RCA Telephone Accessories RC926 User Guide

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RC9 2 6  
(Digital Satellite System # D916)  
Phone Jack System  
The Wireless Phone Jack System works with most telephone line devices, such as:  
Answering machines • Cordless Phones • Speaker Phones  
Computer Modems • Fax Machines • Corded Phones  
RCA Digital Satellite System Receiver  
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Safety Precautions Continued  
Opening or removing the covers might expose you to dangerous volt-  
ages or other risks. Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock  
when the system is subsequently used.  
Unplug the system from the wall outlet and refer servicing to a quali-  
fied service facility under the following conditions:  
When the AC plug is damaged.  
If liquid has been spilled into the system.  
C. If the system has been exposed to rain or water.  
D. If the system does not operate normally by following the operating  
If the system has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.  
If the system exhibits a distinct change in performance.  
Avoid using a telephone, other than a cordless phone, during an elec-  
trical storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.  
Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the area of the leak.  
FCC Information  
We designed your Wireless Phone Jack System to conform to federal reg-  
ulations and you can connect it to most phone lines. However, each  
device you connect directly to the phone line draws power from it. This  
power draw is the device’s ringer equivalence number, or REN. The REN  
is shown on the base unit’s label.  
If you connect more than one phone or other device directly to the phone  
line, add up all the RENs. If the total is more than five (or three in rural  
areas), your phones may not ring. If ringer operation is impaired, remove  
a device from the line.  
Note: Your wireless phone jack system has an REN of 0.7B, and so does  
not affect your phones ability to ring. Also, the phone you plug into the  
extension unit does not place any load on the telephone line. However,  
the phone you plug into the base unit does affect the total REN.  
If your wireless phone jack system causes problems on the phone line, the  
telephone company can disconnect your service. The phone company  
tries to notify you in advance. If advance notice is not practical, the tele-  
phone company notifies you as soon as possible and advises you of your  
right to file a complaint with the FCC.  
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FCC Part 68 & Class B Notices  
Your wireless phone jack system complies with Part 68 of FCC Rules. You  
must, upon request, provide the FCC registration number and the REN to  
your telephone company. These numbers are shown on the label on the  
base unit.  
This equipment complies with the limits for a Class B digital device as speci-  
fied in Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits provide reasonable protection  
against radio and TV interference in a residential area. However, your  
equipment might cause TVor radio interference even when it is operating  
properly. To eliminate interference you can try one or more of the following  
corrective measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna  
Increase the distance between the system and the radio or TV  
Use outlets on different electrical circuits for the equipment and the  
radio or TV  
Read the Troubleshooting section of this manual for directions on remedy-  
ing the problem.  
Your wireless phone jack system has built-in protection circuits to reduce  
the risk of damage from surges in telephone line. These protection circuits  
meet or exceed the FCC requirements. However, lightning striking the tele-  
phone or power lines can damage your system.  
Lightning damage is not common. Nevertheless, if you live in an area that  
has severe electrical storms, we suggest that you unplug the system during  
storms to reduce the possibility of damage.  
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Getting Started  
Carefully remove units from packaging. If there is any visible  
damage, DO NOT attempt to operate the equipment. Notify  
your dealer or shipping carrier immediately. Keep this guide for  
future use.  
System Contents  
• Base Unit  
The base unit has two modular telephone  
jacks on the right side, a recessed security  
code button and a green indicator light.  
• Extension Unit  
The extension unit has one jack on the right  
side, a recessed security code button and a  
green indicator light. This is the unit that can  
be moved from location to location to create  
a phone jack in an electrical outlet.  
• Telephone Cord (6’)  
A 6 ft. telephone cord is provided to connect  
the base unit to the existing wall phone jack.  
If this length is insufficient, a longer cord  
may be purchased (ask for GE Phone Hook  
Up product TP230).  
Important Notes On Operation  
• Do not plug phone jacks into power strips or surge protectors.  
• Extension phone jack does not operate during a power outage.  
• Phone Jack System can only be used for one phone line.  
• Phone Jack System does not operate with caller ID Phones.  
• Be sure to plug Base unit (two jacks on side) in first before  
Extension unit (one jack on side).  
• If you cannot get a dial tone, unplug both phone jacks and reset  
units following the section titled “Trouble Shooting”on page 7.  
• It is very important that directions are followed in order. In the  
event of a problem unplug both units, remove all cords and start  
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Follow the steps below to install your Wireless Phone Jack System.  
NOTE: To ensure proper performance, it is important to  
install the Base Unit FIRST then install the Extension Unit.  
Also ensure that both units are securely plugged into the wall  
Base Unit  
1. Plug one end of the provided telephone cord into either jack on  
the right side of the base unit, and the other end into any exist-  
ing wall phone jack.  
2. The phone previously used at that location should now be  
plugged into the extra jack on the side of the base unit.  
3. Now plug the base unit into an electrical outlet.  
Phone Jack  
Wall Outlet  
Telephone Cord  
Base Unit  
Extension Unit  
4. Plug Wireless Phone Jack Extension unit into an electrical out-  
let where you want a new phone jack.  
5. Plug telephone’s line cord into the extension unit. There should  
now be a dial tone when your phone is taken off the hook.  
If there is no dial tone, please refer to the trouble shooting sec-  
tion on next page.  
Extension Unit  
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Trouble Shooting  
Most difficulties associated with the Wireless Phone Jack  
System are due to improper installation. If the steps below do  
not solve your difficulty, remove both units from the electrical  
outlets, remove all cords and reinstall making sure to follow  
instructions on the previous page.  
Your situation (system location, characteristics of the home/office)  
can, in some instances, affect performance and occasional inter-  
ference may be experienced. Some static, buzzing or humming at  
certain locations within the operating area is possible. However,  
if you experience unusual levels of noise, follow the trouble  
shooting actions below.  
No dial tone  
Check connections, check outlet for power,  
try new cords, move base and/or extension.  
Move base and/or extension (halogen lamps,  
light dimmers, and computer surge protectors  
can cause some static).  
Can't set  
Security Code  
Move base and/or extension. Try security  
coding more than once (see page 9).  
Can't dial out  
Decrease distance between units. If problems  
continue call customer service.  
Does not ring  
Decrease distance between units. If problems  
continue call customer service.  
No Dial Tone/  
Rapid Beeping  
1. Unplug both the base and extension unit  
from electrical outlets and disconnect all  
cords from both units.  
2. With the tip of a pencil, press the security  
button (the recessed black button directly  
below the green light on the side of both  
units) and hold it for 5 seconds on the base  
unit first while unit is unplugged. Repeat  
same procedure with the extension unit  
while unit is unplugged.  
3. Always reconnect the base unit to the elec-  
trical outlet and telephone cord first, then  
connect the extension(s).  
4. You will not need to reactivate the security  
buttons again unless you experience inter-  
ference from a neighbor’s telephone.  
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Things You Should Know  
The following list of situations is provided to inform you of things  
that you may encounter when using the system. It is intended to  
help you get the best performance possible from your Wireless  
Phone Jack System.  
Power Outages  
During an AC power failure, only the telephone plugged into the  
base unit operates.  
Additional Extension Units  
You can add extension units to expand your system. Ask for the  
compatible extension: Model Number RC920 or Digital  
Satellite System Model Number D910. Simply install the exten-  
sions by following Steps 4 and 5 on page 6. When you install more  
than one extension, you can only use one extension at a time. If  
you lift the receiver on a phone connected to an extension unit  
while another unit is being used, you hear a busy signal.  
Two-Line Phone Operations  
If two separate lines are being used in a home, only one line can  
operate through the Wireless Phone Jack System. A single base  
and extension hook-up will only operate that main phone line to  
which the base is connected.  
Ground Fault Circuits  
In some cases, ground fault interruption may interfere with the  
operation of this system. It is recommended that the Wireless  
Phone Jack System not be set up or operated using ground fault  
circuitry (e.g. bathrooms, outdoor use, etc.)  
Additional Help Is Available  
Thomson Consumer Electronics provides phone assistance to any-  
one experiencing difficulties with the set-up or usage of this sys-  
tem. If you have thoroughly read this guide and have performed  
the troubleshooting actions suggested on the previous page and still  
have problems with the performance of the system, do not return it  
to your retailer. Instead please call our Customer Service Center:  
Wireless Phone Jack  
Customer Service Center  
(800) 409-5111  
10AM - 7PM  
Eastern Standard Time  
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Security Coding  
If your neighbor uses a Wireless Phone Jack System, there could  
be some interference like static or background noise evident  
when you use a phone. To help prevent this from occuring, the  
Wireless Phone Jack System contains security codes which pro-  
vide unique settings for your unit’s operations. To set your  
Security Code, follow the steps below. Once set, these codes are  
locked in the system allowing you to move the units to a new  
location within your home without resetting. In addition, the  
codes will be protected in memory even during power outages  
and should hold up to 2 hours.  
Setting The Security Code  
1. Complete the unit installation steps on page 6. Make sure  
the phones connected to the units are on their hook, and the  
units are plugged into the electrical outlet.  
2. Find the small recessed coding button on the right side of  
each unit.  
a. Using a pen or pencil, depress the button on the base unit.  
The green light on the base will light up.  
To Phone  
To Wall Jack  
b.Next press the button on the extension unit(s). (Allow no  
more than 5 minutes to elapse between base and exten-  
sion(s) button depression.) If the extension is able to  
establish a compatible code, its light will flash once. If  
the extension is unable to find a compatible code, the light  
will continue to flash. It is possible that you will have to  
depress the extension button a couple of times before it  
flashes only once.  
3. Once codes are set, lift the extension phone off the hook and  
replace. (The green light on the base unit should not be lit.)  
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RCA Digital Satellite System  
The Wireless Phone Jack System allows you to add a phone jack near  
your TV for easy RCA Digital Satellite System Receiver hook-up.  
After installing the Wireless Phone Jack base unit (see page 6), follow the  
picture and instructions below to install the extension unit to the RCA  
Digital Satellite System Receiver.  
1. Plug Extension Unit into an electrical outlet.  
2. Plug one end of the phone line cord provided into jack on extension unit.  
3. Plug the other end of the phone line cord into back of Digital Satellite  
SystemReceiver phone line jack.  
Once your Wireless Phone Jack System base and extension units are  
installed you can expand your system with additional extensions to add  
more phone jacks. Extension units are sold separately, ask for Digital  
Satellite System model D910 (or RCA model RC920).  
Back of Digital Satellite System Receiver  
Computer Modems  
After installing the base unit (see page 6), follow these steps to install the  
extension unit to a computer modem.  
1. Plug Extension Unit into an electrical outlet.  
2. Plug telephone line cord from the computer modem into jack side of  
Wireless Phone Jack Extension Unit.  
3. Computer modem is now ready to operate.  
Note: The maximum baud rate for the Wireless Phone Jack is  
14,400. Best results, however, will be experienced at 9,600.  
Under certain circumstances where static is present in your telephone line,  
the Wireless Phone Jack may not filter or remove such static. This condi-  
tion can affect computer modem performance. If your computer modem  
has an adjustable baud and you are experiencing trouble, adjust the baud  
to a lower speed. In many cases, this will improve performance.  
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Ordering Additional Extension Units  
An unlimited number of extension units can be added to your  
Wireless Phone Jack System once the base unit is installed.  
To purchase additional Extension Units for  
your Wireless Phone Jack System, contact your  
local dealer and ask for model number RC920.  
If no dealer is available, you may purchase  
additional units by calling the toll-free number  
listed below and placing an order by phone.  
Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.  
Have your Visa or MasterCard ready and call the toll-free num-  
ber listed below. This number should only be used to place  
orders for Wireless Phone Jack extension units. See the next  
page for Help Line assistance.  
Provide your name, address, phone number and a check or  
money order for your unit(s) and mail to:  
RCA Accessories  
PO Box 8419  
Ronks, PA 17573  
Include this completed form with your order.  
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One Year Limited Warranty  
Thomson Consumer Electronics warrants that for one year  
from date of purchase this product is free from defects in  
material and workmanship. If the item is defective within  
that period, return it at your expense to the dealer from  
whom it was purchased together with proof of purchase for  
replacement. This warranty excludes defects or damage due  
to misuse, abuse, or neglect.  
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied  
warranty lasts or permit the exclusion or limitation of  
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations  
or exclusions may not apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may  
also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
For purchases in Canada, refer to the Canadian warranty.  
Wireless Phone Jack Help Line  
If you need additional set-up help, call our Help Line at  
©1994 Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.  
Trademark(s)® Registered  
Printed in U.S.A.  
1J9643 (Rev 8/ 94)  
Made in Malaysia  
Thomson Consumer Electronics  
Accessories and Components Business  
2000 Clements Bridge Rd.  
Deptford, NJ 08096-2088  
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