Apple TV User Manual

Apple TV  
User’s Guide  
5 Chapter 1: Welcome  
6 Apple TV Components  
7 What You Need to Set Up Apple TV  
8 Apple TV at a Glance  
11 Chapter 2: Getting Started  
12 Setting Up Apple TV  
17 Configuring Apple TV  
19 Chapter 3: Managing Your Content  
19 Importing Content into iTunes  
20 Adding Movies, TV Shows, and Music  
23 Adding Podcasts  
24 Importing and Syncing Photos  
27 Chapter 4: Using Apple TV  
27 Using Your Apple Remote  
30 Watching Video  
33 Listening to Music, Audiobooks, and Podcasts  
35 Viewing Photos  
36 Changing Apple TV Settings  
37 Using the Sources Menu  
39 Chapter 5: Tips and Troubleshooting  
43 Apple TV Status Light  
45 Chapter 6: Learning More, Service, and Support  
46 Finding Your Apple TV Serial Number  
46 Important Care and Cleaning Information  
Congratulations on purchasing Apple TV. Read this section  
to learn about the features of Apple TV and what you need  
to set it up.  
Buy movies, TV shows, music, and more from the iTunes Store, organize it all in your  
iTunes library, and enjoy it on Apple TV.  
Apple TV Components  
AC power cord  
Apple Remote  
Note: Your power cord may look different from the one pictured here.  
Chapter 1 Welcome  
What You Need to Set Up Apple TV  
 A Macintosh computer with:  
 Mac OS X system software version 10.3.9, or 10.4.8 or later  
 1 GHz Power PC G4 or G5, or an Intel processor  
 QuickTime 7.1.5 or later  
 256 MB RAM  
 16 MB video RAM, or  
 A Windows-based computer with:  
 Windows XP (Home or Professional, with SP2)  
 2.0 GHz Pentium processor or better  
 QuickTime 7.1.5 or later (included with iTunes 7.1)  
 512 MB RAM  
 32 MB video RAM  
 A widescreen, enhanced definition (ED), or high definition (HD) TV with an HDMI, DVI,  
or component video port and analog audio or optical digital audio ports  
 An HDMI, HDMI-to-DVI, or component video cable and analog or optical digital audio  
cables (see “Connecting the cableson page 12)  
 An Ethernet or wireless network and a broadband Internet connection  
 An iTunes account and iTunes content, such as movies, TV shows, and music,  
is recommended  
Chapter 1 Welcome  
Apple TV at a Glance  
IR receiver  
Status light  
Optical digital  
audio port  
£ HDMI  
video ports  
audio ports  
Chapter 1 Welcome  
Status light  
The status light blinks amber when Apple TV starts up. When Apple TV is on, the status  
light is solid white. For more information about the status light, see “Apple TV Status  
Lighton page 43.  
IR receiver  
Use with the included Apple Remote to control Apple TV.  
Power port  
Plug the included AC power cord into Apple TV.  
USB port  
For service and diagnostics.  
Built-in WiFi/AirPort wireless  
Connect Apple TV to your wireless network.  
Ethernet port  
If you connect to your network using Ethernet, connect an Ethernet cable.  
HDMI port  
Connect Apple TV to a widescreen TV that has an HDMI port using an HDMI cable, or a  
DVI port using an HDMI-to-DVI cable.  
Component video ports  
Connect Apple TV to a widescreen TV that has component video (Y, Pb, and Pr) ports,  
using a component video cable with green, blue, and red connectors.  
Analog audio ports  
Connect Apple TV to a widescreen TV or home theater receiver with analog audio ports  
(red and white), using an analog audio cable.  
Optical digital audio port  
Connect Apple TV to a home theater receiver that has an optical digital audio port, using  
an optical digital audio (also called S/PDIF or TOSLINK) cable.  
Chapter 1 Welcome  
Getting Started  
Use the information in this chapter to set up and  
configure Apple TV.  
To get started you need to:  
 Connect audio and video cables to Apple TV and your widescreen TV or  
home theater receiver  
 Connect Apple TV to your wireless or Ethernet network  
 Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer  
 Sync the content of your iTunes library with Apple TV  
You can connect Apple TV to a widescreen TV that has:  
 An HDMI port using an HDMI cable for both video and audio  
 Component video (Y, Pb, and Pr) ports using a component video cable with green,  
blue, and red connectors, and an audio cable  
 A DVI port using an HDMI-to-DVI cable for video and an audio cable  
You can also connect Apple TV to a home theater receiver.  
Important: Read all of the following installation instructions and the safety information  
in the included Apple TV Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information booklet carefully  
before you plug Apple TV into a power outlet.  
Setting Up Apple TV  
Before you begin, look at the back of your TV or receiver and find the audio and video  
ports. Make sure you have the appropriate cables for your setup.  
Step 1: Connecting the cables  
Choose the setup that matches the ports on your TV or receiver.  
To connect a widescreen TV with an HDMI port:  
1 Connect one end of an HDMI cable to the back of your TV.  
2 Connect the other end to the back of Apple TV.  
Apple TV  
HDMI port  
HDMI cable  
HDMI port  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
To connect a widescreen TV with component video and analog audio ports:  
1 Connect the green, blue, and red connectors on one end of a component video cable  
to the Y, Pb, and Pr ports on your TV and the connectors on the other end to Apple TV.  
2 Connect an analog audio cable, with red and white connectors, between Apple TV and  
your TV.  
Apple TV  
Analog audio cable  
Component video cable  
video input  
audio input  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
To connect a widescreen TV with a DVI video port  
1 Connect an HDMI-to-DVI video cable to the DVI port on your TV and the HDMI port on  
Apple TV.  
2 Connect an optical digital or analog audio cable between your TV and Apple TV.  
Apple TV  
Analog audio cable  
HDMI-to-DVI cable  
DVI port  
HDMI port  
audio input  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
To connect a widescreen TV and a receiver:  
1 Connect an HDMI or component video cable between your TV and Apple TV.  
2 Connect an optical digital or analog audio cable to your receiver and Apple TV.  
Apple TV  
Optical digital audio port  
HDMI port  
HDMI cable  
HDMI port  
Note: Alternatively, you can connect a video cable between Apple TV and your receiver  
and then connect a video cable between your receiver and TV.  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
Step 2: Connect an Ethernet cable (optional)  
If you have a wireless network, you can skip this step. If you have an Ethernet network,  
connect an Ethernet cable from your network to the Ethernet port on the back of  
Apple TV.  
Step 3: Connect the power cord  
Plug one end of the power cord into the back of Apple TV and the other end into a  
power outlet.  
Important: Don’t place anything on top of Apple TV. Objects placed on top may cause  
interference with the wireless signal.  
Step 4: Turn on your TV and select the input  
The first time you use Apple TV it takes you through a series of steps including  
choosing a language, selecting a network, configuring Apple TV to work with your  
network if necessary, and connecting to iTunes. Simply follow the onscreen instructions  
as you refer to the following section.  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
Note: If you see just a black screen the first time you use Apple TV, make sure the input  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
Updating Your iTunes Software  
To use Apple TV, you need iTunes 7.1 or later installed on your computer. You can  
On a Mac, you can also use Software Update to update to the latest version of iTunes.  
To use Software Update, choose Apple () > Software Update.  
To use iTunes 7.1 on a Mac, you need to update your system software to Mac OS v10.3.9,  
or 10.4.8 or later and update to QuickTime 7.1.5.  
On a Windows-based computer, you can also go to iTunes Help to update to the latest  
version of iTunes. Open iTunes, and then choose Help > iTunes Help > check for  
To use iTunes 7.1 on a Windows-based computer, you need to be running Windows XP.  
Connecting to iTunes  
After you set up your network connection, your TV screen displays a five-digit  
passcode, which you’ll need to enter in iTunes to sync or stream content to Apple TV.  
To set up Apple TV with your iTunes library:  
1 Open iTunes on your computer.  
2 Select the Apple TV icon withClick to set upnext to it in the Devices list.  
3 Enter the 5-digit passcode from your TV screen.  
After you enter your passcode, you can name your Apple TV and set up iTunes to  
manage your content.  
Chapter 2 Getting Started  
Managing Your Content  
Use iTunes to manage the movies, TV shows, music, and other  
content you purchase and download from the iTunes Store.  
Organize your content in iTunes and watch or listen to it on Apple TV.  
On Apple TV you can watch or listen to:  
 Movies and TV shows you purchase from the iTunes Store  
 Music in your iTunes library  
 Audio and video podcasts you download or subscribe to in iTunes  
 Audiobooks you purchase from the iTunes Store  
 Slideshows with music and photo albums from your photo library  
Importing Content into iTunes  
To purchase movies, TV shows, music, and other content from the iTunes Store, set up  
an account in iTunes, find the items you want, and then buy them. They’re  
automatically downloaded to the iTunes library on your computer. If you already have  
an Apple account, or if you have an America Online (AOL) account (available in some  
countries only), use that account to sign in to the iTunes Store and buy content.  
For more information about iTunes, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.  
Adding Movies, TV Shows, and Music  
You can set up iTunes to add content to Apple TV in the following ways:  
 Automatically sync content  
 Sync selected content  
 Stream content  
Automatically Syncing Content  
Syncing is the simplest way to add content to Apple TV. Syncing copies content from  
your iTunes library and stores it on Apple TV. By default, iTunes automatically syncs  
your content to Apple TV. Your computer doesn’t have to be on to view content you  
sync to Apple TV. If you have a slow network, syncing is recommended.  
Content is synced to Apple TV in this order:  
 TV shows  
If your movies and TV shows fill Apple TV, for example, your music, podcasts, or photos  
are not added. Content is removed from Apple TV in reverse order, as needed. Syncing  
a new movie might result in photos and podcasts being removed from Apple TV.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
To sync content:  
1 On your computer, open iTunes and select Apple TV in the Devices list.  
2 Choose the content you want to sync from the Movies, TV Shows, Music, or other tabs.  
iTunes automatically syncs content whenever iTunes is open and Apple TV is on.  
To turn off syncing:  
1 On Apple TV, choose Sources in the main menu.  
2 Select Syncing > Turn Off Syncing.  
To sync Apple TV to a different iTunes library:  
1 On Apple TV, choose Sources in the main menu.  
2 Select Syncing > Change iTunes Library.  
Content from the new iTunes library replaces the content that was on Apple TV.  
Syncing Selected Content  
Setting iTunes to sync selected content to Apple TV is useful if you have more content  
in your iTunes library than fits on Apple TV. Only the content you specify is synced to  
Apple TV. You can sync your most recent movie purchases or only movies you haven’t  
watched, or create an iTunes playlist and sync that playlist.  
To set iTunes to sync unwatched content:  
1 On your computer, open iTunes and select Apple TV in the Devices list.  
2 Click a tab, for example, Movies.  
3 Select “Sync: … unwatched movies” and choose the number you want from  
the pop-up menu.  
4 Click Apply.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
To set iTunes to sync selected content:  
1 On your computer, open iTunes and select Apple TV from the Devices list.  
2 Click a tab, for example, Movies.  
3 SelectSync movies.”  
4 ChooseSelected MoviesorSelected Playlistsfrom the pop-up menu.  
5 Select the movies or playlists you want.  
6 Click Apply.  
Streaming Content  
When you stream content, it isn’t stored on Apple TV. Streaming carries the content  
over your local network while you watch or listen to it. You can browse all of your  
content, no matter how large an iTunes library you have.  
You can stream content from up to five iTunes libraries on your local network, in  
addition to the iTunes library Apple TV is synced with. However, you can stream from  
only one iTunes library at a time.  
To stream content to Apple TV:  
1 Open iTunes on the computer you want to stream from.  
2 On Apple TV, choose Sources from the main menu.  
3 ChooseConnect to New iTunesand make a note of the passcode displayed.  
4 In iTunes, select the Apple TV icon withClick to set upnext to it.  
5 Enter the passcode.  
While content is being streamed, the computer must remain on and iTunes must  
remain open.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
Note: The time it takes to begin viewing streaming video on Apple TV is dependent  
upon your network speed.  
To stream content from a different library that’s been set up for streaming, go to the  
Sources menu on Apple TV and then choose another library. If Apple TV is synced with  
an iTunes library, it is already set up to stream content from that library.  
Adding Podcasts  
Listen to audio podcasts or watch video podcasts from your iTunes library on Apple TV.  
Most podcasts are free, and you can download or subscribe to them from the iTunes  
Store. You don’t need an iTunes Store account to download or subscribe to podcasts.  
The settings for adding podcasts to Apple TV are unrelated to the settings for adding  
music. Podcast settings don’t affect song settings, and vice versa. Set iTunes to  
automatically sync all podcasts or selected podcasts.  
To set iTunes to automatically sync podcasts:  
1 In iTunes, select the Apple TV icon in the Devices list.  
2 Click the Podcasts tab.  
3 In the Podcasts pane, selectSync … episodes ofand choose the number of episodes  
you want in the pop-up menu.  
4 ClickAll podcastsorSelected podcasts.If you clickSelected podcasts,also select  
the podcasts in the list that you want to sync.  
5 Click Apply.  
You can also stream podcasts from an iTunes library that you’ve set up for streaming.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
Importing and Syncing Photos  
Import digital photos to your computer and sync them to Apple TV. View photos  
individually or as a photo slideshow. Read this section to learn how.  
To import photos to a Mac using iPhoto:  
1 Connect the camera or photo card reader to your computer.  
2 Open iPhoto if it doesn’t open automatically.  
3 Click Import.  
Images are imported into iPhoto. You can import other digital images into iPhoto, such  
as images you download from the web. For information about importing and working  
with photos and other images, open iPhoto and choose Help > iPhoto Help.  
iPhoto is available for purchase as part of the iLife suite of applications at  
Applications folder.  
If you don’t have iPhoto, import photos using Image Capture.  
To import photos to a Mac using Image Capture:  
1 Connect the camera or photo card reader to your computer.  
2 Open Image Capture if it doesn’t open automatically.  
3 To choose specific items to import, click Download Some. Or to download all items,  
click Download All.  
To import photos to a Windows PC:  
m Follow the instructions that came with your digital camera or photo application.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
Syncing Photos to Apple TV  
You can sync photos to Apple TV from iPhoto or from a folder on your hard disk. If you  
have a Mac and iPhoto 4.0.3 or later, you can add iPhoto albums automatically. If you  
have a Windows PC and Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or later, or Adobe Photoshop  
Elements 3.0 or later, you can sync photo collections automatically. You can’t stream  
photos to Apple TV.  
To sync photos from a Mac or Windows PC to Apple TV using a photo application:  
1 In iTunes, select the Apple TV icon in the Devices list.  
2 Click the Photos tab.  
3 SelectSync photos from: . . .”  
 On a Mac, choose iPhoto from the pop-up menu.  
 On a Windows PC, choose Photoshop Album or Photoshop Elements from the  
pop-up menu.  
Note: Some versions of Photoshop Album and Photoshop Elements don’t support  
collections. You can still use them to sync all your photos.  
4 If you want to sync all your photos, selectAll photos and albums.If you want to sync  
photos from only some albums or collections, selectSelected albumsand select the  
albums or collections you want.  
5 Click Apply.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
To sync photos from a folder on your hard disk to Apple TV:  
1 Drag the images you want into a folder on your computer.  
If you want images to appear in separate photo albums on Apple TV, create folders  
inside the main image folder, and drag images into the new folders.  
2 In iTunes, select the Apple TV icon in the Devices list.  
3 SelectSync photos from: . . .”  
4 ChooseChoose Folderfrom the pop-up menu and select your image folder.  
5 Click Apply.  
To delete photos from Apple TV:  
1 In iTunes, select the Apple TV icon in the Devices list and click the Photos tab.  
2 SelectSync photos from: . . .”  
 On a Mac, choose iPhoto from the pop-up menu.  
 On a Windows PC, choose Photoshop Album or Photoshop Elements from the  
pop-up menu.  
3 ChooseSelected albumsand deselect the albums or collections you want to delete.  
4 Click Apply.  
Chapter 3 Managing Your Content  
Using Apple TV  
Read on to learn about using your remote, watching movies  
and TV shows, listening to music, and more on Apple TV.  
Using Your Apple Remote  
Use the Apple Remote to control Apple TV settings and navigate through your content.  
Make sure there are no obstructions between the remote and Apple TV.  
Menu up/scroll  
IR window  
Menu down/scroll  
Battery compartment  
Pairing Apple TV with a Remote  
The Apple Remote works with the built-in IR receiver on Apple TV. You can set Apple  
TV to work only with the included remote by pairing Apple TV and the remote.  
To pair Apple TV with the included remote:  
1 Choose Settings from the Apple TV main menu.  
2 Choose Pair Remote Control.  
You can also press and hold » and for 6 seconds to pair Apple TV and the remote.  
When you’ve successfully paired your Apple Remote, Apple TV displays a chainlink  
) symbol above a picture of a remote. Apple TV now works only with the paired  
Unpairing Apple TV with a Remote  
If you lose the Apple Remote that you paired with Apple TV, you can use any Apple  
Remote to unpair Apple TV from the lost remote by pressing and holding » and ]  
for 6 seconds. You can also follow these steps.  
To unpair Apple TV with a previously paired remote:  
1 Choose Settings from the Apple TV main menu.  
2 Choose Unpair Remote.  
When you’ve successfully unpaired the lost remote, Apple TV displays a broken  
chainlink (  
) symbol above a picture of a remote. You can now pair Apple TV with a  
new remote.  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
Basic Remote Functions  
Your Apple Remote has a few basic functions described below.  
Do this  
Press or  
Move through the menu options  
Select an option from a menu  
Return to a previous menu  
Return to the main menu  
Put Apple TV in standby mode  
Reset Apple TV  
Press and hold  
Press and hold  
Press and hold  
for about 6 seconds  
and for about 6 seconds  
Changing the Remote Battery  
When the battery charge in your Apple Remote is low, Apple TV displays a picture of a  
remote and a warning (·) symbol. Replace the battery with a CR2032 battery.  
Press this button with a small object.  
Positive (+) side faces up.  
Pull the battery  
compartment free.  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
To replace the battery:  
1 Open the battery compartment by pressing the button with a small object until the  
compartment is partially ejected.  
2 Pull the battery compartment out and remove the battery.  
3 Insert the replacement battery with the positive (+) side facing up.  
4 Reinsert the battery compartment into the remote.  
5 Dispose of the used battery according to your local environmental laws and guidelines.  
Watching Video  
You can watch movies, TV shows, music videos, and video podcasts on Apple TV.  
Movies and TV shows are in their respective menus on Apple TV. Music videos are in  
the Music menu and video podcasts are in the Podcasts menu.  
To watch video, use the remote as described below.  
Do this  
Play or pause  
Fast forward  
Press and hold to fast forward; press again  
to increase the fast-forward speed  
Move forward or back in slow motion  
Press and then press and hold or  
Skip forward or back in 10 second  
and then press or  
Press and hold to rewind; press again to  
increase the rewind speed  
Skip to the next or previous chapter  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
In the Movie menu, you have a choice of watching:  
 Previews of movies available on the iTunes Store  
 Trailers of movies in theaters  
 Movies in your iTunes library that you sync or stream to Apple TV  
Movies are listed by title. Use or D on the remote to choose a movie. You’ll see the  
title and other information about the movie. Press to watch the movie.  
TV Shows  
Purchase and download your favorite TV shows from the iTunes Store and watch them  
on your TV. In the TV Shows menu, you have a choice of watching:  
 Previews of TV shows available on the iTunes Store  
 TV shows in your iTunes library that you sync or stream to Apple TV  
You can choose your TV shows by the date they were downloaded or by the title.  
Press or ] on the remote to toggle between viewing by date or by show. When  
you choose a TV show, you’ll see the title and other information about the show.  
Press to watch the show.  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
Music Videos  
You can purchase your favorite music videos from the iTunes store and watch them on  
Apple TV.  
To watch music videos:  
1 Choose Music from the Apple TV menu.  
2 Choose Music Videos, and then select a music video.  
3 Press on the remote to watch the music video.  
Video Podcasts  
You can watch the video podcasts in your iTunes library on Apple TV. Most podcasts  
are free and you can download or subscribe to them from iTunes.  
To watch video podcasts:  
1 Choose Podcasts from the Apple TV menu, and then choose a show.  
2 Choose an episode to play.  
3 Press on the remote to watch the podcast.  
If the podcast you’re watching has chapters, press to skip to the next chapter in the  
podcast or press ] to skip to the beginning of the current chapter.  
Note: You don’t need an iTunes Store account to download or subscribe to podcasts.  
For information about podcasts, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.  
Then search forpodcasts.”  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
Listening to Music, Audiobooks, and Podcasts  
Import songs and other audio into your iTunes library on your computer and listen to  
them on Apple TV. You can also listen to audiobooks purchased from the iTunes Store  
and audio podcasts.  
To listen to music and other audio, use the remote as described below.  
Do this  
Play or pause a song, audiobook, or podcast Press  
Skip to the next song  
Fast forward though a song, audiobook, or  
Press and hold  
Rewind a song, audiobook, or podcast  
Skip to the next song  
Press and hold  
Restart a song or play the previous song  
Press to restart a song; press twice to skip to  
the previous song  
From the Music menu, you can choose songs by playlist, artist, album, song, genre, or  
composer. To listen to songs in random order, select Shuffle Songs.  
Viewing Album Artwork  
By default, iTunes displays album artwork on Apple TV. If artwork is available, you’ll see  
it on Apple TV when you play music from the album.  
For information about album artwork, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
To listen to audiobooks that you purchased from the iTunes store, choose Audiobooks  
in the Music menu.  
If you stop listening to an audiobook on Apple TV and go back to it later, the  
audiobook begins playing from where you left off. If the audiobook you’re listening to  
has chapters, you can press on the remote to skip to the next chapter. Press ] on  
the remote to skip to the beginning of the current chapter or to the previous chapter  
in the audiobook.  
Note: Audiobooks from sources other than the iTunes Store don’t work with Apple TV.  
Audio Podcasts  
You can listen to the audio podcasts in your iTunes library on Apple TV. Most podcasts  
are free in iTunes and you don’t need an iTunes Store account to download or  
subscribe to them.  
To listen to an audio podcast:  
1 Choose Podcasts from the Apple TV menu, and then choose a podcast.  
2 Choose an episode to play.  
3 Press on the remote to listen to the podcast.  
During an audio podcast, the screen displays the episode, name of the show, author or  
provider, along with elapsed and remaining time. If the podcast includes artwork, you’ll  
see it onscreen. Podcast artwork can change during an episode, so you might see  
several pictures during the podcast.  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
If the podcast you’re watching has chapters, press to skip to the next chapter or  
press ] to skip to the beginning of the current chapter.  
For information about podcasts, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.  
Then search forpodcasts.”  
Viewing Photos  
View photos on Apple TV as albums or as a slideshow with music.  
To view photos on Apple TV:  
1 Choose Photos from the Apple TV menu.  
2 Choose the album or slideshow you want to view.  
3 Press on the remote to watch the slideshow.  
To view photos or watch a slideshow, use the remote as described below.  
Do this  
Play or pause a slideshow  
Skip to the next photo  
Skip back to the previous photo  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
Changing Apple TV Settings  
Use the Settings menu to manage Apple TV settings.  
To do this  
View the name of your Apple TV, as well as the available space,  
the serial number, information about your TV connection and  
resolution, and more  
TV Resolution  
Select a screen resolution your TV supports  
View, configure, or change your Ethernet or wireless network  
Screen Saver  
Sound Check  
Choose the type of screen saver and how quickly it turns on  
Turn sound check on to adjust the volume of the music on  
Apple TV so that it’s all at the same level  
Sound Effects  
Turn sound effects on to hear sounds from Apple TV when  
you’re clicking through menus, for example  
Repeat Music  
Pair Remote  
Update Software  
Turn repeat music on or off  
Pair or unpair your Apple Remote with Apple TV  
See if any updates are available for Apple TV  
Choose a language  
View the legal requirements for Apple TV  
Reset Apple TV to its original settings  
Reset Settings  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
Using the Sources Menu  
Use the Sources menu to switch between synced and streaming content. To view  
synced content, choose Sources from the Apple TV main menu, and then select Apple  
TV to access your content. You can also stream content from other iTunes libraries on  
your network.  
You can stream content to Apple TV from the iTunes library you’ve set up for syncing  
and from up to five additional iTunes libraries on your network. Make sure iTunes is  
open on the computer you want to stream content from.  
iTunes library  
iTunes library  
iTunes library  
iTunes library  
iTunes library  
iTunes library  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
To stream content from another iTunes library:  
1 SelectConnect to New iTunesfrom the Apple TV Sources menu.  
2 Make a note of the passcode on your TV screen.  
3 Open iTunes on your computer.  
4 Select the Apple TV icon withClick to set upnext to it in the Devices list.  
5 Enter the 5-digit passcode from your TV screen.  
Choose Sources from the Apple TV main menu, and then select the name of the iTunes  
library you want to access.  
Chapter 4 Using Apple TV  
Tips and Troubleshooting  
Most problems with Apple TV can be solved quickly by  
following the advice in this chapter.  
When you have a problem with Apple TV, there’s usually a quick and simple solution.  
First, make sure:  
 The audio and video cables between Apple TV and your TV are pushed in all the way.  
 The power cords for Apple TV and your TV are securely connected to a working  
power source.  
 Your TV is turned on and switched to the correct input.  
 Apple TV is connected to the network. Go to the Settings menu on Apple TV, select  
Network, and see if Apple TV has an IP address.  
 Your network and Internet connections are on and working properly.  
If you are still having trouble, you can try to reset your equipment by unplugging  
Apple TV, your TV, your wireless networking equipment or AirPort Base Station, and  
your router from the power outlet. Wait 30 seconds and then plug everything back  
in again.  
If your TV screen appears fuzzy or black:  
 Make sure you’re using the correct video cables (see page 12) and that they are  
connected firmly to Apple TV and to your TV.  
 Make sure the input setting you’ve selected on your TV matches the input you have  
your video cables connected to. See the documentation that came with your TV for  
more information.  
If your TV screen still appears fuzzy or black, you may need to select a video mode your  
TV supports.  
To select a video mode:  
1 Press and hold both » and on the Apple Remote for about 6 seconds. Apple TV  
cycles through display resolutions.  
2 When Apple TV reaches an acceptable display resolution andIf you can see the Apple  
logo, select OKappears on your TV screen, press .  
If you can see a picture but Apple TV isn’t responding:  
 Press and hold » on the Apple Remote to return to the Apple TV main menu.  
 Reset Apple TV by unplugging it from the power outlet, waiting about five seconds,  
and plugging it in again. You can also press and hold both » and D on the Apple  
Remote for about 6 seconds to reset Apple TV. Your movies and other content will  
remain on Apple TV.  
 Make sure your TV is turned on and functioning correctly. See the documentation  
that came with your TV for more information.  
 If you paired an Apple Remote with Apple TV, make sure you’re using the paired  
remote. See “Pairing Apple TV with a Remoteon page 28.  
Chapter 5 Tips and Troubleshooting  
If you can’t hear sound:  
 If Apple TV is connected to a receiver, make sure the receiver is turned on.  
 Make sure the input setting you’ve selected on your receiver matches the input you  
have your audio cables connected to. See the documentation that came with your  
receiver for more information.  
 Make sure the volume on your TV or receiver is turned up and isn’t muted.  
 Make sure you’re using the correct audio cable (see page 12) and that it’s connected  
firmly to Apple TV and to your TV.  
 If you’re connected to the HDMI port on your TV and Apple TV, make sure your TV  
supports audio through its HDMI port. The HDMI ports on some older TVs support  
only video.  
If the remote isn’t working:  
 If you’ve paired Apple TV and an Apple Remote, make sure you’re using the paired  
 If you’re using the paired remote and the Apple TV status light flashes white, the  
problem isn’t with the remote. See “If you can see a picture but Apple TV isn’t  
responding:on page 40.  
 If you’re using an unpaired remote, the Apple TV status light flashes amber.  
 If you’ve paired Apple TV and an Apple Remote, and you can’t find the paired remote,  
set Apple TV to work with any remote by pressing and holding » and ] for  
6 seconds.  
 Point the remote directly at Apple TV.  
 Make sure the IR receiver on the front of Apple TV isn’t blocked.  
Chapter 5 Tips and Troubleshooting  
 If Apple TV displays a picture of a remote and a warning (·) symbol, you need to  
replace the battery in the remote. See “Changing the Remote Batteryon page 29.  
If Apple TV doesn’t appear in iTunes:  
 Make sure Apple TV is turned on and connected to your network. Go to the Settings  
menu on Apple TV, select Network, and see if Apple TV has an IP address.  
 Choose Preferences in iTunes, click Apple TV, and make sureLook for Apple TVsis  
 If Firewall is on (in the Sharing pane of System Preferences), make sureApple TV  
Sharingis selected to allow content to pass through the firewall.  
If other Apple TVs show up periodically in your iTunes Devices list:  
 This means that iTunes has found other Apple TVs on your network.  
 To prevent this, choose Preferences in iTunes, click Apple TV, and make sureLook for  
Apple TVsis not selected.  
If Apple TV isn’t playing your photo albums or slideshows:  
 Make sure you have photos in your photo library or in a folder on your computer.  
See “Syncing Photos to Apple TVon page 25.  
If Apple TV still doesn’t respond, try restoring it to the original factory settings:  
 Press and hold both » and D on the Apple Remote for 6 seconds or until the status  
light blinks amber.  
 Choose a language.  
 Choose Factory Restore.  
During a factory restore, the progress indicator (a spinning gear) may spin for a while,  
so be patient.  
Chapter 5 Tips and Troubleshooting  
Apple TV Status Light  
Apple TV has a status light on the front that indicates what’s happening.  
If Apple TV is  
The status light  
Is solid white  
Is off  
Off or in standby  
Starting up  
Blinks amber  
Accepting a command from the remote  
Flashes white once  
Flashes amber once  
Rejecting a command from the remote  
(you’ve paired a remote with Apple TV but  
you’re using a remote that’s not paired)  
Having problems, refer to “Obtaining  
warranty service” on page 45  
Alternates between white and amber  
Chapter 5 Tips and Troubleshooting  
Learning More, Service,  
and Support  
More information about using Apple TV is available in onscreen help and on the web.  
The following table describes where to get software and service information.  
To learn about  
Do this  
Service and support,  
discussions, tutorials, and  
Apple software downloads  
Using iTunes  
Open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help. For an onscreen  
iTunes tutorial (available in some areas only), go to:  
Using iPhoto (in Mac OS X)  
Open iPhoto and choose Help > iPhoto Help.  
The latest Apple TV  
Safety and regulatory  
See the Apple TV Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information  
compliance information  
booklet that comes with Apple TV.  
Obtaining warranty service  
First follow the advice in this booklet, the Apple TV Safety and  
Regulatory Compliance Information booklet, the onscreen help,  
and online resources. If the unit still doesn’t function, go to  
obtain warranty service.  
Registering Apple TV  
Finding Your Apple TV Serial Number  
The serial number is printed on the bottom of Apple TV. You can also find the serial  
number in the Apple TV Settings menu. On Apple TV, choose Settings > About.  
Important Care and Cleaning Information  
WARNING: Failure to follow these care and cleaning instructions could result in  
damage to Apple TV or other property.  
Using Connectors and Ports  
Never force a connector into a port. Check for obstructions on the port. If the  
connector and port don’t join with reasonable ease, they probably don’t match. Make  
sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector  
correctly in relation to the port.  
Keeping Apple TV Within Acceptable Temperatures  
Operate Apple TV in a place where the temperature is always between 0º and 40º C  
(32º to 104º F).  
Keeping the Outside of Apple TV Clean  
To clean Apple TV, unplug the power cord and all cables. Then use a soft, slightly damp,  
lint-free cloth. Avoid getting moisture in openings. Don’t use window cleaners,  
household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean  
Apple TV.  
Chapter 6 Learning More, Service, and Support  
Disposing of Apple TV Properly  
For information about the proper disposal of Apple TV, and other important regulatory  
compliance information, see the Apple TV Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information  
Chapter 6 Learning More, Service, and Support  

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