VBrick Systems Home Theater Server EtherneTV NXG 2 User Manual

V B r i c k E t h e r n e T V  
M e d i a D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m  
M P E G - 1 , 2 & 4  
VBrick EtherneTV-NXG 1 & 2 Video on Demand Server  
Quick Start Guide  
Version 2.0.0  
June 23, 2004  
VBrick Systems, Inc.  
12 Beaumont Road  
Wallingford, Connecticut 06492  
Telephone: 1-203-265-0044  
Toll Free (USA Only): 1-866-VBrick-1  
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Table of Contents  
COPYRIGHT........................................................................................................................................... 2  
DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................................................... 2  
TRADEMARKS........................................................................................................................................ 2  
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3  
QUICK START....................................................................................................................................... 4  
1. Unpack the EtherneTV-NXG1 Server. ........................................................................................ 4  
2. Set up the EtherneTV-NXG Server............................................................................................. 5  
3. Configure the EtherneTV-NXG ................................................................................................... 6  
Make required entries: .................................................................................................................. 7  
Verify entries................................................................................................................................. 8  
4. Verify EtherneTV-NXG Server Operation..................................................................................... 8  
Changing Time & Time Zone ...................................................................................................... 10  
1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 11  
Overview........................................................................................................................................ 12  
System Components...................................................................................................................... 12  
2: USING THE ETHERNETV MEDIA CONTROL SERVER ................................................................ 13  
ACCESS THE SERVER ........................................................................................................................... 13  
Procedure (Version 1.0.0)........................................................................................................... 13  
Procedure (Version 2.0.0)........................................................................................................... 14  
ACCESSING MCS................................................................................................................................ 14  
DOWNLOAD COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................... 15  
WATCH LIVE BROADCASTS ................................................................................................................... 15  
BROWSE VIDEO LIBRARY...................................................................................................................... 16  
SCHEDULED PROGRAMS ...................................................................................................................... 16  
BROWSE AND CONFIGURE ETHERNETV-NXG1 SYSTEM ......................................................................... 17  
EtherneTV-NXG Administration ..................................................................................................... 17  
HOW-TO INGEST CONTENT.................................................................................................................... 18  
Instructions:.................................................................................................................................... 18  
FTP FILES AND FILE INGESTION............................................................................................................ 19  
Instructions:................................................................................................................................. 19  
AUTOMATIC FILE BACKUP..................................................................................................................... 20  
FILE BACKUP CAUTIONS....................................................................................................................... 20  
LICENSE KEY RE-INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................ 20  
3: REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................... 21  
OPERATION TIPS ................................................................................................................................. 21  
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Quick Start  
1. Unpack the EtherneTV-NXG1 Server.  
Each shipment comes with:  
An introduction letter  
Quick Start Guide and Release Notes (located on CD-ROM 8250-0002-0000)  
(1) EtherneTV-NXG system  
Power cord  
Rack mount kit (Kit type must be specified)  
Recovery CDs and a floppy disk that contains the NXG license (do not lose)  
NOTE: The server comes preloaded with the Operating System and VOD application  
software. After the system is powered, a kick-start wizard will guide you through the initial  
setup for permanent operation.  
Before you Begin  
Make sure that there is:  
A separate PC running Internet Explorer  
PS/2 mouse  
Monitor or console  
NOTE: If you have purchased an external storage device such as a SCSI attached DAS  
it must be connected prior to powering up the NXG system.  
Please obtain the following information for the EtherneTV-NXG before applying power to the  
NOTE: Unix commands are case sensitive and should be entered as shown.  
Hostname (that will be assigned to EtherneTV  
EtherneTV VOD IP address  
Default gateway (router)  
System network netmask  
Broadcast IP address  
Default network IP address  
Domain name  
DNS IP address  
unused at this time  
EtherneTV VOD serial number (from back of unit)  
Server name (Not Applicable)  
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2. Set up the EtherneTV-NXG Server  
1. Connect monitor, keyboard and mouse on the back of the unit, following these steps:  
If rack mounting the unit, mount the EtherneTV-NXG server in the rack, using the  
rack mount kit provided.  
Connect the EtherneTV-NXG server to the network by plugging the 10/100/1000  
BaseT Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port 1c on the rear of the unit.  
Connect the monitor cable to the video port at the back of the EtherneTV-NXG  
server d. Turn the monitor on.  
Connect a mouse and keyboard to the appropriate ports at the back of the  
EtherneTV-NXG e  
Plug the EtherneTV-NXG server into a power source, using the power cord  
Turn the EtherneTV-NXG server’s main power on by pressing the power switch at  
the front of the unit. f  
NOTE: the EtherneTV-NXG server will boot and automatically load using the default  
settings – this may take several minutes.  
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2. When booting is complete, type “Y” and Enter to continue.  
Make sure the information from the “Before You Begin” section in the first part of this  
procedure is available, then press Enter to continue.  
Wait 5 to 8 minutes for the unit to fully power up.  
3. Configure the EtherneTV-NXG  
You will be prompted for the following information:  
1. The system hostname  
2. The system ip address  
3. The default gateway ip-address  
4. The system netmask  
5. The default network ip-address  
6. The system broadcast address  
7. The system domain  
8. The dns server ip-address  
Quit now, if you do not have this information.  
Please enter y or n  
Verify that the required information has been obtained from Table 1 before  
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Make required entries:  
NOTE: Unix commands are all lower case and can contain no spaces. Use an  
underscore _ for separation. Use the values you determined in Table 1.  
Enter the system’s new hostname in lowercase:  
Enter the name of the host and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter the system’s new IP address:  
At the prompt, enter the IP address of the EtherneTV-NXG server and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter the system’s new default route (gateway) ip-address:  
At the prompt, enter the IP address of the default router and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter the system’s new network netmask:  
At the prompt, enter the network mask and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter system’s new broadcast ip-address:  
At the prompt, enter the broadcast IP address and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter the system’s new default network ip-address:  
At the prompt, enter the default network IP address and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter the system’s new domain for the server:  
At the prompt, enter the server’s domain name and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
Enter the system’s new DNS IP address:  
At the prompt, enter the DNS server’s IP address and Enter <cr>  
Type “y” and and Enter <cr> to continue  
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Verify entries  
The previous entries will be displayed.  
Review the information you entered. If everything appears to be correct, type “y” and  
Enter to continue. Otherwise, type “n” and repeat the setup process.  
The EtherneTV-NXG server displays the configuration files it will update. Type “y”  
then press Enter to continue. The changes will be displayed for each of the  
following files. Review each, type “y” to accept, then press Enter to continue.  
ServerName in httpd.conf  
When asked if you have completed reviewing the files to be updated, type “y” then  
press Enter to continue.  
Wait several minutes for setup to complete. A message will be displayed:  
Omnibase setup is complete; press enter to continue to login  
Press Enter  
Enter the login and password when prompted:  
At the login prompt, type “root” then press Enter.  
At the password prompt, type “omnibase” then press Enter.  
NOTE: If you encounter an error during set-up or if the server is moved to  
another network you MUST perform the following operation:  
Rename the setup file as follows:  
root# mv /opt/vbricksetup/.vbrickmbase_is_setup  
Reboot the server  
root# reboot  
4. Verify EtherneTV-NXG Server Operation  
Verify that there is an amber link light on the EtherneTV-NXG server’s Ethernet port.  
From the Linux Administrator command line: Ping the local gateway IP address.  
Example: ping (use your appropriate local gateway IP address)  
From a separate PC: Ping the EtherneTV-NXG server from a PC using the  
EtherneTV-NXG1 IP address.  
Example: ping (use the IP address of your EtherneTV-NXG server)  
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CRITICAL NOTE: The IP address of the EtherneTV-NXG server must be made as a  
hostname entry in the DNS server in order for the server to be recognized by  
desktop clients through its domain name (ie: http://vb.loc), rather than using the IP  
address (ie:  
For test purposes, the MIS Administrator can change the necessary DNS (host)  
entry in the local PC hosts file. Modify the “hosts” file on the local PC to resolve the  
EtherneTV-NXG IP address with  
the actual hostname:  
Search for the file named  
“hosts” on the local PC c.  
NOTE: If there is more  
than one file named  
“hosts” select the file  
located in the  
Windows/System or  
Modify the file by using  
the right mouse button to  
choose the “Open” or  
“Open With” selection to  
use Wordpad or Notepad to make the necessary entry highlighted in boldd.  
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.  
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.  
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each  
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should  
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.  
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one  
# space.  
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual  
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.  
# For example:  
# rhino.acme.com x.acme.com  
# source server  
# x client host  
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Changing Time & Time Zone  
When the EtherneTV-NXG is working in conjunction with the EtherneTV-MCS Media Control  
Server, in order for the time to appear correctly, it is necessary to set the time zone to match  
that of the EtherneTV-MCS server.  
In order to manually change the time zone, follow the directions below to edit the  
/etc/sysconfig/clock file and then make a new soft link to /etc/localtime.  
1)From the Linux prompt, type "startx<cr>". This launches the Red Hat graphical user  
2)Open a command line interface from the GUI  
3)Type /etc/init.d/mediabase stop  
4) At the lower right corner of the screen, right click on the "time" and select "Adjust Date &  
5) From the pull-down menu, select the time zone you are in. For example,  
"America/Detroit", then click "apply and "OK" to close the window. Adjust the time as  
6) Return to the command line interface and type /etc/init.d/mediabase start  
7) At the lower left corner of the screen, right click on the "Red Hat" icon and select "logout"  
and click on the "Logout" button to return to the Linux prompt.  
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1: Introduction  
Brick's EtherneTV-NXG server has been integrated with the EtherneTV family of  
products including the EtherneTV-MCS Media Control Server, MPEG-1/2/4  
streaming encoders, Windows-based desktop computers (future Apple MAC  
support for MPEG-4 only) and the EtherneTV-STB. The EtherneTV-NXG delivers  
stored MPEG assets as unicast streams (with full VCR-like functionality such as  
Stop/Pause/Play/FF/Rew) across an Ethernet network. The EtherneTV-NXG is built on a  
DELL hardware platform. Other features include the ability to schedule asset playback,  
asset searching, user and system statistics, plus much more. EtherneTV-MCS is required  
to gain the full benefits of the EtherneTV-NXG server and is sold separately.  
In order to set up the EtherneTV MCS server, please follow the directions in the EtherneTV  
MCS Administrator’s Guide. Once the EtherneTV MCS server is setup and configured, then  
end users can access video the EtherneTV-NXG server through the MCS web interface.  
VBrick uses its own software-based components to decode streams on the desktop. There is  
no client side software to install. The EtherneTV-MCS automatically downloads components  
to the desktop PC upon the user’s initial access to the system.  
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System Components  
These are the main components that together make up VBrick’s EtherneTV Media  
Distribution System:  
The EtherneTV-NXG Video on Demand Server. (NXG1 or 2)  
The EtherneTV-MCS Media Control System. (MCS)  
VBrick MPEG-1, MPEG-2 encoder/decoders and MPEG-4 encoders.  
Standard Windows PCs can be used by end users for both administrative  
control and content access.  
VBrick EtherneTV-STB Set Top Boxes.  
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2: Using the EtherneTV Media  
Access the server  
From a PC, enter the IP address or hostname to access the MCS.  
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0  
Version 2.0.0 is different  
Procedure (Version 1.0.0)  
2. Click "Media Control Server"  
3. Enter User ID (admin) and Password (admin), click "Logon"  
4. Click "Global Variables"  
5. Make browser full screen (F11)  
6. Scroll down to "DEFINE THE VBVOD-NXG SERVER PATH" and enter the new server IP  
address or server name where noted.  
7. Click “save”  
8. Quit admin  
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Procedure (Version 2.0.0)  
2. Enter User ID (admin) and Password (admin), click “Login”  
3. Click “Global Settings”  
4. Click “Servers”  
5. Add the server Domain Name or IP Address, Description and ftp user (vbrickuser)  
6. Click “Add”  
Accessing MCS  
In order to access the MCS launch your browser and enter the new link in the URL area as  
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0  
EtherneTV-MCS Version 2.0.0  
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Download Components  
VBrick uses its own software-based  
components to decode streams on the  
desktop. These components include  
decoders and filters necessary to view  
MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4  
streams on a PC using software  
based decoding. The EtherneTV-  
MCS automatically downloads these  
components to the desktop with the  
user’s permission.  
If this is a new installation, it is  
necessary to answer Yes to security  
requests before components are  
Watch Live  
This link provides access to any VBrick MPEG-1, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 live stream delivered  
from a VBrick Encoder or any file  
multicasted from the EtherneTV-  
NXG server. Also MPEG-4  
unicast from a VBrick encoder via  
RTSP. A list of streams is shown  
on the left; clicking on a program  
from the Program Guide listing on  
the left displays video from the  
stream in the window on the right.  
From this point you can click the  
Full Screen button on the player  
to go full screen (use the escape  
key to exit full screen), or click on  
Launch External Player to launch  
a separate player window that  
can be moved or resized. Since  
this is live video FF/REW/Pause  
are inoperative.  
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0  
Version 2.0.0 appears slightly different  
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Browse Video Library  
This link provides direct access to the EtherneTV-NXG server for watching stored Video-On-  
Demand files. When the user  
accesses this page, the MCS server  
builds a web page of available  
videos on the EtherneTV-NXG  
server. Simply clicking on the video  
will begin it playing in the preview  
window. From this point you can  
click the Full Screen button on the  
player to go full screen (use the  
escape key to exit full screen), or  
click on Launch External Player to  
launch a separate player window  
that can be moved or resized.  
VoD video allows full VCR/DVD-like  
Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward,  
Rewind, and Seek functionality.1  
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0  
Version 2.0.0 appears slightly different  
Scheduled Programs  
Scheduled Programs displays content scheduled to be shown at a particular date and time.  
The content can be live streams from a  
VBrick encoder or stored files multicast  
from the EtherneTV Video on Demand  
NXG server.  
To access the Scheduled Programs  
page, select the Menu button from any  
page and select Scheduled Programs.  
Scheduled programs that are currently  
playing will display a Now Playing  
message and can be played directly  
from the Scheduled Programs page.  
NOTE: Programs in the process  
of being played are also displayed  
in the Live Video selection.  
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0  
Version 2.0.0 appears slightly different  
1 Fast forward and rewind available for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 only. Seeking is available for all formats.  
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Browse and Configure EtherneTV-NXG1  
EtherneTV-NXG Administration  
The server comes pre-loaded with VBrick content. The only time it is necessary to reload  
this information would be in the event it is necessary to upgrade or restore the content.  
Open a web browser on the VOD administrators PC and type the following URL:  
you include the final /).  
To logon to the system:  
User Name = mbase  
Password = mbase-admin  
In the browser, create a “favorite” or  
“bookmark” this page.  
To access the online documentation, select the link  
“Admin Guide”, from here you can access the  
Kasenna MediaBase XMP Installation and  
Configuration Guide and the Kasenna MediaBase XMP Administrator's Guide.  
Follow the instructions in these two manuals for system administration and video content  
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How-to Ingest content  
Necessary equipment:  
EtherneTV-NXG server  
EtherneTV-MCS server  
Ethernet switch or hub  
Ethernet, video, and audio cables  
1. Log on to the Windows PC and open Internet Explorer browser  
2. In web browser window, enter the ipaddress or name of server followed by the  
application (i.e.  
3. Login as: mbase  
4. Password: mbase-admin  
5. Click on Content Pages>Video>Add Video/Audio  
6. In the Source File field , click on Browse  
7. From new window, click on /vbrick, then OK  
8. From next window, select the file MP2test_6mbps.mpg (or other mpeg file)  
9. Click on OK, (This will insert the source file in the source file window)  
10. In Video Name window enter a name that indicates the content. (Important - the file  
extension MUST end in .mpg for Mpeg1&2 and .mp4 for Mpeg4 files!!!!)  
11. Select the correct encoding type (MPEG 2)  
12. Click on Add  
13. Next we will monitor the ingestion by clicking on Content>Video>Find/Modify  
14. Click on Find  
15. Your file should appear in the list  
16. To test, playback the file via the MCS  
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FTP Files and File Ingestion  
Copy remote files and Ingest content - Necessary equipment:  
EtherneTV-NXG server  
Ethernet switch or hub  
Ethernet, video, and audio cables  
CD containing video files  
1. Logon to PC, and insert the CD into your PC.  
2. Change to cdrom drive location (e.g. E:)  
3. Open a command window, and type ftp x.x.x.x  
4. FTP logon as vbrickuser  
5. FTP password vbrickuser  
6. Type cd /vbrick  
7. Type bin  
8. Type put zzz.mpg (zzz=video file name.mpg); quit ftp.  
9. Open Internet Explorer browser, enter the ipaddress or name of server followed by the  
application (i.e.  
10. Login as: mbase  
11. Password: mbase-admin  
12. Click on Content Pages>Video>Add Video/Audio  
13. In the Source File window, click on Browse  
14. From new window, click on /vbrick  
15. From next window, select the file you uploaded  
16. Click on OK, (This will insert the source file in the source file window)  
17. In Video Name window enter a name that indicates the content. (Important - the file  
extension MUST end in .mpg for Mpeg1&2 and .mp4 for Mpeg4 files!!!!)  
18. Select the correct encoding type (MPEG1, 2 or 4)  
19. Click on Add  
20. Next we will monitor the ingestion by clicking on Content>Video>Find/Modify  
21. Click on Find  
22. Your file should appear in the list  
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V B R I C K E T H E R N E T - N X G V O D Q U I C K S T A R T G U I D E  
V E R S I O N 2 . 0 . 0 E  
Automatic File Backup  
The use of a dedicated drive 0 for the OS and VoD software benefits customers in two ways.  
Firstly, OS patches or new VoD software updates only get applied to drive 0, leaving all the  
content drives untouched. Secondly, both VoD servers use a mySQL database to index and  
manage all video content and VoD configuration information. While this database is stored  
on drive 0, each evening the system automatically backs up the database onto the RAID  
drives. Should drive 0 fail, the database restore procedure uses this backup copy to rebuild  
the database.  
The Auto Backup feature is on by default and it is recommended that it be left on. However  
if for some reason it is not required the following procedure should be used to turn this  
feature off:  
Note: If you get lost during editing hit “Esc” twice to leave edit mode. Hit “:” to return to  
command mode.  
Go to the NXG command line.  
Type "crontab -e" at the command line; this puts you into an editor for the crontab  
(the cron table). The editor is the "vi" editor.  
Using the down arrow key, scroll down to the bottom of the file. A couple of lines up  
from the bottom you will see two lines:  
Cursor up to these lines and comment out this section by:  
Hit the "i" key to go into insert mode  
Type the "#" key in front of both these two line to comment them out  
Hit <esc>, then ":" to go into command mode, then enter "wq" to save the changes and exit  
the editor.  
File Backup Cautions  
Irrespective of the Auto Backup there are situations where the backup may not take place  
soon enough after file ingestion. Therefore it is highly recommended that a separate copy of  
the original content after ingestion be maintained for at least two days until the auto backups  
are made.  
License Key Re-Installation  
The license is pre-installed on the server from the factory. You do not have to re-install this  
license except for system restoration. Should you need to re-install the license, use the  
following steps. A floppy disk is included that contains the license key for the EtherneTV-  
NXG server. The key should be added to the /var/flexlm/license.dat file. If this file does not  
exist then the file should be created in the specified path (/var/flexlm/). The following steps  
will be used to make the floppy disk available to the Linux O/S:  
From the root type: mkdir /floppy (enter)  
Type: mount –t vfat /dev/fd0 /floppy (enter)  
cd /floppy  
You will now be able to copy the license file from the floppy to: /var/flexlm/license.dat  
(NXG1) or /var/kasenna/license.dat (NXG2)  
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CHAPTER three  
3: Reference  
Operation Tips  
All assets that are installed into the server should have backup copies available in the  
event of disk corruption. This will allow for an easy restoration of the system.  
StreamPlayerPlus allows the recording of live streams to MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-  
4 files. Once saved the files can then be installed on the EtherneTV-NXG1 server for  
playback. Make sure the “hinting” option is checked when recording MPEG-4 files.  
When recording MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 files using StreamPlayer Plus software, it is  
advisable to keep the length of the record to under 50 minutes to facilitate creating  
playlists and keep viewing time manageable.  
The controls for MPEG-4 Fast Forward and Rewind are not currently supported;  
however, slide bars are supported and provide the same functonality.  
As the disks become full the performance of head seek times diminishes and file  
ingestion may fail.  
Do not use spaces in filenames. Use underscores; ie: my_history_class.mp4.  
Apple QuickTime 6.5, containing native MPEG-4 support, is the recommended MAC  
desktop player for accessing MPEG-4 files from the EtherneTV VOD NXG. QuickTime  
supports the Seek feature (accessed through a slider-bar) for MPEG-4 streams. Make  
sure Edit >> Preferences >> QuickTime Preferences >> Streaming Transport option is  
set to Automatically determine the best protocol and port ID or “use: UDP, RTSP Port ID  
Samba is a widely used software package that allows Linux systems to connect to  
Microsoft Windows networks and seamlessly share files with Windows host computers  
and servers. This is the recommended method of ingesting files into the server’s  
database. If you are connected to the Internet click  
http://www.vbrick.com/support/downloads.asp , select Application Notes and then  
“Samba Client Configuration”. There you will find detailed information regarding the  
software package.  
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