Analog Devices AD9551 User Manual

Evaluation Board User Guide  
Evaluating the AD9551 Multiservice Clock Generator  
Simple power connection using USB connection and  
on-board LDO voltage regulators  
LDOs are easily bypassed for power measurements  
AC-coupled differential LVPECL SMA connectors  
SMA connectors for  
This user guide describes the hardware and software of the  
AD9551 evaluation board and includes detailed schematics and  
PCB layout artwork. The AD9551 Revision D evaluation board  
is a compact, easy to use platform for evaluating all features of the  
AD9551 multiservice clock generator.  
2 reference inputs  
2 PLL lock detect outputs  
The AD9551 accepts one or two reference input signals to  
synthesize one or two output signals. The AD9551 uses a  
fractional-N PLL that precisely translates the reference frequency  
to the desired output frequency. The input receivers and output  
drivers provide both single-ended and differential operation.  
Reference conditioning and switchover circuitry internally  
synchronizes the two references so that if one reference fails,  
there is virtually no phase perturbation at the output.  
Microsoft Windows®–based evaluation software  
with simple graphical user interface  
On-board PLL loop filter  
Easy access to digital I/O and diagnostic signals  
via I/O header  
Status LEDs for diagnostic signals  
USB computer interface  
The AD9551 uses an external crystal and an internal DCXO to  
provide for holdover operation. If both references fail, the device  
maintains a steady output signal. This may mislead you to believe  
that the PLL is locked and the board is configured properly. A  
simple test is to move the input REF A or REF B clock a few kilo-  
hertz and verify that the changes in output frequency track the input.  
Dip switch configurable for manual operation  
Software calculator provides flexibility, allowing programming  
almost any rational input/output frequency ratio  
Figure 1. AD9551 Evaluation Board, Revision D  
See the last page for an important warning and disclaimers.  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
The following instructions are for setting up the physical  
connections to the AD9551 evaluation board.  
After setting up the power and PC connections, use the  
following procedure to set up the signal connections:  
Set up the power and PC connections as follows:  
1. Connect a signal generator to REF A SMA Connector J1.  
1. Install the AD9551 evaluation software before connecting  
the evaluation board to your PC for the first time (see the  
Installing the Software section). Administrative privileges  
are required for installation.  
By default, the reference inputs on this evaluation board  
are ac-coupled and terminated 50 Ω to ground. An  
amplitude setting of 6 dBm is sufficient.  
2. To connect a signal to REF B, connect the signal to SMA  
Connector J2.  
The AD9551 has the option of either being pin or register  
programmable. If the pin programmable option is desired,  
then no software is needed to control the part. However, it  
is recommended to install the software because if it is not  
installed, the computer will recognize the evaluation board  
as new hardware and attempt to install drivers.  
3. Connect an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or other lab  
equipment to any of the J3 to J6 SMA connectors on the  
upper right side of the board. The output connectors are  
single ended. A 50 Ω termination should be placed on all  
unused outputs.  
2. Connect the USB cables to the evaluation board and the  
The evaluation board can be configured to supply power to the  
AD9551 from an external power supply. Bypass the USB power  
supply as follows:  
The red LED labeled VBUS (CR2) on the AD9551 evaluation  
board should illuminate, and the USBSTAT LED should start  
blinking. If the USBSTAT LED is not blinking, ensure that  
the USB port on the PC is operational and that the USB cable  
is not damaged.  
1. Remove the F2 ferrite bead (located on the backside of  
the board).  
2. Connect a bench power supply to Pin 3.3V_1 of TB1 on  
the evaluation board. In addition, resistors on the evaluation  
board can be removed to further separate power supply  
connections to the AD9551. This is useful for measuring  
the AD9551 power consumption. Refer to the evaluation  
board schematics provided on the CD in the evaluation board  
kit (also available at for further details.  
3. If the Found New Hardware Wizard automatically  
appears when the evaluation board is connected, select  
Install the software automatically and then click Next.  
The Found New Hardware Wizard may appear twice, and  
a system restart may be required.  
Refer to the Evaluation Board Software section for details on  
running the AD9551 evaluation board software.  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
The instructions included in this section are for setting up the  
AD9551 evaluation board software.  
4. If the evaluation board was not found, a dialog box appears  
that allows you to select an evaluation board to use while  
the software runs in standalone mode. Standalone mode is  
useful for viewing and generating register setup files.  
Do not connect the evaluation board until the software  
installation is complete. To install the software,  
5. If you connect the evaluation board while the evaluation  
board software is running, the window shown in Figure 2  
usually appears to prompt you to load the evaluation board  
with the evaluation board software settings or to read the  
current evaluation board settings into the software.  
1. Insert the AD9551 evaluation software CD-ROM into a PC  
CD disc drive.  
2. Click My Computer, and then double-click the  
AD9551EV CD icon.  
A window opens showing the contents of the CD divided  
into four sections: data sheet, layout, schematic, and software.  
The readme.txt file contains a description of the CD-  
ROM contents, as well as any last minute instructions or  
3. Double-click the Software folder, and then double-click  
AD9551Eval_Setup1.1.0.exe. Follow the installation  
instructions. The default location for the evaluation  
software is C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\AD9551  
Eval Software\.  
Figure 2. SYNC Evaluation Software Window  
4. If there are any updates to the evaluation software on a  
supplemental CD or in the \Software\Updates folder, be  
sure to copy the new .EXE file, as well as any setup files, to  
the default location.  
6. If the evaluation board was not automatically detected  
when it was connected, choose Select Evaluation Board  
from the I/O menu, and then select EZSSP-0, EZSSP-1, or  
EZSSP-2 (see Figure 3).  
After the evaluation software has been installed, you can run  
the software as follows:  
1. Power up and connect the evaluation board to the PC.  
2. Double-click AD9551 Eval Software to run the AD9551  
evaluation software.  
A hardware installation window appears. Depending on  
whether the evaluation board was found by the software, the  
text in this window is either light blue, indicating that the  
evaluation board was found, or red, indicating that the  
evaluation board was not found.  
Figure 3. Select USB Device Window  
3. If the evaluation board was found, click in the window  
when the Evaluation Software Ready message appears.  
The main window of the evaluation board software appears.  
Proceed to the Guide to Programming the AD9551 section  
for more details about using the software.  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
5. Set the amplitude and frequency. An amplitude setting of  
6 dBm is sufficient. Set the frequency to 622.08 MHz.  
The AD9551 can be programmed via an SPI port or by setting  
the logic levels on the frequency select pins of the device. To  
program the device using the serial port, the evaluation board  
software must be installed.  
6. To connect a signal to REF B, connect the signal to SMA  
Connector J2.  
For pin programming, there are two options: manually use the  
dip switches or use the evaluation board software to override  
the settings of the dip switches and change the logic levels of the  
frequency select pins. Using the dip switches on the evaluation  
board to establish the logic levels on the pins allows the AD9551  
to power on with preset conditions. Alternatively, you can use  
the software to override the settings of the dip switches on the  
evaluation board and change the logic levels on the frequency  
select pins.  
7. Connect an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or other lab  
equipment to any of the J3 to J6 SMA connectors on the  
upper right side of the board.  
8. Power the evaluation board by plugging it into the USB port.  
9. A frequency of 622.08 MHz should be observed on the  
OUT1 SMA connector.  
If another input and/or output frequency is desired, remove  
the USB port. Then change the dip switch settings, and  
reapply the USB port connection.  
After each dip switch setting, the AD9551 must be powered down  
by removing the USB cable to reprogram the AD9551. See the  
AD9551 data sheet for an explanation of pin programming.  
After the evaluation software is installed and the evaluation  
board is connected to a PC and loaded with the software, the  
following procedure can be used to configure and lock the PLLs.  
In this example, the input frequency is 622.08 MHz on REF A,  
and the output frequency is 622.08 MHz.  
The evaluation board software can be used to override the  
settings of the dip switches and apply a logic level to the  
AD9551 frequency selection pins.  
1. Ensure that Jumper JMP3 is positioned for PC control.  
2. Verify that all five jumpers are in place on Connector P2.  
3. Set the S1, S2, and S3 switches high. Set the S4 switch  
setting to high, except for RESET, which must be set to low  
(RESET is an active high pin).  
After the evaluation software is installed and the evaluation  
board is connected to a PC and loaded with the software, the  
following steps can be used to configure and lock the PLLs.  
These steps assume that the input signal is present, that the  
evaluation board has not been modified, and that the PLL loop  
filter is suitable for the application. However, this guide covers  
only simple PLL operation (that is, to start and run the PLL).  
For a detailed explanation of more advanced AD9551 features,  
see the AD9551 data sheet. In addition, see the Software  
Operation section.  
In this example, the input frequency is 622.08 MHz on REF A,  
and the output frequency is 622.08 MHz.  
1. Ensure that Jumper JMP3 is positioned for PC control.  
2. Verify that all five jumpers are in place on Connector P2.  
3. Set the S1, S2, and S3 dip switch positions to high.  
4. Select 622.08 MHz for the input frequency in the REF A  
(MHz) box in the main window of the evaluation software  
(see Figure 4 and the Reference Input Boxes section for  
more information).  
The following procedure explains how the AD9551 can be pro-  
grammed manually by using the dip switches on the evaluation  
board to set the logic levels of the frequency select pins.  
5. Select 622.08 MHz for the output frequency in the Output  
Loop Config: box in the main window of the evaluation  
software (see Figure 4).  
In this example, the input frequency is 622.08 MHz on REF A,  
and the output frequency is 622.08 MHz.  
1. Ensure Jumper JMP3 is positioned for manual control.  
2. Verify that all five jumpers are removed on Connector P2.  
6. A frequency of 622.08 MHz should be observed on the  
OUT SMA connector.  
3. Set the S1, S2, and S3 dip switch positions to low. (Note  
that S2 controls REF B. If REF B is not used, there is no  
need to change the S2 settings.).  
These steps assume that the input signal is present, that the  
evaluation board has not been modified, and that the PLL loop  
filter is suitable for the application. However, these steps are  
appropriate only for simple PLL operation (that is, to set up and  
run the PLL). See the AD9551 data sheet for more information  
about the various AD9551 features.  
4. Connect a signal generator to REF A SMA Connector J1.  
By default, the reference inputs on this evaluation board  
are ac-coupled and terminated 50 Ω to ground.  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
The main window of the AD9551 evaluation board software is  
comprised of subsections that correspond to the major functional  
blocks of the AD9551 (see Figure 4). These subsections, most of  
which have their own window, are outlined in this section. From  
the main window, the window for each functional block can be  
accessed by clicking the appropriate box in the main window.  
When a subsection window closes after clicking OK, you may  
notice that the LOAD button on the main window starts  
blinking. This indicates that there are settings that have not  
been loaded to the AD9551 evaluation board. Click LOAD to  
load these settings to the evaluation board.  
Figure 4. AD9551 Evaluation Software Main Window  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
File Menu  
The File menu allows you to load a previously saved AD9551  
setup file or to save a new AD9551 setup file. A setup file (.STP)  
is a text file that contains the AD9551 register setup file, plus  
any evaluation board settings.  
To load a previously saved setup file, select Load Setup from  
the File menu. Note that you must still perform a VCO  
calibration. Alternatively, to save a new setup file, select Save  
Setup from the File menu.  
To exit the evaluation software, select Exit from the File menu.  
However, note that no checking is done to ensure that the  
existing setup is saved.  
I/O Menu  
The AD9551 evaluation system allows one PC to control  
multiple evaluation boards. The Select USB Device window,  
accessed by choosing Select Evaluation Board from the I/O  
menu, allows you to select which evaluation board the software  
controls (see Figure 5). Click Refresh List to detect a recently  
connected evaluation board.  
Figure 7. Debug Window  
The Register Map Debug window, accessed by selecting  
Register Debug Window from the View menu, allows you to  
write and read registers (see Figure 8).  
Figure 5. Select USB Device Window  
Selecting Configure Serial Port from the I/O menu allows you  
to control how the USB controller interacts with the AD9551 serial  
port (see Figure 6) by configuring Register 0x00 (shown as 00H  
in Figure 8).  
Figure 8. Register Map Debug Window  
Help Menu  
Selecting Help from the Help menu opens the About AD9551  
window, which contains information such as revision number,  
region information, and contact information.  
Figure 6. Serial Port Configuration Window  
View Menu  
The Debug window, accessed by selecting Debug Window from  
the View menu, allows you to write and read registers directly and  
to force the various configuration pins high or low (see Figure 7).  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
The buttons described in this section provide easy access to  
common features.  
Load and Save  
Clicking Load and Save allows you to load and save an AD9551  
setup file. A setup file (.STP) is a text file that contains the AD9551  
register setup file, plus any evaluation board settings.  
Clicking Update toggles the I/O update bit (Register 0x05, Bit 0) of  
the AD9551.  
Clicking Reset resets the evaluation board and restores the  
AD9551 to its default power-up state. In addition, clicking  
Reset enables the VCO calibration function by writing the  
enable VCO calibration bit.  
Figure 9. REF A List Box (in Main Window)  
Reference Dividers  
Clicking Click for Details in the REF A Divider and REF B  
Divider boxes of the main window accesses the RefA Input  
Divider window and the RefB Input Divider window (see  
Figure 10 for an example of the RefA Input Divider window).  
The AD9551 evaluation software contains subsections that  
correspond to the major functional blocks of the AD9551.  
These subsections, most of which have their own window, are  
described in this section.  
These windows are used to set the desired reference divider for  
the integer or Σ-Δ modulator mode. The counters can be set  
You can access each window by clicking Click for Details in the  
appropriate subsection box of the main window.  
Most subsection boxes in the main window have a checkbox  
labeled SPI. If this box is selected, the software allows serial  
port writes when conditions are changed in the corresponding  
subsection window.  
When a subsection window closes after clicking OK, you may  
notice that the LOAD button on the main window starts  
blinking. This indicates that there are settings that have not  
been loaded to the AD9551 evaluation board. Click LOAD to  
load these settings to the evaluation board.  
Reference Input Boxes  
The reference input boxes, which are labeled REF A (MHz) and  
REF B (MHz) in the main window, allow you to select an input  
frequency for REF A and REF B (see Figure 9 for an example for  
REF A). These boxes can be used to change the logic levels of  
the input frequency select pins.  
Figure 10. RefA Input Divider Window  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
DLL Window  
PFD and Charge Pump Window  
Clicking Click for Details in the DLL box of the main window  
accesses the DLL window (see Figure 11). This window can be  
used to manually override the automatic time alignment between  
the REF A and REF B clock input signals to the PLL1 phase  
Clicking Click for Details in the PFD & Charge Pump box of  
the main window accesses the PFD and Charge Pump window  
(see Figure 13).  
Figure 11. DLL Window  
Input PLL + DCXO Window  
Figure 13. PFD and Charge Pump Window  
Clicking Click for Details in the PLL & DCXO box in the main  
window accesses the Input PLL + DCXO window (see Figure 12).  
VCO Control Window  
Clicking Click for Details in the VCO box of the main window  
accesses the VCO Control window (see Figure 14).  
Figure 14. VCO Control Window  
Figure 12. Input PLL + DCXO Window  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
Feedback Window  
OutSel Pin: Box  
Clicking Click for Details in the Feedback Divider box of the  
main window accesses the Feedback window, which allows you  
to change the feedback divider settings (see Figure 15).  
The OutSel Pin: drop-down box (see Figure 18) in the main  
window controls the logic level on the OUTSEL pin of the  
AD9551. However, this value can be overwritten by using the  
SPI control register.  
Figure 18. OutSel Pin Box (in Main Window)  
The following procedure explains how the evaluation board  
software can be used to automatically calculate and set the  
settings to program the AD9551.  
In this example, the input frequency is 122.88 MHz on REF A,  
and the output frequency is 122.88 MHz.  
1. Ensure that Jumper JMP3 is positioned for PC control.  
2. Verify that all five jumpers are in place on Connector P2.  
3. Set the positions of the S1, S2, and S3 dip switches to high.  
4. Click Calculate Device Settings in the main window of the  
Figure 15. Feedback Window  
evaluation board software.  
P0, P1, and P2 (Output Dividers) Boxes  
Selecting the SPI check box in any of the divider settings boxes  
(that is, the P0, P1, or P2 box) in the main window enables a  
drop-down selection of predetermined divider settings (see  
Figure 19. Calculate Device Settings Button (in Main Window)  
5. The Enable Control? window, shown in Figure 20,  
Figure 16. P0, P1, and P2 Boxes (in Main Window)  
Output Loop Config: Box  
The Output Loop Config: box can be used to change the output  
frequency of the AD9551. This control changes the logic levels  
of the output frequency selection pins of the AD9551.  
Figure 20. AD9551 Serial Port Programming Warning  
Figure 17. Output Loop Config: Box (in Main Window)  
6. Click Yes to enable serial port register programming.  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
7. The Calculator window, shown in Figure 21, appears.  
5. The Enable Control? window, shown in Figure 23,  
Figure 23. AD9551 Serial Port Programming Warning  
6. Click Yes to enable serial port register programming.  
7. The Calculator window, shown in Figure 24, appears.  
Figure 21. Calculator Window  
8. Type 122.88 into the Ref A Base Frequency: box and  
122.88 into the Output 1 Base Frequency: box.  
9. Click Calculate Settings, and then click Apply Settings.  
You should now be able to measure 122.88 MHz at the  
OUT1 SMA connector.  
The following procedure explains how to route the 26 MHz  
crystal oscillator to the AD9551 test port. The test port is SMA  
J7 and is labeled output PLL locked.  
In this example, the input frequency is 122.88 MHz on REF A,  
and the output frequency is 122.88 MHz.  
1. Ensure that Jumper JMP3 is positioned for PC control.  
2. Verify that all five jumpers are in place on Connector P2.  
3. Set the positions of the S1, S2, and S3 dip switches to high.  
Figure 24. Calculator Window  
8. Type 122.88 into the Ref A Base Frequency: box and  
4. Click Calculate Device Settings in the main window of the  
122.88 into the Output 1 Base Frequency: box.  
evaluation board software.  
9. Click Calculate Settings, and then click Apply Settings.  
You should now be able to measure 122.88 MHz at the  
OUT1 SMA connector.  
10. From the View menu in the main window, select Register  
Debug Window. The window shown in Figure 25 appears.  
Figure 22. Calculate Device Settings Button (in Main Window)  
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Evaluation Board User Guide  
Figure 25. Register Debug Window  
Figure 26. Input PLL + DCXO Window  
11. Bit 3 of Register 0x17 must be set to 1 to enable the PLL  
locked pin as a test port. By default, the 26 MHz crystal  
frequency is present at the output.  
12. The ac signal has a dc offset of approximately 1.6 V. Be  
aware that some test equipment has a limit of 0 V dc;  
therefore, a dc block must be used in such cases.  
The following instructions can be used to configure the  
AD9551 to operate in the 19.44 MHz mode. Refer to the  
AD9551 data sheet for more details about this mode of  
The following case is an example for the AD9551 in  
19.44 MHz mode:  
Figure 27. PFD and Charge Pump Window  
6. Change the charge pump current to the appropriate  
current level specified in the AD9551 data sheet  
(approximately 25 μA), and then click OK.  
1. Replace the crystal on the evaluation board.  
2. Replace the loop filter capacitor on the evaluation board.  
3. Click Click for Details in the PLL & DCXO box in the  
main window of the evaluation board software to access  
the Input PLL + DCXO window (see Figure 26).  
7. If the LOAD button in the main window starts blinking,  
this indicates that there are settings that have not been  
loaded to the AD9551 evaluation board. Click LOAD to  
load these settings to the evaluation board.  
4. Select 19.44MHz Mode in the Input PLL Mode: box, and  
then click OK.  
5. Click Click for Details in the PFD & Charge Pump box in  
the main window of the evaluation board software to  
access the PFD and Charge Pump window (see Figure 27).  
Evaluation boards are only intended for device evaluation and not for production purposes. Evaluation boards are supplied “as is” and without warranties of any kind, express,  
implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under  
any patents or other intellectual property by application or use of evaluation boards. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no  
responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Analog Devices reserves the  
right to change devices or specifications at any time without notice. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Evaluation boards are not  
authorized to be used in life support devices or systems.  
©2009 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and  
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  
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