Miele Vacuum Cleaner S157 User Manual

Operating Manual  
Upright Vacuum Cleaner  
This operating manual  
is to be used for vacuum  
models S140 - S157.  
M.-Nr. 05 637 900  
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Help protect our environment  
Disposal of the packing mate-  
Disposal of an old vacuum  
The box and packaging material are  
designed to protect the appliance dur-  
ing shipping and are biodegradable  
and recyclable. Please dispose of  
these items as you would any other re-  
cyclable products.  
Before discarding an old vacuum  
cleaner, please cut off the power cord  
to render it inoperative and child resis-  
tant. Old vacuum cleaners may contain  
materials that can be reused or recy-  
cled. Consult your local waste removal  
company or recycling center for the  
proper way to dispose of an old vac-  
Disposal of the dustbag and fil-  
Genuine Miele dustbags and filters are  
made from environmentally friendly ma-  
terials. They can be thrown out with  
your household trash, provided the vac-  
uum has not been used on restricted  
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Description of the appliance  
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Description of the appliance  
a Rug and floor tool  
b Suction level indicator  
c Dust compartment release button  
d Carrying handle with On/Off switch  
e Accessory clip *  
f Locking button  
g Telescopic handle with anti-slide device and hook  
h Power cord hook  
i Power cord  
j Telescopic wand adjustment button *  
k Exhaust filter compartment (on rear)  
l Dust compartment filter  
m Dustbag  
n Powerbrush outlet *  
The illustration shows all possible features available on Miele vacuum cleaners.  
Separate operating instructions for the Powerbrush and electric hose (not shown)  
are included with models featuring these items.  
Features marked with * do not come standard with all vacuums and may not be in-  
cluded with your model.  
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When using an electrical appliance, always observe basic safety precautions, in-  
cluding the following:  
Do not leave the appliance when  
This vacuum is intended for  
household use only. Do not use it  
on people or animals.  
plugged in. Unplug it from the out-  
let when not in use and before servic-  
To reduce the risk of electric shock,  
this appliance has a polarized plug  
(one blade is wider than the other). This  
plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one  
way. If the plug does not fit fully in the  
outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does  
not fit, contact a qualified electrician to  
install the proper outlet. Do not modify  
the plug in any way.  
The manufacturer cannot accept re-  
sponsibility for damage caused by  
improper use, or if the vacuum is  
used for purposes other than those  
for which it was designed. Use the  
vacuum only as described in this  
Only dry dirt should be vacuumed  
with this cleaner.  
To reduce the risk of fire, elec-  
tric shock, or injury:  
Do not allow the vacuum cleaner to  
be used as a toy. Pay close atten-  
tion when the vacuum cleaner is used  
by or near children.  
Do not use the vacuum outdoors or  
on wet surfaces.  
Check the voltage rating of the  
vacuum cleaner before connecting  
the power cord to an electrical outlet.  
Your power supply should correspond  
to the voltage rating given on the data  
plate located on the bottom of the vac-  
uum cleaner. Use only household AC  
outlets. Never use DC power sources. If  
you are unsure of the voltage supply in  
your area, consult a qualified electri-  
cian. Connecting the vacuum cleaner to  
a higher voltage than indicated on the  
data plate may result in damage to the  
vacuum cleaner and personal injury.  
Do not use with a damaged cord or  
plug. If the appliance is not work-  
ing correctly, has been dropped, dam-  
aged, left outdoors, or immersed in wa-  
ter, bring it to your Miele dealer for  
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Do not pull or carry the vacuum by  
the cord, use the cord as a handle,  
close a door on the cord, or pull the  
cord around sharp edges or corners.  
Do not run the vacuum over the cord  
and keep it away from heated surfaces.  
Do not vacuum items that are burn-  
ing or smoking, such as cigarettes,  
matches, or hot ashes.  
Do not operate the vacuum cleaner  
unless a dustbag, dust compart-  
ment filter and exhaust filter are in  
Do not unplug the machine by pull- place. Use only genuine MIELE dou-  
ing on the cord. To unplug the vac- ble-layer dustbags, dust compartment  
uum, grasp the plug, not the cord.  
filters and exhaust filters (see the  
“Maintenance and care” section for in-  
structions on how to insert the dustbag  
and filters).  
Do not handle the plug or appli-  
ance with wet hands.  
Turn off all controls before unplug-  
ging the vacuum.  
The vacuum should only be  
cleaned when disconnected from  
the power supply. Use a dry or slightly  
damp cloth only. Never submerse the  
vacuum in water or use a dripping wet  
Do not put any objects into the  
openings. Do not use with any  
openings blocked; keep the openings  
free of dust, lint, hair or anything that  
may reduce the air flow.  
The vacuum cleaner will shut off  
automatically if it overheats. Over-  
Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers  
and all parts of the body away from heating can be caused by a clogged  
any openings or moving parts.  
hose, a heavily soiled dust compart-  
ment or exhaust filter, or a full dustbag.  
If overheating occurs, correct the prob-  
lem and wait about 20 - 30 minutes for  
the motor to cool down. The vacuum  
cleaner can then be turned on again.  
Use extra care when vacuuming  
while on stairs.  
Do not vacuum up flammable or  
combustible liquids, such as gaso-  
line, or use it in areas where fumes may  
be present.  
Miele vacuum cleaner bags are  
disposable and made to be used  
only once. Do not attempt to reuse  
Do not use the vacuum to pick up  
liquids. This also applies to freshly  
shampooed carpets or rugs. Wait until  
they are dry before vacuuming.  
Only use Miele attachments and  
accessories. Use of non - Miele de-  
signed items will decrease the effi-  
ciency of your machine and may be  
Do not vacuum toner dust. Toner,  
such as that used in printers and  
photocopiers can conduct electricity.  
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Do not attempt any repairs other  
than those listed in the “Mainte-  
nance and care” section. Any other re-  
quired service should be performed by  
an Authorized Miele Service Agent.  
When using this appliance in con-  
junction with a Turbobrush or  
Electrobrush (if applicable to your  
model), always unplug the machine be-  
fore connecting or disconnecting the  
brush from the body of the machine.  
Before disposing an old vacuum,  
cut off the power cord and make it  
unusable to prevent children from  
harming themselves.  
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Au moment d’utiliser un appareil électrique, il faut toujours observer des mesures  
de sécurité, y compris:  
Vérifier la tension nominale de l’as-  
Cet aspirateur est destiné à  
l’usage ménager seulement. Ne  
pas l’utiliser sur des gens ni des  
pirateur avant de brancher le cor-  
don dans une prise électrique. Votre  
source de courant devrait correspondre  
à la tension nominale indiquée sur la  
plaque signalétique située au-dessous  
de l’aspirateur. Utiliser uniquement des  
prises de courant CA domestiques. Ne  
jamais utiliser de prise de courant CD.  
Si vous n’êtes pas certain de la source  
de courant dans votre région, consulter  
un électricien compétent. Si vous rac-  
cordez l’aspirateur à une tension plus  
élevée que celle indiquée sur la plaque  
signalétique, vous pourriez endomma-  
ger l’aspirateur et vous blesser.  
Le fabricant ne peut pas être tenu  
responsable des dommages causés  
par l’utilisation inadéquate de  
l’aspirateur ou pour des fins autres  
que celles auxquelles il est destiné.  
Utiliser l’aspirateur uniquement tel  
que prescrit dans ce manuel.  
Pour réduire les risques  
d’incendie, de choc électrique  
ou de blessure:  
Ne pas laisser l’appareil sans sur-  
veillance lorsqu’il est branché. Dé-  
brancher l’appareil lorsqu’il n’est pas  
utilisé et avant l’entretien.  
Ne pas utiliser l’aspirateur à l’exté-  
rieur ou sur des surfaces mouil-  
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Afin de réduire les risques de choc  
électrique, cet appareil est muni  
Ne pas toucher à la fiche ou à l’ap-  
pareil lorsque vous avez les mains  
d’une fiche polarisée (une des broches  
est plus large). Cette fiche ne peut être  
insérée dans une prise polarisée que  
d’une seule façon. Si vous ne pouvez  
pas insérer la fiche dans la prise, inver-  
ser la fiche. Si vous ne pouvez toujours  
pas insérer la fiche, faire installer une  
prise adéquate par un électricien com-  
pétent. Ne pas modifier la fiche d’au-  
cune façon.  
Mettre toutes les commandes au  
point d’arrêt avant de débrancher  
N’insérer aucun objet dans les ou-  
vertures. Ne pas utiliser l’appareil  
lorsqu’une ouverture est bloquée; s’as-  
surer que de la poussière, de la pe-  
luche, des cheveux ou d’autres matiè-  
res ne réduisent pas le débit d’air.  
Aspirer uniquement de las saleté  
sèche à l’aide de cet aspirateur.  
Garder les cheveux, les vêtements,  
les doigts et toutes les parties du  
corps à l’écart des ouvertures ou des  
pièces mobiles.  
Ne pas permettre aux enfants de  
jouer avec l’aspirateur. Une atten-  
tion particulière est nécessaire lorsque  
l’aspirateur est utilisé par des enfants  
ou à proximité de ces derniers.  
User de prudence lors du net-  
toyage des escaliers.  
Ne pas utiliser si le cordon ou la  
fiche est endommagé. Apporter  
l’appareil chez votre marchand Miele  
s’il ne fonctionne pas bien, s’il a été  
échappé, endommagé, oublié à l’exté-  
rieur ou immergé.  
Ne pas aspirer des liquides inflam-  
mables ou combustibles tels que  
de l’essence et ne pas faire fonctionner  
dans des endroits où des vapeurs sont  
Ne pas aspirer de liquides. Ceci  
s’applique aussi aux moquettes ou  
tapis fraîchement lavés. Attendre qu’ils  
Ne pas tirer ou soulever l’appareil  
par le cordon. Ne pas utiliser le  
cordon comme une poignée, le coincer aient séché avant de passer l’aspira-  
dans l’embrasure d’une porte ou l’ap-  
puyer contre des arêtes vives ou des  
coins. Ne pas faire rouler l’appareil sur  
le cordon. Garder le cordon à l’écart  
des surfaces chaudes.  
Ne pas aspirer de matières en  
combustion ou qui dégagent de la  
fumée, comme des cigarettes, des allu-  
mettes ou des cendres chaudes.  
Ne pas débrancher l’appareil en ti-  
rant sur le cordon. Tirer plutôt sur  
la fiche.  
Ne pas ramasser la poussière de  
cartouche. La poussière de car-  
touche d’imprimante ou de photoco-  
pieuse peut être conductible d’électrici-  
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Ne pas utiliser l’aspirateur si le sac  
à poussière, le filtre à comparti-  
ment de poussière et le filtre d’échap-  
pement ne sont pas en place.Utiliser  
uniquement des sacs à poussière à  
Ne pas essayer d’effectuer des ré-  
parations autres que celles prescri-  
tes dans la secton “Nettoyage et entre-  
tien”. Toute autre réparation doit être  
confiée à un technicien d’entretien au-  
double paroi, des filtres à compartiment torisé par Miele.  
de poussière et des filtres d’échappe-  
Au moment d’utiliser cet appareil  
ment MIELE (consulter la section “Net-  
toyage et entretien” pour savior com-  
ment insérer le sac à poussière et les  
avec une brosse électrique ou une  
brosse turbo (s’il y a lieu), if faut tou-  
jours débrancher l’appareil avant de  
raccorder la brosse sur l’appareil ou de  
Nettoyer uniquement l’aspirateur  
lorsqu’il est débranché de la prise  
de courant. Utiliser un linge sec ou lé-  
gèrement humide seulement. Ne jamais  
immerger l’aspirateur dans l’eau ni utili-  
ser un linge mouillé.  
Avant de jeter votre ancien aspira-  
teur, couper le cordon électrique et  
le rendre inutilisable afin d’empêcher  
les enfants de se blesser.  
L’aspirateur s’arrêtera automati-  
quement s’il surchauffe. Le sur-  
chauffage peut être causé par un  
boyau obstrué, un sac à poussière  
plein, un filtre d’échappement ou un  
filtre à compartiment de poussière très  
sale. Si un surchauffage se produit, cor-  
riger le problème et attendre de 20 à 30  
minutes que le moteur refroidisse. Vous  
pourrez ensuite remettre l’aspirateur en  
Les sacs d’aspirateur Miele sont je-  
tables et ont été conçus pour une  
utilisation seulement. Ne pas essayer  
de les réutiliser.  
Utiliser uniquement les accessoires  
et pièces Miele. L’utilisation d’arti-  
cles non fabriqués par Miele réduira  
l’efficacité de votre appareil et peut être  
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Assembling the vacuum  
Connecting the extension tube  
^ With the square hole facing the carry-  
ing handle, insert the extension tube  
into the top of the vacuum  
body.Gently turn the tube until it locks  
in place.  
^ To remove the extension tube, press  
down on the locking button (see in-  
set) and pull.  
Connecting the handle  
^ Lining up the square hole and the  
locking button, insert the handle into  
the extension tube. Gently turn the  
handle until it locks in place.  
^ To remove the handle, press and hold  
the locking button (see arrow) while  
gently turning and pulling off the han-  
The vacuum can be used as a hand  
held vacuum by connecting the handle  
directly to the vacuum housing.  
This allows for easier vacuuming of up-  
holstered furniture, mattresses, etc.  
In addition  
(see next page)  
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Assembling the vacuum  
...the extension tube can also be used  
as a suction wand to extend the reach  
of the vacuum, making it easier to clean  
under furniture.  
Connecting the rug and floor  
^ Insert the lower tube of the vacuum  
into the floor brush and gently turn  
until it locks into place.  
^ To remove the rug and floor tool,  
press and hold the locking button  
and pull the rug and floor tool off of  
the vacuum tube.  
Winding up the power cord  
When the vacuum is not in use, the  
power cord can be wound around the  
two cable hooks attached to the handle  
and extension tube. To prevent the cord  
from unwinding, press the cord into the  
loocking groove of the plug (see inset).  
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Included accessories  
The vacuum cleaner includes the fol-  
lowing accessories:  
a Accessory clip (standard on some  
b Crevice tool  
c Upholstery nozzle  
d Filter frame  
The filter frame is only included with  
models that come with the "ACTIVE air  
clean" or "HEPA" filter. It only needs to  
be used if a "SUPER air clean" filter is to  
be used instead of the "ACTIVE air  
clean" or "HEPA" filter (see "Exchanging  
Exhaust Filters").  
Accessory clip  
(standard on some models)  
^ Attach the accessory clip to the tele-  
scopic wand for easy access of the  
crevice nozzle and upholstery brush.  
^ Attach the accessory clip a above  
the power cord hook b as shown.  
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Included accessories  
Crevice tool  
For vacuuming in crevices, corners and  
narrow places.  
Upholstery nozzle  
For cleaning upholstery, mattresses,  
cushions, curtains, etc.  
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Unwinding the power cord  
The lower cord hook rotates.  
^ Turn the cord hook so that the lower  
portion of the wound cord hangs free.  
The cord can now be easily removed  
and unwound.  
Adjusting the telescopic wand  
(depending on model)  
One piece of the telescopic wand is  
stored inside the other and can be ad-  
justed to suit your height for comfort-  
able vacuum cleaning.  
^ Press the slide control (see arrow) to  
release the lock. Pull apart the sec-  
tions and adjust to the desired  
Plug the vacuum in  
^ Plug the vacuum into an outlet pro-  
tected by a 15 A circuit breaker.  
^ To prevent the power cord from get-  
ting in the way or kinking while vacu-  
uming, hang the unwound cord over  
the hook on the handle (see inset).  
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Turning the vacuum On and  
There are two slide switches located on  
the handle to turn the vacuum on or off  
easily whether the vacuum is used up-  
right or horizontally. Either of these slide  
switches can be used to operate the  
Double slide switch  
= vacuum is off  
min = minimum suction  
max = maximum suction  
^ To turn the vacuum On, slide either  
switch to min or max.  
^ To turn the vacuum Off, slide either  
switch to 0.  
Select min, for vacuuming light weight  
items such as rugs or curtains.  
Adjusting the suction  
(depending on model)  
Some models have an adjustable suc-  
tion control that allows you to optimize  
the vacuum’s performance to meet dif-  
ferent cleaning needs. The suction can  
be adjusted to the amount of dirt and  
the type of material that will be vacu-  
Light weight items such as throw rugs  
or curtains can be vacuumed at a lower  
suction level to prevent them from be-  
ing damaged, while carpets or heavy  
mats can be vacuumed at the highest  
setting in order to remove deep seated  
dirt. The highest setting should also be  
used if a Turbobrush is connected to  
the vacuum.  
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Setting the rug and floor tool  
for the type of floor being  
The rug and floor tool has been de-  
signed to give excellent cleaning re-  
sults on either carpeted or smooth floor.  
For vacuuming carpets and rugs:  
^ Set the selector to the g position.  
For vacuuming smooth floors:  
^ Set the selector to the h position.  
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Parking and storing the vacuum cleaner  
There is a non-skid rubber bumper on  
the handle of the vacuum.  
This allows the vacuum to be leaned  
upright against a wall if desired.  
Before leaving the vacuum make  
sure it is turned off and leaning  
against the wall at a safe angle.  
To protect the bristle rings on the floor  
brush, we suggest hanging the vacuum  
on a wall hook by using the hole lo-  
cated on the bottom of the handle.  
For longer term storage, the vacuum  
can be hung on a wall hook from the  
hole located on the bottom of the han-  
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Maintenance and care  
,Turn off and unplug the vacuum  
before performing any maintenance  
The Miele Filtering System consists of  
the following three components.  
a Double layered dustbag  
b Dust compartment filter (for motor  
c Exhaust filter  
Each of these filters must be changed  
periodically to maintain the vacuum  
cleaner’s efficiency.  
For best results, only use genuine  
Miele filters and double-layered  
dustbags, type K/K. Technical fail-  
ures and damage from the use of  
substitute, inferior dustbags and fil-  
ters will void any product warranty.  
Different types of exhaust filters  
Your model could have either:  
a a “SUPER Air Clean filter”,  
b an “ACTIVE Air Clean filter”  
c or a “HEPA filter”  
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Maintenance and care  
Suction Level Indicator  
Only test the vacuum’s suction level  
indicator with the rug and floor tool  
attachment. Using any other attach-  
ment will give an inaccurate reading.  
^ Set the suction power selector, (ac-  
cording to model), to the highest set-  
ting and close the air inlet valve.  
^ Lift the rug and floor tool off the floor.  
^ The dustbag should be changed if  
the red marker completely fills the in-  
dicator window, even if the dustbag  
is not completely full.  
Either of these extremes can occur dur-  
ing normal use.  
The suction level indicator is designed  
to work when a mixture of the above  
items, along with hair, sand, etc . are  
vacuumed, as is generally the case  
when using the vacuum for normal  
household cleaning.  
Please note:  
The indicator measures the airflow  
through the dustbag.  
Vacuuming up even a small bit of fine  
dust such as flour, ash or powder can  
cause enough of a drop in airflow to  
cause a "full bag" indication, even  
though the dustbag may appear almost  
empty. Since the airflow (suction power)  
is greatly reduced, the bag should be  
changed. On the other hand, the  
dustbag may be bulging with carpet lint  
or pet fur yet the airflow may still be  
high enough to prevent the suction  
level indicator from registering "full". If  
this occurs the dustbag should be  
We recommend that:  
1. If you vacuum a lot of fine dust or  
^ Change the dustbag as soon as the  
red marker fills the indicator window,  
even if the bag is not full.  
2. If you vacuum a lot of hair, pet fur or  
loose carpet fibers: the suction level  
indicator will show only reduced suc-  
tion when in fact the bag is full.  
^ Change the dustbag as soon as it  
physically full, even if the suction  
level indicator shows that it is not.  
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Maintenance and care  
When should the dustbag and  
filters be changed?  
HEPA filter  
Every 18 months or sooner if the airflow  
is reduced to an inefficient level. This  
filter is sold separately.  
The Dustbag  
The dustbag should be changed when  
the red marker fills the suction level in-  
dicator window or when the bag is full.  
(Make sure the rug and floor tool is at-  
tached when testing the vacuum’s suc-  
Where to purchase dustbags  
and filters  
Genuine Miele filters and Type K/K  
dustbags can be purchased from any  
authorized Miele vacuum dealer.  
Miele dustbags are disposable and  
made to be used only once. Do not  
attempt to reuse them.  
Technical failures and damage from  
the use of substitute, inferior  
dustbags and filters will void any  
product warranty.  
The dust compartment filter:  
The dust compartment filter should be  
changed whenever a new box of genu-  
ine Miele dustbags is opened.  
A dust compartment filter is included  
with every pack of Miele dustbags.  
The exhaust filter  
(see page 20 to determine which filter  
is included with your vacuum):  
SUPER air clean filter  
Each time you open a new pack of gen-  
uine Miele dustbags change the filter. A  
"SUPER air clean filter" is included with  
every box of Miele dustbags.  
ACTIVE air clean filter  
About once a year or as soon as the fil-  
ter no longer absorbs odors. This filter  
is sold separately.  
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Maintenance and care  
Replacing the dustbag  
^ Press the dust compartment release  
button and open the compartment  
The dustbag has a built in flap that will  
automatically slide over the hole when  
the dustbag is removed to prevent any  
dirt from escaping.  
^ Grasp the card collar and pull out  
slightly to seal bag before completely  
removing it from the dustbag holder.  
As long as the vacuum has not been  
used on restricted or hazardous materi-  
als, the dustbag can be thrown out with  
the household trash.  
Do not unfold the dustbag when you  
take it out of the box. Keeping it folded  
will prevent it from getting caught when  
the dust compartment lid is closed.  
^ Slide the collar of the new dustbag  
into the empty frame.  
^ Close the dust compartment lid so  
that it catches. The dustbag will auto-  
matically seat itself over the vacuum  
intake tube inside of the compart-  
,If the dustbag is not inserted  
correctly, or it is trapped between  
the dust compartment lid and the  
vacuum housing, the lid will not  
close properly.  
Do not attempt to force the lid shut!  
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Maintenance and care  
Replacing the dust  
compartment filter  
^ Press the dust compartment release  
button and open the compartment  
A dust compartment filter is included  
with every pack of genuine Miele  
^ Open the filter door and replace the  
used filter with a new one.  
^ Snap shut the filter door and close  
the dust compartment lid.  
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Maintenance and care  
Replacing the "SUPER air  
clean" filter  
^ Press the release button for the ex-  
haust filter compartment lid on the  
rear of the vacuum and remove the  
^ Remove the used filter and replace it  
with a new one.  
^ Place the locator pins on the bottom  
of the lid into their respective notches  
and close the lid.  
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Maintenance and care  
Replacing the "ACTIVE air  
clean" filter or the "HEPA" filter  
^ Press the release button for the ex-  
haust filter compartment lid on the  
rear of the vacuum and remove the  
^ Write the date of the next scheduled  
filter change on the label of the new  
^ Remove the used filter and replace it  
with the new one.  
^ Place the locator pins on the bottom  
of the lid into their respective notches  
and close the lid.  
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Maintenance and care  
Changing the thread catcher  
The thread catcher pads on the bottom  
of the rug and floor tool and the uphol-  
stery nozzle should be replaced as  
soon as they appear to be worn.  
^ Use a screwdriver as shown to re-  
move the thread catcher pads from  
their slots.  
^ Press the new pads into the rug and  
floor tool or the upholstery nozzle.  
New thread catcher pads can be pur-  
chased from any authorized Miele vac-  
uum dealer.  
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Exchanging Exhaust Filters  
Depending on the model, one of the fol-  
lowing types of exhaust filters is in-  
cluded with your vacuum.  
a "SUPER air clean"  
b "ACTIVE air clean" or  
c "HEPA"  
All of the above filters are interchange-  
The differences in the filter types is ex-  
plained in "Optional Accessories".  
Please note:  
1. If you want to exchange filter a for fil-  
ter b or c, the filter frame attached to  
the rear of the exhaust filter compart-  
ment lid must be removed. The new fil-  
ter should be installed in its place.  
2. If you want to exchange filter b or c  
for filter a, the filter frame must be in-  
stalled on the rear of the exhaust filter  
compartment lid.  
Removing or inserting the filter frame  
^ Grasp the sides of the filter frame at  
the locations shown in the picture  
and squeeze. The frame can now be  
inserted or removed.  
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Maintenance and care  
,Turn off the vacuum and unplug  
it from the outlet before performing  
any maintenance work.  
Vacuum and Accessories  
The vacuum cleaner and other plastic  
accessories can be cleaned with a  
damp cloth or a cleaner made espe-  
cially for plastics.  
,Never use abrasive, glass or all  
purpose cleaners on the vacuum.  
These cleaners may chemically re-  
act with and damage the plastic  
components of the vacuum and ac-  
Dust compartment  
The dust compartment can be cleaned  
using another vacuum or a dry rag or  
,Never immerse the vacuum  
cleaner in water!  
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Optional Accessories  
Recommended for cleaning and restor-  
ing crushed pile on low-nap carpeting.  
The Turbobrush is mechanically driven  
by the suction power of the vacuum.  
Hand Turbobrush  
Recommended for vacuuming uphol-  
stery, mattresses, car seats, carpeted  
stairs and other areas not easily  
reached by the standard Turbobrush.  
SEB 217 Powerbrush  
(standard on some models)  
(can only be used with models having a  
Powerbrush outlet)  
Recommended for cleaning and restor-  
ing crushed pile on medium-nap car-  
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Optional Accessories  
Smooth floorbrush  
A soft bristled floorbrush for cleaning  
tile, wood or other smooth floor sur-  
Parquet brush  
(standard on some models)  
Special brush with real horsehair bris-  
tles for cleaning parquet floors, floor-  
boards and flooring susceptible to  
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Optional Accessories  
Canister vacuum accessories  
By attaching a hose to the extension  
tube of the vacuum, the upright vacuum  
can be used as a canister vacuum.  
This allows easy cleaning of taller items  
such as bookshelves, furniture, blinds,  
etc. Vacuuming inside closets or under  
beds is also made easier.  
When buying canister accessories for  
your vacuum, be sure to tell your autho-  
rized Miele vacuum dealer the correct  
model number of your upright so that  
you may purchase the correct accesso-  
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Optional Accessories  
Dusting brush  
For moldings and carved or ornate  
The head of the dusting brush swivels  
and can be turned to the angle best  
suited to the items being cleaned.  
Universal brush  
For cleaning books, shelves, etc.  
Accessory clip  
(standard on some models)  
Conveniently holds the crevice tool and  
upholstery brush on the wand of the  
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Optional Accessories  
Radiator brush  
For cleaning radiators, narrow shelves,  
or crevices.  
^ Attach the radiator brush to the crev-  
ice tool.  
Mattress brush  
For vacuuming mattresses and uphol-  
stery. Even deep crevices between  
mattresses can be vacuumed easily.  
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Optional Accessories  
ACTIVE air clean filter  
(standard on some models)  
This special active charcoal filter ab-  
sorbs odors from the vacuumed dust.  
The "ACTIVE air clean filter" is used in  
place of the "SUPER air clean filter".  
There is no difference in the filtration  
level between the "ACTIVE air clean fil-  
ter" and "SUPER air clean filter".  
HEPA Filter  
(standard on some models)  
This filter has a very high filtration level,  
EN 1822. It is capable of filtering out  
99.97% of all particles 0.0003 mm in di-  
ameter. For larger particles, the filtration  
level is even greater. Vacuum cleaners  
equipped with this exhaust filter are  
recommended for allergy sufferers or  
anyone wishing to avoid inhaling LDPs  
(Lung Damaging Particles). The HEPA  
filter is installed in place of the "SUPER  
air clean filter".  
Cloth dustbag  
If desired a reusable cloth dustbag can  
be used instead of normal dustbags. It  
can be easily emptied by removing the  
clamp at the bottom of the bag.  
Do not wash the cloth dustbag.  
Washing will permanently damage the  
airflow characteristics of the bag.  
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Safety feature  
The vacuum turns itself off  
If the vacuum detects an airflow prob-  
lem, it will shut itself off in order to pre-  
vent the motor from over heating.  
This can occur anytime the airflow  
through the machine is impeded. A full  
or clogged dustbag, clogged filters, or  
clogged wand or accessory can cause  
this safety feature to activate. If this oc-  
curs, turn off the vacuum and check for  
any blockages. After 20 to 30 minutes,  
the vacuum will reset itself, allowing you  
to turn it on and use it.  
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After sales service  
In the event of a problem that you can  
not easily fix yourself, please contact  
– your authorized Miele vacuum dealer  
– the nearest Miele Technical Service  
(see addresses and telephone num-  
bers on back cover)  
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These instructions are printed on 100% chlorine free paper and are completely biodegradable.  
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