Sage Software Range 58 User Guide

Sage Accpac CRM 5.8  
Self Service Guide  
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Chapter 1: Introduction  
Chapter 2: Getting Started  
Chapter 3: The Self Service Web Site  
Chapter 4: Self Service Security  
Chapter 5: Self Service Administration in CRM  
Self Servic e G uide  
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Chapter 1  
This guide is for Sage CRM Implementers.  
Please note that while the document refers to Sage CRM, CRM, or the CRM  
system throughout, all functionality covered is also relevant to Sage CRM MME,  
Sage Accpac CRM, and Softline Accpac CRM.  
We assume that you have:  
Experience in carrying out CRM implementations.  
Proficiency in customizing CRM systems.  
A working knowledge of eWare blocks, HTML, creation of Active Server  
Pages (ASPs), Include files, cascading style sheets (CSSs), and general Web  
design concepts.  
Knowledge of database administration and security concepts.  
What is CRM Self Service  
CRM Self Service lets you create a Self Service Web site that integrates traditional  
corporate Web sites with Sage CRM.  
With CRM Self Service, customers can log onto the Self Service Web site to  
perform functions, such as viewing account information, reporting problems, or  
requesting product information.  
The extent of the customer access to corporate data or their ability to perform  
these functions is determined by the particular Self Service implementation.  
Registered and anonymous visitors can access the site, and different information  
can be made available to them on that basis.  
The CRM Self Service application server can be run remotely from the CRM  
database server, via a link between Self Service and CRM.  
For example, a customer care case entered via the CRM system can be viewed on  
the Self Service Web site. This functionality is achieved though ASP pages.  
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Wha t is C RM Self Servic e  
C RM Self Servic e C onfigura tion  
Chapter Summary  
The table below gives a summary of each chapter.  
Getting Started  
An overview of prerequisites for Self  
Service implementations, what happens  
when Self Service is installed, and other  
requirements for installing Self Service.  
The Self Service Web Advice on designing a Self Service Web  
Self Service Security  
An overview of Self Service security  
Self Service  
Administration in  
Administration tasks that need to be  
carried out in CRM for Self Service  
Self Service  
Examples of Self Service functionality.  
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Chapter 2  
Getting Started  
In this chapter you will learn about:  
Prerequisites for Self Service implementations.  
Installing Self Service.  
Requirements for setting up Self Service.  
Prerequisites for Self Service Implementations  
To run CRM Self Service you will need:  
CRM installed on a server with a valid Self Service license key.  
The same server software as for a typical CRM installation. Refer to the  
System Administrator Guide for more information.  
You may require the Extensibility Module, depending on the functionality  
you require on your Web site. Please refer to Chapter 3 "Customizing the Self  
Service Web Site" for more information.  
Installing Self Service  
During the CRM installation:  
If you have the Extensibility Module, you are asked if you want to install a  
demo Self Service Web site. Select the Sample Self Service Support site  
checkbox to install the site and use it as a template for the CRM Self Service  
Web site. For more information on the demo Self Service Web site, refer to  
the Chapter 2 "Designing the Self Service Web Site".  
When you install CRM Self Service, the following takes place by default:  
A new database called CRMSelfService is created. It contains two important  
tables for storing visitor details—Visitor and Visitor Profile.  
A new option called Self Service becomes available on the CRM  
Administration | System home page. This enables you to configure CRM for  
Self Service and to maintain Self Service visitor information.  
A Self Service tab becomes available when you are in the Person and  
Company context. This allows People and Companies in CRM to be enabled  
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Setting up Self Servic e  
for Self Service and lets you assign a Self Service logon ID and password to  
Setting up Self Service  
Once Self Service has been installed, there are a number of tasks that need to be  
carried out manually before CRM Self Service is fully functional. Steps include:  
Planning your Self Service Web site.  
Reviewing Self Service security issues.  
Configuring Self Service administration settings.  
These are described in more detail in the next chapters.  
Now you can…  
Explain the prerequisites for Self Service implementations.  
Describe what happens when you install Self Service.  
Explain the requirements for setting up Self Service.  
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Chapter 3  
The Self Service Web Site  
In this chapter you will learn about:  
Planning a Self Service Web site.  
Understanding basic Self Service architecture.  
Creating and adding functionality to a Self Service Web site.  
Planning a Self Service Web Site  
To begin creating a Self Service Web site:  
1. Draw up design specifications for the look and feel of the Web site, as well as  
for the functionality the customer requires on the site.  
2. Review the corporate Web site and determine whether you can reuse any  
Web pages, logos, and other images. This will enable you to reflect the look  
and feel of the corporate Web site on your Self Service site.  
The level of functionality you can include on your Self Service Web site and  
the extent to which you can customize depends on whether you have the  
Extensibility Module. The functionality available with and without the  
Extensibility Module is discussed in "Customizing the Self Service Web Site"  
in this chapter.  
3. You may want to use the demo Self Service Web site as a template to create  
your Web site. The demo site is created if you have the Extensibility Module,  
and if you selected the Sample Self Service Support Site checkbox during the  
CRM installation.  
The demo site is typically created in:  
C:\Program Files\Sage\CRM\CRMSelfServiceDemo  
It contains ASP pages that reference eWare blocks, image files, and includes  
files (including the EWARESS.JS file). These files create the basic Self Service  
functionality. You will need to carry out further customization according to  
your implementation requirements.  
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Understa nding Ba sic Self Servic e Arc hitec ture  
Understanding Basic Self Service Architecture  
Before you proceed to customize the Self Service Web site, you need to have an  
understanding of basic Self Service architecture.  
Accessing the Site  
Self Service functionality enables users to access the Self Service Web site in  
Registered Mode or Anonymous Mode:  
Registered Mode. Registered Self Service users (that is, People or  
Companies registered in the CRM system) can log onto the Self Service site,  
view relevant information, and perform functions, such as reporting a  
problem or requesting product information. An identifier in CRM Self  
Service that enables access and rights on a per user basis will authenticate  
them to perform functions.  
Anonymous Mode. Users can access the Self Service site on the Web as  
they would any other site. CRM technology enables a link to be created  
between the user’s browser and the CRM Self Service server. The server will  
present customized information to a user, related to previous visits to the  
Visitor information is stored on the Self Service database in two visitors tables:  
Visitors. The Visitors table stores information related to both anonymous  
and registered visitors. When an anonymous visitor goes to the CRM site  
and asks for a Web page, a text string is stored on the hard drive. The next  
time the visitor returns to the same page they get a cookie. The cookie is an  
ID for the visitor.  
Visitor Profile. CRM can track the number of times each visitor logs onto the  
system. Based on this information, a potential customer can be generated as a  
lead, and the relevant information passed along to the customer. You can  
customize the type of information that is stored in CRM about registered  
visitors based on registration and profile information that is stored in the  
Visitor Profile table.  
The eWaress.js File  
The CRM Self Service application server can be run remotely from the CRM  
database server. For example, a customer care case entered in the CRM system  
can be viewed on the Self Service Web site.  
The EWARESS.JS file is the component behind this functionality. This file works  
in the same way as a typical ACCPACCRM.JS file, but it is also responsible for  
establishing the link between the CRM database and the Self Service database,  
thus ensuring that the databases can communicate with each other.  
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C ustomizing the Self Servic e Web Site  
It is important to note that the EWARESS.JS file (rather than the  
ACCPACCRM.JS file) is referenced in all Self Service ASP pages. For more  
information on the ACCPACCRM.JS and EWARESS.JS files, please refer to the  
Developer Guide.  
Customizing the Self Service Web Site  
The functionality available in the Self Service site and the extent to which you  
can customize it depends on whether you have the Extensibility Module.  
Without the Extensibility Module  
Without the Extensibility Module, you are limited to customizing a number of  
specific blocks. This may be sufficient, depending on implementation  
requirements. The blocks are accessible from Administration | Customization |  
<Entity> | Lists or Administration | Customization | <Entity> | Screens. Please  
refer to the table below for a description of the Screen and List blocks that can be  
customized without the Extensibility Module.  
The following table describes the blocks referenced in the Self Service demo Web  
Block Name  
Type of Block  
List Object  
Displays a list of  
cases for visitors.  
List Object  
Displays a list of  
opportunities for  
Screen Object  
Enables visitors to  
register new cases  
via the Web site.  
ssopportunityentry Screen Object  
Enables visitors to  
create new  
opportunities in  
CRM, via the Web  
You customize Self Service screens and lists from Administration |  
Customization in the normal way. Please refer to the System Administrator Guide  
for more information on screen and list customization.  
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Now you c a n…  
With the Extensibility Module  
With the Extensibility Module, you can use the complete set of eWare blocks to  
add extra functionality to your Self Service site.  
You reference the blocks in ASP pages in the same way as you do within  
standard CRM. One difference, however, is that you reference the EWARESS.JS  
file (rather than the ACCPACCRM.JS include file) on all ASP pages.  
Using the CRM interface and ASP pages, you can create new blocks for Self  
Service or use existing eWare blocks and restrict them to show less information.  
You can set screens to be read only or editable, restricting what different users  
can do on the page. User passwords can be allocated at Person or Company level.  
Refer to the Developer Guide for information on eWare blocks.  
Typical functionality that you can add to the Self Service site using ASP pages  
Enabling visitors to view product information via the Web site.  
Enabling visitors to view their visitor profiles and edit them via the Web site.  
Creating leads based on the information typed by the visitor.  
Contacting visitors directly by the customer care department.  
Now you can…  
Plan a Self Service Web site.  
Understand basic Self Service architecture.  
Create and add functionality to a Self Service Web site.  
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Chapter 4  
Self Service Security  
In this chapter you will learn about:  
Self Service security.  
Application Level Security  
CRM offers a number of security and access options at the application level.  
Server Level Security. CRM supports all industry server security standards,  
and there are a number of methods available to secure the Self Service server.  
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption can be employed to secure data  
sessions with client users. When an SSL session commences, the server  
sends its public key to the browser. In turn, the browser uses this key to  
send a randomly generated key back to the server. As a result, there is a  
secret key exchange for the session. When IIS uses SSL encryption, CRM  
is aware of this and when the client attaches any documents to a form in  
CRM it sends through the encrypted sessions.  
A firewall can be used to restrict unauthorized access to the database.  
Firewalls are commonly employed to give users secure access to the  
Internet and, at the same time, separate a company's Web server from its  
internal network. Various types of firewall are available, including  
packet filter, proxy server, NAT (network address translation), and  
firewalls that adhere to stateful inspection technology standards.  
CRM Self Service can run behind a firewall in order to protect the server  
from malicious attacks and to allow only certain types of interactions to  
take place. The CRM Self Service server can be physically separated from  
the CRM server, and a firewall can be installed around the CRM server.  
Database Level Security. CRM Self Service users do not have direct access  
to the database. The CRM Self Service pages opened by the user send  
requests via IIS to the eWare DLL to access the database.  
Network Security. CRM supports all industry standard network encryption  
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Now you c a n…  
Now you can…  
Explain Self Service security.  
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Chapter 5  
Self Service Administration in CRM  
In this chapter you will learn about:  
The Self Service administration area in CRM.  
Enabling people for Self Service.  
Enabling companies for Self Service.  
Self Service Administration  
The Self Service administration area in CRM contains three tabs.  
Visitor List. This tab enables you to view a list of registered  
and anonymous visitors and view and edit visitor profiles.  
Self Service Configuration. This tab is used for specifying  
database connection settings.  
Visitor Maintenance. This tab lets you manage your visitor  
list, ensuring that it does not get too long or unmanageable.  
Visitor List  
The Visitor List page lets you:  
View a list of anonymous and registered visitors to the Self Service Web site.  
Visitor List pa ge showing a ll visitors  
Filter the visitor list to view anonymous visitors only.  
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Self Servic e Administra tion  
Visitor List pa ge showing a nonymous visitors  
Search for individual visitors by their last name.  
Visitors List pa ge showing a sea rc h result  
View and Edit visitor details, by clicking on the Last Name or First Name  
hypertext links. Note that selecting the Person hypertext link brings you to  
the Person Summary page.  
C ha nge Visitor pa ge  
View and edit visitor profiles. The type of information that can be viewed  
depends on the particular implementation.  
Self Service Configuration  
The fields on the Self Service Configuration tab are set by default when you  
install Self Service, although you may need to change them if you make changes  
to either the CRM or Self Service database configurations.  
To view the Self Service administration area in CRM:  
1. Select Administration | System| Self Service.  
2. Select the Self Service Configuration tab.  
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Self Servic e Administra tion  
The Self Service Configuration page is displayed.  
Self Servic e C onfigura tion pa ge  
3. Select the Change button.  
4. Enter the changes and select the Save button.  
The table below explains the standard fields on the Self Service  
Configuration page.  
Database Driver  
The type of driver on which the Self  
Service database sits.  
Database Server  
Database Name  
The name of the server on which the  
Self Service database sits.  
The name of the Self Service  
Database User Name The ID of the user who will be used  
to connect to the Self Service  
Database Password  
The password of the user who will  
be used to connect to the Self Service  
Enterprise Driver  
Enterprise Server  
Enterprise Name  
The type of driver on which the  
CRM database sits.  
The name of the server on which the  
CRM database sits.  
The name of the CRM database.  
Enterprise User Name The ID of the user who will be used  
to connect to the CRM database.  
Enterprise Password The password of the user who will  
be used connect to the CRM  
Session Expires In  
How long the Self Service session  
lasts for until the user is logged out.  
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Ena bling a Person for Self Servic e  
Visitor Maintenance  
Suppose you want to remove all anonymous visitors who have not visited your  
Web site in the past six months from the Visitor List.  
To remove anonymous visitors:  
1. Select the Visitor Maintenance tab.  
2. Type 6 in the Delete Visitors field.  
Visitor Ma intena nc e pa ge  
3. Select the Delete button.  
You are asked if you are sure you want to proceed with the deletion.  
Visitor Ma intena nc e pa ge  
4. Select the Confirm Delete button.  
Anonymous visitors who have not logged onto the site in the last six months  
are removed from the Visitor List.  
Enabling a Person for Self Service  
To enable a person for Self Service:  
1. Find the person you wish to enable and click on the hypertext link of their  
name to display the Person Summary page.  
2. Select the Self Service tab.  
The Self Service page is displayed.  
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Ena bling a Person for Self Servic e  
Self Servic e pa ge before user is ena bled  
3. Select the Self Service Enabled checkbox.  
You can change the person’s login ID and password by typing the new  
values in the Logon ID and Password fields.  
4. Select the Save button.  
The person is enabled for Self Service.  
5. The next time you select the Self Service tab for that person, Self Service and  
Person details are displayed.  
Self Servic e pa ge a fter user ha s been ena bled  
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Ena bling a C ompa ny for Self Servic e  
Enabling a Company for Self Service  
You can also enable companies for Self Service. You do this in the same way as  
you enable a person, except that you do it while you are in the Company context.  
Now you can…  
Carry out Self Service administration tasks.  
Enable people for Self Service.  
Enable companies for Self Service  
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Chapter 6  
Self Service Functionality  
In this chapter you will learn about:  
The Self Service functionality available to anonymous visitors and registered  
Logging On  
The following examples illustrate a typical Self Service Web site, the functionality  
contained in it, and how visitors navigate it.  
The Self Service Web site has been designed for a company called Panoply  
Technologies, a Dublin-based wireless and Internet software provider.  
For the main part, the examples assume that you are a visitor to Panoply’s Self  
Service Web site.  
To log onto the Self Service Web site:  
1. Type the Self Service address in your Web browser. A typical Self Service  
URL will look something like this, depending on where the Web site is  
The Self Service home page is displayed.  
Self Servic e Home Pa ge  
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Anonymous Visitors  
Anonymous Visitors  
Anonymous visitors are visitors who are not registered as CRM Self Service users  
and who, therefore, do not have a logon ID or password to access certain areas of  
the Self Service site. The following example illustrates what functionality can be  
designed specifically for anonymous users. Note: This functionality is not  
currently implemented in the demo.  
Anonymous users can be given access to certain areas of the Web site. They  
navigate to these areas simply by clicking on the relevant links. Anonymous  
users can access the following areas of the Panoply Web site:  
About Us—an information page.  
Services—an information page.  
Support—anonymous users can only get as far as the support logon pages,  
but since they are not registered users, they cannot enter the support area.  
Contact Us—an information page.  
Careers—an information page.  
Home—the home page.  
Newsletter—a page with specific Self Service functionality.  
The Newsletter area of the Panoply Self Service site can be designed especially for  
anonymous users.  
To access the Newsletter area of the site:  
1. Select the Newsletter tab.  
The Newsletter input form is displayed.  
Newsletter input form  
2. Complete the fields on the input form.  
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Registered Visitors  
Newsletter input form  
3. Select the Save button.  
When you do this, the information typed by the visitor is registered as a lead  
in CRM. From here, the lead can be assigned to a CRM user, the visitor can  
be converted to a Person in CRM and the lead can be eventually converted  
into an opportunity.  
Lea d Summa ry pa ge  
Registered Visitors  
Registered visitors must already exist as people, individuals, or companies in  
CRM, and they must have been enabled for Self Service and assigned a Self  
Service logon ID and password. The following example illustrates what  
functionality can be designed specifically for registered visitors.  
Registered visitors are typically given access to more areas of the Web site than  
anonymous visitors. They can view all of the areas of the site that anonymous  
visitors can view, and they can:  
Review their current cases.  
Log a new case.  
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Registered Visitors  
View product information.  
View and change some of their profile details.  
Reviewing Existing Cases  
To access the Support area of the Self Service site:  
1. Open the Self Service Web site and select the Support tab.  
The Support logon page is displayed.  
Support logon pa ge  
2. Type your User Name and Password and click the Login button.  
A message displays to inform you that you logged on successfully.  
A list of your recent customer case issues and opportunities is displayed. In  
this example, the customer has four cases but no opportunities. Closed cases  
are read-only, but you can access open cases and change certain details.  
List of c ustomer c a re issues a nd opportunities  
3. Click on the case’s Created Date to edit the case.  
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Registered Visitors  
Problem deta ils  
4. Select the Change button.  
The Problem Details input form is displayed in edit mode.  
Problem Deta ils in edit mode  
5. Add more information or amend the current details, and select the Save  
C ha nged Problem Deta ils  
The case details are changed on the Self Service Web site and the changes are  
immediately reflected in CRM.  
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Registered Visitors  
C a se Summa ry pa ge  
Logging a New Case  
To log a new case while you are still logged onto the Support area:  
1. Select the Report a Problem hypertext link.  
The Report a Problem form is displayed. As you can see, the case is assigned  
a ReferenceID by default.  
Problem Deta ils input form  
2. Type in the problem details, and select the Save button.  
The new case is logged.  
Requesting Information  
To request information on a specific product while still logged onto the  
Support area:  
1. Select the Request Information hypertext link.  
The Request Information input form is displayed.  
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Registered Visitors  
2. Complete the Description, Details, and Customer Ref fields, and select a  
product from the Product list.  
Request Informa tion input form  
3. Select the Save button.  
The request for information is submitted to CRM, which results in a new  
Opportunity being created.  
The opportunity can then be assigned to a CRM user and the request for  
information dealt with.  
Finding Solutions  
Registered users can search the CRM Knowledge Base to find solutions.  
To find a solution:  
1. Click on the Search for Solution hyperlink in the Support area of the Self  
Service site.  
Solution sea rc h fields  
2. Type in the details of the problem you want to find a solution for.  
A list of solutions matching your search criteria is displayed.  
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Now you c a n… .  
Solutions list  
3. Click on the solution hypertext link to view the details. Note that you can use  
the Continue button to return to the Search page.  
Solution deta ils  
Now you can.  
Describe the Self Service functionality available to anonymous visitors and  
registered visitors.  
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CRM Document Version Code:  
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