Cisco Systems Answering Machine OL 23857 01 User Manual

Cisco Unity Express 8.0 Voice-Mail System  
User’s Guide for Advanced Features  
First Published: October 26, 2010  
This guide provides information about using some of the advanced voice-mail features of your  
Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system. It describes how to access these features by dialing in to the  
Cisco Unity Express system using your Cisco Unified IP phone. Information is also provided about  
using Cisco VoiceView Express. Use this guide together with the documents listed in the “Related  
Part I—Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System (Call-in)  
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Related Documents  
VoiceView Express has an inactivity timeout parameter, after which the VoiceView Express session is  
automatically logged out without notification.  
If you are logged in to VoiceView Express using your Cisco Unified IP phone and you receive an  
incoming call, the call information appears on the phone display. Lifting the handset or pressing the  
Headset or Speaker button connects the call. Depending on which Cisco Unified IP phone you have,  
you can return to the VoiceView Express session if the call is terminated before the session is ended  
by the inactivity timeout parameter. Otherwise, the VoiceView Express session will be automatically  
logged out without notification. For more information, see the user’s guide for your  
Cisco Unified IP phone. See  
Related Documents  
Related Topic  
Document Title or URL  
Information required to use the  
Cisco Unity Express 8.0 Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide  
Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System  
Setting Up Your Voice Mailbox  
Accessing Cisco Unity Express by Phone  
Accessing Cisco Unity Express by Computer  
Listening to Voice Messages  
Sending Voice Messages  
Personalizing Settings  
Information required to use the  
Cisco Unity Express 8.0 VoiceView Express Quick Start Guide  
Cisco Unity Express VoiceView Express  
Setting Up Your Voice Mailbox  
Accessing Cisco Unity Express VoiceView  
Listening to Voice Messages  
Sending Voice Messages  
Personalizing Settings  
Cisco Unity Express 8.0 Voicemail User’s Guide for Advanced Features  
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Accessing Cisco Unity Express by Phone  
Related Topic  
Using the Cisco Unity Express GUI to:  
Document Title or URL  
User Online Help for Cisco Unity Express (press the “help” button  
when using the Cisco Unity Express GUI)  
Access voice-mail settings, including notifications  
Manage voice-mail group subscriptions  
Change your password  
Manage voice-mail distribution lists  
Obtaining Documentation  
For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support,  
providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and also  
recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly  
What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all  
new and revised Cisco technical documentation at:  
Obtaining Support  
Security Guidelines  
Accessing Cisco Unity Express by Phone  
Dial the internal or external phone number to call Cisco Unity Express.  
If you are asked for a PIN, enter it and press #.  
If you are calling from someone else’s phone, press * to enter your own ID (usually your extension) and  
press #. Then enter your PIN and press # again.  
If you are asked for your ID (usually your phone extension), enter it and press #. Then enter your  
PIN and press # again.  
Logging in Without Entering Your PIN  
You can log in to Cisco Unity Express voice mailbox from any phone (configured for your mailbox  
settings) without entering your PIN.  
Dial the internal or external phone number to call Cisco Unity Express:  
You are directed to your mailbox without being asked for a PIN.  
If you are calling from someone else’s phone, press * to enter your own ID (usually your extension)  
and you are directed to your mailbox.  
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Voice-mail Options  
Voice-mail Options  
After dialing in to Cisco Unity Express, you can choose the following options from the main menu:  
Listen to new messages. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide  
for more information.  
Access the Live Reply function. See the “Calling the Message Sender Using Live Reply”  
Manage fax messages. See the “Managing Fax Messages” section on page 6.  
Send a message. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide for more  
Access the nonsubscriber delivery function. See the “Delivering Nonsubscriber Messages”  
Listen to old messages. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide  
for more information.  
Access setup options, such as voice-mail greetings, distribution lists, passwords, message  
notification, and cascading notification. See the “Accessing Setup Options” section on  
page 9.  
Calling the Message Sender Using Live Reply  
To call the message sender using the live reply function, the function must first be activated by your  
system administrator.  
When listening to a message, you can request the system to dial the message-sender to initiate a live  
conversation. This function is available when listening to new, saved, or deleted voice messages from  
subscribers or from non-subscribers where caller ID is available.  
To access the live reply function, press 44 (4 pressed twice) on the dial pad while listening to the  
message. Cisco Unity Express attempts to establish a call to the message sender. Depending on the  
identifying information contained in the message, you will hear a prompt with some or all of the  
following: “calling <spoken name> at extension <calling number> at <remote location identifier>.”  
If you activate this function, you will not be returned to your voice-mail session on termination of the  
call. You must redial your voice mail access number.  
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Managing Fax Messages  
Managing Fax Messages  
Cisco Unity Express can receive and process faxes through the voice-mail system. Faxes can be  
forwarded, marked as new, saved, deleted, and undeleted similarly to regular voice messages.  
Additionally, you can send fax messages from a mailbox to a local fax machine for printing.  
Supported IMAP clients can receive faxes as a .tif file attachment to an e-mail. The IMAP clients allow  
subscribers to download the message and save the fax attachment to a local workstation where it can be  
viewed and printed using standard .tif readers.  
You must compose and send a fax from an analog fax machine. You cannot compose a fax through the  
Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system.  
If your system administrator configures a dedicated extension for fax calls, these calls will not ring on a  
subscriber’s extension. Your system administrator, however, may configure an extension that will receive  
both fax and voice calls. In this case, when the subscriber picks up an incoming call that is a fax, an  
identifier tone is heard. The system monitors for such tones and automatically sends the fax to the  
designated mailbox and terminates the voice leg of the call.  
Your system administrator must enable the fax function on a mailbox and extension. The fax number  
may be the same as the voice-mail extension of a subscriber or a dedicated fax extension may be  
To manage fax messages:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Dial in to the Cisco Unity Express system. The voice prompt summarizes how many new and saved  
messages your have.  
Press 1 to listen to new messages.  
The voice prompt identifies a fax in your mailbox and lists its properties, for example, the time and date  
sent and the originating location. The voice prompt also indicates if a voice message is attached to the  
If the fax was forwarded from another subscriber, a voice message can be attached from the forwarding  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Select the fax.  
Press one of the following numbers to access options for the fax:  
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Managing Fax Messages  
Repeat the fax properties.  
Save the fax. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide.  
Delete the fax. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide.  
Reply, with a voice message, to the subscriber who sent the fax. See the Cisco Unity Express  
Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide.  
Forward the fax. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start Guide.  
Mark the fax as a new message. See the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail System Quick Start  
Send the fax to a local printer. See the “Setting Up and Using a Printer for Faxes” section  
Setting Up and Using a Printer for Faxes  
To identify the fax printer and print a fax:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Dial in to the Cisco Unity Express system, and press 1 to listen to messages.  
Select the fax, then press 8 to send the fax to a local printer.  
The system prompts you to enter the number of the fax printer.  
Perform one of the following actions:  
Step 3  
Press 1 to send to a currently configured fax printer.  
If you pause before entering 1, the system prompt gives the number of the last printer (if any) that was  
set up.  
Press 2 if there is no configured printer choice or to print to a different printer. Enter the phone  
number of the fax printer then press #.  
Press * to cancel printing the fax.  
If the number entered or chosen is not an acceptable fax printer, the system prompt indicates that the  
selected action cannot be completed.  
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Delivering Nonsubscriber Messages  
Delivering Nonsubscriber Messages  
You can compose voice messages for delivery to external numbers or nonsubscribers. You can set up  
delivery dates for up to one year in advance.  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Press 2 to access the Send menu.  
Press #4 to access the nonsubscriber Message Delivery menu.  
Enter the phone number of the recipient.  
After the system prompt that the nonsubscriber is added, select one of the following:  
Add another recipient.  
Access Message options. See the “Accessing Message Options” section on page 8.  
Record the message. See the “Recording the Message” section on page 9.  
Accessing Message Options  
After you identify the nonsubscriber recipients, you can specify the message parameters. In the Message  
Options menu, you can select the following:  
1—Change addressing  
2—Record the message (see the “Recording the Message” section on page 9)  
3—Change special delivery  
Mark the message as urgent (1)—Not available for nonsubscriber delivery  
Mark the message as private (3)—Not available for nonsubscriber delivery  
Choose a future delivery date and time (4)  
4—Review the message  
If no message is recorded, you are prompted to record your message.  
#—Send the message  
If no message is recorded, you are prompted to record your message.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Recording the Message  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
In the nonsubscriber delivery menu, press # to record your message.  
Press # when you finish recording.  
Press 1 to access Message Options. See the “Accessing Message Options” section on page 8.  
Press 2 to send the message.  
Accessing Setup Options  
After dialing in to the Cisco Unity Express system, and pressing 4 to access setup options, choose from  
the following options:  
Manage your greetings. See the “Managing Greetings” section on page 9.  
Configure or change message settings. See the:  
Configure personal settings. See the:  
Configure language options (not available on all systems). Contact your system  
administrator for more information.  
Managing Greetings  
This section contains the following procedures:  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Greetings are messages that callers hear when they reach your voice mail. You can have the following  
Standard greeting—Normal greeting played to callers when they reach your voice mail. This can be  
either the default system greeting or a greeting that you have recorded and chosen as your own  
standard greeting.  
Multiple Alternate greetings—Multiple alternate greetings are recorded by you and played to the  
callers when they reach your voice mail. You can turn these greetings on or off using the voice-mail  
menu. These greetings are used as an alternative to your standard greeting. Following are the  
Multiple Alternate greetings:  
Alternate greetings—To record a special greeting (other than standard greeting).  
Meeting greeting—To record a greeting that plays when you are in a meeting.  
Vacation greetings—To record a greeting that plays during the time when you are on a Vacation.  
Extended Absence greetings—To record a greeting that plays during the time when you are  
absent for an extended period of time. If extended absence greeting is turned on then mailbox  
will not take messages from external callers or will not accept messages from subscribers.  
State Based greetings—State based greetings are recorded by you and played to the callers  
according to the state of your business. Following are the State Based greetings:  
Busy greeting—To record a that plays when you are busy. This greeting is played and it takes  
precedence over standard, closed, and internal greetings if the subscriber is busy over the phone  
and if this greeting is enabled. But if a multiple alternate greeting is enabled then it takes  
precedence over busy greeting. Phone or call agent must provide the support necessary for Cisco  
Unity Express to identify that the phone is busy and the call forward is on busy rather than on  
Closed greeting—To record a greeting that plays during non-business hours or hours past your  
business hours. This greeting is played if it is not a business hour and if this greeting is enabled.  
Business hours are based on the business schedule that is associated to Voicemail. If internal  
greeting is enabled and if the call is during non-business hours then closed greeting is played  
over standard greeting. But multiple alternate greeting, busy greeting and internal greeting takes  
precedence over closed greeting.  
Internal greeting—To record a greeting that plays when you receive a call from an internal  
extension number.  
Precedence Rules  
Standard greeting plays if all other (multiple alternate or  
state-based) greetings are disabled.  
Enabled or Disabled Alternate greeting takes precedence over all other  
greetings if this greeting is enabled.  
Enabled or Disabled Meeting greeting takes precedence over all other  
greetings if this greeting is enabled.  
Enabled or Disabled Vacation greeting takes precedence over all other  
greeting if this greeting is enabled.  
Extended Absence Enabled or Disabled Extended absence greeting takes precedence over all  
other greetings if this greeting is enable.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Busy greeting takes precedence over standard greeting if  
the system is busy.  
Closed greeting takes precedence over standard greeting  
if business is closed.  
Internal greeting takes precedence over standard greeting  
if the call is from an internal extension number.  
Either standard or one of the multiple alternate greetings can be enabled at a time, but all or none of the  
state based greetings can be enabled at the same time.  
Managing Greetings  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.  
Press 1 to access the Greetings menu. Your active greeting plays.  
To rerecord your current greeting, press 1. See the “Rerecording Your Current Greeting” section on  
To turn on or turn off your greetings, press 2. See the “Turning Greetings On and Off” section on  
To edit a greeting, press 3. See the “Rerecording Your Standard Greeting” section on page 12 and  
To hear all greetings, press 8. See the “Reviewing All Greetings” section on page 12.  
Rerecording Your Current Greeting  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
After your current greeting plays, press 1 to rerecord your current greeting.  
At the tone, speak your greeting. When done, press #. Your newly recorded greeting plays.  
To rerecord, press 1.  
Turning Greetings On and Off  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Press 1 to access the Greetings menu. Your current greeting plays.  
Press 2 to turn off your current greeting and turn on the alternate greeting (make sure you have recorded  
an alternate greeting).  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Press 3 to turn off your alternate greeting and turn on your meeting greeting.  
Press 4 to turn off the meeting greeting and turn on your vacation greeting.  
Press 5 to turn off vacation greeting and turn on your extended absence greeting.  
Press 6 to turn off the extended absence greeting.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Step 7  
Step 8  
Step 9  
Press 7 to edit other greetings.  
Press 8 to play all your greetings.  
Press 0 for help and press * to exit.  
Rerecording Your Standard Greeting  
To rerecord your standard greeting:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
In the Greetings menu, press 3.  
Press 1 to rerecord your standard greeting.  
At the tone, speak your greeting. When done, press #. Your newly recorded standard greeting plays.  
To accept this greeting and continue, press #. To rerecord, press 1.  
Rerecording Your Alternate Greeting  
To rerecord your alternate greeting:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
In the Greetings menu, press 3.  
Press 3 to rerecord your alternate greeting.  
At the tone, speak your greeting. When done, press #. Your newly recorded alternate greeting plays.  
To rerecord, press 1.  
Reviewing All Greetings  
Step 1  
To listen to all greetings, press 8 in the Greetings menu. Your standard greeting, multiple-alternate  
greeting, and current greeting play.  
Setting Up Message Notification  
This section contains the following procedures:  
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Accessing Setup Options  
You can set up Cisco Unity Express to notify you of newly received voice-mail messages by phone,  
pager, or e-mail. Cisco Unity Express contacts your device to inform you that you have received a  
voice-mail message.  
You can also set up a cascading notification option in which Cisco Unity Express sends unanswered  
voice-mail messages to specified first-tier recipient devices followed by additional recipients’ devices if  
the message continues in an unread state.  
This section describes using the telephone voice-mail system to configure notifications for phone or  
numeric pagers only. You can use the following tools to set up notifications for alphanumeric pagers and  
e-mail (in addition to phones and numeric pagers):  
Cisco Unity Express VoiceView Express—Use your Cisco IP phone to set up notifications for  
phones, alphanumeric pagers, or e-mail. See the “Personalizing Your Settings” section on page 41  
for more information.  
Cisco Unity Express GUI—Use your PC to configure notifications for phones, alphanumeric  
pagers, or e-mail. Access the GUI using Microsoft Internet Explorer (5.5 or later) to connect to your  
Cisco Unity Express server, and log in using your alphanumeric user ID and password. Contact your  
system administrator if you do not know your server address, user ID, or password. See the online  
help for more information on using the GUI to configure notifications (press the “help” button when  
using the Cisco Unity Express GUI).  
Accessing the Notification Menu  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.  
In the Setup Options menu, press 2 to access Message Settings.  
Press 1 to configure message notification. The system tells you if notification is enabled and if so, for  
which device it is enabled.  
Choosing the Device to Notify  
Step 1  
In the Message Notification menu, press one of the following numbers to select the device to notify:  
2—Home phone  
3—Work phone  
4—Cell phone  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Step 2  
After selecting the device you want to configure, you can select the following actions by number:  
Enable message notification (if off) or disable message notification (if on).  
Hear current notification settings.  
Change the notification phone number (the number of your phone or pager).  
Cisco Unity Express dials this number to send notification of newly-received voice-mail  
Listen to the current notification schedule. Configure the time of day you want to receive  
notifications; for example, you may want to turn off notifications during the evening. See  
Change notification preferences (have notifications sent for all messages, or urgent  
Changing the Notification Phone Number  
Step 1  
After pressing 3 in the Message Notification Menu to change the notification phone number, the system  
tells you if a phone number is currently assigned to the device (phone or pager).  
If a phone number is already assigned, perform one of the following:  
Press * to keep the current number.  
Enter the new number and press #.  
If a phone number is not yet assigned, enter the new number and press #.  
You can only enter digits 1 to 9. You cannot enter pauses, breaks, or other special variables in the phone  
Step 2  
After entering the number:  
If you entered a new number that is permitted by the voice-mail system, the system repeats the  
If you entered a number that is not permitted by the system (such as a toll number), you receive an  
error message.  
Press * to keep the number, or if you want a new number, enter it and press #.  
Step 3  
Press * to continue. The system tells you if extra digits are set. Extra digits are numbers that are sent by  
Cisco Unity Express after the phone or pager has answered its notification call. For example, you might  
use extra digits to reach a certain extension after dialing a main access number. To set extra digits, see  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Setting Extra Digits  
Extra digits are numbers that are sent by Cisco Unity Express after the phone or pager has answered its  
notification call. For example, you might use extra digits to reach a certain extension after dialing a main  
access number.  
Step 1  
If extra digits are set, the system plays the digits. If extra digits are not set, the system tells you this.  
Press 1 to set extra digits.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Enter the extra digits and press #. To include a one-second pause, press *.  
The system plays the extra digits you entered. Press # to keep these digits, or return to Step 2.  
The system plays the extra digits you set.  
Configuring the Notification Schedule  
You can set up a notification schedule to turn notifications on or off for specific times of the day, days  
of the week, or everyday. For example, you may want to turn off notifications at night. By default,  
notifications are active Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  
After pressing 4 in the Message Notification Menu to configure the time of day you want to receive  
notifications, press one of the following numbers:  
Listen to the current notifications schedule. See the “Listening to the Current Schedule”  
Change the notification schedule for all days. See the “Changing the Schedule for All Days”  
Change the notification schedule for a specific day. See the “Changing the Schedule for a  
Listening to the Current Schedule  
Step 1  
After pressing 1 in the Notification Schedule Menu to listen to the current notifications schedule, enter  
one of the numbers below to choose the day:  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Step 2  
If you configured notification for at least a half hour of that day, the system plays the notification  
schedule. Enter a number to listen to the schedule for another day, or press * to exit and return to the  
Message Notification Menu.  
Changing the Schedule for All Days  
After pressing 2 in the Notification Schedule Menu to change the notification schedule for all days,  
perform the following steps:  
Step 1  
Enter the hour to start sending notifications. You must enter the time in two-digit format; for example,  
to choose 9:00, you would first enter “09.”  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Press #.  
Depending on the number you entered, perform the following:  
If You Entered  
1 to start notifications at midnight.  
2 to start notifications at 12:30 p.m.  
1 to start notifications at midnight.  
2 to start notifications at 12:30 a.m.  
3 to start notifications at noon.  
4 to start notifications at 12:30 p.m.  
1 - 11  
12 - 24  
1 to start notifications on the hour in the morning.  
2 to start notifications on the half-hour in the morning.  
3 to start notifications on the hour in the evening.  
4 to start notifications on the half-hour in the evening.  
1 to start notifications on the hour in the evening.  
2 to start notifications on the half-hour in the evening.  
Step 4  
Enter the hour to stop sending notifications. You must enter the time in two-digit format; for example,  
to choose 9:00, you would first enter “09.”  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Press #.  
Depending on the number you entered, perform the following:  
If You Entered  
1 to stop notifications at midnight.  
2 to stop notifications at 12:30 p.m.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
1 to stop notifications at midnight.  
2 to stop notifications at 12:30 a.m.  
3 to stop notifications at noon.  
4 to stop notifications at 12:30 p.m.  
1 to stop notifications on the hour in the morning.  
1 - 11  
12 - 24  
2 to stop notifications on the half-hour in the morning.  
3 to stop notifications on the hour in the evening.  
4 to stop notifications on the half-hour in the evening.  
1 to stop notifications on the hour in the evening.  
2 to stop notifications on the half-hour in the evening.  
Step 7  
If you entered a valid time, the system tells you the times you have selected for notifications. Press one  
of the following numbers:  
1—Save the schedule. Then do one of the following:  
Press 1 to set up an additional schedule. See Step 1.  
Press # to stop adding schedules. The system notifies you that your schedule is set.  
2—Change the schedule you just entered. See Step 1.  
Changing the Schedule for a Specific Day  
After pressing 3 in the Notification Schedule Menu to change the notification schedule for a specific day,  
perform the following steps:  
Step 1  
Enter one of the numbers below to choose the day:  
Step 2  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Changing Notification Preferences  
You can change notification preferences to specify the types of messages about which you want to be  
notified. For example, you can have notifications sent for all messages, or urgent messages only.  
The ability to set notifications for all messages must be granted by your system administrator.  
Step 1  
After pressing 5 in the Message Notification Menu to configure notification preferences, the system tells  
you if notifications are set for all messages, or for urgent messages only.  
If notifications are set for all messages, and you want to change this, press 1 to have notifications  
sent for urgent messages only.  
If notifications are set for urgent messages only, and you want to change this, press 1 to have  
notifications sent for all messages.  
Step 2  
If the system allows you to change notification preferences for all messages, you receive a message that  
your preferences have changed. If the system does not allow you to change notification preferences, you  
receive an error message. Press * to exit and return to the Message Notification Menu.  
Setting up Cascading Notification  
This section contains the following procedures:  
You can set up cascading notification rules that enable you to notify other users of unread messages after  
specified time periods.  
For example, you can set up rules so that another user is notified, on a specified device after a specified  
number of minutes, of unread messages in a mailbox. You can also specify that a second user is notified  
after additional minutes if the messages continue in an unread state.  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.  
Press 2 to access Message Settings.  
Press 1 to access the Message Notification menu.  
Press 5 to access the Cascading Rules menu.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Step 6  
After pressing 5, press one of the following numbers:  
Play your cascading rule settings. See the “Playing Your Cascading Notification Rules”  
Change your cascading rule settings. See the “Adding Cascading Notification Rules”  
Playing Your Cascading Notification Rules  
Use the cascading settings playback menu to play your current notification rules. The playback will list  
the subscribers set to receive notifications for unheard, new messages and the timing parameters  
associated with those notifications. If there are no notification rules, the system will indicate that no  
cascading rules are set.  
After playback, press 2 to set up new rules or to change existing rules.  
Adding Cascading Notification Rules  
To add new notification rules, follow these steps.  
Step 1  
Step 2  
To add a new cascading notification rule, press 2 in the Change Cascading Settings menu.  
Enter the subscriber name or extension. (The system default is to enter by name.) To enter by name, use  
the dial pad to spell the last name followed by #. Alternately, to enter the subscriber’s extension, press  
##, then the extension number, then #.  
For the letter Q, press 7. For the letter Z, press 9.  
Step 3  
The system lists the possible matches to the information you have input. Select the matching subscriber  
and press #.  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Enter the time at which the first subscriber receives a message notification followed by #. This can be  
between 5 and 1440 minutes.  
At the response from the system, press 1 to change the time entry or press * if the entry is acceptable.  
The system indicates that a rule was successfully added, naming the subscriber, extension, and time  
Step 6  
Press # to exit or press 1 to add another cascading notification rule.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Changing Cascading Notification Rules  
Step 1  
Step 2  
To change a cascading rule, press 2 in the Change Cascading Settings menu.  
Each subscriber name and extension with a cascading rule is spoken. On the dial pad, enter the number  
of the subscriber to be changed.  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Follow the prompts to change the time of notification.  
To accept the changes, press 1.  
Press * to continue.  
Deleting Cascading Notification Rules  
Step 1  
Step 2  
To delete a cascading rule, press 3 in the Change Cascading Settings menu.  
Each subscriber name and extension with a cascading rule is spoken. On the dial pad, enter the number  
of the subscriber to be deleted.  
Step 3  
Step 4  
At the system prompt, confirm the deletion of the subscriber you have chosen.  
Press * to exit.  
Using Distribution Lists  
Use distribution lists to send a voice-mail message to more than one system user at the same time.  
Members of lists can be any of the following:  
Blind addresses  
General-delivery mailboxes  
Other private lists  
Other public lists  
Remote users  
Private lists cannot be members of public lists. They can be members only of other private lists  
that you own.  
To access distribution lists, you can:  
Use the Cisco Unity Express GUI. Access the GUI using Microsoft Internet Explorer (5.5 or later)  
to connect to your Cisco Unity Express server, and log in using your alphanumeric user ID and  
password. Contact your system administrator if you do not know your server address, user ID, or  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Accessing the Distribution Lists Menu  
To access the Distribution Lists Menu, perform the following steps:  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.  
In the Setup Options menu, press 2.  
Press 4 to access voice-mail distribution lists.  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, you can select the following actions by number:  
Review your private distribution lists. See the “Reviewing Your Private Distribution Lists”  
Add or modify private distribution list members or recorded names. See the “Adding a  
Delete a private distribution list. See the “Deleting a Private Distribution List” section on  
Review public distribution lists. See the “Reviewing Public Distribution Lists” section on  
Add or modify public distribution list members or recorded names. See the “Adding a Public  
Delete a public distribution list. See the “Deleting a Public Distribution List” section on  
Configuring Private Distribution Lists  
This section contains the following procedures:  
Reviewing Your Private Distribution Lists  
Step 1  
Step 2  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 1 to hear a listing of your private distribution lists.  
Enter the list number (1 to 5) to hear the members of the list.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
During list review, you can select the following actions by number:  
Delete a member. Press during playback of member’s name. Press 1 to confirm removal.  
Repeat playback of previous member.  
Rewind to beginning of list.  
Pause playback.  
Skip forward to next member.  
Skip forward to final member of the list.  
Adding a Private Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 2.  
Enter the number of an empty, unconfigured list (1 to 5).  
Follow the instructions in the “Modifying a Private Distribution List” section on page 22 to add one or  
more members to the list, or to record a list name. The list is saved and you have created a new  
distribution list.  
Modifying a Private Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 2.  
Enter the list number (1 to 5).  
Select one of the following actions by number:  
Play names of current list members. See options in the “Reviewing Your Private  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Adding a Member to a Private Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 2 and select the list number.  
Press 1 to add a member.  
Enter the member name (default), or press ## to switch between addressing by name and addressing by  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Step 7  
Press # after each entry.  
Press # to add new member, or * to start a new search.  
If multiple member names are presented, choose the member by number.  
Press * to stop adding members.  
Removing a Member from a Private Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 2 and select the list number.  
Press 3 to delete a member.  
Select one of the following actions by number:  
Play names of current list members and remove during playback. See options in the  
Remove a list member by name or extension:  
1. Enter the member name (default), or press ## to switch from addressing by name to  
addressing by number.  
2. Press # after each entry.  
3. Press 1 to remove the member.  
4. If multiple member names are presented, choose the member by number.  
5. Press * to start a new search.  
Recording the Name of a Private Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution List Menu, press 2 and select the list number.  
Press 4 to record the list name.  
At the tone, record the list name.  
Record the number of the list and also the name.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Step 4  
During recording, you can select one of the following actions by number:  
1 or *  
Stop recording. The recording is played back. Press 1 to rerecord, or * to keep the  
recorded name.  
Save the recording. The recording is played back. Press 1 to rerecord, or * to keep the  
recorded name.  
Deleting a Private Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 3.  
Enter the list number (1 to 5), or press ## to switch from number entry to name entry. Spell the name of  
the distribution list.  
The name of the distribution list is the name that is configured in the Cisco Unity Express Graphical User  
Interface, not the spoken name that you created for the list following the steps in the “Recording the  
Step 3  
If more than one list is found, choose the list number.  
If only one list is found, press # to delete the list. Press * to start a new search.  
Configuring Public Distribution Lists  
This section contains the following procedures:  
Reviewing Public Distribution Lists  
Step 1  
Step 2  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 4.  
Enter the list number of the list you want to review.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
During list review, you can select the following actions by number:  
Delete a member. Press during playback of member’s name. Press 1 to confirm removal.  
You must be an owner of a public distribution list or be assigned the Manage  
Public Lists privilege to delete list members. Contact your system administrator.  
Repeat playback of previous member.  
Rewind to beginning of list.  
Pause playback.  
Skip forward to next member.  
Skip forward to final member of the list.  
Adding a Public Distribution List  
You must have the Manage Public Lists privilege to add a public distribution list. Contact your system  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 5.  
Enter the number of an empty, unconfigured list (1 to 5).  
Follow the instructions in the “Modifying a Public Distribution List” section on page 25 to add one or  
more members to the list, or to record a list name. The list is saved and you have created a new  
distribution list.  
Modifying a Public Distribution List  
This section contains the following procedures:  
You must be an owner of a public distribution list or be assigned the Manage Public Lists privilege to  
modify the list. Contact your system administrator.  
Adding a Member to a Public Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 5 and select the list number.  
Press 1 to add a member.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Step 3  
Enter the member name (default), or press ## to switch from addressing by name to addressing by  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Press # after each entry.  
If multiple member names appear, choose the member by number.  
Press # to stop adding members.  
Removing a Member from a Public Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 5 and select the list number.  
Press 3 to delete a member.  
Select one of the following actions by number:  
Play names of current list members and remove during playback. See options in the  
Remove a list member by name or extension:  
1. Enter the member name (default), or press ## to switch from addressing by name to  
addressing by number.  
2. Press # after each entry.  
3. If multiple member names are presented, choose the member by number.  
Recording the Name of a Public Distribution List  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 5 and select the list number.  
Press 4 to record the list name.  
At the tone, record the list name.  
Record the number of the list and also the name.  
Step 4  
During recording, you can select one of the following actions by number:  
1 or *  
Stop recording. The recording is played back. Press 1 to rerecord, or * to keep the  
recorded name.  
Save the recording. The recording is played back. Press 1 to rerecord, or * to keep the  
recorded name.  
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Accessing Setup Options  
Deleting a Public Distribution List  
You must be an owner of a public distribution list or be assigned the Manage Public Lists privilege to  
delete the list. Contact your system administrator.  
Step 1  
Step 2  
In the Distribution Lists Menu, press 6.  
Enter the list number (1 to 5), or press ## to switch from number entry to name entry. Spell the name of  
the distribution list.  
Step 3  
If more than one list is found, choose the list number.  
If only one list is found, press # to delete the list. Press * to start a new search.  
Changing Your Password  
To change your voice-mail password, perform the following steps:  
You can also change your password using the Cisco Unity Express Graphical User Interface (GUI).  
Access the GUI using Microsoft Internet Explorer (5.5 or later) to connect to your Cisco Unity Express  
server, and log in using your alphanumeric user ID and password. Contact your system administrator if  
you do not know your server address, user ID, or password.  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.  
Press 3 to access your personal settings.  
Press 1 to change your password.  
Enter your new password. Press # when done.  
Enter your new password again to confirm, and press #.  
Changing Your Recorded Name  
To change your recorded name, or the name that identifies you to callers, perform the following steps:  
Step 1  
voice-mail menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.  
Press 3 to access your personal settings.  
Press 2 to change your recorded name.  
To record a new name, wait for the tone and say your first and last name. When done, press #.  
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What to Do When Receiving Notifications by Phone  
Step 6  
Your newly recorded name plays. Press * to keep it, or to rerecord, wait for the tone and say your first  
and last name. When done, press #.  
What to Do When Receiving Notifications by Phone  
When you receive a call from Cisco Unity Express notifying you of a voice-mail message, you can:  
Enter 1 to turn off voice-mail notification to this phone number. If you disable notification, the  
system sends you a voice-mail message to tell you that notification is turned off.  
Enter your extension and PIN to check your voice-mail messages. (This feature must be enabled by  
your system administrator.)  
If the notification is part of a notification cascading rule, you can:  
Press 1 to reject the notification to your number or device. Your notification profile is changed  
to reflect this.  
Press 2 to disable cascade notification function from this subscriber. A notification is sent to the  
sender of the notification that cascade notification is disabled for your extension.  
Recording a Live Conversation  
On receipt of a call, you can initiate the live record function to record the conversation. The recorded  
conversation is stored as a message in your mailbox and you can access and manage it similarly to  
ordinary messages. The recording function can only be initiated by a subscriber at the subscriber’s  
extension location.  
Step 1  
See disclaimer statement relating to recording a conversation: DISCLAIMER FOR RECORDING A  
To record a conversation:  
While in your conversation, press the conference (Confrn) button. The current conversation is put on  
Depending on your Cisco IP phone, you may need to press More, then press Confrn.  
Step 2  
Dial the live record pilot number provided by your system administrator.  
The call request is forwarded to the system’s live record pilot number. Cisco Unity Express receives the  
request and initiates the recording function.  
Step 3  
To begin recording, again press the Confrn button.  
Cisco Unity Express sends periodic beeps to remind participants that the call is being recorded. These  
beeps are not part of the recording.  
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Receiving Voice-mail Messages in Your E-mail  
Step 4  
To end the live record function, press the End button or hang up.  
The recorded conversation is saved as a voice message in the mailbox of the subscriber who initiated the  
Receiving Voice-mail Messages in Your E-mail  
This feature is not available on all systems. Contact your system administrator.  
You can set up Cisco Unity Express to deliver your voice-mail messages to an e-mail program. You must  
use a standard IMAP e-mail client. Your voice-mail messages are sent to your e-mail program as an  
e-mail file attachment in .wav file format. The file can be played with a media player such as Microsoft  
Windows Media Player.  
The following e-mail programs are supported:  
IBM Lotus Notes (6.5, 6)  
Microsoft Outlook (2003, 2002, 2000)  
Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0  
User authentication—user ID and password—is required for web-based applications using HTTPS or  
HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL).  
Downloading Voice-mail Messages  
You will need to see the documentation for your e-mail program for instructions on how to set up your  
program to retrieve IMAP messages.  
Cisco Unity Express voice-mail messages download to a folder called Inbox. If you are having problems  
retrieving voice-mail messages, check the following:  
If You Receive  
Authentication Failed  
Be sure you are using the correct user ID and password to access your  
Cisco Unity Express account.  
Password Expired  
Your password is expired and you must change it. You must log in to the  
Cisco Unity Express graphical user interface system to change your  
Authorization Failed  
You do not have the proper privileges to retrieve your voice-mail  
messages using e-mail. Contact your system administrator.  
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Receiving Voice-mail Messages in Your E-mail  
After Receiving Voice-Mail Messages  
After you receive voice-mail messages in your e-mail, you can perform the following actions:  
Listen to messages—Typically, you can double-click the .wav file message attachment to listen to it.  
Change the status of a message—Mark a message as read or unread.  
Delete messages—Mark a message as deleted in your inbox, which also moves it into the deleted  
messages portion of your voice-mail system. Logging out of your e-mail client removes all deleted  
messages in your e-mail mailbox.  
Deleted messages must be purged to entirely remove the message from your system.  
Undelete messages—Change the state of a message from deleted to saved and remove it from the  
deleted message storage space. As long as deleted messages are not purged, you can undelete them.  
Purge deleted messages—Remove deleted messages from your e-mail client and server.  
Updating the status of a message in your e-mail program also updates the message status on the  
voice-mail system. For example, marking a message as Read on your e-mail client will mark the message  
as saved on the telephone voice-mail system, and turn off your message-waiting indicator light on your  
phone if you have no other new messages.  
Not all of these actions may be supported by your e-mail program; see your e-mail program  
documentation for more information.  
Private Voice-Mail Messages  
You can only download the headers, or summaries, of voice-mail messages that have been marked  
“Private” by the sender. You must dial in to the voice-mail system to listen to the body of the private  
voice-mail message.  
Do not delete a private message from your Inbox before listening to it. Deleting the message in your  
e-mail client deletes the actual voice-mail message from the system and you cannot listen to it.  
Broadcast Messages  
You can only download broadcast messages that you have previously listened to and saved through the  
telephone voice-mail system. New broadcast messages are not downloaded to your e-mail program.  
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Accessing Cisco Unity Express Using Your Cisco Unified IP Phone and VoiceView Express  
Accessing Cisco Unity Express Using Your  
Cisco Unified IP Phone and VoiceView Express  
To use Cisco VoiceView Express, it must first be configured and activated by your system administrator.  
This section provides information about using VoiceView Express and the buttons and soft keys on your  
Cisco Unified IP phone to browse, listen, and manage voice-mail messages in your personal voice  
Use any of the following buttons anytime while using VoiceView Express:  
Dial Pad  
Press numbers to choose corresponding menu items. To enter multiple-digit  
numbers, press the first and subsequent numbers in quick succession.  
Press keys to enter data and special characters. Each key represents one or  
more alphanumeric characters. Continue to press the key to select the desired  
alphanumeric character from the subsequent menu.  
Navigation button  
Services button  
Scroll through menus and highlight menu items. Use in conjunction with soft  
keys to activate functions for a highlighted item.  
Access or exit VoiceView Express.  
Soft keys engage the functions displayed as tabs on the LCD screen of your Cisco Unified IP phone. The  
following functions can be available at any time while using VoiceView Express, depending on which  
VoiceView Express window or menu appears. Activate the soft key function by pressing the  
corresponding soft key button.  
Navigate to edit characters. Use the backspace soft key to erase digits that  
were entered incorrectly.  
Discard not yet executed operations or unsaved choices and display the  
previously viewed menu or window.  
Discard not yet executed operations or unsaved choices.  
(Personal Mailbox window only) Exit the VoiceView Express feature.  
Display additional soft keys.  
Confirm receipt of a displayed message and display the next menu or  
Accept a choice and display the next menu or window.  
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Accessing Cisco Unity Express Using Your Cisco Unified IP Phone and VoiceView Express  
Supported Cisco Unified IP Phones for VoiceView Express  
The following phones support VoiceView Express in Cisco Unity Express 8.0:  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7921  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7925  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7941  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7942  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7961  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7971  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 9951  
Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971  
Personal Mailbox Menu  
The Personal Mailbox menu appears only after you successfully log in to VoiceView Express. Using the  
Personal Mailbox menu, you can perform any of the following tasks:  
Open your inbox to list and manage your voice-mail and fax messages.  
Initiate live reply to voice messages.  
Send a voice-mail message to one or more recipients.  
Display the My Options menu for personalizing settings.  
Open general delivery mailboxes to which you subscribe.  
Send a broadcast message (only if you have broadcast or local-broadcast privileges).  
Log out to terminate the VoiceView Express session.  
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Logging In To VoiceView Express  
Logging In To VoiceView Express  
If your voice mailbox is not initialized and you do not have a PIN, you cannot log in to  
VoiceView Express. To enable access to VoiceView Express, first call your voice mailbox from your own  
phone extension and set up your voice mailbox using the voice-mail system telephone user interface. For  
To log in and display the Personal Mailbox menu:  
Step 1  
Depending on how your system is configured, perform one of the following actions to display the  
VoiceView Express Login window on a Cisco Unified IP phone:  
Press Services; then from the Services menu, choose VoiceView Express and press Select.  
Press Services.  
Press the VoiceView Express soft key.  
Press the VoiceView Express line button.  
Step 2  
If the Personalization Wizard window appears, press OK to continue, then:  
The Skip function is available while using the wizard. Press the Skip soft key to display the next  
To listen to your recorded name, choose Listen and press Select.  
To record your name, choose Record. Press Select, say your name, then press Stop.  
To listen to your standard greeting, choose Listen and press Select. The greeting plays.  
To record a personalized standard greeting, choose Record. Press Select, say your greeting, then  
press Stop.  
To change your PIN, choose Change to display the Change PIN window. Use the dial pad to enter  
a new PIN. Choose Confirm and use the dial pad to enter your new PIN again. Press Submit.  
Step 3  
When the VoiceView Express Login window appears:  
Always use the navigation button on your Cisco Unified IP phone to choose the PIN field  
before using the dial pad to enter your PIN. If you enter your PIN before choosing the PIN  
field, your PIN will appear in clear text in the Mailbox ID field.  
If you are using your Cisco Unified IP phone, choose PIN. Use the dial pad to enter your PIN, then  
press Submit.  
If you are a using a different Cisco Unified IP phone, press << to erase the Mailbox ID. Use the dial  
pad to enter your Mailbox ID. Choose PIN, use the dial pad to enter your PIN, then press Submit.  
If you are logging in after a failed login attempt, press Login. Choose PIN, use the dial pad to enter  
your PIN, then press Submit.  
Step 4  
Step 5  
If your voice mailbox is full or almost full, press OK and if necessary, delete messages now.  
If your voice mailbox contains a broadcast message, press Listen to play the message.  
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Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
Step 6  
If your voice mailbox contains an expired message, press Listen, Save, or Delete for each expired  
The Personal Mailbox menu appears.  
Logging In if Your PIN is Expired  
To log into VoiceView Express if the PIN Expired window appears:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Press OK to accept the message about your expired PIN.  
On the Change PIN window, use the dial pad to enter a new PIN.  
Choose Confirm and use the dial pad to enter your new PIN again.  
Press Submit. The Login window appears. See the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on  
Logging In Limitations for VoiceView Express  
Cisco Unity Express is subject to two erroneous login limits as set by your system administrator.  
There may be a limit on the number of incorrect consecutive log ins allowed, after which the system  
administrator is required to restore the user’s log in rights.  
Depending on the configuration by your system administrator, login may be temporarily disabled  
for the user for a time period after several consecutive unsuccessful log in attempts.  
Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
The section contains the following information and procedures:  
Information About Soft Keys for Voice-Mail Messages  
To display additional soft keys, press the More soft key.  
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Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
While listening to a message, you can press any of the following soft keys:  
Jump to end of message.  
Go forward 3 seconds.  
Pause or restart message.  
Restart message or go back 3 seconds.  
After listening to a message, you can press any of the following soft keys:  
Mark message as “deleted.” Message is permanently deleted when you exit  
VoiceView Express.  
Forward message to another voice mailbox. Not available for all messages.  
Display Personal Mailbox menu.  
Play message again.  
Mark message as “new.”  
Display information about the message listed just below this message on the  
Display information about the message listed just above this message on the  
Switch on the microphone and begin recording the message. Not available  
for all messages.You can also select the Live Reply option.  
Send a Nondelivery Receipt (NDR) message again.  
Save message.  
See the “Managing Your Inbox” section on page 40 to modify the order and type of messages listed in  
your inbox.  
If your inbox contains more than 32 messages, you can press one of the following soft keys to view  
additional pages of messages:  
Display Personal Mailbox menu.  
Display the next page of inbox.  
Display the previous page.  
Next Pg  
Prev Pg  
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Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
Listening to Voice Messages  
To open your inbox and listen to voice-mail messages:  
Step 1  
Perform steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Inbox and press Select.  
Choose a message and press Select.  
Press Listen.  
Printing a Fax  
To print a fax:  
Step 1  
Perform steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Inbox and press Select.  
Choose the fax and press Select.  
Press Options.  
Choose 1, Print to Fax Number, then press Select.  
Enter the extension and press Submit.  
Replying to a Voice Message  
You can request Cisco Unity Express to make a live call to the message sender. See the “Accessing Live  
To reply to a message immediately after listening to the message:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
To reply after listening to a voice-mail message, press Reply.  
Choose Reply Via Voice Mail.  
Say your message, then press Stop. The Send Message menu appears.  
To send immediately, press Send; otherwise, choose any of the following and press Select:  
Listen to Recorded Message—Play message to be sent.  
Record Again—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop.  
Edit Recipients—Return to Recipient List menu where you can add or remove recipients.  
Mark as Urgent—Mark or unmark message to be sent.  
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Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
Mark as Private—Mark or unmark message to be sent.  
Message Delivery Time—Display Send Message menu. See the “Specifying Delivery Time” section  
on page 39 to schedule delivery of message to be sent.  
Accessing Live Reply in VoiceView Express  
When you press the Reply button for a selected message, you may have the option of choosing the Live  
Reply function.  
This function is available when responding to new, saved, or deleted voice messages from subscribers or  
from messages containing the required identification information. The Live Reply function is not  
available if the voice-message does not contain the required caller information.  
Your system administrator must activate the live reply function.  
If you invoke this function, you will not be returned to your voice-mail session on termination of the call.  
You must redial the voice mail pilot number.  
To access Live Reply:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Select the message.  
Press the Reply button.  
Choose 2 Call <extension>. Press Select.  
Cisco Unity Express attempts to establish a call to the subscriber who sent the message.  
Forwarding a Fax or Voice Message  
To forward a fax or voice message, with or without recording an introduction:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
To forward a fax or a voice message after listening to it, press FwdMsg.  
Address message by number or (optional) press Name to open the Address by Name window, then:  
To address by number, use the dial pad to enter the exact number for the recipient. For extensions at  
remote locations, enter the location ID before the extension number.  
To address by name, use the dial pad to enter the recipient’s last name or partial name to search for  
matching names.  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Press Submit. The Matching Address menu appears.  
Choose the desired address and press Add to build a recipient list.  
After adding an address, press any of the following soft keys:  
AddMore—Return to Address by Number window to add addresses to the recipient list.  
Remove—Remove address from list. You cannot empty the list by removing the only recipient.  
Cancel—Cancel operation.  
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Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
Done—Display the Send Message menu.  
Step 6  
To send immediately after recording a message, press Send; otherwise, choose any of the following and  
press Select:  
Listen to Introduction—Play recorded introduction for message to be sent.  
Record Introduction—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press  
Edit Recipients—Return to Recipient List menu where you can add or remove recipients.  
Mark as Urgent—Mark or unmark message to be sent.  
Mark as Private—Mark or unmark message to be sent.  
Message Delivery Time—Display Send Message menu. See the “Specifying Delivery Time” section  
on page 39 to schedule delivery of the message to be sent.  
Sending Voice Messages  
To record and send a voice-mail message:  
Step 1  
Perform steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
From the Personal Mailbox menu: Choose Send Message and press Select.  
Address message by number or (optional) press Name to open the Address by Name window, then:  
To address by number, use the dial pad to enter the exact number for the recipient. For extensions at  
remote locations, enter the location ID before the extension number.  
To address by name, use the dial pad to enter the recipient’s name or partial name to search for  
matching names.  
If activated by your administrator, you can search the global directory for the names and numbers of  
other users. Press Global.  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Press Submit. The Matching Address menu appears.  
Choose the desired address and press Add to build a recipient list.  
After adding an address, press any of the following soft keys:  
AddMore—Return to the Address by Number window to add addresses to the recipient list.  
Remove—Remove the address from the list. You cannot empty the list by removing the only  
Cancel—Cancel the operation.  
Record—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop. The  
Send Message menu appears.  
Step 7  
To send immediately after recording the message, press Send; otherwise, choose any of the following  
and press Select:  
Listen to Recorded Message—Play the message to be sent.  
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Retrieving and Sending Messages in VoiceView Express  
Record Again—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop.  
Edit Recipients—Return to Recipient List menu where you can add or remove recipients.  
Mark as Urgent—Mark or unmark the message to be sent.  
Mark as Private—Mark or unmark the message to be sent.  
Message Delivery Time—Display the Send Message menu. See the “Specifying Delivery Time”  
section on page 39 to schedule delivery of the message to be sent.  
Specifying Delivery Time  
The item number for each hour is the corresponding designator in 24-hour clock format. For example,  
“17” is the item number for 5 p.m. The item number for each minute is 1 to 59 and 60, where “60” is the  
item number for zero minutes.  
To specify the delivery time for a voice-mail message to be sent:  
Step 1  
To send this message immediately, choose Immediately and press Select; otherwise, choose one of the  
following and press Select:  
Later Today—Display the Message Delivery Time menu for sending this message at a specified time  
later on the same day. Then, choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select.  
Tomorrow—Display the Message Delivery Time menu for sending this message at a specified time  
tomorrow. Then, choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select.  
Message Delivery Time—Display the Message Delivery Time menu for sending this message at a  
future date and time, up to one year from now. Then, choose the month and press Select, choose the  
date and press Select, choose the hour and press Select, then choose the minute and press Select.  
Step 2  
When the Send Message menu appears with the modified date and time displayed under the “Message  
Delivery Time,” press Send.  
Setting up Nonsubscriber Message Delivery  
You can compose voice messages for delivery to external numbers or nonsubscribers. Delivery dates can  
be set for up to one year in advance.  
Step 1  
Perform steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Send Message and press Select.  
Press #4 followed by the phone number of the nonsubscriber, then press Submit.  
Press Add.  
The screen displays the text, 1 external #<phone number>.  
Step 5  
Select a soft key to add more names (AddMore), cancel the operation, remove the address from the list  
Remove), or record your message.  
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Managing Your Inbox  
Step 6  
Step 7  
When you complete your recording, press Stop.  
To send immediately after recording the message, press Send. Otherwise, choose any of the following  
and press Select:  
Listen to Recorded Message—Play message to be sent.  
Record Again—Switch on microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop.  
Edit Recipients—Return to Recipient List menu where you can add or remove recipients.  
Mark as Urgent—Not available for nonsubscriber delivery.  
Mark as Private—Not available for nonsubscriber delivery.  
Message Delivery Time—Display Send Message menu. See the “Specifying Delivery Time”  
section on page 40 to schedule delivery of the message to be sent.  
Specifying Delivery Time  
To send the message immediately, choose 1-Immediately and press Select; otherwise, choose one of the  
following and press Select:  
2 (Later Today)—Display the Message Delivery Time menu for sending this message at a specified  
time later today. Then, choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select.  
3 (Tomorrow)—Display the Message Delivery Time menu for sending this message at a specified  
time tomorrow. Then, choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select.  
4 (Select a Delivery Time)—Display the Message Delivery Time menu for sending this message at  
a future date and time, up to one year from now. Then, choose the month and press Select, choose  
the date and press Select, choose the hour and press Select, then choose the minute and press Select.  
When the Send Message menu appears with the modified date and time displayed, press Send.  
Managing Your Inbox  
Messages in your inbox are listed on message pages.  
Changes to sort order and filters apply to your inbox during the current VoiceView Express session only.  
Messages are sorted by default in the following order:  
New Urgent (NU)  
New (N)  
Saved (S)  
Messages within each category are sorted in the order received. Only 32 messages are listed per page at  
a time. When more than 32 messages are in your inbox, additional message pages are required. Message  
numbering restarts with 1 on each subsequent page so messages on each page are numbered 1 to 32.  
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Personalizing Your Settings  
Changing the Sort Order of Your Inbox  
To change the sort order of messages in your inbox:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Inbox and press Select.  
Press More, then press Sort to display the Voice Mail Sort menu.  
Choose a sort order and press Select to display your inbox, which is sorted in the new order.  
Filtering Messages in Your Inbox  
To view a list of all messages of a single category in your inbox:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Inbox and press Select.  
Press More, then press List to display the Voice Mail List Type menu.  
Choose a message type.  
All messages—Lists all messages, sorted according to your desired sort order. See the  
Step 5  
Press Select to display your inbox, which lists only messages of the specified type.  
Personalizing Your Settings  
This section contains the following procedures:  
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Personalizing Your Settings  
Managing Your Greetings  
Greetings are messages that callers hear when they reach your voice mail.  
Standard Greeting—Normal greeting that callers hear. This can be either the default greeting or a  
personalized greeting that you have recorded and chosen as your standard greeting.  
Alternate greeting—Special greeting recorded by you is turned on or off using the Greetings menu.  
To manage your greetings:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.  
From the My Options menu, choose Greetings and press Select.  
On the Greetings menu, “(Active)” appears next to the greeting that callers hear when they reach  
your voice mailbox.  
Step 4  
From the Greetings menu, choose Standard or Alternate and press Select, then:  
To listen to the greeting, choose Listen and press Select. The greeting plays.  
To rerecord the greeting, choose Record. Press Select, say your greeting, then press Stop.  
To activate a greeting and automatically deactivate the other greeting, choose Activate and press  
The language of the standard greeting is set by your system administrator.  
Managing Message Settings  
With the Message Notification feature, the voice-mail system informs you of new voice mail, based on  
preference and schedule, by calling a phone or numeric pager, or by creating and sending a text message  
to a text pager or an e-mail address. The types of messages for which you can send notifications are  
configured by the system administrator.  
Not all menu items are valid for all users. If you receive a “message notification is disabled” message  
while attempting to perform this procedure, this feature is disabled.  
To edit or configure message notification settings:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.  
From the My Options menu, choose Message Settings and press Select.  
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Personalizing Your Settings  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Step 6  
From the Message Settings menu, choose Message Notifications and press Select.  
Choose the notification device to be configured and press Select.  
From the device menu, choose any of the following and press Select:  
Turn Off (On) Notifications—Disable or enable the sending of notifications to this device.  
Edit Number—Display the Edit Number window for editing the number of a phone based  
notification device. Then, on the Edit Number window, press << to erase the digits to change. Use  
the dial pad to enter the new number. Press Submit.  
The characters permitted in Number are 0-9. Include any numbers required to access an outside  
line in the number field. Removing the phone number by leaving it blank automatically disables  
this device.  
Extra Digits—Display the Edit Extra Digits window for changing or configuring extra digits to be  
dialed after this phone based device answers. Then, press << to erase the digits to change, if  
required. Use the dial pad to enter an extra digit. To enter a plus sign (+), press # and continue to  
press # to choose “+” from the subsequent menu. Repeat for each extra digit to be added, then press  
The characters permitted in extra digits are 0-9, #, *, and to insert a pause use a plus sign (+).  
Up to 64 characters are permitted.  
Notification Preference—Display the Notification Trigger menu for editing the notification  
preferences for this device. Then, choose the desired trigger and press Select. If the specified trigger  
is not allowed, an error message appears.  
Notification Schedule—Display the Notification Schedule menu. See the “Editing the Notification  
Schedule” section on page 43 to use the Notification menu for a device.  
If the notification device is a text pager or an e-mail device, choose any of the following additional items  
from the device menu and press Select:  
Edit E-mail Address—Display the Edit Number window. Then, (optionally) press << to erase the  
portion of the address to be changed. Use the dial pad to enter the address. To enter a hyphen (-),  
underline (_), or period (.), press 0 and continue to press 0 to choose the desired character from the  
subsequent menu. To enter the at symbol (@), press * and continue to press * to choose@ from the  
subsequent menu. Repeat for each alphanumeric character to be added, then press Submit.  
Attach Voice Message Yes (No)—Enable or disable the Attach Voice Message feature for  
notifications. This item is for e-mail only.  
Edit Text—Add or edit text be added to the body of a notification. Press << to erase the portion of  
the text to be changed. Use the dial pad to enter the new text, then press Submit.  
Editing the Notification Schedule  
The item number for each hour is the corresponding designator in 24-hour clock format. For example,  
“17” is the item number for 5 p.m.  
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Personalizing Your Settings  
To use the Notification Schedule menu for a device:  
From the Notification Schedule menu, choose one of the following and press Select:  
Step 1  
View Current Schedule—View the weekly notification schedule for this device.  
Edit a Particular Day—Modify parameters for a to-be-specified day of the week. Choose the day of  
the week to be modified and press Select.  
Edit for all days—Modify parameters for all days.  
Edit for the weekdays—Modify parameters for Monday to Friday only.  
Step 2  
To designate start and stop time for enabling or disabling notification, choose Enable time range or  
Disable time range and press Select, then:  
a. Choose the hour for starting the desired action and press Select.  
b. Choose one of the following and press Select.  
1—Perform the action on the hour  
2—Perform the action on the half hour  
c. Choose the hour for stopping the desired action and press Select. The Stop time must occur after the  
specified Start time, between 12 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on the same calendar day.  
d. Choose one of the following and press Select.  
1—Perform the action on the hour  
2—Perform the action on the half hour  
e. When the “Schedule changed successfully” message appears, press Ok to return to the device menu.  
Step 3  
Step 4  
To enable or disable notifications for an entire calendar day, from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., choose Enable  
whole days or Disable whole days and press Select.  
When the “Schedule changed successfully” message appears, press Ok to return to the device menu.  
Changing Your PIN  
To change your PIN:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.  
From the My Options menu, choose Personal Settings and press Select.  
From the Personal Settings menu, choose Change PIN and press Select to display the Change PIN  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Step 7  
Step 8  
Use the dial pad to enter your new PIN.  
Choose Confirm.  
Use the dial pad to enter your new PIN again, then press Submit.  
When “Your new PIN is now active” appears, press Ok.  
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Logging In to General Delivery Mailboxes  
Recording Your Name  
To record your name:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.  
From the My Options menu, choose Personal Settings and press Select.  
From the Personal Settings menu, choose Change Recorded Name.  
Press Select to display the Recorded Name menu, then:  
To listen to your recorded name, choose Listen and press Select.  
To record a new recorded name, choose Record. Press Select, say your name, then press Stop.  
Configuring Your Zero-out Number  
A zero-out number is the number to which the incoming call is redirected if the caller presses 0 after  
reaching your voice mailbox.  
To add or modify your zero-out number:  
Step 1  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.  
From the My Options menu, choose Zero Out Number and press Select. The Zero Out Number window  
Step 4  
Step 5  
(Optional) Press << to erase the digits to be edited.  
Use the dial pad to enter the zero-out number, then press Submit.  
Logging In to General Delivery Mailboxes  
This procedure is applicable only if you subscribe to one or more General Delivery Mailboxes.  
To log in to a general delivery mailbox:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose General Delivery Mailboxes and press Select. The General  
Delivery Mailboxes menu with all general delivery mailboxes to which you subscribe appears.  
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Administering Broadcast Messages  
Step 3  
Choose the desired mailbox and press Select.  
Administering Broadcast Messages  
The “Administer Broadcast Msgs” item is listed in your Personal Mailbox menu only if you have  
broadcast or local-broadcast privileges.  
This section contains the following procedures:  
Sending Broadcast Messages to a Local Location or All Locations  
Not all menu items are available for all users. Items in the Send Broadcast Message menu correspond to  
your broadcast privileges. If you receive a “networking messaging is disabled” message, networking  
messaging is disabled.  
To record and send a broadcast message to a local location or all locations:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Step 5  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Administer Broadcast Msgs and press Select. The Send  
Broadcast Messages menu appears. Choose Local Location or All Locations.  
To record your message, press Select, say your message, then press Stop. The Send Broadcast Message  
window appears. To cancel recording, press Stop immediately, then press Cancel.  
Review start and end time for the broadcast message, then press Cancel to cancel the message or press  
OK to display the Send Broadcast Message menu.  
To send the message immediately, press Send; otherwise, choose any of the following and press Select:  
Listen to Recorded Message—Play message to be sent.  
Record Again—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop.  
Review Start & Stop Time—Display window, then press Cancel to cancel the message or press OK  
to accept the start and end time for the broadcast message.  
Set Start Time—Display the Set Start Time menu. See the “Specifying Start or End Time” section  
on page 48 to modify the start time.  
Set End Time—Display the End Time menu. See the “Specifying Start or End Time” section on  
page 48 to modify the end time.  
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Administering Broadcast Messages  
Sending Broadcast Messages to Select Locations  
Not all menu items are valid for all users. If you receive a “Networking messaging is disabled” message,  
this feature is disabled.  
To record and send a broadcast message to select locations:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal  
Mailbox menu.  
From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose Administer Broadcast Msgs and press Select. The Send  
Broadcast Messages menu appears.  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Choose Select Locations.  
Address message by location ID number or (optionally) press Name, then:  
To address by location ID, use the dial pad to enter the exact location ID number.  
To address by location name, use the dial pad to enter the location name or partial location name to  
search for matching names. Each key represents one or more characters. Continue to rapidly press  
the key to select the desired letter from the menu.  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Step 7  
Press Submit. The Matching Address menu appears.  
Choose the desired address and press Add to build a recipient list.  
After adding an address, press any of the following soft keys:  
AddMore—Return to Address by Number window and add another address to the recipient list.  
Remove—Remove address from list. You cannot empty the list by removing the only recipient.  
Cancel—Cancel operation.  
Record—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop. To  
cancel recording, press Stop immediately, then press Cancel.  
Step 8  
Step 9  
After recording the message, review start and end time for the broadcast message. Press Cancel to cancel  
the message or press OK to display the Send Broadcast Message menu.  
To send the message immediately, press Send; otherwise, choose one of the following and press Select.  
Listen to Recorded Message—Play message to be sent.  
Record Again—Switch on the microphone and begin recording. Say your message, then press Stop.  
Edit Recipients—Return to Recipient List menu where you can add or remove recipients.  
Review Start & Stop Time—Display window, then press Cancel to cancel the message or press  
OK to accept the start and end time for the broadcast message.  
Set Start Time—Display the Set Start Time menu. See the “Specifying Start or End Time” section  
on page 48 to modify the start time.  
Set End Time—Display the Set End Time menu. See the “Specifying Start or End Time” section on  
page 48 to modify the end time.  
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Where to Go Next  
Specifying Start or End Time  
To specify a start or end time for a broadcast message to be sent:  
Step 1  
From the menu, choose one of the following and press Select. After you make your selection and perform  
any additional required steps, the Send Broadcast Message window appears.  
Immediately—Start or end this message immediately.  
Later Today—Display the menu for starting this message at a specified time later on the same day.  
Then, choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select.  
Tomorrow—Display the next menu for starting this message at a specified time tomorrow. Then,  
choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select.  
Select Start Time—Display the next menu for starting this message at a future date and time, up to  
one year from now. Then, choose the month and press Select. Choose the date and press Select.  
Choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select. This item is on the Set Start  
Time menu only.  
Select End Time—Display the next menu for ending this message at a future date and time, up to  
one year from now, Then, choose the month and press Select. Choose the date and press Select.  
Choose the hour and press Select. Choose the minute and press Select. This item is on the Set End  
Time menu only.  
Indefinitely—Enable this broadcast message to be available forever. This item is on the Set End  
Time menu only.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Review start and end time for the broadcast message, then press Cancel to cancel the message or press  
OK to display the Send Broadcast Message menu.  
To send the message with specified start and end time, press Send. “Message Sent” appears. Press OK.  
Where to Go Next  
For more information, see the:  
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Where to Go Next  
The use of monitoring, recording, or listening devices to eavesdrop, monitor, retrieve, or record phone conversations or other sound activities,  
whether or not contemporaneous with transmission, may be illegal in certain circumstances under federal, state and/or local laws. Legal advice should  
be sought prior to implementing any practice that monitors or records any phone conversation. Some laws require some form of notification to all  
parties to a phone conversation, such as by using a beep tone or other notification method or requiring the consent of all parties to the phone  
conversation, prior to monitoring or recording the phone conversation. Some of these laws incorporate strict penalties. In cases where local laws  
require a periodic beep while a conversation is being recorded, the Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system provides a user with the option of  
activating "the beep." Prior to activating the Cisco Unity Express live record function, check the laws of all applicable jurisdictions. This is not legal  
advice and should not take the place of obtaining legal advice from a lawyer. IN ADDITION TO THE GENERAL DISCLAIMER THAT  
Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks  
can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word  
partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)  
© 2006-2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.  
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Where to Go Next  
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