IBM Laptop 380XD User Manual

IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD  
Setup Guide  
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IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD  
Setup Guide  
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First Edition (November 1997)  
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This publication could include technical inaccuracies or  
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make improvements or changes in the products or the  
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IBM, ThinkPad, and TrackPoint are trademarks of the  
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Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows 95  
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Requests for technical information about IBM products  
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Copyright International Business Machines  
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Checking Your Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Setting Up Your Computer  
Setting Up Windows 95  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
Registering Your Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Shutting Down Windows 95  
Getting More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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iv IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Checking Your Items  
Welcome to the world of ThinkPad computers!  
First, remove the items from the shipping box. Match the items, one by one, with the following figures. If any item is  
missing or damaged, contact your place of purchase.  
Battery Pack  
AC Adapter  
Power Cord  
Note: In some countries, a 3-pin power cord (different  
from the one shown) comes with your computer.  
In this case, make sure you read the electrical  
safety notice on page 3.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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Recovery CD-ROM Package  
ThinkPad Manuals  
Setup Guide (this book)  
User's Guide  
Note: If your computer is not preloaded with Windows 95,  
the Recovery CD-ROM package does not come  
with the computer.  
ThinkPad Envelope  
Introducing Microsoft Windows 95, the Windows 95  
user's guide (with a CD-ROM)  
This envelope contains:  
International Service Information  
International Program License Agreement booklet  
International Program License Agreement information  
Multilingual License Information  
Other brochures and flyers  
Note: If your computer is not preloaded with Windows  
95, the book does not come with the computer.  
IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Electrical Safety Notice: If a 3-pin power cord came with your computer, you need to follow this safety notice.  
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous. To avoid shock  
hazard, connect and disconnect cables as shown below when installing, moving, or opening the covers  
of product or attached devices. The 3-pin power cord must be used with a properly grounded outlet.  
Note: In the U.K., by law:  
The telephone line cable must be connected after the power cord.  
The power cord must be disconnected after the telephone line cable.  
Checking Your Items  
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IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Setting Up Your Computer  
You are now ready to assemble and start your computer.  
2 Install the battery pack.  
a) Pull the battery-pack lock upward 1 .  
1 Turn the computer upside down.  
The battery pack provided with your  
computer contains a small amount of  
harmful substances. To avoid possible  
Keep the battery pack away from fire.  
b) Install the battery pack as shown 2 , sliding the  
battery-pack lock toward the rear of the  
computer 3 .  
Do not expose the battery pack to  
water or rain.  
Do not attempt to disassemble the  
battery pack.  
Avoid mechanical shocks to the  
Always use battery packs  
recommended by IBM.  
Keep the battery pack away from  
When disposing of the battery, comply  
with local ordinances or regulations or  
your company's safety standards.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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c) Press the battery-pack lock downward 4 .  
5 Connect the AC Adapter to the computer  
as shown.  
3 Turn the computer over again.  
4 Connect your printer.  
If you have a printer, open the connector cover of  
your computer, and connect the printer cable to the  
parallel port. Then turn the printer power on.  
IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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6 Open the liquid crystal display.  
7 Turn the power on.  
a) Press the liquid crystal display (LCD) latches  
a) Push and release the power switch to turn the  
computer 1 on. The power switch  
1 and open the LCD 2 .  
automatically snaps back to its original position.  
b) Position the LCD so that it is convenient for  
viewing. The LCD opens up to 135°.  
b) Adjust the brightness (for a TFT display model)  
and the contrast (for an HPA display model) of  
the display with the brightness control or the  
contrast control 2 .  
Do not force the LCD to open flat.  
Setting Up Your Computer  
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After a single beep, the “Regional Settings” window  
Congratulations if you have the window successfully  
displayed! Move on to the following chapter, “Setting  
Up Windows 95.”  
If any other window appears, a failure might have  
occurred in the computer. See the ThinkPad User's  
If you do not know how to operate with the TrackPoint  
III, see the following information.  
IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Using the TrackPoint III  
The TrackPoint III is a unique device for moving the pointer on the screen. The left and right click buttons function  
like the left and right click buttons on a mouse. So you can perform all the mouse operations with the TrackPoint III.  
To move the pointer, press gently on the red-topped stick at the center of the keyboard with your left or right index  
finger in the direction you want it to move. To select and drag an object, press and hold one of the click buttons  
with either thumb as required by your software.  
Click means to press the left click button once. Double-click means to press the left click button twice within 1  
Right click button  
Left click button  
For more information about the TrackPoint III, see the ThinkPad User's Guide.  
Setting Up Your Computer  
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10 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Setting Up Windows 95  
Note: If the system stops while you are setting up  
Windows 95, turn the power off and then on again.  
The following window should be displayed on your screen:  
3 Type your name (and company name, if necessary)  
in the fields. Then click on Next. The “License  
Agreement” window appears:  
1 From the list, select the language you will be using.  
Then click on Next. The “Keyboard Layout” window  
2 From the list, select the keyboard you will be using.  
Then click on Next. The “User Information” window  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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4 Read the contents of the window. If you accept the  
agreement, click on I accept the agreement. Then  
click on Next. The “Certificate of Authenticity”  
window appears:  
6 Click on Finish to start Windows 95. Some  
messages might appear, and then the “Date/Time  
Properties” window appears:  
5 Look at the cover page of Introducing Microsoft  
Windows 95. On your “Certificate of Authenticity,”  
find the “Product ID” above the bar code. In the  
three input fields of the window, type that number.  
Then click on Next. The “Start Wizard” window  
7 Click on  
and select from the list the region  
closest to your location.  
If you do not want to automatically adjust the clock  
for daylight saving time, remove the check from the  
checkbox ( ), by clicking on the check mark in the  
12 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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8 Click on the tab for Date & Time and go to that  
page. Check that the date and time are correct. If  
not, adjust them. Click on Close. The first “Add  
Printer Wizard” window appears:  
10 Look for your printer manufacturer in the  
Manufacturers list.  
If your manufacturer is listed:  
Note: If you do not have a printer, or want to set up  
a printer later, click on Cancel and skip the  
remaining steps. The setup is finished and  
you can start using your computer. You can  
set up a printer later by clicking on Start,  
Settings, Printer after you start Windows 95.  
a) Click on your printer manufacturer.  
If your printer model is listed in the Printers list:  
b) Select your printer from the list and click on  
If your manufacturer or printer is not listed:  
a) Click on Have Disk. The “Install from Disk”  
9 Click on Next to set up your printer. The second  
window appears.  
“Add Printer Wizard” window appears:  
b) Insert the device driver diskettes that came with  
your printer into the diskette drive and click on  
c) Select your printer from the list and click on  
Setting Up Windows 95 13  
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The third “Add Printer Wizard” window appears:  
12 Type in a name you want for your printer, and click  
on Next. (You can use the name supplied.) The  
last “Add Printer Wizard” window appears.  
13 Select Yes and click on Finish. A test page is  
14 Did the test page print correctly?  
Click on Yes if so. The Windows 95 desktop  
Click on No if not. The “Windows Help” window  
appears. Follow this window and solve your  
printer problem.  
You can now start using your computer by reading the  
ThinkPad User's Guide.  
11 Select the port you want to use with the printer, and  
click on Next. (LPT1 is a default selection.) The  
fourth “Add Printer Wizard” window appears:  
To shut down your computer, go to “Shutting Down  
Windows 95.”  
14 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Registering Your Computer  
After setting up Windows 95, take a few moments to  
complete the ThinkPad registration. The information  
provided by you will help IBM to better serve you in the  
future. To register with Windows 95 desktop, do the  
Note: If your computer uses other operating system, go to  
the following web site to complete registration.  
1 Double-click on the Register icon (  
2 Follow the instructions on the screen to complete  
the registration.  
If you want to register your computer later, follow  
the same procedure.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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16 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Shutting Down Windows 95  
When you are finished setting up Windows 95 and you  
want to shut down, do the following:  
2 Click on Shut Down. A confirmation message  
appears. Shut down the computer? is the default  
1 Click on Start at the bottom left corner of the  
screen. The following menu appears:  
3 Click on Yes if you want to shut down the computer.  
The power turns off automatically.  
When you finish using an application software program  
and you want to shut down the computer, close the  
program first, and then use this procedure to shut  
down Windows 95.  
To prevent damage to your computer files, make sure  
that you shut down Windows 95 every time you finish.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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18 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Getting More Information  
After you have completed setting up your computer and Windows 95, you can start using your computer:  
If you want to learn more about your computer, refer to the ThinkPad User's Guide. It gives you the  
following information:  
– Learning about the hardware features  
– Using the ThinkPad Configuration program and Easy-Setup  
– Installing options and operating the computer  
– Using battery power  
– Using the security features  
– Solving computer problems  
– Getting service  
– Learning about specifications and product warranties  
If you want to perform more complicated tasks with your computer, refer to the ThinkPad Online Book. It  
gives you the following information:  
– Using your computer in foreign countries  
– Using a PC Card  
– Resolving system resource conflicts  
– Installing software  
– Controlling and managing systems over a network  
– Solving computer problems  
Note: To start the ThinkPad Online Book, refer to the ThinkPad User's Guide.  
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997  
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Your ThinkPad computer provides two ways to recover lost or damaged software, the Diskette Factory program and  
the Recovery CD. For details, refer to the ThinkPad User's Guide.  
If your computer is not preloaded with Windows 95, the Recovery CD does not come with the computer.  
Note: You can get support information through the IBM Internet home page, at the following URL:  
20 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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You can identify the hardware features on your computer here.  
Front View  
Built-in microphone  
LCD latches  
Indicator panel  
Color LCD screen  
Brightness control  
(for a TFT display model)  
Fn key  
Contrast control  
(for an HPA display model)  
TrackPoint III  
Palm rest  
Fan louver  
Infrared port  
Diskette drive  
Diskette eject button  
CD-ROM emergency eject hole  
CD-ROM eject button  
Stereo Speakers  
CD-ROM drive in-use indicator  
CD-ROM drive  
Getting More Information 21  
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Rear View  
External battery indicator  
External suspend mode  
Hard disk drive  
Security keyhole  
PC Card eject buttons  
Connector cover  
PC Card slots  
Volume control  
Microphone/line-in jack  
Headphone jack  
Power switch  
External-input-device connector  
Power jack  
Universal serial bus (USB) port  
Serial connector  
Parallel connector  
External-monitor connector  
22 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Bottom View (with Battery Pack Installed)  
Getting More Information 23  
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24 IBM ThinkPad 380XD/385XD Setup Guide  
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Part Number: 05L2144  
Printed in the United States of America  
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