Operating instructions in the back  
(Original instructions)  
Batteries and chargers  
Additional safety instruc-  
After use  
Never attempt to open for any reason.  
Do not expose the battery to water.  
Do not expose the battery to heat.  
Do not store in locations where the  
temperature may exceed 40°C.  
Charge only at ambient temperatures  
between 10°C and 40°C.  
Unplug the charger before cleaning the  
charger or charging base.  
When not in use, the appliance should  
be stored in a dry place.  
Children should not have access to  
stored appliances.  
Charge only using the charger provid-  
ed with the appliance. Using the wrong  
charger could result in an electric  
shock or overheating of the battery.  
When disposing of batteries, follow  
the instructions given in the section  
"Protecting the environment".  
Residual risks.  
Additional residual risks may arise when  
using the tool which may not be included  
in the enclosed safety warnings. These  
risks can arise from misuse, prolonged  
use etc.  
Even with the application of the relevant  
safety regulations and the implementa-  
tion of safety devices, certain residual  
risks can not be avoided. These include:  
Do not damage/deform the battery  
pack either by puncture or impact, as  
this may create a risk of injury and fire.  
Do not charge damaged batteries.  
Under extreme conditions, battery  
leakage may occur. When you notice  
liquid on the batteries carefully wipe  
the liquid off using a cloth. Avoid skin  
Injuries caused by touching any rotat-  
ing/moving parts.  
Injuries caused when changing any  
parts, blades or accessories.  
Injuries caused by prolonged use  
of a tool. When using any tool for  
prolonged periods ensure you take  
regular breaks.  
In case of skin or eye contact, follow  
the instructions below.  
Warning!The battery fluid may cause  
personal injury or damage to property. In  
case of skin contact, immediately rinse  
with water. If redness, pain or irritation  
occurs seek medical attention. In case of  
eye contact, rinse immediately with clean  
water and seek medical attention.  
Impairment of hearing.  
Health hazards caused by breathing  
dust developed when using your tool  
(example:- working with wood, espe-  
cially oak, beech and MDF.)  
(Original instructions)  
The charger automatically shuts off if the ambient  
temperature becomes too high. As a consequence  
the charger will be inoperable. The charging base  
must be disconnected from the mains supply and  
taken to an authorised service centre for repair.  
Your charger has been designed for a  
specific voltage. Always check that the  
mains voltage corresponds to the voltage  
Never attempt to replace  
The charging base is intended for indoor use only.  
the charger unit with a regular mains  
Your Black & Decker cordless appliance has been designed  
to operate over a long period of time with a minimum of main-  
tenance. Continuous satisfactory operation depends upon  
proper tool care and regular cleaning.  
Use your Black & Decker charger only  
to charge the battery in the appliance  
with which it was supplied. Other bat-  
teries could burst, causing personal  
injury and damage.  
Warning! Before performing any maintenance on cordless  
u Run the battery down completely if it is integral and then  
switch off.  
u Unplug the charger before cleaning it. Your charger does  
not require any maintenance apart from regular cleaning.  
u Regularly clean the ventilation slots in your appliance/  
charger using a soft brush or dry cloth.  
u Regularly clean the motor housing using a damp cloth. Do  
not use any abrasive or solvent-based cleaner.  
Never attempt to charge nonrecharge-  
able batteries.  
If the supply cord is damaged, it must  
be replaced by the manufacturer or  
an authorised Black & Decker Service  
Centre in order to avoid a hazard.  
Do not expose the charger to water.  
Do not open the charger.  
Protecting the environment  
Separate collection. This product must not be  
disposed of with normal household waste.  
Do not probe the charger.  
Should you find one day that your Black & Decker product  
needs replacement, or if it is of no further use to you, do not  
dispose of it with household waste. Make this product avail-  
able for separate collection.  
The appliance/battery must be placed  
in a well ventilated area when charg-  
Separate collection of used products and packaging  
allows materials to be recycled and used again.  
Re-use of recycled materials helps prevent environ-  
mental pollution and reduces the demand for raw  
Electrical safety  
Symbols on the charger  
Read all of this manual carefully before using the  
Local regulations may provide for separate collection of elec-  
trical products from the household, at municipal waste sites or  
by the retailer when you purchase a new product.  
This tool is double insulated; therefore no earth wire  
is required. Always check that the power supply  
corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.  
Black & Decker provides a facility for the collection and  
recycling of Black & Decker products once they have reached  
the end of their working life. To take advantage of this service  
please return your product to any authorised repair agent who  
will collect them on our behalf.  
Short circuit proof safety isolating transformer. The  
mains supply is electrically separated from the  
transformer output.  
(Original instructions)  
You can check the location of your nearest authorised repair  
agent by contacting your local Black & Decker office at  
the address indicated in this manual. Alternatively, a list of  
authorised Black & Decker repair agents and full details of our  
after-sales service and contacts are available on the Internet  
Black & Decker is confident of the quality of its products and  
offers an outstanding guarantee. This guarantee statement is  
in addition to and in no way prejudices your statutory rights.  
The guarantee is valid within the territories of the Member  
States of the European Union and the European Free Trade  
If a Black & Decker product becomes defective due to faulty  
materials, workmanship or lack of conformity, within 24  
months from the date of purchase, Black & Decker guarantees  
to replace defective parts, repair products subjected to fair  
wear and tear or replace such products to ensure minimum  
inconvenience to the customer unless:  
u The product has been used for trade, professional or hire  
u The product has been subjected to misuse or neglect;  
u The product has sustained damage through foreign  
objects, substances or accidents;  
u Repairs have been attempted by persons other than  
authorised repair agents or Black & Decker service staff.  
To claim on the guarantee, you will need to submit proof of  
purchase to the seller or an authorised repair agent. You can  
check the location of your nearest authorised repair agent  
by contacting your local Black & Decker office at the address  
indicated in this manual. Alternatively, a list of authorised  
Black & Decker repair agents and full details of our after-  
sales service and contacts are available on the Internet at:  
your new Black & Decker product and to be kept up to date  
on new products and special offers. Further information on the  
Black & Decker brand and our range of products is available  
Do not forget to register your product!  
istration or send your name, surname and product code to  
Black & Decker in your country.  
1 4  
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a n a u t h o r i s e d B l a c k & D e c k e r s e r v i c e c e n t r e .  
B a t t e r y f a u l t  
B a t t e r y h o t  
E n s u r e c o r r e c t c h a r g e r i s b e i n g u s e d . R e t r y c h a r g i n g p r o c e d u r e . I f f a u l t c o n t i n u e s , r e t u r n u n i t t o  
S o l u t i o n  
L E D P a t e  
A l l o w t o c o o l b e f o r e c o n t i n u i n g  
S o l u t i o n  
L E D p a t e  
r o T u b l e s h o o t i n g  
1 2  
B l a c k & D e c k e r s e r  
p o n e n t s p l e a s e r e  
s a f e r e c y c l i n g o f t  
T h e r e a r e n o u s e r  
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A c c e 1 s 7 s . o r y H  
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T h i s t o o  
F e a t u r  
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C l e a n e x h a u s t fi l t e r  
C l e a n fl o o r h e a d  
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R e - a s s e m b l e a f t e r c l e a n i n g t h e fi l t e r o r  
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I n o r d e r t o k e e p t h e p t i m i s e d , t h  
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A c c e s s o r i e s  
F l e x i b l e n o z z l  
O n / O f f  
R e m o v e h a n d v a c c u m  
B a t t e r y e m p t y  
B a t t e r y l o w  
F o r b a t t e r y c h a r g e , l e m i n a t e t h e  
L E D P a t e r n s  
P o w e r e d b r u s h O n  
a c V u u m O n / O f f  
U s e  
T h e a p p l i a n c o n n e c t e d t  
T h e l i g h t w i l l g o o u t w h e n c h a r g i n .  
L E D p a t e r n s  
L E D p a t e r n s  
C h a r g i n g  
A c c e s s o r y s t o r a g e  
A s s e m b l y  
- 0 R E V  
9 0 6 1 5 0 2 5  
0 8 / 2 0 1 4  
O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i  

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