Kodak Air Cleaner D 31 User Manual

Micrographic Quality  
Storage and  
of Microfilms  
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Processing of Other Film Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Thermally Processed Silver (TPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Diazo Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Vesicular Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Special Storage and Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Underground Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Effects of Nuclear Explosions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Time-Capsule Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Handling and Filing Film Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Interfiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Table 1: Applicable Standards for Microfilm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Table 2: Storage Life of Microfilms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16  
Table 3: Storage Temperature and Relative Humidity . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Summary of Requirements for Storage and  
Preservation of Records on Kodak Microfilm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Storage Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
References and Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  
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Photographic film remains an important  
documentary material. The increasing quantity  
and value of microfilm records used in financial  
institutions, libraries, government offices, and  
industrial firms have focused attention on the  
care of such records to make certain that they  
last as long as possible.  
To help understand storage requirements,  
the composition and structure of microfilm are  
described and definitions of commonly used  
terms are given.1  
The distinction between photographic film records  
intended for storage and those intended for use  
has not always been clear. Use or work copies  
are the predominant photographic records found  
in libraries or record centers and are subject  
to much handling due to their value as quick  
references. However, because of this handling,  
they are subject to dirt, abrasion, fingerprints,  
contamination with foreign materials, and  
exposure to excessive light, temperatures, and  
harmful atmospheric pollutants. As a result, these  
copies in daily use cannot be considered suitable  
for long-term preservation. For long-term storage,  
it is imperative to prepare duplicate copies that  
meet certain criteria, such as proper filming,  
duplicating, processing, minimum handling,  
controlled environment, and storage.  
Structure of a typical black-and-white negative film.  
Acetate film—(acetate base) safety film with a  
base composed principally of cellulose acetate  
or triacetate.  
Antihalation undercoat—separate layer of  
light-absorbing dye located between the film  
emulsion and the base to suppress light reflection.  
During processing of this film, the dye layer  
becomes transparent.  
Base or support—a flexible plastic material that  
is coated with a thin, light-sensitive, image-  
forming layer. The thickness of the base varies  
with different film types.  
In general, the care needed for storing  
photographic records is similar to that for  
storing written paper records, although there  
are some requirements peculiar to the storage  
of photographic film.  
Dimensional stability—ability of photographic  
materials to maintain their original size and shape  
during and after processing and also under  
various conditions of temperature and humidity.  
The permanence of photographic records  
depends on the chemical stability of the film,  
how the film is processed, and the conditions  
under which the processed film records are  
stored. The stability of the film layers is  
determined in manufacture and processing, while  
storage is controlled by the user. This pamphlet  
discusses the composition and properties of  
black-and-white silver-gelatin, thermally  
processed silver (TPS), diazo, and vesicular films  
as they relate to film permanence. It also  
describes the essential requirements of good  
processing and storage practices.  
Emulsion—the image-forming layer. For  
unprocessed black-and-white silver-gelatin films,  
it is composed primarily of minute silver halide  
crystals suspended in gelatin. Exposure to  
light in a camera or printer causes no visible  
effect, but there is an invisible change which  
produces a “latent image.” To obtain a visible,  
usable image, the exposed material must be  
chemically processed.  
For diazo and vesicular films, the sensitized layers  
are composed of light-sensitive diazonium salts.  
To obtain a visible, usable image with these films,  
the exposed material is heat-processed. Diazo  
films are typically heat-processed in the presence  
of ammonia.  
NOTE:Refer to the latest revision of each ANSI or  
ISO Standard specified.  
For TPS films, the image-forming layer is typically  
silver halide and silver salts suspended in a  
polymeric binding.  
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Emulsion layer(s)—image or image-forming  
layer(s) of photographic films, papers, and plates.  
All silver-gelatin Kodak Microfilms on Estar Base,  
when processed as recommended by Kodak,  
meet the current specifications established by the  
American National Standards Institute, Inc.,  
(ANSI) for films intended for use as LE 500.  
Film base—the plastic support for the emulsion  
and backing layers.  
Halation—halo or ghost around the desired  
image on a photographic emulsion. (This is  
caused by the reflection of rays of light from the  
base to the emulsion or by internal scattering of  
light within the film.)  
Substratum (subbing or precoat)—the layer  
that bonds the emulsion to the base.  
Electronic Imaging  
With the coming of electronic digital imaging  
systems, the need for continuing the quality  
concepts already established in the micrographics  
arena has evolved. Following are a few  
key concepts.  
Nitrate film—a photographic film with a base  
consisting of cellulose nitrate. Nitrate-base films  
decompose with age and are not suitable for  
permanent records. The manufacture of nitrate  
film by Eastman Kodak Company in the United  
States of America was discontinued in 1951, but  
older nitrate motion-picture films are often found in  
storage. It is not always possible to determine by  
visual examination if a film has a nitrate base.  
However, neither KODAK nor RECORDAK  
Microfilms in any width were ever made on  
nitrate base.  
Digitization—use of a scanner to convert  
documents (on paper or microforms) to  
digitally coded electronic images suitable  
for electronic storage.  
Digital—the use of binary code to record  
information. “Information” can be text in a binary  
code (e.g., ASCII), images in bitmapped form,  
or sound in a sampled digital form or video.  
Non-curl backing layer—a layer, usually made  
of gelatin, applied to the side of the film base  
opposite to that of the emulsion layer, for the  
purpose of preventing curl.  
NOTE:Information is recorded digitally for  
accuracy in storage and transmission.  
Some types of data manipulation are  
easier in digital form.  
NOTE:It is comparable to the emulsion layer  
in thickness and is not removed in  
processing. (Antihalation or other  
layers removed in processing are  
excluded from this definition.)  
Scanning—1.) In electronic imaging, scanning is  
the operation which precedes digitization, where  
the surface of a document is divided into pixels  
and analog values are collected representing the  
optical density (brightness and possibly color)  
of each pixel.  
Polyester film—a photographic film having a  
polyester base. This type of base manufactured  
by Eastman Kodak Company is called Estar Base.  
It is exceptionally tough and strong and has  
excellent dimensional stability. Microfilm  
emulsions on Estar Base are currently supplied  
for many purposes. Kodak currently manufactures  
only microfilms on Estar Base.  
2.) In electronic imaging, OCR scanning is the  
conversion of marks that represent symbols into  
symbols for use in a data processing system.  
The paper or microfilm with the human-readable  
marks is first scanned as an image, then is  
analyzed to recognize the intended symbol.  
The result is the set of symbolic information,  
in a machine-readable code such as ASCII  
(also known as handprint character recognition,  
intelligent character recognition, and optical  
character recognition).  
Safety photographic film—photographic film  
which passes the ignition time test and burning  
time test as specified in ANSI and ISO Standards.  
Safety poly(ethylene terephthalate) base—  
a polyester film base for recording materials  
composed mainly of a polymer of ethylene  
glycol and terephthalic acid. All safety films  
(both acetate and polyester) manufactured  
by Eastman Kodak Company meet these  
requirements. This means that they are  
difficult to ignite and are slow burning.  
3.) In micrographics, scanning is the movement of  
an image on a reader screen in a direction  
perpendicular to the direction of roll-film transport.  
4.) Scanning is the systematic examination of  
data (ISO).  
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Scanner—a device that electro-optically converts  
a document into a series of pixels by detecting  
and measuring the intensity of light reflected or  
transmitted. When initially captured, each pixel is  
a level of brightness (gray or color), initially an  
analog quantity, but potentially digitized.  
Extended-term storage conditions—storage  
conditions suitable for the preservation of  
recorded information on the majority of freshly  
processed photographic films for 500 years.  
Medium-term storage conditions—storage  
conditions suitable for the preservation of  
recorded information for a minimum of 10 years.  
NOTE:For many applications, total information  
about each pixel is not needed and would  
represent a burdensome amount of output  
from the scanner. Therefore, most  
Methylene blue—a chemical dye formed  
during the testing of permanence of processed  
microimages using the methylene-blue  
method. Also called residual thiosulfate ion  
and silver densitometric method.  
scanners digitize the value of each pixel  
and reduce the amount of data output to  
only that which is required. For example,  
output might be limited to one bit per pixel  
for “black-and-white” scanning.  
Storage Hazards and Protection  
There are a number of hazards to the satisfactory  
storage of photographic film that apply to records  
intended for medium-term, long-term, or  
extended-term storage. In fact, it is not always  
possible to predict the desired life of records at the  
time they are made.  
Scanner threshold—the brightness level above  
which a pixel is considered pure white and  
below which the pixel is considered pure black  
(sometimes set manually [lighter/darker  
setting], or set automatically based on the  
average brightness of the document).  
While films of medium-term, long-term, or  
extended-term interest are subject to the same  
hazards, the storage protection provided for  
them will differ in degree because of a number  
of factors. These include the cost of providing  
storage facilities, desired record life, frequency  
of record use, value of the records, etc. See  
ANSI/PIMA IT9.11-19935 and ANSI IT9.2-1991.6  
Record Classification  
On the basis of required retention, photographic  
records can be classified broadly as requiring  
medium-term storage and long-term storage.  
Archival medium—recording material that can  
be expected to retain information forever, so  
that such information can be retrieved without  
significant loss when properly stored. However,  
there is no such material and it is not a term to be  
used in American National Standard material or  
system specifications.  
Fire Protection  
All Kodak Microfilms are slow-burning films as  
defined by the American National Standards  
Institute, Inc.3 Even though photographic records  
will burn considerably slower than paper, the  
same precautions against damage by fire  
should be taken for them as for paper records  
of comparable value.  
Life expectancy (LE)—the length of time that  
information is predicted to be retrievable in a  
system at 21°C and 50% RH.  
LE designation—the rating for the “life  
expectancy” of recording materials and  
associated retrieval systems.  
Depending on the importance of the records,  
fire protection provided can vary from the full  
protection described on the following pages for  
valuable records to that provided by ordinary  
office storage.  
NOTE:The number following the LE symbol is a  
prediction of the minimum life expectancy,  
in years, for which information can be  
retrieved without significant loss when  
stored at 21°C and 50% RH.  
For example, LE-100 indicates that  
information can be retrieved for at least  
100 years of storage. Silver-gelatin films  
have an LE of 500; thermally processed  
silver (TPS) have an LE of 100 years.  
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moisture, which will expand under heat and, under  
some conditions, might generate slight pressure.  
However, such intense heat would be required on  
the outside of the fire-resistant cabinet that the  
cabinet would be seriously damaged from the fire  
before appreciable pressure developed.  
Storage Vaults  
The highest degree of protection for a large  
number of records is afforded by a fireproof  
storage vault or record room. It should be located  
and constructed in accordance with the local  
building code, Fire Underwriters’ Regulations, and  
the requirements of the National Fire Protection  
Association (NFPA)7 for a valuable record  
room, except that an approved, controlled,  
air-conditioning unit should be installed. While  
NFPA discourages air conditioning such an  
installation, the fire hazard introduced by  
openings for air-conditioning ducts can be  
overcome by the use of automatic, fire-control  
dampers approved by Underwriters’ Laboratories,  
Inc. These can be installed in the ducts in  
accordance with recommendations of NFPA.8  
Sufficient insulation should be provided in the  
vault to permit satisfactory temperature control at  
all seasons of the year and to prevent moisture  
condensation from forming on the walls.  
Effects of High Temperatures  
In addition to complete loss by fire, damage to film  
records can also occur if they are exposed to very  
high temperatures. Excessive heat causes film to  
buckle because of shrinkage at the edges. When  
severe, this distortion affects the ease with which  
the information can be taken from microfilms,  
either by projection (for reading) or by printing  
onto another film.  
Silver-gelatin films that have been conditioned at  
a relative humidity of 50% or lower will withstand  
121°C (250°F) for 24 hours without significant  
loss in readability or printability. At 149°C (300°F),  
severe distortion can occur in a few hours.  
Films that have been conditioned at a relative  
humidity above 50% may show objectionable  
distortion in somewhat shorter times or at lower  
temperatures. Higher humidities, however, are  
undesirable for other reasons, as explained later.  
Cabinets and Safes  
For smaller quantities of records, a fire-resistant  
cabinet or safe of the type described by NFPA7  
will provide considerable protection. Such a safe  
should protect records against a severe fire for at  
least four hours.  
Thermally processed silver films will build  
up background densities fairly rapidly at  
temperatures of 93°C (200°F) and above.  
At these temperatures, even a few hours will  
produce significant loss in readability or  
printability. At 149°C (300°F) or above, severe  
distortion can occur in a few hours.  
Many fire-resistant safes and cabinets use a type  
of insulation that when heated releases moisture  
and thus fills the interior of the safe with steam  
during a fire. This can cause melting or stripping  
of the film emulsion layer and loss of the image.  
For protection, films stored in such a safe should  
be placed in moisture-tight cans, as described  
under “Humidity Control” in this publication.  
Diazo films, while quite stable, contain dye images  
that can fade and/or discolor as a result of high  
temperatures. Kodak Diazo Microfilms can  
withstand a week at 93°C (200°F) without image  
loss. At 149°C (300°F) or above, severe distortion  
can occur in a few hours.  
It is preferable to use fire-resistant safes that are  
available with an inner chamber sealed against  
moisture. These are classified by Underwriters’  
Laboratories, Inc., as Class 150 Record  
Containers.9 Film damage caused by steam  
is not a problem with these safes.  
High temperature is the greatest enemy of  
vesicular film. Although Kodak Thermal Print  
Films can withstand 71°C (160°F) for several  
hours, high temperatures can cause a complete  
loss of images if care is not taken with regard to  
temperature control.  
The question is sometimes raised as to whether  
microfilm stored in drawers or cabinets designed  
to resist fire for several hours might, in case of a  
fire, generate enough pressure to damage or  
explode the cabinet. There is practically no  
danger of an explosion from the storage of either  
Estar Base or acetate base safety film under  
these conditions. There are small amounts of  
organic materials in acetate film base, as well as  
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High Humidity  
Water Protection  
Storage in moist air, such as that frequently found  
in basement rooms, and storage humidities above  
50% should be avoided; relative humidities of  
40% or less are recommended for minimizing the  
possibility of growth of microscopic blemishes.  
At humidities above 60%, there is the additional  
danger of fungus growth.  
Film records should be protected from possible  
water damage, such as from leaks, fire-sprinkler  
discharge, and flooding. If possible, storage  
facilities should be located above basement  
levels. Storage cabinets should be raised so that  
the lowest shelf or drawer is at least 15.2 cm  
(6 in.) off the floor and should be constructed so  
that water cannot splash through ventilating  
louvers onto the records. Drains provided should  
have adequate capacity to keep water from a  
sprinkler discharge from reaching a depth of  
7.6 cm (3 in.).  
If the record-storage area should become flooded,  
prompt steps should be taken to reclaim any  
immersed records. Allowing microfilm records  
to dry, even partially, will cause the layers to  
stick together. If there are no local facilities for  
rewashing and drying the films immediately,  
promptly place the films in a water-filled container  
and send them to a laboratory where they can be  
washed and dried properly.10  
Effects of High and Low  
Relative Humidities  
The choice of humidity level for storage depends  
on the type of photographic film and the humidity  
of the work area. In order to minimize subsequent  
moisture conditioning in storage, the humidity of  
the work area should not be markedly different  
from that of the storage area. Very large humidity  
differences may lead to some physical distortion.  
The best relative humidity for storage is the  
lowest that can be achieved practically and  
controlled reliably, within the limits specified  
in ANSI/PIMA IT9.11-1998 and ISO 189115 or  
their latest revisions.  
These curves show the relationship between relative  
humidity and the moisture content of a typical emulsion,  
triacetate film base, Estar Base, and a complete film at  
equilibrium of various relative humidities at 21°C (70°F).  
Low Humidity  
At low humidities, problems of brittleness or  
static might arise if the films are to be handled  
frequently. However, in the case of inactive  
films (regardless of their intended permanence),  
the increased protection that low humidity gives  
against microscopic blemishes might be  
desirable. The recommended humidity is  
30% for silver-gelatin polyester-base film and  
15% for silver-gelatin acetate-base film and all  
other silver and non-silver films.5  
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Very low humidities have, in the past, caused film  
to be brittle. However, film of current manufacture  
has not been found to exhibit brittleness or  
breaking tendencies under normal handling,  
even at relative humidities as low as 15%. Old film  
that is found to be brittle at low humidity should  
be reconditioned to a higher humidity before  
use. One day’s storage is usually sufficient for  
conditioning a dry 16 mm roll halfway to a higher  
ambient relative humidity; to bring it to full  
Molecular Sieves  
Molecular sieves are capable of absorbing most  
of the potential film degradation agents such as  
moisture, oxidants, solvents, and others when  
kept in close proximity with the films under  
confined storage.24 Therefore, Eastman Kodak  
Company recommends the use of molecular  
sieves with triacetate and polyester-based films to  
reduce the physical aging of films and increase  
the longevity of black-and-white images under  
confined storage. It also prevents ferrotyping  
(mold/fungal growth on films), as it reduces the  
moisture content of film.  
equilibrium requires about a week. In each case,  
both sides of the roll should be exposed to the air.  
Tests have shown that molecular sieves prevent  
vinegar syndrome associated with acetate-based  
films and micro-blemishes, and arrests the  
oxidation of silver images due to peroxides and  
ozone in the atmosphere. Using molecular sieves  
slows the rate of these degradation reactions  
under confined storage and thus extends the  
keeping and longevity of older film collections.  
A single molecular sieve packet inserted into the  
existing flip-top boxes containing microfilm will  
last for five to seven years, under recommended  
storage conditions. Microfilm should be inspected  
periodically to offer an opportunity to replace  
the molecular sieves.  
Rate of conditioning a typical safety film from 20% to 50%  
relative humidity at 21°C (70°F).  
The sieves must be replaced at some interval,  
depending on storage conditions. The use of  
molecular sieves is cited by the American National  
Standards Institute (ANSI) as another procedure  
to reduce redox blemishes caused by high  
humidity conditions and oxidants in the air. For  
more information or to obtain molecular sieves  
(listed below), call Multisorb at 1-800-445-9890.  
Low humidity affects the curl of silver-gelatin film,  
causing a slight contraction of the emulsion layer  
and resulting in a slight curl toward that side.  
This is generally believed to be an advantage  
because the concave emulsion surface is better  
protected against abrasion. However, excessive  
curl may cause difficulty in focusing images in  
some microfilm readers. This can be avoided  
by conditioning the film to a relative humidity of  
30-50% before use. The curl of diazo, TPS, and  
vesicular films is virtually unaffected by humidity.  
Molecular Sieves  
Part No.  
41 ag 43  
41 ag 47  
41 ag 51  
3.5 grams  
7.0 grams  
16 mm  
35 mm  
Film handled at very low humidities may also  
develop a static charge as it passes through a  
reader or rewinder. This static charge will attract  
dust particles that can damage the emulsion by  
chemical action or physical abrasion. Therefore,  
it is important that any film handling area be kept  
clean. If film is kept in a dry storage area, it may  
be necessary to use the film in an office area of  
higher humidity to minimize static problems.  
However, as previously noted, large humidity  
differences may lead to conditioning problems.  
105 mm 12.5 grams  
With or without molecular sieves, it is very  
important to follow current industry recommended  
practices for film storage, such as keeping film  
under proper temperature and relative humidity  
conditions. However, placing recommended  
amounts of molecular sieves inside flip-top  
boxes will extend the life of the films significantly.  
This adds additional protection by slowing the  
deterioration process.  
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Moisture-Tight Containers  
Humidity Control  
If humidity control of the storage area is not  
possible, the storage of film in moisture-tight  
containers is required to maintain the film’s  
humidity limits. The film must be conditioned to  
the required humidity before being sealed in the  
container. This requires the temporary use of an  
air-conditioned cabinet or room, or an electrical  
dehumidifier. Smaller quantities of film can be  
conditioned for two or three weeks in a desiccator  
containing activated silica gel, and then removed  
and quickly sealed.  
Control of relative humidity is required for  
preservation of permanent records.  
Air Conditioning  
Properly controlled air conditioning of the storage  
area is definitely recommended for the optimum  
long-term preservation of permanent records.  
The air should be filtered to remove dust,  
cleansed of gaseous contaminants, if present,  
and controlled to the desired relative humidity and  
temperature. Slightly positive air pressure should  
be maintained within the storage room or vault.  
Film should be conditioned to this environment  
and then placed in containers.  
Only properly sealed metal or glass containers  
are considered moisture- and gas-proof. They  
are preferred when long-term air conditioning is  
not practical, when gaseous impurities may  
regularly be present, or when low-temperature  
storage is used.  
Where air conditioning is not available and high  
humidities are likely to be present, the humidity  
of the storage area can be lowered by electrical  
refrigeration-type dehumidifiers. These are readily  
available and inexpensive. The storage space  
should first be vapor-sealed by covering the walls  
with asphalt or aluminum paint or, better yet,  
paper-laminated aluminum foil or other water-  
vapor barriers. Painting the storage area is  
suggested, but follow the painting precautions.  
A humidistat set at the desired level of humidity  
should be used to control the dehumidifier. The  
humidity level should be checked frequently with a  
reliable hygrometer, such as a sling psychrometer.  
For added protection against short-term moisture  
effects, such as dehumidifier failure, tape the  
containers as described in the following section,  
“Moisture-Tight Containers.”  
Plastic boxes, such as Kodak Microfilm Plastic  
Storage Cartons (CAT No. 108-6867—16 mm;  
CAT No. 841-8741—35 mm), can be used as  
protective containers in controlled areas. They  
provide satisfactory protection against short-term  
problems of moisture or gaseous impurities,  
such as might occur with floods, dehumidifier  
failures, smoke from a fire, or moisture released  
by insulation (upon exposure to heat) in certain  
fire-resistant safes and cabinets.  
With both metal and plastic containers, all  
materials (including any gaskets and protective  
paints or lacquers) must be non-corroding and  
free of peroxides, reactive fumes, and exudations  
during storage. Closed containers with friction-  
type or threaded twist-on lids may require no other  
seal, but should be tested for imperviousness.  
Dehumidifiers using desiccants should be used  
with caution. They may create a danger of fine  
dust particles getting on the film and causing  
abrasion when the film is used. Also, when some  
chemical-desiccant particles are trapped in rolls  
of microfilm, they may form bleached spots.  
Therefore, inert desiccates should be used, and  
it is essential that the system be designed so  
that particulate material cannot enter the storage  
area. The use of molecular sieve packets is  
recommended, as this is an efficient desiccant.  
Chemically pure silica gel may also be used as  
a desiccant, provided that filtration is used to  
remove particle layers larger than 0.3 micron.  
See ANSI/PIMA IT9.11-1998 and ISO 18911-  
19985 or their latest revisions.  
If the container is in an area having the prescribed  
humidity and known to be free of harmful gases,  
taping is not required. If these conditions are not  
met, taping will provide satisfactory protection.  
Plastic boxes or cans are preferable, as they  
provide more insulation in case of fire.  
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Microscopic Blemishes  
Humidification is not necessary or desirable  
unless the prevailing relative humidity is under  
15%—under 30% for polyester-base films—for  
long periods of time and unless the film is used  
frequently and physical troubles are encountered.  
Neither water trays nor saturated chemical  
solutions should be used for humidification of  
storage cabinets because of the more serious  
danger of overhumidification. Even humidification  
controlled by instrumentation is risky unless  
“fail-safe” devices are installed.  
Some processed silver-gelatin microfilms in  
storage for two to twenty years have developed  
microscopically small colored spots or blemishes.  
The fogged leader at the outside of the roll is most  
frequently affected by the blemishes, which are  
generally red or yellow in color and smaller in size  
than the image characters (e.g., a typewritten  
letter reduced 20X) on the microfilm. On occasion,  
these spots progress further into the roll and  
appear in image areas. A more detailed  
description of the blemishes and of the techniques  
used in inspecting microfilm is given in National  
Bureau of Standards Handbook 96.11  
Fungus Growth  
Fungus spores are found in the air everywhere.  
They germinate and grow under favorable  
The spots are caused by local oxidation of image  
silver, resulting in the formation of minute deposits  
of yellow- or red-colored colloidal silver.12,13  
Possible oxidizing agents entering from outside  
the roll of microfilm are aerial oxygen, whose  
action on the film is strongly accelerated by  
moisture, and atmospheric contaminants such  
as peroxides, ozone, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen  
sulfide, and nitrogen oxides, which all occur in  
industrial atmospheres.  
conditions. When silver-gelatin films are stored for  
any length of time in an atmosphere having a  
relative humidity of above 60%, fungus (often  
called mold or mildew) has a tendency to grow on  
the emulsion surface, the back of the film, or on  
the film reel. The higher the relative humidity, the  
greater the chance of fungus attack and the more  
abundant its growth. The only real protection  
against fungus growth is to make certain that  
conditions are unfavorable for its growth.  
Assuming that your microfilm was processed to  
established quality control standards, microscopic  
blemishes (redox) may occur due to the oxidation  
of the metallic silver image by the presence of  
oxidants in the storage area: peroxides, ozone,  
nitrogen oxides, oil-based paint fumes, organic  
solvents, floor-cleaning agents, cardboard  
cartons, excessive temperature and humidity,  
or a variety of other materials that generate  
peroxides which attack silver microfilms.  
If fungus growth progresses far enough, it can  
cause serious and permanent damage to film.  
This takes the form of distortion of the emulsion  
and eventually causes chemical breakdown so  
that the gelatin becomes sticky and readily soluble  
in water. Water or water solutions should not be  
used for the removal of fungus growth because  
either may lead to disintegration of the image.  
Clean affected film by wiping it with a soft plush  
or cotton pad moistened with an approved  
film-cleaning liquid, such as isopropyl alcohol.  
This procedure is described in detail in a separate  
Kodak Pamphlet.10  
The use of low concentrations of potassium  
iodide in the fixing bath (0.2 g/L) has been  
recommended and has been found to provide  
a good degree of protection against these  
blemishes.13 Kodak Microfilm and Prostar Fix  
Solutions contain this stability-enhancing iodide.  
Fungus can grow on most surfaces, including  
diazo and vesicular films; however, these films are  
more resistant to fungus growth than silver-gelatin  
films. If necessary, clean these film types by  
wiping with a soft, plush or cotton pad, moistened  
with water. Do not use solvents on diazo,  
Once the deterioration of the microfilm occurs,  
it cannot be reversed. Silver film duplication,  
Kodak Brown Toner, and the use of molecular  
sieves can be used to stabilize the reaction.  
vesicular, or thermally processed silver films.  
The Kodak Disaster Recovery Laboratory  
offers no charge evaluation of suspect microfilm  
and can be reached at 1-800-EKC-TEST  
(1-800-352-8378) or 1-585-253-3907.  
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The conditions under which microfilm is stored  
have been found to play an important role in  
the development of microscopic blemishes.  
Storage in cool, dry air that is free of oxidizing  
gases or vapors is an effective means for  
arresting their formation and growth. Storage  
in sealed, metal cans is a sound preventive  
measure, if this is practical and consistent with  
the humidity requirements.  
Chemical Contamination  
Air contaminants may add an oxidizing or  
reducing effect to the atmosphere. This in turn  
may cause deterioration of the film base and a  
gradual fading of the photographic image, as  
well as the formation of the microscopic blemishes  
mentioned above. Typical contaminants are  
paint fumes, peroxides, nitrogen oxides,  
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and similar  
gases. If an area is to be painted, any films stored  
there should be removed beforehand and should  
not be returned to the area for three months.  
The removal of contaminating gases from the  
air requires special consideration.5,14,15,16,17  
Additional protection can be obtained by adding  
molecular sieves to the storage containers  
or toning the film with toners such as Kodak  
Brown Toner (CAT No. 146-4452—8 oz.;  
CAT No. 140-0928—1 gal.). For information  
about the use of brown toner as a treatment  
to extend the life of microfilm, order Kodak  
Publication A-1671.26  
Contaminants can come from illuminating gas,  
coal gas, automobile exhaust, and certain  
chemical plants. They are present in harmful  
concentrations in most industrial and urban areas.  
Other contamination can come from ozone and  
ammonia produced by certain photocopying  
devices. For this reason, a long-term storage vault  
should be located as far as possible from such  
areas. When a contaminated atmosphere cannot  
be avoided, steps should be taken either to  
eliminate the fumes by air conditioning the  
storage area or to protect the film from contact  
with the atmosphere by sealing it in containers.  
The life expectancy of your microfilm, processed  
to established quality control standards and stored  
under ideal environmental conditions, can be  
many years. However, we do not have control of  
environmental surroundings at all times.  
Therefore, you should consider taking the extra  
precaution of toning your films against oxidative  
attack. Toning can be accomplished by use of  
sulfide toning agents such as Kodak Brown Toner.  
Other types of toners, such as selenium or gold,  
are also accepted but not commonly used.  
ANSI/PIMA IT 9.1-1998 (ISO 18901) now  
recognizes that films toned with toners like  
this can still be considered to meet the standards  
for records of permanent or long-term value.  
Brown toning is a service offered by the  
In addition to atmospheric contaminants, care  
should be taken about other materials kept or  
used in the storage area. It has already been  
mentioned that nitrate-base films should never be  
used for permanent-record films. Furthermore,  
such films should never be stored with safety-film  
records (either in the same room or in rooms  
connected by ventilating ducts in the same  
building) because the gases given off by  
decomposing nitrate film will damage or destroy  
images on safety-film records.  
Kodak Disaster Recovery Laboratory.  
The lab can be reached at 1-800-EKC-TEST  
(1-800-352-8378) or 1-585-253-3907.  
Films not of the silver-gelatin type (e.g., diazo and  
vesicular) should not be wound on the same rolls,  
stored in the same containers, or be in physical  
contact with silver-gelatin films. In addition, some  
older vesicular films have been known to give off  
acidic fumes and require a separate storage  
housing with a separate circulating air system.4  
Avoid using rubber bands around rolls of film,  
since residual sulfur from rubber vulcanization  
promotes the growth of microscopic blemishes.  
Adhesive tapes, tape splices, bleached papers,  
and printing inks also cause undesirable effects.  
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Composition of Enclosure Materials  
Some photographic images can be damaged  
by adhesives incorporating impurities such as  
sulfur, iron, copper, or other ingredients that  
might react with image silver or gelatin. Pressure-  
sensitive adhesives and ether-linked products  
should be avoided.  
Paper should be made from rag, bleached sulfite  
or bleached kraft pulp with an alpha-cellulose  
content greater than 87%. It should be free from  
highly lignified fibres, such as ground wood, as  
determined by the phloroglucinol spot test.  
Rubber-based products such as rubber cement  
should not be used. Not only might they contain  
harmful solvents or plasticizers, but they might be  
compounded with photographically damaging  
sulfur, usually as a vulcanizer, accelerator, or  
stabilizer. Even some “low-desensitizing” or  
“sulfur-free” rubbers contain sulfur.  
For paper in direct contact with black-and-white  
photographic material, the pH should be between  
7.5 and 9.5. The pH should be close to 7.0 when  
in direct contact with color or diazo material. There  
should be an alkali reserve of at least 2% (m/m).  
The alkali reserve should be obtained by the  
incorporation of an alkaline earth carbonate.  
Neutral or alkaline-sizing chemicals should be  
employed and the material should be essentially  
free from particles of metal. Glassine envelopes  
should not be used.  
Photographic-quality gelatin and many polyvinyl  
acetate and cellulose ester adhesives are  
suitable for use with paper enclosures. Heat  
sealing and mechanical sealing should be used  
when possible.  
Printing Inks  
Suitable plastic enclosure materials are  
Printing inks are known to cause microscopic  
spots in fine-grain silver microfilm; consequently,  
there should be no printed matter on the inside of  
the filing enclosure. The ink used for imprinting  
the outside of filing enclosures should not bleed,  
spread, or transfer, and it should not be a source  
of products that attack the photograph or the  
enclosure itself.  
photographic film support materials such as  
uncoated polyester (polyethylene terephthalate)  
polypropylene and polyethylene. Chlorinated  
or nitrated sheeting should not be used and  
cellulose nitrate, in particular, should be avoided.  
Metal enclosures should be noncorrosive  
materials such as anodized aluminum or stainless  
steel. The use of steel is permissible, provided  
that the surface is well protected by lacquer,  
enamel, tinning, plating, or some other corrosion-  
resistant finish. Lacquer, which might give off  
reactive fumes, peroxides, or exudations during  
storage should not be used.  
For additional specifications, see ANSI/PIMA  
IT9.11-19985 (ISO 18911) and ANSI/PIMA  
IT9.2-19916 (ISO 18903).  
Theft Protection  
Safes provide good protection against the theft of  
valuable records. Where such records are large in  
number, vaults of burglar-proof construction may  
be required. Theft of important records involves  
double peril—that of classified films falling into  
unauthorized hands and the complete loss of  
valuable information. Protection against the latter  
can, of course, be provided by storing duplicate  
records in another location.  
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To make sure that there is enough time for the  
fixing reaction to be completed, specific  
Processing for Permanence  
recommendations for each type of film should  
be followed. Undeveloped silver halides are  
dissolved by the fixer as complex ions of silver  
and thiosulfate. As the silver content of the fixer  
increases with processing, the silver-thiosulfate  
complex becomes increasingly difficult to wash  
from the film. This can be avoided by frequent  
replacement or proper replenishment of the fixing  
bath or by in-line recirculating electrolytic recovery  
of silver from the fixer.  
Silver-Gelatin Films  
Processing is one of the most important  
factors affecting the potential permanence of  
photographic records. The removal of residual  
processing chemicals, the exclusion of dirt  
contamination, and uniform drying are factors  
normally controlled by proper processing.  
Processed film, for long-term storage or  
permanent records, must meet the requirements  
of ANSI/PIMA IT9.1-1992 (R1996) or ISO 18901.2  
The ability to meet most of these requirements is  
controlled in film manufacture, but films must be  
fixed and washed adequately, whether given  
conventional or full-reversal processing, to meet  
residual thiosulfate requirements. Films  
processed without fixation, such as in halide-  
reversal processes and certain reversal  
processes with only redevelopment, may give a  
“visible, usable image,” but do not come under the  
scope of the long-term storage standards.  
Recovery of silver from fixer is advisable for  
reasons of economics, conservation and ecology.  
There are three principal methods of silver  
recovery:18 metallic replacement, electrolytic  
and sulfide precipitation. For additional  
information, refer to Kodak Publication J-212.23  
Adequate washing is essential to the permanence  
of silver-gelatin microfilm. After all undeveloped  
silver halide is converted, the emulsion is still  
saturated with fixing bath and some dissolved  
silver compounds. If these are not removed by  
washing, they will slowly decompose and attack  
the image, causing discoloration and fading.  
The effect is accelerated greatly by high humidity  
and temperature. The smaller the grain size of  
the image, the greater this reaction is. Microfilms,  
being very fine grained, are very sensitive to  
this effect.  
If fixing and washing are inadequate, thiosulfates  
or silver salts, or both, will be retained by the film.  
These can break down, especially under poor  
storage conditions, to produce yellow stain in  
clear areas and fading in areas containing  
image silver.  
Fixing Baths  
In the fixing step, undeveloped silver-halide  
crystals in the emulsion are converted to soluble  
silver compounds which can be washed away with  
water. The chemicals most commonly used for  
fixing are sodium or ammonium thiosulfate  
(commonly called “hypo”). The fixing bath may  
also contain other chemicals to maintain a  
desirable pH, provide hardening, stabilize the  
solution, protect the image from microscopic  
blemishes, etc.  
For good washing, a rapid flow of fresh water  
should be used. The water should be filtered to  
remove dirt particles. To improve washing,  
countercurrent and spray systems are frequently  
used in processing-machine construction.  
Washing efficiency decreases rapidly with  
decreased temperature and is very low  
at temperatures below 16°C (60°F). High  
wash-water temperatures produce the most  
efficient washing, but emulsion reticulation can  
result if the wash-water temperature is too high  
and not kept close to that of the other processing  
solutions. In some cases, extremely soft water  
can also cause reticulation. In the case of  
contained chemical kits such as the Kodak  
Miniprocessor, the manufacturer's recommended  
film processing capacity should not be exceeded.  
For maximum washing efficiency, a non-hardening  
fixer followed by a non-oxidizing washing aid,  
such as Microfilm Clearing Bath and Replenisher  
should be used. (Call Solutek at 1-617-445-5335  
to order CAT No. 414-24). Hypo eliminators  
containing oxidizing agents, such as peroxide,  
should be avoided. Oxidizing agents may promote  
image deterioration.  
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Residual Hypo Test  
The accepted criterion for adequate washing is  
the methylene blue method described in ANSI/  
PIMA IT9.17-1998.19 IT9.17-1998 also describes  
the silver densitometric method, which has been  
suggested by the Association for Information and  
Image Management (AIIM) as a simpler and less  
expensive alternative. If the silver densitometric  
density difference is 0.02 or less, AIIM considers  
that the methylene blue requirements for  
extended-term storage record films have been  
met. In both methods, a clear area of the film is  
tested and residual hypo tests may be run up to  
two weeks after processing. A simpler, but less  
sensitive, method is the use of the Kodak Hypo  
Test Kit (CAT No. 196-5847). This test gives an  
indication of residual hypo, but it should not be  
used as a measurement for meeting the  
It is important to use an adequate squeegee  
where the film leaves the water wash and enters  
the drying section. Otherwise, residual water  
droplets will dry and form visible surface defects  
and, in some cases, cause physical sticking of the  
film laps. In wound-up rolls, these spots may  
provide places where microscopic blemishes can  
form. Inspect squeegees regularly (particularly  
blade and roller types) to make sure that they do  
not cause film scratches.  
Drying should be uniform. The drying air should  
be filtered so that airborne particles of dirt or  
potentially harmful chemical dusts, often present  
in processing laboratories, will not become  
imbedded in the emulsion while it is tacky.  
requirements of the ANSI specification.  
In machine processing, the recommendations of  
both the equipment and film manufacturer for  
operating conditions and processing chemicals  
should be followed.  
NOTE:For satisfactory residual hypo levels in  
films, both fixing and washing must be  
acceptable—inadequacies in one cannot  
be compensated by the other.  
In other modes of processing, the following factors  
are involved.  
Residual Silver Compound Test  
ANSI/PIMA IT 9.17-199819 and ISO 18917-1999  
contain a test designed to indicate residual silver  
salts in the film. Such salts are an important cause  
of image layer degradation in aged-processed  
photographic films.  
Washing Aids  
Using a washing aid, such as Kodak Hypo  
Clearing Agent (CAT No. 146-4254—5 gal.) or  
Kodak Microfilm Clearing Bath and Replenisher,  
greatly increases both the rate and thoroughness  
of hypo removal during the washing step.  
Protective Coatings  
After fixing, the film is first rinsed to remove the  
major portion of hypo; next, the film is treated in a  
Kodak Microfilm Clearing Bath and Replenisher;  
then it is given a final wash.  
It should be recognized that while lacquers and  
other coatings have advantages for working prints  
receiving hard use, they are not within the scope  
of the ANSI long-term storage specifications.  
NOTE:The use of hypo eliminators, such as  
Kodak Hypo Eliminator HE-1, is not  
recommended for microfilm because  
some hypo eliminators contain oxidizing  
agents that can contribute to the  
formation of emulsion blisters and  
microscopic blemishes.  
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Processing of Other Film Types Special Storage and Hazards  
Thermally Processed Silver (TPS)  
Underground Storage  
This film should be processed in accordance  
with the manufacturers’ recommendations for  
optimum image stability. ANSI/PIMA IT9.19-1994  
and ISO-18919-199924 give specifications for  
stability of TPS films.  
Most large industrial organizations and  
government agencies have developed methods  
for safeguarding vital records in the event of a war  
or a natural catastrophe. Many keep their vital  
records in underground repositories located many  
miles from large metropolitan areas. When  
microfilm is kept underground in caves, mines,  
tunnels, subbasements, or similar locations,  
special care should be taken to make certain that  
there is adequate control of the relative humidity.  
Diazo Films  
The proper processing of diazo films can also  
affect keeping qualities. In the diazo process,  
the film should be processed to completion for  
maximum storage stability. ANSI/PIMA IT9.5-  
19924 and ISO 18905-1999 give specific details  
for methods and measurements for proper  
development for image stability.  
Film should not be stored where the relative  
humidity exceeds the limits recommended for  
storage. See Table 1 of ANSI/PIMA IT9.11-1998  
or ISO 18911-1999.5 If humidity cannot be  
controlled satisfactorily, film must be dried (as  
described under “Air Conditioning”), then placed  
in a moisture-proof container. The film must also  
be protected, as in other types of storage, against  
airborne dirt or chemical contamination.  
Also, as with conventional silver films, if  
processing equipment utilizes squeegees and  
dryer chambers, regular inspections should be  
made to make sure that the process is scratch-  
free and free from airborne dirt and chemicals.  
In underground situations, proper film-storage  
conditions can often be achieved by simply  
heating the cool, moist air that is present.  
For example, conditions in a typical mine may be  
10°C (50°F) and 85% relative humidity; by heating  
the storage area to 21°C (70°F), the relative  
humidity is reduced to 40%. Where it is not  
practical to lower the relative humidity adequately  
by this means, supplementary dehumidification  
may be required.  
Vesicular Films  
The only variables in processing thermal or  
vesicular films are the processing temperature  
and time. Insufficient processing can increase  
the possibility of fading in the heat of the reader  
and potentially shorten keeping life. Processing  
within manufacturers’ recommendations should  
maximize keeping qualities. In addition to  
monitoring process temperature and time,  
regular checks should be made to make  
sure that scratch-free film is being produced.  
ANSI/PIMA IT9.12-1995 and ISO 18912-1999,21  
“Specifications for Stability of Processed Vesicular  
Film,” discuss the criteria for proper development.  
Effects of Nuclear Explosions  
The protection of vital microfilm records against  
the effects of nuclear explosions is mostly a  
matter of providing sufficient blast and fire  
protection. Processed microfilm is essentially  
unaffected by radiation, even of the intensity  
encountered in the vicinity of a nuclear explosion.  
Best protection from blast and fire is afforded  
by removing security files from potential target  
areas. Storage in underground vaults, with  
duplicate copies in different locations, provides  
the greatest security.  
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Time-Capsule Storage  
Only silver-gelatin films conforming to ANSI/PIMA  
IT9.1-19982 or ISO 18901-1999 should be used  
for time capsules or sealed in cornerstones of  
buildings. Film intended for this kind of storage  
should be conditioned to a low relative humidity  
(20-30% is recommended for acetate-base films)  
in a conditioning room or chamber. During  
conditioning, air should be circulated against  
both roll surfaces. Conditioning times should be at  
least two weeks for 16 mm film and four weeks for  
35 mm film. This conforms to ANSI/PIMA IT9.11-  
1998 and ISO 18911-1999.5  
Microfilm may be subject to interactions when  
stored with films of different generic types  
(e.g., diazo and silver-gelatin). Do not wind  
different generic film types on the same roll or  
store them in the same container. Diazo and  
silver-gelatin microfilms should be stored  
separately before and after processing.  
Diazonium salt gases emitted from Diazo  
microfilm (pre- and post-process) can be  
detrimental to silver-gelatin microfilm.  
Continual handling of film, even under favorable  
conditions, causes some wear, but wear can be  
accelerated greatly by certain factors which can  
be controlled. Scratching occurs when film is dirty  
or equipment is poorly maintained or wrongly  
used. “Cinching” causes scratches and occurs  
when film is made to slide layer on layer  
(e.g., when the end of a loose roll of film is pulled).  
Tearing and fingerprinting occur when equipment  
and handling methods are not suitable.  
During conditioning, the film should be in the form  
intended for final storage (wound on itself or a  
glass rod, not on a conventional core or reel)  
because the possibility of rapid moisture change  
makes it inadvisable to rewind the film after  
conditioning. The capsule should be loaded in the  
conditioning chamber, if possible; if not, the film  
should be transferred immediately to the capsule  
and sealed tightly.  
Remove dirt from film by wiping with a lintless  
fabric pad moistened with film cleaner or its  
equivalent. Carry out cleaning operations in an  
atmosphere of about 50% relative humidity to  
minimize the possibility that the film will become  
electrostatically charged and attract dust particles.  
The capsule should be a stainless steel cylinder  
gasketed cover. When there is more than one roll  
of film, it is a good idea to separate rolls with  
stainless steel disks of the same inside diameter  
as that of the capsule. Cores, reels, or wrapping of  
any kind should not be included; only the film itself  
should be put into the capsule.  
Another proven method for removing foreign  
matter from film is the use of Particle Transfer  
Roller (PTR) technology. These rollers are a  
polyurethane material whose tackiness and  
cushiness pick up dust, hair, and other unwanted  
material from a continuous moving film surface.  
These rollers can be mounted in-line with most  
film operations. They can be cleaned easily with  
warm water and mild soap. For more information  
about Particle Transfer Roller technology call  
FPC, Inc., (an Eastman Kodak Company)  
at 1-323-468-5774 or contact your local  
Handling and Filing  
Film Records  
Well-planned filing systems and proper handling  
of film records are important in the storage of  
records. The custodian should set up safeguards  
against loss or misplacement of valuable records  
and also make sure that the methods of filing and  
handling do not add unnecessary wear to the  
records. When films must be used, duplicates  
should be made and originals retained in storage.  
Kodak Representative.  
Cleanliness of the work space is essential to  
success in these operations. Static discharge  
devices are available for use when handling film  
which has been in dry storage. Alternatively, film  
can be conditioned to a higher relative humidity  
before cleaning and then reconditioned to the  
original low relative humidity. Other suggestions  
for improving handling operations can be found in  
Eastman Professional Motion Picture Films20 and  
The Book of Film Care.22  
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Sometimes film inspection is considered too  
laborious and costly and is neglected for many  
years—occasionally with unfortunate results.  
If it is not always possible to open every film  
can or rewind every roll at the recommended  
frequency, select a few rolls at random from  
the film collection each month for examination.  
This approach provides some protection at a  
relatively small cost. If there is any indication  
that film records are not keeping properly,  
storage conditions should be improved and other  
protective treatments given the film. Make copies  
of films that show signs of deterioration because  
deterioration, once initiated, is an irreversible  
process that may be restrained, but not  
The potential life of photographic records depends  
largely on atmospheric conditions—temperature,  
humidity, cleanliness—and the manner in which  
the film is used. If storage conditions are kept  
within the limits suggested in Table 3, inspection  
of an adequate number of properly selected lot  
samples should be made at two-year intervals.12  
While extended-term records should definitely be  
kept under the recommended storage conditions,  
film records of medium-term value may have  
more leeway in terms of storage humidity and  
temperature. Where humidity is not controlled  
closely, film should be inspected more frequently  
than at two-year intervals; the intervals between  
inspection should not initially exceed six months  
and then, if no deterioration is noted, can be  
extended but should not exceed one year.  
terminated, by improving storage conditions.  
Therefore, extensive and frequent inspections  
should be made.  
ANSI/AIIM standards and technical reports are  
available related to the inspection of silver gelatin  
microforms. An example can be found in  
American National Standard: “Imaging Materials–  
Processed Silver-Gelatin Type–Black and White  
Film–Specifications for Stability.”2  
Table 1: Applicable Standards for Microfilm  
*LE is for polyester-based  
Silver-Gelatin ProcessedSilver  
**LE is for acetate-based  
Long Term  
LE 500*  
Long Term  
LE 100*  
Medium, Long  
LE 100*  
Medium, Long  
LE 100*  
LE 100**  
“Safety Film Specifications”  
ISO 18906  
ISO 18906  
ISO 18906  
ISO 18906  
“Specifications for Microfilms on  
Polyester Base”  
ISO 18901  
“... on Acetate Base”  
“Methylene Blue Method ...”  
ISO 18917  
“Specifications for Thermally  
Processed Silver Microfilms”  
ISO 18919  
“Specifications for Stability of  
Diazo Films ...”  
ISO 18905  
“Specifications for Stability of  
Vesicular Films”  
ISO 18912  
“Practice for Storage of  
Photographic Film”  
ISO 18911  
ISO 18911  
ISO 18911  
ISO 18911  
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Table 2: Storage Life of Microfilms  
Anticipated Storage Life  
Medium Term  
Extended Term  
Long Term  
(Minimum of 10 Years) (Minimum of 100 Years)  
Silver-Gelatin Films  
Not above 0.030 grams Not above 0.014 grams  
per square meter (1) per square meter (1)  
(1), (2)  
Residual Hypo  
No more than perceptible tint by spot stain test.  
Residual Silver Salts  
All Films—  
Storage Conditions  
See Table 3  
Temperature and  
Relative Humidity  
Air Conditioning  
Not necessary  
Essential—including slightly positive air pressure.  
unless film records  
are subjected to  
frequent or sustained  
high humidity (3)  
Air Purification  
Must be free from airborne gases, dirt particles,  
and other contaminants.  
Not necessary with  
moisture control  
If proper humidity control is provided, plastic or  
metal, unsealed, can be used.  
and/or air conditioning  
If adequate humidity control is not available, only  
metal or glass sealed containers are acceptable.  
(1) Expressed as thiosulfate ion.  
(2) Specific limits have not been set—the recommended washing should be satisfactory.  
(3) Dehumidification may be necessary even though automatic air conditioning is not practical.  
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Although the same general storage principles  
apply to medium-term and long-term storage  
records, much greater care must be taken to  
obtain maximum protection for long-term storage  
records; makeshift or temporary arrangements  
should not be considered.  
Summary of Requirements for  
Storage and Preservation of  
Records on Kodak Microfilm  
Storage Facilities  
In summary, Table 3 indicates the conditions that  
are considered suitable for black-and-white silver-  
gelatin, thermally processed silver, diazo, and  
vesicular Kodak Microfilms.  
The type of storage vault, safe, cabinet, or area  
selected must be based on the value of the film  
records and their intended storage life. In general,  
one roll per container is recommended.  
Containers should be stored in metal cabinets.  
Cabinets should be spaced in the room so there  
are no stagnant air pockets or localized areas  
where temperature and humidity may reach  
higher levels than the general condition. If  
humidity is not controlled, sealed metal or glass  
containers are required.  
Table 3: Storage Temperature and Relative Humidity  
Extended and Long Term  
Medium Term  
Film Type  
Cellulose ester 20–50%  
Thermally Processed Silver  
Cellulose ester 20-30%  
NOTE:If the storage temperature is sufficiently low or if the air where the film is to be handled is quite  
moist, leave the film in its closed container until it warms up to approximate room temperature.  
Otherwise, condensation of moisture will occur on the cold film surfaces.  
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17. HVAC Applications, ASHRAE Handbook, New York:  
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-  
Conditioning Engineers, 1991.†  
References and Bibliography  
1. American National Standard: “Technical Report—  
Glossary of Document Technologies,” ANSI/AIIM  
18. Refrigeration, ASHRAE Handbook, New York:  
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and  
Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1994.†  
2. American National Standard: “Imaging Materials—  
Processed Silver-Gelatin Type Black and White  
Film—Specifications for Stability,” ANSI/PIMAIT9.1-  
1996 or ISO 18901.  
19. “Recovering Silver from Photographic Materials,”  
Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Publication  
No. J-10A.  
3. American National Standard: “Imaging Materials—  
Photographic Films - Specifications for Safety Film,”  
ANSI IT9.6-1991 (R1996) or ISO 18906.  
20. American National Standard: “Photography—  
Determination of Residual Thiosulfate and Other  
Related Chemicals in Processed Photographic  
Materials—Methods Using Iodine-Amylose,  
Methylene Blue and Silver Sulfide,” ANSI/PIMA  
IT9.17-1993 or ISO 18918.  
4. American National Standard: “Imaging Materials—  
Ammonia-Processed Diazo Photographic Film—  
Specifications for Stability,” ANSI/PIMAIT9.5-1996 or  
ISO 18905.  
21. “Eastman Professional Motion Picture Films,”  
Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Publication  
No. H-1.  
5. American National Standard: “Imaging Media—  
Processed Safety Photographic Film—Storage,”  
ANSI/PIMA IT9.11-1998 or ISO 18911.  
22. American National Standard: “Imaging Material—  
Processed Vesicular Photographic Film—  
Specifications for Stability,” ANSI/PIMA IT9.12-1995  
or ISO 18912.  
6. American National Standard: “Imaging Media—  
Photographic Processed Films, Plates, and Papers—  
Filing Enclosures and Storage Containers,”  
ANSI IT9.2-1991.  
23. “The Book of Film Care,” Eastman Kodak Company,  
7. American National Standard: “Protection of Records,”  
ANSI/NFPA 232-1995.  
Kodak Publication No. H-23.  
24. “The Technology of Silver Recovery for Photographic  
Processing Facilities,” Eastman Kodak Company,  
Kodak Publication No. J-212.  
8. American National Standard: “Installation of Air  
Conditioning and Ventilating Systems,” ANSI/NFPA  
25. American National Standard: “Imaging Media (Film)—  
Thermally Processed Silver Microfilm—Specifications  
for Stability,” ANSI/NAPM IT9.19-1994 or ISO/DIS  
9. American National Standard: “Tests for Fire  
Resistance of Record Protection Equipment,”  
ANSI/UL 72-1990.  
10. “Prevention and Removal of Fungus on Prints and  
Films,” Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Pamphlet  
No. AE-22.  
26. “The Effects and Prevention of the Vinegar  
Syndrome,” A. Tulsi Ram, David F. Koperl,  
Richard C. Sehlin, Stephanie Masaryk-Morris,  
James L. Vincent, and Paige Miller, Journal of  
Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 38, No. 3,  
249-261, May/June 1994.  
11. “Inspection of Processed Photographic Record Films  
for Aging Blemishes,” C. S. McCamy, National Bureau  
of Standards Handbook 96, January 24, 1964.  
12. “Microscopic Spots—A Progress Report,” D. G. Wiest  
and R. W. Henn, National Micro-News, 70, 249257,  
June 1964.  
27. “Use of Kodak Brown Toner to Extend the Life of  
Microfilm,” Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak  
Publication No. A-1671.  
13. “Microscopic Spots in Processed Microfilm—Their  
Nature and Prevention,” D. G. Wiest and R. W. Henn,  
Photographic Science and Engineering, 7 (5),  
253-261 (1963).  
Available from the American Society of Heating,  
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,  
1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305.  
All ANSI Specifications are available from American  
National Standards Institute, Inc., 11 W. 42nd St.,  
14. “Microscopic Spots in Processed Microfilm: The Effect  
of lodide,” R. W. Henn, D. G. Wiest, and B. D. Mack,  
Photographic Science and Engineering, 9 (3),  
167-173 (1965).  
All AIIM Standards are available from Association for  
Information and Image Management, 1100 Wayne  
Avenue, Suite 1100, Silver Spring, MD 20910 or  
15. Fundamentals, ASHRAE Handbook, New York:  
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-  
Conditioning Engineers, 1993.†  
Kodak Publications are available by calling  
16. HVAC Systems and Equipment, ASHRAE Handbook,  
New York: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating  
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1992.†  
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Document Imaging  
Rochester, New York 14650  
Kodak, Eastman, Estar, and Prostar are  
trademarks of Eastman Kodak Company.  
KODAK Publication No. D-31  
CAT No. 811-6386 6/2002  
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2002  
Printed in U.S.A.  
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