Karcher Water System 600 LP User Manual

Operating Instructions  
BTA 5.960-505.0  
ETL 5.970-054.0 (LP 400V)  
5.970-055.0 (MP 400V)  
5.970-156.0 (LP 230V)  
5.970-157.0 (MP 230V)  
A 2011201  
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Version 06/05  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Safety Notes  
Safety Notes  
Safety Notes...........................................3  
Intended Use..........................................3  
Safe operation of the equipment is  
possible only when the operating in-  
structions and safety notes are read  
completely, and the instructions con-  
tained therein are strictly followed.  
Maintenance and Care...........................4  
Starting Operation ..................................4  
3.1.1 Admission-pressure Unit ........................4  
3.1.2 Filling the Metering Stations...................4  
3.1.3 Switching On the Equipment..................5  
3.1.4 Operating Indicators...............................5  
Drinking Water  
Drinking water quality is ensured only when the  
equipment is controlled within the scheduled  
periods. Observe the given control intervals.  
During Operation....................................5  
3.2.1 Control and Corrective Action Intervals..5  
3.2.2 Sand and Activated Carbon Filter ..........6  
3.2.3 Bleeding the Metering Pump..................6  
3.2.4 Replacing the Fine Filter ........................7  
3.2.5 Fine Adjustment of the Operating Pressu-  
Have the drinking water quality checked in reg-  
ular intervals; the valid drinking water regula-  
tions are to be observed.  
Wear acid-resistant protective clothing (gog-  
gles and gloves).  
3.2.6 Mixing the Chemicals .............................8  
Switching Off the Equipment..................9  
Consumption Materials...........................9  
Malfunctions .........................................10  
Technical Data .....................................11  
EU Declaration of Conformity...............12  
Store chemicals cool and dry, however, not  
below 5 °C.  
Keep chemicals at locations not accessible for  
Ensure good room ventilation and provide a  
washing facility.  
Have eye wash bottle readily available.  
Equipment Components  
1 Sand filter  
Electrical Equipment  
2 Activated carbon filter  
3 Control, activated carbon filter  
4 Control, sand filter  
Work on the electrical equipment is to be car-  
ried out only by skilled persons for electrical  
5 Manometer, sand filter supply pressure  
6 Manometer, activated carbon filter supply  
7 RO filter unit  
8 Switch box  
9 Operating mode switch  
10 Control panel  
Never touch damaged or cut through mains  
cables; pull the mains plug immediately, as  
Never operate the equipment with a damaged  
11 Manometer, pump pressure  
12 Manometer, concentrate pressure  
13 Concentrate control valve  
14 Pressure control valve  
15 Manometer, fine filter supply pressure  
16 Manometer, fine filter output pressure  
17 Fine filter unit  
Intended Use  
The equipment is used for conditioning of surface  
water, well water and river water.  
Depending on the untreated water quality,  
the modular set-up enables secure separation  
of turbid materials, water hardeners, salts and  
18 Power outlets, sand and activated carbon  
19 Power outlets (3x) for metering stations  
20 Main switch  
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Version 06/05  
Maintenance and Care  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Maintenance and Care  
The equipment may be put into operation only when set-up, installed and prepared for oper-  
ation by an authorized KÄRCHER specialist dealer.  
• The reset button (23) starts the pump after fail-  
3.1 Starting Operation  
Before starting operation:  
Make sure that the equipment is connected to  
the untreated water source and the respective  
transporting gear, e. g., admission-pressure  
3.1.2 Filling the Metering Stations  
If the system is equipped with one or  
more metering stations, it must be en-  
sured that these are correctly filled and  
Ensure the unrestricted flow of the drinking water  
into a tank or a suitable device on the user side.  
• Put on protective clothing.  
The drinking water must be able to run  
off without counterpressure. The height  
difference must not exceed 3 m.  
• Open the lid (27) of the metering station (30).  
3.1.1 Admission-pressure Unit  
In case an admission-pressure unit  
is necessary, it will be installed by a  
Kärcher service technician.  
The admission-pressure unit consists of a  
pump (21) and a control device (22). The operat-  
ing condition of the pump is indicated with three  
indicator lights:  
Green (24): Ready for operation  
Yellow (25): Pump delivering  
Red (26):  
Malfunction or water low  
• Fill the respective chemical into the metering  
station according to Section 3.2.6.  
The metering stations must not be  
mixed up or mistaken, meaning filled  
with the wrong chemical.  
• Add the corresponding amount of chlorine-free  
drinking water.  
• Shut the lid of the metering station.  
• Pull the mixing rod (28) out of the metering  
station to the stop and push back in again.  
Repeat this procedure for approx. 5 minutes  
until the chemical is completely mixed.  
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Version 06/05  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Maintenance and Care  
If the metering container was com-  
pletely empty, the metering pump (29)  
may have possibly drawn in air. In this  
case, bleed the air from the pump as  
described in Section 3.2.3.  
3.1.3 Switching On the Equipment  
Check if the pumps of the metering station,  
sand and activated carbon filter are connected  
to the respective power outlets (18 / 19) at the  
switch box (8).  
Check if the operating mode switch (9) is in the  
correct position “Automatic” or “Hand”.  
In the “Automatic” operating mode, the  
system is controlled via an external float  
switch in the drinking water tank.  
In the “Hand” operating mode, the sys-  
tem is switched on and off manually via  
the main switch.  
Switch the main switch (20) to the “I” position;  
the system starts the drinking water produc-  
3.1.4 Operating Indicators  
Display of the controls (3/4) of the sand and acti-  
vated carbon filters:  
Display of the time  
LED line: Display of the weekday  
Control of the RO system:  
The following is alternately indicated on the  
two-line display of the control panel (10) of the RO  
Equipment/model No. and operating condition,  
Drinking water temperature and drinking water  
conductance value,  
Operating hours (_ _ _ _ _h _ _min).  
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Version 06/05  
Maintenance and Care  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
3.2 During Operation  
Drinking water quality is ensured only when the following control intervals are met. In case  
deviations from the desired condition can not be eliminated through the measures mentioned,  
the drinking water production must be stopped and the Kärcher Service must be notified.  
3.2.1 Control and Corrective Action Intervals  
d…daily, w…weekly, m… monthly  
Interval Check/Activity  
In Case of Deviation  
Level, metering container  
Sufficient amount/filling  
Fill up; mixing chemi-  
see Section 3.2.6  
Air bubbles in metering line  
No air bubbles  
Bleed metering pump,  
see Section 3.2.3  
Flow of drinking water  
based on the operational start-up value  
Reduction of the drinking water Fine adjustment,  
flow up to 10 % see Section 3.2.5 (1)  
Drinking water conductance value Increase of the drinking water Fine adjustment,  
conductance value up to 10 % see Section 3.2.5 (2)  
based on the operational start-up value  
Pressure difference between pump 15 % maximum above start-up See Section 3.2.5 (3)  
and concentrate pressure  
Kärcher Service  
Hour meter for sand und activated Backwashing has occurred  
Kärcher Service  
carbon filter  
within the past 24 h  
Pressure difference, fine filter  
0,8 bar  
Replace fine filter,  
see Section 3.2.4  
Visual inspection of the equipment No leakage  
Fill out operating log  
Kärcher Service  
Clean and flush the metering  
Visually check the untreated water No damages/leaks detectable Kärcher Service  
Float switch in the drinking water  
No operational malfunctions  
Kärcher Service  
* for switching over the indication, see Section 3.2.2  
• Press the ADVANCE key button briefly; the  
display indicates the number of days and hours  
since the last regeneration.  
3.2.2 Sand and Activated Carbon Filter  
During operation, the sand and activated carbon  
filter control indicates the actual time. To change  
the indication:  
Press button (32) for approx. 5 s; the display  
(31) indicates the time of the regeneration.  
Press button (32) briefly; the display indicates  
the number of regenerations.  
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Version 06/05  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Maintenance and Care  
After a while the indication moves back to the  
current time.  
• Screw in the bleeding screw again.  
production / production  
produccion / produzione  
fault / default  
error / guasto  
disinfection / nettoyage  
desinfeccion / disinfezione  
reject / rejet  
evacuation / evacuatione  
regeneration / regeneration  
regeneracion / rigenerazione  
tank full / stockage plein  
deposito lleno / serbatoto pieno  
RO 1000  
3.2.3 Bleeding the Metering Pump  
• On the control panel, acknowledge the mal-  
function indication with the RETURN key but-  
ton (36); the system starts.  
The metering pump must be bled when the pump  
has drawn in air (e. g., because the metering con-  
tainer is completely empty).  
The system stops; the “Motor/hard water“ mal-  
function indication is shown in the display.  
3.2.4 Replacing the Fine Filter  
Check the pressure difference at manometers (15)  
and (16). Replace the filter insert when over 0.8 bar:  
• Switch off the equipment at the main switch (20).  
• Stop the untreated water supply.  
This malfunction indication is shown in-  
dependent of which metering container  
is empty.  
Fill the empty metering container and mix the  
chemicals according to Section 3.2.6.  
• Place a bucket under the untreated water drain  
cock (37) and open the cock.  
• Wait until no more water emerges out of the  
cock, then shut the cock again.  
• Attach the filter wrench (41) to the filter bowl  
(40) and screw off the filter bowl.  
Unscrew the bleeding screw (34) by one turn.  
Press the MANUAL pushbutton (33) until the  
medium flows without bubbles through the  
bleeding line (35) back into the container.  
The filter bowl is still filled with water.  
• Remove the filter insert (38) from the filter bowl  
and replace with a new one.  
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Version 06/05  
Maintenance and Care  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Before screwing on the filter bowl, check the  
sealing ring (39) for damage.  
Screw on the filter bowl and tighten with the fil-  
ter wrench.  
Open the untreated water supply again and  
start the system with the main switch.  
Notice: The quantity of concentrate will in-  
crease. This is correct.  
• Carry out a readjustment on both valve levers,  
if required.  
3.2.5 Fine Adjustment of the Operating  
In case of alterations to the system  
adjustments, the following values must  
not be exceeded under any circum-  
• Pump pressure, max. 21 bar (MP) or  
14 bar (LP)  
• Drinking water amount, max. 650 l/h  
• The concentrate amount must not ex-  
ceed the operational start-up value  
The system reacts somewhat time-  
delayed to alterations of the regulation  
valves. Therefore carry out the adjust-  
ment at the pressure control valve (14)  
and at the concentrate control valve  
(13) only in small steps, and wait until  
checking the respective effect.  
(2) Conducting capacity of the drinking  
water has increased from _____  
to _____ µS/cm  
(1) Flow of drinking water has decreased  
from _____ to _____ l/h  
Small increases of the drinking water  
conducting capacity do not influence  
the drinking water quality.  
Read off the amount of drinking water at the flow  
meter (42) and compare with the value taken  
when starting operation (see operational start-up  
On the display of the control panel (10), read the  
current drinking water conductance value and  
compare with the value taken when starting oper-  
ation (see operational start-up record).  
If the flow of drinking water has de-  
creased to _____ l/h , the following fine  
adjustment is to be carried out.  
If the fine adjustment does not lead to  
an increase in the drinking water flow,  
the Kärcher Service must be con-  
If the drinking water conductance value  
has increased to _____ µS/cm, the follow-  
ing fine adjustment is to be carried out.  
If the fine adjustment does not lead to a  
decrease of the drinking water con-  
ductance value, the Kärcher Service  
must be contacted.  
Slowly shut the pressure control valve (14) in  
clockwise direction until the desired amount is  
almost reached at the flow meter (42).  
• Open the concentrate control valve (13) in coun-  
terclockwise direction in small steps until the con-  
ductance capacity has reached the set value.  
Slowly shut the concentrate control valve (13)  
in clockwise direction until the respective set  
value is reached on both flow meters for con-  
centrate (43) and drinking water (42).  
• Shut the pressure control valve (14) in clock-  
wise direction in small steps until the drinking  
water amount in the viewing glass (42) has  
reached the set value.  
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Version 06/05  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Maintenance and Care  
Notice: The amount of concentrate will in-  
crease. This is correct.  
pressure (12), and determine the differential  
Observe the maximum pressure of 21 bar  
(MP) or 14 bar (LP) at the manometer (11)!  
• Compare the differential pressure with the  
value taken when starting operation (see oper-  
ational start-up record).  
Repeat the adjustment steps, if required. The  
original drinking water amount may possibly  
not quite be reached.  
If the differential pressure has in-  
creased by more than _____ bar, then  
the RO filter membrane is clogged.  
Readjustment is no longer possible.  
(3) The difference between pump and  
concentrate pressure has increased  
by more than _____ bar  
Stop the drinking water production and  
notify the Kärcher Service.  
Read the values at the manometer for the  
pump pressure (11) and for the concentrate  
3.2.6 Mixing the Chemicals  
When working with chemicals, always wear protective clothing.  
Values for the metering of the various chemicals result from the untreated water analysis and  
the system capacity.  
Upon starting operation, the Kärcher service technician enters the required metering amounts  
for your equipment into the following metering table.  
(1) Metering Table  
Metered Amount of the Chemical [ml] per  
Item No.  
10 l Metering Solution  
RM 852 sterilization agent 6.291-772.0  
Chlorinated lime  
Pre-flocculation Ferrifloc  
Anti Scalant  
RM 5000 hardness stabilizer 6.290-991.0  
RM 852 sterilization agent 6.291-772.0  
Chlorinated lime  
* These chemicals can each be used alternatively  
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Version 06/05  
Consumption Materials  
(2) Metered Addition  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Partially emptied metering container:  
• Read off the level of the fluid with help of the  
scale at the metering container, e. g., 35 l.  
For mixing of the chemical, only un-  
chlorinated drinking water may be  
• Determine the quantity to be refilled by sub-  
tracting the read level from the 75 l.  
Example: 75 l - 35 l = 40 l.  
This water is taken from the drinking  
water sampling valve (44).  
• Determine the required amount of the respec-  
tive chemical from the metering table.  
Example: 4 x the amount for 10 l water.  
• Measure the determined amount of the respec-  
tive chemical and fill into the container.  
• Refill amount of water to the “75 l” mark and  
mix in accordance with Section 3.1.2.  
3.3 Switching Off the Equipment  
If the equipment is not operated for  
periods exceeding 14 days, it must be  
preserved by the Kärcher Service.  
Otherwise permanent damage must be  
The metered addition is carried out dependent of  
the level in the metering container.  
• Switch the main switch (20) to the “O” position;  
the equipment stops the drinking water produc-  
Completely emptied metering container:  
Fill 10 l of drinking water into the metering con-  
Never switch off the equipment over-  
night! Otherwise the automatic clean-  
ing of the pre-filter is not carried  
through. Danger of damage to the  
equipment is given!  
With a measuring cup, measure the 7.5 -fold  
amount mentioned in the “10 Liter Water” col-  
umn of the respective chemical and fill into the  
Fill the container with drinking water to the “75  
l” mark and mix according to Section 3.1.2.  
Consumption Materials  
Item No.  
RM 852 sterilization agent 24 kg  
Chlorinated lime 6 x 870 g  
RM 5000 hardness stabilizer 23 kg  
RM 5001 flocculation agent 10 l  
RM 5001 flocculation agent 60 l  
Filter element 5µ  
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Version 06/05  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Malfunctions of the RO system are signaled with LEDs at the control panel (10) and indicated at the  
In case of a malfunction, the system is generally switched off and the drinking water production  
is interrupted.  
If the malfunction can not be corrected, stop the drinking water production and notify the  
Kärcher Service.  
Designation/Indication Possible Cause  
Corrective Action  
Metering container empty  
Fill metering container and ac-  
knowledge malfunction after-  
Sensor signal missing  
Kärcher Service  
tank full  
Flushing of the pre-filter is active Not required, as the system  
switches on again automatically  
Drinking water tank full  
Not required, as the system  
switches on again automatically  
Switch defective  
Check switch;  
if required, Kärcher Service  
Display CV exceeded  
Hard water  
Conductance value of the  
drinking water too high  
Kärcher Service  
Metering container empty  
Fill metering container and  
acknowledge malfunction after-  
Pressure malfunction Pressure of untreated water  
too low  
Check untreated water supply  
Installation on building side  
Admission-pressure pump  
Hoses for untreated water  
Malfunctions on the admission-pressure unit are indicated with the red LED (26) on the control unit of  
the admission-pressure unit.  
Possible Cause  
Corrective Action  
Red LED lights  
Untreated water supply  
Check and reestablish the untreated  
water supply.  
After correcting the malfunction,  
press the “Reset” pushbutton (23).  
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Version 06/05  
Technical Data  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
Technical Data  
WTC 600 LP  
WTC 600 MP  
Ambient temperature  
Storage temperature (upon delivery)  
+1 °C – +50 °C  
to –10 °C  
<100 % r.F.  
Supply voltage  
3*400 V 50 Hz  
1*230 V 50 Hz  
Pre-filter controls: prim./sec.  
Metering pumps  
230 V/12 V 50 Hz  
220240 V 50 60Hz  
16 A  
Electrical protection  
Connected load  
1.5 kW  
2.2 kW  
2.2 kW  
Effective power consumtion  
Minimum temperature of untreated water  
Maximum temperature of untreated water  
Reference temperature  
+5 °C  
+35 °C  
+15 °C  
6 – 9.5  
3 – 11  
pH-value of untreated water  
pH-value cleaning agent for cleaning the equipment  
System intake pressure  
Capacity range  
2 – 6 bar  
15000 l/day ( 15 %)  
650 l/h  
Maximum drinking water supply  
Dimensions: H x W x D  
WTC 600 LP/MP  
1800 x 660 x 720 mm  
1800 x 1120 x 720 mm  
1800 x 1120 x 720 mm  
WTC 600 LP/MP - A  
WTC 600 LP/MP - AM  
Weight, in delivery condition  
WTC 600 LP/MP  
135 kg  
155 kg  
175 kg  
WTC 600 LP/MP - A  
WTC 600 LP/MP - AM  
Designed for untreated water based on a  
maximum salt content of  
2000 ppm  
5000 ppm  
* depending on supply by the customer  
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Version 06/05  
WTC 600 LP / MP  
EU Declaration of Conformity  
EU Declaration of Conformity  
We hereby declare that the equipment described below conforms to the relevant fundamental safety and  
health requirements of the appropriate EU Directive, both in its basic design and construction as well as  
in the version marketed by us.  
This declaration will cease to be valid if any modifications are made to the machine without our express  
Water treatment plant  
Relevant EU Directives:  
EU - Machinery Directive (98/37/EU)  
EU - Low-Voltage Equipment Directive (73/23/EEC)  
amended by 93/68/EEC  
EU - Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC)  
amended by 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC  
Harmonized standards applied: DIN EN ISO 14971  
DIN EN 50178  
DIN EN 60 204 – 1  
DIN EN 55 011 : 1998  
DIN EN 55 014 – 1 : 2000 + A1: 2001 + A2 : 2002  
DIN EN 55 014 – 2 : 1997 + A1: 2001  
DIN EN 61 000 – 3 – 2 : 2000  
DIN EN 61 000 – 3 – 3 : 1995 + A1: 2001  
National standards applied:  
DIN 1988  
Appropriate internal measures have been taken to ensure that series-production units conform at all times to the requirements of current  
EU Directives and relevant standards.  
The signatories are empowered to represent and act on behalf of the company management.  
Alfred Kärcher Kommanditgesellschaft. Sitz Winnenden. Registergericht: Waiblingen, HRA 169.  
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Kärcher Reinigungstechnik GmbH. Sitz Winnenden, 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen, HRB  
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernhard Graf, Hartmut Jenner, Georg Metz  
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