Korg D1200MKII User Manual

D1200mkII Main Features  
100 Scenes, 100 Mark points, 4 Locate points per song  
Pro-level editing of song and track data including copy,  
insert, normalize, exp/compression, 99 levels of UNDO  
and much more!  
Built-in auto chromatic tuner, metronome and hundreds  
of PCM rhythm patterns  
Internal 40 GB hard disk w/ 2GB USB partition  
USB computer connection for backup and/or WAV file  
Internal CDRW 16X CD burner for backup and  
No audio compression – 16/24-bit recording available  
16 channel, 4 bus digital mixer  
12 track recorder, with 96 virtual tracks  
4-track simultaneous recording  
Hi, Lo and adjustable Mid frequency EQ for every channel  
New Modeling mode provides accurate Guitar and Bass  
effect and amp simulations, plus Mic models – all instant top  
panel accessible and programmable  
Up to 11 simultaneous effects per song: 8 Inserts,  
2 Masters and a Final effect.  
EasyStart CONTENTS  
A quick overview of D1200mkII modes, functions and operations  
Navigating the D1200mkII Display  
Getting started: Listening to the demo songs  
Guitarists: Try the new Modeling Mode with one of the demo songs  
Creating a new song and recording with any instrument or microphone  
Assigning inputs and recording  
Listening to the recorded tracks  
Working with EQ on playback  
Using the Insert, Master and Final Effects  
Working with Scenes  
Selecting Virtual tracks and Editing tracks  
Creating a Mixdown and burning and audio CD on the D1200mkII  
Important D1200mkII Owner’s Manual references  
D1200mkII EasyStart  
SYSTEM/USB - In this mode you can configure the D1200mkII settings for the foot switch and expression pedal inputs, MIDI,  
sync and MMC settings, data backup and restore functions, and Disk utilities such as formatting the internal 40GB hard drive.  
Also included is access to USB mode for connection and data transfer / backup with an external computer.  
TRACK - In this mode you can access the Virtual Tracks settings, perform track-editing functions (copy, reverse, normalize, etc.)  
and also import and export single or multiple track audio data in WAV format.  
SONG - In song mode you can select songs, copy, move, delete and protect songs and arrange songs in a play list to  
automatically play them in any order.  
STORE IN/LOC1, OUT/LOC2, TO/LOC3, END/LOC4 - These keys are used to set specific regions for editing, “AUTO PUNCH”  
recording and “LOOP” recording functions. They are also used to assign up to four locate points per song. You can set IN, OUT,  
TO and END points and Locate points by first pressing the [STORE] key at the desired point in time, and then the appropriate  
[IN/LOC] etc. key, while playback is on or off.  
MARK & SCENE - The D1200mkII allows you to store up to 100 Marks and 100 Scenes. You can easily store and move to  
specific Marks in a song, such as verse, chorus, etc. Marks are also used for setting index points when burning CDs with the  
“DiscAtOnce” function. Mixer settings such as volume, pan, EQ and effect settings can be stored as multiple Scenes in a song,  
and recalled automatically during playback. Marks and Scenes can also be named. You can set Marks and Scenes by first  
pressing the [STORE] key at the desired point in time, and then the [MARK] or [SCENE] key, while playback is on or off.  
AUTO PUNCH & LOOP - Auto Punch mode is used to automatically punch in/out at desired locations that have been set with  
the [STORE IN/LOC1, OUT/LOC 2] keys. You can also set a PreRoll and PostRoll time in measures or seconds. The LOOP  
function allows you to loop a specific region of audio, by using the [STORE IN/LOC1, OUT/LOC 2] keys to set loop points.  
TRIGGER - You can set the D1200mkII to automatically start recording when an incoming audio signal is detected. This is done  
by setting the Threshold and Pre-Trigger Time. Both this function and Auto-Punch are great features for “hands-free” operation  
when recording by yourself.  
SCRUB - When playback is stopped and this key is pressed, you can view track waveform data (by selecting the “” button  
next to “1Tr”), and using the “ZOOM” buttons (ꢁꢀ, etc.) to resize the waveform. Once you’ve selected a track, you can use the  
DIAL to scrub the audio. Pressing the [] FF key while in the scrub mode will play the audio back at half speed, one octave  
lower than the original pitch – a great feature for learning intricate solo parts from pre-recorded track data.  
METER/TRACK VIEW - This mode enables you to view track, effect send, and Monitor / Master output levels. You can select  
two different types of meter view: Pre-Fader (before the fader) and Post-Fader (after the fader), and three types of track views,  
which enable you to see which tracks contain recorded audio. To change the display mode, select the “” button at the top left-  
hand side of the display, and press the [ENTER] key.  
UNDO -This function allows you to go back and UNDO/REDO any previous recording or editing procedure in the current song.  
The D1200mkII lets you set the desired number of undo levels: 99, 8 or 1 level. Note: A setting of “8” or “1” UNDO levels allows  
you to conserve hard disk space.  
TUNER - Here you can tune an instrument connected to the INPUT 1/GUITAR jack, with the built-in auto-chromatic tuner.  
Calibration can also be set by using the DIAL.  
RHYTHM - Here you can set song tempo, create a tempo map, record your own tempo track, set time signature and select  
rhythm patterns from any of the 96 metronome and 215 PCM-based drum patterns. To access and listen to the patterns, press the  
RHYTHM key and use the CURSOR keys to select “Rhythm:Off”, and then press [ENTER]. Use the DIAL to scroll through  
different patterns or view the pattern list, accessed by selecting the “” button next to Rhythm and pressing [ENTER].  
D1200mkII EasyStart  
Navigating the D1200mkII Display  
To select the display “tabs” in each mode, use the [<-TAB->] keys or repeatedly press a mode key: [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO],  
[INSERT EFFECT] etc. The [<-TAB->] keys also function as [NO/CANCEL] and [YES/OK] keys.  
To move to different locations in the display, use any of the four CURSOR keys. To confirm a highlighted selection in the  
display, press the [ENTER] key. To change a highlighted value, rotate the DIAL.  
The Transport keys  
[ ] = RECORD  
[] = PLAY  
Getting Started: Listening to the demo songs  
1. After connecting the AC power cable and external powered monitors to the rear panel MONITOR L/R outputs, press  
the [ON] key (red) on the top panel. (You can also connect headphones to the front panel PHONE jack)  
2. Make sure that the “SelSong” tab is selected in the display. If not, use the [<-TAB->] keys to move to this tab Ä  
Use the DIAL to select song “001” or “002”, and press the [] PLAY key to begin song playback Ä When finished  
listening, press the [] STOP key.  
Guitarists: Try out the new Modeling Mode with one of the demo songs  
1. Select Demo Song “002 Play The Blues”. Using the [<-TAB->] keys, select the “EditSong” tab and use the DIAL to  
select “ProtectSong”.CURSOR down to “Exec.” and press [ENTER] to turn protect OFF( the lock” icon will  
This demo song has lead guitar recorded on tracks 1 and 2, and you’ll be recording on these same tracks, however by  
selecting Virtual tracks you won’t lose the original recorded data.  
2. Connect your guitar to the GUITAR IN jack on the front panel.  
3. Press the [TRACK] key and select the “Vtr1-6” tab using the [<-TAB->] keys Ä Highlight track 1a and use the DIAL  
to select 1b (an open virtual track) Ä CURSOR right and in the same way, set track 2a to 2b.  
4. Press the [MODELING] key, and use the CURSOR to highlight Guitar, then press [ENTER]. When you do this, the  
Input routing and Effect assignments are automatically set, as well as the Record status for both tracks!  
5. Now use the three realtime knobs below the display to select DRIVE (Knob1 / type of distortion), TONE (Knob 2 /  
preamp tone), and CABINET (Knob3) settings. Set the Track 1 and 2 faders to “0” and adjust the INPUT 1 [TRIM]  
knob for maximum input gain before the “PEAK” light indicates clipping (red). Set the MASTER fader to “0”.  
6. Playback and rehearse your solo before recording: Press the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO] key Ä Using the [<-TAB->]  
keys, select the “Monitor” tab Ä Select AutoIn with the CURSOR and press [ENTER] to disable AutoIn Ä Reset the  
song to the beginning: press and hold [] and then press [] once.  
D1200mkII EasyStart  
Now to record a blues guitar solo:  
7. Press the REC [ ] key to enter standby record mode, and then press the PLAY [] key, and begin recording Ä  
when finished, press the STOP [] key and reset the song to the beginning Ä Play-enable tracks 1 and 2 by  
pressing the track status keys until they light green Ä Press [] to playback the song, and press [] to stop  
If you want to keep the demo song intact, copy the song to a new song location, using the “CopySong” function in Song  
mode – “EditSong” tab, or make a backup of the factory demo data to CD or via USB connection. Then keep the original  
demo song Protected.  
Creating a new song and recording with any instrument or microphone  
Select the “New” button in the display using the CURSOR and [ENTER] keys Ä select the “Song Type” as  
“16Bit/12Track” and the “Mixer Set” as “New” Ä press “OK”. The display will indicate “NEW SONG” in the next  
available empty song location.  
You can rename your song by selecting the “Rename” button in the display.  
Assigning inputs and recording  
Press the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO] key.  
Connect your audio source (mic, keyboard L/R outputs, etc.) to the analog inputs on the top of the D1200mkII. If you are  
connecting a guitar to the D1200mkII directly, use the GUITAR IN jack on the front panel.  
Use the CURSOR keys to move to the track to be recorded, highlighting the display “icon” that looks like a phone jack Ä  
Use the DIAL to set the input (Note: if using the GUITAR IN jack, you will need to dial-in “1” as the input source for the  
desired record track, or simply use track 1, default assigned to input 1, as the record track for guitar).  
Press the [TRACK SELECT] keys for each of the tracks that you assigned in the previous step, so that the green LED  
changes to orange.  
Press the [METER/ TRACK VIEW] key, then select the “” popup button in the upper left of the display using the  
CURSOR and [ENTER] keys Ä Select “PreFdr” from the list and then press the [YES/OK] key ÄNow you can play your  
audio sources and adjust the levels so that they do not clip (“CLP” line in display).  
To enable recording on those tracks, press the [TRACK SELECT] keys one more time to change the LED from orange to  
red, and press [ ] to put the D1200mkII in record standby mode.  
To start recording, press []. To stop recording, press [].  
Listening to the recorded tracks  
To return to the beginning of the song, press and hold [] and then press [] once.  
Press to set each of the track status keys to green for each track you want to listen to, by pressing them twice.  
Press [] and set your levels with the track faders and master fader.  
D1200mkII EasyStart  
Working with EQ on playback  
Press the [EQ] key, and use the [<-TAB->] keys to move to the desired group of tracks to EQ.  
Use the CURSOR keys and DIAL to select the “knob” in the display, and edit the value for the EQ parameter for a  
specific track. The upper left hand side of the display will show the parameter and track you will be working with.  
Using the Insert Effects  
Press the [INSERT EFFECT] key Ä Select the “InsAss” tab using the [<-TAB->] keys and then select the popup  
button in the display to the right of “Assign” using the CURSOR and [ENTER] keys.  
To assign an insert effect to a recorded track, select “PlayTrack” by selecting the “radio button” to the left of “PlayTrack”,  
and press [ENTER] then [YES/OK]. (Note: To assign an insert effect to an audio source before recording it to a track,  
select “Input” by selecting the radio button to the left of “Input” and then select “OK”)  
To select the type of insert effect(s) you will be using, select the popup button to the left of “1 in 1 outx4”, and then  
press [ENTER]. (For more information on insert effect types refer to the Owners Manual pg. 105).  
To select the track where the insert effect is going to be applied, select the popup button in the display below  
“InsertTo:”. Using the CURSOR and [ENTER] keys and the DIAL, select the assign channel and destination, and then  
press [YES/OK].  
To choose an insert effect, select the “insert effect” tab for the effect that you want to change (ex. “InsEff1” for Insert  
Effect 1) and use the DIAL to select an effect.  
To edit a selected effect’s parameters, select the “effect name” button in the display (ex. MM2:P4EQ-Wah ), press  
[ENTER] and then select the “icon” in the display to access the edit parameters.  
Using the Master Effects  
Press the [MASTER EFFECT / AUX] key , and rotate the DIAL to select an effect for Master Effect 1 (“MstEff1”).  
Press the [MASTER EFFECT / AUX] key again or the [TAB->] key to access the “MstEff2” tab and use the DIAL to  
select an effect for Master Effect 2.  
To edit the parameter for either effect, select the “effect name button” in the display (ex. RV1:ReverbHall ), press  
[ENTER] and then select the “icon” in the display to access edit parameters.  
To apply master effects to a track, press the [MASTER EFFECT / AUX] key again or the [TAB->] key to access the  
“EffSnd1” tab (for Master Effect 1) or “EffSnd2” tab (for Master Effect 2) in the display Ä Use the CURSOR keys and  
DIAL to increase the send level for each track you want to add master effects to.  
Applying a Final Effect  
Press the [FINAL EFFECT] key.  
Rotate the DIAL to select a Final Effect. To edit any parameters of the Final Effect, select the “effect name button” in the  
display (ex. DY1:St.Comp ), press [ENTER] and then select the “icon” in the display to access the edit parameters.  
D1200mkII EasyStart  
Working with Scenes  
Press the [SCENE] key to enter Scene mode. If you have not stored any Scene memory locations yet, press the  
[STORE] key and then press the [SCENE] key. This will store a “snapshot” of your mixer settings for this song at the  
COUNTER location indicated on the SONG page.  
After pressing the [SCENE] key, to enable Scene Memory, select SceneRead:Off in the display using the CURSOR and  
[ENTER] keys to set the display to read SceneRead:On.  
To store additional scenes, start song playback and change mixer settings, then press the [STORE] key, followed by  
pressing the [SCENE] key again. Each time you do this, a new scene will be created and stored in the Scene Memory.  
You can also get a visual picture of what each Scene looks like, and edit its parameters, by selecting the “MixView” tab  
in the display and using the TRACK faders and PAN knobs to adjust values. The changes you make will be indicated in  
the display.  
You can reset a Scene’s Fader and Pan settings by moving each fader and pan knob until the display indicates two  
“arrows” instead of a single directional arrow.  
Selecting Virtual tracks and Editing tracks  
Press the [TRACK] key.  
Using the CURSOR keys and the DIAL, select which virtual track you will be listening to or recording to. To adjust Virtual  
Track settings for tracks 7-12, use the [<-TAB->] keys to access the “Vtr7-12” tab in the display. (For more info on  
Virtual tracks refer to the D1200mkII Owner’s Manual page 108)  
To use the “EditTrk” function, you must first select a range of the song to be edited by storing an IN, OUT and TO  
location (some editing functions also require an END location). To do this, move to the desired song location, and then  
press the [STORE] key followed by the [LOCATE] key for each location. Once you’ve set locate points, you can edit the  
specific region in the track(s).  
To see the list of edit functions, select the “EditTrk” tab, select the button next to “CopyTrack” in the display. To  
access a function, select the ”radio button” to the left of the function you wish to perform and then select “OK” using the  
CURSOR and [ENTER] keys.  
To execute the function, select Exec. in the display. For more information on editing tracks, refer to the D1200mkII  
Owner’s Manual pages 57-63 & 108-113.  
Creating a mixdown and burning an audio CD on the D1200mkII  
For the following procedure, let’s use one of the D1200mkII Demo Songs…  
Copy “Play the Blues” to a new song location:  
Press [SONG].On the “SelSong” tab select DemoSong 002: Play The Blues. Using the [<-TAB->] keys select the  
“EditSong” tab. Select Copy Song as the “EditType” by using the CURSOR keys and the DIAL Ä CURSOR down and  
set the copy to location to “003” with the DIAL, and then select Exec. and press [ENTER] Ä When promted  
AreYouSure? Press [YES/OK] Ä When completed press [YES/OK] again.  
Select “ProtectSong” as the “EditType” with the DIAL Ä CURSOR down to Exec and press [ENTER] to turn protection  
off. (The “lock” icon will disappear)  
D1200mkII EasyStart  
Bounce and Burn!  
Press the [BOUNCE] key. On the “RecMode” tab select Bounce using the CURSOR keys and press [ENTER]. On the  
“Bounce” tab, select 12Tr->2Tr using the CURSOR keys and press [ENTER]. CURSOR down to RecordVirtualTrack  
and select virtual track “h” (or any Virtual track that has not been used) by using the DIAL.  
Set tracks 11-12 to record ready mode by pressing the [TRACK SELECT KEY] for track 11/12 two times (Tracks 11/12  
LED should now be red). Now your ready to mixdown to tracks 11-12, virtual track “h” (or the Virtual track you’ve  
Press the [METER/TRACK VIEW] key. Press PLAY [] and be sure the MASTER level is not clipping. Make necessary  
adjustments to the MASTER level. Press STOP [] when done. Return to the beginning of the song by holding the  
STOP [] key and pressing REW [] simultaneously.  
Press REC [ ] and then press PLAY [] to start recording your mixdown. When the song is completed press STOP  
[]. Return to the beginning of the song by holding the STOP [] key and pressing REW [] simultaneously.  
Press the [TRACK] key, then press the [<TAB >] key to select the “Vtr7-12” tab. Select tracks 11-12a using the  
CURSOR keys and rotate the DIAL to select tracks 11-12h (or the Virtual track you’ve selected).  
Press the [CD] key Ä On the “Prepare” tab, select tracks 11-12 (under SelTrks: on the display) by rotating the DIAL. You  
can test-monitor the level of your mix: CURSOR to TrackMonitor, press [ENTER] and then press PLAY [] to  
playback your mix and verify your mixdown levels are not clipping. When using the track monitor function, the tracks will  
play back without being routed through the mixer (i.e., without EQ or effects) and are output through the MONITOR and  
PHONE outputs.  
Let’s Burn! Press [TAB->] to select the “CDR/RW” tab , Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc into the CDR/RW drive and  
press WriteToCD in the display.  
Select “16x” as the write speed, and press [YES/OK] when prompted “AreYouSure?”  
When the writing procedure is completed, press [NO/CANCEL] when prompted “Write another CD?”  
To make the CD playable in a audio CD player, the CD must be finalized. Before finalizing the disc, other tracks can be  
written to the CD, but once finalized, no additional tracks can be written. TO FINALIZE: Select Final by using the  
CURSOR keys and press [ENTER]. Press [YES/OK] when prompted “AreYouSure?”.  
The “DiscAtOnce” function in the CD mode allows you to burn and finalize a multi-song audio CD in one process. It also  
allows you make an audio CD with no gaps between tracks. In other words, you can record a continuous live  
performance of multiple songs, and then insert Marks between songs. When you use “DiscAtOnce”, these Marks are  
registered as divisions between CD tracks, so that in CD playback you can cue each song, and finalizing will be done  
Important D1200mkII Owner’s Manual references  
Installing the CDRW-1x8 drive  
CD Mastering  
D1200mkII MIDI sync procedures  
Controlling the D1200mkII from an external sequencer  
Using MIDI for mixer control  
MIDI Machine Control (MMC)  
Working with WAV files and the Import/Export function via USB or CD  
Initializing/formatting internal or external hard drive  
Backing up and restoring data via USB or CD  
Saving Data to your computer using USB  
Recording Rhythms and using Tempo Maps  
Updating system software  

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