Texas Instruments Network Card TMS370 User Manual

TMS370 Microcontroller/Gang  
User’s Guide  
Microcontroller Products  
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TMS370 Microcontroller/Gang  
User’s Guide  
February, 1991  
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Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any  
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control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.  
Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those  
mandated by government requirements.  
Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death,  
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Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer.  
Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer.  
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Copyright 1996, Texas Instruments Incorporated  
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How to Use This Manual  
This manual describes how to use and operate the TMS370 Microcontroller  
Programmer and the TMS370 Gang Programmer. Chapter 1 gives an over-  
view of each programmer and describes the correct way to install your specific  
programmer. After your programmer is correctly installed, you can use the  
configuration commands and display commands, described in Chapters 2 and  
3, respectively, to operate your programming system for your specific applica-  
This document contains the following chapters:  
Chapter 1  
Chapter 2  
Chapter 3  
Introduction and Installation  
Presentsa general description of how each programmer operates and the fea-  
tures available with each programmer. Also outlines the proper hardware and  
software installation procedures.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
Describes how the command menus and function keys operate and how to  
input information at the system prompt. Describes the commands available  
while operating in the configuration window.  
Operating in the Display Window  
Describes how the command menus and function keys operate and how to  
input information at the system prompt. Describes the commands available  
while operating in the display window.  
Appendix A Operating the Programmer in Batch Mode  
Outlines how to create a configuration/batch file and how to invoke the file at  
system start-up.  
Appendix B Error Messages  
Provides an alphabetical list of error messages and their meaning.  
Appendix C Valid Configuration Parameters  
Lists valid configuartion parameters for the devices supported by the program-  
Appendix D Using Keystroke Capture Files  
Describes how to use keystroke capture files to repeat a commonly used pro-  
gram and to verify routines.  
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Related Documentation  
Related Documentation  
The following TMS370 documents are available through Texas Instruments  
The TMS370 Family Data Manual (literature number SPNS014) describes  
the hardware aspects of the TMS370, such as pin functions, architec-  
ture, stack operation, and interface; the manual also includes the  
TMS370 assembly language instruction set.  
The TMS370 Family Assembly Language Tools (literature number  
SPNU010) describes how to use of the TMS370 assembly language  
tools (assembler, linker, archiver and code conversion utility) to create  
and use objects that are in common object file format (COFF).  
The TMS370 Family C Compiler (literature number (SPNU022) describes  
the characteristics and operation of the TMS370 C Compiler.  
The TMS370 Family XDS/22 User’s Guide (literature number SPNU008)  
describes the hardware and software installation of the TMS370 Family  
XDS22 consisting of the TMS370 debugger and emulator.  
The TMS370 PACT XDS/22 Addendum (literature number SPNU019)  
describes features and functions of the TMS370 PACT XDS/22. Use this  
The TMS370 Family XDS/11 User’s Guide (literature number SPNU015)  
describes the hardware and software installation of the TMS370 Family  
XDS11 consisting of the TMS370 debugger and emulator.  
Style and Symbol Conventions  
This document uses the following conventions.  
Program listings, program examples, interactive displays, filenames, and  
symbol names are shown in a special typefacesimilar to a typewrit-  
er’s. Examples use a bold versionof the special typeface for empha-  
sis; interactive displays use a bold versionof the special typeface to  
distinguish commands that you enter from items that the system displays  
(such as prompts, command output, error messages, etc.).  
Here is a sample program listing:  
0011 0005 0001  
0012 0005 0003  
0013 0005 0006  
0014 0006  
1, 2  
3, 4  
6, 3  
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Information About Cautions and Warnings  
Information About Cautions and Warnings  
This book may contain cautions and warnings.  
A caution describes a situation that could potentially damage your soft-  
ware or equipment.  
This is what a caution looks like.  
A warning describes a situation that could potentially cause harm to you.  
This is what a warning looks like.  
The information in a caution or a warning is provided for your protection.  
Please read each caution and warning carefully.  
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.  
XDS is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated.  
PC/AT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  
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Introduction and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1  
Microcontroller Programmer Overview and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2  
Gang Programmer Overview and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4  
1.2.1 Operating the Gang Programmer in PC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6  
1.2.2 Operating the Gang Programmer in Standalone Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6  
Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8  
1.3.1 Connecting a Programmer to the PDS Base Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8  
1.3.2 Power Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9  
1.3.3 Connection to a PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9  
1.3.4 Connection to an XDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9  
1.3.5 Integrated Circuit (IC) Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11  
Properly Installing the Programmer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14  
1.4.1 Installing the Software in a Single Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14  
1.4.2 Installing the Software in Multiple Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14  
Invoking the Programmer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16  
Getting Started—Example Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17  
1.6.1 Interactive Programming Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17  
1.6.2 Interactive Programming Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19  
1.6.3 Batch Programming Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19  
Operating in the Configuration Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1  
How Command Menus Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2  
Using the Special Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3  
What Happens If I Make an Error? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3  
Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4  
Configuration Window Overview and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5  
Secondary Configuration Window—the Show Ranges Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7  
2.6.1 Selecting the Proper Program Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8  
Showing the Software Revision Information — the Show ID Command . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9  
Defining and Adding a Device to the Device Table—the Add Device Command . . . . . 2-9  
Editing the Configuration Parameters and Device Table — the Edit Command . . . . 2-11  
2.9.1 Editing the Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11  
2.9.2 Editing the Device Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12  
2.10 Loading the Device Table and Configuration Parameters From a  
File — the Load Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14  
2.11 Selecting a Current Device — the Choose Device Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15  
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2.12 Saving Configuration Parameters and the Device Table to a File — the  
Save Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15  
2.13 Showing the Display Window — the Display Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16  
2.14 Ending Your Current Session and Returning to DOS — the Quit Command . . . . . . . 2-16  
Operating in the Display Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1  
How Command Menus Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2  
Using the Special Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3  
What Happens If I Make an Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3  
Understanding Your Input at the Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4  
Display Window Overview and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5  
3.5.1 Differences in Command Structures for Microcontroller  
Programmer and Gang Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7  
Filling a Block of PC Memory With a Value — the Fill Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8  
Loading a COFF File Into PC Memory— the Load Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9  
Outputting a COFF File From PC Memory — the Output COFF Command . . . . . . . . 3-10  
Moving Blocks of PC Memory—the Move Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12  
3.10 Programming a Device From PC Memory — the Program Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13  
3.10.1 Programming Using the Microcontroller Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13  
3.10.2 Programming Using the Gang Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15  
3.11 Showing and Operating Within a Text File—the Show Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17  
3.11.1 Finding Character Strings Within a Text File — the Find Command . . . . . . 3-18  
3.11.2 Finding the Next Occurence of Character String — the Next Command . . . . 3-18  
3.11.3 Positioning the Cursor at a Specific Line Number — the Line Command . . . 3-18  
3.11.4 Positioning the Cursor at Top of a File — the Top Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18  
3.11.5 Positioning the Cursor at the Bottom of a File — the Bottom Command . . . 3-18  
3.12 Uploading a Device’s Contents Into PC Memory—the Upload Command . . . . . . . . . . 3-19  
3.12.1 Uploading Using the Microcontroller Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19  
3.12.2 Uploading Using the Gang Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20  
3.13 Verifying the Contents of a Device—the Verify Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22  
3.13.1 Verifying Using the Microcontroller Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22  
3.13.2 Verifying Using the Gang Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23  
3.14 Editing the Contents of PC Memory—the Edit Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26  
3.15 Using the Master Mode Menu—the Master Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27  
3.16 Suspending the Program and Entering DOS—the System Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28  
3.17 Quitting the Program and Exiting to DOS—the Quit Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28  
Operating the Programmer in Batch Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1  
A.1 Understanding the Batch Mode File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2  
A.2 Batch File Command Rules and Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3  
A.2.1 Executable Batch Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3  
A.2.2 Nonexecutable Batch Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4  
A.3 Batch Mode Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5  
Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1  
B.1 Error Message Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2  
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1  
Using Keystroke Capture Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1  
Table of Contents  
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Microcontroller Programmer Personality Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2  
Gang Programmer Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4  
Socket Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11  
Command Menu Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2  
Configuration Window at System Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5  
The Show Ranges Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7  
Valid Address Ranges Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12  
Command Menu Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2  
PC Memory Display and Reverse Assembled Code Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5  
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XDS Memory Expansion/Communications Board Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10  
Edit Control Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4  
Configuration Window Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5  
Show Ranges Parameter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7  
Device Table Edit Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12  
Edit Control Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4  
Display Window Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6  
Reverse Assembled Code Window Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7  
Show Text File Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17  
Display Window Memory Edit Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26  
C–1. Valid Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1  
D–1. Valid Nonprintable Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2  
Table of Contents  
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Example Configuration/Batch File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2  
D–1. Keystroke File Example.key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2  
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Table of Contents  
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Chapter 1  
Introduction and Installation  
This chapter describes how each programmer operates, how to install hard-  
ware, and how to install software. It also gives examples on getting started.  
Chapter 1 comprises the following sections:  
Microcontroller Programmer Overview and Description . . . . . . . . 1-2  
Gang Programmer Overview and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4  
Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8  
Properly Installing the Programmer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14  
Invoking the Programmer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16  
Getting Started—Example Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17  
Because of obvious differences between the microcontroller programmer and  
the gang programmer, icons are used to distinguish descriptions and informa-  
tionspecifictoeachtypeofprogrammer. Whentherearenoiconspresent, you  
should assume the information is common to all programmers.  
This icon is used to distinguish descriptions and information  
specific to the microcontroller programmer.  
This icon is used to distinguish descriptions and informa-  
tion specific to the gang programmer.  
When an icon is present, the information from the icon to the next icon, or to  
the next section number (that is, 2.1, 2.2, 3.5, etc.), is specific to the program-  
mer symbolized by the icon.  
Texas Instruments provides a hotline to assist you with technical questions  
about the TMS370 family products and development tools. Phone (713)  
274-2370 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. central time for techni-  
cal assistance.  
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Microcontroller Programmer Overview and Description  
1.1 Microcontroller Programmer Overview and Description  
The TMS370 Microcontroller Programmer is an interactive, menu-driven sys-  
tem that facilitates programming TMS370 family devices and EPROMs either  
directly or through an XDS. The microcontroller programmer is currently  
capable of programming the TMS370, TMS7742, TMS77C82, 2732, 2764,  
27128, and 27256 device families. To program the TMS7742 and TMS77C82  
devices, you will need a 40-pin to 28-pin converter, which is sold separately.  
Figure 1–1. Microcontroller Programmer Personality Module  
To operate the programmer, create a COFF file using the TMS370 Assembler  
and Linker on a PC. The programmer loads the object code from the COFF  
file into PC memory and programs a device from the data in PC memory. The  
device is programmed and verified in units (packets) of 180 bytes at a time.  
The programmer software has the following features:  
Window-oriented screens with a menu-driven command structure.  
Intermediate PC memory, which provides a storage area for downloading  
a COFF file or uploading from the device. This allows you to inspect and  
patch the loaded data.  
Reversed assembly code display.  
Ability to generate a COFF file from PC memory content.  
Relocatable programming capability, which allows source data bytes  
within a certain address range to be programmed at a specified location  
in the device.  
User-defined device types that allow new family members.  
Ability to save or load the programmer configuration to or from a  
configuration/batch file.  
In addition to these features, a limited batch mode is also supported.  
Introduction and Installation  
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Microcontroller Programmer Overview and Description  
The base unit of the programmer contains two LEDs. The red LED is marked  
program or device power and is lit whenever power is applied to device  
sockets. The green LED is marked power and indicates that the base is turned  
on. This LED should turn on approximately three seconds after power is  
supplied to the programmer.  
Do not insert or remove devices from the programmer while the red  
program (device power) LED is lit!  
On the front edge of the programmer base is a black banana plug receptacle.  
This is attached to the safety ground of the power cord in order to assist you  
in connecting to electrostatic protection equipment.  
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Gang Programmer Overview and Description  
1.2 Gang Programmer Overview and Description  
The TMS370 Gang Programmer is an interactive, menu-driven system that  
provides programming support for on-chip EEPROM or EPROM of TMS370  
microcontrollers in production environments.  
The gang programmer has the following features:  
Two modes of operation—PC mode and standalone mode.  
Ability to program up to 16 devices.  
LEDs that indicate programming or verification failure.  
A buzzer that indicates programming completion.  
The gang programmer consists of the standard programmer base, a gang pro-  
grammer top, and the standard programmer software. If you already have a  
standard TMS370 Microcontroller programmer, the gang programmer top can  
be purchased separately. (There is a different programmer top for each pack-  
age of TMS370 microcontrollers.)  
Figure 1–2. Gang Programmer Board  
The push-button switch in the upper right-hand corner is marked start and is  
used to start and stop programming or verification while operating in the stand-  
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Gang Programmer Overview and Description  
alone mode; it is ignored in PC mode. The red LED built into this switch is  
marked TMS370 power on and indicates that power is being supplied to the  
sockets on the gang programmer.  
Do not insert or remove devices from the programmer while the red  
TMS370 power on LED is lit!  
arrangement are dependent on the type of gang programmer top you have.  
BeloweachsocketisaredLED, whichisusedtoindicateafailureofthedevice  
inthesocketimmediatelyabovetheLED. Thesesocketsaremountedonbase  
sockets to allow easy replacement if a socket is damaged.  
The rocker switch on the top center of the gang programmer board is used to  
select program or verify when used in standalone mode; it is ignored in PC  
mode. The red LED just above this switch is lit when the switch is in the pro-  
gram position.  
TherearetwogreenLEDsonthelefttopofthegangprogrammer. ThetopLED  
is marked PDS power on and indicates that the base unit is turned on. The low-  
er LED is marked external power on and is used to indicate that the external  
+15V is properly connected to the programmer top. The external power jack  
is located on the upper left side of the programmer top.  
Typically, this programmer is used in PC mode to program initial units. Howev-  
er, you can use the 28-pin DIP socket at the top center of the programmer to  
program a 27C512 EPROM as a master device. As the master device is pro-  
grammed, a checksum is calculated and added to the configuration informa-  
tion stored in the master device. This allows the programmer to verify that the  
master device has not become corrupted before it is used to program addition-  
al units. Once programmed, this master contains all of the configuration data  
as well as the code to be programmed into the mocrcontrollers. Now, the gang  
programmer with the master device can be moved to a production environ-  
ment where you can easily program parts without the use of a personal com-  
puter; this is called standalone mode.  
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Gang Programmer Overview and Description  
1.2.1 Operating the Gang Programmer in PC Mode  
In PC mode, the gang programmer is an interactive, menu-driven system that  
facilitatesprogramming TMS370 family devices and EPROMs. The system al-  
lows you to perform any or all of the operations listed below.  
Program any or all of the 16 devices from PC memory  
Modify or add a new device to the device table  
Verify any or all devices against either PC memory or the master device.  
Upload any of the 16 devices.  
Program the 512K master device.  
Upload the master device with or without configuration data.  
Enter standalone mode.  
When you program in PC mode, all LEDs are turned on for a predetermined  
time as part of an LED test. Then, the software checks whether a device exists  
in each socket and whether it is properly installed by running a small read-write  
test. If any device fails, the LED for that device blinks for a few seconds, there  
are two short audible beeps, and the following error message is displayed:  
Device test failed, continue? (y/n)  
If you have incorrectly inserted any device(s), you can fix them at this time. If  
only empty sockets failed, you can continue the programming by pressing  
The LED of the failed device(s) remains on during programming. At the end  
of programming if there is a verification error on any other device, its LED turns  
on also.  
In the PC mode, the push button on the gang programmer is deactivated. The  
interactive commands for this mode are discussed in Chapter 2 and 3.  
The gang programmer’s ability to execute any or all of the programmer com-  
mands on a master device allows you to program a master device for use in  
standalone mode or to verify programmed devices against the master device  
or PC memory while in PC mode.  
1.2.2 Operating the Gang Programmer in Standalone Mode  
In standalone mode, the programmer works without the PC interface. You can  
access the stanalone mode from the PC mode by selecting the standalone  
command; when the PC is not connected to the Gang Programmer during  
power-up, standalone mode is automatically selected.  
Standalone mode allows you to program and/or verify devices in a production-  
type mode.  
After you install the master 512K EPROM device and any devices you wish to  
program or verify, the procedure for starting the programmer is quite simple.  
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Gang Programmer Overview and Description  
1) Position the toggle switch to either the program position or the verification  
2) Press the push button on the programmer.  
While you press the push button, all 16 LEDs turn on, and remain on to  
verify LED operation, until you release the push button.  
3) Release the push button to begin the programming or verification.  
If any of the devices are bad or incorrectly inserted into a socket or if the  
socket is empty, the programmer beeps twice, and the LED below the  
socket begins blinking.  
4) To resume programming/verification, press the push button (within a  
2-second period).  
5) If you want to correct the error, wait until the blinking LEDs stop blinking  
but remain on. At this time, insert a new device (or reinsert the old device)  
and try the programming/verification procedures again.  
6) Once programming has begun, you can abort at any time by pressing the  
push button.  
If you try to program without a master or with an invalid master device, all 16  
LEDs blink until you acknowledge the error by pressing the push button.  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
1.3 Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
Correctly installing the programmer hardware is essential to the proper opera-  
tion of programmer system. The following subsections explain how to connect  
the programming board to the PDS base unit and the required power connec-  
tions for connecting your programmer to a PC or TMS370 XDS. Also included  
1.3.1 Connecting a Programmer to the PDS Base Unit  
mers. The illustrations below show this process for the microcontroller pro-  
1) Line up the plastic tabs on the bottom of the programmer board with the  
insertion hole in the top of the PDS base unit.  
2) Press firmly until tabs are set.  
3) Connect the ribbon cable from the PDS base unit to the connection on the  
back of the programmer.  
ribbon cable  
PDS base unit  
connected PDS base  
and programmer board  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
1.3.2 Power Connection  
Connect the female end of the power cord to the PDS base unit.  
The programmer can handle a power range of 105 to 265 volts AC at 47  
to 440 hertz. All units are equipped with two power cords. If you are in the  
U.S.A., use the power cord with a male connector that can be plugged  
directly into a 120-V, 60-Hz power socket.  
Outside the U.S.A., use the power cord with no male connector because  
the type of receptacle to be used is unknown. Attach the appropriate con-  
nector for your power receptacle. The wires are color coded as follows:  
Green and Yellow = Earth  
Blue = Neutral  
Brown = Live  
The gang programmer also requires an external power supply of 15 volts/2  
amps. The connection for this external power is marked EXTERNAL POWER  
and is positioned near the top left corner of the programmer’s socket board.  
Plug the the jack of the +15-volt wire into the external power socket. Connect  
the white-striped wire to the +15-volt terminal of the power supply and the solid  
black wire to the ground terminal of the power supply.  
1.3.3 Connection to a PC  
1) Connect the end of the RS-232C cable consisting of a single 25-pin con-  
nector to the programmer.  
2) Connect the end of the RS-232C cable consisting of two 25-pin  
connectors to the serial communication port of the PC. (If an IBM PC/AT  
is used, the 9-pin-to-25-pin converter cable provided must be used.)  
1.3.4 Connection to an XDS  
Connect the programmer through an XDS if you want to use both the XDS  
Debugger and the microcontroller programmer, and if the PC has only one  
communication port. Or, even if you have enough communication ports but do  
not want to change the port number when you switch from one tool to the other,  
you can use this method. The programmer works as if it is connected directly  
to the PC.  
Complete the following steps to connect the programmer through an XDS.  
1) Connect port D of an XDS to the programmer by using the RS-232C cable  
supplied with the programmer. The male connector on the double-headed  
end of the cable connects to the XDS; the single-headed end connects to  
the programmer.  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
2) Connect port A of the XDS to the PC by using the cable supplied with the  
3) Ensure that the switches on the XDS Communications board are set as  
in Table 1–1.  
Table 1–1. XDS Memory Expansion/Communications Board Switch Settings  
Switch No.  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
1.3.5 Integrated Circuit (IC) Insertion  
ICs may be inserted or removed while power is applied to the programmer;  
1) When using the microcontroller programmer, never use  
more than one IC socket at a time. Damage to the IC or the  
programmer could result.  
2) Never insert or remove the IC while the red LED is on. Dam-  
age to the IC or the programmer could result.  
3) TMS devices contain circuits to protect their inputs and out-  
puts against damage due to electrostatic discharges of up to  
2 kV. However, you should employ the usual precautions  
when handling MOS devices, such as storing the device in  
conductive foam and grounding yourself when handling  
For the microcontroller programmer, decide which of the sockets (U1, U2, U3,  
U4, or U5) to use for your device. Figure 1–3, shows the circuit board and IC  
Figure 1–3. Socket Identification  
2764, 27128, and 27256  
pin 1  
2732 pin 1  
Set to left for 2732  
Set to right for 2764, 27128,  
and 27256  
pin 1  
370Cx10 DIP  
370Cx5x PLCC  
370Cx10 PLCC  
370Cx32 PLCC  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
To install a DIP device:  
1) Align the IC so that pin 1 is oriented in the upper-left corner, indicated on  
the printed circuit board by a circled number 1:  
2) Raise the locking arm, pulling it toward you to the upright position.  
3) Insert the IC.  
locking arm  
4) Lower the locking arm by pushing it away from you and down, as far as  
it will go.  
locking arm  
If you install a 2732 device in U2, be sure to use the bottom socket holes,  
leaving the top four socket holes unused. The correct position for a 2732  
is indicated by a bracket on the printed circuit board to the left of the socket.  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Hardware  
To install a PLCC device:  
With this release of the programmers, the PLCC sockets do not have a lid;  
therefore, they are not sensitive to the device package height. These new  
sockets also have the pin 1 orientation at the top of each socket, making it less  
likely for you to insert a device backwards.  
1) Place the PLCC in the empty socket.  
2) Press firmly until it is properly seated.  
The programmer hardware is now ready to use.  
To remove the device, press down firmly on the black plastic socket edges until  
the device is pushed upward and released.  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Software  
1.4 Properly Installing the Programmer Software  
Installing software is exactly the same whether you are using the Microcontrol-  
ler Programmer or the Gang Programmer. Insert the diskette supplied with the  
programmer into the PC disk drive and use one of the following methods to  
copy the contents of the diskette to a directory in your hard disk.  
1.4.1 Installing the Software in a Single Directory  
1) Make a directory to contain your programmer files.  
MKDIR \370  
2) Change your working directory to the directory you just created.  
CD \370  
3) Copy the files from the diskette.  
COPY A:*.*  
4) See Section1.5 for a description of how to invoke the programmer soft-  
1.4.2 Installing the Software in Multiple Directories  
This method is useful if there are several different users or if one user is work-  
ing on several different projects.  
1) Create a directory for your programmer files.  
MKDIR \370  
2) Copy the programmer files into your programmer directory:  
COPY A:*.* \370\*.*  
3) Create project directories.  
4) Add the programmer directory to the path command in the AUTOEX-  
EC.BAT file.  
where C:\370 is the added path to the programmer directory.  
5) Include a set command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file as follows:  
If the device table cannot be found elsewhere, the set command causes  
the programmer to search the programmer directory for the default device  
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Properly Installing the Programmer Software  
table. The order in which the programmer looks for the device table is out-  
lined below.  
a) First, it looks for a device table file specified in the configuration/batch  
file if the configuration/batch file was included in the command line to  
invoke the programmer software.  
where PROJ1.CFG is the configuration/batch file.  
b) Next, it looks in the current directory for the default DEVICE.TBL.  
c) Then, itlooksinthedirectoryspecifiedbytheSETIPCDIRcommand  
for the file DEVICE.TBL.  
6) See Section 1.5 for a description of how to invoke the programmer soft-  
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Invoking the Programmer Software  
1.5 Invoking the Programmer Software  
Before activating the programmer, be sure that it is plugged in and correctly  
connected as described in Section 1.3. Turn on the programmer’s power  
switch (and the gang programmer’s external power) before invoking the pro-  
grammer software.  
The command to run the programmer software from the DOS prompt is:  
prgrm370 [COFF file] [@Config./Batchfile] [–b] [–p=port #]  
COFF file  
Optional argument that specifies a file to be pro-  
grammed or verified in the batch control mode or  
loaded into PC memory in the interactive control  
@Config./Batch file  
Optional argument that specifies a configuration/  
batch file that contains the configuration parame-  
ters or the batch commands for the batch control  
Optional argument that turns on the batch mode if  
–p = port #  
The communication port number to be used. De-  
fault is 1.  
After you invoke the programmer software, the PC screen briefly displays a  
version number and copyright message.  
If you specified a configuration/batch file but did not turn on the batch mode,  
theconfigurationspecifiedinthefileisloadedasthecurrentconfiguration. Any  
are ignored.  
If you specified a configuration/batch file and turned on the batch mode with  
the –b argument, the programmer software operates as directed by the batch  
If you specified a port number and the programmer is not physically connected  
to that port, then the following error message is displayed.  
Programmer not properly connected: Abort, Retry?  
Aborting the invocation returns you to the DOS prompt. To retry the invocation,  
make sure the programmer is turned on and properly connected to the port  
specified in the command. Then, press  
followed by  
to restart the  
programmer software.  
Interactive mode commands are described in detail in Sections 2 and 3. Batch  
commands are covered in Appendix 1.  
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1.6 Getting Started—Example Sessions  
This section will help you get a quick start using your programmer. Once you  
get started, the menu structure and prompts make the programmer easy to  
learn and to use. The remainder of this manual provides a detailed reference  
if you need further information on any of the commands, prompts, or error  
messages. Use the Table of Contents at the front of the manual and the Index  
at the end of the manual to direct you to the specific topic you need.  
We assume that you are familiar with the TMS370 Assembler and Linker soft-  
ware and that a COFF file has been created that contains object code with  
which a device can be programmed. These are prerequisites to using the  
programmers and is beyond the scope of this manual.  
1.6.1 Interactive Programming Example 1  
This example assumes that the programmer software has been loaded onto  
your PC, and that the DOS prompt is C:>.  
In this example you will invoke the programmer, choose a device to program,  
and use the load command to give the programmer the name of the object file  
and portion of the object code to be programmed onto the device.  
1) From the DOS prompt, invoke the programmer to bring up the interactive  
display in the configuration window.  
The programmer title banner appears briefly; then the configuration  
CONFIG:showID AddDevice Edit Load ChooseDevice Save Display Quit  
2) Place a TMS370 device in the appropriate socket; press  
choose device command.  
to select the  
The cursor moves down the screen to the beginning of the Device Table.  
Also, a function key command line containing the following commands  
appears at the bottom of the screen:  
F1NextPage F2PrevPage F4ShowRanges F5SelectDev F6DeleteDev  
3) Move the cursor to the appropriate device using the cursor arrow keys.  
Once you have found the correct device, press  
to select the device.  
4) Press to return to the configuration command line, and then press  
to move to the display window.  
The display window command line contains the following commands:  
5) Press  
for the load command. The following prompt appears at the top  
line of the screen:  
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Object file:  
6) Enter the name of the COFF file containing the object code with which the  
device is to be programmed. Press  
, and the following prompt appears:  
Object base address: all  
where all is the default, meaning that the entire object code address range  
is to be used.  
7) Select the address range default of all by pressing  
The cursor returns to the display window command line.  
8) Press  
to start the programming process. A prompt appears, asking for  
the name of a file in which programming errors are to be recorded.  
Error file:  
9) Enter a file name and press  
10) A prompt appears, asking for the starting address in PC memory of the  
data to be used in programming.  
PC memory base address: all  
11) Accept the default all by pressing  
12) Programming begins, and the bottom line of the screen is replaced by a  
status message informing you of the beginning address of the packet (180  
bytes) currently being programmed. This line will be replaced by an error  
message if an error should occur. Otherwise, when programming is com-  
plete, the bottom line of the screen shows a prompt asking if another de-  
vice is to be programmed using the same parameters.  
Programming Complete, Program another device? (y/n)  
Press n and then  
to terminate programming and return to the display  
window command line. The device is now programmed and verified, as-  
suming no error messages appeared.  
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1.6.2 Interactive Programming Example 2  
This sample session illustrates entering the interactive mode with the COFF  
fileautomaticallyloadedintoPCmemory. Iftheprogrammersoftwareisactive,  
that is, in the display or configuration windows, press  
to quit the program-  
mer and verify your choice. This returns the DOS environment.  
1) At the DOS prompt, type the following command:  
C:\>prgrm370 xyz.out  
where xyz.out is the name of the COFF file containing the object code with  
which the device is to be programmed.  
2) Press  
. The programmer software will start and automatically load the  
code in the xyz.out file into PC memory.  
You can now operate the programmer in the interactive mode as usual.  
This method saves a few steps in loading the COFF file if the default load  
addresses are acceptable.  
1.6.3 Batch Programming Example  
This sample session illustrates batch mode programming. A configuration/  
batch file (not to be confused with a DOS batch file) must exist in order to use  
this method. If one does not, examine the detailed description in Appendix 1.  
For this example, assume that your configuration/batch file is named abc.cfg.  
If the programmer software is active, that is, in the display or configuration  
windows, press  
to quit the programmer and verify your choice. This returns  
you to the DOS environment.  
At the DOS prompt, type the following:  
C:\>prgrm370 xyz.out @abc.cfg –b  
where xyz.out is the COFF file and abc.cfg is the configuration/batch file. The  
@ symbol is a delimiter identifying abc.cfg as a configuration/batch file, and  
the –b symbol turns on the batch mode. If the –b had been left off, the interac-  
tive mode would have been entered, and the configuration specified in the  
abc.cfg file would be used.  
For more information on the batch mode, see Appendix 1.  
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Introduction and Installation  
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Chapter 2  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
This chapter describes the commands offered in the configuration window of  
the programmer’s display.  
The first part of this chapter explains how the command menus and function  
keys work; it also has a short section on entering information at the cursor  
prompt. These sections are the same as the initial sections in Chapter 3; if you  
have already read these sections in Chapter 3, there is no need to read them  
in this chapter.  
The remainder of this chapter describes the operation of the configuration win-  
dow and explains each configuration command, walking you through the inter-  
active display prompts where applicable.  
How the Command Menus Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2  
Using the Special Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3  
What Happens If I Make an Error? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3  
Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4  
Configuration Window Overview and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5  
Secondary Configuration Window—the Show  
Ranges Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7  
Showing the Software Revision Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9  
Defining and Adding a Device to the Device Table . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9  
Editing the Configuration Parameters and Device Table . . . . . . . 2-11  
2.10 Loading the Device Table and Configuration Parameters  
From a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14  
2.11 Selecting a Current Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15  
2.12 Saving Configuration Parameters and the Device Table  
to a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15  
2.13 Showing the Display Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16  
2.14 Ending Your Current Session and Returning to DOS . . . . . . . . . 2-16  
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How Command Menus Work  
2.1 How Command Menus Work  
The interactive mode of the programmer is driven by commandmenus that are  
displayed on the top line of the screen. A command menu is a list of command  
names, each of which is displayed with one highlighted letter, usually the first  
character in the name. The highlighted letter is the key you use to invoke the  
command. You may type command letters in upper or lower case.  
When you type a valid command letter, the programmer software clears the  
command line, displays the name of the selected command, and executes the  
command. Most commands require additional information, in which case the  
programmer either prompts for parameters or displays a submenu of com-  
Figure 2–1 shows the command menu structure. This figure is provided as a  
road map to the desired command(s).  
Figure 2–1. Command Menu Structure  
Config file  
Output COFF  
Add Device  
Choose Device  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Using the Special Function Keys/What Happens If I Make an Error  
2.2 Using the Special Function Keys  
Function keys  
invoke various actions in the programmer,  
dependingonyourlocationinthecommandmenustructure. Thevalidfunction  
keys and their definitions for each mode are displayed on the bottom line of  
the screen for reference. Press the highlighted key for the desired action.  
Another special function key is  
. If you ever need to abort a command and  
return to the next higher command menu level, press this function key. For ex-  
ample, if you are in the fill memory command, press  
command menu.  
to return to the display  
2.3 What Happens If I Make an Error?  
If an error occurs, the programmer software displays an error message on the  
bottom line of the screen and prompts you to hit any key to escape from the  
error state. You can type any key, including  
, on the keyboard. The mes-  
sage is then cleared, and the function key line is redisplayed.  
If the error was caused by an input to a prompt, the programmer software re-  
turns to the prompt to let you re-enter a value. Otherwise, the software returns  
to the next higher command menu.  
To find an explanation of any error message, refer to Appendix 2.  
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Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt  
2.4 Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt  
The programmer software often requires you to enter a response to a prompt  
or to move the cursor to a value on the screen and modify it.  
The previous or default value for the prompted parameter value is always dis-  
played. You can accept the displayed default or former value by pressing only  
in response to the prompt.  
If you type a new value, the characters are highlighted, and the cursor ad-  
vances to the next field position. Only the highlighted characters are accepted  
by the programmer. For example, assume that the displayed default value is  
7020(the underscored character indicates the cursor position). If you type 8  
over the default value, you would see 8020on the screen (the boldface char-  
acter indicates the highlighted character on the screen). If you then pressed  
the ENTER key, the value entered would be 0008, not 8020.  
All numeric input values are hexadecimal except for the V , V , and  
program-pulse-duration-time values, which are decimal.  
Table 2–1 lists special control keys. The effect of each key is given for both text  
and numeric fields. Any control key not listed in the table has the same effect  
Table 2–1. Edit Control Keys  
Terminates input and accepts current value.  
Numeric: Terminates input and accepts current value.  
Text: Erases character to the left of cursor and backs up one space.  
Numeric: Erases character to the left of cursor and backs up one space.  
Inserts a space.  
Subsequentlytyped characters are inserted at the cursor posi-  
tion; characters to the right of the cursor are moved right, even  
out of the field. Remains in effect until the INSERT key or  
another control key is typed.  
Numeric: No effect.  
Deletes character at cursor.  
Numeric: No effect.  
Moves cursor left one space without erasing.  
Numeric: Moves cursor right one space without erasing.  
Moves cursor right to the next character and highlights it.  
Numeric: Moves cursor right to the next character and highlights it.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Configuration Window Overview and Description  
2.5 Configuration Window Overview and Description  
If you use the configuration command while in the display window, the config-  
uration window illustrated in Figure 2–2 is displayed; it also displays when  
the programmer software is first invoked.  
Figure 2–2. Configuration Window at System Startup  
Show ID  
AddDevice Edit Load  
ChooseDevice Save Display  
Program Configuration  
Port#: 1  
The configuration window consists of three different areas—a command line,  
a program configuration area, and the device table.  
The command line lists the available commands you can use to manipulate  
the data in the configuration window. These commands are listed in Table 2–2  
and described in detail in Sections 2.7 through 2.14.  
Table 2–2. Configuration Window Commands  
Display software title and revision level.  
Add a new device to the device table.  
Edit the configuration parameters.  
Show ID  
Add Device  
Load File  
Choose Device  
Save File  
Load current configuration or current device table from a file.  
Choose (set) the current device type.  
Save the current configuration or the current device table in a file.  
Go to the display window.  
Quit (exit) and return to DOS.  
The program configuration area lists the current selection of the communica-  
tion port—port 1 or 2. To change this value, refer to Section 2.9.  
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Configuration Window Overview and Description  
The device table lists devices that can be programmed through the program-  
mer. The device table displays 12 device types at a time and is sorted first by  
the device family names and then by the device first names. If there is more  
than one device type under one device family, the family name is displayed  
only once, on the first line of the device family. When a new device is specified  
or a device table is loaded from an outside file, the device table is automatically  
updated. Iftheactualdevicetablecontainsmorethan12devicetypes, youcan  
use the function keys to scroll through the table. When a current device is se-  
lected, it is highlighted within the table.  
The device table supplied with your programmer software includes all of the  
TMS370 devices available at the time the programmer was produced. As new  
configurations are made available, TI updates the DEVICE.TBL file and  
makes it available through our microcontroller bulletin board system. For infor-  
mation on how to use the bulletin board, contact the TMS370 hotline at the  
number indicated on page 1-1.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Secondary Configuration Window—theShowRangesWindow  
2.6 Secondary Configuration Window—the Show Ranges Window  
A small subwindow appears when you select the show ranges function key,  
, from the device area of the configuration window. Figure 2–3 illustrates  
what the show ranges window looks like.  
Figure 2–3. The Show Ranges Window  
Valid address ranges for 2732/TMS2732A  
O’s only  
The show ranges window does not neccesarily default to show the ranges of  
the chosen device. Instead, it shows the ranges of the device that the cursor  
is next to in the device table. You can scroll through the device table and notice  
the parameters changing in accordance with each new device the cursor is  
next to.  
Table 2–3. Show Ranges Parameter Summary  
Valid start address for programming.  
Size of the valid program area.  
The type of memory in this range (EEPROM or EPROM).  
Valid Vcc values are 0, 5, or 6 volts.  
Valid Vpp values are 0, 5, 12, 12.5 or 21 volts.  
Program pulse duration time.  
The control register.  
The hexadecimal family code of the device.  
The block erase toggle.  
The program algorithm.  
The program algorithms are discussed in detail in subsection 2.6.1.  
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Secondary Configuration Window—theShowRangesWindow  
2.6.1 Selecting the Proper Program Algorithm  
For EEPROM memory in devices, there are three programming modes:  
writing 0s only, all 1s in the data bytes are ignored.  
writing 1s only, all 0s in the data bytes are ignored.  
writing 0s and 1s.  
For all other types of memory, writing 0s is the only programming mode.  
The three modes provided for the TMS370 allow the selection of the most  
efficient programming.  
Whenthe1sand0smodeisused, theprogrammermakestwopassesthrough  
the address range, programming the 1s in one pass and the 0s in the other  
pass. Assume that the binary value 1010 1010 is to be programmed into a giv-  
en address. First, the 1s are programmed, giving a value of 1x1x1x1x where  
x is unknown (the previous contents of the location).  
On the second pass, the 0s are programmed, resulting in x0x0 x0x0 where x  
is a don’t care state (in this case 1s from the first pass) so that the resulting  
value after both passes is 1010 1010, the desired value. This method is effec-  
tive for modifying short segments of code.  
If a large segment of code is to be modified, it will reduce programming time  
by almost one half if you block erase to 1s and use the 0s-only mode.  
When programming the EEPROM memory of TMS370 devices that also have  
UV-erasable EPROMS, be sure to block erase the array before programming  
the device. (Ultraviolet light causes the EEPROM bits to go to an intermediate  
so that they must be block erased before programming.)  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Showing the Software Revision Information/Defining and Adding a Device to the Device Table  
2.7 Showing the Software Revision Information — the Show ID Command  
This command displays the software release/revision information on the top  
line of the PC screen for reference. Press any key to return to the configuration  
command line.  
2.8 Defining and Adding a Device to the Device Table—the Add Device  
This command lets you define a new device type different from those in the  
current device table, and then add it to the device table. When the add device  
command is selected, the following programmer prompts appear.  
Step 1: Identify the complete device name by answering the following two  
Device family name:  
Device first name:  
Legal device family names supported by the programmers are  
TMS370, 2732, 2764, 27128, or 27256.  
Device first names are names that distinguish different versions of  
the same device family.  
The programmer software checks the device table to make sure the  
new device is not a duplication. If the new device is a duplicate, the  
following error message is displayed.  
duplicate device name (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the first  
prompt to re-enter different device names.  
Step 2: Identify the programming address range by answering the following  
two prompts:  
Device Program Ranges – Start Address: 0000h  
Device Program Ranges – Size: 0000h  
Enter numerical values within the range (0000h–FFFFh) to the ad-  
dress prompts listed in Step 2.  
Step 3: Identify the primary configuration parameters for the device by an-  
swering the following four prompts:  
Type of Memory:  
Device VCC(in VDC – 0, 5 or 6) : 0  
Device VPP (in VDC – 0, 5, 12, 12.5 or 21): 0  
Program Pulse Duration time (in ms – [0–127]): 0  
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Defining and Adding a Device to the Device Table  
Valid types of memory are EPROM or EEPROM.  
Legal V values are listed following the prompt—0, 5, or 6. If you  
enter a value that is not one of the three valid choices, the following  
error message appears:  
invalid VCC value: 0, 5, or 6 (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the prompt  
to enter the V  
value again.  
Legal V values are listed following the prompt—0, 5, 12, 12.5, or  
21. Ifyouenteravaluewhichisnotoneofthefivechoices, thefollow-  
ing error message appears:  
invalid VPP value: 0, 5, 12, 12.5 or 21 (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the prompt  
to enter the V value again.  
Valid pdt values fall in the decimal range of 0–127 as shown at the  
endoftheprompt. Ifyouenteravaluethatisoutoftherange, anerror  
message is displayed as follows:  
invalid Program Pulse Duration time: [0..127]  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the prompt  
to enter the Program Pulse Duration time again.  
Step 4: Identify the secondary configuration parameters by answering the  
following four prompts:  
Control Register:  
This parameter is necessary only for programming TMS370 micro-  
controllers. The current valid values are 01Ah for the data EEPROM  
range and 1Ch for the program memory range.  
Family Code:  
Thisparametertellstheprogrammerhowtoprogramthedevice. The  
current valid values are:  
TMS370 EEPROM range  
2764, 27C64, SE77C42,  
TMS370 EPROM range  
Block Erase:  
Using the block erase parameter for devices with a family code of  
10h (TMS370 EEPROM range) allows the array to be erased to 1s  
or 0s. The block erase parameter is ignored for any other family code  
and should be set to none for clarity.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Editing the Configuration Parameters and Device Table  
Program Algorithm:  
If the family code is 10h (TMS370 EEPROM range), one of three pro-  
gramming algorithms can be chosen—program 1s, program 0s, or  
program 1s and 0s. Using this parameter along with the block erase  
parameter, you can optimize for programming speed or can mini-  
mize the number of write erase cycles. This parameter is ignored for  
anyotherfamilycodeandshouldbesetto program 0s only forclarity.  
After you have entered the program algorithm, the programmer repeats  
the setup configuration starting at Step 2 to allow you to enter up to five  
address blocks. Press  
to exit the loop after you have entered all the  
address blocks you need. You must enter at least one set of add device  
parameters before exiting the command, or else the following warning  
message is displayed.  
Device parameters not complete, device not added.  
Press any key to erase the warning message and return to the configura-  
tion command menu.  
After you have entered all of the above parameters correctly, the newly de-  
fined device is added to the current device table and displayed in the de-  
vice table window.  
2.9 Editing the Configuration Parameters and Device Table — the Edit  
In the edit mode, you can edit the configuration port # parameter field and the  
current device table.  
2.9.1 Editing the Configuration Parameters  
From the configuration window press  
for the edit command. Pressing  
toggles you between the port # field and the device table, while pressing  
in the port # field scrolls through the valid selections for the communication  
port—port 1, or 2.  
Press the  
key when you are finished editing the parameters to record your  
changes and to return you to the configuration command menu.  
In order to edit any of the current device table parameters, you must display  
the parameters (show ranges) and then use the designated function key to  
edit the ranges window. Refer to subsection 2.9.2 for a complete description.  
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Editing the Configuration Parameters and Device Table  
2.9.2 Editing the Device Table  
The device table is a list of devices catagorized by family name and device first  
name. The software diskette provides a device table file, device.tbl, that con-  
tainsalistofdevicesandtheirconfigurationparameters. Thedevicesandtheir  
configurations are loaded automatically when the programmer software is in-  
from the port # field causes the cursor to enter the device table  
field. When this occurs, several function keys and their actions are displayed  
at the bottom of the screen. (Choosing edit from the command line will also  
place the cursor directly into the device table field if this field is the last one you  
worked in. In other words, the edit command defaults to the last field you were  
in before exiting back to the command line.)To edit the device table, use the  
commands listed in Table 2–4.  
Table 2–4. Device Table Edit Commands  
Scroll forward through device table.  
Scroll backward through device table.  
Move to the communication port.  
F1 (Page Down)  
F2 (Page Up)  
F3 (Next Window)  
F4 (Show Ranges)  
Show the valid address ranges defined for the device highlighted  
by the cursor.  
F5 (Select Device)  
F6 (Delete Device)  
ESC (Escape)  
Select the device next to the cursor.  
Delete the device next to the cursor.  
Return to the configuration command menu.  
Move up one line, scrolling if necessary.  
Move down one line, scrolling if necessary.  
Return Key  
Accept the input value and move cursor to the next location on the  
same line.  
If you press  
, a temporary window appears on the upper half of the screen  
(as shown in Figure 2–4) that shows all the parameters of the current device.  
Figure 2–4. Valid Address Ranges Window  
Valid address ranges for 2732/TMS2732A  
O’s only  
In order to edit these configuration parameters, press  
(this function key  
changes from next window to edit ranges when the show ranges window is  
called.) Use the editing protocol as described in Section 2.4 and the parameter  
descriptions in Section 2.8 in order to customize these device parameters.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Editing the Configuration Parameters and Device Table  
causes this temporary window to disappear, and the previous  
window is resumed.  
from the device table selects the device on the line where your  
cursor is positioned. The device you have chosen is highlighted when se-  
deletes the device on the line where your cursor is positioned.  
If the deleted device is the current device, there is no current device type, and  
you must select a new device from the device table.  
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Loading the Device Table and Configuration Parameters From a File  
2.10 Loading the Device Table and Configuration Parameters From a  
File — the Load Command  
When you select the L command, a submenu displays options for choosing a  
file to load. The commands in this submenu are listed below; the letter that  
invokes the command is printed in bold type.  
Device Table  
Load a device table file.  
Load configuration parameters from a configuration/batch file.  
Both load options prompt for only one parameter—the file to be loaded. If the  
file specified does not exist, an error message is displayed as follows:  
Can not open file: <file name> (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the prompt to enter  
the correct file name.  
If a file that is not a valid device table is specified, the following error message  
is displayed:  
Invalid/Wrong device table file: <file name> (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the configuration com-  
mand menu.  
Loading the Device Table  
Select this option to load the current device table from a file that you  
specify. The device table window is updated as the current device table is  
Load the Configuration Parameters  
This option loads the configuration parameters, listed below, from the  
specified configuration file.  
Communication port  
Current device  
Device table  
If the device table file is specified, it will be loaded as the current device  
table, and the device type specified in the configuration/batch file will be  
searched for in the table.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Selecting a Current Device/Saving the Configuration Parameters and Device Table to a File  
2.11 Selecting a Current Device — the Choose Device Command  
The choose device command moves the cursor directly to the device table.  
Use the cursor control keys to move the cursor to the device you will be pro-  
gramming and press  
to select it. The selected device is highlighted. Press-  
ing returns you to the configuration command line.  
A device must be specified before the software allows you to enter the display  
2.12 Saving Configuration Parameters and the Device Table to a File — the  
Save Command  
The save command allows you to save the current configuration parameters  
or device table to a specific file. The initial prompt after this command executes  
gives you the following two choices; the letter used to invoke the command is  
printed in bold type.  
Device Table  
Save the current device table in a file.  
Save the current configuration in a Configuration/Batch file  
Both save options prompt for only one parameter—the filename to save the  
data into. The file you specify can be either an existing file or a new file. The  
contents of an existing file are erased before the save takes place. The follow-  
ing paragraphs describe each option in detail.  
Saving the Device Table  
Use this option to save the current device table in a file that you specify.  
The file can be loaded later through the load device table command or the  
configuration/batch file. If the current device table is empty, no file will be  
To prevent accidental overwriting of the default device table, the name  
device.tbl cannot be used for saving the current device table. If you wish to  
update the default device table, save it under another name and then use  
the DOS copy command to copy your new device table to device.tbl.  
Saving Configuration Parameters  
Use this option to save the current configuration in a file that you specify.  
The current configuration is the one defined in the load configuration sec-  
tion. If you have not selected a current device type, the following error  
message is displayed:  
No device is selected, can not build the file  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the configuration  
command menu.  
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Showing the Display Window/Ending Your Current Session and Returning to DOS  
2.13 Showing the Display Window — the Display Command  
When you choose the display command, the programmer software checks to  
to see if a current device type has been selected. If you have selected a current  
device type, the programmer sets up the configuration and briefly displays the  
following message before returning to the top level command.  
Set programmer configuration.....  
If you have not selected a current device type, the following warning message  
is displayed:  
Warning: Device not selected, unable to set up the programmer  
Press any key to erase the warning; then, use the choose device command  
to select a current device. You cannot proceed to the display window until a  
valid current device has been selected.  
2.14 Ending Your Current Session and Returning to DOS — the Quit  
Use the quit command to exit the programmer software. Before the program-  
mer software actually quits, you must confirm that this is what you want to do  
at the prompt:  
to confirm that you really want to quit. Any other key is interpreted  
as a retraction of the quit command.  
Operating in the Configuration Window  
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Chapter 3  
Operating in the Display Window  
This chapter describes the commands offered in the display window of the  
programmer’s display.  
The first part of this chapter explains how the command menus and function  
keys work; it also has a short section on entering information at the cursor  
prompt. These sections are the same as the initial sections in Chapter 2; if you  
have already read these sections in Chapter 2, there is no need to read them  
in this chapter.  
The remainder of this chapter describes the operation of the display window  
and explains each display command, walking you through the interactive dis-  
play prompts where applicable.  
How the Command Menus Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2  
Using the Special Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3  
What Happens If I Make an Error? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3  
Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4  
Display Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5  
Filling a Block of PC Memory With a Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8  
Loading a COFF File Into PC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9  
Outputting a COFF File From PC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10  
Moving Blocks of PC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12  
3.10 Programming a Device From PC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13  
3.11 Showing and Operating Within Text File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17  
3.12 Uploading a Device’s Contents Into PC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19  
3.13 Verifying the Contents of a Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22  
3.14 Editing the Contents of PC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26  
3.15 Using the Master Mode Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27  
3.16 Suspending the Program and Entering DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28  
3.17 Quiting the Program and Exiting to DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28  
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How Command Menus Work  
3.1 How Command Menus Work  
The interactive mode of the programmer is driven by command menus that are  
displayed on the top line of the screen. A command menu is a list of command  
names, each of which is displayed with one highlighted letter, usually the first  
character in the name. The highlighted letter is the key you use to invoke the  
command. You may type command letters in upper or lower case.  
When you type a valid command letter, the programmer software clears the  
command line, displays the name of the selected command, and executes the  
command. Most commands require additional information, in which case the  
programmer either prompts for parameters or displays a submenu of com-  
Figure 3–1 shows the command menu structure. This figure is provided as a  
road map to the desired command(s).  
Figure 3–1. Command Menu Structure  
Config file  
Output COFF  
Add Device  
Choose Device  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Using Special Function Keys/What Happens If I Make an Error?  
3.2 Using the Special Function Keys  
Function keys  
invoke various actions in the programmer,  
dependingonyourlocationinthecommandmenustructure. Thevalidfunction  
keys and their definitions for each mode are displayed on the bottom line of  
the screen for reference. Press the highlighted key for the desired action.  
Another special function key is  
. If you ever need to abort a command and  
return to the next higher command menu level, press this function key. For ex-  
ample, if you are in the fill memory command, press  
command menu.  
to return to the display  
3.3 What Happens If I Make an Error  
If an error occurs, the programmer software displays an error message on the  
bottom line of the screen and prompts you to hit any key to escape from the  
error state. You can type any key, including  
, on the keyboard. The mes-  
sage is then cleared, and the function key line is redisplayed.  
If the error was caused by an input to a prompt, the programmer software re-  
turns to the prompt to let you re-enter a value. Otherwise, the software returns  
to the next higher command menu.  
To find an explanation of any error message, refer to Appendix 2.  
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Understanding Your Input At the Cursor Prompt  
3.4 Understanding Your Input at the Prompt  
The programmer software often requires you to enter a response to a prompt  
or to move the cursor to a value on the screen and modify it.  
The previous or default value for the prompted parameter value is always dis-  
played. You can accept the displayed default or former value by pressing only  
in response to the prompt.  
If you type a new value, the characters are highlighted and the cursor ad-  
vances to the next field position. Only the highlighted characters are accepted  
by the programmer. For example, assume that the displayed default value is  
7020(the underscored character indicates the cursor position). If you type 8  
over the default value, you would see 8020on the screen (the boldface char-  
acter indicates the highlighted character on the screen). If you then pressed  
the ENTER key, the value entered would be 0008, not 8020.  
All numeric input values are hexadecimal except for the V , V , and  
program-pulse-duration-time values, which are decimal.  
Table 3–1 lists special control keys. The effect of each key is given for both text  
and numeric fields. Any control key not listed in the table has the same effect  
Table 3–1. Edit Control Keys  
Terminates input and accepts current value.  
Numeric: Terminates input and accepts current value.  
Text: Erases character to the left of cursor and backs up one space.  
Numeric: Erases character to the left of cursor and backs up one space.  
Inserts a space.  
Subsequentlytyped characters are inserted at the cursor posi-  
tion; characters to the right of the cursor are moved right, even  
out of the field. Remains in effect until the INSERT key or  
another control key is typed.  
Numeric: No effect.  
Deletes character at cursor.  
Numeric: No effect.  
Moves cursor left one space without erasing.  
Numeric: Moves cursor left one space without erasing.  
Moves cursor right to the next character and highlights it.  
Numeric: Moves cursor right to the next character and highlights it.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Display Window Overview and Description  
3.5 Display Window Overview and Description  
The display window has two separate areas (see Figure 3–2): the PC  
memory display (left half of screen) and the reverse assembled code (right half  
of screen).  
The programmer displays the PC memory in a hexadecimal format. The  
memory address occupies the left-most column of each line, followed by eight  
bytesofPCmemorycontents. Nextonthedisplaylineareeightcharactersthat  
represent the PC memory contents as ASCII values. Nonprintable ASCII char-  
acters are represented by the . character.  
The address range for the PC memory is from 0000h to FFFFh. Access to the  
PC memory out of this range is not allowed. The programmer maintains the  
The reverse-assembled code window contains the disassembled code from  
the PC memory.  
Figure 3–2. PC Memory Display and Reverse Assembled Code Windows  
Fill Load OutputCOFF MoveProgm S how Upload V erify E dit Config s Ys Q uit  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
Current Device: TMS370 C256 PCMODE  
All the commands are described briefly in Table 3–2. A complete description  
of all display window commands can be found in Sections 3.6 through 3.17.  
When you use the gang programmer, the BlankChk and mAster options are  
added to the command line.  
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Display Window Overview and Description  
Table 3–2. Display Window Commands  
Fill Memory  
Load COFF File  
Output COFF File  
Move Memory  
Program Device  
Show File  
Fill PC memory with a byte value.  
Load a COFF file to PC memory.  
Create a COFF file from PC memory.  
Move a block of PC memory to another location in the PC memory.  
Program device from the PC memory.  
Show a text file.  
Upload Device  
Verify Device  
Upload device content to the PC memory.  
Verify device from the PC memory.  
Inspect and/or modify individual memory locations.  
Display a menu of commands to handle the configuration and de-  
vice table.  
Allow use of DOS commands and functions without exiting the pro-  
grammer software.  
Exit programmer software and returns to DOS.  
Scroll down through memory addresses.  
F1 – PgDown  
F2 – PgUp  
F3 – Address  
F4 – DisAsm  
Scroll up through memory addresses.  
Allow choice of a specific memory address to inspect.  
Inspect reverse assembly code window with scrolling.  
Return to display window command line from any command.  
A complete description of the function keys follows.  
The scroll keys allow you to scroll down or up through the  
memory addresses.  
The addresskey allows you to move to a specific address. When  
youpressthiskey, youarepromptedtosupplyanaddress, using  
the value at the current cursor position as a default. Legal  
addresses are in the range from 0000h to FFFFh.  
The disassembler key allows you to inspect the reverse-  
assembled code window. The display is the same as the code  
windowof the TMS370 XDS Debugger, except that the display is  
not symbolic and the code is disassembled from the PC memory  
instead of the emulator memory.  
Table 3–3 describes the commands, functions, and control keys  
for inspecting this window. The keys used to invoke the com-  
mands are printed in bold type.  
Table 3–3. Reverse Assembled Code Window Commands  
Scroll forward through code.  
F1 (Pg Down)  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Display Window Overview and Description  
F2 (Pg Up)  
F3 (Address)  
Scroll backward through code.  
Invoke disassembler at specified PC memory address.  
Leave inspect mode and return to display command menu.  
Move cursor left one space.  
Move cursor right one space.  
Move up one line, scrolling if necessary.  
Move down one line, scrolling if necessary.  
The programmer can not disassemble backwards through the PC memory.  
For this reason, you cannot scroll up past the lowest address that was used  
when the virtual buffer was initially filled with disassembled code.  
If you scroll down past the limit of the buffer, the buffer wraps around, and you  
will not be able to scroll back to the original starting address. If you get into this  
predicament, use the address,  
, command to invoke the disassembler at  
any address you specify. The second line on the code window screen displays  
the address at the current cursor position.  
3.5.1 Differences in Command Structures for Microcontroller Programmer and  
Gang Programmer  
Because of certain hardware differences between the two different types of  
programmers described in this documentation, some of the display window  
commands operate slightly differently depending on which programmer you  
are using. As in the Installation section of this book, icons are used to distin-  
guish between the steps or prompts that are specific to one programmer or the  
other. If there are no icons, you can assume the command is the same for all  
This icon is used to show steps specific to the microcontrol-  
ler programmer.  
This icon is used to show steps specific to the gang  
The icons are used together to show the contin-  
uation of one programmer’s command and the  
start of the other programmer’s command.  
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Filling a Block of PC Memory With a Value  
3.6 Filling a Block of PC Memory With a Value — the Fill Command  
Use the fill command to fill a block of PC memory with a value.  
Step 1: Define the size of the block by answering the following two prompts:  
Fill Start Address: 0000h  
Size (in bytes) : 0000h  
Enter the start address in the range (0000h–FFFFh). Otherwise, an  
error message is displayed as follows:  
FILLPC start address out of bound (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display  
command menu.  
At the second prompt, enter the number of bytes from the start  
address you want to fill. If the end address of the fill block (i.e., start  
address + size – 1) is out of the legal range, an error message is dis-  
played as follows:  
FILLPC end address out of bound (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display  
command menu.  
Step 2: Supply a value to be filled in the memory range defined in Step 1.  
Fill value: 00h  
Enter a hexadecimal value within the range (00h–FFh). If an  
out-of-range fill value is given, an error message is displayed as fol-  
<FILLPC> Fill value out of range – (00h..FFh) (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display  
command menu.  
If all three parameters are entered correctly, the programmer fills the specified  
block of PC memory with the given value and displays them on the dump win-  
When you program EPROM memory, it is often best to fill the memory range  
with the value FFh before loading the object file. This prevents unused bytes  
from being programmed, and this decreases programming time.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Loading a COFF File Into PC Memory  
3.7 Loading a COFF File Into PC Memory— the Load Command  
Use the load command to load a COFF file into the PC memory. This com-  
mand allows you to load the entire COFF file or part of it and also to specify  
where in the PC memory you want it loaded.  
Step 1: Identify the COFF file you want to load at the following prompt:  
Object file:  
If the file does not exist, an error message is displayed. Press any  
key to erase the error message and return to the prompt to enter the  
correct name.  
If the file is not recognized as a TMS370 object file, another error  
message is displayed. You will be asked if you want to load the file  
anyway. Note that trying to load a file that is not in COFF format may  
cause your PC to hang.  
Step 2: To identify the amount of the COFF file you want loaded, specify the  
object (COFF file) address range.  
Object base address: all  
Size (in bytes) : 0000h  
Thedefaultforthebaseaddressisall, whichmeanstoloadtheentire  
COFF file into the PC memory. The addresses specified in the COFF  
file are also used as the loading addresses for the PC memory. If the  
default all is selected, the programmer loads the COFF file into the  
PC memory without prompting you for anything else.  
If, however, youwanttoloadpartoftheCOFFfile, replacethedefault  
all with a start address to specify where in the COFF file you want to  
start loading. Then, enter the number of bytes you want to load from  
the COFF file. All the data bytes in the COFF file that are inside the  
given range are loaded to the PC memory. If the entered load range  
is outside the legal PC memory address space, the entered range  
is truncated to the legal range. For example, if you entered F000h as  
the object base address and 2000h as size, the programmer will  
truncate the range and use F000h–FFFFh) as the load range.  
Step 3: Specify the PC base address when you load only part of a COFF file.  
PC Memory base address:<the input from prompt (2)>  
The default for this prompt is the input you have given for the object  
base address prompt. If you want to load at a different location, enter  
the PC memory address for the load. Also, the PC memory address  
you enter here must be in the PC memory address space.  
Once you have entered all the parameters correctly, the programmer loads the  
COFF file into the PC memory.  
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Outputting a COFF File From PC Memory  
3.8 Outputting a COFF File From PC Memory — the Output COFF Command  
Use the output COFF command to create a COFF object file from the PC  
memory. This command allows you to specify the block(s) of PC memory to  
be used to create the COFF file. Each block of the PC memory is made into  
one section in the COFF file, and you can specify the section address in the  
COFF file to use for the block.  
Step 1: Identify the file for the COFF output.  
COFF Object file:  
The name can be any valid DOS file name.  
Step 2: Identify the address range you want to output by specifying the ob-  
ject (COFF file) address range.  
PC Memory base address: all  
The default for this base address prompt, all, causes the valid ad-  
dress ranges defined for the current device type to be used as  
block(s) of PC memory. These blocks are used to create the COFF  
For example, the valid address ranges for a TMS370C756 device  
are (1E00h–1FFFh) and (4000h–7FFFh). If you use the default for  
this prompt, the PC memory inside those two ranges is used to  
create two sections in the COFF file with section addresses 1E00h  
and 4000h, respectively.  
If, however, you want to use blocks of PC memory other than the de-  
fault, enter a PC memory address instead of the default all, and then  
enter the size of the block at the prompt:  
Size (in bytes) : 0000h  
The PC memory block that you specify must be inside the PC  
memory address space. Otherwise, an error message is displayed  
when an out-of-bounds error is detected. Press any key to erase the  
error message and return to the prompt to re-enter the value.  
Step 3: Specify the COFF object base address when using memory space  
other than the default.  
COFF object base address:  
address prompt. If you want to use a different address in COFF for  
the block, enter an address here.  
After you answer this prompt, the programmer returns to Step 2 to  
ask for another PC memory base address. If you have specified all  
the desired PC memory blocks, press  
to terminate the input ses-  
sion. If you need more PC memory blocks, continue repeating the  
address prompts until a maximum of five blocks of PC memory have  
been entered.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Outputting a COFF File From PC Memory  
After the input session is completed, the programmer uses the PC memory  
blocks given to create the COFF file.  
As a result of debugging, you may have made code changes that you would  
like to save. You can save the changes for later use by creating a COFF file  
from the working code in the PC memory. You may specify the range(s) of the  
source to be read or you can use the valid address ranges defined for the cur-  
rent device type.  
Each range of the source read is written as one section in the COFF file. The  
section address for the created section can be either the default address or  
another address that you specify. For example, you can create a COFF file  
from device location 7000h to 7FFFh with a section address 0000h in the  
COFF file. Refer to the TMS370 Family Assembly Language Tools User’s  
Guide for more information on COFF files. The COFF file created by the pro-  
grammer does not have the symbolic information that would be available after  
an assembly.  
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Moving Blocks of PC Memory  
3.9 Moving Blocks of PC Memory—the Move Command  
Use the move command to move a block of PC memory from one location to  
another PC memory location.  
Step 1: Identify the size of PC memory to be moved.  
Move PC memory From Address: 0000h  
Size (in bytes) : 0000h  
Enter the start address of the block to be moved and then enter the  
size of the block to be moved.  
Step 2: Specify a destination address where the block of memory is to be  
Move to PC memory Address: 0000h  
The source block and destination block that you specify must be in-  
side the PC memory address space. Otherwise, one of the following  
error messages is displayed:  
<MOVEPC> source start address out of bound  
<MOVEPC> source end address out of bound  
<MOVEPC> destination start address out of bound  
<MOVEPC> destination end address out of bound  
If the source block and destination block overlap, the programmer  
automatically makes sure that no data is overwritten before it is  
After you have entered all the parameters correctly, the programmer moves  
the block of PC memory to the destination and displays the destination PC  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Programming a Device From PC Memory  
3.10 Programming a Device From PC Memory — the Program Command  
When you use the program command, the microcontroller and gang  
programmers display different prompts and messages. The microcontroller  
programmer is discussed in sub-section 3.10.1, and the gang programmer is  
discussd in subsection 3.10.2.  
3.10.1 Programming Using the Microcontroller Programmer  
Use the microcontroller programmer’s program command to program a  
device from the PC memory with verification.  
Step 1: Define an error file for verification output (if any):  
Error file:  
The last entered file will appear as a default.  
Step 2: Identify the address ranges used to program the device.  
PC memory base address: all  
The default for the base address, all, causes the valid address  
ranges defined for the current device type to be used as the blocks  
of PC memory for programming the device. The valid address  
ranges also tell where in the device to program the PC memory  
However, if you want to program a device from a certain block of PC  
memory other than the default, enter the start address of the block  
and then the size of the block at the next prompt.  
Size (in bytes) : 0000h  
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define  
the device’s base address at the following prompt.  
Device base address:  
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the PC memory  
base address prompt. If you want to program at a different location,  
enter the address at which programming is to start.  
Once the programming begins, it proceeds packet by packet in180-byte seg-  
ments. Before a packet is programmed, the programmer verifies that the desti-  
device type. If the address is not inside the range, the following error message  
is displayed.  
Address out of range, Press any key  
During the programming process, the programmer displays a status message  
on the bottom line to indicate the address currently being programmed.  
Programming at address 7000 (hit ESC key to abort)  
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Programming a Device From PC Memory  
This message is updated when the programmer starts programming the next  
If, for some reason, you want to terminate the programming process before it  
is completed, press the  
command menu.  
key to abort the process and return to the display  
When the programming process is either completed or aborted, a message  
informs you whether or not the programming was successful. The message  
for successful programming is:  
Programming Complete, Program another device?(y/n)  
If you want to program another device using the same parameter values, re-  
place the device in the programmer with the new one and press  
The message for an unsuccessful programming operation is:  
Error occurred during programming. (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display command  
menu. Use the show command to look at the error file and find the error loca-  
Automatic verification takes place during the programming. The programmer  
reads, from the device, data bytes just programmed and compares them with  
the source data bytes. If the data bytes are not programmed correctly, an error  
file is generated. Both the source and the read-back values of the data bytes  
are included in this file. An error file is not generated if no errors have occurred  
during programming. The format of the error file is illustrated below.  
TMS370 EEPROM Programmer v3.20  
Verification output by byte:  
Byte Value  
Byte Value  
(read back)  
In the example above, the device location 7070h should have been  
programmed with value B4h, but the value read back from the device is FFh.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Programming a Device From PC Memory  
3.10.2 Programming Using the Gang Programmer  
In PC mode, use the gang programmer’s program command to program  
multipledevicesfromthePCmemorywithverification. (Forinformationonpro-  
gramming from standalone mode, refer to subsection 1.2.2 on page 1-6.)  
Starting the programming is a simple one-step process of defining PC memory  
and device address ranges.  
Step 1: Identify the address ranges of PC memory used to program the  
PC memory base address: all  
The default for the base address, all, causes the valid address  
ranges defined for the current device type to be used as the blocks  
of PC memory for programming the device. The valid address  
ranges also tell where in the device to program the PC memory  
However, if you want to program a device from a certain block of PC  
memory other than the default, enter the start address of the block  
and then the size of the block at the next prompt.  
Size (in bytes) : 0000h  
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define  
the device’s base address at the following prompt.  
Device base address:  
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the PC memory  
base address prompt. If you want to program at a different location,  
enter the address at which programming is to start.  
After you have entered all the parameters correctly (or simply chosen all at the  
PC memory base address prompt), the gang programmer conducts a device  
test. If any devices fail (or any sockets are empty), the programmer beeps and  
turns on the LED below the failed device. Also, an error message prompts you  
about the device failure:  
Device test failed, continue? (y/n)  
Ifonlyemptysocketsfailed, press  
tobegintheprogramming. Ifanydevices  
actually failed, try to re-insert these devices and start the programming over.  
It is possible that a defective device—a device with bent pins or a device that  
has been incorrectly inserted—will affect all of the devices on the Gang pro-  
grammer. If this is the case, the following error message is displayed:  
unable to communicate with TMS370 device – Retry, Abort  
You should inspect all of the devices for misalignment or bent pins. You may  
have to remove devices until the bad device is found.  
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Programming a Device From PC Memory  
Once the programming begins, it proceeds packet by packet in180-byte seg-  
ments. Before a packet is programmed, the programmer verifies that the desti-  
device type. If the address is not inside the range, the following error message  
is displayed.  
Address out of range, Press any key  
During the programming process, the programmer displays a status message  
on the bottom line to indicate the address currently being programmed.  
Programming at address 7000 (hit ESC key to abort)  
This message is updated when the programmer starts programming the next  
If, for some reason, you want to terminate the programming process before it  
is completed, press the  
command menu.  
key to abort the process and return to the display  
If an error is detected during programming, the red LED below that device is  
turned on. At the end of the programming process, only those devices whose  
LED is off have been programmed properly. If you want to examine the loca-  
tions that failed to program, you must create an error file by using the verify  
command found in Section 3.13 on page 3-22.  
When the programming process is complete, the programmer beeps, and the  
following message is displayed:  
Programming Complete, Program another device?(y/n)  
If you want to program more devices using the same parameter values,  
replace the device(s) in the programmer with the new one(s), and press  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Showing and Operating Within a Text File  
3.11 Showing and Operating Within a Text File—the Show Command  
Use the show command to show a text file. This command uses the entire  
screen below the second line as the file display window. When you select the  
show command, the programmer prompts for a file name:  
Type the pathname of the file to be displayed. If the file exists, the programmer  
displays the first lines of it on the screen.  
The maximum size of a file that can be displayed is 2048 lines. Any file larger  
than this is truncated to 2048 lines. The maximum file size is also limited by  
available memory because the entire file is PC memory-resident.  
Table 3–4 gives the commands, functions, and control keys available for in-  
specting the text file. The letters used to invoke the command are printed in  
bold type.  
Table 3–4. Show Text File Commands  
Find a character string.  
Find Next  
Line No.  
Find the next occurrence of the string.  
Move to the specified line number.  
Move to top of file.  
Move to end of file.  
Leave inspect file mode and return to the display command  
Move cursor left one space, scrolling if necessary.  
Move cursor right one space, scrolling if necessary.  
Move to beginning of line.  
Move to end of line.  
Scroll window left.  
Scroll window right.  
Move up one line, scrolling if necessary.  
Move down one line, scrolling if necessary.  
When you inspect the file, the second line on the screen displays the name of  
the file, the current line number, and the total number of lines in the file.  
”file.txt” line 113/355  
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Showing and Operating Within a Text File  
3.11.1 Finding Character Strings Within a Text File — the Find Command  
The find command allows you to search for a string of characters in the text  
file. When the programmer prompts you for a character string, type a string up  
to 30 characters long. The programmer begins at the current position and  
searches for the string.  
If the programmer reaches the end of the file without finding the string, it wraps  
around to the beginning of the file and searches from there to the original cur-  
sor position.  
Ifthestringisnotfoundanywhere, thecursorsimplyremainsinitscurrentposi-  
tion. If the string is found, the window is scrolled if necessary, and the cursor  
is moved to the start of the target string.  
3.11.2 Finding the Next Occurence of Character String — the Next Command  
With the next command you can search for the next occurrence of a string that  
was previously found with the find command. When you select the next com-  
mand, the programmer begins one space past the cursor position and begins  
searching for the same string that was used by the most recent find command.  
The search proceeds exactly as in the find command. If no find command has  
been used, the cursor does not move.  
3.11.3 Positioning the Cursor at a Specific Line Number — the Line Command  
The line command allows you to move to a specified line number in the file.  
The programmer prompts you for the line number, with the current line as the  
Enter either an absolute line number or a relative offset from the current line.  
If you type a + or – in front of the number, the offset is relative, the direction  
indicated by the plus or minus. The programmer positions the cursor at the  
specified line number, scrolling the window if necessary.  
3.11.4 Positioning the Cursor at Top of a File — the Top Command  
Use the top command to position the cursor on the first line of the file, scrolling  
the window if necessary.  
3.11.5 Positioning the Cursor at the Bottom of a File — the Bottom Command  
Usethebottomcommandtopositionthecursoronthelastlineofthefile, scroll-  
ing the window if necessary.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Uploading a Device’s Contents Into PC Memory  
3.12 Uploading a Device’s Contents Into PC Memory– the Upload Command  
When you use the upload command, the microcontroller and gang program-  
mers display different prompts and messages. The microcontroller program-  
mer is discussed in sub-section 3.12.1, and the gang programmer is discussd  
in sub-section 3.12.2.  
3.12.1 Uploading Using the Microcontroller Programmer  
Use the upload command to upload the device contents to the PC memory .  
Starting the upload is a simple one-step process of defining PC memory and  
device address ranges.  
Step 1: Define the address range of the device contents you are uploading.  
Device base address: all  
The default for the base address prompt, all, causes the valid ad-  
dress ranges defined for the current device type to be read and  
uploaded to the PC memory.  
For example, the valid address ranges defined for the TMS370C756  
device are (1E00h–1FFFh) and (4000h–7FFFh). When the default  
is used, the contents of the device inside (1E00h–1FFFh) and  
(4000h–7FFFh) are read and uploaded to PC memory starting at ad-  
dress 1E00h and 4000h, respectively.  
However, if you want to upload device contents from a range in the  
deviceotherthanthedefault, enterthestartaddressoftherangeand  
then the size at the next prompt.  
Size (in bytes): 0000h  
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define  
the PC memory base address at the following prompt.  
PC memory base address:  
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the device base  
address prompt. If you want to upload to a different PC memory loca-  
tion, enter the address.  
Once the actual uploading begins, it proceeds packet by packet in180-byte  
segments. Before a packet is uploaded, the programmer verifies that the  
source device address is inside the valid address ranges defined for the cur-  
rent device type. If the address is not inside the range, the following error mes-  
sage is displayed:  
Address Out of Range, Press any key  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display command  
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Uploading a Device’s Contents Into PC Memory  
During the uploading process, the programmer displays a status message on  
the bottom line of the screen to indicate the address currently being read.  
Reading at address 7000 (hit ESC key to abort)  
If you want to terminate the uploading process before it has completed, press  
to abort the process and return to the display command menu.  
3.12.2 Uploading Using the Gang Programmer  
Use the upload command to upload the device contents to the PC memory.  
Step 1: Identify the device you wish to upload.  
Enter Device #[1...16]  
Step 2: Define the address range of the device contents you are uploading.  
Device base address: all  
The default for the base address prompt, all, causes the valid ad-  
dress ranges defined for the current device type to be read and  
uploaded to the PC memory.  
However, if you want to upload device contents from a range in the  
device other than the default range, enter the start address of the de-  
sired range and then its size at the next prompt.  
Size (in bytes): 0000h  
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define  
the PC memory base address, that the contents of the device will be  
loaded into, at the following prompt.  
PC memory base address:  
After you have entered all the parameters correctly (or simply chosen all at the  
PC memory base address prompt), the gang programmer conducts a device  
test. If the device specified fails (or that socket is empty), the programmer  
beeps and turns on the LED below the failed device. Also, an error message  
prompts you about the device failure:  
Device test failed, continue? (y/n)  
At this time, you should try to re-insert the failed device and start uploading its  
contents again.  
It is possible that a defective device—a device with bent pins or a device that  
has been incorrectly inserted—will affect all of the devices on the Gang pro-  
grammer. If this is the case, the following error message is displayed:  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Uploading a Device’s Contents Into PC Memory  
unable to communicate with TMS370 device – Retry, Abort  
You should inspect all of the devices for misalignment or bent pins. You may  
have to remove devices until the bad device is found.  
Once the actual uploading begins, it proceeds packet by packet in180-byte  
segments. Before a packet is uploaded, the programmer verifies that the  
source device address is inside the valid address ranges defined for the cur-  
rent device type. If the address is not inside the range, the following error mes-  
sage is displayed.  
Address out of range, (press any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display command  
During the uploading process, the programmer displays a status message on  
the bottom line of the screen to indicate the address currently being read.  
Reading at address 7000 (hit ESC key to abort)  
If you want to terminate the uploading process before it has completed, press  
to abort the process and return to the display command menu.  
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Verifying the Contents of a Device  
3.13 Verifying the Contents of a Device – the Verify Command  
When you use the verify command, the microcontroller and gang  
programmers display different prompts and messages. The microcontroller  
programmer is discussed in sub-section 3.13.1, and the gang programmer is  
discussd in subsection 3.13.2.  
3.13.1 Verifying Using the Microcontroller Programmer  
The verify command compares the contents of the device with the contents of  
the PC memory. If any data byte in the device does not match the correspond-  
ing data byte in the PC memory, this function generates a verification output  
Step 1: Specify the error file for the verification output (if any).  
Error file:  
If you have entered an error file previously, it will appear as a default.  
Step 2: Identify the address range of the content you want verified.  
PC memory base address: all  
The default for the base address, all, means to use the valid address  
ranges defined for the current device type as the blocks of PC  
memoryforverification. Thevalidaddressrangesalsodeterminethe  
locations in the device from which the data bytes are read.  
However, if you want to verify the device from a block of PC memory  
other than the default, enter an address to specify the start address  
of the block. Then enter the size of the block at the next prompt.  
Size (in bytes): 0000h  
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define  
the device base address, where the verification should begin, at the  
following prompt.  
Device base address:  
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the PC memory  
base address prompt. If you want to read from a different device lo-  
cation, enter the new address here.  
After you have entered all of the parameters correctly, the programmer starts  
in PC memory.  
If any inconsistent data bytes are detected, they are written to the error output  
file. The verification proceeds packet by packet (180-byte segments). Before  
the programmer reads a packet of data bytes, it verifies that the source device  
address to be read from is inside the valid address ranges defined for the cur-  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Verifying the Contents of a Device  
rent device type. If the address is not in the range, the following error message  
is displayed.  
Address out of range, Press any key  
During the verification process, the programmer displays a status message on  
the bottom line to indicate the beginning address of the packet currently being  
Reading at address 7000 (hit ESC key to abort)  
This message is updated when the programmer starts to verify the next pack-  
If, for some reason, you want to terminate the verify process before it is com-  
pleted, press the  
mand menu.  
key to abort the process and return to the display com-  
When the verification process is either completed or aborted, a message in-  
forms you whether or not the verification was successful. The message for  
successful verification is:  
Verification Complete, verify another device?(y/n)  
If you want to verify another device using the same parameter values, replace  
the device in the programmer with the new one and press  
The message for an unsuccessful verification is:  
Error occurred during verification. (hit any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display command  
menu. Use the show command to look at the error file and find the error loca-  
3.13.2 Verifying Using the Gang Programmer  
The verify command verifies the contents of one or more devices with the  
contents of PC memory or against a master EPROM. If you verify a single de-  
vice against PC memory and the verification fails, this function generates a  
verification output file.  
Step 1: Identify the source of the verification. That is, master device or PC  
memory. For more information about master EPROM devices, refer  
to Section 1.2 on page 1-4.  
Enter source [M]aster or [P]C  
If master is chosen, the memory ranges are determined from the  
master EPROM.  
Step 2: Enter which device(s) are going to be verified.  
Enter Device #[1...16] or [A]ll  
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Verifying the Contents of a Device  
Step 3: If you chose to verify a single device against PC memory, you must  
now specify the error file. Otherwise, verification errors are indicated  
with the red LEDs found below each device socket. If you have en-  
tered an error file previously, it will appear as the default.  
Error File:  
Step 4: If you are verifying against PC memory, you must select the address  
range to be used during verification.  
PC memory base address: all  
The default for the base address prompt, all, causes the valid  
address ranges defined for the current device type to be used as the  
blocks of PC memory for verification. The valid address ranges also  
determine the locations in the device from which the data bytes are  
However, if you want to verify the device from a block of PC memory  
other than the default, enter an address to specify the start address  
of the block. Then enter the size of the block at the next prompt.  
Size (in bytes): 0000h  
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define  
the device base address, where the verification should begin, at the  
following prompt.  
Device base address:  
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the PC memory  
base address prompt. If you want to read from a different device lo-  
cation, enter the new address here.  
After you have entered all the parameters correctly (or simply chosen all at the  
PC memory base address prompt), the Gang programmer conducts a device  
test. If the device you have chosen fails (or any sockets are empty) the pro-  
grammer beeps and turns on the LED below the failed device. Also, an error  
message prompts you about the device failure:  
Device test failed, continue? (y/n)  
At this time, you should try to re-insert the failed device and start verifying its  
contents again.  
It is possible that a defective device—a device with bent pins or a device that  
has been incorrectly inserted—will affect all of the devices on the gang pro-  
grammer. If this is the case, the following error message is displayed:  
unable to communicate with TMS370 device – Retry, Abort  
You should inspect all of the devices for misalignment or bent pins. You may  
have to remove devices until the bad device is found.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Verifying the Contents of a Device  
Once the actual verification begins, it proceeds packet by packet (180-byte  
segments). Before a packet is read, the programmer verifies that the source  
device address is inside the valid address ranges defined for the current de-  
vice type. If the address is not inside the range, the following error message  
is displayed.  
Address out of range, (press any key)  
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display command  
When verifying against PC memory, the programmer displays a status mes-  
sage on the bottom line of the screen to indicate the address currently being  
Reading at address 7000 (hit ESC key to abort)  
If you want to terminate the uploading process before it has completed, press  
to abort the process and return to the display command menu.  
When you verify a single device against PC memory and the process is com-  
pleted, a message informs you whether or not the verification was successful.  
The message for successful verification is:  
Verification Complete, verify another device?(y/n)  
If you want to verify more devices, in the same or different sockets, using the  
same parameter values, press  
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Editing the Contents of PC Memory  
3.14 Editing the Contents of PC Memory—the Edit Command  
The edit command puts the programmer in a special mode that allows you to  
overwrite the contents of the PC memory by typing new values.  
When you press , the cursor moves into the PC memory display area. You  
can scroll up and down through the PC memory with the cursor and function  
keys, and modify individual bytes.  
The value at the cursor location is highlighted to indicate that you can edit it.  
Type the new value in hexadecimal. Use the normal movement keys (arrows,  
space bar) to write the new value and move to the next location, or press the  
key to leave the edit mode.  
The table below summarizes the commands, contrl keys, and functions avail-  
able while in the display window edit mode.  
Table 3–5. Display Window Memory Edit Commands  
Scroll forward through PC memory.  
F1 (Pg Down)  
F2 (Pg Up)  
F3 (Address)  
F4 (DisAsm)  
Scroll back through PC memory.  
Dump PC memory at specified address.  
Disassemble using current position as starting address.  
Accept value, leave Edit mode, and return to display command  
Move cursor to previous location.  
Move cursor to next location.  
Move up one line, scrolling if necessary.  
Move down one line, scrolling if necessary.  
Space Bar  
Return Key  
Tab Key  
Shift/Tab Key  
Move cursor to next location.  
Accept value and move to next location.  
Move forward 4 locations.  
Move backward 4 locations.  
Move to beginning of line.  
Control / ←  
Move to end of line.  
Control / →  
In the edit mode, the second line of the display window contains the address  
of the cursor location and the 16-bit value that is stored there. It is this address  
that is used as the address for the F4 (disassemble) function. For example:  
[101F] = F26E,  
where F26E is the contents of memory location 101F.  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Using the Master Mode Menu  
3.15 Using the Master Mode Menu—the Master Command  
The master command mode allows you to program and manipulate data with  
a master device as the source of the data manipulation. This command brings  
up a menu simliar to the display window command menu. All the commands,  
except program, upload, and copy, work identically to the display window  
commands; however, the operations are performed on the master device only.  
The differences among the program, upload, and copy commands are de-  
scribed below:  
The program command allows you to program a blank master  
device. You are prompted for address ranges, just as you are  
with the display window program command. After programming  
the ranges, the programmer programs the header information  
into the first 256 bytes of the master device. The programmer  
then calculates and programs the checksum into the last byte of  
header information.  
The upload command has two options—data only or configura-  
tion and data.  
Data only allows you to load the data specified by the master  
device header information but does not upload the header infor-  
Configuration and data replaces the currently selected device  
information with the header information from the master device  
and also uploads the programmed data of the device. The de-  
vice that was chosen in the configuration window is no longer  
valid. Before you return to the configuration window, you will be  
prompted to see if you would like to add the new configuration  
that was uploaded to the device table.  
The copy command copies the defined ranges from the master  
EPROMto all 16 devices. The necessary data should have been  
previously programmed in the master device using the program  
command in to the master menu. Because the copy is done in  
firmware without software intervention, no message showing  
the address being programmed is seen on the PC screen.  
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Suspending the Program and Entering DOS/Quitting the Program and Exiting to DOS  
3.16 Suspending the Program and Entering DOS—the System Command  
The system command temporarily suspends the programmer software so  
that you can use DOS commands and functions. When you are ready to leave  
DOS and return to the programmer software, enter EXIT and press  
3.17 Quitting the Program and Exiting to DOS—the Quit Command  
The quit command exits the programmer software and returns to DOS. The  
programmer prompts you to confirm the command by entering and a  
Operating in the Display Window  
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Appendix A  
Operating the Programmer in Batch Mode  
In the batch control mode, the execution flow is defined in a configuration/  
batch file, and all messages are displayed in line-oriented mode. The configu-  
ration/batch file consists of a set of commands that define the current configu-  
ration and give direction of execution.  
A.1 Understanding the Batch Mode File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2  
A.2 Batch File Command Rules and Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3  
A.3 Batch Mode Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5  
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Understanding the Batch Mode File  
A.1 Understanding the Batch Mode File  
Batch mode allows you to program and/or verify devices repeatedly with a  
fixed configuration setup in the configuration/batch file. When you invoke the  
programmer in batch mode, all device parameters are specified by the device  
type called out in the configuration/batch file.  
The configuration/batch file is an ASCII file that calls out the device table and  
device type. You can create a configuration/batch file by using an editor or by  
using the save configuration command in the interactive mode. A single file  
can be used as either a configuration file or a batch file. If the programmer is  
invoked with the –b option, it is invoked in batch mode, and the executable  
commands are executed. If the –b option is not specified, the file is used to set-  
up the configuration, and all exectuable commands are ignored.  
Example A–1 shows a configuration/batch file with comments explaining the  
purpose of each line.  
Example A–1. Example Configuration/Batch File  
DT=dev220.tbl ;Use device table ’dev220.tbl’.  
DV=tms370@C756 ;Device family is ’tms370’, device  
;first name is ’C756’.  
;Use COFF file ’test.out’.  
;Use communication port 1.  
Ifyouwanttousethisfileasabatchcontrolfile, youmustaddbatchcommands  
to control programmer operation. Details about the valid batch commands are  
explained in Section A.2.  
Operating the Programmer in Batch Mode  
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Batch File Command Rules and Descriptions  
A.2 Batch File Command Rules and Descriptions  
The batch commands can be classified as executable or nonexecutable. The  
executable commands invoke operations, whereas the nonexecutable com-  
mands define programming parameters and the device type.  
The batch commands must conform to the following basic syntax rules:  
1) Lower case and upper case characters are not distinguished.  
2) Only one command is allowed on each line.  
3) An = is required between a command and its operand if the command  
has an operand.  
4) No spaces are allowed between a command and its operand.  
5) No leading spaces are allowed on a command line.  
6) Comments are indicated by a ; in front of the comment text.  
If any of the above rules are violated, or if a nonexistent command or file is spe-  
cified in a configuration/batch file, an error message is displayed after the file  
has been invoked.  
A.2.1 Executable Batch Commands  
There are three executable commands:  
Program and verify device(s).  
Verify device(s).  
Do device check on all device (gang programmer only).  
Use only one of the commands, PR or VE, in a batch file. If both are specified,  
only the PR command is executed.  
Make sure that the data ranges in the COFF file are a subset of the ranges in  
the device selected. The programmer attempts to program all the data ranges  
of the specified COFF file, regardless of the device ranges defined in the de-  
vice table. To eliminate extra data ranges (ranges that would be later pro-  
grammedinanexternalEPROM, forexample)fromtheCOFFoutputfile, mark  
them as NOLOAD in the link command file. Refer to the TMS370 Assembly  
Language Tools User’s Guide for more information on the linker and the  
NOLOAD section type.  
In the normal mode, the entire data range defined for the selected device is  
usually programmed, and in the batch mode only the data range defined in the  
output file is programmed. Therefore, it is possible that a device programmed  
in batch mode will not verify correctly in the normal mode; the bytes failing veri-  
fication are unused memory. To avoid this problem, always start with erased  
devices, and always fill memory with FFh before loading a file in normal mode.  
No error file is created when you program or verify in batch mode with the gang  
programmer. Errors are indicated by the red LED below the failed device.  
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Batch File Command Rules and Descriptions  
A.2.2 Nonexecutable Batch Commands  
Nonexecutable commands do not invoke any action. They set certain pro-  
gramming parameters and define the device type. These commands can be  
classified as defaultable or nondefaultable. Defaultable commands are not re-  
quired in the configuration/batch file; the commands have their own default  
values if not specified. Nondefaultable commands must be specified in the  
configuration/batch file because no default is provided.  
Defaultable Commands  
DT = device table file  
Specify a device table file to be loaded as  
the current device table. The default is the  
manufacturer-supplied file device.tbl.  
E = error output file  
Direct the verification output (if any) to  
error output file. The default is the COFF  
file name specified with its extension re-  
placed by .err. For example, the COFF file  
a.out will have a default error file a.err.  
(This command is ignored when you are  
using the gang programmer.)  
O = COFF file  
Specify the COFF file that will supply the  
data used to program/verify the device. If  
a COFF file is specified in the invocation  
command line, it takes precedence over  
the configuration/batch file.  
PO = comm port number  
Specify the PC communication port to be  
used. The default is port #1. The choices  
for comm port number are 1, or 2.  
Nondefaultable Command  
DV = device family @ device first name  
This command specifies the device type to be used for the program/verify op-  
erations. The choices for device family are TMS370, 2732, 2764, 27128,  
27256, or 7742. The device first name is any name defined in the current de-  
vice table.  
The device type must be specified before any action can be performed on the  
Operating the Programmer in Batch Mode  
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Batch Mode Status Messages  
A.3 Batch Mode Status Messages  
When programming begins, a status message informs you:  
Programming at device address  
where device address is the location on the device that is currently being pro-  
grammed. This message is updated every time the programmer starts on the  
next packet of data. A similar message appears when verification begins:  
Reading at device address  
where device address is the location on the device that is currently being read  
and verified. This message is updated every time the programmer starts veri-  
fying the next packet of data.  
Upon completion of the batch execution, a message appears, informing you  
of the completion status.  
If the operation was to program the device and was successful, the completion  
message is as follows:  
Programming completed without errors  
If the operation was to program the device but failed, the message is as fol-  
Errors found during programming, see error file  
where error file is the file specified for the verification output.  
If the operation was to verify the device and was successful, the completion  
message is as follows:  
No errors found during verification  
If the operation was to verify the device but failed, the message is as follows:  
Errors found during verification, see <error file>  
If the configuration/batch file contains any commands that are not recognized  
by the programmer, the following message appears, and programming is  
Invalid batch command: unknown  
where unknown is the invalid line found in the configuration/batch file.  
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Operating the Programmer in Batch Mode  
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Appendix B  
Error Messages  
This appendix briefly describes the error messages associated with the  
programmers. It also gives reasons why the error occurred and sugges-  
tions on how to fix the error. The messages are arranged in alphabetic  
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Error Message Descriptions  
B.1 Error Message Descriptions  
The following messages are common to all programmers.  
Chip inserted incorrectly, or bad – Retry, Abort  
For the microcontroller programmer, this message refers to the 2732,  
2764, 27128, and 27256 devices.  
For the gang programmer, this message refers to the master EPROM  
Re-insert the device or replace the device with a new one.  
Current limit exceeded – Retry, Abort  
To program, the device requires more current than can be delivered by the  
PDS base unit.  
invalid channel function  
This is a communication error caused by the firmware receiving an invalid  
software interrupt code.  
Select the retry option. If the problem persists, the software and firmware  
could be incompatible. Use the latest release of firmware and software.  
invalid command – Retry, Abort  
The firmware does not recognize the command sent by the software. The  
usual cause is that the firmware and software are incompatible.  
Use the latest release of firmware and software.  
invalid family code – Retry, Abort  
The family code defined in the device table is not supported by the  
Use valid family codes as listed in the configuration parameter table in  
Appendix 3.  
invalid programming range – Retry, Abort  
The programming range is not valid for the device to be programmed. This  
peripheral file address locations. You cannot program to these locations.  
Check whether the defined range overlaps the register or peripheral file  
locations. Also, make sure you have a valid address range for your device  
in the configuration parameter table in Appendix 3.  
Error Messages  
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Error Message Descriptions  
invalid Vcc chosen – Retry, Abort  
The V  
value you have chosen for your device is invalid.  
Use a valid V  
value—0, 5, or 6 volts.  
invalid VPP chosen – Retry, Abort  
The V value you have chosen is invalid.  
Use a valid V value—0, 5, 12, 12.5, or 21 volts.  
unable to communicate with TMS370 device – Retry, Abort  
The programmer is unable to communicate with the TMS370 microcon-  
troller. The microcontroller may have bent pins, may be inserted incorrect-  
ly, or may be inoperable. If you are using the gang programmer, a single  
bad microcontroller can prevent the programmer from communication  
with any of the devices.  
Check each microcontroller for proper orientation or for bent pins.  
unable to program after 25 attempts – Retry, Abort  
The target EPROM location is bad.  
Use a different location or replace the target device.  
unable to read byte before timeout – Retry, Abort  
The programmer is unable to communicate with the TMS370 microcon-  
troller. The microcontroller may have bent pins, may be inserted incorrect-  
ly, or may be inoperable. If you are using the gang programmer, a single  
bad microcontroller can prevent the programmer from communication  
with any of the devices.  
Check each microcontroller for proper orientation or for bent pins.  
unable to write byte – Retry, Abort  
The EPROM is not erased, and the programmer is unable to program a 1,  
because a 0 has already been burned into the same address.  
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Error Message Descriptions  
These error messages are specific to the gang programmers.  
checksum error in master device – Retry, Abort  
The data in the master device is corrupt.  
Replace the master EPROM.  
illegal memory type detected in master – Retry, Abort  
The master EPROM device has illegal configuration data.  
Replace the master EPROM.  
Invalid master configuration data  
The configurable data of the master device is corrupt, or else the master  
device is blank.  
Replace the master EPROM.  
master device is not blank  
The master device you are trying to program is not blank.  
Replace the master device, or erase the existing master device before  
programming it.  
unable to calculate checksum.  
mation was written.  
This signifies either a communication error or that the master device is  
unable to write header information  
A memory write error occurred when an attempt was made to write the  
configuration data to the first 256 bytes in the master EPROM device.  
Replace the master EPROM device.  
Error Messages  
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Appendix C  
Configuration Parameters  
Table C–1 describes the valid configuration parameters for the programmers discussed in this manual.  
Use of invalid parameters will result in programming errors.  
Table C–1. Valid Configuration Parameters  
1st Name  
4000h EPROM  
8000h EPROM  
1000h EPROM  
2000h EPROM  
2000h EPROM  
1000h EPROM  
4000h EPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
1000h EEPROM  
0200h EEPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
0200h EEPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
0200h EEPROM  
0200h EEPROM  
4000h EPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
1000h EEPROM  
0100h EEPROM  
1000h EEPROM  
0s only  
0s only  
0s only  
0s only  
0s only  
0s only  
0s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
0s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
1s only  
TMS370 16K_PE  
TMS370 256_DEE  
TMS370 4K_PEE  
TMS370 512_DEE  
TMS370 C010  
TMS370 C050  
TMS370 C052  
TMS370 C056  
TMS370 C250  
TMS370 C256  
TMS370 C756  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
TMS370 C810  
TMS370 C850  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
to 0s  
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Configuration Parameters  
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Appendix D  
Using Keystroke Capture Files  
A keystroke capture file is a file in which the keystrokes you type are re-  
corded to be replayed later. Keystroke capture files are useful in setting up the  
programmer to perform a commonly repeated program or to verify operation.  
Two command line switches allow the recording and replaying of keystroke  
files, and a control character allows you to turn off recording of a keystroke file.  
/Cfilename.ext records keystrokes into file fliename.ext  
/Kfilename.ext replays keystrokes from file filename.ext  
stops recording keystrokes  
For example, assume you are programming a TMS370C756 to check your  
code. As you make changes to the code, you program another device. The  
steps required to select the device, fill the memory to FF’s, and to load the file  
time you program or verify the device.  
In the following example, it is assumed that the program is contained in the file  
a.out, which is in the directory DEMO on the current drive. The device selected  
is TMS370 16K_PE, the seventh entry in the default device table. The key-  
stroke file used is example.key.  
To create a keystroke capture file, invoke the programmer with the /C option  
followed immediately by a filename (there are no spaces between the ‘C’ and  
the filename).  
prgrm370 /cexample.key  
Select the device type, fill the memory with FF’s, and load the object file as nor-  
mal. Before the actual program or verify step, stop the keystroke recording by  
. The following file, example.key, is created.  
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Using Keystroke Capture Files  
Example D–1. Keystroke File Example.key  
choose device  
move cursor down to 370C756 device  
select this device  
go back to top menu  
go to display window, select address 4000h  
fill memory starting at address 4000h  
length of fill 4000h bytes  
fill value 0FFh  
load object file ‘\demo\a.out’  
stop replaying keystroke file  
To replay this keystroke file, invoke the programmer with a /k option followed  
immediately by the filename.  
prgrm370 /kexample.key  
From the code above, nonprintable characters are recorded as text names  
preceded with $. Table D–1 lists the valid nonprintable characters.  
Table D–1. Valid Nonprintable Characters  
Text Name  
Actual Keystroke  
back space  
down arrow  
Using Keystroke Capture Files  
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Using Keystroke Capture Files  
Text Name  
Actual Keystroke  
left arrow arrow  
right arrow  
stop record  
up arrow  
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Using Keystroke Capture Files  
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device table, 2-12  
load, 2-14  
configuration parameters, 2-14  
device table, 2-14  
add device command, 2-9  
address range, PC memory, 3-5  
quit, 2-16  
save, 2-15  
configuration parameters, 2-15  
device table, 2-15  
show ID (software revision information), 2-9  
description, 2-5  
device table, 2-6  
program configuration area, 2-5  
show ranges window, 2-7  
batch mode  
command descriptions, A-3  
executable, A-3  
nonexecutable, A-4  
description, A-2  
status messages, A-5  
block erase, 2-8  
default values, configuration, 2-7  
device table  
editing, 2-12  
loading, 2-14  
saving, 2-15  
choose device command, 2-15  
command menus, proper usage, 2-2, 3-2  
device type, 2-7  
configuration window, 2-5  
differences between microcontroller and gang,  
DIP orientation, 1-12  
DIP socket, 1-11  
display, disassembled, 3-6  
display command, 2-16  
display window, 3-6  
communication port, 2-7  
display window  
configuartion parameters, valid values, C-1  
commands, 3-6  
configuration parameters, 2-7  
editing, 2-11  
edit (PC memory), 3-26  
fill (PC memory), 3-8  
load (COFF file), 3-9  
master, 3-27  
loading, 2-14  
saving, 2-15  
configuration window  
command line, 2-5  
commands, 2-5  
program, 3-27  
upload, 3-27  
move (PC memory), 3-12  
output (COFF file), 3-10  
program, 3-13, 3-15  
quit, 3-28  
add device, 2-9  
choose device, 2-15  
display, 2-16  
edit, 2-11  
show (text file), 3-17  
commands, 3-17  
configuration parameters, 2-11  
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system (using DOS commands), 3-28  
uploading (device’s contents), 3-19, 3-20  
verify (device contents), 3-22, 3-23  
gang programmer  
description, 1-4  
description, 3-5  
features, 1-4  
master device, 1-6  
masters, 1-5  
PC mode, 1-6  
physical description, 1-5  
standalone mode, 1-6  
edit command, 2-11  
edit mode command, 3-26  
editing screen values, 2-4, 3-4  
error messages, B-2  
hardware installation, 1-8  
cannot open file, 2-14  
clearing, 2-3, 3-3  
hotline, 1-1  
descriptions, B-2  
device not selected, unable to set up the pro-  
grammer, 2-16  
device parameters not complete, device not add-  
ed, 2-11  
IC insertion, 1-11  
IC sockets, 1-11  
duplicate device name, 2-9  
EEPROM, 3-7  
gang, 3-7  
end address out of bound, 3-8  
error occurred during programming, 3-23  
hardware, 1-8  
fill value out of range – (00h..FFh), 3-8  
Invalid batch command, A-5  
Invalid COFF file found, 2-14  
connecting to a pc, 1-9  
connecting to an XDS, 1-9  
switch settings, 1-10  
external power for gang programmer, 1-9  
inserting ICs, 1-11  
invalid program pulse duration time, 2-10  
invalid V  
value: 0, 5 or 6, 2-10  
invalid V value: 0, 5, 12, 12.5 or 21, 2-10  
power connection, 1-9  
software, 1-14  
no device is selected, can not build the file, 2-15  
programmer not properly connected, 1-16  
multiple directories, 1-14  
single directory, 1-14  
start address out of bound, 3-8  
escape key, 2-3, 3-3  
invoking programmer software, 1-16  
LED’s, 1-11  
load COFF file command, 3-9  
load command, 2-14  
gang programmer, 1-4  
microcontroller programmer, 1-2  
fill PC memory command, 3-8  
find next command, 3-18  
find string command, 3-18  
format, memory display, 3-5  
function keys, 2-3, 3-3  
master device, 1-6  
master devices, 1-5  
master DIPs, 1-5  
master mode command, 3-27  
program, 3-27  
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upload, 3-27  
show ID command, 2-9  
memory, PC, 1-2  
show ranges window, 2-7  
parameter summary, 2-7  
microcontroller programmer  
description, 1-2  
show text file command, 3-17  
commands, 3-17  
features, 1-2  
physical description, 1-3  
bottom of file (positioning), 3-18  
find (character strings), 3-18  
line (positioning), 3-18  
move PC memory command, 3-12  
next (character strings), 3-18  
top of file (positioning), 3-18  
socket, DIP, 1-11  
output COFF file command, 3-10  
sockets, IC, 1-11  
software installation, 1-14  
starting the programmer, 1-16  
system command, 3-28  
parameters. See configuration parameters  
PC connection, 1-9  
PC memory address range, 3-5  
PC memory display, 3-5  
technical assistance, 1-1  
position-at-bottom-of-file command, 3-18  
position-at-line-number command, 3-18  
position-at-top-of-file command, 3-18  
program device command, 3-13, 3-15  
programming algorithms, 2-8  
TMS370 hotline, 1-1  
upload device command, 3-19, 3-20  
pulse duration, program, 2-7  
valid address ranges, editing, 2-12  
quit command, 2-16, 3-28  
verification file format, 3-14  
verify device command, 3-22, 3-23  
reverse assembled code display, 3-5  
commands, 3-7  
configuration, 2-5  
display, 3-5  
show ranges, 2-7  
save command, 2-15  
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Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor  
product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information  
to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current.  
TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at  
the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are  
utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each  
device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements.  
Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or  
severe property or environmental damage (“Critical Applications”).  
Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI  
products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning  
potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office.  
In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating  
safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.  
TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or  
infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either  
express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property  
right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products  
or services might be or are used.  
Copyright 1996, Texas Instruments Incorporated  
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