Ovation Software Network Card Ovation User Manual

3G / UMTS WLAN LAN Gateway  
User Manual  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Review the basics  
Determine the exposure  
Protect your data  
Rename your network  
Restrict access  
Hide your network  
Control the traffic  
Block content  
Monitor activity  
Advanced Network Settings  
DMZ server  
WLAN Mode  
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Within minutes, all of the computers in your home can be sharing a wireless  
connection to the Internet through the 3G/UMTS mobile network.  
Tip: To achieve the best possible reception, check the signal strength (the more  
bars the better the reception) on the LCD on your Ovation. You may find that  
placing your Ovation near a window provides the best reception.  
Simple setup  
Your Ovation is designed to provide you with a quick and troubleꢀfree  
installation. You can install, set up, and be connected to the Internet in just a  
few short steps. The webꢀbased interface lets you set up your Ovation from  
almost any personal computer, including Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, using  
an Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer 6.0 or Netscape 6.2). Once you are  
set up, you can review and enable customized wireless security settings.  
Instant protection  
Your Ovation supports Network Address Translation (NAT). This network service  
hides the computers in your network so they can't be found or directly accessed  
by anyone outside of your network. Also included is a true firewall that blocks  
all incoming traffic and allows all outgoing traffic by default.  
Additional security  
Disabled by default, your Ovation supports both Wired Equivalent Protection  
(WEP) and WiꢀFi Protected Access (WPAꢀPSK) to protect your network data.  
Parents can set up content filtering to monitor or restrict Internet access.  
Security logs keep you aware of potential security risks and attempted access.  
You can view logs online.  
Stay in touch  
You can use your Ovation to send and receive SMS text messages. The LCD on  
the front of the device lets you know when you have new messages.  
Important note  
To protect your network from unauthorized access, and to make it more  
difficult for hackers to analyze your data, please check the WLAN security  
settings and enable either WEP or WPAꢀPSK encryption on your Ovation.  
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LCD display  
Online when you are connected to the 3G/UMTS mobile network. Offline  
when you are not connected to the 3G/UMTS mobile network.  
Online when a computer is turned on and connected with an Ethernet  
cable. 10 (Mbps) or 100 (Mbps) indicates the connection speed.  
Online when the WLAN module is enabled.  
UMTS signal indicator  
Six bars represents the strongest signal. The stronger the signal, the better  
your 3G/UMTS mobile network connection.  
Displays the current time in hours and minutes.  
An envelope symbol appears when you receive an SMS text message.  
LCD lighting  
Press this button to turn the LCD backlight on or off.  
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Side panel  
UMTS on/off  
Press this button to connect or disconnect from the 3G/UMTS  
mobile network.  
To connect your Ovation to a computer using an Ethernet cable.  
Press this button to reboot or reset your Ovation.  
SIM card slot  
To insert or remove the SIM card, carefully press the yellow eject button  
with a pointed object.  
Power connection  
To turn your Ovation on, plug the power adapter into this connection.  
Note: You should leave your Ovation turned on at all times to provide a  
faster connection. Leaving the power on is not the same as staying  
connected to the 3G/UMTS mobile network. You are only connected when  
the UMTS indicator on the LCD displays ONLINE.  
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Wall mounting  
You can mount your Ovation on a wall or other vertical surface. If the wall is  
drywall, use two hollow wallꢀanchors to secure the screws. Make sure you  
mount your Ovation vertically so that the LCD is facing upward.  
• Remove your Ovation  
from the stand.  
• Use the mounting template  
to mark the holes.  
• Secure the screws in the  
• Hang your Ovation on the  
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Safety guidelines  
Your Ovation is a sensitive electronic device. It is based on the same principles  
as cell phones and other wireless devices. To use your device securely and  
efficiently, please follow the following guidelines:  
• Always handle it carefully and store it in a clean and dustꢀfree place.  
• Do not expose it to liquid, moisture, or humidity.  
• Do not expose it to extreme temperatures, either high or low.  
• Do not expose it to open flames or lit tobacco products.  
• Do not drop, throw, or try to bend it.  
• Do not paint or place stickers on it.  
• Do not use it near medical equipment without prior permission.  
• Do not use it in areas that display the posting “turn off twoꢀway radio”.  
• Do not use it in areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere.  
• Do not take it apart.  
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Encryption is disabled by default on your Ovation and should be set up as the  
final step in your installation. See page 37 for stepꢀbyꢀstep instructions. To  
ensure the highest level of protection, you should complete your initial setup  
using a LAN connection.  
Step 1: Insert the SIM card  
You must insert the SIM card before you can access the Internet. Please insert  
the SIM before you connect the power adapter. Take care not to touch or  
damage the contact points on the SIM card. Use the notch in the tray as a  
guide to properly insert the SIM card.  
Important: If you need to remove or replace your SIM card, make sure you are  
disconnected from the Internet and that the power adapter is unplugged.  
• Push the eject button using  
a pointed object, such as a  
pen or pencil, and then  
remove the SIM tray from  
the card slot.  
• Align the orientation notch  
on the SIM card with  
the orientation notch on the  
• Insert the SIM card into the  
• Reinsert the SIM tray into  
the card slot.  
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Step 2: Connect the power  
Only use the power adapter you received with your Ovation. Using a different  
power adapter could cause damage. After you connect the power, a startup  
process begins. This process takes about 60 to 90 seconds. Please wait until you  
see the message “Enter PIN Code” on the LCD before proceeding to Step 3.  
If you see the message “SIM Failure” or “Insert SIM” on the LCD, then the SIM  
card is defective, was inserted incorrectly, or was not inserted at all. Unplug the  
power adapter and check the SIM card.  
• Plug the power adapter into  
your Ovation.  
• Plug the power adapter into  
an outlet.  
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Step 3: Connect your computer  
You can connect your computer to your Ovation using either a WLAN (wireless)  
connection or a LAN cable.  
Wireless connection  
Your computer must support IEEE 802.11 b/g to set up a wireless connection.  
If your computer does not support this, you can upgrade your computer with a  
WLAN adapter or WLAN PC card.  
The following instructions show you how to connect your computer to your  
Ovation using Windows XP (SP2). If you are using another operating system,  
refer to the manufacturers documentation.  
Turn on your computer.  
• Enable the WLAN adapter.  
• Choose StartꢀControl Panel  
and then select Network  
• Select ovation (default SSID  
name) and click Connect .  
The first time you connect,  
wait about 60 seconds until  
the wireless connection is  
established. The message  
“Connected” will display on  
your computer.  
Your computer should  
automatically connect to  
your Ovation during future  
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LAN connection  
Your Ovation box contains a LAN cable (Ethernet cable). Use this cable to  
establish a LAN connection between your computer and your Ovation.  
• Connect your computer to  
your Ovation using  
the LAN cable.  
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Step 5: Connect to the Internet  
Your final step is to connect to the Internet. You will need the PIN code that  
came with your Ovation.  
• Open your  
Internet browser.  
• If your proxy server is  
enabled, please disable it.  
For Internet Explorer 6.0  
(SP2), choose Tools and  
then Internet Options.  
Select the Connections tab  
and click Settings.  
Disable the proxy server and  
automatic script search.  
• Make sure that JavaScript is  
• If you are using popꢀup  
blocking software, please  
disable it.  
For Internet Explorer 6.0  
(SP2) choose Tools and then  
PopꢀUp Blocker. Select  
Turn Off Popꢀup Blocker.  
in the browser address bar  
and press Enter.  
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• Enter your user name in  
the Username box. The  
default user name is admin.  
• Enter your password in  
the Password box. The  
default password is  
Note: Note that the user  
name and password are  
case sensitive. For example:  
ADMIN is not the same as  
• Click OK.  
• The first time you use your  
Ovation, the Setup Wizard  
will appear. Follow the four  
installation steps by clicking  
Next and at the end  
Your Ovation will now  
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• Open your  
Internet browser.  
in the browser address bar  
and press Enter.  
• Enter your user name in  
the Username box. The  
default user name is admin.  
• Enter your password in  
the Password box. The  
default password is  
Note: Note that the user  
name and password are  
case sensitive. For example:  
ADMIN is not the same as  
• Click OK.  
• Click the Connect button  
on the Connection  
• When the message appears,  
letting you know you are  
being reꢀdirected to the PIN  
page, click OK.  
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Type your PIN code in  
the PIN Code box.  
• Click Go.  
• Wait for the connection.  
• Once you are connected,  
you can surf the Internet,  
access your eꢀmail, and  
send and receive SMS text  
Please review the  
information in the  
remaining chapters to learn  
about your Ovation default  
settings and how you can  
adjust them.  
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Internet Settings  
You can change or customize your Internet settings. You must open the Tools  
before you can change these settings.  
Opening the Tools  
Once your Ovation is set up for first time use, you can use the Tools to change  
your settings.  
• Enter your user name in  
the Username box. The  
default user name is admin.  
• Enter your password in  
the Password box. The  
default password is  
Note: Note that the user  
name and password are  
case sensitive. For example:  
ADMIN is not the same as  
• Click OK.  
• Click Tools on the  
Connection Manager.  
You can then adjust  
your Ovation settings.  
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Internet Settings  
Changing your PIN code  
For security reasons, you should change your preset PIN code. The length of  
your PIN code will vary, depending on your service provider. You cannot change  
the user name admin.  
• Click Configuration, then  
PIN Code & Password.  
Type your current PIN code  
in the Current PIN Code box.  
Type your new PIN code in  
the New PIN Code box.  
Type your new PIN code  
again in the Confirm PIN  
Code box.  
• Click Apply.  
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Internet Settings  
Disconnect automatically  
Your Ovation was set up at the factory to automatically disconnect from the  
Internet when your session is inactive for 60 minutes.  
Note: The Internet connection will not be disconnected if programs on your  
computer generate data traffic between your Ovation and the Internet in the  
This is intended for your protection so that no costs are incurred if you  
accidentally forget to disconnect the 3G/UMTS connection manually after your  
session. You can change this default setting so that the connection will  
automatically be interrupted after a period of time defined by you.  
• Click System Settings then  
UMTS Conn.  
• Select the amount of  
minutes to elapse before  
disconnecting from the Idle  
time before disconnecting  
• Click Apply.  
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Internet Settings  
Reconnect automatically  
Enable automatic reconnect to minimize Internet connection disruptions. If your  
Ovation automatically disconnects from the Internet ꢀ either because you set up  
an automatic disconnect or your network dropped your connection ꢀ your  
Ovation will automatically attempt to reꢀestablish your Internet connection  
when your Internet activity resumes.  
• Click System Settings then  
UMTS Conn.  
• Check the Reconnect if  
connection is dropped box.  
• Click Apply.  
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Internet Settings  
Monitor usage  
To monitor the duration of your connection you can view your connection  
statistics throughout the month. Please note that the usage information shown  
on your device may be different from that shown on your bill.  
• Click Usage on the  
Connection Manager  
To refresh the statistics  
click Update.  
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Internet Settings  
Disconnect from the Internet  
There are two methods you can use to disconnect from the Internet. Maximize  
or enable the Connection Manager window and click Disconnect, or press the  
UMTS on/off button on the side of your Ovation.  
The UMTS indicator on the LCD shows UMTS OFFLINE when your Ovation is  
disconnected from the Internet.  
Connection Status window  
• Click Disconnect on the  
Connection Manager  
UMTS on/off  
• Press the UMTS on/off  
button on the side of your  
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Internet Settings  
Adjust the time  
The LCD on your Ovation displays the current time. By default, the time is set  
up to synchronize with the time on your computer. You must unselect Adjust  
for Daylight Savings Time and click Apply before the time will display on the  
You can change this default and set it manually or synchronize it with the  
Network Time Protocol (NTP). If you set the time manually, you should disable  
the Adjust for Daylight Savings Time feature.  
• Click Advanced Settings,  
then Date & Time.  
• Select the required options.  
• Click Apply.  
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Administration Settings  
You can change common administration settings for your Ovation. You must  
open the Tools before you can change these settings.  
Change your password  
The password is your security code for your Ovation. Change the default  
password to limit access to these settings.  
If you change the default password and you can't remember what the new  
password is, you'll have to reset your Ovation to the default factory settings.  
This resets the password back to password. It also resets all of the other  
settings ꢀ which is why it's a good idea to back up your settings.  
For information about creating a backup, see “Back up your settings” in this  
user guide.  
• Click Configuration then  
PIN Code & Password.  
Type your existing password  
in the Current Password  
Type your new password in  
the New Password  
and Confirm New Password  
• Click Apply.  
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Administration Settings  
Back up your settings  
Create a backup file to save your user specific settings. Use it to restore your  
When you create a backup file, the password is saved with the file. When you  
restore your settings from the backup file you will have to use the password you  
were using when you created the backup file.  
• Click Configuration then  
Backup & Restore.  
• Click Backup.  
• If a browser request appears,  
select Save on Disk/Hard  
Drive and then click OK.  
• Select a location to save the  
file and enter a file name in  
the File Name box.  
• Click Save.  
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Administration Settings  
Restore your settings  
If you previously created a backup file, you can use the file to restore your  
Ovation to your custom settings.  
• Click Configuration then  
Backup & Restore.  
Type either the complete path  
to the backup file in the  
Restore from File box or  
click the Browse field to find  
the file.  
• Click Restore.  
• A status message appears.  
Wait until the restore process  
is complete.  
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Administration Settings  
Upgrade the Ovation firmware  
Contact your service provider to find out where you can download the most  
current version of the Ovation firmware.  
Before you install a new version of the firmware, you should create a backup  
file of your settings.  
• Open an Internet browser,  
connect to the Internet, and  
go to your service providers  
web site.  
• Download the firmware  
upgrade and save it on your  
hard drive.  
• If necessary, extract the  
compressed or zipped file.  
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Administration Settings  
• Click Upgrade.  
• Enter either a complete path  
to the upgrade file in the  
Upgrade Router field or  
click Browse to find the  
downloaded file.  
• Click Upgrade and wait  
until the upgrade is complete.  
Note: Do not push buttons or  
insert or remove cables during  
the upgrade. Please wait until  
a message appears, letting  
you know that the upgrade  
is complete.  
• Clear your browser cache.  
See page 52 for instructions.  
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Restore Factory Default  
You can restore your Ovation to the factory default settings. This resets the  
password back to password. It also erases all of your custom settings. If you  
want to restore your custom settings after you reset the device, create a backup  
file first.  
You can reset your Ovation to the factory defaults as follows:  
• Unplug the power adapter.  
• Then plug the power adapter back in to turn the device back on.  
• Wait until the Welcome message appears on the LCD and press the Reset  
button for 30 seconds.  
• Then remove the power adapter and then turn the device back on.  
• From the Tools, click Configuration, then Backup & Restore.  
• Click Restore.  
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Your Ovation is equipped to send and receive SMS text messages. This feature  
may or may not be available, depending on your service provider.  
Send messages  
You can send SMS text messages from your Ovation. The length of outgoing  
messages is limited to 160 characters.  
• Click SMS on the  
Connection Manager  
window then Send SMS.  
• Enter the text and phone  
number that you want to  
send the message to.  
Read messages  
You can read SMS text messages on your Ovation. An envelope symbol will  
appear on the LCD when you receive a new message.  
• Click SMS on the  
Connection Manager  
window then Inbox.  
• Select the message in the  
inbox that you want to read.  
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Delete messages  
SMS text messages are stored on your SIM card. The number of messages you  
can store varies, depending on your service provider. When your SIM card  
memory is full, you will not be able to receive any new messages. You should  
delete messages after you read them.  
• Select the message in the  
inbox that you want to  
• Click Delete.  
Setup options  
To receive SMS messages on your Ovation, you need the number of your SMS  
Center (SMSC). This number should be set up automatically. If it isn’t, you can  
enter it manually. Please contact your service provider if you are not sure what  
the number is.  
• Click SMS on the  
Connection Manager  
window then Settings.  
• Enter the number for your  
SMS Center in the SMSC  
• Click Apply.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Review the basics  
Simply connecting your computer to your Ovation provides a basic level of  
Network Address Translation  
Your Ovation supports Network Address Translation (NAT). This network service  
makes it possible for all of the computers in your network to share a single IP  
address. This IP address is assigned to your Ovation. It is the only address that is  
visible to the outside world. The private addresses that DHCP assigns to computers  
in your network remain private and cannot be reached from the Internet.  
Your Ovation has a true firewall that uses rules to determine which traffic comes  
in and which traffic goes out. By default, all traffic is allowed out and no traffic is  
allowed in. This is the only security setting that is enabled by default.  
Determine the exposure  
If you live in a rural area far away from your neighbor, the likelihood that someone  
will break into your wireless network is very low. On the other hand, if you live in  
a densely populated area in the city next to an office building, there is a potential  
danger that a third party could connect to your wireless network.  
Based on your own security needs, decide which security settings you want to  
implement. The following table shows you which settings protect your network  
access and which settings protect your data.  
Wireless Security  
Network Access  
Network Data  
Change SSID  
Restrict access by MAC address  
Enable WEP Open System encryption  
Enable WEP Shared System encryption  
Enable WPAꢀPSK encryption  
Disable SSID broadcast  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Protect your data  
Data sent through a wired or wireless network is transmitted as plain text.  
Anyone able to break into your network can intercept and read the data.  
Encryption minimizes this security risk because the data is converted into a  
nonreadable format.  
Your Ovation supports Wired Equivalent Protection (WEP) and WiFi Protected  
Access (WPAꢀPSK) encryption. Encryption is disabled on your Ovation by default.  
Wired Equivalent Protection (WEP)  
This type of encryption is based on the RC4 encryption algorithm. The algorithm  
is generated based on a key that everyone in the network shares to encode and  
decode data.  
The network card in your computer uses the encryption key to encode data that  
leaves the computer. When the data arrives at your Ovation, the encryption key  
is used again to decode the data into its original form.  
You can set up your Ovation to provide encryptionꢀonly protection using  
openꢀsystem mode or you can add authentication using sharedꢀkey mode.  
You should change the WEP encryption key on a regular basis to maintain the  
effectiveness of WEP.  
Setting up WEP on your Ovation  
To set up a WEP encryption code for your network, manually enter a key using  
the following characters (a number combination between 0 and 9 and letters  
between a and f). This code is not case sensitive. For example: AA is the same  
as aa. The encryption code can contain up to 26 characters and may not  
contain any spaces.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
• Click System Settings then  
WLAN AP Security.  
• Select the type of  
authentication from the  
Authentication list.  
• Select WEP as Encryption.  
• Select the length of the key  
from the WEP Encryption list.  
• Enter your key  
For example:  
• Click Apply and wait until your  
Ovation restarts. This startup  
process takes about 60 seconds.  
Repeat the “Initial Connection Process” and enter the key when asked. Your  
Ovation is now secure.  
Reconnecting your computer  
When you click Apply after you set up the WEP encryption, computers with  
wireless connections to your Ovation will disconnect. It can take 2 to 3 minutes  
before your Ovation reappears on the list of available wireless networks. As  
soon as your computer finds your Ovation, you must reconnect manually.  
For instructions on how to reestablish the wireless connection between your  
computer and your Ovation, please refer to the manufacturers documentation.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
WiFi Protected Access (WPAꢀPSK)  
This type of encryption helps protect your network from unauthorized access  
and eavesdroppers. Like WEP, an encryption key scrambles the data between  
your computers and your Ovation. Like WEP SharedꢀKey, computers must  
authenticate with your Ovation to join the network. This is where the similarities  
With WEP the encryption key is static – it stays the same until you change it.  
With WPAꢀPSK, you enter a single passphrase once on your Ovation and then  
again on each computer you want to connect to your network. Then the WPA  
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) takes over.  
TKIP mathematically derives encryption keys based on your initial passphrase.  
Keys are automatically changed, rotated and authenticated among devices in  
your network. The same key is never used twice. WPAꢀPSK is sometimes  
referred to as extraꢀstrength encryption.  
What are the drawbacks?  
To use WPAꢀPSK on your network, every device you connect to your network  
must support WPA. Older devices – those manufactured before August 2003 –  
might not support this new standard. Check with your manufacturer to see if a  
software upgrade is available.  
Setting up WPAꢀPSK on your Ovation  
Your WPAꢀPSK passphrase can contain between 8 and 63 characters. It can  
contain special characters and spaces. Ideally, a passphrase should consist of 20  
characters, be a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, and contain  
numbers and punctuation marks.  
Since your passphrase provides the starting point for the rekeying process, using  
a passphrase that is difficult to crack strengthens your network security.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
• Click Setup then  
WLAN Security.  
• Select WPAꢀPSK as Security  
• Enter your passphrase in the  
PSK field.  
Write down your passphrase.  
You must enter it on every  
computer that you want to  
connect to your network.  
• Click Apply.  
• WPAꢀPSK encryption has  
now been enabled and  
security within your wireless  
network is significantly  
Reconnecting your computer  
When you click Apply after you set up the WPAꢀPSK encryption, computers  
with wireless connections to your Ovation will disconnect. It can take 2 to 3  
minutes before your Ovation reappears on the list of available wireless  
networks. As soon as your computer finds your Ovation, you must reconnect  
For instructions on how to reestablish the wireless connection between your  
computer and your Ovation, please refer to the manufacturers documentation.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Rename your network  
The default Service Set Identifier (SSID) for your Ovation is ovation. In some  
operating systems, the SSID is also used as the network name. If you keep the  
default SSID, confusion could occur if one of your neighbors sets up a wireless  
network with the same name.  
If you and your neighbor have disabled the security settings and you live within  
150 meters of each other, your computer could accidentally connect to your  
neighbors wireless network (and viceꢀversa).  
To solve this problem, you should change the default SSID. An SSID can contain  
a maximum of 32 alphanumerical characters (letters or numbers) and is case  
sensitive. For example, NEWNAME is not the same as newname.  
• Click System Settings then  
• Enter a new name in the  
SSID box.  
• Click Apply.  
Reconnecting your computer  
When you click Apply after you change the SSID, computers with wireless  
connections to your Ovation will disconnect. It can take 2 to 3 minutes before  
the Ovation reappears in the list of available wireless networks. As soon as your  
computer finds your Ovation, it should reconnect automatically. If not, you must  
reconnect manually.  
For instructions on how to reestablish the wireless connection between your  
computer and your Ovation, please refer to the manufacturers documentation.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Restrict access  
A common method of restricting network access is to specify the Media Access  
Control (MAC) address. Every network adapter is identified by its MAC address.  
Specifying which computers can connect to your network can limit network  
access to trusted computers.  
Your Ovation automatically detects a list of devices that are attached to your  
network and their corresponding MAC addresses. Enable the access control list  
(ACL) to limit network access to this list of attached devices.  
• Click System Settings then  
• Check Enable ACL.  
• Click Apply.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Hide your network  
By default, your Ovation broadcasts the Service Set Identifier (SSID). In some  
operating systems, the SSID is referred to as the network name. This makes it  
easy for computers in your network to find and connect to your Ovation. It also  
makes it easy for computers outside of your network to find you.  
Consider disabling the SSID broadcast as a final step ꢀ after you have set up all  
of your security settings and after all of the devices in your network are  
connected and tested.  
After you disable the SSID broadcast, new computers you add to your wireless  
network might not be able to communicate with your Ovation. If this happens,  
enable the SSID broadcast to allow the new computers to connect wirelessly.  
Once the computers have connected, you can disable the SSID broadcast again.  
• Click System Settings then  
• Uncheck Broadcast SSID.  
• Click Apply.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Control the traffic  
A firewall blocks Internet traffic that might cause damage to the computers in  
your network. Before traffic is allowed in or out of your network, it has to pass  
through the firewall. Incoming traffic is examined to see whether it meets the  
conditions of incoming rules. If the conditions are met, the traffic is allowed in.  
Outgoing traffic is also examined and compared to outgoing rules before it is  
allowed out. Rules are based on Internet services, such as FTP, Telnet, and  
Do I have to change the default firewall rules or add new rules?  
By default, all incoming traffic is blocked and all outgoing traffic is allowed. For  
normal household use, you should not have to add new rules or change the  
default rules.  
What happens in case of a “Denial of Service” attack?  
Some hackers choose to flood your network with more requests than it can  
handle. This is known as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. While this type of  
attack cannot harm the computers in your network, it can slow down or stop  
your network operations. Your Ovation blocks these attacks automatically. You  
do not need to set up an incoming firewall rule.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Block content  
If you have children in your household, you might want to protect them from  
web sites that contain inappropriate content. Using URL filtering, you can block  
content based on a keyword, a domain name, or domain suffix.  
URL filtering does not have to apply to every computer in your network. You  
can allow a trusted computer in your network to access all web sites at all  
• Click Advanced Settings  
then Internet.  
• Click Enable  
under URL Filter.  
• Click Edit URL Filter  
• Enter the URL to be blocked  
in the Add Filter String  
(e.g. www.blocksite.com).  
• Click Add.  
• Repeat the process for as  
many URLs as you want.  
• Click Apply.  
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Wireless Security Settings  
Monitor activity  
Logging security events keeps you aware of potential security risks and  
attempted attacks. You control which events are included in the log. You can  
monitor attempted DoS attacks and port scans. You can keep track of logins or  
find out if someone in your household is trying to access a blocked URL. You  
can also log basic router operations, such as the startup.  
• Click Advanced Settings  
then Logs.  
• Select the logs you want  
to monitor.  
• Click Apply.  
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Advanced Network Settings  
As a rule, you do not have to enter any other settings. The possible  
configurations described in this section mainly apply to network administrators.  
You must open the Tools to change these settings.  
DMZ server  
You can set up a computer in your local network to act as a DMZ server. You  
might want to do this if you are having problems with an Internet service. Using  
DMZ can help you decide if a closed port is causing your connection problem.  
Some online games and videoconferencing applications are not compatible with  
NAT. In this instance, you can use DMZ to access the application.  
Is it safe?  
Since a DMZ server operates outside of the natural firewall protection NAT  
provides, and it receives all unknown connections and data, your network is  
exposed to possible attacks. You should only enable DMZ when necessary.  
How do I set up a DMZ server?  
To set up a DMZ server, the computer must be part of your local network. If you  
are using DHCP for your local network, the computer should automatically  
display in the Select a PC list.  
• Click Advanced Settings then  
• Select Enable DMZ, using.  
• Select a computer from the list.  
• Click Apply.  
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Advanced Network Settings  
WLAN Mode  
By default, your Ovation is set to “802.11b and 802.11g”. This setting enables  
you to connect a mix of 802.11b/g compatible devices to your wireless  
network. You should not have to change the mode.  
• Click System Settings then  
• Select the required mode in  
the Mode field.  
• Click Apply.  
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Advanced Network Settings  
Reboot your Ovation to resolve existing connection problems or enable new  
network configurations.  
• Click Reboot.  
• Click the Reboot button.  
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Why doesn’t the Connection Manager window appear?  
If the Connection Manager window does not appear, you may be using  
software that is blocking popꢀup windows. Click the Connection Manager link  
on the main window.  
If the window still does not appear or you are not using popꢀup blocking  
software, try one or more of the following suggestions.  
Is JavaScript enabled for your browser?  
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later versions  
• Select ToolsꢀInternet Options.  
• Click Internet on the Security tab.  
• Click Custom Level … .  
• under Scripting click Enable.  
• Click OK twice.  
Netscape Navigator 6.2  
• Select EditꢀSettings.  
• Click Extended.  
• Select Enable JavaScript for Navigator.  
• Click OK.  
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Did you clear the browser cache?  
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later versions  
• Select ToolsꢀInternet Options.  
• Click General information Click Delete Files  
under Temporary Internet Files.  
• Click OK.  
Netscape Navigator 6.2  
• Select EditꢀSettings.  
• Double click Extended.  
• Click Cache.  
• Click Empty Cache.  
• Click OK.  
Is your WiꢀFi card installed properly? *  
• Choose StartꢀControl Panel.  
• Doubleꢀclick the System icon to open the System Properties dialog.  
• Click the Hardware tab.  
• Click the Device Manager button.  
• Doubleꢀclick the Network Adapters icon.  
• Doubleꢀclick the icon for your WiꢀFi card.  
• Click the General tab. If your WiꢀFi card is installed properly  
you should see the message “The device is working properly.”  
Is your computer set up to obtain IP addresses automatically? *  
• Choose StartꢀSettingsꢀNetwork Connections.  
• Doubleꢀclick the Local Area Connection icon.  
• Click the Properties button.  
• Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).  
• Click the Properties button.  
• Select Obtain an IP address automatically.  
• Select Obtain DNS server addresses automatically.  
• Click OK twice.  
• Restart your computer.  
Is the IP address for your computer within the range of to *  
• Choose StartꢀProgramsꢀAccessoriesꢀCommand Prompt.  
• When the Command Prompt window opens, type ipconfig and press Enter.  
• If the IP address is not within the range, restart your computer.  
Instructions are provided for Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). If you are not using Windows XP,  
refer to the manufacturers documentation for instructions.  
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How can I tell if I am connected?  
The UMTS indicator on the LCD shows UMTS ONLINE when your Ovation is  
connected to the Internet. The LAN indicator on the LCD shows LAN ONLINE  
when your computer is properly connected to your Ovation using an Ethernet  
connection. The number 10 or 100 will also appear. It indicates the connection  
speed, either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. The WLAN indicator on the LCD shows  
WLAN ONLINE if the WLAN module is enabled.  
Why doesn’t my default home page appear?  
you wish to access it, you must either close the opened browser window and  
reopen it again, or open a second browser window. We recommend selecting  
pages under Favorites or Bookmarks.  
How do I disconnect from the Internet?  
If you want to disconnect the connection between your Ovation and the  
Internet, click Disconnect on the Connection Manager window or click the  
UMTS on/off button on the right side of your Ovation.  
How do I reꢀopen the Connection Manager window?  
To reꢀopen the Connection Manager window, type in the  
browser address bar.  
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WLAN standard. Provides a transmission speed  
of 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band.  
WLAN standard. Provides transmission speeds  
of up to 54 Mbps (typically 22 Mbps) in the  
2.4 GHz band. Is considered a successor of, and  
is compatible with, 802.11b. Enables high  
speed data access from up to 100 meters  
distance from the base station.  
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).  
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used  
to configure IP addresses and applicable  
information dynamically. Instead of a static (fixed)  
IP address, DHCP clients receive their IP address  
from a central DHCP server.  
DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a decoupled isolated  
partial network that is switched between the  
network to be protected and the unsecured  
Domain Name System (DNS) Internet service that  
is used to assign IP addresses to the corresponding  
readable domain names and viceꢀversa.  
Technology in the form of hardware and/or  
software that controls the flow of data between  
a private and an unprotected network (which is  
LAN and Internet) or protects an internal  
network from attacks from the Internet.  
Preinstalled software to operate your Ovation.  
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) regulates file transfers  
on the Internet.  
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Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); a service  
protocol to transmit documents between servers  
or from a server to a client. Is almost  
only used on the Internet, especially the  
World Wide Web.  
IP address  
The IP address identifies every device connected to  
the Internet through an address that is unique  
A passphrase is generally longer than a password  
and may contain letters and numbers.  
Local Area Network; Local computer connection  
that has few connections to the outside world  
or none at all.  
MAC address  
Abbreviation for Media Access Control; 48 bit  
identification number of a network card that  
generally cannot be changed shown as  
hexadecimal numbers.  
Abbreviation for Network Address Translation.  
Method to convert (mostly private) IP addresses of  
a network to other (mostly public) IP addresses  
of another network.  
Network adapter  
Another word for Network Card. The network  
card is the device that establishes the connection  
between the network (wireless or wired) and the  
Network name  
Port forwarding  
Also called SSID. Service Set Identifier; network  
name in WLAN, allows stations in the WLAN to  
find the correct access point.  
Is a technology to enable implementation of ports  
on IP addresses in NAT networks  
(Network Address Translation).  
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Describes an interface between the operating  
system, applications, and Internet.  
Eꢀmail programs use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol  
(SMTP) to transmit data to the provider's mail  
server It then forwards the eꢀmail via intermediate  
stations to the recipients mail server.  
Service Set Identifier; network name in WLAN,  
allows stations in the WLAN to find the correct  
access point.  
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol;  
this is the transport protocol on which the data  
transmission on the Internet is based.  
A Wide Area Network is a network mainly  
working across great distances.  
Wired Equivalent Privacy; Describes a 128 bit  
encryption process used for wireless LANs.  
Wireless Local Area Network is a remote  
technology for wireless networking.  
WiFi Protected Access is an encryption method  
for a WLAN.  
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2100 MHz UMTS  
10BaseT/100BaseT LAN  
802.11 b/g WLAN  
Up to 384 Kbps  
128 bit WEP Encryption  
Port and URL Filter  
DMZ Support  
265 x 154 x 37 (H x W x D in mm)  
754g with stand  
Color Display  
LCD, Monochrome 128 x 64 Pixel  
Lighting can be switched on and off  
UMTS • LAN • WLAN Status  
Time (Hours/Minutes)  
Signal strength  
Operating Environment  
User Interface  
Operating Temperature 0°C to 50°C  
Humidity Range 10% to 80%  
Device configuration with local  
browser on computer  
(no additional installation software  
Power Input  
100 to 230 volts  
50 to 60 Hz  
Power Output  
5Vdc @ 2.8 Amps  
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