White Bear Technologies GPS Receiver RoamEO GPS Pet Location System User Manual

Pet Location System  
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Congratulations on your purchase  
of the RoamEO GPS Pet Location system.  
Your system should include the following components:  
RoamEO GPS Receiver  
RoamEO Collar  
Power Adapter for Receiver  
Power Adapter for Collar  
Owners Manual  
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Quick Reference Guide:  
How do I start using RoamEO? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7  
What are these buttons for on the GPSReceiver? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  
What are these buttons for on the Collar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5  
How do I re-charge these units? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19  
What do these icons mean on the screen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13  
How do Iuse the tracking screens? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15, 17  
What is the GPS Receiver toolbar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12  
What is the Collar Status bar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14  
What is the difference between the  
Basic Tracking Screen and the Detailed Tracking Screen? . . . . . . . . .9  
How do Imove from screen to screen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18  
Can Iadjust the brightness of the LCD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8  
How do Ibuild a GPSFence? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-25  
How do I activate my GPS Fence? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26  
How do I turn my Alarm on and off? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26  
How do Ienroll a new Collar with my GPS Receiver? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28  
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Introduction to your RoamEO GPS Pet Location System  
The RoamEO GPS Pet Location System is made up of two compo-  
nents: a handheld GPS Receiver and a special GPS-enabled collar for  
your pet. Both components are required for a functional system.  
RoamEO GPS Receiver  
The RoamEO GPS Receiver is designed to display the location and  
movements of your pet within a one mile radius. It does not require any  
set up to operate, nor does it need a third party service to function.  
RoamEO GPS Receiver  
RF Antenna: RoamEO will operate  
effectively with the antenna in the down  
position. However, if moved into an  
upright position, the range of the radio  
may be improved.  
Zoom Button: Use this button  
to change the scale  
of the  
tracking screen.  
By pressing the + side, the  
screen will zoom in. By  
pressing the – side, the  
screen will zoom out.  
Power Switch: This button  
powers the GPS  
Receiver on and off.  
LED Indicator Lights: Indicate  
charge status when the system  
is plugged into  
the Power Adapter.  
The Red LED will be illuminated  
when the Power Adapter is  
plugged in and the system is  
charging. The Green LED will be  
illuminated when the system is fully  
charged. The LEDs are only used  
during the charging cycle and will  
not be on  
Charging Port:  
Insert Power  
Adapter plug here  
to charge the  
GPS Receiver.  
Option Button: This button is used  
in combination with other buttons  
to allow you to perform an  
operation or move between the  
different tracking screens.  
Turns the  
at any other time.  
Used for  
Fence Button: Used to  
program a GPS Fence.  
When a GPS Fence  
has been stored in  
memory, this button  
allows you to turn the  
GPS Fence on or off.  
Screen Button:  
Used to change  
between the  
different screen  
views that are  
available for use.  
Collars with  
the GPS  
on or off.  
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RoamEO Collar  
The RoamEO Collar uses GPS technology and a miniature radio that  
sends GPS coordinates to the Receiver where they are displayed on  
the LCD screen. Each collar has a unique address that is only recog-  
nized by your Receiver. We have programmed your collar(s) for you,  
so it is not necessary to re-program them before you use the  
RoamEO system. Please refer to “Enrollment” for instructions on how  
to enroll a new collar, or to re-enroll an existing collar.  
Œ Electronics Box: The radio circuit, GPS module and battery are  
contained in this box. There are no serviceable parts in the  
electronics box.  
 Charging Port: Insert the Power Adapter plug here to charge the  
lithium-ion battery in the electronics box. The plug is keyed and  
can only be inserted one way.  
Ž Paw Button: used for enrolling a new Collar or re-enrolling an exist-  
ing Collar. Refer to the “Enrolling Collars” section for instructions.  
 Power Button: Press to turn on the Collar. The LED will begin  
blinking every three seconds to indicate the collar is operational.  
To turn off the collar, press and hold the power button for five  
Your Collar should be orientated on your pet so that the box is at  
the bottom of the neck. This results in the GPS antenna to be  
properly positioned for maximum satellite reception.  
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GPS Basics  
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was launched in 1995 by the  
United States Defense Department. Twenty-four satellites orbit at 10,900  
nautical miles above the Earth, passing overhead twice daily. At least  
four of these satellites are in view nearly anywhere on the Earth at  
all times.  
GPS requires signal reception from three satellites in order to  
determine a latitude and longitude position, known as a 2D fix. Four  
satellites are needed to determine position and elevation. This is a 3D  
fix. In 2003, in order to provide an additional degree of accuracy to  
GPS, the Federal Aviation Administration developed a program called  
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) that complements GPS.  
WAAS is not always available to GPS users because of the position  
of the satellites. RoamEO will automatically receive WAAS signals,  
if available.  
Please remember: for GPS to work effectively, it must have a  
clear view of the satellites in the sky in order to receive their  
signals. Unlike television or radio signals, GPS works at very high  
frequencies. As a result, GPS reception can be easily effected by  
tree foliage, buildings, your body, and any other cover that blocks  
the sky.  
To help achieve the maximum performance from RoamEO,  
we recommend:  
1. If possible, power up RoamEO outdoors.  
2. If powering up RoamEO outdoors, maintain some distance from  
buildings and stay out from under foliage if possible. After gaining  
an initial GPS lock, RoamEO will probably maintain a lock even if  
operating under these conditions.  
3. If indoors, it may require a few minutes to acquire a GPS lock. To  
improve your ability to gain a GPS fix, stand as close to a window  
as possible so that RoamEO has at least a partial view of the sky.  
It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a GPS fix from an  
interior room in the house or the basement.  
You can check the status of the GPS reception on the GPS Receiver  
Toolbar. For more detailed information on the GPS status, refer to the  
GPS Status Screen.  
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Starting Out  
The RoamEO GPS Pet Location System is designed to be operational  
without any set-up or third party services. You can begin using  
RoamEO immediately.  
To begin using your RoamEO system:  
1. Power on the Receiver.  
Power Button  
2. Press the Power button on each Collar you would like to place  
in service.  
Power Button  
RoamEO is now operational. The Basic Tracking Screen will appear on  
the display.  
Upon power up, the Receiver immediately begins searching for  
Collar(s) that are enrolled and powered on. This process will only take  
a few seconds. Every Collar that has been enrolled will be displayed in  
the Collar Status Bar. At the same time it is searching for active  
Collar(s), RoamEO also begins the process of acquiring a GPS fix.  
Under optimum conditions, it can take up to 45 seconds for RoamEO  
to lock on to satellites and acquire an initial GPS fix*. During this  
period while RoamEO is acquiring the necessary GPS information to  
begin operation, the tracking screen will come up on the LCD.  
RoamEO will begin tracking immediately after the Receiver and any  
one Collar have a GPS lock. RoamEO will display tracking information  
for any Collar that has been powered on and has an active GPS lock.  
* Note: To obtain a GPS lock, the Receiver needs to know its current position and date so that it can calculate  
which satellites should be in view and then searches for only those satellites. When your Receiver is powered  
on for the first time, it does not know your position so it immediately begins to search for satellites using data  
acquired the last time it was turned on (which was most likely at our factory). Because there is a high degree  
of probability you are not at our factory, the Receiver is looking for the wrong satellites. After a short period of  
time of not being able to find these satellites, the Receiver then switches automatically to an auto search  
mode, causing it to search for any satellite in the sky. Due to advances in GPS technology, this process has  
become much quicker now. Once the Receiver locks onto these new satellites, it should become much quick-  
er to display your position next time you use RoamEO provided you have not moved more than 100 miles from  
the last location it was used.  
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Screen Views  
RoamEO is designed with three operational screens to provide  
information about the location of your pet and the status of the GPS:  
Basic Tracking Screen  
RoamEO defaults to the Basic Tracking Screen when  
powered up.  
Detailed Tracking Screen  
Similar to the Basic Tracking Screen, but provides detailed  
distance and velocity information for each active collar.  
GPS Status Screen  
Displays the raw GPS data for the GPS Receiver.  
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Basic Tracking Screen  
The Basic Tracking Screen displays the location and movements of  
all active Collars. By using the distance rings, you can estimate your  
distance from your pet. Refer to the Collar Status Bar to monitor the  
GPS and Radio status of each Collar. Figure 1 shows a Basic Tracking  
Screen with two active Collars, one about 100 feet from you, the other  
about 150 feet.  
Figure 1  
Detailed Tracking Screen  
The Detailed Tracking Screen provides additional information about  
the status of the active Collars. In addition to the same information that  
appears on the Basic Tracking Screen, the Detailed Tracking Screen  
also displays your distance (in feet) from your pet and how fast your  
pet is moving. This information is updated at the same rate as the  
Basic Tracking Screen. Figure 2 show a Detailed Tracking Screen with  
an active GPS Fence and three active Collars, one of which is outside  
the fence.  
Figure 2  
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GPS Status Screen  
The GPS Status Screen displays the status of the GPS satellites, as well  
as other critical data associated with their performance. This screen  
can be helpful to assess the number of satellites your Receiver is  
using to gain its GPS data and the signal strength of each of these  
Satellite Status Bar  
The Satellite Status Bar at the bottom of this screen displays the  
strength of each satellite. A green bar indicates that your Receiver has  
a lock on this satellite. A gray bar indicates your Receiver is not locked  
on to this satellite. The satellites are numbered across the bottom, and  
correspond to their position in the sky as shown in the Sky View. The  
height of the bar indicates the relative strength of that satellite signal.  
A stronger signal from multiple satellites will result in better accuracy.  
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Understanding the RoamEO Operation Screens  
When initially powered on, RoamEO defaults to the Basic Tracking  
Screen. There are three areas of information on this screen which are  
all continually updated to provide you with real time data that will help  
you use your RoamEO system.  
Collar Status Bar: Information about each enrolled Collar is displayed  
here. The GPS Receiver remembers every Collar that has ever been  
enrolled with your system and will display it even if it is not active.  
GPS Receiver Toolbar: Information about the status of the GPS  
Receiver is located here.  
Tracking Screen: Information about the location of your pet is  
displayed here. RoamEO is programmed with two versions of the  
tracking screen: a Basic Tracking Screen and a Detailed Tracking  
Screen. These screens can be used interchangeably and will not  
affect the performance of your system.  
GPS Receiver Toolbar  
Tracking Screen  
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GPS Receiver Toolbar  
The GPS Receiver toolbar provides information on the status of the  
GPS Receiver.  
Estimated accuracy of your current position from  
a benchmark location. For example, if Accuracy reads 17 feet,  
then your current position is estimated to be within 17 feet of your  
actual latitude and longitude coordinates. The Accuracy number  
provides an indicator of the quality of your GPS fix: the smaller  
the number, the greater the GPS accuracy. This number can be  
valuable when establishing a GPS Fence.  
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GPS Status  
Green waves indicate a GPS lock.  
White waves indicate the Receiver is unable to achieve a GPS fix  
in this location.  
Remaining battery life of the GPS Receiver.  
GPS Fence Status  
Gray indicates the GPS Fence is turned off.  
White indicates the GPS Fence is on and all active Collars are  
currently contained within the fence.  
Red indicates the GPS Fence is on and at least one Collar is  
currently outside the fence perimeter.  
The GPS Fence icon will not appear on the toolbar if there is  
not a GPS Fence stored in memory.  
Alarm Status  
Gray indicates the Alarm or the GPS Fence is turned off. The  
alarm will not sound if your pet exits the fence.  
White indicates the GPS Fence is on and the alarm will sound if  
a Collar moves outside the fence.  
Red indicates the GPSFence is on and at least one Collar is out-  
side the fence.  
The Alarm icon will not appear on the toolbar if there is not a  
GPS Fence stored in memory.  
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Collar Status Bar  
The status of all active collars is displayed in the Collar Status Bar.  
Each collar transmits new GPS location data every three seconds,  
which is then updated on the screen. Check this bar to insure that  
your Collar is receiving GPS data, and to verify the radio reception of  
your GPS Receiver.  
The compass is also located at the bottom of the status bar.  
Indicates whether a Collar is receiving a radio signal from the GPS  
Receiver. Green waves indicate there is radio reception; white waves  
indicate the radio is not communicating with the GPS Receiver.  
Indicates whether a Collar has achieved a GPS lock. Green  
waves indicate a GPS lock. White waves indicate that the Collar  
does not have a GPS lock.  
Remaining battery life of the Collar  
Important: To be able to track your pet, a Collar must have both  
a GPS signal and be communicating with the GPS Receiver, as  
indicated by both icons illuminating green.  
Note: RoamEO has been programmed to remember every collar that  
has ever been enrolled with your system and will display them when  
the system is powered on. If you have not powered on a previously  
enrolled Collar, or if you have taken a Collar out of service, the box will  
still illuminate but none of the icons in the box will be illuminated.  
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Tracking Screen  
Your pet’s location and movements are displayed on the Tracking  
Screen and are continually updated.  
is color coded to match its corresponding color on the  
Collar Status Bar. RoamEO can track up to three Collars at one  
time. Only Collars that have been powered on will be displayed  
on the Tracking Screen.  
is you. You will always remain at the center of the screen  
and your pets will move around you.  
The Distance Circles are helpful to provide information regarding  
your pet’s distance from you. You can change this scale by using  
the Zoom Button. Press the + side, and the Distance Circles will  
become smaller. Press the - side, and the Distance Circles will  
become larger. The smallest Distance Circle is 50 feet, the  
largest is 7250 feet.  
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An indicates a Collar has gone outside the scale you  
currently have selected for your Tracking Screen. The location of  
the direction it was heading at the time. RoamEO continues to  
track the Collar and the will move around the perimeter of the  
shows where the Collar left the scale of the screen and  
screen as it follows the movements. If at any time you would like  
to bring your pet back within view on the Tracking Screen, press  
the - side of the zoom button. When the Collar is within scale, the  
will switch to a  
Figure 3 shows that one of the Collars is located beyond the  
scale of this screen, as indicated by the . In this example, the  
Collar is behind you at a distance of 191 feet. If any combination  
of your movements or the movements of the Collar bring you  
back to within scale, the  
will appear again automatically.  
Figure 3  
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How to use the Tracking Screens  
The Tracking Screens are designed to display the movements of your  
pet in relation to your position. When using the Tracking Screens, here  
are some things to remember:  
1. Your location is always in the center of the screen designated by  
the . Your location in the center of the screen will never change.  
2. The Tracking Screens are orientated based on the top of the  
screen. In other words, if your pet appears on the right side of the  
screen, your pet is located to your right. If your pet appears  
underneath the , then your pet is behind you. See figure 4.  
Figure 4  
3. As you turn to face your pet, the screen will automatically orientate  
to show your pet at the top of the screen. This is your indication  
that you are moving in the direction toward your pet.  
4. As you move toward your pet, the distance on the screen between  
and the  
will adjust based on your movements and your  
pet’s movements. Remember: the distance shown on the screen  
between you and your pet is based on the combination of the  
activity of both of you. If you are moving toward your pet but  
notice that you do not appear to be getting any closer, it is  
because your pet is moving also. If in doubt, stand still for a few  
moments and watch the activity of your pet on the screen.  
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LCD Screen Options  
Power Saving Mode  
RoamEO is designed with a Power Saving Mode to improve the  
battery life of the Receiver. When RoamEO enters the Power Saving  
Mode, the brightness of the display is lowered to help save power. To  
restore the screen to its original brightness, press any button and the  
LCD will return to its original setting. RoamEO will display the message  
Power Saving Mode on the LCD to notify you that when the system is  
in this state. RoamEO will not initiate the Power Saving Mode for  
approximately 45 minutes from start-up if the battery is in a fully  
charged state.  
RoamEO will not go into the Power Saving Mode if it is being used  
while powered from the Power Adapter.  
Changing Screen Views  
Changing from screen to screen can be done at any time while the  
GPS Receiver is on.  
To change back and forth from the Basic Tracking Screen to the  
Detailed Tracking Screen, press  
. No data is lost during this  
To view the GPS Status screen, press the  
simultaneously. RoamEO will continue to track your pets while this  
screen is visible on the LCD. Press  
again to return to a tracking screen.  
Adjusting the brightness on your LCD Screen  
To increase or decrease the brightness of the LCD screen, press and  
hold the  
and then use the Zoom button located on the side of  
the Receiver to adjust the screen to the desired brightness.  
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Charging your GPS Receiver and Collar  
For all the benefits of GPS, unfortunately it requires a fair amount of  
power to operate. To maintain communication with the GPS satellite  
system, the GPS receiver must stay on at all times. As a result, all GPS-  
based products, including RoamEO, require recharging or replacing  
batteries more frequently than other electronic products you may own.  
Both the RoamEO GPS Receiver and Collar were designed with  
rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Your system includes one power  
adapter for the GPS Receiver and one power adapter for the Collar.  
To check the status of the battery in the GPS Receiver, refer to the  
battery icon in the GPs Receiver Toolbar. To check the status of the  
battery in the Collar, refer to the battery icon in the Collar Status Bar.  
Battery Icon  
Fully Charged  
GPS Receiver  
The RoamEO GPS Receiver can  
operate between 7 – 10 hours on a  
fully charged battery. To charge the  
Receiver, plug the Receiver Power  
Adapter in the charging port. The red  
LED indicator will stay illuminated  
while the Receiver is charging. When the battery is fully charged, the  
green LED will illuminate. Approximate charging time is three hours.  
The RoamEO Collar can operate  
between 8 – 10 hours on a fully  
charged battery. To charge the Collar,  
plug the Collar Power Adapter in the  
charging port. Please note the plug  
on the Collar Power Adapter is keyed, so it must be inserted  
correctly to fit into the charging port. The LED will be red while the  
Collar is charging. When the battery is fully charged, the LED will  
turn green.  
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Setting up a GPS Fence  
The GPS Fence can be a valuable feature to assist you in protecting  
your pet. However, it is not meant to be substitute for human initiative  
and we do not recommend this as a pet containment system. The  
GPS Fence feature allows you to establish a perimeter that when  
combined with the Alarm will give an audible warning if your pet exits  
your defined boundary. Before setting up a GPS Fence, a few  
moments of forethought are in order.  
Please read the following carefully:  
1. All GPS systems can be affected by dense cover, whether foliage,  
heavy cloud cover, or buildings. To improve the accuracy of your  
GPS Fence, it is recommended that you set up your fence on a  
clear day. Be aware of your surroundings as you establish your  
fence posts. You may want to move your fence post slightly if you  
encounter a problem with a particular location due to weak GPS  
2. Take note of the relative amount of precision of GPS as you estab-  
lish your fence. It is recommended that you set your fence at least  
10-15 feet away from areas of concerns (i.e, roads) to account for  
GPS precision. You can refer to the Accuracy reading on the  
Toolbar to understand the relative accuracy of GPS at a particular  
position. If you stand still in a single spot for an extended period  
of time, GPS accuracy will usually improve.  
3. You may want to have a good idea of the basic outline of your  
fence before you begin to set fence posts. You will need to estab-  
lish a minimum of three fence posts. There is no need to return to  
your first post: the GPS Receiver will automatically draw a line  
to that position.  
4. Try to allow for a minimum of at least 15 feet between any two fence  
posts. There is no maximum distance between any two fence posts;  
you can place fence posts as far apart as you desire. RoamEO will  
allow you to set up to 100 fence posts, but we recommend using the  
minimum amount that are needed to define the particular shape of  
your desired fence.  
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5. Remember that both the Alarm and the GPS Fence must be  
activated in order to receive an audible warning if your pet exits your  
perimeter. You can use your GPS Fence without the Alarm if  
desired. Example: if you have drawn a perimeter around a known  
area such as your property line, the GPS Fence can help give you  
a better perspective of your pet’s location in these immediate  
6. It is not necessary for the GPS Receiver to be within the fence  
perimeter for the GPS Fence to work. As long as the GPS Receiver  
is capable of radio reception with the Collar, the GPS Fence will  
operate effectively. You can be standing outside of your GPS Fence  
and the fence will still be operational.  
7. The GPS Receiver will always default to the last condition when pow-  
ered up. If your GPS Fence and Alarm were activated when you shut  
down your GPS Receiver, they will be activated when you power up  
your GPS Receiver the next time. Always check the GPS Receiver  
Toolbar for the status of the GPS Fence and Alarm.  
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Building your GPS Fence  
To build your GPS Fence, you will need to set GPS fence posts that  
will be used to outline the perimeter of you desired boundary. After  
establishing these fence posts, RoamEO will automatically ‘draw’ in the  
fence and store it in memory for future use.  
1. Only one GPS Fence can be stored in memory at a time.  
2. Each time a new GPS Fence is established, the current fence that  
was stored in memory is deleted and replaced with your new fence  
3. There is no method of correcting mistakes once RoamEO is placed  
in the Fence Building mode. Should you discover that you have  
misplaced a fence post, or do not like the shape of your fence, there  
is no way to correct this data while in the Fence Building mode; it will  
be necessary to start over. You will need to turn off your system and  
power back up, and then begin the fence building process again.  
Remember: turning off your system while in the Fence Building  
mode will erase any fence posts you had placed for your new  
fence, but it will not erase the last GPS Fence that was previous-  
ly stored in memory.  
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Step 1  
Press the  
and the  
buttons on the GPS Receiver simultane-  
ously. This will set the GPS Receiver into the Fence Building mode and  
the Fence Building screen will be displayed. You are now ready to begin  
establishing the fence posts. See figure 5.  
Figure 5  
Fence Building Screen  
Step 2  
Establish a Perspective Point. The Perspective Point is a temporary  
location only used during the fence building process to help assist  
you. In most cases, you will probably want to build a fence around some  
type of landmark, such as your home or a camp site. By using a land-  
mark as your Perspective Point, it is easier to see how your fence is  
being constructed on the LCD screen. A Perspective Point must be  
established even if you do not need one; if you have no need for one,  
place it at any location within your desired fence perimeter.  
Stand at the location of your Perspective Point and press the  
button. Your Perspective Point will be indicated by the  
remain in the center of the screen while you finish constructing your  
fence. See figure 6.  
Figure 6  
Establishing a Perspective Point  
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Step 3  
Walk to your first fence post. Your movements will be displayed on  
the screen with the . You can also gain an appreciation of your  
distances from the distance rings shown on your screen. When you  
reach the desired location for your first fence post, and are satisfied  
with the accuracy of the GPS at that point, press the  
button. If  
you wish to improve the GPS accuracy at a given fence post, remain  
still in that location and monitor the Accuracy reading found in the GPS  
Receiver Toolbar until you are satisfied before pressing the  
button. See figure 7.  
Figure 7  
Establishing a fence post. Confirmation of each fence post will be designated by the  
Each time a fence post is committed to memory, its location is shown  
on the screen as . Do not move from any fence post location until  
you are certain the system has accepted that location. Repeat this  
step as required to complete additional fence posts. Do not return to  
your first fence post: RoamEO will complete the fence on its own.  
See figure 8.  
Figure 8  
Multiple fence posts have been established. Your current position is noted by  
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Step 4  
After establishing the last fence post, press  
. Your  
fence will now be saved to memory. The green  
will indicate that  
your fence has been successfully completed and placed into  
memory. See figure 9. To activate your fence, press  
at any time.  
The system will now automatically revert back to the last tracking  
screen it was in.  
Figure 9  
Fence being saved to memory.  
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Using your GPS Fence  
Once you have built your GPS Fence, you may use it at any time.  
To turn on your GPS Fence, press  
and the  
See figure 10.  
. Your fence will be activated,  
in the GPS Receiver Toolbar will now be illuminated.  
Figure 10  
Status of GPS Fence is displayed on GPS Receiver toolbar.  
A white fence indicates your GPSFence is active and all Collars are  
contained within the fence perimeter.  
A red fence indicates your GPS Fence is active and at least one Collar  
is outside the fence perimeter.  
To turn off the GPS Fence, press  
again. The  
in the GPS  
Receiver Toolbar will now turn gray, indicating there is a fence stored  
in memory but it is not activated.  
Turning on the Alarm  
The Alarm feature can be used to receive an audible warning should  
your pet exit the GPSFence perimeter you have established.  
To use the Alarm feature, your GPS Fence must be on. Press  
activate the alarm. If your pet exits the GPS Fence perimeter, the alarm  
will sound an audible alert. To turn off the audible alert, press  
To turn off the Alarm feature, press . The Alarm will be disabled but  
the GPSFence will remain active.  
The status of the Alarm is displayed on the GPSReceiver toolbar.  
See figure 11.  
Figure 11  
Status of Alarm is displayed on GPS Receiver toolbar.  
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Using the GPS Fence from inside your home  
You can use the GPS Fence feature from indoors, as long as the GPS  
Receiver is making radio contact with a Collar. To use the GPS Fence  
from indoors, it is recommended placing the GPS Receiver near a  
window on the side of the house closest to where you expect the  
Collars to be. This will improve the quality of the radio reception.  
Power on the GPS Receiver and Collars, and make sure the fence is  
activated. Some experimentation may be needed to understand which  
rooms in your home offer the best reception.  
It is not necessary for the GPS Receiver itself to have a GPS  
lock to use the fence feature. The GPS Receiver remembers the  
coordinates of the fence you have established (it does not require a  
GPS lock to do this), and displays that fence information along with the  
location of the Collars on the tracking screen. As long as the Collars  
have a GPS lock and can communicate with the GPS Receiver,  
their location and movements will be visible on the tracking screen.  
See figure 12.  
Figure 12  
Tracking screen with GPS Fence,  
but GPS Receiver does not have a GPS lock.  
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Enrolling Collars to your GPS Receiver  
In order for RoamEO to operate, the Collar must be set up to be able  
to ‘talk’ to a Receiver. Each RoamEO Collar contains a unique ID which  
is used so that it only communicates with the Receiver which has  
been programmed to recognize that ID. The process of ‘bonding’ a  
specific collar (i.e., its unique ID) with a Receiver is called Enrollment.  
Your collar(s) were enrolled at the factory and no further action is  
needed to use RoamEO. However, if you purchase an additional  
Collar, or replace an existing one, or would just like to change the color  
choice assigned by the factory, you must use the Enrollment process.  
There are four steps to the Enrollment process. You must have both  
your Receiver and the Collar you wish to enroll to successfully  
complete this process. Place the Collar within five feet of the Receiver.  
Step 1  
Press the  
buttons on the GPS Receiver at the same  
time. This will set the GPS Receiver into the Enrollment mode and  
cause the Enrollment screen to be displayed See figure 13.  
Figure 13  
Collar Enrollment Screen  
RoamEO can track three Collars, each of which is designated by a dif-  
ferent color. Collars which are currently enrolled will be illuminated by  
one of the three colors. Collars available for enrollment are shown in  
gray—these Collars have not been previously enrolled. RoamEO will  
automatically select the first collar that has not been previously  
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Step 2  
Using the Zoom button to scroll up or down, select the Collar you wish  
to enroll. If you wish to enroll the Collar that has been automatically  
selected, proceed to Step 3.  
Step 3  
Press the button on the GPS Receiver. This will select the Collar you  
have chosen and place it in memory. See figure 14.  
Figure 14  
Blue Collar selected for enrollment process.  
Step 4  
Press and hold the  
button on the Collar for five seconds. This will  
cause the Collar to send it’s unique address to the GPS Receiver,  
completing the enrollment process. See figure 15.  
Figure 15  
If enrollment was successful, the  
Collar you selected will now be  
illuminated on the Collar Status Bar  
for about two seconds. The  
RoamEO will then move to the last  
selected tracking screen. You can  
also check the Collar Status Bar at  
this time to see if the Collar you  
to complete the  
enrolled is now illuminated.  
enrollment process.  
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FCC Compliance  
This device complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communications  
Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the following  
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.  
2. This device must accept any interference that may cause  
undesired operation.  
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the  
manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits  
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of he FCC rules. These  
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful  
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,  
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications. There is no guarantee that inter-  
ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does  
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can  
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the  
following means:  
1. Rotate or relocate the receiving antenna  
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from  
that which the receiver is connected.  
4. Consult the manufacturer customer service department for help.  
Under normal operating conditions, the antenna is designed to  
maintain a separation distance of 20cm from all persons. The EUT is  
mobile and fixed.  
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White Bear Technologies Software License Agreement  
The software contained in this product is licensed, not sold to you.  
We grant you the non-exclusive, non-assignable right to use this  
software for location purposes, but only as long as you comply with the  
terms and conditions of this License agreement. We reserve the right  
to terminate this license if you violate any aspect of this agreement.  
The software contained in this product are protected by copyright  
owned by White Bear Technologies. You may not modify, adapt, trans-  
late, reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble, rent, lease or resell  
any software or create derivative works based upon any software or its  
contents. Any unauthorized reproduction, use, transfer of this software  
may be a crime and may be subject you to damages. We will  
prosecute violations of this software agreement.  
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White Bear Technologies warranties the RoamEO GPS Pet  
Location System against defects and malfunctions in materials and  
workmanship, and against failure to conform to the product’s written  
specifications for one (1) year from the date of original purchase.  
We make no other express warranty or representation of any kind  
whatsoever concerning this product.  
Any such defect, malfunction, or non-conformity which occurs within  
one year from the data of your original purchase will either be repaired  
without charge or replaced with a new product identical or reasonably  
equivalent to this product, or your purchase refunded, at our option,  
within a reasonable amount of time after our receipt of the  
defective product. This repair, or product replacement, or refund is the  
exclusive remedy to you against us for any defect, malfunction, or non-  
conformity concerning our product or any loss or damage from any  
other cause whatsoever.  
This warranty does not apply in the following circumstances: (1) if said  
defect is a result of negligence, accident, misuse, or carelessness; (2)  
if the product has been connected, installed, combined, altered,  
adjusted, or handled in any manner other than according to the  
instructions furnished with this product; or (3) if the product has been  
serviced or repaired by anyone other than us.  
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How To Obtain Service  
For all technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory  
by either email or phone. If using email, please provide a detailed  
description of the problem or question you have.  
Phone: 651-636-5695  
M-F, 9am-4pm, Central Standard Time  
Before any product can be returned, you must call customer  
service to determine if a return is necessary. In most cases,  
customer service can resolve your problem over the phone, making  
a return unnecessary.  
If it becomes necessary to send a product in for repair or replace-  
ment, you must first receive a return authorization number from the  
Factory. Products returned without this authorization number will not  
be accepted. Shipping instructions for returning product will be given  
when the return authorization number is given. Please note that White  
Bear Technologies does not assume responsibility for goods lost or  
damaged in transit.  
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