U Line Freezer 75F User Manual

Use a n d Ca re Gu id e  
Fre e ze r Mo d e l:  
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Ta b le o f Co n t e n t s  
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................2  
Warranty Registration .......................................................................................................2  
Please Record Your Model Information ...........................................................................2  
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................3  
Safety Precautions ......................................................................................................................5  
Safety Alert Definitions .....................................................................................................5  
General Precautions ...........................................................................................................5  
Product Features ........................................................................................................................6  
Origins Freezer Model 75F ................................................................................................6  
Operation ...................................................................................................................................6  
Initial Startup .....................................................................................................................6  
Temperature Control .........................................................................................................6  
Normal Operating Sounds .................................................................................................7  
Outdoor, Marine and RV Usage ........................................................................................7  
Storage, Vacation, Moving ................................................................................................7  
Product Disposal .................................................................................................................7  
Cleaning and Maintenance .......................................................................................................8  
General Cleaning ...............................................................................................................8  
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................8  
Service .......................................................................................................................................12  
Before Calling for Service ................................................................................................12  
If Service is Required ........................................................................................................12  
Replacement Parts ...........................................................................................................12  
Troubleshooting Guide ....................................................................................................13  
U-Line Corporation Limited Warranty ....................................................................................15  
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Th is p a g e in t e n t io n a lly le ft b la n k  
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Sa fe t y Pre ca u t io n s  
SHOCK HAZARD - Ele ct rica l Gro u n d in g Re q u ire d .  
• Ne ve r a t t e m p t t o re p a ir o r p e rfo rm  
m a in t e n a n ce o n t h e u n it u n t il t h e e le ct ricit y  
h a s b e e n d isco n n e ct e d .  
• Ne ve r re m o ve t h e ro u n d g ro u n d in g p ro n g fro m  
t h e p lu g a n d n e ve r u se a t w o -p ro n g g ro u n d in g  
a d a p t e r.  
• Alt e rin g , cu t t in g o f p o w e r co rd , re m o va l o f  
p o w e r co rd , re m o va l o f p o w e r p lu g , o r d ire ct  
w irin g ca n ca u se se rio u s in ju ry, fire a n d /o r lo ss  
o f p ro p e rt y a n d /o r life , a n d w ill vo id t h e  
w a rra n t y.  
PLEASE READ a ll in st ru ct io n s co m p le t e ly b e fo re  
a t t e m p t in g t o in st a ll, o p e ra t e , o r se rvice yo u r u n it .  
• Pro p e r in st a lla t io n p ro ce d u re s m u st b e fo llo w e d  
if t h is u n it is b e in g in it ia lly in st a lle d , o r is m o ve d  
t o a n e w lo ca t io n a ft e r b e in g in se rvice . An  
INSTALLATION GUIDE fo r yo u r u n it , p ro vid in g  
co m p le t e in st a lla t io n in fo rm a t io n is a va ila b le  
fro m U-Lin e Co rp o ra t io n d ire ct ly, a n d m u st b e  
co n su lt e d b e fo re a n y in st a lla t io n is b e g u n . U-Lin e  
co n t a ct in fo rm a t io n a p p e a rs o n t h e re a r co ve r o f  
t h is g u id e .  
• Ne ve r u se a n e xt e n sio n co rd t o co n n e ct p o w e r  
t o t h e u n it .  
• Alw a ys ke e p yo u r w o rkin g a re a d ry.  
• Th is u n it re q u ire s co n n e ct io n t o a g ro u n d e d  
(t h re e -p ro n g ), p o la rize d re ce p t a cle t h a t h a s b e e n  
p la ce d b y a q u a lifie d e le ct ricia n in a cco rd a n ce  
w it h a p p lica b le e le ct rica l co d e s.  
• Use ca re w h e n m o vin g a n d h a n d lin g t h e u n it . Use  
g lo ve s t o p re ve n t p e rso n a l in ju ry fro m sh a rp  
e d g e s.  
• If yo u r m o d e l re q u ire s d e fro st in g , DO NOT u se a n y  
t yp e o f h e a t e r t o d e fro st . Usin g a h e a t e r t o sp e e d  
u p d e fro st in g ca n ca u se p e rso n a l in ju ry a n d  
d a m a g e t o t h e in n e r lin in g .  
Sa fe t y Ale rt De fin it io n s  
Safety items throughout this guide are labeled with a  
Danger, Warning or Caution based on the risk type:  
Da n g e r m e a n s t h a t fa ilu re t o fo llo w t h is sa fe t y  
st a t e m e n t w ill re su lt in se ve re p e rso n a l in ju ry o r  
d e a t h .  
• Do n o t lift u n it b y d o o r h a n d le .  
• Ne ve r in st a ll o r o p e ra t e t h e u n it b e h in d clo se d  
d o o rs. Be su re fro n t g rille is fre e o f o b st ru ct io n .  
Ob st ru ct in g fre e a ir flo w ca n ca u se t h e u n it t o  
m a lfu n ct io n a n d m a y vo id t h e w a rra n t y.  
• Fa ilu re t o cle a n t h e co n d e n se r e ve ry t h re e m o n t h s  
ca n ca u se t h e u n it t o m a lfu n ct io n . Th is co u ld vo id  
t h e w a rra n t y.  
Wa rn in g m e a n s t h a t fa ilu re t o fo llo w t h is sa fe t y  
st a t e m e n t co u ld re su lt in se rio u s p e rso n a l in ju ry  
o r d e a t h .  
• Allo w u n it t e m p e ra t u re t o st a b ilize fo r 24 h o u rs  
b e fo re u se .  
Ca u t io n m e a n s t h a t fa ilu re t o fo llo w t h is sa fe t y  
st a t e m e n t m a y re su lt in m in o r o r m o d e ra t e  
p e rso n a l in ju ry, p ro p e rt y o r e q u ip m e n t d a m a g e .  
• If yo u r m o d e l re q u ire s d e fro st in g , n e ve r u se a n  
ice p ick o r o t h e r sh a rp in st ru m e n t t o h e lp sp e e d  
u p d e fro st in g . Th e se in st ru m e n t s ca n p u n ct u re  
t h e in n e r lin in g o r d a m a g e t h e co o lin g u n it .  
• Use o n ly g e n u in e U-Lin e re p la ce m e n t p a rt s.  
Im it a t io n p a rt s ca n d a m a g e t h e u n it , a ffe ct it s  
o p e ra t io n o r p e rfo rm a n ce a n d m a y vo id t h e  
w a rra n t y.  
Ge n e ra l Pre ca u t io n s  
Use this appliance for its intended purpose only and  
follow these general precautions along with those listed  
throughout this guide:  
RISK OF CHILD ENTRAPMENT. Be fo re yo u t h ro w a w a y  
yo u r o ld re frig e ra t o r o r fre e ze r, t a ke o ff t h e d o o rs  
a n d le a ve sh e lve s in p la ce so t h a t ch ild re n m a y n o t  
e a sily clim b in sid e .  
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Pro d u ct Fe a t u re s  
Op e ra t io n  
Orig in s Fre e ze r Mo d e l 75F  
The Model 75F Freezer provides 6.0 cu ft (170 L) of freezer  
capacity and features manual temperature control.  
A generous capacity, one piece molded interior is very  
durable and easy to clean.  
Four adjustable tempered glass shelves are used. These  
shelves are easy to clean, contain spills, and may be  
positioned evenly throughout the interior to use all  
space efficiently.  
Fig u re 2  
Two inner door “pick-off” storage shelves.  
Pro p e r a ir flo w (Fig u re 2) is re q u ire d fo r yo u r u n it t o  
o p e ra t e a t it s h ig h e st e fficie n t ly. A g rille , lo ca t e d in  
t h e b a se o f t h e u n it , m u st n o t b e b lo cke d a t a n y  
t im e , o r yo u r u n it w ill n o t p e rfo rm a s e xp e ct e d .  
Black and white models accept custom flat or raised  
door panels, and can achieve a custom, built-in look by  
matching surrounding cabinets.  
Doors on black and white models are field-reversible.  
In it ia l St a rt u p  
All cabinets feature contoured design lines that  
provide a fashionable designer appearance.  
All U-Line units are shipped with controls that are preset.  
No initial adjustments are required.  
All models feature a vinyl clad steel cabinets that  
provide a rich textured look, and resist scratching,  
peeling, or flaking.  
U-Lin e re co m m e n d s t h e u n it b e a llo w e d t o ru n  
o ve rn ig h t p rio r t o lo a d in g t h e re frig e ra t o r a n d /o r  
fre e ze r w it h p ro d u ct .  
Features and specifications are subject to change without  
To turn unit off: Turn the controller knob located in the  
center of the grille counterclockwise until a “click” is  
heard. It may take some force to get the control to  
To turn unit on: Turn the controller knob located in the  
center of the grille clockwise to a MID setting, number 3  
or 4 on the controller knob.  
Te m p e ra t u re Co n t ro l  
Ad ju st in g Te m p e ra t u re  
Fig u re 3  
Adjust the temperature by turning the numbered dial  
(Fig u re 3, 1) in small increments.  
Many factors can affect the internal temperatures of the  
cabinet. They include:  
Temperature setting.  
Ambient temperature where installed.  
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The number of times and length of time the door is  
opened and closed.  
St o ra g e , Va ca t io n , Mo vin g  
If the unit will not be used for an extended period, or  
otherwise stored, follow these steps completely:  
Installation in direct sunlight or near a heat source.  
No rm a l Op e ra t in g So u n d s  
All models incorporate rigid foam insulated cabinets to  
provide high thermal efficiency and maximum sound  
reduction for its internal working components. In spite of  
this technology, your model may make sounds that are  
Ele ct rica l Sh o ck Ha za rd . Disco n n e ct p o w e r b e fo re  
se rvicin g . Be fo re o p e ra t in g , re p la ce a ll p a n e ls.  
Fa ilu re t o d o so m a y re su lt in d e a t h o r e le ct rica l  
sh o ck.  
1. Remove all consumable contents from the unit.  
Normal operating sounds may be more noticeable  
because of the units environment. Hard surfaces such as  
cabinets, wood/vinyl/tiled floors and paneled walls have a  
tendency to reflect normal appliance operating noises.  
2. Disconnect the power cord from its outlet, and leave it  
disconnected until the unit is returned to service.  
3. Clean and dry the interior of the cabinet (See CLEANING  
Common refrigeration components, and a brief  
description of the normal operating sounds they make,  
are listed below. NOTE: Your product may not contain all  
of the components listed.  
4. During periods of non-use, the cabinet must remain  
open to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.  
Open door a minimum of 2 in. (5 cm) to provide the  
necessary ventilation.  
Compressor: The compressor makes a hum or pulsing  
sound that may be heard when it operates.  
Evaporator: Refrigerant flowing through an evaporator  
may sound like boiling liquid.  
Pro d u ct Disp o sa l  
If the unit is being removed from service for disposal,  
check and obey all Federal, State and/or Local regulations  
regarding the disposal and recycling of refrigeration  
appliances, and follow these steps completely:  
Condenser Fan: Air moving through a condenser may be  
Automatic Defrost/Drain Pan: Water may be heard  
dripping or running into the drain pan when the unit is in  
the defrost cycle.  
1. Remove all consumable contents from the unit.  
2. Disconnect power to the unit and unplug the power  
cord from its outlet.  
Ou t d o o r, Ma rin e a n d RV Usa g e  
Some U-Line models are designed to operate in outdoor,  
marine and RV environments. For best performance, keep  
the unit out of direct sunlight.  
RISK OF CHILD ENTRAPEMENT. Be fo re yo u t h ro w  
a w a y yo u r o ld re frig e ra t o r o r fre e ze r, t a ke o ff t h e  
d o o rs a n d le a ve sh e lve s in p la ce so t h a t ch ild re n  
m a y n o t e a sily clim b in sid e .  
If the unit will be shut off for five days or more, prop  
door open to allow for air circulation and prevent mold  
and mildew.  
3. Remove the cabinet door.  
If t h e a m b ie n t t e m p e ra t u re is e xp e ct e d t o d ro p  
b e lo w 45°F, t u rn o ff a n d u n p lu g u n it , a n d d ra in a ll  
w a t e r fro m t h e u n it t o p re ve n t fre e zin g d a m a g e n o t  
co ve re d b y t h e w a rra n t y.  
High ambient temperatures (110°F or higher) may  
reduce the unit's ability to reach low temperatures.  
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Cle a n in g a n d Ma in t e n a n ce  
Ge n e ra l Cle a n in g  
Ext e rio r Cle a n in g (As Re q u ire d )  
Bla ck a n d Wh it e Mo d e ls:  
Surfaces may be cleaned with a mild detergent and  
warm water solution. Do not use solvent-based or  
abrasive cleaners. Use a soft sponge and rinse with  
clean water. Wipe with a soft, clean towel to prevent  
water spotting.  
In t e rio r Cle a n in g (As Re q u ire d )  
Disconnect power to the unit. Clean the interior and all  
removed components using a mild non-abrasive  
detergent and warm water solution applied with a soft  
sponge or non-abrasive cloth. Rinse the interior using a  
soft sponge and clean water.  
Fig u re 4  
To defrost:  
Do n o t u se a n y so lve n t -b a se d o r a b ra sive  
cle a n e rs. Th e se t yp e s o f cle a n e rs m a y t ra n sm it  
t a st e t o t h e in t e rio r p ro d u ct s a n d d a m a g e o r  
d isco lo r t h e in t e rio r.  
1. Turn unit off.  
2. Remove all products from the interior.  
3. Remove all glass shelving from unit. Allow glass to  
acclimate to room temperature, then clean and set  
aside to reinstall after defrosting unit.  
Ma in t e n a n ce  
Proper maintenance of your U-Line product will ensure  
efficiency, top performance and long life. The  
maintenance intervals listed are based on normal  
conditions. You may want to shorten the intervals if you  
have pets or other special considerations.  
4. Prop the door in an open position (2" (5 cm) minimum).  
5. Allow the frost to completely melt naturally. Clean the  
interior and all removed components using a mild non-  
abrasive detergent and warm water solution applied  
with a soft sponge or non-abrasive cloth. NOTE: DO  
NOT use any solvent-based or abrasive cleaners. They  
will discolor or damage the interior.  
De fro st in g  
Ma n u a l De fro st Mo d e ls - Eve ry Tw o Mo n t h s  
(Min im u m )  
6. Dampen a soft sponge or non-abrasive cloth in clean  
water and wipe down the cabinet interior and removed  
components to remove any detergent residue. Rinse the  
sponge or cloth in clean water and repeat as necessary  
until the cabinet and components are clean.  
DO NOT u se a n y t yp e o f e le ct rica l h e a t in g d e vice ,  
ice p ick, kn ife o r o t h e r sh a rp in st ru m e n t t o  
d e fro st ; t h is co u ld d a m a g e t h e in n e r lin in g o r  
re frig e ra t io n syst e m a n d vo id t h e w a rra n t y.  
7. When the interior is dry, reinstall glass shelving, making  
sure back strips are attached on back edge of glass fully.  
Then slide glass back into unit fully and turn unit back  
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Co n d e n se r Cle a n in g  
In t e rva l - Eve ry Th re e Mo n t h s  
To maintain operational efficiency, keep the front grille  
free of dust and lint, and clean the condenser every three  
months. Depending on environmental conditions, more  
or less frequent cleaning may be necessary.  
Fig u re 7  
Disco n n e ct e le ct ric p o w e r t o t h e u n it b e fo re  
cle a n in g t h e co n d e n se r.  
6. Place the two hook-hinges (Fig u re 7, 1) located on the  
rear bottom side of the grille onto the front lip of the  
unit base. Swing the grille up into position, and align  
the screw hole on the grille to the grille screw hole on  
the cabinet.  
DO NOT t o u ch t h e co n d e n se r fin s. Th e co n d e n se r  
fin s a re SHARP a n d ca n b e e a sily d a m a g e d .  
7. Insert the screw (Fig u re 5, 2). Do not overtighten.  
8. Reinstall the control knob (Fig u re 5, 1)  
DO NOT u se a n y t yp e o f cle a n e r o n t h e co n d e n se r  
u n it .  
9. Reconnect power to the unit.  
Le ve lin g  
1. Disconnect power to the unit.  
It is important that units equipped with adjustable feet  
are level, for proper door and ice maker (if equipped)  
To level units with adjustable feet:  
Fig u re 5  
2. Remove the control knob (Fig u re 5, 1) by pulling it  
straight out, away from grille.  
3. Remove screw from grille (Fig u re 5, 2) and save.  
4. Remove the grille.  
Fig u re 8  
1. Use a level to check the levelness of the unit from  
front to back and from side to side. Level should be  
placed along top edge and side edge as shown  
(Fig u re 8).  
Fig u re 6  
5. Clean the condenser coil (Fig u re 6, 1) using a using a  
soft brush with a “combing” action or vacuum cleaner.  
Do not touch the condenser coil.  
Fig u re 9  
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2. If the unit is not level, adjust the feet on the corners of  
the unit as necessary (Fig u re 9)  
Do o r Re ve rsa l  
To reverse the door, perform the following:  
3. Check the levelness after each adjustment and repeat  
the previous steps until the unit is level.  
Do o r Alig n m e n t Ch e ck a n d Ad ju st m e n t  
Pro p e rly a lig n e d , t h e d o o rs g a ske t sh o u ld b e firm ly  
in co n t a ct w it h t h e ca b in e t a ll t h e w a y a ro u n d t h e  
d o o r (n o g a p s). Ca re fu lly e xa m in e t h e d o o rs g a ske t  
t o a ssu re t h a t it is firm ly in co n t a ct w it h t h e  
ca b in e t . Also m a ke su re t h e d o o r g a ske t is n o t  
p in ch e d o n t h e h in g e sid e o f t h e d o o r.  
Fig u re 11  
1. Remove grille unit.  
2. Remove top hinge from cabinet (four screws) (Fig u re  
11). Hold door to keep it from falling.  
3. Lift the door off the bottom hinge.  
Fig u re 10  
NOTE: It may be necessary to remove the grille to access  
lower hinge screws.  
1. Loosen (do not remove) top (Fig u re 10) and bottom  
hinge screws.  
2. Align door squarely with cabinet.  
3. Make sure gasket is firmly in contact with cabinet all  
the way around the door (no gaps).  
Fig u re 12  
4. Tighten bottom hinge screws.  
5. Tighten top hinge screws.  
4. Remove four plastic plugs (Fig u re 12) in hinge holes,  
top of cabinet, opposite side. Be careful not to scratch  
Plug Hole  
Plug Hole  
Right Side  
Door Swing  
Left Side  
Door Swing  
Right Side  
Fig u re 13  
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5. Remove pivot screw from top hinge, invert screw and  
reinstall pivot screw in top hinge (Fig u re 13). Do not  
install hinge on cabinet at this time.  
Fig u re 17  
10. Place door on lower hinge pin. Align flat edge of top  
hinge with outer edge of unit and fasten upper hinge  
to unit (four screws) (Fig u re 17). Partially tighten  
Fig u re 14  
11. Adjust door to assure proper seal. Tighten upper and  
lower hinge screws securely.  
6. Remove bottom hinge from cabinet (four screws) and  
screws on opposite side of cabinet (Fig u re 14)  
12. Replace four plastic plugs removed in Step 3 into holes  
on top of unit. Replace screws in holes in bottom of unit  
on opposite side.  
7. Remove pivot screw from bottom hinge, invert screw  
and reinstall pivot screw in hinge (Fig u re 13)  
13. Reinstall grille to unit.  
Fig u re 15  
8. Install bottom hinge on cabinet, opposite side, aligning  
flat edge of hinge with outer edge of unit (Fig u re 15)  
Partially tighten screws.  
Fig u re 16  
9. Relocate plastic spacer/bushing (Fig u re 16) on bottom  
of door to the opposite side. Clean out bushing hole in  
door bottom if necessary.  
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Gla ss Sh e lf Re m o va l/In st a lla t io n  
Se rvice  
Be fo re Ca llin g fo r Se rvice  
If your U-Line product appears to be malfunctioning, read  
through the OPERATION section of this guide to ensure  
that the function of all controls are clearly understood. If  
the malfunction persists, the TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE  
in this guide will assist you in quickly identifying common  
problems, and provide information on possible causes and  
remedies. Most often, this will resolve the problem  
without the need to call for service.  
If Se rvice is Re q u ire d  
If you do not understand a troubleshooting remedy, or  
your product needs service, contact U-Line Corporation  
directly. Contact information appears on the rear cover of  
this guide.  
Fig u re 18  
You will be asked for your product Model and Serial  
Numbers. This information should be recorded inside the  
front cover of this guide, following the products original  
purchase. It also appears on the Model and Serial number  
plate located on the upper right or rear wall of the  
interior of your product.  
Reposition the shelves as follows:  
1. Grasp the shelf edge in the center and slide the shelf  
from the unit.  
2. Reposition the shelf as required, ensuring the raised  
white edge strip is toward the rear of the unit and the  
decorative graphics, if applied, are on the underside of  
the shelves.  
Re p la ce m e n t Pa rt s  
3. Push the shelf in completely.  
When you need replacement parts, always request that  
genuine U-Line replacements be used. U-Line products  
have been designed and engineered using components  
that work efficiently, and provide superior service life and  
performance. The use of aftermarket parts or components  
may affect the safety, operation, performance or  
Ma ke su re t h e sh e lve s a re in se rt e d fu lly in t o t h e  
u n it .  
• Th e w h it e e d g e st rip t o w a rd t h e re a r p re ve n t s  
it e m s fro m fre e zin g a g a in st t h e co ld e va p o ra t o r.  
durability of your product, and may also void its warranty.  
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Tro u b le sh o o t in g Gu id e  
Ne ve r a t t e m p t t o re p a ir o r p e rfo rm m a in t e n a n ce o n  
t h e u n it u n t il t h e m a in e le ct rica l p o w e r h a s b e e n  
d isco n n e ct e d .  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g - Wh a t t o ch e ck w h e n p ro b le m s o ccu r:  
Unit not cold enough  
Door gasket not sealing properly  
Item(s) interfering with door  
Dirty condenser coils  
Reposition or remove item(s).  
Clean condenser (See MAINTENANCE; CONDENSER  
Airflow to front grille blocked  
Temperature not set cold enough  
Unit is manual defrost model.  
Door gasket not sealing properly  
Airflow must not be obstructed to front grille (See  
Set control knob to cooler setting (See OPERATION).  
Allow 24 hours for temperature to stabilize.  
The unit frosts up.  
Models SP18, 95, 98, CO29, CO75 and 75F are manual  
High ambient temperatures or  
Defrost unit manually (See MAINTENANCE;  
Noise during operation  
Certain sounds are normal.  
Soft sounds from the fan will be heard.  
Remove obstruction.  
Fan blade touching obstruction  
(wiring, foam insulation, etc.)  
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Th is p a g e in t e n t io n a lly le ft b la n k  
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U-Lin e Co rp o ra t io n Lim it e d Wa rra n t y  
U-Line Corporation warrants each U-Line product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of  
one year from the date of purchase; and warrants the sealed system (consisting of the compressor, the condenser, the  
evaporator, the hot gas bypass valve, the dryer and the connecting tubing) in each U-Line product to be free from  
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five years from the date of purchase. During the initial one-year  
warranty period for all U-Line products U-Line shall: (1) at U-Lines option, repair any product or replace any part of a  
product that breaches this warranty; and (2) for all Marine, RV and Domestic U-Line products sold and serviced in the  
United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) and Canada, U-Line shall cover the labor costs incurred in connection with  
the replacement of any defective part. During years two through five of the warranty period for the sealed system, U-  
Line shall: (1) repair or replace any part of the sealed system that breaches this warranty; and (2) for all Marine, RV and  
Domestic U-Line products sold and serviced in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) and Canada, U-Line shall  
cover the labor costs incurred in connection with the replacement of any defective part of the sealed system. All other  
charges, including transportation charges for replacements under this warranty and labor costs not specifically covered  
by this warranty, shall be borne by you. This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser of the U-Line product.  
The Registration Card included with the product should be promptly completed by you and mailed back to U-Line or you  
can register on-line at www.U-LineService.com.  
The following are excluded from this limited warranty: installation charges; damages caused by disasters or acts of God,  
such as fire, floods, wind and lightening; damages incurred or resulting from shipping, improper installation,  
unauthorized modification, or misuse/abuse of the product; customer education calls; food loss/spoilage; door and water  
level adjustments (except during the first 90 days from the date of purchase); defrosting the product; adjusting the  
controls; door reversal; or cleaning the condenser.  
If a product defect is discovered during the applicable warranty period, you must promptly notify either the dealer from  
whom you purchased the product or U-Line at P.O. Box 245040, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53224 or at 414-354-0300. In no  
event shall such notification be received later than 30 days after the expiration of the applicable warranty period. U-Line  
may require that defective parts be returned, at your expense, to U-Lines factory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for  
inspection. Any action by you for breach of warranty must be commenced within one year after the expiration of the  
applicable warranty period.  
Th is lim it e d w a rra n t y is in lie u o f a n y o t h e r w a rra n t y, e xp re ss o r im p lie d , in clu d in g , b u t n o t lim it e d t o a n y  
im p lie d w a rra n t y o f m e rch a n t a b ilit y o r fit n e ss fo r a p a rt icu la r p u rp o se ; p ro vid e d h o w e ve r, t h a t t o t h e  
e xt e n t re q u ire d b y la w , im p lie d w a rra n t ie s a re in clu d e d b u t d o n o t e xt e n d b e yo n d t h e d u ra t io n o f t h e  
e xp re ss w a rra n t y first se t fo rt h a b o ve . U-Lin e s so le lia b ilit y a n d yo u r e xclu sive re m e d y u n d e r t h is w a rra n t y  
is se t fo rt h in t h e in it ia l p a ra g ra p h a b o ve . U-Lin e sh a ll h a ve n o lia b ilit y w h a t so e ve r fo r a n y in cid e n t a l,  
co n se q u e n t ia l o r sp e cia l d a m a g e s a risin g fro m t h e sa le , u se o r in st a lla t io n o f t h e p ro d u ct o r fro m a n y o t h e r  
ca u se w h a t so e ve r, w h e t h e r b a se d o n w a rra n t y (e xp re ss o r im p lie d ) o r o t h e rw ise b a se d o n co n t ra ct , t o rt o r  
a n y o t h e r t h e o ry o f lia b ilit y.  
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or  
consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and  
you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
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Fo r Ge n e ra l In q u irie s:  
P.O. Box 245040  
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  
53224-9540 U.S.A.  
Phone (800) 779-2547  
FAX (414) 354-5696  
Fo r Se rvice a n d Pa rt s  
Assist a n ce :  
Phone (800) 779-2547  
(414) 354-0300  
FAX (414) 354-5696  
For more than four decades, U-Line has distinguished itself as the  
leader in built-in under-counter ice making, refrigeration and  
wine storage appliances.  
An INSTALLATION MANUAL for your unit, providing complete  
installation information, is available for download at  
www.U-Line.com. Information for custom panel inserts per model,  
including panel size, and instructions are available by visiting  
When you need replacement parts, always request genuine U-Line  
replacements be used. Visit www.U-Line.com to locate a parts  
distributor in your area.  
U-Line Corporation, located in Milwaukee, WI, is a family operated manufacturer of built-in  
undercounter ice makers, Combo ice maker/refrigerators, Wine Captain wine storage units,  
refrigerators, refrigerated drawers and refrigerator/freezers.  
©2006 U-Line Corporation  
Publication No. 30144  
01/2006 Rev. A  
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