Net Optics 3300 User Manual

Quick Reference Sheet  
Ask your Administrator to help you complete this information.  
Write down the following important numbers, and keep them handy while using the voice  
mail system.  
Company Telephone Number: ________________________  
Automated Attendant Number: ________________________  
(The Automated Attendant replaces or assists a 'live' operator in answering and transferring  
calls to extensions or voice mailboxes.)  
Message Center Extension:___________________________  
(The Message Center enables you to call someone's mailbox to leave a message without having  
to speak directly to the person. You can also retrieve and create messages after logging in your  
own mailbox through the Message Center. For more information, see “Quick Messaging” on  
Your Mailbox Number: ___________________________________  
Your Secondary Mailbox Number*: _________________________  
Your Default Passcode:__________________________________  
(* Users on Resilient 3300 ICP systems are provided with two mailboxes, each with a unique  
mailbox number. The additional mailbox ensures that you always have access to your voice  
mail. Use the secondary number only when your primary mailbox is inaccessible, as indicated  
by the flashing indicator on your telephone's display. You must program both mailboxes.)  
Write your Administrator's name and extension number in case you need help with  
voice mail.  
Extension: _________________________________________  
Table of Contents  
Voice Mail User Guide  
About Your Voice Mail System  
The Mitel® 3300 Integrated Communications Platform (ICP) features an automated voice mail  
system for handling telephone calls and taking messages. The system provides you with a  
mailbox for sending and receiving messages, which you can personalize with your name, a  
greeting, and a private passcode.  
Easy to use  
Use your telephone keypad to select options in the voice mail system menus. These simple  
and straightforward menus allow you to concentrate on what to do, not on how to do it.  
Voicepromptsguideyoueverystepoftheway, tellingyouwhichmenuoptionsareavailable.  
Don't worry if you make a mistake. You can't damage the system, so experiment with all  
the available features.  
Encourage callers to leave voice messages in your mailbox, thereby avoiding missed calls  
or incorrect messages.  
Record temporary greetings to let callers know when you are out for the day, on vacation,  
or busy in meetings.  
Listen to or leave messages 24 hours a day, from any touch-tone telephone.  
If you are out of the office at another number or with a pager or cellular telephone, the voice  
mail system can notify you when you receive messages.  
Your Telephone  
Before using the voice mail features of your system, familiarize yourself with your telephone.  
Message key - Used to call the Message Center and access your mailbox.  
Keypad - Used to make menu selections within the voice mail system.  
Message light - Used to indicate when you have messages in your mailbox.  
For telephones that do not have a message light, your Administrator can set up the system to  
call you when someone leaves a message.  
Your telephone may provide “softkeys” that allow you to select many of the voice mail menu  
options. To select a menu option that appears in the telephone display, you can either press  
the associated softkey or press the keypad digit for the option.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
Where to Get Help  
Ifyou have any problems or questions aboutprocedures, consult your Administrator (the person  
in your company who manages the communications system).  
Before accessing your mailbox, you must do three things:  
ˆ Get the following information from your Administrator and record it in the Quick Reference  
Sheet at the beginning of this guide:  
the company telephone number  
the Automated Attendant number  
the Message Center extension  
your mailbox number  
your secondary mailbox number  
your default passcode  
the Administrator’s name and number  
Tip: Users on Resilient 3300 ICP systems are provided with two mailboxes, each with a  
unique mailbox number. The additional mailbox ensures that you always have access to  
your voicemail. Use thesecondary number onlywhen your primary mailbox is inaccessible  
(as indicated by the flashing indicator on your telephone's display).  
ˆ Select a new passcode. When you first access your mailbox, you must change the default  
passcode to a series of digits that only you know. The new passcode must have the same  
number of character as the default passcode. See “User Options” on page 13 for more  
information on passcodes.  
ˆ Prepare a permanent greeting. When you first access your mailbox, you must record your  
permanent greeting. This greeting is what callers hear when you are unable to take their  
calls. A sample greeting is given in the start-up instructions on the next pages, but you  
may want to create your own. See “Mailbox Greetings” on page 19 for more information.  
Accessing the Voice Mail System  
Accessing the Voice Mail System  
Calling the Voice Mail System for the First Time  
1. Lift the handset (or use handsfree dialing).  
2. Dial the Message Center extension. The system prompts you for your passcode.  
3. Enter your default passcode.  
4. Press  
.The system prompts you for a new passcode (you must change the passcode).  
5. Enter your new passcode.Your new passcode must have the same number of digits as the  
default passcode. You cannot re-enter the default passcode, or use  
in your new  
6. The system asks you to re-enter your new passcode for confirmation. Enter your new  
passcode again.  
7. The system asks you to record your name. Say only your name, for example: “Christine  
Conner”. Speak immediately after the tone, and press any key when you have finished.  
8. Press  
to accept,  
to review, or  
to discard your name and re-record it.  
9. The system prompts you for a greeting. Keep your greeting short and professional. For  
“You have reached Christine Conner. I can't answer the phone right now, so please leave  
your name, number, and a short message – I will get back to you as soon as possible. If  
you need immediate assistance, press 0 and ask to be transferred to my associate, Julie  
Note: Your administrator may have programmed your mailbox to play a standard  
company greeting—for example, "Welcome to ABC Corporation. That extension is not  
available. Please leave a message."—for callers instead of a personal greeting. If so,  
you will still be prompted to record a personal greeting even though it won't be used.  
10. To end the recording, press any key. The system plays back your greeting. Press  
accept it, to review it, or to discard and re-record it.  
11. If you want to define your Personal Contact numbers now, press  
and continue with  
step 12 below. If not, press any other key and got to step 15.  
12. Enter the number for your cellular telephone using the keypad, or press  
to skip to the  
next step.  
After you have entered the number, the system reads it back to you. Press  
to accept  
the number,  
to review it, or  
to discard and re-enter it.  
13. Enter the number for your pager using the keypad, or press  
to skip to the next step.  
After you have entered the number, the system reads it back to you. Press  
the number, to review it, or to discard and re-enter it.  
to accept  
14. Enter the number for your fax using the keypad, or press  
to skip to the next step.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
After you have entered the number, the system reads it back to you. Press  
the number, to review it, or to discard and re-enter it.  
to accept  
15. You have now successfully set up your mailbox, and can send and listen to messages.  
Calling for Messages  
With the Message Light On  
1. Press the Message key or dial the Message Center extension.  
2. The system prompts you for your passcode. Enter your passcode.  
3. Press  
to play your messages, or press another key to select a different option from the  
Main Menu. See “Playing Your Messages” on page 12 for more information.  
With the Message Light Off or With No Message Light Indicator  
1. Lift the handset.  
2. Dial the Message Center extension.  
3. The system prompts you for your passcode. Enter your passcode.  
4. Press  
to play your messages, or press another key to select a different option from the  
Main Menu. See “Playing Your Messages” on page 12 for more information.  
Calling from Outside  
1. Call your company’s Automated Attendant number.  
- or -  
Call your extension number and press  
to the Automated Attendant.  
when you hear your greeting. You are transferred  
2. If your mailbox is not on the same voice mail server as the Automated Attendant, dial the  
Message Center extension for your voice mail server. Contact your Administrator if you  
need the number.  
3. When the system answers, enter your mailbox number. (See Note below)  
4. Press  
5. Enter your passcode.  
to play your messages or press another key to select a different option from the  
Main Menu. See “Playing Your Messages” on page 12 for more information.  
Note: Your system may require that you press  
after it answers, followed by your  
mailbox number and passcode.  
Using the Voice Mail System  
Using the Voice Mail System  
This section describes the options available in the voice mail system. After you call the system  
and access your mailbox, choose from the menus and options shown below.  
Tip: After playing or sending messages, the system may return you to a previous menu  
with different options than the menu you were just using.  
Menu Overview  
Main Menu  
After opening your mailbox, choose from the following menu options:  
Play Play your message(s)  
Make Record and send a message  
User Options Manage your mailbox  
Exit Exit your mailbox  
Transfer to Operator Transfer to the operator  
Auto Attendant Transfer to the Auto Attendant.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
Playing Your Messages  
to play your messages.  
After listening to a message, choose an option from the “Play” menu. You can also use these  
options while listening to a voice message.  
Play Again Repeat the message just played  
Answer Send a response to the person who sent the message  
Give Send the message to another mailbox or forward to an e-mail address  
Keep Save this message and play the next (if any)  
Discard Delete the message just played and playthe next (if any). Discarded messages  
cannot be recovered.  
Play Message Envelope Tell who the message was from and when it was sent. You  
hear the time for messages sent today plus the day for messages sent this week. Messages  
sent more than a week ago include the date.  
Next Message Skip ahead to the next message.  
While listening to a message, you can use the following options:  
Pause Stop the message being played—press any key to resume  
Fast Forward Skip forward in the message 5 seconds, then resume play  
Rewind Back up the message 5 seconds, then resume play.  
Making and Sending Messages  
to send a message (see the procedure below). See “Helpful Hints” on page 25 for  
more information.  
1. Enter all destination mailbox and/or distribution list numbers.  
For a directory list, press  
. Follow the voice prompts to tell the system where to send  
this message. Continue creating the list of destinations by entering mailbox numbers  
or distribution list numbers, or accessing the directory.  
If you enter an incorrect number, press  
to delete it from the list.  
If you normally use a dialing prefix to call the mailbox user, enter that prefix before the  
mailbox number.  
2. Press  
to end the destination list, then record your message.  
Using the Voice Mail System  
After recording your message, you can choose an option from the “Send” menu:  
Review Listen to the message you just recorded  
Discard Replace the recorded message with a new one  
Append Add to your recorded message  
Message Addressing Options Provides the following message addressing options:  
Confidential Prevent the receiver(s) of your message from forwarding it  
Receipt Request notification that your message has been heard  
Urgent Place this message first in the destination mailbox(es)  
Exit Message Addressing Exit the Message Addressing options menu.  
Send & Exit Send your message to the destination mailbox(es) and, if required, dial  
another extension.  
User Options  
to choose an option from the “User Options” menu:  
Greeting Record your permanent greeting  
Name Record your name  
Passcode Change your passcode:  
Your passcode must have the same number of digits as the default passcode  
Your new passcode must be different from your old passcode  
You can’t use  
in a passcode.  
Distribution Lists Set up and send messages to more than one mailbox at a time. See  
“Distribution Lists” on page 17 for more information.  
Temporary Greeting Record a greeting lasting a specified number of days (from 1 to  
99) or until you turn it off. The temporary greeting expires at midnight of the last day specified.  
When your temporary greeting expires, the caller hears the permanent greeting. See “Mailbox  
Greetings” on page 19 for more information.  
Memo Record a message for yourself  
Message Notification Instruct the system to notify you of new messages in your  
mailbox. Youcanbenotified ataninternalor external number, orat a pager(message, tone-only  
or digital). See “Message Notification” on page 16 for more information.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
Personal Contacts Program alternate numbers where callers can contact you  
instead of leaving a message. See “Personal Contacts” on page 21 for more information.  
Forward to E-mail Enable or disable the forward voice mail to e-mail feature. See  
Exit Options Exit User Options menu.  
Quick Messaging  
Quick Messaging allows you to leave messages for yourself or fellow employees without ringing  
their telephone or accessing your mailbox.  
1. Dial the Message Center extension.  
2. When the system answers, press  
3. Enter the mailbox number where you wish to leave a message. If you normally use a dialing  
prefix to call the mailbox user, enter that prefix before the mailbox number.  
4. Record the message (at least two seconds in length).  
5. Press any key or hang up.  
Transferring an Outside Caller to a Mailbox  
To transfer a caller on an outside line to a mailbox:  
1. Press the Transf/Conf key. If you do not have a Trans/Conf key, press and release the  
2. Dial the Message Center extension.  
3. When the system answers,  
If you have a mailbox, press  
If you do not have a mailbox, press  
4. Enter the mailbox number where the caller wants to leave a message. If you normally use  
a dialing prefix to call the mailbox user, enter that prefix before the mailbox number.  
5. Hang up immediately.  
Tip: If you do not hang up immediately, the caller will miss part of the mailbox’s greeting.  
Accessing the Auto Attendant from a Mailbox  
To dial another extension when you call someone and get their mailbox:  
1. During the mailbox greeting, press  
to transfer to the Auto Attendant.  
2. Dial the extension you want to reach. If Name Dialing is enabled on the system, you can  
use the keypad to spell the name of the party you want to reach.  
Using the Voice Mail System  
To call another extension when you are logged in your personal mailbox:  
1. Press to transfer to the Auto Attendant.  
2. Dial the extension you want to reach. If Name Dialing is enabled on the system, you can  
use the keypad to spell the name of the party you want to reach.  
Name Dialing  
When enabled, the Name Dialing feature allows you to reach a mailbox user from the Auto  
Attendant by dialing the user's name on the keypad. The system can be configured to dial by  
last name or by first name. Up to 6 letters of the name can be entered. If there is more than  
one match, the Auto Attendant lists the names of the matches along with the key to press to  
call each match.  
To dial by name:  
1. Press  
to transfer to the Auto Attendant.  
2. Dial  
3. At the prompt, enter the name using the keypad (press 2 for A, B or C, press 3 for D, E or  
F, etc.). You can enter up to 6 letters.  
4. If a unique match is found, the Auto Attendant transfers you to the user.  
Ifmorethanoneusernamestartwiththelettersentered, theAutoAttendantliststhenumber  
of matches, then reads each match's name or number followed by the keypad number to  
enter to be transferred to that person.  
For example:  
You are trying to reach James Jones. When you press 9 in the Auto Attendant, you hear  
You can enter up to 6 letters of the person's last name, using 7 for Q and 9 for Z”. You  
enter 5 6 6 3 7 for JONES. There is only one voice mail user with the last name spelled by  
the letters 5 6 6 3 and 7, and you hear “You are being transferred to James Jones”, and  
the Auto Attendant transfers you.  
You are trying to reach Jamal Singh. When you press 9 in the Auto Attendant, you hear  
You can enter up to 6 letters of the person's first name, using 7 for Q and 9 for Z”. You  
enter 5 2 6 for JAM and wait. There is more than one user with the first name starting with  
the letters on 5 2 and 6, and you hear “3 matches were found. To reach Jamal Sing, press  
1. To reach James Jones, press 2. To reach Janette Beauchamps, press 3". You press 1  
and the Auto Attendant transfers you.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
Checking More Than One Mailbox  
To check more than one mailbox during a single call to the system:  
1. Check messages in the first mailbox as you normally do (see “Calling for Messages” on  
page 10).  
2. After you finish with that mailbox, press  
3. Press when you hear the company greeting. The system asks for the new mailbox  
4. Enter the mailbox number. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each mailbox that you wish to check.  
to return to the Auto Attendant.  
Message Notification  
Message notification allows you to leave the office and have the system notify you when you  
receive messages. The system will call you at a telephone number or pager number. You can  
also use notification to alert you to messages if your telephone does not have a message light.  
With Message Notification, you can:  
Specify when notification should take place: when the business is open, closed, always, or  
Indicate that you want notification only for urgent messages.  
If your Administrator has given you the ability to specify your own mailbox type and number,  
you can:  
Enter a notification type: internal extension number, external number, message pager,  
tone-only pager, or digital pager.  
Enter an extension number or telephone number at which to be notified.  
If you have not been given the ability to specify your own mailbox type and number, the  
Administrator must program the notification type and number for you.  
If your notification number is a telephone number: The system calls that number at 15  
minute intervals (twice if there is no answer, three times if the number is busy). If you do not  
call in and check your mailbox by the second time (third if busy), the system will not call again,  
even if it receives new messages. However, your telephone's message waiting indicator will  
be on until the message is checked.  
If your notification number is a pager: The system calls only once for each new message  
that it receives.  
Using the Voice Mail System  
To set Message Notification:  
Follow the procedure below to set your Message Notification options. At any time, you can  
press to skip to the next option, or to exit Message Notification.  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Message Notification.  
4. Select when you want to be notified:  
To be notified during business hours only, press  
To be notified outside of business hours only, press  
To be notified around the clock, press  
To disable Message Notification, press  
5. Select the messages for which you want to be notified:  
To be notified for all messages, press  
To be notified for urgent messages only, press  
6. Select where you want to be notified:  
To be notified at an internal extension, press  
To be notified at an external number, press  
To be notified on a messaging pager, press  
To be notified on a tone pager, press  
To be notified on a digital pager, press  
7. Enter the number where you want to be notified.  
Distribution Lists  
You can create several personal distribution lists, each containing a group of mailbox numbers.  
You can also use global distribution lists defined by your Administrator.  
You can have up to ten (10) personal distribution lists, numbered from 050 to 059, with up to  
750 mailbox numbers in each list. Global distribution lists are numbered from 001 to 049.  
Distribution list number 000 allows you to broadcast a message to every local mailbox. Always  
use three (3) digits when entering a distribution list number.  
To create, or add a number to, a distribution list:  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Distribution List.  
4. Enter a distribution list number.  
5. Press for Add.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
6. Enter a destination mailbox number using the keypad. The system reads back the name  
or number of the mailbox user. If you normally use a dialing prefix to call the mailbox user,  
enter that prefix before the mailbox number.  
7. Continue entering destination mailbox numbers. When you are done, press  
To review a distribution list:  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Distribution List.  
4. Enter a distribution list number.  
5. Press for Review. The system reads the name or number of all the entries in the  
distribution list.  
To delete a number in a distribution list:  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Distribution List.  
4. Enter a distribution list number.  
5. Press for Delete.  
6. Enter the mailbox number to delete using the keypad. The system reads back the name  
or number of the mailbox user.  
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each number you want to delete.  
To name a distribution list:  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Distribution List.  
4. Enter a distribution list number.  
5. Press for Name.  
6. At the tone, record the name of the distribution list. This name will be played back when  
you address a message to this distribution list.  
To use a distribution list:  
Instead of entering a mailbox number, enter the number of the distribution list you want to  
use. The system reads back the name or number of the distribution list.  
Using the Voice Mail System  
Mailbox Greetings  
Using Mailbox Greetings Effectively  
There are two types of mailbox greetings: “permanent” and “temporary”. You record the  
permanent greeting when you access your mailbox the first time. Temporary greetings override  
the permanent greeting for the specified duration. If there is no temporary greeting, callers  
accessing your mailbox will hear the permanent greeting.  
Note: Your administrator may have programmed your mailbox to play a standard  
company greeting—for example, "Welcome to ABC Corporation. That extension is not  
available. Please leave a message."—for callers instead of a personal greeting. If so,  
you will still be prompted to record a personal greeting even though it won't be used.  
A permanent greeting cannot be very specific because it is worded to cover all situations. To  
address specific situations, create a temporary greeting that will last until you turn it off or for  
a specified number of days.  
Two examples of temporary greetings are  
“Hi! You have reached Julie Jones. I'm on vacation from Friday, June 18, through Friday,  
June 25. I'll be back on Monday, June 28, so please leave a message and I'll get back to  
you as soon as possible. If you require immediate assistance, press 0 and ask to be  
transferred to Christine Conner.”  
“This is Harry Smith, and today is Thursday, May 13. I have a meeting all day today so I  
will not be available to answer calls. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you  
You can change your temporary greeting anytime you wish to let callers know about any  
schedule changes. It's a good idea to create a temporary greeting every day—it shows callers  
that you really do use voice mail. You can also leave the name of a backup person if you will  
not be available to answer calls.  
About Bilingual Greetings  
Callers to a bilingual system can change the language of the spoken prompts by pressing the  
Language toggle key. This does not change the language of your greeting. Contact your  
Administrator for more information.  
If your system is bilingual, you may want to record a bilingual greeting. You can use this example  
as a guide (in this example, the Language toggle key is 8):  
“You have reached Christine Conner. Vous avez joint la boîte vocale de Christine Conner.  
I can't answer the phone right now, so please leave your name, number, and a short  
message. Je ne peux prendre votre appel pour le moment. Veuillez composer le 8 et laisser  
votre nom et numéro, ainsi qu'un court message. If you need immediate assistance, press  
0. Pour obtenir de l'aide immédiatement, composez le 0.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
To change a permanent greeting:  
Tip: You create your initial permanent greeting when you first access your mailbox to set  
your passcode, record your name, and record your permanent greeting.  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
for Greeting.  
3. Press  
4. Record your greeting. To end the recording, press any key.  
The system plays back your greeting. Press  
save it and exit.  
to review it,  
to re-record it or  
To create a temporary greeting:  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Temporary Greeting.  
4. Enter the number of days you want the greeting to play (from 01 to 99).  
5. If you have an existing temporary greeting, the system plays it back. Press  
to accept  
this greeting,  
to review it, or  
to re-record it (see step 6 below).  
6. Record your greeting. To end the recording, press any key.  
The system plays back your greeting. Press  
re-record it.  
to accept it,  
to review it, or  
To disable and enable a temporary greeting:  
After creating a temporary greeting, you can enable and disable it as required or let the system  
switch to your permanent greeting after a specified number of days.  
1. Call the voice mail system and access your mailbox.  
2. Press  
for User Options.  
3. Press  
for Temporary Greetings.  
4. When prompted to set the duration of the temporary greeting, press  
to disable an  
existing greeting or to re-enable the greeting. Or, enter the number of days (from 1 to  
99) that you want the greeting to last before the system switches to your permanent  
Using the Voice Mail System  
Personal Contacts  
Personal Contacts allow you to store alternate numbers where callers can contact you instead  
of leaving a message. Callers are prompted in the greeting to press a key to have their call  
transferred to the alternate number—they are never told the number. You can program up to  
ten (10) Personal Contacts, assigning a Personal Contact key (0–9) to each number. You then  
add information about these personal contact keys in your mailbox greeting.  
Personal Contact keys for cellular telephone (2), fax (3) and pager (7) are pre-defined by the  
system. When you program these personal contacts, the system plays the pre-recorded  
messages for these personal contacts after your mailbox greeting.  
Tip: If a number is not programmed for a pre-defined PersonalContact, the corresponding  
message is not played (for example, if you only programmed a cellular telephone number,  
only the pre-recorded message for cellular number will play).  
Personal Contact key 0 is usually used to transfer to the operator but you’re free to use it for  
contact numbers.  
In a bilingual system, a caller that presses the Languages Toggle key cannot use any of the  
programmed Personal Contact keys. Also, programming the Personal Contact key that  
corresponds to the Language Toggle key disables the Language Toggle key. See “About  
Bilingual Greetings” on page 19 for more information about the Language Toggle key.  
The following is a greeting that includes a prompt to contact the mailbox owner by cellular  
telephone (the pre-recorded system message for cellular phone personal contact will also play  
after this greeting):  
“You have reached Tom Murphy. I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave your  
name, number, and a short message – I will get back to you as soon as possible. To try to  
reach me on my cell phone, press 2. If you would like to speak with an operator, press 0 at  
any time.”  
To program a personal contact:  
1. Access your voice mailbox.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
for User Options.  
for Additional Options.  
for Personal Contacts.  
5. Select the desired Personal Contact number:  
for a cellular telephone number, press  
for a fax number, press  
for a pager number, press  
for another type of number, select any number between 0 and 9, except 2, 3 and 7.  
6. Enter the telephone number for the contact using the dial pad (up to 20 characters). To  
delete the number, press . To skip to the next personal contact, press  
Enter the number as you would normally dial it to call the number.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
7. Press  
when you are done.  
8. Update your greeting to include the prompts for the new numbers that you assigned.  
Tip: If you program an invalid number, callers will be forwarded to the Auto Attendant  
when choosing that personal contact.  
Forward to E-mail  
Forward to E-mail allows you to forward voice messages, including Record-a-Call messages,  
to an e-mail address. You can choose to manually forward voice messages, or automatically  
(always) forward all voice messages. Voice mails are sent as a Windows waveform (.wav)  
attachment to an e-mail. The destination e-mail address is programmed using the Desktop  
Tool; if you do not have access to the Desktop Tool, your Administrator must program the  
address for you.  
To set your Forward to E-mail options using a telephone:  
1. Access your voice mailbox.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
for User Options.  
for Additional Options.  
for Forward to E-mail.  
to enable Always Forward to E-mail, or  
to disable it (to manually forward  
to disable it.  
your messages).  
6. Press  
to enable Delete After Forwarding, or  
Tip: When “Delete After Forwarding” is disabled, your telephone’s message waiting lamp  
indicator continues to flash even after the message is forwarded to e-mail. To ensure that  
your mailbox does not fill up (which prevents new messages from being left), periodically  
access your mailbox and discard unneeded messages.  
Tip: When “Delete After Forwarding” is enabled, messages are only deleted after  
successful delivery to the destination e-mail server. Your telephone’s message waiting  
indicator turns on when a voice message is received in your voice mailbox, and turns off  
when the message is deleted.  
To set your Forward to E-Mail options using the Desktop Tool:  
If you have access to the Desktop Tool, you can change the following options to suit your  
E-mail address  
Forward messages manually or automatically  
Delete messages after forwarding (Yes or No)  
1. Access the Desktop Tool.  
2. Select “Manage my Voice Mail Application” from the drop-down menu.  
Using the Voice Mail System  
3. Enter the destination e-mail address.  
4. To automatically forward all voice messages, set “Messages Forwarded” to “Always”.  
5. If you want messages to be automatically deleted after you forward them, set “Delete after  
Forwarding” to “Yes”.  
Tip: When “Delete After Forwarding” is disabled, your telephone’s message waiting lamp  
indicator continues to flash even after the message is forwarded to e-mail. To ensure that  
your mailbox does not fill up (which prevents new messages from being left), periodically  
access your mailbox and discard unneeded messages.  
Tip: When “Delete After Forwarding” is enabled, messages are only deleted after  
successful delivery to the destination e-mail server. Your telephone’s message waiting  
indicator turns on when a voice message is received in your voice mailbox, and turns off  
when the message is deleted.  
6. Click “Save”. A test e-mail is sent to the e-mail address you entered.  
To manually forward a voice mail message:  
1. Access your voice mailbox.  
2. Listen to a voice message.  
3. Press  
for Give.  
4. Press  
for E-mail. The message is sent to the programmed e-mail address.  
Voice Mail User Guide  
Helpful Hints  
Helpful Hints  
24 Hour Touch-Tone Accessibility  
The voice mail system functions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All you need is a touch-tone  
telephone to check messages anytime, from any location.  
Listening to Messages  
The “Pause”, “Rewind”, and “Fast Forward” options in the “Play” menu apply only while you  
are listening to a message. Use these keys to replay information you missed, to pause a  
message so you can write something, or to quickly move ahead to another message.  
While listening to messages, new messages play before saved messages. After you listen to  
all messages, you are returned to the Main Menu.  
Sending Messages  
You can use distribution lists to send messages to multiple mailboxes at once. You can send  
a message to more than one distribution list (for example, if you need to send a message to  
more mailboxes than a distribution list can accommodate).  
Message Storage Limit  
The system deletes a saved message after the message is older than the number of days set  
by the Administrator (typically 15 days). Deleted messages cannot be recovered. You can use  
Forward to E-mail to send voice messages you want to keep to your e-mail address.  
Forwarding and Transferring Messages  
The “Answer” and “Give” options in the “Play” menu only work with other mailboxes in your  
company. You cannot reply to a message or forward a message to an outside number.  
Certified Messages  
When you send a certified message, the system creates a “receipt” containing the names of  
the message addressees. This receipt becomes a saved message in your mailbox.  
Every time you listen to the receipt, you can find out who has and who has not listened to the  
message. When everyone has listened to the message, you can delete the receipt from your  
Voice Mail User Guide  
Type Ahead  
You don’t need to listen to all menu prompts before pressing a key selection; the prompts are  
only for your convenience. If you know which keys to use, type ahead and move through the  
system as fast as you wish.  
Message Length and Conditions  
There is no time limit on message length, but after five minutes the system interrupts the caller  
and asks if they wish to continue. If there is no reply, the system stops recording and hangs  
up. The same thing happens if the caller stops talking for more than a few seconds or has a  
very faint connection.  
If the caller is in a very noisy environment, such as a factory or a windy car, the system may  
disconnect. The caller should try again from a quieter location.  
Minimum message length is two seconds.  
Visual Voice Mail  
If you have a 5140, 5230 or 5240 IP Appliance, you can use the Visual Voice Mail application  
to access your voice mail messages. Not all voice mail features are available from Visual Voice  
Mail; see your IP Appliance User Guide for more information.  

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