Microsoft Video Games X08 40995 User Manual

Offensive Controls  
Protect the ball/Back down  
Call for a screen  
Pivot/Pick up  
your dribble  
Icon pass  
Shoot/Pump fake  
Call a time out  
Defensive Controls  
Crouch/Box out/Arm bar  
Call for a  
Take a charge  
Icon switch  
Switch players  
Directional switch  
Intentional foul  
0102 Part No. X08-40995  
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Using the Xbox Video Game System  
Using the Xbox Controller  
1. Set up your Xbox™ video game system by following the  
instructions in the Xbox Instruction Manual.  
1. Insert the Xbox Controller into any controller port on the front  
of the Xbox console. For multiple players, insert additional  
controllers into available controller ports.  
2. Press the power button and the status indicator light will light up.  
3. Press the eject button and the disc tray will open.  
2. Insert any expansion devices (for example, Xbox Memory Units)  
into controller expansion slots as appropriate.  
4. Place the NBA Inside Drive 2002 disc on the disc tray with the  
3. Follow the on-screen instructions and refer to this manual  
for more information about using the Xbox Controller to play  
NBA Inside Drive 2002.  
label facing up and close the disc tray.  
5. Follow the on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for  
more information about playing NBA Inside Drive 2002.  
Expansion slot B  
Expansion slot A  
Disc tray  
Controller port 4  
Controller port 3  
Eject button  
Power button  
Controller port 1  
Controller port 2  
Right trigger  
Left trigger  
White button  
Black button  
Y button  
B button  
X button  
A button  
Avoiding Damage to Discs or the Disc Drive  
To avoid damage to discs or the disc drive:  
• Insert only Xbox-compatible discs into the disc drive.  
• Never use oddly shaped discs, such as star-shaped or  
heart-shaped discs.  
• Do not leave a disc in the Xbox console for extended periods  
when not in use.  
BACK button  
START button  
• Do not move the Xbox console while the power is on and a  
disc is inserted.  
• Do not apply labels, stickers, or other foreign objects to discs.  
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You don’t just love the game. You exist for the game. You think, feel,  
sweat, and dream the game. So you won’t settle for just another  
wannabe hoops sim. No, you’ve stepped up to NBA Inside Drive 2002.  
Viewing the Main Menu  
Before you can get on the court, you’ve got to decide what kind  
of ballin’ you want to do. First off, make your selection from the  
Main Menu.  
It’s on and poppin’, and this time you’re out to prove that you’ve got  
the skills to pay the bills — on and off the court. With NBA Inside  
Drive, you’re a player, coach, and manager — all in one.  
As the player, you can drop the dime off the pick and roll — or light  
‘em up from three-point land. With over 1000 animations, NBA Inside  
Drive 2002 gives you a vast array of moves — including exclusive  
high-flying dunks that were motion captured from the 2000 NBA  
Slam Dunk Champion, Vince Carter.  
As the coach, you’ll get to direct the action on the floor with Real-Time  
Coaching using playbooks created from actual NBA scouting reports  
and NBA coaches.  
As the general manager, you’ll trade players and ink deals with free  
agents. You’ll have to deal with major and minor injuries that could  
slow down players for a few days or even put them out of commission  
for the entire season.  
This is where it all begins.  
Over 200 individually modeled player heads, more than 10 custom  
body types, a full range of player accessories and shoes, and individual  
skin textures for each player deliver some of the most realistic-looking  
players ever seen in a video basketball game. Plus, each NBA arena has  
been individually modeled with painstaking detail, right down to the  
championship banners.  
Exhibition: Play a single game — take a single shot at greatness.  
Take your team all the way to a title.  
Skip the season and go straight for the crown.  
Load Game: Return to a saved season or playoffs.  
Options: Set up the game for the way you want to play.  
And with Kevin Calabro and Marques Johnson sitting courtside with  
vibrant play-by-play and color commentary — along with Akemi  
Takei’s sideline commentary for game analysis and injuries —  
NBA Inside Drive will get you into the game like never before.  
Hit Me with Your Best Shot  
You can adjust the Shooting Control setting on the Controller  
Settings Menu. If it is set to Normal, press and hold the X button to  
shoot, and then release it at the top of your jump to increase your  
chances of putting points on the board.  
Don’t Get Schooled  
You’ll get taken to the hole all day long if you don’t heed this tip…  
Pull and hold the left trigger to get in a defensive crouch and spread  
your arms wide enough to prevent your man from driving to the  
basket. Pull the right trigger to slide more quickly.  
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GET CONTROL: Handling Your Players  
Playing Defense  
Playing Offense  
Action with Ball  
Action without Ball  
Switch players  
Switch players  
Crossover / Spin / Deke  
Shoot / Pump fake  
Icon pass  
Call for a pass*  
Jump / Rebound  
Block / Rebound  
Icon switch  
Take a charge  
Call for a double-team  
Intentional foul  
Pivot / Pick up your dribble Call for a shot*  
Call for a screen  
Full TO (Tap: 20-sec)  
Set a screen  
Full TO (Tap: 20-sec)  
Left thumbstick  
Right thumbstick*  
Left trigger  
Right trigger  
Left thumbstick  
Directional switch  
Crouch / Box out / Arm bar  
Right thumbstick** Lob / Pass / Deke  
Directional switch  
Left trigger  
Protect the ball / Back down  
Right trigger  
For a directional switch, move the right thumbstick in the direction of the  
To call for a computer teammate to pass or take a shot, you must set Player  
Switching to Manual or set Player Lock to a specific position on the  
Controller Settings Menu.  
player you want to switch to, and then click the thumbstick (press it in).  
To switch to the player closest to the basket, click the right thumbstick  
without moving it in any direction.  
** Move the right thumbstick in the direction you want to pass or switch players,  
and then click the thumbstick (press it in). To use the right thumbstick for a  
directional pass, set Right Thumbstick to Pass on the Controller Settings Menu.  
To use the right thumbstick for dekes, set it to Deke.  
Defensive Controls  
Offensive Controls  
Protect the ball/Back down  
Crouch/Box out/Arm bar  
Call for a  
Call for a screen  
Pivot/Pick up  
your dribble  
Take a charge  
Icon pass  
Icon switch  
Shoot/Pump fake  
Switch players  
Call a time out  
Intentional foul  
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Shooting and Free Throws  
Performing Dekes  
On the Controller Settings Menu, you can adjust Shooting Control and  
Free-Throw Control. To access the Controller Settings Menu, press Y on  
the Controller Select Menu before the game begins, or select  
A deke is a special move, like a spin or crossover, that allows you to  
fake out a defender to get an open shot or drive to the basket. The  
exact type of deke move performed will depend on the player’s ability.  
Controllers from the Pause Menu during a game, and then press Y.  
Normal Shooting (default):  
If Shooting Control is set to Normal, you must press and hold X,  
and then release it to make the player release the ball. Release the  
ball at the top of the jump for the best chance to score. Watch the  
shooting meter that appears under the shooter. For the best possible  
shot, the meter should be half red and half green.  
Easy Shooting:  
When Shooting Control is set to Easy, simply press X to take a shot.  
The shooter’s accuracy will be based solely on his shooting-skill  
ratings (see pg. 24). Note that you will not be able to perform a  
Pump Fake if Shooting Control is set to Easy.  
Normal Free Throws (default):  
If you choose the Normal setting, the accuracy of the shot will  
depend on you. A ball will appear at the bottom of the screen.  
1. Press X to make the ball start  
moving across the bar.  
2. Press X again when the ball fills  
the Power circle.  
3. Press X one more time when the ball fills the Accuracy circle.  
The speed at which the ball moves will depend on the player’s free-  
throw ability. The better the free-throw shooter, the slower the ball.  
Also, the closer you get to completely filling the circles, the better  
the free throw will be. A better free-throw shooter may still make the  
shot, even if you don’t fill the circles perfectly.  
The default Right Thumbstick setting is Pass. To change it, access the Controller  
Settings Menu by pressing Y on the Controller Select Menu before the game begins,  
or by selecting Controllers from the Pause Menu during a game, and then pressing Y.  
Easy Free Throws:  
Note: This chart shows the direction to move the thumbstick in relation to  
the basket. For example, means to move the left thumbstick toward  
the basket, means to move it away from the basket, and so on.  
When Free-Throw Control is set to Easy, simply press X when your  
player is at the line. His accuracy will be based solely on his free-  
throw skill rating (see pg. 24).  
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Playing in the Paint  
Real-Time Coaching  
Getting the ball down in the post is the perfect opportunity to show  
your opponent just how weak his defense really is. Here are some  
key post-play moves to master.  
Keep your game tight by using the Real-Time Coaching feature to call  
plays or change your strategy during the game without breaking the  
To perform any of the moves or shots, you must first start “backing  
down” your defender by pulling and holding the left trigger while  
inside or within two feet of the paint.  
To use Real-Time Coaching:  
1. Use the playbook to assign plays to the D-pad. To access the  
playbook, press X on the Controller Select Menu before the game  
begins, and then select Playbook, or select Coaching from the  
Pause Menu during a game, and then select Playbook.  
2. During a game, press a direction on the D-pad to display the  
coaching option you want to change:  
Team Defense  
Defensive Pressure  
3. Press the D-pad again in the direction that corresponds with the  
setting you want to use.  
Play Your Own Way  
Each team has its own default playbook that is filled with plays  
similar to the ones used by the real NBA team. Your personalized  
playbook will be saved along with the season or playoffs in which  
it was created. If you want to revert back to the default playbooks,  
press X on the Playbook Menu.  
The default setting for Shooting Control is Normal. If Shooting Control is  
set to Easy, simply tap X to shoot. (See pg. 8.)  
Note: This chart shows the direction to move the thumbstick in  
relation to the basket. For example,  
thumbstick toward the basket,  
basket, and so on.  
means to move the left  
means to move it away from the  
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Designating Matchups  
As the coach, you can control who guards which opponent, set the  
amount of pressure, and determine when to call for a double-team.  
GET A STRATEGY: Coaching Your Team  
Setting Your Starting Lineup  
If you want to select a group of players quickly, you can assign them  
to a specialty lineup. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for injured  
or fatigued players and substitute fresh ones (see pg. 19).  
To designate matchups:  
1. Access the Matchups Menu from the Coaching Menu by pressing X  
on the Controller Select Menu before the game begins, and then  
selecting Matchups, or by selecting Coaching from the Pause  
Menu during a game, and then selecting Matchups.  
To set your team’s starting lineup:  
1. Access the Coaching Menu by pressing X on the Controller Select  
2. Move up or down to highlight an opponent to be guarded, and  
Menu before the game begins, and then select Edit Lineups.  
then press A to select him.  
2. Pull the left or right trigger to cycle through to the Game  
Starters lineup.  
3. Move up or down to highlight the player on your team whom you  
want to guard the selected opponent, and then press A to assign  
your player to guard him.  
3. Press A to select the highlighted player, move up or down to  
highlight his replacement, and then press A again to make  
the switch.  
4. Press X repeatedly to change the amount of pressure to apply to  
the highlighted opponent.  
4. Pull the left or right trigger to cycle through the pre-set lineups.  
To set your starting lineup to one of these pre-set lineups, press  
White. This will set the starting lineup for the current game only.  
5. Press Y repeatedly to change the circumstances for using a  
double-team on the highlighted opponent.  
To permanently set the starting lineup for any team:  
1. Access the Options Menu from the Main Menu, and then select  
Roster Editor. On the Roster Editor Menu, select Edit Starters.  
Take It to the Rack  
Want to show off with a killer alley-oop? Watch for a teammate who  
has a clear path to the basket, and then pass to him. Depending on  
his dunk and style ratings (see pg. 24), you’re likely to end up  
watching a slammin’ dunk show. To increase your chances of  
throwing the alley-oop lob pass, use the right thumbstick to throw  
the pass (see pg. 6).  
2. Pull the left or right trigger to select the team you want to edit.  
3. Press A to select the highlighted player, move up or down to  
highlight his replacement, and then press A again to make  
the switch.  
Made You Look  
When you’ve got the ball but can’t make a shot because of a pesky  
defender, tap X to do a pump fake. You might draw your defender off  
his feet, giving you an opportunity to drive to the basket or get a  
more open shot. Note that you can pump fake only if Shooting Control  
is set to Normal. (See pg. 8.)  
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Viewing the League Home Menu  
GET YOUR GAME ON: Starting a Season  
Play Next:  
Play the game shown on the right side of the screen.  
Skip ahead to a future game and simulate the games  
before it.  
Using the Fantasy Draft  
If you really want to start your season from scratch, set the Fantasy  
Draft option on the Gameplay Settings Menu to Yes. This will let you  
go through twelve draft rounds, trying to get your hands on the  
sickest ballers in the league. If you’re not sure who to pick, press X  
to get a hint. Or, once you’ve gotten your first picks out of the  
way, press Y to have the rest of the draft automatically completed  
for you.  
View the current standings for every team.  
View the current league leaders, as well as statistics  
and ratings for teams and individual players.  
Edit your starters (see pg. 12), adjust defensive  
and offensive settings, and customize your playbook  
(see pg. 11).  
Front Office: Sign, release, and trade players, manage your rosters,  
Note: The Fantasy Draft option is available on the Gameplay Settings  
Menu only after you enter Season mode. It will not appear on the  
Gameplay Settings Menu if you make any other selection from the  
Main Menu.  
and change team ownership.  
View awards, transactions, and injury reports.  
Save Season: Save your current season or delete a previously  
saved file.  
Quit the current season and return to the Main Menu.  
Making Good Management Decisions  
• Manage your roster throughout the season. Keep your good players  
on the active roster, and switch your less experienced or hurt  
players over to the inactive one. (See pg. 19).  
Assemble Your Dream Team  
Before you start a new season or playoffs, select Options from the  
Main Menu, and then select Roster Editor. There you can use the Edit  
Teams feature to pick exactly who you want on your team, without  
all the hassle of having to negotiate trades.  
• Have multiple players available for each position. That way, if a key  
player suffers an injury, you’ll have a substitute ready to step up.  
• Release players if they aren’t contributing, and check out the free  
agent list often.  
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Viewing the Playoffs Menu  
Once you’ve decided who will be in the playoffs, you can choose from  
the following:  
GET A TITLE: Entering the Playoffs  
Did you come to play, or did you come to win? You can ball for the  
love of the game, but when it comes down to it, it’s all about taking  
home the crown.  
View the current playoff standings, and simulate or  
play specific games.  
On the Team Select Menu, you can put any team you want into the  
playoffs and match them up against any other team.  
View statistics and ratings for teams and individual  
Edit your starters (see pg. 12), adjust defensive  
and offensive settings, and customize your playbook  
(see pg. 11).  
View awards, transactions, and injury reports.  
Save Playoffs: Save the current playoffs or delete a previously  
saved file.  
Quit the current playoffs and return to the Main Menu.  
Elbow Room  
When your opponent misses a shot, grab the rebound, and then press  
B to crouch and throw some elbows.  
Don’t let this kind of power go to your head.  
To position teams in the playoffs:  
1. Move up and down to display a team, and then press A to select  
that team.  
2. Move in any direction to highlight the position for that team,  
and then press A to place the team in that position.  
Note: If the team you are placing is already occupying a different  
position in the playoffs, that team will simply switch places with the  
one you are replacing. If the team you are placing is not already in the  
playoffs, the team you are replacing will be taken out of the playoffs.  
3. Press Y if you want to have the matchups randomly selected  
for you.  
4. When you are finished positioning the teams, press START  
to advance to the next screen.  
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Saving Your Settings  
Saved Data  
You can create a new User Profile from the Controller Select Menu in  
any mode. Creating a User Profile allows you to save your controller  
settings and win/loss record.  
Saving a Game  
To create a new User Profile:  
1. On the Controller Select Menu, move left or right to assign your  
controller to a team.  
You can save a season from the League Home Menu and playoffs  
from the Playoffs Menu. Also, any time you choose to exit a season  
or playoffs, you will be asked if you would like to save. You can save  
directly to the Xbox console if there is enough free space on the  
hard disk, or you can save to a memory unit if you have one inserted  
into an expansion slot in your controller.  
2. Move up or down until “New Profile” appears, and then press A.  
3. Use the virtual keyboard to enter a name for your User Profile.  
When you are finished, highlight OK, and then press A.  
Loading a Game  
Note: You can also create a new User Profile by selecting Options from  
the Main Menu, and then selecting User Profiles.  
1. From the Main Menu, select Load Game.  
2. Pull the left or right trigger to select the device where the  
game is saved.  
Keep Your Eye on the Baller  
3. Move up or down to highlight the game you want to load.  
You’ll notice that icons will appear near certain players. If you’re  
wondering what they mean, check this out:  
4. Press A to load the game.  
Copying and Deleting Saved Games  
1. From the Main Menu, select Load Game.  
Currently controlled  
Player with the  
ball (Black)  
Hot streak  
2. Pull the left or right trigger to select the device where the  
game is saved.  
3. Move up or down to highlight the game you want to copy  
or delete.  
4. Press Y to copy the highlighted game, or press X to delete it.  
Cold streak  
Star player  
Good shooter  
Injured player  
Shake Things Up  
When your opponent is trying to concentrate on a foul shot,  
repeatedly tap X to make his controller vibrate.  
Fast runner  
High jumper  
Turbo meter  
Fatigue meter  
Shooting meter  
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GET SET UP: Adjusting Options  
When you select Options from the Main Menu, you can adjust the  
following options:  
GET A CLUE: Learning the Lingo  
A shot made from beyond the 3-point line. It’s  
worth three points instead of the usual two points.  
Game Settings:  
Adjust settings for gameplay, rules, sound,  
and visuals.  
A pass that is thrown toward the basket, then  
caught in midair and put into the basket by a  
teammate before he touches the ground again.  
User Profiles:  
Roster Editor:  
Create, copy, or delete User Profiles.  
Pick exactly who you want on your team  
without all the hassle of having to  
negotiate trades.  
Arm bar:  
To place your forearm on the back of an opponent to  
prevent him from overpowering you.  
Enter a cheat code to play by a different set  
of rules.  
A pass that immediately results in the teammate  
Check out the names of the real-life playaz  
who made NBA Inside Drive the slammin’  
experience that it is.  
Back down:  
To position your body against a defender, with your  
back to the basket, in an effort to get close to the  
basket before making a shot.  
To knock the ball away from the basket, preventing  
an opponent from scoring.  
Get Your Lean On  
Pull and hold the left trigger to back down on your defender. Then,  
when you’re ready to drive, let go of the trigger and move the left  
thumbstick left or right to spin past your opponent.  
Box out:  
To position your body between an opponent and the  
basket in an effort to get into a better position for  
a rebound.  
An offensive foul in which the player with the ball  
runs into a stationary defensive player.  
An important, high-pressure situation. Some players  
perform better in clutch situations.  
A dribble in which the ball is passed from one hand  
to the other. Also called “rocking the baby.”  
The team without the ball. They try to prevent the  
opposing team from scoring.  
A clever dribbling or body-fake move used to get  
past a defender. Derived from decoy.  
Double-team: To have two players guarding a single opponent.  
Dunk: To throw the ball directly down through the basket.  
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A screen play in which the screener moves, or  
“fades,” to the perimeter — usually the 3-point  
line — to spot up for the open jumper.  
To get control of the ball after a missed shot.  
The basketball.  
The most common type of screen play. The  
screener will move, or “roll,” to the basket with  
the intention of receiving the pass for the easy  
layup or dunk.  
Free throw:  
A shot made from the foul line after a foul has  
been called. Also called a “foul shot.”  
A rules violation that usually involves illegal  
physical contact with an opponent.  
To position yourself between a teammate and  
his defender in an effort to get your teammate  
open for a shot. Also called a “pick.”  
Hand check:  
An offensive foul in which the defender tries to  
prevent his opponent from scoring by keeping a  
hand on him.  
A screen play in which the screener will come and  
set the pick momentarily, and then quickly move,  
or “slip,” back to the basket, looking for the pass  
and easy score.  
Intentional foul: A foul committed on purpose.  
The rectangular area below the basket on either  
end of the court that is painted a different color.  
Also called the “key” or “paint.”  
To take the ball from an opponent.  
A situation in which a smaller or slower defender  
is guarding a bigger or faster offensive player. This  
is good if you’re on offense — bad if you’re not.  
A defensive tactic in which two defenders switch  
the players they are guarding when a screen play  
is attempted against them. This helps reduce the  
effectiveness of the screen play but may lead to a  
defensive mismatch.  
The team with the ball. They try to score.  
To give the ball to a teammate.  
Triple Threat:  
An offensive stance that puts the ballhandler in a  
position where he has three options: pass, shoot,  
or drive.  
An organized plan for a team to follow.  
A grouping of all the plays a single team  
may use.  
A quick burst of speed.  
Post up:  
To position your body against a defender, with  
your back to the basket, in an effort to get into  
a good position to receive a pass.  
To lose possession of the ball because of an  
offensive error or foul.  
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You’ll see the following ratings abbreviations when you look at  
your lineups, edit rosters, review player or team ratings, and sign,  
release, or trade players.  
Center (C):  
Plays closest to the basket and tries to  
block the ball. Usually the tallest person  
on the team. Also called the “pivot.”  
FLS: Fouls  
BLK: Blocking  
REB: Rebounding  
SPD: Speed  
Point Guard (PG):  
Of the two guards, he is the better  
ballhandler. Also called a “playmaker”  
because he runs the offense.  
HGT: Height  
WGT: Weight  
Power Forward (PF):  
Of the two forwards, he is the better  
JMP: Jumping  
STR: Strength  
STA: Stamina  
QUK: Quickness  
DNK: Dunking  
CLU: Clutch  
OVR: Overall  
SHT: Shooting  
DEF: Defense  
3PT: 3-point shooting  
Shooting Guard (SG): Of the two guards, he has better long-range  
shooting skills.  
Small Forward (SF):  
Of the two forwards, he is the better  
shooter and ballhandler.  
Free-throw shooting  
BLL: Ballhandling  
Post play  
PAS: Passing  
Like Taking Candy  
To try to steal the ball from your opponent, position your player in  
the path of a pass, and then press B when the ball gets close to  
your man.  
These ratings will appear when you’re reviewing player or team statistics.  
ORB: Total offensive  
RPG: Rebounds per game  
AST: Total assists  
MPG: Minutes per game  
PPG: Points per game  
PTS: Total points  
APG: Assists per game  
STL: Total steals  
FGM: Field goals made  
FGA: Field goals attempted  
FG%: Field-goal percentage  
3PM: 3-pointers made  
3PA: 3-pointers attempted  
3P%: 3-point percentage  
FTM: Free throws made  
FTA: Free throws attempted  
FT%: Free-throw percentage  
REB: Total rebounds  
SPG: Steals per game  
BLK: Total blocks  
BPG: Blocks per game  
Total turnovers  
FLS: Total fouls  
FPG: Fouls per game  
Games played  
Games started  
DQ: Total disqualifications  
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Limited Warranty For Your Copy of Xbox Game Software  
(“Game”) Acquired in the United States or Canada  
High Voltage Software  
Program Manager Darryl M. Lewis  
Game Designer Alan Shen  
Test Lead Fred L. Norton II  
Art Lead Rory Reich  
Producers Scott Slaby  
Brandon Fish  
Lead Developer Terry Wellmann  
Art Lead Kevin Howe  
Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) warrants to you, the original purchaser of the Game,  
that this Game will perform substantially as described in the accompanying manual for a  
period of 90 days from the date of first purchase. If you discover a problem with the Game  
covered by this warranty within the 90-day period, your retailer will repair or replace the  
Game at its option, free of charge, according to the process identified below. This limited  
warranty: (a) does not apply if the Game is used in a business or for a commercial  
purpose; and (b) is void if any difficulties with the Game are related to accident, abuse,  
virus or misapplication.  
Audio Director D. Chadd Portwine  
Content Lead Fred Northup, Jr.  
Audio Lead David Henry  
Developers Josh Dykstra  
Mike Henry  
Product Planner Tom Youtsey  
Product Manager John Rodman  
Peter G. Lewis  
Jason McClanahan  
Chris McCue  
Mark McNeill  
An Nguyen  
Pradyut Panda  
Erik Parker  
Dave Perea  
Nigel Rankin  
J.R. Scally  
Frank Lee Wilson  
Program Manager Jennifer Bixler  
Returns within 90-day period  
User Testing Lead Ramon Romero  
Product Support Scott Hirnle  
Warranty claims should be made to your retailer. Return the Game to your retailer along  
with a copy of the original sales receipt and an explanation of the difficulty you are  
experiencing with the Game. At its option, the retailer will either repair or replace the  
Game. Any replacement Game will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty  
period or 30 days from receipt, whichever is longer. If for any reason the Game cannot be  
repaired or replaced, you will be entitled to receive your direct (but no other) damages  
incurred in reasonable reliance but only up to the amount of the price you paid for the  
Game. The foregoing (repair, replacement or limited damages) is your exclusive remedy.  
Testers Joe Djorgee  
Mark Harrington  
Peter Hinze (Volt)  
Isaac Hunt  
Chad Long (Volt)  
Jeff Nelson  
Rahsaan Shareef  
Art Rich Coons  
Todd Kuehnl  
Dave Leung  
Mickey Monson  
Bryan Moss  
Boyoung Park  
Doug Petty  
Thomas Robins  
Scot Phillip Scott  
Charles Whitehead  
Chad Whitesell  
Farren Zargarpoor  
Art Ben Cammarano  
Kirk DeGrasse  
Kathy O’Keefe  
Kamal Siegel  
This limited warranty is in place of all other express or statutory warranties, conditions or  
duties and no others of any nature are made or shall be binding on Microsoft, its retailers  
or suppliers. Any implied warranties applicable to this Game or the media in which it is  
contained are limited to the 90-day period described above. To the full extent allowed by  
law, neither Microsoft, its RETAILERS OR suppliers are liable for any SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,  
MALFUNCTION OF THIS GAME. The foregoing applies even if any remedy fails of its  
essential purpose. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow limitations as to how long an  
implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential  
damages so the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This  
limited warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights that vary  
from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.  
Scott Swan  
Print Production Michelle Lomba  
Doug Startzel  
User Testing Kevin Keeker  
Kevin Decker*  
Audio Fred Love  
Tim Stasica  
Sonny Hoe*  
Bruce Phillips*  
David Quiroz*  
CEO/Founder Kerry J. Ganofsky  
President John Kopecky  
Content Kirsten Andrews  
Coordination Todd Van Horne (Modis)  
VP of  
Development Dwight Luetscher  
Commentary Kevin Calabro  
Marques Johnson  
Akemi Takei  
VP of Creative  
For questions regarding this warranty, contact your retailer or Microsoft at:  
Content Eric Nofsinger  
Xbox Product Registration  
Microsoft Corporation  
One Microsoft Way  
Software Dev.  
Eric Radovich  
Manager Jesse Helton  
*(Siemens Business  
Office Manager Bridget Ranieri  
IT Director Raymond Bailey  
Redmond, WA 98052-9953 USA  
In the U.S. or Canada, call 1-800-4MY-XBOX. TTY users: 1-866-740-XBOX.  
Music by Sir Mix-A-Lot, L.A. Symphony, Stan LePard, Tim Stasica, and Fred Love.  
Special thanks to Greg Lassen of the NBA.  
Additional motions captured by Red Eye Studios — Hoffman Estates, IL.  
Thanks to the localization teams in Redmond and Dublin.  
See the in-game credits for a complete list of the NBA Inside Drive 2002 team members.  
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In Canada, call 1-900-561-HINT. $1.50 (Canadian) per minute.  
Xbox Live Game Tips: Available 7 days a week including holidays,  
6 A.M. to 10 P.M. Pacific time.  
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In the U.S., call 1-900-933-TIPS. $1.40 per minute.  
In Canada, call 1-900-561-HINT. $1.50 (Canadian) per minute.  
Microsoft, Xbox, and the Xbox logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft  
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The NBA and individual NBA member team identifications reproduced on this product are trademarks  
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NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective NBA member teams and may not be used, in whole or in part,  
without the prior written consent of NBA Properties, Inc. All rights reserved.  
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2001 NBA Properties, Inc.  
All rights reserved.  
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be trademarks of their  
respective owners.  
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.  
Data Source: STATS, Inc. 2001.  
Games Technical Support: Available 7 days a week including holidays.  
In the U.S. or Canada, call 1-800-4MY-XBOX. TTY users: 1-866-740-XBOX.  
In Mexico, call 001-866-745-83-12. TTY users: 001-866-251-26-21.  
Uses Bink Video. Copyright 1997-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.  
Note: Game tips are not available from 1-800-4MY-XBOX. You must call Xbox  
Automated Game Tips or Xbox Live Game Tips for tips, hints, or codes.  
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