Mobi Technologies Dxr User Manual

Digital DXR  
Wireless Audio/Video  
Monitoring System  
compaꢀble with...  
made easy  
Package Contents  
About 2.4 GHz Wireless Technology  
Consumer Guide to Product Safety  
Knowing your Receiver  
Knowing Your Camera  
Installaꢀon & Setup  
Monitor Operaꢀon  
Recording Funcꢀon  
Audio/Video & USB Operaꢀon  
Radio Interference Advice  
Congratulaꢀons on the purchase of the MobiCam® Digital DXR Monitoring  
System, which brings you the latest in wireless technology. We are sure that you  
will be pleased with the quality and features of this product but recommend  
that you read these instrucꢀons carefully before use in order to fully benefit  
from its many features.  
The MobiCam® Digital DXR enables you to transmit picture and sound wireless-  
ly, which is ideal for many situaꢀons such as monitoring a baby, young children,  
pets, or elderly. Addiꢀonally it can also be used for household security or as an  
office or warehouse surveillance system.  
1 x Monitor Unit (Receiver) plus built-in rechargeable baꢁery  
1 x Camera Unit (Addiꢀonal Cameras - #70205, baꢁery sold separately)  
1 x Montor Power Cord  
1 x Camera Power Cord  
1 x USB Cable  
1 x Camera Mount  
1 x Set of mounꢀng screws and anchors  
NOTE: If you find any of the contents are missing or should you need to order  
About 2.4 GHz Digital Wireless Signal  
This innovaꢀve digital wireless soluꢀon integrates advance Frequency Hop-  
ping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology. This technology greatly reduces the  
interference that comes from other devises using the same radio frequency  
(2.4 GHz), e.g. WIFI, Bluetooth, cordless phones, etc. However, a weaker signal  
(lag or sꢀll image) can occur from ꢀme to ꢀme depending on the environment  
where the system is installed.  
Factors affecꢀng transmission include microwave ovens or other high frequency  
electromagneꢀc waves. Reinforced concrete walls, large scale metal products  
and metal furniture should not be located near the units.  
Addiꢀonally your wireless router speed can be affected if the units are placed  
close to the router. Your signal strenght will return to normal once the units are  
placed farther away from the router or once they are turned off.  
How to improve your wireless signal quality?  
If possible, remove obstacles between the camera and receiver that might af-  
fect the signal. These can include furniture, cabinets and walls. If you feel the  
wireless signal does not improve, place the montor at a new angle or readjust  
its posiꢀon to make an improvement, or simply place the camera close to the  
Please read this instrucꢀon manual before using your MobiCam® Digital DXR  
System. When using electrical appliances, basic safety precauꢀons should al-  
ways be followed. Also please keep this manual for future reference.  
• This product is not intended to be used as a medical monitor and its use  
should not replace adult supervision.  
• Periodically examine this product for damage to the cord, housing or other  
parts that may result in the risk of fire, electric shock or injury. Do not oper-  
ate any product with a damaged cord or plug. If the Color Wireless Monitor  
malfuncꢀons or is damaged in any manner please contact the manufacturer  
for examinaꢀon and repair to avoid a hazard.  
• Never use transmiꢁer and receiver near water (i.e. bathtub, sink, etc.).  
• The AC adaptor cords are not toys.  
• Always use transmiꢁer and receiver where there is adequate venꢀlaꢀon.  
To prevent overheaꢀng, keep away from heat sources such as radiators,  
heat registers, stoves, or other appliances that produce heat.  
• Use only a dry or very lightly dampened coꢁon cloth to keep the Camera  
and Monitor units free of dust. Do no use a fully moisened cloth, water,  
or liquid cleaner of any kind.  
• Unplug the AC adaptors from the Monitor and Camera during periods of  
non-use. To disconnect from the power supply, grip the transformer and  
pull from the power socket. Never pull by the cord.  
• Replace baꢁery with the same equivalent type. Please dispose of old, de  
fecꢀve baꢁeries in an environmentally friendly manner in accordance  
with the relevant legislaꢀon.  
• Only use the Monitoring System with the supplied power adaptors.  
Baꢁery Indicator  
Green LED = Baꢁery is charging  
Red LED = Baꢁery is low  
LED OFF = Baꢁery is fully charged  
Power On Indicator  
Cursor Up / Channel Switch / Quad Mode buꢁon  
Cursor Leſt / Volume Down buꢁon  
Cursor Down / Audio Only buꢁon  
Cursor Right / Volume Up buꢁon  
Menu / Esc buꢁon  
Record / Delete buꢁon  
Two-Way Audio Buꢁon / OK (confirm) buꢁon (press and hold buꢁon to  
engage two-way mode)  
Power Buꢁon  
SD card slot (for use with SD cards between 1GB and 16GB)  
USB Port  
DC Jack  
Reset buꢁon (inset, monitor must be turned on to reset)  
Infrared LEDs  
Baꢁery Indicator (baꢁery sold separately)  
Link Indicator  
Blinking LED = LED will blink indicaꢀng camera is ready to be paired  
Blue LED = Camera is paired to the receiver  
LED OFF = Camera is on standby mode  
Power On Indicator  
Power Switch  
Pairing Buꢁon  
Reset buꢁon (inset)  
DC Jack  
Camera Start-Up  
1. Connect power cable to Camera’s DC IN jack, then  
plug its power supply adapter into wall outlet.  
2. Slide [Power Buꢁon] once to turn ON the camera.  
NOTE: Use only the 5V/1A power adaptor provided in  
the package. To operate without power cable visit  
able baꢁery.  
Monitor Start-Up  
1. Connect power cable to Monitor’s DC IN jack, then  
plug its power supply adapter into wall outlet.  
2. Press [Power Buꢁon] to turn ON the monitor.  
NOTE: Built-in Lithium baꢁery charging process starts  
automaꢀcally by plugging in the power supply. Please  
charge the baꢁery before operaꢀng the monitor for por-  
table use. Baꢁery indicator will flash red three minutes  
before charging is needed.  
When [Baꢁery Indicator] lights up red, plug in power  
adapter to charge baꢁery.  
NOTE: Use only the 5V/1A power adaptor provided in  
the package.  
Time Seꢀng  
To set the ꢀme and date on your monitor, press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6),  
use the Cursor buꢁons to go to System Setup and press the OK buꢁon to enter  
the Time Seꢂng, use the Cursor buꢁons to change the seꢂng and press OK  
again to save.  
Power Saving  
By seꢂng the Power Saving mode on your monitor, you can conserve baꢁery  
power. The monitor will turn Off aſter 2 minutes of it being idle.  
To set this mode press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6), use the Cursor buꢁons to  
go to Power Saving and press OK to enter, use the Cursor buꢁons to change the  
seꢂng and press OK to save. To turn on monitor press the on/off buꢁon.  
SD Card Format  
To format an SD memory card press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg.6) go to SD  
Card, press OK and use the Cursor buꢁons to select No or Yes. Your MobiCam®  
DXR is formaꢁed to be used with 2GB to 16GB SD memory cards (not included  
with the system).  
NOTE: Its strongly recommended that your SD card be formaꢁed before use.  
Pairing Camera  
To pair additonal cameras press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6) go to Pairing  
press OK (no. 9, pg. 6) use the Cursor buꢁons to select an available camera  
channel. Press OK once a camera is selected then press the Pairing Buꢁon (no.  
9, pg. 7) on your camera. Once pairing is complete an image will appear on the  
display to confirm this.  
To adjust the brightness on your display press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6),  
use up/down Curser buꢁons to go to Brightness and press OK (no. 9, pg.6).  
Use the leſt and right Cursor buꢁons to adjust. Once the brightness has been  
adjusted press the Menu buꢁon again to exit this seꢂng.  
The monitor has 3 convenient alarm seꢂngs that will warn you if your camera  
baꢁery (sold separately) is low, you are out of range, or if VOX mode is engaged.  
Press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6) and go to Alarm Setup, use the Cursor  
buꢁons to select one of the three alarms for use and press OK.  
VOX Sensiꢁvity  
During Voice Acꢀvaꢀon (VOX) your monitor will go on standby mode and stop transmit-  
ꢀng picture and sound. Once the camera senses sound the monitor will automaꢀcally  
turn on and begin producing picture and sound. You can acꢀvate VOX by pressing the  
Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6), going to VOX Seꢂng, and selecꢀng the Sensiꢀvity Level.  
It is recommended you select level 2 or 3 as level 1 is highly sensiꢀve. You must have  
power-saving mode ON during VOX mode.  
Quad Screen and  
Camera Scan Period  
You can monitor up to 4 cameras at the same ꢀme by using the Quad mode on your  
monitor. Press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6), go to Camera Setup, and use the Cursor  
buꢁonss to select Quad Mode and press the OK buꢁon.  
NOTE: You can also press the cursor up buꢁon (no. 3, pg. 6) to cycle manually through  
the channels or to use Quad mode once you have paired more than one camera.  
Camera ON/OFF  
Once you have paired extra cameras to your monitor, you can turn off any camera  
you do not wish to scan. Press the Menu buꢁon (no.7, pg. 6), go to Camera Setup,  
and use the Cursor buꢁons to select a camera you wish to turn off and press OK.  
Factory Default  
To reset your monitor to factory seꢂngs press the Menu buꢁon (no.7, pg. 6), go to  
System Setup and select No or Yes.  
You can record live video directly within your monitor by inserꢀng an SD card into the  
SD card slot (no. 11, pg. 6). You can begin recording manually or by seꢂng up VOX to  
begin recordings through sound acꢀvaꢀon.  
To record manually simply press the Record buꢁon (no. 8, pg. 6). A recording icon will  
appear on the screen. To stop the recording press the Record buꢁon again.  
VOX Recordings  
To set the monitor to record when the camera senses sound, press the Menu buꢁon  
(no. 7, pg. 6), go to VOX seꢂng, and use the Cursor buꢁons to select ON or OFF.  
Playback Seꢀngs  
The recording funcꢀon will save files in 30 second intervals. Each recording file is saved  
according to the date and ꢀme the recording started. To play recordings directly on the  
monitor press the Menu buꢁon (no. 7, pg. 6), go to Playback, and select the file you  
wish to view. You can also fast forward and rewind by using the leſt and right Cursor  
USB Output  
Your monitor is equipped with a USB output so you can connect your monitor  
to your computer allowing you to capture video and sound from the camera  
NOTE: The monitor screen turns off automaꢀcally when USB cable is used. The  
screen will turn back on when the cable is removed.  
USB Connecꢁon  
NOTE: You will need to install a USB devise driver before using the USB connec-  
page to download the devise driver.  
Use the included Standard-to-Mini USB cable to connect your monitor to your  
PC once the driver is installed.  
The USB output is located on the leſt side of the monitor (no . 12, page 6).  
Once you have installed the device driver your MobiCam® DXR can be uꢀlized  
as a wireless webcam.  
The unit can be used in conjuncꢀon with Skype®, Windows Messenger®, Google  
Talk® and Yahoo Messenger®.  
Addiꢀonally, MobiCam® Anywhere Soſtware is available for download free of  
charge. Once you have registered your unit, you will recieve your acꢀvaꢀon  
code via email. You can set your monitor for scheduled recordings, conꢀnuous  
recording and remote viewing via any PC or Windows® enabled cell phone. For  
System shows “ No Signal”  
Check the power cord connection  
and the battery power.  
Pair your camera  
Place the camera close to the moni-  
If possible remove major obstacles  
between camera and monitor.  
Low or unstable signal  
Adjust camera and monitor position  
Keep WIFI router away from camera  
or monitor  
Keep working motors (hair dryer, air  
conditioner, water pump) or micro-  
wave away from the camera and/or  
Recording does not work  
Only sound is working  
Insert SD card into SD card slot  
Unlock the SD card  
Turn on VOX sensitivity and VOX  
Press the Audio only button for 3  
seconds to turn off the function  
FCC Compliance Statement:  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operaꢀon  
is subjected to the following two condiꢀons:  
(1) this device may cause harmful interference, and  
(2) this device must accept any interference received,  
including interference that may cause undesired operaꢀon.  
FCC Warning  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with imits for a Class B  
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and ETSI (EN) 300 328. The  
limits are designed to provide reasonable protecꢀon against harmful interfer-  
ence in residenꢀal installaꢀons. This equipment generates, uses, and can radi-  
ate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instrucꢀons, may cause harmful interference to radio communicaꢀons.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parꢀcular  
installaꢀon. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television  
equipment recepꢀon, which can be determined my turning off and on, the user  
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following  
-Reorient or relocate the antenna  
-Move the equipment away from the receiver  
-Plug the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from the receiver  
-Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for addi  
ꢀonal suggesꢀons.  
You are cauꢀoned that any change of modificaꢀons to the equipment not  
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your  
authority to operate such equipment.  
Mobi Technologies, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in mate-  
rial and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of pur-  
chase. Should this product prove to be defecꢀve at any ꢀme during the war-  
ranty period, Mobi Technologies, Inc. will, at its opꢀon, either replace or repair  
it without charge. Aſter the warranty period, a service charge will be applied  
for replacement of parts or labor for repair. To obtain warranty service, please  
return the product to Mobi along with a dated sales receipt from the place of  
purchase. Purchaser is responsible for shipping the product to Mobi Technolo-  
gies, Inc. at the address indicated below and for all associated freight and insur-  
ance costs. This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, misuse,  
abuse, improper maintenance, unauthorized modificaꢀon, or connecꢀon to  
an improper power supply. A charge will be made for repair of such damage.  
This warranty excludes all incidental or consequenꢀal damages and any liability  
other than what is stated above.  
Mobi Technologies, Inc.  
5913 Blackwelder St  
Culver City CA 90232  
Toll Free Number (877) 662-4462  
Mobi® and MobiCam® are registered trademarks of Mobi Technologies, Inc.  
Skype®, Windows Messenger®, Google Talk®, and Yahoo Messenger® are  
registered trademarks of their respecꢀve owners and are not affiliated with or  
owned by Mobi Technologies, Inc.  
© 2011 Mobi Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved  
Mobi Technologies, Inc.  
5913 Blackwelder St  
Culver City CA 90232  
Toll Free Number (877) 662-4462  
Mobi® and MobiCam® are registered  
trademarks of Mobi Technologies, Inc.  
© 2011 Mobi Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved  

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