RSA Security Telephone 375 User Guide

RSA ClearTrust Ready Implementation Guide  
For Application Servers  
Last Modified 2/19/02  
1.Partner Information  
Partner Name  
Web Site  
Product Name  
Version & Platform  
Product Description  
eXtend Application Server  
SilverStream eXtend Application Server provides the most complete  
foundation for building and deploying cross-platform, high  
performance, standards-based applications. eXtend Workbench,  
jBroker Web, jBroker MQ, and jBroker ORB are included with the  
application server to provide you with the tools and infrastructure you  
need to build enterprise applications. SilverStream's commitment to  
J2EE and Web Services starts with our involvement in the  
development of standards and results in your flexible, portable, future-  
proof applications.  
Product Category  
Application Server  
2.Contact Information  
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4.Product Configuration  
The goal of this Implementation Guide is to explain how ClearTrust and SilverStream eXtend Application  
Server 3.75 can be integrated. It explains how to use ClearTrust as a single sign-on product and to secure  
pages and other objects on a SilverStream Application Server. It is assumed that the reader has both  
products up and running and has a working knowledge of them. This document is not intended to suggest  
optimum installations or configurations.  
Integration Overview  
The SilverStream Web Server Integration (WSI) module and ClearTrust can be used together on a Web  
server (IIS or iPlanet). When integrated, ClearTrust will provide authentication and authorization services  
at the Web server, and the WSI module will provide the access to the SilverStream Application Server.  
Authentication and authorization take place at the Web server with the ClearTrust service, therefore, the  
SilverStream application does not need to know about and check the authorization of every user. Instead,  
it only needs to authenticate and authorize a single user (the user that the WSI module is configured to  
use). The WSI module intercepts the authentication headers that will be forwarded to the SilverStream  
Application Server, and replaces the ClearTrust credentials with credentials of a single known  
SilverStream user.  
The WSI then returns the response. You specify which URLs the WSI module will forward using a  
configuration file that the WSI reads when the Web server starts. To improve response time, the WSI  
module will reuse socket connections between itself and the SilverStream server. The WSI maintains a  
connection pool to the SilverStream server that reuses these connections as needed. With the WSI  
module, there is no direct communication between the browser and the SilverStream server: all calls pass  
through the WSI module.  
Resource Authorization Process:  
1. The user sends in a URL request to access a secure application.  
2. The ClearTrust Web Server Plug-in configured on this Web Server checks with the Authorization  
Server to see if this resource is protected.  
3. The ClearTrust Web Server Plug-in then prompts the user to enter his credentials.  
4. The ClearTrust Web Server Plug-in sends this to the Authorization Server to authenticate and  
authorize this user.  
5. If this is a user authorized to access SilverStream resources, the request is then processed by the  
SilverStream WSI module.  
6. The SilverStream WSI module forwards the request to the application server host specified in the  
AgWSI.conf file. It also checks the request for an authentication header and then substitutes the  
credentials set as defaults in the AgWSI.conf file.  
7. The SilverStream server then returns the requested URL to ClearTrust and the user is redirected  
to the appropriate page.  
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This integration supports the use either Microsoft’s IIS web server or Sun’s iPlanet web server (formerly  
Netscape’s). Microsoft’s Web server (IIS 4.0) was used for testing and certification purposes  
A. Configure the WSI module:  
There are numerous references within this document to the ‘WSI’ or ‘WSI module’. This item  
consists of the 3 files below. For a detailed explanation of each file, please reference the  
SilverStream documentation.  
a. agisapif.dll  
b. AgWSIUser.exe  
The agWSIuser utility will add the appropriate WSI.auth.user setting with the username and  
password encrypted into the agWSI.conf file. At startup, the WSI module will decrypt the user  
name and password and generate an HTTP authentication header that it will add to every  
request it forwards to SilverStream server.  
Note: You can either use the default SilverStream Administrator username/password or  
create a new SilverStream user, which is the recommended method.  
Example: AgWSIUser <Silverstream user> [<password>]  
c. AgWSI.conf .  
You will need to open this file and configure it specific to your configuration.  
# ------------------------------------------  
# SilverStream WSI Configuration  
# ------------------------------------------  
# Optional: Additional URLS  
# Optional Settings:  
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B. Changed priority of ClearTrust ISAPI Filter.  
By default, the ClearTrust web plugin ISAPI filter installs at a LOW priority and the SilverStream WSI  
module ISAPI filter installs at a MEDIUM priority. In order for ClearTrust to authorize SilverStream users,  
its ISAPI filter has to load at a higher priority. In order to make sure this happens, include the following  
line in the ClearTrust plugins default.conf file located on the IIS machine:  
Note: This line can be added anywhere within the default.conf file as long as nothing else is on the same  
C. Install WSI module.  
1. Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service.  
2. Copy the 3 WSI module files for IIS from the SilverStream box  
(c:\SilverStream37\WSI\WinNT: agisapif.dll, AgWSI.conf and AgWSIUser.exe) to a  
directory you create within the web server root directory (c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WSI\). You can  
create the directory in a location other than the web server root, but you will need to create a  
Virtual Directory as explained in step 6.  
3. Start the World Wide Web Publishing Service and open the Internet Service Manager.  
4. From the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), right-click on the Default Web Site.  
5. If you would like to create your WSI module as Virtual Directory, continue on to step 6. If not  
go to step 12.  
6. Virtual Directory. Select New and then Virtual Directory. The New Virtual Directory Wizard  
appears. This step ties the virtual directory to the physical directory. This step is optional if  
you install the WSI directly under the IIS physical root directory (Step 12). The virtual path is a  
subdirectory of the IIS Web root directory. The WSI can be installed in any physical directory,  
provided it is on the same machine as the Web server.  
7. From the New Virtual Directory Wizard, enter a virtual directory name (such as WSI) and click  
Next. IIS will use this alias to access the directory that the WSI DLL (agisapif.dll) runs from.  
This name should match the name used in the agWSI.conf file to define the WSI.root.dir  
setting as described in the WSI configuration file.  
8. Enter the physical path of the WSI directory (such as C:\WSI) and click Next. The WSI  
directory is where you installed the SilverStream WSI module.  
9. Disable all permission access check boxes except Allow Execute Access (includes  
Script Access), which should be selected.  
10. Click Finish.  
11. Verify that the directory you just created appears in the list of Web server directories beneath  
the Default Web Site in the left pane of the MMC.  
12. No Virtual Directory. Install the WSI directly under the IIS physical root directory (i.e. copy  
the 3 files mentioned in Step 1 to a manually created directory under \..Inetpub\wwwroot\). In  
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the MMC, right-click your WSI directory and select Properties. On the Directory tab, disable  
Read and Write access permissions and make sure Execute permissions are enabled.  
13. Select the machine/host name, right-click and choose Properties, then click Edit to edit  
"Master Properties", choose ISAPI Filters and then add the post filter,e.g.,  
D:\Securant\SecCtrl\IIS Plugin\lib\ct_postfilter.dll, and toggle the SecureControl Post Filter to  
the top taking precedence over the SilverStream Post Filter (sspifilt), then click OK. Note: If  
you cannot view the .dll then change your View in Windows so that all files can be viewed.  
14. Right-click Default Web Site and select Properties.  
15. Select the ISAPI Filters tab and click Add.  
16. In the Filter Properties dialog, enter the WSI Filter Name, e.g. silverstream  
17. In the Executable field, specify the absolute path to the agisapif.dll. For example,  
18. Click OK to close the Filter Properties dialog.  
19. Click Apply in the Default Web Site Properties dialog. The WSI module for IIS should appear  
in the Filter Name list. A green arrow to the left of the WSI Filter Name indicates whether (or  
not) the filter is enabled.  
20. Click OK to close the Default Web Site's Properties dialog.  
21. Close the Internet Service Manager.  
22. Stop and then restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service.  
To verify that the WSI module is working, start the browser and connect to an URL that you  
specified in the agWSI.conf file.  
When the WSI module starts successfully, it starts generating the agWSI.log file.  
Here is a sample agWSI log file for WSI module for IIS:  
# --------------------------------------------------  
# SilverStream ISAPI Filter  
# --------------------------------------------------  
Started at : Tue Aug 2 14:10:19 2000  
Root Directory : /sssw/  
Host :  
Ports : 8080 445  
Maximum HTTP Connection : 8  
Maximum HTTPS Connection : 8  
Connection Idle Time : 25 minutes.  
Redirect URL on Error : /wsi/myerror.html  
Authentication NTLM : true  
If the WSI does not start successfully, an error message appears. The AgWSI log file (text file) is  
created on WSI module startup and it can found in your WSI root dir.  
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D. Protect SilverStream resources  
SilverStream resources are protected via Clear Trust by proxying content through the IIS server running  
both the RSA ClearTrust IIS web plug-in and the SilverStream IIS WSI module. Because of this, you will  
need to secure the SilverStream server so that users cannot connect directly to it. This can be done from  
a network topology standpoint, firewall rules or simply via SilverStream configuration parameters and  
user/group permissions.  
A typical scenario would be to assign Read (design-time) access and Write access to the Developers  
group, Set Permissions access to the Administrators group, and Execute access to both the Developers  
group and the authenticated WSI user defined in AgWSI.conf file.  
Also, from the SilverStream Console > Security > Server Security, check the boxes ‘Require user  
authentication’ and ‘Disable HTML directory listing’:  
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1. Start the ClearTrust Services.  
2. Verify that the web server is started and that the ClearTrust plug as well as single sign on was  
successfully initialized.  
3. Start the SilverStream application server.  
4. Check the AgWSI log file to verify that the WSI module started without errors.  
5. Start the ClearTrust Entitlements Manager or Web Administration Interface.  
6. Create a user/password, provide values for your the Web Server where the SilverStream  
Application Server resides, define an Application and associated protected URI, e.g., /* to protect  
every SilverStream application server resource or protect a single URI, e.g., /SilverStream/Pages.  
Define a Basic Entitlement (or SMART Rule) for the user to that application and URI on that web  
7. Open a browser and type in the URI you have protected or any URI if you protected everything in  
ClearTrust with ‘/*’ and you should be challenged for username and password and then if defined  
to ALLOW access, the user will be granted access to the page(s).  
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Example ClearTrust Logon  
When a user makes a request for a protected resource that resides on the SilverStream Application  
server, they will be prompted with a Login Screen:  
After the user successfully authenticates, they will be directed to the requested page:  
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5.Certification Checklist for Application Servers  
Date Tested: 01/31/02  
RSA ClearTrust  
Tested Version  
SilverStream eXtend Application Server  
WSI Module (agisapi.dll)  
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)  
3.75 Developer Edition  
Test Case  
Access/Allow on unprotected JSP page  
Access/Allow on protected JSP page (URL only) with entitled user  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL & Method) with entitled user on URL only  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL & Method) with entitled user on Method only  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL & Method) with entitled user on Method only  
Access/Allow on protected JSP page (Method only) with entitled user  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL only) with unentitled user  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL & Method) with unentitled user on URL only  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL & Method) with unentitled user on Method only  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (URL & Method) with unentitled user on Method only  
Access/Deny on protected JSP page (Method only) with unentitled user  
Access/Allow on unprotected Servlet  
Access/Allow on protected Servlet (URL only) with entitled user  
Access/Allow on protected Servlet (URL & Method) with entitled user  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (URL & Method) with entitled user on URL only  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (URL & Method) with entitled user on Method only  
Access/Allow on protected Servlet (Method only) with entitled user  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (URL only) with unentitled user  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (URL & Method) with unentitled user  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (URL & Method) with unentitled user on URL only  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (URL & Method) with unentitled user on Method only  
Access/Deny on protected Servlet (Method only) with unentitled user  
Business Logic  
Access/Allow on unprotected EJB  
Access/Allow on protected EJB with entitled user  
Access/Deny on protected EJB with unentitled user  
*P=Pass or Yes F=Fail N/A=Non-available function  
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6.Known Issues  
Sꢀ Clear Trust IIS plug in priority. The ClearTrust IIS filters should always load first, before any  
other filters. In order to make sure this happens, include the following line in the ClearTrust  
plugins default.conf file located on the IIS machine:  
This line can be added anywhere within the default.conf file as long as nothing else is on the same  
Some behavior a user might see if the ClearTrust filter is not loaded first is a failure of the POST  
filters to load and/or Dr. Watson errors.  
Sꢀ Forms-based URI retention. Forms-based URI retention does not work correctly when  
protecting a SilverStream resource due to the interaction between the way the Clear Trust IIS plug  
in and the SilverStream WSI module work. The following is an example of the behavior of  
requesting a SilverStream resource protected by Clear Trust with forms-based URI retention  
turned on.  
2. User will get prompted for authentication by the ClearTrust form (ct_logon.asp).  
3. After a successful authentication, user will get forwarded to the following URI that does  
The workaround is to either use the pop-up window form factor or turn off URI retention when  
using form-based authentication.  
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