FCC/IC Notice
ꢈꢋꢑꢋꢈꢃꢄꢃꢎꢄꢆꢃꢄꢏꢎꢄ ꢃꢋꢄꢎꢇꢈꢔꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄꢊꢋꢛ ꢂꢊꢋꢌꢄꢏꢎꢄꢊꢋꢆꢐꢁꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢇꢋꢏꢚꢎꢊꢜꢗꢄ%ꢇꢄꢙꢋꢇꢋꢊꢆꢈ)ꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢐꢈꢎꢃꢋꢊꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢆꢊꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢆꢄꢚꢂꢊꢋꢈꢋꢃꢃꢄꢍꢆꢃꢋꢄ
ꢃꢏꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄꢆꢇꢏꢋꢇꢇꢆ)ꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢈꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄꢎ ꢏꢉ ꢏꢗꢄ
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢐꢎꢅꢉꢈꢂꢋꢃꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢉꢆꢊꢏꢄꢕ.ꢄꢎꢒꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ9ꢘꢘꢄꢊ ꢈꢋꢃꢗꢄ
#ꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄꢂꢃꢄꢃ ꢍ:ꢋꢐꢏꢄꢏꢎꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢒꢎꢈꢈꢎꢚꢂꢇꢙꢄꢏꢚꢎꢄꢐꢎꢇꢌꢂꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃ'ꢄ;ꢕ<ꢄ
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢅꢆꢔꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄꢐꢆ ꢃꢋꢄꢁꢆꢊꢅꢒ ꢈꢄꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢒꢋꢊꢋꢇꢐꢋ)ꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄ;ꢖ<ꢄꢏꢁꢂꢃꢄ
ꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢅ ꢃꢏꢄꢆꢐꢐꢋꢉꢏꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢒꢋꢊꢋꢇꢐꢋꢄꢊꢋꢐꢋꢂꢑꢋꢌ)ꢄꢂꢇꢐꢈ ꢌꢂꢇꢙꢄ
ꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢒꢋꢊꢋꢇꢐꢋꢄꢏꢁꢆꢏꢄꢅꢆꢔꢄꢐꢆ ꢃꢋꢄ ꢇꢌꢋꢃꢂꢊꢋꢌꢄꢎꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢗꢄ
Dꢋꢒꢎꢊꢋꢄꢆꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢅꢎꢌꢋꢈꢄꢂꢃꢄꢆꢑꢆꢂꢈꢆꢍꢈꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢃꢆꢈꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉ ꢍꢈꢂꢐ)ꢄꢂꢏꢄ
ꢊꢋꢛ ꢂꢊꢋꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢃꢆꢒꢋꢄꢋ3ꢉꢎꢃ ꢊꢋꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢄꢏꢋꢃꢏꢃꢄꢆꢊꢋꢄꢉꢋꢊꢒꢎꢊꢅꢋꢌꢄꢂꢇꢄ
ꢍꢎꢌꢔ<ꢄꢆꢃꢄꢊꢋꢛ ꢂꢊꢋꢌꢄꢍꢔꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ9ꢘꢘꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢋꢆꢐꢁꢄꢅꢎꢌꢋꢈꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢄꢁꢂꢙꢁꢋꢃꢏꢄ
&!6ꢄꢑꢆꢈ ꢋꢃꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢎꢌꢋꢈꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢆꢊꢋ'ꢄ!$=&ꢄꢅꢎꢌꢋ7ꢁꢋꢆꢌ'ꢄ
ꢀꢎꢄꢅꢆꢂꢇꢏꢆꢂꢇꢄꢐꢎꢅꢉꢈꢂꢆꢇꢐꢋꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄ9ꢘꢘꢄ69ꢄꢋ3ꢉꢎꢃ ꢊꢋꢄꢙ ꢂꢌꢋꢈꢂꢇꢋꢃ)ꢄꢂꢒꢄ
ꢔꢎ ꢄꢚꢋꢆꢊꢄꢆꢄꢁꢆꢇꢌꢃꢋꢏꢄꢎꢇꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢍꢎꢌꢔ)ꢄ ꢃꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ9ꢈꢋ3ꢏꢊꢎꢇꢂꢐꢃꢄ
ꢉꢉꢈꢂꢋꢌꢄꢓ5ꢘꢄ ꢇꢂꢑꢋꢊꢃꢆꢈꢄꢍꢋꢈꢏꢄꢐꢈꢂꢉꢄꢄ#1$ꢘ=+*ꢕ+ꢕ++ꢕ7ꢕ++ꢗꢄ
#ꢏꢁꢋꢊꢄꢆꢐꢐꢋꢃꢃꢎꢊꢂꢋꢃꢄ ꢃꢋꢌꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢏꢁꢂꢃꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢍꢎꢌꢔ7ꢚꢎꢊꢇꢄ
ꢎꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢅ ꢃꢏꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄꢐꢎꢇꢏꢆꢂꢇꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢅꢋꢏꢆꢈꢈꢂꢐꢄꢐꢎꢅꢉꢎꢇꢋꢇꢏꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄ
ꢅ ꢃꢏꢄꢉꢊꢎꢑꢂꢌꢋꢄꢆꢏꢄꢈꢋꢆꢃꢏꢄꢖ/ꢗ+ꢄꢅꢅ ꢃꢋꢉꢆꢊꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄꢌꢂꢃꢏꢆꢇꢐꢋꢄ
ꢂꢇꢐꢈ ꢌꢂꢇꢙꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢆꢇꢏꢋꢇꢇꢆꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ ꢃꢋꢊSꢃꢄꢍꢎꢌꢔꢗ
ꢑꢆꢊꢂꢎ ꢃꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢆꢏꢄꢑꢆꢊꢂꢎ ꢃꢄꢉꢎꢃꢂꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃ)ꢄꢏꢁꢋꢔꢄꢆꢈꢈꢄꢅꢋꢋꢏꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢙꢎꢑꢋꢊꢇꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢊꢋꢛ ꢂꢊꢋꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢃꢆꢒꢋꢄꢋ3ꢉꢎꢃ ꢊꢋꢗ
?ꢎ ꢊꢄꢚꢂꢊꢋꢈꢋꢃꢃꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢂꢃꢄꢆꢄꢊꢆꢌꢂꢎꢄꢏꢊꢆꢇꢃꢅꢂꢏꢏꢋꢊꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢊꢋꢐꢋꢂꢑꢋꢊꢗꢄ%ꢏꢄꢂꢃꢄ
ꢌꢋꢃꢂꢙꢇꢋꢌꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢒꢆꢐꢏ ꢊꢋꢌꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄꢏꢎꢄꢋ3ꢐꢋꢋꢌꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢋꢅꢂꢃꢃꢂꢎꢇꢄ
ꢈꢂꢅꢂꢏꢃꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢋ3ꢉꢎꢃ ꢊꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢊꢆꢌꢂꢎꢄꢒꢊꢋꢛ ꢋꢇꢐꢔꢄ;69<ꢄꢋꢇꢋꢊꢙꢔꢄꢃꢋꢏꢄꢍꢔꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
9ꢋꢌꢋꢊꢆꢈꢄꢘꢎꢅꢅ ꢇꢂꢐꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢘꢎꢅꢅꢂꢃꢃꢂꢎꢇꢄꢎꢒꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ ꢗ&ꢗꢄ
ꢀꢁꢋꢄ9ꢘꢘꢄꢁꢆꢃꢄꢙꢊꢆꢇꢏꢋꢌꢄꢆꢇꢄ8ꢛ ꢂꢉꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄ! ꢏꢁꢎꢊꢂAꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢂꢃꢄ
ꢅꢎꢌꢋꢈꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢆꢈꢈꢄꢊꢋꢉꢎꢊꢏꢋꢌꢄ&!6ꢄꢈꢋꢑꢋꢈꢃꢄꢋꢑꢆꢈ ꢆꢏꢋꢌꢄꢆꢃꢄꢂꢇꢄ
ꢐꢎꢅꢉꢈꢂꢆꢇꢐꢋꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ9ꢘꢘꢄ69ꢄꢋꢅꢂꢃꢃꢂꢎꢇꢄꢙ ꢂꢌꢋꢈꢂꢇꢋꢃꢗꢄ&!6ꢄ
ꢐꢆꢇꢄꢍꢋꢄꢒꢎ ꢇꢌꢄ ꢇꢌꢋꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ1ꢂꢃꢉꢈꢆꢔꢄ@ꢊꢆꢇꢏꢄꢃꢋꢐꢏꢂꢎꢇ
ꢒꢎ ꢇꢌꢄꢎꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢘꢋꢈꢈ ꢈꢆꢊꢄꢀꢋꢈꢋꢐꢎꢅꢅ ꢇꢂꢐꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄ%ꢇꢏꢋꢊꢇꢋꢏꢄ
Cꢄ%ꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ ꢇꢂꢏꢋꢌꢄ&ꢏꢆꢏꢋꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢘꢆꢇꢆꢌꢆ)ꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ&!6ꢄꢈꢂꢅꢂꢏꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢅꢎꢍꢂꢈꢋꢄ
ꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢃꢄ ꢃꢋꢌꢄꢍꢔꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉ ꢍꢈꢂꢐꢄꢂꢃꢄꢕꢗ/ꢄꢚꢆꢏꢏꢃBꢜꢙꢄ;5Bꢜꢙ<ꢄꢆꢑꢋꢊꢆꢙꢋꢌꢄ
ꢎꢑꢋꢊꢄꢎꢇꢋꢄꢙꢊꢆꢅꢄꢎꢒꢄꢏꢂꢃꢃ ꢋꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢄꢃꢏꢆꢇꢌꢆꢊꢌꢄꢂꢇꢐꢎꢊꢉꢎꢊꢆꢏꢋꢃꢄꢆꢄ
ꢙꢋꢇꢋꢊꢆꢈꢄꢉꢎꢉ ꢈꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢄꢙ ꢂꢌꢋꢈꢂꢇꢋꢃꢄꢆꢊꢋꢄꢍꢆꢃꢋꢌꢄꢎꢇꢄꢃꢏꢆꢇꢌꢆꢊꢌꢃꢄ
ꢏꢁꢊꢎ ꢙꢁꢄꢉꢋꢊꢂꢎꢌꢂꢐꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢏꢁꢎꢊꢎ ꢙꢁꢄꢋꢑꢆꢈ ꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄꢎꢒꢄꢃꢐꢂꢋꢇꢏꢂꢒꢂꢐꢄ
ꢃꢏ ꢌꢂꢋꢃꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢄꢃꢏꢆꢇꢌꢆꢊꢌꢃꢄꢂꢇꢐꢈ ꢌꢋꢄꢆꢄꢃ ꢍꢃꢏꢆꢇꢏꢂꢆꢈꢄꢃꢆꢒꢋꢏꢔꢄꢅꢆꢊꢙꢂꢇꢄ
ꢌꢋꢃꢂꢙꢇꢋꢌꢄꢏꢎꢄꢆꢃꢃ ꢊꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢃꢆꢒꢋꢏꢔꢄꢎꢒꢄꢆꢈꢈꢄꢉꢋꢊꢃꢎꢇꢃ)ꢄꢊꢋꢙꢆꢊꢌꢈꢋꢃꢃꢄꢎꢒꢄ
ꢀꢁꢋꢄꢋ3ꢉꢎꢃ ꢊꢋꢄꢃꢏꢆꢇꢌꢆꢊꢌꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢚꢂꢊꢋꢈꢋꢃꢃꢄꢅꢎꢍꢂꢈꢋꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢃꢄꢋꢅꢉꢈꢎꢔꢃꢄ
ꢆꢄ ꢇꢂꢏꢄꢎꢒꢄꢅꢋꢆꢃ ꢊꢋꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢜꢇꢎꢚꢇꢄꢆꢃꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ&ꢉꢋꢐꢂꢒꢂꢐꢄ!ꢍꢃꢎꢊꢉꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄ
ꢀꢋꢃꢏꢃꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄ&!6ꢄꢆꢊꢋꢄꢐꢎꢇꢌ ꢐꢏꢋꢌꢄ ꢃꢂꢇꢙꢄꢃꢏꢆꢇꢌꢆꢊꢌꢄꢎꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢂꢇꢙꢄ
ꢆꢏꢄꢂꢏꢃꢄꢁꢂꢙꢁꢋꢃꢏꢄꢐꢋꢊꢏꢂꢒꢂꢋꢌꢄꢉꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄꢈꢋꢑꢋꢈꢄꢂꢇꢄꢆꢈꢈꢄꢏꢋꢃꢏꢋꢌꢄꢒꢊꢋꢛ ꢋꢇꢐꢔꢄ
ꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉ ꢍꢈꢂꢐꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢏꢎꢄꢆꢐꢐꢎ ꢇꢏꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢑꢆꢊꢂꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢂꢇꢄ
ꢅꢋꢆꢃ ꢊꢋꢅꢋꢇꢏꢃꢗ
ꢀꢁꢋꢄ ꢃꢋꢊꢄꢂꢃꢄꢐꢆ ꢏꢂꢎꢇꢋꢌꢄꢏꢁꢆꢏꢄꢐꢁꢆꢇꢙꢋꢃꢄꢎꢊꢄꢅꢎꢌꢂꢒꢂꢐꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄ
ꢐꢎ ꢈꢌꢄꢑꢎꢂꢌꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢚꢆꢊꢊꢆꢇꢏꢔꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄ ꢃꢋꢊSꢃꢄꢆ ꢏꢁꢎꢊꢂꢏꢔꢄꢏꢎꢄꢎꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢋꢛ ꢂꢉꢅꢋꢇꢏꢗ
!ꢈꢏꢁꢎ ꢙꢁꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ&!6ꢄꢂꢃꢄꢌꢋꢏꢋꢊꢅꢂꢇꢋꢌꢄꢆꢏꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢁꢂꢙꢁꢋꢃꢏꢄꢐꢋꢊꢏꢂꢒꢂꢋꢌꢄ
ꢉꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄꢈꢋꢑꢋꢈ)ꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢆꢐꢏ ꢆꢈꢄ&!6ꢄꢈꢋꢑꢋꢈꢄꢎꢒꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢚꢁꢂꢈꢋꢄ
ꢎꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢂꢇꢙꢄꢐꢆꢇꢄꢍꢋꢄꢚꢋꢈꢈꢄꢍꢋꢈꢎꢚꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢅꢆ3ꢂꢅ ꢅꢄꢑꢆꢈ ꢋꢗꢄꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢂꢃꢄ
ꢍꢋꢐꢆ ꢃꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢂꢃꢄꢌꢋꢃꢂꢙꢇꢋꢌꢄꢏꢎꢄꢎꢉꢋꢊꢆꢏꢋꢄꢆꢏꢄꢅ ꢈꢏꢂꢉꢈꢋꢄꢉꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄ
ꢅꢆꢔꢄꢚꢆꢇꢏꢄꢏꢎꢄꢐꢎꢇꢃ ꢈꢏꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢃꢋꢊꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢉꢊꢎꢑꢂꢌꢋꢊꢄꢎꢊꢄꢐꢆꢈꢈꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢃꢏꢎꢅꢋꢊꢄꢃꢋꢊꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢈꢂꢇꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢌꢂꢃꢐ ꢃꢃꢄꢆꢈꢏꢋꢊꢇꢆꢏꢂꢑꢋꢃꢗ
#ꢏꢁꢋꢊꢄꢅꢋꢌꢂꢐꢆꢈꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢃO%ꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢃꢋꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢎꢏꢁꢋꢊꢄꢉꢋꢊꢃꢎꢇꢆꢈꢄ
ꢅꢋꢌꢂꢐꢆꢈꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋ)ꢄꢐꢎꢇꢃ ꢈꢏꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢒꢆꢐꢏ ꢊꢋꢊꢄꢎꢒꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄ
ꢌꢋꢏꢋꢊꢅꢂꢇꢋꢄꢂꢒꢄꢂꢏꢄꢂꢃꢄꢆꢌꢋꢛ ꢆꢏꢋꢈꢔꢄꢃꢁꢂꢋꢈꢌꢋꢌꢄꢒꢊꢎꢅꢄꢋ3ꢏꢋꢊꢇꢆꢈꢄ69
ꢋꢇꢋꢊꢙꢔꢗꢄ?ꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢔꢃꢂꢐꢂꢆꢇꢄꢅꢆꢔꢄꢍꢋꢄꢆꢍꢈꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢁꢋꢈꢉꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢎꢍꢏꢆꢂꢇꢄꢏꢁꢂꢃꢄ
ꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢃꢗꢄ ꢃꢋꢄꢎꢒꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄ ꢇꢆ ꢏꢁꢎꢊꢂAꢋꢌꢄꢆꢐꢐꢋꢃꢃꢎꢊꢂꢋꢃꢄ;ꢂꢇꢐꢈ ꢌꢋꢃꢄ
ꢒꢆꢐꢋꢉꢈꢆꢏꢋꢃBꢒꢊꢎꢇꢏꢄꢁꢎ ꢃꢂꢇꢙꢃ<ꢄꢅꢆꢔꢄꢍꢋꢄꢌꢆꢇꢙꢋꢊꢎ ꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢚꢂꢈꢈꢄ
ꢂꢇꢑꢆꢈꢂꢌꢆꢏꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢚꢆꢊꢊꢆꢇꢏꢔꢄꢂꢒꢄꢃꢆꢂꢌꢄꢆꢐꢐꢋꢃꢃꢎꢊꢂꢋꢃꢄꢐꢆ ꢃꢋꢄ
Optimize your phone’s performance
ꢃꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢙ ꢂꢌꢋꢈꢂꢇꢋꢃꢄꢎꢇ ꢉꢆꢙꢋ ꢖ ꢏꢎꢄꢈꢋꢆꢊꢇꢄꢁꢎꢚꢄꢏꢎꢄꢎꢉꢏꢂꢅꢂAꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢉꢋꢊꢒꢎꢊꢅꢆꢇꢐꢋꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢈꢂꢒꢋꢄꢎꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢍꢆꢏꢏꢋꢊꢔꢗ
%ꢇꢄꢁꢋꢆꢈꢏꢁꢄꢐꢆꢊꢋꢄꢒꢆꢐꢂꢈꢂꢏꢂꢋꢃOꢀ ꢊꢇꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢂꢇꢄꢁꢋꢆꢈꢏꢁꢄꢐꢆꢊꢋꢄ
ꢒꢆꢐꢂꢈꢂꢏꢂꢋꢃꢄꢚꢁꢋꢇꢄꢂꢇꢃꢏꢊ ꢐꢏꢋꢌꢗꢄIꢎꢃꢉꢂꢏꢆꢈꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢁꢋꢆꢈꢏꢁꢄꢐꢆꢊꢋꢄ
ꢒꢆꢐꢂꢈꢂꢏꢂꢋꢃꢄꢅꢆꢔꢄꢍꢋꢄ ꢃꢂꢇꢙꢄꢋꢛ ꢂꢉꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢏꢁꢆꢏꢄꢂꢃꢄꢃꢋꢇꢃꢂꢏꢂꢑꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄ
Air bags
Potentially unsafe areas
Posted facilitiesOꢀ ꢊꢇꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢂꢇꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢒꢆꢐꢂꢈꢂꢏꢔꢄꢚꢁꢋꢇꢄ
ꢉꢎꢃꢏꢋꢌꢄꢇꢎꢏꢂꢐꢋꢃꢄꢊꢋꢛ ꢂꢊꢋꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢏꢎꢄꢌꢎꢄꢃꢎꢗ
%ꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢁꢆꢑꢋꢄꢆꢇꢄꢆꢂꢊꢄꢍꢆꢙ)ꢄ1#ꢄF#ꢀꢄꢉꢈꢆꢐꢋꢄꢂꢇꢃꢏꢆꢈꢈꢋꢌꢄꢎꢊꢄꢉꢎꢊꢏꢆꢍꢈꢋꢄ
ꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢋꢛ ꢂꢉꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢎꢊꢄꢎꢏꢁꢋꢊꢄꢎꢍ:ꢋꢐꢏꢃꢄꢎꢑꢋꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢆꢂꢊꢄꢍꢆꢙꢄꢎꢊꢄꢂꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢆꢂꢊꢄꢍꢆꢙꢄꢌꢋꢉꢈꢎꢔꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢆꢊꢋꢆꢗꢄ%ꢒꢄꢋꢛ ꢂꢉꢅꢋꢇꢏꢄꢂꢃꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄꢉꢊꢎꢉꢋꢊꢈꢔꢄ
ꢂꢇꢃꢏꢆꢈꢈꢋꢌ)ꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢆꢃꢃꢋꢇꢙꢋꢊꢃꢄꢊꢂꢃꢜꢄꢃꢋꢊꢂꢎ ꢃꢄꢂꢇ: ꢊꢔꢗ
AircraftO9ꢘꢘꢄꢊꢋꢙ ꢈꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢉꢊꢎꢁꢂꢍꢂꢏꢄ ꢃꢂꢇꢙꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢎꢇꢄꢆꢄ
ꢉꢈꢆꢇꢋꢄꢏꢁꢆꢏꢄꢂꢃꢄꢂꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢆꢂꢊꢗꢄꢀ ꢊꢇꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢍꢋꢒꢎꢊꢋꢄꢍꢎꢆꢊꢌꢂꢇꢙꢄ
Medical devices
ꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢒꢋꢊꢋꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢉꢆꢐꢋꢅꢆꢜꢋꢊꢃꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢃꢁꢎ ꢈꢌꢄꢍꢋꢄꢜꢋꢉꢏꢄꢆꢏꢄ
ꢈꢋꢆꢃꢏꢄꢃꢂ3ꢄ;/<ꢄꢂꢇꢐꢁꢋꢃꢄꢆꢚꢆꢔꢄꢒꢊꢎꢅꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢆꢐꢋꢅꢆꢜꢋꢊꢄꢏꢎꢄꢊꢋꢌ ꢐꢋꢄ
ꢂꢇꢆꢌꢋꢛ ꢆꢏꢋꢈꢔꢄꢃꢁꢂꢋꢈꢌꢋꢌꢄꢋꢈꢋꢐꢏꢊꢎꢇꢂꢐꢄꢃꢔꢃꢏꢋꢅꢃꢄꢂꢇꢄꢅꢎꢏꢎꢊꢄꢑꢋꢁꢂꢐꢈꢋꢃꢗꢄ
ꢘꢁꢋꢐꢜꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢒꢆꢐꢏ ꢊꢋꢊꢄꢎꢒꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢌꢋꢑꢂꢐꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢌꢋꢏꢋꢊꢅꢂꢇꢋꢄꢂꢒꢄꢂꢏꢄ
ꢂꢃꢄꢆꢌꢋꢛ ꢆꢏꢋꢈꢔꢄꢃꢁꢂꢋꢈꢌꢋꢌꢄꢒꢊꢎꢅꢄꢋ3ꢏꢋꢊꢇꢆꢈꢄ69ꢄꢋꢇꢋꢊꢙꢔꢗꢄ?ꢎ ꢊꢄ
ꢉꢁꢔꢃꢂꢐꢂꢆꢇꢄꢅꢆꢔꢄꢍꢋꢄꢆꢍꢈꢋꢄꢏꢎꢄꢁꢋꢈꢉꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢎꢍꢏꢆꢂꢇꢄꢏꢁꢂꢃꢄꢂꢇꢒꢎꢊꢅꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢗ
ꢀꢁꢋꢄIꢋꢆꢈꢏꢁꢄ%ꢇꢌ ꢃꢏꢊꢔꢄ$ꢆꢇ ꢒꢆꢐꢏ ꢊꢋꢊꢃꢄ!ꢃꢃꢎꢐꢂꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢚꢂꢊꢋꢈꢋꢃꢃꢄꢏꢋꢐꢁꢇꢎꢈꢎꢙꢔꢄꢊꢋꢃꢋꢆꢊꢐꢁꢄꢐꢎꢅꢅ ꢇꢂꢏꢔꢄꢊꢋꢐꢎꢅꢅꢋꢇꢌꢄꢏꢁꢆꢏꢄ
ꢔꢎ ꢄꢒꢎꢈꢈꢎꢚꢄꢏꢁꢋꢃꢋꢄꢙ ꢂꢌꢋꢈꢂꢇꢋꢃꢄꢏꢎꢄꢅꢂꢇꢂꢅꢂAꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢎꢏꢋꢇꢏꢂꢆꢈꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄ
Blasting areas–ꢀ ꢊꢇꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢚꢁꢋꢊꢋꢄꢍꢈꢆꢃꢏꢂꢇꢙꢄꢂꢃꢄꢂꢇꢄ
ꢉꢊꢎꢙꢊꢋꢃꢃꢗꢄ#ꢍꢃꢋꢊꢑꢋꢄꢊꢋꢃꢏꢊꢂꢐꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃ)ꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢒꢎꢈꢈꢎꢚꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢊꢋꢙ ꢈꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄꢎꢊꢄ
Potentially explosive atmospheres–ꢀ ꢊꢇꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢚꢁꢋꢇꢄ
ꢔꢎ ꢄꢆꢊꢋꢄꢂꢇꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢆꢊꢋꢆꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢆꢄꢉꢎꢏꢋꢇꢏꢂꢆꢈꢈꢔꢄꢋ3ꢉꢈꢎꢃꢂꢑꢋꢄꢆꢏꢅꢎꢃꢉꢁꢋꢊꢋꢗꢄ
#ꢍꢋꢔꢄꢆꢈꢈꢄꢃꢂꢙꢇꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢂꢇꢃꢏꢊ ꢐꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢗꢄ&ꢉꢆꢊꢜꢃꢄꢂꢇꢄꢃ ꢐꢁꢄꢆꢊꢋꢆꢃꢄꢐꢎ ꢈꢌꢄ
ꢐꢆ ꢃꢋꢄꢆꢇꢄꢋ3ꢉꢈꢎꢃꢂꢎꢇꢄꢎꢊꢄꢒꢂꢊꢋ)ꢄꢊꢋꢃ ꢈꢏꢂꢇꢙꢄꢂꢇꢄꢍꢎꢌꢂꢈꢔꢄꢂꢇ: ꢊꢔꢄꢎꢊꢄꢌꢋꢆꢏꢁꢗ
;ꢕ.ꢄꢐꢋꢇꢏꢂꢅꢋꢏꢋꢊꢃ<ꢄꢆꢚꢆꢔꢄꢒꢊꢎꢅꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢆꢐꢋꢅꢆꢜꢋꢊꢄꢚꢁꢋꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ
ꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢂꢃꢄꢏ ꢊꢇꢋꢌꢄꢎꢇꢗ
1ꢎꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄꢐꢆꢊꢊꢔꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢇꢋꢆꢊꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢁꢋꢆꢊꢏꢗ
%ꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢁꢆꢑꢋꢄꢆꢇꢔꢄꢊꢋꢆꢃꢎꢇꢄꢏꢎꢄꢃ ꢃꢉꢋꢐꢏꢄꢏꢁꢆꢏꢄꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢒꢋꢊꢋꢇꢐꢋꢄꢂꢃꢄ
ꢏꢆꢜꢂꢇꢙꢄꢉꢈꢆꢐꢋ)ꢄꢏ ꢊꢇꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢂꢅꢅꢋꢌꢂꢆꢏꢋꢈꢔꢗ
ꢏꢄꢇꢎꢏꢄꢆꢈꢚꢆꢔꢃ)ꢄꢐꢈꢋꢆꢊꢈꢔꢄꢅꢆꢊꢜꢋꢌꢗꢄꢀꢁꢋꢔꢄꢂꢇꢐꢈ ꢌꢋ'
ꢋꢈꢂꢇꢙꢄꢆꢊꢋꢆꢃꢄꢃ ꢐꢁꢄꢆꢃꢄꢙꢆꢃꢄꢃꢏꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃ
ꢏꢊꢆꢇꢃꢒꢋꢊꢄꢎꢊꢄꢃꢏꢎꢊꢆꢙꢋꢄꢒꢆꢐꢂꢈꢂꢏꢂꢋꢃꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢒ ꢋꢈꢄꢎꢊꢄꢐꢁꢋꢅꢂꢐꢆꢈꢃ
ꢑꢋꢁꢂꢐꢈꢋꢃꢄ ꢃꢂꢇꢙꢄꢈꢂꢛ ꢋꢒꢂꢋꢌꢄꢉꢋꢏꢊꢎꢈꢋ ꢅꢄꢙꢆꢃ)ꢄꢃ ꢐꢁꢄꢆꢃꢄꢉꢊꢎꢉꢆꢇꢋꢄ
ꢎꢊꢄꢍ ꢏꢆꢇꢋ
ꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄꢁꢋꢆꢊꢂꢇꢙꢄꢆꢂꢌꢃꢗꢄ%ꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢋꢑꢋꢇꢏꢄꢎꢒꢄꢃ ꢐꢁꢄꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢒꢋꢊꢋꢇꢐꢋ)ꢄꢔꢎ
ꢆꢊꢋꢆꢃꢄꢚꢁꢋꢊꢋꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢆꢂꢊꢄꢐꢎꢇꢏꢆꢂꢇꢃꢄꢐꢁꢋꢅꢂꢐꢆꢈꢃꢄꢎꢊꢄꢉꢆꢊꢏꢂꢐꢈꢋꢃꢄꢃ ꢐꢁꢄ
ꢆꢃꢄꢙꢊꢆꢂꢇ)ꢄꢌ ꢃꢏ)ꢄꢎꢊꢄꢅꢋꢏꢆꢈꢄꢉꢎꢚꢌꢋꢊꢃ
ꢆꢇꢔꢄꢎꢏꢁꢋꢊꢄꢆꢊꢋꢆꢄꢚꢁꢋꢊꢋꢄꢔꢎ ꢄꢚꢎ ꢈꢌꢄꢇꢎꢊꢅꢆꢈꢈꢔꢄꢍꢋꢄꢆꢌꢑꢂꢃꢋꢌꢄꢏꢎꢄ
%ꢇꢄ! ꢙ ꢃꢏꢄꢕ**/)ꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄ ꢗ&ꢗꢄ9ꢋꢌꢋꢊꢆꢈꢄꢘꢎꢅꢅ ꢇꢂꢐꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢃꢄ
ꢘꢎꢅꢅꢂꢃꢃꢂꢎꢇꢄ;9ꢘꢘ<ꢄꢆꢌꢎꢉꢏꢋꢌꢄ69ꢄꢋ3ꢉꢎꢃ ꢊꢋꢄꢙ ꢂꢌꢋꢈꢂꢇꢋꢃꢄꢚꢂꢏꢁꢄ
ꢊꢇꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢔꢎ ꢊꢄꢑꢋꢁꢂꢐꢈꢋꢄꢋꢇꢙꢂꢇꢋ
Use with care
ꢉꢊꢋꢑꢂꢎ ꢃꢈꢔꢄꢃꢋꢏꢄꢍꢔꢄꢍꢎꢏꢁꢄ ꢗ&ꢗꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄꢂꢇꢏꢋꢊꢇꢆꢏꢂꢎꢇꢆꢈꢄꢃꢏꢆꢇꢌꢆꢊꢌꢃꢄ
Keep phone dry
%ꢒꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢁꢎꢇꢋꢄꢙꢋꢏꢃꢄꢚꢋꢏ)ꢄꢏ ꢊꢇꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢉꢎꢚꢋꢊꢄꢎꢒꢒꢄꢂꢅꢅꢋꢌꢂꢆꢏꢋꢈꢔꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄ
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Resetting the phone
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E911 Mandates
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Qualified service
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Battery and charger specifications
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093 453 037
Kyocera Wireless Corp.
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Visit us at www.kyocera-wireless.com
Radio Frequency (RF) energy
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Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Inserting your RUIM card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Charging the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Getting to know your phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Using the menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Customizing Your Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Setting your phone to vibrate . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Locking your keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Adjusting volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Setting the incoming call alert . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Choosing a different ringer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Changing the key beep sound . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Changing the key beep length . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Personalizing the screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Setting call alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Creating a secure environment . . . . . . . . . . .27
Setting alerts for your headset . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Making and Receiving Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Making a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Answering a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Dealing with missed calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Viewing recent call details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Setting up speed dialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Setting up voicemail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Tracking your calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Calling emergency numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Setting the roaming option . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Playing Games and Using Tools. . . . . . . . . 29
BlackJack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Video Poker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Stop Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Entering Letters, Numbers, and Symbols . 13
Storing Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Saving a new contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Shortcut to your contacts list . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Sending and Receiving Text Messages . . 19
Sending text messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Retrieving text messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Erasing messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Setting message alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
This document describes the Kyocera K112 phone,
with CDMA digital and analog service at 800 MHz.
Your phone comes with an integrated, rechargeable
Lithium Ion (LiIon) battery, which is not fully
4. Slide the RUIM card cover
back onto the phone until it
latches. Do not force.
Charging the battery
Fully charge the new battery for approximately 12
hours before using the phone for the first time.
To charge the battery,
connect the power adapter
to the jack located at the
Inserting your RUIM card
The RUIM card is supplied by your service provider
when you register as a user. It contains all the
important data pertaining to your phone.
Important: Make sure that the phone is turned off
and is disconnected from the charger before you
insert or remove the RUIM card
bottom left of the phone,
then connect the adapter’s plug to a wall outlet.
The battery icon at the top-right corner of the
screen tells you whether the phone is:
1. Hold the phone face down.
2. Remove the RUIM card cover located at the
Charging (animated icon)
lower end of the phone by sliding it down.
Partially charged
Fully charged
Low battery
3. Place the RUIM card into its
compartment with the metal
contacts facing down and the
cut corner to the left.
. Icon blinks and the phone
beeps. The phone screen displays a “Low
Battery” message. When the battery is
completely drained the phone powers off.
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Recharging the battery
Common causes of battery drain
You can safely recharge the battery at any time,
even if it has a partial charge.
The following operations drain the battery more
quickly and thereby adversely affect talk and
standby times:
Caring for the battery
Playing games frequently.
Frequent use of the backlights.
This section describes important safety information
and tips for improving battery performance.
• Using data cables or accessories, such as the
Hands-free headset.
General safety guidelines
This phone contains an integrated Li-Ion battery,
Operating when no service is available, or
service is available intermittently.
High earpiece and ringer volume settings.
Do not attempt to open the battery
compartment and dismantle, puncture, or
short-circuit the battery.
• Unacknowledged voicemail and text message
If you have not used the battery for more than a
month, recharge it before using your phone.
Avoid exposing the phone to extreme
temperatures, direct sunlight, or high humidity.
• Never dispose of used batteries in or near a fire.
It could lead to explosion. Check with your
local regulations for proper disposal
Getting to know your phone
Home screen. Press OK (item 8) to select Menu.
<< key erases the last character in text entry, returns to the
previous menu, or erases characters during text entry.
Navigation key (four directions) scrolls through lists and
positions the cursor during text entry. Also accesses shortcuts
from the home screen.
Send/Talk key dials a number or answer a call.
Keypad for entering enter numbers, letters, or symbols.
Jack for Hands-free Headset (sold separately).
* Text key switches between upper and lower case during text
OK key selects a menu item or option.
End/Power key turns the phone on or off, ends a call, or
returns you to the home screen.
# Space key inserts a space during text entry.
0 Next key cycles through word choices during EZText entry.
Jack for AC adapter (included).
Warning: Inserting an accessory into the incorrect jack will damage the phone.
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
Performing basic functions
From the home screen...
Turn on the phone
Turn off the phone
Make a call
Press and hold
for approximately 3 seconds.
Enter the number using the alphanumeric keypad and press
End a call
Answer a call
Verify Own Number
Access voicemail
Lock the keypad
Unlock the keypad
Access the Contacts list
Access Recent Calls list
Select Menu → Phone Info.
Press and hold
Press and hold
and follow the system prompts.
Using the menus
The contents of the main menu are as follows:
Voice Mail
Create Message
Preformatted Messages Scheduler
Erase Messages
Message Settings
Recent Calls
Missed Calls
Incoming Calls
Outgoing Calls
Silence All
Auto Key Guard
Call Timers
View All
Stop Watch
Add New
Speed Dial List
Phone Info
Your phone number
To use menus:
In this guide, the use of an arrow → tells you to
select an option from the menu. For example,
Menu → Settings means select Menu, then
select the Settings option.
The instructions in this guide assume that your
menu appears in icons. To change your menu
display so that it appears as a list select
Menu → Settings → Display → Menu
Format → Small Icons.
to select Menu.
to select a menu item or soft key.
left or right to see menus.
up or down to view menu items.
right or left to access soft keys.
to go up a menu level.
• Press
Press to return to the home screen.
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
You have one or more voicemails.
Indicates a contact is labeled personal.
Indicates a contact is labeled business.
Icon for Web page.
Understanding screen icons
These icons may appear on your phone’s screen.
The alarm is set.
The phone is operating in analog mode.
The phone is operating in CDMA digital
Indicates a contact’s address.
Battery power indicator. The more black
bars, the greater the charge.
The phone is receiving a signal. You can
make and receive calls. The more the
bars, the stronger the signal.
A call is in progress.
A call is in progress with voice privacy
The phone is locked.
You have a text message, voicemail or
No service is available.
The phone is roaming outside of its home
service area.
The phone vibrates or lights up instead of
1. Press
right when on the home screen.
Making a call
This brings up a list of all saved contacts.
2. Scroll down the list, find the contact you want,
1. Make sure you are in an area where the signal
can be received. Look for the
symbol on
and press
to dial the number.
the home screen. The more bars you see in this
symbol, the stronger the reception. If there are
no bars, try to move to where the reception is
better. In some cases, this can be as simple as
changing the direction you are facing.
The phone goes into power save mode when it
is left idle for 5 minutes. If you see the message
“POWER SAVE” on the screen, press any key to
return to the idle screen.
3. If you have already allocated a speed dial
number for the contact, press the
corresponding speed dial number to dial. For
more information, refer to “Setting up speed
dialing” on page 9
Answering a call
When you receive a call, the phone rings, vibrates,
and/or lights up, and an animated phone icon
appears. The number of the caller also appears if it
is not restricted. If the number is stored in your
Contacts directory, the contact name appears.
2. Enter the phone number.
3. Press
4. Press
to dial the number.
to end the call.
to answer the call.
Redialing a number
To redial the last number called, press
Select Silence to mute the ringer or stop the
vibration when there is an incoming call.
Select Hold to put the caller on hold.
Calling a saved number
If you have already saved a phone number, you can
use the All Contacts list to find it quickly.
or select Voice Mail to send the call
to the voicemail.
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
Select Network Forward to forward the
incoming call to another number, which you
defined under Sys/Network.
to clear the screen.
To view the caller’s number or name, press
left to access the Recent Calls list and
select Missed Calls.
Setting keys to answer calls
1. Select Menu → Settings → Accessories →
• If the caller left a voicemail message, select
View and then Call. If you have not yet set up
your voicemail, the caller cannot leave a
message. See “Setting up voicemail” on
page 10.
Any Key Answer.
2. Select On and press
All incoming calls can now be answered by
pressing any key except and
to set.
Setting missed call alerts
You can set the alert to beep when you have missed
a call.
Answering calls hands-Free
If your phone is attached to an accessory such as a
hands-free headset (sold separately), you can set it
to answer an incoming call after 2, 5 or 10
1. Select Menu → Settings → Alert → Missed
2. Select Enable.
3. Press
1. Select Menu → Settings → Accessories →
Headset Autoanswer.
2. Select Off, 2 seconds, 5 seconds or 10
Viewing recent call details
Details on the last 10 calls you have missed, made
or received are stored in Recent Calls. You can get
details on the caller’s name and phone number,
along with the time and length of the call.
3. Press
Dealing with missed calls
When you have missed a call, “Missed” appears on
your screen. This message remains, unless the
caller leaves a voicemail.
1. Select Menu → Recent Calls.
2. Select Missed Calls, Incoming Calls or
A message appears: “Erase All Recent Call List?”
Outgoing Calls.
4. Select Yes to erase all.
3. Press
4. Select a phone entry.
Setting up speed dialing
Speed dialing allows you to quickly dial a stored
phone number by entering a one- or two-digit
speed dialing location.
5. Select an available option from the list.
Call Number dials the phone number.
Time shows the time and duration of call.
View Number displays the phone number.
Edit Number edits the phone number.
Delete Entry deletes the number from the
1. From the home screen, press
right to get
to your contacts list.
2. Locate the contact you want to add speed
dialing to and press
3. Highlight the phone number and press
Send SMS Message sends messages from
the phone number.
Save New saves the number to your
contacts list.
Save To Existing adds the phone number to
the an existing contact.
4. Scroll to Add to Speed Dial and press
5. Select an empty speed dial location to assign to
the phone number (location “1” is reserved for
your voicemail number).
6. Press
. The message “Contact Added”
confirms the speed dial location.
Erase the recent calls list
You can erase all calls listed in your Recent Calls
To speed dial
From the home screen, enter the one- or two-digit
speed dial number and press
1. Select Menu → Settings → Security.
2. Enter your four-digit PIN code and press
3. Select Erase All Recent Call List.
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
Checking voicemail messages
When a voice message is received, your screen
displays text similar to “New Message 1 Voicemail.”
This text remains for about five minutes. After that
Setting up voicemail
Before your phone can accept voicemail messages,
you must set up a password and record a personal
greeting. When you have set up your voicemail, all
unanswered calls to your phone are automatically
transferred to your voicemail, even if your phone is
in use or turned off.
• To retrieve your voicemail, press and hold
(default speed dial number), or the
voicemail number you created, to call your
voicemail number.
Note: Check with your service provider if you have
problems setting up voicemail.
1. From the home screen, press and hold
2. Enter your passcode which you obtain from
your service provider.
3. Follow the system prompts to create a password
Silencing an incoming call
To mute the ringer or stop the vibration when
there is an incoming call, select Silence.
This action silences the current call only. The next
call will ring as normal.
and record a greeting.
Changing the default voicemail
Adjusting the volume during a call
To adjust the earpiece volume during a call,
press up or down.
1. Select Menu → Messages → Message
2. Highlight Voice Mail Number and press
3. Highlight Edit and press
4. Enter the voicemail number.
5. Press
twice to confirm.
All Calls
Tracking your calls
This timer displays the number and duration of all
incoming and outgoing calls You cannot reset this
Your phone has three timers that count the
duration of the calls you have made and receive.
Outgoing Calls
This timer displays the number of outgoing calls
you have placed, and their duration. You can reset
this timer.
Select Menu → Settings → Call Timers →
All Calls.
Calling emergency numbers
Regardless of your three-digit emergency code
(911, 111, 999, 000, etc.), your phone will operate
as described below.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Call Timers →
Outgoing Calls.
2. Select Reset. Calls are reset to 0.
You can call your emergency code even if your
account is restricted. However, when you call, your
phone enters Emergency mode, which you must
exit to place other calls.
Incoming Calls
This timer displays the number of incoming calls
you have received, and their duration. You can
reset this timer.
To exit Emergency mode
Select Menu → Settings → Call Timers →
Incoming Calls.
When you have completed the emergency call,
to select Exit. Then press
again to
Select Reset. Calls are reset to 0.
confirm your choice. The phone returns to Standby
mode and you are ready to make and receive
regular calls.
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Setting the roaming option
You can set the phone to not roam at all or to
switch between digital and analog modes.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Sys/Network →
Roaming Opt
2. Select an option:
No Roaming causes the phone to access
calls only in the service provider area.
Automatic automatically switches the phone
between digital and analog modes.
3. Press
This table gives general instructions for entering letters, numbers, and symbols in Contacts and Messages.
For more detailed information on using text entry modes, see page 14.
Do this...
Enter a letter
In Multitap mode, press the appropriate alphanumeric key until the letter you want
appears on the display.
Enter a number
Enter a symbol
Enter a space
In Numbers mode, press the number key once.
In Symbols mode, enter the number corresponding to the symbol you want.
Erase a character
Erase all characters
Press and hold
Move cursor right or left Press
right and left.
Change modes
Select the current input mode and press
. Select an input mode.
Capitalize the next letter
In Multitap mode, press
after entering text. press
each time you want to capitalize. In EZText mode,
until the capitalization you want appears.
Capitalize every letter
In Multitap mode, press
mode, after entering text, press
until the input mode displays MULTITAP. In EZText
until the capitalization you want appears.
Capitalize the first letter of In Multitap mode, press
each word mode, after entering text, press
until the input mode displays Multitap. In EZText
until the capitalization you want appears.
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
Understanding text entry modes
Entering words quickly
There are four modes available to you when
entering text, numbers, of symbols:
When you press a series of keys using eZText, it
checks the built-in dictionary for common words
and predict the word you are trying to spell.
1. For each letter of the word you wish to spell,
press the appropriate alphanumeric key once.
For example, to enter the word “any” press the
Multitap mode
Numbers mode
EZText mode
Symbols mode
alphanumberic keys
Note: The mode you start in depends on the task
you are doing. For example, when entering a phone
number in the Contacts menu, the default text
mode is Numbers. When entering a name for a
contact, the default text mode is EZText.
2. If the word suggested by EZText does not match
what you want, press
other word matches.
up or down to look at
3. When you see the word you want, press
accept it.
Entering words letter by letter
1. Press the appropriate alphanumeric key once to
display the first letter that appears on the
keypad, twice for the second letter, and so on.
2. Wait for the cursor to move right before you
Entering symbols
While entering text, you can also enter symbols.
1. Press , then press
right to highlight the
current text mode.
2. Select Symbols.
enter the next letter.
3. You will be presented with a list of symbols.
. @ ‘ ( ) _ ! ? * # % “
+ < > = / \ & , [ ] $ ^ ;
4. Press the number corresponding to the symbol
of your choice.
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MULTITAP inputs all characters as
multitap inputs all characters in lowercase
Multitap inputs only the first character in
Entering numbers
In Numbers mode, press a number key once.
In Multitap mode, press and hold a number
key until the number appears on the screen.
In EZText mode, press and hold a number key
until the number appears on the screen.
Entering special characters
If your phone is set to a language other than
English, use the following key references to enter
accented characters.
Changing input modes
To enter characters that belong to a mode other
than the one you’re in, you’ll need to change
modes. For example, to enter numbers in an email
address while in Multitap mode:
A À Á Â B C Ç 2
D E È É Ê F 3
G H I Í 4
1. Press
2. Press
right to highlight the current mode
3. Select Numbers.
4. Enter the number, and then change back to
M N O Ò Ó Ô Õ 6
T U Ü Ú V 8
Multitap mode to complete the address.
Switching text cases
Three settings are available in the Multitap mode.
To change settings for upper and lower case input
while in Multitap mode:
A Á B C 2
D E É F 3
G H I Í 4
M N Ñ O Ó 6
T U Ü Ú V 8
1. Press
2. Continue pressing
while in Multitap mode.
until your desired
input case is displayed. For example,
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
The Contacts menu of your phone is like a set of
phone index cards for you to store information
about a person or a company. Your phone can
hold, on average, about 200 phone numbers. Each
name, e-mail address, mailing address or web
address entry can contain up to 256 characters.
The minimum length of RUIM phone number is 10
digits, the maximum is 32 digits.
6. After adding options, scroll to the contact’s
number and press
to the following
Number Type to classify the number
Edit to change the number
Erase to delete the number
Add Speed Dial to add a speed dial location
to the contact.
Saving a new contact
Adding pauses to a phone number
1. From the home screen, enter the phone
When you save the phone number of an automated
service, you may include a pause where you need to
select an option or enter a password. You can enter
multiple pauses in a phone number. A Pause will
cause the phone to stop dialing until you select the
Release key.
number you wish to save.
2. Press
to select New.
3. Enter the name of the contact.
To learn how to enter letters, see page 13.
4. Press
5. Press
twice to save the number.
to select options:
1. Enter the first portion of the phone number.
2. Scroll
right to Pause and press
Add New to add a new phone number.
Edit Name to edit the name of the contact.
Classify Contact to classify the contact as
Personal or Business.
The letter P appears next to the last digit of your
phone entry.
3. Enter the remaining numbers and add more
pauses where needed.
Erase Contact to erase the new contact.
4. To save the number, press
right or left to
4. Select Options.
select New to add the number as a new contact
or To Existing to add the number to an existing
contact. Follow the prompts.
5. Select Erase Contact and press
6. Press
to select Yes. “Contact Deleted”
appears on the screen.
Saving addresses and web pages
To save a phone number, email address, street
address, or Web page URL, follow these steps.
1. Select Menu → Contacts → Add New.
2. Highlight Phone, Email, Address, or Web Page.
Editing a contact name
1. Select Menu → Contacts.
2. Select View All or Find to locate the contact
you wish to edit.
3. Scroll to the contact you wish to edit and press
3. Press
4. Enter the information. To learn how to enter
letters, “Entering Letters, Numbers, and
Symbols” on page 13
4. Select Options.
5. Select Edit Name and press
6. Press and hold to erase the existing name.
7. Enter the new name and press twice.
5. Press
twice to go to the next screen.
6. Enter a contact name.
“Contact Saved” appears on the screen.
7. Press
twice to Save.
Editing a phone number
1. Select Menu → Contacts.
2. Select View All or Find to locate the contact
Erasing a contact
1. Select Menu → Contacts.
2. Select View All or Find to locate the contact
you wish to edit.
3. Scroll to the contact you wish to edit or erase
you want to edit.
3. Highlight the contact to edit and press
4. Press down to highlight the phone number
to edit and press
and press
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
5. Highlight Edit and press
6. Follow the prompts.
Shortcut to your contacts list
From the home screen, press
All Contacts list. Highlight the contact you wish to
call and press to dial the number.
right to view the
7. Press
when finished.
Classifying a contact
You can classify a contact as business or personal.
1. Select Menu → Contacts.
2. Select View All or Find to locate the contact
you want to edit.
3. Highlight the contact to edit and press
4. Press to select Options.
5. Highlight Classify Contact and press
6. Select Business or Personal and press
Assigning the contact number type
1. Select Menu → Contacts.
2. Select View All or Find to locate the contact
you want to edit.
3. Highlight the contact to edit and press
4. Press down to highlight the phone number
to edit and press
5. Highlight Number Type and press
6. Select the type of number: Work, Home,
Mobile, or Pager and press
This chapter describes how to send, receive, and
erase text messages from your phone.
Important: The features and menus described in
this chapter may vary depending on services
available in your area. In addition, usage charges
may apply to each message. For clarification on
these issues, check with your service provider.
3. Select Continue to enter your message.
To learn how to enter letters, “Entering Letters,
Numbers, and Symbols” on page 13.
4. When you have completed the message, select
Continue and press
to Send.
Sending a pre-written message
Your Kyocera K112 comes with a set of commonly
used messages, such as “Call me”, “Emergency”,
“Need directions.”
Sending text messages
Check with your service provider to find out if you
are able to send text messages from your phone.
You can only send text messages to phones that are
capable of receiving them.
1. Select Menu → Messages → Preformatted
2. Scroll through the list of messages and press
Sending a new text message
3. Enter the phone number manually or select
1. Select Menu → Messages → Create
from the All Contacts list and press
4. Edit the contact when prompted.
5. Select Send or Save. If you select Save, your
2. Enter the number
select the number from your contacts list by
message is placed in your Outbox.
at the text entry screen, scrolling
to Contacts, and pressing
number you want and press
again. Select the
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
Sending a saved message
Receiving incoming calls while
creating messages
You can reuse a message you have stored in your
Outbox. The Outbox contains all sent messages,
messages for which send attempts have been made
as well as messages with failed send attempts.
If you don’t wish to answer the call, select
• To answer the call, press
. The message you
were working on will be lost. You will need to
re-write your message again.
1. Select Menu → Messages → Outbox.
2. Scroll through the list of messages and press
Viewing the OutBox
to select the message you wish to send.
You can check the status of messages you have sent
as long as they have been saved to the OutBox.
1. Select Menu → Messages → OutBox.
3. Select an option from the list:
Done to go back to previous screen
Erase the message
Send the message
2. Scroll through the list of messages.
3. Press
to read the message.
Forward the message to another recipient
by entering another phone number.
Retrieving text messages
1. Select Menu → Messages → Inbox.
Edit the message. Press
when you
finish editing the message.
2. Scroll to the message you want to read. The
4. Press
5. Press
to continue.
again to Send.
icon to the left should be flashing.
3. Press
to open and read the message. The
If you cannot send messages
screen autoscrolls page by page unless you
You may not be able to send or receive messages if
your phone’s memory is nearly full, or if digital
service is not available during that time. To free up
memory, erase old messages. See “Erasing
messages” on page 21.
left or right.
Erasing all messages
Erasing messages
It is a good idea to erase old messages, as messages
take up memory in your phone.
1. Select Menu → Messages → Erase
2. Select an option from the list:
You have the option of erasing text messages as you
send or read them, erasing them one-at-a-time
from the OutBox or InBox, erasing them all at once,
or erasing them automatically.
No returns you to the previous screen
Entire Inbox deletes all messages in the
inbox. If selected, the prompt, “Entire
Inbox?” appears. Select Yes.
Erasing single messages
1. Select Menu → Messages.
2. Scroll down to select the type of text message
Entire Outbox deletes all messages stored in
the outbox. If selected, the prompt “Entire
Outbox?” appears. Select Yes.
Old Inbox deletes all messages in the old
inbox. If selected, the prompt “Erase all old
Inbox messages?” appears. Select Yes.
you want to erase (InBox, or OutBox).
3. Press
to select the message to erase.
4. Select Erase to erase the message. A notification
appears: “Erase this message?”
5. Select Yes to erase the message.
Setting message alerts
You can choose how you want be alerted of
incoming voicemail, pages, or text messages.
Auto Erase Inbox
Use this setting to have messages automatically
erased when memory is low.
1. Select Menu → Messages → Message
Settings → Message Alert.
1. Select Menu → Messages → Message
2. Select an option from the list:
Settings→ Auto Erase Inbox.
None no alert
Vibrate Once sets the phone to vibrate once
2. Select Enable.
3. Press
when you receive a message
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Vibrate & Remind sets the phone to vibrate
once when a new message is received and
then every minute until message is
Beep Once sets the phone to beep once
when you receive a message
Beep & Remind sets the phone to beep
once when a new message is received and
then every minute until message is
3. Press
The contents of the Settings menu are as follows.
Silence All
Auto Key Guard
Alert Type
Ringer Type
Key Beep
Key Tone Length
Call Timers
Outgoing Calls
Incoming Calls
All Calls
Menu Format
Time Format
Ext Power Backlight
Headset Ringing
Headset Autoanswer
Any Key Answer
Erase all Contacts
Erase All Recent Calls
Phone Reset
Sys / Network
Roaming Opt
PIN Change
Missed Call
Minute Alert
Vibration causes the phone to vibrate for
the duration of the incoming call alert.
Vibe+Ringer causes the phone to vibrate for
the first 10 seconds and then ring for the
remainder of the incoming call alert.
Setting your phone to vibrate
You can set your phone to vibrate or to vibrate and
then ring when you receive an incoming call.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Sound → Alert
3. Press
2. Highlight an option:
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
2. Select Ringer, Earpiece or Key Beep.
Locking your keypad
You can lock the keypad to protect the phone from
accidental key presses.
3. Press
up or down to adjust the volume.
to set the volume level.
4. Press
• To lock the keypad from the home screen,
Setting the incoming call alert
press and hold
You can choose the type of alert you receive for
incoming calls.
To unlock the keypad, press
For advance setting of the keypad lock, do the
1. Select Menu → Settings → Auto Key Guard.
Select Menu → Settings → Sound → Alert Type.
1. Select an option from the list:
Off sets the phone to mute during an
incoming call alert.
2. Select an option from the list:
On immediately locks the keypad.
Off disables keyguard.
30 Sec locks the keypad after 30 seconds of
Ringer sets the phone to ring during an
incoming call alert.
Vibration sets the phone to vibrate for the
duration of the incoming call alert.
Vibe+Ringer sets the phone to vibrate for
the first 10 seconds and then ring for the
remainder of the incoming call alertS.
2 mins locks the keypad after 2 minutes of
5 mins locks the keypad after 5 minutes of
Choosing a different ringer
Adjusting volume
You can adjust the volume of the ringer, earpiece
and the key beeps.
Your Kyocera K112 has 15 ringers you can choose
from for your incoming calls.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Sound → Ringer
1. Select Menu → Settings → Sound → Volume.
ꢘ ꢃꢏꢎꢅꢂAꢂꢇꢙꢄ?ꢎ ꢊꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
2. Scroll down the list to hear the different rings
Personalizing the screen
Adjusting the backlighting
3. Press
to select a ringer from the list.
Your screen lights up while you are in a call or
when you press a key on the keypad. However, you
can change when and how backlighting lights up.
Changing the key beep sound
The key beep is the sound made whe you press the
keys on the keypad. You can change the sound to
tones or clicks.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Display →
1. Select Menu → Settings → Sound → Key
2. Select an option from the list:
Off turns backlighting off.
10s turns backlighting on for 10 seconds
2. Select an option:
after your last keypress.
30s turns backlighting on for 10 seconds
after your last keypress.
10s in call turns backlighting on for 10
seconds after your last keypress.
30s in call turns backlighting on for 10
seconds after your last keypress.
Tones emits a beep when a key is pressed.
Clicks emits a clicking sound when a key is
Changing the key beep length
You can change the duration of the tones the phone
makes when you press the keys.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Sound → Key
3. Press
to confirm your choice.
Tone Length.
Note: Keeping backlighting on during a call drains
the battery more quickly and reduces talk and
standby times.
2. Select an option:
Normal emits a short, fixed length DTMF
Long emits a longer DTMF tone.
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Changing your banner
Choosing a different time format
The banner is the personal label for your phone. It
appears on the home screen above the time and
date. The banner can be up to 14 characters long.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Display → Time
2. Select AM/PM or 24 HR.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Display →
3. Press
Changing the main menu view
You can change the appearance of the menus you
see when you select Menu from the home screen.
2. Press
to select Edit.
3. Press
to clear the screen.
4. Enter your new text.
Select Menu → Settings → Display → Menu
Format, then the option you want:
5. Press
twice to select Save.
Choosing a different language
Large Icons
Small Icons
Your phone may support languages in addition to
1. Select Menu → Settings → Display →
2. Scroll to highlight a language.
Note: When using Small Icons, you must press
3. Press
up or down to scroll through menus.
Changing the display contrast
Screen Saver
1. Select Menu → Settings → Display →
1. Select Menu → Settings → Display →
2. Press
right or left to adjust the contrast.
2. Select Type to access the available screensavers.
ꢘ ꢃꢏꢎꢅꢂAꢂꢇꢙꢄ?ꢎ ꢊꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
3. Scroll to highlight a screensaver and press
to select it.
4. Select Timeout to set the time you want the
screensaver to display after the phone is in idle
mode: 30 seconds, 2 minutes, or 5 minutes.
5. Press
6. Press to return to the home screen.
Setting call alerts
You can choose to Enable or Disable alert tones.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Alert.
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Resetting your phone
Setting headset autoanswer
1. Select Menu → Settings → Security.
2. Enter your four-digit PIN code and press
3. Select Phone Reset.
When a headset (sold separately) is attached to the
phone, you can set the headset to autoanswer when
there is an incoming call.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Accessories →
4. The message “Restore Factory Default?”
Headset Autoanswer.
2. Select the option to turn the autoanswer Off, or
have it answer after 2 seconds, 5 seconds, or
10 seconds.
5. Select Yes to restore factory default.
Note: Your 4-digit PIN code, Recent Calls List,
Contacts directory, Inbox and Outbox contents,
memos, and service programming are not adjusted
when you reset your phone.
3. Press
Setting power backlighting
You can set backlighting to remain on when an
external power source, such as the AC adapter, is
used with the phone.
Note: Power backlighting may not be available with
some accessories. Check with your service
Setting alerts for your headset
When a headset (sold separately) is attached to the
phone, you can set alert sounds to originate from
the headset.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Accessories →
Headset Ringing.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Accessories →
2. Select On to have alerts originating from the
Ext Power Backlight.
2. Select On to keep backlighting on.
Note: The battery charges more slowly when
power backlighting is on.
ꢘ ꢃꢏꢎꢅꢂAꢂꢇꢙꢄ?ꢎ ꢊꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
The Extra menu offers two games, BlackjackTM and
Video PokerTM; and several tools that include a
stopwatch, an alarm, a scheduler, and a calculator.
Select Hit to draw more cards. The resulting
card values appear on the extreme right
(maximum number of cards is 5).
Select Double to double the bet amount.
Select Stand if you don’t want to draw more
BlackjackTM is a card game where the player
attempts to beat the dealer by obtaining a sum of
card values that is equal to or less than 21 so that
his total is higher than the dealer's.
5. To continue with this game, select Deal. The
dealer will draw more cards if necessary and a
result screen will appear to tell you if you have
won, lose or nothing lost, nothing won
Notes: The default cash value is $5000 and the bet
amount is $20.
The dealer’s cards appear on the upper row; your
cards appear on the lower row.
Video PokerTM
In Video PokerTM you are dealt five cards. You may
keep some or all of them, or throw them all away.
For each card you throw away, you get another to
replace it. The object of the game is for you to
create a five-card winning hand.
1. Select Menu → Extra → Games →
2. Press
to enter. A greeting screen appears,
to continue.
followed by the rules of the game.
3. Press
1. Select Menu → Extra → Games → Video
4. Select Continue to return to your most recent
2. Press
by the rules of the game.
3. Press
to enter. A greeting appears, followed
to continue.
game, or New to start a new game.
Select Deal to start the game immediately.
Select Bet to change the bet amount.
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4. Select Continue to return to your most recent
game, or New to start a new game.
Use the alarm to set an alert for a specific time. The
alert occurs only if the phone is on.
Digital service is required to access this menu item.
Select Deal to start the game immediately
Select Bet to change your bet amount.
Select Payout to learn the payout amounts
of Royal Flush, Full House, Pair of Jacks,
Straight Flush, Four of a kind, etc.
Select Continue if you do not wish to change
your cards. A result screen appears to tell
you if you have won or lost the game.
Select Discard to change your cards, then
press the numeric keys corresponding to
the numbers shown above the cards you
wish to discard.
1. Select Menu → Extra → Alarm → Set.
up or down to select an hour and
left and right to switch between
hours, minutes, and am/pm.
Enter numbers using the phone keypad.
2. When time is set, press
, and select Once,
Daily, or Weekdays.
3. Press
5. Select Continue to display the result screen.
6. Select Deal to continue with the game.
4. When the alarm sounds, select Off to turn off
the alarm or Snooze to silence the alarm for
10 minutes.
Stop Watch
1. Select Menu → Extra → Stopwatch.
The Scheduler allows you to schedule events, such
as meetings or appointments, and keep track of
special occasions, such as birthdays or wedding
2. Select Start to have the stopwatch begin
3. Select Stop to stop counting.
4. Select Reset to set the counter back to zero.
Digital service is required to access this menu item.
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9. Press
twice when you are done
Adding an event
To find the day of the event.
1. Select Menu → Extra → Scheduler
Viewing, editing, or erasing an event
1. Select Menu → Extra → Scheduler.
2. Select View Day or View Month to find the
For a day in the current month, select View
Day. Press
right or left to scroll
event you want to view, edit, or erase.
through days.
3. Press
an event and press
4. Press
up, down, left, or right to highlight
to select it.
right and press to select Edit,
For a day in a different month, select View
Month. Press up or down to scroll
through months, and left or right to scroll
through days.
Erase, or New. Follow the prompts.
5. Press to return to the home screen or
to return to scheduler options.
2. Press
3. Select Menu → Extra → Scheduler → Add
Event and press
to confirm the day and weeks.
Use the calculator for basic mathematical
1. Select Menu → Extra → Calculator.
2. Use the keypad to enter numbers.
4. Enter event name. For help on entering text, see
page 13.
5. Press
the letters.
twice when you are done entering
6. Select Next to set the event Start time, Duration,
3. Press
left and right to scroll through the
to select them.
and Alarm frequency.
operators. Press
up or down to set alarm fields.
left or right to move between
decimal point
7. Press
twice when you are done.
8. Select Next to add a Note.
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
Clear all numbers entered and display a zero.
Display the value currently stored in memory.
Add the displayed digit to the value stored
in memory.
Clear the value currently stored in memory.
Change the sign of the displayed number.
Clear one function or one digit from the screen
and return the calculator to digit entry mode.
Hold down to clear all of the digits and
operations and display a zero.
Exit the calculator and return to home screen.
=ꢈꢆꢔꢂꢇꢙꢄ@ꢆꢅꢋꢃꢄꢆꢇꢌꢄ ꢃꢂꢇꢙꢄꢀꢎꢎꢈꢃ
Before requesting support, please try to reproduce
and isolate the problem. When you contact the
Customer Care Center, be ready to provide the
following information:
Customer support
Your service provider’s customer support
department may be accessible directly from your
phone when you dial a number such as *611
(check with your service provider). They can
answer questions about your phone, phone bill,
call coverage area, and specific features available to
you, such as call forwarding or voicemail.
The name of your service provider.
The actual error message or problem you are
The steps you took to reproduce the problem.
For questions about the phone features, refer to the
materials provided with your phone, or visit
For additional questions, you may contact the
Kyocera Wireless Corp. Customer Care Center in
any of the following ways:
• The phone’s electronic serial number (ESN).
To find the ESN:
a. Remove the RUIM card cover.
b. Locate the white label on the back of the
phone. Your phone’s 11-digit ESN begins
with “D” and is located on the label.
Web site: www.kyocera-wireless.com
Email: phone-help@kyocera-wireless.com
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
911 calls, 11
setting alerts, 8
speed dialing, 9
blackjack, 29
add new, 16
video poker, 29
alarm clock, 30
calling, 7
classifying, 17
editing, 17
hands-free car kit
for headsets, 28
answering using voice, 8
for messages, 21
for missed calls, 8
erasing, 17
finding, 18
shortcut to, 18
hands-free headset
and phone ringer, 28
jack, 3
AutoText, 19
contrast, 26
email, 33
adjusting, 25
lights, 25
banner, 26
battery, 1
phone number, 33
website, 33
display contrast, 26
what to have ready, 33
911 calls, 11
charging, 1
icons, 6
making calls after dialing
drain, 2
911, 11
icons, 1
safety guidelines, 2
key beep
all contacts, 9, 27
text messages, 21
external devices
adjusting volume, 24
length, 25
calling emergency numbers, 11
tones or clicks, 25
hands-free car kit, 8
making and answering, 4, 7
missed, 8
recent calls list, 8
language, 26
finding a saved phone number, 18
RUIM card
inserting, 1
sending saved, 20
power backlighting, 28
viewing the outbox, 20
text modes
eZiText mode, 14
saved phone numbers
editing, 17
normal text mode, 14
number mode, 14
special characters, 15
symbol mode, 14
saving, 21
menu view, 26
scheduler, 30
screen contrast, 26
screen icons, 6
security, 27
see voicemail or text mes-
time format, 26
missed calls, 8
silencing all sounds, 24
speed dialing, 9
symbol mode, 14
alarm, 30
calculator, 31
scheduler, 30
stopwatch, 30
number mode, 14
technical support, 33
text entry
OutBox, 20
changing text modes, 15
EZText, 14
setting phone to, 23
phone numbers
editing, 17
silence all, 24
letter by letter, 14
multitap mode, 14
number mode, 14
quick entry, 14
entering pauses, 16
saving, 16
accessing, 10
setting up, 4, 10
power backlighting, 28
special characters, 15
symbol mode, 14
understanding, 14
adjusting during a call, 10
earpiece, 24
redialing a number, 7
resetting the phone, v
key beep, 24
text messages
ringer, 24
erasing, 21
for different calls, 27
setting, 24
pre-written (AutoText), 19
retrieving, 20
roaming, 12
sending new, 19
ꢃꢋꢊꢄ@ ꢂꢌꢋꢄꢒꢎꢊꢄꢏꢁꢋꢄꢓꢔꢎꢐꢋꢊꢆꢄꢓꢕꢕꢖꢄ=ꢁꢎꢇꢋ
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