Zanussi Dishwasher ZSF2450 User Manual

User manual  
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• Do not use the appliance:  
– if the mains cable or water hoses are dam-  
• Make sure that the appliance is not damaged  
because of transport. Do not connect a dam-  
aged appliance. If necessary, contact the sup-  
– if the control panel, worktop or plinth area  
are damaged, that you can get access to the  
inner side of the appliance.  
• Remove all packaging before first use.  
Contact your local Service Force Centre.  
• A qualified and competent person must do the  
electrical installation.  
• Do not drill into the sides of the appliance to  
prevent damage to hydraulic and electrical  
• A qualified and competent person must do the  
plumbing installation.  
• Do not change the specifications or modify  
this product. Risk of injury and damage to the  
Warning! Carefullyobey theinstructionsfor  
electrical and water connections.  
Control panel  
On/off button  
2 Programme selection buttons  
3 Delay start button  
4 Indicator lights  
5 Digital display  
6 Function buttons  
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Indicator lights  
The indicator light comes on when the washing  
phase or the rinsing phase operates.  
The indicator light comes on when the drying  
phase operates.  
The indicator light comes on when the washing  
programme is completed.  
The indicator light comes on when it is necessary  
to fill the salt container. Refer to the chapter 'Use  
of dishwasher salt'.  
The salt indicator light can stay on for some  
hours, but it does not have an unwanted effect  
on the operation of the appliance.  
The indicator light comes on when it is necessary  
to fill the rinse aid. Refer to the chapter 'Use of  
rinse aid'.  
1) The indicator light is off when a washing programme operates.  
• To set the water softener. Refer to the chapter  
'Setting the water softener'.  
Delay start button  
Use the delay start button to delay the start of  
the washing programme with an interval between  
1 and 19 hours. Refer to the chapter 'Setting and  
starting a washing programme'.  
• To cancel the washing programme in progress  
oradelaystartinprogress. Refertothechapter  
'Setting and starting a washing programme'.  
Setting mode  
Digital display  
The appliance is in setting mode when all pro-  
gramme indicator lights are on.  
The appliance must be in setting mode for these  
The display shows:  
• Adjusted level of the water softener.  
• Programme duration.  
• Remaining time to the end of the programme.  
• End of a washing programme.  
• Number of hours in delay start.  
• Fault codes.  
– To set a washing programme.  
– To set the water softener level.  
If a programme indicator light is on, cancel the  
programme to go back to the setting mode. Refer  
to the chapter "Setting and starting a washing  
Function buttons  
Use the function buttons for these operations:  
Washing programmes  
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Washing programmes  
Degree of  
Type of load  
Programme description  
pots and  
Main wash up to 70°C  
2 intermediate rinses  
Final rinse  
Heavy soil  
pots and  
Mixed nor-  
mal and  
light soil  
Main wash up to 45°C or 70°C  
1 or 2 intermediate rinses  
Final rinse  
Main wash up to 55°C  
1 intermediate rinse  
Final rinse  
and cutlery  
Main wash up to 50°C  
1 intermediate rinse  
Final rinse  
Normal or  
light soil  
and cutlery  
and cutlery 1 intermediate rinse  
Final rinse  
Main wash up to 40°C  
1) During the 'Auto' washing programme the level of soiling on the dishes is determined by how cloudy the water  
is. The programme duration, water and energy consumption levels can vary; this depends upon if the appliance  
is fully or partially loaded and if the dishes are lightly or heavily soiled. The temperature of the water is  
automatically adjusted between 45°C and 70°C.  
2) Test programme for test institutes. Please refer to separate leaflet supplied, for test data.  
Consumption values  
Programme duration  
Energy consumption  
(in kWh)  
Water consumption  
(in litres)  
(in minutes)  
0,5 - 0,8  
5,0 - 9,0  
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Programme duration  
Energy consumption  
(in kWh)  
Water consumption  
(in litres)  
(in minutes)  
1) The digital display shows the programme duration.  
The pressure and temperature of the water, the variations of power supply and the quantity  
of dishes can change these values.  
Use of the appliance  
Refer to the following instructions for each step 5. Set the correct washing programme for the  
of procedure:  
type of load and soil.  
1. Make a check if the water softener level is  
correct for the water hardness in your area. If  
necessary set the water softener.  
6. Fill the detergent dispenser with the correct  
quantity of detergent.  
7. Start the washing programme.  
2. Fill the salt container with dishwasher salt.  
3. Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid.  
4. Load cutlery and dishes into the dishwasher.  
If you use detergent tablets, refer to the  
chapter 'Use of detergent'.  
Setting the water softener  
The water softener removes minerals and salts  
from the water supply. Minerals and salts can  
have bad effect on the operation of the appli-  
• mmol/l (millimol per litre - international unit  
for the hardness of water).  
• Clarke.  
Adjust the water softener in to the water hard-  
ness in your area. If necessary, contact your local  
water authority.  
Water hardness is measured in equivalent scales:  
• German degrees (dH°).  
• French degrees (°TH).  
Water hardness  
Water hardness Digital display  
> 28  
18- 24  
12- 18  
4- 12  
< 4  
3.2- 4.2  
2.1- 3.2  
0.7- 2.1  
< 0.7  
32- 40  
19- 32  
7- 19  
< 7  
22- 28  
13- 22  
5 -13  
< 5  
1) No use of salt required.  
1. Switch on the appliance.  
Electronic adjustment  
2. Make sure that the appliance is in setting  
The water softener is set at the factory at  
level 3.  
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3. Press and hold function buttons B and C until  
the indicator lights of function buttons A, B  
and C start to flash.  
– The digital display shows the current level.  
Example: digital display shows = level 3.  
6. Press the function button A one time to in-  
crease the water softener level by one step.  
4. Release function buttons B and C.  
5. Press function button A.  
7. Press the on/off button to save the opera-  
– The indicator lights for function buttons B  
and C go off.  
– The indicator light for function button A  
continues to flash.  
Use of dishwasher salt  
Caution! Only use dishwashers salt. Types  
of salt that are not applicable for  
dishwashers cause damage to the water softener.  
It is normal that water overflows from the  
salt container when you fill it with salt.  
Make sure that there is no grain of salt outer  
of the salt compartment. Salt which stays on  
the tank for a while drills the tank. It is recom-  
mended to start a washing programme immedi-  
ately after you fill the salt container. This pre-  
vents of corrosion because of spilled salt.  
When you set electronically the water softener  
to level 1, the salt indicator light does not stay on.  
Fill the salt container  
with 1 litre of water  
(only the first opera-  
Use of rinse aid  
Caution! Only use branded rinse aid for  
Do these steps to fill the rinse aid dispenser:  
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Caution! Do not fill the rinse aid dispenser  
with other products (e.g. dishwasher  
cleaning agent, liquid detergent). There is a risk of  
damage to the appliance.  
Adjusting the dosage of rinse aid  
The rinse aid dial is set  
at the factory at posi-  
tion 1.  
To increase or de-  
crease the dosage re-  
fer to 'What to do if...'  
Loading cutlery and dishes  
– Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not lie  
inside one another.  
Helpful hints and tips  
Caution! Only use the appliance for  
household utensils that are applicable for  
– Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not  
cover other cutlery and dishes.  
– Make sure that glasses do not touch other  
Do not use the appliance to clean objects that  
can absorb water (sponges, household cloths,  
– Put small objects in the cutlery basket.  
• Plastic items and pans with non-stick coatings  
can keep water droplets.  
• Before you load cutlery and dishes, do these  
• Plastic items do not dry as well as porcelain and  
steel items.  
– Remove all food remainings and debris.  
– Make burnt, remaining food in pans soft.  
• Put light items in the main basket. Make sure  
that the items do not move.  
• While you load cutlery and dishes, do these  
Caution! Make sure that the spray arm can  
move freely before you start a washing  
– Load hollow items (e.g. cups, glasses and  
pans) with the opening down.  
– Make sure that water does not collect in the  
container or in a deep base.  
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Primary basket  
Arrange long and/or sharp items of cutlery hor-  
izontally in the primary basket. Be careful with  
sharp items such as knives.  
Arrange the deep  
dishes and large lids  
around the edge of  
the basket. Arrange  
the items to let water  
touch all surfaces.  
Arrange items on and  
below the cup racks.  
For longer items fold  
the cup racks up.  
Use the cutlery basket Use the cutlery grid. If  
the dimensions of the  
cutlery prevent use of  
the cutlery grid, re-  
move it.  
• forks and spoons  
with the handles  
Cutlery basket  
Warning! Do not put long-bladed knives in  
a vertical position to prevent injury.  
• knives with the han-  
dles up.  
Use of detergent  
Only use detergents (powder, liquid or tab-  
let) that are applicable for dishwashers.  
Follow the data on the packaging:  
• Dosage recommended by the manufacturer.  
• Storage recommendations.  
The instructions on the packaging usually refer to  
large dishwashers (12 settings).  
Do not use more than the correct quantity  
of detergent to save an environment.  
Fill the detergent dis- If you use a washing  
penser (A) with deter- programme with pre-  
wash phase, put more  
detergent in the pre-  
wash detergent com-  
partment (B).  
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It is not necessary to fill the salt container  
and the rinse aid dispenser.  
Do these steps when the drying results are  
not satisfactory:  
1. Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid.  
2. Set the rinse aid dosage to position 2.  
Do these steps to use the detergent powder  
1. Fill the salt container and the rinse aid dis-  
Use of detergent tablets  
Put the detergent tablet in the detergent dis-  
penser (A).  
2. Set the water softener to the highest level.  
3. Do a washing programme without dishes.  
Detergent tablets contain:  
4. Adjust the water softener. Refer to the chap-  
ter 'Setting the water softener'.  
• detergent  
• rinse aid  
5. Adjust the rinse aid dosage.  
• other cleaning agents.  
Different brands of detergent dissolve in  
different times. Some detergent tablets do  
not have the best cleaning results during short  
washing programmes. Use long washing pro-  
grammes when you use detergent tablets to fully  
remove the detergent.  
Do these steps to use detergent tablets:  
1. Make sure that the detergent tablets are ap-  
plicable for your water hardness. Refer to the  
instructions from the manufacturer.  
2. Set the lowest levels of water hardness and  
rinse aid dosage.  
Setting and starting a washing programme  
– The washing programme starts automati-  
Set the washing programme with the door  
ajar. The washing programme only starts af-  
ter you close the door. Until then it is possible to  
modify the settings.  
– The phase indicator light for the washing  
programme is on.  
Do these steps to set and start a washing pro-  
When the washing programme operates,  
you cannot change the programme. Cancel  
the washing programme.  
1. Switch on the appliance.  
2. Make sure that the appliance is in setting  
Warning! Only interrupt or cancel a washing  
programme if necessary.  
3. Press one of the programme buttons. Refer  
to the chapter 'Washing programmes'.  
Caution! Open the door carefully. Hot  
steam can come free.  
– The programme indicator light comes on.  
Cancelling a washing programme  
1. Press and hold function buttons B and C until  
all the programme lights come on.  
– All other programme indicator lights go  
– The digital display shows in flashing the  
programme duration.  
2. Release function buttons B and C to cancel  
the washing programme.  
At this time you can do these steps:  
– The phase indicator light for the washing  
programme starts to flash.  
1. Switch off the appliance.  
4. Close the door.  
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2. Set a new washing programme .  
Fill the detergent dispenser with detergent be-  
fore you set a new washing programme.  
– When you cancel a delay start, you also  
cancel the washing programme.  
2. Set a new washing programme.  
Interrupting a washing programme  
Open the door.  
• The programme stops.  
Close the door.  
You can select the washing programme and  
delay start also with the door closed. When  
you press a programme button you have only 3  
seconds to select a different washing programme  
or a delay start. After these 3 seconds, the selec-  
ted programme starts automatically.  
• The programme continues from the point of  
End of the washing programme  
Switch off the appliance in these conditions:  
• The appliance stops automatically.  
• The display shows 0.  
Setting and starting a washing programme  
with delay start  
1. Press the on/off button.  
2. Set a washing programme.  
• The end of programme indicator comes on.  
1. Press the on/off button.  
3. Press the delay start button until the display  
shows on flashing the necessary delay start of  
the washing programme.  
2. Open the door.  
– The delay start indicator light comes on.  
4. Close the door.  
3. For better drying results, keep the door ajar  
for some minutes before you remove the  
Let the dishes cool down before you remove  
them from the appliance. Hot dishes are easily  
– The number on the display comes on with  
fixed light.  
– The countdown of the delay start starts.  
– The countdown of the delay start decrea-  
ses with steps of 1 hour.  
Standby mode  
– When the countdown is completed, the  
washing programme starts automatically.  
If you do not switch off the appliance at the end  
of the washing programme, the appliance auto-  
matically goes into standby mode. The standby  
mode decreases energy consumption.  
Three minutes after the end of the programme,  
all indicator lights go off and the digital display  
shows one horizontal bar.  
Do not open the door during the count-  
down to prevent interruption of the count-  
down. When you close the door again, the count-  
down continues from the point of interruption.  
Press one of the buttons (not the on/off button),  
to go back to end-of-programme mode.  
Cancelling a delay start:  
1. Press and hold function buttons B and C until  
all the programme lights come on.  
Care and cleaning  
Warning! Switch the appliance off before  
you clean it.  
Cleaning the filters  
Important! Do not use the appliance without the  
filters. Make sure that the installation of the  
filters is correct. Incorrect installation will cause  
unsatisfactory washing results and damage to the  
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Remove the filters A  
andB fromthebottom  
of the appliance.  
External cleaning  
Fully clean the filters  
below running water.  
Clean the external surfaces of the appliance and  
control panel with a damp soft cloth. Only use  
neutral detergents. Do not use abrasive products,  
scouring pads or solvents (acetone, trichloro-  
ethylene etc...).  
Frost precautions  
Caution! Do not install the appliance where  
the temperature is below 0 °C. The  
manufacturer is not responsible for damage  
because of frost.  
Put the filters back.  
Turn the microfilter  
clockwise to lock it.  
If not possible, empty the appliance and close the  
door. Disconnect the water inlet hose and re-  
move water from the water inlet hose.  
Long periods of non-operation  
Do these steps when you do not use the appli-  
ance for a long period:  
Cleaning the spray arm  
Regularly examine the spray arm. Remove re-  
maining food from the holes in the spray arm.  
Do these steps to remove and to put the spray  
arm back:  
1. Disconnect the mains plug from the mains  
2. Close the water tap.  
3. Keep the door open to prevent unpleasant  
4. Keep the inner side of the appliance clean  
(filters especially).  
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What to do if…  
The appliance does not start or stops during op- the problem yourself, contact your dealer or the  
Service Force Centre.  
If there is a fault, first try to find a solution to the  
problem yourself. If you cannot find a solution to  
Fault code and malfunction  
Possible cause and solution  
• The water tap is blocked or furred with limescale.  
Clean the water tap.  
digital display shows  
The dishwasher does not fill with  
• The water tap is closed.  
Open the water tap.  
• The filter in the water inlet hose is blocked.  
Clean the filter.  
• The connection of the water inlet hose is not correct. The  
hose can be kinked or squashed.  
Make sure that the connection is correct.  
• There is a blockage in the sink spigot.  
Clean the sink spigot.  
digital display shows  
The dishwasher will not drain  
• The connection of the water drain hose is not correct. The  
hose can be kinked or squashed.  
Make sure that the connection is correct.  
• the drain pump operates contin- • Close the water tap and contact your local Service Force  
• all indicators lights on the control  
panel go off  
The anti-flood device operates  
The programme does not start  
• The appliance door is not closed.  
Close the door.  
• Mains plug is not connected in.  
Put in the mains.  
• The fuse has blown out in the household fuse box.  
Replace the fuse.  
• Delay start is set.  
Cancel the delaystartto start the programme immediately.  
After the check, switch on the appliance. The  
programme continues from the point of inter-  
ruption. If the malfunction shows again, contact  
your Service Force Centre.  
These data are necessary to help you quickly and  
• Product number (PNC)  
• Serial number (S.N.)  
For these data, refer to the rating plate.  
Write the necessary data here:  
Model description : ..........  
Product number : ..........  
• Model (Mod.)  
Serial number : ..........  
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The cleaning results are not satisfactory  
The dishes are not clean  
• The selected washing programme is not applicable for the type  
of load and soil.  
• The basket is loaded incorrectly so that water cannot reach all  
• Spray arm does not turn freely because of incorrect arrangement  
of the load.  
• The filters are dirty or not correctly installed.  
• The quantity of detergent is too little or missing.  
Limescales particles on the  
• The salt container is empty.  
• The water softener is adjusted on a wrong level.  
• The salt container cap is not closed correctly.  
The dishes are wet and dull • No rinse aid has been used.  
• The rinse aid dispenser is empty.  
There are streaks, milky spots • Decrease the rinse aid dosage.  
or a bluish coating on glasses  
and dishes  
Dry water drop signs on  
glasses and dishes  
• Increase rinse aid dosage.  
• The detergent can be the cause.  
Technical data  
Width cm  
Height cm  
Depth cm  
Electrical connection - Voltage Information on the electrical connection is given on the rating  
- Overall power - Fuse  
plate on the back of appliance.  
Water supply pressure  
0,8 bar (0,08 MPa)  
10 bar (1,0 MPa)  
Place settings  
Environment concerns  
you will help prevent potential negative  
The symbol  
on the product or on its  
consequences for the environment and human  
health, which could otherwise be caused by  
inappropriate waste handling of this product. For  
moredetailed information about recyclingofthis  
product, please contact your local council, your  
packaging indicates that this product may not be  
treated as household waste. Instead it should be  
taken to the appropriate collection point for the  
recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.  
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly,  
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Warning! To discard the appliance, follow  
the procedure:  
household waste disposal service or the shop  
where you purchased the product.  
• Pull the mains plug out of the socket.  
The packaging materials are environmentally  
friendly and can be recycled. The plastic compo-  
nents are identified by markings, e.g. >PE<, >PS<,  
etc. Discard the packaging materials in the appli-  
cable container at the community waste disposal  
• Cut off the mains cable and mains plug and  
discard them.  
• Discard the door catch. This prevents the chil-  
dren to close themselves inside the appliance  
and endanger their lives.  
Adjusting the level of the appliance  
Warning! Make sure that mains plug is  
disconnected from the mains socket during  
Make sure that the appliance is level to close and  
seal the door correctly. If the level of the appli-  
ance is correct, the door does not catch on the  
sides of the cabinet. If the door does not close  
correctly, loosen or tighten the adjustable feet  
until the appliance is level.  
Fitting the appliance  
Put the appliance adjacent to a water tap and a  
When you put the appliance in place, make sure  
that the water hoses are not kinked or squashed.  
Install the appliance on a kitchen sink, worktop  
or built-in..  
Install the dishwasher  
into the furniture of  
the kitchen.  
Make sure that the di-  
agree with the given  
min. 450+5  
min. 500  
min. 550  
Make sure that there  
are openings in the  
furniture for the inlet  
hose, the water drain  
hose and the mains ca-  
Water connection  
If the hot water comes from alternative sources  
of energy that are more environmentally friendly  
(e.g. solar or photovoltaic panels and aeolian), use  
a hot water supply to decrease energy consump-  
Inlet hose  
The appliance has safety features to prevent  
that the water in the appliance goes back  
into the drinking water system.  
It is important that a water tap or stopcock is near  
the dishwasher with easy access.  
Connected the appliance to a hot (max. 60°) or  
cold water supply.  
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If the water inlet hose is too short, replace the  
water inlet hose with an applicable, longer high-  
pressure hose. Do notconnectanextension hose.  
To suit the installation, it is possible to turn the  
end of the hose that is connected to the dish-  
washer. Do these steps :  
connected to the mains socket, the water safety  
system operates when the dishwasher is off.  
Two procedures are possible to install the water  
drain hose :  
1. Loosen the retain-  
ing nut.  
2. Turn the hose.  
max. 75cm  
3. Tighten the retain-  
ing nut.  
1. Attach the plastic curve supplied at the end  
of the hose.  
to a water tap with an  
external thread of  
Put the water drain hose in the sink.  
2. Connect the water drain hose to the water  
drain system.  
The hose must be less than 75 cm above the  
bottom of the dishwasher to prevent in-  
correct operation of appliance.  
Warning! Make sure that the retaining nut  
and all other connections are tight before  
you move the dishwasher into position.  
If you connect the wa-  
ter drain hose to a trap  
spigot under the sink,  
remove the plastic  
membrane (A). If you  
do not remove the  
membrane, remaining  
food can cause a  
Warning! Always use a new water inlet hose.  
Do not use connection hoses from an old  
Drain hose  
The appliance has water safety system to  
prevent water damage. If there is a malfunc-  
tion, the drain pump automatically starts to drain  
the remaining water out of the dishwasher.  
blockage in the drain  
hose spigot  
Warning! Only if the dishwasher is  
Electrical connection  
Warning! The manufacturer is not  
Do not use multi-way plugs, connectors and  
responsible if you do not follow thesesafety extension cables. There is a risk of fire.  
Ground the appliance according to safety  
Do not replace the mains cable yourself. Contact  
the Service Force Centre.  
Make sure that the mains plug is accessible after  
Make sure that the rated voltage and type of  
power on the rating plate agree with the voltage Do not pull the mains cable to disconnect the  
and the power of the local power supply.  
Always use a correctly installed shockproof  
appliance. Always pull the mains plug.  
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