Genelec Portable Speaker 8240A User Manual

Operating Manual  
8240A and 8250A DSP Loudspeakers  
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Congratulations and a thank-you for the purchase of this Genelec 8200 Series DSP Loudspeaker. These  
systems are designed to integrate easily into the digital production environment. There are several ways  
to configure and operate the DSP loudspeakers for a wide variety of high quality audio applications. The  
loudspeakers also have analog inputs, making them versatile and intelligent replacements for analog  
This manual addresses setting up and using the 8240A and 8250A DSP loudspeakers in stand-alone  
mode without the Genelec Loudspeaker Manager GLM™ and the proprietary Genelec loudspeaker  
control network. Use with the GLM™ is described in the DSP System Operating Manual.  
EC Declaration Of Conformity  
This is to certify that Genelec 8240A and 8250A DSP loudspeakers conform to the following standards:  
Safety: EN 60065: 2002 / IEC 60065:2001 7th Edition  
EMC: EN 55020 : 2002 + A1 : 2003, EN 55013: (2001), EN 61000-3-2 (2000) and EN 61000-3-3 (1995)  
The products herewith comply with the requirements of The Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, EMC  
Directive 89/336/EEC and 93/68/EEC  
Ilpo Martikainen  
Chairman of the Board  
Compliance to FCC Rules  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
This device may not cause harmful interference, and  
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause  
undesired operation.  
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against  
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harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio  
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the  
interference by one or more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the  
equipment under FCC rules.  
Genelec 8240A and 8250A DSP Loudspeakers are designed for precise monitoring of 24 bit/192  
kHz AES/EBU digital audio signal or line level analog audio signal. They are fully compatible with  
Genelec Loudspeaker Manager GLM™ and the proprietary Genelec loudspeaker control network, and  
Genelec 7260A, 7270A and 7271A DSP Active Subwoofers, but can also be used independently of  
these. The 8240A and 8250A feature high SPL output, low colouration and broad bandwidth in a small  
enclosure size. They are suitable for a wide variety of tasks, such as near field monitoring, mobile vans,  
broadcast and TV control rooms, surround sound systems and home studios. The Minimum Diffraction  
Enclosure™ (MDE™) and advanced Directivity Control Waveguide™ (DCW™) technologies provide  
excellent frequency balance even in difficult acoustic environments.  
The bass driver dimensions are 165 mm (6 1/2”) and 205 mm (8") for 8240A and 8250A respectively. The  
long, flow optimized reflex tube has a large cross sectional area and terminates with a wide flare at the  
back of the enclosure. The high frequency driver is a 19 mm (3/4”) metal dome on the 8240A and a 25  
mm (1") metal dome on the 8250A. All drivers are magnetically shielded.  
The amplifier unit is mounted in the rear of the loudspeaker enclosure. The unit incorporates special  
circuitry for driver thermal overload protection. Variable input sensitivity allows accurate level matching to  
console output section.  
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The 8240A and 8250A accept both analogue line level input signals and AES/EBU formatted digital input  
When the 8240A and 8250A are not connected to Genelec loudspeaker control network, they operate  
in the stand-alone mode. However, settings made with the Genelec Loudspeaker Manager software can  
be saved into each loudspeaker and applied even when the network is disconnected by setting switch 1  
“STORED/MANUAL CONTROLon switch group 2 of each loudspeaker to position “STORED.”  
This manual concentrates on using the 8240A and 8250A without the control network. All issues concerning  
use with the network are explained in detail in the System Operating Manual provided with the GLM™  
Loudspeaker Manager software kit.  
Each loudspeaker is supplied with a mains cable, one 5 m GLM network cable and an operating manual.  
Before connecting up, ensure that the mains switch is off.  
“MAINS INPUT” connector  
Connect the mains supply to this connector.  
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“DIGITAL IN AES/EBU” connector  
Use this female XLR connector for AES/EBU formatted digital audio input signals. This input is selected  
automatically when a valid digital audio signal is present, and overrides the analogue input.  
Depending on the digital hardware, transmission of a 192 kHz sample rate is achieved using a double  
speed, single channel/cable interface. This is called dual-wire mode. In this case one cable per channel is  
used and no channel selection is required. Dual-wire mode is automatically detected by the input stage.  
If the digital source device has a digital level monitor pot or graphical volume fader that controls the  
digital level, it may be advantageous to lower the level control either on the computer interface or the  
loudspeaker’s back panel controls, which in turn will force the use of more of the digital [bit] resolution in  
the volume control.  
If the digital inputs are used, all audio outputs are referenced to 0 dBFS (digital Full Scale, the largest  
level that may be represented in the AES/EBU signal). Genelec DSP loudspeakers produce 100 dB SPL  
at 1 meter in free space for a digital input signal of –30 dB FS. It is advantageous to keep the digital level  
as high as possible.  
“DIGITAL THRU AES/EBU” connector  
This male XLR carries an unaltered copy of the digital signal fed into the “DIGITAL IN AES/EBU” connector.  
It can be used for daisy-chaining up to four loudspeakers together.  
ANALOG IN” connector  
Use this connector for analog audio signals. When operating an 8200 Digital system in the analog mode  
the A/D converter must not be overloaded, otherwise distortion will be heard. The maximum analog input  
level is +18.5 dBu peak.  
If the “Level” control on the 8200 back panel is reduced (turned counter-clockwise), the acoustic output will  
be reduced. This control decreases the output from the D/A converters. Ideally the Level control should  
be set to force the use of more of the input range of the A/D converter without overloading it. Remember,  
there is no headroom above the maximum input to the A/D conversion. Once the analog signal reaches  
+18.5 dBu, it attains the value “digital 1” or 0 dBFS.  
“CONTROL NETWORK” connectors  
Use these RJ-45 sockets to connect the loudspeaker to the proprietary Genelec Loudspeaker Manager™  
(GLM™) network only. This connector is not Ethernet LAN compatible. Do not connect to Ethernet LAN.  
Front panel warning light  
Normally the light on the front panel of an 8200 loudspeaker is green, indicating that the loudspeaker is  
in normal operational mode.  
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The overload light (red) is activated by several events,  
exceeding the maximum input range of the analog input  
exceeding the maximum input range of the digital input with large probability  
exceeding the output capacity of the power amplifier (clipping in the power amplifier) and thermal  
overload of the power amplifier or loudspeaker drivers (thermal protection has activated)  
if an error is detected in the AES/EBU audio data  
If a red warning light appears, turn the analog source down! If the levels are already modest and a digital  
signal is being used, ensure that there are no bit errors in the AES/EBU digital audio data.  
Align the loudspeakers correctly  
Always place the loudspeakers so that their acoustic axes are aimed towards  
the listening position. Vertical placement is preferable, as it minimises acoustical  
cancellation problems around the crossover frequency.  
Maintain symmetry  
Check that the loudspeakers are placed symmetrically and at an equal distance  
from the listening position. If possible, place the system so that the listening  
position is on the centerline of the room and the loudspeakers are placed at an  
equal distance from the centerline.  
Minimise reflections  
Acoustic reflections from objects close to the loudspeakers like desks, cabinets, computer monitors etc.  
can cause unwanted colouration and blurring of the sound image. These can be minimised by placing  
the loudspeaker clear of reflective surfaces. For instance, putting the loudspeakers on stands behind and  
above the mixing console usually gives a better result than placing them on the meter bridge. Symmetrical  
positioning of the reflective objects is also importent in order to maintain a balanced soundstage.  
Minimum clearances  
Sufficient cooling for the amplifier and functioning of the reflex port must be ensured if the loudspeaker is  
installed in a restricted space such as a cabinet, or integrated into a wall structure. The surroundings of  
the loudspeaker must always be open to the listening room with a minimum clearance of 5 centimeters  
(2") behind, above and on both sides of the loudspeaker. The space adjacent to the amplifier must either  
be ventilated or sufficiently large to dissipate heat so that the ambient temperature does not rise above  
35 degrees Celsius (95°F).  
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Mounting options  
The vibration insulating Isolation Positioner/Decoupler™ (Iso-Pod™) table stand allows tilting of the  
loudspeaker for correct alignment of the acoustic axis. The stand can be attached to three mounting  
points allowing vertical and symmetrical horizontal positioning.  
Genelec 8240A and 8250A can be fitted to König & Meyer loudspeaker mounts on two sets of M6x10  
mm threaded holes on the back of the enclosure. On the base of the enclosure is an M10x10 mm  
threaded hole which can be used for securing the loudspeaker to its base. Do not use this thread for  
mounting the loudspeaker on a microphone stand which has a 3/8" UNC thread. A wide variety of  
ceiling and wall mounts is available through your Genelec dealer.  
Setting the input sensitivity  
The loudspeaker level sensitivity functions for both analog and digital input. The sensitivity can be matched  
by adjusting the rotary Level control together with the System Level switches located in the switch group  
2. (switches 6 and 7). The switches provide attenuation levels of -10 dB (sw. 6 ON), -20 dB (sw. 7 ON)  
and -30 dB (both switches ON) The combined attenuation ranges from 0 to -42 dB.  
Functions on switch group 1 (Tone controls)  
Switch group 1 (the upper switch group) comprises the tone controls that can be used to adjust the  
frequency response of the system in stand-alone mode to match the acoustic environment. The  
controls are labelled "TREBLE TILT", "BASS TILT", "BASS ROLL-OFF" and “DESKTOP”. The factory  
settings for these controls are all "OFF" to give a flat anechoic response. Note that these controls have  
no effect when switch 1 “STORED/MANUAL CONTROLon switch group 2 is set to “STORED” or  
when the loudspeaker is connected to the Genelec loudspeaker control network.  
Bass Roll-Off control  
Bass Roll-Off control (switches 1 and 2) affects the low frequency roll-off of the loudspeaker and attenuates  
its output near the cut-off frequency. Attenuation levels of -2 dB (sw. 1 ON), -4 dB (sw. 2 ON) or -6 dB  
(both switches ON) can be selected.  
Bass Tilt control  
The Bass Tilt control switches (swiches 3 and 4) offer three attenuation levels for the bass response below  
800 Hz, usually necessary when the loudspeakers are placed near room boundaries. The attenuation levels  
are -2 dB, -4 dB and -6 dB.  
Desktop low frequency control  
The desktop low frequency control (switch 5) attenuates the bass frequencies around 160 Hz by 4 dB.  
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This feature is designed to compensate for the boost often occurring at this frequency range when the  
loudspeaker is placed upon a meter bridge, table or similar reflective surface.  
Treble Tilt control  
Treble Tilt control (switches 6 and 7) allows adjusting the treble response above 5 kHz by +2 dB, -2 dB or  
-4 dB, which can be used for correcting an excessively bright or dull sounding system or to compensate  
for high frequency level loss if the loudspeaker is placed behind a screen.  
An acoustic measuring system such as MLSSA or WinMLS is recommended for analyzing the effects of  
the adjustments, however, careful listening with suitable test recordings can also lead to good results if a  
test system is not available. The table below shows some typical settings in various situations.  
Always start adjustment by setting all switches to "OFF” position. Measure or listen systematically through  
the different combinations of settings to find the best frequency balance. See table below for some typical  
settings in various situations. Please note that the GLM Loudspeaker Controller allows a much more  
versatile and precise set of controls to be used, and supports the fully automatic system alignment feature,  
the Genelec AutoCal.  
Loudspeaker Mounting Position  
Flat anechoic response  
Treble Tilt  
Bass Tilt  
Bass Roll-Off  
Free standing in a damped room  
-2 dB  
Free standing in a reverberant  
-4 dB  
Near field on a reflective surface  
In a corner  
-2 dB  
-4 dB  
-4 dB  
-4 dB  
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Functions on Switch Group 2  
Stored / Manual Ctrl  
This allows the selection between two basic methods of controlling the loudspeaker in the stand-alone  
mode. “MANUAL CTRLrefers to controlling the loudspeaker using the controls on the loudspeaker’s  
back panel. The “STORED” refers to using settings stored inside the memory of the loudspeaker. These  
settings are made using the GLM and the GLM Control Network. There is additional functionality compared  
to that offered by the room response correction switches on the back panel. Note that setting the selector  
to “STORED” overrides all back panel switches except “DRIVER MUTE”. These switches only have effect  
when the selector is set to “MANUAL CTRL.  
This selects the audio channel(s) available on the AES/EBU cable to be reproduced by the loudspeaker.  
Turning both switches on reproduces the sum of the two channels on the AES/EBU cable. Turning both  
switches off has the same effect which has been done deliberately to avoid the situation where no input  
channel is selected and the loudspeaker is effectively muted. When two channels are selected, 6 dB of  
attenuation is automatically applied to avoid overloading the loudspeaker.  
If the AES/EBU cable is operated in dual-wire mode (typically 192 kHz sampling frequency) one AES/  
EBU cable carries only one audio channel. The loudspeaker detects this situation automatically and the  
channel selection switches have no effect.  
Driver Mute  
These two switches allow you to mute the treble driver (marking TW) and bass driver (marking WF)  
independently. This may be useful to diagnose if a transducer is faulty.  
System Lvl  
These switches allow scaling down of the loudspeaker output. The signal sent to the “Thru” output  
connector is not affected. The switches are additive, for example, “–30 dB” attenuation is achieved by  
turning on the “–10 dB” and “–20 dB” switches. The effect of these switches is combined with the effect of  
the rotary level adjustment control. This results in total possible attenuation of 42 dB, 30 dB by the system  
level switches and another 12 dB by the rotary control.  
Using 7000 Series Analog Subwoofers with 8200 Series DSP Loudspeakers  
Please follow the steps below to integrate an analog subwoofer into a system of DSP loudspeakers:  
Connect cables carrying analog audio to the 7000 Series analogue subwoofer first.  
Connect the subwoofer outputs to the analog inputs of the 8200 Series DSP main loudspeakers.  
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Connect the GLM Control Network to the main loudspeakers.  
Make a System Setup in GLM. It will consist of main loudspeakers as this is all the network  
can see, so suitable Rapid Cabling Presets are “Stereo Pair (Analog)” and “5.0 Surround System  
Run AutoCal and review and the results to check for large dips at or above 85Hz. Move the  
loudspeakers and repeat AutoCal if there is a problem.  
Press “Finish”, then in the Main Page select “Menu | Store Acoustic Settings to All Online  
Loudspeakers” and close GLM.  
For each DSP loudspeaker, turn it off, select “Stored” on the back of each loudspeaker to enable  
the internal Acoustic Settings, and then turn it on again.  
To set the phase control on the subwoofer, connect the Center channel output of the subwoofer  
to the loudspeaker to be used to align phase.  
Follow the instructions in the subwoofer user manual for setting phase and level.  
No user serviceable parts are to be found within the loudspeaker enclosure. Any maintenance or repair  
of the loudspeaker should only be undertaken by qualified service personnel.  
Safety considerations  
Although the 8240A and 8250A have been designed in accordance with international safety standards,  
to ensure safe operation and to maintain the loudspeaker under safe operating conditions, the following  
warnings and precautions must be observed:  
1. Servicing and adjustment must only be performed by qualified service personnel.  
The loudspeaker enclosure must not be opened.  
2. Do not use this product with an unearthed mains cable or a mains connection without the  
protective earth contact as this may lead to personal injury.  
3. To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose the unit to water or moisture.  
Do not place any objects filled with liquid, such as vases on the loudspeaker or near it.  
4. Note that the amplifier is not completely disconnected from the AC mains service unless  
the mains power cord is removed from the amplifier or the mains outlet.  
5. Free flow of air behind the loudspeaker is necessary to maintain sufficient cooling.  
Do not obstruct airflow around the loudspeakers.  
Genelec 8240A and 8250A loudspeakers are capable of producing sound pressure levels in excess of  
85 dB, which may cause permanent hearing damage.  
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Genelec 8240A and 8250A are supplied with one year guarantee against manufacturing faults or defects  
that might alter the performance of the loudspeakers. Refer to supplier for full sales and guarantee  
8240A Accessories  
Order code  
Floor stand (K&M 26740-000-58)  
Wall mount, black (K&M 24180-000-55)  
Wall mount, white (K&M 24180-000-57)  
Wall bracket, black (K&M 24475-000-55)  
Wall bracket, white (K&M 24475-000-57)  
Table stand (K&M 23310-370-55)  
Stand plate for 8040 Iso-Pod (K&M 19624-300-55)  
Ceiling mount, black (K&M 24490-000-55)  
Truss mount kit, black (K&M 24495-000-55)  
Adapter for 36 mm tube, black (K&M 24521-300-55 )  
Security wire, (K&M 24521-901-55)  
Soft carrying bag for two loudspeakers  
Flush mount kit  
8250A Accessories  
Order code  
Floor stand (K&M 26740-000-58)  
Wall bracket, black (K&M 24475-000-55)  
Wall bracket, white (K&M 24475-000-57)  
Stand plate for 8050 Iso-Pod (K&M 19625-300-55)  
Ceiling mount, black (K&M 24490-000-55)  
Truss mount kit, black (K&M 24495-000-55)  
Adapter for 36 mm tube, black (K&M 24521-300-55 )  
Security wire, (K&M 24521-901-55)  
Soft carrying bag for one loudspeaker  
Flush mount kit  
Not all accessories available in all regions. Consult region specific website or your local distributor/dealer  
for complete list of 8200 Accessories in your country.  
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Lower cut-off frequency, -3 dB  
Upper cut-off frequency, -3 dB  
≤ 45 Hz  
≥ 21 kHz  
≤ 35 Hz  
≥ 21 kHz  
Free field frequency response of system (± 1.0 dB)  
48 Hz - 20 kHz  
38 Hz - 20 kHz  
Maximum short term sine wave acoustic output on axis in half  
space, averaged from 100 Hz to 3 kHz  
@ 1 m  
≥ 105 dB SPL  
≥ 111 dB SPL  
≥ 110 dB SPL  
≥ 116 dB SPL  
@0.5 m  
Maximum long term RMS acoustic output in same conditions with ≥ 99 dB SPL  
IEC weighted noise (limited by driver unit protection circuit) @1 m  
≥ 101 dB SPL  
≥ 120 dB SPL  
≤ 10 dB  
Maximum peak acoustic output per pair above console top, @1 m ≥ 115 dB SPL  
from the engineer with music material  
Self generated noise level in free field @1m on axis (A-weighted) ≤ 10 dB  
Harmonic distortion at 90 dB SPL @1m on axis  
50 to 100 Hz  
> 100 Hz  
< 2 %  
< 0.5 %  
< 2 %  
< 0.5 %  
165 mm (6 1/2")  
19 mm (3/4")  
metal dome  
205 mm (8")  
25 mm (1")  
metal dome  
Both drivers are magnetically shielded  
9,4 kg (20,8 lbs)  
14,6 kg (32 lbs)  
Height (without Iso-Pod table support)  
350 mm (13 13/16“)  
365 mm (14 3/8“)  
237 mm (9 3/8“)  
433 mm (17 1/16")  
452 mm (17 13/16")  
286 mm (11 1/4")  
278 mm (10 15/16")  
Height (including Iso-Pod table support)  
223 mm (8 13/16“)  
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Analog audio input connector  
XLR female, pin 1 gnd, pin 2 +, pin 3 -  
10 kOhm balanced  
Analog audio input impedance  
Input level for maximum short term output of 100 dB SPL @ 1m  
Crossover frequency, Bass/Treble  
Adjustable from +6 to -6 dBu  
3.0 kHz  
1.8 kHz  
Treble Tilt control operating range in 2 dB steps  
+2 to -4 dB & MUTE  
@ 15 kHz  
+2 to -4 dB & MUTE  
@ 15 kHz  
Desktop low frequency control operating range  
Bass Roll-Off control operating range in 2 dB steps  
Bass Tilt control operating range in 2 dB steps  
-4 dB @ 160 Hz  
-4 dB @ 160 Hz  
0 to -6 dB @ 45 Hz  
From 0 to -6 dB @ 35 Hz  
0 to -6 dB & MUTE  
@ 100 Hz  
0 to -6 dB & MUTE  
@ 100 Hz  
The 'CAL' position is with all tone controls set to 'off'  
and the input sensitivity control to maximum (fully  
Digital audio input connector  
Digital audio input impedance  
Digital audio Thru output connector  
Digital audio Thru output impedance  
Digital audio format  
XLR female  
110 Ohm  
XLR male  
110 Ohm  
AES/EBU (AES3-2003)  
Can also be used with S/P-DIF and AES3id signals  
when impedance converters are used  
Digital audio word length  
Digital audio sample rate  
AD conversion dynamic range  
16 bits, maximum 24 bits.  
Fixed point, AES/EBU format  
32 kHz, maximum 192 kHz  
Supports single-wire and dual-wire AES signals.  
122 dB  
Gain-ranging operation in two gain ranges; converter  
dynamic range 112 dB typical  
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The curves above show the effect of the “Bass Tilt”, “Treble Tilt”,  
“Desktop Low Frequency” and “Bass Roll-Off” controls on the  
free field response of the 8240A.  
The upper curve group shows the horizontal directivity characteristics  
of the 8240A measured at 1 m. The lower curve shows the system's  
power response.  
The curves above show the effect of the “Bass Tilt”, “Treble Tilt”,  
“Desktop Low Frequency” and “Bass Roll-Off” controls on the  
free field response of the 8250A.  
The upper curve group shows the horizontal directivity characteristics  
of the 8250A measured at 1 m. The lower curve shows the system's  
power response.  
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Genelec Document D0048R001a. Copyright Genelec Oy 3.2006. All data subject to change  
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