has shadows or “ghosts” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  
Image cannot be adjusted full screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
VX730 specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20  
VX930 specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
A Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930  
Th e VX series m on itors are h igh -resolution  
color m on itors with :  
Un lim ited colors  
Sm aller dot pitch for im proved im age  
Excellen t con trast an d legibility  
Im proved focus quality  
Reduced power usage  
Th e on -screen display (OSD) con trols let you  
adjust a variety of im age settin gs.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
Setting up the monitor  
Settin g up th e m on itor con sists of two procedures: attach in g th e base an d con n ectin g th e  
m on itor cables. If you are settin g up your com puter for th e first tim e, see th e setup poster  
for m ore in form ation about con n ectin g addition al periph eral devices.  
To attach the base:  
1 Carefully set th e m on itor on its side with th e bottom of th e m on itor facin g you.  
2 Hold th e base so th e roun ded en d is poin tin g toward th e back of th e m on itor, th en  
align th e h ooks on th e bottom of th e base with th e correspon din g slots on th e bottom  
of th e m on itor.  
Retaining latch  
3 Slide th e base toward th e fron t of th e m on itor so all h ooks are securely in place. Th e  
retain in g latch clicks in to place wh en th e base is attach ed correctly.  
4 Carefully set th e m on itor uprigh t an d place it on a sturdy, level surface.  
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Setting up the monitor  
To connect the power and video cables:  
1 Position th e m on itor an d your com puter so you can easily get at th e back pan el of  
each . Make sure th at all power cables can reach a correctly groun ded electrical outlet.  
2 Con n ect th e video cable to th e m atch in g (blue) video port on th e back of your  
com puter.  
3 Tigh ten th e screws on th e video cable con n ectors to keep th em from com in g loose.  
Tigh ten in g th e screws also preven ts radio an d TV in terferen ce.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
4 Con n ect th e power cord th at cam e with th e m on itor to th e AC power con n ector at  
th e back of th e m on itor. To m ain tain FCC stan dards, on ly use th e cord th at cam e  
with th e m on itor.  
5 Plug th e oth er en d of th e power cord in to a correctly groun ded electrical outlet.  
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Setting up the monitor  
Removing the base  
To remove the base:  
1 Turn off your com puter, th en discon n ect th e m on itors power cable.  
2 Carefully set th e m on itor on its side with th e bottom of th e m on itor facin g you.  
3 Rotate th e base so you can easily get to th e retain in g latch on th e bottom of th e  
m on itor, th en press in th e retain in g latch .  
4 Wh ile pressin g in th e latch , slide th e base toward th e back of th e m on itor, th en rem ove  
th e base.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
Starting the monitor  
To start the monitor:  
1 Press an d h old th e power button for approxim ately on e secon d. Th e power LED turn s  
on , an d th e m on itor dem agn etizes itself for about five secon ds.  
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Starting the monitor  
Do not store tapes or diskettes next to the monitor because the  
monitor generates a strong magnetic field during startup. This field  
can erase or damage data stored on magnetic tapes or diskettes.  
2 Turn on your com puter.  
3 After your com puter is run n in g, th e power LED on th e m on itor sh ould be green . If  
n ot, ch eck th e con n ection s. For m ore troublesh ootin g in form ation , see  
Troublesh ootin g” on page 16.  
4 Adjust th e con trols to get th e ideal im age size an d position for you. For m ore  
in form ation , see Adjustin g m on itor settin gs” on page 8.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
Adjusting monitor settings  
Th is m on itor features an on -screen display (OSD) th at lets you adjust an d save con trast,  
brigh tn ess, an d oth er settin gs for th e display im age.  
Men u . Press to view th e OSD. Press again to exit.  
(left). Press to m ove between th e OSD option s. After selectin g an option , use to  
adjust th e settin g.  
(righ t). Press to m ove between th e OSD option s. After selectin g an option , use  
to adjust th e settin g.  
Select. Press to select an OSD option .  
Th e m on itor saves an y ch an ges you m ake to th e settin gs, even if you turn off th e m on itor.  
To adjust the monitor settings:  
1 Press th e Menu button . Th e OSD m en u open s.  
2 Use th e  
an d  
button s to h igh ligh t a m en u option .  
3 Press th e Select button to select th e h igh ligh ted m en u option , th en use th e  
an d button s to adjust it.  
4 Press th e Select button to return to th e Main m en u.  
5 Wh en you h ave fin ish ed m akin g all adjustm en ts, press th e Menu button to exit th e  
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Adjusting monitor settings  
OSD options  
Main menu Option  
Contrast. Increases or decreases display image contrast.  
Brightness. Increases or decreases display image brightness.  
Horizontal Position (H Position). Moves the display image to the  
left or right side of the screen.  
Horizontal Size (H Size). Increases or decreases the width of the  
display image.  
Vertical Position (V Position). Moves the display image to the top  
or bottom of the screen.  
Vertical Size (V Size). Increases or decreases the height of the  
display image.  
Tilt. Rotates the display image.  
Pincushion. Curves the sides of the display image inward or outward.  
Pin Balance. Curves the display image to the left or right.  
Parallelogram. Slants the display image to the left or right.  
Trapezoid. Increases or decreases the trapezoid distortion of the  
display image.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
Main menu Option  
Top corner. Curves the sides of the top of the display image inward  
or outward.  
Bottom corner. Curves the sides of the bottom of the display image  
inward or outward.  
Horizontal Moire (H Moire). Blurs the focus to minimize the  
horizontal line pattern which results from interference.  
Vertical Moire (V Moire). Blurs the focus to minimize the vertical line  
pattern which results from interference.  
Horizontal Convergence (VX930 only). Aligns the monitor’s color  
signals to eliminate ghosted images.  
Color. Adjusts color balance.  
Recall. Resets the monitor settings to the factory default settings.  
Language. Changes the display language for the OSD control  
OSD Time. Adjusts the on-screen display time-out.  
Degauss. Demagnetizes the screen.  
Information. Displays the frequency and resolution in which the  
monitor is currently operating.  
Exit (VX730 only). Closes the OSD menu.  
- OR -  
Press the Menu button on both models to exit the OSD.  
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Adjusting monitor settings  
Software controls  
Adjustin g th e color depth an d screen resolution are two of th e m ost basic m on itor settin gs  
you m ay n eed to ch an ge.  
Adjusting the color depth  
Color depth is th e n um ber of colors th e video card uses. Most im ages look best displayed  
with th e m axim um n um ber of colors available.  
Win dows lets you ch oose from several color depth settin gs for th e m on itor. We recom m en d  
th at you use th e 32-bit True Color settin g or th e h igh est settin g available at all tim es.  
If th e color in your im ages seem s “false” or “jum py,” especially after you h ave played a  
gam e or run a video-in ten sive program , ch eck th e color depth settin g an d return it to 32-bit  
True Color, if n ecessary.  
To change the color depth:  
1 Click Start, th en click Control Panel. Th e Control Panel win dow open s. If your Con trol  
Pan el is in Category View, click Appearance and Themes.  
2 Click/Double-click th e Display icon . Th e Display Properties dialog box open s.  
3 Click th e Settings tab.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
4 Click th e arrow button to open th e Color quality list, th en click th e color depth you  
wan t.  
5 To save your ch an ges, click OK, th en click Yes.  
Help and  
For more information about adjusting display settings, click Start, then  
click Help and Support. Type the keyword ch an gin g d isplay  
settin gs in the Search box  
, then click the  
Adjusting the screen resolution  
You can ch an ge th e screen resolution to a size you prefer. For exam ple, you can in crease  
th e resolution to fit m ore icon s on your desktop, or you can decrease th e resolution to  
m ake readin g an d iden tifyin g objects on th e m on itor easier. Th e h igh er th e resolution ,  
th e sm aller in dividual com pon en ts of th e screen (such as icon s an d m en u bars) appear.  
To change the screen resolution:  
1 Click Start, th en click Control Panel. Th e Control Panel win dow open s. If your Con trol  
Pan el is in Category View, click Appearance and Themes.  
2 Double-click th e Display icon . Th e Display Properties dialog box open s.  
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Adjusting monitor settings  
3 Click th e Settings tab.  
4 Drag th e Screen resolution slider to th e size you prefer.  
5 To save your ch an ges, click OK, th en click Yes.  
Help and  
For more information about adjusting screen resolution, click Start,  
then click Help and Support. Type the keyword ch an gin g screen  
resolu tion in the Search box  
, then click the  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
Power management  
As an ENERGY STAR® Partn er, Gateway h as determ in ed th at th is product m eets th e  
ENERGY STAR guidelin es for en ergy efficien cy.  
Th is m on itor com plies with th e EPA's In tern ation al ENERGY STAR Program , wh ich is a  
program design ed to en courage m an ufacturers of com puter equipm en t to build circuitry  
in to th eir products to reduce en ergy con sum ption durin g tim e of n on -use.  
Energy declaration  
Wh en con n ected to a com puter th at supports th e Display Power Man agem en t Sign alin g  
(DPMS) Protocol, th is m on itor can con serve sign ifican t en ergy by reducin g power  
con sum ption durin g periods of n on -use. Wh en your com puter goes in to th e en ergy savin g  
m ode, th e m on itor will th en en ter th e Active Off m ode (differen t from total sh ut down ).  
In th e Active Off m ode th e power LED will still sh ow am ber.  
Use th ese con ven tion s an d th e power can be reduced to th e followin g levels:  
LED color  
Power consumption  
VX730: 80 W  
VX930: 103 W (1600 × 1200 @ 75 Hz,  
window=normal × 64%,  
brightness=100cd/m )  
Less than or equal to 4 W  
Less than or equal to 2 W  
Active Off  
To wake” th e m on itor wh en it is in Active Off m ode, m ove your m ouse or press an y  
keyboard key.  
Access th e power m an agem en t option s in th e Con trol Pan el to ch an ge th e period of tim e  
after wh ich th e m on itor en ters th ese low power states.  
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To keep th e m on itor in optim al workin g order:  
Do n ot block th e ven tilation h oles.  
Do n ot expose th e m on itor to rain or use n ear water.  
Keep th e m on itor away from radiators or h eat ven ts.  
Keep th e m on itor out of direct sun ligh t.  
Keep th e m on itor away from an y equipm en t th at gen erates a m agn etic field.  
Use a screen saver to avoid perm an en t ph osph or discoloration . For m ore in form ation  
about screen savers, see th e docum en tation th at cam e with your com puter.  
Clean th e m on itor usin g a soft cloth ligh tly m oisten ed with water. Wipe th e cabin et,  
glass pan el, an d con trols.  
Do not use any type of abrasive pad or glass cleaner. You will  
permanently scratch the glass panel.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
If you h ave problem s with th e m on itor, th e in form ation in th is troublesh ootin g section  
m ay h elp you solve th em .  
Make sure that the monitor has warmed up for about 30 minutes  
before making any judgments about the picture quality.  
Make sure th at th e m on itor is turn ed on .  
Make sure th at th e power cord is con n ected correctly to both th e back of th e m on itor  
an d th e wall outlet. For m ore in form ation about con n ectin g th e power cord, see  
Settin g up th e m on itor” on page 2.  
Make sure th at th e video cable is con n ected securely to th e back of your com puter.  
For m ore in form ation about con n ectin g th e video cable, see Settin g up th e m on itor”  
on page 2.  
If th e power LED is am ber or blin kin g am ber:  
Make sure th at your com puter is turn ed on .  
Move th e m ouse or press an y key on th e keyboard to brin g th e m on itor out of  
Active Off m ode.  
Restart your com puter with th e m on itor turn ed on .  
Make sure th at th e video cable is n ot dam aged.  
Ch eck th e video port an d th e en d of th e video cable for an y pin s th at m igh t be  
ben t or push ed in .  
Turn off th e m on itor an d un plug th e video cable from th e back of your com puter.  
Turn th e m on itor back on an d wait for ten secon ds. If th e m on itor is fun ction in g  
correctly, a self-diagn ostic screen appears.  
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Picture is scrambled  
If th e picture is scram bled or does n ot look righ t, you can reset th e m on itor to its default  
video m ode an d resolution settin gs.  
To reset the monitor settings:  
1 Restart your com puter, th en press an d h old F8 wh ile your com puter is startin g up.  
2 Select Safe Mode or Enable VGA Mode, th en press Enter. Your com puter restarts.  
3 Click Start, th en click Control Panel. If your Con trol Pan el is in Category View, click  
Appearance and Themes.  
4 Click/Double-click th e Display icon . Th e Display Properties dialog box open s.  
5 Click th e Settings tab.  
6 Drag th e Screen Resolution slider to th e size you prefer. If you are n ot sure wh at  
resolution to use, select 800 × 600.  
7 To save your ch an ges, click OK, th en click Yes.  
8 If prom pted, restart your com puter.  
Th e m ode you h ave ch osen sh ould allow you to use your com puter or select a differen t  
resolution or n um ber of colors (select th e m axim um n um ber possible). If th e settin gs  
selected are beyon d th e m on itors display capabilities, th e operatin g system restores  
th e im age back to th e last saved settin gs in 15-20 secon ds.  
Display colors are wrong  
Restart your com puter with th e m on itor turn ed on .  
Make sure th at th e video cable is con n ected securely to th e back of your com puter.  
For m ore in form ation about con n ectin g th e video cable, see Settin g up th e m on itor”  
on page 2.  
Make sure th at th e video cable is n ot dam aged.  
Ch eck th e video port an d th e en d of th e video cable for an y pin s th at m igh t be ben t  
or push ed in .  
Picture is fuzzy  
Adjust th e con trast an d brigh tn ess con trols to im prove th e display im age. For m ore  
in form ation , see Adjustin g m on itor settin gs” on page 8.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
Picture bounces, jitters, or has waves  
Make sure th at:  
Non -sh ielded speakers are n ot placed too close to th e m on itor.  
Th e m on itor is n ot position ed too close to an oth er m on itor, power tran sform er or  
adapter, electric fan , fluorescen t ligh t, m etal sh elf, or laser prin ter.  
If n on e of th ese suggestion s solves th e problem , try pluggin g th e m on itor in to an oth er  
outlet, preferably on e on a differen t circuit.  
Picture has shadows or ghosts”  
Rem ove an y exten sion cables or switch boxes.  
Make sure th at th e video cable is con n ected securely to th e back of your com puter.  
For m ore in form ation about con n ectin g th e video cable, see Settin g up th e m on itor”  
on page 2.  
Make sure th at th e video cable is n ot dam aged.  
Ch eck th e video port an d th e en d of th e video cable for an y pin s th at m igh t be ben t  
or push ed in .  
Color is not uniform  
Make sure th at th e m on itor warm s up for at least 30 m in utes before m akin g a fin al  
judgm en t about color un iform ity.  
Make sure th at:  
Non -sh ielded speakers are n ot placed too close to th e m on itor.  
Th e m on itor is n ot position ed too close to an oth er m on itor, power tran sform er or  
adapter, electric fan , fluorescen t ligh t, m etal sh elf, or laser prin ter.  
You dem agn etize th e screen usin g th e Degauss feature in th e OSD. For in struction s  
on h ow to degauss th e m on itor, see Adjustin g m on itor settin gs” on page 8.  
Image is not sized or centered correctly  
Use th e size an d position con trols to adjust th e im age. For in struction s on h ow to ch an ge  
th e m on itor settin gs, see Adjustin g m on itor settin gs” on page 8.  
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Image cannot be adjusted full screen  
Som e video m odes used by th e m on itor produce im ages th at can n ot be adjusted all th e  
way out to th e bezel edge (th e edge wh ere th e screen glass an d m on itor casin g m eet).  
Th is con dition does n ot in dicate th at th e m on itor is defective.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
VX730 specifications  
Specification s are subject to ch an ge with out n otice or obligation .  
17 inches diagonal (16.0 inches viewable),  
anti-reflective/anti-glare, 90° deflection, 0.25 mm dot pitch  
1280 × 1024 non-interlaced  
Maximum resolution  
Display colors  
Horizontal, 30-85 kHz  
Vertical, 59-160 Hz  
Frequency range  
AC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz 2A  
Power input  
UL, CSA, cUL, NOM, EPA, DHHS, and FCC Class B  
Meets International ENERGY STAR requirements:  
Active Off mode = less than or equal to 8 W  
Power management  
Operating temperature: 41° to 104°F (5° to 40°C)  
Operating humidity: 5% to 90%  
Man y products for Gateway an d its subsidiaries are custom en gin eered by our suppliers  
to Gateway specification s an d m ay vary with sim ilarly m arketed products.  
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VX930 specifications  
VX930 specifications  
Specification s are subject to ch an ge with out n otice or obligation .  
19 inches diagonal (18.0 inches viewable),  
anti-reflective/anti-glare, 90° deflection, 0.25 mm dot pitch  
1600 × 1200 non-interlaced  
Maximum resolution  
Display colors  
Horizontal, 30-96 kHz  
Vertical, 59-160 Hz  
Frequency range  
AC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz 2A  
Power input  
UL, CSA, cUL, NOM, EPA, DHHS, and FCC Class B  
Meets International ENERGY STAR requirements:  
Active Off mode = less than or equal to 4 W  
Power management  
Operating temperature: 41° to 104°F (5° to 40°C)  
Operating humidity: 5% to 90%  
Man y products for Gateway an d its subsidiaries are custom en gin eered by our suppliers  
to Gateway specification s an d m ay vary with sim ilarly m arketed products.  
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Using Your VX730 or VX930 Monitor  
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Appendix A  
Safety, Regulatory, and Legal  
Safety in form ation  
Regulatory statem en ts  
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Important safety information  
Your Gateway system is design ed an d tested to m eet th e latest stan dards for safety of in form ation tech n ology  
equipm en t. However, to en sure safe use of th is product, it is im portan t th at th e safety in struction s m arked on th e  
product an d in th e docum en tation are followed.  
Always follow these instructions to help guard against personal injury  
and damage to your Gateway system.  
Setting up your system  
Read an d follow all in struction s m arked on th e product an d in th e docum en tation before you operate your  
system . Retain all safety an d operatin g in struction s for future use.  
Do n ot use th is product n ear water or a h eat source such as a radiator.  
Set up th e system on a stable work surface.  
Th e product sh ould on ly be operated from th e type of power source in dicated on th e ratin g label.  
If your product h as a voltage selector switch , m ake sure th at th e switch is in th e proper position for your area.  
Th e voltage selector switch is set at th e factory to th e correct voltage.  
Open in gs in th e m on itor case are provided for ven tilation . Do n ot block or cover th ese open in gs. Make sure  
you provide adequate space, at least 6 in ch es (15 cm ), aroun d th e system for ven tilation wh en you set up your  
work area. Never in sert objects of an y kin d in to th e m on itor ven tilation open in gs.  
Som e products are equipped with a th ree-wire power cord to m ake sure th at th e product is properly groun ded  
wh en in use. Th e plug on th is cord will on ly fit in to a groun din g-type outlet. Th is is a safety feature. If you are  
un able to in sert th e plug in to an outlet, con tact an electrician to in stall th e appropriate outlet.  
If you use an exten sion cord with th is system , m ake sure th at th e total am pere ratin g on th e products plugged  
in to th e exten sion cord does n ot exceed th e exten sion cord am pere ratin g.  
If your system is fitted with a TV Tun er, cable, or satellite receiver card, m ake sure th at th e an ten n a or cable  
system is electrically groun ded to provide som e protection again st voltage surges an d buildup of static ch arges.  
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Care during use  
Do n ot walk on th e power cord or allow an yth in g to rest on it.  
Do n ot spill an yth in g on th e system . Th e best way to avoid spills is to avoid eatin g an d drin kin g n ear your  
system .  
Do n ot expose th e m on itor to rain or use n ear water. If th e m on itor does get exposed to m oisture, un plug it  
an d allow it to dry for 24 h ours. Call Gateway Tech n ical Support for advice on wh eth er th e m on itor is safe to  
turn back on .  
Wh en th e m on itor is turn ed off, a sm all am oun t of electrical curren t still flows th rough th e m on itor. To avoid  
electrical sh ock, always un plug all power cables an d m odem cables from th e wall outlets before clean in g th e  
system .  
Un plug th e system from th e wall outlet an d refer servicin g to qualified person n el if:  
Th e power cord or plug is dam aged.  
Liquid h as been spilled in to th e system .  
Th e system does n ot operate properly wh en th e operatin g in struction s are followed.  
Th e system was dropped or th e cabin et is dam aged.  
Th e system perform an ce ch an ges.  
To prevent electric shock, never remove the cover. No user  
serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service  
Replacement parts and accessories  
Use on ly replacem en t parts an d accessories recom m en ded by Gateway.  
Do not use Gateway products in areas classified as hazardous  
locations. Such areas include patient care areas of medical and  
dental facilities, oxygen-laden environments, or industrial facilities.  
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Regulatory compliance statements  
United States of America  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Unintentional emitter per FCC Part 15  
Th is device h as been tested an d foun d to com ply with th e lim its for a Class B digital device, pursuan t to Part 15  
of th e FCC rules. Th ese lim its are design ed to provide reason able protection again st h arm ful in terferen ce in a  
residen tial in stallation . Th is equipm en t gen erates, uses, an d can radiate radio frequen cy en ergy an d, if n ot  
in stalled an d used in accordan ce with th e in struction s, m ay cause h arm ful in terferen ce to radio or television  
reception . However, th ere is n o guaran tee th at in terferen ce will n ot occur in a particular in stallation . If th is  
equipm en t does cause in terferen ce to radio an d television reception , wh ich can be determ in ed by turn in g th e  
equipm en t off an d on , th e user is en couraged to try to correct th e in terferen ce by on e or m ore of th e followin g  
m easures:  
Reorien t or relocate th e receivin g an ten n a  
In crease th e separation between th e equipm en t an d receiver  
Con n ect th e equipm en t to an outlet on a differen t circuit from th at to wh ich th e receiver is con n ected  
Con sult th e dealer or an experien ced radio/TV tech n ician for h elp.  
Com plian ce Accessories: Th e accessories associated with th is equipm en t are: sh ielded video cable. Th ese  
accessories are required to be used in order to en sure com plian ce with FCC rules.  
FCC declaration of conformity  
Resp on sible p arty:  
Gateway Com pan ies, In c.  
610 Gateway Drive, North Sioux City, SD 57049  
(605) 232-2000 Fax: (605) 232-2023  
Th is device com plies with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation of th is device is subject to th e followin g two  
con dition s: (1) th is device m ay n ot cause h arm ful in terferen ce, an d (2) th is device m ust accept an y in terferen ce  
received, in cludin g in terferen ce th at m ay cause un desired operation .  
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Gateway could  
void the FCC compliance and negate your authority to operate the  
California Proposition 65 Warning  
Warning This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to the State  
of California to cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm.  
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Industry Canada (IC) Unintentional emitter per ICES-003  
Th is digital apparatus does n ot exceed th e Class B lim its for radio n oise em ission s from digital apparatus as set  
out in th e radio in terferen ce regulation s of In dustry Can ada.  
Le présen t appareil n um érique n ém et pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassan t les lim ites applicables aux  
appareils n um ériques de Classe B prescrites dan s le règlem en t sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par In dustrie  
Can ada.  
As an ENERGY STAR Partn er, Gateway h as determ in ed th at th is product m eets th e ENERGY  
STAR guidelin es for en ergy efficien cy wh en used with a com puter equipped with a Display Power  
Man agem en t System .  
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Copyright © 2004 Gateway, Inc.  
All Rights Reserved  
14303 Gateway Place  
Poway, CA 92064 USA  
All Rights Reserved  
This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted by any  
means or in any form, without prior consent in writing from Gateway.  
The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, changes are made  
periodically. These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. Gateway may improve and/or change products  
described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing system improvements, Gateway is not responsible for inaccurate  
information which may appear in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the Gateway Web site at In no event will Gateway be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential  
damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.  
In the interest of continued product development, Gateway reserves the right to make improvements in this manual and the  
products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation.  
Trademark Acknowledgments  
Gateway and the Black-and-White Spot Design are trademarks or registered trademarks of Gateway, Inc. in the U.S. and  
other countries. SpotShop,, and Your:)Ware are trademarks of Gateway, Inc. Intel, Intel Inside logo, and  
Pentium are registered trademarks and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are  
trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are used for  
identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.  
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MAN VX730/930 USR GDE R2 12/04  
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