Cingular Telephone PPC 6600 User Manual

Phone Test Mode Overview  
If you do not see your phone model listed:  
• Try using the field test mode for other phones from the same manufacturer.  
• Not all phones have a user accessible field test mode. In particular, many GSM phones.  
• Some carriers lock out/remove field test mode.  
• If the code for your phone is not listed then we do not know what it is.  
What the numbers mean:  
Signal strength is a number ranging from roughly -50 to -105 (your  
phone may show as a positive number).  
Closer to zero means a better signal, i.e. -50 is better than -100.  
Audiovox 8300, 8500, 8600, 8615  
Press ##2773 then press the END key. Scroll down and select DEBUG. Signal strength is the 4th  
line down. (For example Rx: -87). To exit, press the END key again.  
Audiovox 8900  
Press ##27732726, press END key. Scroll down and select DEBUG. The signal strength is the  
4th line down. (For example Rx-96)  
Audiovox 9100, 9155  
When phone turns on, as soon as green light shuts off, press FCN (right arrow) and 00. It will ask  
for FSC Code. Press 000000 (six zeroes). Press OK. Highlight DEBUG SCREEN and press FCN,  
FCN. Signal strength is the top right number. On 2nd line, if the letter is upper case (for example,  
“A”), then the phone is on the 1900MHz band. If lower case (“a”) it is on 800MHz. To exit test  
mode, turn off phone.  
Audiovox CDM-9900  
Power the phone off and then back on. Quickly press MENU, 7, *, *. The FSC Code is 000000  
(six zeroes). Press SELECT Key (middle button). Select DEBUG SCREEN. Select NORMAL.  
Signal strength is on the second line after RX. You may have to dial a fake phone number to get  
the Rx level to update. Press POWER OFF to exit.  
Audiovox (UTSTARCOM/HTC) PPC-6600, 6700  
From the phone screen, press ##33284# or ##33284 and press DIAL. Signal strength will be after  
RSSI or RX level.  
Press TOOLS, SETTINGS, STATUS or OPTIONS, STATUS. This feature is also available on  
GSM models. The top line is the signal strength in –dBm. GSM models also have this feature.  
Cingular 8125, 2125, HTC Wizard  
Enter *#*#364#*#* and your phone will enter test mode. Signal strength follows RSSI. Number  
shown is not –dBm. Strong signal is 31 (approx -50dBm), weak signal is 4 (approx -105dBm).  
The higher the number, the stronger the signal. Press END or DONE to exit.  
Cingular 8525, 8520  
Run the application “FieldTest.exe” in the windows folder. Scroll to “RSSI 1” near bottom of phone  
for received signal dBm. Strong signal is high 30’s, weak signal is low teens.  
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Newer Motorola CDMA phones (v262, v710, E815, V265, RAZR, KRZR, etc)  
Quickly press MENU 073887* (0SETUP*). For RAZR, KRZR use #073887*. For V323, V325 use  
CLR 073887*. Default Security Code: 000000 or 12345. Press OK or SELECT. From the menu,  
select TEST MODE. From the next screen highlight ENABLED. Press OK or SELECT. The phone  
will then return to TEST MODE MENU. Power the phone off and then back on. The signal  
strength number will be on the 3rd line down followed by the letters MN/A, H/A or HN/A. To exit,  
press MENU followed by the left soft key. This allows you to toggle in and out. For RAZR, KRZR  
and V325, press CLR and then the upper left soft key. For newer models such as the E815 and  
RAZR it may be necessary to dial a fake phone number to get the signal reading to update.  
Motorola C290 (Sprint)  
Enter ##33284##. Enter Field Service Code, 040793 and press OK. Signal strength is 3rd line  
down in from of MN/A or HN/A. Turn phone off and on to exit.  
Motorola Q  
Enter ##*, then press SEND. Highlight CALL STATUS SCREEN and press Ok. Signal strength is  
the first number on the 3rd line down. Note: this screen also shows EVDO data readings. Press  
OK and then EXIT to exit.  
Motorola V60, 120, E310, C331, 343, 353 (most Motorola non-GSM phones)  
Quickly press MENU 073887*. SECURITY CODE= 000000 (six zeros) or 123456. Press OK.  
Scroll to TEST MODE, SELECT or CHANGE. Scroll to ENABLED, SELECT. Signal strength is  
3rd number down on the left side of screen. To exit, quickly hit MENU, then the button directly to  
the left of MENU.  
Motorola V551, V555, V557 (GSM)  
Press Menu 073887* VERY QUICKLY. Security code 000000. Highlight “Test Mode” and press  
OK. Highlight “Enabled” and press OK. The phone will return to the menu. Power the phone off  
and on. Phone will show signal strength on the second line down, last number. For example, 67-  
061B indicates a -061dBm received signal strength. To toggle display on/off press Menu and then  
the left softkey. To Exit follow instructions above but chose “Disabled.” Note: If “Browser Setup” is  
the only option in the menu then test mode is not available on your phone.  
Motorola StarTac  
Press FCN00** very quickly. Continue to press 83786633 and the STO button. The phone should  
display US. (If not, the FCN00** wasn’t done fast enough). Press 45# to display the signal  
strength. This number is not actually a dB reading, but is referencing the dB strength. 45# should  
be pressed every time you wish to see the updated signal reading. The signal strength is between  
65 and 150. Signal is the best at 150. To exit test mode, press 01#.  
Motorola T720, T721, T730, T731  
Follow the process for V60 phones. Turn off phone off, then back on. Press MENU and the button  
left of the MENU button in quick succession. The signal strength is the 3rd number down on the  
left side.  
Nextel Models i30, i35, i50, i55, i60, i80, i85, i88, i90, i370, i390, i500, i600, i700  
Quickly dial #,*, MENU, RIGHT ARROW. Scroll down to SYSTEM STATUS and push VIEW.  
Push TRACE so the signal strength will keep updating. The signal strength is the 2nd number on  
the 3rd line (for example, -00db –XXdb). To exit test mode, turn off phone.  
Nextel Models i205, i215, i285, i305, i315, i325, i530  
Quickly dial #,*, MENU, RIGHT ARROW; the phone should display your model number. Scroll  
down to the TX/RX Power. Push TRACE so the signal strength will keep updating. The signal  
strength is the 2nd number on the 2nd line (for example, -00db –XXdb). To exit test mode,  
turn off phone.  
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Nextel i710, i730, i733, i736, i830, i836  
Same as above to get into test mode. Press MENU to update signal strength.  
Nextel i1000, i2000  
Quickly dial #, *, MENU, RIGHT ARROW. Scroll right 6 times to find signal strength screen. Press  
TRACE to update.  
Nextel i830  
Follow the standard #, *, MENU, RIGHT ARROW. Select RX STATUS. This phone does not  
automatically update so you will need to back out to the menu and go back into RX STATUS to  
update the screen.  
Nokia 12xx, 51xx (except 5125), 61xx, 62xx, 71xx, 3285, 63xx, etc.  
(Older TDMA/CDMA phones – does not work on newer GSM phones)  
Press *3001#12345#. Scroll up 1 to FIELD TEST (some phones may say NET MONITOR instead  
of FIELD TEST) and SELECT. Scroll to ENABLED and press OK. Turn phone off and then back  
on. Signal strength is the upper or lower left number. After test mode is enabled it will stay in your  
regular menu. To easily get in or out, press MENU, up 1 FIELD TEST and SELECT or OK. Dial  
00 to get out and 01 to get back in.  
Nokia 2100  
Press *3001#12345#, MENU, then follow the above instructions.  
Nokia 3285, 3360, 6360, (except 3590)  
Go through above process. After test mode is enable it will stay in your regular menu. To easily  
get in or out, press MENU, up 1 to FIELD TEST and SELECT. Dial 2100 to get out and 2101 to  
get back in (or possible 0000 to get out and 2100 to get in).  
Nokia 6215i  
Press ##2773 then press END. Enter 000000 (six zeroes) for the User Lock Code. Signal  
strength follows RX Level or RX Power. Press END to exit.  
Nokia 6255, 6256 and newer CDMA Nokia phones  
Follow the regular Nokia instructions above (*3001#12345#, etc). When you power the phone  
back on, select NET MONITOR from the menu and enter 3202 in the entryfield and press OK to  
get to the test mode screen. It will show 32-02 in the upper corner of the display. Signal strength  
is the left negative number. Go back to NET MONITOR and enter 0000 to get out. (Sprint Nokia  
phones: ##33284#.)  
Palm Treo 600, 650, 700  
Sprint: Press ##33284 and DIAL. The signal strength (RSSI Value) is on the first line. To exit,  
press CANCEL. Verizon: Press #*#33284 AND dial. The signal strength (RSSI Value) is on the  
first line. To exit, press CANCEL. Cingular: Press #*744625. The signal strength (RSSI Value)  
is on the first line. To exit, press CANCEL.  
Panasonic – Duramax, TX310, TX320  
Press #7764726#. Press SEND. Scroll down to where it says NAM 1 and press OK. Scroll to  
ENTER LEVEL 4. Press YES. Scroll to BUILT IN MONITOR. Press EDIT, CLEAR, 1, OK. Press  
BACK, BACK TO LEVEL 1, YES, EXIT, SAVE CHANGES, YES. Signal strength is the top right  
number. To get out of test mode, follow the same sequence: EDIT, CLEAR, 0, OK.  
Pantech PN-210, PN-215, PN-218  
Press ##2773. Press END key. Enter 000000 (six zeros) for the security code. Hit OK. Signal  
strength follows RX level or RX power.  
Samsung A310  
Press MENU, 0, *. Then enter code 000000 (six zeros). Choose DEBUG, 4th line, last number.  
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Samsung A460, 3500, A540  
Press MENU, 9, 0. Enter Lock Code: 040793. Select DEBUG SCREEN and press OK. Signal  
strength is the 2nd number on the 2nd line down. To exit test mode, turn off phone.  
Samsung A500, N400  
Press MENU 010. Enter 040793. Select DEBUG SCREEN. Signal strength is the 2nd number on  
the 2nd line down. To exit test mode, turn off phone.  
Samsung A530  
Press MENU, 9, *. Enter Field Service Code, 000000 (six zeroes). Select DEBUG SCREEN.  
Signal strengthis on the line that says T-63 D089 (for example, D089 is -89dBm). To exit, turn  
power off.  
Samsung A650, N330  
Press MENU, 9, *. Enter Field Service code: 000000 (six zeros). Select DEBUG SCREEN, press  
OK. Signal strength is on the 5th line, 2nd number (T-65 DO 87-06). The number omits the  
negative. To exit, turn off phone.  
Samsung A620, A660, A860  
Enter ## 33284 and press OK. Enter security code 040793. Select DEBUG SCREEN and press  
OK. Signal strength is 2nd number on 2nd line. (for example, T-XX Do XX-05). To exit, turn off  
Samsung A670, A570  
Press MENU, 7, *. Enter Service Code: 000000 (six zeros). Select DEBUG SCREEN. Signal  
strength is on the 1st line. To exit, turn off phone.  
Samsung A560, A740, A760, A840, A880, P207  
Enter ## 33284#, press OK. Enter security code 040793. Select DEBUG SCREEN and press OK.  
Signal strength is 2nd number on 2nd line (for example, T-XX Do XX -05). To exit, turn off phone.  
Samsung A790  
Enter ##33284#. Enter Service Code, 040793. Signal strength is after the D. To exit, turn phone  
Samsung A850, A950 (Verizon)  
Press MENU (blue center button). Scroll to SETTINGS & TOOLS (tools icon) then press the #  
key. Enter User Lock Code, 000000 (six zeroes). Select DEBUG SCREEN. The screen will read  
some similar to T-63 D089. The number after the D is the signal strength, for example - 89dBm.  
To exit, turn power off.  
Samsung A900, A920 and A570  
Enter ##33284# or ##33284 and press the blue OK button. Enter Field Service Code 040793 or  
000000 (six zeroes). Choose DEBUG SCREEN or FIELD TEST and then SCREEN. Signal  
strength is the number after the D. (Note: the A900 appears to go right into the test screen after  
the 040793 is entered.)  
Samsung E105, E316, E317, X426, X427, S300, S307 (GSM)  
Enter *#9324#. Signal strength is last number on the 4th line. The number omits the negative. To  
exit, turn off phone.  
Samsung i730 (Verizon)  
In phone mode, enter **33284 and the Security Code 000000 (six zeroes). Choose MONITOR.  
The receive signal strength follows R- on the screen, transmission signal strength follows T-.  
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Samsung Katana  
Enter ##33284#. Select SCREEN. Dial a fake phone number to get the phone to update. Signal  
strength is on the line that says RX Level. To exit, turn the phone off.  
Samsung N240  
Enter ##33284 and press OK. Select DEBUG SCREEN and press OK. Signal strength is 2nd  
number on 2nd line (for example, T-XX Do XX-05). To exit, turn off phone.  
Sanyo 4500 (not VM4500)  
Scroll down to DISPLAY and press OK. Press 0 (zero). Will ask for Service Code – enter 040793.  
Select SCREEN and press OK. Signal strength is the negative number at the bottom (for example  
(-97). To exit test mode, turn off phone.  
Sanyo 4900, 5150, 5300, 6200, 6400, 8100  
Press ##040793 MENU. Scroll to SAVE PHONE# and press OK. Select SCREEN and press OK.  
Signal strength is the 4th line down (for example, Rxlev: -XX.Xdb). Press and hold the top right or  
left button to keep the field test screen from flashing. To exit, turn off phone.  
Sanyo 5400, 7300, RL2500, RL7300  
Press ##040793, MENU and then select SCREEN. You may havt to press the up arrow to keep  
from flashing in and out. (With 7300 you may need to make a call to keep from flashing in and  
out. Any fake number works fine).  
Sanyo Katana  
US Model: Enter ##33284# and select SCREEN. Dial a fake phone number (i.e 555-555-5555) to  
get the phone to update. Signal strength is on the line that says RX Level. Canadian Model: Enter  
##786# and press OK.  
Sanyo MM7400, PM 8200  
Press ##786#. At the screen that appears, press OK. Select SERVICE SCREEN and press OK.  
The phone will display two lines of information. Dial 555-5555 SEND. (Any fake number will  
work). Signal Strength is on the 4th line (for example, RxLev: -89.6 dBm). To exit, turn off phone.  
Sanyo RL-4920, RL-4930, MM7400, PM8200, SCP-3100  
Press ##786#. Select OK. Select SERVICE SCREEN and press OK. Two lines of information will  
be displayed. Dial a fake phone number (ie: 555-555-5555) and press SEND. Signal strength  
follows RxLev on the 4th line. Turn off phone to exit field test mode.  
Siemens S46 (TDMA)  
Press MENU, select MONITOR, RSSI, -XX. Test mode also tells frequency. To exit, press the  
power button as the back button. To force TDMA, press MENU. Scroll to NETWORK. Scroll to  
USER SETTING. Scroll to TDMA ONLY and press OK.  
Sprint PPC 6700  
Run application FieldTrial.exe located in WINDOWS folder.  
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