Haier CRT Television HTF20R21 User Manual

Wh a t Th e Wor ld Com es Hom e To  
Flat Screen  
Télévision à  
Écran Plat  
Televisor de  
Pantalla Plana  
For illustration only  
Dessin à titre d'illustration uniquement  
Para ilustración únicamente  
Model #’s  
User Manual-  
Modèles #’s  
Modelos #’s  
Manuel d'utilisation-  
Manual del Usuario-  
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Wa rn in g : To re d u ce th e risk o f fire o r e le ctric sh o ck , d o n o t e x p o se  
th is a p p lia n ce to ra in o r m o istu re .  
Th is Im p o rta n t n o te is lo ca te d o n th e re a r o f th e ca b in e t.  
"N o te to CATV sy ste m In sta lle r: Th is re m in d e r is p ro vid e d to ca ll th e  
CATV sy ste m in sta lle r s a tte n tio n to se ctio n 8 2 0 -4 0 o f th e N EC w h ich  
p ro vid e d g u id e lin e s fo r p ro p e r g ro u n d in g a n d , in p a rticu la r,  
sp e cifie s th a t th e ca b le g ro u n d sh a ll b e co n n e cte d to th e g ro u n d in g  
sy ste m o f th e b u ild in g , a s clo se to th e p o in t o f ca b le e n try a s  
p ra ctica l."  
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Re a d a ll o f th e in stru ctio n s b e fo re u sin g th is te le visio n . W h e n  
u sin g th is te le visio n , a lw a y s e x e rcise b a sic sa fe ty  
p re ca u tio n s, in clu d in g th e fo llo w in g :  
1) Save these Instructions — the safety and operating instructions should be  
retained for future reference.  
2) All warnings on the television and in the operating instructions should be  
3) Cleaning — Unplug TV from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid  
cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use only a damp cloth for cleaning. Exceptions:  
Some products are designed for uninterrupted service, eg. Cable TV  
converters, unplugging such accessories may result in loss of authorization  
codes. In such cases, please follow instructions for unplugging such devices as  
provided by the accessories manufacturer.  
4) Attachments — do not use attachments not recommended by the TV  
manufacturer as they may cause hazards.  
5) Water and moisture — do not place this TV near water, for example, near a  
bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a  
swimming pool.  
6) Accessories — do not place this TV on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket,  
or table. The TV may fall, causing serious injury to someone, and serious  
damage to the appliance. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table  
recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the TV. Any mounting of the  
appliance should follow the manufacturer’s instructions and should use a  
mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer. An appliance and  
cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force,  
and uneven surfaces may cause the appliance and cart combination to  
7) Ventilation — Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are  
provided for ventilation and to ensure overheating. These openings must not  
be blocked in a built in installation such a bookcase or rack unless proper  
ventilation is provided or the manufacturer instructions have been adhered to.  
8) POWER Sources — this TV should be operated only from the type of power  
sources indicated on the electrical nameplate. If you are not sure of the type of  
power supply to your home, consult your appliance dealer or local power  
company. For TV’s intended to operate from battery power or other source,  
refer to the operation instructions.  
9) Grounding or polarization — This TV is equipped with a polarized alternating  
current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other is). This plug  
will fit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature. If you are  
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unable to inset the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug  
should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your outlet. Don’t  
defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.  
10) Power cord protection — Power supply cords should be routed so that they are  
not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them,  
paying particular attention to cords or plugs, convenience receptacle, and the  
point where they exit from the appliance.  
11) Outdoor antenna grounding — If an outside antenna or cable system is  
grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built up  
static charges. Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/ NFPA  
No.70, provided information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and  
supporting structure, grounding of the lead in wire to an antenna discharge  
unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna discharge unit,  
connection to grounding electrodes, and requirement for the  
grounding electrode. (Fig. A)  
12) Lighting precaution — for added protection  
for this TV receiver during a lighting storm  
or when it is left unattended for long period  
of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and  
disconnect the antenna or cable system. This  
will prevent damage to the TV due to  
lighting and power line surges.  
13) Object and liquid entry — never push  
objects of any kind into this TV through  
(Fig. A)  
openings as they may touch dangerous voltage point or short out parts that  
could result in a fire or electric shock. Avoid spilling liquid of any kind on the  
14) Servicing — do not attempt to service the TV by yourself, as opening or  
removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.  
Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.  
15) Damage Requiring Service — Unplug this TV from the wall outlet and refer  
servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:  
a. When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.  
b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have been fallen into the TV.  
c. If the TV has been exposed to rain or water.  
d. If the TV does not operate normally by following the operating  
instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating  
instructions, as improper adjustment of other controls may result in  
damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician  
to restore the TV to its normal operation.  
e. If the TV has been dropped or damaged in any way.  
f. When the TV exhibits a distinct change in performance; this indicates a  
need for service.  
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16) Replacement parts — when replacement parts a required, be sure the service  
technician uses replacement parts specified by the manufacturer that have the  
same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result  
in fire, electric shock, injury to persons or other hazards.  
17) Safety check — Upon completion of any service of repairs to this TV, ask the  
service technician to perform routine safety checks to determine that the TV is  
in proper operation condition.  
18) Heat This TV product should be situated away from heat sources such as  
radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (Including amplifiers) that  
produce heat.  
19) Modifications — Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the  
Federal Communications Commission on this product could void the users  
authority to operate the equipment.  
20) Carts - An appliance and cart combination should be removed with care.  
Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the appliance  
and cart combination to overturn.  
21) Power lines – An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity  
of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it  
can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna  
system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines  
or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.  
22) Overloading – Do not overload wall outlets and extension cord as this can  
result in a risk of fire or electric shock.  
Thank you for purchasing our Haier  
product. This easy-to-use manual will  
guide you in getting the best use of  
Model number  
your TV.  
Serial number  
Remember to record the model and  
serial number. They are on a label in  
back of the TV.  
Date of purchase  
Staple your receipt to your manual. Yo u w ill n e e d it to o b ta in  
w a rra n ty se rvice .  
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Installation Instructions  
Un p a ck in g y o u r TV  
Remove all packing materials. This includes the styrofoam and all adhesive tape  
holding the TV accessories. Inspect and remove any remains of packing, tape or  
printed materials before using the TV.  
Te le visio n Lo ca tio n  
The TV must not be placed in sunlight or bright lights, including  
The TV must be kept away from excessive heat or moisture.  
The TV must be kept away from magnetic equipment such as external  
speakers, motors and fans.  
Sta rt Up  
Fo llo w th e ste p s b e lo w to g e t y o u r TV co n n e cte d a n d re a d y fo r  
w a tch in g .  
1. Plu g in y o u r TV. Plug the cord  
3. Pu t b a tte rie s in th e re m o te  
co n tro l. Place two AAA size  
batteries (batteries supplied) into the  
remote control compartment by  
matching its + and – end of each  
into the two-prong outlet.  
2. Ho o k u p y o u r TV. Connect cable  
or antenna to the provided  
connection on the back of the TV.  
N o te : TV antenna or cable wire is  
not included with the television set.  
You need to purchase an antenna if  
you are not going to hook up cable  
service. If you have a cable service  
then you must have an existing cable  
wire that your local cable company  
had provided at the time of your  
cable installation that needs to be  
4. Tu rn o n th e TV. You can turn  
on the TV by pressing the power  
button on the TV set or Remote  
power button  
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5. Pla ce a ll a va ila b le ch a n n e ls in  
6. Se t th e Tim e . To set the time go to  
clock set up and set as previously  
explained. (refer to clock setup menu  
on p.28)  
m e m o ry. By pressing menu button  
five times, you will see the preset set  
up. By selecting Auto Program it will  
set up all available channels into  
memory. If you want to add or delete  
channels from memory, you can do it  
by going into add/ delete mode.  
(refer to preset setup menu on p.29)  
Ca b le / An te n n a Co n n e ctio n s  
In order to get clear reception you must connect antenna or cable to your  
television set.  
Ca b le Co n n e ctio n :  
In co m in g Ca b le  
Fro m Ca b le Co m p a n y  
• Connect your local companys cable to ANT  
on back of your television.  
• Select the cable mode in SET UP menu.  
(refer to preset menu)  
N o te : You may need a converter box in order to get a  
proper reception and for special cable channels  
broadcasting. You must check with your local  
cable company for compatibility requirements.  
7 5 O h m VHF/ UHF  
o n b a ck o f TV  
An te n n a Co n n e ctio n :  
You will need an external antenna for proper  
reception of VHF/ UHF channels. An outdoor  
antenna is recommended for best reception.  
In co m in g Ca b le  
Fro m Ho m e An te n n a  
• Connect your home antenna to ANT connection  
on back of television.  
• Select Air mode in the set up menu.  
(refer to preset menu)  
N o te : The cable mode is preset from the factory.  
If you are using an antenna then you must  
change to Air mode in the Set Up menu.  
(refer to preset setup menu on p.29)  
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Co n n e ctin g to O th e r Eq u ip m e n t  
Co n n e ctin g to DVD Pla y e r:  
This connection allows you to watch DVD movies and play music CDs.  
For normal hook up, you will need the following:  
One pair of audio cables  
One video cable  
N o te : For better picture quality: If your equipment has S-video connection, use  
S-video cable instead of a regular video cable.  
Follow the steps below to hook up the DVD player.  
1) Hook up one pair of audio cables to the TV input and DVD output.  
2) Hook up one video cable to the TV input and DVD output.  
Back of TV  
AV - IN  
S - VHS  
AV - OUT  
DVD Player  
(For a specific installation with home theater system, refer to DVD player’s and  
Home Theater’s instructions.)  
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Co n n e ctin g to VCR:  
This connection allows you to watch local channels and video programs, play or  
record on the VCR while watching TV. You can also record from one channel while  
watching another channel.  
For normal hook up, you will need the following.  
One coaxial cable  
One pair of audio cables  
One video cable  
• An S-video cable is usually included with an S-VHS VCR. If it is not included then  
you may have to purchase it from local electronics retail store.  
N o te : If you have a mono VCR, connect one single audio cable to VCR audio out.  
If you have stereo VCR with S-Video output, use S-Video cable instead of a  
regular video cable. This type of connection delivers a better picture  
compared to a standard VHS VCR. Do not connect a regular video cable  
and S-Video cable to Video 1 or (Video 2) at the same time because it will  
distort the picture.  
Follow the steps below to hook up the VCR.  
1) Hook up one pair of audio cables to the TV input and VCR output.  
2) Hook up one video cable to the TV input and VCR output.  
3) Connect coaxial cable wire to TV antenna on back of the TV and to “Out to TV”  
on back of the VCR.  
4) Connect coaxial cable wire that is coming out from cable box or antenna to “In  
from ANTon back of the VCR.  
Back of TV  
AV - IN  
S - VHS  
AV - OUT  
From Cable, or Antenna  
Stereo VCR  
IN from ANTOut to TV  
(When recording a program from TV, refer to your VCR’s instructions.)  
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Co n n e ctin g to Ca m co rd e r:  
This connection allows you to watch videos recorded on a Camcorder.  
For normal hook up, you will need the following.  
One pair of audio cables  
One video cable  
N o te : If your Camcorder has S-video connection, use S-video cable instead of a  
regular video cable. This will provide better picture performance than a  
regular video cable.  
Follow the steps below to hook up the Camcorder.  
1) Hook up one pair of audio cables to the TV input and Camcorder output.  
2) Hook up one video cable to the TV input and Camcorder output.  
N o te : Do not connect a regular video cable and S-Video cable to Video 1 or  
(Video 2) at the same time because it will distort the picture.  
S - VHS Camcorder  
AV - IN  
AV - OUT  
Front or Side of TV  
Back of TV  
1 0  
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Co n n e ctin g to a n Au d io Am p lifie r:  
This connection allows you to have sound from external speakers for surround  
For normal hook up you will need the following.  
One pair of audio cables  
Follow the steps below to hook up an Audio Amplifier.  
1) Hook up one pair of audio cables to the TV input and Audio Amplifier output.  
Audio Amplifier  
To Cable, Cable  
Box, or Antenna  
Back of TV  
AV - IN  
AV - OUT  
(For a specific hook up installation, refer to an audio amplifier’s instructions.)  
1 1  
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Co n n e ctin g to a Ca b le Bo x :  
This connection allows you to receive stereo broadcasts only and watch  
cable channels.  
N o te : You must subscribe cable service from your local cable company in order to  
watch cable channels.  
For normal hook up, you will need the following.  
One coaxial cable  
Follow the steps below to hook up the Cable Box.  
1) Locate the cable that is connected to the "ANTENNA OUT" terminal on your  
cable box. (Some cable boxes may have "ANT OUT", "VHF OUT" or "OUT"  
printed on.)  
2) Connect the other end of this cable to the VHF/ UHF antenna terminal on  
the back of the TV.  
Cable Box  
Back of TV  
AV - IN  
S - VHS  
AV - OUT  
(For a specific hook up installation, refer to Cable Box’s instructions.)  
Po w e r In te r ru p tio n s  
Occasionally there may be power interruptions due to thunderstorms or other  
causes. Remove the power cord from AC outlet when a power outage occurs.  
When power has been restored re-plug power cord to AC outlet.  
1 2  
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Features and Operation  
HTF2 7 R1 1 – 2 7 ” TV  
1. Picture Tube  
2. Left Speaker  
7. Channel Control Button  
8. Power-On Light  
9. Remote Sensor  
10. Power Button  
3. Front Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
4. AV/ TV Input Button  
5. Menu Button  
11. Right Speaker  
6. Volume Control Button  
TV Re a r Pa n e l  
Super VHS Hookup Jack  
Cable TV Antenna Hookup  
Rear Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
V-video output  
Rear Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
V-video input  
L-left channel output  
L-left channel input  
R-right channel output  
R-right channel input  
1 3  
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Features and Operation  
HTF2 4 R2 1 – 2 4 ” TV  
1. Picture Tube  
7. Remote Sensor  
8. Power Button  
9. Right Speaker  
2. Left Speaker  
3. TV/ AV Input Button  
4. Menu Button  
10. Side Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
5. Channel Control Button  
6. Volume Control Button  
TV Re a r Pa n e l  
Super VHS Hookup Jack  
Cable TV Antenna Hookup  
Rear Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
V-video output  
Rear Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
V-video input  
L-left channel output  
L-left channel input  
R-right channel output  
R-right channel input  
1 4  
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Features and Operation  
HTF2 0 R2 1 – 2 0 ” TV  
1. Picture Tube  
7. Channel Control Button  
8. Power-On Light  
9. Remote Sensor  
10. Power Button  
2. Left Speaker  
3. Front Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
4. TV/ AV Input Button  
5. Menu Button  
11. Right Speaker  
6. Volume Control Button  
TV Re a r Pa n e l  
Super VHS Hookup Jack  
Cable TV Antenna Hookup  
Rear Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
V-video output  
Rear Audio/ Video Hookup Jacks  
V-video input  
L-left channel output  
L-left channel input  
R-right channel output  
R-right channel input  
1 5  
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TV Fe a tu re s  
Po w e r Bu tto n : (10)  
To turn power ON or OFF, press the power button on your TV set. Your TV  
has "curtain effect" to give you theater view. You will see when you turn  
power ON, the curtain will open to the sides on your screen. When you  
turn power OFF, the curtain will come to the center and screen will be closed.  
Ch a n n e l Co n tro l Bu tto n : (7)  
Press CH (+) button to go up and CH (–) button to go down on  
your TV set.  
Vo lu m e Co n tro l Bu tto n : (6)  
Press button VOL (+) to increase the volume and VOL (-) button to  
decrease the volume.  
AV/ TV In p u t Bu tto n : (4)  
Press TV/ AV button to select the video input (VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2 or TV  
Me n u Bu tto n : (5)  
Press menu button to set up the TV channels, picture, audio, clock/ alarm,  
V-Chip and other options. (refer to remote menu operations)  
Fro n t Au d io / Vid e o Ho o k Up Ja ck : (3)  
This allows you to hook up other components such as Camcorder,  
Game System, etc. for your convenience.  
Re a r Au d io / Vid e o In p u ts: (2)  
Rear A/ V inputs are used for components you normally leave  
connected to your TV. This provides improved picture and sound  
quality compared to using the “everything on one wire RF antenna  
Re a r S-VHS In p u t: (1)  
This input gives you high-resolution video picture when hooked up with  
components such as DVD players, DIRECT TV systems, S-VHS/ HI-8 VCRs,  
Camcorders, or Internet set-top devices.  
1 6  
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Remote Features  
1. Power Button  
8. Menu Select Button  
9. Audio Select Button  
10. Direct Access Channel Select  
11. TV/ AV Input Button  
12. Mute Button  
2. Time & Channel Display Button  
3. Rating Button  
TV Program (V-Chip Setup)  
4. Last Channel Recall Button  
5. Volume (+ / -) Select Button  
6. Personal Preference Slect  
7. Channel (+ / -) Select Button  
13. Sleep Timer  
1 7  
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Re m o te Fe a tu re s  
Po w e r Bu tto n : (1)  
To turn power ON or OFF, press power button on remote control.  
Tim e a n d Ch a n n e l Disp la y Bu tto n : (2)  
This will show you the current playing channel number.  
Clock time will also be displayed if set.  
Sle e p Tim e r Bu tto n : (13)  
This feature allows you to turn off television in pre-selected  
minutes (120, 105, 90, 75, 60, 45, 30 and 15).  
To cancel, keep pressing button until you exit out.  
TV/ AV In p u t Bu tto n : (11)  
This button has three setting. A) Video1, B) Video 2, C) TV Pressing this  
button will take you to the appropriate setting.  
Mu te Bu tto n : (12)  
Press mute button to turn off the TV volume.  
Dire ct Acce ss Ch a n n e l Se le ct: (10)  
Follow the procedure below to select the channel.  
One Digit Channel Select:  
When you want to select one digit channel, press 0 and  
other digit.  
Two Digit Channel Select:  
When you want to select two-digit channel, press one digit  
after the other continuously.  
Three Digit Channel Select:  
When you want to select three digit channel, press and hold  
#"1" until you see "1_ _" displayed on the screen then press other two digits.  
Au d io Bu tto n : (9)  
You can select Stereo, Mono or SAP (Second Audio Programming) choice  
by pressing audio button. Whenever you change the channel, you will see  
the text message on the bottom left corner such as "Stereo Received",  
"Stereo SAP Received" or "Mono Received". This message depends on the  
broadcast format of the TV program.  
1 8  
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N o te : Some TV programs are broadcast in another sound channel; that is called  
SAP (Second Audio Programming). Here the program is also broadcasts in  
another language such as Spanish or French.  
Ch a n n e l (+ / -) Se le ct Bu tto n : (7)  
You can go up and down the channels by pressing CH (+)  
button and CH (-) button.  
Vo lu m e (+ / -) Se le ct Bu tto n : (5)  
You can increase the volume by pressing VOL (+) button and  
decrease VOL (–) button.  
La st Ch a n n e l Re ca ll Bu tto n : (4)  
This feature automatically puts the last channel into the memory so when  
you press the recall button that channel comes right back to watch.  
Pe rso n a l Pre fe re n ce Se le ct Bu tto n : (6)  
By pressing this exclusive personal preference button, you can select  
different preset brightness shades for different picture environment. You  
can select from Personal, Standard, Vivid, Soft and Light choice of  
brightness shades for different picture environment.  
Ra tin g Bu tto n : (3)  
Press this button to view television programs and movie rating codes. This  
function enables you to block certain TV channels in according to the  
V-CHIP requirement established by the FCC.  
1 9  
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V–Ch ip Te ch n o lo g y :  
The "V-Chip Technology" allow you to use U.S. and Canada MOVIES and TV  
PROGRAMS Guide ratings to block certain types of TV programs and movies.  
To understand clearly about TV programs rating codes, read the following list:  
U.S. TV Pro g ra m Ra tin g s  
NR: Not Rated – this means that programs are not rated or rating does not apply.  
TV-Y: For all children – this type of rated programs are designed for a very young  
audience, including children from ages 2-6.  
TV-Y7: Directed for older children –this type of rated programs may includecomedic  
violence or mild physical, or may frighten children under the age of 7.  
TV-G: General Audience – this type of rated programs contains little or no  
violence, no strong language, and little or no sexual dialogue and situations.  
TV-PG: Parental Guidance Suggested – this type of rated programs may contain  
limited violence, some suggestive sexual dialogue and situations, and rare  
TV-14: Parents strongly cautioned – this type of rated programs may contain sexual  
content, strong language and more intense violence.  
TV-MA: Mature audience only – this type of rated programs may contain graphic  
violence, explicit sexual content and profane language.  
FV: this type of rated programs contain Fantasy and cartoon violence.  
Violence: this type of rated programs contain violence.  
S: this type of rated programs contain sex.  
L: this type of rated programs contain offensive language.  
D: this type of rated programs contain dialogue with sexual content.  
2 0  
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To understand clearly about movies rating codes, read the following list:  
U.S. Mo vie s Ra tin g Ch a r t  
NR: This means movie is not rated yet. It is pending government rating approval.  
G: General Audience – this type of movie rating means all ages admitted to see the  
PG: Parental Guidance Suggested – this type of movie rating means some material  
may not be suitable for children.  
PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned – this type of movie rating means some material  
may not be appropriate for children under 13.  
R: Restricted – This type of movie rating means children under 17 of age requires to  
be with parent or guardian.  
NC-17: This type of movie rating means no one 17 and under admitted.  
X: This type of movie rating means adults only.  
To understand clearly about Canadian programs rating codes, read the  
following list:  
Ca n a d ia n En g lish Ra tin g Ch a r t  
E: Exempt – this type of rated programs contain news, sports, documentaries, talk  
shows, music video’s, and variety of other programs.  
C: This type of rated programs are intended for children under age 8. There is no  
offensive language, nudity or sexual content.  
C8+: This type of rated programs generally considered acceptable for children 8  
years and over. There is no profanity, nudity or sexual content.  
G: This type of rated programs generally suitable for all audiences.  
PG: Parental Guidance Suggested – in this type of rated programs, some material  
may not be suitable for children.  
14+: In this type of rated programs, some content may not be suitable for viewers  
under the age of 14. Parents are strongly cautioned not to have their children  
view 14+ rated programs by pre-teens and early teens.  
18: Adults Only – this type of rated programs are only for adult viewers only.  
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V-CHIP Se t Up :  
Pressing “Rating Button” on your remote control will bring V–Chip set up display on  
TV. You will see the following on your TV screen.  
This function enables you to block certain TV channels in according to the V-CHIP  
requirement established by the FCC.  
Follow the procedure below to set the V-CHIP:  
Press the Rating button. You will see the V-CHIP menu on your TV screen:  
1. Press CH (+) button and CH (-) button to go up and  
down the menu:  
2. Press VOL (+) button and VOL (-) button to go into TV Rating and Movie Rating  
3. Press MENU button to set the BLOCK ON and BLOCK OFF.  
When TV rating is selected, you will see the following rating table on your TV  
N o te : When block "ON" is selected, you will see "B" instead of "U". When block  
"OFF" is selected, you will see "U" instead of "B".  
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When Movie rating is selected, you will see the following rating table on your TV  
N o te : When block "ON" is selected, you will see "B" instead of "U". When block  
"OFF" is selected, you will see "U" instead of "B".  
BLOCK OFF means block function is turned off. If the BLOCK is on "OFF"  
mode then V-CHIP function will not be active to input V-CHIP signal.  
BLOCK ON means block function is turned on. If the block  
is on "ON" mode then V-CHIP function is activated  
to input V-CHIP signal.  
Pa ssw o rd  
The "Default Password" preset by manufacturer is "0 0 0 0 ". If you want to  
change the preset password to your own password, just choose any four  
digits that you can easily remember and set it. Once you set password for  
the particular channel, that channel will be blocked. This way you are the  
only one who can access that channel.  
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Me n u Fe a tu re s  
Pictu re Se t u p :  
• Pressing MENU button once will bring Picture Set Up display on TV.  
You will see the following on your TV screen.  
Fo llo w th e p ro ce d u re b e lo w to a d ju st th e p ictu re q u a lity o f y o u r  
ch o ice :  
1. Press CH (+) button to go up and press CH (–) button to go down  
the menu.  
2. Press VOL (+) button to increase and VOL (–) button to decrease the  
level to your preference for each item.  
Ad ju stm e n t o f Pictu re Q u a lity :  
To adjust the picture quality from the factory preset read the following:  
BRIGHT: 00 being the lowest and 100 being the highest level of adjustment.  
CONTRAST: 00 being the lowest and 100 being the highest level of adjustment.  
COLOR: 00 being the lowest and 100 being the highest level of adjustment.  
SHARP: 00 being the lowest and 100 being the highest level of adjustment.  
TINT: - 50 being the lowest and + 50 being the highest level of adjustment.  
Bright (Brightness): By increasing the level, it will add more light to dark parts of  
the picture and by decreasing the level, it will add more dark to light parts of the  
• Contrast: By increasing the level, it will adjust white areas of picture and by  
decreasing the level,it will adjust black areas of picture.  
Color: By increasing the level, it will increase color richness and by decreasing  
the level, it will lower color to black and white.  
• Sharp (Sharpness): By increasing the level, it will show cleaner and clearer  
images and by decreasing the level, it will make picture smoother.  
Tint: By increasing the level, it will give red tint to skin color and by decreasing  
the color, it will give green tint to skin color.  
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Au d io Se t Up :  
By pressing MENU button twice will bring you to Audio Set Up display.  
You will see the following on your TV screen.  
Fo llo w th e p ro ce d u re b e lo w to a d ju st th e so u n d q u a lity :  
1. Press CH (+) button to go up and press CH (–) button to go down  
the menu.  
2. Press VOL (+) button to increase and VOL (–) button to decrease the  
level to your preference.  
Ad ju stm e n t o f Au d io Q u a lity :  
Audio: 00 being the lowest or no volume at all and 100 being the highest  
or loudest volume.  
Balance: 00 being the even distribution of sound for both speakers and  
you must keep at this level. The range of distribution is – 50 to +  
50. If you increase the level, you will here more sound coming  
out of right hand side speaker only. If you decrease the level, you  
will here more sound coming out of left hand side speaker only.  
N o te : You must distribute the volume evenly to both speakers otherwise  
you may blow up one of the speakers.  
La n g u a g e O p tio n Se t Up :  
By pressing the MENU three times will bring you to Language set up  
menu. You will see the following on your TV display:  
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Fo llo w th e p ro ce d u re b e lo w to se le ct o n e o f th e a b o ve o p tio n s:  
1. Press CH (+) button to go up and press CH (–) button to go down  
the menu.  
2. Press VOL (+) button or VOL (–) button to select your preference.  
Language: Use VOL (+/ -) to select from English, Spanish, French or  
• Coring: Press VOL (+) to have Coring On or Press VOL (–) to have  
Coring OFF. Coring is a term for video noise reduction. A built-in device  
in the TV set to reduce video noise interference so the viewer is always  
assured a clear, noise free picture.  
• C. Captions: Press VOL (+) button or VOL (–) button to select Closed  
Caption options. Closed Caption helps the hearing-impaired and  
children learn read. It also aids in the teaching of English as a second  
language. A built-in decoder displays the audio portion of a program as  
text on the TV screen when this option is selected.  
When OFF displays on TV means C. Caption is set off.  
When C1displays on TV means C. Caption is set active.  
CC2 to CC4: For other modes of video related information to be displayed by  
For program guide and other information to be displayed by  
broadcasters. (This blocks large portion of the picture on your TV).  
TT2 to TT4: For other modes of information to be displayed by broadcasters.  
(This blocks large portion of the picture on your TV).  
N o te : Select C1 for full translation of the primary language such as English in your  
area. Select C2 for secondary language translation such as Spanish or  
whatever is being broadcast in our area.  
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Ga m e :  
Your TV has been designed with a video game for your entertainment.  
To play video game, select game on menu and press VOL (+) button.  
You will then see the following display on TV:  
Fo llo w th e p ro ce d u re b e lo w to p la y th e g a m e :  
1. First pick three numbers at random.  
2. Press RECALL button to play the game. You will see numbers are  
3. Press RECALL button three times to select three random numbers. This  
will stop the scrolling and you will see three random numbers on  
display. If your number matches the one you have picked then you win  
the game. If not then start the new game.  
4. Repeat first three steps to play the game again.  
5. Press DISPLAY button to exit the game mode.  
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Clo ck Se t Up :  
By pressing the MENU button four times will bring you to Clock set up menu.  
You will see the following on your TV screen:  
Fo llo w th e p ro ce d u re b e lo w to se le ct o n e o f th e a b o ve o p tio n s:  
1. Press CH (+) button to go up and press CH (–) button to go down the menu.  
Time: Press VOL (+) button for MINUTES and VOL (–) button for  
HOURS adjustment.  
On Time: Press VOL (+) button for MINUTES and VOL (–) button for  
HOURS adjustment. This feature works like an alarm clock. Your TV  
will turn on at the set time.  
Off -Time: Press VOL (+) button for MINUTES and VOL (–) button for  
HOURS adjustment. This feature works like a sleep timer. Your TV will  
turn off at the set time.  
• Attention: Press VOL (+) button to set MINUTES of attention and VOL  
(–) button to set HOUR of attention. You will see the flashing time on  
your TV when the attention time is up. N o te : This exclusive feature  
will remind you of important chores while watching TV. (e.g. time to  
take pills, time to check cooking, time to call, time to do homework  
• Exchange: This exclusive feature switches you to your favorite channel  
at the appropriate set time. Press VOL (+) button to set up time in  
MINUTES to switch the channel and VOL (–) button to set up time in  
HOURS to switch the channel.  
• Position: This feature lets you store the favorite channel. Once you  
store the channel number in this function, when the set time is up, it  
will switch over to the set channel. This feature is used with the  
Exchange feature. Press VOL (+) button to go up and VOL (–) button  
to go down to select the channel.  
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Pre se t Se t Up :  
By pressing MENU button five times it will bring you to preset set up.  
You will see the following display on TV screen.  
Fo llo w th e p ro ce d u re b e lo w to se le ct a b o ve o p tio n s:  
Press CH (+) button and CH (–) button to go up and down the menu.  
• Position: Press VOL (+) button to go up and VOL (–) button to go down  
to set the channel position.  
The display will show the current playing channel.  
• Add/ Delete: Press VOL (+) button or VOL (–) button to add or delete  
the channel from the stored memory.  
• Antenna: Press VOL (+) button or VOL (–) button to select Air or Cable.  
Channel Coverage by Antenna:  
Antenna Type  
Channel Range  
• Auto -Search: Press VOL (+) button or VOL (–) button to do auto search.  
In this process, the search automatically adds only the active channels in  
your area to the TV’s memory. It deletes any channels on which  
there is no broadcast.  
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Care and Cleaning  
Wa rn in g : Always unplug your television to avoid electric shock before  
cleaning. Ignoring this warning may result in death or injury.  
Ca u tio n : Before using any cleaning products, always read and follow  
manufacturer’s instructions and warnings to avoid personal  
injury or product damage.  
• When cleaning the television, turn off the TV and unplug it.  
• Use a mild soap solution or window cleaner with a soft clean cloth.  
Do not use any abrasive, harsh chemicals, ammonia, chlorine bleach,  
concentrated detergent, solvents, benzene, and other petroleum based  
products. Some of these chemicals may dissolve, damage and/ or  
discolor your screen and the cabinet.  
• Use a soft cloth dampened with water or a mild detergent solution for  
cabinet and remote control cleaning.  
• Do not use excessive moisture and wipe dry.  
Wa rn in g : Do not spray any type of cleaning fluid directly on the screen.  
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Before you call for service, your television problems can be fixed with a few minor  
adjustments. Identify the type of problem you are having and then try some  
suggestions below to get your television going on again.  
Po w e r  
TV is not turning on:  
• Check the plug to see if it is plugged in properly. If the plug is plugged  
in properly but TV is still not turning on then plug something else into to  
outlet to make sure it is working. If outlet is dead then you will have to  
use another working outlet. Make sure that you are aiming the remote  
control directly at the TV where the sensor is located and stay with in the  
proper range; that may be required in order to receive the signal from  
remote. Replace new batteries into the remote control and try turning it  
on. If TV still not turning on after replacing remote batteries then there  
could be a sensor problem. Try turning it on by pressing power button  
on your TV.  
TV has power but no sound and no picture:  
• Switch to another channel. Possibly inactive channel may be tuned in.  
Check the hook up of other components such as cable box, receiver and  
set-top box. Check if you need to have any one of above components  
turn on in order to have your TV on. Check if you have pressed  
TV/ Video button on your remote by mistake. This can bring your  
monitor screen on. Press TV/ Video button again to go to channel. Make  
sure TV/ VCR button on VCR is in correct position when using VCR.  
Make sure that TV is tuned to the same channel as the switch on back of  
VCR if you are watching a VCR.  
Pictu re  
Snowey Video:  
• Check antenna connections. Adjust antenna location.  
Multiple Images:  
• Check your cable wire connection. Adjust antenna connection and  
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No picture and No video (blank screen)  
• Make sure the plug is in active outlet. Check cable connections.  
Check second video source operation e.g. receiver. You may need to  
change to TV mode to go to channel.  
TV turns Off/ On by itself  
This is due to power surge. Check sleep timer. Check alarm On/ Off  
Time and see if you have set up alarm properly. Check Clock Time  
Re m o te  
Some buttons on remote do not work  
This may occur due to not cleaning remote properly. You may have  
dropped remote couple of times and damaged some buttons on your  
remote. May need to replace remote.  
Sometimes remote works and sometimes does not work  
• Make sure batteries are not dead. May need to replace new batteries.  
Not able to select certain channels  
You may need to add channels into memory. Check auto program set  
up. Check your cable box setting.  
So u n d  
Noisy audio  
Broadcasting reception may not be clear. Adjust Antenna location and  
No audio but picture is on  
• Check mute and increase volume button. Change to different channel to  
see if the volume is on. Check if you need to turn on other component  
such as receiver. Check if it is on TV mode.  
Poor audio quality  
• Check audio setting such as Stereo verses Mono on receiver.  
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An te n n a  
An external device connected to a TV to receive the electromagnetic signal it needs  
to produce the picture. They can be mounted on the roof, in the attic, or on top of  
the set itself.  
Atte n tio n  
This feature reminds you of important chores while watching TV.  
Au d io  
You can select Stereo, Mono or SAP choice by pressing audio button on the remote  
control. Whenever you change the channel, you will see the text message on the  
bottom left corner such as "Stereo Received", "Stereo SAP Received", "Mono  
Received". This message depends on the broadcast format of the TV program.  
Au d io / Vid e o In p u ts  
This allows you to hook up components such as VCR, DVD Player, Camcorder,  
Game System, Set Top Boxes, Home Theater System, Cable Boxes and Internet  
Set-Top devices etc.  
Au to Clo se d Ca p tio n o n Mu te  
In this feature, text appears on screen when mute button is pressed. When you have  
to mute the TV, you will not miss a word of dialogue.  
Au to Se a rch  
A feature on TVs and VCRs that automatically searches for active channel signals  
and inputs them into its system, while locking out inactive signals.  
Bilin g u a l Bro a d ca sts  
The simultaneous transmission of television programs in more than one language,  
using SAP (Second Audio Programming) technology.  
Brig h t (Brig h tn e ss)  
You can adjust brightness of the picture by going into picture set up menu. By  
increasing the level, it will add more light to dark parts of the picture and by  
decreasing the level, it will add more dark to light parts of the picture.  
Ca b le Re a d y / Co m p a tib le  
Terms used for TV or VCR that is capable of receiving all channels offered by cable  
television. This includes mid-band and super channels, without the converter box  
that is supplied by the Cable Company.  
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Ca th o d e Ra y Tu b e (CRT)  
A color picture tube used in television system. Electro guns generate beams that are  
guided to illuminating small red, green and blue phosphor targets on the surface.  
This produces colors and images on the screen.  
Ch a n n e l Bu tto n  
This button allows you to go up and down the channels by pressing CH (+) and CH  
(-) button.  
Ch a n n e l Re ca ll  
This feature automatically puts the last channel into the memory so when you press  
the recall button that channel comes right back to watch.  
Clo se d Ca p tio n  
Closed Caption helps the hearing-impaired and children learn to read. It also aids  
in the teaching of English as a second language. A built-in decoder displays the  
audio portion of a program as text on the TV screen when this option is selected.  
Co lo r  
You can adjust the color of the picture by going into picture set up menu. By  
increasing the level, it will increase color richness and by decreasing the level, it will  
lower color to black and white.  
Co n tra st  
You can adjust the contrast of the picture by going into picture set up menu. By  
increasing the level, it will adjust white areas of picture and by decreasing the level,  
it will adjust black areas of picture.  
Co rin g (Vid e o N o ise Re d u ctio n )  
The term coring is used for video noise reduction to reduce video noise interference  
so the viewer is always assured a clear, noise free picture.  
Cu rta in Effe ct  
Exclusive "Theater Curtain" On/ Off Digital Circuitry eliminates "Screen Flash" while  
prolonging the life of the picture tube.  
Dire ct Acce ss Ch a n n e l Se le ct  
By directly entering channel number from 0 to 9 on your remote will give you quick  
and easy access to switch from one channel to another. If you want to select a two  
or three digit channel number, by pressing (- -) button twice will give you access to  
enter your desired channel numbers form 10-99. By pressing (- -) three times will  
give you access to enter your desired channel numbers from 100 and up.  
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Disp la y Bu tto n  
This will show you the current playing channel number. Clock time will also be  
displayed is set.  
Ex ch a n g e  
This feature lets you switch to your favorite channel at the appropriate set time.  
Me n u Bu tto n  
This allows you to access all the TV menus such as Picture Set Up, Audio Set Up,  
Language Option Set Up, Clock Set Up and Preset Set Up.  
MTS Ste re o So u n d  
A built - in amplifier that gives you stereo sound. An amplifier is used to increase  
the voltage of power of any power signal that is fed to it. MTS is the U.S. standard  
for broadcast stereo TV sound. A large number of TV shows are now broadcast in  
stereo sound using this technology.  
Mu te  
This feature allows you to block the volume of the TV when the button is pressed.  
Pa re n ta l Lo ck / Ch a n n e l Blo ck  
This feature allows you to program security codes to certain channels; typically used  
by parents to prevent children from viewing "adult" channels. Channels are blocked  
and unblocked using the TV set’s wireless remote control.  
Pe rso n a l Pre fe re n ce Bu tto n  
This feature allows you to select different preset brightness shades for different  
picture environment. You can select from Personal, Standard, Vivid, Soft and Light  
choice of brightness shades for different picture environment.  
Po sitio n  
This feature lets you store the favorite channel. Once the channel is stored in this  
function, when the set time is up, it will switch over the set channel. This feature is  
used in conjunction with the "Exchange" feature.  
Ra tin g Bu tto n  
This allows you to view Television programs and movies rating codes. This function  
enables you to block certain TV channels in according to the V-CHIP requirement  
established by the FCC.  
Sle e p Tim e r  
This feature allows you to turn off television in pre-selected minutes (120, 105, 90,  
75, 60, 45, 30 and 15).  
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Sh a rp (Sh a rp n e ss)  
You can adjust the sharpness of the picture by going into picture set up menu. By  
increasing the level, it will show cleaner and clearer images and by decreasing the  
level, it will make picture smoother.  
Su p e r VHS In p u t  
This input gives you "High Resolution" video picture when hooked up with  
components such as DVD players, Direct TV systems, S-VHS/ HI-8 VCRs,  
Camcorders, or Internet Set-Top devices.  
Tin t  
You can adjust the tint of the picture by going into picture set up menu. By  
increasing the level, it will give red tint to skin color and by decreasing the color it  
will give green tint to skin color.  
Vo lu m e Bu tto n  
This allows you to increase and decrease the volume of the TV by pressing VOL (+)  
and VOL (-) button.  
V-Ch ip Te ch n o lo g y  
The "V-Chip Technology" allow you to use U.S. and Canada Movies ad TV  
Programs Guide ratings to block certain types of TV programs and movies.  
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This Haier brand product, when shipped in  
its original container, will be free from  
defective workmanship and materials, and  
agrees that it will, at its option, either repair  
the defect or replace the defective product  
with a new or re-manufactured equivalent at  
no change to the purchaser, for parts or  
labor for the periods set forth below:  
responsibility of Haier to the purchaser with  
respect to the product, and shall  
constitute full satisfaction of all claims,  
whether based on contract, negligence, strict  
duality or otherwise. In no event shall Haier  
be liable, or in any way responsible for any  
damages or defects in the product which  
were caused by repairs or attempted repairs  
performed by anyone other than an  
This warranty does not apply to the  
appearance of the product or the exterior of  
the product, which has been damaged or  
defaced, altered or modified in design or  
construction. It does not apply to the  
authorized service center or dealer; nor shall  
Haier be liable, or in any way responsible  
for incidental or consequential economic or  
property damage. Some states do not allow  
the exclusion of incidental or consequential  
damages, so that above exclusion may not  
apply to you.  
additional excluded items set forth below:  
The warranty commences on the date the  
item was purchased and the original  
purchase receipt must be presented to the  
authorized service center before warranty  
repairs are rendered.  
The limited warranty described herein is in  
addition to whatever implied warranties may  
be granted to purchasers by law. ALL  
SET FORTH BELOW. Some states do not  
allow limitations on how long an implied  
warranty lasts, so the above limitation may  
not apply to you.  
Warranty period for this product: 90 days for  
Labor, one year for parts, and 2 years for  
picture tube.  
Additional items excluded from warranty  
coverage: non-rechargeable batteries.  
Where to obtain service: For the location of  
the nearest Haier authorized service center or  
to obtain product literature, accessories,  
supplies or customer assistance,  
please call 1-877-337-3639.  
Neither the sales personnel of the seller nor  
any other person is authorized to make any  
warranties other than those described herein,  
or to extend the duration of any warranties  
beyond the time period described herein on  
behalf of Haier.  
What to do to obtain service: ship or carry in  
your product to an authorized service dealer  
or center. Be sure to have proof of purchase.  
If you ship the product, be sure it is  
packaged carefully.  
The warranties described herein shall be the  
sole and exclusive warranties granted by  
Haier and shall be the sole and exclusive  
remedy available to the purchaser. Correction  
of defects in the manner and for the period  
of time described herein, shall constitute  
complete fulfillment of all abilities and  
Haier America  
New York, NY 10018  
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Do N o t Re tu rn Th is Pro d u ct To Th e Sto re  
If y o u h a ve a p ro b le m w ith th is p ro d u ct, p le a se co n ta ct th e "Ha ie r Cu sto m e r  
Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r" a t 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .  
N e p a s Ré e x p é d ie r ce Pro d u it a u Ma g a sin  
Po u r to u t p ro b lè m e co n ce rn a n t ce p ro d u it, ve u ille z co n ta cte r le se rvice d e s  
co n so m m a te u rs ‘Ha ie r Cu sto m e r Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r’ a u 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .  
N o re g re se e ste p ro d u cto a la tie n d a  
Si tie n e a lg ú n p ro b le m a co n e ste p ro d u cto , p o r fa vo r co n ta cte e l "Ce n tro d e Se rvicio a l  
Co n su m id o r d e Ha ie r" a l 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 (Vá lid o so lo e n E.U.A).  
Ma d e in Ch in a  
Fa b riq u é e n Ch in e  
He ch o e n Ch in a  
Wh a t Th e Wor ld Com es Hom e To  
Ha ie r Am e rica  
Issued: September-01  
N e w Yo rk , N Y 1 0 0 1 8  
Part # TV-9999-01  
Prin te d in Ch in a  
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