Cisco Systems IP Phone OL 15790 01 User Manual

C H A P T E R  
Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
This chapter explains how you customize configuration files, phone ring sounds, background images,  
and other phone features.  
This chapter includes these topics:  
Customizing and Modifying Configuration Files  
You can modify configuration files (for example, edit the xml files) and add customized files (for  
example, custom ring tones, call back tones, phone backgrounds) to the TFTP directory. You can modify  
files and add customized files to the TFTP directory in Cisco Unified Communications Operating  
System Administration, from the TFTP Server File Upload window. Refer to Cisco Unified  
Communications Operating System Administration Guide for information about how to upload files to  
the TFTP folder on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.  
You can obtain a copy of the Ringlist.xml and List.xml files from the system by using the following  
admin command-line interface (CLI) “file” commands:  
file list*  
file view*  
file search*  
file get*  
file dump*  
file tail*  
file delete*  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (SCCP and SIP)  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Creating Custom Background Images  
PCM File Requirements for Custom Ring Types  
The PCM files for the rings must meet the following requirements for proper playback on  
Cisco Unified IP Phones:  
Raw PCM (no header)  
8000 samples per second  
8 bits per sample  
uLaw compression  
Maximum ring size—16080 samples  
Minimum ring size—240 samples  
Number of samples in the ring is evenly divisible by 240.  
Ring starts and ends at the zero crossing.  
To create PCM files for custom phone rings, you can use any standard audio editing package that  
supports these file format requirements.  
Configuring a Custom Phone Ring  
To create custom phone rings for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G, follow these steps:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Create a PCM file for each custom ring (one ring per file). Ensure the PCM files comply with the format  
Place the new PCM files that you created to the Cisco TFTP server for each Cisco Unified  
Communications Manager in your cluster. For more information, see the “Software Upgrades” chapter  
in Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide.  
Step 3  
Use a text editor to edit the Ringlist.xml file. See the “Ringlist.xml File Format Requirements” section  
on page 6-2 for information about how to format this file and for a sample Ringlist.xml file.  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Save your modifications and close the Ringlist.xml file.  
To cache the new Ringlist.xml file, stop and start the TFTP service by using Cisco Unified  
Serviceability or disable and re-enable the Enable Caching of Constant and Bin Files at Startup TFTP  
service parameter (located in the Advanced Service Parameters).  
Creating Custom Background Images  
You can provide users with a choice of background images for the LCD screen on their phones. Users  
can select a background image by choosing Settings > User Preferences > Background Images on the  
The image choices that users see come from PNG images and an XML file (called List.xml) that are  
stored on the TFTP server used by the phone. By storing your own PNG files and editing the XML file  
on the TFTP server, you can designate the background images from which users can choose. In this way,  
you can provide custom images, such as your company logo.  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Creating Custom Background Images  
The following sections describe how you can customize the background images that are available at your  
site by creating your own PNG files and editing the List.xml file:  
List.xml File Format Requirements  
The List.xml file defines an XML object that contains a list of background images. The List.xml file is  
stored in the following subdirectory on the TFTP server:  
If you are manually creating the directory structure and the List.xml file, you must ensure that the  
directories and files can be accessed by the user\CCMService, which is used by the TFTP service.  
For more information, see the “Cisco TFTP” chapter in Cisco Unified Communications Manager System  
Guide and the “Software Upgrades” chapter in Cisco Unified Communications Operating System  
Administration Guide.  
The List.xml file can include up to 50 background images. The images are in the order that they appear  
in the Background Images menu on the phone. For each image, the List.xml file contains one element  
type, called ImageItem. The ImageItem element includes these two attributes:  
Image—Uniform resource identifier (URI) that specifies where the phone obtains the thumbnail  
image that will appear on the Background Images menu on a Phone.  
URL—URL that specifies where the phone obtains the full size image.  
The following example shows a List.xml file that defines two images. The required Image and URL  
attributes must be included for each image. The TFTP URI that is shown in the example is the only  
supported method for linking to full size and thumbnail images. HTTP URL support is not provided.  
List.xml Example  
<ImageItem Image=”TFTP:Desktops/320x216x16/TN-Fountain.png”  
<ImageItem Image=”TFTP:Desktops/320x216x16/TN-FullMoon.png”  
The Cisco Unified IP Phone firmware includes a default background image. This image is not defined  
in the List.xml file. The default image is always the first image that appears in the Background Images  
menu on the phone.  
PNG File Requirements for Custom Background Images  
Each background image requires two PNG files:  
Full size image—Version that appears on the phone.  
Thumbnail image—Version that displays on the Background Images screen from which users can  
select an image. Must be 25% of the size of the full size image.  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Creating Custom Background Images  
Many graphics programs provide a feature that will resize a graphic. An easy way to create a thumbnail  
image is to first create and save the full size image, then use the sizing feature in the graphics program  
to create a version of that image that is 25% of the original size. Save the thumbnail version by using a  
different name.  
The PNG files for background images must meet the following requirements for proper display on the  
Cisco Unified IP Phone:  
Full size image—320 pixels (width) X 212 pixels (height).  
Thumbnail image—80 pixels (width) X 53 pixels (height).  
Color palette—Includes up to 16-bit color (65535 colors). You can use more than 16-bit color, but  
the phone will reduce the color palette to 16-bit before displaying the image. For best results, reduce  
the color palette of an image to 16-bit when you create a PNG file.  
If you are using a graphics program that supports a posterize feature for specifying the number  
of tonal levels per color channel, set the number of tonal levels per channel to 40 (40 red X 40  
green X 40 blue = 64000 colors). This is as close as you can posterize to 65535 colors without  
exceeding the maximum.  
Configuring a Custom Background Image  
To create custom background images for the Cisco Unified IP Phone, follow these steps:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Create two PNG files for each image (a full size version and a thumbnail version). Ensure the PNG files  
comply with the format guidelines that are listed in the “PNG File Requirements for Custom Background  
Upload the new PNG files that you created to the following subdirectory in the TFTP server for the Cisco  
Unified Communications Manager:  
The file name and subdirectory parameters are case sensitive. Be sure to use the forward slash  
“/” when you specify the subdirectory path.  
To upload the files, choose Software Upgrades > Upload TFTP Server File in Cisco Unified  
Communications Operating System Administration. For more information, see the “Software Upgrades”  
chapter in Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide.  
If the folder does not exist, the folder gets created and the files get uploaded to the folder.  
Step 3  
You must also copy the customized images and files to the other TFTP servers that the phone may contact  
to obtain these files.  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Configuring Wideband Codec  
Cisco recommends that you also store backup copies of custom image files in another location.  
You can use these backup copies if the customized files are overwritten when you upgrade  
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Use a text editor to edit the List.xml file. See the “List.xml File Format Requirements” section on  
page 6-4 for the location of this file, formatting requirements, and a sample file.  
Save your modifications and close the List.xml file.  
When you upgrade Cisco Unified Communications Manager, a default List.xml file will replace  
your customized List.xml file. After you customize the List.xml file, make a copy of the file and  
store it in another location. After upgrading Cisco Unified Communications Manager, replace  
the default List.xml file with your stored copy.  
Step 6  
To cache the new List.xml file, stop and start the TFTP service by using Cisco Unified Serviceability or  
disable and reenable the Enable Caching of Constant and Bin Files at Startup TFTP service parameter  
(located in the Advanced Service Parameters).  
Configuring Wideband Codec  
If Cisco Unified Communications Manager has been configured to use G.722 (G.722 is enabled by  
default for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G) and if the far endpoint supports G.722, the call connects  
by using the G.722 codec in place of G.711. This situation occurs regardless of whether the user has  
enabled a wideband headset or wideband handset, but if either the headset or handset is enabled, the user  
may notice greater audio sensitivity during the call. Greater sensitivity means improved audio clarity but  
also means that more background noise can be heard by the far endpoint—noise such as rustling papers  
or nearby conversations. Even without a wideband headset or handset, some users may prefer the  
additional sensitivity of G.722. Other users may be distracted by the additional sensitivity of G.722.  
The following parameters in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration affect whether  
wideband is supported for this Cisco Unified Communications Manager server or a specific phone:  
Advertise G.722 Codec—From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose  
System > Enterprise Parameters. The default value of this enterprise parameter is True, which  
means that all Cisco Unified IP Phone Series that are registered to this Cisco Unified  
Communications Manager advertise G.722 to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If each  
endpoint in the attempted call supports G.722 in its capabilities set, Cisco Unified Communications  
Manager chooses that codec for the call.  
Advertise G.722 Codec—From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose  
Device > Phone. The default value for this product-specific parameter is the value that is specified  
in the enterprise parameter. If you want to override this on a per-phone basis, choose Enabled or  
Disabled in the Advertise G.722 Codec parameter on the Product Specific Configuration area of the  
Phone Configuration window.  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Configuring the Idle Display  
Configuring the Idle Display  
You can specify an idle display that appears on the phone LCD screen. The idle display is an XML  
service that the phone invokes when the phone has been idle (not in use) for a designated period and no  
feature menu is open.  
XML services that can be used as idle displays include company logos, product pictures, and stock  
Configuring the idle display consists of these general steps.  
1. Formatting an image for display on the phone.  
2. Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager to display the image on the phone.  
For detailed instructions about creating and displaying the idle display, refer to Creating Idle URL  
Graphics on Cisco Unified IP Phone at this URL:  
In addition, you can refer to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide or to Cisco  
Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration Guide for the following information:  
Specifying the URL of the idle display XML service:  
For a single phone—Idle field on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Phone  
Configuration window  
For multiple phones simultaneously—URL Idle field on the Cisco Unified Communications  
Manager Enterprise Parameters Configuration window, or the Idle field in the Bulk  
Administration Tool (BAT)  
Specifying the length of time that the phone is not used before the idle display XML service is  
For a single phone—Idle Timer field on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Phone  
Configuration window  
For multiple phones simultaneously—URL Idle Time field on the  
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Enterprise Parameters Configuration window, or the  
Idle Timer field in the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT)  
From a phone, you can see settings for the idle display XML service URL and the length of time that the  
phone is not used before this service is invoked. To see these settings, choose Settings > Device  
Configuration and scroll to the Idle URL and the Idle URL Time parameters.  
Automatically Disabling the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
To conserve power and ensure the longevity of the LCD screen on the phone, you can set the LCD to  
turn off when it is not needed.  
You can configure settings in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration to turn off the  
display at a designated time on some days and all day on other days. For example, you may choose to  
turn off the display after business hours on weekdays and all day on Saturdays and Sundays.  
When the display is off, the LCD screen is dark and disabled, and the Display button lights. You can take  
any of these actions to turn on the display any time it is off:  
Press any button on the phone.  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Automatically Disabling the Cisco Unified IP Phone Touchscreen  
If you press a button other than the Display button, the phone will take the action designated by that  
button in addition to turning on the display.  
Touch the touchscreen.  
Lift the handset.  
When you turn the display on, it remains on until the phone has remained idle for a designated length of  
time, then it turns off automatically.  
You can use the Display button to temporarily disable the touchscreen for cleaning. See the “Cleaning  
the Cisco Unified IP Phone” section on page 9-19 for more information.  
Table 6-1 explains the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration fields that control when  
the display turns on and off. You configure these fields in Cisco Unified Communications Manager  
Administration in the Product Specific Configuration window. (You access this window by choosing  
Device > Phone from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.)  
You can view the display settings for a phone from the Power Save Configuration menu on the phone.  
For more information, see the “Power Save Configuration Menu” section on page 4-23.  
Table 6-1  
Display On and Off Configuration Fields  
Days Display Not Active Days that the display does not turn on automatically at the time specified in  
the Display On Time field.  
Choose the day or days from the drop-down list. To choose more than one  
day, Ctrl-click each day that you want.  
Display On Time  
Time each day that the display turns on automatically (except on the days  
specified in the Days Display Not Active field).  
Enter the time in this field in 24 hour format, where 0:00 is midnight.  
For example, to automatically turn the display on at 7:00 a.m., (0700), enter  
7:00. To turn the display on at 2:00 p.m. (1400), enter 14:00.  
If this field is blank, the display will automatically turn on at 0:00.  
Display On Duration  
Length of time that the display remains on after turning on at the time  
specified in the Display On Time field.  
Enter the value in this field in the format hours:minutes.  
For example, to keep the display on for 4 hours and 30 minutes after it turns  
on automatically, enter 4:30.  
If this field is blank, the phone will turn off at the end of the day (0:00).  
If Display On Time is 0:00 and the display on duration is blank (or  
24:00), the display will remain on continuously.  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (SCCP and SIP)  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Automatically Disabling the Cisco Unified IP Phone Touchscreen  
Table 6-1  
Display On and Off Configuration Fields (continued)  
Display Idle Timeout  
Length of time that the phone is idle before the display turns off. Applies  
only when the display was off as scheduled and was turned on by an end-user  
(by pressing a button on the phone, touching the touchscreen, or lifting the  
Enter the value in this field in the format hours:minutes.  
For example, to turn the display off when the phone is idle for 1 hour and 30  
minutes after an end-user turns the display on, enter 1:30.  
The default value is 0:30.  
Display On If Incoming Disable/enable automatic illumination of the LCD screen when a call is  
Default: Disabled  
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Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone  
Automatically Disabling the Cisco Unified IP Phone Touchscreen  
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