axis international marketing ACE User Manual

AXIS Camera Explorer - ACE  
User’s Guide  
Licensing Information  
What is ACE and What Can it Do?  
Installing ACE  
Adding a Camera  
Adding an Album  
Adding a Quad View Object  
Camera Switching  
Recording a Movie  
Saving a Snapshot  
Working with Movies  
Creating an AVI-movie  
Live Video Sites  
Other Settings and Functions  
Licensing Information  
ACE is provided as licensed software. The installation procedure will give you the opportunity to  
enter a valid license code during installation. If you choose not to enter your license code during  
installation, ACE will then function as a time-limited demo for 14 days only, after which it will be  
disabled. You must then enter a valid license code to continue using the program. Please contact  
your Axis dealer for a license code if you do not already possess one.  
It is, of course, also possible to enter a valid license code at any time during the 14-day trial period.  
You can do this from the menu item Help – About.  
What is ACE and What Can it Do?  
ACE (AXIS Camera Explorer) is an add-on component for Windows that provides quick and easy  
access to Axis Network Cameras and the images they produce. The program uses Windows  
Explorer as its interface and all viewing operations and settings are made here.  
ACE provides simple, but effective functions for viewing live feeds, snapshots and movies from  
your network camera. You can also perform simple edits on your movies and create AVI-files for  
Adding a Camera  
Click on Add. The right hand side of Explorer will now show a further five options – Add Album,  
Add Camera, Add Camera Switching, Add Live Video Site and Add Quad View.  
Click Add Camera and a Wizard guiding you through the installation will start.  
Enter the IP-address or DNS name of your camera and then click Next.  
You will then see a window containing information about the camera found at that address. The  
resolution can be changed by clicking the drop-down arrow, as can the camera number.  
If for some reason you have changed the HTTP port address in the camera itself, you must specify  
the new port in the field provided.  
If identification fails, click Choose to manually provide the information for the camera.  
You can now rename your camera to anything you like. This name will appear in Windows  
Explorer. Click Finish.  
Your camera now appears in Windows Explorer.  
Click the icon for your camera and a live feed from it will be presented in the right hand window.  
Note: If you experience problems adding a camera, please refer to the documentation supplied with  
your camera for more information about installing and setting the camera’s IP-address.  
Adding an Album  
An album is a “virtual directory” that allows you to easily view and manage your images and  
movies. Back in the Explorer window, Click Add and then on Add Album. Complete the dialogs,  
specifying which folder will contain your images and finally, give your album a name. Click Finish  
and you will then see your album in Explorer.  
Adding a Quad View Object  
ACE includes a feature that  
allows you to view the live  
feeds from up to 4 video  
sources simultaneously. This  
is called a Quad View object,  
and it is added in the same  
way as a camera or an  
album. Simply specify the  
cameras that will be included  
in the Quad View and give  
the view a name.  
Click the Add button and  
then click on Add Quad  
View. This dialog appears:  
Click Next. In the next dialog window you are given the option of specifying a user name and  
password that must be provided when connecting to the cameras. ACE will then automatically log  
into the cameras. Only one user name and password can be used.  
Note: The user name and password are specific for the cameras being viewed and will not  
prevent access to the Quad View itself. If all of your cameras are password protected, it is a  
good idea to use the same user name and password for all your cameras. Otherwise you will  
have to log in to those cameras that ACE does not have the password for. Please refer to the  
camera’s user manual or on-line help for details on how to set the camera’s password.  
Now click on the Quad View object that appears in Windows Explorer. You will see live feeds from  
the 4 cameras you selected.  
By right-clicking on the image you will see a context menu, from which you can choose to Display  
Names or not, and whether or not to use a Limited Frame Rate. This last option is useful if you  
are experiencing bandwidth problems and need to decrease the frame rate in the images. The other  
two options available in the context menu are Retain Image Size and Size to fit. These are  
described in Other Settings and Functions below.  
To change the properties for the Quad View, right-click on the object (icon) in Explorer’s right  
hand window and click Properties. Right-clicking and selecting Open will display the Quad View  
in a new window.  
To access the various other functions available in ACE, e.g. to record a movie, select the individual  
camera instead.  
Camera Switching  
Camera Switching is when you let ACE alternate between the camera feeds it displays. To do this  
you need to add a SwitchCam object, which is done in the same way as for cameras, albums, etc.  
Click the Add button and then click on Add Camera Switching. The following dialog appears:  
Select the cameras you want to display the images from. The 2 buttons at the lower right of the  
dialog allow you to Select All or Deselect All. Then specify the length of time in seconds that the  
images will be displayed for.  
Click Next. In the next dialog window you are given the option of specifying a user name and  
password that must be provided when connecting to the cameras. ACE will then automatically log  
into the cameras. One user name and password can be used.  
Note: The user name and password are specific for the cameras being viewed and will not  
prevent access to the Camera Switching object itself. If all of your cameras are password  
protected, it is a good idea to use the same user name and password for all your cameras.  
Otherwise you will have to log in to those cameras that ACE does not have the password  
for. Please refer to the camera’s user manual or on-line help for details on how to set the  
camera’s password.  
Provide a name for the Camera Switching object and then click Finish. Now click on your Camera  
Switching object and check that it runs as you intended.  
To change e.g. the cameras used, or the viewing time for each camera, right-click on the object  
(icon) in Explorer’s right hand window and click Properties. Right-clicking and selecting Open  
will display the Camera Switching in a new window.  
There is no limit on how many cameras can be included in a Camera Switching object.  
Recording a Movie  
Click on your camera to open the image in the right hand window. Now right-click on the image  
and a short menu will appear. Click Record to record a movie.  
The resulting dialog asks you where you want to save your recordings, which frame rate you want  
to use, and for how long you want to record. Specify the folder you used earlier for your Album by  
clicking the Browse button, or alternatively, specify the Album directly, by clicking the Album  
Note: To save recordings to an Album, you must first define an album. See Adding an Album  
When setting the frame rate and recording period, remember that recording for long periods and at  
high frame rates will create very large numbers of files and take up a lot of disk space. The file  
prefix “sequence” is used to save images as movies. Click OK.  
A new recording window now appears and the recording starts.  
When the set period for recording has ended the window will go blank.  
To stop recording before the set time has expired, click the flashing red  
Your images have now been saved in your Album. To view them, open your album. The right hand  
window will contain the saved movie. Double-click the movie to play.  
Saving a Snapshot  
To save single images, right-click on the image in Explorer and then click on Save Snapshot.  
Specify where you wish to save your image and then click Save. If you save these images in a  
folder associated with an Album, you can then view them the same way as you would a movie, see  
Working with Movies  
Movie files created with ACE are saved with the extension .sqj. These files only represent a group  
of image files and they will not affect your individual images in any way. Sqj-files may be viewed  
in the Album you created earlier. Although you will initially only see the sqj movie file presented in  
the window, it is also possible to split the movie file into the JPEG images that make up the movie.  
Do this by right-clicking the movie and then selecting Split Sequence. The window will then show  
a large number of individual files (depending on the length of the movie). These may then be  
viewed by clicking them.  
This function can also be used in reverse, that is, you can select all or some of the individual images  
in the Album and then combine them into a movie. Simply right-click on the selected images and  
then on Create Sequence. This function can be useful for editing out frames that you don’t want to  
appear in your finished movie.  
Furthermore, if you create an Album that is associated with a folder that is used for storing images  
sent from a camera via ftp, then the images in that folder may also be combined into movies, in  
exactly the same way as described above.  
To change the frame rate of the movie, right-click on the movie in your album and click Change  
Frame Rate.  
Creating an AVI-movie  
If you have created a movie that you wish to distribute to others, you can make an AVI-movie that  
will be playable on any other computer that has the appropriate viewing software installed, e.g.  
Windows Media Player.  
Please note that before you can create an AVI-movie, you must first create an Album and record a  
sequence. This sequence is then used to create the AVI.  
Select and right-click the sequence you want to create an AVI-movie from and then click Create  
AVI. Specify where you want the file to be saved and then hit the save button. You will now see a  
dialog showing various options for creating the AVI. The program will automatically select the best  
available settings so all you need do is click OK. The AVI cannot be seen in the Album window in  
Explorer – go instead to the folder directly to view your created movie.  
Live Video Sites  
A Live Video Site is a feature that creates a window to a Web site displaying images from a camera.  
A special cgi-script is used to “push” the images to the client (viewer) and it is this cgi-script that  
the Live Video Site must point to. The camera must be also be configured to upload images to the  
Web server via ftp. For more information on cgi-scripts, please see the documentation for your  
camera or our Web site at  
To Add a Live Video Site, simply click on Add Live Video Site and complete the dialogs. Instead  
of the IP-address you must provide the URL of the cgi-script, e.g.  
update.cgi, as used for the My Goldie Demo.  
Other Settings and Functions  
If you click on Network Cameras in the left hand window of Explorer you will then see all the  
installed cameras and Albums on the right hand side. Right-click and drag any item onto your  
desktop and create a shortcut to it.  
Right-click Menu  
Right clicking on a Camera, Album or Live Video Site in Explorer will display a menu containing  
the following items:  
Explore – opens a new Explorer window showing the Camera, Album or Live Video Site  
Open – opens a viewer window for the Camera, Album or Live Video Site  
Properties – shows the Camera, Album or Live Video Site’s current settings.  
Right-clicking on a Camera will also show the link Open Home Page. This link will start your  
Web browser and take you to the camera’s home page  
Full Screen  
When the image from a Camera or a Live Video Site is displayed in the right hand window in  
Windows Explorer, pressing F11 on your keyboard will open the image in full-screen mode.  
Pressing F11 again or clicking anywhere in the image will return the image to its previous display  
in Explorer.  
Online Help  
When any of the items contained in Network Cameras is selected, pressing F1 will open a browser  
window containing this document. Alternatively, click Help on the Explorer title bar.  
Size to fit  
By right-clicking on the image in Explorer it is possible to enable or disable the setting Retain  
Image Size. Enabling this function (a check mark will be visible) prevents the image from  
increasing or decreasing in size when the window is resized. The size controlled is based on the  
currently selected image resolution.  
Disabling Retain Image Size also means that you can select Size To Fit. This function will resize  
the image so that it fills the entire window, no matter how the window is changed.  
If you have a Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) device connected to your camera, this can be controlled directly  
from the image display in Windows Explorer. The mouse is used to perform the following  
To center the image, click anywhere in the image.  
To return “Home” double- click the wheel or middle (third) button on the mouse.  
Alternatively, right-click and select PTZ Home from the context menu.  
To zoom in or out, scroll with the mouse wheel.  
To go to maximum zoom (zoom in) press Ctrl + double-click the wheel or middle (third)  
To go to minimum zoom (zoom out) press Shift + double-click the wheel or middle (third)  
Zooming in and out is done via "relative zoom", which means that this operation cannot be  
performed on video servers/cameras that do not support relative zoom.  
Back to Contents  
Rev 1.2 June 2001  

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