6. Enjoy your instrument!
Next/Stop – Press this
to view the next
/mode in your
l list. Press this
to stop Chrono
eset the display.
Start/Lap/Light –
this button to star
and to store lap/s
times in Chrono. P
this button to illu
your instrument s
5. Verify that your instrument is activated.
– If necessary, turn on your instrument as
described in step 3.
– Within 10 minutes you should receive the
current time and date.
– Within 12 hours you should receive your
personalized content, including a Welcome
– To view the Welcome message, press the
Channel/Mode button until the Messages channel
– Wait a moment for the Welcome message to
– When you receive the Welcome message the
Register screen disappears, and you start receiving
channel content.
Receive messages – Use the Messages
channel to receive text messages.
Check the weather – Be prepared! Scan
weather reports for major cities in the
world. View current conditions (wind,
humidity, barometric pressure and UV
index), three-day forecasts and more.
Read the news – Stay abreast of what’s
going on in the world. Receive only the
types of news stories that interest you
including: world, national, business,
sports, entertainment and health.
Get in shape – Use Chrono and Heart rate
functions for controlling your training
intensity and improving your fitness. You
can plan your workouts on your PC and get
them automatically to your smart watch,
so you know when it’s time to go for it.
For more information about using your instrument, see the
Suunto n6HR instruction manual. For information about the
MSN Direct service, including how to personalize the
information you receive, channel updates, new channels,
changing your location and customer support, go to the MSN
Quick Start Guide
Press this button to
e the channel/mode
urrently displayed.
s button to navigate
ubmenus to select
Channel/Mode – P
this button to acc
your personal cha
and channel mod
Microsoft, MSN and the MSN Logo
are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.
view the previous channel/mode
in your personal list and change
settings and units.
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