Miele Dishwasher G848 User Manual

Operating instructions  
for G 848 dishwasher  
To prevent accidents and  
machine damage, read  
the Operating Instructions  
before installing or using  
the machine.  
M.-Nr. 05 419 790  
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Guide to the appliance  
Guide to the appliance  
View of the dishwasher  
1 Upper spray arm (not visible)  
2 Cutlery tray (select models)  
3 Upper basket  
8 Four height adjustable feet  
9 Filter combination  
10 Salt reservoir  
4 Waterfeed for middle spray arm  
5 Middle spray arm  
11 Dual compartment detergent  
12 Rinse aid reservoir  
(with dose selector)  
6 Water hardness selector  
7 lower spray arm  
13 Data plate  
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Guide to the appliance  
Control panel  
14 “On/Off” button  
18 Check/Refill indicators  
19 Child safety lock  
20 Door release  
15 Program sequence display  
16 “Start” button  
17 Program selector  
21 Vent for drying fan  
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Please follow all basic safety  
precautions when operating  
this dishwasher.  
Repairs should only be performed  
by a qualified and competent per-  
son. Disconnect the appliance from the  
power supply before servicing (pull out  
the plug or “trip” the circuit breaker).  
This dishwasher should only be in-  
stalled under a continuous  
countertop secured to adjacent  
This appliance conforms with  
all uniform safety codes and  
regulations. To avoid injury  
and machine damage, read  
the operating instructions  
The dishwasher must be electri-  
cally grounded. Install the dish-  
washer as outlined in the included In-  
stallation instructions.  
Only use detergents and rinse aids  
recommended for residential dish-  
The manufacturer cannot be held  
responsible for damage or injury  
caused by improper use or for uses  
other than those for which the appli-  
ance is intended.  
Do not use the dishwasher unless  
all panels are in place.  
Do not allow children to play in or  
on the dishwasher.  
Keep all detergents and rinse aids  
out of the reach of children.  
Dishwasher detergents contain  
Sodium Silicate and Sodium  
Carbonate. In case of eye contact,  
immediately flush with water.  
Call a physician or poison control.  
Do not tamper with the  
Do not drink water from the dish-  
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When loading dishes and  
– Place sharp items away from the  
door seal to prevent damaging the  
– Load knives pointing down to  
prevent injuries.  
Do not wash plastic items unless  
they are labeled “dishwasher safe”.  
For items not labeled, check the manu-  
facturer’s recommendations.  
Do not abuse, sit, or stand on the  
door or baskets of the dishwasher.  
When disposing of a dishwasher,  
unplug it from the outlet, remove  
the front door and cut off the power  
cord. This will help protect children  
from injury and accidentally locking  
themselves in.  
Under certain conditions, hydrogen  
gas may be produced in a hot wa-  
ter system that has not been used for  
two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS  
IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system  
has not been used for such a period,  
turn on all hot water faucets and let the  
water flow from each for several min-  
utes before using the dishwasher. This  
will release any accumulated hydrogen  
gas. Do not smoke or use an open  
flame during this time.  
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Les réparations doivent être  
effectuées uniquement par une  
personne compétente. Débrancher  
l’appareil de la prise de courant avant  
d’en faire l’entretien (enlever la fiche de  
la prise ou fermer le disjoncteur).  
Au moment d’utiliser votre  
lave-vaisselle, veuillez ob-  
server toutes les mesures de  
sécurité de base.  
Installer uniquement ce  
lave-vaisselle sous un comptoir  
continu qui est fixé à des meubles  
Cet appareil électroménager  
est conforme à tous les  
règlements et codes sur la  
sécurité. Pour éviter de vous  
blesser et d’endommager  
l’appareil, veuillez lire  
Vous devez mettre le lave-vaisselle  
à la terre. Installer le lave-vaisselle  
en observant les instructions pour  
l’installation ci-jointes.  
soigneusement les instruc-  
tions sur l’utilisation.  
Utiliser uniquement des détersifs et  
des produits de rinçage  
recommandés pour les lave-vaisselle  
Le fabricant ne peut être tenu  
responsable des dommages ou  
blessures causés par une utilisation  
inadéquate ou par des utilisations  
autres que celles auxquelles  
l’appareil est destiné.  
Ne pas utiliser le lave-vaisselle à  
moins que tous les panneaux  
soient bien en place.  
Ne pas permettre aux enfants de  
jouer dans ou sur le lave-vaisselle.  
Ranger tous les détersifs et  
produits de rinçage hors de la  
portée des enfants.  
Les détersifs pour lave-vaisselle  
contiennent du silicate de soude et  
du carbonate de soude. En cas de  
contact avec les yeux, les rincer  
immédiatement à grande eau.  
Téléphoner à un médecin ou à un cen-  
tre de traitement antipoison.  
Ne pas modifier les commandes.  
Ne pas boire l’eau du meuble de  
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Au moment de remplir le  
lave-vaisselle :  
– Mettre les articles pointus de  
manière à ce qu’ils n’endommagent  
pas le seau étanche de la porte.  
– Mettre le tranchant des couteaux  
vers le bas afin d’éviter les risques de  
Ne pas laver les articles en  
plastique à moins qu’ils n’indiquent  
‘’Va au lave-vaisselle’’. Vérifier les  
recommandations du fabricant pour les  
articles non étiquetés.  
Ne pas abuser et ne pas vous  
asseoir ni vous tenir sur la porte ou  
sur les paniers du lave-vaisselle.  
Enlever la porte et couper le cor-  
don du lave-vaisselle avant de  
l’enlever aux déchets afin d’empêcher  
les enfants de se blesser ou de  
s’enfermer dans l’appareil par accident.  
Dans certaines conditions, un  
système d’eau chaude qui n’a pas  
été utilisé pendant plus de deux  
semaines, peut dégager de l’azote.  
L’AZOTE EST EXPLOSIF. Si le système  
d’eau chaude n’a pas été utilisé pen-  
dant une telle période de temps, ouvrir  
tous les robinets d’eau chaude et  
laisser l’eau couler pendant plusieurs  
minutes avant d’utiliser le lave-vaisselle.  
Ceci dissipera tout l’azote accumulé.  
Ne pas fumer ni utiliser une flamme nue  
durant ce temps.  
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Caring for the environment  
Caring for the environment  
Disposal of the packing  
The cardboard box and packing mate-  
rial protects the appliance during ship-  
ping. These materials are biodegrad-  
able and recyclable, please recycle.  
Energy saving washing  
This dishwasher is exceptionally eco-  
nomical in the use of water and electric-  
ity. For best results follow these tips:  
The dishwasher can internally heat wa-  
ter to the temperatures required by the  
wash program. This capability allows  
the option of connecting the machine to  
either a hot or cold water source.  
Disposal of an old appliance  
Before disposing of an old appliance,  
please make safe as outlined in the  
“Important Safety Instructions” by re-  
moving power cords and doors.  
^ For lowest energy consumption and  
the gentlest washing of china and  
crystal, connect the dishwasher to a  
cold water source.  
^ For fastest possible wash times, yet  
higher energy consumption, connect  
the dishwasher to a hot water source.  
^ For most economical dishwashing  
make full use of the baskets without  
overloading the dishwasher.  
^ Choose the program to suit the type  
of dishware being washed and the  
degree of soiling.  
^ Select the Economy 55° C/130° F  
program for energy saving dish-  
^ Use the correct amounts of deter-  
^ Only use 2/3 of the amount of deter-  
gent if baskets are only half full.  
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Before using for the first time  
Before using for the first time  
Before using for the first time,  
Add correct detergent amount  
please note the following.  
Generally, 1 ½ tablespoons (25 ml) of  
detergent is enough for most normally  
soiled loads. Not enough or too much  
detergent can lead to poor wash re-  
sults. See “Adding detergent”.  
Setting the water softener  
The water softener must be set to corre-  
spond to the water hardness in your  
area. The water hardness can be deter-  
mined by calling your local water com-  
pany, or by using a test kit that can be  
purchased from the Miele Technical  
service Department.  
Cleaning results vary among detergent  
brands. If you are not satisfied with the  
wash results, try another brand of de-  
Load dishes correctly  
The salt reservoir must only be filled  
with water and salt. Never fill it with de-  
Load dishes so that water can reach all  
surfaces. Check that the spray arms  
are not blocked by tall or large items. If  
necessary, manually rotate the spray  
arms to check clearance.  
Adding rinse aid  
Accidentally filling the rinse aid reser-  
voir with detergent will damage the  
The combination filter in the base of  
the wash cabinet and the spray arms  
must be kept clean.  
Only use detergents and rinse aids for-  
mulated for domestic dishwashers.  
These should be regularly inspected  
and cleaned.  
Choose the correct program  
See the “Cleaning and care” section for  
more detailed information.  
Wash programs should be selected de-  
pending on load size and degree of  
soiling. See the Program Chart for pro-  
gram descriptions.  
Every dishwasher is tested before  
leaving the factory. Any water re-  
maining in the machine is from  
these tests and does not indicate  
that the machine has been used.  
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Before using for the first time  
Before using for the first time  
To open the door  
Child Safety Lock  
The yellow key for the Child Safety  
Lock is shipped on one of the  
spikes at the front of the upper  
basket. Remove the key before  
using the dishwasher.  
^ Press the release catch inside the  
door grip.  
If the door is opened during operation,  
all functions will be interrupted.  
To close the door  
^ Push the baskets in.  
The Child Safety Lock is designed to  
prevent children from opening the dish-  
^ Lift the door and push until it clicks  
into position.  
^ Use the provided key to lock or un-  
lock the Child Safety Lock.  
Horizontal =  
the door is locked  
Vertical =  
the door can be opened  
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Before using for the first time  
Water softener  
If your tap water hardness is consis-  
tently lower than 8 gr/gal (= 140 ppm)  
do not add dishwasher salt. However,  
the dishwasher must still be pro-  
grammed to correspond to the water  
hardness level in your area.  
To achieve good cleaning results, the  
dishwasher needs soft water. Hard wa-  
ter results in the build up of calcium de-  
posits on dishes and in the dishwasher.  
If your tap water hardness is above  
8 gr/gal (140 ppm), the water should be  
softened. This takes place automati-  
cally in the integrated water softener.  
Where the water hardness fluctuates  
(e. g. 9 - 17 gr/gal) always program the  
machine to the higher value (in this ex-  
ample 17 gr/gal).  
– The water softener must be filled with  
dishwasher salt for reactivation.  
If there is a fault, it will help the service  
technician to know the hardness of your  
tap water.  
– The dishwasher must be pro-  
grammed to correspond to the water  
hardness in your area.  
^ Enter the water hardness below:  
– Your local water authority will be able  
to advise you of the water hardness  
level in your area.  
gr/gal (ppm)  
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Before using for the first time  
Programming and setting the  
water hardness level  
Your water hardness level must be pro-  
grammed into the machine using the  
buttons on the control panel. The water  
hardness level selector in the wash  
cabinet is then also set to the water  
hardness level in your area.  
Programming and changing the wa-  
ter hardness level  
^ Turn off the dishwasher with the  
“On/Off” button.  
^ Turn the program selector to your  
corresponding water hardness level  
(see table below).  
^ Turn the program selector to “Stop”.  
^ Hold the “Start” button in and at the  
same time turn the dishwasher on  
with the “On/Off” button. Release the  
“Start” button within 2 seconds.  
1 -  
5 -  
20 - 70  
90 - 130  
Normal 55 °C/130 °F  
Sani Wash  
The “Salt” indicator flashes.  
8 - 10  
11 - 14  
15 - 17  
18 - 21  
22 - 35  
140 - 180  
200 - 250  
270 - 310  
320 - 380  
400 - 630  
Normal 65 °C/150 °F  
“4 o’clock” position  
“5 o’clock” position  
“6 o’clock” position  
“7 o’clock” position  
“8 o’clock” position  
If any other indicator lights flash or light  
the process must be repeated.  
If the “Rinse aid” indicator flashes or  
lights then rinse aid was never added  
or needs to be refilled.  
36 - 70 650 - 1260  
The water hardness selector is preset  
to 1 - 4 gr/gal (20 – 70 ppm).  
For a water hardness level of  
20 gr/gal.  
Turn the program selector to the  
“6 o’clock” position.  
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Before using for the first time  
^ Press the “Start” button.  
The “Start” indicator lights.  
^ Turn the program selector to “Stop”.  
^ Turn off the dishwasher with the  
“On/Off” button.  
The water hardness level is now stored  
in the program memory.  
Setting the water hardness level  
selector in the wash cabinet  
The water hardness level selector in the  
wash cabinet must be set according to  
the following table.  
^ Use a coin or screwdriver to adjust  
the water hardness level selector in  
the wash cabinet. There is a click as  
each setting is reached.  
Selecting the correct setting will help  
minimize the effects of dishwashing on  
glass surfaces. Too high a setting will  
lead to poor cleaning results and an in-  
crease in water spots left on dishes and  
1- 7  
Selector Setting  
20 - 130  
140 - 180  
200 - 250  
270 - 1260  
^ Use a screwdriver to take the cover  
off the water hardness level selector  
in the wash cabinet.  
The selector setting is preset to “3”.  
The water hardness level is 8 gr/gal.  
The selector setting is 2 (8 - 10 gr/gal).  
^ Replace the cover on the water hard-  
ness level selector.  
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Before using for the first time  
Checking the programmed water  
^ Turn off the dishwasher with the  
“On/Off” button.  
^ Turn the program selector to “Stop”.  
^ Hold the “Start” button in and at the  
same time turn the dishwasher on  
with the “On/Off” button. With in  
2 seconds release the “Start” button.  
The “Salt” indicator flashes.  
If any other indicators light or flash the  
process must be repeated.  
If the “Rinse aid” indicator lights rinse  
aid was never added or needs to be re-  
^ Turn the program selector slowly  
past “Normal 55 °C/130 °F” to the  
“8 o’clock” position.  
The “Start” indicator will light when the  
programmed water hardness setting is  
reached. The water hardness level cor-  
responds to the position of the program  
selector (see the table “Programming  
and setting the water hardness level”).  
^ Turn the program selector to “Stop”.  
^ Turn off the dishwasher with the  
“On/Off” button.  
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Before using for the first time  
Before using for the first time  
Filling the salt reservoir  
To fill the salt reservoir:  
^ Remove the lower basket.  
If your water hardness level is greater  
than 8 gr/gal, the salt reservoir should  
be filled before the first use and when  
the “Salt” indicator lights. Only use wa-  
ter softener reactivation salt (1 - 4 mm  
grain size); other salts may contain in-  
soluble additives which can impair the  
water softener.  
^ Unscrew and remove the salt reser-  
voir cap.  
The salt reservoir holds approximately  
4 lbs (2 kg) of salt.  
Inadvertently filling the salt reser-  
voir with dishwashing detergent  
will damage the water softener.  
Make sure that only water soft-  
ener reactivation salt of the  
proper grain size is used.  
Before adding salt for the first time,  
fill the reservoir with approximately  
2 quarts (2 l) of water.  
^ Place the provided funnel over the  
salt reservoir.  
^ Carefully fill with salt, grain size of  
1 - 4 mm. The salt reservoir holds ap-  
proximately 4 lbs (2 kg) of salt de-  
pending of the brand used. As it is  
filled, water will run out.  
^ Clean any excess salt from the  
threads of the reservoir opening.  
^ Screw the cap on firmly.  
If the dishwasher will not be used im-  
mediately after reactivation, run the  
“Rinse & Hold” program. This will re-  
move any traces of salt from inside the  
wash cabinet.  
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Before using for the first time  
Salt indicator  
Bypassing the Salt indicator  
To bypass the salt indicator, you will  
need a screwdriver and needle nose  
When the salt reservoir is empty, the  
“Salt-PC” indicator will light, indicating  
that it should be refilled with reactiva-  
tion salt.  
^ Remove the salt reservoir cap.  
Looking into the salt reservoir, you will  
see the top of the float chamber on the  
right hand side b.  
After the reservoir has been filled, the  
water softener is automatically reacti-  
vated the next time the dishwasher is  
started. The “Softener” indicator will  
light during this process.  
^ Using a screwdriver, carefully pivot  
the float chamber towards the center  
of the reservoir.  
^ Using needle nose pliers, pull off the  
cap c from the float chamber and  
remove the float d.  
If your water is soft (below 8 gr/gal) the  
salt reservoir should not be filled with  
salt. The indicator will remain lit and  
should be disregarded or deactivated.  
^ Replace the float chamber cap, push  
the chamber back into its upright po-  
sition, and replace the salt reservoir  
cap. The indicator should now re-  
main off.  
The “Salt-PC” indicator has also been  
designed so that future program up-  
dates can be entered into the dish-  
washer. See the “After Sales Service”.  
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Before using for the first time  
Rinse aid  
Adding rinse aid  
Rinse aid is recommended to prevent  
spotting on dishes and glassware that  
normally occurs during the drying  
Filling the rinse aid reservoir with  
detergent will damage the reservoir.  
Only pour rinse aid formulated for  
residential dishwashers into the  
^ Add rinse aid before the first use and  
when ever the “Rinse aid” indicator  
^ Press the button in the direction of  
the arrow until the flap springs open.  
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Before using for the first time  
Rinse aid indicator  
The rinse aid indicator on the control  
panel will light when the rinse aid reser-  
voir needs refilling.  
^ Pour liquid rinse aid into the reservoir  
until it is visible on the surface of the  
screen. Do not refill until the “Rinse  
aid” indicator lights.  
Only use rinse aid labeled for resi-  
dential dishwashers. Inadvertently  
adding detergent to the rinse aid  
dispenser will damage the dis-  
There will be enough rinse aid left for  
2 - 3 washes after it first lights.  
^ Press on the flap until you hear it  
click shut. Failure to close it all the  
way will allow water to enter the res-  
ervoir during the wash program.  
^ Wipe up any spilled rinse aid.  
The flap will remain closed during nor-  
mal operation.  
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Before using for the first time  
Setting the dosage  
The dosage selector is preset to 3. This  
dispenses approximately 3 ml of rinse  
aid per program. It can be adjusted  
from 1 to 6, depending on your needs.  
^ Use a higher setting if spots appear  
on dry glassware.  
^ Use a lower setting if streaking  
appears on dishes or glasses.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Loading the dishwasher  
Do not wash items soiled with ash,  
^ Small cups and glasses should be  
placed on the cup racks. Taller mugs  
and glasses can be placed under-  
neath the rack.  
wax, grease or paint in the dish-  
Ash does not dissolve and will be  
distributed through out the inside of  
the dishwasher. Wax, grease and  
paint will cause permanent discolor-  
ation or damage to the dishwasher.  
^ The spray arms must not be blocked  
by items that are too tall or hang  
through the baskets. Check clear-  
ance by manually rotating the spray  
^ Scrape food from dishes before  
placing in the dishwasher but, do not  
rinse dishes.  
Some food may contain natural dyes  
that can discolor plastics in the  
dishwasher (e.g. carrots, tomatoes,  
ketchup, etc.). The stability of plas-  
tic items are not affected by this dis-  
^ Load dishes so that water can reach  
all surfaces.  
^ Do not place dishes and cutlery in-  
side other pieces where they may be  
^ Hollow items such as cups and  
glasses should be inverted and  
placed in the upper basket.  
^ Concave based items should be  
placed at an angle on top of the  
coffee bar, so that water does not  
^ To ensure good water coverage tall,  
narrow, hollow pieces should be  
placed in the center of the basket,  
rather than in the corners.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Loading examples  
Adjustable cup rack  
Upper basket  
To make room for tall items raise the  
rack or lower it to double stack small  
For small, lightweight, delicate items  
such as cups, saucers, glasses, and  
dessert bowls.  
Flat saucepans or casserole dishes can  
also be placed in the upper basket.  
Coffee bar  
(select models)  
The coffee bar can be flipped over to  
the middle of the basket for easy sort-  
ing and unloading.  
Long items such as soup ladles, mixing  
spoons and long knives should be  
placed lying down across the front of  
the upper basket.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Adjusting the upper basket  
Depending on the setting of the upper  
basket, the following dish dimensions  
can be accommodated:  
(select models)  
The upper basket height is adjustable.  
If tall items are being washed, more  
room can be created by raising or low-  
ering the upper basket.  
Dishwashers with a cutlery tray  
Plate diameter  
Do not set the angle to the extreme;  
one side at the highest setting and one  
side at the lowest. This will block the  
middle spray arm.  
7 3/4"  
20 cm  
8 1/2"  
22 cm  
9 3/8"  
24 cm  
11 3/4"  
30 cm  
28 cm  
10 1/4"  
26 cm  
^ Slide the upper basket out.  
Models with cutlery basket  
Without Upper basket adjustment  
Plate diameter in upper basket:  
11"/28 cm  
Plate diameter in lower basket:  
11"/28 cm  
^ Pull up the levers at the sides of the  
upper basket and adjust the basket  
^ Release the levers and the basket  
will lock in place.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Lower basket  
Maximum height  
For larger and heavier items such as  
plates, serving platters, saucepans, or  
Small items such as saucers can also  
be placed in the lower basket.  
Do not place glassware in the lower  
basket unless a special glassware in-  
sert is installed.  
The guide at the front of the upper bas-  
ket (arrow) shows the maximum height  
of items that can be placed in the lower  
basket. Items taller than this will block  
the middle spray arm.  
Dishwasher with a cutlery tray  
Dishwasher with a cutlery basket  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Bottle holder  
(select models)  
(select models)  
The bottle holder can be placed in any  
area marked in white in the illustration  
below. Do not place it in the areas  
marked with an X, these areas will not  
receive adequate water coverage.  
^ For the best cleaning results, knives  
and forks should be placed in the  
basket with handles down. Knives  
and other pointed objects can be  
loaded with their handles up to pre-  
vent injuries.  
^ Place small spoons into the slots on  
either side of the cutlery basket.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Spoon racks  
For the best cleaning of heavily soiled  
spoons, use the supplied spoon racks  
to raise them above the other cutlery for  
better water coverage.  
^ Insert spoons into every other slot  
with the handles pointed down.  
^ A spoon rack can be clipped onto  
the front or back of the cutlery bas-  
To remove the racks:  
^ Press in the locking tabs (use a  
spoon handle if necessary) and pull  
the racks up and out of the basket.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Dishwashers with a cutlery tray (SC)  
Spoon heads should be placed so that  
water can run off freely.  
To make unloading easier, cutlery can  
be grouped in zones, one for knives,  
one for forks, etc.  
Place the blades of knives and the tines  
of forks between the holders. Spoons  
should be placed in the opposite direc-  
tion with handles between the holders.  
Longer items such as soup ladles,  
spatulas, mixing spoons and long  
knives should be placed lengthwise in  
the indentation in the middle of the cut-  
lery tray.  
The upper spray arm must not be  
blocked by large items.  
If the spoon handles do not fit between  
the holders then position them like the  
forks and knives.  
The cutlery tray insert is removable.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Items not suitable for dish-  
– Cutlery with wooden handles.  
Miele recommends:  
– Wash delicate glassware using the  
“Economy” program or the “China &  
Crystal” program to reduce the risk  
of clouding.  
– Wooden cutting boards.  
– Glued items such as old knives with  
handles that are glued together  
around the shank of the blade.  
– There are no standard guidelines for  
washing glassware but, when in  
doubt wash by hand.  
– Hand made craft items, antique or  
decorative glassware.  
– When purchasing new dishes and  
cutlery, make sure they are dish-  
washer safe.  
– Copper, brass or tin.  
– If crystal or delicate glasses will be  
washed frequently, connect the dish-  
washer to cold, rather than hot water.  
– Plastic items that are not heat resis-  
Please note:  
– Silver or aluminum items may tarnish.  
– Silverware previously cleaned with a  
silver polish may be damp or spotted  
at the end of a program where water  
has adhered to the polish. This can  
be rubbed off with a soft, dry cloth.  
Silver that has been cleaned in an  
immersion dip is usually dry at the  
end of a program, but may tarnish.  
– If let to dry, foods containing sulfur  
can discolor silver. These include  
egg yolk, onions, mayonnaise, mus-  
tard, legumes, fish, fish brine and  
– Color painted over the glaze of  
dishes may fade over time.  
– Clouding or etching may occur on  
glasses after frequent washing.  
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Operating the dishwasher  
Operating the dishwasher  
Adding detergent  
^ Close the cover. The cover will al-  
ways be open at the end of a wash  
program (except “Rinse & Hold” ).  
Only use powder detergents or tab-  
lets formulated for residential dish-  
washers. Do not use gels or liquid  
Generally, filling the dispenser with  
1 ½ tablespoons (25 ml) of detergent is  
enough for most normally soiled loads.  
For heavily soiled loads, or if food has  
dried on the dishes, a program contain-  
ing a prewash cycle should be se-  
lected. Add an extra tablespoon (15 ml)  
of detergent to compartment I, or place  
directly on the inner door panel.  
Dishwasher detergents contain irri-  
tant and corrosive ingredients. They  
can cause burns in the mouth and  
throat if swallowed, or inhibit breath-  
ing. Keep children away from deter-  
gent and from the dishwasher when  
the door is open.  
^ Press the latch on the detergent  
dispenser. The cover will spring  
To prevent children from coming into  
contact with dishwasher detergent,  
do not fill the detergent dispenser  
until you are ready to start the dish-  
Compartment I (prewash) holds a maxi-  
mum of 3/4 ounce (20 ml) and Com-  
partment II (main wash) holds a maxi-  
mum of 2 3/4 ounces (70 ml) when  
completely filled. The horizontal marks  
in Compartment II indicate levels of ap-  
proximately 3/4, 1, and 1 1/4 ounces  
(20, 25 and 30 ml) respectively.  
^ Fill the dispenser with 1 ½ table-  
spoons of powder detergent, or  
place a detergent tablet into com-  
partment II.  
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Operating the dishwasher  
Operating the dishwasher  
Program selection  
The wash program chosen should de-  
pend on the type of dishes and the de-  
gree of soiling.  
In most cases the “Light Wash”, the  
“Normal” or the “Sani Wash” program  
will give excellent results.  
Available programs and their applica-  
tions are listed in the Program Chart.  
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Operating the dishwasher  
Turning on the dishwasher  
^ Check that spray arms are not  
If a program is ended prematurely,  
important program steps (e.g. reac-  
tivating the water softener) may be  
^ Close the door.  
^ Open the water valve, if closed.  
^ Press the “On/Off” button (14) .  
The “Start” indicator (16) lights.  
Program sequence indicators  
The “Rinse” indicator lights during the  
Prewash, Main wash, Interim rinse and  
Final rinse cycles.  
Starting a program  
^ When selecting a program, refer to  
the Program chart of the operating  
The “Drying” indicator lights during the  
drying cycle.  
^ Turn the program selector (17) clock-  
wise or counterclockwise to the se-  
lected program.  
The “End” indicator lights, when a pro-  
gram has finished.  
^ Press the “Start” button (16).  
The program starts. The “Start” indica-  
tor (16) goes out and the “Rinse” (15)  
indicator lights.  
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Operating the dishwasher  
At the end of a program  
Turning off the dishwasher  
When a program has finished the “End” At the end of a program:  
sequence indicator will light.  
^ Turn the program selector (17) to  
The dishwasher can now be opened  
and unloaded (see “Unloading the  
The “End” indicator (15) goes out and  
the “Start” (16) indicator lights.  
Be careful not to touch the heating  
elements. They can become ex-  
tremely hot and can cause serious  
^ Press the “On/Off” button (14).  
The “Start” (16) indicator light goes out.  
The dishwasher continues to use  
electricity until turned off with the  
“On/Off” button.  
Only open the door immediately after a  
program has ended if dishes or cutlery  
are urgently needed.  
The water valve should be closed if the  
dishwasher will not be used for an ex-  
tended period, (e.g. while vacationing).  
Turn off the dishwasher once a program  
has finished unless another program  
will be started immediately.  
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Operating the dishwasher  
Interrupting a program  
Changing a program  
A program can be interrupted by open- If a program has already started and  
ing the door.  
you wish to change it proceed as fol-  
Once the door is closed, the program  
will continue from the point it was at  
when the door was opened.  
^ Turn the program selector (17) to the  
“Stop” position.  
^ Leave the program selector (17) in  
this position for at least one second.  
The water in the dishwasher could  
be hot!  
Only open the door if absolutely  
necessary and exercise extreme  
caution when doing so. There is a  
danger of being burned.  
^ Then turn the program selector (17)  
to the program you wish to use.  
^ Press the “Start” button (16).  
The program starts.  
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Operating the dishwasher  
Unloading the dishwasher  
^ Dishes tend to break and chip more  
easily when hot. Let dishes cool until  
they are comfortable enough to han-  
dle before unloading.  
^ Dishes will cool much faster if the  
dishwasher door is opened a few  
inches after a program has finished.  
^ First unload the lower basket, then  
the upper basket and cutlery tray (if  
so equipped).  
This will prevent water drops from the  
upper basket and cutlery tray from  
falling on dishes in the lower basket.  
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Cleaning and care  
Cleaning and care  
Cleaning the filters in the wash  
The combination filter in the base of the  
wash cabinet should be regularly in-  
spected and cleaned, every 4 - 6  
months. Any broken glass or dishware  
should be removed immediately.  
Use caution when cleaning the  
filters, non-return valve or drain  
pump; glass or bone splinters  
may be caught in the bottom of  
the wash cabinet.  
^ Turn the handle counterclockwise to  
^ Turn off the dishwasher.  
release the filters.  
^ Lift the combination filter out of the  
machine. Remove any coarse parti-  
cles and rinse under running water.  
A nylon brush can be used.  
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Cleaning and care  
^ Turn the combination filter over and  
open the coarse filter cover by pull-  
ing back on the locking tab.  
^ Return the combination filter so that it  
lies flat in the base of the dishwasher.  
Secure it by turning the handle clock-  
^ After cleaning, make sure that the  
coarse filter cover is properly locked  
in place.  
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Cleaning and care  
Cleaning the spray arms  
On occasion particles of food may get  
stuck in the spray arm jets. They can be  
easily cleaned as follows:  
^ Turn off the dishwasher.  
^ Take out the cutlery tray  
(if equipped).  
^ Push up on the upper spray arm to  
engage the ratchet mechanism and  
unscrew the spray arm.  
^ Lift up on the lower spray arm to re-  
move it.  
^ To remove the middle spray arm lo-  
cated beneath the upper basket,  
gently push upwards until it engages  
in the ratchet b, and unscrew c.  
^ To clean the spray arms, use a  
pointed object such as a toothpick to  
push the food particles into the jets.  
^ Remove the lower basket.  
^ Rinse under running water.  
^ After cleaning, replace the spray  
After replacing the spray arms,  
check that they rotate freely.  
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Cleaning and care  
Cleaning the wash cabinet  
Cleaning the control panel  
Generally, the wash cabinet is self  
cleaning, provided that the correct  
amount of dishwasher detergent is  
^ Clean the control panel with a damp  
cloth and mild detergent.  
Do not use abrasive, all purpose, or  
glass cleaners, they may damage  
plastic surfaces.  
If lime scale or grease deposits form,  
they can be removed with a dishwasher  
Cleaning the door panel  
^ Plastic laminate panels should be  
cleaned using a non-abrasive  
cleaner, or mild soapy water.  
Cleaning the door and the  
door seal  
^ Wipe the door seal with a damp cloth  
^ Panels made from wood should be  
cleaned using a soft damp cloth and  
an appropriate wood cleaner.  
to remove any food particles.  
^ Food residue and spilt liquids should  
be wiped from the sides of the dish-  
washer door. These are outside of  
the wash cabinet and are not  
cleaned by water from the spray  
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Problem solving  
Problem solving  
With the aid of the following guide, minor problems can be corrected without a  
service call.  
Any work required on the electrical components of the dishwasher should only  
be performed by a qualified and trained person in accordance with local and  
national regulations. Unauthorized repairs could be dangerous.  
Possible cause  
The door is not closed  
The machine is not  
plugged in.  
Close the door com-  
The “Start” indicator  
does not light after  
pressing the “On/Off”  
Insert the plug.  
The circuit breaker is de- Reset the circuit breaker.  
fective or has “tripped”.  
The program selector is in Turn the program  
The “Start” indicator  
light is on, but the dish-  
washer is not running.  
the “Stop” position.  
selector to the desired  
Press the “Start”  
The circuit breaker has  
Reset the circuit breaker.  
The dishwasher stops  
during a program.  
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Problem solving  
Possible cause  
Before searching for the  
The “Intake/Drain” indi-  
cator light flashes, and  
the program stops.  
Turn the program  
selector to “Stop”.  
Turn the dishwasher off  
using the “On/Off”  
Not enough water is en-  
tering the machine.  
Open the water valve  
Check the intake filter  
and clean if necessary,  
see “Cleaning and  
Check the water level  
and increase the intake  
time if necessary, see  
“Checking the water  
Water remains in the  
wash cabinet at the end  
of a program.  
Clean the filter combi-  
nation, see “Cleaning  
and care”.  
Clean the drain pump  
and the non-return  
valve, see “Solving  
Remove any kinks in  
the drain hose.  
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Problem solving  
Possible cause  
A service call may be  
Turn the program se-  
The “End” and “Start”  
indicators flash simulta-  
lector to “Stop”.  
Turn off the dishwasher  
using the “On/Off” but-  
After a few seconds:  
Turn on the dishwasher  
with the “On/Off” but-  
Turn the program se-  
lector to desired pro-  
Press the “Start” but-  
If the indicator lights flash  
Call the Miele Techni-  
cal Service Dept.  
Despite the problem the  
dishwasher can still be  
used in all programs but,  
the water will not heat.  
The spray arm is hitting  
something in the basket. rearrange items blocking  
the spray arms.  
Interrupt the program and  
Knocking noise in the  
wash cabinet  
The dishes are moving  
around inside the dish-  
Interrupt the program and  
secure items inside.  
Rattling from within the  
The circulation pump seal  
sometimes makes a whis-  
tling noise. This may be  
caused by detergent.  
This is not a problem. Try  
other detergents. Contact  
the Miele Technical Ser-  
vice Department if the  
noise persistent.  
A whistling noise is  
heard during the pro-  
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Problem solving  
There is a knocking  
noise in the pipes.  
Possible cause  
This may be from the in-  
stallation or the cross  
section of piping.  
This has no affect on the  
dishwasher. If in doubt  
contact a plumber.  
The rinse aid setting may Increase the dosage or  
not be high enough or the refill the reservoir, see  
Dishes and cutlery are  
not dry or are flecked.  
rinse aid reservoir is  
“Before using for the first  
The water hardness level Set the selector to a lower  
selector in the wash cabi- setting, see “Pro-  
net is set too high.  
gramming and setting the  
water hardness level.”  
Dishes were unloaded too Leave dishes in for lon-  
ger, see “Operating the  
The dishes were not  
See “Loading the dish-  
Dishes are not cleaned  
loaded correctly. Dishes washer”.  
were placed inside other  
pieces, water could not  
reach all surfaces.  
The outlet of the water  
feed tube for the middle  
spray arm was covered.  
Make sure that dishes  
loaded in the rear of the  
upper basket do not  
Not enough water flowed cover pipe outlet.  
in to the middle arm.  
The program was not  
powerful enough.  
Select a more intensive  
program, see “Program  
Not enough detergent  
was dispensed.  
Use more detergent, see  
“Operating the dish-  
The spray arms are  
Rearrange items so that  
spray arms can rotate  
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Problem solving  
Dishes are not clean  
Possible cause  
The spray arm jets are  
Clean the spray arms,  
see “Cleaning and care”.  
The filter combination in  
Clean and/or reseat the  
the base of the wash cab- filter combination cor-  
inet is not clean or is not rectly.  
seated correctly.  
This may cause the spray  
arms to be blocked.  
Clean the spray arms,  
see “Cleaning and care”.  
The drain pump and  
Clean the drain pump  
non-return valve may be and the non-return valve,  
see “Cleaning and care”.  
Not enough water comes  
into wash cabinet.  
Check the water level and  
the water intake time.  
The wash temperature of  
the selected program was  
too low.  
Select a program with a  
higher temperature.  
Tea or lipstick stains  
were not completely re-  
The bleaching effect of  
the detergent used was  
too low.  
Use detergent containing  
Not enough rinse aid was Increase the rinse aid set-  
White residue is visible  
on cutlery and dishes,  
clouding occurs on  
glassware, film can be  
wiped off.  
ting, see “Before using for  
the first time”.  
The salt reservoir is  
Add reactivation salt, see  
“Before using for the first  
The salt cap was not  
screwed on correctly.  
Reseat the salt cap and  
make sure it is screwed  
back on correctly.  
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Problem solving  
Possible cause  
The water softener setting Adjust the water hardness  
is too low.  
White residue appears  
on dishes and cutlery,  
glasses are cloudy, film  
can be wiped off.  
selector to a higher set-  
ting, see “Before using for  
the first time”.  
Phosphate free detergent Use a detergent with  
was used.  
Reduce the dosage, see  
“Before using for the first  
The rinse aid setting is  
too high.  
Smearing appears on  
glasses and cutlery,  
there is a bluish sheen  
on the surface of the  
glassware, film can be  
wiped off.  
The water hardness se-  
lector in the wash cabinet ting, see “Before using for  
is not set correctly.  
Set it to the correct set-  
Glassware is dull and  
discolored, film can not  
be wiped off  
the first time”. There is no  
remedy for already dam-  
aged glassware.  
There is no remedy.  
Purchase dishwasher safe  
Glassware is not dish-  
washer safe. The sur-  
faces are damaged.  
Natural dyes e.g. from  
carrots, tomatoes or  
ketchup may stain plas-  
Use detergent containing  
chlorine. Use more deter-  
gent, see “Operating the  
Plastics are discolored  
tics. The amount of deter- dishwasher”.  
gent used or its bleaching Discoloration is perma-  
effect was not strong  
enough to deal with the  
natural dyes.  
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Problem solving  
There are rust stains on  
Possible cause  
Screw the cap on firmly.  
The salt reservoir cap  
was not screwed on  
The affected pieces are  
not corrosion resistant.  
There is no remedy.  
Only purchase dish-  
washer safe cutlery.  
Clogged detergent resi-  
due is blocking the catch.  
Remove the residue.  
The detergent dispenser  
lid does not close prop-  
The dispenser was still  
damp when detergent  
was added.  
Check that the dispenser  
is dry before adding de-  
Detergent residue is left  
in the dispenser at the  
end of a program  
Before fixing the problem:  
Water remains in the  
wash cabinet at the end  
of a program  
Turn the program  
selector to the “Stop”  
Turn off the dishwasher  
with the “On/Off” but-  
The filter combination in  
the wash cabinet is  
Clean the filter combina-  
tion, see “Cleaning and  
The drain pump and the  
Clean the drain pump  
non-return valve may be and non-return valve, see  
blocked. “Solving problems”  
The drain hose is kinked. Remove the kink.  
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Solving problems  
Solving problems  
Cleaning the water intake filter  
A filter is incorporated in the intake  
hose attached to the dishwasher’s shut-  
off valve. If your water is hard, or the  
pipes contain sediment; this filter may  
clog and prevent enough water from  
entering the wash cabinet. It can be  
cleaned as follows:  
The plastic valve housing on the in-  
take hose contains electrical com-  
ponents and should not be im-  
mersed, or run through water.  
^ Return the filter and seal. Make sure  
they are seated correctly.  
Cleaning the filter:  
Disconnect the dishwasher from  
electricity (unplug it or “trip” the circuit  
^ Screw the intake hose back on the  
water valve, checking that it is not  
^ Turn off the main shutoff valve and  
^ Slowly turn on the valve and test for  
unscrew the intake hose.  
^ Carefully remove the rubber seal.  
Installing an in-line water filter.  
^ Remove the filter using needle nose  
^ If your water contains a large number  
of insoluble substances, a filter be-  
tween the valve and the intake hose  
connection is recommended. These  
filters can be purchased from the  
Miele Technical Service Department.  
pliers and rinse under running water.  
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Solving problems  
Checking the water level  
If the water pressure is less than 15 psi,  
not enough water will flow into the wash  
^ To check the water level, open the  
water valve completely and run the  
“Rinse & Hold” program once (with-  
out dishes), to bring water into the  
^ Run, the “Rinse & Hold” program  
again. After approximately 3 minutes,  
open the door and remove the lower  
basket from the machine.  
The water level is correct when dimen-  
sions “X” is at least 1/8” (4 mm).  
If it measures less, the water intake time  
must be increased (see the following  
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Solving problems  
Increasing the water intake  
^ Turn the program selector to  
“Economy 55°C/130°F”.  
– If the “Start” indicator does not light,  
the water intake time is set to normal.  
To increase the water intake time, pro-  
ceed as follows:  
– If the “Start” indicator lights the ex-  
tended water intake time is set.  
^ Turn off the dishwasher using the  
“On/Off” button.  
^ To change the setting, press the  
^ Turn the program selector to “Stop”  
“Start” button.  
^ Press the “Start” button while simulta-  
neously turning on the machine with  
the “On/Off” button. Release the  
“Start” button within 2 seconds.  
The “Start” indicator will light or go out  
each time the button is pressed.  
^ Turn the program selector to “Stop”.  
The “Salt-PC” indicator should be  
^ Turn off the dishwasher with the  
“On/Off” button.  
The modified intake time is now stored.  
If other indicator lights are flashing,  
repeat the process.  
If the rinse aid indicator lights the rinse  
aid was never added or needs to be re-  
filled. See “Adding rinse aid”.  
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Solving problems  
Cleaning the drain pump and  
non-return valve  
Use caution when cleaning the fil-  
ters, non-return valve or drain pump;  
glass or bone splinters may be  
caught in the bottom of the wash  
If the dishwasher is not completely  
drained at the end of a program, the  
drain pump or non-return valve may  
be blocked.  
^ Tilt the locking clamp to the side.  
To clean them:  
^ Remove the combination filter.  
^ Use a jug or bowl to scoop water out  
of the wash cabinet.  
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Solving problems  
^ Pull out the non-return valve.  
The drain pump is situated under the  
non-return valve (see arrow).  
^ Rinse the non-return valve under run-  
ning water.  
^ Before returning the non-return valve,  
check to make sure that the drain  
pump is not obstructed. Spin the pro-  
peller several times in both direc-  
tions; it should turn smoothly.  
^ Carefully refit the non-return valve  
and secure it with the locking clamp.  
^ Refit and secure the combination  
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After sales service  
After sales service  
If you are unable to resolve a problem  
Program update function - PC  
or if the appliance is under warranty,  
please contact your Miele Dealer or the  
Miele Technical Service Department.  
(See back cover for telephone num-  
The “PC” indicator has the function of  
Program Correction (PC). This allows a  
technician to update the programming  
of the dishwasher to make use of new  
technological developments.  
Please have the model and serial num-  
ber of the appliance available. These  
can be found on the data plate on the  
upper inside edge of the dishwasher  
For example, if a detergent that gives  
good wash results using only cold wa-  
ter were to become available, the wash  
programs can be modified to take ad-  
vantage of this.  
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Special accessories  
Special accessories  
To make the most of your dishwasher  
If you would like...  
then you need...  
... a bottle holder  
...to wash bottles,  
e. g. milk or baby bottles  
... to wash long stemmed glassware  
... a glassware insert for the upper  
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To transport the dishwasher, e.g. when  
moving to a new home, note the follow-  
– Empty the dishwasher,  
– Secure any loose parts, e. g. hoses,  
cables, cutlery baskets.  
– Transport the dishwasher in the up-  
right position.  
If unavoidable it may be transported  
on its back.  
Do not transport it on its side or on  
the door because residual water in  
the machine will leak. This residual  
water could get into the electronic  
unit and cause damage.  
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Technical data  
Technical data  
Series designation HG01  
33 1/16" (84 cm) [adj. + 2"/5.0 cm]  
23 9/16" (59.8 cm)  
23 5/8" (60 cm)  
22 7/16" (57 cm)  
47 7/16" (120.5 cm)  
approx. 119 lbs/55 kg  
110/120 V AC  
Width of cabinet opening  
Depth with door open  
Rated load  
Fuse rating  
12.5 A / 1500 W  
15 A  
Water pressure  
Water connection  
Drain height  
Drainage length  
Connection cable  
15 – 150 psi (1.0 - 10 bar)  
max. 140 °F (60 °C)  
max. 39" (1 m)  
max. 13 ft (4 m)  
approx. 4 ft (1.2 m)  
14 place settings  
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Program chart  
Program chart  
When to use  
free 1)  
chlorine 2)  
Compart- Compart-  
Normal 3)  
55 °C/130 °F  
for normal everyday loads  
100 %  
100 %  
20 %  
20 %  
80 %  
80 %  
Sani Wash  
as Normal 55 °C/130 °F,  
but with longer wash time for heavily soiled  
loads, also suitable for chlorine free deter-  
65 °C/150 °F  
as Normal 55 °C/130 °F,  
but at a higher temperature for stubborn  
dried on food  
for normal everyday loads, particularly suit-  
able for chlorine free detergents  
100 %  
100 %  
20 %  
80 %  
100 %  
100 %  
Light Wash  
55 °C/130 °F  
for normal everyday loads,  
55 °C/130 °F  
particularly energy saving program  
Rinse & Hold  
For rinsing dishes when a complete cycle is  
not needed.  
The dispensing method will depend on the type of detergent being used.  
1) Use this ratio for:  
detergent which is chlorine and phosphate free  
detergent which is chlorine free but contains phosphates  
In this instance the whole amount is placed in compartment II.  
2) Use this ratio for:  
powder detergent which contains chlorine and phosphates  
Divide the total amount, as shown, between compartment I and compartment II.  
When washing a full load in the Normal program, the Sani Wash program, the Light Wash program or  
the Economy program at least 1 ½ tablespoons (25 ml) of detergent are needed.  
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Program chart  
Program Cycle  
Electric (kWh)  
Interim Final  
water Gallons water  
con- con-  
liminary wash  
nection nection  
(10 °C/ (49 °C/  
50 °F) 120 °F)  
nection nection  
(10 °C/ (49 °C/  
50 °F) 120 °F)  
24 / 6.3  
19 / 5  
55 °C/  
130 °F  
65 °C/  
150 °F  
65 °C/  
150 °F  
75 °C/  
170 °F  
24 / 6.3  
14 / 3.7  
14 / 3.7  
5 / 1.3  
65 °C/  
150 °F  
55 °C/  
130 °F  
65 °C/  
150 °F  
65 °C/  
150 °F  
55 °C/  
130 °F  
55 °C/  
130 °F  
3) Standard program for comparison tests  
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Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
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These instructions are printed on 100% recycled paper and are completely Biodegradable.  
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