Gateway Server 7450R User Manual

Gateway 7450R Server  
System Manual  
March 2001  
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Back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
Interior of system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  
Setting up the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
Starting the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  
3 Case Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Preparing to replace or add a drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  
Drive cabling information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  
Replacing the diskette drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  
Installing a CD drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24  
Replacing the CD drive assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25  
Replacing a hot-plug drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27  
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Replacing a blower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50  
Replacing a fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52  
About the BIOS Setup utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61  
Updating the BIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63  
System administration and control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73  
ManageX Event Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73  
SNMP agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73  
System security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76  
System recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77  
Creating a startup diskette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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Memory and processor problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82  
Peripheral/Adapter problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82  
Printer problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84  
System problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85  
Video problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86  
Error codes and test points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88  
A Safety, Regulatory, and Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95  
B System Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107  
System Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107  
Mechanical specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108  
Environmental specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108  
Electrical specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109  
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111  
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Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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Conventions used in this manual  
Th rough out th is m an ual, you will see th e followin g con ven tion s:  
Keyboard key names are printed in small capitals.  
A plus sign means to press the keys at the same time.  
Commands to be entered, options to select, and messages that  
appear on your monitor are printed in bold.  
User’s Guide  
Names of publications are printed in italic.  
All references to front, rear, left, or right on the server are based  
on the server being in a normal, upright position, as viewed from  
the front.  
A note labeled important informs you of special  
A caution warns you of possible damage to equipment or  
loss of data.  
A warning indicates the possibility of personal injury.  
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Getting additional information  
Log on to th e Gateway tech n ical support area at to  
fin d in form ation about your system or oth er Gateway products. Som e types  
of in form ation you can access are:  
Hardware driver an d program updates  
Tech n ical tips  
Service agreem en t in form ation  
Tech n ical docum en ts an d com pon en t in form ation  
Frequen tly asked question s (FAQs)  
Docum en tation for periph erals or option al com pon en ts  
On lin e tech n ical support  
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Standard features  
As m an y as two In tel® Pen tium III processors with 133 MHz Fron t Side  
Bus (FSB)  
Four Dual In lin e Mem ory Module (DIMM) sockets, th at support up to  
4.0 GB of buffered, PC/133 Syn ch ron ous Dyn am ic Ran dom Access  
Mem ory (SDRAM)  
ATI Rage XL AGP video ch ipset  
Two in tegrated In tel 82559 n etwork con trollers providin g dual 10/100  
LAN support an d n etwork con n ectors  
In tegrated Super Video Graph ics Array (SVGA) video support with 4 MB  
of Syn ch ron ous Graph ics RAM (SGRAM)  
Two full-len gth , full-h eigh t, 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI slots on a riser card  
On e 1.44 MB diskette drive, on e option al CD drive, an d at least on e h ard  
In tegrated voltage regulator m odules (VRMs) for both processors  
In tegrated Adaptec AIC 7892 sm all com puter system s in terface (SCSI)  
con troller providin g low-voltage differen tial (LVD) Ultra3 support  
Th ree-drive h ot-plug drive bay supportin g Ultra160 sin gle con n ector  
attach m en t (SCA) drives  
Keyboard port Person al System /2® (PS/2), m ouse port (PS/2), on e serial  
port, on e video port, two RJ-45 LAN ports, an d on e Un iversal Serial Bus  
(USB) port on th e fron t pan el  
System Features  
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Front panel  
Control Panel  
CD drive (optional)  
Diskette drive  
Hard drive activity LED (3)  
Hard drive power LED (3)  
Hot-plug drive bays (3)  
Hot-plug drive(s)  
Con trol pan el con tain s th e LED indicators an d th e buttons th at control the  
CD drive (option al) plays data or audio CDs.  
Diskette d rive writes to an d reads from 3.5-in ch , 1.44 MB diskettes.  
Hot-plu g d rive bays (3) in cludes th ree drive carriers an d as m an y as th ree  
h ot-swappable, h ot-plug drives con n ected to a h ot-plug backplan e. Th e drive  
bays support 1.0-in ch Ultra160 SCSI drives.  
Hot plug drive(s) plug in to th e h ot-plug drive bay(s). Th e server in cludes at  
least on e an d m ay in clude as m an y as th ree.  
Hard drive activity LED (3) flash es green wh en th e adjacen t h ard drive is  
Hard drive pow er LED (3) glows green wh en th e adjacen t h ard drive h as  
power, glows am ber if th e adjacen t h ard drive h as failed, an d blin ks am ber  
if th e adjacen t h ard drive is rebuildin g.  
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Control Panel  
Blower fault LED  
Fan fault LED  
USB port  
System fault LED  
Power LED  
Fault LED reset button  
Power button  
System fault LED glows am ber wh en a h ardware or system failure occurs.  
Pressin g th e fault LED reset button turn s th is LED off, but does n ot correct  
th e fault.  
Power LED glows green wh en th e server h as power an d flash es green wh en  
th e server is in power savin g m ode. Th is LED glows am ber wh en AC power  
to th e server is on , but th e in tern al (DC) power is off wh ich m ean s th ere is  
power to th e server but th e server is powered down .  
Fault LED reset button resets an y of th e fault LEDs to its origin al state in  
th e default m ode. Th is button does n ot correct or clear th e fault. If th e fault  
con dition persists, th e appropriate LED will turn on again un til th e fault is  
corrected. Th is button can be reprogram m ed th rough a BIOS option to  
gen erate a Non -Maskable In terrupt (NMI) wh en pressed. Th e NMI fun ction  
can produce varied results depen din g on th e software support for NMI  
h an dlin g.  
Power bu tton turn s th e server on an d off.  
LAN1 LED blin ks green wh en th ere is traffic on th e LAN1 con n ector. Glows  
am ber wh en th e LAN1 con n ector experien ces an in terruption in con n ectivity.  
LAN2 LED blin ks green wh en th ere is traffic on th e LAN2 con n ector. Glows  
am ber wh en th e LAN2 con n ector experien ces an in terruption in con n ectivity.  
Blow er fault LED glows am ber wh en on e of th e blowers h as failed or en tered  
an out-of-toleran ce state.  
Fan fault LED glows am ber wh en on e of th e fan s h as failed or en tered an  
out-of-toleran ce state.  
USB port provides fron t pan el access for USB periph erals.  
System Features  
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Back panel  
Power connector Mouse port  
LAN2 port  
LAN1 port  
Keyboard port  
Serial port  
Video port  
Expansion card slots (2)  
Power con n ector con n ects th e server power cord. Th e oth er en d of th e power  
cord plugs in to an AC outlet, un in terruptible power supply (UPS), or power  
Mou se p ort con n ects a PS/2-com patible m ouse.  
LAN2 p ort lets you con n ect to a n etwork. Th e adjacen t in dicator LEDs sh ow  
LAN activity (green ) an d 100 Mbit speed (am ber).  
LAN1 p ort lets you con n ect to a n etwork. Th e adjacen t in dicator LEDs sh ow  
LAN activity (green ) an d 100 Mbit speed (am ber).  
Keyboard p ort con n ects a PS/2-com patible keyboard.  
Serial port con n ects to a serial device.  
Video port con n ects th e m on itor in terface cable. Th e video con troller is  
in tegrated on th e system board.  
Expan sion card slots (2) let you in stall as m an y as two full-len gth , full-h eigh t,  
64-bit, 66 MHz PCI expan sion cards.  
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Interior of system  
Air baffle  
Expansion cards  
Riser card  
Power supply  
Fan 2  
System board  
Blower 2  
Blower 1  
Fan 1  
Hot-plug backplane  
Hot-plug drive bays  
Diskette drive  
CD drive (optional)  
Control panel board  
Expan sion cards you can in stall as m an y as two full-len gth PCI expan sion  
Riser card supports as m an y as two full-len gth PCI expan sion cards.  
System board see System boardon page 6.  
Fan s provide coolin g for th e system .  
Con trol pan el board con tain s th e in dicator LEDs an d th e button s to con trol  
th e server. See Con trol pan el boardon page 9.  
Air baffle con trols th e in tern al airflow to m ake sure th e th erm ally sen sitive  
in tern al com pon en ts receive adequate coolin g.  
Power su pp ly provides power to th e system com pon en ts.  
Blow ers provide coolin g for th e system .  
Hot-plug backplan e provides th e con trol for th e h ot-plug drives.  
System Features  
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Hot-plu g bays support up to th ree 1-in ch h igh , 3.5-in ch Ultra160 SCA SCSI  
h ard drives. Em pty drive bays con tain em pty carriers to con trol airflow an d  
EMC ch aracteristics.  
Diskette d rive reads an d writes 1.44-MB diskettes.  
CD drive (option al) plays data or audio CDs.  
System board  
Secon dary processor socket  
Prim ary processor socket  
Power con n ector  
Switch ban k SW1  
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Blower 2 con n ector  
Jum per J1  
Blower 1 con n ector  
Fron t pan el USB con n ector  
Power con n ector  
Fan 2 con n ector  
M Fron t pan el con n ector  
Fan 1 con n ector  
Secon dary IDE con n ector  
Prim ary IDE con n ector  
Diskette drive con n ector  
Ultra160 SCSI con n ector  
DIMM slots (4)  
Riser card edge con n ector  
RJ-45 Eth ern et LAN1 con n ector an d LEDs  
RJ-45 Eth ern et LAN2 con n ector an d LEDs  
W Video con n ector  
Serial port  
Stacked keyboard an d m ouse ports  
System Features  
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Hot-plug backplane  
Power connector  
Data connector  
SCSI connector  
SCSI connector  
SCSI connector  
Power con n ector con n ects th e power cable from th e power supply.  
Data con n ector con n ects th e SCSI cable from th e RAID con troller.  
SCSI drive con n ectors (3) con n ect th e th ree SCA SCSI drives. In stall drives  
in in creasin g order of SCSI ID.  
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Control panel board  
System fault LED  
Power LED  
Blower fault LED  
Fan fault LED  
USB port  
Fault LED reset button  
Power button  
USB connector  
Front panel connector  
System fault LED glows am ber wh en a h ardware or system failure occurs.  
Pressin g th e fault LED reset button turn s th is LED off, but does n ot correct  
th e fault.  
Power LED glows green wh en th e server h as power an d flash es green wh en  
th e server is in power savin g m ode. Th is LED glows am ber wh en AC power  
to th e server is on , but th e in tern al (DC) power is off wh ich m ean s th ere is  
power to th e server but th e server is powered down .  
Fault LED reset button resets an y of th e fault LEDs to its origin al state. Th is  
button does n ot correct or clear th e fault. If th e fault con dition persists, th e  
appropriate LED will turn on again un til th e fault is corrected.  
Power bu tton turn s th e server on an d off.  
LAN1 LED blin ks green wh en th ere is traffic on th e LAN1 con n ector. Glows  
am ber wh en th e LAN1 con n ector experien ces an in terruption in con n ectivity.  
LAN2 LED blin ks green wh en th ere is traffic on th e LAN2 con n ector. Glows  
am ber wh en th e LAN2 con n ector experien ces an in terruption in con n ectivity.  
Blow er fault LED glows am ber wh en on e of th e blowers h as failed or en tered  
an out-of-toleran ce state.  
Fan fault LED glows am ber wh en on e of th e fan s h as failed or en tered an  
out-of-toleran ce state.  
USB port provides fron t pan el access for USB periph erals.  
System Features  
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USB con n ector con n ects th e con trol pan el to th e system board.  
Fron t pan el con n ector con n ects th e con trols on th e fron t pan el with th e  
system board.  
Riser card  
Th e riser card in cludes a PCI bridge to support th e two PCI expan sion slots  
th rough th e edge con n ector on th e system board.  
PCI Slot 2  
PCI Slot 1  
System board  
PCI expan sion slots provide support for as m an y as two 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI  
expan sion cards. Slot 1 is th e lower slot an d slot 2 is th e upper slot.  
System board con n ector con n ects to th e system board.  
Ch assis in trusion switch sen ds a sign al to th e system m an agem en t software  
wh en th e ch assis cover is rem oved.  
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System Setup  
Setting up the server  
Use th e in struction s in th e Gateway 7450R Rackmount Installation Guide th at  
cam e with th e server to assem ble th e server.  
You sh ould prepare a safe workin g en viron m en t before assem blin g th e server  
by followin g th ese guidelin es:  
Keep the boxes and packing material. If you need to send  
the server to Gateway for repairs, you must use the original  
packaging or your warranty may be voided.  
Obtain an adequately rated un in terruptible power supply (UPS). A UPS  
protects again st AC lin e spikes, power in terruption s, an d oth er power  
fluctuation s th at m ay dam age th e server.  
Protect th e server from extrem e tem perature an d h um idity. Do n ot  
expose it to direct sun ligh t, h eater ducts, or oth er h eat-gen eratin g objects.  
Route extern al cables carefully to m ake sure th ey do n ot block air ven ts  
or im pede airflow.  
Make sure th at th e in let air tem perature with in th e rack cabin et rem ain s  
below th e specified lim it of 40° C (104° F).  
Keep th e server away from equipm en t th at gen erates m agn etic fields,  
such as un sh ielded stereo speakers. Even a teleph on e placed too close to  
th e server m ay cause in terferen ce.  
System Setup  
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Plug th e server in to a wall outlet, power strip, or un in terruptible power  
supply (UPS).  
For the power supply of this equipment, an approved  
power cord has to be used. For a rated current up to 6 A  
and an equipment weight up to 6 kg, a power cord not  
lighter than H05VV-F, 3 G, 0.75 mm2, has to be used.  
Zum Netzanschluß dieses Gerätes ist eine geprüfte  
Leitung zu verwenden. Für einen Nennstrom bis 6 A und  
einem Gerätewicht größer 6 kg ist eine Leitung nicht  
leichter als H05VV-F, 3 G, 0.75 mm2 einzusetzen.  
Starting the server  
Before you start th e server for th e first tim e, m ake sure:  
Th e power supply is autosen sin g an d it autom atically determ in es th e  
voltage of th e in com in g power source.  
All cables are firm ly con n ected to th e proper ports on th e back pan el of  
th e server.  
Electricity can flow from connected peripherals into the  
system causing a shock. Make sure the server and  
peripherals are turned off and unplugged from the power  
outlet when you connect peripherals to the server.  
Th e server an d m on itor are plugged in to an AC outlet, power strip, or  
UPS an d th at th e power strip or UPS is turn ed on .  
To start the system:  
1 If you h ave con n ected th e system com pon en ts to a power strip or UPS,  
m ake sure all th e system com pon en ts are turn ed off, th en turn on th e  
power strip or UPS.  
2 Turn on th e m on itor.  
3 Turn on an y oth er com pon en ts con n ected to th e server, such as speakers,  
a prin ter, or a scan n er.  
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4 Turn on th e server. Th e power LED on th e con trol pan el is green wh en  
th e power is on . Th is sam e LED is am ber wh en th ere is AC power  
con n ected to th e server, but th e server is off.  
If n oth in g h appen s wh en you turn on th e system :  
Make sure th at th e power cables are securely plugged in an d th at  
th e power strip or UPS (if you are usin g on e) is plugged in an d  
turn ed on .  
Make sure th e m on itor is con n ected to th e server, plugged in to th e  
power strip, AC outlet, or UPS, an d turn ed on . You m ay also n eed  
to adjust th e brigh tn ess an d con trast con trols on th e m on itor.  
Understanding the Power-On Self-Test  
Wh en you turn on your server, a screen appears tellin g you to press F2 to  
en ter Setup or Esc to con tin ue POST. Th e power-on self-test (POST) routin e  
ch ecks th e system m em ory an d com pon en ts. Press ESC to start POST. POST  
will begin in a few m om en ts if you do n ot respon d. Press th e SPACEBAR to  
bypass th e rem ain in g m em ory coun t an d sh orten th e startup process.  
Th e system displays an error m essage if POST fin ds an y problem s. Write down  
an y error m essages th at you see. If you con tin ue to h ave problem s, th ese error  
m essages m ay h elp you or Gateway tech n ical support diagn ose th e cause.  
Setting up the operating system  
Th e first tim e you start th e server, th e operatin g system takes a few m in utes  
to set up.  
Refer to your operatin g system docum en tation for specific question s regardin g  
th e operatin g system .  
To complete the operating system setup in Windows NT:  
1 After th e server starts, th e start-up wizard open s. Click Next.  
2 Type th e requested in form ation in th e appropriate text boxes. Wh en you  
h ave fin ish ed typin g th e in form ation , click Next.  
3 Con tin ue followin g th e in struction s an d selectin g option s in th e start-up  
wizard dialog boxes, clickin g Next to m ove th rough th e dialog boxes, un til  
th e wizard tells you to restart your server.  
System Setup  
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If you n eed to return to th e previous dialog box to ch an ge an y of your  
en tries, click Back.  
4 Restart th e server. Th e setup is com plete.  
For all operating systems, refer to the appropriate  
operating system software manual for specific instructions.  
Turning off the server  
Every tim e you turn off th e server, sh ut down th e operatin g system first. You  
m ay lose data if you do n ot follow th e proper procedure.  
To turn off the server in Windows NT:  
1 Click Start, th en select Shut down the computer?, th en Shut Down.  
2 Click OK. Th e operatin g system sh uts down . Wh en you see a m essage  
sayin g It is now safe to turn off your computer, turn off th e server by pressin g  
th e power button .  
By default, you m ust h old th e power button in for four secon ds to turn  
th e server off. BIOS Setup provides an option to set th e power button to  
turn th e power off im m ediately wh en pressed.  
3 Turn off th e m on itor an d periph erals.  
When you turn the server off, some electric current still  
flows through it. Before opening the server case or  
connecting or removing any peripherals, turn off the server,  
then unplug the power cord.  
For other operating systems, such as Windows 2000 or  
Novell Netware, refer to the appropriate operating system  
software manual for specific instructions. Some operating  
systems will bypass the power button and turn the server  
off under software control.  
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Resetting the server  
If your server does n ot respon d to keyboard or m ouse in put, you m ay h ave  
to close program s th at are n ot respon din g. If closin g un respon sive program s  
does n ot restore your server to n orm al operation , you m ay h ave to perform  
a forced sh ut down an d restart th e server.  
To close unresponsive programs and shut down the server in  
Windows NT:  
1 Press CTRL+ALT+DEL. A win dow open s th at lets you close a program th at  
is n ot respon din g.  
2 Click Task Manager, th en select th e program th at is n ot respon din g.  
3 Close th e program by clickin g End Task.  
4 If th e server does n ot respon d, press an d h old th e power button for four  
secon ds to force th e server to sh ut down .  
5 Turn th e server back on .  
As a part of th e regular startup process, a program to ch eck th e disk status  
run s autom atically. Wh en th e ch ecks are fin ish ed, Win dows starts.  
For other operating systems, such as Windows 2000 or  
Novell Netware, refer to the appropriate operating system  
software manual for specific instructions.  
System Setup  
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Case Access  
Preventing static electricity discharge  
Before open in g th e server case, follow th ese precaution s to preven t dam age  
from static electricity. Wh en open in g your server case, always perform th e  
followin g procedure.  
Static electricity can permanently damage electronic  
components in your server. Prevent electrostatic damage  
to your server by following static electricity precautions  
every time you open your server case.  
To prevent static electricity discharge:  
1 Turn off th e server power.  
2 Touch a bare m etal surface on th e back of th e server.  
3 Un plug all power cords from AC outlets an d discon n ect th e m odem cable  
(if in stalled).  
Also follow th ese static electricity precaution s:  
Avoid static-causin g surfaces such as plastic an d packin g foam in your  
work area.  
Rem ove th e parts from th eir an tistatic bags or con tain ers on ly wh en you  
are ready to use th em . Do n ot lay parts on th e outside of an an tistatic  
bag or con tain er because on ly th e in side provides an tistatic protection .  
Case Access  
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Always h old cards by th eir edges an d th eir m etal m oun tin g brackets.  
Avoid touch in g com pon en ts on th e cards an d th e edge con n ectors th at  
con n ect to expan sion slots. Never slide cards or oth er parts over an y  
Opening the case  
All references to front, back, left, or right on the server are  
based on the server being in a normal position, as viewed  
from the front.  
To rem ove or replace an y of th e rem ovable m edia drives or th e in tern al  
com pon en ts you m ust open th e case. Because th e com pon en ts in side th e  
server are extrem ely sen sitive to static electricity, m ake sure you follow th e  
precaution s at th e begin n in g of th is ch apter to avoid static electricity dam age.  
On ly qualified person n el sh ould open th e server for m ain ten an ce. If you are  
qualified to m ain tain th e server yourself, m ake sure you are properly groun ded  
before open in g th e case.  
Avoid exposure to dangerous electrical voltages and  
moving parts by turning off the server and unplugging the  
power cord and modem cable (if installed) before removing  
the cover.  
Removing the top panel  
Th e top pan el provides access to all of th e in tern al com pon en ts of th e server.  
Operating the server with the top panel removed adversely  
affects the thermal characteristics of the server interior and  
can result in overheating of and possible damage to the  
hard drives or the processors.  
To remove the top panel:  
1 Turn off th e server an d discon n ect all power cords.  
2 Observe all safety an d static electricity precaution s. See Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
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3 Rem ove th e two th um bscrews from th e top of th e flan ges at th e sides of  
th e fron t pan el.  
4 Slide th e top pan el sligh tly to th e back.  
5 Lift th e pan el up an d away from th e ch assis.  
Case Access  
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Closing the case  
Close th e case as soon as you fin ish in stallin g or rem ovin g com pon en ts so  
th at dust an d dirt do n ot collect in side th e server an d to m ain tain th e th erm al  
ch aracteristics of th e server in terior.  
Operating the server with the top panel removed adversely  
affects the thermal characteristics of the server interior and  
can result in overheating of and possible damage to the  
hard drives or the processors.  
Replacing the top panel  
You m ust replace th e top pan el before you can operate th e server. If you do  
n ot, a system in trusion even t is logged by th e system m an agem en t h ardware.  
Be careful n ot to pin ch an y cables between th e in tern al com pon en ts an d th e  
top pan el as you replace it.  
To replace the top panel:  
1 Place th e top pan el on th e top of th e ch assis approxim ately 3/4-in ch back  
from th e fron t of th e server.  
2 Slide th e pan el toward th e fron t of th e ch assis 3/4-in ch , securin g it in  
3 Replace th e two th um bscrews you rem oved earlier.  
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Replacing and  
Adding Internal  
Th ere are several types of drives an d sim ilar devices th at can be in stalled in  
th e server.  
Preparing to replace or add a drive  
On e diskette drive an d at least on e 1-in ch h igh , 3.5-in ch h ot-plug h ard drive  
are in cluded with th e server. You can add an option al slim lin e CD drive an d  
as m an y as two addition al h ot-plug drives for a total of th ree h ot-plug drives.  
As you prepare to in stall drives, keep th e followin g in m in d:  
If you rem ove a drive, place it in an an tistatic bag or con tain er.  
Before you in stall a drive, see th e drive docum en tation for in form ation  
on con figurin g th e drive, settin g an y jum pers on th e drive, an d attach in g  
cables to th e drive.  
If you are in stallin g a drive th at uses an add-in con troller card, in stall  
th e card before you in stall th e drive.  
You m ay n eed to con figure th e drives you in stall usin g th e BIOS Setup  
utility or th e SCSISelect utility. Press F2 at start up to open th e BIOS Setup  
utility or press CTRL+A to en ter th e SCSISelect utility.  
Replacing and Adding Internal Devices  
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Drive cabling information  
Th e system in cludes two differen t types of drive cables. Each drive cable is  
clearly labeled, in dicatin g th e cable type an d sh owin g wh ich en d to con n ect  
to th e appropriate con n ector on th e system board an d wh ich en d to con n ect  
to th e drive.  
Use th e diskette drive cable to con n ect th e diskette drive.  
Use th e SCSI LVD cable to con n ect th e h ot-plug backplan e to th e  
in tegrated SCSI con troller on th e system board.  
If you order th e option al CD drive, a th ird cable is provided. Use th e stan dard  
IDE cable to con n ect th e CD drive.  
Replacing the diskette drive  
Th e diskette drive is on th e righ t side of th e server. See In terior of system ”  
on page 5 for th e location of th e diskette drive.  
The replacement drive should include the bracket and  
small circuit board. If it does not, transfer those  
components to the new drive.  
To replace the diskette drive assembly:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Rem ove th e power an d data cables from th e sm all prin ted circuit board  
at th e back of th e drive. Note th eir location s an d orien tation s.  
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4 Rem ove th e diskette drive assem bly by rem ovin g th e two screws n ear th e  
back of th e drive.  
5 Slide th e drive assem bly back sligh tly to disen gage th e h ooks on th e drive  
bay from th e slots on th e diskette drive bracket, th en pull th e drive  
assem bly out of th e ch assis.  
6 If n ecessary, set an y jum pers on th e replacem en t drive assem bly. (See your  
drive docum en tation for proper drive jum per settin gs an d cable  
7 Replace th e diskette drive assem bly in th e ch assis. Make sure th e h ooks  
exten d th rough th e slots on th e n ew bracket, th en slide th e diskette drive  
assem bly forward.  
8 Secure th e diskette drive assem bly usin g th e screws you rem oved in  
Step 4.  
9 Con n ect th e power an d data cables, m akin g sure th e cables are in th eir  
origin al position s.  
10 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
11 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al periph eral devices, th en  
turn on th e com puter.  
Replacing and Adding Internal Devices  
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Installing a CD drive  
Th e CD drive bay is in th e cen ter of th e fron t pan el. If th e server did n ot  
in clude a CD drive, a blan k or dum m yun it occupies th e bay an d m ust be  
rem oved.  
The CD drive assembly should include the bracket and  
small circuit board. If it does not, contact Client Care.  
To install your CD drive assembly:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Rem ove th e two screws th at secure th e dum m yun it to th e drive bay.  
4 Slide th e dum m yun it back sligh tly to disen gage th e h ooks on th e drive  
bay from th e slots on th e bracket, th en pull th e dum m yun it out of  
th e ch assis.  
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5 If n ecessary, set an y jum pers on th e CD drive assem bly. (See your drive  
docum en tation for proper drive jum per settin gs an d cable orien tation .)  
6 Place th e CD drive assem bly in th e ch assis. Make sure th e h ooks exten d  
th rough th e slots on th e bracket, th en slide th e CD drive assem bly  
7 Secure th e CD drive assem bly with th e two screws you rem oved in Step 4.  
8 Con n ect th e power an d data cables, m akin g sure th e cables are in th e  
correct position an d orien tation .  
Th e IDE cable sh ips with th e CD drive kit. Make sure you route th e cable  
directly from th e CD drive, th rough th e cable clam p, an d to th e prim ary  
IDE con n ector on th e system board. Oth er routin g m ay in terfere with  
in tern al airflow an d th e th erm al ch aracteristics of th e server.  
9 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
10 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al periph eral devices, th en  
turn on th e system .  
Replacing the CD drive assembly  
Th e CD drive assem bly is located beside th e diskette drive assem bly in th e  
cen ter of th e fron t pan el.  
The replacement drive should include the bracket and  
small circuit board. If it does not, transfer those  
components to the new drive.  
To replace the CD drive assembly:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Rem ove th e power an d data cables from th e sm all prin ted circuit board  
at th e back of th e drive. Note th eir location s an d orien tation s.  
Replacing and Adding Internal Devices  
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4 Rem ove th e two screws th at secure th e CD drive assem bly to th e ch assis.  
5 Slide th e drive assem bly back sligh tly to disen gage th e h ooks on th e drive  
bay from th e slots on th e CD drive bracket, th en pull th e drive assem bly  
out of th e ch assis.  
6 If n ecessary, set an y jum pers on th e replacem en t drive. (See your drive  
docum en tation for proper drive jum per settin gs an d cable orien tation .)  
7 Place th e n ew CD drive an d bracket in th e ch assis. Make sure th e h ooks  
exten d th rough th e slots on th e n ew bracket, th en slide th e CD drive  
8 Secure th e CD drive with th e two screws you rem oved in Step 4.  
9 Con n ect th e power an d data cables, m akin g sure th e cables are in th eir  
origin al position s.  
10 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
11 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al periph eral devices, th en  
turn on th e system .  
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Replacing a hot-plug drive  
Th e h ot-plug drives are located alon g th e bottom edge of th e fron t pan el as  
you face th e system . Th e h ot-plug bay supports as m an y as th ree 1-in ch h igh ,  
3.5-in ch SCSI h ard drives.  
Th e h ot-plug drives are assign ed SCSI ID n um bers by th e h ot-plug backplan e  
with th e drive on th e left en d of th e h ot-plug bay assign ed SCSI ID 0. Th e  
backplan e assign s SCSI IDs to th e oth er drives in order up to SCSI ID 2 at th e  
righ t en d of th e h ot-plug bay. See Hot-plug backplan eon page 8 for th e  
location s of th e drives by SCSI ID n um ber.  
Gateway tests and verifies the operation and compatibility  
of the drives we sell. Additional or replacement drives must  
conform to Gateway standards, especially in a RAID or  
mission-critical environment.  
In stall th e first drive in th e left bay, th en in stall drives in in creasin g order by  
SCSI ID n um ber th ereafter.  
To replace a failed drive:  
1 Before you rem ove th e failed drive, use th e appropriate software an d  
utilities in stalled on th e system to stop all activity on th e SCSI bus.  
In struction s for usin g th e software are provided by th e software  
m an ufacturer.  
2 Use th e utilities or look at th e drive in dicator LEDs on th e fron t pan el  
to determ in e wh ich drive n eeds to be replaced.  
Replacing and Adding Internal Devices  
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3 Rem ove th e drive from th e drive bay by un clippin g th e reten tion lever  
an d rotatin g th e lever out away from th e fron t of th e system .  
Retention lever  
4 Con tin ue pullin g outward un til th e drive is en tirely out of th e system .  
5 Rem ove th e six screws th at secure th e drive to th e carrier.  
6 Rem ove th e drive from th e carrier.  
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7 In stall th e n ew drive in th e carrier usin g th e six screws you rem oved in  
Step 5. Make sure th e drive is orien ted correctly.  
8 Align th e drive carrier with th e slots at th e sides of th e drive bay. Leave  
th e reten tion lever in th e open position .  
9 Push th e drive all of th e way in to th e drive bay un til th e con n ector at  
th e back join s with th e correspon din g con n ector on th e SCSI backplan e,  
th en firm ly close th e lever.  
10 Run an y n ecessary utilities to setup th e n ew drive. See th e utility software  
docum en tation for details.  
Adding a hot-plug drive  
Th e h ot-plug drives are located alon g th e bottom edge of th e fron t pan el as  
you face th e system . Th e h ot-plug bay supports as m an y as th ree 1-in ch h igh  
3.5-in ch SCSI h ard drives.  
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Th e h ot-plug drives are assign ed SCSI ID n um bers by th e h ot-plug backplan e  
with th e drive on th e left en d of th e h ot-plug bay assign ed SCSI ID 0. Th e  
backplan e assign s SCSI IDs to th e oth er drives in order up to SCSI ID 2 on  
th e righ t en d of th e h ot-plug bay. See Hot-plug backplan eon page 8 for th e  
location s of th e drives by SCSI ID n um ber.  
Gateway tests and verifies the operation and compatibility  
of the drives we sell. Additional or replacement drives must  
conform to Gateway standards, especially in a RAID or  
mission-critical environment.  
In stall th e first drive in th e left bay, th en in stall drives in in creasin g order by  
SCSI ID n um ber th ereafter (left to righ t).  
To install an additional hot-plug drive:  
1 Rem ove th e drive carrier from th e drive bay by un clippin g th e reten tion  
lever an d rotatin g th e lever out away from th e fron t of th e system .  
Retention lever  
2 Con tin ue pullin g outward un til th e drive carrier is en tirely out of th e  
system .  
3 Usin g six screws from th e accessory kit, in stall th e n ew drive in th e carrier.  
Make sure th e drive is orien ted correctly.  
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4 Align th e drive carrier with th e slots at th e sides of th e drive bay. Leave  
th e reten tion lever in th e open position .  
5 Push th e drive all of th e way in to th e drive bay un til th e con n ector at  
th e back join s with th e correspon din g con n ector on th e SCSI backplan e,  
th en firm ly close th e lever.  
6 Run an y n ecessary utilities to setup th e n ew drive. See th e utility software  
docum en tation for details.  
Four DIMM sockets on th e system board support up to 4.0 Gigabytes (GB) of  
PC/133 SDRAM.  
Th e DRAM DIMMs supported by th e system board con form to th e followin g  
stan dards:  
128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, an d 1024 MB ECC DIMMs  
PC/133-com plian t, registered, ECC SDRAM  
128 MB m in im um system m em ory  
4.0 GB m axim um system m em ory  
Wh en you select an d in stall DIMMs, keep th e followin g in m in d:  
Do n ot use un buffered DIMMs.  
Mem ory sh ould be added in order, from DIMM 1 to DIMM 4.  
Th ere can be n o em pty slots between in stalled DIMMs.  
No jum per settin gs are required for th e m em ory size or type because th e  
BIOS autom atically detects th is in form ation .  
Gateway recommends that you purchase memory  
upgrades through Gateway sales. An incorrect memory  
match may adversely affect the performance of the server.  
Replacing and Adding Internal Devices  
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Replacing memory  
To replace DIMMs:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Pull open th e socket clam ps on each side of th e DIMM socket, th en lift  
th e DIMM out of th e socket. Store th e DIMM in an an ti-static con tain er.  
DIMM 1  
DIMM 4  
4 In sert th e n ew DIMM in to th e socket, align in g th e two n otch es in th e  
DIMM with th e two n otch es in th e DIMM socket.  
5 Gen tly press th e DIMM in to th e socket un til it is firm ly seated. In sertin g  
th e DIMM autom atically locks th e socket clam ps on each en d of th e  
6 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
7 Recon n ect th e periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
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Adding memory  
To add DIMMs:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Pull open th e socket clam ps on each side of th e DIMM socket.  
4 In sert th e n ew DIMM in to th e socket, align in g th e two n otch es in th e  
DIMM with th e two n otch es in th e DIMM socket.  
DIMM 1  
DIMM 4  
5 Gen tly press th e DIMM in to th e socket un til it is firm ly seated. In sertin g  
th e DIMM autom atically locks th e socket clam ps on each en d of th e  
6 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
7 Recon n ect th e periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
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Th e system is com patible with th e In tel® Pen tium ® III 866 MHz an d faster  
processors with 133 MHz fron t-side bus (FSB). As m an y as two processors m ay  
be in stalled in th e system . You do n ot n eed to in stall addition al voltage  
regulator m odules (VRMs), because th e VRMs for both processors are built in to  
th e system board.  
Th e server uses differen t h eat sin ks for th e prim ary an d secon dary processors.  
Wh en orderin g a replacem en t or upgrade processor, m ake sure th at you order  
th e correct processor kit for th e processor you are in stallin g. Th e prim ary  
processor, located closer to th e fron t of th e server, uses a sm aller h eatsin k.  
Th e secon dary processor, located closer to th e back of th e server, uses a larger  
h eatsin k.  
Replacing the primary processor  
Wh en replacin g a processor, order a processor upgrade from Th e Accessory  
Store on th e Gateway Web site.  
A heatsink must be installed on each processor. Installing  
a processor without a heatsink could result in damage to,  
or failure of, the processor.  
To replace the primary processor:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Locate th e prim ary processor, see System boardon page 6 for th e  
location of th e system board com pon en ts.  
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4 Un clip th e h eatsin k by pressin g down on th e top of th e clip, th en push in g  
th e top of th e clip toward th e h eatsin k.  
5 Lift th e h eatsin k off of th e processor.  
6 Rem ove th e processor by pullin g th e lever arm sligh tly away from th e  
processor socket, th en liftin g it to a n in ety-degree an gle.  
7 Lift th e old processor out of th e socket.  
8 In sert th e n ew processor by align in g pin on e on th e processor an d th e  
socket, th en place th e processor in to th e socket.  
Pin 1  
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9 Secure th e n ew processor by push in g th e lever arm all of th e way down  
un til it clicks in to place.  
10 Replace th e h eatsin k.  
11 Place th e fixed en d of th e h eatsin k clip over th e h ook on th e processor  
socket first, th en press th e h in ged en d of th e clip over th e h ook on th e  
oth er side of th e processor socket.  
12 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
13 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er cords you rem oved, th en turn  
on th e system .  
Replacing the secondary processor  
Wh en replacin g a processor, order a processor upgrade from Th e Accessory  
Store on th e Gateway Web site.  
The correct heatsink must be installed on each processor.  
Installing a processor without a heatsink could result in  
damage to, or failure of, the processor. Make sure you  
order the correct processor upgrade kit.  
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To replace the secondary processor:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Un clip th e h eatsin k by pressin g down on th e top of th e clip, th en push in g  
th e top of th e clip toward th e h eatsin k.  
4 Rem ove th e processor by pullin g th e lever arm sligh tly away from th e  
processor socket, th en liftin g it to a n in ety-degree an gle.  
5 Lift th e old processor out of th e socket.  
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6 In sert th e n ew processor by align in g pin on e on th e processor an d th e  
socket, th en place th e processor in to th e socket.  
Pin 1  
7 Secure th e n ew processor by push in g th e lever arm all of th e way down  
un til it clicks in to place.  
8 Replace th e h eatsin k. Make sure th at th e h eatsin k is orien ted properly  
over th e processor an d socket.  
9 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
10 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er cords you rem oved, th en turn  
on th e system .  
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Adding a secondary processor  
Th e system is com patible with th e In tel® Pen tium ® III 866 MHz an d faster  
processors with 133 MHz fron t-side bus (FSB). As m an y as two processors m ay  
be in stalled in th e system . Th e secon d processor m ust m atch th e first processor  
in speed or th e system fun ction s at th e speed of th e slowest processor.  
Wh en addin g a secon d processor order a processor upgrade kit from Th e  
Accessory Store on th e Gateway Web site.  
The correct heatsink must be installed on each processor.  
Installing a processor without a heatsink could result in  
damage to, or failure of, the processor. Make sure you  
order the correct processor upgrade kit.  
To add a second processor:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Open th e lever on th e secon dary processor socket.  
4 Align th e n ew processor with th e processor slot. Note th at th e processor  
slot is keyed so th e processor can on ly be in stalled on e way.  
Pin 1  
5 Place th e processor in th e socket, th en close th e lever to secure th e  
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6 Place th e secon dary (large) h eatsin k over th e processor an d socket,  
m akin g sure th at it is orien ted properly.  
7 Place th e fixed en d of th e clip over th e h ook on th e back of th e socket,  
th en press th e h in ged en d of th e clip over th e h ook on th e fron t of th e  
8 Close th e case. (See Closin g th e caseon page 20.)  
9 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all oth er cords you rem oved, th en turn  
on th e system .  
Replacing the battery  
Th e battery provides power for th e system real-tim e clock an d CMOS m em ory,  
wh ich h olds th e system con figuration in form ation .  
If your battery is failin g you m ay n otice th e server clock slowin g down an d  
givin g you th e in correct tim e.  
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Open th e BIOS Setup utility an d write down all th e values in th e various  
m en us before replacin g th e battery. Replacin g th e battery resets th e BIOS Setup  
utility to its default values.  
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.  
Replace only with the same or equivalent type  
recommended by manufacturer.  
Dispose of used batteries according to manufacturers  
Explosionsgefahr bel falsch eingebautter batterie.  
Ersetzen der batterien nur mit batterien des gleichen typs  
oder mit batterien vom hersteller empfohlenen typs.  
Entsorgen gebrauchter batterien entsprechned  
Il y a danger dexplosion sil y a replacement incorrect de  
la batterie.  
Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type  
ou dun type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur.  
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux  
instructions du fabricant.  
To replace the battery:  
1 Restart th e server an d start th e BIOS Setup utility.  
you can reen ter th em after you replace th e battery. For m ore in form ation ,  
see About th e BIOS Setup utilityon page 61.  
3 Turn off th e server, discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al periph eral  
4 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
5 Locate th e battery on th e system board (see System boardon page 6).  
Th e battery is circular an d h as th e positive pole m ark (+) on th e top.  
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6 Rem ove th e cable over th e air baffle an d pull th e air baffle out of th e  
Air baffle  
7 Usin g your fin ger or a sm all, flat-bladed screwdriver, carefully press th e  
sm all sprin g clip to rem ove th e battery from its socket on th e system  
Spring clip  
8 Press th e n ew battery in th e socket with th e positive pole up. Be sure you  
h ave pressed th e battery down far en ough for it to con tact th e base of  
th e socket (it sh ould sn ap in to place).  
9 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
10 Recon n ect th e periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
11 If th e CMOS data is n ot correct, ch an ge th e in form ation in th e BIOS Setup  
utility usin g th e data you recorded in Step 2.  
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Expansion cards  
Th e server h as two expan sion slots on th e riser card th at can be used for a  
variety of expan sion cards. Th ese slots support 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI cards. Both  
slots will h old full-len gth , full-h eigh t cards.  
Replacing an expansion card  
You m ust in stall an expan sion card in slot 1 before you can in stall an  
expan sion card in slot 2.  
To replace an expansion card:  
1 Set an y jum pers an d switch es on th e replacem en t card, if required in th e  
card in struction s.  
2 Turn off th e server, th en discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph eral devices.  
3 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
4 Discon n ect an y cables attach ed to th e old card.  
5 Rem ove th e screw th at h olds th e expan sion card bracket in place.  
Expansion card bracket  
Expansion card  
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6 Rem ove th e card h older from th e oth er en d of th e expan sion card.  
Card holder  
7 Rem ove th e old expan sion card from th e slot.  
8 Set an y jum pers or switch es on th e n ew expan sion card, th en in stall th e  
n ew expan sion card in th e em pty slot.  
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9 If th e card is full-len gth , in sert th e card exten sion in to th e card guide.  
Th e card exten sion in slot 1 fits below th e card guide an d th e card  
exten sion in slot 2 fits in to th e groove in th e card guide.  
Card guide  
Card extensions  
10 Replace th e card h older over th e card guide an d th e en d of th e expan sion  
card. See th e illustration followin g Step 6.  
11 Replace th e screw in th e expan sion card bracket to secure th e card. See  
th e illustration followin g Step 5.  
12 Con n ect an y cables to th e card. See th e card docum en tation for th e  
proper cable orien tation .  
13 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
14 Recon n ect th e periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
You m ay n eed to recon figure th e server after replacin g an expan sion card. You  
m ay also n eed to in stall upgrade software th at cam e with th e card. Ch eck th e  
card docum en tation for addition al in form ation .  
Adding an expansion card  
Wh en addin g an expan sion card, you m ust in stall an expan sion card in slot 1  
before you can in stall an expan sion card in slot 2.  
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To add an expansion card:  
in struction s.  
2 Turn off th e server, discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al periph eral  
3 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
4 Locate an available slot an d rem ove th e slot cover by rem ovin g th e screw  
on th e expan sion card bracket, th en rem ove th e slot cover.  
Expansion card bracket  
Slot cover  
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5 Rem ove th e card h older from th e oth er en d of th e expan sion card.  
Card holder  
6 Set an y jum pers or switch es on th e expan sion card, th en in stall th e  
expan sion card in th e em pty slot.  
7 If th e card is full-len gth , in sert th e card exten sion in to th e card guide.  
Th e card exten sion in slot 1 fits below th e card guide an d th e card  
exten sion in slot 2 fits in to th e groove in th e card guide.  
Card guide  
Card extensions  
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8 Replace th e card h older over th e card guide an d th e en d of th e expan sion  
9 Replace th e screw in th e expan sion card bracket to secure th e card.  
Expansion card bracket  
Expansion card  
10 Con n ect an y cables to th e card. See th e card docum en tation for th e  
proper cable orien tation .  
11 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
12 Recon n ect th e periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
You m ay n eed to recon figure th e server after in stallin g som e expan sion cards.  
You m ay also n eed to in stall software th at cam e with th e card. Ch eck th e card  
docum en tation for addition al in form ation .  
Replacing the power supply  
Th e 200-W power supply provides all system power.  
To replace the power supply:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all periph erals.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
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3 Discon n ect th e cables from th e power supply to all oth er in tern al parts.  
Note th eir position s an d orien tation s so you can con n ect th e cables from  
th e n ew power supply.  
4 Rem ove th e air duct between th e power supply an d th e n um ber two  
Air duct  
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5 Rem ove th e th ree screws th at secure th e power supply to th e back pan el,  
th en slide th e power supply toward th e fron t of th e server to free it from  
th e pin on th e bottom of th e server an d lift it out of th e ch assis.  
6 Place th e n ew power supply in th e ch assis m akin g sure th e pin on th e  
bottom of th e ch assis passes th rough th e h ole on th e power supply  
7 Replace th e screws you rem oved in Step 5 above.  
8 Recon n ect th e cables you rem oved in Step 3.  
9 Replace th e air duct you rem oved in Step 4.  
10 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
11 Recon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al periph erals, th en turn on th e  
system .  
Replacing a blower  
Th e blowers are located between th e h ot-plug backplan e an d th e system  
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To replace a blower:  
2 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d extern al  
periph erals.  
3 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
4 Un plug th e correct blower cable from th e system board an d rem ove th e  
cable from th e cable clam ps.  
5 Lift th e blower off of th e pin s on th e bottom of th e ch assis.  
Blower 2  
Blower 1  
6 In sert th e n ew blower on to th e pin s on th e bottom of th e ch assis.  
7 In sert th e blower cable in to th e cable clam ps. Make sure it does n ot get  
pin ch ed in th e cover or block airflow.  
8 Plug th e blower cable in to th e con n ector on th e system board. See  
System boardon page 6 for th e location s of th e blower con n ectors.  
9 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
10 Recon n ect th e power cord an d extern al periph erals, th en turn on th e  
system .  
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Replacing a fan  
Fan 1 is located between th e expan sion cards an d th e drive bays an d fan 2  
is located between th e two blowers. See In terior of system on page 5 for th e  
location s of th e fan s.  
To replace a fan:  
1 Use th e system m an agem en t software to determ in e wh ich fan h as failed.  
2 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d extern al  
periph erals.  
3 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
4 Un plug th e fan cable from th e system board an d rem ove th e cable from  
th e cable clam ps.  
5 Lift th e fan out of th e fan bracket. (Th e fan bracket is n ot secured to th e  
ch assis an d m ay com e out wh en you rem ove th e fan . Replace it on th e  
pin s on th e bottom of th e ch assis.)  
Fan 1  
Fan 2  
6 In sert th e n ew fan in to th e fan bracket. Make sure th e direction of  
rotation an d airflow m atch th e direction an d airflow of th e fan you  
rem oved.  
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7 Plug th e fan con n ector in to th e con n ector on th e system board an d  
replace th e cable in th e cable clam ps. Make sure th e cable does n ot  
in terfere with airflow an d will n ot be pin ch ed wh en you close th e cover.  
8 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
9 Recon n ect th e power cord an d extern al periph erals, th en turn on th e  
system .  
Replacing the control panel board  
Th e con trol pan el board is m oun ted on th e fron t of th e ch assis, in side th e  
fron t pan el.  
To replace the control panel board:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph erals.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Discon n ect all cables from th e con trol pan el board. Note th e location an d  
orien tation of each cable as you rem ove it.  
4 Rem ove th e th ree screws th at secure th e con trol pan el board to th e fron t  
of th e ch assis, th en rem ove th e board from th e server.  
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5 In stall th e n ew con trol pan el board by replacin g th e th ree screws you  
rem oved in Step 4.  
6 Plug th e fron t pan el cables in to th e appropriate con n ectors on th e con trol  
pan el board.  
7 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
8 Recon n ect th e power cord an d th e extern al periph erals, th en turn on th e  
system .  
Replacing the hot-plug backplane  
Th e th ree drive h ot-plug backplan e is at th e back of th e h ot-plug drive cage.  
Th e backplan e supports as m an y as th ree h ot-swappable Ultra3 SCSI drives.  
To replace the hot-plug backplane assembly:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Discon n ect all cables to th e h ot-plug backplan e. Note th eir location s an d  
orien tation s.  
4 Rem ove all h ot-plug drives. Be careful to n ote wh ich drive was in wh ich  
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5 Rem ove th e four screws th at secure th e h ot-plug backplan e assem bly in  
th e ch assis, th en lift th e assem bly out of th e server.  
6 Place th e n ew backplan e assem bly in th e ch assis an d secure it usin g th e  
four screws you rem oved in Step 5.  
7 Recon n ect all cables on th e backplan e to th e correct con n ectors.  
8 Replace all h ot-plug drives. Make sure th at you replace th em in th e sam e  
slots th at th ey were in before you rem oved th em .  
9 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
10 Recon n ect all periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
Replacing the riser card  
Th e riser card con n ects to th e edge con n ector on th e left side of th e system  
board an d provides con n ectors for as m an y as two full-h eigh t, full-len gth  
expan sion cards.  
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To replace the riser card:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Rem ove an y expan sion cards in stalled in th e system . See Replacin g an  
expan sion cardon page 43.  
4 Rem ove th e two screws th at secure th e riser card assem bly to th e ch assis.  
5 Discon n ect th e riser card from th e edge con n ector on th e system board,  
th en lift th e riser card assem bly out of th e ch assis.  
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6 Rem ove th e two screws th at secure th e riser card to th e bracket.  
7 Slide th e riser card to th e left on th e bracket to free it from th e pin s on  
th e bracket, th en pull th e riser card off of th e bracket.  
8 Place th e n ew riser card on th e bracket an d secure it with th e two screws  
you rem oved in Step 6.  
9 In sert th e n ew riser card assem bly in to th e ch assis an d in sert th e system  
board edge con n ector in to th e con n ector on th e back of th e riser card.  
10 Secure th e riser card with th e four screws you rem oved in Step 4.  
11 Replace an y expan sion cards you rem oved in Step 3.  
12 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
13 Recon n ect all periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
Replacing the system board  
Th e system board in tegrates th e oth er elem en ts of th e system , such as th e  
processor, m em ory, storage, n etworkin g, an d com m un ication s.  
To replace the system board:  
1 Turn off th e system an d discon n ect th e power cord an d all extern al  
periph eral devices.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
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3 Rem ove all expan sion cards from th e system . See Replacin g an  
expan sion cardon page 43.  
4 Rem ove th e two screws th at secure th e riser card assem bly to th e ch assis.  
6 Discon n ect all cables from th e system board. Note th e location s an d  
orien tation s of th e cables as you rem ove th em .  
7 Rem ove an y processors an d DIMMs th at you will in stall in th e n ew  
system board. See Replacin g m em oryon page 32, Replacin g th e  
prim ary processoron page 34, an d Replacin g th e secon dary processor”  
on page 36.  
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8 Rem ove th e eigh t screws th at secure th e system board to th e ch assis, th en  
lift th e system board out of th e ch assis.  
9 Rem ove th e n ew system board from its an ti-static bag an d set an y jum pers  
th at you m ay n eed to set for your con figuration . See System boardon  
10 Place th e n ew system board in th e ch assis.  
11 Replace th e eigh t screws you rem oved in Step 8.  
12 In stall th e DIMM(s) an d processor(s) in th e n ew system board. See  
Replacin g m em oryon page 32, Replacin g th e prim ary processoron  
page 34, an d Replacin g th e secon dary processoron page 36.  
13 Recon n ect th e system cables to th e appropriate con n ectors on th e system  
board. See System boardon page 6 for referen ce.  
14 Replace th e riser card usin g th e two screws you rem oved in Step 4. Make  
sure you seat th e riser card con n ector securely on to th e edge con n ector  
on th e system board.  
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15 Replace an y expan sion cards you rem oved from th e system in Step 3. See  
Replacin g an expan sion cardon page 43.  
16 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
17 Recon n ect all periph erals an d th e power cord, th en turn on th e system .  
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Using the BIOS  
Setup Utility  
About the BIOS Setup utility  
Th e server BIOS h as a built-in setup utility th at lets you con figure several basic  
system ch aracteristics. Th e settin gs are stored in battery-backed RAM an d are  
retain ed even wh en th e power is off.  
En ter th e BIOS Setup utility by restartin g th e server, th en pressin g F2 wh en  
prom pted durin g th e startup process. Th e Main BIOS Setup utility screen  
open s. It m ay n ot look exactly like th e screen sh own below.  
BIOS Setup Utility  
Main Advanced Security Power Boot  
Item Specific Help  
BIOS Version  
[TAB], [Shift-Tab], or  
[Enter] selects field.  
System Time:  
System Date:  
Legacy Diskette A:  
>Primary Master:  
>Primary Slave:  
>Secondary Master:  
>Secondary Slave:  
System Memory:  
256 MB  
Help ↓  
Exit →  
Select Item  
Select Menu  
Change Values  
Setup Defaults  
Save & Exit  
Select > Sub-Menu  
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As you select item s on th e Main m en u or in subm en us, you see specific  
in form ation related to th e curren t selection in th e Item Specific Help box.  
Th e com m an d bar sh ows th e keystrokes n ecessary to access h elp, n avigate  
th rough th e m en us, an d perform oth er fun ction s.  
F1 open s th e Help screen , providin g gen eral h elp for usin g th e BIOS Setup  
ESC closes th e screen you are in an d return s you to th e previous screen  
or exits you from th e BIOS Setup utility.  
Th e ↑ (up arrow) an d (down arrow) keys select item s in th e m en u.  
Th e (left arrow) an d (righ t arrow) keys m ove you between th e  
m en us.  
Th e + (plus) an d - (m in us) keys ch an ge th e values in th e fields.  
ENTER m oves you to a subm en u screen wh en a selected item is preceded  
by > or activates a selected field.  
F9 open s a screen th at lets you return all values to th eir default settin gs.  
F10 open s a screen th at lets you save all settin gs, th en exit th e BIOS Setup  
Th e m ain screen h as th e followin g m en u selection s at th e top of th e screen :  
Main gives you access to basic in form ation an d settin gs related to your  
system h ardware an d con figuration .  
Advanced gives you access to in form ation an d settin gs for system  
resources, h ardware, an d system con figuration .  
Security gives you access to settin gs related to system access passwords.  
Power gives you access to in form ation an d option s for power  
m an agem en t features.  
Boot gives you access to in form ation an d settin gs for boot features an d  
boot sequen ces.  
Exit gives you access to option s for exitin g th e BIOS Setup utility.  
Refer to th e Help box on th e righ t side of th e BIOS Setup screen s for  
in form ation about m en u item s.  
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Updating the BIOS  
If you n eed a n ew version of th e BIOS, you can down load th e BIOS update  
from th e tech n ical support area on th e Gateway Web site  
( ) an d in stall th e n ew version from a diskette.  
To update th e BIOS you n eed to perform th e followin g tasks in sequen ce:  
Create a bootable diskette  
Note th e curren t BIOS settin gs  
Create th e BIOS update diskette  
Update th e BIOS  
Restore th e BIOS settin gs  
Follow th e detailed in struction s for updatin g th e BIOS th at are in cluded in  
th e self-extractin g file th at you can down load from th e tech n ical support area  
of Gateways Web site.  
BIOS Recovery  
Th e BIOS recovery option is design ed to recover th e BIOS in th e even t of a  
failed BIOS upgrade or if th e BIOS sh ould becom e corrupt for som e reason .  
To recover the BIOS:  
1 Create a bootable BIOS recovery diskette by followin g th e in struction s  
provided with th e BIOS recovery files on th e Web site.  
2 Open th e case. See Open in g th e caseon page 18 an d Preven tin g static  
electricity disch argeon page 17.  
3 Set switch SW1-3 to on . See Settin g th e switch eson page 65.  
4 Close th e case. See Closin g th e caseon page 20.  
5 Place th e BIOS recovery diskette in th e diskette drive.  
6 Turn on th e server.  
No m essages are displayed on screen durin g th e BIOS recovery. Th e server  
will em it a lon g series of beeps. A fin al exten ded ton e sign als th e  
com pletion of th e BIOS update.  
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7 Turn off th e server.  
8 Rem ove th e diskette from th e drive.  
9 Open th e case.  
10 Set switch SW1-3 back to th e off position .  
11 Close th e case.  
12 Turn on th e server.  
13 As th e server boots, press F2 to open th e BIOS Setup utility. Save an d exit  
from th e BIOS Setup utility, even if you m ade n o ch an ges to th e settin gs.  
If th e server does n ot boot properly, repeat th e BIOS recovery procedure. If  
th e server still does n ot boot properly, con tact Gateway tech n ical support.  
Setting the system board jumpers  
and switches  
Th e system board h as on e jum per an d on e four switch ban k. Each of th ese  
com pon en ts h as a specific fun ction described in th e section s below.  
The CMOS Clear jumper  
Th e CMOS Clear jum per on th e system board (jum per J1) lets you clear all  
BIOS Setup settin gs. (See th e figure on page 6 for th e location of th e jum per.)  
Th e followin g table sh ows th e settin gs required to perform th is task. Make  
sure you turn off th e server an d un plug th e power cord before m ovin g th e  
jum per. After you h ave cleared CMOS m em ory, return th e jum per to pin s 1  
an d 2 for n orm al operation .  
Action When Set  
CMOS protected  
Clear CMOS  
Pins 1-2  
Pins 2-3  
Normal operation (default)  
Causes server to clear all BIOS  
settings and return to defaults  
Moving the jumper while the power is on can damage the  
server. Always turn off the server and unplug the power  
cord before moving the jumper.  
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Setting the switches  
Switch ban k SW1 is a four-switch ban k th at lets you clear th e password, update  
th e BIOS, or recover from a failed BIOS update attem pt. Th e four switch es  
each h ave a differen t fun ction as sh own in th e table below. For th e location  
of switch ban k SW1, see System boardon page 6.  
When on  
When off  
Clear password  
Update BIOS ROM  
Recover BIOS ROM *  
Normal operation  
Disable BIOS update  
Normal operation  
* Requires a BIOS recovery diskette  
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Managing the  
Avoiding power source problems  
Surge suppressors, lin e con dition ers, an d un in terruptible power supplies can  
h elp protect th e server again st power source problem s.  
Surge suppressors  
Durin g a power surge, th e voltage level of electricity com in g in to th e server  
can in crease far above n orm al levels an d cause data loss or system dam age.  
Protect your server an d periph erals by con n ectin g th em to a surge suppressor,  
wh ich will absorb voltage surges an d preven t th em from reach in g your server.  
Wh en purch asin g a surge suppressor:  
Make sure th e surge suppressor m eets th e appropriate product safety  
certification for your location , such as Un derwriters Laboratories (UL) or  
Con form ite European (CE).  
Ch eck th e m axim um am oun t of voltage th e suppressor allows to pass  
th rough th e lin e. Th e lower th e voltage th at th e suppressor allows to pass  
th rough , th e better th e protection for th e server.  
Ch eck th e en ergy absorption (dissipation) ratin g. Th e h igh er th e en ergy  
absorption ratin g, th e better th e protection for th e server.  
Ch eck lin e-con dition er capabilities. A lin e con dition er sm ooth s out som e  
n orm al lin e n oise (sm all voltage fluctuation s) of an electrical supply.  
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Line conditioners  
A lin e con dition er protects th e server from th e sm all fluctuation s in voltage  
from an electrical supply. Most system s can h an dle th is variation (line noise)  
with out problem s. However, som e electrical sources in clude m ore lin e n oise  
th an n orm al. Lin e n oise can also be a problem if th e server is located n ear,  
or sh ares a circuit with , a device th at causes electrom agn etic in terferen ce, such  
as a television or a m otor.  
Som e surge suppressors an d un in terruptible power supplies in clude sim ple  
lin e-con dition in g capabilities.  
Uninterruptible power supplies  
Use a stan dby un in terruptible power supply (UPS) to protect your server from  
data loss durin g a total power failure. A UPS uses a battery to keep your server  
run n in g tem porarily durin g a power failure an d lets you save your work an d  
sh ut down your server. You can n ot run your server for an exten ded period  
of tim e wh ile usin g on ly th e UPS.  
Maintain and manage your hard drive  
Regular m ain ten an ce can keep your h ard drive operatin g efficien tly an d good  
file m an agem en t can keep th e server free of un wan ted files wh ile m akin g  
im portan t files secure an d easier to fin d.  
Hard drive maintenance utility  
If you are usin g th e Win dows NT operatin g system , you can h elp m ain tain  
th e perform an ce of your h ard drive by regularly usin g Ch eck Disk.  
For other operating systems, such as Windows 2000 or  
Novell Netware, refer to the appropriate operating system  
Using Check Disk in Windows NT  
Bad sectors are parts of a h ard drive or diskette th at will n ot h old data. A lost  
allocation un it is a group of sectors th at h as lost its place in th e table th at  
th e operatin g system uses to locate files. Ch eck Disk ch ecks th e h ard drive  
for bad sectors or lost allocation un its an d lets you fix th em .  
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Use Ch eck Disk from on ce a week to on ce a m on th , depen din g on h ow often  
you use th e server. Also use Ch eck Disk if you h ave an y h ard drive problem s.  
To use Check Disk:  
1 Double-click th e My Computer icon . Th e My Com puter win dow open s.  
2 Righ t-click th e drive you wan t to ch eck.  
3 Select Properties. Th e drives properties win dow open s.  
4 Click th e Tools tab.  
5 At Error-checking, click Check Now. Th e Ch eck Disk win dow open s.  
6 Scan th e en tire h ard drive by selectin g Scan for and attempt recovery of bad  
7 Click Start. Ch eck Disk ch ecks th e drive for errors.  
8 Follow an y on -screen in struction s for com pletin g th e scan .  
Hard drive management practices  
By deletin g un n eeded files from your h ard drive an d m an agin g th e space th at  
is autom atically allocated for savin g certain files, you can h elp m ain tain th e  
perform an ce of th e h ard drive. We suggest th at you first ch eck your h ard drive  
for available space, th en back up im portan t files prior to deletin g un n eeded  
files, in case you delete im portan t files by m istake.  
Checking hard drive space  
In Win dows, you can see a ch art of th e available h ard drive space.  
To check hard drive space:  
1 Double-click on th e My Computer icon on th e desktop. Th e My Com puter  
win dow open s.  
2 Righ t-click th e drive you wan t to ch eck.  
3 Select Properties. Th e drives properties win dow open s. Th e General tab  
sh ows you th e available an d used space on th e drive.  
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Backing up files  
Regularly backin g up your files protects you from losin g data an d lets you  
keep fewer files on your h ard drive. Back up old files to th e n etwork, a large  
capacity disk drive, or tape drive an d delete th e files from th e h ard drive. Th is  
server does n ot support th e in stallation of an in tern al large capacity disk drive  
or tape storage drive.  
You can use th e software th at cam e with your tape backup drive or your large  
capacity disk drive to back up th e files. You can also back up files by run n in g  
th e Backup utility th at cam e with your operatin g system . In Win dows NT,  
Backup copies files to a tape drive.  
To run Backup in Windows NT:  
1 Click Start, th en select Programs, Administrative Tools, th en Backup.  
2 Follow th e on -screen in struction s.  
Deleting unneeded files  
By deletin g un n eeded files from th e h ard drive, you free up space on th e h ard  
drive an d h elp im prove h ard-drive perform an ce. Th e followin g section s give  
you som e sim ple ways to delete un n eeded files.  
Deleting Windows temporary files  
Durin g n orm al operation , Win dows con stan tly creates n ew tem porary (.tm p)  
files. You can safely delete all but th e m ost recen t .tm p files.  
To delete .tmp files:  
1 Open Win dows Explorer, th en select Tools, Find, th en Files and Folders.  
2 In th e Named text box, type *.tm p  
3 In th e Look in drop down list, select your drive letter.  
4 Click Find Now. Th e list of .tm p files appears.  
5 Click Modified above th e list. To see th e Modified button , you m ay n eed  
to m axim ize th e Fin d win dow. Th e list is sorted by date.  
6 High ligh t all th e files in th e list except th ose with th e curren t date.  
7 Press SHIFT + DELETE. A dialog box open s askin g if you wan t to delete th e  
8 Click Yes. Th e files are deleted.  
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Deleting temporary Internet files  
As you visit Web sites, your browser stores tem porary In tern et files on your  
h ard drive in a memory cache an d a disk cache. Files in th e m em ory cach e are  
rem oved wh en you turn off your server. Files are saved in th e disk cach e un til  
th e space design ated for th e cach e is full. See your browsers Help files for  
in struction s on em ptyin g th e disk cach e.  
You can save space on th e h ard drive by decreasin g th e size of th e In tern et  
file disk cach e. See your browsers Help files for in struction s.  
Emptying the Recycle Bin  
Wh en you delete a file from your h ard drive in Win dows, it is n ot im m ediately  
rem oved from th e h ard drive. In stead, th e file is m oved in to th e Recycle Bin .  
Because files are stored in th e Recycle Bin an d n ot deleted from th e h ard drive  
im m ediately, you can retrieve a file th at you acciden tally delete from th e h ard  
To delete all th e files from th e Recycle Bin , righ t-click th e Recycle Bin icon  
on th e desktop, th en click Empty Recycle Bin.  
You can save space on th e h ard drive by decreasin g th e size of th e Recycle Bin .  
To decrease the size of the Recycle Bin:  
1 Righ t-click th e Recycle Bin, th en select Properties.  
2 At th e Global tab, select eith er Configure drives independently or Use one  
setting for all drives.  
3 If you are con figurin g drives in depen den tly, click th e tab for th e drive  
you wan t to con figure.  
4 Move th e slider to set th e size of th e Recycle Bin . A good in itial settin g  
is 5%.  
5 Click OK.  
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Protecting the server against viruses  
A virus is a program th at attach es itself to a program or data file on a com puter,  
th en spreads from on e com puter to an oth er. Viruses can dam age data, cause  
com puters to m alfun ction , an d can display an n oyin g or offen sive m essages.  
Som e viruses can go un n oticed for lon g periods of tim e because th ey are  
activated by a certain date or tim e. Protect your server from viruses by:  
Usin g an an ti-virus program to ch eck files an d program s th at are on  
diskettes, attach ed to e-m ail m essages, or down loaded from th e In tern et.  
After you run th e an ti-virus program you can back up your files to  
diskettes, a separate h ard drive, or a h igh -capacity storage drive.  
Keepin g your an ti-virus program updated.  
Obtain in g all software from reputable sources an d ch eckin g th e software  
for viruses before in stallin g it.  
Disablin g m acros on suspicious Microsoft Word an d Excel files. Th ese  
program s will warn you if a docum en t th at you are open in g con tain s a  
m acro th at m igh t h ave a virus.  
To remove a virus:  
1 Fin d an d rem ove th e virus im m ediately usin g an an ti-virus program .  
2 Turn off your server an d leave it off for at least 30 secon ds.  
3 Turn on th e server an d rescan for th e virus.  
4 If th e virus is still presen t, con tact th e m an ufacturer of your an ti-virus  
program or Gateway Clien t Care.  
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System administration and control  
Th e server h as two server-m an agem en t tools th at you can use to adm in ister  
an d con trol th e server. Th ese tools are Man ageX Even t Man ager an d th e  
Sim ple Network Man agem en t Protocol (SNMP) agen t.  
ManageX Event Manager  
Man ageX lets th e system adm in istrator m an age m ultiple system s on a  
Win dows NT, Win dows 2000, or Novell Netware n etwork from a sin gle  
win dow, an d im plem en t com m an ds an d policies across th e n etwork with a  
sin gle action . With th is tool, you can autom ate system m an agem en t tasks,  
wh ich can be triggered by specific even ts or at specified th resh olds.  
You can fin d addition al in form ation about th e Man ageX Even t Man ager  
un der Documentation on th e Server Com pan ion CD wh ich cam e with th e  
SNMP agent  
Th e SNMP agen t is software th at lin ks th e h ardware to Man ageX Even t  
Man ager. Each sign ifican t h ardware even t gen erates an in terrupt th at is  
detected by th e SNMP agen t an d th en routed to Man ageX. Th e SNMP agen t  
is provided on th e Server Com pan ion CD (SCCD) an d m ust be in stalled on  
th e server before system adm in istration an d con trol will fun ction properly.  
Installing the SNMP agent in Windows NT  
Th e server m ust be prepared for th e server m an agem en t software.  
You m ust down load an d in stall WMICORE.EXE first to provide a WMI  
en viron m en t in Win dows NT. Down load WMICORE.EXE from  
m sdn .m /down loads/sdks/wm i/down load.asp. Wh en you  
in stall WMICORE.EXE, ch eck th e Install WMI SNMP Provider ch eckbox in  
th e Com pon en ts dialog box.  
SNMP service m ust be in stalled. If n ot, in stall SNMP service th rough  
Win dows NT before you in stall th e SNMP agen t.  
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To install the SNMP agent in Windows NT:  
1 Add th e IP address or h ostn am e of th e server to th e SNMP setup. Th is  
SNMP service routes SNMP service alerts to Man ageX.  
2 In stall Man ageX from th e Server Com pan ion CD (SCCD).  
3 Run SETUP.EXE from th e SCCD. Th e default directory is \ Program  
Files\ 7450R Agen t.  
4 Restart th e server.  
5 Setup Man ageX. See Settin g up Man ageXon page 75.  
Installing the SNMP agent in Windows 2000  
Th e server m ust be prepared for th e server m an agem en t software.  
SNMP service m ust be in stalled. If n ot, in stall SNMP service th rough  
Win dows 2000 before you in stall th e SNMP agen t.  
To install the SNMP agent in Windows 2000:  
1 Add th e IP address or h ostn am e of th e server to th e SNMP setup. Th is  
SNMP service routes SNMP service alerts to Man ageX.  
2 In stall Man ageX from th e Server Com pan ion CD (SCCD).  
3 Copy WBEMSNMP.EX_ from th e \ i386 directory on th e SCCD to a local  
4 Open a DOS com m an d prom pt win dow an d type exp an d  
D:\ WBEMSNMP.EX_ C:\ WBEMSNMP.EXE, wh ere D is th e drive an d  
directory wh ere you copied WBEMSNMP.EX_ an d C is th e drive an d  
directory wh ere you wan t to place th e expan ded file, th en presss ENTER.  
5 Type WBEMSNMP at th e com m an d prom pt, th en press ENTER.  
Th e system will display th e welcom e screen with th e title Welcome to the  
WMI SNMP Provider Installation Wizard. Wh en th e welcom e screen is  
displayed, con tin ue with th e in stallation .  
6 Click Start, th en select Settings, th en Control Panel.  
7 Double-click Add/Remove Hardware.  
8 Click Add/Troubleshoot a device, Add a new device, th en No, I want to select  
the hardware from a list.  
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9 Select Other devices, th en click Have Disk.  
10 Browse th e SCCD to fin d f.  
11 Select th e 7450R Driver.  
12 If th e server does n ot reboot autom atically, reboot th e server.  
13 Setup Man ageX (see Settin g up Man ageXon page 75).  
Setting up ManageX  
To setup ManageX:  
1 Run Man ageX.  
2 Select WBEM Browser, Systems Management Server, th en 7450R Components  
to see th e server in form ation .  
Th is step displays th e WBEM Object detail win dow. Th e data displayed  
in th is win dow is n ot updated dyn am ically. To view th e latest data, click  
th e refresh button before you open th e WBEM Object detail win dow.  
3 Select th e Device Selector win dow.  
4 Click Devices to ch oose th e server wh ich will run Man ageX.  
5 Click Apply.  
6 In th e list of option s on th e left side of th e screen , righ t-click Policies.  
7 Select All Tasks, th en Set Directory.  
8 Accept th e default in stallation directory \ Program Files\ 7450R Agen t.  
9 Click Policies, th en Available.  
10 Righ t-click 7450RSnmpTrap.mxw.  
11 Select All Tasks, th en Install.  
You can open th e Message Reader to view th e even ts. Th e Message Reader is  
dyn am ically updated every few secon ds.  
You can also m odify th e error lim it values in \ w in n t\ i. However,  
you m ust stop th e SNMP service an d restart it wh en you are fin ish ed.  
Managing the Server  
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System security  
You can also set security m easures in th e BIOS Setup utility wh ich establish es  
passwords an d autom atic system lockouts. Th e system also in cludes server  
m an agem en t software th at m on itors th e ch assis in trusion switch .  
Mechanical access and monitoring  
Th e system in cludes a ch assis in trusion switch . Wh en th e top pan el is open ed,  
th e switch tran sm its a sign al to th e system board, wh ere server m an agem en t  
software processes th e sign al.  
Security through the BIOS Setup utility  
Th e BIOS Setup utility provides several security features to preven t  
un auth orized or acciden tal access to th e system . On ce th e security m easures  
are en abled, access to th e system is allowed on ly after you en ter th e correct  
password. For exam ple, th e utility lets you:  
Set an d en able th e supervisor an d user passwords  
Con trol access to th e Setup utility  
Restrict diskette drive access  
Restrict access to th e h ard drive boot sector  
Con figure an d en able th e security features usin g th e BIOS Setup utility.  
Disablin g th e security features does n ot ch an ge th e state of system power. Th at  
is, if you press an d release th e power switch wh ile security is on , th e system  
will n ot power off wh en security is later disabled. However, if th e fron t pan el  
power switch rem ain s pressed wh en security is disabled, th e system will turn  
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Summary of software security features  
Th e followin g table lists th e software security features an d describes wh at  
protection each offers. In gen eral, to en able or set th e features listed h ere, you  
m ust run th e BIOS Setup utility an d go to th e Security Men u. Th e table also  
refers to oth er Setup utility m en us. For m ore in form ation , see About th e BIOS  
Setup utilityon page 61.  
Disable writing to  
The system will not boot from or write to a diskette unless a password is  
entered. To set these features, see About the BIOS Setup utilityon  
page 61.  
Control access to  
BIOS Setup  
To control access to the system configuration, set a supervisor password  
and enable it through Setup.  
The supervisor password lets you access all of the Setup options and  
menus. If you also set a user password, it allows limited access to Setup  
options and menus.  
Once set, passwords can be disabled by deleting the password or by setting  
the Clear Password switch. See Setting the switcheson page 65.  
Control access to the To control access to the system, set a password and enable the Password  
system other than  
BIOS Setup  
on Boot option using the BIOS Setup utility.  
Once set, passwords can be disabled by deleting the password or by setting  
the Password Clear switch. See Setting the switcheson page 65.  
Boot without keyboard The system can boot with or without a keyboard. During POST and before  
the system boots, the BIOS automatically detects and tests the keyboard,  
if present. Do not plug in a keyboard while the system is on.  
System recovery  
Take precaution s th at allow you to recover dam aged files an d recover your  
system in th e even t th at your h ard drive is dam aged, or if your BIOS or system  
files get corrupted.  
Creating a startup diskette  
If your server h ard drive is dam aged, you m ay n ot be able to start th e server  
from th e h ard drive. A startup diskette is a bootable diskette th at lets you start  
th e server an d attem pt to fix th e problem .  
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Wh en you set up Win dows NT, you are prom pted to create a startup diskette.  
If you did n ot ch oose to create a startup diskette at th at tim e, you m ay create  
on e later by run n in g th e Win dows NT upgrade/in stallation program . Perform  
th is process by goin g to th e DOS Com m an d Prom pt, ch an gin g to th e C:\ I386  
subdirectory an d typin g win n t32/ ox. Press ENTER an d follow th e prom pts.  
Using your Server Companion CD  
Th e Server Com pan ion CD in cluded with your server can be used to:  
In stall h ardware drivers for Win dows NT  
In stall selected h ardware drivers for som e oth er operatin g system s (see  
th e SCCD for th e drivers available)  
In stall th e System Man agem en t SNMP agen t for Win dows NT or  
Win dows 2000  
Rein stall selected utilities  
Access system docum en tation  
In struction s for each operatin g system are provided with th e Server  
Com pan ion CD.  
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If th e server does n ot operate correctly, re-read th e in struction s for th e  
procedures you h ave perform ed. If an error occurs with in an application , refer  
to th e docum en tation supplied with th e software. Th is section iden tifies  
solution s to som e possible problem s.  
Troubleshooting checklist  
Before turn in g on th e system , m ake sure th at:  
Th e power cord is con n ected to th e power con n ector an d an AC outlet.  
Th e AC outlet is supplyin g power.  
If a power strip is used, it is turn ed on .  
If th e power supply h as a voltage selection switch , th at th e voltage  
selection switch reflects th e proper voltage.  
Verifying your configuration  
If th e server is n ot operatin g correctly, th e BIOS m ay con tain an in valid  
con figuration param eter. Open th e BIOS Setup utility an d ch eck your  
con figuration settin gs. (See About th e BIOS Setup utilityon page 61.)  
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Troubleshooting guidelines  
As you troublesh oot th e server, keep th e followin g guidelin es in m in d:  
Never rem ove th e ch assis cover wh ile th e server is turn ed on .  
Do n ot attem pt to open th e m on itor. Even if th e power is discon n ected,  
stored en ergy in th e com pon en ts can be dan gerous.  
If a periph eral does n ot work, m ake sure th at all con n ection s are secure.  
If you see an error m essage on th e screen , write it down , word for word.  
You m ay be asked about it wh en callin g Gateway Clien t Care.  
On ly qualified person n el sh ould open th e system for m ain ten an ce.  
If you are qualified to m ain tain th e system yourself, m ake sure you are  
properly groun ded before open in g th e system ch assis. See Ch apter 3, Case  
Access, for m ore in form ation on preven tin g electrostatic dam age to th e  
system .  
Troubleshooting the battery installation  
If you h ave problem s after in stallin g th e n ew battery, try each of th e item s  
listed below, restartin g th e server after each try.  
Turn off th e server an d m ake sure th at all exterior cables are attach ed  
an d secured to th e correct con n ectors.  
Make sure th at all power switch es are on . If th e server is plugged in to a  
power strip or surge protector, m ake sure it is turn ed on also.  
En ter th e BIOS Setup utility an d com pare th e settin gs on th e screen with  
your n otes or th e system h ardware m an uals. Correct an y discrepan cies.  
Turn off th e server, rem ove th e cover, an d m ake sure th at all cables in side  
th e case are attach ed securely. Also, m ake sure th at th e colored cable edges  
are align ed correctly an d th at th e con n ectors did n ot m iss an y pin s.  
Discon n ect an d recon n ect th e cables. Close th e case as described in  
Closin g th e caseon page 20, recon n ect th e periph erals an d power  
cords, th en turn on th e server.  
Turn off th e server, rem ove th e cover an d, if you h ave th e proper test  
equipm en t, m ake sure th at th e n ew battery h as power. (Alth ough  
un likely, your n ew battery m ay be defective.) Close th e case as described  
in Closin g th e caseon page 20, recon n ect th e power cord, th en turn  
on th e server.  
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CD problems  
The system does not recognize the CD drive  
Probable cause  
The CD is not intended  
for PC use  
Make sure that the disc is PC-compatible.  
The CD is loaded  
Make sure that the label is facing up, then try again.  
The CD is scratched or  
Try cleaning the CD with a lint-free cloth. Make sure the disk  
is not scratched.  
The CD drive needs to  
be added as new  
In the Control Panel window (Start | Settings | Control  
Panel), double-click Add New Hardware. Follow the  
on-screen instructions for adding the drive.  
The secondary IDE  
device may be disabled  
Restart your server, then press F2 to enter the BIOS Setup  
utility program. From the Main | IDE Configuration menu,  
set the IDE Controller to Both and the Secondary IDE  
Master to Auto.  
The CD drive cables are  
not installed correctly  
Open the system, then make sure all cables between the IDE  
controller and the CD drive are correctly connected.  
The CD drive may be  
Replace the CD drive.  
Hard drive problems  
The system does not recognize a SCSI drive  
Probable cause  
SCSI hot-plug drive is  
not seated correctly  
Open the system and reseat the hot-plug drive(s). This  
problem is most common immediately after shipping.  
The SCSI bus is not  
properly terminated  
Open the system and make sure that the last device on the  
SCSI chain is properly terminated.  
The drive is configured  
Change the devices SCSI address to one that is not  
with a conflicting SCSI ID currently being used by the system.  
The cables are not  
connected correctly  
Open the system, then make sure the cables are connected  
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Memory and processor problems  
The system detected memory errors during start up  
Probable cause  
Memory was added or  
removed, and the new  
configuration was not saved  
in the BIOS Setup utility  
Open the BIOS Setup utility and save the new memory  
The memory was installed  
Make sure that the memory is properly seated and  
A memory chip is faulty  
Replace the card with the faulty chip. Third-party  
diagnostic programs can help determine which chip or  
memory segment is failing.  
The system does not recognize a new or second processor  
Probable cause  
The processor was installed  
Check the installation. Make sure that the processor  
is fully seated in its socket. The processor should be  
recognized automatically if it was installed correctly.  
Peripheral/Adapter problems  
The system does not recognize a SCSI device  
Probable cause  
The device needs to be  
From the Control Panel window (Start | Settings | Control  
added as new hardware Panel), double-click Add New Hardware. Follow the  
on-screen instructions for adding the device.  
The SCSI ID may be  
Assign an available SCSI ID to the device.  
The SCSI chain is not  
Make sure the last device on the SCSI chain is terminated.  
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Probable cause  
The device cables are  
not installed correctly  
Open the system, then check all cables between the  
controller and the device.  
The system does not recognize the diskette drive  
Probable cause  
The diskette drive may  
Restart your server, then press F2 to enter the BIOS Setup  
be configured incorrectly utility. In the Boot | Removable Devices menu, make sure  
that the diskette drive parameters are set correctly.  
The drive cables are not  
connected properly  
Open the system, then make sure all cables are properly  
connected to the controller card. The diskette controller is  
integrated into the system board.  
The diskette drive will not read, write, or format  
Probable cause  
The diskette is not  
Make sure that the diskette you are trying to format is  
IBM-compatible. If it is, try reformatting it. If not, get another  
The disk is write  
Make sure that the write-protection window on the  
upper-right corner of the diskette is closed (unprotected).  
The diskette is corrupted Run CheckDisk on the diskette. If errors are detected and  
corrected, try accessing the diskette again.  
The diskette drive LED illuminates continuously  
Probable cause  
The diskette is corrupted Remove the diskette from the drive. If the light remains on,  
try restarting the system.  
The cable to the drive is  
not connected properly  
Open the system, then make sure the cable between the  
diskette drive and its controller is properly connected. Make  
sure that the pins are not bent or misaligned. The diskette  
controller is integrated into the system board.  
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The system does not recognize an expansion card  
Probable cause  
The interrupt or I/O  
address is set incorrectly  
Check the address configuration of the adapter card and  
make sure that it does not conflict with another card in the  
The card has not been  
configured through the  
Configure the card with the appropriate software.  
The card was not installed  
Make sure the card jumpers are set correctly and reseat  
the card.  
Printer problems  
Th is server does n ot in clude a parallel port on th e I/O pan el. To con n ect a  
prin ter directly to th e server, you m ust use a serial or USB prin ter.  
The printer will not turn on  
Probable cause  
The printer is not onlne  
Make sure the on-line or ready light is on, or the display  
indicates Ready.”  
The printer is not turned  
Make sure that the power switch is set to the On position.  
If the printer is turned on, the green power LED should be  
The printer is not  
plugged in  
Make sure that the power cable is plugged into a working  
power source.  
The printer is defective  
Try another printer, if one is available.  
The printer is turned on but will not print  
Probable cause  
The printer is not connected  
to the system  
Make sure the data cable between the printer and the  
system is properly connected. Make sure that it is  
connected to the proper port. Make sure the connector  
and cable have no bent or broken pins.  
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Probable cause  
The printer is not designated  
as the default printer  
If the printer that you are trying to print to is not the  
default printer, make sure that you have selected it  
through the program printer setup function.  
The printer has not been  
added to the system  
In the Printers window (Start | Settings | Printers),  
double-click Add Printer. Follow the on-screen  
instructions for adding the new printer.  
System problems  
The system will not start up  
Probable cause  
The system is not connected to  
an AC outlet  
Make sure that the power cable is connected to an  
operating AC power source.  
The system is non-responsive  
Probable cause  
An error occurs during an  
application or the server  
may be out of memory  
Press and hold in the power button for 4 seconds to turn  
the system off. Turn the system back on, then follow the  
on-screen instructions.  
The keyboard does not work  
Probable cause  
A key was pressed while the  
system was starting up  
Clear the sticking key, then turn off the system, wait for  
a few seconds, then turn the system back on.  
The keyboard is not plugged  
in or connected properly  
Make sure the cable is properly connected.  
Something spilled into the  
Turn off the system. Turn the keyboard upside down to  
drain it, then turn is right-side up to let it dry before using  
the keyboard again.  
The keyboard is defective  
Try a keyboard that you know is working.  
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The mouse does not work  
Probable cause  
The mouse is not plugged in  
or connected properly  
Make sure that the cable is plugged in correctly.  
The mouse driver did not load  
when the system started  
Load the appropriate mouse driver manually or contact  
technical support.  
The mouse is defective  
Try a mouse that you know is working.  
Video problems  
The system is running but the screen is blank  
Probable cause Solution  
The monitor is not turned on Make sure that the monitor is plugged in and turned on.  
If the monitor is turned on, the green power LED should  
The monitor data cable is  
not connected  
Make sure that the monitor data cable is connected to the  
video controller on the back of the system.  
The connector or cable is  
Check the connector and cable for bent or damaged pins.  
The monitor brightness and  
contrast controls are turned  
Adjust the brightness and contrast knobs to the center  
The monitor is defective  
Connect a working monitor to the server.  
The video card is not seated  
Open the system and reseat the video card. The server  
board may have a built-in video adapter, so there may not  
be a video adapter to remove and replace.  
The video card is not  
Check the documentation or technical support to make  
compatible with the system sure that the video card is compatible with the system. If  
not, obtain a compatible video card. The server board  
may have a built-in video adapter, so there may not be  
a video adapter to remove and replace.  
Thesecondprocessor isnot  
seated properly  
Open the system and reseat the the second processor.  
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The image on the screen is dim or difficult to read  
Probable cause  
The monitor brightness and  
contrast controls are turned  
Adjust the brightness and contrast knobs until the text  
becomes clear.  
Sunlight is glaring off the  
Position the monitor away from the sun or a window.  
Replace the monitor.  
The monitor may be old  
The color monitor displays everything in black and white  
Probable cause  
The system was turned  
on before the monitor  
Make sure that the monitor is turned on, then restart the  
The display type is set  
In the Control Panel window (Start | Settings | Control  
Panel), double-click Display, set the display to the  
appropriate monitor type, then restart the system.  
The displayed characters are garbled  
Probable cause  
The video cable is damaged  
Make sure the connector and cable have no bent or  
damaged pins.  
The display setup is incorrect In the Control Panel window (Start | Settings | Control  
Panel), double-click Display and check the settings.  
The correct video type should be selected, along with  
a supported resolution. See your monitor documentation  
for more information.  
The video is distorted  
Probable cause  
The monitor controls are  
not properly adjusted  
Adjust the monitor controls until the text becomes clear. See  
your monitor documentation for more information.  
The connectoror cable is  
Check the connector and cable for bent or damaged pins.  
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Probable cause  
The surge protector or  
UPS is damaged  
Disconnect the monitor power cable, then connect it directly  
to the power source.  
The monitor is too close  
to a source of electrical  
Move the monitor away from sources of electrical  
interference, such as televisions, unshielded speakers,  
microwave ovens, fluorescent lights, and metal beams or  
The monitor needs to be  
Turn off the server and monitor and leave them off for at least  
a half hour, then restart the system.  
Error codes and test points  
Th is section lists test poin ts an d beep codes th at you m ay en coun ter. Th ese  
codes often in dicate procedural errors such as an in correct keystroke or a  
write-protected diskette. Som e m essages, h owever, m ay in dicate a problem  
th at requires you to con sult th e troublesh ootin g section of th is m an ual.  
POST Routine Description  
Point Code  
Verify real mode  
Disable non-maskable interrupt (NMI)  
Get processor type  
Initialize system hardware  
Disable shadow and execute code from ROM  
Initialize chipset with initial POST values  
Set IN POST flag  
Initialize processor registers  
Enable processor cache  
Initialize caches to initial POST values  
Initialize I/O components  
Initialize the local bus IDE  
Initialize power management  
Load alternate registers with initial POST values  
* If the BIOS detects error 2C or 2E, it displays an additional word-bitmap (xxxx) indicating  
the address line or bits that failed. For example, 2C 0002means address line 1 (bit one  
set) has failed. 2E 1020means data bits 12 and 5 (bits 12 and 5 set) have failed in the  
lower 16 bits.  
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POST Routine Description  
Point Code  
Restore processor control word during warm boot  
Initialize PCI bus mastering devices  
Initialize keyboard controller  
1-2-2-3 BIOS ROM checksum  
Initialize cache before memory auto-size  
8254 timer initialization  
8237 DMA controller initialization  
Reset programmable interrupt controller  
1-3-1-1 Test DRAM refresh  
1-3-1-3 Test 8742 keyboard controller  
Set ES segment register to 4 GB  
Auto-size DRAM  
Initialize POST Memory Manager  
Clear 512 kb base RAM  
1-3-4-1 RAM failure on address line xxxx*  
1-3-4-3 RAM failure on data bits xxxx* of low byte of memory bus  
Enable cache before system BIOS shadow  
Test processor bus-clock frequency  
Initialize Phoenix Dispatch Manager  
Warm start shut down  
Shadow system BIOS ROM  
Auto-size cache  
Advanced configuration of chipset registers  
Load alternate registers with CMOS values  
Initialize interrupt vectors  
POST device initialization  
2-1-2-3 Check ROM copyright notice  
Check video configuration against CMOS  
Initialize PCI bus and devices  
Initialize all video adapters in system  
QuietBoot start (optional)  
Shadow video BIOS ROM  
* If the BIOS detects error 2C or 2E, it displays an additional word-bitmap (xxxx) indicating  
the address line or bits that failed. For example, 2C 0002means address line 1 (bit one  
set) has failed. 2E 1020means data bits 12 and 5 (bits 12 and 5 set) have failed in the  
lower 16 bits.  
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POST Routine Description  
Point Code  
Display BIOS copyright notice  
Initialize MultiBoot  
Display processor type and speed  
Test keyboard  
Set key click if enabled  
Enable USB devices  
2-2-3-1 Test for unexpected interrupts  
Initialize POST display service  
Display prompt Press F2 to enter SETUP”  
Disable processor cache  
Test RAM between 512 and 640 kb  
Test extended memory  
Test extended memory address lines  
Jump to UserPatch 1  
Configure advanced cache registers  
Initialize multiprocessor APIC  
Enable external and processor caches  
Setup System Management Mode (SMM) area  
Display external L2 cache size  
Load custom defaults (optional)  
Display shadow-area message  
Display possible high address for UMB recovery  
Display error messages  
Check for configuration errors  
Check for keyboard errors  
Set up hardware interrupt vectors  
Initialize intelligent system monitoring  
Initialize coprocessor if present  
Disable onboard SuperI/O ports and IRQs  
Late POST device initialization  
Detect and install external RS232 ports  
Configure non-MCD IDE controllers  
* If the BIOS detects error 2C or 2E, it displays an additional word-bitmap (xxxx) indicating  
the address line or bits that failed. For example, 2C 0002means address line 1 (bit one  
set) has failed. 2E 1020means data bits 12 and 5 (bits 12 and 5 set) have failed in the  
lower 16 bits.  
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POST Routine Description  
Point Code  
Detect and install external parallel ports  
Initialize PC-compatible PnP ISA devices  
Re-initialize onboard I/O ports  
Configure mainboard configurable devices (optional)  
Initialize BIOS data area  
Enable non-maskable interrupts  
Initialize extended BIOS data area  
Test and initialize PS/2 mouse  
Initialize diskette controller  
Determine number of ATA drives (optional)  
Initialize hard drive controllers  
Initialize local-bus hard drive controllers  
Jump to UserPatch2  
Build MPTABLE for multi-processor boards  
Install CD ROM for boot  
Clear huge ES segment register  
Fix multi-processor table  
Search for option ROMs. Beeps on checksum failure  
Check for SMART drive (optional)  
Shadow option ROMs  
Set up power management  
Initialize security engine (optional)  
Enable hardware interrupts  
Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives  
Set time of day  
Check key lock  
Initialize typematic rate  
Erase F2 prompt  
Scan for F2 keystroke  
Enter SETUP  
Clear boot flag  
Check for errors  
* If the BIOS detects error 2C or 2E, it displays an additional word-bitmap (xxxx) indicating  
the address line or bits that failed. For example, 2C 0002means address line 1 (bit one  
set) has failed. 2E 1020means data bits 12 and 5 (bits 12 and 5 set) have failed in the  
lower 16 bits.  
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POST Routine Description  
Point Code  
POST done - prepare to boot operating system  
One short beep before boot  
Terminate QuietBoot (optional)  
Check password (optional)  
Initialize ACPI BIOS  
Prepare boot  
Initialize SMBIOS  
Initialize PnP option ROMs  
Clear parity checkers  
Display MultiBoot menu  
Clear screen (optional)  
Check virus and backup reminders  
Try to boot with INT 19  
Initialize POST Error Manager (PEM)  
Initialize error logging  
Initialize error display function  
Initialize system error handler  
PnPnd dual CMOS (optional)  
Initialize notebook docking (optional)  
Initialize notebook docking late (optional)  
Force check (optional)  
Extended checksum (optional)  
Unknown interrupt  
The following are for the boot block in the Flash ROM  
Initialize the chipset  
Initialize the bridge  
Initialize the processor  
Initialize the system timer  
Initialize the system I/O  
Check force recovery boot  
Checksum BIOS ROM  
Go to BIOS  
* If the BIOS detects error 2C or 2E, it displays an additional word-bitmap (xxxx) indicating  
the address line or bits that failed. For example, 2C 0002means address line 1 (bit one  
set) has failed. 2E 1020means data bits 12 and 5 (bits 12 and 5 set) have failed in the  
lower 16 bits.  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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POST Routine Description  
Point Code  
Set huge segment  
Initialize multi processor  
Initialize OEM special code  
Initialize PIC and DMA  
Initialize memory type  
Initialize memory size  
Shadow Boot Block  
Initialize System Management Mode  
System memory test  
Initialize interrupt vectors  
Initialize Run Time Clock  
Initialize video  
Output one beep  
Initialize boot configuration  
Clear huge segment  
Boot to O.S. (Mini DOS)  
Initialize USB controller  
* If the BIOS detects error 2C or 2E, it displays an additional word-bitmap (xxxx) indicating  
the address line or bits that failed. For example, 2C 0002means address line 1 (bit one  
set) has failed. 2E 1020means data bits 12 and 5 (bits 12 and 5 set) have failed in the  
lower 16 bits.  
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Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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Regulatory, and  
Th e Gateway 7450R Server origin ally sh ipped with a Class A ratin g accordin g  
to FCC rules part 15. Later m odification s m ay h ave im proved th e ratin g to  
Class B. To ch eck th e ratin g of th e system as sh ipped to you, ch eck th e FCC  
label at th e back of th e ch assis for th e ratin g.  
Important safety information  
Your Gateway system is design ed an d tested to m eet th e latest stan dards for safety of in form ation  
tech n ology equipm en t. However, to en sure safe use of th is product, it is im portan t th at th e safety  
in struction s m arked on th e product an d in th e docum en tation are followed.  
Always follow these instructions to help guard against  
personal injury and damage to your Gateway system.  
Setting up your system  
Read an d follow all in struction s m arked on th e product an d in th e docum en tation before you  
operate your system . Retain all safety an d operatin g in struction s for future use.  
Do n ot use th is product n ear water or a h eat source such as a radiator.  
Make sure you set up th e system on a stable work surface.  
Th e product sh ould on ly be operated from th e type of power source in dicated on th e ratin g  
If your com puter h as a voltage selector switch , m ake sure th at th e switch is in th e proper  
position for your area. Th e voltage selector switch is set at th e factory to th e correct voltage.  
Open in gs in th e com puter case are provided for ven tilation . Do n ot block or cover th ese  
open in gs. Make sure you provide adequate space, at least 6 in ch es (15 cm ), aroun d th e system  
for ven tilation wh en you set up your work area. Never in sert objects of an y kin d in to th e  
com puter ven tilation open in gs.  
Safety, Regulatory, and Notices  
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Som e products are equipped with a th ree-wire power cord to m ake sure th at th e product is  
properly groun ded wh en in use. Th e plug on th is cord will on ly fit in to a groun din g-type outlet.  
Th is is a safety feature. If you are un able to in sert th e plug in to an outlet, con tact an electrician  
to in stall th e appropriate outlet.  
For the power supply of this equipment, an approved  
power cord has to be used. For a rated current up to 6 A  
and an equipment weight up to 6 kg, a power cord not  
lighter than H05VV-F, 3 G, 0.75 mm2, has to be used.  
Zum Netzanschluß dieses Gerätes ist eine geprüfte  
Leitung zu verwenden. Für einen Nennstrom bis 6 A und  
einem Gerätewicht größer 6 kg ist eine Leitung nicht  
leichter als H05VV-F, 3 G, 0.75 mm2 einzusetzen.  
If you use an exten sion cord with th is system , m ake sure th at th e total am pere ratin g on th e  
products plugged in to th e exten sion cord does n ot exceed th e exten sion cord am pere ratin g.  
If your system is fitted with a TV Tun er, cable, or satellite receiver card, m ake sure th at th e  
an ten n a or cable system is electrically groun ded to preven t again st voltage surges an d build  
up of static ch arges.  
Care during use  
Do n ot walk on th e power cord or allow an yth in g to rest on it.  
Do n ot spill an yth in g on th e system . Th e best way to avoid spills is to avoid eatin g an d drin kin g  
n ear your system .  
Som e products h ave a replaceable CMOS battery on th e system board. Th ere is a dan ger of  
explosion if th e CMOS battery is replaced in correctly. Replace th e battery with th e sam e or  
equivalen t type recom m en ded by th e m an ufacturer. Dispose of batteries accordin g to th e  
m an ufacturers in struction s.  
Wh en th e com puter is turn ed off, a sm all am oun t of electrical curren t still flows th rough th e  
com puter. Always un plug all power cables an d m odem cables from th e wall outlets before  
clean in g th e system .  
Un plug th e system from th e wall outlet an d refer servicin g to qualified person n el if:  
Th e power cord or plug is dam aged.  
Liquid h as been spilled in to th e system .  
Th e system does n ot operate properly wh en th e operatin g in struction s are followed.  
Th e system was dropped or th e cabin et is dam aged.  
Th e system perform an ce ch an ges.  
Replacement parts and accessories  
Use on ly replacem en t parts an d accessories recom m en ded by Gateway.  
Do not use Gateway products in areas classified as  
hazardous locations. Such areas include patient care  
areas of medical and dental facilities, oxygen-laden  
environments, or industrial facilities.  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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English (US)  
The power supply in this  
product contains no  
user-serviceable parts.  
Le bloc dalimentation de ce  
produit ne contient aucune  
pièce pouvant être réparée par Reparaturen vornehmen. Das  
Benutzer können am Netzgerät  
dieses Produkts keine  
Rivolgersi ad un tecnico  
specializzato per la  
riparazione dei componenti  
El usuario debe abstenerse de  
manipular los componentes de  
la fuente de alimentación de  
There may be more than one l'utilisateur. Ce produit peut  
supply in this product. Refer contenir plus d'un bloc  
Produkt enthält möglicherweise  
mehrere Netzgeräte.  
Wartungsarbeiten müssen von  
qualifizierten Technikern  
ausgeführt werden.  
dell'alimentazione di questo este producto, cuya reparación  
prodotto. È possibile che il  
prodotto disponga di più  
fonti di alimentazione.  
debe dejarse exclusivamente  
en manos de personal técnico  
especializado. Puede que este  
producto disponga de más de  
una fuente de alimentación.  
servicing only to qualified  
d'alimentation. Veuillez  
contacter un technicien  
qualifié en cas de problème.  
Do not attempt to modify or  
use the supplied AC power  
Ne pas essayer d'utiliser ni  
modifier le câble  
Versuchen Sie nicht, das  
mitgelieferte Netzkabel zu  
Non modificare o utilizzare il No intente modificar ni usar el  
cavo di alimentazione in c.a. cable de alimentación de  
cord if it is not the exact type d'alimentation CA fourni, s'il ne ändern oder zu verwenden,  
fornito dal produttore, se  
non corrisponde  
esattamente al tipo  
richiesto. Ad ogni fonte di  
alimentazione corrisponde  
un cavo di alimentazione in  
c.a. separato.  
corriente alterna, si no  
required. A product with  
more than one power supply au type requis. Le nombre de  
will have a separate AC câbles d'alimentation CA  
correspond pas exactement  
wenn es sich nicht genau um  
den erforderlichen Typ handelt.  
Ein Produkt mit mehreren  
corresponde exactamente con  
el tipo requerido. El número de  
cables suministrados se  
corresponden con el número  
de fuentes de alimentación de  
corriente alterna que tenga el  
power cord for each supply. fournis correspond au nombre Netzgeräten hat für jedes  
de blocs d'alimentation du  
Netzgerät ein eigenes  
The power button on the  
system does not turn off  
system AC power. To  
remove AC power from the  
system, you must unplug  
each AC power cord from  
the wall outlet or power  
Notez que le commutateur CC Der Wechselstrom des Systems Linterruttore  
Nótese que el interruptor  
de mise sous tension /hors  
tension du panneau avant  
n'éteint pas l'alimentation CA  
du système. Pour mettre le  
système hors tension, vous  
devez débrancher chaque  
wird durch den  
Ein-/Aus-Schalter für  
Gleichstrom nicht  
attivato/disattivato nel  
pannello anteriore non  
interrompe lalimentazione  
activado/desactivado en el  
panel frontal no desconecta la  
corriente alterna del sistema.  
Para desconectarla, deberá  
ausgeschaltet. Ziehen Sie jedes in c.a. del sistema. Per  
Wechselstrom-Netzkabel aus  
der Steckdose bzw. dem  
Netzgerät, um den  
interromperla, è necessario desenchufar todos los cables  
scollegare tutti i cavi di  
alimentazione in c.a. dalle  
de corriente alterna de la  
pared o desconectar la fuente  
de alimentación.  
supply. The power cord(s) is câble d'alimentation de sa  
considered the disconnect  
device to the main (AC)  
power. The socket outlet that  
the system plugs into shall  
be installed near the  
Stromanschluß des Systems zu prese a muro o  
dallalimentazione di  
equipment and shall be  
easily accessible.  
Qualora si rimuovano le  
extraiga la tapa del chasis para  
acceder al interior del sistema,  
siga las siguientes  
you remove the chassis  
covers to access the inside  
of the system, follow these  
Lorsque vous ouvrez le boîtier Immer wenn Sie die  
pour accéder à lintérieur du  
système, suivez les consignes um an das Systeminnere zu  
Gehäuseabdeckung abnehmen coperture del telaio per  
accedere allinterno del  
sistema, seguire i seguenti  
gelangen, sollten Sie folgende  
Schritte beachten:  
Turn off all peripheral  
devices connected to  
the system.  
Turn off the system by  
pressing the power  
Unplug all AC power  
cords from the system  
or from wall outlets.  
Label and disconnect  
all cables connected to  
I/O connectors or ports  
on the back of the  
Mettez hors tension tous  
les périphériques  
Schalten Sie alle an Ihr  
System angeschlossenen  
Peripheriegeräte aus.  
Schalten Sie das System  
mit dem Hauptschalter aus.  
Ziehen Sie den  
Spegnere tutti i  
Apague todos los  
connectés au système.  
Mettez le système hors  
tension en mettant  
linterrupteur général en  
position OFF  
dispositivi periferici  
collegati al sistema.  
Spegnere il sistema,  
usando il pulsante  
dispositivos periféricos  
conectados al sistema.  
Apague el sistema  
presionando el interruptor  
Desconecte todos los  
cables de alimentación  
CA del sistema o de las  
tomas de corriente  
Ihres Systems aus der  
Auf der Rückseite des  
Systems beschriften und  
ziehen Sie alle  
Anschlußkabel von den I/O  
Anschlüssen oder Ports ab.  
Tragen Sie ein geerdetes  
Antistatik Gelenkband, um  
elektrostatische Ladungen  
(ESD) über blanke  
dellinterruttore del  
Débranchez tous les  
cordons dalimentation  
c.a. du système et des  
prises murales.  
Identifiez et débranchez  
tous les câbles reliés aux  
connecteurs dE-S ou aux  
accès derrière le  
Togliere tutte le spine  
dei cavi del sistema  
dalle prese elettriche.  
Identificare e  
Identifique y desconecte  
todos los cables  
enchufados a los  
conectores E/S o a los  
puertos situados en la  
parte posterior del  
Cuando manipule los  
componentes, es  
sconnettere tutti i cavi  
attaccati ai  
Provide some  
electrostatic discharge  
(ESD) protection by  
wearing an antistatic  
wrist strap attached to  
chassis ground of the  
metal surfacewhen  
handling components.  
Do not operate the  
system with the chassis  
covers removed.  
collegamenti I/O od  
alle prese installate sul  
retro del sistema.  
Qualora si tocchino i  
Pour prévenir les  
électrostatiques lorsque  
vous touchez aux  
Metallstellen bei der  
Handhabung der  
proteggersi dallo  
scarico elettrostatico  
(SES), portando un  
cinghia anti-statica da  
polso che è attaccata  
alla presa a terra del  
telaio del sistema –  
qualsiasi superficie  
non dipinta .  
composants, portez une  
bande antistatique pour  
poignet et reliez-la à la  
masse du système (toute  
surface métallique non  
peinte du boîtier).  
Komponenten zu  
Schalten Sie das System  
niemals ohne  
importante protegerse  
contra la descarga  
electrostática (ESD).  
Puede hacerlo si utiliza  
una muñequera  
antiestática sujetada a la  
toma de tierra del chasis  
o a cualquier tipo de  
superficie de metal sin  
montiertes Gehäuse ein.  
Ne faites pas fonctionner  
le système tandis que le  
boîtier est ouvert.  
Non far operare il  
sistema quando il  
telaio è senza le  
No ponga en marcha el  
sistema si se han extraído  
las tapas del chasis.  
Safety, Regulatory, and Notices  
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English (US)  
For proper cooling and  
airflow, always reinstall the  
chassis covers before  
turning on the system.  
Operating the system  
Afin de permettre le  
refroidissementet laération du und Lüftung muß die  
système, réinstallez toujours  
les panneaux du boîtier avant  
de mettre le système sous  
Zur ordnungsgemäßen Kühlung Per il giusto flusso dellaria  
Para obtener un enfriamiento y  
un flujo de aire adecuados,  
reinstale siempre las tapas del  
e raffreddamento del  
Gehäuseabdeckung immer  
wieder vor dem Einschalten  
installiert werden. Ein Betrieb  
sistema, rimettere sempre  
le coperture del telaio prima chasis antes de poner en  
di riaccendere il sistema. marcha el sistema. Si pone en  
without the covers in place  
can damage system parts.  
To install the covers:  
tension. Le fonctionnement du des Systems ohne angebrachte Operare il sistema senza le funcionamiento el sistema sin  
système en labsence des  
panneaux risque  
dendommager ses pièces.  
Pour installer les panneaux,  
procédez comme suit :  
Abdeckung kann Ihrem System  
oder Teile darin beschädigen.  
Um die Abdeckung wieder  
coperture al loro proprio  
posto potrebbe  
danneggiare i componenti  
las tapas bien colocadas  
puede dañar los componentes  
del sistema. Para instalar las  
Check first to make  
sure you have not left  
loose tools or parts  
inside the system.  
Check that cables,  
add-in boards, and  
other components are  
properly installed.  
Attach the covers to the  
chassis with the screws  
removed earlier, and  
tighten them firmly.  
Connect all external  
cables and the AC  
power cord(s) to the  
del sistema. Per rimettere le tapas:  
Vergewissern Sie sich, daß coperture del telaio:  
Sie keine Werkzeuge oder  
Teile im Innern des  
Systems zurückgelassen  
Überprüfen Sie alle Kabel,  
Zusatzkarten und andere  
Komponenten auf  
Asegúrese primero de no  
haber dejado  
herramientas o  
Assurez-vous de ne pas  
avoir oublié doutils ou de  
pièces démontées dans  
le système.  
Controllare prima che  
non si siano lasciati  
degli attrezzi o dei  
componenti dentro il  
componentes sueltos  
dentro del sistema.  
Compruebe que los  
cables, las placas  
adicionales y otros  
componentes se hayan  
instalado correctamente.  
Incorpore las tapas al  
chasis mediante los  
tornillos extraídos  
Assurez-vous que les  
câbles, les cartes  
Controllare che i cavi,  
dei supporti aggiuntivi  
ed altri componenti  
siano stati installati  
Attaccare le coperture  
al telaio con le viti tolte  
in precedenza e  
avvitarle strettamente.  
Ricollegare tutti i cavi  
esterni e le prolunghe  
AC del sistema.  
dextension et les autres  
composants sont bien  
ordnungsgemäßen Sitz  
und Installation.  
Bringen Sie die  
Revissez solidement les  
panneaux du boîtier avec  
les vis retirées plus tôt.  
Rebranchez tous les  
cordons dalimentation c.  
a. et câbles externes au  
Abdeckungen wieder am  
Gehäuse an, indem Sie die  
zuvor gelösten Schrauben  
wieder anbringen. Ziehen  
Sie diese gut an.  
tensándolos firmemente.  
Conecte todos los cables  
externos y los cables de  
alimentación CA al  
Schließen Sie alle externen  
Kabel und den AC  
Ihres Systems wieder an.  
A microprocessor and heat  
sink may be hot if the system dissipateur de chaleur peuvent Kühler sind möglicherweise  
has been run-ning. Also, être chauds si le système a été erhitzt, wenn das System in  
there may be sharp pins and sous tension. Faites  
Le microprocesseur et le  
Der Mikroprozessor und der  
Se il sistema è stato a lungo Si el sistema ha estado en  
in funzione, il  
funcionamiento, el  
microprocessore e il  
dissipatore di calore  
potrebbero essere  
surriscaldati. Fare  
microprocesador y el disipador  
de calor pueden estar aún  
calientes. También conviene  
tener en cuenta que en el  
chasis o en el tablero puede  
haber piezas cortantes o  
punzantes. Por ello, se  
Betrieb ist. Außerdem können  
einige Platinen und  
edges on some board and  
chassis parts. Contact  
should be made with care.  
Consider wearing  
également attention aux  
broches aiguës des cartes et  
aux bords tranchants du capot. und Kanten aufweisen. Arbeiten attenzione alla presenza di  
Nous vous recommandons an Platinen und Gehäuse sollten piedini appuntiti e parti  
Gehäuseteile scharfe Spitzen  
protective gloves.  
l'usage de gants de protection. vorsichtig ausgeführt werden.  
taglienti sulle schede e sul  
telaio. È consigliabile l'uso  
di guanti di protezione.  
Sie sollten Schutzhandschuhe  
recomienda precaución y el  
uso de guantes protectores.  
Danger of explosion if the  
battery is incorrectly  
replaced. Replace only with  
the same or equivalent type uniquement avec une batterie darf nur durch denselben oder  
recommended by the  
Danger d'explosion si la  
batterie n'est pas remontée  
correctement. Remplacer  
Bei falschem Einsetzen einer  
neuen Batterie besteht  
Explosionsgefahr. Die Batterie  
Esiste il pericolo di un  
Existe peligro de explosión si  
la pila no se cambia de forma  
adecuada. Utilice solamente  
pilas iguales o del mismo tipo  
que las recomendadas por el  
fabricante del equipo. Para  
esplosione se la pila non  
viene sostituita in modo  
corretto. Utilizzare solo pile  
uguali o di tipo equivalente  
a quelle consigliate dal  
du même type ou d'un type  
équivalent recommandé par le Hersteller empfohlenen  
fabricant. Disposez des piles Batterietyp ersetzt werden.  
einen entsprechenden, vom  
equipment manufacturer.  
Dispose of used batteries  
produttore. Per disfarsi delle deshacerse de las pilas  
according to manufacturers usées selon les instructions du Entsorgen Sie ver-brauchte  
pile usate, seguire le  
usadas, siga igualmente las  
instrucciones del fabricante.  
Batterien den Anweisungen des istruzioni del produttore.  
Herstellers entsprechend.  
The system is designed to  
operate in a typical office  
environment. Choose a site  
that is:  
Le système a été conçu pour  
fonctionner dans un cadre de  
travail normal. L'emplacement Büroumgebung entwickelt. Der  
Das System wurde für den  
Betrieb in einer normalen  
Il sistema è progettato per  
funzionare in un ambiente di funcionar en un entorno de  
El sistema está diseñado para  
lavoro tipo. Scegliere una  
postazione che sia:  
trabajo normal. Escoja un  
choisi doit être :  
Standort sollte:  
Clean and free of  
Propre et dépourvu de  
sauber und staubfrei sein  
Pulita e libera da  
Limpio y libre de partículas  
airborne particles (other  
than normal room dust).  
Well ventilated and away  
from sources of heat  
including direct sunlight.  
Away from sources of  
vibration or physical  
poussière en suspension  
(sauf la poussière  
Bien aéré et loin des  
sources de chaleur, y  
compris du soleil direct.  
A l'abri des chocs et des  
sources de vibrations.  
Isolé de forts champs  
géenérés par des appareils  
Muni d'une prise murale  
correctement mise à la  
(Hausstaub ausgenommen);  
gut gelüftet und keinen  
Heizquellen ausgesetzt sein  
(einschließlich direkter  
keinen Erschütterungen  
ausgesetzt sein;  
keine starken, von  
elektrischen Geräten  
elektromagnetischen Felder  
mit einer geerdeten  
ausgerüstet sein;  
über ausreichend Platz  
verfügen, um Zugang zu den  
Netzkabeln zu  
gewährleisten, da der  
Stromanschluß desProdukts  
hauptsächlich über die Kabel  
unterbrochen wird.  
particelle in sospensione  
(a parte la normale  
polvere presente  
Ben ventilata e lontana  
da fonti di calore,  
compresa la luce solare  
Al riparo da urti e lontana  
da fonti di vibrazione.  
Isolata dai forti campi  
magnetici prodotti da  
dispositivi elettrici.  
Dotata di una presa a  
muro correttamente  
en suspensión (salvo el  
polvo normal).  
Bien ventilado y alejado de  
fuentes de calor, incluida la  
luz solar directa.  
Alejado de fuentes de  
Aislado de campos  
electromagnéticos fuertes  
producidos por dispositivos  
Provisto de una toma de  
tierra correctamente  
Isolated from strong  
electromagnetic fields  
produced by electrical  
Provided with a properly  
grounded wall outlet.  
Provided with sufficient  
Provisto de espacio  
space to access the  
power supply cords,  
because they serve as  
the products main power  
Suffisamment spacieux  
suficiente como para  
acceder a los cables de  
alimentación, ya que éstos  
hacen de medio principal  
de desconexión del  
pour vous permettre  
d'accéder aux câbles  
d'alimentation (ceux-ci  
étant le seul moyen de  
mettre le système hors  
Dotata di spazio  
sufficiente ad accedere  
ai cavi di alimentazione,  
i quali rappresentano il  
mezzo principale di  
scollegamento del  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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Regulatory compliance statements  
Rack Mounting  
If rack m oun ted un its are in stalled in a closed or m ulti-un it rack assem bly, th ey m ay require  
furth er evaluation by Certification Agen cies. Th e followin g item s m ust be con sidered:  
Th e am bien t with in th e rack m ay be greater th an room am bien t. In stallation sh ould be such  
th at th e am oun t of airflow required for safe operation is n ot com prom ised. Th e m axim um  
tem perature for th e equipm en t in th is en viron m en t is 50C, un less oth erwise specified in th e  
en viron m en tal specification s for th e equipm en t. Con sideration sh ould be given to th e  
m axim um rated am bien t.  
In stallation sh ould be such th at a h azardous stability con dition is n ot ach ieved due to un even  
loadin g.  
Input supply:  
Ch eck n am eplate ratin gs to assure th ere is n o overloadin g of supply circuits th at could h ave an  
effect on overcurren t protection an d supply wirin g.  
Reliable groun din g of th is equipm en t m ust be m ain tain ed. Particular atten tion sh ould be given  
to supply con n ection s wh en con n ectin g to power strips, rath er th an direct con n ection s to th e  
bran ch circuit.  
American users  
FCC Part 15  
Th is device h as been tested an d foun d to com ply with th e lim its for a Class A digital device,  
pursuan t to Part 15 of th e FCC rules. Th ese lim its are design ed to provide reason able protection  
again st h arm ful in terferen ce in a residen tial in stallation . Th is equipm en t gen erates, uses, an d can  
radiate radio frequen cy en ergy an d, if n ot in stalled an d used in accordan ce with th e in struction s,  
m ay cause h arm ful in terferen ce to radio or television reception . However, th ere is n o guaran tee  
th at in terferen ce will n ot occur in a particular in stallation . If th is equipm en t does cause  
in terferen ce to radio an d television reception , wh ich can be determ in ed by turn in g th e equipm en t  
off an d on , th e user is en couraged to try to correct th e in terferen ce by on e or m ore of th e followin g  
m easures:  
Reorien t or relocate th e receivin g an ten n a  
In crease th e separation between th e equipm en t an d receiver  
Con n ect th e equipm en t in to an outlet on a circuit differen t from th at to wh ich th e receiver  
is con n ected  
Con sult th e dealer or an experien ced radio/TV tech n ician for h elp.  
Use on ly sh ielded cables to con n ect periph erals to th e system .  
Accessories: Th is equipm en t h as been tested an d foun d to com ply with th e lim its of a Class A  
digital device. Th e accessories associated with th is equipm en t are: sh ielded video cable. Th ese  
accessories are required to be used in order to en sure com plian ce with FCC rules.  
Declaration of Conformity  
Responsible Party  
Gateway Com pan ies, In c.  
610 Gateway Drive, North Sioux City, SD 57049  
(605) 232-2000 Fax: (605) 232-2023  
Safety, Regulatory, and Notices  
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Product: Gateway 7450R Server  
For un ique iden tification of th e product con figuration , please subm it th e 10-digit serial n um ber  
foun d on th e product to th e respon sible party.  
Th is device com plies with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation of th is product is subject to th e  
followin g two con dition s; (1) th is device m ay n ot cause h arm ful in terferen ce, an d (2) th is device  
m ust accept an y in terferen ce received, in cludin g in terferen ce th at m ay cause un desired operation .  
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by  
Gateway could void the users authority to operate the  
FCC Part 68 (applicable to products fitted with USA modems)  
Your m odem com plies with Part 68 of th e Federal Com m un ication s Com m ission (FCC) rules.  
On th e com puter or m odem card is a label th at con tain s th e FCC registration n um ber an d Rin ger  
Equivalen ce Num ber (REN) for th is device. If requested, th is in form ation m ust be provided to  
th e teleph on e com pan y.  
An FCC com plian t teleph on e lin e cord with a m odular plug is required for use with th is device.  
Th e m odem is design ed to be con n ected to th e teleph on e n etwork or prem ises wirin g usin g a  
com patible m odular jack wh ich is Part 68 com plian t. See in stallation in struction s for details.  
Th e Rin ger Equivalen ce Num ber (REN) is used to determ in e th e n um ber of devices wh ich m ay  
be con n ected to th e teleph on e lin e. Excessive RENs on a teleph on e lin e m ay result in th e devices  
n ot rin gin g in respon se to an in com in g call. In m ost areas, th e sum of RENs sh ould n ot exceed  
five (5.0). To be certain of th e n um ber of devices th at m ay be con n ected to a lin e, as determ in ed  
by th e total RENs, con tact th e local teleph on e com pan y.  
If th is device causes h arm to th e teleph on e n etwork, th e teleph on e com pan y will n otify you in  
advan ce th at tem porary discon tin uan ce of service m ay be required. Th e teleph on e com pan y m ay  
request th at you discon n ect th e equipm en t un til th e problem is resolved.  
Th e teleph on e com pan y m ay m ake ch an ges in its facilities, equipm en t, operation s or procedures  
th at could affect th e operation of th is equipm en t. If th is h appen s th e teleph on e com pan y will  
provide advan ce n otice in order for you to m ake n ecessary m odification s to m ain tain  
un in terrupted service.  
Th is equipm en t can n ot be used on teleph on e com pan y provided coin service. Con n ection to  
party lin e service is subject to state tariffs. Con tact th e state public utility com m ission or public  
service com m ission for in form ation .  
Wh en program m in g or m akin g test calls to em ergen cy n um bers:  
Rem ain on th e lin e an d briefly explain to th e dispatch er th e reason for th e call.  
Perform such activities in th e off-peak h ours such as early m orn in g or late even in gs.  
Th e Un ited States Teleph on e Con sum er Protection Act of 1991 m akes it un lawful for an y person  
to use a com puter or oth er electron ic device to sen d an y m essage via a teleph on e fax m ach in e  
un less such m essage clearly con tain s in a m argin at th e top or bottom of each tran sm itted page  
or on th e first page of th e tran sm ission , th e date an d tim e it is sen t an d an iden tification of th e  
busin ess or oth er en tity, or oth er in dividual sen din g th e m essage an d th e teleph on e n um ber of  
th e sen din g m ach in e or such busin ess, oth er en tity, or in dividual. Refer to your fax  
com m un ication software docum en tation for details on h ow to com ply with th e fax-bran din g  
requirem en t.  
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Canadian users  
Th is digital apparatus does n ot exceed th e Class A lim its for radio n oise em ission s from digital  
apparatus as set out in th e radio in terferen ce regulation s of In dustry Can ada.  
Le présen t appareil n um érique n ém et pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassan t les lim ites  
applicables aux appareils n um ériques de Classe A prescrites dan s le règlem en t sur le brouillage  
radioélectrique édicté par In dustrie Can ada.  
DOC Notice (for products fitted with an IC-compliant modem)  
Th e In dustry Can ada label iden tifies certified equipm en t. Th is certification m ean s th at th e  
equipm en t m eets certain telecom m un ication s n etwork protective, operation , an d safety  
requirem en ts. Th e Departm en t does n ot guaran tee th e equipm en t will operate to th e users’  
satisfaction .  
Before in stallin g th is equipm en t, users sh ould en sure th at it is perm issible to be con n ected to  
th e facilities of th e local telecom m un ication s com pan y. Th e equipm en t m ust also be in stalled  
usin g an acceptable m eth od of con n ection . In som e cases, th e in side wirin g associated with a  
sin gle-lin e in dividual service m ay be exten ded by m ean s of a certified con n ector assem bly. Th e  
custom er sh ould be aware th at com plian ce with th e above con dition s m ay n ot preven t  
degradation of service in som e situation s.  
Repairs to certified equipm en t sh ould be m ade by an auth orized Can adian m ain ten an ce facility  
design ated by th e supplier. An y repairs or alteration s m ade by th e user to th is equipm en t, or  
equipm en t m alfun ction s, m ay give th e telecom m un ication s com pan y cause to request th e user  
to discon n ect th e equipm en t.  
Users sh ould en sure for th eir own protection th at th e electrical groun d con n ection s of th e power  
utility, teleph on e lin es, an d in tern al m etallic water pipe system , if presen t, are con n ected togeth er.  
Th is precaution m ay be particularly im portan t in rural areas.  
To avoid electrical shock or equipment malfunction you  
should not attempt to make electrical ground connections  
by yourself, but should contact the appropriate inspection  
authority or an electrician, as appropriate.  
Th e Rin ger Equ ivalen ce Nu m ber (REN) assign ed to each term in al device provides an in dication  
of th e m axim um n um ber of term in als allowed to be con n ected to a teleph on e in terface. Th e  
term in ation on an in terface m ay con sist of an y com bin ation of devices subject on ly to th e  
requirem en t th at th e sum of th e Rin ger Equivalen ce Num bers of all th e devices does n ot exceed 5.  
European users  
European directives  
Th is In form ation Tech n ology Equipm en t h as been tested an d foun d to com ply with th e followin g  
European directives:  
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC  
- EN 55022:1995 Class A  
Safety, Regulatory, and Notices  
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- EN 55024:1998 accordin g to  
EN 61000-3-2:1995  
EN 61000-3-3:1995  
European Telecommunication Information (for products fitted with EU approved  
Markin g by th e sym bol  
in dicates com plian ce of th is equipm en t to th e Telecom  
Term in al Equipm en t an d Satellite Earth Station s Directive 98/13/EEC. Such m arkin g is in dicative  
th at th is equipm en t m eets or exceeds th e followin g tech n ical stan dards:  
CTR 21 (1998) - Attach m en t requirem en ts for pan -European approval for con n ection to th e  
an alogue Public Switch ed Teleph on e Networks (PSTNs) of TE (excludin g TE supportin g voice  
teleph on y services) in wh ich n etwork addressin g, if provided, is by m ean s of Dual Ton e Multi  
Frequen cy (DTMF) sign alin g.  
Although this equipment can use either loop disconnect  
(Pulse) or DTMF (Tone) signaling, only the performance  
of the DTMF signaling is subject to regulatory  
requirements for correct operation. It is therefore strongly  
recommended that the equipment is set to use DTMF  
signaling for access to public or private emergency  
services. DTMF signaling also provides faster call set up.  
Th is equipm en t h as been approved to Coun cil Decision 98/482/EEC--CTR 21for Pan -European  
sin gle term in al con n ection to th e Public Switch ed Teleph on e Network (PSTN). However, due to  
differen ces between th e in dividual PSTNs provided in differen t coun tries, th e approval does n ot,  
of itself, give an un con dition al assuran ce of successful operation on every PSTN term in ation  
poin t. In th e even t of problem s, you sh ould con tact Gateway custom er support.  
Japanese users  
VCCI statement  
Th is equipm en t is in th e Class A category (In form ation Tech n ology Equipm en t to be used in a  
residen tial area or an adjacen t area th ereto) an d con form s to th e stan dards set by th e Volun tary  
Con trol Coun cil for In terferen ce by In form ation Tech n ology Equipm en t aim ed at preven tin g  
radio in terferen ce in such residen tial area. Wh en used n ear a radio or TV receiver, it m ay becom e  
th e cause of radio in terferen ce. Read in struction s for correct h an dlin g.  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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Australia and New Zealand users  
EMI statement  
Th is device h as been tested an d foun d to com ply with th e lim its for a Class A digital device,  
pursuan t to th e Australian /New Zealan d stan dard AS/NZS 3548 set out by th e Australian  
Com m un ication s Auth ority an d Radio Spectrum Man agem en t Agen cy.  
New Zealand Telecommunication statement (for products fitted with Telepermit  
approved modems)  
Th e gran t of a Teleperm it for an y item of term in al equipm en t in dicates on ly th at Telecom h as  
accepted th at th e item com plies with m in im um con dition s for con n ection to its n etwork. It  
in dicates n o en dorsem en t of th e product by Telecom , n or does it provide an y sort of warran ty.  
Above all, it provides n o assuran ce th at an y item will work correctly in all respects with an oth er  
item of Teleperm itted equipm en t of a differen t m ake or m odel, n or does it im ply th at an y product  
is com patible with all of Telecom s n etwork services.  
Th is equipm en t sh all n ot be set up to m ake autom atic calls to th e Telecom 111Em ergen cy  
Under power failure conditions, this telephone may not  
operate. Please ensure that a separate telephone, not  
dependent on local power, is available for emergency use.  
Som e param eters required for com plian ce with Telecom s Teleperm it requirem en ts are depen den t  
on th e equipm en t (PC) associated with th is device. Th e associated equipm en t sh all be set to  
operate with in th e followin g lim its for com plian ce with Telecom s Specification s:  
(a) Th ere sh all be n o m ore th an 10 calls to th e sam e n um ber with in an y 30 m in ute period for  
an y sin gle m an ual call in itiation , an d  
(b) Th e equipm en t sh all go on -h ook for a period of n ot less th an 30 secon ds between th e en d  
of on e attem pt an d th e begin n in g of th e n ext attem pt.  
Th e equipm en t sh all be set to en sure th at autom atic calls to differen t n um bers are spaced such  
th at th ere is n o less th an 5 secon ds between th e en d of on e call attem pt an d th e begin n in g of  
an oth er.  
Th e equipm en t sh all be set to en sure th at calls are an swered between 3 an d 30 secon ds of receipt  
of rin gin g.  
Safety, Regulatory, and Notices  
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Laser safety statement  
All Gateway system s equipped with CD an d DVD drives com ply with th e appropriate safety  
stan dards, in cludin g IEC 825. Th e laser devices in th ese com pon en ts are classified as Class 1 Laser  
Productsun der a US Departm en t of Health an d Hum an Services (DHHS) Radiation Perform an ce  
Stan dard. Sh ould th e un it ever n eed servicin g con tact an auth orized service location .  
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of  
procedures other than those specified in this manual may  
result in hazardous radiation exposure. To prevent  
exposure to laser beams, do not try to open the enclosure  
of a CD or DVD drive.  
Television antenna connectors protection (for systems fitted with TV/cable TV tuner  
External television antenna grounding  
If an outside an ten n a or cable system is to be con n ected to your Gateway PC, m ake sure th at  
th e an ten n a or cable system is electrically groun ded to provide som e protection again st voltage  
surges an d built up static ch arges.  
Article 810 of th e Nation al Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPSA 70, provides in form ation with regard to  
proper groun din g of th e m ast an d supportin g structure, groun din g of th e lead-in wire to an  
an ten n a disch arge un it, size of groun din g con ductors, location of an ten n a disch arge un it,  
con n ection to groun din g electrodes, an d requirem en ts for th e groun din g electrode.  
Lightning protection  
For added protection of an y Gateway product durin g a ligh tn in g storm or wh en it is left  
un atten ded or un used for lon g periods of tim e, un plug th e product from th e wall outlet an d  
discon n ect th e an ten n a or cable system .  
Power lines  
Do n ot locate th e an ten n a n ear overh ead ligh t or power circuits, or wh ere it could fall in to such  
power lin es or circuits. Wh en in stallin g or re-align in g an outside an ten n a system , extrem e care  
sh ould be taken to keep from touch in g such power lin es or circuits. Con tact with th em could  
be fatal.  
When installing or realigning an outside antenna system,  
extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such  
power lines or circuits. Contact with them could be fatal.  
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Antenna and satellite grounding  
Grounding component  
Electric service equipment  
Power service grounding electrode system (NEC Art 250, Part H)  
Ground clamps  
Grounding conductors (NEC Section 810-21)  
Antenna discharge unit (NEC Section 810-20)  
Ground clamp  
Antenna lead-in wire  
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System Specifications  
Th e followin g specification s are for th e stan dard con figuration . Th e server  
m ay con tain option al equipm en t. All specification s are subject to ch an ge.  
As many as two Intel® Pentium IIIprocessors operating at 866 MHz  
and faster  
256K on processor  
Four DIMM sockets support up to 4.0 GB of PC/133 SDRAM  
Flash BIOS for easy updates from diskette  
IDE interfaces  
Two PCI IDE controllers support as many as two ATAPI/IDE devices  
each (hard drives or CDs) for a total of as many as four IDE devices.  
(The chassis supports only the CD drive.)  
Diskette drive interface  
I/O ports  
The diskette drive controller is integrated on the system board  
One serial port, one USB port, one PS/2 keyboard port, one PS/2  
mouse port, two RJ-45 network ports, one video port  
Power supply  
SCSI interfaces  
Video chipset  
200 W power supply  
Integrated Adaptec AIC 7892 SCSI controller  
ATI Rage XL AGP providing integrated SVGA video support with 4  
Network interface  
Two Intel 82559 PCI ethernet controllers  
System Specifications  
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Server management  
Monitoring, alerting, and logging of critical system information  
obtained from embedded sensors on the system board, including  
thermal levels, voltage levels, fan speeds, and chassis intrusion  
Expansion slots  
Drive Bays  
Two 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI slots on the riser card  
One CD drive bay (drive optional), one diskette drive bay, and three  
hot-plug bays (at least one is occupied by a 1-inch high hot-plug  
Mechanical specifications  
The computer conforms to the following mechanical specifications:  
1U chassis case size  
16.73 in. (424.9 mm) x 24.5 in. (622.3 mm) x 1.67 in. (42.42  
mm) (WxDxH)  
26.6 lbs (12.1 kg)  
Environmental specifications  
Th e followin g specification s iden tify m axim um en viron m en tal con dition s. At  
n o tim e sh ould th e com puter run un der con dition s wh ich violate th ese  
specification s.  
Maximum rate of change = 10° C per hour  
-20.0° to 60.0° C (-4° to 140° F)  
0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F); derated 0.5° C for every 1000 ft.  
(305 m) *  
95% relative (noncondensing) at 30° C (86° F)  
Operating wet bulb  
5%85%Not to exceed 33° C (91.4° F) (with diskette drive  
or hard disk drive)  
10.0 g, 11 msec, 1/2 sine  
Operational after 30-inch free fall (cosmetic damage may  
* Maximum temperature refers to the inlet air temperature, which is the ambient air  
temperature within the rack cabinet, not the air temperature within the room.  
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0.0032 g2/Hz 5200 Hz, -6dB/octave 200500 Hz  
0.015 g2/Hz 5200 Hz, -6dB/octave 200500 Hz  
10,000 ft. max  
50,000 ft. max  
Heat dissipation  
422 BTU (loaded)  
988 BTU (maximum)  
Acoustic noise  
* Maximum temperature refers to the inlet air temperature, which is the ambient air  
temperature within the rack cabinet, not the air temperature within the room.  
Electrical specifications  
The computer power supply and the typical configuration conform to the  
following values:  
AC Input Power  
115 V∼  
230 V∼  
90-135 V~, 3.2 A  
180-265 V~, 1.6 A  
AC Input Frequency  
115 V∼  
47-63 Hz  
47-63 Hz  
230 V∼  
Total Power  
86.562 W (loaded)  
System Specifications  
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fault LED 9  
accessories, safety precaution s 96  
adapter cards  
replacin g 50  
Boot m en u, Setup utility 62  
button s  
addin g 45  
replacin g 43  
slot location 10  
troublesh ootin g 82, 84  
add-in cards  
con trol pan el board, location 9  
fault LED reset 9  
power 9, 13  
addin g 45  
replacin g 43  
cablin g, drives 22  
slot location 10  
troublesh ootin g 84  
addin g  
closin g 20  
open in g 18  
size 108  
adapter cards 45  
add-in cards 45  
DIMMs 31, 33  
drives, preparin g 21  
expan sion cards 45  
m em ory 31, 33  
secon dary CPU 39  
secon dary processor 39  
Advan ced m en u, Setup utility 62  
CD drive  
in stallin g 24  
rem ovin g 25  
replacin g 25  
troublesh ootin g 81  
CD, Server Com pan ion 78  
ch eckin g h ard drive space 69  
ch ecklist, troublesh ootin g 79  
ch ipset  
m axim um 109  
operatin g 109  
storin g 109  
in tegrated LAN 1  
in tegrated SCSI 1  
video 1  
closin g th e case 20  
CMOS Clear jum per, settin g 64  
con dition er, lin e 68  
con trol pan el board  
com pon en ts 9  
features 9  
replacin g 53  
back pan el, features 4  
backin g up files 70  
backplan e  
h ot-plug, features 8  
replacin g 54  
replacin g 41  
troublesh ootin g 80  
addin g secon dary 39  
h eatsin k 34, 36, 39  
in stallin g 34  
recoverin g th e BIOS 63  
Setup utility 61  
updatin g 63  
in stallin g secon dary 39  
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replacin g 34  
em ptyin g th e Recycle Bin 71  
en viron m en tal specification s 108  
error m essages 88  
Exit m en u, Setup utility 62  
expan sion cards  
replacin g prim ary 34  
replacin g secon dary 37  
specification s 107  
speed 107  
troublesh ootin g 82  
creatin g startup diskette 77  
addin g 45  
replacin g 43  
slot location 10  
troublesh ootin g 84  
deletin g tem porary files 70  
dim en sion s 108  
addin g 31, 33  
fault LED 9  
replacin g 52  
FAQ (frequen tly asked question s),  
in stallin g 31, 33  
rem ovin g 31, 32  
replacin g 31, 32  
accessin g vi  
troublesh ootin g 82  
diskette drive  
fault LED reset button 9  
FCC n otice 99  
replacin g 22  
troublesh ootin g 83  
write protection sum m ary 77  
back pan el 4  
con trol pan el board 9  
fron t pan el 2  
cablin g 22  
fron t pan el board 9  
h ot-plug backplan e 8  
in terior 5  
riser card 10  
ch eckin g available space 69  
diskette, replacin g 22  
in stallin g CD drive 24  
in stallin g h ot-plug drives 29  
in stallin g SCA drives 29  
in stallin g SCSI drives 29  
preparin g to add 21  
preparin g to replace 21  
rem ovin g CD drive 25  
rem ovin g h ot-plug drives 27  
rem ovin g SCA drives 27  
rem ovin g SCSI drives 27  
replacin g CD drive 25  
replacin g h ot-plug drives 27  
replacin g SCA drives 27  
replacin g SCSI drives 27  
troublesh ootin g 81  
files, backup 70  
frequen cy, in put 109  
fron t pan el board  
features 9  
replacin g 53  
fron t pan el, features 2  
guidelin es, troublesh ootin g 80  
h ard drive  
m ain ten an ce 68  
m ain ten an ce utilities 68  
m an agem en t 69  
electrical specification s 109  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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troublesh ootin g 81  
h eat, m axim um 108  
h ot-plug  
backplan e features 8  
backplan e replacin g 54  
h um idity  
100 Mbit speed LED 4  
activity LED 4  
ch ipset 1  
con troller 1  
LED1 9  
LED2 9  
m axim um 108  
operatin g 108  
storin g 108  
port location 4  
100 Mbit speed 4  
blower fault 9  
con trol pan el board, location 9  
fan fault 9  
LAN activity 4  
LAN1 9  
LAN2 9  
power 9, 13  
system fault 9  
I/O ports 107  
IDE drive, m ain ten an ce 68  
in dicators  
100 Mbit speed LED 4  
LAN activity LED 4  
power LED 13  
in stallin g  
CD drive 24  
CPU 34  
lin e con dition ers 68  
locks, software security 76  
DIMMs 31, 33  
h ot-plug drives 29  
m em ory 31, 33  
processor 34  
SCA drives 29  
SCSI drives 29  
m an agem en t, h ard drive 69  
Man ageX Even t Man ager 73  
m an ual con ven tion s v  
m ech an ical specification s 108  
m em ory  
secon dary CPU 39  
secon dary processor 39  
in tegrity, system 72  
in terior features 5  
addin g 31, 33  
in stallin g 31, 33  
rem ovin g 31, 32  
replacin g 31, 32  
specification s 107  
troublesh ootin g 82  
m essages, error 88  
m on itor  
jum pers  
CMOS Clear 64  
settin g 64  
system board, location 6  
adjustin g 13  
troublesh ootin g 86  
m ouse  
bootin g with out on e 77  
port location 4  
troublesh ootin g 85  
port location 4  
troublesh ootin g 86  
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addin g secon dary 39  
h eatsin k 34, 36, 39  
in stallin g 34  
n etwork, port location 4  
in stallin g secon dary 39  
replacin g 34  
replacin g prim ary 34  
replacin g secon dary 37  
specification s 107  
open in g th e case 18  
operatin g  
altitude 109  
h um idity 108  
sh ock 108  
speed 107  
troublesh ootin g 82  
problem s 67  
tem perature 108  
vibration 109  
operatin g system , setup 13  
protectin g th e server from viruses 72  
packaged sh ock 108  
BIOS 63  
system 77  
Recycle Bin  
em ptyin g 71  
regulatory com plian ce 99  
rem ovin g  
adm in istrator 77  
system access con trol 77  
periph eral devices, troublesh ootin g 82  
I/O 107  
keyboard 4  
LAN 4  
m ouse 4  
CD drive 25  
DIMMs 31, 32  
diskette drive 25  
h ot-plug drives 27  
m em ory 31, 32  
SCA drives 27  
SCSI drives 27  
top pan el 18  
n etwork 4  
serial 4  
USB 9  
video 4  
POST (power-on self-test), explain ed 13  
button 13  
button location 9  
LED 9, 13  
adapter cards 43  
add-in cards 43  
backplan e, h ot-plug 54  
battery 41  
blower 50  
CD drive 25  
con trol pan el board 53  
CPU 34  
DIMMs 31, 32  
diskette drive 22  
expan sion cards 43  
replacin g power supply 48  
source problem s 67  
specification s 109  
supply specification s 107  
un in terruptible supplies 68  
Power m en u, Setup utility 62  
power supply, replacin g 48  
preven tin g static electricity 17  
prin ter, troublesh ootin g 84  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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fan 52  
Server Com pan ion CD 78  
fron t pan el board 53  
h ot-plug backplan e 54  
h ot-plug drive 27  
m em ory 31, 32  
power supply 48  
preparin g drives 21  
prim ary CPU 34  
prim ary processor 34  
processor 34  
CMOS Clear jum per 64  
jum pers 64  
switch es 64  
operatin g system 13  
safety precaution s 95  
server 11  
Win dows NT 13  
riser card 55  
SCA drives 27  
SCSI drives 27  
Setup utility  
Advan ced m en u 62  
BIOS 61  
secon dary CPU 37  
secon dary processor 37  
system board 57  
top pan el 20  
Boot m en u 62  
Exit m en u 62  
Main m en u 62  
m en us 62  
resettin g th e system , Win dows NT 15  
riser card  
n avigatin g th rough 62  
Power m en u 62  
recoverin g th e BIOS 63  
Security m en u 62  
sh ock  
features 10  
replacin g 55  
m axim um 108  
operatin g 108  
accessories 96  
packaged 108  
gen eral precaution s 95  
precaution s, static electricity 17  
device troublesh ootin g 82  
drive m ain ten an ce 68  
in tegrated ch ipset 1  
sh ut-down procedures 14  
software, security features 77  
space, h ard drive 69  
specification s  
CPU 107  
electrical 109  
en viron m en tal 108  
m ech an ical 108  
m em ory 107  
adm in istrator password 77  
BIOS setup 62  
boot with out keyboard 77  
ch assis in trusion switch 76  
disable diskette writes 77  
set user password 77  
settin g up in BIOS 76  
software features 77  
software locks 76  
power supply 107  
processor 107  
system 107  
startin g th e system 12  
startup diskette, creatin g 77  
static electricity, preven tin g 17  
Security m en u, Setup utility 62  
serial port location 4  
altitude 109  
h um idity 108  
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tem perature 108  
vibration 109  
surge suppressors 67  
processor 82  
SCSI devices 81, 82  
system 85  
video 86  
ch assis in trusion 76  
con trol pan el board, location 9  
fault LED reset 9  
turn in g off th e system , Win dows NT 14  
power 9  
un in terruptible power supplies 68  
updatin g th e BIOS 63  
USB port 9  
system board location 6  
system board settin g 64  
system board  
usin g safety precaution s 96  
com pon en ts 6  
replacin g 57  
BIOS Setup 61  
system fault LED 9  
system reset, Win dows NT 15  
system sh ut down , Win dows NT 14  
m axim um 109  
operatin g 109  
storin g 109  
tem perature  
operatin g 108  
storin g 108  
top pan el  
ch ipset 1  
port location 4  
troublesh ootin g 86  
voltage, m axim um 109  
rem ovin g 18  
replacin g 20  
troublesh ootin g  
adapter cards 84  
adapters 82  
add-in cards 84  
battery 80  
CD drive 81  
ch ecklist 79  
weigh t of system 108  
Win dows NT  
setup 13  
sh ut-down procedures 14  
CPU 82  
diskette drive 83  
error m essages 88  
expan sion cards 84  
guidelin es 80  
h ard drive 81  
keyboard 85  
m em ory 82  
m ouse 86  
periph eral devices 82  
prin ter 84  
Gateway 7450R Server System Manual  
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