Linksys Network Card DSSXFXSC User Manual

Instant EtherFast Series  
EtherFast 10/100  
Dual-Speed Switches  
Use this guide to install these Linksys products:  
EtherFast 10/100 12-Port Switch (DSSX12)  
EtherFast 10/100 16-Port Switch (DSSX16)  
EtherFast 10/100 24-Port Switch (DSSX24)  
User Guide  
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Planning Your Network  
Installing the Switch  
Mounting Your Switch to a Rack  
Connecting Nodes to the Switch  
Powering on the Switch  
LED Displays  
Expanding Your Switch  
Installing Expansion Modules  
Fiber Module Specifications and Distance Rules  
Twisted Pair Wiring  
Customer Support  
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Congratulations on purchasing your new EtherFast 10/100 Dual-Speed  
Switch for your network's 10/100 migration needs. Ready to run right out  
of the box, the EtherFast 10/100 Dual-Speed Switch is the easiest, most  
flexible way to boost your network's performance with full duplex data  
transfer and dedicated bandwidth to each of your nodes while migrating to  
the power of Fast Ethernet. Unlike a standard hub that wastes network  
bandwidth by bouncing packets around until they finally reach their desti-  
nations, a switch forwards packets only to their intended recipients, imme-  
diately reducing network traffic congestion and improving overall efficien-  
cy for your entire network.  
Whether you're planning on moving to a Fast Ethernet network now or  
later, every Linksys EtherFast 10/100 Dual-Speed Switch is ready to go to  
work for you immediately. Use its switching power on your 10BaseT net-  
work to improve traffic efficiency tremendously. Connect your file server  
to the switch to improve access times for all of your users in one step. And  
when you're ready, migrate your entire network to 100BaseTX while using  
switching to achieve full duplex speeds of up to 200Mbps – the speed is  
Every 12, 16, and 24-Port Switch comes with a built-in expansion slot.  
Now you can take advantage of the biggest craze in high-speed networking  
technology -- fiber optics! The 100BaseFX Distance Extender Module lets  
you uplink to fiber backbones and send your data up to 2 kilometers --  
that’s 2000 meters (6560 feet).  
Every switch packs a full suite of error detection and correction features  
for reliable communication every time. Auto partitioning, data collision  
control, and incoming frame retiming ensure that not a single bit of data is  
lost, even during the heaviest moments of network traffic. Built to last,  
your new switch is optimized to deliver high-end video, multimedia, data-  
base, and other speed-intensive applications at blazing speeds.  
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About Fast Ethernet  
As the demand for desktop video, multimedia development, imaging, and  
other speed-intensive applications continues to rise, the need for high per-  
formance, fault tolerant LAN technology will become more critical.  
Standard Ethernet, which has been the most popular networking technolo-  
gy to date with a maximum data throughput of 10 Mbps, is becoming  
insufficient to handle the latest video, multimedia, and other speed-inten-  
sive client/server LAN applications.  
Among the proposed solutions to the dilemma of network speed, Fast  
Ethernet has emerged as the most viable and economical. Capable of send-  
ing and receiving data at 100 Mbps (megabits per second), it is more than  
fast enough to handle even the most demanding video and other real-time  
Although there are a number of different competing Fast Ethernet imple-  
mentations, 100BaseTX is by far the most popular. Operating on two pairs  
of Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling, 100BaseTX supports  
high speed signaling and is relatively inexpensive. Because it uses four  
wires for data transmission and the same packet format, packet length,  
error control, and management information as 10BaseT, 100BaseTX can  
be made to communicate with older 10BaseT equipment when routed  
through a switch.  
This scalability is one of 100BaseTX's major advantages over other forms  
of Fast Ethernet: it allows critical, speed-dependent network segments to  
be upgraded to 100BaseTX speeds as needed without rewiring, refitting,  
and retraining an entire site. Heterogeneous networks can now mix both  
slow and fast network segments for different users or for different depart-  
ments. Publishing, R&D, video, multimedia, or accounting departments  
can enjoy a 100Mbps pace, while other corporate segments can operate at  
slower and more economic 10Mbps speeds.  
A network without a switch is often called a shared-bandwidth network  
because the net's overall bandwidth is shared among all of the nodes –  
each PC, file server, or other node gets a piece of the bandwidth. In a  
shared network, data packets are sent to all available nodes until they fall  
upon their destination. Much of the bandwidth, consequently, is wasted  
because some packets have to spend time "looking" for their destinations.  
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Switched Ethernet, by contrast, is closer to the notion of individual tele-  
phone lines: a switching hub examines the incoming MAC addresses of  
network packets and forwards them directly to their destinations without  
repetition, reducing bandwidth waste and resulting in more predictable net-  
work performance. Each node receives its own full-speed pipeline -- band-  
width isn't divided up. Switched Ethernet can improve data transfer speeds  
and overall efficiency for 10BaseT networks, 100Mbps networks, or both.  
The Advantages of Switching  
The two main advantages of using a switch like the 10/100 Dual-Speed  
Switch are migration and performance boosts.  
100BaseTX and 10BaseT networks are not automatically compatible with  
each other. Because of their different speeds, their hardware is not readily  
interchangable – a 10BaseT network adapter, for example, cannot be con-  
nected directly to a 100BaseTX network segment. By using a switch,  
10BaseT and 100BaseTX hardware can be made to communicate with  
each other so you don't need to discard your slower 10Mbps network hard-  
ware as you migrate to Fast Ethernet.  
As for performance, switching technology boosts any network's efficiency  
right away. A network without a switch is called a shared network, which  
means that the network's total bandwidth is equal to its speed divided  
by the number of users who are actively using the net. A switched net-  
work, by contrast, gives each user a full-speed pipeline that isn't shared by  
any other users, which causes an immediate speed and/or efficiency  
increase of up to 80%.  
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Here are some scenarios in which a switch can be applied:  
· Speeding up a 10BaseT Network  
On a 10BaseT network, you might connect users to one of the switch's  
10/100 ports and the file server to the other, allowing the server to service  
more users faster because it enjoys its own switched pipeline into the net-  
· Mixing 10BaseT with 100BaseTX  
10BaseT and 100BaseTX hardware not readily compatible with each other.  
With a switch you can create 10Mbps network segments for servicing  
users that don't need tremendous speed, and 100Mbps segments for users  
who depend on graphics, video, multimedia, database, or other speedy  
· Adding 10Mbps Network Peripherals  
In addition, since 100BaseTX is a relatively new standard, there aren't as  
many network peripherals available for it as there are for 10BaseT. Most  
network modems, print servers, sniffers, and other network peripherals are  
made to operate at a speed of 10Mbps, making them incompatible with  
100Mbps networks unless you have a switch. A switch can add 10Mbps  
hardware to your network wherever you want it.  
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Planning Your Network  
The rules that govern how switches are distributed in Fast Ethernet are  
slightly different from 10BaseT networking rules. Cabling specifications,  
distance limits, and other topology rules must be followed in order to  
avoid network collisions and data loss. Here are the most important rules  
to follow:  
· 100BaseTX requires four-pair, Category 5 UTP (EIA 568, Cat 5)cabling.  
· The maximum cable length from a node to a repeater, switch, or hub is  
100 meters (328 feet).  
· The maximum length for a Category 5 100BaseTX cable between a  
workstation and a stackable or other shared bandwidth hub is 100 meters  
(328 feet).  
· A single or stacked 100Mbps hub is counted as one repeater in Fast  
Ethernet rules; a 10/100 switch or 10BaseT hub is not counted as a  
· You can install as many switches as you want on the same network, given  
you don't position the switches more than 100 meters (328 feet) apart.  
· The maximum distance between 2 100Mbps hubs without a switch  
connected in between is 5 meters (16.4 feet).  
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The diagram below shows one possible configuration of a 12-Port Switch in a  
Fast Ethernet environment; if you have an 16 or 24-Port Switch, the configura-  
tion remains the same. Note that like all Fast Ethernet network hardware, the  
switch requires Category 5 UTP network cabling, which is available at most  
computer stores.  
In this example, each workstation has access to all of the resources on the net-  
work -- 10Mbps users can access the 100Mbps stations, and vice-versa. While  
allowing the 10Mbps and 100Mbps segments to communicate, the switch helps  
optimize traffic by adding switching to the network, which can improve perform-  
ance by up to 80% (even on the slower 10Mbps segment). Notice that the  
servers are both connected directly to the switch. This improves server access  
times for all users.  
Web Server  
File Server  
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Installing the Switch  
Package Contents  
Carefully remove the switch from its packaging. Make sure that you  
received all of the items listed below. If any items are missing or damaged,  
contact your Linksys dealer for replacement part(s).  
· EtherFast 10/100 Dual-Speed, Autosensing 12, 16 or 24-Port Switch  
· Rack Mounting Hardware  
· AC Power Cord  
· User Guide and Registration Card  
Rack Mounting Your Switch  
Every 12-Port, 16-Port and 24-Port Switch is equipped with mounting holes  
that can be used to secure it in a stationary or movable rack. After screwing a  
mounting bracket into each side of the switch, lift the switch into your rack  
and secure the brackets in place with additional screws.  
Connecting Nodes to the Switch  
The front of the 12-Port Switch has twelve RJ-45 ports the 24-Port Switch  
has twenty-four. Each switch also has an uplink port (shared with the port 12  
on the 12-Port model and port 16 on all other switches). Each port automati-  
cally detects the speed, type, and duplex of the cabling attached to it, and can  
operate in either half or full duplex, giving possible speeds of 200Mbps,  
100Mbps, 20Mbps, or 10Mbps.  
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Each switch can be connected to workstations, PCs, file servers, hubs,  
repeaters, bridges, or other switches. Each cable connected to the switch must  
be a Category 5 UTP network cable with RJ-45 tips, and should not  
exceed 100 meters (328 feet), in length. Ready-to use network cables of vari-  
ous lengths can be purchased at most computer stores. See page 15 for more  
Connecting Workstations and PCs  
Workstations and PCs should be connected to the switch with straight-through  
Category 5 network cabling. If connecting a computer directly to one of the  
switch's ports, connect one end of the cable into the switch, then plug the  
other end of the cable into the computer's 10Mbps or 100Mbps network  
Uplinking- Connecting to Other Switches and Hubs  
Each 10/100 Dual-Speed Switch has a shared uplink port -- which sits right  
next to port 12 or 16 on the switch (depending on the model you have) for  
connecting or “cascading” the switch to other devices. This uplink port is  
shared, meaning that when it is in use, the port next to it on the switch cn no  
longer be used. Since the uplink port crosses the polarity of your cabling for  
you, there is no need to use any special cables. A regular, straight-through Cat  
5 RJ-45 Fast Ethernet cable will do. Connect one end of the cable to the  
switch, then connect the other end to any standard RJ-45 port on your hub or  
other device.  
Powering On the Switch  
Plug in the switch's AC power cord. When the switch is first powered up, it  
will put itself into a Diagnostic/Self-check mode, which should only take a  
few moments, and the Power LED will light up. As your network cables are  
connected to the switch, each port's corresponding Link/Activity, Speed (10 or  
100) and Full Duplex LEDs will light up. When data is transmitted or  
received, the Link/Activity (LK/ACT) LEDs will or flicker. Finally, the Full  
Duplex/Collision (FDX/COL) LED will flicker or change color as data colli-  
sions on the network are detected and corrected.  
If the switch experiences excessive data collisions, verify that your network  
cabling is securely crimped and installed correctly.  
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LED Displays  
ON when unit is powered on  
ON when a link has been established,  
flickering when activity on the port is  
Full Duplex/Collision  
ON when port is operating at full  
duplex, changing color or flickering  
when collision is detected  
ON when port is running at 100Mbps  
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Expanding Your 10/100 Dual-Speed Switches  
The EtherFast 12, 16 and 24-Port Switches are equipped with an expansion  
slot in the back of the switch into which expansion modules with different  
features can be inserted.  
The 100BaseFX Fiber Optic Distance Extender Module allows you to con-  
nect your EtherFast 10/100 Dual-Speed Switch to other switches, hubs,  
routers, or high-speed network backbones using fiber optic cabling. The  
100BaseFX Fiber modules have either an ST or SC-Type connector for use  
with high-bandwidth multi-mode fiber optic cabling. Fiber cable is capable  
of carrying data up to 2000 meters (about 6560 feet) without requiring any  
signal boosting. The modules, model numbers: DSSXFXST (ST-Type) and  
DSSXFXSC (SC-Type) are available through your Linksys dealer.  
If you are installing a Fiber Optic Distance Extender module of any kind,  
make sure that you consult the special section on Fiber Optics in the  
Appendix before connecting any cabling.  
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Installing the Fiber Expansion Modules  
To install an expansion module on the back of the EtherFast 10/100 Dual-  
Speed Switches, follow these instructions:  
1. Power off your Switch and remove the AC power cord before begin-  
ning. If the switch is installed in a rack, it is recommended to remove the  
switch from the rack temporarily and reinstall it after the add-on module is  
2. Remove the metal faceplate from the back of your Switch by loosening  
the screws on either side (use the knobs, a screwdriver is not required).  
3. Remove the expansion module from its package.  
3. Carefully insert the expansion module and gently slide it into the switch.  
4. The fiber module should fit snugly into the slot inside the switch.  
5. Tighten the screws on the expansion module to secure it in place. You  
may now reinstall the switch into its rack (if required), reconnect the AC  
power cord and power on the switch to resume normal operation.  
If you are installing a Fiber Optic Distance Extender module of any kind,  
make sure that you consult the special section on Fiber Optics included in  
the Appendix before connecting any cabling.  
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Fiber Optic Modules  
There are different 100BaseTX fiber add on modules available switches:  
Modules with ST or SC-Type Fiber Optic Distance Extender Ports (can used on  
the back of all the switches):  
ST-Type Single-Port Fiber Module  
SC-Type Single-Port Fiber Module  
The following chart shows the distance limitations when using any of the above  
fiber modules:  
Distance (m/ft)  
Cable Type  
Module in Switch A  
Module in Switch B  
(Half Duplex)  
Any ST or SC-Type  
100BaseFX Fiber  
Any ST or SC-Type  
100BaseFX Fiber  
Fiber Optic Cable  
Optic Distance Extender Optic Distance Extender  
(Full Duplex)  
Any ST or SC-Type  
100BaseFX Fiber  
Any ST or SC-Type  
100BaseFX Fiber  
Fiber Optic Cable  
Optic Distance Extender Optic Distance Extender  
When using fiber, noise loss must be accounted for. Noise loss means the  
integrity of your data transfer over fiber optic lines, which occurs in fiber con-  
nections, e.g. where the fiber is converted to copper lines in the switch, or  
where the fiber cabling is not properly crimped on its connector tips. For  
example, if your fiber cabling has ST connectors and you have an SC-type fiber  
module, an SC to ST converter must be used. Otherwise, you can also replace  
the ST connector with an SC connector.  
If you have never worked with fiber cabling before, consult a networking pro-  
fessional who is familiar with fiber cabling.  
NOTE: Changing connectors must be done professionally, and proper  
tools must be used. If you have never worked with fiber cabling, con-  
sult the help of a professional who is familiar with fiber.  
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IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u  
12, 16 or 24 10BaseT/100BaseTX Dual-Speed  
Autosensing RJ-45 Ports,  
One Shared Uplink Port  
10Mbps or 100Mbps (Half Duplex)  
20Mbps or 200Mbps (Full Duplex)  
Speed per Port  
Half or Full Duplex, per port  
Duplex Modes  
MAC Addresses  
Unicast Entries: 16,384 Addresses  
Multicast Broadcast Addresses: Unlimited Addresses  
1536 Bytes  
Max Frame Size  
Buffer Memory  
Cabling Type  
64K Per Port  
10BaseT/100BaseTX Category 5 UTP or Better  
Power, Full Duplex/Collision per port, Link/Activity  
per port, 100/10 per port  
LED Indicators  
17.3” x 9.8” x 2.6”  
6.6 to 7.7 lbs.  
90-250V AC, 50-60Hz  
35-40 Watts  
AC Power  
Power Consumption  
FCC Class A, CE Mark Commercial  
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Twisted-Pair Wiring  
There are different grades, or categories, of twisted-pair cabling. Category  
5 is the most reliable and widely compatible, and is required for Fast  
Ethernet networks.  
You can buy Category 5 cabling that is pre-crimped, or you can crimp  
your own. Category 5 cables can be purchased or crimped as either  
straight-through or crossed. A Category 5 cable has 8 thin, color-coded  
wires inside that run from one end of the cable to the  
other. Only wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 are used by Ethernet  
networks. In a straight-through cable, wires 1, 2, 3,  
and 6 at one end of the cable are also wires 1, 2, 3,  
and 6 at the other end. In a crossed cable, the order  
of the wires change from one end to the other: wire 1  
be-comes 3, and 2 becomes 6 and vice versa.  
The color code for the 4 wires should be as follows: Wire  
1, white with an orange stripe; Wire 2, orange; Wire 3,  
white with a green stripe; Wire 6, green. The other four  
wires have to be connected as follows: Wire 4, blue;  
Wire 5, white with a blue stripe; Wire7, white with a  
brown stripe, Wire 8, brown.  
To figure out which wire is wire number 1, hold the cable so that the end  
of the plastic RJ-45 tip (the part that goes into a wall jack first) is facing  
away from you. Flip the clip so that the copper side faces up (the springy  
clip will now be parallel to the floor).When looking down on the coppers,  
wire 1 will be on the far left.  
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Customer Support  
For help with the installation or operation of your EtherFast 10/100 12-  
Port, 16-Port or 24-Port Dual-Speed Switch, contact Linksys Customer  
Support at one of the phone numbers or Internet addresses below.  
Customer Support  
(800) 326-7114  
(949) 261-1288  
(949) 261-8868  
FTP Site  
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Copyright 2000 Linksys, All Rights Reserved.  
Printed in the U.S.A.  
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