Precor Treadmill M955 User Manual

Owner’s Manual  
Low Impact Treadmill  
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Personal Safety  
When using the treadmill, take the following precautions:  
Do not allow children on or near the treadmill. Do not leave children unsuper-  
vised around the treadmill.  
Assemble and operate the treadmill on a solid, level surface. Locate the treadmill a  
few feet from walls or furniture. Keep the area behind the treadmill clear.  
Maintain the treadmill in good working condition. (Refer to the Maintenance  
section.) Run through a check list prior to each use. Make sure that all fasteners  
are secure and the belt is clean and running smoothly.  
Turn OFF (O) and unplug the treadmill when adjusting or working near the rear roller.  
Do not adjust the running belt when someone is standing on the unit.  
Keep all electrical components, such as the motor, power cord, and I/O switch, away  
from liquids to prevent shock. Do not set anything on the handrail, display console, or  
hood. Place liquids in the appropriate receptacles.  
The security clip should be attached at waist level prior to beginning a workout. A  
cord connects the security clip to the red STOP button on the console. If you  
encounter difficulties, the running belt can be stopped by pulling on the cord.  
To help prevent unauthorized use, the M9.55 is equipped with password protec-  
tion. The password involves entering three keys in sequence. Refer to Entering a  
Password on page 19.  
Wear proper exercise clothing and shoes for your workout—no loose clothing.  
Do not wear shoes with heels or leather soles. Check the soles of your shoes  
and remove any dirt and embedded stones. Tie long hair back.  
Keep all loose clothing and towels away from the running surface. Tie long hair  
back. The running belt will not stop immediately if an object becomes caught in  
the belt or rollers.  
Use care when getting on or off the treadmill. Use the handrail(s) whenever  
possible. Step onto the running belt when the speed is at 1 mph (1.5 kph). Never  
step off the treadmill while the running belt is moving.  
Before the running belt begins moving (prior to your workout), and after it stops (at  
the end of your workout), straddle the belt by placing your feet firmly on the right  
and left side platforms.  
Never turn ON the treadmill when someone is standing on the machine.  
Keep your body and head facing forward. Never attempt to turn around on the  
treadmill when the running belt is moving.  
Do not rock the unit. Do not stand on the handrails, display console, or hood.  
Do not attempt to service the treadmill yourself other than the assembly and  
maintenance instructions found in this manual.  
Do not overexert yourself or work to exhaustion. If you feel any pain or abnormal  
symptoms, stop your workout immediately and consult your physician.  
Precor treadmills are designed for the enjoyment of the serious runner as well as  
the dedicated walker. By following the above precautions and using good common  
sense, you will have many safe and pleasurable hours of healthful exercise with  
your Precor treadmill.  
Precor Heart Rate Option—Safety Guide-  
The Precor Heart Rate Option was created and designed exclusively for Precor  
products. The equipment is extremely sensitive—you should use the heart rate option  
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with this in mind and take time to read the guidelines found on page 39.  
RFI — Radio Frequency Interference  
Federal Communications Commission, Part 15  
The M9.55 treadmill has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B  
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to  
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-  
tion. The M9.55 treadmill generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy  
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the owner’s manual instructions,  
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no  
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  
If the M9.55 treadmill does cause harmful interference to radio or television recep-  
tion, which can be determined by turning the M9.55 treadmill OFF and ON, you are  
encouraged to try to correct the interference using one or more of the following  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna for your TV, radio, VCR, etc.  
Increase separation between the treadmill and the receiver (TV, radio, etc.).  
Connect the treadmill into a different power outlet—on a dedicated circuit  
different from the one used by the receiver (TV, radio, etc.). No other appliance  
should be plugged into the same power outlet that the treadmill is connected to.  
Consult an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Per FCC rules, changes or modifications to the  
treadmill not expressly approved by Precor, could  
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
Canadian Department of Communications  
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions  
from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian  
Department of Communications.  
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioéélectriques dépassant les  
limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class B prescrites dans le  
Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministére des Communica-  
tions du Canada.  
European Applications  
This product conforms to the requirements of the European Council Directive 89/336/  
EEC, Electromagnetic Compatibility and has been tested to the following standards:  
EN55022, Limits & Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference, Information  
Technology Equipment (Class A).  
EN50082-1, Generic Immunity Standard for Residential, Commercial and Light  
Industrial Products (Class A).  
This product additionally conforms to the requirements of the European Council  
Directive 73/23/EEC, Low Voltage Directive and has been tested to the following  
IEC 335-1, Safety of Household and similar Electrical Appliances.  
European Applications - 240 Volt Units Only  
This product has been tested to the requirements of EN55022, “Limits & Methods of  
Measurement of Radio Interference, Information Technology Equipment.” Per that  
standard, the M9.55 treadmill is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, these  
products may cause radio interference, in which case the user is responsible to take  
adequate measures to alleviate the interference.  
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Safety Approval  
When identified with the ETL-c logo, the treadmill has been tested and conforms to  
the requirements of CAN/CSA-E-335-1/2-94, Safety of Household and Similar  
Electrical Appliances.  
Grounding Instructions  
The M9.55 Low Impact Treadmill must be grounded. If it should malfunction or break  
down, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current which  
reduces the risk of electrical shock. The treadmill is equipped with a power cord  
having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be  
inserted into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accor-  
dance with all local codes and ordinances. If you do not follow these Grounding  
Instructions, you could void the Precor limited warranty.  
Diagram 1  
Correct power outlet for  
U.S. Markets: 15 amp  
120-volt and 240-volt plugs.  
120-volt grounding plug  
240-volt grounding plug  
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of  
electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service person if you are in doubt as  
to whether the treadmill is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the  
treadmill—if it doesn’t fit the outlet, get a proper outlet installed by a qualified techni-  
120V Units Designated for U.S. Markets  
The M9.55 treadmill must be connected to a 20 amp dedicated circuit having a  
nominal rating of 120-volts. The treadmill’s grounding plug looks like the plug illus-  
trated in Diagram 1. The power outlet must have the same configuration as the plug.  
No adapter should be used with this product.  
240V Units Designated for U.S. Markets  
The M9.55 treadmill must be connected to a 20 amp dedicated circuit having a  
nominal rating of 240-volts. The treadmill is factory-equipped with a specific power  
supply cord to permit connection to a proper electric circuit. Make sure that the  
treadmill is connected to an outlet having the same configurations as the plug. See  
Diagram 1. No adapter should be used with this product. If the treadmill must be  
reconnected for use on a different type of electrical circuit, the reconnection must be  
made by qualified service personnel.  
ATTENTION: HauteTension  
Débranchez avant de réparer  
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Table of Contents  
Important Safety Instructions............................................................. 2  
Personal Safety ................................................................................. 3  
Precor Heart Rate Option - Safety Guidelines .................................. 3  
RFI — Radio Frequency Interference................................................ 4  
European Applications ...................................................................... 4  
Safety Approval ................................................................................. 5  
Grounding Instructions ...................................................................... 5  
BeforeYou Begin ..............................................................9  
Obtaining Service .............................................................................. 9  
Unpacking the M9.55 Low Impact Treadmill ...................................... 9  
Optional Equipment ........................................................................... 9  
Hardware Kit ......................................................................................10  
Acquiring the Appropriate Tools ........................................................10  
Setting Up the Treadmill.................................................11  
Installation Requirements ..................................................................11  
Assembly Instructions .......................................................................11  
Turning the Unit ON and OFF............................................................17  
Checking the Alignment of the Running Belt .....................................18  
Using the M9.55 Treadmill..............................................19  
Safety Features .................................................................................19  
Using the Security Clip ......................................................................19  
Entering a Password .........................................................................19  
Workout Tips......................................................................................20  
Quick Steps to Working Out ..............................................................21  
Cooling Down After Your Workout......................................................22  
Pause, Cool Down, Workout Summary, and Exit Features ...............23  
The M9.55 Display ..........................................................25  
Features on the Display Console ......................................................25  
Changing User Display Fields ...........................................................26  
Deleting Workout Statistics................................................................27  
Smart Rate® .......................................................................................28  
Heart Rate Display ............................................................................28  
Upper Display ....................................................................................28  
Lower Display ....................................................................................28  
Keys on the Display Console.............................................................29  
Keypad Tips .......................................................................................30  
Programming the M9.55 Treadmill ................................32  
Selecting a U.S. Standard or Metric Display......................................32  
Securing the Treadmill with a Password ............................................33  
Creating a User Name .......................................................................33  
Viewing the Odometer, Hours of Use,  
Software Version, and Error Log........................................................34  
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The M9.55 Courses.........................................................35  
Course Features and Course Descriptions .......................................35  
Utilizing the Smart Rate® Feature......................................................39  
Utilizing Heart Rate Interactive Capabilities ......................................39  
Heart Rate Course ............................................................................40  
Using the POLAR® Equipment ......................................41  
Wearing the POLAR® Chest Strap ....................................................41  
Storing the POLAR® Chest Strap .......................................................41  
Cleaning the Equipment ....................................................................42  
Aligning the Running Belt ..................................................................43  
Servicing the Treadmill ......................................................................43  
Long Term Storage ............................................................................43  
Exploded Views .................................................................................44  
Warranty Card ...................................................................................51  
Specifications ..................................................................... back cover  
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Before You Begin  
Thank you for purchasing the Precor M9.55 Low Impact Treadmill. Precor has incorporated  
an innovative design and some of the most popular features in the health and fitness  
industry into the M9.55.  
This manual explains how to assemble, use,  
and maintain the M9.55 Low Impact Tread-  
mill. The following conventions are used in  
this manual.  
Ground Effects allows the treadmill’s running bed to absorb and cushion the shock of  
walking or running by utilizing specially formulated elastomeric springs. Integrated  
Footplant Technology (IFT) replicates the natural walking and running motion of your  
feet which helps reduce shock and pounding to your body.  
Note:” Contains additional information that  
applies to the preceding text.  
The M9.55 offers an easy-to-understand display console that provides motivating  
feedback about your workout. The ultra-sensitive keypad lets you select data and  
control your workout session. Precor Smart Rate® — a visual aid that lets you, the user,  
see your heart rate with a glance, provides the latest in cardiac monitoring. Note that for  
the heart rate features to appear, a POLAR® chest strap must be worn.  
Important:” Indicates information to which  
you should pay special attention.  
CAUTION:” Indicates steps or information  
necessary to prevent harm to yourself or  
damage to the equipment.  
The M9.55 Low Impact Treadmill is for household use only. It has many unique features  
which set it apart from conventional treadmills. To maximize your use of the treadmill,  
please study this guide thoroughly.  
WARNING:” Provides instructions to  
prevent electrical damage to the equipment  
and prevent injuries to yourself or others.  
Obtaining Service  
Do not attempt to service the M9.55 Low Impact Treadmill yourself except for minor  
belt adjustments and maintenance as described in this manual. The M9.55 treadmill  
does not contain any user-serviceable parts.  
“DANGER:” Indicates steps you must  
take to prevent electrical shock.  
For information about product operation or service, check out the Precor Web Site at or call Precor Customer Support at 1-800-347-4404.  
If you call or e-mail Precor Customer Support, have your model and serial number  
The serial number on the treadmill is printed on a label located on the base frame. To  
locate the serial number, verify that the treadmill is turned OFF. Then, stand at the  
rear of the unit and face the display console. Kneel down and look under the running  
bed at the left, inboard-side of the base rail. For future reference, write the serial and  
model number and date of purchase in the space provided below.  
Model #: ________ Serial #: _________________________ Date purchased: ____  
If you have any questions regarding the treadmill, use the model and serial numbers  
whenever you contact Precor Customer Support.  
Unpacking the M9.55 Low ImpactTreadmill  
CAUTION:This unit weighs over 350  
pounds (157 kilograms).To avoid injury  
and to ensure the safety of the unit and  
yourself, get adequate assistance before  
unpacking your treadmill. Break down the  
container’s side walls before removing  
anything from the box.  
The M9.55 treadmill is carefully tested and inspected before shipment. Precor ships  
the unit in components, as listed below:  
running bed assembly  
front assembly (includes 2 upright supports and display console)  
owner’s manual and hardware kit  
Optional Equipment  
An additional POLAR® chest strap or the M9.55 Long Handrail Option can be  
purchased by calling Retail Sales at 1-800-786-8404 or visiting the Precor web site  
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Diagram 2  
Hardware Kit.  
Carefully unpack the pieces of the treadmill and lay them on the floor near the  
location where you plan to use the treadmill.  
Hardware Kit  
After unpacking the treadmill, open the hardware kit (refer to Diagram 2) and make  
sure that you have the following items:  
(A) twenty — 1” long buttonhead screws  
(B) fourteen — flat washers  
(C) four — 3/4” long flat head screws  
(D) four — flat washers  
(E) 1/4” hex key — belt adjustment  
(F) 3/16” hex key — mount uprights, display and handrails to base frame  
(G) 5/32” hex key — install handrails to display and hood to base  
If any items are missing, contact Customer Support at 1-800-347-4404.  
Note: After assembling the treadmill, be sure to store the hex keys in a secure place. The  
tools are used for specific maintenance procedures that are described in this manual.  
Acquiring the AppropriateTools  
Obtain the following tools before assembling the treadmill.  
Wire cutter  
Bubble level  
Medium weight string [about 1 foot (30 cm)]  
Strong adhesive tape  
SAE Standard socket set with a ratchet or 8” Crescent wrench  
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Setting Up the Treadmill  
You do not need any special knowledge or experience to set up the treadmill.  
However, you will need assistance. Because of the size and weight of the treadmill, it  
is recommended that at least three adult persons assemble it.  
Installation Requirements  
Follow these installation requirements when installing the treadmill. If you do not install the  
treadmill according to the following guidelines, you could void the Precor limited warranty.  
Set up the treadmill on a solid, flat surface. Unpack and assemble the  
treadmill close to where you plan to use it. Make sure that the flat surface under  
the unit is smooth and level. A level unit is required for the user’s safety and  
proper operation.  
Provide ample space around the unit. Open space around the unit makes for a  
safer mount and dismount.  
Fill out and mail the limited warranty card. Be sure that the treadmill is turned  
OFF. To locate the serial number, place yourself at the rear of the treadmill facing  
the display console, kneel down and look under the treadmill on the inboard-side  
of the running bed of the left, rear corner. Write the serial number onto the Precor  
limited warranty card found on the back cover of this manual. Refer to Obtaining  
Service on page 9 and write the number(s) there as well.  
Use the appropriate voltage, dedicated circuit, and grounding as specified on  
the treadmill. The treadmill is available in both 120-volt and 240-volt models. Refer  
to the treadmill’s identification label to determine the voltage that your treadmill  
requires. Both the 120-volt and 240-volt models require a dedicated 20 amp circuit.  
CAUTION: Do not remove or otherwise  
bypass the 3-prong plug with an adapter or  
extension cord in order to use a non-  
grounded outlet. Electrical damage can  
occur if the treadmill is connected to an  
improper power source.  
Assembly Instructions  
Take the following steps to assemble the treadmill. We recommend at least three  
people help with assembling the unit.  
Note: The M9.55 treadmill has the same assembly instructions. The differences  
appear in the display console and course programs.  
1. Obtain assistance. Ask for assistance to help assemble the treadmill. Have the  
assistant(s) help place the shipping carton close to the location where you plan  
to use the treadmill. Breakdown the side walls of the shipping carton so that they  
lie flat. Remove the loose contents.  
CAUTION: Before assembling (or  
disassembling) the unit, turn OFF the  
treadmill and unplug it’s power cable  
from the power outlet. Do not assemble  
(or disassemble) the treadmill if it is  
plugged into a power source.To avoid  
injury and ensure your safety, get assis-  
tance before lifting the treadmill off the  
pallet and rolling it onto the floor. Do not  
drop the unit.  
2. Remove the treadmill from its shipping pallet. Eight fasteners secure the treadmill  
to its pallet. Use a socket and crescent wrench to loosen and remove the 4 lag bolts  
that hold the treadmill to the pallet and the 4 screws (2 on each side) that thread  
through the bracket and into the unit. Discard the fasteners. Once the fasteners have  
been removed, obtain several assistants to lift the treadmill off the shipping pallet.  
3. Make sure that the power is OFF. Check the ON/OFF power switch on the front  
of the base assembly. Place the switch in the O (OFF) position. Make sure that  
the treadmill is not plugged into a power source.  
4. Loosen the screws that attach the hood to the base. With the supplied hex key,  
loosen the 2 screws on the front panel and the 2 screws on the side (1 on each  
side). To detach the hood from the base, stand at the side of the treadmill. Lift the  
hood up slightly and slide it toward the rear of the unit. Refer to Diagram 11.  
5. Remove 10 buttonhead screws (A) and washers (B) from the Hardware kit.  
Place the washers on the screws and split the screws into two sets of 5. Put the  
sets in easy reach of the column support mounts (5 screws per side).  
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Diagram 3  
Attach the left upright  
support to the base.  
Upright support  
(left side)  
Column support  
Base assembly  
6. Attach the left side upright support to the base assembly. Diagram 3. Locate  
the left upright support. This is the one you want to install first. Place the upright  
support into the base assembly and align all 5 mounting holes (3 on the side, 2  
in the front). Insert 5 screws (A) and washers (B). Thread the screws into the  
unit, but leave them loose for final adjustments. Do not securely tighten the  
screws until after the display console and handrails have been installed.  
Note: The left or right side of the treadmill can be determined when you stand  
near the rear roller and face the motor.  
Route the cable through the upright support.  
Diagram 4  
Route the cable through the hole  
and tape it to the side of the  
upright support.  
7. Route the display cable. Diagram 4. Have an assistant hold the other support  
upright. See “Note:” below. Position the display console above the upright  
support and route the cable through it. Pull the cable through the hole in the  
upright support. Lay the display console and upright support on the floor.  
CAUTION:To avoid damage to the display  
cable, read and follow these steps care-  
fully. Damage to the cable due to improper  
assembly is not covered by the Precor  
limited warranty.  
Note: Tying one end of a string to the end of the cable and the other end to a  
washer may help in routing the cable.You can drop the washer through the  
upright support and pull the cable through. Refer to Diagram 4, #2.  
8. Secure the display console to the upright support. Diagram 5. Attach the  
console to the right side support before placing the assembly onto the treadmill.  
To do this, take the following steps:  
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Diagram 5  
Attach the display  
Upright support  
Right side support  
Display console  
(bottom side)  
a. Make sure that the cable is routed through the hole in the upright support.  
b. Place a protective base (cardboard or plastic sheeting from the shipping  
container) on the floor. Position the display console (display-side down) onto it.  
c. Remove 2 screws (A) and washers (B) from the hardware kit.  
d. Align the upright support mounts with the display console’s. Insert 2 screws and  
washers. Tighten the screws securely with the hex key provided.  
9. Attach the display console assembly to the base. Diagram 6. Take the  
following steps to install the display console assembly onto the treadmill.  
a. Position the display console and right upright support over the column support  
mount located on the base.  
Diagram 6  
Connect the cable  
and attach the right  
side support to the  
Route cable  
through hole.  
b. Carefully lower the upright support and align the mounting holes. See Diagram 6  
#2. Check that the display console is seated properly on the left upright support.  
Insert 5 screws (A) with washers (B). Thread the screws into the unit, but leave  
them loose for final adjustments. Do not securely tighten the screws until after the  
display console and handrails have been installed.  
CAUTION: Do not crimp or pinch the cable!  
Crimped or pinched cables are not covered  
by the Precor limited warranty.  
c. Plug the connector into its receptacle on the lower board. A definite “click” is  
heard when the cable is properly attached. See Diagram 6 #3. If you do not hear  
and feel the connector “snap” into place, reinsert it.  
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Diagram 7  
Attach the  
console to the left  
upright support.  
Buttonhead screws  
10. Secure the display console to the left upright support. Diagram 7. Align the  
mounting holes on the console to those on the left upright support. Insert 2  
screws (A) and washers (B). Do not securely tighten the screws until after the  
handrails have been attached.  
Important: With the handrails attached, the width of the treadmill is 36.75”  
(93 cm). It will not fit through a standard 36” doorway.  
Diagram 8  
Handrail alignment and installation.  
11. Attach the handrails. Diagrams 8 and 9. For ease of assembly, place the side  
rails or rear feet on blocks. Obtain assistance to lift the treadmill. Do not place  
blocks beneath the running bed.  
To attach the handrails, perform the following steps on one side at a time:  
a. Alignment pins on the top of the handrails necessitate sliding the handrails into  
the console assembly at an approximate 45o angle. Position the handrail as  
shown in Diagram 8 and slide it onto the console extension. When the alignment  
pins are fully engaged, carefully lower the handrail toward the base. Place as  
washer (D) on each of 2 screws (C). Insert the screws and finger-tighten.  
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Diagram 9  
Secure the handrail to the base.  
Handrail bracket  
b. Align the handrail bracket with the 3 base mounts and insert 3 screws (A) and  
washers (B). See Diagram 9. Tighten the screws securely.  
c. Return to the upper handrail screws and securely tighten each one.  
d. Perform steps a. through c. on the opposite side.  
e. Obtain assistance and remove the blocks from beneath the base.  
Diagram 10  
Tighten front plate  
screws first. Then  
securely tighten  
all fasteners.  
Tighten these  
screws first on  
both sides of the  
front plate.  
12. Tighten all mounting screws with the hex keys provided. Diagram 10. Start at  
the front of the treadmill with the 4 screws that attach the upright supports to the  
front plate. Tightening these screws first helps pull the rest of the treadmill’s parts  
into alignment. Then, proceed with securely tightening the upright supports and  
console assembly screws.  
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Diagram 11  
Secure the  
Slide the  
hood under  
the 2 screws  
found on the  
inboard side  
of both  
13. Attach the hood. Diagram 11. Place the hood over the motor and slide it under  
the upper 4 screws (see Diagram 11 #1) and over the 2 lower screws (1 found  
on each side) of both upright supports.  
CAUTION: Do not overtighten the screws  
or you may inadvertently cause stress  
cracks in the plastic hood.  
As you lower the hood, slide the hood under the washers and onto the screws (2 in  
the front, 1 on either side of the treadmill). See Diagram 11, #2 and #3. Retighten the  
screws that you loosened in step 4. Be sure that the hood is sandwiched be-  
tween the base assembly and the washers.The washers must be on the  
outside of the hood. Tighten the screws securely using the hex key provided.  
Diagram 12  
14. The M9.55 has adjustable rear feet. Check to make sure that the running surface  
is level (use a bubble level as shown in Diagram 12). If the treadmill is placed on  
a slightly, uneven surface, adjusting the rear feet can help, but will not compen-  
sate for extremely uneven surfaces.  
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Diagram 13  
the rear  
Important: If you need to make adjustments, adjust one rear foot at a time. Do  
not use the rear foot to raise or lower the unit more than 1/4” in height. Check  
the level of the unit after each adjustment.  
CAUTION: Ask for assistance to lift the  
rear of the unit slightly off the floor. Lift  
the unit by its side rails.Trying to lift the  
unit and adjust the rear foot without  
assistance may cause injury to yourself  
or damage to the unit. Do not try to lift the  
unit using the running belt.  
15. To adjust a rear foot, locate the nut that secures the rear foot to the deck. See  
Diagram 13. Loosen the nut with a crescent wrench or appropriate open-end  
wrench until you can easily turn the foot. See inset in Diagram 13.  
16. To raise the rear deck, turn the foot clockwise and make the proper height  
adjustment. Then, retighten (counterclockwise) the nut securely using the  
Turning the Unit ON and OFF  
CAUTION: Never remove or bypass the  
3-prong plug on the unit’s power cord with  
an adapter. Do not use a non-grounded  
outlet. Do not plug the treadmill into a  
power transformer in an attempt to adjust  
the voltage requirements.  
Use the ON/OFF (I/O) power switch to turn the unit ON and OFF. This switch is  
located on the front of the unit, near the power cord.  
The treadmill requires a dedicated circuit. Plug the power cord into a dedicated  
20 amp, grounded, power source. Make sure that no other product or machine  
uses the same circuit as the treadmill.  
To complete the installation of the treadmill, continue to Checking the Alignment of the  
Running Belt on the next page.  
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Checking the Alignment of the Running Belt  
The belt is aligned at the factory before shipment. However, during shipment or by  
using the treadmill on an uneven surface, the belt might move off center. Proper belt  
alignment is important because it allows the belt to remain centered and assures  
smooth operation.  
Follow these steps to check the alignment:  
1. The treadmill has adjustable rear feet. Check to make sure that the running  
surface is level (refer to steps 14 - 16 on the previous pages). If the treadmill is  
placed on a slightly uneven surface, adjusting the rear feet can help, but will not  
compensate for extremely uneven surfaces.  
CAUTION: Do not walk on the running belt  
during this procedure.  
2. Locate the ON/OFF (I/O) switch at the front of the treadmill and turn the unit ON.  
3. Stand beside the treadmill and press Quick Start.  
4. If necessary, enter the password: Incline , Speed , Speed .  
The running belt starts automatically after the message, “Belt Starting 3, 2, 1,...”  
5. Continue standing next to the treadmill and hold down the Speed key until the  
CAUTION: If you hear any chafing or  
the running belt appears to be getting  
damaged, stop the running belt immedi-  
ately by pressing the STOP key. Contact  
Customer Support.  
display shows a speed of 3 miles per hour (5 kph).  
6. Walk around to the rear of the unit and observe the belt for a few minutes as it  
If the running belt,...  
tracks centered on the running surface  
(evenly distributed between the side rails)  
the belt is functioning correctly  
and no adjustment is necessary.  
runs or drifts off center  
you need to adjust the belt; see  
Aligning the Running Belt, page 42.  
Important: If you notice that the belt needs alignment, make the adjustments at  
once. Failure to do so might cause the belt to tear or fray which is not covered by  
the Precor limited warranty.  
7. To stop the running belt, press the red Stop button.  
If the belt is functioning correctly, the M9.55 treadmill is ready to use.  
page 18  
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Using the M9.55 Treadmill  
A special feature of the M9.55 is its interactive display which lets you select a user I.D.  
(1 of 4) and enter workout specific information such as, weight, preferred course, and  
age. Each person that uses the treadmill (up to four people) can have their own user I.D.  
and personalize their workout session. Refer to User I.D. on page 28.  
When you begin a course, the treadmill displays your workout statistics. Once your  
workout is complete, the cumulative totals (Time, Distance, and Calories) are stored  
with your user I.D. By selecting the same user I.D., prior to your next workout, the  
information about your weight, preferred course, age, and cumulative workout records  
is retrieved and appears on the display.You have the option to change the WEIGHT,  
COURSE, and AGE fields, or press Enter to begin working out.  
Your treadmill also contains a Quick Start feature which lets you bypass the interac-  
tive display and start your workout immediately using the Manual course. When you  
press Quick Start while the Precor banner is displayed, your workout statistics are not  
saved to any particular user I.D. Refer to Using the Quick Start Feature on page 23, to  
learn more about this particular feature.  
This section provides workout tips and information about:  
safety features  
using the Quick Start feature  
pause and exit features  
quick steps to working out  
cooling down after a workout  
Safety Features  
The M9.55 treadmill is a powerful machine. Children should not be allowed on or  
near the treadmill.You should assemble and use the treadmill in a safe and secure  
location. Other safety aspects to consider include:  
CAUTION: Do not allow children on or  
near the treadmill at anytime. If anything  
should get caught in the rollers, the  
running belt does not stop immediately.  
Always attach the security clip to your clothing prior to working out.  
To help prevent unauthorized use, the M9.55 provides password protection. The  
password is enabled at the factory. Refer to Entering a Password below.  
Prior to the start of a course, the display will return to the Precor banner if more  
than 2-minutes elapse without a key press occurring. This feature is helpful if you  
get called away just prior to starting your workout. However, do not assume that  
this feature makes the treadmill secure from unauthorized use.  
Using the Security Clip  
A security clip is attached by its cord to the red Stop button above the center  
handrail. Always attach the security clip to your clothing before each workout. A tug  
on the cord trips the security switch and slows the running belt to a stop. If the  
security switch trips while you are working out, the treadmill retains your workout  
statistics and enters Pause mode. To resume your workout, reattach the security clip  
to your clothing, and press the Speed key until you reach the desired speed.  
CAUTION: Before beginning any fitness  
program, have your physician give you a  
complete physical examination.  
Note: A Velcro® patch is located on the right side of the console by the handrail. Use  
it to store the clip while the treadmill is not being used.  
Entering a Password  
The M9.55 is equipped with password protection to help prevent unauthorized use. The  
password involves entering the following key sequence: Incline , Speed , and Speed  
at the password prompt. An asterisk appears on the display with each correct entry. If  
the correct password is not entered within 2 minutes, access to the course is denied and  
the running belt will not move. The Precor banner reappears on the display.  
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The steps to working out on the treadmill are listed on the next page. A short descrip-  
tion appears in the left margin with the more thorough explanation following on the  
right. Tips to consider during your workout are shown below:  
CAUTION: Before beginning any fitness  
program, you should obtain a complete  
physical examination from your personal  
Check that the unit is turned ON. The I/0 switch is located on the front panel.  
Review the Safety Features on the previous page and follow the Important  
Safety Instructions written on the inside cover.  
Select a user I.D. (or user name) so that you can personalize your workout. Refer  
to Creating a User Name on page 31.  
At the Precor banner, pressing Quick Start bypasses further selections and  
starts the running belt. Default values may apply (see Quick Start on page 31).  
Smart Rate® is not active.  
Entry of a password may be required before accessing a course.  
Diagram 14  
M9.55 display  
Smart Rate®  
Heart rate display  
User I.D. (or user name) display  
Display and data entry fields  
Informational displays vary depending on which  
item in the column below it is highlighted.  
Field 1  
Field 2  
Field 3  
Field 4  
Change keys  
Press CHANGE to retrieve new data and  
change specific information.  
Number keys  
The first four keys can be used at the Precor  
banner to access a user I.D.  
Keypad keys  
The keys on the keypad let you:  
• control your workout session,  
• answer prompts prior to starting a course,  
• prematurely end a course, and  
• adjust certain aspects of your workout.  
Refer to Keys on the Display Console on  
page 29.  
Smart Rate® — When you wear the POLAR® chest strap, a blinking segment  
approximates your heart rate and shows you which zone your heart rate is in:  
weight loss or cardiovascular.  
Heart Rate display — helps you monitor your heart rate and, in the Heart Rate  
course, keeps you within your target zone.You must wear the POLAR® chest strap  
and enter your weight and age before your heart rate can appear on the display.  
User I.D. or name — One of 4 user I.D.’s or names can appear on the display. Choosing  
a user I.D. enables the treadmill to identify you and track your cumulative workout  
statistics. If other people use the treadmill, each person (up to 4 people) can select their  
own user I.D. and personalize their workout session. To learn how to change a user I.D. to  
a name (5 letter maximum), refer to Creating a User Name on page 33.  
Display and data entry fields — When you select a User I.D., the display becomes  
and interactive tool.You can change information for your upcoming workout such as,  
WEIGHT, COURSE, or AGE. And, you can view the records (TIME, DISTANCE,  
COURSE, and CALORIES) that were stored for this user I.D. during the last workout.  
When you elect to change any data field (such as, WEIGHT), the display retrieves  
new information. For a more detailed desription of what can appear in this interactive  
display, refer to Changing the User Display Fields on page 26.  
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Quick Steps to Working Out  
Put on the POLAR® chest strap.  
Turn ON the treadmill.  
1. For your heart rate to appear on the display, you need to wear a POLAR® chest  
strap. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information.  
2. Locate the ON/OFF (I/0) switch at the front of the treadmill and turn ON the  
treadmill. The Precor banner appears on the display console.  
3. Straddle the running belt with your feet firmly planted on the right and left staging  
platforms. (Stand close enough to the display console so that you can extend  
your arms and touch the keys.)  
Straddle the running belt.  
4. Attach the security clip to your clothing near your waistline.  
Attach the security clip to clothing.  
Note: To access the Manual program, press Quick Start while the Precor banner  
is being displayed. For more information, refer to Using the Quick Start Feature.  
Select a User I.D.  
5. While the Precor banner is displayed, press Enter or use the number keys (1 to 4) to  
select a particular user I.D. If you press Enter, the user I.D. associated with the  
person who last used the treadmill appears. Review the information on the display.  
Important: Before working out, review  
the information regarding the different  
M9.55 courses and their operation. Brief  
course descriptions start on page 35.  
Note: When the user I.D. name or number appears, the cumulative totals for workout  
time (TIME), distance (DISTANCE), last course used (COURSE), and total caloric  
burn (CALORIES) appear in the lower display. The data that appears in the WEIGHT,  
COURSE, and AGE fields can be changed. For more information, refer to Changing  
the User Display Fields on page 26.  
6. Your weight, course, and age need to be entered to activate all the features  
available on your treadmill. If you wish to change the WEIGHT, COURSE  
number, or AGE, while your user I.D. (or name) is being displayed in the upper  
window, press the Change key to highlight the appropriate field. (Refer to the  
“Note” above.) To change the blinking field information, use the number or ▲  
keys.To begin working out, press Enter.  
Accept or change the WEIGHT,  
COURSE, or AGE information.  
Important: If you choose one of the  
“goal” based courses, you will be  
prompted for more information before  
the password prompt appears.  
The first time you use the treadmill, be sure to enter your WEIGHT and AGE so  
that the information is stored with your user I.D. If the information is stored  
properly, you can use the heart rate and Smart Rate® features.  
Note:You can press Quick Start to accept your entries. After entering the  
password, hold onto the handrail because the belt starts moving after the short  
warning message, “Belt Starting 3, 2, 1,...” appears on the display.  
7. The M9.55 is equipped with password protection to help prevent unauthorized  
use. The password involves entering the following key sequence: Incline ,  
Speed , and Speed . An asterisk appears on the display with each correct entry.  
If a correct password is not entered within 2 minutes, the Precor banner reap-  
pears and access to the course is denied.  
Enter a password.  
CAUTION: Hold onto the handrail(s)  
if you pressed the Quick Start key.  
After password entry (if it’s enabled),  
the running belt begins moving at 1  
mph (1.5 kph). Default values apply.  
Refer to Quick Start on page 31.  
Note: When returning to a course from Pause mode, you are also prompted for  
the password.  
If you feel that your work out and home environment makes the password  
unnecessary, you have the ability to eliminate password protection. Refer to  
Securing the Treadmill with a Password on page 33.  
8. Hold onto the handrail with one hand while you press the Speed key with the  
other hand. Step onto the running belt while the speed is at or 1 mph (1.5 kph).  
Once you are comfortable with the walking or running speed, you can remove  
your hands from the handrail.  
Begin working out. Press Speed .  
Hold onto the handrail with one hand.  
Step onto the belt while it is at 1 mph  
(1.5 km).  
Note: To pause during your workout session before finishing the selected program,  
press the red Stop button. The displays on the console freeze. See Pause, Cool  
Down, Workout Summary and Exit Features on page 23 for more information.  
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Quick Steps to Working Out  
Continue your workout.  
9. Use the Incline and Speed ▲▼ keys to change the incline and speed during  
your workout. Hold onto the handrail with one hand while you touch the keys with  
the other. Note that the keys are very sensitive, you barely need to press the key  
for a change to occur. Note that certain courses have preprogrammed speed and  
incline changes. Refer to M9.55 Courses on page 35.  
End your workout.  
10. You can end your workout in one of two ways:  
pressing the red Stop button, or  
Important: Always incorporate a cool-  
down period into your workout. If the  
course you prefer doesn’t use the  
automatic 5-minute cool down, press  
the red Stop button to end the course  
and then use the Manual course to  
cool down.  
entering the automatic 5-minute cool down period that is appended to  
several of the courses: Miracle Mile, Yellow Brick Road, Urban Park, 5K Run,  
10K Run, Weight Loss, Time Goal, Distance Goal, or Calories Goal.  
Note: Use or keys to decrease or increase the Speed and Incline during  
your cool-down period.  
Once you complete the automatic cool-down period, the running belt comes to a  
complete stop and a Workout Summary banner appears. Workout statistics  
TIME, DISTANCE, and CALORIES are added to your cumulative User I.D. totals  
and all other statistics are reset to zero. (Note that the TIME display shows the  
accumulated workout time including warm-up and cool down periods.)  
Note: To access the Workout Summary from a course, that doesn’t incorporate  
the automatic 5-minute cool down, press Stop and then, Reset.  
Review your workout statistics  
11. You are given 2 minutes to review your workout statistics before the display  
automatically resets to the Precor banner.You can also press Reset during that  
time, to return to the Precor banner.  
Remove the Security clip.  
Turn OFF the treadmill.  
12. When the running belt comes to a complete stop, straddle the running belt,  
remove the security clip from your clothing, and step off the treadmill.  
13. Turn OFF the treadmill to help prevent unauthorized use.  
Cooling Down AfterYour Workout  
Cooling down after your workout helps reduce muscle stiffness and soreness by  
transporting excess lactic acid out of the working muscles. It also helps your heart  
rate return to its normal (non-exercising) state.  
The M9.55 treadmill automatically appends a cool-down period to several of the  
M9.55 courses. (See “Important” below.) A message appears and notifies you that  
you have reached the end of the course and the cool-down period is about to begin.  
The running belt slows by about 20% and the incline returns to 0%. The Manual  
course profile appears in the display.You can change the speed and incline by  
pressing the respective or keys.  
During the 5-minute cool down, the displays on the console continue to appear. The  
TIME display shows the time remaining in the cool down period.  
To prematurely end the 5-minute cool-down period, press the red Stop button and  
then Reset.Your workout statistics are added to the cumulative totals while the  
running belt slows to a gradual stop. The Workout Summary display appears so you  
can review your cumulative totals.  
Important: The automatic 5-minute cool down does not occur when you are using  
Manual, Track, Interval, Random, Heart Rate, or Custom courses. In any other  
course, if you exit the course prior to its completion, then the automatic 5-minute cool  
down program is not implemented.  
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Using the Quick Start Feature  
The words “Quick Start” imply that you can start your workout immediately. Once you  
attach the security clip to your clothing, pressing Quick Start, while your user I.D. is  
displayed, causes the running belt to start automatically after the warning message  
Belt Starting 3, 2, 1,...” appears on the display.  
Since the treadmill’s software stores all workout information with your user I.D., the  
weight, course number, age, duration/distance of workout, and course time are  
reactivated and restored. The last course you used appears as the course profile on  
the display.  
If you press Quick Start at the Precor banner, you immediately enter the Manual  
course. The course profile appears as a flat line. Accumulated workout statistics are  
not stored with any particular user I.D. When you end your workout by pressing the  
red Stop button and then Reset the workout statistics are not saved or added to any  
cumulative totals.  
Pause, Cool Down,Workout Summary, and Exit Features  
Pausing, cooling down, and exiting are integral parts of your workout and can be  
accessed any time during a course. The treadmill goes through several prerequisites  
before actually exiting a course.  
Pause mode — can be accessed while in a course or during cool down. Note that  
the Pause mode has a 2-minute time limit. If no key presses occur during that time,  
the workout statistics are added to the cumulative totals and the display returns to the  
Precor banner.  
Cool down mode — automatically appends a 5-minute cool-down period to the end  
of your workout when you complete one of the following courses: Miracle Mile, Yellow  
Brick Road, Urban Park, 5K Run, 10K Run, Weight Loss, Time Goal, Distance Goal,  
or Calories Goal. If you exit the course prior to its completion, then the automatic  
5-minute, cool-down program is not implemented.  
Workout Summary display — provides a 2-minute time frame in which you can  
review your workout statistics before the display automatically resets to the Precor  
banner. The Workout Summary display can be accessed from the Pause or Cool  
down modes, or by prematurely exiting a course. When you access the Workout  
Summary display, workout statistics except TIME, DISTANCE and CALORIES reset  
to zero. (Note that the TIME and CALORIES displays show the accumulated workout  
time and expended calories including warm-up and cool down periods.)  
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The following information shows what happens when you press certain keys while in  
the various modes.  
During a course,  
you press  
This is what happens...,  
Enter Pause mode. The running belt slows to a gradual  
stop. Note that you may also press the Speed key until  
zero appears on the display. Once the running belt stops,  
TIME stops accruing. The display features remain, so you  
can review your workout statistics. The Pause mode lasts  
for 2 minutes (120 seconds).  
CAUTION: Always hold onto the handrail  
with one hand when pressing the display  
keys with the other.  
While in Pause mode,  
you press  
This is what happens...,  
Speed ▲  
Exits Pause mode and starts the running belt moving again  
so that you can resume where you left off.  
Displays the Workout Summary banner so that you can view  
your workout statistics.  
In Cool down,  
you press  
This is what happens...,  
Enters Cool down - Pause mode. The running belt slows to  
a gradual stop. TIME stops incrementing. The display  
features remain, so you can review your workout statistics.  
Note that the Pause mode lasts for 2 minutes.  
Speed ▲  
Starts the running belt moving again and returns to cool  
down mode so that you can resume where you left off. TIME  
continues to count down.  
Displays the Workout Summary banner.  
At the Workout  
Summary banner,  
you press  
This is what happens,...  
Stores your cumulative workout records associated with the  
user I.D. and the display returns to the Precor banner.  
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The M9.55 Display  
The display console lets you control your M9.55 treadmill. The directions on the  
console and the prompts on the display guide you through your workout session.  
Before using the treadmill, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it so that  
you can use it safely and effectively. This section covers the following information:  
an explanation about the user I.D. display fields  
instructions for deleting workout statistics associated with a user I.D.  
an overview of the features appearing on the display  
Features on the Display Console  
As you work out, indicator lights show you which feature is being displayed. When  
you enter a course, the display presents Time, Distance, Speed, and Calories. You  
can change what features appear on the display by pressing the Change keys.  
The M9.55 can also store information about four separate users and recall statistics  
and information from previous workouts. A separate file that stores data for each of  
the four users corresponds to a specific user I.D. or name. Previous workout informa-  
tion about your weight, course number last used, age, and other workout statistics  
can be accessed through your user I.D.  
Diagram 15  
M9.55 Display Console  
Smart Rate® bar graph  
If a heart rate is detected, it is  
displayed in this window.  
Banner, user I.D., and course  
profile display (LED matrix)  
During course selection, the course #  
appears here. Workout statistics and other  
informational displays appear during a  
workout or while in programming mode.  
Change keys let you choose what information  
to display. Press Change to retrieve new data  
and change specific information.  
Number keys can be used to answer prompts  
and select incline and speed levels in a  
course. The first 4 keys can be used at the  
Precor banner to access a user I.D.  
Touch-sensitive keys let you:  
• control your workout session,  
• answer prompts prior to starting a course,  
• prematurely end a course, and  
• adjust certain aspects of your workout.  
As you exercise the display console provides motivation by presenting constant feedback  
about your progress. A brief explanation of each feature on the display console appears  
in Diagram 15. The next few pages provide a more thorough explanation.  
Note: If an error message appears, call a Precor qualified service technician or  
service center. For the service center nearest you call, 1-888-665-4404.  
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Changing the User Display Fields  
When a user I.D. is displayed, you have the option to change the WEIGHT, COURSE,  
and AGE displays by pressing a Change key and highlighting the information.  
If you press the Change key to highlight WEIGHT, the information that appears on  
the display changes accordingly. The information in the WEIGHT field (Field 2) blinks,  
indicating that the treadmill is awaiting your input.  
Diagram 16  
M9.55 Setup display.  
Center display indicates which  
user I.D. or name is associated  
with the field displays.  
Field 1  
Field 2  
Field 3  
Field 4  
Press Change to highlight WEIGHT,  
COURSE, or AGE fields.  
Press one of the first 4 number keys  
while at the Precor banner to select a specific  
user I.D. To delete workout statistics associ-  
ated with that user I.D. and reset the factory  
defaults, hold the number key for more than  
14 seconds.  
The same is true when you press the Change key to highlight the COURSE or AGE  
fields. Diagram 16 illustrates the different fields that exist within the display. The  
following information describes what appears in the fields.  
Note: Use the number or keys to change the blinking (highlighted) information.  
When the User’s # or Name appears in the Upper Display:  
Field 1 indicates the cumulative time spent on the treadmill. If the time spent on the  
treadmill is less than one hour, the time is displayed as 0:MM (where MM equals  
minutes). Less than 100 hours and time appears in hours and minutes (HH:MM). if  
the cumulative time is greater than 100 hours, then time appears as hours only. The  
number rolls over to zero when cumulative time becomes greater than 99999 hours.  
Field 2 provides the cumulative distance in miles or kilometers depending on what  
units of measure you choose. Refer to Programming the M9.55 Treadmill on page 32.  
Field 3 shows the number of the last course used.  
Field 4 displays the cumulative calories.  
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When the User’s # or Name appears in the Upper Display and you press the  
Change key found directly below the WEIGHT indicator, the information in the  
WEIGHT field begins to blink indicating that the treadmill is awaiting input.You can  
change the number (from 1 to 999) using the ▲▼ keys or number keys. Once you  
start working out, the WEIGHT indicator is disabled.  
Field 1 indicates the cumulative time spent on the treadmill.  
Field 2 shows the weight that you last entered.  
Field 3 provides the number of the last course used.  
Field 4 displays the cumulative calories.  
When the User’s # or Name appears in the Upper Display and you press the Change  
key found directly below the COURSE indicator, the COURSE # begins to blink and  
the course profile associated with the course numberappears in the upper display.  
Once the COURSE field (Field 3) is blinking, you can change the number (from 1 to  
18) using the ▲▼ keys or number keys. Once you start working out the COURSE  
indicator is disabled.  
Field 1 indicates your best (or record) time that it took to run or walk the course. For a  
fixed distance course, TIME displays your record time (the least amount of time it took to  
run or walk the course). Otherwise the TIME display is blank or shows the time it took to  
complete the course. Course times are displayed in hours and minutes (HH:MM).  
Field 2 shows the distance in miles (or kilometers) that consists of your best (or  
record) time for the course. Refer to Programming the M9.55 Treadmill on page 32.  
Field 3 provides the number of the last course used.  
Field 4 displays the highest number of calories burned while using the course. Note  
that the field is blank if the Calories Goal course number appears in Field 3.  
When the User’s # or Name appears in the Upper Display and you press the  
Change key found directly below the AGE indicator, the information in the AGE field  
begins to blink indicating that the treadmill is awaiting input. The age is associated  
with the user I.D. and can be changed (from 1 to 99) using the ▲▼ keys or number  
keys. Once you start working out the AGE indicator is disabled.  
Field 1 indicates the cumulative time spent on the treadmill.  
Field 2 provides the cumulative distance in miles or kilometers depending on what  
units of measure you choose. Refer to Programming the M9.55 Treadmill.  
Field 3 provides the number of the last course used.  
Field 4 displays the number associated with your age.  
DeletingWorkout Statistics  
To clear the workout statistics associated with a particular user I.D., you must take  
the following steps.  
At the Precor banner,  
1. Select the user I.D. using a number key (1 - 4).  
2. Press and hold the number key for about 14 seconds until you see the word  
“CLEARED” appear on the display. Workout statistics are zeroed and default  
values for course (#1, Manual), weight (150 lbs or 68 kg), and age (0) are restored.  
The Goal and Interval course parameters are reset to factory standards.  
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Smart Rate® Display  
You must enter your “AGE” after selecting a user I.D., and wear a POLAR® chest strap,  
while in a course program, before the blinking segment in the bar graph can show  
which zone your heart rate is in: Weight Loss or Cardiovascular.  
Weight Loss Zone: Maintaining your heart rate between 55% and 70% of your  
maximum aerobic heart rate, helps burn enough calories that, when continued on  
a regular basis for 30 minutes or more, provides the greatest fat-burning results.  
Cardiovascular Zone: Maintaining your heart rate between 70% and 85% of your  
maximum aerobic heart rate, helps you (when continued on a regular basis for 30  
minutes or more) improve your overall cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory fitness level.  
Important: During a course, your heart rate must be above 40 beats per minute  
before the segment begins to blink. Note that pressing Quick Start may disable  
the Smart Rate® display feature. See Quick Start on page 31.  
Heart Rate Display  
The heart rate display lets you monitor your heart rate. When a heart beat is detected,  
the number appears in the small upper right display (refer to Diagram 15) and blinks in  
time with your pulse. If you are not wearing a POLAR® chest strap, your heart rate will  
not be detected and no pulse rate appears.  
Upper Display  
The Precor banner, user I.D. (or name) and course profiles appear in the large upper  
display (dot matrix). Always start a workout at the Precor banner. During workouts,  
the course profile appears in the upper display and corresponds to the course that  
you selected. As you proceed through your workout, your position is indicated by a  
blinking column.  
User I.D: One of four user I.D.’s can appear on the display. Choosing a user I.D.  
enables the treadmill to identify you and track your cumulative workout statistics. It  
stores information about your weight, preferred course, age, cumulative workout  
statistics, and track record. Refer to Changing the User Display Fields on page 26.  
Lower Display  
Prompts appear in this alphanumeric display prior to your workout.You address each  
prompt using the number or keypad keys. Once you begin a workout, lights appear in  
the columns below the window indicating which information is being displayed. You  
can highlight a particular feature by pressing the appropriate Change key.  
The following describes the information that can appear in the display.  
TIME: During your workout, a time (0:00) display appears when you begin working  
out. Time appears in minutes and seconds. However, should you exceed 60 minutes  
(during a single workout), the Time display converts to hours and minutes. Usually,  
the Time display shows how long you’ve been working out. However, in warm-up and  
cool-down periods, the Time display indicates the minutes remaining. This also  
occurs in a course that has a specified duration.  
DISTANCE: The distance that you have travelled appears (00.00) once you begin a  
workout. Distance can appear in miles or kilometers. If you wish to change the display,  
follow the instructions found in Programming the M9.55 Treadmill on page 32.  
SPEED: Displays the running belt’s speed.The and keys let you decrease or increase  
the treadmill’s speed.The running belt speed ranges from 0.5 to 12 mph  
(1 to 20 kph).You can also use the number keys to designate the speed, once the running  
belt is moving. Refer to Number Keys and Speed Control on pages 30 and 31.  
Note:You can check the speed (when it is not the chosen display) any time during your  
workout by lightly pressing either Speed or key (for less than 2 seconds). Pressing  
the Speed or key for more than 2 seconds causes the treadmill’s speed to change.  
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CALORIES: Provides the cumulative number of calories currently being burned.  
SEGMENT TIME: Indicates the amount of time, in minutes and seconds (MM:SS),  
that remain in the highlighted column (or segment) before the next column begins  
INCLINE: Displays the percent of incline during your workout. The Incline and ▼  
keys affect the treadmill’s lift and let you set an incline between 0% and 12%. The  
values displayed can change in ½% increments.You can also use the number keys to  
designate the incline, once the course has begun. Refer to Number Keys and  
Incline ▲▼ on page 30.  
Note:You can check the incline (when it is not the chosen display) any time during your  
workout by lightly pressing either Incline and key for less than 2 seconds. Pressing  
the Incline and key for more than 2 seconds causes the treadmill’s incline to  
METS: Displays the metabolic units associated with your workout.  
CALORIES PER MINUTE: Indicates the approximate number of calories being  
burned per minute.  
PACE: Displays your target speed in minutes and seconds per mile (or kilometer).  
Note: WEIGHT, COURSE and AGE display fields are discussed on page 27.  
Keys on the Display Console  
The Precor “touch-sensitive” treadmills have an easy-to-use keypad that is activated by  
the slightest touch.You only need to apply gentle pressure to these ultra-sensitive keys.  
Each key on the display console’s keypad provides specific functions. Number keys  
(numbered 1 - 0) let you enter data in answer to the display prompts and change the  
speed or incline during a workout. The standard keys, Change, Reset, Incline ▲▼,  
Quick Start, Speed Control , and Enter, let you enter data as well as control  
your workout.  
The following information explains the different uses of the keys from left to right. To  
locate each key, look at the display console or refer to Diagram 17 on the next page.  
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Diagram 17  
Keypad keys.  
Numeric keys: Indicate course #, time limit,  
or goal entries. During a workout, use these  
keys to select a target Speed or Incline.  
Quick Start: When pressed at the Precor  
banner, starts moving the running belt.  
Smart Rate® is inactive and default values  
Accurate entries are required or features such as Smart Rate® may not work properly.  
Press Enter to select the information being displayed.  
Quick Start bypasses further selections and causes the running belt to start  
moving. Default values may apply (see QUICK START on page 31). The Smart  
Rate® display may not appear.  
A time-out occurs prior to starting a course if the treadmill detects no key  
presses for 2 minutes. The display returns to the Precor banner.  
Press Reset to return to the Precor banner.  
The Stop button does not appear in Diagram 17, but its function is vital as  
explained in this section.  
Number Keys (1 - 0): During a workout, you can use the number keys to change the  
treadmill’s speed or incline (in whole numbers or increments). The range of speed  
includes 0.5 - 12 mph (1 - 20 kph).  
Note: When you use the number keys to change the incline, you need to press the  
Incline or key within 3 seconds to initiate the lift. The actual incline appears on  
the display as the lift moves toward the target position. If you wish to halt the lift’s  
movement, press either the Incline or key. The lift stops moving and the display  
shows the current incline level. A similar situation occurs when you use the number  
keys to change the speed, only it’s the running belt that is being affected.  
At the Precor banner, you can also use the number keys to select a user I.D. Once  
the user I.D. display appears, the number keys can be used to enter a weight, course  
number, workout time, “goal” entry, and age. Note that you must press Enter to  
process your selection.  
CHANGE: During a workout, the Change key lets you choose which feature appears  
on the display. In the user I.D. display, the Change keys let you “change” the  
WEIGHT, COURSE, or AGE selections.  
RESET: While in the user I.D. display or when the running belt is stopped, you can  
cancel the program, clear the display, and return to the banner by pressing Reset.  
INCLINE : During a workout, the Incline ▲▼ keys let you increase or decrease the  
running bed’s incline. The incline changes can range from 0% to 12% in 0.5% incre-  
ments. The incline in many courses is preset, but can be overridden by the user. In the  
Heart Rate and Weight Loss courses, the incline may change automatically to maintain  
a designated target heart rate.  
When you press the Incline ▲▼ keys, the number that appears on the display shows  
the target incline (not the actual incline) because the display can change much faster  
than the motor driven lift.  
Another feature of the Incline ▲▼ keys lets you review the treadmill’s incline any time  
during your workout. If INCLINE is not one of the chosen features being displayed, you  
can view the actual incline by lightly touching either Incline or key.You can opt to  
change the incline, if you hold the key down for more than 2 seconds.  
Note: Lightly pressing an Incline or key, while INCLINE is being displayed,  
causes the incline to change. The number keys can also be used to adjust the incline.  
Please refer to Number keys above.  
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STOP: When the red Stop button is pressed, the running belt slows to a gradual stop.  
The treadmill remains in Pause mode. If the lift was moving when the Stop button  
was pressed, the lift stops also and remains at its current incline level.  
To resume a workout, the Speed key must be pressed. If no key press is detected  
and the Pause time limit elapses, the display returns to the Precor banner. A default  
time limit of 2 minutes exists.  
Important: As a safety feature, a sharp tug on the security cord that is attached to  
the Stop button will cause the running belt to stop. It is a requirement that a user  
attach the security clip on his or her clothing while working out. Please refer to Using  
the Security Clip on page 19.  
SPEED CONTROL ▼ ▲: The Speed key initiates the movement of the running belt  
at the beginning of a course and lets you designate the target speed. During a  
workout, the Speed keys let you increase or decrease the running belt’s speed.  
Speed changes can range from 0.5 to 12 mph (1 to 20 kph) in 0.1 increments. The  
speed in the Interval course can be programmed by the user.  
Note: When you press the Speed key, the number that appears on the display  
shows the target speed and may differ slightly from the actual speed because the  
display can change much faster than the running belt. Eventually, the two meet at the  
target speed.  
Another feature of the Speed keys lets you review the treadmill’s speed and  
pace any time during your workout. If SPEED is not one of the chosen features being  
displayed, you can view the speed of the running belt and your pace by lightly  
touching the Speed or key. A 2-second display lets you review your speed and  
pace.You can opt to change the speed, if you hold the key down for a few more  
Note: Lightly pressing an Speed Control or key, while SPEED is being dis-  
played, causes the incline to change. The number keys can also be used to adjust  
the incline. Please refer to Number keys on the previous page.  
QUICK START: Quick Start lets you bypass the user I.D. selection and start your  
workout immediately using the Manual course. Default values apply.  
QUICK START Default Values  
Default Value  
30 minutes.  
150 lbs. (68 kg.)  
An Age entry must occur to utilize the Smart Rate® display. If Quick  
Start is pressed after an Age is entered, then the Smart Rate®  
display will appear when you wear the POLAR® chest strap. If no  
Age entry occurs, the Smart Rate® display lights up, but no blinking  
sensor appears.  
For more information about Quick Start, refer to page 23, Using the Quick Start  
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Programming the M9.55 Treadmill  
Several aspects of the M9.55 treadmill can be programmed. This section provides  
instructions on how to:  
select U.S. standard or Metric display  
enable or disable password protection  
create a user name  
view the odometer, hours of use, software version, and error log  
Selecting a U.S. Standard or Metric Display  
The M9.55 treadmill can display speed in either miles per hour (mph) or kilometers  
per hour (kph) and distance in miles or kilometers. When the M9.55 is shipped from  
the factory, it is set to display to U.S. Standard units of measure (mph and miles).You  
can easily change this setting by taking the following steps:  
1. Check that the treadmill is ON. If necessary, turn ON the treadmill using the  
power switch located at the front of the hood.  
2. At the Precor banner, use the red Stop button and number keys. Press the  
following keys in sequence:  
Red Stop button, 5, 6, 7, 1  
The numbers 5, 6, 7, 1 appear on the display as you press the associated key.  
Important: If the second key press (the number 5 key) is not pressed within  
½ second after pressing the Stop button, the display returns to the Precor  
banner.You will need to begin again.  
3. The prompt, “Select Units” appears on the display. Then, the current unit of  
measure appears. Any or key lets you alternate between the prompts.  
4. Once your selection is displayed, three options exist.You can,  
a. press Enter to accept the unit of measure being displayed and continue with  
programming the treadmill. The changes have been retained in the  
treadmill’s memory. The M9.55 treadmill will retain your selection even when  
it is turned OFF and unplugged.  
b. press Stop which keeps the current unit of measure unchanged and lets  
you continue with programming the treadmill.  
Note: The “current unit of measure” is not necessarily the one being  
displayed. It refers to the unit of measure that was in existence prior to  
entering the “Select Units” program.  
c. press Reset which keeps the “current unit of measure” unchanged, ends the  
programming mode, and returns to the Precor banner.  
Important: If you choose to change the units of measure, then any existing  
custom course records are deleted. Interval courses are also affected. Any rest  
and work interval segments stored in memory are reset to 1 mph or 1.5 kph  
(respective of which unit of measure you choose).  
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Securing theTreadmill with a Password  
Note: The password protection program is part of a 3-part sequence that starts with  
Selecting a U.S. Standard or Metric Display. Begin with the instructions on page 32.  
If you chose step 4a. or 4b. in the previous programming step, the prompt, PASS-  
WORD appears on the display.You can use the keys to cycle through the  
available options:  
WARNING: If you choose to change the  
Password Enabled — causes the password prompt to appear prior to working out  
security of the treadmill, it is your respon- and when returning from Pause mode.  
sibility to make sure that no unauthorized  
personnel or children are allowed on or  
near the treadmill.  
Password Disabled — lets you “turn off” the password requirement. Use this option  
with caution.  
Once your selection is displayed, three options exist.You can,  
1. press Enter to accept the displayed information and continue with programming  
the treadmill. The changes have been retained in the treadmill’s memory. The  
M9.55 treadmill will retain your selection even when it is turned OFF and  
2. press Stop which keeps the current security unchanged and lets you continue  
with programming the treadmill.  
3. press Reset which keeps the current security unchanged, ends the program-  
ming mode, and returns to the Precor banner.  
Creating a User Name  
Note: Replacing the User1, User2, User3, or User4 identification with a user name,  
is part of a 3-part program that starts with Selecting a U.S. Standard or Metric  
Display. Begin with the instructions on page 32.  
If you chose step 1 or 2 in the previous programming step, the prompt, USER NAMES  
appears on the display. A user I.D. (i.e. USER1, USER2, USER3, USER4) appears in the  
lower display. The name associated with the user I.D. appears in the upper display.  
(If no user name has been created, then the user I.D. appears in both places.) The first  
character (in the upper display) blinks indicating that the treadmill is awaiting your input.  
Important: A user name is limited to 5 characters. The name “FRANK” is acceptable,  
but “MARCIA” is not.  
To create or change the name, take the following steps:  
1. Use the Speed key to advance through the alphabet. When the correct charac-  
ter appears, press Incline to move the cursor right to the next character field.  
(The Incline key moves the cursor to the left.)  
Note: Pressing Quick Start for about 5 seconds while the User I.D. is being  
displayed, restores the default user name, User 1, User 2. etc.  
2. Once your selection is displayed, two options exist. You can,  
a. press Enter to accept the name being displayed and advances to the next  
user I.D. The changes have been retained in the treadmill’s memory. The  
M9.55 treadmill will retain your selection even when it is turned OFF and  
b. press Stop to keep the current User I.D unchanged and advance to the next  
User I.D. Once all four user I.D.’s have been displayed, pressing Stop or  
Reset exits the program mode and returns the Precor banner.  
Note: The “current User I.D” is not necessarily the one being displayed. It  
refers to the user I.D’s that were in existence prior to entering the program  
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Viewing the Odometer, Hours of Use, Software Version and Error Log  
Start at the Precor banner and press the Stop button. Then, within ½ second, initiate  
the following key sequence.  
Speed , Speed ▼  
Note:You can use the number keys (6, 5) instead of Speed , Speed if you  
The field name Odometer appears briefly and then the odometer value (the cumula-  
tive distance users have travelled) appears in miles or kilometers.  
Press Enter and the number of hours (Hour Meter) that the unit has been in use  
appears. The treadmill notes the passing of each minute, but the numeric value that  
appears is truncated to the nearest full hour.  
Press Enter again and the unit’s three digit Software Version (upper and lower)  
appears on the display.  
Press Enter once again and the Error Log appears. Press any or key to view  
the error messages. To return to the Precor banner, press Enter, Stop, or Reset.  
Note: To clear (delete) the error log, press Quick Start for at least 4 seconds while  
viewing the list. Prompts appear on the display and let you know when the error  
messages have been deleted (“cleared” from memory).  
Important:You cannot retrieve the error log once you have deleted it.  
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M9.55 Courses  
A variety of exercise options are available on the M9.55. Descriptions of the courses  
printed on the display console label are described in this section. The information  
brief course descriptions  
using the Manual program  
creating and using custom courses  
using the preprogrammed courses  
setting parameters for the interval courses  
When using the treadmill, follow these general guidelines:  
At the beginning of a workout, take several minutes to bring your heart rate into  
your training zone, shown in Diagram 17.  
After your workout, walk slowly for several minutes to cool down your body and  
lower your heart rate. If possible, use the cool-down feature on your treadmill.  
Before and after a workout, gently stretch your lower body and back to help  
prevent stiffness or soreness.  
Course Features and Course Descriptions  
The courses on the M9.55 can be categorized into 4 different groups: infinite, fixed  
distance, time, or calorie goal, custom, and programmed.  
An infinite-type course is not limited by distance or time. It continues until you  
press the red Stop button. The automatic 5-minute cool-down period is not  
appended to these types of courses.  
A fixed-type course is limited by distance, time, or calorie goal. When you  
complete this type of course, the automatic 5-minute cool-down period begins. If  
your workout progress is time-based, then the display shows the remaining time  
in your workout. If the course you choose is distance or calorie-based, then the  
TIME display indicates the amount of time you have spent in your work out.  
A user-programmed course lets you determine the speed and incline of the course  
and save it for future use. These types of courses include: Custom, Interval, and  
Goal. Two custom courses are available on the M9.55 for each user I.D. In the  
Custom and Interval courses, each segment (column) of the display represents 1  
minute. The amount of time spent in the workout session appears in the TIME  
The five preprogrammed courses provide fixed time or distance. In each course,  
the incline automatically changes to its present condition as you progress through  
the course profile.You can override the incline using the Incline keys for each  
upcoming segment in the course profile. The profile changes accordingly, but the  
incline position is not saved should you use this course at another time. When you  
complete a programmed course, the automatic 5-minute cool-down period begins.  
The progress that you make during the course is tracked by a blinking cursor. If the  
column is several segments high, the entire column blinks. Several courses provide a  
“percent complete” prompt that appears as you progress through the course.  
The different course numbers and names appear on the following pages along with a  
description of the course features.  
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Type of course  
Speed and incline changes are completely under your control.  
The profile is initially a flat line. Each segment (column) equals 1  
minute. If changes are made to the incline, the course profile  
reflects the changes in all subsequent segments. The blinking  
cursor indicates your position on the course. The Manual course  
has no time or distance limit, you need to press STOP when you  
have completed your workout. Note that a cool-down period  
does not automatically occur when you STOP your workout.  
Remember to incorporate a cool down into your workout.  
Note: Pressing Quick Start at the Precor banner bypasses  
the user I.D. selection and lets you start your workout immedi-  
ately using the Manual course. For more information, refer to  
Using the Quick Start Feature.  
Type of course  
An oval “track” appears on the display. A blinking cursor  
(moving counterclockwise) indicates your position on the track.  
One “lap” around the track represents 440 yards (400 meters).  
Speed and incline changes are completely under your control.  
The SEGMENT TIME displays the remaining time required to  
complete the current lap based on your current speed.  
Type of course  
The distance is fixed at 1 mile and the incline is predetermined.  
You can make changes to the running belt speed (number keys  
or Speed keys) throughout the course and even the preset  
incline can be overridden using the Incline ▲▼ keys.  
Type of course  
5 K RUN  
The distance is fixed at 2 miles, but the other aspects of the  
course are the same as the Miracle Mile.  
Type of course  
The course time is fixed at 30 minutes. Speed and Incline  
changes can be made the same as in the Miracle Mile.  
Type of course  
The distance is fixed at 5 kilometers.You can run or walk the  
course. Speed and Incline changes can be made the same as  
in the Miracle Mile.  
Type of course  
10 K RUN  
The distance is fixed at 10 kilometers.You can run or walk  
the course. Speed and Incline changes can be made as in  
the 5 K Run.  
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Type of course  
Every time a Random course is selected, a different course  
profile appears. The 1-minute segments that appear in the  
course profile maintain a set incline that you can override using  
the Incline keys. The incline is preset to zero for the first  
segment and the maximum change allowed between segments  
is + or - 3%. The Random course has no time or distance limit,  
you need to press STOP when you have completed your  
workout. Note that a cool-down period does not automatically  
occur when you STOP your workout.You will need to access  
CAUTION:When you use the display  
console, hold onto the handrail to maintain  
your balance.You should also use the  
handrail whenever you speed up, slow  
down, or stop the treadmill.  
Manual mode to cool down.  
Type of course  
You create the custom courses as you work out, determining the  
incline and speed settings for each 1-minute segment along the  
course length. Note that the length of the course (number of  
segments) is limited to the available memory in the treadmill. As  
the time for each segment elapses, the speed and incline for that  
segment is stored in memory. When an unprogrammed segment  
is reached during a workout, the incline of the prior segment is  
echoed.You can change the incline and speed using the  
respective or number keys. Once you complete the course,  
it can be automatically recalled using the same user I.D. and  
course number. See CAUTION(s).  
CAUTION: Since the “speed” can be set  
and saved with Custom and Interval  
courses, a warning message appears prior  
to the start of the course (if the set speed is  
greater than 1 mph or 1.5 kph). Make sure  
that the security clip is fastened to your  
clothing near your waistline. Do not  
proceed with the course, if you are unfamil-  
iar with the set speeds.  
Type of course  
10 CUSTOM 2  
user programmed  
A second custom course has the same features as the first,  
but provides additional course “customization” capability.  
Type of course  
11 1-1 INTERVAL  
The interval courses are among the best for conditioning your  
cardiovascular system. The courses are designed to raise and  
lower your heart rate in a repeating fashion for an indefinite  
period of time. The interval courses on the M9.55 let you set the  
rest and work intervals according to your training regimen.You  
set the speed and incline for the first rest and work intervals and  
the software takes over from there, repeating the intervals  
throughout the course until you press the Stop button. In the 1-1  
Interval, each 1-minute rest interval is followed be a 1-minute  
work interval. As the time for each segment elapses, the speed  
and incline for that segment is stored in memory. Once you  
complete the course, it can be automatically recalled using the  
same user I.D. and course number. See CAUTION(s).  
Type of course  
12 1-2 INTERVAL  
This course works the same as the 1-1 Interval course, except  
that each 1-minute rest interval is followed be two 1-minute  
work intervals.  
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13 1-3 INTERVAL  
Type of course  
This course works the same as the 1-1 Interval course, except  
that each 1-minute rest interval is followed be three 1-minute  
work intervals.  
Type of course  
This course lets you set a target for your heart rate. The  
treadmill adjusts the incline to maintain your target heart rate  
while you work out. For more information, refer to Heart Rate  
Type of course  
The time is fixed at 28 minutes for this heart-rate interactive  
course. The target heart rate is initially set at 55% of (220 - Your  
Age) during the 4-minute rest interval and raises to 70% of  
(220 - Your Age) during the 4-minute work interval. The actual  
incline is altered by the software.You affect the incline when  
you adjust the target heart rate using the Incline keys.  
Warm-up and cool-down periods are incorporated into your  
total TIME. When you complete the course, the automatic 5-  
minute, cool-down period begins.  
Type of course  
fixed with user-  
programmable goal  
If you haven’t already entered a time goal, you are prompted  
to do so before the start of the course. Acceptable entries  
range from 1 to 999 minutes.You can enter a value using the  
▼▲ or number keys. Once you start a course, you can use  
the Incline or Speed ▲▼ keys to change the incline and  
speed. The TIME display shows the time remaining in the  
course. When you complete the course, the automatic 5-minute,  
cool-down period begins.  
Type of course  
fixed with user-  
programmable goal  
If you haven’t already entered a distance goal, you are  
prompted to do so before the start of the course. Acceptable  
entries range from 0.1 to 50.0 (miles or kilometers).You can  
enter a value using the or number keys. Once you start a  
course, you can use the Incline or Speed ▲▼ keys to  
change the incline and speed. The TIME display shows how  
long you have been working out. When you complete your goal,  
the automatic 5-minute, cool-down period begins.  
Type of course  
fixed with user-  
programmable goal  
If you haven’t already entered a calories goal, you are prompted  
to do so before the start of the course. Acceptable entries range  
from 10 to 5000 calories.You can enter a value using the or  
number keys. Once you begin the course, use the Incline or  
Speed ▲▼ keys to change the incline and speed. The TIME  
display shows how long you have been working out. When you  
complete your goal, the 5-minute, cool-down period begins.  
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Diagram 18  
Training zones.  
80% OF  
65% OF  
25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75  
Utilizing the Smart Rate® Feature  
Add the benefit of Smart Rate® to every course on the treadmill. Using Smart Rate®  
as a visual cue helps you adjust your exercise routine to suit specific needs. Smart  
Rate® simplifies the correlation between heart rate and exercise.You don’t have to  
stop concentrating on your workout to find your pulse. It is displayed right in front of  
you along with the Smart Rate® zone. Once you begin a workout, a blinking segment  
in the bar graph appears on the left of the display, if you entered your age during the  
Setup prompts. The blinking segment indicates the zone that your heart rate is in:  
Weight Loss or Cardiovascular.  
CAUTION: Keep in mind that the “Heart  
Rate” or “Training” zones are approxima-  
tions. Always check with your physician to  
learn what the appropriate heart rate is for  
your level of fitness. Do not push yourself  
beyond the recommended range.  
Important: Access to Smart Rate® is only available when the person exercising  
wears a POLAR® chest strap. The Smart Rate® indicator lights do not appear when  
Quick Start is pressed while the Precor banner is displayed.  
For the ideal “weight loss” range, your heart rate should be between 55% and 70% of  
your maximum aerobic heart rate. It should never exceed 80% of your maximum  
aerobic heart rate or go above your training zone. Refer to Diagram 18.  
When you maintain your heart rate between 70% and 85% of your maximum aerobic  
heart rate, you are improving your overall cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory fitness level.  
Maintaining your heart rate in either zone (weight loss or cardiovascular) for 30 minutes  
or more on a regular basis (minimum 3 times a week) provides the greatest benefits.  
Utilizing the Heart Rate Interactive Capabilities  
You can make each program on the M9.55 a heart rate interactive course by monitoring  
and maintaining your heart rate in the Smart Rate® zone best suited for your specific  
needs.You can access Smart Rate® only and AGE is stored in memory with your user I.D.  
and you wear the POLAR® chest strap. The Smart Rate® indicator lights do not appear  
when you press Quick Start while the Precor banner is being displayed.  
Before using the Heart Rate capabilities, take time to read the following guidelines.  
Consult with your physician before engaging in any vigorous exercise. Do not  
use the Heart Rate Course or the heart rate interactive capabilities until autho-  
rized by your physician.  
Slow down and stop immediately if you experience any pain or abnormal symptoms.  
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Gently stretch your lower body and back before and after working out to help  
prevent stiffness or soreness.  
Know your heart rate (pulse) and your physician-recommended heart rate  
training zone. Individual heart rates vary according to several physiological  
factors and may not correspond directly with the diagrams and tables provided.  
You should not use the Heart Rate capabilities if you are taking any medications  
that either speed up or slow down your heart rate.  
Always face forward on your M9.55 and use the handrail(s) for balance. Keep in  
mind that you are working with very sensitive equipment and upper body  
movement should be kept to a minimum.  
After putting on the chest strap, be sure that the M9.55 is ON. Face the display  
console for a minimum of 15 seconds. This allows the receiver in the console to  
acknowledge the presence of the transmitter.  
Incorporate a cool-down period into your workout to help lower your heart rate and  
minimize muscle stiffness or soreness. Refer to Cooling Down After a Workout.  
Heart Rate Course  
Once you set your target heart rate and the running belt’s speed, the Heart Rate  
Course monitors your heart rate and automatically maintains it within a few beats per  
minute (bpm) of the selected target. Blinking lights on the Smart Rate® bar graph  
appear to show the “zone” that you are in.  
Note: For the M9.55 to detect a heart rate, you must wear the POLAR® chest strap.  
The chest strap transmits your heart rate signal to the receiver that is installed in the display  
console. During your workout, the heart rate indicator lights and blinks at the same rate as  
your pulse.This lets you see what your heart rate is doing even when the display is  
presenting other workout statistics.  
To use the Heart Rate Course follow the steps found in Quick Steps to Working Out  
(page 21) and choose number 14 as the COURSE number. (A number value must  
also appear in the AGE field.) When the course begins, the following occurs:  
The software verifies that it detects a heart rate signal.You need to press the  
Speed key to begin your workout.  
Note: If your heart rate cannot be detected (or transmitted through the  
POLAR® chest strap), three dashes (- - -) appear in the Heart Rate display.  
The treadmill provides a 3-minute warm-up period before entering the Heart  
Rate Course. During this time, you may make changes to the target heart rate by  
using the Number keys or Incline ▲▼ keys. Use the Speed keys to set the  
running belt’s speed.  
Note: If your heart rate moves into the heart rate zone for your age during the 3-  
minute warm-up period, the Heart Rate Course begins concurrently.  
After the warm-up period, the treadmill automatically adjusts the incline to keep  
your heart rate at the selected target. Check the Smart Rate® display to see if  
you are in your preferred zone (cardiovascular or weight loss).  
Note:You can change your heart rate or speed anytime during a workout, but doing  
so affects the treadmill’s ability to maintain your target heart rate. It takes time for the  
treadmill to readjust the incline so that your heart rate remains on target.  
Important: A warning message will appear if you go above your maximum  
recommended heart rate target zone. Heed the warning and get permission from  
your personal physician before working out above the maximum recommended  
zone for your age and fitness level. See  
Diagram 18 on page 39 for the recommended training zones.  
When you complete the course, remember to incorporate a cooling down period.  
Press Stop and then, Reset. At the Precor banner, press Quick Start to access  
the Manual course.  
Note: The speed remains constant, if you were at or below 1 mph (1.5 kph).  
page 40  
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Using the POLAR® Equipment  
The Precor Heart Rate System has many unique features. Before you use the  
POLAR® chest strap, please study this section thoroughly.  
Important: If you do not use the Precor Heart Rate Option according to the guide-  
lines found in this manual, you could jeopardize the accuracy of your heart rate  
readings or void the manufacturer’s limited warranty.  
Wearing the POLAR® Chest Strap  
The Precor Heart Rate Option is a completely wireless system. A built-in receiver  
displays continual feedback about your heart rate when you wear the POLAR® chest  
strap. No bulky wires or cables interfere with your movements.  
The wireless chest strap contains the electrodes that transmit your heart rate (pulse) to  
the receiver. To get an accurate reading, the electrodes need to be moist and in direct  
contact with your skin. Be sure to wear the chest strap underneath your clothing.  
Take the following steps to put on the chest strap:  
Diagram 19  
Determine proper  
1. Adjust the tightness of the chest strap by  
sliding the buckle along the strap.  
2. Determine the length of the strap by wrapping  
it around your chest. Without stretching the  
strap, check the distance between the two  
ends of the strap. For a snug fit, the ends of  
the strap should be about 6 inches (15 cm)  
apart. See Diagram 19.  
Diagram 20  
3. Remove the strap from around your chest  
and carefully dampen the electrode strips  
with tap water as shown in Diagram 20 or use  
the Precor spray. Do not use deionized water.  
To function properly, the electrodes need the  
salts and minerals found in non-purified  
water. During your workout, your perspiration  
keeps the electrodes moist.  
Moisten electrodes.  
If needed, use the  
spray included with  
the Precor Heart Rate  
4. Buckle the strap around your chest. The strap  
should feel snug, not restrictive. Make sure  
that the transmitter lies horizontally across  
your chest and is centered in the middle of  
your chest. See Diagram 21.  
Diagram 21  
Buckle chest strap.  
Note: The chest strap transmitter has a one-  
year warranty.  
With the proper adjustment of the chest strap, you are ready to begin using the Heart  
Rate interactive capabilities on your treadmill.  
Storing the POLAR® Chest Strap  
Store the chest strap transmitter in a place where dust and dirt cannot accumulate  
on it such as, a closet or drawer. Be sure to keep the chest strap protected from  
extremes in temperature. Do not store it in an area that may be exposed to tempera-  
tures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  
CAUTION: Do not use abrasive cleaner on  
the strap. Do not immerse any part of the  
chest strap. Do not spray or pour liquids  
on any part of the equipment.  
page 41  
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Maintaining the Treadmill  
The M9.55 treadmill requires little maintenance to keep it running smoothly and  
efficiently. However, you are responsible for typical maintenance tasks such as,  
cleaning the unit to keep it free from dust and dirt accumulation. If you fail to maintain  
the treadmill as described below, it could affect or void the Precor limited warranty.  
Cleaning the Equipment  
Most of the working mechanisms are protected inside the treadmill’s hood and solid  
base. However, for efficient operation, the treadmill relies on low friction. To keep the  
friction low, the treadmill must be as clean as possible.  
CAUTION:Turn OFF the treadmill and  
diconnect the power cord before perform-  
ing most maintenance tasks.  
Before or after each workout, use a damp, soft cloth to clean the staging platform,  
running bed and between the belt and running bed surface as far as you can easily  
reach. This removes any dust or dirt which might affect the smooth operation of the unit.  
Periodically, clean the treadmill’s frame, display console, handrails and running belt  
with a dampened (not dripping wet), clean cloth using a solution of mild soap and  
water. To clean the groves on the belt, use a soft nylon scrub brush. Vacuum the floor  
underneath the unit every week to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt.  
CAUTION: Never pour water or spray  
liquids on the display console, handrails,  
or treadmill. Allow the treadmill to dry  
completely before using.  
The Precor Heart Rate equipment requires little maintenance beyond keeping it dust  
free. Dampen a sponge or soft cloth in mild soap and water to clean the POLAR®  
chest strap. Dry the surface thoroughly with a clean towel.  
Aligning the Running Belt  
The correct alignment of the running belt is critical to the smooth operation of the  
treadmill. The belt is properly aligned at the factory. However, during shipping and  
handling or by use on an uneven surface, the belt may move off center and require a  
few simple adjustments.  
Before aligning the running belt, check its operation by following the procedure in  
Checking the Alignment of the Running Belt on page 18. If you determine that the  
belt needs alignment, follow the instructions here.  
Realigning the belt takes a few simple adjustments. If you are unsure about this  
procedure, call Precor Customer Support (see Obtaining Service on page 9.)  
Take the following steps to align the running belt on the treadmill. To ensure your  
safety, make all adjustments while the treadmill is OFF.  
1. Make sure the treadmill is OFF and the running belt has completely stopped.  
CAUTION: Special care must be taken  
when aligning the running belt.Turn OFF  
the treadmill while adjusting or working  
near the rear roller. Remove any loose  
clothing and tie back your hair. Be very  
careful to keep your finger or any other  
object clear of the belt and rollers,  
especially in front of the roller and behind  
the deck. The treadmill will not stop  
immediately if an object becomes caught  
in the belt or rollers.  
2. Locate the left belt adjustment bolt in the rear end cap of the treadmill. (To  
determine left and right, stand at the rear of the treadmill and face the display.)  
The direction you turn the bolt depends on how the belt is tracking. Make all belt  
adjustments on the left rear corner bolt using the hex key provided.  
If the belt is off center to the LEFT, turn the adjusting bolt 1/4 turn clockwise,  
which moves the running belt to the right.  
If the belt tracks off center to the RIGHT, turn the bolt 1/4 turn counterclock-  
wise; this moves the belt to the left.  
Important: Do not turn the adjusting bolt more than 1/4 turn at a time.  
Overtightening the bolt can damage the treadmill.  
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3. Turn ON the treadmill.  
4. Stand to the side of the treadmill and press Quick Start, enter the password (if  
necessary) and then increase the running belt speed to 3 mph (5 kph) by pressing  
Speed .  
CAUTION: After entering the password, the  
belt starts moving after the short warning  
message, “Belt Starting 3, 2, 1,...” appears  
on the display.  
Important: The running belt begins moving automatically after you perform step 4.  
CAUTION: If you hear any chafing or the  
running belt appears to be getting  
damaged, stop the running belt immedi-  
ately by pressing the red Stop key.  
Contact Precor Customer Support.  
5. Observe the running belt for a couple of minutes. The belt should be centered on  
the running bed. A few inches from either side of the side rail platform.  
6. If the belt needs additional alignment, repeat steps 1 through 4 of this procedure  
until the belt is properly aligned.  
7. Press Stop (the running belt slows and stops moving). To return to the Precor  
banner, press Reset.  
Servicing theTreadmill  
Do not attempt to service the treadmill yourself except for the maintenance  
tasks described in this manual. The unit does not contain any user-serviceable  
parts that require lubrication. For information about product operation or service,  
call 888-665-4404.  
LongTerm Storage  
When the treadmill is not in use for any length of time, turn it OFF. Ensure that the  
power cord is unplugged from the wall outlet and is positioned so that it will not  
become damaged or interfere with other equipment or people.  
page 43  
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Residential Equipment Limited Warranty  
Thank you for purchasing a PRECOR product. In order that we may continue to serve you in the future, please take a few minutes to  
complete and return this warranty registration.  
The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Precor Limited Warranty and affirms that the date of purchase was_____________  
19___; further, that the undersigned has read and understands the conditions and terms of the Precor Limited Warranty in its entirety. For  
your protection, complete the Precor Limited Warranty registration card within 10 days from date of purchase and mail it to Precor. In the  
event of a safety modification or for other reasons Precor might deem necessary, we will contact you directly.  
Name of Purchaser  
Phone Number  
Zip Code  
Zip Code  
Purchased From  
Serial #  
Serial number is located on shipping box and on the product.  
Purchaser's Signature ____________________________________________________________  
Please detach and return this  
Residential Equipment Limited Warranty  
This warranty is valid only in accordance with the  
conditions set forth below.  
Precor Incorporated warrants that all new Precor products are free of manufacturing defects in workmanship  
and materials. Parts repaired or replaced under the terms of this warranty will be warranted for the remainder of  
the original warranty period only. This warranty becomes effective at the invoice date of the original purchase.  
1. Warranty applies to the Precor product only while  
A) it remains in the possession of the original  
purchaser and proof of purchase is demonstrated,  
B) it has not been subjected to accident, misuse,  
abuse, improper service, or non-Precor modification  
and C) claims are made within the warranty period.  
2. Warranty of all Precor products applies to residential  
use only (unless specifically stated by the factory, in  
writing, to be warranted for commercial use) and is void  
when products are used in a non-residential environ-  
or installed in a country other than where sold.  
3. This warranty does not cover damage or equipment  
failure caused by residential wiring not in compliance with  
electrical codes or Precor owner’s manual specifications,  
or failure to provide reasonable and necessary  
maintenance as outlined in the owner's manual.  
4. During the labor period Precor compensates Servicers for  
warranty trips within their normal service area to repair  
motorized treadmills, elliptical fitness crosstrainers,  
and E/L products at the customer's location. You may  
be charged a trip charge outside the service area, or for  
on-site warranty repairs on some equipment within the  
service area.  
Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers and Motorized Treadmills  
Labor is covered for a period of one year, parts are covered for a period of three years plus a lifetime frame weld warranty  
covering parts-only repair or replacement parts. (Labor is not covered on frame replacement after one year.)  
Products (StretchTrainer, Strength Equipment — formerly Pacific Fitness) other than Elliptical Fitness  
Crosstrainer and Motorized Treadmills (except options)  
Labor is covered for a period of 90 days, parts are covered for a period of one year plus a lifetime frame weld  
warranty covering parts-only repair or replacement parts. (Labor is not covered on frame replacement after one year.)  
Strength Products (For products manufactured after August 1, 1999)  
This is a parts only warranty.  
1. Frame & Welds: Defective parts pertaining to frame structure, including all welded assembly parts, will be  
warranted for Lifetime.  
2. Bearings, Guide rods, Cams, Pulleys, Belts, Cables, Hand grips, and Miscellaneous parts will be warranted for  
a period of three years.  
3. Upholstery will be warranted for a period of three years. A three month warranty applies to Naugahyde  
Return Policy: In the event, service is required on a Precor Strength Product/Pacific Fitness product during the  
warranty period, Precor will require proof of purchase. Claims should be made to Precor Customer Support.  
Purchaser is responsible for all transportation and insurance costs, on returned or replace equipment, or parts  
to and from the Precor plant. Purchaser also assumes any costs associated with the disassembling or reassem-  
5. Precor Limited Warranty service may be obtained by  
contacting the authorized dealer from where you  
purchased the equipment or by contacting a Precor  
Factory Authorized Service Center, or by calling 1-  
Options / Accessories / Battery-powered or Self-Operated Devices  
4-PRECOR (1-800-477-3267).  
Many options or accessories have components that are connected internally or mounted inside the electronic  
console. The following guidelines determine the warranty for these components. If the internal components are  
installed by the factory or by an authorized dealer as part of the original sale and delivery, they have a warranty that  
is identical to the warranty of the equipment in which they are connected or mounted. If the internal components  
are not installed by the factory or by an authorized dealer as part of the original sale and delivery, they have a 90  
days parts and labor limited warranty. All components that are not internally connected have a 90 days parts only  
limited warranty. Satisfactory proof of purchase is required in all cases.  
6. Except in Canada, Precor does not pay labor outside  
the United States. Equipment limited warranty is  
when equipment is installed in a country other than  
where sold. For specific warranty details, contact a  
local Precor dealer.  
This Limited Warranty shall not apply to:  
1. Software (PROM) limitations or corrections.  
2. Batteries or other consumables, or cosmetic items,  
grips, seats, labels, or wheels.  
3. Repairs performed on Precor equipment missing a  
serial number or with a serial tag that has been  
Fill this portion out and keep for your records.  
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not  
or defaced.  
apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. 4. Service calls to correct installation of the equipment  
Purchased From  
Phone Number  
Effective 01 Nov 99  
instruct owners on how to use the equipment.  
Serial #  
P/N 36287-106  
5. Pick-up, delivery, or freight charges involved with  
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Precor Incorporated  
P.O. Box 3004  
Bothell, WA USA 98041-3004  
Warranty Registration Card  
M9.55 Low Impact Treadmill featuring Heart Rate and Smart Rate® Systems  
Product Specifications  
Electronic Specifications  
Length: 84 inches (213 cm)  
Width: 36.75 inches (93 cm) w/handrails  
33.75 inches (86 cm) w/o handrails  
Height: 55 inches (140 cm)  
M9.55 Programs:  
C955 Display Readouts:  
Manual Course  
Track Course  
Segment Time  
Miracle Mile  
Yellow Brick Road  
Heart Rate* and Smart Rate® *  
surface: Belt - 20 inches by 60 inches  
(51 cm by 152 cm)  
Urban Park (30 minutes)  
5k Run  
Motor: 3.2 hp continuous duty  
Speed: 1 to 12 mph (1 to 20 kph)  
Incline: 0 to 12% grade  
10k run  
Random Course  
Custom Course #1  
Custom Course #2  
1 - 1 Interval Course  
1 - 2 Interval Course  
1 - 3 Interval Course  
Heart Rate Control Course*  
Weight Loss Course*  
Time Goal Course  
Distance Goal Course  
Calories Goal Course  
Power: 120 v @ 50/60Hz 20 Amps  
240v @ 50/60Hz 20 Amps  
Weight: 350 lbs (158 kg)  
weight: 460 lbs (207 kg)  
* Requires that the POLAR® chest strap be worn by the user.  
Precor Incorporated  
P.O. Box 3004  
Bothell, WA USA 98041-3004  
Precor, EFX, M, and Smart Rate are registered trademarks of Precor Incorporated.  
Cross Ramp, and Quick Start are trademarks of Precor Incorporated.  
Copyright 2000 Precor Incorporated.  
Lit Kit# 44392-101  
OM# 44393-101-101  
Warranty Card# 36287-106  
Specifications subject to change without notice.  
Exploded Views 43543-101 Rev.  
Precor web site:  
Precor is widely recognized for its innovative, award winning designs of exercise equipment. Precor  
aggressively seeks U.S. and foreign patents for both the mechanical construction and the visual as-  
pects of its product design. Any party contemplating the use of Precor’s product designs is hereby  
forewarned that Precor considers the unauthorized appropriation of its proprietary rights to be a very  
serious matter. Precor will vigorously pursue all unauthorized appropriation of its proprietary rights.  
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