Global Machinery Company Power Hammer MRHD1500CF User Manual

SUPER BLAST” Rotary Hammer Drill  
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Key Features & Benefits  
Super Powerful 1500w Motor  
Ample power to drive the rota ry pneuma tic mec ha nism to deliver a n impressive  
3.5J of impa c t forc e. Henc e the na me “Super Bla st”  
Carbon Fibre & Magnesium Construction  
Delivering the la test in ma nufa c turing tec hnology for exc eption dura bility a nd  
strength whilst delivering the lightest possible c onstruc tion a t a round 5.2kgs.  
3 Modes of Operation  
1. Drilling with no ha mmer a c tion  
2. Drilling with ha mmer a c tion  
3. Ha mmer a c tion with no rota tion, used for c hiselling  
SDS Plus Bit Change System  
For ra pid a c c essory c ha nges with a mec ha nism designed to withsta nd the ma ssive  
impa c t forc e required for this type of c onc rete a nd ma sonry work tool  
Safety Clutch System  
This protec ts the opera tor in the event tha t the a c c essory is ja mmed  
Variable Speed  
Allows for tota l c ontrol when used for drilling a pplic a tions  
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MRHD1500C F – Super Bla st” Rota ry Ha mmer Drill  
Key Features  
Internal safety clutch to  
protect the operator in  
case of jammed bits  
Variable speed for  
optimum control and  
penetration for various  
SDS-Plus fitment  
system for rapid tool  
free bit changes with  
maximum energy  
transfer rate  
3 Way Mode Selector  
for rapid changing of  
the various functions  
360˚ Adjustable side  
handle with depth  
gauge allowing for use  
in the most convenient  
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MRHD1500C F – Super Bla st” Rota ry Ha mmer Drill  
Typic al Applic ations  
• Demolition of c onc rete sla bs a nd bric k wa lls  
• C ha sing (c ha nnelling) of c onc rete to run c a bles a nd pipe  
• Lifting of tiles a nd pa vers  
• C onventiona l ma sonry drilling  
• C onventiona l Steel & Wood drilling using the keyed c huc k a da ptor  
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3BVSIPC F – Unlimited Reba te Pla ner  
Spec ific ation Sheet  
Tec hnic a l Spec ific a tions  
Supplied Ac c essories  
Input Power  
750wa tts  
500 - 15,000rpm  
880 – 2700bpm  
1 x 13mm Keyed C huc k  
No Load Speed  
Impacts Per Minute  
Bit Fitment  
1 x G rea se Pot  
1 x Side Ha ndle & Depth Rod  
1 x Pin Wrenc h  
Impact Force  
1 x C a rry C a se  
Modes of Operation  
Max Drilling Capacity  
into Masonry  
Net Weight  
C a rbon Fibre & Ma gnesium  
2 Yea r Repa ir or Repla c ement  
for Domestic Home Use  
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MRHD1500C F – Super Bla st” Rota ry Ha mmer Drill  
Operating Tips  
1. Tha t the more downwa rd forc e you a pply to the tool, the less effic ient they  
a re in their opera tion.  
2. Some ma c hines from new ma y not enga ge the ha mmer func tion a nd require  
a solid ta p to a ha rd surfa c e to the tip of a bit whic h ha s been fitted to the  
tool. Ra rely would this ever need to be done a ga in  
3. When performing overhea d work a lwa ys use the supplied rubber dust c huc k  
c over. Ma sonry dust is both fine a nd very a bra sive a nd will finds its wa y into  
the ma c hines interna ls a nd da ma ge the mec ha nism  
4. Ensure you top up the gea rbox grea se a c c ording to the instruc tion ma nua l.  
With prolonged use, the interna l grea se hea ts up a nd softens a nd slowly  
ma kes its wa y out through the c huc k sleeve.  
5. When using the meta l c huc k a da ptor, remember this is for non ma sonry  
drilling only! The high impa c t genera ted by rota ry ha mmer drills will  
disintegra te the c huc k in a short period of time.  
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MRHD1500C F – Super Bla st” Rota ry Ha mmer Drill  
Frequently Asked Questions  
Q: How does a Rotary Hammer drill work?  
A: A sma ll piston opera ted by the elec tric motor pushes c ompressed a ir a ga inst a  
meta l spring loa ded pla te whic h in turn hea vily impa c ts with the drive sha ft  
c onnec ted to the c huc k. Ea c h single impa c t of energy delivered is mea sured in  
NB: A joule is the work done or energy required to exert a forc e of one newton for a dista nc e of 1mtr.  
Q: What is SDS all about?  
A: An a c ronym for “Stic k Rota te Sea t” , though there a re ma ny other versions a nd its  
diffic ult to know whic h is c orrec t. It wa s system developed by Bosc h whic h there a re  
severa l forms a va ila ble suc h a s SDS, SDS PLUS a nd SDS MAX. Ba sic a lly the differenc e is  
their inc rea sed duty ra ting a nd size of the a ssoc ia ted bits. Bec a use of this spec ia l  
fitment, a “C huc k Ada ptor must be fitted to be a ble to use sta nda rd round sha nk drill  
SDS Fitment Slots  
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MRHD1500C F – Super Bla st” Rota ry Ha mmer Drill  

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