Sony Universal Remote RM VL900 User Manual

3-048-656-12 (1)  
In t e g ra t e d Re m o t e  
Co m m a n d e r  
Operating Instructions  
© 2000 Sony Corporation  
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The RM-VL900 Remote Commander provides centralized control of all  
your AV components from a single remote commander and saves the  
trouble of operating different AV components with different remote  
control devices. The following are its main features.  
Ce n t ra lize d co n t ro l o f So n y AV co m p o n e n t s w it h t h is o n e re m o t e  
co m m a n d e r  
This Commander is preset at the factory to operate Sony brand  
components, so you can use it out of the box as a control center for your  
Sony AV components.  
Re m o t e co n t ro l sig n a ls fo r n o n -So n y co m p o n e n t s a re a lso p re se t  
This Commander is preset for most major brands components including  
Sony. You can remote control your components by setting their code  
numbers (page 8).  
Le a r n in g fu n ct io n fo r p ro g ra m m in g o t h e r re m o t e co n t ro l sig n a ls  
yo u n e e d  
This Commander has a Learning function, to “learn” remote control  
signals to operate non-preset components or functions (page 15).  
In addition, the Commander can “learn” remote control signals (infrared  
signals only) of non-Audio Visual components such as air-conditioners,  
lights, etc. (some specific appliances or functions may not be available)  
(page 35).  
Re a ssig n in g n e w co m p o n e n t s  
You can assign other Component Select buttons to freely operate other  
components. This is useful when you have more than two of the same  
kind of AV components (page 32).  
Syst e m Co n t ro l fu n ct io n a llo w s o n e -t o u ch o p e ra t io n t o e xe cu t e a  
se rie s o f co m m a n d s  
You can program up to 16 consecutive operation steps to execute a series  
of operations by pressing a single button (page 23).  
Da t a ca n b e t ra n sfe rre d b e t w e e n r e m o t e co m m a n d e rs w it h t h e  
m a rk  
You can transfer the data such as “learned” signals and component code  
settings between this Commander and another Sony remote commander  
with the  
mark. It will save the trouble of performing the same  
operations again for setting (page 38).  
Ch a n n e l Ma cro fu n ct io n a llo w s yo u t o se le ct a ch a n n e l w it h a  
sin g le ke y  
Up to 4 key steps can be programmed on Macro keys. If you set the key  
operations for entering a channel number on a Macro key, you can select  
the channel by pressing that Macro key (page 43).  
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Table of Contents  
Getting Started  
Installing the Batteries .................................................................................6  
When to replace the batteries ............................................................................ 6  
Location of Controls .....................................................................................7  
Basic Operations  
Setting the Code for Preset Audio and Visual Components .........................8  
Setting a component code .................................................................................. 8  
Checking if the code number works .............................................................. 10  
Setting a component code by the Search function ....................................... 11  
Operating Your Components with the Remote Commander ......................12  
To control the volume ....................................................................................... 13  
Notes on operating your components ........................................................... 14  
Using Unpreset Remote Control Operations — Learning Function ............ 15  
For accurate Learning ....................................................................................... 18  
Changing or erasing the function of a “learned” button ............................ 19  
Advanced Features  
Controlling the Volume of Visual Components Connected to an Audio  
System ......................................................................................................21  
Executing a Series of Commands — System Control Function .................. 23  
Programming a series of commands to the SYSTEM CONTROL  
buttons ............................................................................................................. 24  
Notes on System Control Operation .............................................................. 27  
Programming a series of commands to the Component Select buttons ... 27  
Changing the interval between operation steps ........................................... 29  
Adding an Extra Function to the Component Select Buttons .....................30  
Programming the Power-On Command of the Selected Component (for  
Sony Components only) ................................................................................ 30  
Assigning Other Components to the Component Select Buttons ..............32  
Copying the settings of a Component Select button to another button .... 34  
Programming a Frequently Used Key Operation for SYSTEM CONTROL  
Buttons .....................................................................................................35  
Notes on the “learned” signals of an air-conditioner .................................. 37  
Transferring Data between Remote Commanders ......................................38  
Transferring the data ........................................................................................ 38  
Receiving the data ............................................................................................. 40  
Selecting a Channel with a Single Button — Channel Macro Function ..... 43  
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Using Other Functions  
Locking the Controls — Hold Function .......................................................45  
Additional Information  
Precautions .................................................................................................46  
Specifications ..............................................................................................46  
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................47  
Table of Preset Functions............................................................................50  
TV ........................................................................................................................ 50  
VCR ..................................................................................................................... 51  
CBL (Cable box)................................................................................................. 51  
SAT ...................................................................................................................... 52  
DVD .................................................................................................................... 52  
VD (LD player) .................................................................................................. 53  
CD ....................................................................................................................... 53  
MD ....................................................................................................................... 54  
DAT ..................................................................................................................... 54  
DECK .................................................................................................................. 55  
AMP .................................................................................................................... 55  
Index ............................................................................................. Back cover  
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Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
When to replace the  
Installing the  
Batteries for remote control  
operation (Four size AA (R6)  
Under normal conditions, the  
batteries will last up to five  
months. If the Commander does  
not operate properly, the batteries  
might be drained. When this  
happens, replace the batteries with  
new ones.  
Slide open the battery  
compartment lid and insert four  
size AA(R6) batteries (not  
supplied). Be sure to match up the  
+ and – indications on the  
batteries with the + and –  
indications on the battery  
No t e  
Do not take more than one hour to  
replace the batteries; otherwise, your  
setting of the code numbers (page 8)  
and “learned” remote control signals  
(page 15) will be erased.  
No t e s o n b a t t e rie s  
• Do not mix old batteries with new  
ones or mix different types of  
batteries together.  
• If the electrolyte inside the battery  
should leak, wipe the contaminated  
area of the battery compartment with  
a cloth and replace the old batteries  
with new ones. To prevent the  
electrolyte from leaking, remove the  
batteries when you plan not to use  
the Commander for a long period of  
Insert the batteries negative-and-  
first through the guide clamp  
within each compartment as  
shown above.  
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Location of Controls  
1 S (set) button  
2 Set indicator  
3 Component Select buttons  
Light or flash during operation.  
4 Number buttons/AMP INPUT  
select buttons  
5 PIP button  
6 TV/VIDEO button  
7 DISPLAY button  
8 Player Control buttons  
9 Cursor Control & OK buttons  
0 MENU button  
qa VOL +/– buttons*  
qs MUTING button*  
qd SYSTEM CONTROL buttons  
qf POWER button  
qg ENT (enter) button  
qh SLEEP button  
qj GUIDE button  
qk CH (channel) +/– buttons  
ql RECALL button  
* No t e o n t h e VOL +/– a n d  
MUTING b u t t o n s  
The Commander controls or mutes the  
TV’s volume when you select a visual  
component. The Commander controls  
or mutes the amplifiers volume when  
you select an audio component.  
You can change this setting also  
(page 21).  
The function of control buttons vary depending on settings/ operating modes.  
Table of Preset Functions” (page 50) shows how the Commander generally  
operates for each component at preset mode.  
These settings can be changed, and some buttons are used specifically in the setup  
procedure as described in the following pages.  
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Ba sic Op e ra t io n s  
Setting a component code  
Setting the Code for  
Preset Audio and  
Visual Components  
The Commander is preset at the  
factory to operate Sony brand AV  
components (see the table below).  
If you are using the Commander  
with a factory-set Sony  
components, skip the following  
You can use the Commander with  
other preset AV components also.  
To use with other AV components,  
you need to follow the procedures  
to set the correct codes for each  
Example: To set up a Philips’ TV  
1 See the tables in the  
Select Button component(s)  
Factory setting  
supplied “Component  
Code Numbers”, and find  
the three-digit code number  
for the desired component.  
If more than one code number  
is listed, use the number that is  
listed first.  
For example, to set up a  
Philips’ TV, you would use the  
code number 056.  
Sony TV  
Sony VHS  
tuner (SAT)  
Sony SAT  
DVD player Sony DVD  
CD player  
Sony CD  
MD deck  
Sony MD deck  
2 Press S (set).  
Sony cassette  
All Component Select buttons  
Sony amplifier  
* Analog audio compact cassette deck  
CBL and VD can be set to any of the  
above Component Select buttons, and  
so can the others respectively.  
See “Table of Preset Functions” (page  
50) for the functions of buttons as for  
each component.  
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No t e s  
• If you press a component code  
number that is not on the table in the  
supplied “Component Code  
Numbers”, or if you press a button in  
an improper order, the Component  
button flashes five times, and then  
turns off. Check the component code  
number, and try setting again.  
• If you dont input anything into the  
Commander for over 20 seconds  
between each step, the setup  
procedure will be canceled. To set the  
code, start over from Step 2.  
3 Press the Component Select  
button for the desired  
The selected Component  
button lights up, and all other  
buttons turn off.  
• If you press S (set) while setting the  
component code, all code numbers  
will be lost, and the setup procedure  
will be canceled. Start over from Step  
4 Press the Number buttons  
to enter the three-digit  
component code number.  
The selected Component  
button turns off each time you  
press a Number button.  
To cancel setup, press S (set).  
5 Press ENT.  
The Component button turns  
If the Component button  
flashes five times before  
turning off, it means that the  
setup is incomplete. Start over  
from Step 2.  
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If t h e Co m m a n d e r d o e s n o t  
se e m t o b e w o rkin g  
Try repeating the setup procedures  
using the other codes listed for your  
components, or try setting the code  
number using the Search function  
(page 11).  
Se t t in g t h e Co d e fo r Pre se t  
Au d io a n d Visu a l Co m p o n e n t s  
(co n t in u e d )  
Checking if the code  
number works  
Note on the VOL+/– and MUTING  
When you operate a visual  
component, the TV button lights  
up to indicate that the  
1 Press the corresponding  
Component Select button  
for the component you  
have set up.  
Commander is controlling or  
muting the TVs volume.  
The Component button lights  
up when you press it, and  
turns off when you release it.  
When you operate an audio  
component, the AMP button lights  
up to indicate that the  
Commander is controlling or  
muting the amplifiers volume.  
2 Power on the component  
with its power switch.  
3 Aim the Commander at the  
component and press  
It is recommended that you first  
set the TV and AMP codes before  
setting up any other components.  
The selected Component  
button lights up when you  
press a function button, and  
turns off when you release it.  
Note on buttons that have  
already “learned” remote  
control signals  
If another signal has already been  
programmed on that button using  
the Learning function (page 15),  
that “learned” signal will work  
even after you set the component  
code number. To use it as a preset  
function button, first erase its  
“learned” signal (page 19).  
The component should power  
4 If you have succeeded,  
check that the Commander  
is operating the other  
functions of your  
component, such as channel  
and volume control.  
See page 50 for details.  
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Setting a component code  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
by the Search function  
You can find a code number  
available for a component that  
doesnt have one in the supplied  
“Component Code Numbers”.  
Before starting the Search  
Set each component to the  
following status so that the Search  
function works effectively.  
TV: Power-on  
2 Press the Component Select  
button for the desired  
The selected Component  
button lights up, and all other  
buttons turn off.  
VD, CD, MD, TAPE: Power-on  
with a playback source (disc,  
cassette tape, etc.)  
3 Press CH + or CH – and  
POWER in turn until the  
component reacts as  
decribed in the following.  
Powers off: TV  
Powers on: VCR, SAT, CBL,  
Plays back: VD, CD, MD, TAPE  
Press CH + to go to the next  
code number.  
Press CH – to go back to the  
previous code number.  
The Component button flashes  
three times after the numbers  
have turned one cycle.  
No t e  
Always be sure to first press CH+/ -  
before pressing POWER. Otherwise  
the Search function does not work  
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Se t t in g t h e Co d e fo r Pre se t  
Au d io a n d Visu a l Co m p o n e n t s  
(co n t in u e d )  
Operating Your  
Components with the  
Remote Commander  
When you operate a non-Sony  
component, make sure you set the  
component code first (page 8).  
4 Press ENT.  
The Component button turns  
5 Check if the code number  
works by following the  
instructions on page 10.  
To cancel setup, press S (set).  
Example: To play a CD player  
1 Press the desired  
Component Select button.  
The Component button lights  
up when you press it, and  
turns off when you release it.  
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2 Press any Player Control  
To control the volume  
Press VOL +/ – to control the  
volume, and MUTING to mute.  
When you select a visual  
component, the TVs volume will  
be controlled (the TV button lights  
up), and when you select an audio  
component, the amplifier s  
volume will be controlled (the  
AMP button lights up). You can  
change this setting also (page 21).  
See “Table of Preset Functions”  
(page 50) for the functions of  
buttons for each component.  
No t e  
The remote control signals may be  
different for some components or  
functions. In this case, program the  
remote control signals with the  
Learning function (see page 15). Note,  
however, that components and  
functions that do not support the  
remote control of infrared signals will  
not work with this Commander.  
No t e s  
• If you have programmed any signal  
on the VOL +/ – or MUTING button  
of any component by the Learning  
function (page 15), that signal will be  
transmitted instead of controlling the  
volume of the TV or amplifier when  
you select that component.  
• If you have programmed any signal  
on the VOL +/ – or MUTING button  
of TV or AMP by the Learning  
function, that signal will be  
transmitted only when you select TV  
or AMP. When you select other  
components, the preset volume  
control signals for TV or AMP will be  
• If you have assigned another  
component to the TV or AMP button  
(page 32), the volume of the TV or  
amplifier cannot be controlled even  
when you select other components.  
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Op e ra t in g Yo u r Co m p o n e n t s  
w it h t h e Re m o t e Co m m a n d e r  
(co n t in u e d )  
About the input select of a TV  
Each time the TV/ VIDEO button  
is pressed, the input is changed in  
order. It is also possible to select  
directly as follows when you are  
connecting more than two VCRs.  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “0” : TV tuner  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “1” : VIDEO1  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “2” : VIDEO2  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “3” : VIDEO3  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “4” : VIDEO4  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “5” : VIDEO5  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “6” : VIDEO6  
If the above operations do not  
work, program the remote control  
signals of your component to the  
Commander using the Learning  
function (page 15).  
Notes on operating your  
When you use a double cassette  
1 If the remote control for your  
deck has a Deck A/ B select  
control, the RECALL button on  
your Commander has the  
corresponding function.  
2 If you cannot select Deck A/ B  
with the RECALL button, first  
set the number code for either  
one of the decks, and  
• set the function controls for  
the other deck to other free  
buttons (for example, the  
About the input select of a VCR  
Each time the TV/ VIDEO button  
is pressed, the input is changed in  
order. It is also possible to select  
directly as follows.  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “0” : Tuner  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “1” : LINE1  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “2” : LINE2  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “3” : LINE3  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “4” : LINE4  
“TV/ VIDEO” + “5” : DV in  
When you use a Sony VCR, the  
above commands are preset. For  
other brands, it is possible to  
“teach” the above sequential  
button operations using the  
Learning function (see page 15).  
Number buttons) using the  
Learning function (page 15),  
• assign the other deck to  
another Component Select  
button (page 32).  
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Example: To program the N  
(Play) signal of your component  
to the VCR N (Play) button of  
the Commander  
Using Unpreset  
Remote Control  
1 Place the RM-VL900 head  
to head with your  
components remote  
— Le a rn in g Fu n ct io n  
To operate unpreset components  
or functions, use the following  
Learning procedure to “teach” any  
of the programmable buttons to  
operate the functions of another  
remote control. You can also use  
the Learning function to change  
the signals of individual buttons  
after setting the component code  
number (page 8).  
Remote control for  
your component  
about 2 – 4 inches  
(5 – 10 cm) away  
It is recommended that you make  
a note of the “learned” key  
2 Press and hold S (set) for  
over 3 seconds.  
No t e  
Some specific remote control signals  
may not be “learned”.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
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Usin g Un p re se t Re m o t e Co n t ro l  
Op e ra t io n s  
— Le a rn in g Fu n ct io n (co n t in u e d )  
4 Press the button on the  
Commander you want to  
3 Press the Component Select  
button for the component  
whose signals are to be  
Both the S (set) indicator and  
the Component button flash  
(Learning function standby).  
Both the S (set) indicator and  
the selected Component button  
light up, and all other buttons  
turn off.  
If a n o t h e r sig n a l h a s a lre a d y  
b e e n “ le a rn e d ” b y t h a t  
b u t t o n  
The S (set) indicator flashes  
twice, and the Commander  
returns to its state in Step 3.  
Either “teach” to another free  
button, or clear the already  
“learned” function (page 19)  
and start over from the  
If another signal has already  
been programmed on that  
Component button, the  
Component button of the  
“learned” component remains  
flashing. It stays that way until  
you have changed the setting.  
Example: If “CD” has been set  
to VCR, VCR lights up and CD  
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No t e s  
• If you do not perform Learning steps  
within 20 seconds at any point during  
the process, Learning mode ends.  
• If you do not perform Step 5 within  
10 seconds after Step 4, Learning  
mode ends.  
5 Press and hold the button  
on the other remote control,  
until both the S (set)  
indicator and the  
Component button light up  
To cancel setup, press S (set).  
During data transfer, only the S  
(set) indicator stays lit, and the  
Component button turns off.  
After data transfer is complete,  
the Commander returns to its  
state in Step 3.  
If t h e Co m m a n d e r d o e s n o t  
se e m t o b e w o rkin g  
If the “learned” button does not  
operate properly, “teach” once again.  
(For example, if the volume becomes  
very loud after pressing VOL+ only  
once, noise may have interfered during  
the Learning procedure.)  
If yo u se t a co m p o n e n t co d e  
a ft e r “ le a r n in g ” a sig n a l  
If you have programmed any signal on  
a button by the Learning function, that  
signal will work even after you set a  
component code.  
remote control  
of component  
When you “teach” the signals  
for a double cassette deck  
Press RECALL to select Deck A  
or B.  
No t e o n t h e REC z sig n a l  
You can only “teach” to one button at  
at time. Therefore you cannot teach a  
sequential button operation (for  
example REC z + B) to a single button  
on your Commander.  
during data  
data transfer  
6 Repeat Steps 4 to 5 to  
“teach” functions to other  
To “ le a rn ” a n o t h e r  
co m p o n e n t s re m o t e co n t ro l  
sig n a l  
After positioning the two remote  
commanders as in Step 1 on page  
15, press the corresponding  
Component Select button, and then  
follow Steps 4 to 5 to perform  
7 Press S (set) to finish  
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Usin g Un p re se t Re m o t e Co n t ro l  
Op e ra t io n s  
— Le a rn in g Fu n ct io n (co n t in u e d )  
For accurate Learning  
• Do not move the remote units  
during the Learning procedure.  
• Be sure to keep holding down  
the “learning” button until your  
Commander reacts as described.  
• Use fresh batteries in both  
remote units.  
When you “teach” signals to the  
VOL +/– or MUTING buttons  
• If you have programmed any  
signal on the VOL +/ – or  
MUTING button for components  
other than TV and AMP using  
the Learning function, that  
signal will be transmitted only  
when you select that component.  
• If you have programmed any  
signal on the VOL +/ – or  
MUTING button for TV or AMP  
using the Learning function, that  
signal will be transmitted only  
after you select TV or AMP.  
When you select other  
components, the preset volume  
control signals for TV or AMP  
will be transmitted (for the  
difference between visual  
• Avoid Learning in places under  
direct sunlight or a strong  
fluorescent light.  
• The remote control detector area  
may differ depending on each  
remote unit. If Learning does not  
work, try changing the positions  
of the two remote control units.  
• When you teach signals of an  
interactive signal exchange  
system remote control unit  
(supplied with some of Sonys  
receivers and amplifiers) to the  
Commander, the response signal  
of the main unit may interfere  
with the learning of the  
components and audio  
Commander. In such a case,  
move to a place where the  
signals will not reach the main  
unit (e.g. other rooms, etc.).  
components, see page 21). To use  
the “learned” signal, you need to  
program the VOL +/ – or  
MUTING button for each  
component using the Learning  
Be sure to place the  
To teach” the signals for an air-  
See “Programming a Frequently  
Used Key Operation for SYSTEM  
CONTROL Buttons” on page 35.  
Commander out of the reach of  
small children or pets.  
Components such as air  
conditioners, heaters, electric  
appliances, and electric  
shutters or curtains receiving  
an infrared signal can be  
dangerous if misused.  
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Example: To erase the “learned”  
function from the Number  
button 1 in VCR mode.  
Changing or erasing the  
function of a “learned”  
1 Press and hold S (set) for  
To change the “learned” function,  
clear it first and perform Learning  
over 3 seconds.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
To clear the “learned” function  
of a single button  
2 While holding the desired  
Component Select button  
pressed, press the button  
you want to erase.  
The S (set) indicator turns off,  
and the selected Component  
button lights up.  
No t e  
Be sure to press both buttons at  
once. If you release the Component  
Select button, the Commander  
changes to Learning mode.  
3 Press S (set) to finish  
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Usin g Un p re se t Re m o t e Co n t ro l  
Op e ra t io n s  
— Le a rn in g Fu n ct io n (co n t in u e d )  
2 While holding x pressed,  
press the desired  
Component Select button.  
To clear all function signals  
“learned” for a specific  
The S (set) indicator turns off,  
and the selected Component  
button lights up.  
No t e  
Through this operation, you can  
only erase the “learned” functions  
of all buttons for a specific  
component and the Channel Macro  
function. The “learned” functions  
for the Component Select buttons  
cannot be changed here. You must  
be sure beforehand of which  
“learned” function you want to  
3 Press S (set) to finish  
Example: To erase all functions  
“learned” by VCR button.  
1 Press and hold S (set) for  
over 3 seconds.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
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Ad va n ce d Fe a t u re s  
However, if your visual  
components are connected to an  
audio system, you may want to  
hear TV or VCR sound from the  
loudspeakers via your amplifier,  
not from your TV speakers. In this  
case, you need to change the  
factory preset so that you can  
control the volume of your visual  
components without first having  
to switch to the amplifier.  
Controlling the Volume  
of Visual Components  
Connected to an Audio  
The Commander is factory preset  
based on the assumption that you  
hear the sound of your visual  
components from your TV  
speakers, and that you hear sound  
of your audio components from  
the loudspeakers connected to  
your amplifier.  
To change the Factory Preset of  
the Volume Control  
This feature enables you to control  
the volume of your TV or  
amplifier without having to select  
TV or AMP each time you want to  
control the volume.  
For example, to control the  
volume while using a VCR, you  
dont need to press the TV button  
to control the TV volume.  
The following table shows the  
factory setting of which volume  
would be controlled for each  
Component Select  
Controls the volume of  
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Co n t ro llin g t h e Vo lu m e o f Visu a l  
Co m p o n e n t s Co n n e ct e d t o a n  
Au d io Syst e m (co n t in u e d )  
To set only the audio  
components’ volume controls  
to AMP  
Press VOL– while holding  
MUTING pressed.  
1 Press S (set).  
Only the audio Component  
buttons light up when you  
press these buttons, and then  
turn off when you release  
All Component Select buttons  
2 While holding MUTING  
pressed, press VOL + or  
VOL –.  
To set all volume controls to  
Press VOL+ while holding  
MUTING pressed.  
All Component Select buttons  
light up when you press these  
buttons, and then turn off  
when you release them.  
Visual components are:  
Audio components are:  
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No t e s  
• If you have already programmed the  
VOL +/ – or MUTING button for each  
component with any signals using  
the Learning function, the procedure  
above will not change the function of  
the VOL +/ – and MUTING buttons.  
• If you have programmed volume  
control signals on VOL +/ – or  
MUTING buttons of TV or AMP, you  
can only use that signal when you  
select TV or AMP. For other  
components, the preset volume  
control signals for TV or AMP  
Executing a Series of  
— Syst e m Co n t ro l Fu n ct io n  
With the System Control function,  
you can program a series of  
operating commands, and execute  
them by pressing just one button.  
For example, when you watch a  
video, a series of operations like  
that below would be necessary.  
(depending on the above setting  
procedure) will be transmitted. To use  
the new signals, you need to program  
each button for each component by  
the Learning procedure (page 15).  
1 Power on the TV.  
2 Power on the video (VCR).  
3 Power on the amplifier.  
4 Set the input selector of the  
amplifier to VIDEO 1.  
5 Set the input mode of the TV to  
6 Start video playback.  
You can program up to 16  
consecutive operation steps to  
each of the SYSTEM CONTROL 1,  
2 or 3 buttons.  
A procedure that calls for pressing  
2 buttons is counted as 2 steps.  
Pressing a Component Select  
button is also counted as 1 step.  
If you have set the System Control  
function on a Component Select  
button (page 27), the execution of  
the programmed commands  
begins when you press the  
Component Select button for more  
than 2 seconds.  
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If a se rie s o f co m m a n d s is  
a lre a d y p ro g ra m m e d o n  
t h a t b u t t o n  
Exe cu t in g a Se rie s o f Co m m a n d s  
— Syst e m Co n t ro l Fu n ct io n  
(co n t in u e d )  
(At the factory, the SYSTEM  
CONTROL 1 button is preset  
with the System Power-Off  
function for Sony components,  
and the SYSTEM CONTROL 3  
button is factory preset with  
standard Power-On command  
for nearly all Sony  
Programming a series of  
commands to the SYSTEM  
CONTROL buttons  
To program a new series of  
operations, clear the program  
first (see page 26).  
2 Press SYSTEM  
All Component Select buttons  
light up.  
Example: To program the  
procedure for the video to the  
3 Press the Component Select  
button for the component  
to operate.  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
The Component button lights  
up when you press it, and  
turns off when you release it.  
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5 Set the input mode of the TV  
to VIDEO  
4 Press the button(s) for the  
desired operation.  
The selected Component  
button lights up every time  
you press a function button,  
and turns off when you release  
5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to  
program the buttons for the  
series of operations.  
6 Start video playback  
In this example: Press the  
follow ing buttons.  
1 Power on the TV  
6 When you have  
programmed all function  
keys, press S (set) to finish  
2 Power on the video  
No t e s  
• If you interrupt the procedure at any  
point for over 10 seconds, the setting  
mode ends and the series of  
commands will be programmed to  
that point. In this case, clear the  
program (page 26) and start again  
from Step 1 to set the entire program  
from the beginning. You cannot  
continue from where you let off.  
• If a SYSTEM CONTROL button has  
already “learned” a remote control  
signal (see page 35), you cannot  
program on this button. Clear the  
“learned” contents first (see page 26).  
• If you change the component code  
number (page 8) or program a new  
signal by Learning (page 15) on a  
button that has been programmed in  
the series of commands of the System  
Control function, the new signal will  
be transmitted when you press the  
corresponding SYSTEM CONTROL  
3 Power on the amplifier  
4 Set the input mode of AMP  
to VIDEO 1  
• If you have programmed an incorrect  
operation by mistake, press S (set) to  
cancel setup and start again from  
Step 1.  
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Exe cu t in g a Se rie s o f Co m m a n d s  
— Syst e m Co n t ro l Fu n ct io n  
(co n t in u e d )  
To clear programmed  
While holding S (set)  
pressed, press one of the  
3 button.  
All Component Select buttons  
light up when you press these  
buttons, and turn off when you  
release them.  
Tips for programming the  
System Control function  
The following information helps  
you to program a consecutive  
operation steps.  
Ab o u t t h e in t e rva l b e t w e e n  
o p e ra t io n st e p s  
You can change the interval between  
operation steps (see page 29).  
Ab o u t t h e o rd e r o f o p e ra t io n  
st e p s  
• Some of the components may not  
accept consecutive remote control  
signals. For example, a TV generally  
does not react to a next signal right  
after the Power-on signal. So, a series  
of commands such as TV Power-on  
and input select may not work  
properly. In this case, insert other  
signals like the example below;  
TV Power-on t VCR Power-on  
t VCR play back t TV input select  
• By programming an often-used  
components command as the final  
step, you can save the step of  
pressing a Component Select button  
when you start operating that  
To set the SYSTEM CONTROL 1  
or 3 button back to the factory  
At the factory, the SYSTEM  
CONTROL 1 button is preset with  
the System Power-Off function for  
Sony components, and the  
SYSTEM CONTROL 3 button is  
factory preset with standard  
power-on command for nearly all  
Sony components. To reset them  
to the factory settings, clear the  
“learned” commands on the  
SYSTEM CONTROL 1 or 3 button.  
The System Control functions will  
be restored.  
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Notes on System Control  
Programming a series of  
commands to the  
• If the remote control detectors of  
the components are too far apart,  
or if something is blocking them,  
some of the components may not  
operate consecutively even after  
you press the SYSTEM  
Component Select buttons  
Same as the SYSTEM CONTROL  
buttons, you can also program a  
series of operating commands on  
the Component Select buttons (up  
to 16 steps).  
CONTROL button.  
• If some of the components did  
not operate correctly because of  
the above or for any other  
reason, always set all the  
Example: To program the  
procedure on page 23 to the  
VCR button  
components back to the states  
they were in before you pressed  
the SYSTEM CONTROL button.  
Failure to do this can result in  
incorrect operation when you  
press the SYSTEM CONTROL  
button again.  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
• Some components may not  
always be powered on by the  
System Control function. This is  
because the power of the  
2 Press and hold the desired  
Component Select button  
for more than 3 seconds.  
component gets on and off  
alternatively when receiving the  
power on/ off signal. In this case,  
check the operating components  
power on/ off state before using  
the system control function.  
• If the system control function  
does not work correctly, see also  
Tips for programming the  
System Control function” on  
page 26.  
The selected Component  
button lights up and all other  
button flash rapidly.  
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• If you interrupt the procedure at any  
point for over 10 seconds, the setting  
mode ends and the series of  
commands will be programmed to  
that point. In this case, clear the  
program and start again from Step 1  
to set the entire program from the  
beginning. You can not continue from  
where you let off.  
• If you change the component code  
number (page 8) or program a new  
signal by Learning (page 15) on a  
button that has been programmed in  
the series of commands of the System  
Control function, the new signal will  
be transmitted when you press the  
corresponding Component Select  
Exe cu t in g a Se rie s o f Co m m a n d s  
— Syst e m Co n t ro l Fu n ct io n  
(co n t in u e d )  
If a se rie s o f co m m a n d s is  
a lre a d y p ro g ra m m e d o n  
t h a t b u t t o n  
To program a new series of  
operations, clear the program first  
(page 28).  
3 Follow Steps 3 to 6 on  
pages 24 and 25  
To execute the series of  
Press and hold the programmed  
Component button for more than  
2 seconds.  
To clear the System Control  
function programmed on the  
Components Select buttons  
No t e s  
Example: To clear the  
programmed commands on the  
VCR button  
You can program the System Control  
function on a Component Select  
button on which the Power-On  
function (page 30) has been  
programmed. In this case, the Power-  
On function is overwritten and  
cannot be used. If you clear the  
System Control function on the  
button, the Power-On function is  
resumed and you can use it again.  
You cannot program the System  
Control function on a Component  
Select button on which a signal has  
been programmed by the Learning  
function (page 15).  
While holding S (set)  
pressed, press VCR.  
The Component button lights  
up when you press them, and  
turns off when you release  
You can program a signal on a  
Component Select button by  
Learning (page 15) on which the  
System Control function has been  
programmed. In this case, the System  
Control function is overwritten and  
cannot be used. If you clear the  
“learned” signal on the button, the  
System Control function is resumed  
and you can use it again.  
You can program the Power-On  
function (page 30) on a Component  
Select button on which the System  
Control function has been  
programmed, but the Power-On  
function cannot be used. If you clear  
the System Control function on the  
button, you can use the Power-On  
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Changing the interval  
2 While holding one of the  
between operation steps  
You can control the interval in 4  
steps (approx. 127 ms, 408 ms, 708  
ms, 974 ms).  
buttons (1, 2 or 3) whose  
interval you want to change  
pressed, press one of the  
Number buttons (1 – 4) to  
select the interval.  
1: Approx. 127 ms (the  
factory setting)  
2: Approx. 408 ms  
3: Approx. 708 ms  
4: Approx. 974 ms  
(ms: 1/1000 second)  
All Component Select buttons  
light up when you press these  
buttons, and turn off when you  
release them.  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
No t e  
If you press a Number button apart  
from 1 – 4, the S (set) indicator  
flashes twice, and the Commander  
returns to its state in Step 1. Be sure  
to select from 1 – 4.  
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Exe cu t in g a Se rie s o f Co m m a n d s  
— Syst e m Co n t ro l Fu n ct io n  
(co n t in u e d )  
Adding an Extra  
Function to the  
Component Select  
For the Component Select  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
Programming the Power-On  
Command of the Selected  
Component (for Sony  
Components only)  
When using Sony components,  
you can program the Power-On  
signal for each component on a  
Component Select button. You can  
select the desired component and  
power it on by just pressing that  
Component Select button.  
2 While holding one of the  
Component Select buttons  
whose interval you want to  
change pressed, press one  
of the Number buttons (1 –  
4) to select the interval.  
Example: To program the TV  
The Component Select button  
lights up when you press these  
buttons, and turns off when  
you release them.  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
No t e  
If you press a Number button apart  
from 1 – 4, the S (set) indicator  
flashes twice, and the Commander  
returns to its state in Step 1. Be sure  
to select from 1 – 4.  
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To clear the Power-On command  
Repeat the same procedure by  
pressing the Component Select  
button that lights up when you  
press POWER.  
2 While holding POWER  
pressed, press the desired  
Component Select button.  
When you first press POWER,  
only the Component Select  
buttons that have already been  
set with the Power-On  
command light up. These  
buttons turn off when you  
press another Component  
No t e s  
• If the component code of a non-Sony  
brand has been set on a Component  
Select button, you cannot program  
the Power-On function on it. The  
selected Component button flashes  
twice, and the Commander returns to  
its state in Step 1.  
• Even if you have programmed a  
signal by the Learning function (page  
15) or the System Control function  
(page 27) on a Component Select  
button, you can program the Power-  
On function on that button but it  
cannot be used. If you clear a  
Example: If the Power-On  
command has been  
programmed on the VCR and  
CD buttons, these buttons light  
up when you first press  
“learned” signal or the System  
Control function on the button, you  
can use the Power-On function.  
You can program a signal by the  
Learning function (page 15) or the  
System Control function (page 27) on  
the Component Select button on  
which the Power-On function has  
been programmed. In this case, the  
Power-On function is overwritten  
and cannot be used. If you clear the  
“learned” signal or the System  
Control function on the button, the  
Power-On function is resumed and  
you can use it again. If you have  
programmed both a signal by  
Learning and the System Control  
function on the button, the “learned”  
signal overwrites the System Control  
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Example: To assign a CD player  
to the VCR button  
Assigning Other  
Components to the  
Component Select  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
You can assign another  
component to any of the  
Component Select buttons.  
No t e s  
• Once you assign another component  
to a Component Select button, the  
setting of the component code  
number (page 8) will be erased. The  
component code number will not  
return even if you reset the newly  
assigned component and turn back to  
the original component.  
2 Press the Component Select  
button to which you want  
to assign a function.  
The selected Component  
button lights up.  
• If you have assigned another  
component to the TV or AMP button,  
the volume of the TV or amplifier  
cannot be controlled even when you  
select other components.  
3 While holding N pressed,  
press one of the following  
Number buttons to select  
the one to which you want  
to assign the function.  
The selected Component  
button and the previously  
assigned Component button  
light up.  
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In this example, press the  
Number 5 button to select CD.  
To reset a Component Select  
button to its original setting  
1: VCR  
2: VD  
3: SAT  
4: AMP  
5: CD  
7: MD  
8: TV  
9: CBL  
0: DVD  
1 Press and hold S (set) for  
over 3 seconds.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
6: TAPE  
No t e  
2 While holding x pressed,  
press the desired  
Only the function to this step is  
assigned. Other “learned” functions  
are not assigned.  
Component Select button.  
The S (set) indicator turns off,  
and the selected Component  
button lights up.  
4 • If you need to set the  
component code, follow  
the steps on pages 8 or 11.  
No t e  
Through this operation, you can  
only erase the “learned” functions  
to all buttons on a specific  
component and the Channel Macro  
function. The “learned” functions to  
the Component Select buttons  
cannot be changed here. You must  
be sure beforehand, of which  
“learned” function you want to  
• If you need to program  
some signals by the  
Learning function, follow  
the Steps 1 and 3 to 7 on  
pages 15 to 17.  
3 Press S (set) to finish  
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Assig n in g Ot h e r Co m p o n e n t s t o  
t h e Co m p o n e n t Se le ct Bu t t o n s  
(co n t in u e d )  
2 Press and hold for over 3  
seconds the desired  
Component Select button to  
which you want to copy a  
setting from another  
Copying the settings of a  
Component Select button  
The selected Component  
button lights up, and all other  
buttons flash rapidly.  
to another button  
You can copy the entire settings of  
a Component Select button to  
another Component Select button.  
The settings of the component  
code (page 8), the Channel Macro  
function (page 43), and the  
“learned” function (page 15) are  
copied to a new button.  
3 Keep holding down this  
Component button, and  
press the Component  
No t e  
You cannot copy the settings to a  
Component Select button on which any  
“learned” function or Channel Macro  
function has been programmed.  
button that holds the  
setting you want to copy.  
Example: To copy the settings of  
the CD button to the VCR  
Both Component buttons light  
up when you press them, and  
turn off when you release  
1 Press S (set).  
All Component Select buttons  
At this point, all settings for  
CD are imported to VCR.  
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Example: To store the On/Off  
signal of an air-conditioner to  
the SYSTEM CONTROL 2 button  
Programming a  
Frequently Used Key  
Operation for  
1 Place the Commander head  
to head with the remote  
control of the air-  
Remote control of  
In addition to their original  
System Control functions (see  
page 23), SYSTEM CONTROL 1, 2  
or 3 buttons can be programmed  
to “learn” any remote control  
As they operate independently  
from other buttons, SYSTEM  
CONTROL 1, 2 or 3 buttons can  
work as one-touch buttons  
without any preceding operation  
such as pressing a Component  
Select button to select a  
your air-conditioner  
about 2 – 4 inches  
(5 – 10 cm) away  
2 Press and hold S (set) for  
more than 3 seconds.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
This is useful if you prefer having  
the SYSTEM CONTROL button as  
a “one-touch” button for a single  
operation rather than executing a  
series of commands.  
No t e  
Some specific remote control signals  
may not be learned.  
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Pro g ra m m in g a Fre q u e n t ly Use d  
Ke y Op e ra t io n fo r SYSTEM  
CONTROL Bu t t o n s (co n t in u e d )  
remote control  
of air-conditioner  
3 Press SYSTEM  
The S (set) indicator flashes  
(Learning function standby).  
during data transfer  
If o t h e r fu n ct io n s h a ve  
a lre a d y b e e n “ le a r n e d ” b y  
t h a t b u t t o n  
The S (set) indicator flashes twice,  
and the Commander returns to its  
state in Step 2.  
Either “teach” to another SYSTEM  
CONTROL button, or clear the  
already “learned” function (page  
37) and start over from the  
data transfer complete  
4 Press the ON/ OFF button  
on the remote control of the  
air-conditioner until the  
Commander reacts as  
shown below.  
5 Press S (set) to finish  
During data transfer, only the S  
(set) indicator stays lit and the  
Component buttons turn off.  
After data transfer is complete,  
the Commander returns to its  
state in Step 2.  
No t e  
You can program a remote control  
signal for a SYSTEM CONTROL button  
by “learning” for which the System  
Control functions have been  
programmed. In this case, the System  
Control functions are overwritten and  
cannot be used. If you clear the  
“learned” signal from the button (page  
37), the System Control functions are  
restored, and you can use them again.  
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To clear the “learned” remote  
control signal  
If the power-on/off operation  
does not work correctly  
The air-conditioner may not be  
turned on or off properly with the  
button of this Commander to  
which you have programmed its  
power-on/ off signal.  
While holding S (set)  
pressed, press one of the  
3 button.  
If the Commander can operate  
only “ON” with one button and  
“OFF” with another, while your  
air-conditioners remote control  
can operate “ON/ OFF” with a  
single button, program the signal  
on two buttons of the Commander  
as follows.  
The S (set) indicator and all  
Component Select buttons light  
up when you press these  
buttons, and turn off when you  
release them.  
1 Clear the “learned” power-on/  
off signal.  
(In the example on page 35,  
clear the “learned” signal from  
2 Program the signal (transmitted  
from the power-on/ off button  
of the air-conditioners remote  
control) for the SYSTEM  
CONTROL 2 button again.  
3 Program the signal from the  
same button of the remote  
control for another button (for  
example, the SYSTEM  
CONTROL 3 button).  
The two buttons of the  
Commander have been  
Notes on the “learned”  
signals of an air-  
programmed with the power-on  
signal and the power-off signal of  
the air-conditioner respectively, so  
that you can operate the air-  
conditioner with the Commander.  
About seasonal adjustments  
If you change the settings of the  
air-conditioner for the season, you  
have to program the remote  
control signals of the new settings  
on the Commander.  
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2 Press and hold S (set) for  
Transferring Data  
between Remote  
more than 3 seconds.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
You can transfer the data, such as  
“learned” signals and component  
code settings, between this  
Commander and another Sony  
RM-VL900 or a Sony RM-AV2100  
remote commander.  
If you want to exchange data  
with a Sony RM-AV2100  
Refer to “Data Transfer”  
instructions in the RM-AV2000  
manual for the necessary  
3 While holding cursor v  
pressed, press the Number  
1 button.  
No t e o n re m o t e co m m a n d e rs  
You can transfer data between remote  
commanders with the  
remote controls cannot be used to  
transfer data.  
mark. Other  
The S (set) indicator flashes  
and all Component Select  
buttons light up.  
Transferring the data  
You can transfer all data of this  
Commander or the data of a  
Component Select button on this  
Commander to another Sony  
RM-VL900 or RM-AV2100.  
To transfer all data of the  
1 Place the RM-VL900 head  
to head with another  
remote commander.  
Another remote  
about 2 – 4 inches  
(5 – 10 cm) away  
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To transfer the data of a  
4 Confirm that the receiving  
remote commander is ready  
to receive data.  
Component Select button  
The data of a Component Select  
button on this Commander (the  
settings and “learned” signals  
programmed on the buttons) can  
be transferred to a Component  
Select button on another Sony  
RM-VL900 or RM-AV2100.  
(To set the receiving  
commander, follow the  
procedure on page 40.)  
No t e  
Be sure that the sending remote  
commander is ready to transfer  
1~2 Perform Steps 1 to 2 on  
page 38.  
5 Press ENT (Start data  
3 While holding cursor v  
pressed, press the  
As the data is transferred, the  
corresponding Component  
Select buttons turn off one by  
If data transfer has been  
unsuccessful during or after  
procedure, the S (set) indicator  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash five times, and  
the Commander returns to its  
state in Step 3.  
Component Select button  
whose data you want to  
The S (set) indicator flashes  
and the selected Component  
button lights up.  
Either try again from Step 5, or  
press S (set) to cancel data  
No t e s  
• The data for the functions not  
available with the RM-AV2100 cannot  
be transferred. The System Control  
functions cannot be transferred to  
another kind of Commander even if it  
4 Confirm that the receiving  
remote commander is ready  
to receive data.  
has the  
• Be sure that the receiving  
Commander is ready to receive data.  
(To set the receiving  
commander, follow the  
procedure on page 42.)  
No t e  
Be sure that the sending remote  
commander is ready to transfer  
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Tra n sfe rrin g Da t a b e t w e e n  
Re m o t e Co m m a n d e rs  
(co n t in u e d )  
Receiving the data  
This Commander can receive the  
data of another Sony RM-VL900 or  
5 Press ENT (Start data  
To receive the all data from  
another remote commander  
After the data is transferred,  
the Component Select button  
turns off.  
1 Place the RM-VL900 head  
to head with another  
If data transfer has been  
unsuccessful during or after  
procedure, the S (set) indicator  
and the selected Component  
button flashes five times, and  
the Commander returns to its  
state in Step 3. Either try again  
from Step 5, or press S (set) to  
cancel data transfer.  
remote commander.  
Another remote  
about 2 – 4 inches  
(5 – 10 cm) away  
No t e s  
• The data of the “learned” signal and  
the System Control function  
programmed on a Component Select  
button cannot be transferred.  
You can use the Learning function  
(page 15) to program the “learned”  
signal and the System Control  
function programmed on a  
2 Press and hold S (set) for  
more than 3 seconds.  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
Component Select button on another  
remote commander.  
• Be sure that the receiving remote  
commander is ready to receive data.  
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3 While holding cursor V  
pressed, press the Number  
1 button.  
6 Press ENT (ENTER) on the  
sending remote  
As the data is received, the  
corresponding Component  
Select buttons light up one by  
If data transfer has been  
unsuccessful during or after  
the procedure, the S (set)  
indicator and all Component  
Select buttons flash five times,  
and the Commander returns to  
its state in Step 5. Either try  
again from Step 6, or press S  
(set) to cancel data receival.  
The S (set) indicator flashes  
and all Component Select  
buttons light up.  
No t e  
If you do not perform Step 6 within 10  
seconds, the S (set) indicator and all  
Component Select buttons flash five  
times, followed by a short pause, and  
then flash again.  
4 Confirm that the sending  
remote commander is ready  
for data transfer.  
(To set the sending  
commander, follow the  
procedure on page 38.)  
No t e  
Be sure that the sending remote  
commander is ready to transfer  
5 Press ENT.  
The S (set) indicator lights up  
and all Component Select  
buttons turn off (data-reception  
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Tra n sfe rrin g Da t a b e t w e e n  
Re m o t e Co m m a n d e rs  
(co n t in u e d )  
5 Press ENT.  
The S (set) indicator lights up  
and the selected Component  
button turns off (data-reception  
To receive the data of the  
Component Select button from  
another remote commander  
1~2 Perform Steps 1 to 2 on  
page 40.  
3 While holding cursor V  
pressed, press the  
6 Press ENT (ENTER) on the  
sending remote  
Component Select button to  
which want to set the data.  
After the data is received, the  
Component Select button lights  
up. If data transfer has been  
unsuccessful during or after  
the procedure, both the S (set)  
indicator and the Component  
button flash five times, and the  
Commander returns to its state  
in Step 5. Either try again from  
Step 6, or press S (set) to cancel  
data receival.  
The S (set) indicator flashes,  
and the selected Component  
button lights up.  
No t e  
If you do not perform Step 6 within 10  
seconds, the S (set) indicator and the  
Component Select button flash five  
times, followed by a short pause, and  
then flash again.  
4 Confirm that the sending  
remote commander is ready  
for data transfer.  
(To set the sending  
commander, follow the  
procedure on page 39.)  
No t e  
Be sure that the sending remote  
commander is ready to transfer  
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Example: To assign TV channel  
123 to the REW button  
Selecting a Channel  
with a Single Button  
1 Press and hold S (set) for  
more than 3 seconds.  
— Ch a n n e l Ma cro Fu n ct io n  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
You can program the Channel  
Macro function on the buttons  
listed below (macro keys).  
If you program the operation of  
entering 1, 2 and 3 on a macro key  
button, you can select the channel  
123 by pressing that single button.  
Macro key  
TV, CBL, SAT**: m, N, M,  
REC z*, x, X  
2 While holding REC z  
pressed, press the desired  
Component Select button.  
You can program this function on  
the single REC z button (not on the  
REC z + B button for a double-  
pressing operation).  
** You cannot program this function on  
the REC z button for SAT.  
The S (set) indicator and the  
selected Component button  
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No t e s  
Se le ct in g a Ch a n n e l w it h a  
Sin g le Bu t t o n  
You cannot program the Channel  
Macro function on a macro key that  
has “learned” a signal. Try on other  
macro keys, or clear the “learned”  
signal (page 19) on the button and  
program the Channel Macro function  
on it.  
• If you change the component code for  
a button that has been programmed  
in the Channel Macro function, the  
new signal is transmitted when you  
press the corresponding macro key.  
• The Channel Macro function may not  
work correctly for some components.  
— Ch a n n e l Ma cro Fu n ct io n  
(co n t in u e d )  
3 While holding the desired  
macro key button pressed,  
press the buttons for the  
operation in order.  
The selected Component  
button lights up and stays lit  
while you keep holding down  
the macro key.  
The S (set) indicator lights up  
whenever you press one of the  
above buttons, and flashes  
again when you release it.  
To clear the Channel Macro  
1 Press and hold S (set) for over 3  
The S (set) indicator lights up,  
and all Component Select  
buttons flash.  
2 While holding x pressed, press  
the desired Component Select  
The S (set) indicator turns off,  
and the selected Component  
button lights up.  
No t e  
Through this operation, you can  
only erase the “learned” functions to  
all keys on a specific component and  
the Channel Macro function. The  
“learned” functions to the  
Component Select buttons cannot be  
changed here. You must be sure  
beforehand of which “learned”  
function you want to erase.  
No t e  
If you enter more than four  
keys, the last four keys are  
programmed on the macro key.  
If the macro key has been  
successfully programmed, both  
the S (set) indicator and the  
Component button turn off.  
If an error occured, both the S  
(set) indicator and the  
3 Press S (set) to finish setting.  
Component button flash five  
times, and the Commander  
returns to its state in Step 2.  
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Usin g Ot h e r Fu n ct io n s  
When the function keys are  
locked, all Component Select  
buttons flash twice when you  
press a control button.  
Locking the Controls  
— Ho ld Fu n ct io n  
To prevent accidental operation,  
you can lock all the buttons with  
the Hold function.  
To unlock the control  
Repeat the former procedure.  
The S (set) indicator flashes twice,  
and the Hold function is disabled.  
1 While holding POWER  
pressed, press MUTING  
and RECALL.  
The S (set) indicator lights up  
when you press these buttons,  
and turns off when you release  
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Ad d it io n a l In fo rm a t io n  
• Do not drop the unit or give a  
shock to the unit, or it may cause  
a malfunction.  
• Do not leave the unit in a  
location hear heat sources, or in  
a place subject to direct sunlight,  
excessive dust or sand, moisture,  
rain or mechanical shock.  
• Do not put foreign objects into  
the unit. Should any liquid or  
solid object fall into the unit,  
have it checked by qualified  
personnel before operating the  
unit any further.  
Op e ra t in g d ist a n ce  
Approx. 32.8 ft. (10 m) (varies  
depending on components of  
different manufacturers)  
Po w e r re q u ire m e n t s  
Four size AA (R6) batteries  
Ba t t e ry life  
Approx. 5 months (varies depending  
on frequency of use)  
Dim e n sio n s  
Approx. 2 7/  
× 8 1/  
× 1 1/  
in. (72 ×  
209 × 26 mm) (w × h × d)  
Ma ss  
5 oz (155 g) (not including batteries)  
• Do not expose the remote control  
detectors of your components to  
direct sunlight or other strong  
illumination. Too much light  
there can interfere with remote  
control operations.  
Design and specifications are subject to  
change without notice.  
The CE mark on the unit  
is valid only for products  
marketed in the  
• Be sure to place the Commander  
out of the reach of small children  
or pets. Components such as air  
conditioners, heaters, electric  
appliances, and electric shutters  
or curtains receiving an infrared  
signal can be dangerous if  
European Union.  
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If you have problems setting up or using the Remote Commander, first  
check the batteries (page 6), then check the items below.  
You cannot operate the  
Go closer to the component. The maximum operating  
distance is approximately 32.8 ft. (10 m).  
Check that you are aiming the Commander directly at the  
compoent, and that there are no obstructions between the  
Commander and the component.  
Power on the components first, if necessary.  
Make sure you have pressed the correct Component Select  
button. In case of CBL/ SAT, DVD or TAPE, make sure the  
desired component is selected.  
Check that the component has infrared remote capability. For  
example, if your component didnt come with a remote  
commander, it probably isnt capable of being controlled by a  
remote commander.  
You have assigned a different component on the Component  
Select button. Check the component assigned to that button  
and the component code.  
You cannot control the  
If your visual components are connected to an audio system,  
make sure youve set up the Commander as described in  
“Controlling the Volume of Visual Components Connected to  
an Audio System” (page 21).  
You have assigned another component on the TV or AMP  
button (page 32). In this case, the volume cannot be controlled  
when you select components other than TV or AMP.  
You cannot operate the  
components even after  
setting the component  
code numbers.  
Set the component code correctly. If the code that is listed first  
for your component doesnt work, try all the codes for your  
component in the order in which they are listed in the  
supplied “Component Code Numbers”.  
Some features may not be preset. If some or all of the buttons  
do not function correctly even after you have set the  
component codes, then use the Learning function to program  
the remote control signals for the component (page 15).  
The component may be operated with a code number that is  
not listed in the “Component Code Numbers”. See “Setting a  
component code by the Search function” (page 11) and try  
setting a code number again with the Search function.  
The Commander fails to  
learn the remote control  
When you teach signals of an interactive signal exchange  
system remote control unit (supplied with some of Sonys  
receivers and amplifiers) to the Commander, the response  
signal of the main unit may interfere with the learning of the  
Commander. In such a case, move to a place where the  
signals will not reach the main unit (e.g. other rooms, etc.).  
You cannot operate a  
component even after  
you programmed the  
remote control signals  
with the Learning  
Make sure that the Remote Commander has “learned” the  
correct signals. If not, see “For accurate Learning” (page 18)  
and try the Learning procedure again (page 15).  
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Tro u b le sh o o t in g (co n t in u e d )  
The S (set) indicator or  
the Component Select  
• Learning has not succeeded. See “For accurate Learning”  
(page 18) and try the Learning procedure again (page 15).  
buttons flash five times • The component codes cannot be set. See the supplied  
“Component Code Numbers” and try setting the component  
codes again (page 8).  
• The data have not been transferred. See “Transferring the  
data” (page 38) and try transferring the data again.  
• The data have not been received. See “Receiving the data”  
(page 40) and try receiving the data again.  
• Clear infrequently used Learned functions (page 19), then  
carry out learning operations.  
All Component Select  
buttons flash twice  
during an operation  
• Signals have been programmed for that Component Select or  
SYSTEM CONTROL button using the Learning function.  
Clear the “learned” signals (pages 19, 26, 28) and try  
programming the System Control function again.  
• Signals have been programmed for that Macro key using the  
Learning function. Clear the “learned” signals (page 19) and  
try programming the Channel Macro function for the same  
key again, or try with another Macro key.  
A System Control  
program does not  
function correctly.  
• Make sure that you have programmed the commands in the  
correct order (pages 24, 27).  
• Try changing the orientation of the Commander. If that does  
not help, try placing the components as close to each other as  
• Check the status of the components and make sure that you  
have set the components properly to receive commands (page  
• The component code is changed or a new signal is “learned”  
on a button that has been programmed in the series of  
commands. In this case, the new signal is transmitted when  
the series of commands are executed.  
• The interval may be too short. See “Changing the interval  
between operation steps” (page 29) and set a longer interval.  
All Component Select  
buttons flash twice  
• The Hold function is on. Unlock the Hold function (page 45).  
Your Commander does • Data Transfer to/ from a single button cannot transfer System  
not work as expected  
after Data Transfer  
Control functions that are “learned” by Component Select  
buttons. Either set up the “learned” Commander from the  
start, or perform whole Data Transfer.  
No t e o n Co m m a n d e rs w it h t h e  
Data Transfer between Commanders with the  
m a rk  
mark may not always be complete,  
depending on their functions and keys, and some of the System Control function  
data may be dropped.  
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If none of the above have solved your problems, try the following before contacting  
any Customer Support.  
To reset the Commander to its factory settings  
While holding POWER pressed, press TV/ VIDEO and VOL –  
until the Commander reacts as follows.  
The S (set) indicator and all Component Select buttons light up.  
Then the Component buttons turn off one by one, followed by the S  
(set) indicator.  
When all have turned off, all settings are cleared, and the Commander  
returns to its original state (including the preset series of functions on  
SYSTEM CONTROL 1 and 3).  
For the customers in the U.S.A  
Cu st o m e r Su p p o rt In fo rm a t io n  
After you have read through this manual, if you still cannot get the Remote  
Commander to work properly, call the Sony Customer Support Helpline  
at 1-800-822-2217.  
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Ap p e n d ix  
To move the cursor  
Table of Preset  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor to  
the right.  
To move the cursor to  
the left.  
To enter the selection of  
the MENU display.  
To turn on/ off the  
“window” picture.*  
To change the TV  
channel + in the  
“window” picture.  
To change the TV  
channel – in the  
“window” picture.  
To change the input  
mode of the “window”  
5REC z  
To freeze the “window”  
To swap the “main”  
picture and the  
“window” picture.  
qfCH +/ –  
Channel up: +  
Channel down: –  
To operate JUMP,  
function on the TV  
depending on the setting  
of the TV’s  
8VOL +/ –  
Volume up: +  
Volume down: –  
To mute the volume on  
the TV. Press again to  
turn muting off.  
No t e  
There may be some components or  
functions that cannot be operated with  
this Commander.  
* If the “window” picture does not turn  
off this way, try pressing ENT while  
pressing PIP.  
To turn on and off.  
To change the channel.  
1 – 9, 0, ENT For example, to change  
to channel 5, press 0 and  
5 (or, press 5 and ENT).  
3TV/ VIDEO To change the input  
To display the current  
channel on TV.  
To operate SLEEP  
function on the TV  
(works only for a TV  
with SLEEP function).  
To call up the MENU  
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CBL (Cable box)  
1 – 9, 0, ENT For example, to change  
to channel 5, press 0 and  
1 – 9, 0, ENT For example, to change  
to channel 5, press 0 and  
To turn on and off.  
To turn on and off.  
To change the channel.  
To change the channel.  
5 (or , press 5 and ENT.)  
5 (or, press 5 and ENT).  
qfCH +/ –  
Channel up :+  
To expose the on-screen  
Channel down : –  
To operate JUMP,  
3TV/ VIDEO To switch the antenna  
To call the MENU  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor to  
the right.  
To move the cursor to  
the left.  
To enter the selection of  
the MENU display.  
To rewind.  
To play.  
5REC z  
To fast-forward.  
To record, press N  
while pressing REC z**.  
First release N, then  
release REC z.  
To stop.  
To pause.  
qfCH +/ –  
Channel up: +  
Channel down: –  
**In order to avoid recording by  
mistake, the REC z button does not  
work by itself.  
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Ta b le o f Pre se t Fu n ct io n s  
(co n t in u e d )  
1 – 9, 0, ENT For example, to change  
to channel 5, press 0 and  
11 – 9, 0  
To turn on and off.  
To change the channel.  
To turn on and off.  
Number buttons: To set  
items selected from the  
5 ( or, press 5 and ENT)  
To select numbers 10  
and above.  
3TV/ VIDEO To switch the output of  
the SAT receiver to the  
To enter the setting. To  
set items selected from  
the screen.  
TV. (When you connect  
a TV cable or antenna to  
the receiver, the output  
switches between a TV  
3TV/ VIDEO To change the sound.  
To show the current play  
status on the screen.  
and SAT program.)  
To turn on the display.  
To clear the selected  
characters from the  
To use the “FAVORITE”  
To bring up the Station  
To return to the last  
previous screen.  
To bring up Master  
5REC z  
To display the title  
To call up the MENU  
To switch the subtitle.  
To display the DVD  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor to  
the right.  
To move the cursor to  
the right.  
To move the cursor to  
the left.  
To move the cursor to  
the left.  
To bring up the Station  
Index when a program  
guide is not displayed.  
To select the channel  
that is highlighted.  
To execute items  
selected from the screen.  
To rewind.  
To play.  
qfCH +/ –  
Channel up : +  
Channel down : –  
To fast-foward  
To stop.  
To return to the last  
tuned station  
To pause.  
qfCH + (>) To proceed to the next  
location or song.  
qfCH – (.) To proceed to the  
previous location or  
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VD (LD player)  
11 – 9, 0  
11 – 9, 0  
To turn on and off.  
To turn on and off.  
To select the track  
number. 0 selects track  
To select the track  
number. 0 selects track  
To select track numbers  
above 10, see the  
descriptions on the +10  
button below.  
To select track numbers  
above 10, see the  
descriptions on the +10  
button below.  
To select numbers 10  
and above.  
To select numbers 10  
and above.  
To enter the setting.  
To enter the setting.  
To select next disk.  
To rewind.  
To show the current play  
status on the screen.  
To rewind.  
To play.  
To play.  
To fast-forward.  
To stop.  
To fast-forward.  
To stop.  
To pause.  
To pause.  
qfCH + (>) To select the next track.  
qfCH + (>) To proceed to the next  
qfCH – (.) To select the previous  
location or song.  
qfCH – (.) To proceed to the  
previous location or  
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Ta b le o f Pre se t Fu n ct io n s  
(co n t in u e d )  
11 – 9, 0  
11 – 9, 0  
To turn on and off.  
To turn on and off.  
To select the track  
number. 0 selects track  
To select track numbers  
above 10, see the  
descriptions on the +10  
button below.  
To select a program  
To enter the setting.  
To turn on/ off the  
display mode.  
To rewind.  
To play.  
To select numbers 10  
and above.  
5REC z  
To fast-forward.  
To enter the setting.  
To record, press N  
while pressing REC z.  
First release N, then  
release REC z.  
To select the next disc.  
To switch the display  
To stop.  
To rewind.  
To play.  
To pause.  
qfCH + (>) To proceed to the next  
5REC z  
To fast-forward.  
To record, press N  
while pressing REC z.  
First release N, then  
release REC z.  
qfCH – (.) To proceed to the  
previous song.  
To stop.  
To pause.  
qfCH + (>) To select the next track.  
qfCH – (.) To select the previous  
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To turn on and off.  
To rewind.  
To turn on and off.  
To select the input  
source: VIDEO 1  
To play.  
To select the input  
source: VIDEO 2  
To reverse.  
To fast-forward.  
To select the input  
source: AUX/ VDP  
5REC z  
To record, press N  
while pressing REC z.  
First release N, then  
release REC z.  
To select the input  
source: TUNER  
To select the input  
source: CD  
To stop.  
To pause.  
To select the input  
source: TAPE  
To select the tape deck :  
Deck A or B (dual  
cassette deck only).  
To select the input  
source: MD  
To select the input  
source: TV  
To select the input  
source: PHONO  
To select the input  
source: DVD  
To call up the MENU  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor  
To move the cursor to  
the right.  
To move the cursor to  
the left.  
qfCH +/ –  
To enter the selection of  
the MENU display.  
To shift band or preset  
Presetting or tuning  
frequency up: +  
Presetting or tuning  
frequency down: –  
8VOL +/ –  
Volume up: +  
Volume down: –  
To mute the volume on  
the AMP. Press again to  
turn muting off.  
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P, Q  
Power-On function  
setting 30  
SYSTEM CONTROL3 button 24  
Power-Off function  
See “System Power-Off function”  
Preset components 8  
A, B  
Batteries 6  
C, D  
Receiving data 40  
interval of the System Control  
function 29  
CH (CHANNEL) button 11  
Channel Macro function 43  
Clearing/ Changing  
programming a signal 35  
programming System control  
function 24  
System Control function  
changing interval 29  
clearing 26, 28  
programming 24, 27  
System Power-Off function  
SYSTEM CONTROL1 button 24  
Channel Macro function 44  
learned signal 19, 20, 37  
Power-On command 31  
System Control function 26, 28  
Code number 8, 11  
Component Select buttons  
assigning other components 32  
copying settings 34  
programming a signal 15  
programming System Control  
function 27  
T, U  
Transferring data 38  
Troubleshooting 47  
receiving data 42  
setting Power-On function 30  
transferring data 39  
V, W, X, Y, Z  
VOL buttons 10, 13, 17, 18, 22, 49  
Volume Control 10, 13, 21  
data to another commander 38  
settings of Component Select  
buttons 34  
See “Clearing/ Changing”  
F, G, H  
Factory setting 26, 33, 49  
I, J, K  
Input select 14  
Learning Function 15, 35  
Locking control of Commander 45  
MUTING button 10, 13, 18, 22, 45  
N, O  
Number buttons 9, 14, 29, 30, 32, 33,  
38, 41, 44  
Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia  
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