Pass Labs Car Amplifier XP 10 User Manual

XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
April 8, 2008  
Pass Laboratories has redesigned the remote control to allow  
direct access to the most frequently wanted control functions, thus  
simplifying and enhancing product operation. The new remote  
control codes have been carefully selected to minimize the impact  
on other remote controlled electronic devices, allowing for more  
carefree product placement. Volume control steps on the new pre-  
amplifiers are more numerous and generally of smaller increments,  
giving the listener a wider choice of listening levels to better  
accommodate the wildly-fluctuating levels of current, verses legacy,  
Changing lifestyles dictate that many audiophiles now share family  
space where music may be an adjunct to other activities. To better  
serve the needs of these listeners, these new pre-amplifiers allow for  
significantly more precise volume steps and greater attenuation at the  
very lowest volume levels.  
So that these very low-volume listening levels have real world  
practicality, the noise floor and very fine detail retrieval of these new  
pre-amplifiers is dramatically superior to our previous product.  
Frequently, the perception of increased detail comes at the cost of  
equally increased grain or edginess in the music. With this new pre-  
amplifier, hundreds of hours of thoughtful listening and careful  
adjusting have produced a product where the enhanced detail simply  
comes through as greater spatial refinement and dynamic accuracy;  
without any loss of musicality. Bass definition is better than in  
pervious models, highly dynamic passages typically have more  
weight, a more accurate leading edge with increased control and the  
spectral balance is more finely integrated top to bottom.  
We sincerely believe these are the finest pre-amplifiers Pass  
Laboratories has built to date, without question!  
Thank you for your purchase of the XP- 10.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
There is an Extremely Small (but Non-zero) Chance That, Through  
a Process Know as Tunneling, This Product May Spontaneously  
Disappear from Its Present Location and Reappear at Any Random  
Place within the Universe, Including Your Neighbor’s Domicile.  
The Manufacturer Will Not Be Responsible for Any Damages,  
Inconvenience or Mental Anguish That May Result.  
There is a much higher probability that when you first plug your new  
pre-amp into the wall and listen that you will not be experiencing the  
full measure of performance this product is capable of. These are  
high bias Class A topology circuits and their performance is largly  
temperature dependendt. We expect these circuits to heat up slowly  
through normal operation, do not attempt to augment that heating  
by any artificial means. Temperature and performance will slowly  
stabalize over the first 24 hours of operation and thereafter be at  
their sonic best. Be aware however that if you unplug or otherwise  
remove power from the unit that the warm up period starts afresh.  
Please give this product at least 24 hours initial warm up time  
before attempting any critical listening.  
Like virtually all modern digital product, there is no “offin the  
traditional sense. The XP preamps are quite “Green” a typical  
current draw for this product is 10 watts; they are designed to be  
powered up 100% of the time.  
So much for the philosophy, physics and advantages, lets play music.  
Please read and understand the operational instructions and safety  
issues associated with this product. We go through great effort to  
make a soundly engineered, and supurbly performing product of  
lasting duribility. We understand that things infrequently go wrong,  
if you have any questions or problems please contact either your  
dealer or the factory, we are here to support the product and you, the  
As with all audio electronics the power cable should be the last thing  
attached and the first one removed any time you hook up or remove  
equipment from the signal chain.  
The preamplifier’s voltage and current rating are indicated by affixed  
tag on the rear of the preamplifier. It will indicate either 240 volts,  
220 volts, 120 volts, or 100 volts. A 0.5 amp 3AG slow blow fuse  
is provided with 100-120 volt units, and a 0.25 amp slow blow fuse  
is provided with 220-240 volt units. The input frequency rating of  
the power supply is 50 to 60 Hz. The preamplifier typically draws  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
10 watts during operation. Please verify that the indicated voltage  
requirement of this preamplifier is consistent with the utility voltage  
at your location.  
We have provided a standard IEC AC power cord that fits into the  
IEC 320 line receptacle at the rear of the preamplifier chassis. The  
preamplifier is equipped for operation with an earth ground provided  
by the users AC outlet. Do not defeat this ground. The chassis and  
circuit ground of the preamplifier is connected to earth through a  
power thermistor, which gives a ground connection for safety but  
helps avoid ground loop related noise issues.  
There are a total of five inputs. Two of the five inputs are balanced  
XLR only. The other three inputs are single-ended only. There are  
two pairs of outputs available with identical gain structure. One pair  
Balanced, one pair single-ended.  
Balanced inputs and outputs are via XLR connectors. Single-  
ended inputs and outputs are via RCA connectors. On the XLR  
connectors, pin 1 is grounded, pin 2 is the positive signal, and pin  
3 is the negative signal. Left channel RCA connectors are marked  
with “L”. Right channel RCA connectors are marked with “R”. In  
a similar fashion balanced XLR inputs and outputs are marked with  
“L” for left and “R” for right channel.  
The main outputs are located at the left-hand side (viewed from the  
rear) of the rear panel, two male XLR connectors, and two RCA  
connectors, “R” (right) and “L” (left). The RCA connector’s ground  
is in parallel with pin 1 of the XLR outputs and the RCA hot is fed  
from an independent summing junction that maximizes the X circuit  
benefits. The RCA, single-ended, outputs are buffered from the  
balanced outputs. You may use both the single ended and balanced  
outputs at the same time. On the XLR, pin 1 is ground, pin 2 is  
positive, and pin 3 is negative.  
In application the XP-10s front panel controls and alphanumeric  
display are quite straight forward, and intuitive. We encourage you  
to become familiar with their operation prior to establishing any  
input connections with this unit. Experience indicates that engaging  
in a few minutes of exploration will add much to your ultimate  
enjoyment of this exceptional Pass Labs product.  
Description of Operation  
The left most button on the front panel is Mute. Pressing this  
button toggles between mute on and mute off. Mute on removes  
signal from the output of the preamp.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
The front panel mode switch cycles the preamplifier and it’s display  
through 2 different functions. These two functions are as follows:  
Input, and Gain.  
The two Select switches (designated by left and right pointing  
arrows) then alter the displayed active function.  
When the mode button is set to input (default mode), the left right  
arrows select for inputs 1 through 5. Input 5 is unique in that it is  
linked with the Home Theater (Unity Gain) function. (The HOME  
THEATRE FUNCTION is discussed at length later in this manual.)  
The two select arrows logically control selections of the various  
inputs to the preamplifier.  
The theater pass through function bears special attention, this  
function is only available as direct access through the hand held  
remote control. This function is associated only with input number  
5 and has two positions selected with the “pass thru” button on the  
remote; those two positions, on and off. This function is useful in  
that it allows the preamplifier to function as a unity buffer (0dB gain  
at volume step 64) for use with components that best function with  
their own volume controls, such as surround processors. When  
the right-front and left-front outputs of the processor are routed  
through input 5 of the XP-10 (with the gain of the XP-10 set for  
Unity), the volume will be under full control of the processor and  
the XP-10’s action will be totally transparent. When the user chooses  
this setting the software sets the XP-10’s gain to the low gain setting,  
regardless of how it was previously configured. When at Unity both  
left and right level controls on the XP-10 will have a displayed value  
of 64 (0 dB), and any previous balance settings will be lost. Both of  
these default conditions are intentional, and intended to make the  
most advantageous use of your source electronics. You may also set  
any input to unity (0 dB) by selecting low gain and setting the volume  
at step 64.  
Before selecting the theatre pass through (pass thru) option, it is  
imperative that the input device on input number 5 has its gain set to  
minimum. Failure to follow this precaution could result in a volume  
level intolerable to both ears and speakers. To further protect  
your hearing and valuable audio equipment, we have designed this  
product, so that the volume setting of the preamplifier will always  
revert to zero as you change inputs from Pass Through to any other  
The XP-10 to our knowledge is unique in that its gain may be  
attenuated to match the requirements of a wide variety of electronics  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
and speakers. The gain control toggles between two settings, offset  
from one another by 10 dB. The high gain selects +10 dB and the  
low selects 0 dB as the maximum volume (step 64) setting. We  
suggest that you let your ears determine which setting conveys the  
most sonic benefit in your system. Hi gain may be appropriate for  
sources that output less than 2 volts rms single ended and 4 volts  
rms balanced. When hi gain is selected the vacuum fluorescent front  
panel display will indicate this choice by displaying an * next to the  
volume setting. Low gain is the default setting.  
The electronic volume control allows greater than 70 dB range and is  
driven by a micro-controller that reads the optical encoder serving as  
a front panel volume control. In this manner tracking of the volume  
of the two balanced channels is possible with accuracy unavailable  
on any ordinary volume control, assuring precise level steps and  
high common mode rejection in balanced circuits. Wayne Colburn’s  
exceptional volume control in conjunction with the fluorescent  
display give the user ability to replicate volume levels with absolute  
accuracy in steps of roughly 1 dB.  
The remote control uses a multi-button direct access architecture.  
This remote is designed to operate several pieces of Pass Labs  
electronics, not all of the functions available on this remote will be  
applicable to your Pass Laboratories XP-10.  
The Remote control operation is, or should be very intuitive in  
operation; we have attempted to make it’s operation as familiar  
as possible. Where applicable the remote mirrors the front panel  
Power, tape and ext. amp on (external amplifier turn-on) have no  
reality with the XP-10. these specific control functions have no effect  
on this product.  
MUTE: pressing mute once will quiet the pre-amplifier outputs,  
pressing mute a second time will return you to the previous volume  
control setting  
INPUT SELECTION: Pressing. 1,2,3,4,5 will immediately move the  
input selection to that input selection, volume and balance settings  
will not be disturbed.  
BALANCE: Pressing balance left (<) or balance right (>) will  
increase the level in the left or right speaker, depending upon which  
button is pushed.  
VOLUME: Pressing the increase (^) button or the decrease (v)  
button will shift the volume setting 1dB, holding a button down will  
increase or decrease the level until such time as you either release  
pressure on the button or reach the limits of the volume control.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
PASS THRU: Pushing this button twice, sets the pre-amplifier to it’s  
default low gain setting, selects volume step 64 (0 dB) and input 5.  
We have intentionally made this command a two step operation such  
that you will not accidentally select this command with it’s associated  
high volume. Pressing the button once will bring up the question  
of “YES” on the display. If you are sure that you wish to access the  
pass through function, press the button a second time. There is a  
time out built into this command sequence. If you do not confirm  
the “pass thru” command within 7 seconds then the command  
sequence aborts and the XP-10 resorts to it’s previous status.  
DISPLAY: The default setting for the display is “bright”, pressing  
the display button once changes the display to it’s “dim” or “low  
intensity” setting, pressing the button a second time selects “off”  
for the display. When “offis selected any other control function  
will cause the display to indicate product operational status for  
approximately 7 seconds and then the display will once again blank.  
Pressing the display button a third time cycles back to a “bright  
Design Comments  
We recommend the use of the balanced output mode where possible.  
Balanced input to power-amplifiers will typically retain the character  
of the input mode, but offers less distortion, less noise, more gain,  
and more voltage swing, without compromising the sound.  
With balanced operation, the common mode rejection of the preamp  
reflects the intrinsic common mode rejection of the topology, the  
matching of the gain devices, and the matching of the attenuator  
channels. In this case we have been able to keep the total mismatch  
to about .1%, for a common mode rejection of approximately -60  
The input system of the preamplifier will exhibit full common mode  
noise rejection with passive balanced sources, where the negative  
input is connected to ground at the source through the appropriate  
source impedance. This allows adaptation of unbalanced sources to  
balanced operation with passive cable connections in a manner that  
achieves the noise rejection of active balanced sources.  
The use of a micro-controller allows all of the preamplifier functions  
to be repeatable and accurately controlled. The micro processor  
only controls the functions of the preamplifier. At no time does  
any of the input or output signal come into contact with the digital  
control signals. The digital circuits are powered by a power supply  
that is isolated from the analog supply. Should it ever be necessary to  
update the software that controls the functioning of the preamp only  
the socketed micro processor need be changed.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
Muting relays, which delay connection during turn-on and shut off  
the output when insufficient power supply is available to maintain  
regulation, guard the output of the preamplifier and offer protection  
to the power-amplifier and loudspeakers.  
The XP-10 consists of a single chassis.  
For more information please contact:  
Pass Laboratories Inc.  
P.O. Box 219,  
24449 Foresthill Rd.,  
Foresthill, CA 95631  
Tel: 530.367.3690  
Fax: 530.369.2193  
© 2008 Pass Laboratories Inc.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
XP-10 Specifications  
0dB or 10dB selectable  
Freq. Response  
-3 dB @ 2 Hz,  
-3 dB at @ 60 kHz  
< .1 % THD typically  
<.002% @ 2 volts @ 1KHZ  
Maximum Output  
Output Impedance  
Input Impedance  
15 volts rms bal out,  
15 volts rms unbal out  
150 ohms unbalanced,  
300 ohms balanced  
48 kOhm unbalanced,  
96 kOhm balanced  
typical -60 dB, 1KHz  
typical -90 dB, 1KHz  
Signal to Noise Ratio < -110 dB, Ref 5V  
Power Consumption 10 watts  
Dimensions chassis 17”W x 12”D x 4”H  
Shipping Weight  
32 pounds in packing carton.  
“Pass”, “pass”, “Pass Labs”, “Pass Laboratories”, Supersymmetery”,  
Aleph”, and “Zen” and are all registered trademarks of Pass  
Laboratories, Inc., and all rights thereto are protected by law.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
Please check with the factory-authorized distributor in the country you are  
purchasing this product for specific warranty information.  
Warranty Information  
All Pass Laboratories products purchased from an authorized Pass Labora-  
tories dealer in North America are covered by a transferable, limited 3-year  
warranty. This warrantee includes all parts and labor charges incurred at the  
repair facility in addition to return shipping to the domestic customer, exclu-  
sive of subsequent damages. Damage due to physical abuse is specifically  
not covered under this warranty.  
For this warranty to apply the customer is responsible for returning the  
product unmodified to the factory within the warranty period. The customer  
assumes all responsibility for shipping and insurance to the factory or a fac-  
tory specified repair facility. The conditions and stipulations of this Pass  
Laboratories warranty only applies to units sold new in North America.  
Non-North America customers should consult with their original Pass Labs  
dealer or distributor for warrantee repair instruction prior to contacting the  
factory or shipping product for repair.  
Non-North American product must be returned to the country of origin for  
warrantee service. Foreign distributors are only required to offer warranty  
service on Pass Laboratories product that they have imported.  
Please note: Conditions of warranty service and customer rights for product  
purchased outside the United States may vary depending upon the distribu-  
tor and local laws. Please check with your local distributor for specific rights  
and details.  
Any modifications to Pass Laboratories products that have not received  
written factory approval nullify all claims and void the warrantee. Should a  
modified product be returned to the factory for repair the owner will be re-  
quired to pay all necessary charges for the repair in addition to those charges  
required to return the product to it’s original configuration.  
In the case of safety issues, no product shall be returned to the customer  
without those safety issues being corrected to the most recent accepted  
Removal or alteration of original Pass Labs serial numbers voids the factory  
warranty. Product with altered or missing serial numbers will be suspected  
as counterfeit product.  
Pass Laboratories will not repair or in any way indemnify any counterfeit or  
cloned product.  
Pass Laboratories does not offer products in voltages intended for inter-  
national markets either to authorized Pass Labs dealers or to third parties  
located in the United States or Canada.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
For your protection please  
read the following:  
Water and moisture: Electrical devices should not be used near  
water ( as per example, near a bathtub, washbasin, kitchen sink,  
laundry tub, wet basement or swimming pool ). Care should be  
taken such that objects do not have the opportunity to fall, and that  
liquid is never spilled onto or into the device enclosure through  
Power Sources: An electrical device must be connected to a mains  
power source in strict accordance with the supplied product owner’s  
manual. Please verify that the AC mains voltage specified in the  
product manual matches those requirements indicated on the unit  
and the AC voltage provided to your location by the power company.  
Grounding: Adequate precautions should be taken so that the  
grounding provisions built into an electrical product are never  
Power Cords: Pass Laboratories provides a power supply cord that  
meets all legislated requirements for the market in which the product  
was originally sold. If you choose to substitute an after-market  
product we urge you to choose one that is fully safety rated by the  
necessary local authority.  
Power Cord Protection: Power supply cords should be routed so  
that they are not likely to be walked on, abraded, or pinched by items  
placed on or against them, paying particular attention to cords where  
they enter plugs or exit from a device. Never under any circumstance  
insert a cut or damaged power cord into a mains power socket.  
Power and Signal: Cables should never be connected /  
disconnected with equipment powered up. Failure to heed this  
warning may damage or destroy equipment.  
Ventilation: Power-amplifiers run hot, but you should be able to  
place your hands on them without discomfort. You must allow for  
this heat in installation, by providing for free air circulation around  
the product. Electronics should not be subjected to sources of  
excessive radiant heat. Excessive heat can shorten the life of the  
product and may cause the electronics to self-protect and shut down.  
Servicing: To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock or other  
injuries, the user should not attempt to service the device beyond  
that which is described in the operating instructions. All other  
servicing must be referred to qualified service personnel.  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  
XP-10 Owner’s Manual  

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