Numark Industries Power Supply DM1720X User Manual

Professional Disc Jockey Products  
11 Helmsman Road, North Kingstown RI 02852  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
Safety Information  
Page 2  
Product Registration  
Introduction and Features  
Page 4  
Page 5  
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Page 9  
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Page 12  
Front Panel Diagram  
Rear Panel Diagram  
Connection Instructions  
Connection Diagram  
Block Diagram  
Warranty and Service  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
You have purchased the DM1720X Stereo Mixer by Numark. This equipment features  
all new circuitry and the latest in manufacturing and design technology to give you  
greater quality and better reliability than ever before. The DM1720X Preamp Mixer  
has been designed by DJs for DJs. It gives you all of the controls and features you need  
in a professional piece of equipment to show off the best of your skills.  
Thank you for buying Numark DJ products!  
• User replaceable assignable ALPs™ crossfader .  
• Bass, Mid,Treble,and Gain controls on every input channel.  
• Left<->Right Pan control on each channel and the DJ Mic.  
Neutrik™ “Combo” connector allows 1/4” or XLR plug  
to be used for DJ Mic.  
• 3 Phono and 5 Line inputs.  
• Pushbutton Cueing with PFL (pre-fader listen) on each channel.  
• Headphone monitoring with PFL/Program cross-fader.  
• Master and Zone outputs.  
• Stereo/Mono switch on the Master and Zones.  
• Tape Out for direct recording.  
• Powerful stereo headphone output.  
• High-end performance audio signal.  
• 12V BNC light connector.  
As a s p e c ia l b o n u s w e h a ve  
in c lu d e d a r ig h t a n g le h e a d p h o n e  
a d a p te r w ith th is m ixe r .  
J u s t p lu g yo u r h e a d p h o n e s in to  
th e a d a p te r a n d th e n p lu g th e  
a d a p te r in to yo u r m ixe r .  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
Please read this entire manual before connecting the DM1720X to your system.  
For optimum performance:  
• Use appropriate cables throughout your system:  
Quality shielded audio cables and terminated shielded  
video cables, low-capacitance preferred. Speaker  
cables must be 14-gauge minimum; 12- or 10-gauge is  
• Always make sure that AC power is OFF while  
making any connections.  
• Do not use excessively long cables (i.e. over  
50ft/14m) Be sure plugs and jacks are tightly mated.  
Loose connections can cause hum, noise or  
• Reliability will be enhanced through the use of  
banana connectors on the speaker wires. Observe  
correct speaker wire polarity. If in doubt, consult your  
Numark dealer or a qualified technician.  
intermittents that could easily damage your speakers.  
• Never use spray cleaners on the slide controls.  
Residues cause excessive dirt build-up and this will  
void your warranty. In normal use slide controls can  
last for many years. If they malfunction (usually  
because of a dirty or dusty environment) consult a  
professional technician.  
• Take care to connect only one cable at a time. Pay  
attention to the color-coded, labelled Input and Output  
AND OFF FIRST”. Begin with master faders or  
volume controls on minimum and the amplifier  
gain/input control(s) down. Wait 8 to 10 seconds  
before turning up the volume. This prevents  
transients which may cause severe speaker damage.  
• Never attempt to make any adjustments or repairs  
other than those described in this manual. Take the  
DM1720X to your dealer or to an authorized Numark  
Service Center.  
• Use restraint when operating controls. Try to move  
them slowly. Rapid adjustments could damage  
speakers due to amplifier clipping.  
Make the input and output connections with  
readily available low-capacitance stereo  
cables. Quality cable makes a big difference  
in audio fidelity and punch. Use balanced  
connections whenever possible. See your  
Numark dealer or an electronics or audio  
specialist store if you are not sure which  
cables to get.  
Avoid amplifier “clipping” at all costs: this  
occurs when the red LEDs (usually on the front panel  
of most professional power amplifiers) start flashing.  
“Clipping” is when the power amplifier is distorting  
and working beyond it’s limits. Amplifier distortion is  
THE major cause of speaker failure.  
• To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the  
unit to rain or moisture. Never place cans of beer,  
soda, glasses of water or anything wet on top of  
the mixer!  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
2 0  
2 1  
1 8  
1 9  
1 7  
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1 6  
1 0  
1 2  
1 3  
1 4  
1 1  
1. Channel Input Gain/Trim/Attenuation Controls.  
These control the sensitivity of the inputs for Channels 1-4.  
Use these whenever a particular source causes overload of  
the preamp inputs. Attenuation range is 0dB to -20dB. Use  
these with the PFL (pre-fader listen) monitor when cueing.  
5. DJ Mic Talkover Switch. When engaged this mutes  
your music sources from channels 1-4. Releasing it brings  
you immediately back to full source level. It is very useful  
for announcements.  
6. Channels 1 - 4 Input Toggle Switches select which  
source will be live to that channel based on what you have  
connected to the rear panel input section.  
2. Treble, Middle and Bass Controls fine tune the tone  
of your music through the sound system. Note that these  
are also available on the DJ Mic.  
7. The Input Faders are low-noise, low-impedance, high-  
quality, smooth faders. These control individual source  
levels in the mix.  
3. Use the Pan Control to maximize the Left or Right side of  
your Source.  
4. The Mic Jack is a Neutrik™ “Combo Jack” and allows  
connection of either a 1/4” jack or an XLR jack. This is ideal  
for connecting an XLR Gooseneck directly.  
8. Channel Cue Assign/PFL pushbuttons are used to  
route channel audio to the Monitor Section. The channel  
input faders do not control the Cue volume. When the Cue  
button is pushed you get Pre Fader Listen(PFL). In addition,  
when these buttons are depressed the third row of the LED  
meter (19) will display the signal level of that channel on a  
PFL basis. The level can be adjusted by using the Gain  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
9. The Crossfader In/Out Pushbutton defeats the  
entire Crossfader function but leaves the Kill functions  
15. Master Level. This controls overall output level. Note  
that you can select (18) whether you want stereo or mono.  
16. The Zone Levels control speaker volume for other outputs  
such as control booth monitors, a tape deck, another  
amplifier, a sub-woofer, another mixer or a satellite speaker  
system. Note that you can select (18) whether you want  
stereo or mono.  
10. The replaceable Crossfader achieves clean segues  
between two selected input channels.  
11. The Crossfader Channel Assign switches determine  
which channels the crossfader will segue between.  
CONTRACTOR'S NOTE: Zone Level provides zone  
control in installations where there are two separate rooms  
(eg: a bar and a dance floor). The “Zone” volume should be  
controlled from the mixer not from the amplifier.  
1 2 3 4  
1 2 3 4  
In this example, Channel 1 is selected on the Left and  
Channel 3 is selected on the Right. With the Crossfader  
centered both assigned channels are live. Use the  
Crossfader for fast and seamless segues from one channel  
to the next.  
17. The Stereo/Mono Toggle Switches allow you to select  
either stereo or mono output.  
18. Stereo Auto Peak Hold Level Meter. The red LEDs  
for +3, +5 and +8dB hold program peaks for an instant.  
With peak metering, it's OK to be "in the red" as long as +5  
or +8dB isn't constantly lit. Set crossover, equalizer and  
power amplifier inputs to avoid distortion at each step in the  
audio chain. Proper attention to the peak meters results in  
the punchiest possible sound without audible distortion.  
Note: the crossfader is user replaceable. Simply unscrew  
the two large screws which hold it in place, lift it out, and  
disconnect its cable. Reattach the new crossfader and  
screw it back onto the unit - you’re back in business!  
REPLACEMENT CROSSFADERS can be purchased from  
your local Numark Dealer, or by calling Numark Industries.  
19. PFL Meter. When the Cue/PFL switches are depressed  
this meter tracks pre-fader listen (PFL) signal for the  
channel selected instead of the mixer’s output level.  
12. The Split Cue Level controls what signal is being  
monitored through your headphones. Move the slide control  
to the left and you will hear your source music from the  
channel(s) selected with the cue/PFL switch. Move the  
control to the right and you will hear your program mix, or  
output. The slide control allows fast and frequent  
headphone monitoring.  
20. 12V BNC Connector allows a 12 volt gooseneck style  
“Numark” light to be connected directly to the mixer.  
21. The Power button turns the unit on and off. Make sure  
your input faders (7) are turned down before you power up  
your mixer.  
13. The Headphone Level control sets the volume in your  
14. The Headphone Jack accepts a 1/4” plug and is set on  
the front of the unit.  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
1 1  
7 7  
1 0  
1. GND is the grounding lug for turntables 1, 2 and 3  
7. Channels 1-5 Line Inputs are unbalanced RCA  
jacks. The Line Input is selected with the toggle switch  
on the front panel. You can connect stereo audio from HiFi  
VCRs, cassette and reel-to-reel tape decks, DAT  
machines, CD players, laser discs, tuners, even  
synthesizers or other mixing consoles.  
(phono inputs on Channels 1, 2 and 3). Always use this  
connection (your turntable cable should have a grounding  
2. The Stereo Main Outputs are low-impedance RCA  
connectors controlled by the Master fader.  
NOTE: Plug mono audio sources into both Left and  
3. The Tape Outputs are low-impedance unbalanced  
RCA jacks which output the program mix and allow you to  
connect any recording device.  
Right inputs using a “Y” cable connector.  
9. Phono Inputs on Channels 1, 2 and 3 use  
unbalanced RCA jacks. Your input signal is fed directly to  
the DM1720X's high-quality RIAA phono preamplifiers so  
use this position only for moving magnet cartridges. Line  
level sources will overload the sensitive phono preamps  
and will sound very bad.  
4. The Stereo Zone Outputs are low-impedance  
unbalanced RCA jacks controlled by the Zone Level  
5. Mic is the mic input for the Mic Channel.  
10. AC Cord. See safety precautions on page 3 for  
6. Mic is the mic input for the Mic on Channel 4.  
proper treatment of the power cord.  
11. Voltage Selector. Set this for the appropriate  
voltage in your area  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
Inst ruct ions for Connect ion....  
1. Be sure the POWER is OFF. All connections should be made before the unit is turned on.  
Always remember “Turn Amps on last and off first!”  
2. Use appropriate cables throughout your system: quality shielded audio cables, low capacitance preferred. Speaker  
cable must be 14-gauge minimum; 12- or 10-gauge is better.  
3. Connect your music sources on the rear of the unit. Up to 3 phono and 8 line sources (CD players, cassette decks,  
tuners, etc.) can be connected.  
4. Connect the ground wire from your turntables (and any other sources that come with a ground) to the ground post on  
the rear panel. This will eliminate most common hum and feedback problems.  
5. Connect your DJ mic on the front left side of the unit or on the back of the unit at Mic 1. Connect your second mic at  
Mic 2 on the back of the unit.  
6. Connect your headphones on the front right side of the unit.  
7. The OUTPUT MASTER jacks on the rear of the unit are for connecting to the amplifier.  
Zone 1  
Sound Syst e m  
w/ Am p lifie r  
Turnt able 1  
Out le  
Turnt able 2  
Tape Deck 2  
Ma in  
Sound Syst e m  
w/ Am p lifie r  
Dua l CD Pla ye r  
Turnt able 3  
CD Pla ye r  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
47kWinput impedance  
78mV rms sensitivity (for 1.22 V output)  
10kWinput impedance balanced/unbalanced  
3 mV rms sensitivity (unbalanced for 1.22 V output)  
1.5 mV rms sensitivity (balanced for 1.22 V output)  
80 mV rms max input (unbalanced)  
40 mV rms max input (balanced)  
47kWinput impedance  
1.2 mV rms sensitivity @ 1 KHz (for 1.22 V output)  
9V rms max (+20 dBm)  
Headphone Amp: .5 watt into 47W  
Distortion less than .01%  
SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIOS (vs. maximum output):  
Better than 87 dB  
Better than 86 dB  
Better than 86 dB  
20 Hz- 20k Hz +_ .5 dB  
20 Hz- 22k Hz +_ .5 dB  
+_ 1 dB except for controlled attenuation of -3 dB  
@ 20 Hz to reduce rumble and feedback  
±15db @80Hz  
±10db @1KHz  
±15db @12.5KHz  
Variable from no cut to -14 dB  
18 Watt typical  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
1 0  
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DM1 7 2 0 X  
Numark - The Prove n Le ade r in DJ Te chnology  
© 1 9 9 8 Num ark Indus t rie s  
1 1  
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Professional Disc Jockey Products  
Warranty and Service Information  
Numark Industries, LLC and Numark International, Inc. (hereafter “Numark”) warrants each new  
product manufactured and/or supplied by it to be free from defects in material or workmanship under  
conditions of normal use and service for 360 days, beginning on the date of purchase from an authorized  
Numark Dealer, but not to exceed 2 years from date of shipment by Numark.  
The Numark obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, the product  
or part(s) therein; which upon examination by Numark shall appear to be defective or not up to factory  
specifications; providing the Numark product is returned (transportation prepaid) to Numark.  
Numark shall not be liable for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from the use and  
operation of this product and makes no other warranty(s) either express or implied on this product,  
including any warranty of merchantability.  
This warranty does not extend to any of our products which have been subjected to misuse, neglect,  
accident, incorrect wiring not our own, improper installation, or use in violation of instructions furnished by  
us, nor extended to units which have been repaired or altered outside of our factory, nor to cases where  
the serial number thereof has been removed, defaced, or changed, nor to accessories used therewith not  
of our own manufacture. Numark reserves the right to make changes or improvements in its products,  
during subsequent production, without incurring the obligation to install such changes or improvements on  
previously manufactured equipment.  
To place this warranty into effect, the enclosed WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD must be  
returned to Numark Industries, LLC within thirty (30) days after date of purchase.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from  
state to state.  
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the  
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.  
A Return Authorization number should be obtained from Numark through the addresses or phone  
numbers below.  
It is the customer’s obligation, when returning faulty equipment, to properly pack the Numark  
equipment in its original packaging. Failure to do so may inadequately protect the equipment in transit and,  
therefore, jeopardize the customer’s warranty. The defective Numark equipment should be sent,  
FREIGHT PREPAID with Return Authorization number to:  
11 Helmsman Road  
North Kingstown RI 02852 USA  
Attention: Service Department  
+1 (401) 295-9000  
+1 (401) 295-5200  
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