Blackberry BLACKBERRY PEARL 9100 User Manual

BlackBerry Pearl Series  
BlackBerry Pearl 9100/9105  
User Guide  
Version: 6.0  
To find the latest user guides, visit  
Quick Help..........................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Top 10.................................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Getting to know your smartphone.....................................................................................................................................................................  
Make it yours......................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Phone shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Phone shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
File and attachment shortcuts...........................................................................................................................................................................  
Typing shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Typing shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Media shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Media shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Browser shortcuts..............................................................................................................................................................................................  
Browser shortcuts..............................................................................................................................................................................................  
Calendar shortcuts.............................................................................................................................................................................................  
Calendar shortcuts.............................................................................................................................................................................................  
Search shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Search shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Map shortcuts....................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Map shortcuts....................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Troubleshooting: Shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................  
Phone basics.......................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Emergency calls..................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Voice mail...........................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Speed dial...........................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Call waiting, call forwarding, and call blocking...................................................................................................................................................  
Fixed dialing and smart dialing...........................................................................................................................................................................  
Conference calls.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Call logs...............................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Multiple phone numbers....................................................................................................................................................................................  
Phone options....................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Phone shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Phone shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Troubleshooting: Phone.....................................................................................................................................................................................  
Voice commands................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Perform an action using a voice command........................................................................................................................................................  
Available voice commands.................................................................................................................................................................................  
Change the language for voice commands........................................................................................................................................................  
Turn off choice lists for voice commands...........................................................................................................................................................  
Change the options for voice prompts...............................................................................................................................................................  
Improve voice recognition..................................................................................................................................................................................  
Troubleshooting: Voice dialing...........................................................................................................................................................................  
PIN messages......................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Text messages....................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Security options for messages............................................................................................................................................................................  
S/MIME-protected messages.............................................................................................................................................................................  
IBM Lotus Notes native encrypted messages..................................................................................................................................................... 105  
PGP protected messages.................................................................................................................................................................................... 106  
File and attachment shortcuts........................................................................................................................................................................... 113  
Troubleshooting: Messages................................................................................................................................................................................ 113  
Files.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 119  
File basics........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 119  
Managing files and attachments........................................................................................................................................................................ 121  
File and attachment shortcuts........................................................................................................................................................................... 124  
Troubleshooting: Attachments........................................................................................................................................................................... 124  
Media................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 126  
Music.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 126  
Podcasts............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 129  
Videos................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 131  
Video camera..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 132  
Camera............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 134  
Pictures............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136  
Voice notes......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 138  
Ring tones........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139  
Media storage.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 141  
Transferring and downloading media files......................................................................................................................................................... 144  
Supported audio and video file formats............................................................................................................................................................. 146  
Media shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................................. 146  
Media shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................................. 147  
Troubleshooting: Media..................................................................................................................................................................................... 148  
Ring tones, sounds, and alerts............................................................................................................................................................................ 151  
About ring tones, sounds, and alerts.................................................................................................................................................................. 151  
Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders.................................................................................................................................................. 151  
Add a custom profile.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 152  
Add a contact alert............................................................................................................................................................................................. 152  
Silence your device............................................................................................................................................................................................. 152  
Flashing LED........................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Change alarm notification options..................................................................................................................................................................... 153  
Turn on event sounds......................................................................................................................................................................................... 153  
Troubleshooting: Ring tones, sounds, and alerts............................................................................................................................................... 154  
Browser.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 155  
Browser basics.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 155  
Browser bookmarks............................................................................................................................................................................................ 158  
RSS feeds............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 159  
Browser options................................................................................................................................................................................................. 160  
Browser security................................................................................................................................................................................................. 162  
Browser push......................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Browser shortcuts.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 165  
Browser shortcuts.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 165  
Troubleshooting: Browser.................................................................................................................................................................................. 166  
Calendar............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 168  
Calendar basics................................................................................................................................................................................................... 168  
Conference call meetings................................................................................................................................................................................... 171  
Synchronizing calendar....................................................................................................................................................................................... 173  
Calendar options................................................................................................................................................................................................ 175  
Calendar shortcuts............................................................................................................................................................................................. 176  
Calendar shortcuts............................................................................................................................................................................................. 177  
Troubleshooting: Calendar................................................................................................................................................................................. 177  
Contact basics.....................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Customizing contacts......................................................................................................................................................................................... 180  
Synchronizing contacts....................................................................................................................................................................................... 182  
Personal distribution lists................................................................................................................................................................................... 184  
Multiple contact lists.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 185  
Contact list options............................................................................................................................................................................................. 185  
Troubleshooting: Contacts................................................................................................................................................................................. 186  
Clock................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 188  
Set the date and time......................................................................................................................................................................................... 188  
Change what appears on the screen when your device is charging................................................................................................................... 188  
Change the clock face......................................................................................................................................................................................... 188  
Display a second time zone on the clock............................................................................................................................................................ 189  
Turn on the alarm............................................................................................................................................................................................... 189  
Silence the alarm................................................................................................................................................................................................ 189  
Change alarm notification options..................................................................................................................................................................... 189  
Turn on bedside clock mode.............................................................................................................................................................................. 190  
Set options for bedside clock mode................................................................................................................................................................... 190  
Use the timer...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 190  
Change timer notification options...................................................................................................................................................................... 191  
Troubleshooting: Clock....................................................................................................................................................................................... 191  
Tasks and memos............................................................................................................................................................................................... 192  
Create a task or memo....................................................................................................................................................................................... 192  
Send a task or memo.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 192  
Change or delete a task or memo...................................................................................................................................................................... 192  
Change the status of a task................................................................................................................................................................................ 192  
Hide completed tasks......................................................................................................................................................................................... 193  
Show tasks in the calendar................................................................................................................................................................................. 193  
Synchronizing tasks and memos......................................................................................................................................................................... 193  
About categories................................................................................................................................................................................................ 195  
Categorize a contact, task, or memo.................................................................................................................................................................. 195  
Create a category for contacts, tasks, or memos............................................................................................................................................... 195  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete items............................................................................................................................... 196  
Typing................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 197  
Typing basics...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 197  
Typing input methods........................................................................................................................................................................................ 198  
Typing options.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 200  
Spelling checker.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 201  
Custom dictionary.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 202  
AutoText............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 203  
Typing shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................................. 204  
Typing shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................................. 205  
Troubleshooting: Typing.....................................................................................................................................................................................  
Keyboard............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 207  
Assign an application to a Convenience key....................................................................................................................................................... 207  
Change the default currency symbol.................................................................................................................................................................. 207  
Set the cursor speed........................................................................................................................................................................................... 207  
Turn on key tones............................................................................................................................................................................................... 207  
Set the trackpad sensitivity................................................................................................................................................................................ 208  
Turn off trackpad sounds................................................................................................................................................................................... 208  
Troubleshooting: Keyboard................................................................................................................................................................................ 208  
Language............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 209  
About typing input languages............................................................................................................................................................................ 209  
Change the language.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 209  
Add a display language....................................................................................................................................................................................... 209  
Delete a language............................................................................................................................................................................................... 209  
Troubleshooting: Language................................................................................................................................................................................ 210  
Screen display..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 211  
Set options for backlighting................................................................................................................................................................................ 211  
Use a picture as your device wallpaper.............................................................................................................................................................. 211  
Change the display font...................................................................................................................................................................................... 211  
Organizing applications on the Home screen..................................................................................................................................................... 212  
Add a message that appears when your device is locked.................................................................................................................................. 213  
Use grayscale or reverse contrast for the screen display................................................................................................................................... 213  
Turn on flashing LED notification for wireless coverage.................................................................................................................................... 213  
Themes............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 213  
Troubleshooting: Display.................................................................................................................................................................................... 214  
GPS technology................................................................................................................................................................................................... 215  
About GPS technology........................................................................................................................................................................................ 215  
Turn on GPS technology..................................................................................................................................................................................... 215  
Set the GPS receiver that you use to track your movement.............................................................................................................................. 215  
Get your GPS location........................................................................................................................................................................................ 216  
Prevent others from tracking your location....................................................................................................................................................... 216  
Turn off location aiding...................................................................................................................................................................................... 216  
Troubleshooting: GPS technology...................................................................................................................................................................... 217  
Maps................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 218  
Map basics.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 218  
Map options....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 221  
Map shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 221  
Map shortcuts.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 221  
Troubleshooting: Maps...................................................................................................................................................................................... 222  
Applications........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 223  
About multitasking............................................................................................................................................................................................. 223  
Keep an application running in the background and switch to another application......................................................................................... 223  
Close an application so that it is not running in the background....................................................................................................................... 223  
About adding applications.................................................................................................................................................................................. 224  
About social networking applications................................................................................................................................................................ 225  
About instant messaging applications................................................................................................................................................................ 225  
Require your device password before adding an application............................................................................................................................ 225  
Delete an application......................................................................................................................................................................................... 226  
View properties for an application..................................................................................................................................................................... 226  
View the size of an application database........................................................................................................................................................... 226  
Troubleshooting: Applications........................................................................................................................................................................... 226  
BlackBerry Device Software............................................................................................................................................................................... 227  
About updating the BlackBerry Device Software............................................................................................................................................... 227  
Update the BlackBerry Device Software from a web site.................................................................................................................................. 228  
Update the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Desktop Software............................................................................................. 228  
Troubleshooting: BlackBerry Device Software................................................................................................................................................... 229  
Manage Connections.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 230  
Manage Connections basics............................................................................................................................................................................... 230  
Mobile network.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 232  
Wi-Fi technology................................................................................................................................................................................................ 236  
Bluetooth technology......................................................................................................................................................................................... 242  
Power and battery.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 250  
Turn off your device........................................................................................................................................................................................... 250  
Set your device to turn on and turn off automatically....................................................................................................................................... 250  
Reset the device................................................................................................................................................................................................. 250  
Check the battery power level........................................................................................................................................................................... 250  
Tips: Extending battery life................................................................................................................................................................................. 250  
About media cards............................................................................................................................................................................................. 252  
Supported media cards...................................................................................................................................................................................... 252  
View the amount of available storage space on your device............................................................................................................................. 252  
Turn off media card support.............................................................................................................................................................................. 252  
Repair files stored on your media card or on your device................................................................................................................................. 252  
About compression............................................................................................................................................................................................ 253  
About file encryption..........................................................................................................................................................................................  
Turn on encryption............................................................................................................................................................................................. 253  
Tips: Freeing and conserving storage space....................................................................................................................................................... 254  
Troubleshooting: Storage and media cards........................................................................................................................................................ 255  
Search................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 256  
Search for an item.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 256  
Set the types of items that are included in searches......................................................................................................................................... 256  
Search for messages........................................................................................................................................................................................... 256  
Message search criteria...................................................................................................................................................................................... 257  
Do more with your message search results....................................................................................................................................................... 257  
Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page................................................................................................................................... 258  
View, change, or delete a saved search............................................................................................................................................................. 258  
Search for a contact in your organization's address book.................................................................................................................................. 258  
Search shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................................. 259  
Search shortcuts................................................................................................................................................................................................. 259  
About the SIM card phone book........................................................................................................................................................................ 260  
Add a contact to your SIM card.......................................................................................................................................................................... 260  
Copy contacts from your SIM card to your contact list...................................................................................................................................... 260  
Copy a contact from your contact list to your SIM card..................................................................................................................................... 260  
Change or delete a SIM card contact................................................................................................................................................................. 261  
Store text messages on your SIM card............................................................................................................................................................... 261  
Change the display name for a phone number.................................................................................................................................................. 261  
About SIM card security..................................................................................................................................................................................... 261  
Protect your SIM card with a PIN code............................................................................................................................................................... 262  
Change the SIM card PIN code........................................................................................................................................................................... 262  
Security............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 263  
Security basics.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 263  
Password keeper................................................................................................................................................................................................ 265  
Encryption.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 267  
Memory cleaning................................................................................................................................................................................................  
Certificates......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 270  
PGP keys............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 277  
Certificate servers.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 282  
Key store.............................................................................................................................................................................................................  
VPN settings....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 289  
Verify security software manually...................................................................................................................................................................... 290  
Third-party application control.......................................................................................................................................................................... 291  
Troubleshooting: Security.................................................................................................................................................................................. 294  
Service books and diagnostic reports................................................................................................................................................................. 295  
Accept, delete, or restore a service book........................................................................................................................................................... 295  
Run a diagnostic report...................................................................................................................................................................................... 295  
View, submit, or delete a diagnostic report....................................................................................................................................................... 295  
Set a default recipient for diagnostic reports..................................................................................................................................................... 296  
I cannot run or submit a diagnostic report......................................................................................................................................................... 296  
View the version number of the BlackBerry Device Software on your device................................................................................................... 296  
Synchronization.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 297  
About synchronization....................................................................................................................................................................................... 297  
Reconcile email over the wireless network........................................................................................................................................................ 297  
Delete email on your device and in your email application on your computer................................................................................................. 298  
Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network..................................................................................................................................... 298  
About synchronization conflicts......................................................................................................................................................................... 298  
Manage email reconciliation conflicts................................................................................................................................................................ 299  
Manage data synchronization conflicts.............................................................................................................................................................. 299  
About backing up and restoring device data...................................................................................................................................................... 299  
Empty the deleted items folder on your computer from your device............................................................................................................... 300  
Troubleshooting: Synchronization..................................................................................................................................................................... 300  
Accessibility options........................................................................................................................................................................................... 302  
About accessibility options................................................................................................................................................................................. 302  
Screen accessibility options................................................................................................................................................................................ 302  
Audio and phone accessibility options............................................................................................................................................................... 303  
Typing accessibility options................................................................................................................................................................................ 305  
Calculator........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 306  
Convert a measurement..................................................................................................................................................................................... 306  
BrickBreaker....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 307  
About BrickBreaker............................................................................................................................................................................................ 307  
BrickBreaker capsules.........................................................................................................................................................................................  
BrickBreaker scoring........................................................................................................................................................................................... 308  
Play BrickBreaker................................................................................................................................................................................................ 308  
Adjust the volume.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 308  
Set the paddle speed.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 309  
Word Mole game basics..................................................................................................................................................................................... 310  
Multiplayer games.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 312  
Troubleshooting: Word Mole............................................................................................................................................................................. 313  
Glossary.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 314  
Legal notice........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 319  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Quick Help  
Top 10  
BlackBerry® device users have spoken! Here are the top 10 things they want to know how to do on their devices.  
Set up an email address  
1. On the Home screen, click the Setup icon.  
2. In the Setup section, click the Email Accounts icon.  
3. Follow the screens to set up your email address. When your email address is set up correctly, you receive a confirmation  
message. To view and manage your email messages, on the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Note: In some cases, you might see the following options. If so, select one of the options.  
Internet Mail Account: Use this option to associate your BlackBerry® device with one or more existing email accounts (for  
example, Google Mail™ or Windows Live™ Hotmail®) or to create a new email address for your device.  
Enterprise Account: If your administrator gave you an enterprise activation password, use this option to associate your  
device with your work email account using the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server.  
If you are trying to set up an Internet email account (for example, Google Mail or Windows Live Hotmail) or a new email  
address for your device, and do not see this option, contact your administrator or wireless service provider.  
Related topics  
Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders  
In addition to changing the tone, you can also change options for volume, LED, vibration, and notification during calls.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Selected Profile.  
• To change your ring tone, click Phone.  
• To change notifiers or reminders, click to expand a section. Click an option.  
3. In the Ring Tone, Notifier Tone, or Reminder Tone field, do one of the following:  
• Click a tone.  
• To use a song that is on your BlackBerry® device or on a media card, click All Music. Find and click a song.  
• To use a voice note that you recorded, click All Voice Notes. Find and click a voice note.  
• To use a preloaded alert, click All Alerts. Find and click an alert.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Find or hide an application icon  
Depending on your theme, you might not be able to hide some application icons.  
On the Home screen or in a folder, do any of the following:  
To see all your application icons, press the  
key > All.  
To hide an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the  
key > Hide.  
key > Show All.  
To show all hidden application icons, press the  
To stop hiding an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the  
the Hide field.  
key > Hide. A check mark should not appear beside  
Related topics  
About adding applications  
Depending on your wireless service provider and region, you might have the option to add or update applications using the  
BlackBerry App World™ storefront, the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, or the Application Center. You might also be able to  
download applications from a web page (try visiting from your BlackBerry device), or from an  
application offered by your wireless service provider.  
Additional terms and conditions might apply to software and services made available through the BlackBerry App World™  
storefront, the BlackBerry Desktop Software, or the Application Center. Data charges might apply when you add or use an  
application over the wireless network. For more information, contact your wireless service provider.  
BlackBerry App World  
If you have BlackBerry App World on your device, you can search for and download games, social networking applications,  
personal productivity applications, and much more. Using an existing PayPal® account, you can buy and download items over  
the wireless network to your device.  
To download BlackBerry App World, visit  
For more information about managing applications using BlackBerry App World, click the BlackBerry App World icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
BlackBerry Desktop Software  
If you have the BlackBerry Desktop Software installed on your computer, you can connect your device to your computer to  
add, update, remove, or restore applications. You can also add applications to your device that you have downloaded to your  
computer, without having to use the wireless network.  
To download the BlackBerry Desktop Software, visit  
For more information about managing applications using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
Application Center  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
If you have the Application Center on your device, you can add, update, or return to the previous version of a select number of  
applications that are hosted by your wireless service provider. Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might  
not be available.  
For more information about managing applications using the Application Center, click the Application Center icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
Add or change your signature  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
• For a work email account, click Email Preferences. If the Message Services field appears, change this field to the  
appropriate email account. If the Use Auto Signature check box is not selected, select it. In the field that appears, place  
your cursor.  
• For a personal email account, click Email Account Management. Click an email account. Click Edit.  
3. Type a signature.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your signature is added to your email after you send it.  
Use a picture as your device wallpaper  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Browse to a picture.  
Press the  
key > Set As Wallpaper.  
Related topics  
Supported audio and video file formats  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model and wireless service provider, some media file formats might not be supported.  
File format  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
File format  
For information about codecs and recommended video and audio file formats for your device, visit  
smartphones and click Multimedia > Media Types Supported on BlackBerry Smartphones.  
Transfer a file from your computer to your device using your device as a  
USB memory drive  
You must use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated  
with your media files when you transfer files between your BlackBerry device and your computer.  
1. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• If you want to transfer most types of files, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select the USB option.  
• If you want to transfer media files that are protected with DRM, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select  
the media transfer option.  
3. If necessary, type a password. Your device appears as a drive on your computer.  
4. Drag a file from a location on your computer to a folder on your device.  
To view the transferred file on your device, disconnect your device from your computer and find the file.  
Related topics  
Open, close, or switch between tabs  
Do one of the following:  
To open a new tab, in the browser, press the  
To open a new tab for a link on a web page, highlight the link. Press the  
To switch between tabs, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Click a tab.  
To close a tab, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Highlight a tab. Click the icon.  
key > Tabs. Click the New Tab icon.  
key > Open Link in New Tab.  
Reconcile email over the wireless network  
You can set the Wireless Reconcile option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Select the Wireless Reconcile check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If your device is associated with a Microsoft® Outlook® email account, you must use the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software to reconcile email in personal folders. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
Getting to know your smartphone  
Find out about apps and indicators, and what the keys do on your BlackBerry® smartphone.  
Important keys  
Front keys  
Slide your finger to move around the screen.  
Press (click) to select an item.  
Press and hold to open a pop-up menu.  
Open a menu.  
Select a highlighted menu item.  
Press and hold to switch applications quickly.  
Return to the previous screen.  
Close the menu.  
Make a call.  
Answer a call.  
End a call.  
Return to the Home screen.  
Press and hold to turn on or turn off your BlackBerry® device.  
Top keys  
Play or pause a media file.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Mute a call.  
Mute the volume.  
Press and hold to lock or unlock the keyboard.  
Play the previous media file.  
Play the next media file.  
Side keys  
Change the volume.  
Before you take a picture or record a video, press to zoom in or out.  
Left Convenience key  
Right Convenience key  
Open the Voice Dialing application.  
You can also customize this key.  
Open the camera.  
Take a picture.  
You can also customize this key.  
Capitalize letters.  
Type the alternate character on a key.  
Open the symbol list.  
Delete the previous character or a selected item.  
Select an item.  
Turn on or turn off the speakerphone during a call.  
Select commands using pop-up menus  
Pop-up menus are available in most applications, and appear in the center of the screen. You can use the pop-up menu when  
you are viewing a message, for example, to file, forward, or reply to the message.  
To open a pop-up menu, click and hold an item on the screen.  
To select a command, click the icon.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
To see additional commands, click the Full Menu icon.  
Tips: Doing things quickly  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Use the Quick Access area to access popular options  
Highlight and click an area at the top of the Home screen to  
access options such as changing your ring tone, setting the  
alarm, viewing notifications, and turning on or off network  
See all the apps and folders on the Home screen, or minimize On the navigation bar, click All.  
your view and view the wallpaper  
Switch to another app  
Press and hold the  
key. Click an app.  
Note: The other app might still be running in the background.  
Open an app with a convenience key  
Use pop-up menus  
Press a convenience key on the side of your device.  
Note: You can customize which app a convenience key opens.  
Pop-up menus provide common available actions, and appear  
in the center of the screen. For example, you can use the pop-  
up menu in a message to file, forward, or reply to the message.  
To open a pop-up menu, press and hold the trackpad. To select  
a command, click the trackpad.  
Switch to the Favorites, Media, Downloads, and Frequent  
On the Home screen, highlight All on the navigation bar and  
slide your finger on the trackpad right or left.  
Add an app to the Favorites view  
Highlight an app on the Home screen or in a folder. Press the  
key > Mark as Favorite.  
Change options for the Home screen such as the wallpaper  
On the Home screen, press the  
key > Options.  
Related topics  
Get started with some of these great applications.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Send emails, PIN messages, and more.  
Text Messages  
Send text messages.  
Browse websites.  
See saved pictures, play songs, and more.  
Camera (if supported)  
Take pictures.  
Instant Messaging  
Chat with friends or colleagues.  
Set your device options. You can find more options in each application menu.  
Manage Connections  
Set up wireless connections, such as a Bluetooth® connection.  
Find the user guide here or click Help in a menu.  
Status indicators  
Home screen  
new notification  
alarm set  
unopened message count  
calendar reminder count  
missed call count  
BlackBerry® Messenger  
social feeds  
sending or receiving data  
Wi-Fi® turned on  
text message  
sent message  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Home screen  
high priority  
message is sending  
message not sent  
meeting invite  
missed call  
placed call  
received call  
voice mail message  
Tips: Managing indicators  
Indicators tell you that there is something new or updated, such as a new message, voice message, or feed, or they inform you  
of the status of something, such as the battery or network connection. Indicators often appear on app icons, new content  
within apps, and at the top of the Home screen.  
Openeachitemthathasthisindicator. Forexample, toremove  
it from the Messages icon, click the icon.  
Remove the new item indicator  
In the Messages app, do one or more of the following:  
Remove the unopened message indicator  
Open all of your messages by clicking on them. If you  
cannot find all of your unopened messages in your inbox,  
look in your messages folders.  
Mark a message as opened. Highlight a message. Press the  
key > Mark Opened.  
Mark all messages that are prior to a date as opened.  
Highlight a date field. Press the  
key > Mark Prior  
Identify an indicator  
You might be able to identify an indicator by seeing the  
icon of the application that the indicator refers to. To see  
a complete list of applications on your device and their  
icons, on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options  
icon. Click Device > Application Management.  
For a complete list of BlackBerry® indicators, visit  
device model, and then click the Icons and Indicators  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Feature availability  
The following items affect the availability of features on your BlackBerry® device. The features discussed are meant as  
examples, and are not inclusive of every feature that might or might not be available on your device.  
Device model  
Features such as GPS, the camera and video camera, and  
network connection options are dependent on your device  
model. To find feature specifications for your device model,  
Wireless service plan  
You must purchase or change your wireless service plan  
through your wireless service provider.  
A wireless service plan with phone or voice is required for you  
to use the phone application and to send and receive text  
A wireless service plan with data is required for you to use the  
browser service and instant messaging applications, and to  
send and receive email messages and PIN messages.  
For more information about your plan, contact your wireless  
service provider.  
BlackBerry Internet Service and BlackBerry Enterprise Server Once you have a data plan, you must set up your email address  
or third-party instant messaging account in order to send and  
receive email messages, use third-party instant messaging  
applications, and use some browser options.  
If you are an individual user, when you set up your email  
address or instant messaging account, you are associating it  
with the BlackBerry® Internet Service.  
If you are a corporate user, your administrator sets up your  
email account by associating it with a BlackBerry® Enterprise  
Server. Your administrator might set options that determine  
the features and settings that are available on your device. To  
view the IT policies that have been set by your administrator,  
on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Security > Security Status Information > View IT Policy.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Wireless service provider  
Wireless network  
Features such as text messaging, location-based services, and  
some phone features are dependent on your wireless service  
provider's offerings. For more information, contact your  
wireless service provider.  
The wireless network that your device is connected to might  
affect the availability of some features. Depending on your  
wireless service provider and available roaming options,  
different wireless networks are available. Some wireless  
networks do not support features such as call blocking, call  
forwarding, or cell broadcasting. For more information,  
contact your wireless service provider.  
Related topics  
Save time and maximize your efficiency with these quick tips.  
Tips: Finding apps  
Some apps are located in folders on your Home screen. Click  
a folder to see what apps are inside.  
Look in a folder on your Home screen  
Make all hidden apps visible on the Home screen  
On the Home screen, press the  
key > Show All. To unhide  
theapp, highlightitandthenclickHidetoclearthecheckmark.  
If Show All does not appear in the menu, there are no apps  
hidden from view.  
Search for an app  
On the Home screen, start typing the application name.  
Verify that the app is installed  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Device > Application Management. If the app is listed, it is  
installed on your BlackBerry® device.  
Tips: Doing things quickly  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Use the Quick Access area to access popular options  
Highlight and click an area at the top of the Home screen to  
access options such as changing your ring tone, setting the  
alarm, viewing notifications, and turning on or off network  
See all the apps and folders on the Home screen, or minimize On the navigation bar, click All.  
your view and view the wallpaper  
Switch to another app  
Press and hold the  
key. Click an app.  
Note: The other app might still be running in the background.  
Open an app with a convenience key  
Use pop-up menus  
Press a convenience key on the side of your device.  
Note: You can customize which app a convenience key opens.  
Pop-up menus provide common available actions, and appear  
in the center of the screen. For example, you can use the pop-  
up menu in a message to file, forward, or reply to the message.  
To open a pop-up menu, press and hold the trackpad. To select  
a command, click the trackpad.  
Switch to the Favorites, Media, Downloads, and Frequent  
On the Home screen, highlight All on the navigation bar and  
slide your finger on the trackpad right or left.  
Add an app to the Favorites view  
Highlight an app on the Home screen or in a folder. Press the  
key > Mark as Favorite.  
Change options for the Home screen such as the wallpaper  
On the Home screen, press the  
key > Options.  
Related topics  
Tips: Managing indicators  
Indicators tell you that there is something new or updated, such as a new message, voice message, or feed, or they inform you  
of the status of something, such as the battery or network connection. Indicators often appear on app icons, new content  
within apps, and at the top of the Home screen.  
Openeachitemthathasthisindicator. Forexample, toremove  
it from the Messages icon, click the icon.  
Remove the new item indicator  
In the Messages app, do one or more of the following:  
Remove the unopened message indicator  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Open all of your messages by clicking on them. If you  
cannot find all of your unopened messages in your inbox,  
look in your messages folders.  
Mark a message as opened. Highlight a message. Press the  
key > Mark Opened.  
Mark all messages that are prior to a date as opened.  
Highlight a date field. Press the  
key > Mark Prior  
Identify an indicator  
You might be able to identify an indicator by seeing the  
icon of the application that the indicator refers to. To see  
a complete list of applications on your device and their  
icons, on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options  
icon. Click Device > Application Management.  
For a complete list of BlackBerry® indicators, visit  
device model, and then click the Icons and Indicators  
Tips: Extending battery life  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Set your BlackBerry® device to turn on and turn off  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Device > Auto On/Off.  
You can set your device to turn off while you aren't using it for  
an extended period, like when you sleep. Data you receive  
when the device is turned off automatically updates when the  
device turns on.  
Set backlighting to remain on for a shorter period of time, and On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
lower its brightness  
Display > Screen Display.  
Turn off network connections you aren't using  
On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of  
the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon. Click a  
network connection to clear the check box.  
Close apps when you are finished with them.  
In an app, press the  
key > Close.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
When you switch from one app to another, some apps, such  
as the Browser app or the Music app, run in the background,  
which uses battery power.  
Switch your vibrating notifications to sound notifications or  
LED notifications, lower the volume of your sound  
notifications, or select a shorter ring tone  
On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
Click Change Sounds and Alerts.  
Delete the original text from a reply message  
When you are replying to a message, press the  
key >  
Delete Original Text.  
If your device has a camera flash, turn off the flash  
On the Home screen, click the Camera icon. Click the flash icon  
at the bottom of the screen until the flash off indicator  
Keep your battery connections clean.  
Every few months, use a cotton swab or dry cloth to clean the  
metal contacts on the battery and the device.  
Keeping the battery clean extends the life of your battery.  
Related topics  
Tips: Freeing and conserving storage space  
Try to maintain at least 400 KB of available application storage on your BlackBerry® device. If you find that your device  
processes are unusually slow, try freeing storage space by deleting files that you don't need. Changing options for email  
messages, calendar entries, and media files might help you conserve storage space.  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Check how much free storage space you have  
Delete unneeded files  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Device > Storage.  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Files icon. Find and  
highlight a file. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Delete browsing history and clear the cache  
On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. Press the  
key > Options. Go to the Clear Browsing Data section.  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon or Calendar icon.  
Reduce the amount of time that your device stores email  
messages and calendar entries  
Press the  
key > Options.  
Stop storing sent messages on your device  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Receive only the first section of long email messages, and  
choose whether to download more  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Store files on a media card instead of the device  
Your BlackBerry device supports media card sizes up to 32 GB.  
Only microSD media cards are supported.  
Reduce the size of pictures you take  
On the Home screen, click the Camera icon. Press the  
> Options.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
Tips: Keeping your information safe  
You can take some simple steps to help prevent the information on your BlackBerry® device from being compromised, such as  
avoiding leaving your device unattended.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Set a password  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Security > Password.  
Encrypt contacts and files  
Back up your device data  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Security > Encryption.  
Use the backup tool in the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to  
backupyourdevicedata. TodownloadtheBlackBerryDesktop  
Software, from your computer, visit  
desktop and select the appropriate option for your computer.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Related topics  
Tips: Updating your software  
Updated BlackBerry® Device Software and BlackBerry® Desktop Software are released periodically, and you might be able to  
update the software from either your computer or your smartphone. Research In Motion recommends that you regularly  
create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup  
file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Check to see if there is updated BlackBerry Device Software  
that you can download over the network  
Depending on your device model, this feature might not be  
supported. OntheHomescreenorinafolder, clicktheOptions  
icon. Click Device > Software Updates.  
Update your BlackBerry Device Software from your computer Connect your device to your computer and on your computer,  
visit: Click on BlackBerry  
Device Software and follow the links to update your software.  
Set your BlackBerry Desktop Software to check for updates  
For instructions, see the Help in BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Update your BlackBerry Desktop Software  
Related topics  
Visit the Setup application  
The Setup application helps you learn about navigation and typing, change options to personalize your BlackBerry® device, and  
set up network connections, such as Bluetooth® connections. You can also set up email addresses and social networking  
accounts. The Setup application should appear automatically the first time that you turn on your device.  
1. If the Setup application does not appear automatically, on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Setup icon.  
2. Click a section to change options or to complete a short series of prompts that help you set the options.  
Make it yours  
Make your BlackBerry® smartphone your own by getting apps, transferring your files, and personalizing your settings.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Your Home screen  
Switch themes  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. In the Theme section, click a theme.  
4. Click Activate.  
To delete a theme, click the theme. Click Delete.  
Related topics  
Use a picture as your device wallpaper  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Browse to a picture.  
Press the  
key > Set As Wallpaper.  
Related topics  
Move an application icon  
1. On the Home screen or in an application folder, highlight an application icon.  
2. Press the Menu key.  
3. Perform one of the following actions:  
• To move the application icon to a different location on the Home screen, click Move. On the trackpad, slide your finger  
to the new location. Click the trackpad.  
• To move the application icon into an application folder, click Move to folder. Click an application folder.  
• To move the application icon out of an application folder, click Move to folder. Click Home or an application folder.  
Add, change, or delete a folder on the Home screen  
On the Home screen, do one of the following:  
To add a folder, press the  
key > Add Folder. Type a name for the folder. To change the folder icon style, click the  
folder icon. Click a folder icon style. Click Add.  
To change a folder, highlight a folder. Press the  
Click Save.  
key > Edit Folder. Change the folder name or folder icon style.  
To delete a folder, highlight a folder. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Find or hide an application icon  
Depending on your theme, you might not be able to hide some application icons.  
On the Home screen or in a folder, do any of the following:  
To see all your application icons, press the  
key > All.  
To hide an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the  
key > Hide.  
key > Show All.  
To show all hidden application icons, press the  
To stop hiding an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the  
the Hide field.  
key > Hide. A check mark should not appear beside  
Related topics  
Add a shortcut to your Home screen or Favorites view  
You can add a shortcut to give yourself quick access to items such as frequently used websites, contacts, or apps.  
Browse to a website, or highlight the item you want to create a shortcut for.  
To add a shortcut on the Home screen, press the  
To add a shortcut to your Favorites view, press the  
key > Add to Home Screen.  
key > Mark as Favorite.  
Set the number of icons that appear on the Home screen  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Accessibility.  
3. Change the Grid Layout field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change what happens when you type on the Home screen  
Depending on your typing input language, you might not be able to use shortcut keys to open applications.  
On the Home screen, press the  
key > Options.  
• To search your BlackBerry® device or the Internet when you type on the Home screen, change the Launch by Typing  
field to Universal Search.  
• To open applications when you press shortcut keys, change the Launch by Typing field to Application Shortcuts.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add a message that appears when your device is locked  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Message on Lock Screen.  
3. Type the text that you want to appear on the screen when your device is locked.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
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User Guide  
Get apps, music, ring tones, pictures, and videos  
About adding applications  
Depending on your wireless service provider and region, you might have the option to add or update applications using the  
BlackBerry App World™ storefront, the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, or the Application Center. You might also be able to  
download applications from a web page (try visiting from your BlackBerry device), or from an  
application offered by your wireless service provider.  
Additional terms and conditions might apply to software and services made available through the BlackBerry App World™  
storefront, the BlackBerry Desktop Software, or the Application Center. Data charges might apply when you add or use an  
application over the wireless network. For more information, contact your wireless service provider.  
BlackBerry App World  
If you have BlackBerry App World on your device, you can search for and download games, social networking applications,  
personal productivity applications, and much more. Using an existing PayPal® account, you can buy and download items over  
the wireless network to your device.  
To download BlackBerry App World, visit  
For more information about managing applications using BlackBerry App World, click the BlackBerry App World icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
BlackBerry Desktop Software  
If you have the BlackBerry Desktop Software installed on your computer, you can connect your device to your computer to  
add, update, remove, or restore applications. You can also add applications to your device that you have downloaded to your  
computer, without having to use the wireless network.  
To download the BlackBerry Desktop Software, visit  
For more information about managing applications using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
Application Center  
If you have the Application Center on your device, you can add, update, or return to the previous version of a select number of  
applications that are hosted by your wireless service provider. Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might  
not be available.  
For more information about managing applications using the Application Center, click the Application Center icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Transfer a file from your computer to your device using your device as a USB memory drive  
You must use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated  
with your media files when you transfer files between your BlackBerry device and your computer.  
1. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• If you want to transfer most types of files, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select the USB option.  
• If you want to transfer media files that are protected with DRM, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select  
the media transfer option.  
3. If necessary, type a password. Your device appears as a drive on your computer.  
4. Drag a file from a location on your computer to a folder on your device.  
To view the transferred file on your device, disconnect your device from your computer and find the file.  
Related topics  
Transfer your media files from your computer to your device using BlackBerry Desktop  
With the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, you can synchronize media files, including iTunes playlists and Windows Media®  
Player playlists, to your BlackBerry device. To download the BlackBerry Desktop Software, from your computer, visit and select the appropriate option for your computer.  
1. Connect your device to your computer.  
2. On your device, in the dialog box that appears, select any of the file transfer options.  
3. On your computer, open the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
4. Click the media transfer option that best suits what you want to do.  
For more information about synchronizing media files, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
Calls and sound profiles  
Change the default volume for calls  
You can increase or decrease the default volume for calls. The higher you set the volume percentage, the louder the volume is.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > In-call Settings.  
3. Change the Default Call Volume field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders  
In addition to changing the tone, you can also change options for volume, LED, vibration, and notification during calls.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Selected Profile.  
• To change your ring tone, click Phone.  
• To change notifiers or reminders, click to expand a section. Click an option.  
3. In the Ring Tone, Notifier Tone, or Reminder Tone field, do one of the following:  
• Click a tone.  
• To use a song that is on your BlackBerry® device or on a media card, click All Music. Find and click a song.  
• To use a voice note that you recorded, click All Voice Notes. Find and click a voice note.  
• To use a preloaded alert, click All Alerts. Find and click an alert.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Add a contact alert  
You can create contact alerts that allow you to customize ring tones and alerts for calls and messages from specific contacts or  
groups of contacts. When you receive a call or message from the contact, your BlackBerry® device uses the assigned ring tone  
or alert, even if you select the Silent profile or Vibrate Only profile. If you do not want to be notified with the assigned ring tone  
or alert, you can select the All Alerts Off profile.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Contacts > Add Contact Alert.  
3. In the Name field, type the name of the contact alert.  
4. In the Contacts field, type the name of the contact.  
5. Click a contact.  
6. Change the ring tone and alert information for calls and messages.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To delete a contact alert, highlight the contact alert that you want to delete. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Set up speed dial for a contact  
1. From the Home screen, press the Send key.  
Press the  
key > View > Speed Dial List.  
3. In the Speed Dial Numbers list, click an unassigned key.  
4. Click a contact.  
5. If necessary, click a phone number for the contact.  
To make a call using speed dial, from the Phone application, the Home screen, a message, or a message list, press and hold the  
key that you assigned to the contact.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Add a contact picture for caller ID  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
2. Highlight a contact.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Edit.  
key > Add Picture.  
5. Find, highlight, and click a picture.  
6. If necessary, move the crop box to the portion of the picture that you want to use.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Crop & Save.  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Typing and trackpad  
Set the cursor speed  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Change the Key Rate field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set the trackpad sensitivity  
You can set how the trackpad responds to your touch. A high sensitivity level requires less pressure than a lower sensitivity  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Trackpad Sensitivity.  
3. Change the Horizontal Sensitivity field and Vertical Sensitivity field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change your typing style  
You can change how your BlackBerry® device recognizes what you type by selecting a typing style.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Typing.  
3. For a keyboard, do one of the following:  
• To set your device to suggest word predictions as you type, change the Style field to Predictive.  
• To set your device to type the first letter on a key when you press a key once and type the second letter on the key  
when you press the key twice, change the Style field to Multitap.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Quick Help  
User Guide  
Find more information  
Help on your device: Find step-by-step instructions in the user guide for your BlackBerry® device. Click Help on the Home  
screen or in an application menu. Find software, applications, and accessories for your device.  
Your wireless service provider web site: Find information about your wireless network or wireless service plan. View the Declaration of Conformity made under Directive 1999/5/EC  
(HG nr.88/2003).  
User Guide  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Phone shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Change your ring tone  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Press the  
key > Phone Ring  
Check your voice mail  
Press and hold 1.  
Send an incoming call to voice mail  
Press and hold the Volume Down key on the right side of your BlackBerry®  
Set up speed dial for a contact  
On the Home screen or in the Phone application, press and hold the key that  
you would like to assign speed dial to.  
Add an extension to a phone number  
Type a letter in a phone number field  
Press the X key. Type the extension number.  
Press and hold the Alt key. Use the multi-tap input method to type the letter.  
Press and hold 0.  
Insert a plus sign (+) when typing a phone  
Turn on or turn off the speakerphone during Press the period (.) key.  
a call  
Stop or start listening to a call with a wireless Press the period (.) key.  
Change the active phone number  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Click your phone number at the  
top of the screen. Click a phone number.  
Phone shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Change your ring tone  
Check your voice mail  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Press the  
key > Phone Ring  
Press and hold 1 .  
User Guide  
Send an incoming call to voice mail  
Set up speed dial for a contact  
Press and hold the Volume Down key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
On the Home screen or in the Phone application, press and hold the key that you  
would like to assign speed dial to.  
Insert a plus sign (+) when typing a phone Press and hold 0 .  
Change the active phone number  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Click your phone number at the top  
of the screen. Click a phone number.  
Message shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
In a message  
Reply to a message  
Forward a message  
Press the exclamation point (!) key.  
Press the period (.) key.  
Move to the last cursor position after you close and reopen a Press 5  
received email or PIN message  
In your message inbox  
Open a message  
Press the key.  
Compose a message from a message inbox  
View received messages and received call logs  
View call logs  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Press the Alt key and 3.  
Press the Alt key and the period (.) key.  
Press the Alt key and 7.  
View voice mail messages  
View text messages  
Press the Alt key and the question mark (?) key.  
View all your messages  
Press the  
Move around your message inbox  
Move up a screen  
Press the Shift key and the Space key.  
Move down a screen  
Press the Space key.  
Press 1  
Move to the top of a message inbox  
Move to the bottom of a message inbox  
Move up a message  
Press 7  
Press 2  
User Guide  
Move down a message  
Press 8  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Move to the next message  
Move to the previous message  
Message shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
In your message inbox  
Reply to a message  
Press 7  
Press 1  
Press 9  
Reply to all in an email or a PIN message  
Forward a message  
Move around your message inbox  
Move to the top of a message inbox  
Move to the bottom of a message inbox  
Move to the next date  
Press 2  
Press 8  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Press 5  
Move to the previous date  
Move to the next unopened item  
File and attachment shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for text in an attachment  
Press Q  
In a spreadsheet  
Move to a specific cell  
View the content of a cell  
Switch worksheets  
Press ?  
Press the Space key  
Press the period (.) key. Highlight a worksheet. Press the Enter  
In a presentation  
User Guide  
Switch presentation views  
Press @  
Move to the next slide when viewing a presentation in slide  
Press 6  
Move to the previous slide when viewing a presentation in  
slide view  
Press 4  
Typing shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Common typing shortcuts  
Type a symbol  
Press the Symbol key. To view more symbols, press the Symbol key again.  
Click a symbol in the list that appears.  
Switch typing input languages while you type  
Capitalize a letter  
Press and hold the Symbol key.  
Press the Shift key. Press a letter key.  
Type a number in a number field  
Turn on NUM lock  
Press a number key. You do not need to press and hold the number key.  
Press the Shift key until the NUM lock indicator appears. To turn off NUM  
lock, press the Shift key again.  
Work with text  
Highlight a line of text  
Press and hold the Shift key and on the trackpad slide your finger up or  
Highlight text character by character  
Press and hold the Shift key and on the trackpad slide your finger left or  
Cancel a text selection  
Press the Escape key.  
Shortcuts for SureType technology  
Type a punctuation mark or a common symbol  
Type a number  
Press 1. Click the symbol in the list that appears.  
Press and hold a number key.  
Type a period and a space  
Press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized automatically.  
User Guide  
Type a long word quickly  
Shortcuts for multi-tap  
Type part of the word. In the list that appears when you type, highlight an  
item with the same initial letters as the word that you want to type. Slide  
your finger on the trackpad to the right. In the second list that appears,  
highlight the word that you want to type. Press the Enter key.  
Type a number  
Type a period  
Keep pressing the letter key quickly until the number appears.  
Press the 1 key once. To type other common symbols or punctuation  
marks, keep pressing 1 quickly until the symbol appears.  
Typing shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Common typing shortcuts  
Insert a period  
Press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized.  
Press and hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears.  
Press and hold the Alt key and press the character key.  
Capitalize a letter  
Type the alternate character on a key  
Type an accented or special character  
Press and hold the letter key and slide your finger on the trackpad left or  
right. Click a selected character. For example, to type ü, press and hold 3  
and slide your finger on the trackpad to the left until ü is highlighted. Click  
the trackpad.  
Type a number in a number field  
Type a number in a text field  
Type a letter in a number field  
Turn on NUM lock  
Press a number key. You do not need to press the Alt key.  
Press and hold the Alt key and press the number key.  
Press and hold the Alt key and use the multi-tap input method.  
Press the Shift key and the Alt key. To turn off NUM lock, press the Alt  
To type a long word quickly  
Type part of the word. In the list that appears when you type, highlight an  
item with the same initial letters as the word that you want to type. Slide  
your finger on the trackpad to the right.  
Insert symbols  
Insert an at sign (@) or a period (.) in an email  
address field  
Press the Space key.  
User Guide  
Type a symbol  
Press the Symbol key. To view more symbols, press the Symbol key again.  
Type the letter that appears below the symbol.  
Work with text  
Highlight a line of text  
Press and hold the Shift key and slide your finger on the trackpad up or  
Highlight text character by character  
Press and hold the Shift key and slide your finger on the trackpad left or  
Cancel a text selection  
Press the Escape key.  
Cut highlighted text when typing  
Copy highlighted text when typing  
Paste highlighted text when typing  
Press the Shift key and the Backspace/Delete key.  
Press the Alt key and click the trackpad.  
Press the Shift key and click the trackpad.  
Media shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Audio and video files  
Pause an audio or video file  
Press the  
Press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key on the top of your BlackBerry® device.  
Resume playing an audio or video file  
Play the next song  
key on the top of your device.  
key on the top of your device.  
Play the previous song  
Turn on the audio boost feature if you are using a headset  
When you are playing an audio or video file, press the Volume  
Up key on the side of your device until you reach the highest  
volume setting, and then press the Volume Up key again four  
times quickly.  
Zoom in  
Zoom out  
Pan up  
Press 3  
Press the period (.) key.  
Press 2  
Pan down  
Pan right  
Press 8  
Press 6  
User Guide  
Pan left  
Press 4  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Camera and video camera  
Zoom in before you take a picture or record a video  
Zoom out before you take a picture or record a video  
Take a picture  
Press the Volume Up key.  
Press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
Press the Right Convenience key on the side of your device.  
Media shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Audio and video files  
Pause an audio file or video file  
Press the  
Press the  
key on the top of your BlackBerry® device.  
Resume playing an audio file or video file  
Turn on the audio boost feature if you are using a headset  
When you are playing an audio file or a video file, press the  
Volume Up key on the right side of your device until you reach  
the highest volume setting, and then press the Volume Up key  
again four times quickly.  
Zoom in  
Zoom out  
Pan up  
Press 3  
Press 9  
Press 2  
Press 8  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Pan down  
Pan right  
Pan left  
Camera and video camera  
Zoom in before you take a picture or record a video  
Zoom out before you take a picture or record a video  
Take a picture  
Press the Volume Up key.  
Press the Volume Down key.  
Press the Right Convenience key on the side of your device.  
User Guide  
Browser shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Insert a period (.) in the web address field  
Stop loading a web page  
Press the Space key.  
Press the key.  
Close the browser  
Press and hold the  
On a web page  
Refresh a web page  
Press 1  
Press 4  
Press 3  
Press 9  
Press 5  
Press 6  
Press 7  
Quickly switch between tabs  
Zoom in to a web page  
Zoom out from a web page  
Open the start page  
Add a bookmark  
Find text on a web page  
Move around a web page  
Move to the top of a web page  
Move down in the screen  
Press 2  
Press the Space key.  
Press 8  
Move to the bottom of a web page  
Browser shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Insert a period (.) in the web address field  
Insert a slash mark (/) in the web address field  
Stop loading a web page  
Press the Space key.  
Press the Shift key and the Space key.  
Press the  
User Guide  
Close the browser  
Press and hold the  
On a web page  
Refresh a web page  
Press the exclamation point (!) key.  
Press the @ key.  
Quickly switch between tabs  
Zoom in to a web page  
Zoom out from a web page  
Go to the start page  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Press the period (.) key.  
Press 5  
Add a bookmark  
Press the question mark (?) key.  
Move around a web page  
Move up a screen  
Press 3  
Move down a screen  
Press 9  
Move to the top of a web page  
Move to the bottom of a web page  
Press 1 or 2.  
Press 7 or 8.  
Calendar shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
For shortcuts to work in Day view, press the  
key > Options. Click Calendar Display and Actions. Clear the Enable Quick  
Entry check box.  
Schedule an appointment in Week view, Month view, or  
Agenda view  
Press the period (.) key.  
Move to the next week, month, or day in Agenda view  
Move to the previous week, month, or day in Agenda view  
Move up an hour in Week view  
Press the Space key.  
Press 3  
Press 2  
Move down an hour in Week view  
Press 8  
Move to the current date  
Press the exclamation point (!) key.  
User Guide  
Calendar shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
For shortcuts to work in Day view, press the  
key > Options. Click Calendar Display and Actions. Clear the Enable Quick  
Entry check box.  
Schedule an appointment  
Press 3  
Move to the next week, month, or day in Agenda view  
Move to the current date  
Press the Space key.  
Press 5  
Search shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for an item on your BlackBerry® device  
Search for a contact in a list of contacts  
Start typing on the Home screen.  
Type part or all of a contact name, or type initials separated  
by a space.  
Search for text in a file or an attachment  
Search for text in a presentation  
Press Q  
Press Q  
Note: You can change what happens when you type on the Home screen.  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
Search shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for an item on your BlackBerry® device  
Search for a contact in a list of contacts  
Start typing on the Home screen.  
Type part or all of a contact name, or type initials separated  
by a space.  
Search for text in a file or an attachment  
Search for text in a presentation  
Press 7  
Press 7  
User Guide  
Note: You can change what happens when you type on the Home screen.  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
Map shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Zoom in to a map  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Press the period (.) key.  
Press 6  
Zoom out from a map  
Move to the next direction on a route  
Move to the previous direction on a route  
Press 4  
Map shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Zoom in to a map  
Press 3  
Press 9  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Zoom out from a map  
Move to the next direction on a route  
Move to the previous direction on a route  
Troubleshooting: Shortcuts  
I cannot use a shortcut  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Try changing the typing input language.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Phone basics  
Find your phone number  
Do one of the following:  
To view your active phone number, from the Home screen, press the  
• If you have multiple phone numbers associated with your BlackBerry® device, to view a list of your phone numbers,  
from the Home screen, press the key. If your wireless service plan supports text messaging, the first phone  
number in the list is the phone number that you use to send and receive text messages.  
Related topics  
Make a call  
1. Do one of the following:  
If your BlackBerry® device is unlocked, press the  
If your device is locked and you do not want to unlock it, press the  
key > Place Call.  
2. Type a phone number or contact name.  
Press the  
To end the call, press the  
Related topics  
Answer a call  
Press the  
To end a call, press the  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Answer a second call  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
During a call, press the  
• To answer the incoming call and place the current call on hold, click Answer - Hold Current.  
• To answer the incoming call and end the current call, click Answer - Drop Current.  
To return to the first call, press the  
key > Swap or Flash.  
Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders  
In addition to changing the tone, you can also change options for volume, LED, vibration, and notification during calls.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Selected Profile.  
• To change your ring tone, click Phone.  
• To change notifiers or reminders, click to expand a section. Click an option.  
3. In the Ring Tone, Notifier Tone, or Reminder Tone field, do one of the following:  
• Click a tone.  
• To use a song that is on your BlackBerry® device or on a media card, click All Music. Find and click a song.  
• To use a voice note that you recorded, click All Voice Notes. Find and click a voice note.  
• To use a preloaded alert, click All Alerts. Find and click an alert.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Mute a call  
During a call, press the  
key on the top of your device.  
key again.  
To turn off mute, press the  
Place a call on hold  
If your BlackBerry® device is connected to a CDMA network, you cannot place a call on hold.  
During a call, press the  
key > Hold.  
To resume a call, press the  
key > Resume.  
User Guide  
Turn on the speakerphone  
CAUTION: Do not hold the BlackBerry® device near your ear while you use the speakerphone. Hearing damage can occur. For  
more information, see the Safety and Product Information booklet for your device.  
During a call, on the screen, click Speaker. During a call, press the key on the keyboard.  
To turn off the speakerphone, on the screen, click Handset. To turn off the speakerphone, press the key again.  
Related topics  
Turn on the speakerphone  
During a call, press the  
key > Activate Speakerphone.  
Do not hold your BlackBerry® device near your ear while you use the speakerphone. Hearing damage can occur. For more  
information, see the Safety and Product Information booklet for your device.  
To turn off the speakerphone, press the  
key > Activate Handset.  
Dial an extension  
1. Press the X key.  
2. Type the extension number.  
Dial an extension  
1. When typing a phone number, press the Menu key.  
2. Click Add Pause.  
3. Type the extension number.  
Dial using numbers or letters  
When you type a letter in a phone number, your BlackBerry® device dials the number that is associated with the letter on a  
conventional phone keypad.  
To type a number, press a number key.  
To type the first letter on a key, press and hold the Alt key. Press the letter key once.  
To type the second letter on a key, press and hold the Alt key. Press the letter key twice.  
Switch applications during a call  
During a call, press the  
key > Switch Application.  
Note: If you switch to a different application and you want to end the call, press the  
User Guide  
About using a headset  
You can purchase an optional headset to use with your BlackBerry® device.  
If you use a headset, you can use a headset button to answer or end a call, or to turn on or turn off mute during a call.  
Depending on your device model, you might be able to use a headset button to make a call using a voice command.  
Depending on your headset, you might also be able to use a headset button to pause, resume, skip, or adjust the volume of  
audio or video files.  
For more information about using the headset, see the documentation that came with your headset.  
Emergency calls  
About emergency calls and Emergency Callback Mode  
If you are outside of a wireless coverage area and the SOS wireless coverage indicator appears at the top of the screen, you can  
call only emergency numbers. Your BlackBerry® device is designed to allow emergency calls even when your device is locked.  
Depending on your device model and the wireless network that your device is connected to, your device is also designed to  
allow emergency calls when the SIM card is not inserted. If the connection to the wireless network is turned off when you  
initiate an emergency call, your device is designed to connect to the wireless network automatically. You can make emergency  
calls by typing only official emergency access numbers (for example, 911 or 112).  
Note: You should not rely on any wireless device for essential communications, including medical emergencies. Emergency  
numbers may vary by location and emergency calls may be blocked or impeded by network, environmental, or interference  
If your device is connected to a CDMA network, when you end an emergency call, your device enters Emergency Callback  
Mode. This mode allows the operator to call you back or find your approximate location. Depending on your wireless service  
provider, Emergency Callback Mode is active for 5 minutes or until you make a non-emergency call. In Emergency Callback  
Mode, you cannot send and receive messages or browse web pages.  
If your device supports GPS and you make an emergency call, an emergency operator might be able to use GPS technology to  
find your approximate location.  
Make an emergency call  
Do one of the following:  
If your keyboard or BlackBerry® device is unlocked, from the Home screen, press the  
number. Press the key.  
If your device is locked, press the  
key. Type the emergency  
key > Emergency. Press the  
User Guide  
If you keyboard is locked, press the  
number. Press the key.  
key on the top of your device. Press the  
key. Type the emergency  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
Change the default volume for calls  
You can increase or decrease the default volume for calls. The higher you set the volume percentage, the louder the volume is.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > In-call Settings.  
3. Change the Default Call Volume field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Improve sound quality during a call  
You cannot change sound quality when you are using a Bluetooth® enabled headset.  
During a call, press the  
key > Enhance Call Audio.  
2. Select a bass or treble option.  
Improve sound quality for all calls  
You cannot change sound quality when you are using a Bluetooth® enabled headset.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Enhanced Audio.  
3. Change the Phone Call Audio field or Headset Call Audio field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Voice mail  
About your voice mail greeting and voice mail password  
Depending on your wireless service provider, the method for changing your voice mail greeting or voice mail password might  
differ. You should be able to access the options for changing your voice mail greeting or voice mail password when you check  
your voice mail. For more information, contact your wireless service provider.  
Check your voice mail  
Depending on your theme, you might be able to check your voice mail from the Home screen.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Call Voice Mail.  
Related topics  
Change the voice mail access number and password  
If a voice mail access number is not already set on your BlackBerry® device, you can type the access number for a different  
voice mail system.  
Note: If you change the voice mail password on your device, you must also call your voice mail system to change the password  
there. Otherwise, the password for your voice mail is not updated in your voice mail system.  
1. From the Home screen, press the Send key.  
Press the  
3. Type a voice mail access number and a password.  
key > Options > Voice Mail.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Change how many times your device rings before the call goes to voice  
To change how many times your BlackBerry® device rings before the call is forwarded to voice mail, you must call your wireless  
service provider's voice mail system. Each wireless service provider has a different voice mail system. For more information,  
contact your wireless service provider.  
1. Call your wireless service provider's voice mail system.  
2. Listen to your options and follow the audible prompts.  
User Guide  
Related topics  
Speed dial  
Set up speed dial for a contact  
1. From the Home screen, press the Send key.  
Press the  
key > View > Speed Dial List.  
3. In the Speed Dial Numbers list, click an unassigned key.  
4. Click a contact.  
5. If necessary, click a phone number for the contact.  
To make a call using speed dial, from the Phone application, the Home screen, a message, or a message list, press and hold the  
key that you assigned to the contact.  
Change the contact that is assigned to a speed dial key  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > View > Speed Dial List.  
3. Highlight a contact or phone number.  
Press the  
• To change the contact that is assigned to a speed dial key, click Edit. Click a new contact.  
• To assign the contact to a different speed dial key, click Move. In the Speed Dial Numbers list, click a new speed dial  
• To delete the contact from the Speed Dial Numbers list, click Delete.  
Call waiting, call forwarding, and call blocking  
Turn on call waiting  
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card or BlackBerry® device for this service.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Call Waiting.  
3. Select the Enabled check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn off call waiting, clear the Enabled check box.  
User Guide  
About call forwarding  
Depending on your wireless service provider, one or more call forwarding phone numbers might already be available on your  
SIM card or BlackBerry® device. You might not be able to change or delete these phone numbers or add new ones.  
For more information, contact your wireless service provider.  
Forward calls  
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card or BlackBerry® device for this service.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Call Forwarding.  
• To forward all calls to a call forwarding number, change the Forward Calls field to Always. Change the Forward All Calls  
field to a call forwarding number.  
• To forward unanswered calls only, change the Forward Calls field to Conditional. Change the If Busy, If No Reply, and If  
Not Reachable fields to a call forwarding number.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your call forwarding settings apply to all subsequent incoming calls, until you change your settings again.  
To stop forwarding calls, change the Forward Calls field to Never.  
Add, change, or delete a call forwarding number  
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card or BlackBerry® device for this service.  
1. From the Home screen, press the Send key.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Options > Call Forwarding.  
• To add a call forwarding number, click New Number. Type a phone number. Press the key on the keyboard.  
To change a call forwarding number, click Edit Numbers. Highlight a phone number. Press the  
key > Edit. Change  
the phone number. Press the key on the keyboard.  
• To delete a call forwarding number, click Edit Numbers. Click a phone number. Click Delete.  
Press the key > Close.  
About call blocking  
The blocked calling feature allows you to block all incoming calls or block incoming calls only when roaming. You can also block  
all outgoing calls and all outgoing international calls, or you can block outgoing international calls only when roaming.  
User Guide  
To use the blocked calling feature, your BlackBerry® device must use a SIM card, and your wireless service provider must set up  
your SIM card for this service and provide you with a call blocking password. Depending on your wireless service provider and  
wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
Block calls  
To perform this task, your BlackBerry® device must use a SIM card, and your wireless service provider must set up your SIM  
card for this service and provide you with a call blocking password.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Call Barring.  
3. Highlight a call blocking option.  
Press the  
key > Enable.  
5. Type your call blocking password.  
To stop blocking calls, highlight a call blocking option. Press the  
key > Disable.  
Change the call blocking password  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Options > Call Barring.  
key > Change Password.  
Fixed dialing and smart dialing  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
About fixed dialing  
If you turn on fixed dialing, you can only make calls to contacts that appear in your fixed dialing list and to official emergency  
access numbers (for example, 911 or 112).  
If your wireless service plan includes text messaging, you can also send text messages to contacts that appear in your fixed  
dialing list.  
To use fixed dialing, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a SIM card  
PIN2 code. Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
Turn on fixed dialing  
To perform this task, your BlackBerry® device must use a SIM card, and your wireless service provider must set up your SIM  
card for this service and provide you with a SIM card PIN2 code.  
User Guide  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Options > FDN Phone List.  
key > Enable FDN Mode.  
4. Type your PIN2 code.  
5. Press the key on the keyboard.  
To turn off fixed dialing, press the  
key > Disable FDN Mode.  
Related topics  
Add, change, or delete a contact in your fixed dialing list  
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a SIM card  
PIN2 code.  
1. From the Home screen, press the Send key.  
Press the  
key > Options > FDN Phone List.  
To add a contact, press the  
To change a contact, press the  
key > New. Type your PIN2 code. Press the  
key. Type a name and phone number.  
key > Edit. Change the contact information.  
To delete a contact, highlight a contact. Press the  
key > Save.  
key > Delete.  
Press the  
About smart dialing  
With the smart-dialing feature, you can set a default country code and area code for phone numbers so that you do not have  
to dial a country code and area code each time that you make a call, unless the country code or area code are different from  
the default codes that you set. Some country codes are not supported by the smart-dialing feature.  
In the smart-dialing options, you can also specify the main phone number for an organization that you call frequently so that  
you can quickly call a contact in that organization by dialing only the extension for the contact. If you add contacts from that  
organization to your contact list, when you add their phone numbers, you can type only the extensions instead of typing out  
the main phone number for the organization.  
Related topics  
Set the default country code and area code  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Smart Dialing.  
3. Set the Country Code and Area Code fields.  
4. If necessary, set the Local Country Code field and International Dialing Digits field.  
5. In the National Number Length field, set the default length for phone numbers in your country.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Note: When you determine the default length for phone numbers, include your area code and local number, but do not  
include your country code or the National Direct Dialing prefix.  
Set options for dialing extensions  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Smart Dialing.  
3. In the Number field, type the main phone number for an organization.  
4. In the Wait For field, set how long your BlackBerry® device waits before dialing an extension.  
5. In the Extension Length field, set the default length for extensions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Conference calls  
About conference calls  
You can create two types of conference calls with your BlackBerry® device. If your organization or a conferencing service has  
provided you with a conference call bridge number, you can create conference call meetings in the calendar on your device or  
computer. Conference call meetings allow participants who have a BlackBerry device to enter the conference call meeting with  
a one-touch Join Now option, if this feature is supported on their device, so that they do not have to dial the conference call  
bridge number and access codes. If you do not have a conference call bridge number, you can create a conference call by  
calling other contacts and joining the calls together.  
Make a conference call  
Depending on your wireless service provider or your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
If your BlackBerry® device is connected to a CDMA network, you cannot join more than two contacts to a conference call.  
During a call, press the  
key > Add Participant.  
2. Type a phone number or highlight a contact.  
Press the  
During the new call, press the  
key to join your first contact to the conference call.  
5. To join another contact to the call, repeat steps 1 to 4.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Create a phone number link for a conference call  
1. Type a phone number for the conference call bridge.  
2. Type X and the access code.  
Speak privately with a contact during a conference call  
You can perform this task only if you make a conference call by joining calls together, and not if you create a conference call  
meeting in the calendar.  
During a conference call, press the  
key > Split Call.  
2. Click a contact.  
To return to the conference call, press the  
key > Join.  
Disconnect a contact from a conference call  
You can perform this task only if you make a conference call by joining calls together, and not if you create a conference call  
meeting in the calendar.  
During a conference call, press the  
key > Drop Call.  
2. Click a contact.  
Leave a conference call  
You can perform this task only if you make a conference call by joining calls together, and not if you create a conference call  
meeting in the calendar.  
If you make a conference call, you can leave the conference call and the call continues without you. Depending on your  
wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.  
During a conference call, press the  
key > Transfer or Flash  
Call logs  
About call logs  
Call logs appear in the phone application and show the status of recent calls by showing either a missed call indicator, placed  
call indicator or received call indicator. A call log also includes the date of the call, the phone number, and the estimated  
duration of the call. For more information about the exact duration of a call, contact your wireless service provider.  
User Guide  
The phone list view option allows you to sort how call logs appear in the phone application. Depending on how you set your  
call logging options, you can also view call logs in the messages application. Depending on your theme, when you miss a call, a  
missed call indicator might also appear at the top of the Home screen.  
You can also add notes to call logs or send call logs as email messages. Unless you delete a call log, it is stored on your  
BlackBerry® device for 30 days.  
Send a call log  
From the Home screen, press the  
2. Highlight a call log.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > View > History.  
key > Forward.  
Delete call logs  
From the Home screen, press the  
2. Do one of the following:  
• To delete a single call log, highlight a call log.  
• To delete a range of call logs, highlight a call log. Press and hold the Shift key. On the trackpad, slide your finger up or  
down. Release the Shift key.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Add, change, or delete call log notes  
From the Home screen, press the  
2. Highlight a call log.  
Press the  
key > View > History.  
4. Click a call log.  
Press the  
• To add notes, click Add Notes. Type call notes.  
• To change notes, click Edit Notes. Change the call notes.  
To delete notes, click Edit Notes. Press the  
key > Clear Field.  
Press the key > Save.  
View call logs in the Messages application  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Call Logs and Lists.  
• To show recent and missed calls in the Messages application, select the All Calls option.  
• To hide call logs in the Messages application, select the None option.  
User Guide  
Multiple phone numbers  
About multiple phone numbers  
When you have multiple phone numbers associated with your BlackBerry® device, you can switch the phone number that you  
use as your active phone number. You have multiple phone numbers associated with your device if one of the following  
situations applies:  
Your device uses a SIM card and your SIM card supports more than one phone number.  
Your wireless service provider has set up your device to support more than one phone number.  
Your wireless service provider has provided you with a phone number, and your organization has provided you with a  
BlackBerry® MVS Client phone number.  
If your SIM card supports more than one phone number, you can make calls using your active phone number only, but you  
receive calls to all phone numbers. If you are already on a call, you receive calls to your active phone number only, and any  
calls that you receive to your other phone numbers receive a busy signal or are sent to voice mail.  
If your wireless service provider has set up your device to support more than one phone number, you can make calls and  
receive calls using your active phone number only. Any calls that you receive to your other phone numbers receive a busy  
signal or are sent to voice mail.  
If your wireless service provider has provided you with a phone number, and your organization has provided you with a  
BlackBerry MVS Client phone number, you can make calls using your active phone number only, but you receive calls to all  
phone numbers. If you are already on a call, you can receive calls to all phone numbers.  
If your wireless service plan supports text messaging, the first phone number that appears in the drop-down list at the top of  
the screen in the phone application is the phone number that you use to send and receive text messages.  
You can change call waiting, call forwarding, and voice mail options for each phone number associated with your device.  
Switch the active phone number  
From the Home screen, press the  
2. Click your phone number at the top of the screen.  
3. Click the phone number that you want to set as the active phone number.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Phone options  
Turn on dialing from the Lock screen  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. Select the Allow Outgoing Calls While Locked check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Sort phone numbers or contacts on the Phone screen  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Call Logs and Lists.  
• To sort phone numbers or contacts by frequency of use, change the Phone List View field to Most Used.  
• To sort contacts alphabetically by contact name, change the Phone List View field to Name.  
• To sort phone numbers or contacts by most recent use, change the Phone List View field to Most Recent.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Hide or display your phone number when you make calls  
Your wireless network can override the option that you choose.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > In-call Settings.  
• To hide your phone number when you make calls, change the Restrict My Identity field to Always.  
• To display your phone number when you make calls, change the Restrict My Identity field to Never.  
• To allow your wireless network to decide whether to hide or display your phone number, change the Restrict My  
Identity field to Network Determined.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete items  
You can turn off the prompt that appears before you delete messages, call logs, contacts, calendar entries, tasks, memos, or  
1. On the Home screen, click the application icon for an application that prompts you before you delete items.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. If necessary, click General Options.  
4. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Change how you answer or end calls with the holster  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > In-call Settings.  
• To answer calls automatically when you remove your BlackBerry® device from the holster, change the Auto Answer  
Calls field to Out of Holster.  
• To stop answering calls automatically when you remove your device from the holster, change the Auto Answer Calls  
field to Never.  
• To end calls automatically when you insert your device in the holster, change the Auto End Calls field to Into Holster.  
• To stop ending calls automatically when you insert your device in the holster, change the Auto End Calls field to Never.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Reset a call timer  
A call timer provides the estimated duration of calls. For more information about the exact duration of a call, contact your  
wireless service provider.  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Status > Last Call or Total Calls > Clear Timer.  
key > Save.  
About TTY support  
When you turn on TTY support and you connect your BlackBerry® device to a TTY device that operates at 45.45 bits per second,  
you can make calls to and receive calls from TTY devices. Your BlackBerry device is designed to convert received calls to text  
that you can read on your TTY device.  
If your TTY device is designed for use with a 2.5-mm headset jack, you must use an adapter accessory to connect your TTY  
device to your BlackBerry device. To get an adapter accessory that Research In Motion has approved for use with your  
BlackBerry device, visit  
Turn on TTY support  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > TTY.  
3. Change the TTY Mode field to Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
A TTY indicator appears in the connections area at the top of the Home screen.  
To turn off TTY support, change the TTY Mode field to No.  
User Guide  
Phone shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Change your ring tone  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Press the  
key > Phone Ring  
Check your voice mail  
Press and hold 1.  
Send an incoming call to voice mail  
Press and hold the Volume Down key on the right side of your BlackBerry®  
Set up speed dial for a contact  
On the Home screen or in the Phone application, press and hold the key that  
you would like to assign speed dial to.  
Add an extension to a phone number  
Type a letter in a phone number field  
Press the X key. Type the extension number.  
Press and hold the Alt key. Use the multi-tap input method to type the letter.  
Press and hold 0.  
Insert a plus sign (+) when typing a phone  
Turn on or turn off the speakerphone during Press the period (.) key.  
a call  
Stop or start listening to a call with a wireless Press the period (.) key.  
Change the active phone number  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Click your phone number at the  
top of the screen. Click a phone number.  
Phone shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Change your ring tone  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Press the  
key > Phone Ring  
Check your voice mail  
Press and hold 1 .  
Send an incoming call to voice mail  
Set up speed dial for a contact  
Press and hold the Volume Down key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
On the Home screen or in the Phone application, press and hold the key that you  
would like to assign speed dial to.  
User Guide  
Insert a plus sign (+) when typing a phone Press and hold 0 .  
Change the active phone number  
From the Home screen, press the  
key. Click your phone number at the top  
of the screen. Click a phone number.  
Troubleshooting: Phone  
I cannot make or receive calls  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
• Verify that your wireless service plan includes phone or voice services.  
• If you cannot make calls and fixed dialing is turned on, verify that the phone number for your contact appears in your  
fixed dialing list or turn off fixed dialing.  
• If you have traveled to another country and you have not changed your smart-dialing options, dial the full phone  
number, including the country code and area code, for your contact.  
• If you are not receiving calls, verify that call blocking and call forwarding are turned off.  
• Your device or your SIM card might support more than one phone number, even if you only have one phone number.  
Verify that your phone number is set as your active phone number.  
• If you have more than one phone number associated with your device, verify that the phone number that you want to  
make calls from and receive calls to is set as your active phone number.  
Related topics  
My phone number appears as Unknown in the Phone application  
If your BlackBerry® device uses a SIM card, try changing the phone number on your SIM card to change how your phone  
number appears in the Phone application.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > SIM Card.  
3. Highlight the phone number.  
Press the  
key > Edit SIM Phone Number.  
5. Type your phone number.  
6. Click OK.  
User Guide  
I cannot check my voice mail  
Try performing the following actions:  
• If you have more than one phone number associated with your BlackBerry® device and you are trying to check your  
voice mail using a shortcut key, your device calls the voice mail access number for your active phone number. Check the  
voice mail for your alternate phone number.  
• You need a voice mail access number to check your voice mail. To obtain a voice mail access number, contact your  
wireless service provider or administrator.  
Related topics  
I cannot make calls using a voice command  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
• If you are using a Bluetooth® enabled device, such as a handsfree car kit or wireless headset, verify that the Bluetooth  
enabled device supports this feature and that you have paired the Bluetooth enabled device with your BlackBerry  
• Verify that your keyboard is unlocked.  
• Verify that the language that you use to say voice commands is the same as the voice dialing language that you have set  
in the language options. Certain languages might not be supported.  
Related topics  
I cannot change the number of times that my device rings  
Depending on your wireless service provider, you might not be able to choose the length of time that your BlackBerry® device  
rings before the call is picked up by voice mail. For more information, contact your wireless service provider.  
Some features are not available on my device  
The availability of certain features on your BlackBerry® device might be affected by items such as your device model and  
wireless service plan.  
Depending on your messaging service plan, some features or options might not be available in the message options on the  
Email Preferences screen.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your organization might not have set up some features or might  
prevent you from using some features or options. If your administrator has set an option for you, a red lock indicator appears  
beside the option field.  
User Guide  
For more information about the features that are available on your device, contact your wireless service provider or  
administrator, or visit  
Related topics  
Voice commands  
User Guide  
Voice commands  
Perform an action using a voice command  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Voice Dialing icon.  
2. After the beep, say a voice command.  
Related topics  
Available voice commands  
"Call <contact name or phone number>"  
Say this voice command to make a call. To perform this task with a Bluetooth® enabled device, such as a handsfree car kit  
or wireless headset, the paired Bluetooth enabled device must support this feature and you must turn on Bluetooth  
technology. You cannot make calls to emergency numbers using voice commands.  
"Call <contact name> <phone number type>"  
Say this voice command to call a specific phone number for a contact that is in your contact list. For example, if the contact  
has a work phone number and a mobile phone number, you can say "Call <contact name> work" to call the work phone  
"Call extension <extension number>"  
Say this voice command to dial an extension. To perform this task, you must set options for dialing extensions. You can dial  
extensions only within your company.  
"Check my phone number"  
If you have multiple phone numbers associated with your BlackBerry® device, say this voice command to check your active  
phone number.  
"Check signal strength"  
Say this voice command to check your wireless coverage level.  
"Check network"  
Say this voice command to check the wireless network that your device is connected to.  
"Check battery"  
Say this voice command to check the battery power level.  
Say this voice command to have the last voice prompt repeated to you.  
Voice commands  
User Guide  
Say this voice command to close the voice dialing application.  
Related topics  
Change the language for voice commands  
When you change the language for voice commands, you change the language for voice prompts and the language that you  
use to make a voice command.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing & Input > Language and Text Input.  
3. Change the Voice Dialing Language field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Turn off choice lists for voice commands  
If your BlackBerry® device identifies more than one possible match to a voice command, your device presents you with a list of  
possible matches, or a choice list. You can turn off choice lists so that your device always selects the best match and dials the  
phone number automatically.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Call Management > Voice Dialing.  
3. Set the Choice Lists field to Always Off.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the options for voice prompts  
After you say a voice command, voice prompts might prompt you for further information or clarification, or voice prompts  
might read out instructions that appear on the screen.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Call Management > Voice Dialing.  
• To turn off voice prompts, change the Audio Prompts field to No Prompts.  
• To turn on voice prompts, change the Audio Prompts field to Basic Prompts.  
• To turn on voice prompts and to have the voice prompts read out instructions that appear on the screen, change the  
Audio Prompts field to Detailed Prompts.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Voice commands  
User Guide  
Improve voice recognition  
You can improve voice recognition by completing a short series of prompts that ask you to say specific numbers and words.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Call Management > Voice Dialing.  
3. In the Voice Adaptation section, click Start.  
4. Complete the instructions on the screen.  
Troubleshooting: Voice dialing  
I cannot make calls using a voice command  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
• If you are using a Bluetooth® enabled device, such as a handsfree car kit or wireless headset, verify that the Bluetooth  
enabled device supports this feature and that you have paired the Bluetooth enabled device with your BlackBerry  
• Verify that your keyboard is unlocked.  
• Verify that the language that you use to say voice commands is the same as the voice dialing language that you have set  
in the language options. Certain languages might not be supported.  
Related topics  
My device does not recognize names or numbers in voice commands  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Say the first name and the last name of your contact.  
• Improve voice recognition of numbers.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Set up an email address  
1. On the Home screen, click the Setup icon.  
2. In the Setup section, click the Email Accounts icon.  
3. Follow the screens to set up your email address. When your email address is set up correctly, you receive a confirmation  
message. To view and manage your email messages, on the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Note: In some cases, you might see the following options. If so, select one of the options.  
Internet Mail Account: Use this option to associate your BlackBerry® device with one or more existing email accounts (for  
example, Google Mail™ or Windows Live™ Hotmail®) or to create a new email address for your device.  
Enterprise Account: If your administrator gave you an enterprise activation password, use this option to associate your  
device with your work email account using the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server.  
If you are trying to set up an Internet email account (for example, Google Mail or Windows Live Hotmail) or a new email  
address for your device, and do not see this option, contact your administrator or wireless service provider.  
Related topics  
Composing and sending email  
Send an email  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Compose Email.  
3. In the To field, type an email address or a contact name.  
4. Type a message.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
Related topics  
Resend a message  
You cannot change a text message before you resend it.  
In a sent message, press the  
User Guide  
To change the message, click Edit. Change the message. Press the  
key > Send.  
key > Change Address. Click a new contact.  
To change the recipients, click Edit. Highlight a contact. Press the  
Press the  
key > Send.  
• To resend the message without changing it, click Resend.  
Related topics  
Reply to or forward an email or PIN message  
In a message, press the  
• To reply to a message, click Reply or Reply to All.  
• To forward a message, click Forward or Forward As.  
Related topics  
Check spelling  
You can check spelling in messages, calendar entries, tasks, or memos that you create.  
Press the  
key > Check Spelling.  
2. Do any of the following:  
• To accept the suggested spelling, click a word in the list that appears.  
To ignore the suggested spelling, press the  
To ignore all instances of the suggested spelling, press the  
To add the word to the custom dictionary, press the  
key > Ignore All.  
key > Add To Dictionary.  
To stop checking spelling, press the  
key > Cancel Spell Check.  
Save a draft of a message  
When you are composing a message, press the  
key > Save Draft.  
Attach a file to an email  
To attach a file that is saved on your organization's network, your email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your administrator.  
When you are composing an email, press the  
key > Attach > File.  
• To attach a file that is saved on your BlackBerry device or media card, find and click the file.  
To attach a file that is saved on your organization's network, press the  
key > Go To. Find and click the file. If  
necessary, type the credentials that you use to connect to your organization's network.  
User Guide  
Attach a contact to a message  
You can attach a contact to an email, a PIN message, or a text message.  
When you are composing a message, press the  
2. Find and highlight a contact.  
key > Attach > Contact.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Continue.  
Add or change your signature  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
• For a work email account, click Email Preferences. If the Message Services field appears, change this field to the  
appropriate email account. If the Use Auto Signature check box is not selected, select it. In the field that appears, place  
your cursor.  
• For a personal email account, click Email Account Management. Click an email account. Click Edit.  
3. Type a signature.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your signature is added to your email after you send it.  
Change the email address that you use to send messages or meeting invitations  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Default Services.  
3. Change the Messaging (CMIME) field or the Calendar (CICAL) field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Delete the disclaimer from an email  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server might  
add a disclaimer to your email after you send it.  
When you are composing an email, press the  
key > Remove Disclaimer.  
To add the disclaimer again, press the key > Add Disclaimer.  
Delete the original text from a reply message  
When you are replying to a message, press the  
key > Delete Original Text.  
User Guide  
Set the importance level for a message  
You can set the importance level for an email, a PIN message, or a text message.  
When you are composing a message, press the  
2. Change the Importance field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Blind carbon copy a contact  
You can blind carbon copy a contact in an email or a PIN message.  
When you are composing an email or a PIN message, press the  
key > Add Bcc.  
Stop a message from sending  
You can stop a message from sending only if a clock icon appears beside the message.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
2. Highlight the message.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Viewing and replying to email  
About email account icons  
Depending on your wireless service plan or administrator, you might be able to associate your BlackBerry® device with a work  
email account and one or more personal email accounts. If you associate your device with more than one email account,  
multiple email account icons might appear on your device, in addition to the main Messages icon. For more information about  
associating your device with more than one email account, visit and click the link  
under Email Setup.  
Depending on your theme, a separate icon might appear for text messages.  
Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
In a message, in a file, in an attachment, or on a web page, press the  
key > Find or Find on Page.  
2. Type the text.  
3. Press the Enter key.  
To search for the next instance of the text, press the  
key > Find Next.  
View email in plain text format  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Clear the Enable HTML Email check box.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
View an address instead of a display name  
In a message, press the  
key > Show Address.  
To view the display name again, press the  
key > Show Name.  
Mark a message as opened or unopened  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To mark a message as opened or unopened, highlight the message. Press the  
key > Mark Opened or Mark  
To mark all messages that are prior to a specific date as opened, highlight a date field. Press the  
key > Mark Prior  
Save a message  
Saved messages aren't deleted even if the application storage is full or if your BlackBerry® device is set to delete messages  
automatically after a certain period of time.  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To save an email or PIN message, highlight an email or PIN message. Press the  
To save a text message, open a conversation and highlight a text message. Press the  
key > Save.  
key > Save Message.  
Delete messages  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To delete a message, highlight the message. Press the  
• To delete a range of messages, highlight a message. Press and hold the Shift key. On the trackpad, slide your finger up  
or down. Release the Shift key. Press the key > Delete Messages.  
To delete all messages prior to a certain date, highlight a date field. Press the  
key > Delete.  
key > Delete Prior > Delete.  
Note: Email that you delete using the Delete Prior menu item is not deleted from the email application on your computer  
during email reconciliation.  
About flags  
You can add flags to email that you receive or send as a reminder to you or the recipients to follow up with the messages. You  
can use flags of different colors, add follow-up notes, and set due dates so that your BlackBerry® device reminds you to return  
to the email.  
User Guide  
If wireless email reconciliation is turned on and your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports flags,  
changes that you make to flags on your device should be reflected in the email application on your computer. Likewise,  
changes that you make to flags in the email application on your computer should be reflected on your device.  
If wireless email reconciliation is turned off, you can still manage flags for email on your device.  
Add, change, or remove a flag  
When you are composing or viewing an email, press the  
To add a flag, click Flag for Follow Up. Set the flag properties. Press the  
To change a flag, click Flag Properties. Change the flag properties. Press the  
key > Save.  
key > Save.  
• To remove a flag, click Clear Flag.  
Note: If you make changes to a flag in an email that you sent, the changes are reflected only on your BlackBerry® device and  
are not sent to the recipient.  
Change how a message inbox displays messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
• To change the order of the subject line and sender, change the Display Order field.  
• To change how messages are separated, change the Separators field.  
• To change how many messages can fit on the screen, change the Display Message Header On field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Group email by subject  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Display Style field to Group by Subject.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To stop grouping email by subject, change the Display Style field to Single Messages.  
Use color to differentiate work messages from other messages  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Message Categorization.  
3. In the Message Outline Colors section, do any of the following:  
• To set an outline color for email that is sent to your BlackBerry device through a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, change  
the Enterprise Messages field.  
User Guide  
• To set an outline color for your other messages, change the Other Messages field.  
Press the key > Save.  
Note: PIN messages might use the outline color that you have set for your work email. For more information, contact your  
Hide sent messages from the message inbox  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Select the Hide Sent Messages check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Hide messages from the Messages application  
You can prevent messages from specific email accounts from appearing in the Messages application. You can also set a  
separate icon to appear on the Home screen for text messages. Depending on your theme, a separate icon might already  
appear by default.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Inbox Management.  
• To hide messages from specific email accounts, in the Email Accounts section, clear the check box beside one or more  
email accounts.  
• To hide text messages, in the Other Message Types section, clear the Text Messages check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Filing email  
About synchronization of email folders:  
You can add, change, or delete email folders in the email application on your computer or in the Messages application on your  
BlackBerry® device.  
If wireless email reconciliation is turned on and your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this  
feature, changes that you make to email folders are synchronized over the wireless network.  
If wireless email reconciliation is turned off or is not available for your device, you can make folder changes in the email  
application on your computer and then reconcile the changes to your device using the email settings tool of the BlackBerry®  
Desktop Software. For more information about email reconciliation, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
File an email:  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
2. Highlight an email.  
User Guide  
Press the  
4. Highlight a folder.  
key > File.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > File.  
Add, move, rename, or delete an email folder :  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Highlight a folder.  
key > View Folder.  
Press the  
• To add a folder, click Add Folder.  
• To move a folder, click Move Folder. Click the new location.  
• To rename a folder, click Rename Folder.  
• To delete a folder, click Delete Folder.  
Forward messages from a specific email folder to your device:  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
Press the  
5. Select the check box beside an email folder.  
key > Folder Redirection.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Note: If you click the Select All menu item, all email, including email that appears in the sent items folder in the email  
application on your computer, appears on your BlackBerry device.  
Related topics  
Hide filed email from the message inbox:  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Select the Hide Filed Messages check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
View filed messages:  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > View Folder.  
User Guide  
3. Click a folder.  
Email options  
Set an out-of-office reply  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Select the Use Out Of Office Reply check box.  
5. In the field that appears, type a reply.  
6. If you use IBM® Lotus Notes®, in the Until field, set the date on which the out-of-office reply should turn off.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn off the out-of-office reply, clear the Use Out Of Office Reply check box.  
Change options for your personal email account  
Depending on your wireless service provider, you might not be able to change some options for your personal email account.  
You can change options for each personal email account that you added to your BlackBerry® device. You can create email  
filters, synchronize your contacts, change your signature or display name, and more.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Account Management.  
3. Click the email account that you want to change options for.  
For more information about personal email accounts, visit and click the link under  
Email Setup.  
Turn on or turn off read receipts  
Depending on your wireless service provider or administrator, you might not be able to perform this task, or some of the  
options might not appear.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. To set whether your BlackBerry® device sends a read receipt or delivery receipt when a sender requests it, change the  
Send Read Receipts field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Stop loading pictures in HTML email messages  
By default, your BlackBerry® device automatically downloads and displays inline pictures that are embedded in HTML email  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Clear the Download Images Automatically check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To view pictures in an HTML email message, press the  
key > Get Images.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before downloading external pictures in HTML email  
Some HTML email messages contain links to external pictures on the Internet. By default, your BlackBerry® device prompts you  
before downloading external pictures.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Clear the Confirm External Image Download check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Receive only the first section of long email messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Auto More check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To download more of an email, press the  
key > More or More All.  
Open a new message automatically when you remove your device from your holster  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Auto Open Newest Message After Removing Device From Holster field.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Hide the new or unopened message indicator  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
User Guide  
• To hide the new message indicator, clear the Display New Message Indicator check box.  
• To hide the unopened message indicator, change the Display Message Count field to None.  
Press the key > Save.  
Stop displaying recent contacts in email address fields  
By default, when you type the first few characters of a contact name or an email address in a To, Cc, or Bcc field, your  
BlackBerry® device displays the email addresses of recent contacts who are not in your contact list.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Show Recent Contacts When Composing Email check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete a message  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears when you mark messages as opened  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Confirm Mark Prior Opened check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
View call logs in the Messages application  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > Call Logs and Lists.  
• To show recent and missed calls in the Messages application, select the All Calls option.  
• To hide call logs in the Messages application, select the None option.  
Storing and forwarding email  
Set how long your device stores messages:  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Days To Keep Messages field.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Stop storing messages sent from your computer on your device:  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
Press the  
5. Clear the check box beside the Sent Items folder.  
key > Folder Redirection.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Stop storing messages sent from your device on your computer:  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Clear the Save Copy In Sent Folder check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Stop forwarding email to your device:  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Clear the Send Email to Handheld check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To forward email to your BlackBerry device again, select the Send Email to Handheld check box.  
Email filters  
About email filters  
You can create email filters to specify which email is forwarded to your BlackBerry® device and which remains in the email  
application on your computer.  
Email filters are applied to email based on the order in which they appear in your list of email filters. If you create multiple  
email filters that could apply to the same email, you must decide which one should be applied first by placing that filter higher  
in the list.  
User Guide  
Create an email filter  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
For information about completing this task for a personal email account that you have on your BlackBerry device (such as  
Google Mail™ or Windows Live™ Hotmail®), visit and click the link under Email Setup.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Filters.  
key > New.  
4. Type a name for the email filter.  
5. Set the email filter options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Create an email filter based on a contact or subject  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
2. Highlight an email.  
Press the  
key > Filter by > Sender or Subject.  
4. Type a name for the email filter.  
5. Set the email filter options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Options for email filters  
Specify one or more contacts or email addresses that the email  
filtershouldsearchforintheFromfieldofyouremail. Separate  
multiple contacts or email addresses with a semicolon (;). To  
specify that the email filter should search for all contacts or  
email addresses that contain specific text, type the text and  
use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to represent the rest  
of the contact or email address.  
Sent to  
Specify one or more contacts or email addresses that the email  
filter should search for in the Sent To field of your email.  
Separate multiple contacts or email addresses with a  
semicolon (;). To specify that the email filter should search for  
User Guide  
all contacts or email addresses that contain specific text, type  
the text and use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to  
represent the rest of the contact or email address.  
Specify the text that the email filter should search for in the  
Subject field of your email.  
Specify the text that the email filter should search for in the  
body of your email.  
Sent directly to me  
Cc to me  
Set whether the email filter applies to email that includes your  
email address in the To field.  
Set whether the email filter applies to email that includes your  
email address in the CC field.  
Bcc to me  
Set whether the email filter applies to email that includes your  
email address in the BCC field.  
Set the importance level of email that the email filter applies  
Set the sensitivity level of email that the email filter applies to.  
Set whether email that the email filter applies to is forwarded  
to your BlackBerry® device. If email is forwarded, specify  
whether it is forwarded with high importance or with the email  
header only.  
Turn on an email filter  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Select the check box beside an email filter.  
key > Options > Email Filters.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change, prioritize, or delete an email filter  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Filters.  
3. Highlight an email filter.  
Press the  
To change an email filter, click Edit. Change the options for the email filter. Press the  
key > Save.  
• To prioritize an email filter, click Move. Click the new location.  
• To delete an email filter, click Delete.  
User Guide  
Synchronizing email  
About synchronization  
The wireless data synchronization feature is designed to synchronize organizer data (contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos) between a subscriber's BlackBerry® smartphone and the email application on their computer over the wireless  
The wireless email reconciliation feature is designed to reconcile email between the subscriber's smartphone and the email  
application on their computer over the wireless network. When a subscriber files or deletes email messages on their  
smartphone, these email message should be filed or deleted in their email application. Likewise, any changes that they make to  
email message in the email application on their computer should be reflected on the smartphone.  
In rare cases, if a smartphone does not recognize fields in a contact, calendar entry, or email account, some data or email  
cannot be synchronized or reconciled.  
If wireless data synchronization or wireless email reconciliation is not available on the smartphone or if the subscriber turned  
off these features, the subscriber can use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize their  
organizer data and email. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Reconcile email over the wireless network  
You can set the Wireless Reconcile option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Select the Wireless Reconcile check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If your device is associated with a Microsoft® Outlook® email account, you must use the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software to reconcile email in personal folders. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
Delete email on your device and in your email application on your computer  
You can set the Delete On option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Change the Delete On field to Mailbox & Handheld.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
It takes a short period of time for email to be deleted over the wireless network.  
Related topics  
Empty the deleted items folder on your computer from your device  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
Press the  
key > Purge Deleted Items.  
About synchronization conflicts  
A synchronization conflict occurs when you change the same email or organizer data item on your BlackBerry® device and in  
the email application on your computer.  
If you reconcile your email using wireless email reconciliation, on your device, you can set whether the email on your device or  
the email on your computer takes precedence when an email reconciliation conflict occurs.  
If you synchronize your organizer data using wireless data synchronization, the organizer data on your computer takes  
precedence over the organizer data on your device when a data synchronization conflict occurs.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
Manage email reconciliation conflicts  
You can set the On Conflicts option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Change the On Conflicts field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
PIN messages  
About PIN messages  
A PIN uniquely identifies BlackBerry® devices and BlackBerry enabled devices on the wireless network. If you have a contact  
who uses a BlackBerry device or a BlackBerry enabled device and you know that contact's PIN, you can send them PIN  
messages. PIN messages are not routed through your email account.  
When your PIN message is delivered to the recipient, in a message inbox, a D appears with a check mark beside the PIN  
Find your PIN  
Do one of the following:  
• On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click Device > Device and Status Information.  
• In a message, type mypin followed by a space.  
Composing and sending PIN messages  
Compose and send a PIN message  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Compose Other > Compose PIN.  
3. In the To field, do one of the following:  
• Type a PIN. Press the key on the keyboard.  
• If you have a PIN saved for a contact that is in your contact list, type the contact name. Press the key on the  
4. Type a message.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
Related topics  
Resend a message  
You cannot change a text message before you resend it.  
In a sent message, press the  
To change the message, click Edit. Change the message. Press the  
key > Send.  
User Guide  
To change the recipients, click Edit. Highlight a contact. Press the  
Press the key > Send.  
• To resend the message without changing it, click Resend.  
key > Change Address. Click a new contact.  
Related topics  
Reply to or forward an email or PIN message  
In a message, press the  
• To reply to a message, click Reply or Reply to All.  
• To forward a message, click Forward or Forward As.  
Related topics  
Check spelling  
You can check spelling in messages, calendar entries, tasks, or memos that you create.  
Press the  
key > Check Spelling.  
2. Do any of the following:  
• To accept the suggested spelling, click a word in the list that appears.  
To ignore the suggested spelling, press the  
To ignore all instances of the suggested spelling, press the  
To add the word to the custom dictionary, press the  
key > Ignore All.  
key > Add To Dictionary.  
To stop checking spelling, press the  
key > Cancel Spell Check.  
Save a draft of a message  
When you are composing a message, press the  
key > Save Draft.  
Attach a contact to a message  
You can attach a contact to an email, a PIN message, or a text message.  
When you are composing a message, press the  
2. Find and highlight a contact.  
key > Attach > Contact.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Continue.  
Set an importance level for received PIN messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
User Guide  
3. Select the Display PIN Messages in Red check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Blind carbon copy a contact  
You can blind carbon copy a contact in an email or a PIN message.  
When you are composing an email or a PIN message, press the  
key > Add Bcc.  
Create a link for a PIN  
You can create a link for a PIN in a message, calendar entry, task, or memo. If you click the link, you can send a PIN message.  
When you are typing text, type pin: and the PIN.  
Stop a message from sending  
You can stop a message from sending only if a clock icon appears beside the message.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
2. Highlight the message.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Viewing and replying to PIN messages  
Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
In a message, in a file, in an attachment, or on a web page, press the  
key > Find or Find on Page.  
2. Type the text.  
3. Press the Enter key.  
To search for the next instance of the text, press the  
key > Find Next.  
View an address instead of a display name  
In a message, press the  
key > Show Address.  
To view the display name again, press the  
key > Show Name.  
View filed messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Click a folder.  
key > View Folder.  
User Guide  
Save a message  
Saved messages aren't deleted even if the application storage is full or if your BlackBerry® device is set to delete messages  
automatically after a certain period of time.  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To save an email or PIN message, highlight an email or PIN message. Press the  
To save a text message, open a conversation and highlight a text message. Press the  
key > Save.  
key > Save Message.  
Delete messages  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To delete a message, highlight the message. Press the  
• To delete a range of messages, highlight a message. Press and hold the Shift key. On the trackpad, slide your finger up  
or down. Release the Shift key. Press the key > Delete Messages.  
To delete all messages prior to a certain date, highlight a date field. Press the  
key > Delete.  
key > Delete Prior > Delete.  
Note: Email that you delete using the Delete Prior menu item is not deleted from the email application on your computer  
during email reconciliation.  
Change how a message inbox displays messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
• To change the order of the subject line and sender, change the Display Order field.  
• To change how messages are separated, change the Separators field.  
• To change how many messages can fit on the screen, change the Display Message Header On field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Hide sent messages from the message inbox  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Select the Hide Sent Messages check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
PIN message options  
Set how long your device stores messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
User Guide  
3. Change the Days To Keep Messages field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Open a new message automatically when you remove your device from your holster  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Auto Open Newest Message After Removing Device From Holster field.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Hide the new or unopened message indicator  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
• To hide the new message indicator, clear the Display New Message Indicator check box.  
• To hide the unopened message indicator, change the Display Message Count field to None.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete a message  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears when you mark messages as opened  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Confirm Mark Prior Opened check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Text messages  
About text messages  
To send and receive text messages, your wireless service provider must set up your wireless service plan for text messaging.  
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.  
User Guide  
Depending on the typing input language that you use to type your text messages, your messages might display to your  
recipients differently than you expect.  
Depending on your wireless service provider, you might also be able to send and receive the following media files in text  
messages: .jpg, .gif, .wbmp, .midi, .vcf (vCard®), .ics (iCalendar), .avi, .mpg, or .mov.  
If you have more than one phone number associated with your BlackBerry® device, your device sends text messages using the  
first phone number that appears in the My Number field in the Phone application.  
Composing and sending text messages  
Send a text message  
The number of recipients that you can send a text message to depends on your wireless service provider.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Compose Text Message.  
3. In the To field, do one of the following:  
• Type a contact name.  
Press the  
key > Choose Contact. Click a contact.  
• Type a phone number that can receive text messages (including the country code and area code). For languages with  
non-Latin characters, press the Alt key to type numbers. Press the key on the keyboard.  
• If your BlackBerry® device is connected to a CDMA network, you can type an email address.  
4. Type a message.  
5. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Related topics  
Resend a message  
You cannot change a text message before you resend it.  
In a sent message, press the  
To change the message, click Edit. Change the message. Press the  
To change the recipients, click Edit. Highlight a contact. Press the  
key > Send.  
key > Change Address. Click a new contact.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
• To resend the message without changing it, click Resend.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Set whether pressing the Enter key sends text messages  
You can stop your text messages from being sent each time that you press the , which might prevent you from accidentally  
sending a message if you plan to include several lines of text.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. In the General Text Messaging Options section, clear the Press Enter Key to Send check box.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Forward a text message  
You cannot forward text messages that contain content that is copyright protected.  
In a message, press the  
key > Forward or Forward As.  
Attach a file to a text message  
When you are composing a text message, press the  
key > Attach.  
2. Click one of the following menu items:  
Voice Note  
3. Click a media file.  
Related topics  
Set the importance level for text messages that you send  
Depending on your wireless service provider, this option might not appear.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. In the MMS section, in the Message Filtering section, change the Importance field.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Request delivery notification or read notification for a text message  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
3. In the MMS section, do one of the following:  
User Guide  
• To receive notification when the message is delivered to the recipient, select the Confirm Delivery check box.  
• To receive notification when the recipient opens the message, select the Confirm Read check box.  
Press the key > Save.  
Stop a message from sending  
You can stop a message from sending only if a clock icon appears beside the message.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
2. Highlight the message.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Viewing and replying to text messages  
Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
In a message, in a file, in an attachment, or on a web page, press the  
key > Find or Find on Page.  
2. Type the text.  
3. Press the Enter key.  
To search for the next instance of the text, press the  
key > Find Next.  
View filed messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Click a folder.  
key > View Folder.  
Delete messages  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To delete a message, highlight the message. Press the  
• To delete a range of messages, highlight a message. Press and hold the Shift key. On the trackpad, slide your finger up  
or down. Release the Shift key. Press the key > Delete Messages.  
To delete all messages prior to a certain date, highlight a date field. Press the  
key > Delete.  
key > Delete Prior > Delete.  
Note: Email that you delete using the Delete Prior menu item is not deleted from the email application on your computer  
during email reconciliation.  
Delete the history from a text message  
Do one of the following:  
To delete an individual message from the history, highlight the message. Press the  
key > Delete Message.  
User Guide  
• To delete all the messages from the history and keep the chat open, when you are replying to a message, press the  
key > Clear Conversation.  
• To delete all the messages from the history and close the chat, in your list of text messages, highlight a message. Press  
key > Delete.  
Save a media file from a text message  
1. In a text message, open an attachment.  
Press the  
3. Click Save <media type>.  
4. Click Save.  
Save a vCard contact attachment from a message  
If you receive a vCard® contact attachment in a message, you can save it so that the contact information is added to your  
contact list.  
1. In a message, highlight a vCard contact attachment.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > View Attachment.  
4. Click one of the following items:  
Add to Contacts  
Update Contact  
Related topics  
Add an appointment to your calendar from a text message  
1. In a text message, highlight an iCalendar attachment.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > View Appointment.  
key > Add To Calendar.  
Change how your text messages look  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. In the General Text Messaging Options section, change the Conversation Style field.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Show names in the history of text messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
3. In the General Text Messaging Options section, select the Show Names check box.  
User Guide  
4. If you want to change your display name, beside the Display Name field, type a name. This name appears only in the  
history of your text messages, and not in messages that you send.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change how a message inbox displays messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
• To change the order of the subject line and sender, change the Display Order field.  
• To change how messages are separated, change the Separators field.  
• To change how many messages can fit on the screen, change the Display Message Header On field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Options for text messages  
Stop receiving text messages when roaming  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. In the MMS section, set the Multimedia Reception field and Automatic Retrieval field to Home Only.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Block text messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
3. In the MMS section, in the Message Filtering section, select the Reject Anonymous Messages check box or Reject  
Advertisements check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Store text messages on your SIM card  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
If your BlackBerry® device uses a SIM card and you set your SIM card to store text messages, your text messages still appear in  
the Messages application.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Leave Messages On SIM Card field to Yes.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To stop storing text messages on your SIM card, change the Leave Messages On SIM Card field to No. If you change this field to  
No, your text messages are deleted from your SIM card.  
User Guide  
Set how long your device stores messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Days To Keep Messages field.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Turn off AutoText for text messages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. In the SMS Text section, select the Disable AutoText check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set how long your service center attempts to send text messages  
If you send a text message and it cannot be delivered immediately, your service center tries to send the text message for the  
number of times that is set in the Retries field. Depending on your wireless service provider, this option might not appear.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. In the SMS Text section, change the Retries field.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set a wireless network type for sending text messages  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Text Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
3. In the SMS Text section, do one of the following:  
• To use only one network type to send text messages, change the Network To Send Over field to Circuit Switched or  
Packet Switched.  
• To use either network type to send text messages, which might be beneficial when roaming, change the Network To  
Send Over field to Circuit Switched Preferred or Packet Switched Preferred.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Open a new message automatically when you remove your device from your holster  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Auto Open Newest Message After Removing Device From Holster field.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Hide the new or unopened message indicator  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
• To hide the new message indicator, clear the Display New Message Indicator check box.  
• To hide the unopened message indicator, change the Display Message Count field to None.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete a message  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears when you mark messages as opened  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Confirm Mark Prior Opened check box.  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Cell broadcasting  
About cell broadcasting  
Cell broadcasting is designed to enable wireless service providers to use SMS text messaging to send information to all  
BlackBerry® devices in a specific geographical area simultaneously. You can receive cell broadcast messages that contain a  
specific type of information by subscribing to a cell broadcast channel that provides that type of information. Different cell  
broadcast channels send different cell broadcast messages. For example, one cell broadcast channel might send regular  
weather forecasts while another might send traffic reports.  
Turn on cell broadcasting  
To perform this task, your BlackBerry® device must use a SIM card, and your wireless service provider must set up your SIM  
card with a cell broadcast channel or provide you with the ID for a cell broadcast channel.  
Depending on your wireless service provider and the wireless network that your device is connected to, this feature might not  
be supported.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Cell Broadcast Settings.  
3. Select the Cell Broadcasting Service check box.  
• If one or more cell broadcast channels appear on the screen, select the check box beside the channel.  
User Guide  
If no cell broadcast channels appear on the screen, highlight the Empty field. Press the  
key > Add Channel. Type  
the channel ID and a nickname. Click OK.  
4. Select the check box beside a language.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn off cell broadcasting, clear the Cell Broadcasting Service check box. Before you turn off cell broadcasting, verify that  
your wireless service provider does not use cell broadcasting to manage services, such as preferred rates, based on your  
Related topics  
Stop receiving messages from a cell broadcast channel  
Verify that your wireless service provider does not use the cell broadcast channel to manage services, such as preferred rates,  
based on your location.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Cell Broadcast Settings.  
3. In the Channels section, highlight a cell broadcast channel.  
Press the  
• To stop receiving messages from the cell broadcast channel, click Disable.  
• To delete the cell broadcast channel, click Delete Channel.  
Rename a cell broadcast channel  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Cell Broadcast Settings.  
3. In the Channels section, highlight a cell broadcast channel.  
Press the  
key > Set Nickname.  
5. Type a name for the cell broadcast channel.  
6. Click OK.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Security options for messages  
Block incoming messages  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might not be able to block or unblock PIN messages from  
contacts within your organization, from contacts outside of your organization, or both. For more information, contact your  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Firewall.  
User Guide  
3. Select the check box beside one or more message types.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Note: Even though you do not receive blocked messages on your BlackBerry device, blocked messages might contribute to data  
usage in your wireless service plan. You can stop email messages from being forwarded to your device without contributing to  
data usage by turning off email message forwarding or by using email message filters.  
Allow messages from contacts in your contact list or allowed sender list  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Firewall.  
3. Select the Contacts check box or Specific Addresses, Phone Numbers, or PINs check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add a contact to your allowed sender list  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Firewall.  
3. In the General section, if the Enable check box is not selected, select it.  
4. In the Block Incoming Messages section, select one or more message types.  
5. In the Exceptions section, select the Specific Addresses, Phone Numbers, or PINs check box.  
6. Click Add.  
Press the  
8. Click one of the following menu items:  
Add Email Address  
Add Phone Number  
Add PIN  
9. In the Enter new exception dialog box, type the contact information.  
10. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Reset a blocked message counter  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Firewall.  
3. Highlight a message type.  
Press the  
key > Reset Count or Reset All Counts.  
User Guide  
About files and attachments  
You can view and download attachments and save them to the BlackBerry® device memory or on a media card. If your email  
account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports accessing files on your organization's network, you can preview  
files from your organization's network and save the files to your device or attach them directly to email messages without  
downloading them. You can use the Files application to view a list of all the files that are saved on your device. You can also  
rename, move, and delete files on your organization's network from your device.  
To change attachments or files that you download, you can use third-party editing applications, such as Documents To Go®,  
that are designed for use on BlackBerry devices.  
Open a file or an attachment  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
In a message, meeting invitation, or calendar entry, press the  
2. If necessary, click Retrieve Attachment Information.  
3. Click Open Attachment.  
4. If necessary, on the Attachments screen, click an attachment.  
5. If necessary, in the dialog box, select an option.  
Related topics  
Save a file or an attachment  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
1. In a message, in a calendar entry, or on a web page, do one of the following:  
If there is only one attachment in a message or calendar entry, press the  
If there are multiple attachments in a message or calendar entry, highlight an attachment. Press the  
If you are downloading a file from a web page, press the key.  
2. Click Download Attachment or Download File.  
3. Highlight the folder that you want to save the file or attachment in.  
Press the  
key > Select Here.  
key >  
User Guide  
To stop downloading an attachment, in a message, highlight an attachment that you are downloading. Press the  
Cancel Download.  
Send a file as an attachment  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a file.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
4. Click a message type.  
Related topics  
Open a link in a file or an attachment  
Some files might contain links to embedded content, such as tables, pictures, footnotes, text boxes, or comments.  
1. In a file, highlight a link.  
Press the  
key > Get Link or Retrieve.  
To return to the file, press the  
Set font options for a file or an attachment  
In a file or an attachment, press the  
2. Change the font fields.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
View properties for a file  
You can view the size, author, publication date, and other properties of a file.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a file.  
Press the  
key > Properties.  
User Guide  
vCard contact attachments  
About vCard contact attachments  
vCard® contact attachments (.vcf files) contain information for a specific contact. When you add a vCard contact attachment to  
an email message, recipients of your email message can view your contact information or add it to the contact list on their  
BlackBerry® device. When you open an email message that contains a vCard contact attachment, a book icon appears at the  
end of the message with the name of the attached contact.  
Save a vCard contact attachment from a message  
If you receive a vCard® contact attachment in a message, you can save it so that the contact information is added to your  
contact list.  
1. In a message, highlight a vCard contact attachment.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > View Attachment.  
4. Click one of the following items:  
Add to Contacts  
Update Contact  
Related topics  
S/MIME-protected messages  
S/MIME-protected message basics  
About signing and encrypting messages  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you can digitally sign or encrypt messages  
to add another level of security to email and PIN messages that you send from your BlackBerry device. Digital signatures are  
designed to help recipients verify the authenticity and integrity of messages that you send. When you digitally sign a message  
using your private key, recipients use your public key to verify that the message is from you and that the message has not been  
Encryption is designed to keep messages confidential. When you encrypt a message, your device uses the recipient’s public key  
to encrypt the message. Recipients use their private key to decrypt the message.  
To send an encrypted PIN message, you must have a PIN and an email address for the contact in your contact list. Your device  
uses the email address in your contact list to locate a PGP® key or certificate for the contact.  
User Guide  
Sign or encrypt a message  
You can sign or encrypt email and PIN messages.  
1. When you are composing a message, change the Encoding field.  
2. If necessary, change the Classification field.  
Related topics  
Encrypt a message with a pass phrase  
Your BlackBerry® device can encrypt email and PIN messages using a pass phrase shared between the sender and recipient.  
1. In an unsent message, set the Encoding field to Encrypt or Sign and Encrypt.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Select the Use Password-Based Encryption check box.  
4. In the Allowed Content Ciphers section, select the check box beside one or more allowed content ciphers.  
5. If you are signing the message, in the Signing Options section, select a certificate.  
Press the  
7. Type your message.  
key > Save.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
9. Type a pass phrase to encrypt the message.  
10. Confirm the pass phrase.  
11. Click OK.  
Using a secure method, let the recipient know what the pass phrase is.  
Attach a certificate to a message  
You can attach a certificate to email and PIN messages.  
When composing a message, press the  
2. Highlight a certificate.  
key > Attach > Certificate.  
Press the  
key > Continue.  
Download the certificate used to sign or encrypt a message  
If a certificate is not included in a received message or is not already stored in the key store on your BlackBerry® device, you  
can download the certificate.  
1. In a message, highlight the encryption indicator or a digital signature indicator.  
Press the  
key > Fetch Sender’s Certificate.  
Add a certificate from a message  
1. In a message, highlight a digital signature indicator.  
Press the  
key > Import Sender’s certificate.  
User Guide  
Add a certificate from an attachment  
1. In a message, click the certificate attachment.  
2. Click Retrieve Certificate Attachment.  
3. Click the certificate.  
4. Click Import Certificate.  
Attachment indicators in S/MIME-protected messages  
The message includes a certificate attachment.  
The message includes multiple certificate attachments.  
The message includes a certificate server attachment.  
Add connection information for a certificate server from a message  
1. In a message, highlight the certificate server indicator.  
Press the  
key > Import Server.  
View the certificate used to sign or encrypt a message  
1. In a message, highlight the encryption status indicator or a digital signature indicator.  
Press the  
key > Display Sender's Certificate or Display Encryption Certificate.  
View encryption information for a weakly encrypted message  
1. In a weakly encrypted message, highlight the encryption status indicator.  
Press the  
key > Encryption Details.  
S/MIME-protected message status  
Digital signature indicators for S/MIME-protected messages  
Your BlackBerry® device verified the digital signature.  
Your device cannot verify the digital signature.  
Your device requires more data to verify the digital signature.  
User Guide  
Your device trusts the certificate chain.  
The sender’s email address does not match the email address  
of the certificate subject, or the sender’s certificate is revoked,  
is not trusted, cannot be verified, or is not on your device.  
The certificate is weak, the certificate status is not current, or  
your device requires more data to verify the trust status of the  
The sender’s certificate is expired.  
Encryption status indicators  
Your administrator sets whether messages that you receive are considered to be strong or weak.  
The message is strongly encrypted.  
The message is weakly encrypted.  
S/MIME-protected message options  
Change your signing or encryption certificate  
Your BlackBerry® device uses your encryption certificate to encrypt messages in the Sent Items folder and includes your  
encryption certificate in messages that you send so that recipients can encrypt their reply messages.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
3. In the Signing Options section or the Encryption Options section, change the Certificate field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Change options for downloading attachments in encrypted messages  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
• To download attachments in encrypted messages automatically, change the Allow encrypted attachment viewing and  
retrieve encrypted attachment information field to Automatically.  
User Guide  
• To download attachments in encrypted messages manually, change the Allow encrypted attachment viewing and  
retrieve encrypted attachment information field to Manually.  
• To prevent your BlackBerry® device from downloading attachments in encrypted messages, change the Allow  
encrypted attachment viewing and retrieve encrypted attachment information field to Never.  
Press the  
key > OK.  
Change the default signing and encryption option  
Your BlackBerry® device is designed to use the default signing and encryption option when you send a message to a contact  
that you have not sent a message to or received a message from previously. If you have sent a message to or received a  
message from the contact previously, your device tries to use the signing and encryption option that was used for the last  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME or PGP.  
3. Change the Default Encoding field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
About message classifications  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with an email account that uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this  
feature and your administrator turns on message classifications, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies a minimum set of  
security actions to each message that you compose, forward, or reply to, based on the classification that you assign to the  
message. Your administrator specifies the message classifications that you can use.  
If you receive a message that uses message classifications, you can view the abbreviation for the classification in the subject  
line of the message and the full description for the classification in the body of the message. You can also view the abbreviation  
and full description for the classification for a sent message in the sent items folder.  
Change the default message classification  
To perform this task, your email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature and your  
administrator must turn on message classifications.  
Your BlackBerry device is designed to use the default message classification when you send a message to a contact that you  
have not sent a message to or received a message from previously. If you have sent a message to or received a message from  
the contact previously, your device tries to use the message classification that was used for the last message.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Default Services.  
3. Change the Default Encoding field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Change the size of S/MIME indicators in messages  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
3. Change the Message Viewer Icons field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the encryption algorithms for S/MIME-protected messages  
If a message has multiple recipients, your BlackBerry® device uses the first selected encryption algorithm in the list that all  
recipients are known to support.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
3. Select the check box beside one or more encryption algorithms.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Request delivery notification for signed S/MIME-protected messages  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
3. Select the Request S/MIME Receipts check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before an S/MIME-protected message is truncated  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
3. Change the Message truncation mode field to Send Anyway or More All and Send.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on the prompt again, change the Message truncation mode field to Prompt User.  
Turn off the prompt that appears when you use an S/MIME certificate that is not recommended  
for use  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME.  
3. Clear the Warn about problems with my certificates check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on the prompt again, select the Warn about problems with my certificates check box.  
User Guide  
S/MIME-protected message troubleshooting  
Some signing and encryption options are not available on my device  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Verify that the email account that you are using supports all signing and encryption options.  
• If you use message classifications, verify that the message classification supports the signing or encryption options that  
you want. Try using a different message classification.  
I cannot open an attachment in an encrypted message  
The attachment information might not be available on the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your administrator might have set  
options to prevent you from opening attachments in encrypted messages, or you might have received the message from an  
email account that does not support attachments in encrypted messages.  
You cannot open an attachment in a PGP® protected message that was encrypted using the OpenPGP format by an IBM® Lotus  
Notes® client working with PGP® Desktop Professional or that was encrypted by the PGP® Universal Server.  
IBM Lotus Notes native encrypted messages  
About IBM Lotus Notes native encrypted messages  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you can read messages on your  
BlackBerry device that are sent using IBM® Lotus Notes® native encryption. You might also be able to send, forward, or reply to  
messages using IBM Lotus Notes native encryption.  
Before you can send or receive IBM Lotus Notes native encrypted messages, you must import your IBM Lotus Notes ID file  
using Lotus® iNotes® (previously known as IBM® Lotus® Domino® Web Access) or using the BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For  
more information about importing your IBM Lotus Notes ID file using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, see the Help in the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software. When you send or receive IBM Lotus Notes native encrypted messages, you might be prompted  
to type your IBM Lotus Notes ID password.  
Prerequisites: IBM Lotus Notes native encryption  
Your BlackBerry® device must be associated with an email account that uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server for IBM®  
Lotus® Domino®.  
Your computer must be running IBM® Lotus Notes® 7.0 or later with an email account on an IBM Lotus Domino server 7.0  
or later.  
You must import your IBM Lotus Notes ID file using Lotus® iNotes® (previously known as IBM® Lotus® Domino® Web  
Access), or using the BlackBerry® Desktop Software.  
User Guide  
Encrypt a message using IBM Lotus Notes native encryption  
1. When composing, forwarding or replying to a message, change the Encoding field to Lotus Notes Encryption.  
2. If you are prompted, type your IBM® Lotus Notes® ID password.  
PGP protected messages  
PGP protected message basics  
About signing and encrypting messages  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you can digitally sign or encrypt messages  
to add another level of security to email and PIN messages that you send from your BlackBerry device. Digital signatures are  
designed to help recipients verify the authenticity and integrity of messages that you send. When you digitally sign a message  
using your private key, recipients use your public key to verify that the message is from you and that the message has not been  
Encryption is designed to keep messages confidential. When you encrypt a message, your device uses the recipient’s public key  
to encrypt the message. Recipients use their private key to decrypt the message.  
To send an encrypted PIN message, you must have a PIN and an email address for the contact in your contact list. Your device  
uses the email address in your contact list to locate a PGP® key or certificate for the contact.  
Sign or encrypt a message  
You can sign or encrypt email and PIN messages.  
1. When you are composing a message, change the Encoding field.  
2. If necessary, change the Classification field.  
Related topics  
Encrypt a PGP protected message with a pass phrase  
By default, your BlackBerry® device uses your PGP® key to encrypt messages.  
1. When composing a message, change the Encoding field to one that uses encryption.  
Press the  
3. Change the Use Conventional Encryption field to Yes.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Using a secure method, let the recipient know what the pass phrase is.  
User Guide  
Attach a PGP key to a message  
You can attach a PGP® key to email messages and PIN messages.  
When composing a message, press the  
2. Highlight a PGP key.  
key > Attach > PGP Keys.  
Press the  
key > Continue.  
Download the PGP key used to sign or encrypt a message  
If a PGP® key is not included in a received message or is not already stored in the key store on your BlackBerry® device, you can  
download the PGP key. If you use the PGP® Universal Server, you might not be able to download the sender’s PGP key, or your  
device might download the sender’s PGP key from the PGP Universal Server automatically.  
1. In a message, highlight the encryption status indicator or a digital signature indicator.  
Press the  
key > Fetch Sender’s PGP key.  
Add a PGP key from a message  
If you use the PGP® Universal Server, you might not be able to add PGP keys from messages.  
1. In a message, highlight a digital signature indicator.  
Press the  
key > Import PGP Key.  
Add a PGP key from an attachment  
If you use the PGP® Universal Server, you might not be able to add PGP keys from attachments.  
1. In a message, click the PGP key attachment.  
2. Click Retrieve PGP Attachment.  
3. Click the PGP key.  
4. Click Import PGP Key.  
Related topics  
Attachment indicators in PGP protected messages  
The message includes a PGP® key attachment.  
The message includes multiple PGP key attachments.  
The message includes a certificate server attachment.  
User Guide  
Add connection information for a certificate server from a message  
1. In a message, highlight the certificate server indicator.  
Press the  
key > Import Server.  
View the PGP key used to sign or encrypt a message  
1. In a message, highlight the encryption status indicator or a digital signature indicator.  
Press the  
key > Display Sender's PGP Key or Display Encryption PGP Key.  
PGP protected message status  
Encryption status indicators  
Your administrator sets whether messages that you receive are considered to be strong or weak.  
The message is strongly encrypted.  
The message is weakly encrypted.  
Digital signature indicators for PGP protected messages  
Your BlackBerry® device verified the digital signature.  
Your device cannot verify the digital signature.  
Your device requires more data to verify the digital signature.  
Your device trusts the sender’s PGP® key.  
The sender’s email address does not match the email address  
in the key, or the sender’s PGP key is revoked, is not trusted,  
cannot be verified, or is not on your device.  
The key status is not current, or your device requires more  
data to verify the trust status of the key.  
The sender’s PGP key is expired.  
User Guide  
PGP protected message options  
Change your signing and encryption key  
Your BlackBerry® device uses your PGP® key to encrypt messages in the Sent Items folder and includes your PGP public key in  
messages that you send so that recipients can encrypt their reply messages.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Change the Default Key field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Change options for downloading attachments in encrypted messages  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Do one of the following:  
• To download attachments in encrypted messages automatically, change the Allow encrypted attachment viewing and  
retrieve encrypted attachment information field to Automatically.  
• To download attachments in encrypted messages manually, change the Allow encrypted attachment viewing and  
retrieve encrypted attachment information field to Manually.  
• To prevent your BlackBerry® device from downloading attachments in encrypted messages, change the Allow  
encrypted attachment viewing and retrieve encrypted attachment information field to Never.  
Press the  
key > OK.  
Change the default signing and encryption option  
Your BlackBerry® device is designed to use the default signing and encryption option when you send a message to a contact  
that you have not sent a message to or received a message from previously. If you have sent a message to or received a  
message from the contact previously, your device tries to use the signing and encryption option that was used for the last  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > S/MIME or PGP.  
3. Change the Default Encoding field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
About message classifications  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with an email account that uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this  
feature and your administrator turns on message classifications, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server applies a minimum set of  
security actions to each message that you compose, forward, or reply to, based on the classification that you assign to the  
message. Your administrator specifies the message classifications that you can use.  
If you receive a message that uses message classifications, you can view the abbreviation for the classification in the subject  
line of the message and the full description for the classification in the body of the message. You can also view the abbreviation  
and full description for the classification for a sent message in the sent items folder.  
Change the default message classification  
To perform this task, your email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature and your  
administrator must turn on message classifications.  
Your BlackBerry device is designed to use the default message classification when you send a message to a contact that you  
have not sent a message to or received a message from previously. If you have sent a message to or received a message from  
the contact previously, your device tries to use the message classification that was used for the last message.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Default Services.  
3. Change the Default Encoding field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the size of PGP indicators in messages  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Change the Message Viewer Icons field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the encryption algorithms for PGP protected messages  
If a message has multiple recipients, your BlackBerry® device uses the first selected encryption algorithm in the list that all  
recipients are known to support.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Select the check box beside one or more encryption algorithms.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before a PGP protected message is truncated  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Change the Message truncation mode field to Send Anyway or More All And Send.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on the prompt again, change the Message truncation mode field to Prompt User.  
Turn off the prompt that appears when you use a PGP key that is not recommended for use  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Clear the Warn about problems with my PGP keys check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on the prompt again, select the Warn about problems with my PGP keys check box.  
Troubleshooting: PGP protected messages  
Some signing and encryption options are not available on my device  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Verify that the email account that you are using supports all signing and encryption options.  
• If you use message classifications, verify that the message classification supports the signing or encryption options that  
you want. Try using a different message classification.  
I cannot open an attachment in an encrypted message  
The attachment information might not be available on the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your administrator might have set  
options to prevent you from opening attachments in encrypted messages, or you might have received the message from an  
email account that does not support attachments in encrypted messages.  
You cannot open an attachment in a PGP® protected message that was encrypted using the OpenPGP format by an IBM® Lotus  
Notes® client working with PGP® Desktop Professional or that was encrypted by the PGP® Universal Server.  
Message shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
In a message  
Reply to a message  
Forward a message  
Press the exclamation point (!) key.  
Press the period (.) key.  
User Guide  
Move to the last cursor position after you close and reopen a Press 5  
received email or PIN message  
In your message inbox  
Open a message  
Press the key.  
Compose a message from a message inbox  
View received messages and received call logs  
View call logs  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Press the Alt key and 3.  
Press the Alt key and the period (.) key.  
Press the Alt key and 7.  
View voice mail messages  
View text messages  
Press the Alt key and the question mark (?) key.  
View all your messages  
Press the  
Move around your message inbox  
Move up a screen  
Press the Shift key and the Space key.  
Move down a screen  
Press the Space key.  
Press 1  
Move to the top of a message inbox  
Move to the bottom of a message inbox  
Move up a message  
Press 7  
Press 2  
Move down a message  
Press 8  
Move to the next message  
Move to the previous message  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Message shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
In your message inbox  
Reply to a message  
Press 7  
Press 1  
Press 9  
Reply to all in an email or a PIN message  
Forward a message  
Move around your message inbox  
Move to the top of a message inbox  
Press 2  
User Guide  
Move to the bottom of a message inbox  
Move to the next date  
Press 8  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Press 5  
Move to the previous date  
Move to the next unopened item  
File and attachment shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for text in an attachment  
Press Q  
In a spreadsheet  
Move to a specific cell  
View the content of a cell  
Switch worksheets  
Press ?  
Press the Space key  
Press the period (.) key. Highlight a worksheet. Press the Enter  
In a presentation  
Switch presentation views  
Press @  
Move to the next slide when viewing a presentation in slide  
Press 6  
Move to the previous slide when viewing a presentation in  
slide view  
Press 4  
Troubleshooting: Messages  
I cannot send messages  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
If the menu item for sending a message does not appear, verify that you have added an email address, a PIN, or a phone  
number for your contact.  
User Guide  
If you created an email address or added an existing email address to your device using the email setup screen in the Setup  
application, verify that you have received an activation message on your device from the BlackBerry® Internet Service. If  
you have not received an activation message (the message might take a short period of time to arrive), in the Setup  
application, open the email setup screen to send a service book to your device.  
If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device. On the Home screen or in  
a folder, click the Options icon. Click Advanced Options > Host Routing Table. Press the  
key > Register Now.  
Generate an encryption key.  
Verify that data service is turned on.  
Resend the message.  
Related topics  
I am not receiving messages  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network. If you are not in a wireless coverage area, you  
should receive messages when you return to a wireless coverage area.  
Reset your device. Connect to the network and try again.  
If you created an email address or added an existing email address to your device using the email setup screen in the Setup  
application, verify that you have received an activation message on your device from the BlackBerry® Internet Service. If  
you have not received an activation message (the message might take a short period of time to arrive), in the Setup  
application, open the email setup screen to send a service book to your device.  
If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.On the Home screen or in a  
folder, click the Options icon. Click Advanced Options > Host Routing Table. Press the  
key > Register Now.  
Verify that data service is turned on.  
If you use email filters, verify that the options for email filters are set correctly.  
Verify that email forwarding is turned on and that you have selected all the email folders, including your inbox folder, that  
you want to receive email from.  
Verify that your device is not blocking messages. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
I am not receiving email from personal folders on my computer  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with a Microsoft® Outlook® email account, you must use the synchronization tool of  
the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to reconcile email in personal folders. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
I cannot file email  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that wireless email reconciliation is turned on.  
If your email folders do not appear on your BlackBerry® device, reconcile your email using the email settings tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
I cannot send text messages  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network. If you are not in a wireless coverage area, your  
device should send the messages when you return to a wireless coverage area.  
Verify that fixed dialing is turned off.  
Related topics  
I am not receiving text messages  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network. If you are not in a wireless coverage area, you should  
receive messages when you return to a wireless coverage area.  
Some messages no longer appear on my device  
If the application storage on your BlackBerry® device is full or you have more than 65,000 email messages, PIN messages, and  
text messages, your device deletes the oldest messages from a message list. Your device does not delete saved messages.  
If wireless email reconciliation is turned on and, in the message options, the Delete On field is set to Mailbox & Handheld,  
email that you delete in the email application on your computer is also deleted from your device.  
User Guide  
A message, attachment, or Google Mail conversation is cut short or doesn't  
Try the following actions:  
Wait for a short period of time. Your BlackBerry® device receives long messages and attachments in sections.  
If "More available" appears at the end of the message or attachment, press the key > More or More All.  
If part of a Google Mail™ conversation doesn't appear, press the key > More of Conversation.  
If you're downloading an attachment, cancel the download and wait for a short period of time. Try downloading the  
attachment again.  
Related topics  
HTML email messages do not appear correctly  
Try the following actions:  
Wait for a short period of time. Your BlackBerry® device receives long messages and attachments in sections.  
Try downloading external pictures. Press the  
Try viewing your message in plain text. Press the  
key > Get Images.  
key > Get Plain Text.  
Related topics  
Some email folders appear dimmed  
If you cannot forward email from an email folder, the check box beside the folder appears dimmed.  
Try the following actions:  
Wait for a few seconds. The email folders might become available after a short period of time.  
Turn off wireless email reconciliation, and then turn it on again.  
Related topics  
Email filters are not working correctly  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your email filters are turned on.  
Verify that your email filters appear in the order that you want your BlackBerry® device to apply them to email.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
I cannot turn on cell broadcasting  
If your BlackBerry® device uses a SIM card, your SIM card might not support the display languages that you have selected for  
cell broadcast messages.  
Clear the check box beside all languages that your SIM card does not support.  
I cannot attach a file to a text message  
Depending on your wireless service provider, if you attach a video, you might not be able to attach another file or create a slide  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that the file is a .vcf (vCard®) file, an .ics (iCalendar) file, or a media file (for example, a .jpg file, .gif file, or .midi file).  
Verify that the file is not copyright protected.  
If templates are available for your BlackBerry® device, use a blank template to compose your text message.  
I cannot use a shortcut to view one type of message in a message inbox  
If you switch BlackBerry® devices and you restore device data from your previous device to your current device, the message  
inbox shortcuts for your previous device replace the message inbox shortcuts for your current device.  
To view the shortcuts for viewing one type of message in a message inbox, view your list of saved searches.  
Some features are not available on my device  
The availability of certain features on your BlackBerry® device might be affected by items such as your device model and  
wireless service plan.  
Depending on your messaging service plan, some features or options might not be available in the message options on the  
Email Preferences screen.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your organization might not have set up some features or might  
prevent you from using some features or options. If your administrator has set an option for you, a red lock indicator appears  
beside the option field.  
For more information about the features that are available on your device, contact your wireless service provider or  
administrator, or visit  
Related topics  
User Guide  
A skipped content bar appears in a document  
More content is available for you to download to your BlackBerry® device.  
1. To download the content, click the skipped content bar.  
2. Click More.  
A question mark appears on a slide  
A question mark appears on a slide if your BlackBerry® device has not downloaded the slide.  
1. To download the slide, highlight the slide.  
Press the  
key > Retrieve.  
The number of new or unopened messages is different than I expect  
The number of new or unopened messages includes saved messages and filed messages.  
If you have set your BlackBerry® device to hide filed messages and you receive a new message from an email folder in the  
email application on your computer other than your inbox, your device files the message.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
File basics  
About files and attachments  
You can view and download attachments and save them to the BlackBerry® device memory or on a media card. If your email  
account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports accessing files on your organization's network, you can preview  
files from your organization's network and save the files to your device or attach them directly to email messages without  
downloading them. You can use the Files application to view a list of all the files that are saved on your device. You can also  
rename, move, and delete files on your organization's network from your device.  
To change attachments or files that you download, you can use third-party editing applications, such as Documents To Go®,  
that are designed for use on BlackBerry devices.  
Open a file or an attachment  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
In a message, meeting invitation, or calendar entry, press the  
2. If necessary, click Retrieve Attachment Information.  
3. Click Open Attachment.  
4. If necessary, on the Attachments screen, click an attachment.  
5. If necessary, in the dialog box, select an option.  
Related topics  
Save a file or an attachment  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
1. In a message, in a calendar entry, or on a web page, do one of the following:  
If there is only one attachment in a message or calendar entry, press the  
If there are multiple attachments in a message or calendar entry, highlight an attachment. Press the  
If you are downloading a file from a web page, press the key.  
2. Click Download Attachment or Download File.  
3. Highlight the folder that you want to save the file or attachment in.  
Press the  
key > Select Here.  
User Guide  
To stop downloading an attachment, in a message, highlight an attachment that you are downloading. Press the  
key >  
Cancel Download.  
Search for a file that is saved on your device  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Explore.  
3. Navigate to the file.  
To view the file, click the file. Depending on the file type, the file might not appear in its original format.  
Related topics  
Search for a file that is saved on your organization's network  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Files icon.  
2. In the Go To field, type the path for the file.  
3. If necessary, type the credentials that you use to connect to your organization's network.  
To view the file, click the file. Depending on the file type, the file might not appear in its original format.  
Related topics  
Save a file from your organization's network to your device  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
When you save a file from your organization's network to your BlackBerry device, the file is saved in its original format.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a file.  
Press the  
key > Copy.  
4. Navigate to a location.  
5. Click a folder.  
Press the  
key > Paste.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Send a file as an attachment  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a file.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
4. Click a message type.  
Related topics  
Open a link in a file or an attachment  
Some files might contain links to embedded content, such as tables, pictures, footnotes, text boxes, or comments.  
1. In a file, highlight a link.  
Press the  
key > Get Link or Retrieve.  
To return to the file, press the  
Set font options for a file or an attachment  
In a file or an attachment, press the  
2. Change the font fields.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Managing files and attachments  
View properties for a file  
You can view the size, author, publication date, and other properties of a file.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a file.  
Press the  
key > Properties.  
Move, rename, or delete a file  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a file.  
Press the  
User Guide  
• To move a file, click Cut. Navigate to a location. Click Paste.  
• To rename a file, click Rename. Type a name for the file. Click Save.  
• To delete a file, click Delete.  
Open a password-protected .pdf file  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
In a .pdf file, when the "Password protected document" message appears, press the  
Press the key > Password.  
3. Type the password.  
4. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Press the  
key > Retrieve > Yes.  
View tracked changes in a document  
In a document, press the  
key > Show Changes.  
To hide tracked changes, press the  
key > Hide Changes.  
View the table of contents in a document  
Depending on the document type, you might not be able to view the table of contents.  
In a document, press the  
key > Table of Contents.  
To move to a specific heading, click a heading. Click Jump.  
Move around a spreadsheet  
In a spreadsheet, press the  
• To move to a specific cell, click Go to Cell. Type the cell co-ordinates. Press the key on the keyboard.  
• To switch worksheets, click Next Sheet or Prev Sheet.  
• To view a list of worksheets, click Table of Contents.  
• To move to a specific worksheet, click Table of Contents. Click a worksheet. Click View.  
View the content of a cell  
In a spreadsheet, click a spreadsheet cell.  
User Guide  
Change the size of a column  
In a spreadsheet, do one of the following:  
• To change the size of a column, click the column label. Click a size.  
• To view all the text in a column, click the column label. Click Fit.  
• To change the size of all the columns in the spreadsheet, click the unmarked column label in the upper-left corner of  
the spreadsheet. Click a size.  
To change the column size for all spreadsheets, press the  
the key > Save.  
key > Options. Change the Column Width field. Press  
Set display options for a spreadsheet  
In a spreadsheet, press the  
key > Options.  
• To view the gridlines in the spreadsheet, change the Show Gridlines field to Yes.  
• To label spreadsheet rows with numbers and columns with letters, change the Display Labels field to Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Move around pages in a multipage .tif file  
In a multipage .tif file, press the  
• To view a list of pages in a multipage .tif file, click Table of Contents.  
• To move to a specific page in a multipage .tif file, click Table of Contents. Click a page. Click View.  
• To switch pages in a multipage .tif file, click Next Page or Prev Page.  
Switch presentation views  
In a presentation, press the  
• To view text only, click View Text.  
• To view text and slides, click View Both.  
To view the presentation in its original format, click View Slides.  
Switch slides  
In a presentation, press the  
key > Next Slide or Prev Slide.  
Rotate or zoom in to or out from a slide  
When viewing a presentation in slide view, press the  
• To rotate a slide, click Rotate.  
• To zoom in to or zoom out from a slide, click Zoom In or Zoom Out.  
User Guide  
To zoom back to the original slide size, press the  
key > Fit to Screen.  
Save a slide  
When viewing a presentation in slide view, press the  
key > Save Slide.  
2. Type a name for the file.  
3. Click Save.  
File and attachment shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for text in an attachment  
Press Q  
In a spreadsheet  
Move to a specific cell  
View the content of a cell  
Switch worksheets  
Press ?  
Press the Space key  
Press the period (.) key. Highlight a worksheet. Press the Enter  
In a presentation  
Switch presentation views  
Press @  
Move to the next slide when viewing a presentation in slide  
Press 6  
Move to the previous slide when viewing a presentation in  
slide view  
Press 4  
Troubleshooting: Attachments  
A skipped content bar appears in a document  
More content is available for you to download to your BlackBerry® device.  
1. To download the content, click the skipped content bar.  
2. Click More.  
User Guide  
A message, attachment, or Google Mail conversation is cut short or doesn't  
Try the following actions:  
Wait for a short period of time. Your BlackBerry® device receives long messages and attachments in sections.  
If "More available" appears at the end of the message or attachment, press the key > More or More All.  
If part of a Google Mail™ conversation doesn't appear, press the key > More of Conversation.  
If you're downloading an attachment, cancel the download and wait for a short period of time. Try downloading the  
attachment again.  
Related topics  
A question mark appears on a slide  
A question mark appears on a slide if your BlackBerry® device has not downloaded the slide.  
1. To download the slide, highlight the slide.  
Press the  
key > Retrieve.  
User Guide  
Play a media file  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Click a media file.  
5. If the media controls don't appear at the bottom of the screen, click the trackpad.  
• To play a media file, click the icon.  
• To pause a media file, click the icon.  
• To stop a media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the next media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the previous media file or the beginning of the media file that is currently playing, click the icon.  
• To fast-forward or rewind a media file, click the progress bar. On the trackpad, slide your finger to the right or left. Click  
the progress bar again.  
Shuffle or repeat songs  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Music icon.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• To shuffle and play all of your songs, click Shuffle Songs.  
• To shuffle all the songs by an artist, or in an album, genre, or playlist, find and highlight one of these categories. Press  
key > Shuffle.  
To repeat the song, playlist, album, or artist that is currently playing, press the  
key > Repeat > Current Song,  
Playlist, Album, or Artist.  
To stop shuffling songs, press the  
key > Shuffle. To stop repeating songs, press the  
key > Repeat > Off.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Create a standard or an automatic playlist  
You create a standard playlist by manually adding songs that are on your BlackBerry® device memory or media card. You create  
an automatic playlist by specifying criteria for artists, albums, or genres of music. The songs that meet all of the criteria are  
automatically added to the playlist.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Music icon.  
2. Click Playlists > New Playlist.  
• To create a standard playlist, click Standard Playlist. Type a name for the playlist. Click Add Songs. Click a song.  
• To create an automatic playlist, click Automatic Playlist. Type a name for the playlist. Click the plus sign (+) to add  
criteria for artists, albums, or genres.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add the song that is playing to a playlist  
When playing a song, press the  
2. Click a playlist.  
key > Add To Playlist.  
Change the order of songs in a playlist  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Music icon.  
2. Click Playlists.  
3. Click a standard playlist.  
4. Highlight a song.  
Press the  
6. Click the new location.  
key > Move.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Delete a song from a playlist  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Music icon.  
2. Click Playlists.  
3. Click a standard playlist.  
4. Highlight a song.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Remove > OK.  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Rename or delete a playlist  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Music icon.  
2. Click Playlists.  
3. Highlight a playlist.  
Press the  
• To rename the playlist, click Rename. Type a name for the playlist. Click OK.  
• To delete the playlist, click Delete.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
Amplify the volume using the audio boost feature  
The audio boost feature allows you to amplify the volume more than the normal volume settings allow for songs, ring tones,  
and videos.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Select the Audio Boost check box.  
4. Read the warning on the screen and if you want to proceed, click Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Improve sound quality for media files  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, this feature might not be supported. To improve sound quality for media files,  
you must be using stereo headphones with your device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Change the Headset Music EQ field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Rename, move, copy, or delete an audio file or a video file  
You can rename only media files that you added.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
3. Find and highlight an audio file or a video file.  
key > Explore.  
Press the  
• To rename the file, click Rename. Type a name for the file. Click Save.  
• To move or copy the file to another location, click Cut or Copy. Find the location that you want to move or copy the file  
to. Press the key > Paste.  
• To delete the file, click Delete.  
View properties for a media file  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Highlight a media file.  
Press the  
key > Properties.  
Change the amount of time before the media player screen closes  
If you pause or stop a media file for a certain period of time, the media player screen closes to optimize the performance of  
your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Change the Close Media Player When Inactive field.  
Play a media file  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Click a media file.  
5. If the media controls don't appear at the bottom of the screen, click the trackpad.  
• To play a media file, click the icon.  
• To pause a media file, click the icon.  
User Guide  
• To stop a media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the next media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the previous media file or the beginning of the media file that is currently playing, click the icon.  
• To fast-forward or rewind a media file, click the progress bar. On the trackpad, slide your finger to the right or left. Click  
the progress bar again.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
Amplify the volume using the audio boost feature  
The audio boost feature allows you to amplify the volume more than the normal volume settings allow for songs, ring tones,  
and videos.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Select the Audio Boost check box.  
4. Read the warning on the screen and if you want to proceed, click Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Improve sound quality for media files  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, this feature might not be supported. To improve sound quality for media files,  
you must be using stereo headphones with your device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Change the Headset Music EQ field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Play a media file  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Click a media file.  
5. If the media controls don't appear at the bottom of the screen, click the trackpad.  
• To play a media file, click the icon.  
• To pause a media file, click the icon.  
• To stop a media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the next media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the previous media file or the beginning of the media file that is currently playing, click the icon.  
• To fast-forward or rewind a media file, click the progress bar. On the trackpad, slide your finger to the right or left. Click  
the progress bar again.  
Keep backlighting on when you play a video  
By default, the backlighting is designed to turn off after a period of time to conserve battery power.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Turn Off Auto Backlighting check box.  
key > Media Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Display closed captions in videos  
You can turn on closed captioning so that text displays on the screen when you play video files that support closed captioning.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Select the Display Closed Captions check box.  
4. If necessary, change the Appearance field, Position field, and Font Scale field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
User Guide  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
Improve sound quality for media files  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, this feature might not be supported. To improve sound quality for media files,  
you must be using stereo headphones with your device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Headset Music EQ field.  
key > Media Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Amplify the volume using the audio boost feature  
The audio boost feature allows you to amplify the volume more than the normal volume settings allow for songs, ring tones,  
and videos.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Select the Audio Boost check box.  
4. Read the warning on the screen and if you want to proceed, click Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the amount of time before the media player screen closes  
If you pause or stop a media file for a certain period of time, the media player screen closes to optimize the performance of  
your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Change the Close Media Player When Inactive field.  
Video camera  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, the camera or video camera might not be supported or some camera or video  
camera features might not be available.  
User Guide  
Record a video  
To perform this task, you might need to have a media card inserted in your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Video Camera icon.  
2. To start recording, click the record icon.  
3. To pause recording, click the pause icon.  
Note: The approximate amount of storage space available for saving videos appears on the lower part of the screen when  
video recording is paused.  
Related topics  
Turn on video lighting  
In low lighting conditions, the video light can improve the quality of videos that you record.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Video Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Video Light field to On.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the video size and format  
The larger the video, the more storage space the video requires.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Video Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Video Format field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Change the location for storing videos that you take  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Video Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Folder field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, the camera or video camera might not be supported or some camera or video  
camera features might not be available.  
Take a picture  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
2. If you have turned on digital zoom, on the trackpad, slide your finger up or down to zoom in or out.  
3. Press the Right Convenience key.  
The picture is saved to the Camera Pictures folder in the Pictures application. To open the picture, click the picture preview at  
the bottom of the screen.  
Related topics  
Change the flash setting for pictures that you take  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
2. To switch between flash settings, click the flash icon at the bottom of the screen.  
When you close the camera, the flash setting is saved.  
Change the camera scene mode  
You can change the scene mode in the camera to optimize the settings for different environments. Descriptions of the scene  
modes are available on the camera.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
2. To change the camera scene mode, click the scene mode icon at the bottom of the screen.  
3. Select a scene mode.  
When you close the camera, the scene mode is saved.  
Change the size of pictures that you take  
The larger the picture is, the more storage space the picture requires.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Image Size field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Geotag pictures that you take  
The geotag option in the camera records the geographical information of the location in which you take a picture.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
2. Click the geotag icon at the bottom of the screen.  
The geotag information can be viewed in the properties of the picture file.  
Change the autofocus setting  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
Press the  
key > Auto Focus.  
• For still subjects, click Single Shot.  
• For moving subjects, click Continuous.  
• To turn off autofocus, click Off.  
Turn off digital zoom for the camera  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Digital Zoom check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the review duration of the pictures that you take  
You can set how long a picture remains on the screen after you take it, or turn off that option so that you can take another  
picture immediately.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
• To change the review duration, change the Picture Review field to a time.  
To set the picture to remain on the screen after you take it until you press the  
key, change the Picture Review  
field to Hold.  
• To prevent the picture from remaining on the screen after you take it, change the Picture Review field to Off.  
Press the key > Save.  
User Guide  
Change when the camera warns you about the number of pictures  
A warning appears notifying you when the amount of storage for pictures drops below a certain number. You can see the  
number of remaining pictures in the Storage section of the Options screen.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Warn when pictures remaining drops to field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the location for storing pictures that you take  
1. On the Home screen, click the Camera icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Store Pictures field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Zoom, pan, or rotate a picture  
In a picture, do one of the following:  
• To zoom in to the picture, click the trackpad.  
To zoom out from the picture, press the  
• To pan the picture, when you are zoomed into it, slide your finger on the trackpad in any direction.  
To rotate the picture, press the  
key > Rotate.  
Save a picture from a text message or a web page  
You can save picture files, such as .jpg, .png, .gif, or .bmp files, to the BlackBerry® device memory or a media card.  
1. Open a picture attachment in a text message or highlight a picture on a web page.  
Press the  
key > Save Image > Save.  
Use a picture as your device wallpaper  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Browse to a picture.  
Press the  
key > Set As Wallpaper.  
User Guide  
Related topics  
View pictures as a slide show  
A slide show displays all the pictures in a category or folder in sequence.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Click a category.  
3. Highlight a picture.  
Press the  
key > View Slide Show.  
To close the slide show, press the  
Change the number of seconds between slides in a slide show  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Slide Show Interval field.  
key > Media Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
View pictures in list view or thumbnail view  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Click a category.  
Press the  
key > View List or View Thumbnail.  
Create a picture folder  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
Press the  
key > New Folder.  
3. If necessary, change the location that the folder is created in.  
4. Type a name for the folder.  
5. Click OK.  
Import pictures to the Pictures application  
Importing pictures from other folders on your BlackBerry® device or media card into the Pictures application allows you to  
have access to your pictures, while maintaining your existing folder structures and file locations.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
Press the  
Camera Pictures folder appear.  
3. Select the check boxes beside the folders that you want to import.  
key > Import Pictures. Folders that contain pictures that are not saved in the Picture Library folder or  
User Guide  
4. Click Import Pictures.  
To delete the folders from the Pictures application, highlight the folder. Press the  
key > Remove From Library. The folders  
that you imported remain in their original location, but are deleted from the Pictures application.  
To permanently delete the folders from both the Pictures application and from the device memory or media card, including  
any files that are not pictures and that are not visible in the folders in the Pictures application, highlight the folder. Press the  
key > Delete. The folders that you imported are deleted from their locations on your device memory or media card.  
Find a picture that you took with the camera  
Pictures that you take with the camera are saved to the Camera Pictures folder in the Pictures application. If you have filed  
your pictures in other folders, they will no longer appear in the Camera Pictures folder.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Click the Camera Pictures folder.  
Voice notes  
Record a voice note  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Voice Notes Recorder icon.  
2. Click the record icon.  
3. Do any of the following:  
• To pause recording, click the pause icon. To resume recording, click the record icon.  
• To stop recording, click the pause icon. Click the stop icon.  
Note: When you stop recording a voice note, the voice note is automatically saved.  
Play a media file  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Click a media file.  
5. If the media controls don't appear at the bottom of the screen, click the trackpad.  
• To play a media file, click the icon.  
• To pause a media file, click the icon.  
• To stop a media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the next media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the previous media file or the beginning of the media file that is currently playing, click the icon.  
User Guide  
• To fast-forward or rewind a media file, click the progress bar. On the trackpad, slide your finger to the right or left. Click  
the progress bar again.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
Amplify the volume using the audio boost feature  
The audio boost feature allows you to amplify the volume more than the normal volume settings allow for songs, ring tones,  
and videos.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Media Options.  
3. Select the Audio Boost check box.  
4. Read the warning on the screen and if you want to proceed, click Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Improve sound quality for media files  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, this feature might not be supported. To improve sound quality for media files,  
you must be using stereo headphones with your device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Headset Music EQ field.  
key > Media Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Ring tones  
Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders  
In addition to changing the tone, you can also change options for volume, LED, vibration, and notification during calls.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
User Guide  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Selected Profile.  
• To change your ring tone, click Phone.  
• To change notifiers or reminders, click to expand a section. Click an option.  
3. In the Ring Tone, Notifier Tone, or Reminder Tone field, do one of the following:  
• Click a tone.  
• To use a song that is on your BlackBerry® device or on a media card, click All Music. Find and click a song.  
• To use a voice note that you recorded, click All Voice Notes. Find and click a voice note.  
• To use a preloaded alert, click All Alerts. Find and click an alert.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Play a media file  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Click a media file.  
5. If the media controls don't appear at the bottom of the screen, click the trackpad.  
• To play a media file, click the icon.  
• To pause a media file, click the icon.  
• To stop a media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the next media file, click the icon.  
• To move to the previous media file or the beginning of the media file that is currently playing, click the icon.  
• To fast-forward or rewind a media file, click the progress bar. On the trackpad, slide your finger to the right or left. Click  
the progress bar again.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Improve sound quality for media files  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, this feature might not be supported. To improve sound quality for media files,  
you must be using stereo headphones with your device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Headset Music EQ field.  
key > Media Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Media storage  
Storage and media cards  
Supported media cards  
Your BlackBerry® device supports media card sizes up to 32 GB. Only microSD media cards are supported.  
Repair files stored on your media card or on your device  
CAUTION: If you run the repair feature on your BlackBerry® device, your device might delete files that have errors from your  
media card or on your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Storage.  
Press the  
key > Repair.  
4. Complete the instructions on the screen.  
If your media card is still not repaired after you run the repair feature, you might want to try formatting it.  
View the amount of memory used by media files  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Press the Menu key.  
3. Click Memory Use.  
Change the amount of memory available for media files  
To optimize the performance of your BlackBerry® device, you can change the amount of memory that your device allocates for  
media files.  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, this feature might not be supported.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
User Guide  
2. Press the Menu key.  
3. Click Options.  
4. Perform any of the following actions:  
• To change the maximum amount of device memory available for all media files, change the Device Memory Limit field.  
• To change the minimum amount of device memory available for pictures, change the Reserved Pictures Memory field.  
5. Press the Menu key.  
6. Click Save.  
Related topics  
Turn off media card support  
When you turn off media card support, your BlackBerry® device cannot access the files that are on your media card.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device.  
3. Click Storage.  
4. Clear the Media Card Support check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
About compression  
Compression is designed to reduce the size of your BlackBerry® device data while maintaining the integrity of that data. When  
compression is turned on, your device compresses all device data, including messages, contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos. You should keep compression turned on.  
If both compression and encryption are turned on, your device compresses device data before encrypting it.  
About file encryption  
File encryption is designed to protect files that you store on your BlackBerry® device and on a media card that can be inserted  
in your device. You can encrypt the files on your device and on your media card using an encryption key that your device  
generates, your device password, or both.  
If you encrypt the files using an encryption key that your device generates, you can only access the files on your media card  
when the media card is inserted in your device. If you encrypt the files using your device password, you can access the files on  
your media card in any device that you insert your media card into, as long as you know the password for the device.  
Turn on encryption  
To encrypt data on your BlackBerry® device, you must have set a password for your device.  
Depending on the amount of storage space available for storing files on your device, you might not be able to encrypt files on  
your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Encryption.  
User Guide  
3. To encrypt data on your device, in the Device Memory section, select the Encrypt check box.  
4. To encrypt files that are stored on a media card and on your device, select the Media Card check box and do one of the  
• To encrypt files using an encryption key that your device generates, change the Mode field to Device Key.  
• To encrypt files using your device password, change the Mode field to Device Password.  
• To encrypt files using an encryption key and your device password, change the Mode field to Device Password &  
Device Key.  
5. To also encrypt media files such as pictures, songs, and videos, select the Include Media Files check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To stop encrypting data on your device, clear the Device Memory check box. To stop encrypting files, clear the Media Card  
check box.  
Picture folders  
Create a picture folder  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
Press the  
key > New Folder.  
3. If necessary, change the location that the folder is created in.  
4. Type a name for the folder.  
5. Click OK.  
Import pictures to the Pictures application  
Importing pictures from other folders on your BlackBerry® device or media card into the Pictures application allows you to  
have access to your pictures, while maintaining your existing folder structures and file locations.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
Press the  
key > Import Pictures. Folders that contain pictures that are not saved in the Picture Library folder or  
Camera Pictures folder appear.  
3. Select the check boxes beside the folders that you want to import.  
4. Click Import Pictures.  
To delete the folders from the Pictures application, highlight the folder. Press the  
key > Remove From Library. The folders  
that you imported remain in their original location, but are deleted from the Pictures application.  
To permanently delete the folders from both the Pictures application and from the device memory or media card, including  
any files that are not pictures and that are not visible in the folders in the Pictures application, highlight the folder. Press the  
key > Delete. The folders that you imported are deleted from their locations on your device memory or media card.  
User Guide  
Find a picture that you took with the camera  
Pictures that you take with the camera are saved to the Camera Pictures folder in the Pictures application. If you have filed  
your pictures in other folders, they will no longer appear in the Camera Pictures folder.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Click the Camera Pictures folder.  
Transferring and downloading media files  
About transferring and synchronizing media files  
You can connect your BlackBerry® device to your computer to transfer and synchronize files between your device and  
computer using a USB cable, or you can use Bluetooth® technology to send media files to or receive media files from a  
Bluetooth enabled device.  
The USB option in the dialog box that appears when you connect your device to your computer with a USB cable allows you to  
drag most files from a folder on your computer to a folder on your device or media card. The media option in the dialog box  
allows you to transfer media files that are protected with DRM to and from your device. Both options allow you to use the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software to transfer files to and from your device.  
If you want to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated with your media files when you  
transfer files between your device and your computer, use the media option in the BlackBerry Desktop Software. To download  
the BlackBerry Desktop Software, from your computer, visit and select the appropriate option  
for your computer.  
Transfer a file from your computer to your device using your device as a  
USB memory drive  
You must use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to manage and preserve the information or the encryption that is associated  
with your media files when you transfer files between your BlackBerry device and your computer.  
1. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• If you want to transfer most types of files, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select the USB option.  
• If you want to transfer media files that are protected with DRM, in the dialog box that appears on your device, select  
the media transfer option.  
3. If necessary, type a password. Your device appears as a drive on your computer.  
4. Drag a file from a location on your computer to a folder on your device.  
To view the transferred file on your device, disconnect your device from your computer and find the file.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Transfer your media files from your computer to your device using  
BlackBerry Desktop Software  
With the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, you can synchronize media files, including iTunes playlists and Windows Media®  
Player playlists, to your BlackBerry device. To download the BlackBerry Desktop Software, from your computer, visit and select the appropriate option for your computer.  
1. Connect your device to your computer.  
2. On your device, in the dialog box that appears, select any of the file transfer options.  
3. On your computer, open the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
4. Click the media transfer option that best suits what you want to do.  
For more information about synchronizing media files, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
Send a media file  
You can send your pictures and videos to applications that you have installed such as Facebook® for BlackBerry® devices, and  
YouTube® for BlackBerry devices. You can send only media files that you have added.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Highlight a media file.  
Press the  
• To send a picture or video, click Send. Click a message type or an application.  
• To send an audio file, click the send option for a message type.  
6. If necessary, turn on Bluetooth® technology and choose a device or pair with a device.  
Receive a media file using Bluetooth technology  
To perform this task, you must turn on Bluetooth® technology.  
When a media file is sent to your BlackBerry® device using Bluetooth technology, a dialog box appears on the screen.  
1. In the dialog box that appears on your device, click Yes.  
2. In the drop-down list, click a location to save the file in.  
3. Click Save.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Supported audio and video file formats  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model and wireless service provider, some media file formats might not be supported.  
File format  
For information about codecs and recommended video and audio file formats for your device, visit  
smartphones and click Multimedia > Media Types Supported on BlackBerry Smartphones.  
Media shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Audio and video files  
Pause an audio or video file  
Resume playing an audio or video file  
Play the next song  
Press the  
Press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key on the top of your BlackBerry® device.  
key on the top of your device.  
key on the top of your device.  
Play the previous song  
User Guide  
Turn on the audio boost feature if you are using a headset  
When you are playing an audio or video file, press the Volume  
Up key on the side of your device until you reach the highest  
volume setting, and then press the Volume Up key again four  
times quickly.  
Zoom in  
Zoom out  
Pan up  
Press 3  
Press the period (.) key.  
Press 2  
Pan down  
Pan right  
Pan left  
Press 8  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Camera and video camera  
Zoom in before you take a picture or record a video  
Zoom out before you take a picture or record a video  
Take a picture  
Press the Volume Up key.  
Press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
Press the Right Convenience key on the side of your device.  
Media shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Audio and video files  
Pause an audio file or video file  
Press the  
Press the  
key on the top of your BlackBerry® device.  
Resume playing an audio file or video file  
Turn on the audio boost feature if you are using a headset  
When you are playing an audio file or a video file, press the  
Volume Up key on the right side of your device until you reach  
the highest volume setting, and then press the Volume Up key  
again four times quickly.  
Zoom in  
Press 3  
User Guide  
Zoom out  
Pan up  
Press 9  
Press 2  
Press 8  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Pan down  
Pan right  
Pan left  
Camera and video camera  
Zoom in before you take a picture or record a video  
Zoom out before you take a picture or record a video  
Take a picture  
Press the Volume Up key.  
Press the Volume Down key.  
Press the Right Convenience key on the side of your device.  
Troubleshooting: Media  
My device is not using the correct ring tone or wallpaper  
If you are using a ring tone or wallpaper picture that you encrypted in the device memory or on the media card using your  
BlackBerry® device password and you reset your device, unlock your device.  
Related topics  
Some pictures that I take are blurry  
In low lighting conditions, the camera might compensate for the lack of exposure by using a slower shutter speed. If you move  
the camera before the shutter clicks, the picture might be blurry. If the camera is using a slower shutter speed, an exclamation  
point indicator appears at the bottom of the screen.  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, you might be able to decrease the blurriness in pictures that is caused by slight  
movements of the camera by turning on image stabilization in the camera options.  
The flash dims or turns off  
If the camera has a flash, and the battery power level drops below 20 percent, the flash dims to conserve battery power. In  
cold temperatures, when the battery power level drops below 20 percent, the flash might turn off.  
Some features are not available on my device  
The availability of certain features on your BlackBerry® device might be affected by items such as your device model and  
wireless service plan.  
User Guide  
Depending on your messaging service plan, some features or options might not be available in the message options on the  
Email Preferences screen.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your organization might not have set up some features or might  
prevent you from using some features or options. If your administrator has set an option for you, a red lock indicator appears  
beside the option field.  
For more information about the features that are available on your device, contact your wireless service provider or  
administrator, or visit  
Related topics  
I cannot save media files  
Your BlackBerry® device memory or media card might not have enough available memory to store media files.  
Try the following actions:  
If you are trying to save a media file to your device memory, delete old data or messages from your device.  
If you are trying to save a media file on your media card, delete old media files.  
In the camera options, verify that the Image Size field is not set to Large. Large pictures use more memory than smaller  
Related topics  
I cannot open media files  
Try one of the following:  
If you are trying to open a media file on your BlackBerry® device and your device is connected to your computer,  
disconnect your device from your computer.  
If you are trying to open a media file on your computer using your device as a USB drive, verify that you have closed the  
media transfer options in the BlackBerry® Desktop Software.  
If you encrypted the media files on your media card using an encryption key that your BlackBerry device generated and you  
are trying to open an encrypted media file on your computer or a device other than the BlackBerry device that you used to  
encrypt the file, insert the media card into the BlackBerry device that you used to encrypt the file. On the Home screen or  
in a folder, click the Options icon. Click Security > Encryption. In the Media Card section, change the Mode field to Device  
Related topics  
My device does not recognize my media card  
Try one of the following actions:  
User Guide  
Verify that your media card is inserted in your BlackBerry® device correctly. For more information about inserting a media  
card into your device, see the printed documentation that came with your device.  
In your media card options, if there is a message to format your media card, disconnect your device from your computer.  
Format your media card.  
CAUTION: Formatting your media card will delete all the files from it.  
Related topics  
I cannot find podcasts  
Podcast content that is marked as explicit content does not appear in the Podcast application if you do not have the Show  
Explicit Content option turned on.  
The media player screen closes  
If you pause or stop a media file for a certain period of time, the media player screen closes to optimize the performance of  
your BlackBerry® device. In the media options, you can stop the media player screen from closing or change the amount of  
time before the media player screen closes.  
Related topics  
Ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
User Guide  
Ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
About ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
The profile that you select in the Sound and Alert Profiles application defines how your BlackBerry® device alerts you of phone  
calls, messages, reminders, and browser content.  
Your device has a Normal profile and five other preloaded profiles: Loud, Medium, Vibrate Only, Silent, and Phone Calls Only.  
You can change the tones in any preloaded profile to an audio file that is stored in your device memory or on a media card, or  
you can create additional profiles. The All Alerts Off profile cannot be changed.  
By default, some of the settings in the preloaded profiles are based on the settings in the Normal profile. For example, when  
you change the ring tone in the Normal profile, the ring tone in the Loud profile, Medium profile, and Phone Calls Only profile  
is automatically updated. If you do not want specific settings for a preloaded profile to update automatically when you change  
the corresponding setting in the Normal profile, you can manually change the settings in that preloaded profile.  
You can create contact alerts, which alert you when particular contacts call you or send you a message. Contact alerts are  
always turned on, and do not turn off unless you select the All Alerts Off profile. For example, even if you select the Silent  
profile or Vibrate Only profile, audible contact alerts remain audible until you select the All Alerts Off profile.  
Change your ring tone, notifiers, or reminders  
In addition to changing the tone, you can also change options for volume, LED, vibration, and notification during calls.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Selected Profile.  
• To change your ring tone, click Phone.  
• To change notifiers or reminders, click to expand a section. Click an option.  
3. In the Ring Tone, Notifier Tone, or Reminder Tone field, do one of the following:  
• Click a tone.  
• To use a song that is on your BlackBerry® device or on a media card, click All Music. Find and click a song.  
• To use a voice note that you recorded, click All Voice Notes. Find and click a voice note.  
• To use a preloaded alert, click All Alerts. Find and click an alert.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
User Guide  
Add a custom profile  
You can create additional profiles.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Profile Management > Add Custom Profile.  
3. In the Name field, type a name for the profile.  
4. Click the item that you want to change.  
5. Change the ring tone, notifier, or reminder information.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To delete a custom profile, highlight the profile. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Add a contact alert  
You can create contact alerts that allow you to customize ring tones and alerts for calls and messages from specific contacts or  
groups of contacts. When you receive a call or message from the contact, your BlackBerry® device uses the assigned ring tone  
or alert, even if you select the Silent profile or Vibrate Only profile. If you do not want to be notified with the assigned ring tone  
or alert, you can select the All Alerts Off profile.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Contacts > Add Contact Alert.  
3. In the Name field, type the name of the contact alert.  
4. In the Contacts field, type the name of the contact.  
5. Click a contact.  
6. Change the ring tone and alert information for calls and messages.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To delete a contact alert, highlight the contact alert that you want to delete. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Silence your device  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• To receive flashing LED alerts only, click Silent.  
• To receive vibrate alerts only, click Vibrate Only.  
• To turn off all alerts, including contact alerts, click All Alerts Off.  
When a ring tone, reminder, or alert sounds, if available, press the  
key on the top of your BlackBerry® device.  
Ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
User Guide  
Related topics  
Flashing LED  
The LED on the top of your BlackBerry® device flashes different colors to indicate different statuses.  
Flashing LED color  
You are in a wireless coverage area. You can turn on or turn  
off this notification.  
Your device is connected to a Bluetooth® enabled device. You  
can turn on or turn off this notification.  
A new message has arrived and your selected profile is set to  
notify you using the flashing LED. If you are using your device  
with a smart card, your device is accessing data on the smart  
The battery power level for your device is low, or your device  
is turned off and is charging. You cannot turn off the  
notification for the low battery power level. The notification  
for charging turns off when you turn on your device.  
Related topics  
Change alarm notification options  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Alarm section, change the Alarm Tone field, Volume field, Snooze Time field, and Vibration field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn on event sounds  
Event sounds alert you when you turn on or turn off your BlackBerry® device, when the battery power level is full or low, and  
when you connect or disconnect a USB cable or accessory to or from your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
Ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
User Guide  
2. Click Accessibility.  
3. Select the Event Sounds check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Troubleshooting: Ring tones, sounds, and alerts  
My device is ringing or vibrating more times than expected  
For calls, the number of times that your BlackBerry® device vibrates is not determined by the number of vibrations that you set  
in your sound profile, and there is no setting for the number of rings if you do not subscribe to voice mail. Your device vibrates  
or rings until the caller or the wireless network ends the connection.  
My device is not ringing or vibrating when I receive a call or message  
Try the following actions:  
• On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon. Verify that your profile is not set to All Alerts Off or Silent.  
• If you have created contact alerts, on the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon. Click Change Sounds  
and Alerts > Sounds for Contacts. Click a contact alert. Click Phone or Messages. Verify that the Volume field is not set  
to Silent and that the Vibration field is not set to Off.  
User Guide  
Browser basics  
Browsing web pages  
Visit a web page or search the Internet  
Depending on your wireless service provider, multiple browsers might appear on your BlackBerry® device. For more  
information about the charges associated with using each browser, contact your wireless service provider.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
2. In the field at the top of the page, type a web address or search terms.  
3. Press the key on the keyboard.  
To stop loading a web page, press the  
key > Stop.  
Related topics  
About tabbed browsing  
With tabbed browsing, you can open multiple web pages on your BlackBerry® device at the same time. You can quickly switch  
between tabs that are open, open a new tab without closing another, or close the current tab without closing the entire  
browser. If you open a link that is in a message, calendar entry, or memo, the link automatically opens in a new tab.  
The more tabs that you have open, the more memory your device uses.  
Related topics  
Open, close, or switch between tabs  
Do one of the following:  
To open a new tab, in the browser, press the  
To open a new tab for a link on a web page, highlight the link. Press the  
To switch between tabs, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Click a tab.  
To close a tab, in the browser, press the key > Tabs. Highlight a tab. Click the icon.  
key > Tabs. Click the New Tab icon.  
key > Open Link in New Tab.  
Zoom in to or out from a webpage  
On a webpage, press the  
key > Zoom.  
User Guide  
• To zoom in, on the trackpad, slide your finger up.  
• To zoom out, on the trackpad, slide your finger down.  
To turn off zoom mode, press the key.  
Move back or forward a web page  
1. On a web page, press the Menu key.  
2. Click Back or Forward.  
Refresh a web page  
1. On a web page, press the Menu key.  
2. Click Refresh.  
Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
In a message, in a file, in an attachment, or on a web page, press the  
key > Find or Find on Page.  
2. Type the text.  
3. Press the Enter key.  
To search for the next instance of the text, press the  
key > Find Next.  
View a list of web pages that you visited recently  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
key > History.  
Return to the home page  
1. On a web page, press the Menu key.  
2. Click Home.  
Close the browser  
1. On a web page, press the Menu key.  
2. Click Close.  
Create a shortcut icon for a web page on the Home screen  
On a web page, press the  
key > Add to Home Screen.  
User Guide  
Viewing, copying, and forwarding addresses  
View the address for a web page  
On a web page, press the  
key > Page Properties.  
Copy an address for a web page, link, or picture  
Do any of the following:  
To copy an address for a web page, press the  
To copy an address for a link, pause on or highlight a link. Press the  
To copy an address for a picture, pause on or highlight a picture. Press the  
key > Copy Page Address.  
key > Copy Link.  
key > Copy Image Link.  
To paste the address, press the  
key > Paste.  
Send a web address  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
• To send a web address for a web page that is in your bookmark list or browser history, highlight a web page.  
• To send a different web address, browse to a web page.  
Press the  
key > Send Link or Send Page Address.  
3. Click a message type.  
To return to the browser after you send the message, press the  
Send a link or picture from a web page  
1. On a web page, pause on or highlight a link or picture.  
Press the  
key > Send Link or Send Image Link.  
3. Click a message type.  
To return to the browser after you send the message, press the  
Viewing pictures and playing media files  
Play a media file on a web page  
1. On a web page, click a media file.  
2. Click Open.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
View a full picture on a web page  
1. On a web page, highlight or pause on a picture.  
Press the  
key > Full Image.  
To zoom in to or out from the picture, press the  
To return the picture to its original size, press the  
key > Zoom In or Zoom Out.  
key > Zoom 1:1.  
Browser bookmarks  
About bookmarks for web pages  
You can add bookmarks for web pages that you visit frequently. When you add a bookmark, you can set whether you want the  
browser to check the web page for updates periodically. Bookmarks for web pages that have been updated since the last time  
you visited them appear in italic.  
Add a bookmark for a web page  
On a web page, press the  
key > Add to Bookmarks.  
2. In the Title field, type a name for the bookmark.  
3. In the Folder field, click the folder that you want the bookmark to appear in.  
4. Click Add.  
If you visit the web page offline, the browser displays the content that was current the last time that you viewed the web page  
Change or delete a bookmark for a web page  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. Highlight a bookmark.  
key > Bookmarks.  
Press the  
• To change a bookmark, click Edit Bookmark. Change the bookmark. Click Accept.  
• To delete a bookmark, click Delete Bookmark.  
Send a bookmark for a web page  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
User Guide  
Press the  
3. Highlight a bookmark.  
key > Bookmarks.  
Press the  
key > Send Link.  
5. Click a message type.  
To return to the browser after you send the message, press the  
File a bookmark for a web page  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. Highlight a bookmark.  
key > Bookmarks.  
Press the  
key > Move.  
5. Click the new location.  
Add, rename, or delete a bookmark folder for web pages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. Highlight a bookmark folder.  
key > Bookmarks.  
Press the  
• To add a bookmark folder, click Add Subfolder.  
• To rename a bookmark folder, click Rename Folder. Type a new name for the folder. Press the Enter key.  
• To delete a bookmark folder, click Delete Folder.  
RSS feeds  
For more information about using RSS feeds on your BlackBerry® device, on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Social  
Feeds icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
About RSS feeds  
You can add RSS feeds to your BlackBerry® device so that you receive updates on your favorite blogs and web sites. You can  
add RSS feeds directly from a web page or by using the Social Feeds application. With the Social Feeds application, you can stay  
up-to-date with your social networks and view your RSS feeds in one location.  
Add an RSS feed from the browser  
1. In the browser, on a web page with an RSS feed, press the Menu key.  
2. Click Subscribe to RSS Feed.  
User Guide  
3. Select the check box beside each feed that you want to add.  
4. Click Subscribe.  
5. Click OK.  
Browser options  
Change your home page or start page  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. In the General section, do one of the following:  
• To change the home page, in the Home Page field, type a web address.  
• To use your home page as the start page when you first open the browser, change the Start Page field to Home Page.  
Press the key > Save.  
Turn off JavaScript support  
JavaScript is used on some web pages to provide interactive features, such as menus and sounds. If you do not want the  
browser to provide JavaScript features, you can turn off JavaScript support.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Web Content section, clear the Enable JavaScript check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Stop loading images or playing embedded media files on web pages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. In the Web Content section, do one of the following:  
• To stop loading images on web pages, clear the Load Images check box.  
• To stop playing embedded media files on web pages, clear the Enable Embedded Media Files check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Stop blocking pop-ups on web pages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. In the Web Content section, clear the Block Popups check box.  
User Guide  
Change the font size for text on web pages  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Web Content section, change the Font Size field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set the character encoding for all web pages  
By default, your BlackBerry® device uses the optimal character encoding for a web page.  
1. From the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Web Content section, change the Default text encoding field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Receive a prompt before you close the browser or stream media from the  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. In the General section, below Prompt Before, do one of the following:  
• To receive a prompt confirming that you want to close the browser when you have multiple tabs open, select the  
Closing Tabs on Exit check box.  
To receive a prompt confirming that you want to close the browser after you press the  
key, select the Closing  
Browser on Escape check box.  
• To receive a prompt before your BlackBerry® device uses your wireless service provider's browser portal to stream  
media from the Internet, select the Switching to Carrier Network for Streaming Media check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Delete browsing information  
Your BlackBerry® device saves some information in your browser to improve your browsing experience. You can delete  
password information, browser history, cookies, content that has been pushed to your device, and the browser cache.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. In the Privacy and Security section, below Clear Browsing Data, select the check boxes beside the types of browsing  
information that you want to delete.  
4. Click Clear Now.  
User Guide  
Turn off cookies in the browser  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Privacy & Security section, clear the Accept Cookies check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn on geolocation in the browser  
If you turn on geolocation in the browser, some websites might be able to determine your approximate location.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Privacy & Security section, select the Enable Geolocation check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
When you visit a website that requests your location, a dialog box appears. If you select the Don't ask again for this website  
check box, the website and the permissions that you set for it are saved in Geolocation Permissions in your browser options.  
Browser security  
About TLS  
The BlackBerry® Browser configuration is designed to use TLS or SSL to encrypt data that your device sends or receives over the  
Internet through the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server. Communication between your device and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
is encrypted using Triple DES. Communication between the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and content servers is encrypted using  
SSL or TLS. To increase security, you can set up TLS for HTTP connections between your device and the BlackBerry Enterprise  
Server and use Triple DES encryption for all other communication between your device and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.  
TLS options  
Permit SSL 3.0  
Specify whether your browser accepts SSL connections. If you do not select this  
option, your browser allows only TLS connections.  
User Guide  
Encryption Strength  
Specify whether your browser only accepts and sends data that is encrypted using  
128-bit encryption. To accept and send only data that is encrypted using 128-bit  
encryption, change this field to Strong Only. To accept and send data that is  
encrypted using 128-bit encryption or 56-bit encryption, change this field to Allow  
Digest Strength  
Specify whether your browser accepts data with weak digest algorithms or accepts  
only data with strong digest algorithms. The stronger the digest algorithm is, the  
more secure your browsing experience is. To accept data with weak digest  
algorithms, change this field to Allow Weak. To accept only data with strong digest  
algorithms, change this field to Strong Only. To be prompted to accept data with  
weak digest algorithms, change this field to Prompt. Depending on the options that  
your administrator sets, you might not be able to change this option.  
Manage browser security  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > TLS.  
3. Set the security options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add a trusted content server  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you can add content servers to your list of trusted content servers  
to accelerate the authentication process when you are authenticating with a content server.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > TLS.  
3. Highlight the Trust Hosts field.  
Press the  
key > Add Host.  
5. Type the web address for the content server.  
6. Click OK.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add or change a web site that is associated with a certificate  
To access some web sites, you might need to provide an authentication certificate. After you provide a certificate to a web site,  
the web site and the associated certificate are automatically added to the Host/Certificate Mappings list in your TLS options.  
You can manually add or change a web site that is associated with a certificate.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > TLS.  
key >  
User Guide  
To manually associate a web site with a certificate, highlight the Host/Certificate Mappings field. Press the  
Add Host. In the Host Name field, type the web site name. In the Certificate field, select the certificate that is  
associated with the web site. Click OK.  
• To change a web site that is associated with a certificate, in the Host/Certificate Mappings list, highlight an item. Press  
key > Edit. Change the certificate. Click OK.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Browser push  
About browser push  
Browser push is designed to push information from a web application to your BlackBerry® device as the information becomes  
available. For example, you can receive updates for weather reports, stock quotes, or breaking news. When your device  
receives an update, a new browser push message might appear in the messages application or an icon on the Home screen  
might change to indicate that new information is available. The web application might also push updated information to your  
browser cache without notifying you. If information is pushed to your browser cache, the information is available on your  
device even when your device is not connected to the wireless network. Web applications that use browser push automatically  
push updates to your device, unless you turn off browser push.  
Your device supports different types of browser push messages. Service loading messages and service indication messages  
include updated information. Other browser push messages include messages that appear in your browser cache.  
Browser push options  
Process MDS  
Set whether your BlackBerry® device accepts browser push messages from the BlackBerry®  
Enterprise Server or the BlackBerry® Internet Service.  
MDS Hosts  
Set whether your device accepts push messages from all BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances  
or BlackBerry Internet Services.  
Process SMSC  
SMSC Hosts  
Set whether your device accepts push messages that are SMS-based.  
Set which SMSC hosts your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push  
messages from a specific SMSC host, type the phone number for the SMSC host.  
Process IP  
IP Hosts  
Set whether your device accepts browser push messages that web applications send through a  
WAP gateway.  
Set which WAP gateways your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser  
push messages from a specific IP host, type the IP address for the WAP gateway.  
User Guide  
Turn off browser push  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Browser Push.  
3. Clear the Enable Push check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Browser shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Insert a period (.) in the web address field  
Insert a slash mark (/) in the web address field  
Stop loading a web page  
Press the Space key.  
Press the Shift key and the Space key.  
Press the  
Close the browser  
Press and hold the  
On a web page  
Refresh a web page  
Press the exclamation point (!) key.  
Press the @ key.  
Quickly switch between tabs  
Zoom in to a web page  
Zoom out from a web page  
Go to the start page  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Press the period (.) key.  
Press 5  
Add a bookmark  
Press the question mark (?) key.  
Move around a web page  
Move up a screen  
Press 3  
Move down a screen  
Press 9  
Move to the top of a web page  
Move to the bottom of a web page  
Press 1 or 2.  
Press 7 or 8.  
Browser shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
User Guide  
Insert a period (.) in the web address field  
Stop loading a web page  
Press the Space key.  
Press the key.  
Close the browser  
Press and hold the  
On a web page  
Refresh a web page  
Press 1  
Press 4  
Press 3  
Press 9  
Press 5  
Press 6  
Press 7  
Quickly switch between tabs  
Zoom in to a web page  
Zoom out from a web page  
Open the start page  
Add a bookmark  
Find text on a web page  
Move around a web page  
Move to the top of a web page  
Move down in the screen  
Press 2  
Press the Space key.  
Press 8  
Move to the bottom of a web page  
Troubleshooting: Browser  
No browser is available on my device  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
I cannot play a song or video on a web page  
Your BlackBerry® device might not support the size or file format of the song or video file.  
I receive a prompt to switch networks when I stream a song or video  
If you receive a prompt to switch networks, you cannot stream songs or videos with the Internet connection that you are using.  
If you switch networks, extra fees might apply. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
User Guide  
To stop receiving this prompt, in the browser, press the  
key > Options. In the General section, below Prompt Before,  
clear the Switching to Carrier Network for Streaming Media check box.  
I cannot open a new tab  
You might not have enough available memory on your BlackBerry® device. Try completing the following actions:  
Close a tab that you do not need.  
Close other applications that do not need to be open.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Calendar basics  
Switch calendar views  
You can view your appointments and meetings in one of four calendar views. Day view, Week view, and Month view display all  
your appointments and meetings for the selected time period. Agenda view displays all your scheduled appointments,  
meetings, and free time in a list.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
3. Click a view.  
key > View.  
Go to a specific date in the calendar  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
• To move to a specific date, click Go To Date.  
• To move to the current date, click Go To Today.  
Schedule a meeting or an appointment  
To invite participants to a meeting, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > New Appointment.  
3. Type the meeting or appointment information.  
To invite a participant to a meeting, press the  
key > Invite Attendee. Click a participant.  
4. Do one of the following:  
To send the meeting invitation to the participants that you invited, press the  
To save an appointment, press the key > Save.  
key > Send.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Set an alarm in the calendar  
You can set an alarm in the calendar to go off at scheduled days and times. Scheduling alarms in the calendar does not change  
your regular alarm in the Clock application. Because the alarm tone settings are shared by the alarms in the Calendar and the  
Clock application, changes to the alarm tone settings will affect the alarms in both applications.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > New Alarm.  
3. Type the alarm information.  
4. If you want the alarm to recur, change the Recurrence field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Switch calendars  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with multiple email accounts, you might have multiple calendars on your device. If you  
have multiple calendars on your device, you can schedule and manage appointments and meetings in each calendar. For more  
information, contact your wireless service provider.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > Select Calendar.  
3. Click a calendar.  
Schedule a meeting or an appointment  
To invite participants to a meeting, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > New Appointment.  
3. Type the meeting or appointment information.  
To invite a participant to a meeting, press the  
key > Invite Attendee. Click a participant.  
4. Do one of the following:  
To send the meeting invitation to the participants that you invited, press the  
To save an appointment, press the key > Save.  
key > Send.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Delete an appointment, meeting, or alarm  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
2. Highlight an appointment, meeting, or alarm.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Respond to a meeting invitation  
In a meeting invitation, press the  
2. Click Accept, Tentative, or Decline.  
3. If you declined a delegated meeting invitation, do one of the following:  
• To decline the meeting, click Decline.  
• To delegate the meeting back to the sender so that the sender can re-delegate it, click Delegate.  
4. Do one of the following:  
• To send the response without adding comments, click Send Response.  
To add a comment to your response, click Add Comments. Type a comment. Press the  
key > Send.  
Note: If you delete a meeting invitation from the Messages application before you accept or decline it, the meeting is deleted  
from the email application on your computer.  
View your calendar when responding to a meeting  
In a meeting invitation, press the  
key > View Calendar.  
To return to the meeting invitation, press the  
Check availability of meeting participants  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
You can only check availability of meeting participants in your organization.  
In a meeting or meeting invitation, below the list of meeting participants, click View Availability.  
• If you are the meeting organizer, to select the next time that all meeting participants are available, click Next Available  
• To view a list of the statuses that are associated with the colored bars on the screen (for example, busy or tentative),  
press the  
key > Show Legend.  
Change the list of participants for a meeting  
To perform this task, you must be the meeting organizer.  
User Guide  
1. In a meeting, in the Accepted or Declined field, highlight a contact.  
Press the  
3. Click Invite Attendee, Change Attendee, or Remove Attendee.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Forward a meeting invitation  
To perform this task, your email account must use the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that  
supports this feature. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
If you do not have the option to forward a meeting invitation, you might be able to delegate a meeting invitation instead.  
In a meeting or a meeting invitation, press the  
key > Forward.  
Note: If you forward a meeting invitation on behalf of the meeting organizer, only the meeting organizer receives the  
recipient's response.  
Delegate a meeting invitation  
To perform this task, you must be using IBM® Lotus Notes® and your email account must be associated with a BlackBerry®  
Enterprise Server that supports this feature.  
If you do not have the option to delegate a meeting invitation, you might be able to forward meeting invitations instead. You  
might not have the option to delegate a meeting invitation if the meeting organizer has turned off meeting delegation.  
In a meeting invitation, press the  
2. Click a contact.  
• To send the response without adding comments, click Send Response.  
key > Delegate.  
To add a comment to your response, click Add Comments. Type a comment. Press the  
key > Send.  
Send an email message to all meeting participants  
In a meeting, meeting invitation, or meeting response, press the  
key > Email All Attendees.  
Conference call meetings  
About conference calls  
You can create two types of conference calls with your BlackBerry® device. If your organization or a conferencing service has  
provided you with a conference call bridge number, you can create conference call meetings in the calendar on your device or  
computer. Conference call meetings allow participants who have a BlackBerry device to enter the conference call meeting with  
User Guide  
a one-touch Join Now option, if this feature is supported on their device, so that they do not have to dial the conference call  
bridge number and access codes. If you do not have a conference call bridge number, you can create a conference call by  
calling other contacts and joining the calls together.  
Create a conference call meeting from your device  
To perform this task, you must be the meeting organizer. If you are not the meeting organizer, you can create a conference call  
meeting on behalf of another person from your computer.  
1. In a meeting, select the Conference call check box.  
2. Type the information for the conference call.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Create a conference call meeting from your computer  
To perform this task, you must be the meeting organizer or be creating the meeting on behalf of the meeting organizer. For  
information about creating meetings on behalf of another person, see the documentation for the email application on your  
You can create a conference call meeting from your computer that your BlackBerry® device recognizes. When the conference  
call meeting starts, participants who have a BlackBerry device can enter the conference call meeting with the Join Now option,  
if their device supports this feature.  
1. In the meeting notes, or in the meeting location field, type CCP: and the participant conference call bridge number. Do not  
include spaces.  
2. Type a lowercase x. Do not include spaces before or after the x.  
3. Type the participant access code. Type a space after the participant access code.  
4. Type CCM: and the moderator conference call bridge number. Do not include spaces.  
5. Type a lowercase x. Do not include spaces before or after the x.  
6. Type the moderator access code. Type a space after the moderator access code.  
If the participant and moderator conference call bridge number is 1-800-555-5555, the moderator access code is 55555#, and  
the participant access code is 55551#, type CCP:18005555555x55555# CCM:18005555555x55551#, followed by a space.  
Enter a conference call meeting  
Do one of the following:  
• In a meeting notification, click Join Now.  
In the calendar, highlight the meeting. Press the  
key > Join Now.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Save your conference call information  
You can save your conference call information so that it is added to the conference call fields automatically when you create a  
conference call meeting from your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
3. Type your conference call information.  
key > Options > Conference Calling.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Synchronizing calendar  
About synchronization  
The wireless data synchronization feature is designed to synchronize organizer data (contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos) between a subscriber's BlackBerry® smartphone and the email application on their computer over the wireless  
The wireless email reconciliation feature is designed to reconcile email between the subscriber's smartphone and the email  
application on their computer over the wireless network. When a subscriber files or deletes email messages on their  
smartphone, these email message should be filed or deleted in their email application. Likewise, any changes that they make to  
email message in the email application on their computer should be reflected on the smartphone.  
In rare cases, if a smartphone does not recognize fields in a contact, calendar entry, or email account, some data or email  
cannot be synchronized or reconciled.  
If wireless data synchronization or wireless email reconciliation is not available on the smartphone or if the subscriber turned  
off these features, the subscriber can use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize their  
organizer data and email. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
In the Contacts application, Calendar application, Tasks application, or MemoPad, press the  
key > Options.  
2. If necessary, click a calendar or contact list.  
3. Select the Wireless Synchronization check box.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If you use the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to  
synchronize calendar data. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
About backing up and restoring device data  
If you have installed the BlackBerry® Desktop Software on your computer, you can back up and restore most of your BlackBerry  
device data, including messages, organizer data, fonts, saved searches, and browser bookmarks using the backup and restore  
tool of the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might be able to restore synchronized organizer data to your  
device over the wireless network. To restore synchronized organizer data over the wireless network, you must have an  
activation password. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
About synchronization conflicts  
A synchronization conflict occurs when you change the same email or organizer data item on your BlackBerry® device and in  
the email application on your computer.  
If you reconcile your email using wireless email reconciliation, on your device, you can set whether the email on your device or  
the email on your computer takes precedence when an email reconciliation conflict occurs.  
If you synchronize your organizer data using wireless data synchronization, the organizer data on your computer takes  
precedence over the organizer data on your device when a data synchronization conflict occurs.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Manage data synchronization conflicts  
You can change how conflicts that occur during organizer data synchronization are resolved by turning off wireless data  
synchronization, changing conflict resolution options, and synchronizing organizer data using the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information about managing conflicts that occur during organizer data  
synchronization, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Calendar options  
Change how the calendar is displayed  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Calendar Display and Actions.  
• To change the default view, change the Initial View field.  
• To change the start and end time for days, change the Start Of Day field and End Of Day fields.  
• To change the day that displays as the first day of the week in Week view, change the First Day Of Week field.  
• To hide free time in Agenda view, clear the Show Free Time in Agenda View check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change options for reminders  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Calendar Display and Actions.  
• To change the snooze time for reminders, change the Snooze field.  
• To change the default reminder time for calendar entries, change the Default Reminder field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Change options for multiple calendars  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Click a calendar.  
• To change the color that is used for appointments from the calendar, change the Appointment Color field.  
• To set whether the calendar reminds you of appointments, select or clear the Display Reminders check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Change the default calendar  
Changing the default calendar changes the email address that meeting invites are sent from.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Default Services.  
3. Change the Calendar (CICAL) field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change how long your device stores calendar entries  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Keep Appointments field.  
key > Options > Calendar Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your BlackBerry® device deletes calendar entries that are older than the number of days that you set.  
Show tasks in the calendar  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
3. Select the Show Tasks check box.  
key > Options > Calendar Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Calendar shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
For shortcuts to work in Day view, press the  
key > Options. Click Calendar Display and Actions. Clear the Enable Quick  
Entry check box.  
Schedule an appointment in Week view, Month view, or  
Agenda view  
Press the period (.) key.  
Move to the next week, month, or day in Agenda view  
Move to the previous week, month, or day in Agenda view  
Move up an hour in Week view  
Press the Space key.  
Press 3  
Press 2  
Move down an hour in Week view  
Press 8  
Move to the current date  
Press the exclamation point (!) key.  
User Guide  
Calendar shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
For shortcuts to work in Day view, press the  
key > Options. Click Calendar Display and Actions. Clear the Enable Quick  
Entry check box.  
Schedule an appointment  
Press 3  
Move to the next week, month, or day in Agenda view  
Move to the current date  
Press the Space key.  
Press 5  
Troubleshooting: Calendar  
I cannot schedule appointments that span multiple days  
If you use IBM® Lotus Notes®, you cannot schedule appointments that span multiple days.  
Related topics  
I cannot set some fields when scheduling appointments  
If you use IBM® Lotus Notes®, you can only change the Subject, Location, Reminder, and Notes fields and the Mark as Private  
check box when you change a recurring appointment or meeting.  
Related topics  
Some characters in calendar entries do not appear correctly after  
If you schedule appointments or meetings on your BlackBerry® device that contain special characters or accents, your  
computer might not support these characters.  
On your computer, verify that you are using the correct default code page and that the correct font support is installed on your  
computer. For more information, see the documentation for the operating system on your computer.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
User Guide  
Related topics  
I cannot enter a conference call with the Join Now option  
The Join Now option might not appear in the meeting notification if the meeting organizer is not using a BlackBerry® device  
that supports the Join Now feature or if the meeting organizer did not enter the conference call information correctly. If the  
Join Now option appears and your device is connected to a CDMA network, you might need to change your smart dialing  
options so that you can enter the conference call using the Join Now option.  
Try the following actions:  
If the Join Now option does not appear, to enter the conference call, in the meeting or meeting invitation, click the  
conference call bridge number and access code that appear in either the Location field or the Notes section.  
If the Join Now option appears and your device is connected to a CDMA network, try increasing the default time that your  
device waits before dialing an extension. From the Home screen, press the  
key. Press the  
key > Options > Smart  
Dialing. In the To access extensions in all other corporations section, change the Wait For field to the highest value. Try  
entering the conference call with the Join Now option again.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Contact basics  
Add a contact  
To add a contact using the Contacts application, on the Home screen, click the Contacts icon. At the top of the screen, click  
New Contact. Type the contact information. Press the key > Save.  
To add a contact from a message, call log, or web page, highlight the contact name, number, or email address. Press the  
key > Add to contacts. If necessary, add contact information. Press the key > Save.  
Create a custom contact field  
Custom contact fields can store information that you want to remember about a contact, for example, you might want to add a  
custom contact field named Sports team or Favorite color. If you create a custom field for a contact, the field appears for all  
your contacts.  
1. When you are adding or changing a contact, in the Custom Fields section, click Add Custom Field.  
2. Click a field.  
Press the  
key > Change Field Name.  
To change the name of the field, place the cursor in the field. Press the  
the field. Press the key on the keyboard.  
key > Change Field Name. Type a name for  
5. Type the information that you want to add to the custom field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
You can synchronize contact fields that you customize on your BlackBerry® device with the email application on your  
computer. For more information about synchronizing contact fields, see the Help in the BlackBerry® Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
Add a pause or a wait to a phone number  
Use a pause or a wait to separate additional numbers, for example a password or extension, from a main phone number. After  
dialing the main phone number, your BlackBerry® device either pauses before dialing the additional numbers (pause) or  
prompts you to type them (wait).  
After you type the main part of a phone number in a phone number field, press the  
2. Click Add Pause or Add Wait.  
3. Type the additional numbers.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Change or delete a contact  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
2. Highlight a contact.  
Press the  
To edit the information for the contact, click Edit. Change the contact information. Press the  
key > Save.  
• To delete a contact, click Delete.  
Search for a contact in your organization's address book  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
Press the  
key > Lookup.  
3. Type part or all of a contact name.  
4. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Press the  
• To add a contact to your contact list, click Add to Contacts.  
• To add all the contacts, click Add All to Contacts.  
• To view information for a contact, click View.  
• To delete a contact from the contact lookup results, click Delete.  
• To delete the contact lookup results, click Delete Lookup.  
• To start a new contact lookup, click Lookup.  
Customizing contacts  
Add a contact picture for caller ID  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
2. Highlight a contact.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Edit.  
key > Add Picture.  
5. Find, highlight, and click a picture.  
6. If necessary, move the crop box to the portion of the picture that you want to use.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Crop & Save.  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Change or delete a contact picture  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
2. Highlight a contact.  
Press the  
key > Edit.  
4. Highlight the contact picture.  
To change the contact picture, press the  
To delete the contact picture, press the  
key > Replace Picture. Highlight a picture. Press the  
key > Select.  
> Delete Picture.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
About categories  
You can create categories to group your contacts, tasks, and memos. You can also narrow the contacts, tasks, and memos that  
appear based on categories.  
Category names are not case sensitive. More than one category can apply to a contact, task, or memo. If you use IBM® Lotus  
Notes®, you can apply more than one category to a task on your BlackBerry® device, but only one category synchronizes with  
the task in Lotus Notes.  
Categories are shared between the contact list, the task list, and the memo list and changes that you make in one application  
are made in all applications.  
Categorize a contact, task, or memo  
When you are creating or changing a contact, task, or memo, press the  
2. Select the check box beside a category.  
key > Categories.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To remove a category from a contact, task, or memo, clear the check box beside the category.  
Create a category for contacts, tasks, or memos  
You can create categories to organize items in the Contacts application, Tasks application, and MemoPad.  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Contacts icon, Tasks icon, or MemoPad icon.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Filter.  
key > New.  
4. Type a name for the category.  
5. Press the key on the keyboard.  
User Guide  
To delete a category, highlight the category. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Synchronizing contacts  
About synchronization  
The wireless data synchronization feature is designed to synchronize organizer data (contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos) between a subscriber's BlackBerry® smartphone and the email application on their computer over the wireless  
The wireless email reconciliation feature is designed to reconcile email between the subscriber's smartphone and the email  
application on their computer over the wireless network. When a subscriber files or deletes email messages on their  
smartphone, these email message should be filed or deleted in their email application. Likewise, any changes that they make to  
email message in the email application on their computer should be reflected on the smartphone.  
In rare cases, if a smartphone does not recognize fields in a contact, calendar entry, or email account, some data or email  
cannot be synchronized or reconciled.  
If wireless data synchronization or wireless email reconciliation is not available on the smartphone or if the subscriber turned  
off these features, the subscriber can use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize their  
organizer data and email. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
In the Contacts application, Calendar application, Tasks application, or MemoPad, press the  
key > Options.  
2. If necessary, click a calendar or contact list.  
3. Select the Wireless Synchronization check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If you use the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to  
synchronize calendar data. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
About backing up and restoring device data  
If you have installed the BlackBerry® Desktop Software on your computer, you can back up and restore most of your BlackBerry  
device data, including messages, organizer data, fonts, saved searches, and browser bookmarks using the backup and restore  
tool of the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might be able to restore synchronized organizer data to your  
device over the wireless network. To restore synchronized organizer data over the wireless network, you must have an  
activation password. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
About synchronization conflicts  
A synchronization conflict occurs when you change the same email or organizer data item on your BlackBerry® device and in  
the email application on your computer.  
If you reconcile your email using wireless email reconciliation, on your device, you can set whether the email on your device or  
the email on your computer takes precedence when an email reconciliation conflict occurs.  
If you synchronize your organizer data using wireless data synchronization, the organizer data on your computer takes  
precedence over the organizer data on your device when a data synchronization conflict occurs.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Manage data synchronization conflicts  
You can change how conflicts that occur during organizer data synchronization are resolved by turning off wireless data  
synchronization, changing conflict resolution options, and synchronizing organizer data using the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information about managing conflicts that occur during organizer data  
synchronization, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Personal distribution lists  
Create a personal distribution list  
You can use personal distribution lists when you send email messages, PIN messages, or text messages. Personal distribution  
lists that you create on your BlackBerry® device do not appear in the email application on your computer.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
Press the  
3. Type a name for the personal distribution list.  
key > New Group.  
Press the  
5. Click a contact.  
6. To add another contact, repeat steps 4 to 5.  
key > Add Member.  
Press the  
key > Save Group.  
Change or delete a personal distribution list  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
2. Highlight a personal distribution list.  
Press the  
• To change a personal distribution list, click Edit Group. Click a contact. Click Add Member, Change Member, or Delete  
Member. Press the key > Save Group.  
• To delete a personal distribution list, click Delete Group > Delete.  
Note: When you delete a contact from a personal distribution list, the contact remains in your contact list.  
User Guide  
Multiple contact lists  
About multiple contact lists  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with multiple email accounts, you might have contacts from each email account on  
your device. For example, if your device is associated with a work email account and a personal email account, you might be  
able to view your work contact list and your personal contact list on your device. For more information, contact your wireless  
service provider.  
View a different contact list  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
Press the  
key > Select Contacts.  
3. Click a contact list.  
Change the default contact list  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Default Services.  
3. Change the Contact List (SYNC) field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Contact list options  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete items  
You can turn off the prompt that appears before you delete messages, call logs, contacts, calendar entries, tasks, memos, or  
1. On the Home screen, click the application icon for an application that prompts you before you delete items.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. If necessary, click General Options.  
4. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Change the display options for contacts  
You can change how your contacts appear in all applications, including the phone, message list, contact list, and calendar.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing & Input > Language.  
3. Change the Global Name Display field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
View the number of contacts stored on your device  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Click a contact list.  
The Number of Entries field displays the number of contacts that are stored in the contact list.  
Sort contacts or tasks  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Contacts icon or Tasks icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. If necessary, click General Options.  
4. Change the Sort By field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Troubleshooting: Contacts  
Contact list field data is not appearing on my computer  
You can only synchronize the data in a custom contact list field with a text field in the email application on your computer. For  
example, you cannot add a contact's birthday to a custom contact list field on your BlackBerry® device and synchronize it with  
the email application on your computer, because the birthday field is a date field in the email application on your computer.  
Related topics  
My contact pictures keep changing  
The contact pictures in applications (for example, in the contacts application), might change if you set more than one  
application on your BlackBerry® device to replace contact pictures. Depending on how often or how many of your contact  
pictures are being replaced by other applications, you might experience increased data charges.  
User Guide  
To stop contact pictures from changing, you must change the options in each application that is replacing your contact  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Set the date and time  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Set Time.  
• To get the date and time from the wireless network automatically, change the Update Time field to Automatic. Note  
that you must be connected to the wireless network.  
• To set the date and time manually, change the Update Time field to Manual. Click the Set Time or Set Date field.  
Change the time or date. Click Ok.  
3. Do any of the following:  
• To receive a prompt when your device detects a new time zone, change the Auto Update Time Zone field to Prompt.  
• To have your device update the time zone automatically when it detects a new time zone, change the Auto Update  
Time Zone field to On.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Change what appears on the screen when your device is  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the When Charging field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the clock face  
You can set a different clock face for the clock, stopwatch and timer.  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Change the Clock Face field, Stopwatch Face field or Timer Face field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Display a second time zone on the clock  
You can show two times zones on the clock. For example, if you travel to a different time zone, you can display the time in your  
current location and the time in your home time zone.  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Home Time Zone field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Turn on the alarm  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Set Alarm.  
3. On the trackpad, slide your finger up or down to highlight On or Weekdays.  
4. Click the trackpad.  
At the top of the Home screen, a clock indicator appears.  
To set additional alarms or to set alarms for certain days of the week, you can schedule alarms through the Calendar  
Related topics  
Silence the alarm  
If snooze is not turned on, click Dismiss.  
If snooze is turned on, click Snooze.  
Change alarm notification options  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Alarm section, change the Alarm Tone field, Volume field, Snooze Time field, and Vibration field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Turn on bedside clock mode  
You can set options for bedside clock mode so that you can view the clock without being interrupted by incoming calls or  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Enter Bedside Mode.  
To turn off bedside clock mode, press the  
Set options for bedside clock mode  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. In the Bedside Mode section, do any of the following:  
• To receive a flashing LED notification when bedside clock mode is turned on, clear the Disable LED check box.  
• To turn off the connection to the wireless network, so that your device does not receive phone calls or messages when  
bedside clock mode is turned on, select the Disable Radio check box.  
• To turn off screen dimming when bedside clock mode is turned on, clear the Dim Screen check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Use the stopwatch  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Stopwatch.  
3. Click the start/stop icon.  
• To record lap times, click the lap icon.  
• To stop timing, click the start/stop icon again.  
To send the results in a message, press the  
key > Send Results. Click a message type.  
Use the timer  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Timer.  
key > Set Timer.  
4. Set the time.  
User Guide  
5. Click OK.  
• To start or stop the timer, click the start/stop icon.  
• To reset the timer, click the reset icon.  
The timer continues to count down after you exit the Clock application.  
Change timer notification options  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
3. In the Countdown Timer section, change the Timer Tone, Volume, or Vibration fields.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Troubleshooting: Clock  
The time on my device is incorrect  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Clock icon.  
Press the  
key > Set Time.  
3. Try one of the following actions:  
If the Set Time field is set to Automatic, press the  
> Update Time.  
If you have traveled to a different time zone, set the Time Zone field to display the correct time zone.  
If you are in a region that has recently made changes to daylight saving time or has switched to a different time zone,  
you might need to update the time zone data on your BlackBerry® device. To update the time zone data, press the  
key > Get Time Zone Updates. For this feature to be supported, your wireless service plan must include data  
services (such as email messages or browser service). If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you  
might not be able update your time zone data. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Related topics  
Tasks and memos  
User Guide  
Tasks and memos  
Create a task or memo  
You can create tasks in the Tasks application or Calendar application, and you can make any of your tasks visible in the  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon, or in the Applications folder, click the Tasks icon or MemoPad icon.  
To create a task in the Calendar application, press the  
such as the due date and recurrence.  
key > New Task. Type the task title and fill in the details,  
• To create a task in the Tasks application, click Add Task. Type the task title and fill in the details, such as the due date  
and recurrence.  
• To create a memo, click New Memo. Type a title and the memo.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Send a task or memo  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Tasks icon or MemoPad icon.  
2. Highlight a task or memo.  
Press the  
key > Forward As.  
4. Click a message type.  
Change or delete a task or memo  
On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Tasks icon or MemoPad icon.  
To change the task or memo, click it. Change the task or memo information. Press the  
To delete the task or memo, highlight it. Press the key > Delete.  
key > Save.  
Change the status of a task  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Tasks icon.  
2. Highlight a task.  
Press the  
• To mark the task as complete, click Mark Completed.  
To mark the task as deferred, in progress, or waiting, click Open. Change the Status field. Press the  
key > Save.  
Tasks and memos  
User Guide  
Hide completed tasks  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Tasks icon.  
Press the  
key > Hide Completed.  
Show tasks in the calendar  
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.  
Press the  
3. Select the Show Tasks check box.  
key > Options > Calendar Display and Actions.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Synchronizing tasks and memos  
About synchronization  
The wireless data synchronization feature is designed to synchronize organizer data (contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos) between a subscriber's BlackBerry® smartphone and the email application on their computer over the wireless  
The wireless email reconciliation feature is designed to reconcile email between the subscriber's smartphone and the email  
application on their computer over the wireless network. When a subscriber files or deletes email messages on their  
smartphone, these email message should be filed or deleted in their email application. Likewise, any changes that they make to  
email message in the email application on their computer should be reflected on the smartphone.  
In rare cases, if a smartphone does not recognize fields in a contact, calendar entry, or email account, some data or email  
cannot be synchronized or reconciled.  
If wireless data synchronization or wireless email reconciliation is not available on the smartphone or if the subscriber turned  
off these features, the subscriber can use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize their  
organizer data and email. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Tasks and memos  
User Guide  
Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
In the Contacts application, Calendar application, Tasks application, or MemoPad, press the  
key > Options.  
2. If necessary, click a calendar or contact list.  
3. Select the Wireless Synchronization check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If you use the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to  
synchronize calendar data. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
About backing up and restoring device data  
If you have installed the BlackBerry® Desktop Software on your computer, you can back up and restore most of your BlackBerry  
device data, including messages, organizer data, fonts, saved searches, and browser bookmarks using the backup and restore  
tool of the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might be able to restore synchronized organizer data to your  
device over the wireless network. To restore synchronized organizer data over the wireless network, you must have an  
activation password. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
About synchronization conflicts  
A synchronization conflict occurs when you change the same email or organizer data item on your BlackBerry® device and in  
the email application on your computer.  
If you reconcile your email using wireless email reconciliation, on your device, you can set whether the email on your device or  
the email on your computer takes precedence when an email reconciliation conflict occurs.  
If you synchronize your organizer data using wireless data synchronization, the organizer data on your computer takes  
precedence over the organizer data on your device when a data synchronization conflict occurs.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Tasks and memos  
User Guide  
Related topics  
Manage data synchronization conflicts  
You can change how conflicts that occur during organizer data synchronization are resolved by turning off wireless data  
synchronization, changing conflict resolution options, and synchronizing organizer data using the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information about managing conflicts that occur during organizer data  
synchronization, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
About categories  
You can create categories to group your contacts, tasks, and memos. You can also narrow the contacts, tasks, and memos that  
appear based on categories.  
Category names are not case sensitive. More than one category can apply to a contact, task, or memo. If you use IBM® Lotus  
Notes®, you can apply more than one category to a task on your BlackBerry® device, but only one category synchronizes with  
the task in Lotus Notes.  
Categories are shared between the contact list, the task list, and the memo list and changes that you make in one application  
are made in all applications.  
Categorize a contact, task, or memo  
When you are creating or changing a contact, task, or memo, press the  
2. Select the check box beside a category.  
key > Categories.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To remove a category from a contact, task, or memo, clear the check box beside the category.  
Create a category for contacts, tasks, or memos  
You can create categories to organize items in the Contacts application, Tasks application, and MemoPad.  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Contacts icon, Tasks icon, or MemoPad icon.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Filter.  
key > New.  
4. Type a name for the category.  
5. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Tasks and memos  
User Guide  
To delete a category, highlight the category. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete items  
You can turn off the prompt that appears before you delete messages, call logs, contacts, calendar entries, tasks, memos, or  
1. On the Home screen, click the application icon for an application that prompts you before you delete items.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. If necessary, click General Options.  
4. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Typing basics  
Highlight, cut, copy, or paste text  
Press and hold the  
key and click the trackpad.  
• To highlight text character by character, on the trackpad, slide your finger left or right.  
• To highlight text line by line, on the trackpad, slide your finger up or down.  
Press the  
• To cut the highlighted text, click Cut.  
• To copy the highlighted text, click Copy.  
3. Place the cursor where you want to insert the cut or copied text.  
Press the  
key > Paste.  
Type a symbol  
1. Press the Symbol key.  
2. Press the letter key that appears below the symbol.  
Type an accent or special character  
Press and hold a letter key on the keyboard and, on the trackpad, slide your finger left or right until the accented or special  
character appears.  
Clear text from a field  
In a field that you typed text into, press the  
key > Clear Field.  
Type text using the predictive input method  
When you are typing text, perform any of the following actions:  
• To select the highlighted suggestion and start typing a new word, press the Enter key.  
• To select the highlighted suggestion and continue typing the same word, click the word.  
• To ignore the suggestions, keep typing.  
User Guide  
Typing input methods  
Switch typing input methods when you are typing  
You can switch between the SureType input method and multi-tap input method.  
When you are typing, press the  
key > Enable <typing input method>.  
Change your typing style  
You can change how your BlackBerry® device recognizes what you type by selecting a typing style.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Typing.  
3. For a keyboard, do one of the following:  
• To set your device to suggest word predictions as you type, change the Style field to Predictive.  
• To set your device to type the first letter on a key when you press a key once and type the second letter on the key  
when you press the key twice, change the Style field to Multitap.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
SureType technology and multi-tap input methods  
About SureType technology and multi-tap  
You can type on your BlackBerry® device using the SureType® input method or multi-tap input method.  
SureType technology combines a traditional phone-style key layout with a familiar computer-style letter layout that is designed  
to provide a quick and comfortable typing and dialing experience.  
SureType technology is designed to predict words as you type them. When you use SureType technology, you press the letter  
key for each letter in a word only once until the word appears in a list that appears on the screen. When you use multi-tap, you  
press a letter key once to type the first letter on the key and twice to type the second letter.  
SureType technology is the default typing input method for most fields. Multi-tap is the default typing input method for phone  
number and password fields.  
About SureType technology and multi-tap  
You can type on your BlackBerry® device using the SureType® input method or multi-tap input method.  
SureType technology is designed to predict words as you type them. When you use SureType technology, you press the letter  
key for each letter in a word only once until the word appears. When you use multi-tap, you press a letter key once to type the  
first letter on the key, twice to type the second letter, and so on.  
User Guide  
SureType technology is the default typing input method for most fields. Multi-tap is the default typing input method for phone  
number and password fields.  
Type text using SureType technology  
1. Press the letter key once for each letter in a word.  
2. Do any of the following:  
• To select a word from the list that appears when you type and start typing a new word, highlight the word. Press the  
key on the keyboard.  
• To select an item from the list that appears when you type and continue typing the same word, click the item.  
• To change a letter in a word that you are typing, highlight the letter. Click the alternate letter that appears on the  
• To change a letter in a word after you finish typing the word, click the word. Highlight the letter. Click the alternate  
letter that appears on the screen.  
For example, to type run, you would press the R key once, the U key once, and so on until run appears in the list. You would  
then highlight run and press the key.  
Type text using multi-tap  
Do any of the following:  
• To type the first letter on a key, press the letter key once.  
• To type the second letter on a key, press the letter key twice.  
For example, to type run, you would press the R key twice, the U key once, and the N key twice.  
Type text using multi-tap  
Do any of the following:  
• To type the first letter on a key, press the letter key once.  
• To type the second letter on a key, press the letter key twice.  
• To type the third letter on a key, press the letter key three times.  
• To type the fourth letter on a key, press the letter key four times.  
For example, to type run, you would press the R key three times, the U key twice, and the N key twice.  
Find more information about typing in other languages  
You can learn to type in other languages such as Chinese and Thai by reading the Typing Guides that are available online. Visit and search for the Typing Guide in your language.  
User Guide  
Typing options  
Change the default currency symbol  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Change the Currency Key field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Stop displaying contacts in the list that appears when you type  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Typing.  
3. For a keyboard, click Advanced Style Options.  
4. Clear the Names check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn on key tones  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Select the Key Tone check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off trackpad sounds  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Trackpad Sensitivity.  
3. Clear the Audible Roll check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on trackpad sounds again, select the Audible Roll check box.  
Set the trackpad sensitivity  
You can set how the trackpad responds to your touch. A high sensitivity level requires less pressure than a lower sensitivity  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Trackpad Sensitivity.  
3. Change the Horizontal Sensitivity field and Vertical Sensitivity field.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set the cursor speed  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Change the Key Rate field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Spelling checker  
You can check spelling if your input language is set to Afrikaans, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German,  
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, or Turkish.  
Check spelling  
You can check spelling in messages, calendar entries, tasks, or memos that you create.  
Press the  
key > Check Spelling.  
2. Do any of the following:  
• To accept the suggested spelling, click a word in the list that appears.  
To ignore the suggested spelling, press the  
To ignore all instances of the suggested spelling, press the  
To add the word to the custom dictionary, press the  
key > Ignore All.  
key > Add To Dictionary.  
To stop checking spelling, press the  
key > Cancel Spell Check.  
Change options for checking spelling  
You can change the type and length of words that the spelling checker includes when checking spelling. For example, you might  
not want the spelling checker to include acronyms or one-letter words. You can also set your BlackBerry® device to check  
spelling automatically before you send an email message.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Spell Check.  
3. Change one or more options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Stop displaying spelling suggestions in the list that appears when you  
By default, if you start typing a letter combination that your BlackBerry® device does not recognize, spelling suggestions appear  
in bold in the list that appears when you type.  
1. Click Typing and Input > Typing.  
2. For a keyboard, click Advanced Style Options.  
3. Clear the Spelling check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Custom dictionary  
About the custom dictionary  
You can add words to the custom dictionary so that your BlackBerry® device recognizes the word when you check spelling.  
Because SureType® technology uses the same dictionary, if you are using the SureType input method, words that you add to  
your custom dictionary are displayed in the list that appears when you type.  
Add, change, or delete a word in the custom dictionary  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Custom Dictionary.  
To add a word to the custom dictionary, press the  
on the keyboard.  
To change a word in the custom dictionary, press the  
key > New. Type a word or letter combination. Press the key  
key > New. Change the word. Press the key on the  
To delete a word from the custom dictionary, highlight the word. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Stop adding items to the custom dictionary automatically  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Typing.  
3. For a keyboard, click Advanced Style Options.  
4. Clear the Typing check box.  
5. Change the Email field to Off.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
About AutoText  
AutoText is designed to replace specific text that you type with preloaded AutoText entries. If you type text that can be  
replaced with an AutoText entry, the text changes after you press the Space key.  
Your BlackBerry® device has built-in AutoText entries that correct common mistakes. For example, AutoText changes hte to  
the. You can create AutoText entries for your common typing mistakes or for abbreviations. For example, you might create an  
AutoText entry that replaces ttyl with talk to you later.  
Create an AutoText entry  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Word Substitution.  
Press the  
key > New.  
4. In the Replace field, type the text to replace.  
5. In the With field, do one of the following:  
• Type replacement text.  
To insert a macro (for example, the current date or time), press the  
key > Insert Macro.  
6. Do one of the following:  
• To capitalize the entry exactly as you typed it, change the Using field to Specified Case.  
• To capitalize the entry according to the context, change the Using field to SmartCase.  
7. In the Language field, change the language.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change or delete an AutoText entry  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Word Substitution.  
3. Highlight an AutoText entry.  
Press the  
To change the AutoText entry, click Edit. Change the entry. Press the  
key > Save.  
• To delete the AutoText entry, click Delete.  
Undo an AutoText change  
If the AutoText feature changes a word that you do not want to change, you can undo the change.  
To undo an AutoText change when you are typing, press the key twice.  
User Guide  
Typing shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Common typing shortcuts  
Insert a period  
Press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized.  
Press and hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears.  
Press and hold the Alt key and press the character key.  
Capitalize a letter  
Type the alternate character on a key  
Type an accented or special character  
Press and hold the letter key and slide your finger on the trackpad left or  
right. Click a selected character. For example, to type ü, press and hold 3  
and slide your finger on the trackpad to the left until ü is highlighted. Click  
the trackpad.  
Type a number in a number field  
Type a number in a text field  
Type a letter in a number field  
Turn on NUM lock  
Press a number key. You do not need to press the Alt key.  
Press and hold the Alt key and press the number key.  
Press and hold the Alt key and use the multi-tap input method.  
Press the Shift key and the Alt key. To turn off NUM lock, press the Alt  
To type a long word quickly  
Type part of the word. In the list that appears when you type, highlight an  
item with the same initial letters as the word that you want to type. Slide  
your finger on the trackpad to the right.  
Insert symbols  
Insert an at sign (@) or a period (.) in an email  
address field  
Press the Space key.  
Type a symbol  
Press the Symbol key. To view more symbols, press the Symbol key again.  
Type the letter that appears below the symbol.  
Work with text  
Highlight a line of text  
Press and hold the Shift key and slide your finger on the trackpad up or  
Highlight text character by character  
Press and hold the Shift key and slide your finger on the trackpad left or  
Cancel a text selection  
Press the Escape key.  
Cut highlighted text when typing  
Press the Shift key and the Backspace/Delete key.  
User Guide  
Copy highlighted text when typing  
Paste highlighted text when typing  
Press the Alt key and click the trackpad.  
Press the Shift key and click the trackpad.  
Typing shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Common typing shortcuts  
Type a symbol  
Press the Symbol key. To view more symbols, press the Symbol key again.  
Click a symbol in the list that appears.  
Switch typing input languages while you type  
Capitalize a letter  
Press and hold the Symbol key.  
Press the Shift key. Press a letter key.  
Type a number in a number field  
Turn on NUM lock  
Press a number key. You do not need to press and hold the number key.  
Press the Shift key until the NUM lock indicator appears. To turn off NUM  
lock, press the Shift key again.  
Work with text  
Highlight a line of text  
Press and hold the Shift key and on the trackpad slide your finger up or  
Highlight text character by character  
Press and hold the Shift key and on the trackpad slide your finger left or  
Cancel a text selection  
Press the Escape key.  
Shortcuts for SureType technology  
Type a punctuation mark or a common symbol  
Type a number  
Press 1. Click the symbol in the list that appears.  
Press and hold a number key.  
Type a period and a space  
Type a long word quickly  
Press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized automatically.  
Type part of the word. In the list that appears when you type, highlight an  
item with the same initial letters as the word that you want to type. Slide  
your finger on the trackpad to the right. In the second list that appears,  
highlight the word that you want to type. Press the Enter key.  
Shortcuts for multi-tap  
Type a number  
Keep pressing the letter key quickly until the number appears.  
User Guide  
Type a period  
Press the 1 key once. To type other common symbols or punctuation  
marks, keep pressing 1 quickly until the symbol appears.  
Troubleshooting: Typing  
I cannot type a password  
Verify that you are using the multi-tap input method.  
SureType technology does not recognize a word  
Use the list that appears when you type to help you build words that SureType® technology does not recognize. Press the letter  
key for the first letter in the word once. Highlight a letter in the list. Press the letter key for the next letter in the word once.  
Highlight a letter combination. Click the trackpad. Continue typing the word.  
I cannot check spelling  
You can check only the spelling of text that you type. You can check spelling in English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Catalan, Czech,  
Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,  
Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.  
User Guide  
Assign an application to a Convenience key  
Your BlackBerry® device has one or more Convenience keys on the side of the device. Depending on your theme, you might not  
be able to change the application that is assigned to a Convenience key.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Convenience Keys.  
3. Change the Right Side Convenience Key Opens field or Left Side Convenience Key Opens field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the default currency symbol  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Change the Currency Key field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set the cursor speed  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Change the Key Rate field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn on key tones  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Keyboard.  
3. Select the Key Tone check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Set the trackpad sensitivity  
You can set how the trackpad responds to your touch. A high sensitivity level requires less pressure than a lower sensitivity  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Trackpad Sensitivity.  
3. Change the Horizontal Sensitivity field and Vertical Sensitivity field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off trackpad sounds  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Trackpad Sensitivity.  
3. Clear the Audible Roll check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on trackpad sounds again, select the Audible Roll check box.  
Troubleshooting: Keyboard  
No application opens when I press a Convenience key  
Try the following:  
• If you have not done so, assign an application to the key.  
• Verify that you did not delete the application that you assigned to the key.  
User Guide  
About typing input languages  
You can set a typing input language to use when you type. The typing input language can be different from the display  
language. When you set a typing input language, AutoText and other typing options change to the selected language. For  
example, you might use your BlackBerry® device in French, but type messages in English.  
When you set the typing input language, you also set whether your device uses the multi-tap or the SureType® input method.  
If the typing input language is different from the display language, a rectangle with the abbreviated form of the current typing  
input language appears in the list that appears when typing.  
Change the language  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Language.  
• To change the display language, change the Display Language field.  
• To change the typing language, change the Typing Language field.  
• To change the language for voice commands, change the Voice Dialing field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add a display language  
You can use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to add a display language to your BlackBerry device. To download the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software, from your computer, visit and select the appropriate option for  
your computer.  
Connect your device to your computer and open the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
For more information about adding applications and display languages, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Delete a language  
You can delete languages that you do not use to increase the amount of space available.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Setup icon.  
2. Click Languages > Language Removal.  
3. Select the languages you want to keep.  
User Guide  
4. Click Update.  
Any languages that you do not select are deleted from your BlackBerry® device.  
Troubleshooting: Language  
Some characters do not appear correctly on my device  
The BlackBerry® Enterprise Server or BlackBerry® Internet Service that is associated with your BlackBerry® device might not  
support the characters. For more information, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
Screen display  
User Guide  
Screen display  
Set options for backlighting  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. Do any of the following:  
• To change the brightness of the backlight for the screen, change the Backlight Brightness field.  
• To change the length of time that the backlight stays on when you are not touching your BlackBerry® device, change  
the Backlight Timeout field.  
• To stop the backlight from adjusting to lighting conditions, clear the Automatically Dim Backlight check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Use a picture as your device wallpaper  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon > Pictures icon.  
2. Browse to a picture.  
Press the  
key > Set As Wallpaper.  
Related topics  
Change the display font  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. Change the font fields.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Screen display  
User Guide  
Organizing applications on the Home screen  
About organizing application icons  
Application icons can appear on the Home screen or in folders on the Home screen. If you cannot see all your application icons,  
they might be hidden. You can make all your application icons visible on the Home screen or in folders by selecting Show All  
from the Home screen menu.  
You can reorder application icons to change which icons appear first on the Home screen. You can also create and delete  
folders, change the folder icon style for folders that you create, and move application icons into folders and out of folders.  
Find or hide an application icon  
Depending on your theme, you might not be able to hide some application icons.  
On the Home screen or in a folder, do any of the following:  
To see all your application icons, press the  
To hide an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the  
To show all hidden application icons, press the key > Show All.  
key > All.  
key > Hide.  
To stop hiding an application icon, highlight the icon. Press the  
the Hide field.  
key > Hide. A check mark should not appear beside  
Related topics  
Add, change, or delete a folder on the Home screen  
On the Home screen, do one of the following:  
To add a folder, press the  
key > Add Folder. Type a name for the folder. To change the folder icon style, click the  
folder icon. Click a folder icon style. Click Add.  
To change a folder, highlight a folder. Press the  
Click Save.  
key > Edit Folder. Change the folder name or folder icon style.  
To delete a folder, highlight a folder. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Move an application icon  
1. On the Home screen or in an application folder, highlight an application icon.  
2. Press the Menu key.  
3. Perform one of the following actions:  
• To move the application icon to a different location on the Home screen, click Move. On the trackpad, slide your finger  
to the new location. Click the trackpad.  
Screen display  
User Guide  
• To move the application icon into an application folder, click Move to folder. Click an application folder.  
• To move the application icon out of an application folder, click Move to folder. Click Home or an application folder.  
Add a message that appears when your device is locked  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Message on Lock Screen.  
3. Type the text that you want to appear on the screen when your device is locked.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Use grayscale or reverse contrast for the screen display  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Accessibility.  
• To use grayscale for the screen display, change the Color Contrast field to Greyscale.  
• To use reverse contrast for the screen display, change the Color Contrast field to Reverse Contrast.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn on flashing LED notification for wireless coverage  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. Select the LED Coverage Indicator check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
When your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network, the LED light flashes green.  
To turn off the wireless coverage notification, clear the LED Coverage Indicator check box.  
About themes  
Depending on your wireless service provider, you might be able to set a theme on your BlackBerry® device that changes how  
items such as applications, indicators, words, and icons appear. Themes might be preloaded on your device, or you might be  
able to download themes that are in .cod file format.  
Screen display  
User Guide  
Switch themes  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. In the Theme section, click a theme.  
4. Click Activate.  
To delete a theme, click the theme. Click Delete.  
Related topics  
Troubleshooting: Display  
My display changed  
Depending on your theme, display options such as icons, fonts, and your Home screen background, might change when you  
switch themes.  
Related topics  
No application opens when I press a Convenience key  
Try the following:  
• If you have not done so, assign an application to the key.  
• Verify that you did not delete the application that you assigned to the key.  
The screen turns off  
When you do not use your BlackBerry® device for a period of time, the screen turns off to conserve battery power. You can  
change the length of time that the backlight stays on when you are not touching your device.  
To turn on the screen, click the trackpad or press a key.  
Related topics  
GPS technology  
User Guide  
GPS technology  
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.  
About GPS technology  
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.  
You can use GPS technology on your BlackBerry® device to get your GPS location and to use location-based applications and  
location-based services. Location-based applications can use your GPS location to provide you with information such as driving  
If your device does not have an internal GPS receiver or your wireless service provider does not support location-based services  
and you want to use GPS technology, you can pair your BlackBerry device with a Bluetooth® enabled GPS receiver. For more  
information, contact your wireless service provider.  
If your device is connected to a CDMA network and you make an emergency call or your device is in Emergency Callback Mode,  
an emergency operator might be able to use GPS technology to estimate your location.  
Note: In an emergency, always provide the emergency operator with as much information as possible. Emergency operators  
might not be able to estimate your location using only GPS technology.  
Turn on GPS technology  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
Note: The GPS options that appear on your device might differ slightly from the options that appear in this task.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Location Settings.  
3. Change the Location Services field to Location On.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn off GPS technology, change the Location Services field to Location Off.  
Set the GPS receiver that you use to track your movement  
To perform this task, if you don't have an internal GPS receiver, you must pair your BlackBerry® device with a Bluetooth®  
enabled GPS receiver.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Location Settings.  
3. Change the GPS Data Source field.  
GPS technology  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Get your GPS location  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported. To perform this task,  
you must pair your BlackBerry® device with a Bluetooth® enabled GPS receiver, if your device does not have an internal GPS  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Location Settings.  
Press the  
key > Refresh GPS.  
The longitude and latitude coordinates for your current location appear.  
Prevent others from tracking your location  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your administrator might be able to track the location of your  
BlackBerry device. For more information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Location Settings.  
3. Change the Location Services field to Location Off.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off location aiding  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported. By default, location  
aiding is turned on to improve the performance of GPS technology. When location aiding is turned on, your BlackBerry® device  
connects to a central server periodically, which can increase your data service charges. To avoid these charges, you can turn off  
location aiding, but it might take longer for your device to get your GPS location. For more information, contact your wireless  
service provider.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Location Settings.  
• To turn off location aiding, change the Location Aiding field to Disabled.  
• To turn off location aiding when roaming, change the Location Aiding field to Disabled While Roaming.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
GPS technology  
User Guide  
Troubleshooting: GPS technology  
I cannot use GPS technology  
Try performing the following actions:  
• If you are outdoors, move away from buildings and expose your device to open sky.  
• If you are indoors, move close to a window.  
• If you have paired your BlackBerry® device with a Bluetooth® enabled GPS receiver, verify that the Bluetooth enabled  
GPS receiver is turned on.  
• If you are using GPS technology for the first time, wait a short period of time for your device to get your GPS location.  
User Guide  
Map basics  
View a location on a map  
1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.  
On a map, press the  
key > Find Location.  
3. Do one of the following:  
• To search for a point of interest such as a business or landmark, in the drop-down at the top right of the screen, click  
Business. Type the information for the point of interest in the Business field. Highlight the point of interest.  
• To view a new location, in the drop-down at the top right of the screen, click Location. Type an address in the Location  
field. Highlight the location.  
• To view a location for a contact, type the contact name in the Location field or the Business field. Highlight the contact  
• To view a bookmarked location, highlight the location in the bottom section of the screen.  
Press the  
key > View on Map  
If you are viewing a location other than your current location, to get directions to this location from your current location,  
press the key > Navigate to Here. Your device must have an internal GPS receiver or be paired with a Bluetooth enabled  
GPS receiver to perform this task.  
View an address on a map using a link  
When your BlackBerry® device recognizes an address in certain applications, such as instant messaging applications or the  
MemoPad, your device underlines the address.  
1. Highlight an underlined address.  
Press the  
key > View on Map.  
Send a location  
You can send a location as a message, for example, in an email message or instant message. The message that you send  
includes a link to the location so that the recipient can view the location on a map.  
On a map, press the  
key > Send Location.  
2. Click a message type.  
Get directions  
1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.  
Press the  
key > Get Directions.  
User Guide  
3. Do one of the following to specify a starting location:  
• To specify your current location, if your BlackBerry® device has an internal GPS receiver or is paired with a Bluetooth®  
enabled GPS receiver, set the Start field to My Location.  
• To specify the location that you are currently viewing on a map, set the Start field to Use center of map. If you are  
viewing a bookmarked location, click Use focused location.  
• To specify a new location by selecting the location on a map, set the Start field to Select from map. Click the location  
on the map.  
• To specify a point of interest, such as a business or a landmark, set the Start field to Find Location. In the drop-down list  
at the top right of the screen, click Business. In the Search field, type the information for the point of interest. Press the  
key on the keyboard. Click a point of interest.  
• To specify a contact's address, set the Start field to Find Location. Start typing the contact's name. Click the contact.  
• To specify a new location by typing the address, set the Start field to Find location. In the drop-down list at the top  
right of the screen, click Location. In the Search field, type the address. Press the key on the keyboard. Click the  
• To specify a bookmarked location, set the Start field to Find location. In the bottom pane, click a bookmarked location.  
4. Repeat step 3 to specify an ending location.  
5. To change the route options, click Route Options. Select or clear the check box beside one or more route options. Click OK.  
6. Click Search.  
Pan a map  
To pan a map, your BlackBerry® device must be in pan mode and not zoom mode. The mode that your device is in is displayed  
at the top of the map.  
1. If your device is in zoom mode, click the trackpad to switch to pan mode.  
2. On the trackpad, slide your finger in any direction.  
Zoom in to or out from a map  
To zoom in to or out from a map, your BlackBerry® device must be in zoom mode and not pan mode. The mode that your  
device is in is displayed at the top of the map.  
On a map, do one of the following:  
• To zoom in, if your device is not already in zoom mode, click the trackpad. Slide your finger up on the trackpad.  
• To zoom out, if your device is not already in zoom mode, click the trackpad. Slide your finger down on the trackpad.  
To zoom to a point in a route, press the  
key > Zoom To Point.  
View a list of points of interest near a location  
You can search for points of interest such as businesses or landmarks. For example, you might search for coffee shops near  
your current location.  
On a map, press the  
key > Find Location.  
2. Type the point of interest information.  
3. Press the key on the keyboard.  
User Guide  
View contact information for a point of interest  
Points of interest are displayed on maps as location markers.  
1. On a map or in a list of points of interest, highlight a point of interest.  
Press the  
key > Display Details.  
Clear a map  
When you clear a map, any route information displayed on the map no longer appears.  
On a map, press the  
key > Clear Map.  
Add a bookmark for a location or route  
1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.  
On a map, press the  
key > Add As Favorite > OK.  
Rename a bookmark for a location or route  
1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.  
Press the  
3. Highlight a bookmark.  
key > Favorites.  
Press the  
key > Rename.  
5. Type a new name.  
6. Click OK.  
Delete a bookmark for a location or route  
1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.  
On a map, press the  
3. Highlight a bookmark.  
key > Favorites.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
User Guide  
Map options  
Keep backlighting on when you track your movement  
By default, backlighting turns off automatically after a specified time to conserve battery power. You can change map options  
so that backlighting remains on when you track your movement unless the battery power level drops below a specified  
On a map, press the  
2. Change the Backlight Timeout When field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Set the GPS receiver that you use to track your movement  
To perform this task, if you don't have an internal GPS receiver, you must pair your BlackBerry® device with a Bluetooth®  
enabled GPS receiver.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Location Settings.  
3. Change the GPS Data Source field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Map shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Zoom in to a map  
Press the comma (,) key.  
Press the period (.) key.  
Press 6  
Zoom out from a map  
Move to the next direction on a route  
Move to the previous direction on a route  
Press 4  
Map shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
User Guide  
Zoom in to a map  
Press 3  
Press 9  
Press 6  
Press 4  
Zoom out from a map  
Move to the next direction on a route  
Move to the previous direction on a route  
Troubleshooting: Maps  
Some features are not available on my device  
The availability of certain features on your BlackBerry® device might be affected by items such as your device model and  
wireless service plan.  
Depending on your messaging service plan, some features or options might not be available in the message options on the  
Email Preferences screen.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your organization might not have set up some features or might  
prevent you from using some features or options. If your administrator has set an option for you, a red lock indicator appears  
beside the option field.  
For more information about the features that are available on your device, contact your wireless service provider or  
administrator, or visit  
Related topics  
User Guide  
About multitasking  
Your BlackBerry® device supports multitasking, which allows you to run more than one application at a time. During a call, for  
example, you might want to switch to the calendar application to view your appointments or switch to the contacts application  
to look up a contact. While you are playing a song, you might want to switch to the messages application to reply to a message.  
There are also shortcuts for most applications that can help you to perform common tasks quickly.  
Note: The more applications that you have running, the more memory and battery power your device uses. To optimize the  
performance of your device, try to close applications when you are finished with them.  
Related topics  
Keep an application running in the background and switch to  
another application  
To switch to another application, press and hold the  
key until the application switcher appears. Click an application  
icon. If the application icon that you want does not appear, click the Home screen icon and navigate to the application icon  
that you are looking for.  
To return to the Home screen if you are not on a call, press the  
key until the application switcher appears. Click  
To return to the Home screen if you are on call, press and hold the  
the Home screen icon.  
Note: If you press the  
key while you are on a call, you will end the call even if you have switched to another application.  
Related topics  
Close an application so that it is not running in the background  
To optimize the performance of your BlackBerry® device, try to close applications when you are finished with them.  
In an application, do one of the following actions:  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Close.  
key. If necessary, continue to press the  
key until the Home screen appears.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
About adding applications  
Depending on your wireless service provider and region, you might have the option to add or update applications using the  
BlackBerry App World™ storefront, the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, or the Application Center. You might also be able to  
download applications from a web page (try visiting from your BlackBerry device), or from an  
application offered by your wireless service provider.  
Additional terms and conditions might apply to software and services made available through the BlackBerry App World™  
storefront, the BlackBerry Desktop Software, or the Application Center. Data charges might apply when you add or use an  
application over the wireless network. For more information, contact your wireless service provider.  
BlackBerry App World  
If you have BlackBerry App World on your device, you can search for and download games, social networking applications,  
personal productivity applications, and much more. Using an existing PayPal® account, you can buy and download items over  
the wireless network to your device.  
To download BlackBerry App World, visit  
For more information about managing applications using BlackBerry App World, click the BlackBerry App World icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
BlackBerry Desktop Software  
If you have the BlackBerry Desktop Software installed on your computer, you can connect your device to your computer to  
add, update, remove, or restore applications. You can also add applications to your device that you have downloaded to your  
computer, without having to use the wireless network.  
To download the BlackBerry Desktop Software, visit  
For more information about managing applications using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
Application Center  
If you have the Application Center on your device, you can add, update, or return to the previous version of a select number of  
applications that are hosted by your wireless service provider. Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might  
not be available.  
For more information about managing applications using the Application Center, click the Application Center icon. Press the  
key > Help.  
User Guide  
About social networking applications  
You can use social networking applications on your BlackBerry® device to stay connected with your social networking contacts.  
Depending on the social networking application, you might be able to send messages, share pictures, change your status, and  
You can download social networking applications for your BlackBerry device from the BlackBerry App World™ storefront. You  
must have a wireless service data plan to use these applications. Depending on your wireless service provider or organization,  
some applications or features might not be supported.  
For more information about social networking applications, visit If you need help using a social  
networking application, you can find answers in the application by pressing the Menu key and clicking Help on your device.  
About instant messaging applications  
You can download instant messaging applications for your BlackBerry® device from the BlackBerry App World™ storefront. By  
default, your BlackBerry device comes with BlackBerry® Messenger. You can use BlackBerry Messenger to chat with people  
who have a BlackBerry device by sending and receiving messages and files. You can also change your status and display picture.  
With the BlackBerry® Groups feature of BlackBerry Messenger, you can share pictures, lists, appointments, and more.  
You must have a wireless service data plan to use these applications. Depending on your wireless service provider or  
organization, some applications or features might not be supported.  
For more information about BlackBerry Messenger and other instant messaging applications, visit  
support. If you need help using an instant messaging application, you can find answers in the application by pressing the Menu  
key and clicking Help on your device.  
Require your device password before adding an application  
To perform this task, you must have set a BlackBerry® device password.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. Change the Prompt on application install field to Yes.  
Press the  
key > Send.  
User Guide  
Delete an application  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your organization might not permit you to delete some  
applications. For more information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, highlight an application icon.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
View properties for an application  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Application Management.  
3. Click an application.  
View the size of an application database  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Status.  
Press the  
key > Database Sizes.  
Troubleshooting: Applications  
I cannot add, update, or return to the previous version of an application  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your organization might not permit you to add or update device  
applications. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
Verify that your device has enough memory to add or update the application.  
BlackBerry Device Software  
User Guide  
BlackBerry Device Software  
About updating the BlackBerry Device Software  
You might want to update your BlackBerry® Device Software for one of the following reasons:  
to access new applications and features  
to resolve a technical issue  
your wireless service provider requires you to update the BlackBerry Device Software  
You might be able to update your BlackBerry Device Software over the wireless network, from a web site, or using the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software.  
The duration of the update process can range from 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the type of update, the amount of  
device data, and the number of applications on your BlackBerry device. You cannot use your device or make emergency calls  
when the update is in progress. Do not remove the battery while the update is in progress.  
Over the wireless network  
You can update your BlackBerry Device Software over the wireless network if a Wireless Update icon appears on the Home  
screen of your device. You can also check for updates manually through the device options. The available update might be a  
complete software update, or a partial software update only. If the available update is a complete software update, your  
device data is backed up on your device and restored during the installation process. Depending on the options that your  
wireless service provider or administrator sets, you might not be able to update the BlackBerry Device Software over the  
wireless network. Depending on your wireless service provider, extra fees might apply when you download the update to your  
From a web site  
If your email account uses the BlackBerry® Internet Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you  
can update your BlackBerry Device Software by connecting your device to your computer and visiting the update web site at  
Using the BlackBerry Desktop Software  
If you have the BlackBerry Desktop Software installed on your computer, you can update your BlackBerry Device Software from  
your computer. For more information about updating the BlackBerry Device Software from your computer, see the Help in the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
BlackBerry Device Software  
User Guide  
Update the BlackBerry Device Software from a web site  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server you might not be able to perform this task. Check with your  
administrator for BlackBerry® Device Software updates that have been approved for use in your organization.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
1. From your computer, visit the BlackBerry Device Software update site.  
2. Click Check for Updates.  
3. Connect your BlackBerry device to your computer.  
4. On the Update summary screen, select the check box beside the update that you want to install.  
5. Do any of the following:  
• To add or remove optional applications, click Options. Select or clear the check box beside one or more applications.  
Click Next.  
• To back up your device data or delete all device data, click Settings. Select the check box beside one or more data  
types. Click OK.  
6. Click Next.  
7. Complete the instructions on the screen to sign up for or decline email notifications for new software.  
8. Click Next > Finish.  
Update the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Connect your BlackBerry® device to your computer and open the BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information, see the  
Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
BlackBerry Device Software  
User Guide  
Troubleshooting: BlackBerry Device Software  
I cannot update the BlackBerry Device Software over the wireless network  
Depending on the options that your wireless service provider or administrator sets, you might not be able to update your  
BlackBerry® Device Software over the wireless network.  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry device is connected to a wireless network.  
Verify that your device has enough storage space to update the BlackBerry Device Software.  
Verify that you are not roaming outside of your wireless service provider's wireless coverage area. Depending on your  
wireless service provider, you might not be able to update your BlackBerry Device Software when roaming. For more  
information, contact your wireless service provider.  
Try to update your BlackBerry Device Software over the wireless network at a later time. Depending on your wireless  
service provider, you might not be able to update your BlackBerry Device Software at certain times of the day, when there  
is a greater volume of network traffic.  
Try visiting your wireless service provider's website, as you might be able to update your BlackBerry Device Software from  
the website.  
My device does not have enough available storage space to update the  
BlackBerry Device Software  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Delete media files, display languages, or third-party applications that you do not use.  
• Transfer media files that you have stored in the BlackBerry® device memory to a media card.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Manage Connections  
Manage Connections basics  
Check what wireless networks your device connects to  
You can check the types of networks your device can connect to on your device, as well as by visiting  
devices to see feature specifications for your device model. The types of networks listed do not reflect network connections,  
only the ability of your device model to connect to those networks.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > About Device Versions. The types of networks your device can connect to are listed in the brackets after  
your device model.  
For more information about the wireless networks that your BlackBerry® device connects to, see the Safety and Product  
Information booklet for your device.  
Wireless coverage indicators  
Indicators in the upper-right corner of the Home screen display the wireless coverage level for the area in which you are using  
your BlackBerry® device. For more information about wireless coverage areas, contact your wireless service provider.  
Provides information about the strength of the wireless signal. Three or more bars  
indicate a strong signal. A reduced signal display might indicate increased power  
output from your device as it attempts to connect to a weak signal.  
1XEV, 1X, 3G , EDGE, GPRS, NXTL, MIKE, You are connected to a mobile network and you can access features such as email  
or NTWK  
messaging and Internet browsing. If you do not see one of the indicators, you might  
be in an area of reduced wireless coverage where some features are not available  
(you might only be able to make a phone call or send and receive text messages).  
You can call only emergency numbers.  
You are in an area of no wireless coverage.  
The connection to the mobile network is turned off.  
You are connected to a Wi-Fi® network and you can access BlackBerry services such  
as email messaging and Internet browsing over the Wi-Fi connection.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Your Wi-Fi connection is turned on, but you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network,  
or you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, but you cannot access BlackBerry services  
such as email messaging and Internet browsing over the Wi-Fi connection.  
Your Bluetooth® connection is turned on, and you are connected to a Bluetooth  
enabled device.  
Your Bluetooth connection is turned on, but you are not connected to a Bluetooth  
enabled device.  
Related topics  
Turn on or turn off a network connection  
You should keep network connections turned off in certain places, such as on an airplane or in a hospital. For more  
information, see the Safety and Product Information booklet for your BlackBerry® device.  
On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
• To turn on a network connection, select the check box beside a connection type.  
• To turn off a network connection, clear the check box beside a connection type.  
• To turn on the network connections that were turned on previously, click Restore Connections.  
Related topics  
Turn on or turn off data service or set roaming options  
Depending on your wireless service plan, you might be able to turn off data service (email messages, PIN messages, text  
messages with attachments, and browser service) on your BlackBerry® device so that only phone and basic text messaging are  
available. You can also set your device to turn off data services when roaming. For more information, contact your wireless  
service provider.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
3. Do one of the following:  
• To turn on or turn off data service, change the Data Services field.  
• To turn on or turn off data service when roaming, change the While Roaming field.  
• To receive a prompt when roaming that allows you to turn on or turn off data service, change the While Roaming field  
to Prompt.  
Press the  
key > Close.  
Related topics  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Check the status of network connections and services  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Services Status.  
Mobile network  
About roaming and international roaming  
In most cases, your BlackBerry® device automatically connects to the appropriate wireless network when you travel outside  
your wireless service provider's coverage area. Sometimes you might have to provide login information before you can access a  
wireless network. When you roam, a triangular roaming indicator appears at the top of the Home screen.  
If your device requires a SIM card, your wireless service provider might need to set up your SIM card with roaming services  
before you can roam.  
If your device normally connects to a CDMA network and your device supports international roaming, you might need to get a  
SIM card that is set up for international roaming from your wireless service provider. Your phone number stays the same when  
you travel internationally.  
For more information about roaming and roaming fees, contact your wireless service provider.  
Switch wireless networks manually  
To perform this task, your wireless service plan must include this service and your BlackBerry® device must be connected to a  
GSM® or UMTS® network.  
Your device is designed to switch to an appropriate wireless network automatically when you travel.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
3. Change the Network Selection Mode field to Manual.  
4. Click a wireless network.  
5. Click Select Network.  
Press the  
key > Close.  
To connect to your wireless service provider's wireless network again, change the Network Selection Mode field to Automatic.  
Related topics  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Turn on or turn off data service or set roaming options  
Depending on your wireless service plan, you might be able to turn off data service (email messages, PIN messages, text  
messages with attachments, and browser service) on your BlackBerry® device so that only phone and basic text messaging are  
available. You can also set your device to turn off data services when roaming. For more information, contact your wireless  
service provider.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
3. Do one of the following:  
• To turn on or turn off data service, change the Data Services field.  
• To turn on or turn off data service when roaming, change the While Roaming field.  
• To receive a prompt when roaming that allows you to turn on or turn off data service, change the While Roaming field  
to Prompt.  
Press the  
key > Close.  
Related topics  
Preferred wireless network list  
About the preferred wireless network list  
Your wireless service provider might have agreements with other wireless service providers that permit you to use their  
services when you are traveling. You can use the preferred wireless network list to control the order in which your BlackBerry®  
device uses these other wireless networks.  
Your device tries to connect to a wireless network based on the order in which the wireless networks appear in your preferred  
wireless network list. When you travel, your device scans for the wireless networks on this list first. If no wireless network on  
the list is available, your device is designed to connect to another available wireless network automatically.  
Note: Extra fees usually apply when you roam. For more information about roaming fees, contact your wireless service  
Add a wireless network to the preferred wireless network list  
To perform this task, your BlackBerry® device must be connected to a GSM® or UMTS® network.  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > My Preferred Network List.  
key > Add Network.  
• To scan for a wireless network to add, click Select From Available Networks. Click a wireless network. Click Select  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
• To scan for a wireless network that is already known to your device, click Select From Known Networks. Click a wireless  
network. Click Select Network.  
• To add a wireless network, click Manual Entry. Set the priority for the wireless network. Type the MCC and MNC.  
Press the  
key > Close.  
Delete a wireless network from the preferred wireless network list  
To perform this task, your BlackBerry® device must be connected to a GSM® or UMTS® network.  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
Press the  
key > My Preferred Network List.  
4. Highlight a wireless network.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
key > Close.  
Change the order of preferred networks  
To perform this task, your BlackBerry® device must be connected to a GSM® or UMTS® network.  
Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported. Your BlackBerry device connects to networks  
based on the order that they appear in the preferred network list.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
Press the  
4. Highlight a wireless network.  
key > My Preferred Network List.  
Press the  
6. Click the new location.  
key > Move.  
Press the  
key > Close.  
Mobile network options  
Change the connection speed for the wireless network  
A faster connection speed requires more battery power.  
Depending on your wireless service provider, you might not be able to change the connection speed for the wireless network.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
3. Change the Network Mode field.  
4. Press the Escape key.  
Related topics  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Turn on flashing LED notification for wireless coverage  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. Select the LED Coverage Indicator check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
When your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network, the LED light flashes green.  
To turn off the wireless coverage notification, clear the LED Coverage Indicator check box.  
Troubleshooting: Mobile network  
I cannot connect to the mobile network  
Try the following actions:  
• If your BlackBerry® device uses a SIM card, verify that your SIM card is inserted in your device correctly.  
• If your device normally connects to a CDMA network and your device supports international roaming, verify that your  
device is in global roaming mode and that your SIM card is inserted in your device correctly.  
• Verify that you have turned on the connection to the wireless network.  
• Verify that you are connected to your wireless service provider's network. If you switched wireless networks manually,  
your device remains connected to that wireless network until you select your wireless service provider's network again.  
• If you have set a specific speed for wireless network connections, verify that you are in a wireless coverage area that  
supports the connection speed.  
• If you have a Wi-Fi® enabled device and your wireless service provider supports UMA, verify that your connection  
preference is not set to Wi-Fi Only.  
Related topics  
Error messages  
Data service unavailable :  
This message appears when you do not have access to data services on your BlackBerry® device.  
Possible solutions  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that you are in a wireless coverage area.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Verify that the data service on your device is turned on.  
If you are roaming, verify that you can access data services while you roam.  
Related topics  
Wi-Fi technology  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, the Wi-Fi® feature might not be supported.  
About connecting to a Wi-Fi network  
With Wi-Fi® technology, your BlackBerry® device can access the Internet by connecting to a wireless router or wireless access  
point at your home, work, or in a hotspot area. Your device uses the Wi-Fi network instead of the mobile network to visit web  
pages, send and receive email messages, and so on. When you connect to the Internet with a Wi-Fi network, you might avoid  
data charges that are associated with using your mobile network, and, in many cases, the connection speed is faster.  
Hotspots are available in many public places, such as libraries, airports, hotels, coffee shops, and so on. Some hotspots are free  
to use, while others require payment. Your wireless service provider might provide an application for your device that allows  
you to log in to a hotspot. If you do not have an application on your device, you might have to set up your own account online  
and log in manually.  
If you have an access point or router that supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, you can connect to it using Wi-Fi Protected Setup.  
When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, your device saves the connection information so that the next time that you are within  
range of that network, your device connects to it automatically.  
Connect to a Wi-Fi network  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Set Up Wi-Fi.  
3. If you want to connect to a public hotspot or to a Wi-Fi® network that does not require authentication, select the Show  
Open networks only check box.  
4. Click the Wi-Fi network that you want to connect to.  
5. If the Wi-Fi network requires authentication, type a password for the network.  
The name of the Wi-Fi network appears at the top of the Home screen.  
Related topics  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Connect to a Wi-Fi network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup  
If your wireless router or wireless access point includes Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, you can quickly connect to a Wi-Fi® network  
without entering a long password.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Set Up Wi-Fi > Other Ways to Connect.  
• To use the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on your router or access point, click Press Button on Router. On your router or  
access point, press the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button. On your BlackBerry® device, click Start.  
• To use a PIN, click Enter PIN into router. On your device, click Start. Your device provides you with a PIN. On the  
administration screen for your router or access point, type the PIN.  
Connect to a Wi-Fi network manually  
If you know the name of the Wi-Fi® network that you want to connect to, you can manually connect to the network.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Set Up Wi-Fi > Other Ways to Connect > Manually Connect to Network.  
3. In the SSID field, type the name of the Wi-Fi network.  
4. Click Next.  
5. In the Security Type field, click the Wi-Fi network security type and specify any requested information.  
6. Click Save and Connect.  
Related topics  
Change, move, or delete a saved Wi-Fi network  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Set Up Wi-Fi Network > Saved Wi-Fi Networks.  
3. Highlight a saved Wi-Fi® network.  
Press the  
• To change options for the saved network, click Edit. Change the options. Click Save.  
• To move the saved network and change the order that your BlackBerry® device tries to connect to your saved  
networks, click Move. Click a new location.  
• To delete the saved network, click Delete.  
Related topics  
Prevent your device from connecting to a saved Wi-Fi network  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Set Up Wi-Fi > Saved Wi-Fi Networks.  
3. Highlight a saved Wi-Fi® network.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Disable.  
Turn on the prompt that appears for hotspots  
By default, your BlackBerry® prompts you if you are within range of a saved Wi-Fi® network that appears to be a hotspot. If you  
turn off these prompts, you can turn them on again.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Set Up Wi-Fi.  
Press the  
4. Select the Prompt me when a saved hotspot is found nearby check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Options for saved Wi-Fi networks  
Common options  
Type a display name for the Wi-Fi® network.  
Type the Wi-Fi network name.  
Security Type  
Band type  
SSID broadcasted  
Set the security type that the Wi-Fi network supports.  
Set the Wi-Fi network type. If you do not know the network type, do not change this field.  
Set whether the Wi-Fi network broadcasts its SSID.  
Automatically obtain  
IP address and DNS  
Set whether your BlackBerry® device receives a routable IP address, a subnet mask, DNS settings, and  
a gateway address from the Wi-Fi network.  
Allow inter-access  
point handover  
Set whether your device remains connected to the Wi-Fi network when you move between wireless  
access points.  
VPN profile  
IP Address  
If necessary, set a VPN profile to use with the saved Wi-Fi network.  
Type the IP address for your device.  
Subnet mask  
Primary DNS  
Secondary DNS  
Type the subnet mask for the wireless access point that your device should connect to.  
Type the primary DNS that your device should connect to.  
Type the secondary DNS that your device should connect to.  
Type the default gateway IP address that your device should connect to.  
Default gateway  
Domain suffix  
Type the domain that your device uses to resolve host names into IP addresses.  
WEP options  
These options appear if you choose the WEP security type.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Select WEP key  
WEP key  
Set the type of WEP key for the Wi-Fi network.  
Type the WEP key for the Wi-Fi network in hexadecimal format.  
WPA/WPA2 Personal options  
These options appear if you choose the WPA/WPA2 Personal security type.  
If necessary, type the WPA™ or WPA2™-Personal passphrase to connect to the Wi-Fi network.  
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise options  
These options appear if you choose the WPA/WPA2 Enterprise security type.  
Enterprise Sub-Type  
If necessary, set the enterprise security method for the Wi-Fi network.  
If necessary, type the user name that you use to connect to the Wi-Fi network.  
If necessary, type the password that you use to connect to the Wi-Fi network.  
CA certificate  
Set the root certificate that your device should use to verify that it is connecting to the correct Wi-Fi  
Client certificate  
Inner link security  
Set the authentication certificate that your device should use to connect to the Wi-Fi network.  
If necessary, set the security protocol that the Wi-Fi network supports for its inner authentication  
Set whether you use a hardware token to connect to the Wi-Fi network.  
Server subject  
If necessary, type the server subject name that your device should use to verify that it is connecting  
to the correct Wi-Fi network.  
Server SAN  
If necessary, type the server SAN that your device should use to verify that it is connecting to the  
correct Wi-Fi network.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Install a root certificate on your device  
You might not be able to connect to some Wi-Fi® networks until you install a root certificate on your BlackBerry® device. You  
can install the root certificate on your computer, and then use the certificate synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop  
Software to synchronize the root certificate between your device and your computer. For more information, see the Help for  
the BlackBerry Desktop Software, or contact your administrator.  
UMA connection settings  
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported. For more information, contact your wireless  
service provider.  
About using UMA with a Wi-Fi network  
If your wireless service provider supports UMA (also known as GAN) and you subscribe to this service, you might be able to  
make calls, visit web pages, and send and receive email messages, PIN messages, and text messages with a Wi-Fi® network.  
Your BlackBerry® device automatically switches between using your mobile network and Wi-Fi networks, depending on what is  
available in the area where you are using your device. For more information about UMA, contact your wireless service  
Change your UMA connection preferences  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Mobile Network Options.  
3. Change the Connection Preference field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Related topics  
Submit a Wi-Fi diagnostic report  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Networks and Connections > Wi-Fi Network.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Troubleshoot > Wi-Fi Diagnostics.  
key > Email Report or PIN Report.  
Set options for Wi-Fi diagnostic reports  
When you set options for Wi-Fi® diagnostic reports, if you set a default recipient, each time that you submit a Wi-Fi diagnostic  
report, your BlackBerry® device sends the report to that recipient. If you want to specify a recipient each time that you submit  
a report, do not set a default recipient.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
2. Click Networks and Connections > Wi-Fi Network.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Troubleshoot > Wi-Fi Diagnostics.  
key > Options.  
• To include advanced data in Wi-Fi diagnostic reports, change the Display Mode field to Advanced.  
• To set a default recipient for Wi-Fi diagnostic reports, type the contact information.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Connection permissions for third-party applications  
Set whether third-party applications can use physical connections, such as a USB cable or  
RS-232 cable, that you have set up for your BlackBerry® device.  
Set whether third-party applications can use Bluetooth® connections.  
Set whether third-party applications can make calls or access call logs.  
Set whether third-party applications can use your GPS location information.  
Location Data  
Server Network  
Set whether third-party applications can access the Internet or your organization's intranet  
using your organization's network.  
Set whether third-party applications can access the Internet through your wireless service  
provider (for example, using a direct Internet connection or WAP gateway).  
Wi-Fi (if supported)  
Set whether third-party applications can use Wi-Fi® connections.  
About using Wi-Fi with VPN and software tokens  
If you have a Wi-Fi® enabled BlackBerry® device and if your organization uses a VPN to control access to its network, you might  
be able to log in to the VPN and access your organization's network using a Wi-Fi network. If you have a Wi-Fi® enabled device,  
you might also need a software token to connect to your organization's network using a Wi-Fi network.  
Wi-Fi technology troubleshooting  
I cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, the Wi-Fi® feature might not be supported.  
Try the following actions:  
• Verify that you have turned on the connection to the Wi-Fi network.  
• Verify that you are in a Wi-Fi coverage area.  
• Verify that the time on your device is synchronized with the network time.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
• If the Wi-Fi network does not appear in the Set Up Wi-Fi application, it might be hidden. If you know the network name,  
try connecting to the Wi-Fi network manually.  
• In the Set Up Wi-Fi application, verify that the options for the Wi-Fi network are correct.  
• If you switched Wi-Fi networks manually, switch to another Wi-Fi network or set your BlackBerry device to scan for  
available Wi-Fi networks.  
• If your wireless service provider supports UMA, verify that your connection preference is not set to Mobile Network  
• If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, your device might prevent you from connecting to certain  
wireless access points. For more information, contact your administrator.  
• If you are using the Push Button Setup method, verify that the access point is enabled with Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, and  
that it has been set to send its profile. Verify that another device is not also attempting to connect at the same time,  
and that not more than one access point within range is in this mode.  
• If you use PEAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST, EAP-TTLS, or EAP-SIM to connect to a Wi-Fi network, verify that you have installed  
the root certificate for the certificate authority server that created the certificate for the authentication server.  
• If you use EAP-TLS to connect to a Wi-Fi network, verify that you have added your authentication certificate to your  
Related topics  
Bluetooth technology  
Bluetooth technology basics  
About Bluetooth  
Bluetooth® technology is designed to establish a wireless connection between your BlackBerry® device and a Bluetooth  
enabled device, such as a hands-free car kit or a wireless headset.  
Before you can connect your BlackBerry device to a Bluetooth enabled device, you must first turn on Bluetooth technology on  
both devices and then pair the devices. Pairing establishes a relationship between the devices and usually needs to be done  
only once.  
After you pair the devices, you can connect the devices when the Bluetooth enabled device is within range of your BlackBerry  
device (a typical range is approximately 10 meters). For best results, keep your BlackBerry device within direct line of sight of  
the Bluetooth enabled device. For example, if your BlackBerry device is on the right side of your body, wear a Bluetooth  
enabled headset in your right ear.  
When you turn on Bluetooth technology or when you connect your BlackBerry device to another Bluetooth enabled device,  
Bluetooth status indicators appear at the top of the Home screen.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Turn on Bluetooth technology  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Select the Bluetooth check box.  
To turn off Bluetooth® technology, clear the Bluetooth check box.  
Pair with a Bluetooth enabled device  
You must pair your BlackBerry® device with a Bluetooth® enabled device before you can connect to it. For more information  
about preparing the Bluetooth enabled device for pairing, see the documentation that came with the Bluetooth enabled  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections > Add New Device > Search.  
3. Click a Bluetooth enabled device.  
4. If necessary, do one of the following:  
• If the Bluetooth enabled device does not have a keyboard (for example, a wireless headset), on your BlackBerry device,  
type the pairing passkey that either appears on the Bluetooth enabled device or is provided in the documentation that  
came with the Bluetooth enabled device. The passkey is most often a numeric or alphanumeric code.  
• If the Bluetooth enabled device has a keyboard (for example, a laptop), type a pairing passkey of your choice on both  
Related topics  
Connect to a paired Bluetooth enabled device  
To perform this task, Bluetooth® technology must be turned on and your BlackBerry® device must be paired with the Bluetooth  
enabled device.  
Your BlackBerry device might attempt to connect to the Bluetooth enabled device automatically when Bluetooth technology is  
turned on and the devices are within range.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
3. Highlight a Bluetooth enabled device.  
Press the  
key > Connect.  
5. If necessary, verify that the same number appears in the dialog box for both paired devices.  
To disconnect from a paired Bluetooth enabled device, highlight the device. Press the  
key > Disconnect.  
Related topics  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Switch to a paired Bluetooth enabled device during a call  
To perform this task, you must turn on Bluetooth® technology.  
During a call, press the  
key > Activate <Bluetooth device>.  
Related topics  
Share contacts with a paired Bluetooth enabled car kit  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
3. Highlight a Bluetooth® enabled car kit.  
Press the  
key > Transfer Contacts.  
Related topics  
Receive a media file using Bluetooth technology  
To perform this task, you must turn on Bluetooth® technology.  
When a media file is sent to your BlackBerry® device using Bluetooth technology, a dialog box appears on the screen.  
1. In the dialog box that appears on your device, click Yes.  
2. In the drop-down list, click a location to save the file in.  
3. Click Save.  
Related topics  
Send a media file  
You can send your pictures and videos to applications that you have installed such as Facebook® for BlackBerry® devices, and  
YouTube® for BlackBerry devices. You can send only media files that you have added.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
2. Click a media type.  
3. If necessary, click a category.  
4. Highlight a media file.  
Press the  
• To send a picture or video, click Send. Click a message type or an application.  
• To send an audio file, click the send option for a message type.  
6. If necessary, turn on Bluetooth® technology and choose a device or pair with a device.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Rename a paired Bluetooth enabled device  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
3. Highlight a paired Bluetooth® enabled device.  
Press the  
5. In the Device Name field, change the name for the Bluetooth enabled device.  
key > Device Properties.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Delete a paired Bluetooth enabled device  
To perform this task, you must first disconnect your BlackBerry® device from the Bluetooth® enabled device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
3. Highlight a paired Bluetooth® enabled device.  
Press the  
key > Delete Device.  
Bluetooth technology options  
Bluetooth profiles  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model and wireless network, some profiles might not be supported.  
Audio Source (A2DP) This profile allows you to output audio from your BlackBerry device to Bluetooth® enabled devices that  
support stereo audio such as stereo headsets, speakers, and car kits.  
A/V Remote Control This profile allows you to use the buttons on a Bluetooth enabled headset to perform actions such as  
adjusting the volume or playing the next or previous media file on your BlackBerry device.  
Data Transfer  
This service allows you to connect your BlackBerry device to Bluetooth enabled devices that support  
the transfer of data such as media files.  
This service allows you to connect your BlackBerry device to a Bluetooth enabled computer that is  
running BlackBerry® Desktop Software so that you can synchronize your organizer data.  
Dial-Up Networking  
This profile allows you to use your BlackBerry device as a modem when it is connected to a Bluetooth  
enabled computer that is running BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Handsfree (HFP)  
This profile allows you to connect your BlackBerry device to Bluetooth enabled headsets and car kits  
that support the Handsfree profile.  
Headset (HSP)  
This profile allows you to connect your BlackBerry device to Bluetooth enabled headsets that support  
the Headset profile.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Message Access  
Profile (MAP)  
This profile allows you to use a Bluetooth enabled car kit with your BlackBerry device to notify you of  
new messages. This profile can also help you read, delete, browse, compose, and send messages.  
Serial Port Profile  
This profile allows you to connect your BlackBerry device to Bluetooth enabled devices that support  
desktop connectivity, wireless bypass, and data transfer.  
SIM Access  
If your BlackBerry device uses a SIM card, this profile allows you to use a Bluetooth enabled car kit to  
control the SIM card on your BlackBerry device so that you can make and receive calls using the car kit.  
When you use this feature, data services (browser service, email messaging, PIN messaging, and MMS  
messaging) are not available on your device, and phone services are accessible only through the car  
kit. Before you can use this feature, you might need to enter a 16-digit alphanumeric code, generated  
by the car kit, on your BlackBerry device.  
Wireless Bypass  
This service allows you to connect your BlackBerry device to a Bluetooth enabled computer that is  
running the BlackBerry Desktop Software so that you can send and receive email messages and  
synchronize your organizer data without using a connection to the wireless network. To use this service,  
your email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server.  
Prevent your device from making contacts available to other Bluetooth enabled devices  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. Change the Contacts Transfer field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To allow your device to make contacts available to other Bluetooth® enabled devices again, change the Contacts Transfer field  
to All.  
Restrict outgoing calls  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. Set the Allow outgoing calls field to Never or If Unlocked.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Make your BlackBerry device discoverable  
If you make your BlackBerry® device discoverable, other Bluetooth® enabled devices can detect your device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
3. Set the Discoverable field to 2 Minutes.  
After two minutes, the Discoverable field switches to No automatically.  
Change the pairing name for your BlackBerry device  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. In the Device Name field, type a name for your BlackBerry® device.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off Bluetooth connection notification  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. Clear the LED Connection Indicator check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on Bluetooth® connection notification again, select the LED Connection Indicator check box.  
Turn off the prompt that appears when connecting or pairing  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
3. Highlight a paired Bluetooth® enabled device.  
Press the  
5. Set the Trusted field to Yes.  
key > Device Properties.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on the prompt again, set the Trusted field to Prompt.  
Set the message types that your Bluetooth enabled car kit notifies you of  
To perform this task, your Bluetooth® enabled car kit must support the Message Access Profile (MAP).  
For more information about using Bluetooth technology with your car, see the documentation that came with your car.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
key > MAP Options.  
4. Select the check box beside one or more message types.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Turn off a Bluetooth profile  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. In the Services section, clear the check box beside one or more Bluetooth® profiles.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
Related topics  
key > Save.  
Encrypt data that you send or receive using Bluetooth technology  
To perform this task, the paired Bluetooth® enabled device must support data encryption.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. Select the Encryption check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off automatic reconnection to Bluetooth enabled devices  
By default, when you turn on your BlackBerry® device, your device attempts to connect to the last Bluetooth® enabled device  
that you used.  
1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.  
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.  
Press the  
4. Clear the Connect on Power Up check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Troubleshooting: Bluetooth technology  
I cannot type a passkey on a Bluetooth enabled device  
If you cannot type a passkey on a Bluetooth® enabled device, the passkey might already be defined.  
On your BlackBerry® device, in the Enter passkey for <device name> field, try typing 0000.  
My list of paired Bluetooth devices does not appear  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that Bluetooth® technology is turned on.  
Verify that you have added Bluetooth enabled devices to the paired Bluetooth enabled devices list.  
Manage Connections  
User Guide  
Related topics  
I cannot pair with a Bluetooth enabled device  
Try the following actions:  
• Verify that your BlackBerry® device is compatible with the Bluetooth® enabled device. For more information, see the  
documentation that came with the Bluetooth enabled device.  
• If you do not know the passkey for your Bluetooth enabled device, see the documentation that came with the  
Bluetooth enabled device.  
• If your BlackBerry device does not detect the Bluetooth enabled device that you want to pair with, try making your  
BlackBerry device discoverable for a short period of time. Many car kits need to discover your BlackBerry device rather  
than your BlackBerry device discovering the car kit. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the  
screen, or click the Manage Connections icon. Click Bluetooth Connections. Click Add New Device. Click Listen.  
Bluetooth enabled devices can detect your BlackBerry device for 2 minutes.  
• Turn off encryption for Bluetooth connections between your BlackBerry device and the Bluetooth enabled device. On  
the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon. Click  
Bluetooth Connections. Highlight a Bluetooth enabled device. Press the  
key > Device Properties. Clear the  
Encryption check box. Press the key > Save.  
I cannot share contacts with a paired Bluetooth enabled device  
Try the following:  
Verify that Bluetooth® technology is turned on.  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is paired with the Bluetooth enabled device.  
Verify that, in the Bluetooth options, the Contacts Transfer field is not set to Disabled.  
Verify that your BlackBerry device is connected to a Bluetooth enabled device that supports the Handsfree profile or the  
Object Push profile. For more information about supported profiles, see the documentation that came with the Bluetooth  
enabled device.  
Related topics  
Power and battery  
User Guide  
Power and battery  
Turn off your device  
Depending on your theme, the location or name of the Power Off icon might differ from the location or name in this task.  
If you have not set your BlackBerry® device to turn on and turn off automatically at specific times, press and hold the  
If you have set your device to turn on and turn off automatically at specific times, on the Home screen or in a folder, click  
the Power Off icon. If you want your device to stay turned off until you turn it on again, click Full Power Off. If you want  
your device to turn on again at the specified time or for alarm or calendar reminders, click Turn Off.  
Set your device to turn on and turn off automatically  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Auto On/Off.  
3. Select the Weekday check box.  
4. Specify the times when your BlackBerry® device should turn on and turn off on weekdays.  
5. Select the Weekend check box.  
6. Specify the times when your device should turn on and turn off on weekends.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Reset the device  
Remove and reinsert the battery.  
Check the battery power level  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Device and Status Information.  
Tips: Extending battery life  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Power and battery  
User Guide  
Set your BlackBerry® device to turn on and turn off  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Device > Auto On/Off.  
You can set your device to turn off while you aren't using it for  
an extended period, like when you sleep. Data you receive  
when the device is turned off automatically updates when the  
device turns on.  
Set backlighting to remain on for a shorter period of time, and On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
lower its brightness  
Display > Screen Display.  
Turn off network connections you aren't using  
On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of  
the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon. Click a  
network connection to clear the check box.  
Close apps when you are finished with them.  
In an app, press the  
key > Close.  
When you switch from one app to another, some apps, such  
as the Browser app or the Music app, run in the background,  
which uses battery power.  
Switch your vibrating notifications to sound notifications or  
LED notifications, lower the volume of your sound  
notifications, or select a shorter ring tone  
On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
Click Change Sounds and Alerts.  
Delete the original text from a reply message  
When you are replying to a message, press the  
key >  
Delete Original Text.  
If your device has a camera flash, turn off the flash  
On the Home screen, click the Camera icon. Click the flash icon  
at the bottom of the screen until the flash off indicator  
Keep your battery connections clean.  
Every few months, use a cotton swab or dry cloth to clean the  
metal contacts on the battery and the device.  
Keeping the battery clean extends the life of your battery.  
Related topics  
Memory and media cards  
User Guide  
Memory and media cards  
About media cards  
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, you can insert a microSD media card into your device to take videos and extend  
the memory that is available on your device for storing media files such as songs, ring tones, videos, or pictures. For more  
information about inserting a media card into your device, see the printed documentation that came with your device.  
Supported media cards  
Your BlackBerry® device supports media card sizes up to 32 GB. Only microSD media cards are supported.  
View the amount of available storage space on your device  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Storage.  
Related topics  
Turn off media card support  
When you turn off media card support, your BlackBerry® device cannot access the files that are on your media card.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device.  
3. Click Storage.  
4. Clear the Media Card Support check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Repair files stored on your media card or on your device  
CAUTION: If you run the repair feature on your BlackBerry® device, your device might delete files that have errors from your  
media card or on your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Storage.  
Memory and media cards  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Repair.  
4. Complete the instructions on the screen.  
If your media card is still not repaired after you run the repair feature, you might want to try formatting it.  
About compression  
Compression is designed to reduce the size of your BlackBerry® device data while maintaining the integrity of that data. When  
compression is turned on, your device compresses all device data, including messages, contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos. You should keep compression turned on.  
If both compression and encryption are turned on, your device compresses device data before encrypting it.  
About file encryption  
File encryption is designed to protect files that you store on your BlackBerry® device and on a media card that can be inserted  
in your device. You can encrypt the files on your device and on your media card using an encryption key that your device  
generates, your device password, or both.  
If you encrypt the files using an encryption key that your device generates, you can only access the files on your media card  
when the media card is inserted in your device. If you encrypt the files using your device password, you can access the files on  
your media card in any device that you insert your media card into, as long as you know the password for the device.  
Turn on encryption  
To encrypt data on your BlackBerry® device, you must have set a password for your device.  
Depending on the amount of storage space available for storing files on your device, you might not be able to encrypt files on  
your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Encryption.  
3. To encrypt data on your device, in the Device Memory section, select the Encrypt check box.  
4. To encrypt files that are stored on a media card and on your device, select the Media Card check box and do one of the  
• To encrypt files using an encryption key that your device generates, change the Mode field to Device Key.  
• To encrypt files using your device password, change the Mode field to Device Password.  
• To encrypt files using an encryption key and your device password, change the Mode field to Device Password &  
Device Key.  
5. To also encrypt media files such as pictures, songs, and videos, select the Include Media Files check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Memory and media cards  
User Guide  
To stop encrypting data on your device, clear the Device Memory check box. To stop encrypting files, clear the Media Card  
check box.  
Tips: Freeing and conserving storage space  
Try to maintain at least 400 KB of available application storage on your BlackBerry® device. If you find that your device  
processes are unusually slow, try freeing storage space by deleting files that you don't need. Changing options for email  
messages, calendar entries, and media files might help you conserve storage space.  
For full instructions, click the links under Related information at the bottom.  
Check how much free storage space you have  
Delete unneeded files  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click  
Device > Storage.  
On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Files icon. Find and  
highlight a file. Press the  
key > Delete.  
Delete browsing history and clear the cache  
On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. Press the  
key > Options. Go to the Clear Browsing Data section.  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon or Calendar icon.  
Reduce the amount of time that your device stores email  
messages and calendar entries  
Press the  
key > Options.  
Stop storing sent messages on your device  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. Press the  
key > Options > Email Preferences.  
Receive only the first section of long email messages, and  
choose whether to download more  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. Press the  
key > Options > Message Display and Actions.  
Store files on a media card instead of the device  
Your BlackBerry device supports media card sizes up to 32 GB.  
Only microSD media cards are supported.  
Reduce the size of pictures you take  
On the Home screen, click the Camera icon. Press the  
> Options.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
Memory and media cards  
User Guide  
Troubleshooting: Storage and media cards  
The application memory on my device is low  
When the application memory available on your BlackBerry® device is low, your device displays a dialog box that lists  
applications and languages that you do not use frequently. You can delete applications and languages in this list.  
Consider the following guidelines:  
Verify that you have deleted old email messages and MMS messages, especially messages with attachments.  
Verify that you have deleted contacts that are already in your organization's address book.  
Verify that you have deleted media files from the device memory.  
If you recently updated your BlackBerry® Device Software over the wireless network, verify that you have deleted the  
previous version of the BlackBerry Device Software.  
Verify that you have cleared the browser cache.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Search for an item  
You can search for organizer items, pictures, videos, help topics, and more on your BlackBerry® device. You can also choose to  
expand your search to the Internet.  
1. On the Home screen, in the upper-right corner, click the search icon.  
2. Type your search terms.  
To stop a search, press the  
key twice.  
Set the types of items that are included in searches  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Search.  
3. Specify the types of items that you want to include in searches.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Search for messages  
You can search for messages on your BlackBerry® device. You might also be able to search for messages in the email  
application on your computer or in another integrated email account if your email account uses the BlackBerry® Internet  
Service or a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature.  
On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
To search for messages based on the subject, highlight a message. Press the  
To search for messages based on the sender, highlight a message. Press the  
key > Search by > Subject.  
key > Search by > Sender.  
To perform an advanced search, press the  
key > Advanced. Specify the search criteria. To save the search criteria,  
click Save. Click Search.  
To search for messages using the criteria from your last advanced search, press the  
key > Advanced > Last.  
Note: If you search for messages, your device does not search attachments.  
To stop a search, press the key.  
User Guide  
Message search criteria  
Advanced Search Criteria  
Specify whether you search for messages that are on your  
BlackBerry® device or for messages that are in an email  
application on your computer.  
Specify one or more contacts or email addresses that your device  
should search for in messages. To widen the search, you can also  
specify part of a name.  
Appears in  
Change the type of address field that your device should search  
in for the name or email address.  
Specify one or more words that your device should search for in  
the subject of messages.  
Specify one or more words that your device should search for in  
the body of messages.  
Include Encrypted Messages  
Specify whether your device searches encrypted messages, plain  
text messages, and digitally signed messages.  
If your device is associated with more than one email address,  
change the email account that your device should search in for  
messages. Not all email accounts support this feature.  
Change the folder that your device should search for messages  
Change the status of messages that your device should search  
Change the type of messages that your device should search for.  
Do more with your message search results  
1. In the search results, highlight a message.  
Press the  
• To view more available search results, click Get More Results.  
• To add the message that you highlighted to your message inbox, click Add.  
• To add all the messages from the search results to your message inbox, click Add All.  
User Guide  
• To delete the search results, click Delete Search.  
• To start a new search, click Search by.  
CAUTION: If you delete a message from the message search results, the message is also deleted from your message inbox or  
the email application on your computer.  
Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
In a message, in a file, in an attachment, or on a web page, press the  
key > Find or Find on Page.  
2. Type the text.  
3. Press the Enter key.  
To search for the next instance of the text, press the  
key > Find Next.  
View, change, or delete a saved search  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Search.  
• To view a list of saved searches, click Recall.  
To change a saved search, click Recall. Highlight a search. Press the  
Press the key > Save.  
To delete a saved search, click Recall. Highlight a search. Press the  
key > Edit Search. Change the search criteria.  
key > Delete Search.  
Search for a contact in your organization's address book  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Contacts icon.  
Press the  
key > Lookup.  
3. Type part or all of a contact name.  
4. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Press the  
• To add a contact to your contact list, click Add to Contacts.  
• To add all the contacts, click Add All to Contacts.  
• To view information for a contact, click View.  
User Guide  
• To delete a contact from the contact lookup results, click Delete.  
• To delete the contact lookup results, click Delete Lookup.  
• To start a new contact lookup, click Lookup.  
Search shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for an item on your BlackBerry® device  
Search for a contact in a list of contacts  
Start typing on the Home screen.  
Type part or all of a contact name, or type initials separated  
by a space.  
Search for text in a file or an attachment  
Search for text in a presentation  
Press Q  
Press Q  
Note: You can change what happens when you type on the Home screen.  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
Search shortcuts  
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.  
Search for an item on your BlackBerry® device  
Search for a contact in a list of contacts  
Start typing on the Home screen.  
Type part or all of a contact name, or type initials separated  
by a space.  
Search for text in a file or an attachment  
Search for text in a presentation  
Press 7  
Press 7  
Note: You can change what happens when you type on the Home screen.  
To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.  
SIM card  
User Guide  
SIM card  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, your BlackBerry® device might not use a SIM card.  
About the SIM card phone book  
If your wireless service provider has set up your SIM card with a SIM card phone book, you can use the SIM card phone book to  
access contacts that you have added to your SIM card. The SIM card phone book is different from the contact list on your  
BlackBerry® device. If you switch SIM cards, the contacts in the SIM card phone book change.  
You can add ADN entries to your SIM card phone book. You can also search for ADN entries or SDN entries. ADN entries appear  
in plain text and SDN entries appear in bold.  
Add a contact to your SIM card  
In the contact list, press the  
key > SIM Phone Book.  
Press the key > New.  
3. Type the contact information.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Copy contacts from your SIM card to your contact list  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
In the contact list, press the  
key > SIM Phone Book.  
Press the key > Copy All To Contacts.  
Note: If you try to copy a SIM card contact with a phone number that matches the phone number of a contact that already  
appears in your contact list, your BlackBerry® device does not copy the SIM card contact.  
Copy a contact from your contact list to your SIM card  
1. In the contact list, click a contact.  
2. Highlight a phone number.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Copy to SIM Phone Book.  
key > Save.  
SIM card  
User Guide  
Change or delete a SIM card contact  
In the contact list, press the  
key > SIM Phone Book.  
2. Highlight a contact.  
To change a SIM card contact, press the  
To delete a SIM card contact, press the  
key > Edit. Change the contact information. Press the  
key > Save.  
key > Delete.  
Store text messages on your SIM card  
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.  
If your BlackBerry® device uses a SIM card and you set your SIM card to store text messages, your text messages still appear in  
the Messages application.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. Change the Leave Messages On SIM Card field to Yes.  
key > Options > Text Messaging.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To stop storing text messages on your SIM card, change the Leave Messages On SIM Card field to No. If you change this field to  
No, your text messages are deleted from your SIM card.  
Change the display name for a phone number  
If your SIM card supports more than one phone number, you can personalize the display name for your phone numbers.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > SIM Card.  
3. Highlight a phone number.  
Press the  
key > Edit SIM Phone Number.  
5. Type a display name for the phone number.  
6. Press the key on the keyboard.  
About SIM card security  
You can protect your SIM card with a PIN code to add another level of security to your BlackBerry® device. If you lock your SIM  
card with a PIN code, other people cannot use their SIM card in your device. Before you can use your SIM card in another  
device, you must type the PIN code.  
SIM card  
User Guide  
Protect your SIM card with a PIN code  
To get your SIM card PIN code, contact your wireless service provider.  
Note: If you type the SIM card PIN code incorrectly three times, your SIM card does not function.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > SIM Card.  
Press the  
key > Enable Security.  
4. Type your SIM card PIN code.  
5. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Change the SIM card PIN code  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > SIM Card.  
Press the  
key > Change PIN2 Code.  
User Guide  
Security basics  
About the device password  
If you set a BlackBerry® device password, you'll be prompted to enter your password to unlock your device.  
If you forget your password, it can't be recovered. If you exceed the number of allowed password attempts, your device  
deletes all your device data for security reasons and you'll be prompted to set a new password. If your device uses a  
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, depending on the IT policies that have been set by your administrator, data on your media card  
might be deleted as well. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Set a device password  
If you forget your BlackBerry® device password, it can't be recovered. You can reset your password without knowing your  
current password by deleting all your device data.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. Click Set Password.  
4. Type a password.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn off your BlackBerry® device password, clear the Enable check box.  
Change the device password  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password > Change Password.  
User Guide  
Lock your device  
If you are not on a call, you can lock the keyboard to avoid pressing keys accidentally when you are playing a song or when you  
are not using your BlackBerry® device. If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, depending on the options  
that your administrator sets, you might not be able to perform this task. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Do one of the following:  
• To lock your BlackBerry device, if you have set a device password, on the Home screen or in a folder, click the Password  
Lock icon.  
To lock the keyboard, press and hold the  
key on the top of your device.  
To unlock your device, type your device password. Press the Enter key. To unlock the keyboard, press and hold the  
key again.  
Lock your device when you insert it in the holster  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. Select the Lock Handheld Upon Holstering check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set a limit for device password attempts  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. Change the Number of Password Attempts field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Delete device data, third-party applications, or media card files  
Before you delete your BlackBerry® device data or media card files, consider backing up these items so that you have a copy on  
your computer.  
CAUTION: If you have turned on encryption, the process for deleting all device data can take up to an hour to complete. You  
cannot stop the process after you start it. If you reset your device, the process restarts after the device restarts.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Security Wipe.  
• To delete data from the messages application, contacts application, and other applications, select the Emails, Contacts,  
Etc check box.  
• To delete all third-party applications that you have added, select the User Installed Applications check box.  
• To delete all files from your media card, select the Media Card check box.  
3. Type blackberry.  
4. Click Wipe.  
User Guide  
If you are preparing your device for resale and you have an email account that uses the BlackBerry® Internet Service, to  
prevent messages from this account from being sent to your device, contact your wireless service provider to disassociate the  
account from your device.  
Password keeper  
About the password keeper  
Use the password keeper to store all your passwords in one place. The password keeper is designed to protect your passwords  
with a password keeper password. When you type this password, the password keeper decrypts your passwords.  
You can also use the password keeper to generate random passwords that contain numbers, letters, and symbols.  
Change a password in the password keeper  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
2. Highlight a password.  
Press the  
4. Change the password information.  
key > Open.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add a password to the password keeper  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
3. Type the password information.  
key > New.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Generate a random password  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key > New.  
key > Random Password.  
key > Save.  
Set criteria for randomly generated passwords  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Set the random password fields.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the password keeper password  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
key > Change Password.  
Delete a password from the password keeper  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
2. Highlight a password.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Copy a password  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
2. Highlight a password.  
Press the  
key > Copy Username or Copy Password.  
To clear the clipboard, press the  
key > Clear Clipboard.  
Note: Passwords are not encrypted when they are on the clipboard.  
Prevent password copying  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
3. Clear the Allow Clipboard Copy check box.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Set a limit for password attempts in the password keeper  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
3. Set the Password Attempts field.  
key > Options.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Hide passwords in the password keeper  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Password Keeper icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Clear the Show Password check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
To show passwords in the password keeper again, select the Show Password check box.  
About encrypting data on your device  
When encryption for data on your BlackBerry® device is turned on, your device uses a private key to encrypt data as it is stored  
on your device, including data that your device receives when it is locked. Your device decrypts data as you access it.  
You can set encryption to include or exclude your contacts. If you turn on encryption for contacts and you receive a call when  
your device is locked, the caller name does not appear on the screen.  
If you use a smart card certificate for authentication, depending on the smart card, you might also be able to use one of your  
smart card certificates to provide two-factor encryption. In order to access the encrypted content, you must provide your  
device password and also connect your device to your smart card reader.  
When you lock your device, an open lock indicator appears at the top of the screen to indicate that your device is in the  
process of securing your data, which includes deleting a copy of the private key from the temporary device memory. A lock  
indicator appears at the top of the screen when your device has deleted the key.  
About file encryption  
File encryption is designed to protect files that you store on your BlackBerry® device and on a media card that can be inserted  
in your device. You can encrypt the files on your device and on your media card using an encryption key that your device  
generates, your device password, or both.  
If you encrypt the files using an encryption key that your device generates, you can only access the files on your media card  
when the media card is inserted in your device. If you encrypt the files using your device password, you can access the files on  
your media card in any device that you insert your media card into, as long as you know the password for the device.  
Turn on encryption  
To encrypt data on your BlackBerry® device, you must have set a password for your device.  
Depending on the amount of storage space available for storing files on your device, you might not be able to encrypt files on  
your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Encryption.  
3. To encrypt data on your device, in the Device Memory section, select the Encrypt check box.  
4. To encrypt files that are stored on a media card and on your device, select the Media Card check box and do one of the  
• To encrypt files using an encryption key that your device generates, change the Mode field to Device Key.  
User Guide  
• To encrypt files using your device password, change the Mode field to Device Password.  
• To encrypt files using an encryption key and your device password, change the Mode field to Device Password &  
Device Key.  
5. To also encrypt media files such as pictures, songs, and videos, select the Include Media Files check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To stop encrypting data on your device, clear the Device Memory check box. To stop encrypting files, clear the Media Card  
check box.  
Set encryption strength  
If encryption of data that is stored on your BlackBerry® device is turned on, you can set the strength of the encryption that  
your device uses to protect data that you receive when your device is locked.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Encryption.  
3. Change the Strength field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Use a certificate to encrypt the encryption keys on your device  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
If you have encryption for data that is stored on your BlackBerry device turned on and your smart card reader supports this  
feature, you might be able to use a certificate from the smart card to encrypt the encryption keys on your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Encryption.  
3. Select the Two-factor Protection check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
About encryption keys  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with an email account that uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server or BlackBerry® Desktop  
Redirector, your device is designed to use an encryption key to protect data as it travels between the BlackBerry Enterprise  
Server or BlackBerry Desktop Redirector and your device.  
You should generate a new encryption key every 2 weeks.  
Generate an encryption key  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
User Guide  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry Enterprise Server that does not support this feature, you can generate an encryption  
key using the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, if it includes the email settings tool. For more information, see the Help in the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Security Status Information.  
3. Highlight a service.  
Press the  
5. Click Regenerate Encryption Key.  
Memory cleaning  
About memory cleaning  
Memory cleaning is designed to delete sensitive data from the temporary memory on your BlackBerry® device. Examples of  
sensitive data include sensitive data in the cache for the key store browser, unencrypted data from email messages, LDAP  
authentication passwords, and data from certificate and key searches.  
When memory cleaning is turned on, the memory cleaning application is designed to delete sensitive data automatically in the  
following situations:  
when you insert your device in a holster  
when you do not use your device for a specified period of time  
when you synchronize with your computer  
when you change the time or the time zone for your device  
when you lock your device  
Turn on memory cleaning  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Memory Cleaning.  
3. Select the Enable check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change when your device deletes sensitive data from the temporary  
device memory  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Memory Cleaning.  
• To prevent your BlackBerry® device from deleting sensitive data when you insert your device in a holster, clear the  
Clean When Holstered check box.  
User Guide  
• To prevent your device from deleting sensitive data when your device remains idle for a specified period of time, clear  
the Clean When Idle check box.  
• To change how long your device waits after you stop using it before it deletes sensitive data, change the Idle Timeout  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Delete sensitive application data from the temporary device memory  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Memory Cleaning.  
3. To delete sensitive data for all applications, click Clean.  
View the icon for the memory cleaning application on the Home screen  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Memory Cleaning.  
3. Select the Place Memory Cleaner Shortcut on Homescreen check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
About certificates  
A certificate is a digital document that binds the identity and public key of a certificate subject. If your email account uses a  
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you can download certificates over the wireless network from a  
certificate authority profile that is provided by your administrator. The certificate authority signs the certificate to verify that it  
can be trusted.  
Depending on your organization, enrollment for a certificate might be required and might also occur automatically.  
Certificate basics  
Download a certificate from an LDAP-enabled server or DSML-enabled server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
Press the  
4. Specify the search criteria.  
key > Fetch Certificates.  
Press the  
key > Search.  
6. Click a certificate.  
User Guide  
7. Click Add Certificate to Key Store.  
About certificate enrollment  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you can download certificates over the  
wireless network from a certificate authority profile provided by your administrator. Depending on your organization,  
enrollment for a certificate might be required and might also occur automatically.  
When you enroll with a certificate authority profile, the latest certificate is downloaded to your BlackBerry device and added to  
your certificate list. The certificate authority profile shows the status of the certificate. If the certificate is scheduled to expire  
soon you can re-enroll with the certificate authority profile to receive an updated certificate.  
Download a certificate from a certificate authority  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
If your administrator has provided you with a certificate authority profile, you can enroll with the profile to download a  
certificate to your BlackBerry device. If the certificate is scheduled to expire soon, you can re-enroll to receive an updated  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificate Enrollment > Enroll or Re-enroll.  
3. If necessary, type the credentials that you use to connect to your organization's network.  
To hide the screen for the certificate authority profile while the request is being processed, press the  
key > Hide. To  
return to this screen, on the Home screen, click the Certificate Authority Profile icon.  
Import a certificate or PGP key that is saved on your device  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a certificate or PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Import Certificate or Import PGP Key.  
To view the certificate or PGP key, press the  
key > Display Certificate or Display PGP Key.  
Import a certificate or PGP key from a media card  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates or PGP.  
Press the  
key > Show Media Card Certificates or Show Media Card PGP Keys.  
To view the certificate or PGP® key, press the  
key > Display Certificate or Display PGP Key.  
User Guide  
View properties for a certificate  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Click a certificate.  
Certificate properties  
Revocation Status  
This field displays the revocation status of the certificate at a  
specified date and time.  
Trust Status  
This field displays the trust status of the certificate chain. A  
certificate can be explicitly trusted (the certificate itself is  
trusted), implicitly trusted (the root certificate in the  
certificate chain is trusted on your BlackBerry® device), or not  
trusted (the certificate is not explicitly trusted and the root  
certificate in the certificate chain is not trusted or does not  
exist on your device).  
Expiration Date  
Certificate Type  
Public Key Type  
This field displays the expiration date of the certificate, as  
specified by the certificate issuer.  
This field displays the certificate format. Your device supports  
X.509 and WTLS certificate formats.  
This field displays the standard to which the public key  
complies. Yourdevicesupports RSA®, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, and  
ECC keys.  
This field displays information about the certificate subject.  
This field displays information about the certificate issuer.  
Serial Number  
This field displays the certificate serial number in hexadecimal  
Key Usage  
This field displays approved uses of the public key.  
Subject Alt Name  
This field displays an alternate email address for the certificate  
subject, if an alternate email address is available.  
SHA1 Thumbprint  
MD5 Thumbprint  
This field displays the SHA-1 digital thumbprint of the  
This field displays the MD5 digital thumbprint of the  
User Guide  
View one type of certificate in the certificate list  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
Press the  
4. Click one of the following menu items:  
Show My Certificates  
Show Others Certificates  
Show CA Certificates  
Show Root Certificates  
To view all the certificates on your BlackBerry® device, press the  
key > Show All Certificates.  
Send a certificate  
When you send a certificate, your BlackBerry® device sends the public key, but does not send the corresponding private key.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Send via Email or Send via PIN.  
Delete a certificate  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
View the certificate chain for a certificate  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Show Chain.  
Certificate status  
Status indicators for certificates and certificate authority profiles  
Status indicators for certificates  
User Guide  
The certificate has a corresponding private key that is stored on your BlackBerry® device or a smart  
The certificate chain is trusted and valid, and the revocation status of the certificate chain is good.  
The revocation status of the certificate chain is unknown, or a public key for a certificate in the  
certificate chain is weak.  
The certificate is untrusted or revoked, or a certificate in the certificate chain is untrusted, revoked,  
expired, not valid, or cannot be verified.  
Status indicators for certificate authority profiles  
A valid certificate is associated with the certificate authority profile.  
A new certificate is being retrieved because the current certificate is scheduled to expire soon.  
The enrollment request is pending approval from the certificate authority.  
Enrollment with the certificate authority profile is pending because an action from the user is  
required to continue, or because enrollment is scheduled to occur later.  
Enrollment with the certificate authority profile is required and will occur automatically.  
Check the revocation status of a certificate or certificate chain  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Fetch Status or Fetch Chain Status.  
Change the trust status of a certificate  
Depending on the types of certificates that your administrator allows, you might not be able to trust some types of certificates.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Trust or Distrust.  
5. If you are trusting a certificate, do one of the following:  
• To trust the highlighted certificate, click Selected Certificate.  
• To trust the highlighted certificate and all the other certificates in the chain, click Entire Chain.  
User Guide  
Revoke a certificate  
If you revoke a certificate, the certificate is revoked only in the key store on your BlackBerry® device. Your device does not  
update the revocation status on the certificate authority or CRL servers.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Revoke > Yes.  
5. Change the Reason field.  
6. Click OK.  
To cancel a certificate hold, highlight the certificate. Press the  
key > Cancel Hold.  
Certificate revocation reasons  
The revocation reason does not match any of the predefined reasons.  
A person who is not the key subject might have discovered the private key value.  
Someone might have revealed the private key of the certificate issuer.  
The certificate subject no longer works for the organization.  
A new certificate is replacing an existing certificate.  
Key Compromise  
CA Compromise  
Change in Affiliation  
Cessation of Operation  
Certificate Hold  
The certificate subject no longer requires the certificate.  
You want to revoke the certificate temporarily.  
Certificate options  
Change the display name for a certificate  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
key > Change Label.  
5. Type a display name for the certificate.  
6. Click OK.  
Add an email address to a certificate  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
User Guide  
3. Highlight a certificate.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Associate Addresses.  
key > Add Address.  
6. Do one of the following:  
• Click a contact.  
• Click Use Once. Type an email address. Press the key on the keyboard.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off the display name prompt that appears when you add a certificate to the key store  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Fetch Certificates.  
key > Options.  
5. Change the Prompt for Label field to No.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
When you add a certificate, your BlackBerry® device uses the certificate subject as the name for the certificate.  
Turn off the fetch status prompt that appears when you add a certificate to the key store  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Fetch Certificates.  
key > Options.  
• To download the revocation status of a certificate when you add it to the key store, change the Fetch Status field to  
• To add a certificate to the key store without downloading the revocation status, change the Fetch Status field to No.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change how often a certificate authority profile checks certificate status  
Depending on your organization, you might be able to change how often a certificate authority profile checks the status of its  
certificate. If the certificate is scheduled to expire soon you can re-enroll with the certificate authority profile to receive an  
updated certificate.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
3. Change the Certificate Status Check Interval field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Certificate shortcuts  
View the label and issuer of a certificate  
View the properties of a certificate  
View the security level of a personal certificate  
View the serial number of a certificate  
View certificates for certificate authorities  
View personal certificates and certificates for other people  
View personal certificates  
Press the Space key.  
Press the key  
Press the Alt key and L.  
Press the Alt key and 8.  
Press the Alt key and 7.  
Press the Alt key and 3.  
Press the Alt key and 9.  
View certificates for other people  
View root certificates  
Press the Alt key and the period (.) key.  
Press the Alt key and 1.  
View all certificates  
Press the Alt key and the question mark (?) key.  
PGP keys  
About PGP keys  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature, you can download PGP® keys over the  
wireless network from a certificate server provided by your administrator. Depending on your organization, enrollment for a  
certificate might be required and might also occur automatically.  
PGP keys allow you to send and receive PGP messages using your BlackBerry® device if you are already sending and receiving  
PGP messages on your computer.  
PGP key basics  
Download a PGP key from an LDAP-enabled server  
If you use the PGP® Universal Server, you might not be able to download PGP keys from an LDAP-enabled server.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > PGP Keys.  
Press the  
4. Specify the search criteria.  
key > Fetch PGP Keys.  
Press the  
key > Search.  
6. Click a PGP key.  
User Guide  
7. Click Add PGP Key to Key Store.  
Download a personal PGP key from the PGP Universal Server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
Press the  
key > Download Keys.  
Download an updated PGP key from an LDAP-enabled server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Fetch Updated PGP Key.  
Import a certificate or PGP key that is saved on your device  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Media icon or Files icon.  
2. Find and highlight a certificate or PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Import Certificate or Import PGP Key.  
To view the certificate or PGP key, press the  
key > Display Certificate or Display PGP Key.  
Import a certificate or PGP key from a media card  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates or PGP.  
Press the  
key > Show Media Card Certificates or Show Media Card PGP Keys.  
To view the certificate or PGP® key, press the  
key > Display Certificate or Display PGP Key.  
View properties for a PGP key  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Click a PGP® key.  
4. Click View Subkey.  
PGP key properties  
This field displays the revocation status of the PGP® key at a specified date and time.  
Revocation Status  
User Guide  
Trust Status  
This field displays the trust status of the PGP key. A PGP key can be explicitly trusted (the  
PGP key itself is trusted), implicitly trusted (the PGP key is associated with a private key on  
your BlackBerry® device), or not trusted (the PGP key is not explicitly trusted and is not  
associated with a trusted PGP key on your device, and a chain of digital signatures to a  
trusted key does not exist).  
Creation Date  
This field displays the date that the PGP® Universal Server generated the PGP key.  
Expiration Date  
This field displays the date that the PGP Universal Server specified as the expiration date  
of the PGP key.  
Email Address  
This field displays the email address that is associated with the PGP key. Multiple Email  
Address fields might appear.  
Public Key Type  
This field displays the standard to which the public key complies. Your device supports  
RSA®, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys.  
Key Usage  
This field displays approved uses of the PGP key.  
This field displays the PGP key fingerprint in hexadecimal format.  
Send a PGP key  
When you send a PGP® key, your BlackBerry® device sends the public key, but does not send the corresponding private key.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP key.  
Press the  
key > Send via Email or Send via PIN.  
Delete a PGP key  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Clear the PGP data cache  
The PGP® data cache contains cached PGP public keys and the PGP® Universal Server policy that your BlackBerry® device  
downloads from the PGP Universal Server.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Clear Universal Cache.  
The next time that you send a PGP protected message, your device downloads an updated PGP Universal Server policy and  
updated PGP public keys from the PGP Universal Server.  
PGP key status  
PGP key status indicators  
The PGP® key has a corresponding private key that is stored on your BlackBerry® device.  
The PGP key is trusted and valid, and the revocation status of the PGP key is good.  
The revocation status of the PGP key is unknown or the key is weak.  
The PGP key is untrusted, revoked, expired, not valid, or cannot be verified.  
Check the revocation status of a PGP key  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Fetch Status.  
Change the trust status of a PGP key  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Trust or Distrust.  
Revoke a PGP key  
If you revoke a PGP® key, the PGP key is revoked only in the key store on your BlackBerry® device. Your device does not update  
the revocation status on the PGP® Universal Server.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Revoke > Yes.  
5. Change the Reason field.  
6. Click OK.  
User Guide  
PGP key revocation reasons  
The revocation reason does not match any of the predefined reasons.  
A new PGP® key is replacing an existing PGP key.  
Key Compromise  
Key Retired  
User ID Invalid  
A person who is not the key subject might have discovered the private key value.  
The PGP key is no longer used.  
The user information for the PGP key is not valid.  
PGP key options  
Change the display name for a PGP key  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
Press the  
key > Change Label.  
5. Type a display name for the PGP key.  
6. Click OK.  
Turn off the display name prompt that appears when you add a PGP key to the key store  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Fetch PGP Keys.  
key > Options.  
5. Change the Prompt for Label field to No.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
When you add a PGP® key, your BlackBerry® device uses the name that the PGP® Universal Server set for the key when it  
generated the key.  
Turn off the fetch status prompt that appears when you add a PGP key to the key store  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > PGP.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Fetch PGP Keys.  
key > Options.  
• To download the revocation status of a PGP® key when you add it to the key store, change the Fetch Status field to Yes.  
User Guide  
• To add a PGP key to the key store without downloading the revocation status, change the Fetch Status field to No.  
Press the key > Save.  
PGP key shortcuts  
View the label of a PGP® key  
View the properties of a PGP key  
View the security level of a PGP private key  
View the serial number of a PGP key  
View personal PGP keys  
Press the Space key.  
Press the key.  
Press the Alt key and the comma (,) key.  
Press the Alt key and 8.  
Press the Alt key and 9.  
View PGP keys for other people  
View all PGP keys  
Press the Alt key and the period (.) key.  
Press the Alt key and the question mark (?) key.  
Troubleshooting: PGP keys  
I cannot download a PGP key from an LDAP-enabled server  
Try the following actions:  
• Verify that your organization permits you to download PGP® keys from an LDAP-enabled server. For more information,  
contact your administrator.  
• If you changed the connection type that your BlackBerry® device uses to connect to an LDAP-enabled server, try using  
the default connection type.  
Certificate servers  
Add a certificate server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificate Servers.  
Press the  
4. Specify information for the certificate server.  
key > New Server.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change connection information for a certificate server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
User Guide  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificate Servers.  
3. Highlight a certificate server.  
Press the  
5. Change the connection information for the certificate server.  
key > Edit.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Connection options for OCSP and CRL servers  
Friendly Name  
Server URL  
Type a display name for the certificate server.  
Type the web address of the certificate server.  
Connection options for LDAP-enabled servers and DSML-enabled servers  
Friendly Name  
Server Name  
Base Query  
Type a display name for the server.  
Type the network address of the server.  
Type the port number for your organization’s network. The default port number is 389.  
Specify whether you must log in to the server.  
Authentication Type  
Connection Type  
Specify whether your BlackBerry® device uses an SSL connection or a TLS connection to  
connect to the server.  
Send connection information for a certificate server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificate Servers.  
3. Highlight a certificate server.  
Press the  
key > Email Server or PIN Server.  
Delete a certificate server  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificate Servers.  
3. Highlight a certificate server.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Delete.  
Key store  
About the key store  
The key store on your BlackBerry® device might store the following items. To access these items in the key store, you must  
type a key store password.  
Personal certificates (certificate and private key pairs)  
Certificates that you download using the certificate synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software  
Certificates that you download from an LDAP-enabled server or DSML-enabled server  
Certificates that you download from a certificate authority profile  
Certificates that you import from your device or a media card  
Certificates that you add from a message  
Root certificates that are included in the BlackBerry Desktop Software  
Personal PGP® keys (public and private key pairs)  
PGP public keys that you download from an LDAP-enabled server  
PGP public keys that you import from your device or a media card  
PGP public keys that you add from a message  
Change the key store password  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
Press the  
key > Change Key Store Password.  
Synchronize the key store password with the device password  
If you synchronize the key store password with your BlackBerry® device password, when you change your device password, the  
key store password changes to match it automatically.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
3. Change the Use Device Password as Key Store Password field to Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change when your device deletes the key store password  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
User Guide  
3. Change the Key Store Password Timeout field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To access private keys after your BlackBerry® device deletes the key store password, you must type your key store password.  
Add contacts to your Contacts application automatically when you add  
items to the key store  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
3. Select the Add Certificate Email to Contacts check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the service that your device uses to download certificates  
Depending on your organization, you might not be able to change the service that your BlackBerry® device uses to download  
certificates. For more information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
3. Change the Certificate Service field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off automatic backup and restore of key store data  
By default, items in the key store on your BlackBerry® device are backed up or restored when you back up or restore your  
device data. For security reasons, If you do not want to back up your private key to your computer or restore your private key  
from your computer, you can turn off automatic backup and restore of key store data.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
3. Clear the Allow Key Store Backup/Restore check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on automatic backup and restore of key store data, select the Allow Key Store Backup/Restore check box.  
Change the refresh rate for certificate revocation lists  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
3. In the Certificate Status section, change the Expires After field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your BlackBerry® device downloads a new revocation status automatically when your device uses a key store item with a status  
that is older than the time limit that you set.  
User Guide  
Reject certificate revocation lists from unverified CRL servers  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Key Stores.  
3. Clear the Accept Unverified CRLs check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your BlackBerry® device rejects certificate revocation lists from CRL servers that the BlackBerry® MDS Connection Service  
cannot verify.  
Smart cards  
About using a smart card with your device  
Smart cards store certificates and private keys. You can use a smart card reader to import certificates from a smart card to the  
key store on your BlackBerry® device, but you cannot import private keys. As a result, private key operations such as signing  
and decryption use the smart card, and public key operations such as verification and encryption use the public certificates on  
your device.  
If you use a smart card certificate to authenticate with your device, after you connect your smart card reader to your device,  
your device requests authentication from the smart card each time that you unlock your device.  
You can install multiple smart card drivers on your device, including drivers for microSD smart cards, but you can only  
authenticate to one smart card at a time. If you are authenticating using a microSD smart card and you want to transfer media  
files between your microSD smart card and your computer in mass storage mode, you must temporarily turn off two-factor  
authentication or select a different authentication option.  
If the S/MIME Support Package for BlackBerry® devices is installed on your device, you can use smart card certificates to send  
S/MIME-protected messages.  
Turn on two-factor authentication  
To perform this task, you must have set a password for your BlackBerry® device and have the smart card password that you  
received with your smart card.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
• To use a smart card and your device password to unlock your device, set the Authentication Type field to Smart Card.  
• To use your connected smart card reader (even if the smart card is not inserted) and your device password to unlock  
your device, set the Authentication Type field to Proximity. Select the Prompt for Device Password check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Import a certificate from a smart card  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Certificates.  
Press the  
key > Import Smart Card Certs.  
4. Type your smart card password.  
5. Select the check box beside a certificate.  
6. Click OK.  
7. Type your key store password.  
8. Click OK.  
Lock your device when you remove your smart card from your smart card  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. If necessary, change the User Authenticator field to Smart card.  
4. Change the Lock On Card Removal field to Enabled.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
About smart password entry  
If you use advanced authentication and your BlackBerry® device password or smart card password is numeric, you might be  
able to use smart password entry in some password fields. When smart password entry is turned on, your device is designed to  
remember the format of a password that you type in a password field. When you type the password again, your device applies  
a smart password filter to the password field. If the password is numeric, a 123 indicator appears beside the password field and  
you do not have to press the Alt key to type numbers. If the password is alphanumeric, an ABC indicator appears beside the  
password field.  
To use smart password entry, advanced authentication must be turned on and the correct smart card driver and smart card  
reader must be installed on your device.  
Turn off smart password entry  
To perform this task, you must be using a smart card and a password to unlock your BlackBerry® device.  
You can turn off smart password entry to reduce the chance that someone might guess your device password or smart card  
password based on the smart password filter that your device applies to password fields.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. If necessary, change the User Authenticator field to Smart Card.  
4. Set the Smart Password Entry field to Disabled.  
User Guide  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on smart password entry again, set the Smart Password Entry field to Enabled.  
Switch smart password filters  
In a blank password field, press the Enter key.  
The indicator for the new smart password filter appears beside the password field.  
Prerequisites: Using authentication certificates  
Your BlackBerry® device must have the correct smart card driver and smart card reader driver installed.  
You must have imported a certificate from your smart card that you can use for signing and verification.  
You must turn on advanced authentication.  
You must have set a device password.  
You must have the smart card password that you received with your smart card.  
Use a certificate to authenticate your smart card  
To perform this task, you must be using a smart card and a password to unlock your BlackBerry® device.  
If you use a certificate to authenticate your smart card, the certificate authenticates your smart card whenever you use your  
smart card to unlock your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Password.  
3. If necessary, change the User Authenticator field to Smart card.  
4. Change the Authentication Certificate field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To stop using a certificate to authenticate your smart card, set the Authentication Certificate field to None.  
Check the status of your authentication certificate automatically  
To perform this task, you must be using a smart card and a password to unlock your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Password.  
3. If necessary, change the User Authenticator field to Smart Card.  
4. Change the Certificate Status Check field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If your device checks the status of your authentication certificate and finds that it is revoked or expired, your device locks.  
User Guide  
Store the passphrase for your smart card on your device  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Smart Card.  
3. Select the PIN Caching check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Your BlackBerry® device stores the passphrase for the same length of time as it stores your key store password.  
Turn off notification for smart card connections  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Smart Card.  
3. Clear the LED Session Indicator check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To turn on notification for smart card connections, select the LED Session Indicator check box.  
VPN settings  
Depending on the options that your administrator has set for you, this feature might not be supported.  
About VPN profiles  
A VPN profile contains the information that you require to log in to your organization's network over VPN. Depending on your  
organization, you might have more than one VPN profile on your BlackBerry® device. For more information about VPN profiles,  
contact your administrator.  
Log in to a VPN  
Your email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more information, contact  
your administrator.  
If you use a software token to log in to a VPN, the software token must be on your device and the software token  
information that appears in the VPN profile must be correct.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > VPN.  
3. To connect to your organization's network, click Log in.  
User Guide  
Change the user name and password for a VPN profile  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > VPN.  
3. Highlight a VPN profile.  
Press the  
key > Edit.  
5. In the Username field, type a new user name.  
6. In the Password field, type a new password.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
About software tokens  
You might need a software token to log in to a VPN. A software token includes a token code that your device regenerates  
periodically and a PIN. For more information about software tokens, contact your administrator.  
Change the software token for a VPN profile  
To perform this task, the software token that you want to use must be installed on your BlackBerry® device. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > VPN.  
3. Highlight a VPN profile.  
Press the  
5. Change the Software Token Serial Number field.  
key > Edit.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the PIN for a software token on your device  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Advanced Security Settings > Software Tokens.  
3. Click a software token > Specify PIN.  
Verify security software manually  
Security self-tests are designed to verify that security software is implemented correctly on your BlackBerry® device. The tests  
should run automatically after you restart your device, but you can also verify security software manually.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Security > Security Status Information.  
Press the  
key > Verify Security Software.  
User Guide  
Third-party application control  
About permissions for third-party applications  
You can set permissions that control how third-party applications on your BlackBerry® device interact with the other  
applications on your device. For example, you can control whether third-party applications can access data or the Internet,  
make calls, or use Bluetooth® connections.  
If you have added third-party applications to your device, your device is designed to prevent these applications from sending or  
receiving data without your knowledge. Before a third-party application sends or receives data, a dialog box prompts you to  
accept or deny the connection request. For a selected application, you can turn off this prompt for a specific location or  
Reset connection permissions for third-party applications  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Application Management.  
Press the  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Edit Default Permissions.  
key > Reset All Firewall Prompts.  
key > Apply Defaults to All.  
About direct Internet connections for third-party applications  
Some third-party applications that you add to your BlackBerry® device might require a direct TCP or HTTP connection to the  
Internet. For example, a stock price application might need to connect to the Internet to retrieve the latest stock prices. You  
might have to set the APN that the third-party application uses for this connection.  
Set up a direct Internet connection for a third-party application  
To get the user name and password for the APN, contact your wireless service provider.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > TCP IP.  
3. Type the APN information.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn on safe mode  
When you start your BlackBerry® device, you can turn on safe mode to prevent third-party applications from running  
automatically. This safe mode enables you to troubleshoot or remove any unwanted applications.  
User Guide  
1. Remove and reinsert the battery.  
2. When the red LED light goes out, press and hold the Escape key as the device is loading.  
3. When the dialog appears, click OK.  
When safe mode is on, a safe mode indicator appears in the device status section of the Home screen.  
To turn off safe mode, repeat step 1.  
Set permissions for a third-party application  
Note: Changing permissions for third-party applications can significantly affect the operation of applications on your  
BlackBerry® device. For more information about how changing these permissions might affect the operation of the applications  
on your device, contact your wireless service provider or administrator.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Application Management.  
To set permissions for a specific third-party application, highlight the application. Press the  
To set permissions for all third-party applications, press the key > Edit Default Permissions.  
key > Edit Permissions.  
3. Expand Connections, Interactions, or User Data.  
4. Change the permission fields.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Turn off a prompt for a third-party application connection  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Application Management.  
3. Highlight a third-party application.  
Press the  
key > Edit Permissions > Prompt Exceptions.  
• To allow the application to connect to a specific location or resource without displaying a prompt, click Add Allow.  
Specify a protocol and, if necessary, the domain.  
• To prevent the application from connecting to a specific location or resource without displaying a prompt, click Add  
Deny. Specify a protocol and, if necessary, the domain.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Interaction permissions for third-party applications  
Cross Application Communication  
Specify whether third-party applications can communicate and share data  
with other applications on your BlackBerry® device.  
Device Settings  
Specify whether third-party applications can turn on or turn off your device  
or change device options, such as display options.  
User Guide  
Specify whether third-party applications can access media files on your  
Application Management  
Specify whether third-party applications can add or delete application  
modules or access module information such as an application name or  
Specify whether your device can use third-party applications as a source for  
customized themes.  
Input Simulation  
Browser Filtering  
Specify whether third-party applications can simulate actions, such as  
pressing a key on your device.  
Specify whether third-party applications can register browser filters with  
the browser on your device to add, change, or delete website content  
before it appears in your browser.  
Specify whether third-party applications can take screen shots of your  
device screen or use other applications on your device to take pictures or  
Security Timer Reset  
Specify whether third-party applications can reset the duration that your  
device remains unlocked after you stop using it.  
Data permissions for third-party applications  
Set whether third-party applications can access email messages, text messages, or PIN  
messages on your BlackBerry® device.  
Organizer Data  
Set whether third-party applications can access organizer data such as contacts, calendar  
entries, tasks, or memos.  
Setwhetherthird-partyapplicationscanaccessfilesthatyoustoreonyourdevice. Forexample,  
you can set whether third-party applications can access files that you transfer to your device  
using Bluetooth® technology or the media manager tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software.  
Security Data  
Set whether third-party applications can access certificates or keys in the key store on your  
User Guide  
Troubleshooting: Security  
I cannot download a certificate  
If you changed the connection type that your BlackBerry® device uses to connect to the LDAP-enabled server or DSML-enabled  
server, try switching to the default connection type.  
I cannot unlock my device using my smart card  
Try performing the following actions:  
• Verify that the correct smart card is inserted in the smart card reader.  
• Verify that the smart card is inserted in the smart card reader correctly.  
• Verify that you typed the smart card password correctly. You should have received this password when you received  
your smart card.  
• If you use a certificate to authenticate your smart card, verify that the certificate is not revoked or expired.  
My device prompts me to make an emergency call when I type a password  
If your BlackBerry® device password contains a combination of letters that corresponds to an emergency access number, your  
device might prompt you to make an emergency call when you type your device password.  
To continue typing your device password, press the Escape key.  
Service books and diagnostic reports  
User Guide  
Service books and diagnostic reports  
Accept, delete, or restore a service book  
Your wireless service provider or administrator might send a service book to your BlackBerry® device over the wireless network  
to add an additional service or application to your device.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you can also receive service books on your device using the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > Advanced System Settings > Service Book.  
3. Highlight a service book.  
Press the  
• To accept a service book, click Accept.  
• To delete a service book, click Delete.  
• To restore a service book, click Undelete.  
Run a diagnostic report  
If you cannot connect to the wireless network or access services such as email messaging, your wireless service provider or  
administrator might ask you to run and submit a diagnostic report. Your wireless service provider or administrator can use the  
report to help you troubleshoot the issue.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Networks and Connections > Mobile Network.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Diagnostics Test.  
key > Run.  
View, submit, or delete a diagnostic report  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Networks and Connections > Mobile Network.  
Press the  
4. Highlight a report.  
key > Diagnostics Test.  
Press the  
• To view the diagnostic report, click View Report.  
• To submit the diagnostic report, click Email Report or PIN Report.  
• To delete the diagnostic report, click Delete.  
Service books and diagnostic reports  
User Guide  
• To delete all diagnostic reports, click Delete All.  
Set a default recipient for diagnostic reports  
If you set the default recipient, each time that you submit a diagnostic report, your BlackBerry® device sends the report to that  
recipient. If you want to specify a recipient each time that you submit a report, do not set the default recipient.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Networks and Connections > Mobile Network.  
Press the  
Press the  
key > Diagnostics Test.  
key > Options.  
5. Type the contact information.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
I cannot run or submit a diagnostic report  
Try the following actions:  
Try running the diagnostic report again. In the diagnostic report, press the  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
If you cannot submit a diagnostic report to an email address, try submitting the report to a PIN. Likewise, if you cannot  
submit a diagnostic report to a PIN, try submitting the report to an email address.  
key > Repeat All Steps.  
View the version number of the BlackBerry Device Software on  
your device  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Device > About Device Versions.  
To return to the Options screen, press the  
key three times.  
User Guide  
About synchronization  
The wireless data synchronization feature is designed to synchronize organizer data (contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and  
memos) between a subscriber's BlackBerry® smartphone and the email application on their computer over the wireless  
The wireless email reconciliation feature is designed to reconcile email between the subscriber's smartphone and the email  
application on their computer over the wireless network. When a subscriber files or deletes email messages on their  
smartphone, these email message should be filed or deleted in their email application. Likewise, any changes that they make to  
email message in the email application on their computer should be reflected on the smartphone.  
In rare cases, if a smartphone does not recognize fields in a contact, calendar entry, or email account, some data or email  
cannot be synchronized or reconciled.  
If wireless data synchronization or wireless email reconciliation is not available on the smartphone or if the subscriber turned  
off these features, the subscriber can use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize their  
organizer data and email. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Reconcile email over the wireless network  
You can set the Wireless Reconcile option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Select the Wireless Reconcile check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If your device is associated with a Microsoft® Outlook® email account, you must use the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software to reconcile email in personal folders. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
User Guide  
Delete email on your device and in your email application on  
your computer  
You can set the Delete On option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Change the Delete On field to Mailbox & Handheld.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
It takes a short period of time for email to be deleted over the wireless network.  
Related topics  
Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
In the Contacts application, Calendar application, Tasks application, or MemoPad, press the  
key > Options.  
2. If necessary, click a calendar or contact list.  
3. Select the Wireless Synchronization check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
If you use the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to  
synchronize calendar data. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Related topics  
About synchronization conflicts  
A synchronization conflict occurs when you change the same email or organizer data item on your BlackBerry® device and in  
the email application on your computer.  
If you reconcile your email using wireless email reconciliation, on your device, you can set whether the email on your device or  
the email on your computer takes precedence when an email reconciliation conflict occurs.  
User Guide  
If you synchronize your organizer data using wireless data synchronization, the organizer data on your computer takes  
precedence over the organizer data on your device when a data synchronization conflict occurs.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
Manage email reconciliation conflicts  
You can set the On Conflicts option for each email address that is associated with your BlackBerry® device.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
4. Change the On Conflicts field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Manage data synchronization conflicts  
You can change how conflicts that occur during organizer data synchronization are resolved by turning off wireless data  
synchronization, changing conflict resolution options, and synchronizing organizer data using the synchronization tool of the  
BlackBerry® Desktop Software. For more information about managing conflicts that occur during organizer data  
synchronization, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
About backing up and restoring device data  
If you have installed the BlackBerry® Desktop Software on your computer, you can back up and restore most of your BlackBerry  
device data, including messages, organizer data, fonts, saved searches, and browser bookmarks using the backup and restore  
tool of the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
If your email account uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might be able to restore synchronized organizer data to your  
device over the wireless network. To restore synchronized organizer data over the wireless network, you must have an  
activation password. For more information, contact your administrator.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
User Guide  
Empty the deleted items folder on your computer from your  
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more  
information, contact your administrator.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.  
Press the  
3. If the Message Services field appears, set this field to the appropriate email account.  
key > Options > Email Reconciliation.  
Press the  
key > Purge Deleted Items.  
Troubleshooting: Synchronization  
Email is not reconciling over the wireless network  
Try the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
Verify that wireless email reconciliation is turned on.  
Reconcile email manually. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. Press the  
key > Reconcile Now.  
Organizer data is not synchronizing over the wireless network  
Try the following actions:  
• Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
• Verify that wireless data synchronization is turned on in the Contacts application, Calendar application, Tasks  
application, and MemoPad.  
• If you use the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must use the synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software  
to synchronize calendar data. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
Contact list field data is not appearing on my computer  
You can only synchronize the data in a custom contact list field with a text field in the email application on your computer. For  
example, you cannot add a contact's birthday to a custom contact list field on your BlackBerry® device and synchronize it with  
the email application on your computer, because the birthday field is a date field in the email application on your computer.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Some characters in calendar entries do not appear correctly after  
If you schedule appointments or meetings on your BlackBerry® device that contain special characters or accents, your  
computer might not support these characters.  
On your computer, verify that you are using the correct default code page and that the correct font support is installed on your  
computer. For more information, see the documentation for the operating system on your computer.  
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you  
update any software. Maintaining an up-to-date backup file on your computer might allow you to recover device data if your  
device is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.  
Related topics  
I am not receiving email from personal folders on my computer  
If your BlackBerry® device is associated with a Microsoft® Outlook® email account, you must use the synchronization tool of  
the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to reconcile email in personal folders. For more information, see the Help in the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software.  
Accessibility options  
User Guide  
Accessibility options  
About accessibility options  
BlackBerry® devices include many features that facilitate use by persons with disabilities. For more information about  
accessibility options, visit  
Screen accessibility options  
Display closed captions in videos  
You can turn on closed captioning so that text displays on the screen when you play video files that support closed captioning.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Media icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
3. Select the Display Closed Captions check box.  
4. If necessary, change the Appearance field, Position field, and Font Scale field.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Change the display font  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Display > Screen Display.  
3. Change the font fields.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Use grayscale or reverse contrast for the screen display  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Accessibility.  
• To use grayscale for the screen display, change the Color Contrast field to Greyscale.  
• To use reverse contrast for the screen display, change the Color Contrast field to Reverse Contrast.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Accessibility options  
User Guide  
Audio and phone accessibility options  
Turn on event sounds  
Event sounds alert you when you turn on or turn off your BlackBerry® device, when the battery power level is full or low, and  
when you connect or disconnect a USB cable or accessory to or from your device.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Accessibility.  
3. Select the Event Sounds check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Add a contact alert  
You can create contact alerts that allow you to customize ring tones and alerts for calls and messages from specific contacts or  
groups of contacts. When you receive a call or message from the contact, your BlackBerry® device uses the assigned ring tone  
or alert, even if you select the Silent profile or Vibrate Only profile. If you do not want to be notified with the assigned ring tone  
or alert, you can select the All Alerts Off profile.  
1. On the Home screen, click the Sound and Alert Profiles icon.  
2. Click Change Sounds and Alerts > Sounds for Contacts > Add Contact Alert.  
3. In the Name field, type the name of the contact alert.  
4. In the Contacts field, type the name of the contact.  
5. Click a contact.  
6. Change the ring tone and alert information for calls and messages.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
To delete a contact alert, highlight the contact alert that you want to delete. Press the  
key > Delete.  
TTY support  
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.  
About TTY support  
When you turn on TTY support and you connect your BlackBerry® device to a TTY device that operates at 45.45 bits per second,  
you can make calls to and receive calls from TTY devices. Your BlackBerry device is designed to convert received calls to text  
that you can read on your TTY device.  
If your TTY device is designed for use with a 2.5-mm headset jack, you must use an adapter accessory to connect your TTY  
device to your BlackBerry device. To get an adapter accessory that Research In Motion has approved for use with your  
BlackBerry device, visit  
Accessibility options  
User Guide  
Turn on TTY support  
From the Home screen, press the  
Press the key > Options > TTY.  
3. Change the TTY Mode field to Yes.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
A TTY indicator appears in the connections area at the top of the Home screen.  
To turn off TTY support, change the TTY Mode field to No.  
Voice dialing  
Perform an action using a voice command  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Voice Dialing icon.  
2. After the beep, say a voice command.  
Related topics  
Available voice commands  
"Call <contact name or phone number>"  
Say this voice command to make a call. To perform this task with a Bluetooth® enabled device, such as a handsfree car kit  
or wireless headset, the paired Bluetooth enabled device must support this feature and you must turn on Bluetooth  
technology. You cannot make calls to emergency numbers using voice commands.  
"Call <contact name> <phone number type>"  
Say this voice command to call a specific phone number for a contact that is in your contact list. For example, if the contact  
has a work phone number and a mobile phone number, you can say "Call <contact name> work" to call the work phone  
"Call extension <extension number>"  
Say this voice command to dial an extension. To perform this task, you must set options for dialing extensions. You can dial  
extensions only within your company.  
"Check my phone number"  
If you have multiple phone numbers associated with your BlackBerry® device, say this voice command to check your active  
phone number.  
"Check signal strength"  
Say this voice command to check your wireless coverage level.  
"Check network"  
Accessibility options  
User Guide  
Say this voice command to check the wireless network that your device is connected to.  
"Check battery"  
Say this voice command to check the battery power level.  
Say this voice command to have the last voice prompt repeated to you.  
Say this voice command to close the voice dialing application.  
Related topics  
Typing accessibility options  
Change or delete an AutoText entry  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Word Substitution.  
3. Highlight an AutoText entry.  
Press the  
To change the AutoText entry, click Edit. Change the entry. Press the  
key > Save.  
• To delete the AutoText entry, click Delete.  
Type text using the predictive input method  
When you are typing text, perform any of the following actions:  
• To select the highlighted suggestion and start typing a new word, press the Enter key.  
• To select the highlighted suggestion and continue typing the same word, click the word.  
• To ignore the suggestions, keep typing.  
Change your typing style  
You can change how your BlackBerry® device recognizes what you type by selecting a typing style.  
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.  
2. Click Typing and Input > Typing.  
3. For a keyboard, do one of the following:  
• To set your device to suggest word predictions as you type, change the Style field to Predictive.  
• To set your device to type the first letter on a key when you press a key once and type the second letter on the key  
when you press the key twice, change the Style field to Multitap.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
User Guide  
Use the calculator  
On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Calculator icon.  
• To press a key in the calculator, click the key or press the corresponding key on the BlackBerry® device keyboard.  
Convert a measurement  
1. On the Home screen or in the Applications folder, click the Calculator icon.  
2. Type a number.  
Press the  
• To convert the number from imperial to metric, click To Metric.  
• To convert the number from metric to imperial, click From Metric.  
4. Click a conversion type.  
User Guide  
About BrickBreaker  
The object of BrickBreaker is to destroy bricks using a paddle and a ball. During the game, capsules fall from the bricks that you  
destroy. The capsules provide you with different mechanisms for destroying bricks or controlling the ball or paddle.  
If the ball hits the paddle, a brick, or the top of the game board 50 times on any level, the bricks descend one space each time  
that you hit the ball with the paddle.  
BrickBreaker capsules  
This capsule makes the paddle longer.  
This capsule slows down the ball.  
This capsule enables you to shoot three bullets at the bricks; a bullet can destroy unbreakable bricks.  
This capsule enables you to shoot unlimited laser beams at the bricks.  
This capsule puts four balls in play.  
This capsule enables you to catch and hold the ball.  
This capsule changes the direction of the paddle.  
This capsule enables you to move the paddle beyond the edge of the screen.  
This capsule destroys the next brick that you hit and damages nearby bricks.  
This capsule gives you an additional life.  
User Guide  
BrickBreaker scoring  
Catching a capsule:  
50 points  
Shooting a brick with the gun:  
50 points  
Hitting a brick with the ball:  
10 points  
Shooting a brick with the laser:  
10 points  
Damaging a brick with a bomb:  
5 points  
Play BrickBreaker  
To move the paddle, slide your finger left or right on the trackpad.  
To release the ball in catch mode, press the Space key.  
To shoot the laser or gun, press the Space key.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
User Guide  
Set the paddle speed  
1. On the Home screen or in the Games folder, click the BrickBreaker icon.  
Press the  
key > Options.  
• To set the paddle speed, set the Paddle movement speed field.  
• To accelerate the paddle as you slide your finger on the trackpad, select the acceleration check box.  
Press the  
key > Save.  
Word Mole game  
User Guide  
Word Mole game  
Word Mole game basics  
About the Word Mole game  
The object of the Word Mole® game is to form words using the letters in the garden. If you form a word using letters that are  
directly above, below, or beside each other in the garden, you receive new letters which you can use to form new words.  
Otherwise, holes appear in the garden, making it harder to form new words. You can replace a hole with a new letter by  
forming a word that uses a letter that is beside the hole.  
In a single-player game, you complete a level by submitting enough words to reach the required point goal before the time  
expires. In a practice game, you have unlimited time to play a game. In a multiplayer game, you compete against other players  
to win awards for achievements such as submitting the longest word, or receiving the least number of holes.  
Form a word  
1. Click each letter in the word.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• To submit a word, press the key on the keyboard.  
• To deselect a letter, click the letter again.  
To deselect all the letters, press the  
Word Mole game scoring  
Word length:  
Form longer words to gain more points and vegetable bonus letters.  
Letter usage:  
Use less common letters to gain more points.  
Complete the level as quickly as possible to gain more points.  
Water bonus letters:  
Use water bonus letters in a word to fill the watering can.  
Watering can:  
Fill the watering can to grow vegetable bonus letters.  
Vegetable bonus letters:  
Word Mole game  
User Guide  
Use vegetable bonus letters in a word to gain bonus points. To gain even more bonus points, use multiple vegetable bonus  
letters in a single word.  
Star bonus letters:  
Use star bonus letters in a word to gain bonus points.  
Time bonus letters:  
Use time bonus letters in a word to gain bonus time.  
Adjust the volume  
To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key on the right side of your BlackBerry® device.  
To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key on the right side of your device.  
To mute the volume, press the  
key on the top of your device. To turn off mute, press the  
key again. If  
you press the  
key during a call, your device mutes the call so that you can hear others on the call, but they  
cannot hear you.  
Related topics  
Single-player games  
Turn on tutorial mode  
During a game, press  
> Game Options > General.  
2. Select the check box beside Show Tutorial Tips.  
3. Click OK.  
Save a game  
You can save up to four games at one time.  
During a game, press  
> Save Game.  
2. If necessary, click a game to overwrite.  
3. Type a name for the game.  
4. Click OK.  
Resume a game  
1. On the Home screen, in the Games folder, click the Word Mole icon.  
2. Click Play > Resume Game.  
Word Mole game  
User Guide  
3. Click a game.  
Multiplayer games  
Invite a player  
1. On the Home screen, in the Games folder, click the Word Mole icon.  
2. Click New Game > Multiplayer > Invite.  
3. Click a contact.  
4. Click OK.  
When a player accepts an invitation, a green indicator appears beside their screen name. To start the game, click Start Game.  
Accept an invitation  
In the Word Mole® game invitation, click Accept.  
To start the game, click Ready. Wait for the game to start.  
Set multiplayer game options  
To perform this task, you must be the game organizer.  
1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click Options.  
2. Do one of the following:  
• To set the length for a game, set the Point Goal field.  
• To set the season for a game, set the Season field.  
• To set bonuses for a game, set the Bonuses field.  
3. Click OK.  
Related topics  
Change your screen name  
1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click your screen name.  
2. Click Change Screen Name.  
3. Type a new screen name.  
4. Press the key.  
Word Mole game  
User Guide  
Chat with other players  
1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, in the Chat field, type a message.  
2. Press the key.  
Check the stats for a player  
1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click a player.  
2. Click Show Stats.  
Remove a player  
To perform this task, you must be the game organizer.  
1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click a player.  
2. Click Remove Player.  
Troubleshooting: Word Mole  
I cannot connect to a multiplayer game  
Try performing the following actions:  
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.  
If you are the game organizer, try resending the invitation.  
If you are a game participant, try accepting the invitation again.  
If you are a game participant, verify that the game organizer did not exit the multiplayer game.  
Related topics  
Some words that I submit are not recognized  
Some less common words might not be in the dictionary on your BlackBerry® device. Try submitting more commonly used  
User Guide  
An abbreviated dialing number (ADN) is a short telephone number, such as 911 or 112, that is used to reach public  
access point name  
blind carbon copy  
BlackBerry enabled device  
A BlackBerry enabled device is a device with BlackBerry® Connect™ software, a device with BlackBerry® Built-In™ software,  
or a device that is running the BlackBerry® Application Suite. BlackBerry enabled devices provide users with access to  
BlackBerry device applications and BlackBerry services.  
BlackBerry MDS  
BlackBerry® Mobile Data System  
carbon copy  
Code Division Multiple Access  
A certificate is a digital document that binds the identity and public key of a certificate subject. Each certificate has an  
corresponding private key that is stored separately. A certificate authority signs the certificate to indicate that it is  
authentic and can be trusted.  
Compressed Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions  
certificate revocation list  
CRL server  
A BlackBerry® device uses a CRL server to check the most recently published revocation status of a certificate. Certificate  
authorities publish certificate revocation lists on CRL servers.  
Domain Name System  
User Guide  
Digital Signature Algorithm  
Directory Service Markup Language  
DSML-enabled server  
A BlackBerry® device uses a DSML-enabled server to search for and download certificates.  
Extensible Authentication Protocol Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling  
Extensible Authentication Protocol Subscriber Identity Module  
Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security  
Extensible Authentication Protocol Tunneled Transport Layer Security  
Elliptic Curve Cryptography  
Fixed Dialing Number  
Federal Information Processing Standards  
generic access network  
Global Positioning System  
Global System for Mobile Communications®  
Hypertext Transfer Protocol  
International Mobile Subscriber Identity  
Internet Protocol  
User Guide  
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol  
LDAP-enabled server  
A BlackBerry® device uses an LDAP-enabled server to search for and download certificates and PGP® keys.  
light-emitting diode  
mass storage mode  
Mass storage mode enables users to transfer files between a media card and their computer when they connect their  
BlackBerry device to their computer.  
mobile country code  
Multimedia Messaging Service  
mobile network code  
Media Transfer Protocol  
Online Certificate Status Protocol  
OCSP server  
A BlackBerry® device uses an OCSP server to check the revocation status of a certificate on demand.  
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol  
personal certificate  
A personal certificate is a certificate that a certificate authority assigns to a user.  
personal PGP key  
A personal PGP® key is made up of a PGP public key and PGP private key for a user.  
personal identification number  
private key  
User Guide  
A private key is a key that only the certificate subject can use. Private key information is not distributed publically.  
BlackBerry® devices use private keys to sign email messages or PIN messages that users send and to decrypt email  
messages that users receive.  
public key  
A public key is a key that people other than the certificate subject can use. BlackBerry® devices use public keys to encrypt  
email messages or PIN messages that users send to certificate subjects and to verify the signature on email messages or  
PIN messages that users receive from certificate subjects.  
root certificate  
A root certificate is a self-signed certificate and usually belongs to a certificate authority.  
Real Time Streaming Protocol  
Removable User Identity Module  
subject alternative name  
A service dialing number (SDN) is a number that is preloaded on your SIM card by your wireless service provider that you  
can use to access information about your device service, such as the current call forwarding status.  
Secure Hash Algorithm  
Subscriber Identity Module  
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions  
Short Message Service  
Short Message Service Center  
service set identifier  
Secure Sockets Layer  
User Guide  
Transmission Control Protocol  
Transport Layer Security  
Triple DES  
Triple Data Encryption Standard  
virtual private network  
wide area network  
Wireless Application Protocol  
Wired Equivalent Privacy  
Wireless Markup Language  
Wi-Fi Protected Access  
Wireless Transport Layer Security  
Legal notice  
User Guide  
Legal notice  
©2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, and related trademarks,  
names, and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries  
around the world.  
iTunes is a trademark of Apple Inc. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG. DataViz, Documents To Go, Sheet to Go,  
Slideshow to Go, and Word to Go are trademarks of DataViz, Inc. UMTS is a trademark of European Telecommunications  
Standard Institute. Gears and Google Mail are trademarks of Google Inc. GSM and Global System for Mobile Communications  
are trademarks of the GSM MOU Association. IBM, Domino, Lotus, Lotus iNotes, and Lotus Notes are trademarks of  
International Business Machines Corporation. JavaScript is a trademark of Oracle America, Inc. Microsoft, Hotmail, Outlook,  
Windows Live, and Windows Media are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Novell and GroupWise are trademarks of Novell,  
Inc. PGP, PGP Desktop Professional, and PGP Universal Server are trademarks of PGP Corporation. RSA is a trademark of RSA  
Security. vCard is a trademark of the Internet Mail Consortium. Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Protected Access, Wi-Fi Protected Setup, and WPA  
are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  
Content owners use Windows Media digital rights management technology (WMDRM) to protect their intellectual property,  
including copyrights. This device uses WMDRM software to access WMDRM-protected content. If the WMDRM software fails  
to protect the content, content owners may ask Microsoft to revoke the software's ability to use WMDRM to play or copy  
protected content. Revocation does not affect unprotected content. When you download licenses for protected content, you  
agree that Microsoft may include a revocation list with the licenses. Content owners may require you to upgrade WMDRM to  
access their content. if you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires the upgrade.  
Portions of the BlackBerry® Device Software are copyright © 2007-2008 The FreeType Project ( All rights  
This documentation including all documentation incorporated by reference herein such as documentation provided or made  
available at is provided or made accessible "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and without condition,  
endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty of any kind by Research In Motion Limited and its affiliated companies  
("RIM") and RIM assumes no responsibility for any typographical, technical, or other inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in this  
documentation. In order to protect RIM proprietary and confidential information and/or trade secrets, this documentation  
may describe some aspects of RIM technology in generalized terms. RIM reserves the right to periodically change information  
that is contained in this documentation; however, RIM makes no commitment to provide any such changes, updates,  
enhancements, or other additions to this documentation to you in a timely manner or at all.  
This documentation might contain references to third-party sources of information, hardware or software, products or services  
including components and content such as content protected by copyright and/or third-party web sites (collectively the "Third  
Party Products and Services"). RIM does not control, and is not responsible for, any Third Party Products and Services including,  
without limitation the content, accuracy, copyright compliance, compatibility, performance, trustworthiness, legality, decency,  
links, or any other aspect of Third Party Products and Services. The inclusion of a reference to Third Party Products and Services  
in this documentation does not imply endorsement by RIM of the Third Party Products and Services or the third party in any  
Legal notice  
User Guide  
Prior to subscribing for, installing, or using any Third Party Products and Services, it is your responsibility to ensure that your  
airtime service provider has agreed to support all of their features. Some airtime service providers might not offer Internet  
browsing functionality with a subscription to the BlackBerry® Internet Service. Check with your service provider for availability,  
roaming arrangements, service plans and features. Installation or use of Third Party Products and Services with RIM's products  
and services may require one or more patent, trademark, copyright, or other licenses in order to avoid infringement or  
violation of third party rights. You are solely responsible for determining whether to use Third Party Products and Services and  
if any third party licenses are required to do so. If required you are responsible for acquiring them. You should not install or use  
Third Party Products and Services until all necessary licenses have been acquired. Any Third Party Products and Services that  
are provided with RIM's products and services are provided as a convenience to you and are provided "AS IS" with no express  
or implied conditions, endorsements, guarantees, representations, or warranties of any kind by RIM and RIM assumes no  
Legal notice  
User Guide  
liability whatsoever, in relation thereto. Your use of Third Party Products and Services shall be governed by and subject to you  
agreeing to the terms of separate licenses and other agreements applicable thereto with third parties, except to the extent  
expressly covered by a license or other agreement with RIM.  
Certain features outlined in this documentation require a minimum version of BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, BlackBerry®  
Desktop Software, and/or BlackBerry® Device Software.  
The terms of use of any RIM product or service are set out in a separate license or other agreement with RIM applicable  
Licensed by QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the following United States Patents and/or their counterparts in  
other nations:  
Copyright (c) 1999-2006, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois  
All Rights Reserved.  
Iperf performance test  
Mark Gates  
Ajay Tirumala  
Jim Ferguson  
Jon Dugan  
Feng Qin  
Kevin Gibbs  
John Estabrook  
National Laboratory for Applied Network Research  
National Center for Supercomputing Applications  
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software (Iperf) and associated  
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,  
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the  
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:  
Legal notice  
User Guide  
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.  
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following  
disclaimers in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.  
Neither the names of the University of Illinois, NCSA, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote  
products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission.  
PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the  
Perl 5 language.  
This is JavaScriptCore's variant of the PCRE library. While this library started out as a copy of PCRE, many of the features of  
PCRE have been removed.  
Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Cambridge. All rights reserved.  
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following  
conditions are met:  
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.  
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following  
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.  
Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the name of Apple Inc. nor the names of their contributors may be  
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.  
BlackBerry® Pearl™ 9100 smartphone model number: RCV71UW or RCX71UW  
This is a Wi-Fi® enabled device subject to restrictions of use in some member states of the European  
BlackBerry® Pearl™ 9105 smartphone model number: RCV72UW or RCX72UW  
Legal notice  
User Guide  
This is a Wi-Fi® enabled device subject to restrictions of use in some member states of the European  
Research In Motion Limited  
295 Phillip Street  
Waterloo, ON N2L 3W8  
Research In Motion UK Limited  
Centrum House  
36 Station Road  
Egham, Surrey TW20 9LF  
United Kingdom  
Published in Canada  

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