*Actual size
MC9190-G AppliCAtion Guide
Put your Motorola MC9190-G mobile computers to work right away
with our library of ready-to-use and easily customizable applications.
Designed for different industries and different business processes,
these proven and tested applications from our trusted partners will
let you start reaping the benefits of mobility, almost overnight.
Help your workers improve productivity and accuracy in the most
extreme environments. With our applications, your workers will say:
i CAn MAke sure store shelves Are well-stoCked.
i CAn instAntly Answer CustoMer questions.
i CAn tAke inventory fAster And More ACCurAtely
thAn ever before.
i CAn MAke sure equipMent MAintenAnCe is
perforMed riGht...And on tiMe
i CAn MAke sure the riGht bAGGAGe is on every fliGht
i CAn MAke sure our produCts Are MAnufACtured
properly...every tiMe
i CAn MAke sure orders Are AlwAys fulfilled
with the riGht iteMs
i CAn MAke sure key Assets And equipMent
Are AvAilAble when needed
i CAn help prevent loss And theft of our
returnAble ContAiners
What will your workforce do with the Motorola MC9190-G?
Browse through the applications available for this robust and rugged mobile
computer to see the world of possibilities — and put the MC9190-G to
work in your operations today.
This guide contains applications that are available as of 02/02/11.
vAlidAtion proGrAM info
The applications in this guide have been subjected to a battery of tests
in real-life customer scenarios, bringing you the peace of mind that the
application you choose will work — and work well — with your Motorola
MC9190-G. Choose from one of two certification levels:
enterprise vAlidAted solution
The enterprise validated solution seal ensures full
application functionality and interoperability between
the partner application and your complete Motorola
Enterprise Mobility solution — including testing on
Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
enterprise CoMpAtible solution
The enterprise Compatible solution seal ensures
that the partner application is compatible with the
platform and features of the MC9190-G.
tAble of Contents by industry
This table of contents is grouped by industry and business need to help you
easily locate the applications that are most appropriate for your workforce.
& loGistiCs
field sAles
field serviCe
dsd route
fleet MAnAGeMent
Activant solutions, inc.
eagle Mobile
Eagle Mobile™ is the Next Generation Mobile Platform for Activant Eagle, a comprehensive and
affordable software solution that helps small to medium size businesses streamline operations
and improve customer service. An easy-to-use graphical user interface provides the core inventory
management, receiving and physical inventory features you rely on in Eagle for Windows, while
enabling workers to run multiple applications simultaneously, without losing your data. With Eagle
Mobile, you can receive and process inventory faster and more accurately. As a result, items reach
your shelves more rapidly, preventing empty shelves and lost sales. In addition, workers can look
up real-time information right on the spot to answer customer questions — from list and loyalty
price checks to quantity on hand, quantity on order and when the next shipment is arriving. No
need to search for a computer or make a call. Instead, workers can remain by the customer’s side,
minimizing the opportunity to lose the sale.
The main applications in Eagle Mobile are Inventory Maintenance, Location Maintenance,
Receiving by PO, Receiving by Item, Physical Inventory, Label Printing, Item Lists and Shipment
Verify. Future applications currently in development include Mobile POS, Linebuster, Mobile
Manager and Mobile Purchasing.
key benefits:
Eliminates time spent traveling back and forth to the storeroom to check inventory
Improves customer service by providing on-the-spot price and quantity-on-hand checks
Increases sales by providing real-time item availability in all stores
Increases margins by enabling on-the-fly changes to item pricing and bin labels
right in the aisle
Reduces stock outs by allowing faster ‘dock-to-stock’ processing of inventory
Reduces shutdown days for physical inventory
Eliminates mis-shipment by enabling instantaneous shipment verification —
before unloading, loading or packing has begun
target markets:
Mid-market retailers
7683 Southfront Road
Livermore, CA 94566
Keith Lam
Aldata solution s.A.s
voice-directed warehousing
At a time when operational efficiency is more important than ever, Voice-Directed Warehousing
is a technology retailers and manufacturers can count on to drive down costs and increase
productivity. Proven to reduce pick error rates by up to 80 percent and increase productivity as
much as 30 percent, this voice-directed technology delivers immediate results and rapid return
on investment. Let our voice-directed applications streamline key tasks in your warehouse,
including picking, splitting and stock takes.
Aldata Voice Directed Warehousing allows you to add a new means of collecting data with
your Motorola mobile computers — voice. Now your workers can simply speak in addition to
entering information on the keyboard, via the touchscreen or with the scan of a bar code — all
on a single mobile device. Single function ‘point’ devices are no longer required. Since you can
now standardize on one device for all your warehouse functions, your buying power is increased,
and you have fewer device types to support, driving the cost of purchasing and managing your
mobile devices down.
In the warehouse, Aldata voice applications allow your operators to be eyes and hands free,
decreasing errors and increasing productivity. No more need to look at the screen to get
information — users simply need to listen. And there is no need to enter information on a
keypad. Instead, workers are free to focus on the task at hand.
key benefits:
Reduce pick errors and make rapid productivity gains
Decrease training times and IT costs
Profit from immediately operational technology
Generate cost-efficiency benefits across the organization
Easily integrate with any warehouse management system
target markets:
1, rue Guglielmo MARCONI
44822, France
Joël JACQ – (0)251801600
Allegro Mobile solutions
Allegro inventory Manager (AiM)
Allegro Inventory Manager is a feature-rich solution that manages the flow of merchandise
to and from the retail facility. Built on the Allegro Mobility Platform, the solution offers the
real-time device connectivity required for real-time visibility into inventory movement. With
up-to-the-second information, inventory management improves through better and more
timely decision-making. And the elimination of paper-based processes significantly reduces
the resource requirements associated with inventory administration.
Designed with flexibility and business agility in mind, this comprehensive set of modules
enable rich data capture and display for key inventory management functions, including:
Planned and Unplanned
Goods Receiving
Price Management
Inventory Counts
Stock Transfer
Returns Processing
and Management
Merchandise Replenishment
and Ordering
AIM easily integrates into the ERP system that works best for you. The Allegro Mobility
Platform is the first mobility platform certified with SAP Retail, attaining certifications for Store
Requirements Planning, Goods Receipt, Goods Movements and Physical Inventory in April of
2010. All Allegro Mobile Platform applications are available as enterprise class solutions,
installed in your data center as a remotely managed solution or as a hosted pay-as-you-go
application in a shared cloud infrastructure.
key benefits:
Measurable reductions in inventory management costs
Reduced costs for stock holding, shortages and overages
Reduced time and costs for ordering and returns processing
Enhanced business agility and response to marketplace conditions, such as pricing
Increased visibility into events
target markets:
Grocery and specialty retail, transportation and logistics, wholesale distribution
2350 Matheson Blvd. East
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4W 5G9
Suleman Aziz
(905) 624-2924 x247
order entry
With DecisionPoint Order Entry, re-ordering inventory on the retail floor has never been easier.
Specially designed to help retailers streamline and improve the accuracy of the re-order process, this
application allows managers and more to simply scan the bar code on an item on the sales floor to
access previous order history and item information. Since the application interfaces with many point
of sale systems, including IBM4690 and Fujitsu ISS45, managers can also view real-time trend and
sales information. The result is the anywhere anytime push-button access to the intelligence your
managers need to make more intelligent buying decisions.
key features:
View previous order history
View complete UPC/SKU record fields
Turn key implementation for IBM and Fujitsu POS systems
Custom POS interfaces available
key benefits:
Instantly updates your POS system so orders are immediately visible
Enables more rapid and error-free ordering
Reduces the time required to manage the ordering process, freeing up time for managers
and other associates to better manage your store
Timely ordering helps prevent stockouts that can lead to lost sales
target markets
Grocery and specialty retailers
19655 Descartes
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Greg Henry
Gicom business solution
The comprehensive Gicom Business Solution allows you to better manage inventory in the retail
environment. Since the rugged MC9190-G is at home out on the shipping dock in the worst
weather, workers can simply scan a bar code on an incoming shipment to instantly reconcile that
shipment with the original order. If the items received are correct, another scan directs workers to
store items on the right shelf in the stockroom, where they are easy to find and instantly available
to replenish shelves on the retail floor.
Need to check a price on an item? A quick scan returns the price in real time — no need for a trip
to the back room or to a computer to look up the item’s bar code.
Out on the sales floor, associates can easily check shelf and item tags for pricing accuracy. Add a
compact mobile printer that can be worn on a belt and associates can even print out updated tags
right on the spot to correct prices and execute more efficient markdowns and markups.
The result? Inventory management is more efficient. Items move from dock to stock faster, shelves
are well-stocked at all times and out-of-stocks are eliminated. Your customers find the items they
want on the shelves of your store, protecting sales. And your employees are more productive, able
to spend less time on inventory-related tasks and more time with customers.
key benefits:
Increase receiving efficiency
Reduce personnel cost
Achieve accurate goods counts
Check prices in real time
Transfer data in real-time
Print new and updated tags
target markets
Retail inventory management
No.5 Street 5,Shangdi, Haidian District
Beijing, China, 100085
Jason Yang
Automatic inventory Control
If you need to take inventory, this solution will improve the efficiency of the inventory process as
well as the accuracy of your inventory data. From the retail store to the warehouse, AIC allows
workers to capture inventory data with a quick scan of a bar code, eliminating time consuming
error prone paper-based processes. So whether you are taking inventory of the items on the sales
floor in your retail store or the items on the shelves in your back room or warehouse, workers can
capture data faster and with accuracy you can count on.
Since taking inventory is now more cost-effective, you can take inventory more frequently. More
granular information on customer buying trends becomes visible, enabling you to refine your
inventory mix and ensure that the items on your shelves are the items your customers want. And
since you can more easily detect items that are low in stock, you can easily re-order in a timely
fashion, preventing out-of-stocks and opportunities for lost sales.
key benefits:
Easy to use
Quick and efficient way to take inventory
Near instant product identification
Export data easily to other applications (CSV)
In/Out item verification
target markets:
Anywhere efficient inventory is required
Colonias No. 633, Col. Moderna Ing. Juan José
Guadalajara, Jalisco 44190
Rodríguez Villaseñor
+52 33 38118200
linea datascan
quiCk warehouse Management system (wMs)
Better control the movement and storage of raw materials and products in your company
with QUICK WMS. Designed for manufacturing, distribution, retailers and third-party
logistics providers of all sizes, WMS helps maximize product placement strategies,
prioritize tasks, implement fair productivity standards and increase logistics efficiency.
All activities in the distribution center, warehouse and factory are performed faster and
with greater accuracy, including the entry of goods, transfers between warehouses,
readiness, packaging, shipping and picking. Easily implement this reliable solution today
to improve customer service, increase worker productivity, reduce costs and increase
revenue in your enterprise.
key benefits:
Increase labor productivity 10 to 30 percent
Reduce inventory 5 to 25 percent
Improve shipping accuracy 2 to 5 percent
Increase inventory accuracy 99+ percent at location level
Boost perfect order rates
Reduce direct operating costs and increase overall revenue
target markets:
Wholesale distribution
Calle 87 No 19a 27 piso 4
Bogota, Colombia 057
William Hernandez
MobileFrame’s 100 percent code-free enterprise mobility platform enables businesses to easily
create, deploy and administer sophisticated custom mobile applications. Our intuitive point
and click system eliminates time-consuming and expensive custom coding, and includes the
management tools necessary for a successful mobility project. This complete mobility solution
offers built-in mobile integration features. We provide everything an enterprise needs to help
ensure that your projects run smoothly and drive high returns on investment, including user-
friendly tools for Rapid Mobile Application Deployment, robust Administration Tools for managing
projects and mobile devices, and an Integration Wizard that makes integrating to backend systems
a breeze.
Our system can be used to create custom mobile applications for any business, in any industry.
In addition, MobileFrame has several pre-built mobile solutions that have already helped our
customers automate Field Service Operations, Field Sales/Sales Order Entry, Asset Management
and Inventory Tracking, Proof of Delivery (POD) and much more.
key benefits:
Accelerates sales by eliminating coding
Expands sales opportunities by enabling multiple applications
Delivers tremendous ROI — with an approximate 10 time reduction in
application development costs
The flexibility to deploy any application
Provides management control and visibility
Complete mobility system — no third party software required
target markets:
Healthcare, retail, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, government, wholesale
distribution, service providers, construction and Direct Store Delivery (DSD)
111 West Saint John Street
Suite 900
San Jose, CA 95113
Lonny Oswalt – (408) 885.1200
The SofToGo software suite provides a complete set of tools to help enterprises easily
develop and manage mobile applications:
Wireless Deployer Client: SOFTOGO Management Software
Wireless Deployer allows you to remotely control the device to troubleshoot issues
over your Wi-Fi network. Features include the ability to copy, delete and move files and
directories; run files; install software and more.
Wireless Telnet Client: SOFTOGO Software Emulation 5250 and VT client
Our Wireless Telnet Client allows you to connect your Motorola mobile computer to
your server-based applications — no gateway required. In addition, your users enjoy an
excellent emulation experience. Workers can scroll by touching the screen. And you can
configure the screen size, color and font for optimal viewing.
Wireless FlexBrowser Client: SOFTOGO Software Web navigator client
FlexBrowser allows your employees to access your business applications through an easy-
to-create and easy-to-use Web interface. Easily integrate the powerful features on your
Motorola mobile computers, including bar code scanning. You decide what the user will
see on the screen. And the ability to control the web pages that workers can access allows
you to remove any tempting distractions during the workday that might reduce productivity.
Wireless Studio client: SOFTOGO Software studio client
Wireless Studio is a client/server communication platform that enables mobile workers to
easily access key business data in central systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) and the Warehouse Management System (WMS). This flexible client allows you
to use whatever programming language you prefer, or you can use the graphical user
interface (GUI) to create applications without writing a single line of code.
key benefits:
Allows businesses to streamline business processes, improving productivity, reducing
costs and improving customer service levels
target markets:
Any size enterprise that needs to provide workers with access to data in server-based
back-end business applications
5 route de Paisy
Dardilly, France 69570
Jerome Dury – 33 (0)
oCr Canada ltd.
oCr event Attendance tracker
OCR Event Attendance Tracker is easy to use, yet powerful enough to track thousands of attendees
and manage unlimited events and sessions. This solution is ideal for conferences, seminars, trade
shows, corporate events and meetings, training sessions and certifications, classes, lectures, tests
and any other event or session that requires the analysis of exactly who has or hasn’t attended your
This all in one turnkey solution allows you to register attendees, print bar codes, scan bar codes
on attendee badges and more, as well as view and print a wide variety of reports. A time tracking
feature allows you to identify how long an attendee spent in a specific event or session, allowing
you to better gauge the success of an individual session and its related speaker as well as ensure
that attendees meet the time required to achieve certification.
key benefits:
Keep track of who attends your events
Track the time an attendee spent at a session or event
Versatile for any type of event, including conferences, trade shows and meetings
Fully customizable software to best meet your company’s needs
Competitive pricing
target markets:
Enterprises with 100+ employees
Event management companies
Tradeshow coordinators, conference centers and hotels
25 Royal Crest Court
Markham, Ontario, L3R 9x4, Canada
Tamara Kulmala
905-475-5505 x203
Q-Suite allows easy data capture of bar coded information in the warehouse, office and out
in the field. The flexible solution gives you the ability to customize up to 20 fields on each
screen, as well as the ability to print labels and receipts. Q-Suite is also designed to meet
your budget needs — you can start with one module today and add modules as your business
needs change and grow. With support for both real-time wireless data capture over either the
Wi-Fi or cellular networks as well as batch mode, you can create mobile applications that fit
with the workflows in your organization today.
Q-Suite offers four prebuilt applications that are ready to use:
Q-TRACK: Track, audit and control internal and external assets with this fully featured asset
tracking tool. Workers can just scan the bar code on an asset to access or enter information
as needed to complete the task at hand.
Q-MOVE: This flexible tab-based interface allows workers to easily multi-task in the warehouse.
Now, the scan of a bar code instantly reconciles incoming and outgoing shipments, enabling
faster and more accurate processing. In addition, workers can scan the bar codes on items as
they are picked to ensure the right items are in every order.
Q-COUNT: Take inventory of goods in the warehouse quickly and easily with this ready-to-use
application. With a split second scan of a bar code, you can collect a wealth of data, including
part, description, quantity, location and the warehouse where the items are stored.
Q-POD: Enable drivers to instantly capture and transmit real-time proof of pickup and delivery
with the quick scan of a bar code.
key benefits:
Works in real-time wireless and batch modes
Easy to customize — without any programming
Import data from or export data to Microsoft Excel
Easy to use
Custom applications can be created to meet very specific business needs
target markets:
Warehouse, medical, logistics, asset tracking, inventory counting and custom solutions
6 Shields Court, Unit 105
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 4S1
Garry Johnston
(905) 477.1367
redline Cooler
Now you can quickly and accurately track and trace products from the moment they are received
at your cooler or processing facility until they are successfully shipped to your customers. RedLine
CoolerTM automatically captures a wealth of information at both the bin and pallet level, allowing
you to easily and cost-effectively meet and exceed traceability requirements. The result? Traditional
paper-based methods that slow down your operations and are prone to human error are eliminated.
RedLine Cooler combines our practical software with Motorola’s reliable mobile computers to allow
workers to view information and record their actions, when and where the work is performed.
Shipping teams move faster and can ship more orders, more accurately. Capturing information with
wireless scanners means fewer trips between the cooler and the office to update records. And
real-time integration with Famous Software enables validation of all actions to trap potential errors
immediately. Combine this with installation, service, and support from RedLine’s team of expert
technicians and you have a complete solution.
key benefits:
Complete cooler traceability
Increased inventory control efficiency
Higher throughput and productivity, allowing you to ship more orders per day
Real-time system updates of quantities and inventory locations
User-based security insures workers perform only tasks for which they are authorized
Provides complete product and worker activity visibility, enabling better staff management
Validates order fulfillment as orders are pulled, ensuring that customers receive the right
products on every order
target markets
Growers, packers and shippers of produce commodities
1700 Wyatt Drive, Suite 15
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Chris Davis
SoftGrocer is a modular item and inventory management system that helps you manage
item and system-wide inventory data. The modular system is designed to meet the
specific needs of any grocery retailer, regardless of size.
key benefits:
Verify Item Information from the Aisle
Associates can verify and adjust item information right from the shelf edge, with
immediate updates feeding to the POS.
Ensure Accuracy across Store Systems
Item data is distributed to in-store systems, including POS, electronic shelf labels, shelf
labels, sign printing, and perishable scales.
Improve Back-Door Receiving
Support for multiple receiving documents (DEx, NEx, ASN, purchase order) and flexible
check-in methods ensure that receivers are using the most efficient method available for
each delivery.
Accurately Track Inventory Movement
Scan inventory as it transfers across departments, between stores, to distribution centers
or to reclaim.
Improve Inventory Visibility
Perpetual Inventory helps reduce out-of-stocks, over-stocks and reduce store inventory
while improving shelf presentation and customer satisfaction.
Optimize Inventory Replenishment
Two options are available to help achieve optimal inventory levels. Store Online Ordering
(SOLO) optimizes store ordering, while Computer-Automated Ordering (CAO) forecasts
item demand and automatically creates accurate orders.
target markets
308 N Cleveland Massillon Rd.
Akron, Ohio 44333
David Van Horn
330-665-1698 x231
systems logic
wireless warehouse in a box
Systems Logic delivers innovative Warehouse Management Solutions (WMS) and Inventory
Control Systems to small and mid-sized Third Party Warehousing, Distribution and Manufacturing
industries across North America. As the pioneer of Visual Logistics, our Wireless Warehouse in a
Box WMS utilizes the strength of Windows with the power of industry leading Motorola Enterprise
Mobile Computing technologies. Our clients service varying industries from Tier One automotive,
construction, food and beverage, industrial supply and consumer goods.
Full enterprise functionality includes: shipping and receiving; pick and pack; directed put-away;
warehouse transfers; facility mapping; visual ID; 3PL rules-based billing and pick methods and
labeling — all directly from your wireless handheld device in real-time.
Our Wireless Warehouse in a Box Warehouse Management System add-ons include:
ltlconnect – LTL carrier integration solution
webconnect – Real-time web inventory visibility solution
ediconnect – EDI integration solution
key benefits:
Inventory accuracy by over 99.99 percent
Reduce manual data entry by over 65 percent
Eliminate shipping errors
Reduce 3PL Billing time from hours and days to minutes
100 percent real-time and mobile
Industry leading Visual Interfaces for fast training
Directed picking and put-away to maximize space utilization
Low IT overhead — written in .NET and C#, and utilizing Microsoft SQL Server
target markets
Third party logistics, distribution, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and food and beverage
7 – 340 Henry St.
Brantford, Ontario N3S 7V9, Canada
Anthony Allwood
tohoku systems support Co., ltd
With this asset management solution, you not only know where your assets are, but who is
using them and when the asset is available for use. When employees can scan the bar code on
the asset as well as the bar code on their own employee badge and your location tags, you can
easily and accurately collect a wealth of data that can help you better manage your assets —
without adding time consuming paper-based processes. Worker productivity is protected and
asset utilization is increased, along with the return on asset (ROA).
key benefits:
Better asset visibility prevents asset loss
Assets are available when you need them
Asset inventory can be conducted quickly and accurately
Wi-Fi connectivity and ActiveSync provide the flexibility to deploy this
application in either real-time or batch mode
target markets:
Manufacturing: equipment management
Logistics: stock control
General enterprise: management of mobile computers, laptops,
servers and other IT assets
1-3-14, Tago, Miyagino-ku,
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 9830021
Strategic Business Group
(81) 022-259-9806
equipment Manager
Do you need to track assets and equipment that move from your location, including to and
from your customer sites? Now, Equipment Manager from xceliware allows you to easily
locate, track and maintain your assets and equipment, easier and faster than ever before.
The features in this complete solution include:
Real time and batch updates
Unlimited customizable fields that can be added at any time
A full calendar
Easy scheduling of preventative and ad hoc maintenance
Routing and dispatch functions
Easy tracking of consumables
The ability to maintain a complete record of all transactions
Web access for real-time visibility into the location and status of your equipment
key benefits:
Reduce labor costs — no more scrambling to locate assets and equipment
Reduce inventory costs — since you know when your assets and equipment will be
returned, you can schedule appropriately for future use, increasing utilization and
reducing the need to purchase higher volumes of stocking inventory
Reduce shrinkage — because every item is tracked, fewer items go missing
target markets:
Event production (including the management of overall event assets as well as
specific assets, such as lighting, sound and power)
Cylinder and container distribution
Government (police and fire departments, municipalities, military
facilities, parks departments and more)
Equipment and tool tracking
Durable medical equipment
1855 W. Katella Ave. Suite 350
Orange, CA 92867
Jason Stern
714-997-3066 x228
Part number: GD-MC9190G. Printed in USA 03/11. MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo
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trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2011 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.