Sentry Industries Universal Remote PT22 User Manual

Server Technology  
Solutions for the Data Center Equipment Cabinet  
Remote Power Manager  
- PT22  
Installation and Operations Manual  
© 2005 Server Technology, Inc. All rights reserved  
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Table of Contents  
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Chapter 1: Introduction  
Quick Start Guide  
The following instructions will help you quickly install and configure your PT22 for use in your data  
center equipment cabinet. For detailed information on each step, go to the page number listed to the  
1. Mount the PT22..........................................................................................................................6  
2. Connect to the power source ......................................................................................................7  
3. Connect the devices....................................................................................................................7  
4. Connect the sensors....................................................................................................................7  
5. Connect to the PT22...................................................................................................................8  
6. Configure the PT22....................................................................................................................9  
Login as the predefined Administrator (admn/admn).......................................................10  
Configure the network settings.........................................................................................14  
Create new administrative user account............................................................................15  
Configure location and PT22 names.................................................................................13  
Configure sensor names....................................................................................................13  
Configure new user account(s) .........................................................................................15  
Remove the predefined Administrator..............................................................................17  
7. Connect the PT22 to the network.  
Technical Support  
Server Technology understands that there are often questions when installing and/or using a new  
product. Free Technical Support is provided from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday, Pacific Time.  
Server Technology, Inc.  
1040 Sandhill Drive  
Reno, Nevada 89521 USA  
Tel: 775.284.2000  
Fax: 775.284.2065  
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Equipment Overview  
1. The power inlet/cord(s) connects the CDU to the electrical power source.  
2. Two RJ45 connectors for Serial (RS-232) and Ethernet connection.  
3. Two mini RJ11 connectors for Temperature/Humidity sensors.  
A number is printed above each PT22 outlet. These numbers may be used in commands that require an  
outlet name.  
Figure 1.1 PT22 Views  
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Introduction 5  
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Chapter 2: Installation  
Before installing your Sentry PT22, refer to the following lists to ensure that you have all the items  
shipped with the unit as well as all other items required for proper installation.  
Standard Accessories  
Mounting bracket hardware: two mounting brackets and four screws  
RJ45 to RJ45 crossover cable  
RJ45 to DB9F serial port adapter (for connection to standard DB9M DTE serial port)  
DB9F to DB25M modem cable  
Cable Management Bar with four mounting screws  
Optional Accessories  
Temperature/Humidity sensors  
Additional Required Items  
Separate power input cord(s)  
Flathead and Phillip screwdrivers  
Screws, washers and nuts to attach the PT22 to your rack  
Safety Precautions  
This section contains important safety and regulatory information that should be reviewed before  
installing and using the Sentry PT22. For input and output current ratings, see Power Ratings in  
Only for installation and use in a  
Service Access Location in  
accordance with the following  
installation and use instructions.  
Destiné à l'installation et l'utilisation  
dans le cadre de Service Access  
Location selon les instructions  
d'installation et d'utilisation.  
Nur für Installation und Gebrauch an  
Anschlusszugriffspunkten gemäß der  
folgenden Installations- und  
This equipment is designed to be  
installed on a dedicated circuit.  
Cet équipement est conçu à être  
installé sur un circuit spécialisé.  
Diese Ausrüstung ist zur Installation in  
einem festen Stromkreis vorgesehen.  
Dedicated circuit must have circuit  
breaker or fuse protection.  
Le circuit spécialisé doit avoir un  
disjoncteur ou une protection de  
fusible. PT22s ont été conçus sans  
disjoncteur général ni fusible pour  
éviter que cela devient un seul endroit  
de panne. C’est la responsabilité du  
client de fournir une protection  
adéquate pour le circuit-alimentation  
spécialisé. Protection de capacité  
équivalant à la puissance de  
l'équipement, et respectant tous les  
codes et normes applicables. Les  
disjoncteurs ou fusibles destinés à  
l'installation en Amérique du Nord  
doivent avoir une capacité  
Der feste Stromkreis muss mit einem  
Schutzschalter oder einem  
Sicherungsschutz versehen sein.  
PT22s verfügt über keinen  
PT22s have been designed without a  
master circuit breaker or fuse to avoid  
becoming a single point of failure. It is  
the customer’s responsibility to  
provide adequate protection for the  
dedicated power circuit. Protection of  
capacity equal to the current rating of  
the PT22 must be provided and must  
meet all applicable codes and  
Hauptschutzschalter bzw. über keine  
Sicherung, damit kein einzelner  
Fehlerpunkt entstehen kann. Der  
Kunde ist dafür verantwortlich, den  
Stromkreis sachgemäß zu schützen.  
Der Kapazitätsschutz entspricht der  
aktuellen Stromstärke der Geräte und  
muss alle relevanten Codes und  
Bestimmungen erfüllen. Für  
Installation in Nordamerika müssen  
Ausschalter bzw. Sicherung über  
10.000 A Unterbrechungskapazität  
regulations. In North American,  
protection must have a 10,000A  
interrupt capacity.  
d'interruption de 10.000 A.  
The plug on the power supply cord  
shall be installed near the equipment  
and shall be easily accessible.  
La prise sur le cordon d’alimentation  
sera installée près de l’équipement et  
sera facilement disponible.  
Der Stecker des Netzkabels muss in  
der Nähe der Ausrüstung installiert  
werden und leicht zugänglich sein.  
Always disconnect the power supply  
cord before opening to avoid electrical  
Toujours déconnecter le cordon  
d’alimentation avant d’ouvrir pour  
éviter un choque électrique.  
Ziehen Sie vor dem Öffnen immer das  
Netzkabel heraus, um die Gefahr  
eines elektrischen Schlags zu  
WARNING! High leakage current!  
Earth connection is essential before  
connecting supply!  
ATTENTION ! Haut fuite très  
possible ! Une connection de masse  
est essentielle avant de connecter  
l’alimentation !  
ACHTUNG! Hoher Ableitstrom! Ein  
Erdungsanschluss ist vor dem  
Einschalten der Stromzufuhr  
6 Installation  
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1. Select the appropriate bracket mounting points for  
proper mounting depth within the rack.  
2. Attach the brackets to these mounting points with two  
screws for each bracket.  
3. Install the enclosure into your rack, using the slots in  
each bracket. The slots allow about ¼ inch of  
horizontal adaptability to align with the mounting  
holes of your rack.  
NOTE: A mounting bracket kit for 23” wide racks or cabinets is  
available. Contact your Server Technology Sales Representative for  
more information.  
Figure 2.1 Mounting  
Connecting to the Power Source  
The input power cord must first be attached to the unit before connecting the unit to the power source.  
Each outlet powers up sequentially, eliminating a potential blown primary fuse or circuit breaker from  
excessive in-rush current.  
To attach the power cord to the unit:  
1. Plug the female end of the power cord firmly into its connector at the base.  
2. Use a screwdriver to tighten the two screws on the retention bracket.  
To connect to the power source:  
Plug the male end of the power cord into the AC power source.  
Connecting Devices  
To avoid the possibility of noise due to arcing:  
1. Keep the device’s on/off switch in the off position until after it is plugged into the outlet.  
2. Connect devices to the PT22 outlets.  
NOTE: Server Technology recommends even distribution of attached devices across all available outlets to avoid  
exceeding the outlet, branch or phase limitations. See Power Ratings on page 69 for more information.  
Always disconnect both power supply cords before opening to avoid electrical shock.  
Afin d’éviter les chocs électriques, débranchez les cables électrique avant d’ouvrir.  
Immer beiden Netzleitungen auskuppeln vor den Aufmachen um elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden.  
Connecting the Sensors  
The Switched CDU is equipped with two mini RJ11 T/H ports for attachment of the  
Temperature/Humidity sensors. Attach the mini RJ11 plug of the sensor(s) to the appropriate T/H port.  
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Installation 7  
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Connecting to the Unit  
Serial (RS232) port  
The PT22 is equipped with an RJ45 Serial RS-232 port for attachment to a PC or networked terminal  
server using the supplied RJ45 to RJ45 crossover cable and RJ45 to DB9F serial port adapter as  
required. See Power Ratings in Appendix C: Technical Specifications for more information on the  
Serial RS-232 port.  
Ethernet port  
The PT22 is equipped with an RJ45 10/100Base-T Ethernet port for attachment to an existing network.  
This connection allows access to the Switched PT22 via Telnet or HTML.  
The PT22 is configured with the following network defaults to allow unit configuration out-of-the-box  
through either Telnet or HTML:  
IP address:  
Subnet Mask:  
The local PC network connection must be configured as noted below:  
NOTE: Contact your system administrator for instructions in reconfiguring the network connection. Reconfiguration of  
your network connection may require a restart to take effect.  
IP address:  
Subnet Mask:  
192.168.1.x (where x is 2-253)  
Modem port  
The PT22 is equipped with a DB9 male Modem serial port for connection to an external modem using  
the supplied DB9 female to DB25 male serial cable. See Power Ratings in Appendix C: Technical  
Specifications more information on the Modem port.  
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Chapter 3: Operations  
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The PT22 has two interfaces: the HTML interface accessed via the HTTP enabled Ethernet connections  
and the command line for serial and Telnet connections.  
Outlet Naming and Grouping  
For commands requiring an outlet name, you may specify it in one of two ways: a predefined absolute  
name or a descriptive name assigned by an administrator.  
For units with multiple infeed connectors, absolute names are specified by a period (.) followed by the  
tower letter, the infeed letter and outlet number.  
Example: The absolute name for outlet 8 on the B infeed of tower A is .AB8.  
Outlets may also be included in one or more named groups of outlets, enabling you to issue a command  
that affects all outlets in a named group.  
Usernames and Passwords  
The PT22 has one predefined administrative user account (username/password: admn/admn) and supports  
a maximum of 128 defined user accounts  
NOTE: For security, Server Technology recommends removal of the predefined administrative user account after a new  
account with administrative rights has been created.  
Only an administrative-level user may perform operations such as creating/removing user accounts and  
command privileges, changing passwords and displaying user information. An administrator may also  
view the status of all sensors and power inputs.  
Usernames may contain from 1-16 characters and are not case sensitive; spaces are not allowed.  
Passwords may contain up to 16 characters, and are case sensitive.  
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HTML Interface  
The HTML interface is constructed of three major components: the System Location bar, the  
User/Navigation bar and the Control Screen. The System Location bar displays the Sentry’s location  
and IP address as well as the current Control Screen title. The User/Navigation bar displays the current  
user and privilege level and provides access to all HTML pages. And the Control Screen is used to  
display current data and allow changes to outlet states or system configuration.  
The following sections describe each interface section/page and their use.  
System Location  
Control Screen  
Figure 3.1 Example HTML page  
Logging In  
Logging in through HTML requires directing the HTML client to the configured IP address of the unit.  
To log in by HTML:  
In the login window, enter a valid username and password and press OK.  
If you enter an invalid username or password, you will be prompted again.  
You are given three attempts to enter a valid username and password combination. If all three fail, the  
session ends and a protected page will be displayed.  
NOTE: The default Sentry username/password is admn/admn.  
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Outlet Control  
The Outlet Control section offers access to the Individual and Group outlet control pages. From the  
Individual and Group pages, the user can review and manipulate power control functions for all outlets  
and groups assigned to the current user. Both pages include the outlets absolute and descriptive names,  
the Outlet Status reported to the Sentry by the outlet, the current Control State being applied by the  
Sentry and the outlet load in amperes.  
Available outlet and group power states may be set to on, off or reboot.  
The Individual outlet control page displays all outlets assigned to the current user. The user may apply  
on, off or reboot actions to individual, multiple or all accessible outlets.  
To apply actions to individual or multiple outlets:  
In the Individual Outlet Control section, select the desired action from the Control Action drop-down  
menu for each individual outlet to be changed and press Apply.  
To apply an action to all outlets:  
In the Global Control section, select the desired action from the Control Action drop-down menu and  
press Apply.  
The Group outlet control page displays all groups assigned to the current user as well as the outlets for  
each group.  
To select a group:  
Select the group name from the drop-down menu and press Select. The page will refresh to display all  
outlets associated to the selected group name.  
To apply an action to a group:  
Select the desired action from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Outlet State/Control State Field Values  
Outlet State Control State  
Outlet is on  
Outlet is off  
Pend On  
Idle On  
Idle Off  
Wake On  
Wake Off  
Outlet is off and about to turn on in response to a sequence timer  
Outlet is off and a Reboot action has been initiated  
A restart has occurred – Last Control State has been maintained  
A restart has occurred – Last Control State has been maintained  
A power-loss has occurred – Wakeup State has been applied  
A power-loss has occurred – Wakeup State has been applied  
Outlet state in transition – Requery of outlet status required  
Outlet state in transition – Requery of outlet status required  
Error State – Outlet should be off but current is sensed at the outlet  
Error State – Outlet should be on but no current is sensed at the outlet  
Communication to the outlet has been lost*  
No Comm  
* Control State will be applied when communication is re-established  
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Environmental Monitoring  
Input Load  
The Input Load page displays the tower(s) absolute and descriptive name and the cumulative input load  
in amperes of all devices attached to the Sentry at the time the page was loaded. This page will refresh  
automatically every 10 seconds.  
The Sensors page displays:  
Temperature/humidity sensor’s absolute and descriptive names  
Temperature/humidity sensor readings in degrees Celsius and percent relative humidity  
The Configuration section offers access to all unit configuration options including Network,  
Telnet/SSH, HTTP/SSL, Serial Ports, Users, FTP, Proxy/SNTP and SNMP. This section is available to  
administrative level users only.  
The System configuration page is used for reference of system information such as Ethernet NIC Serial  
Number, Ethernet MAC address and system firmware and hardware revisions as well as assignment and  
maintenance of the system location and tower descriptive names.  
For description names, up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal –  
spaces are not allowed) are allowed.  
NOTE: Spaces may be used for the location description only.  
Creating a descriptive system location name:  
Enter a descriptive name and press Apply.  
Creating a descriptive unit name:  
Click on the Tower Names link.  
On the subsequent Tower Names page, enter a descriptive name and press Apply.  
Creating a descriptive input feed name:  
Click on the Input Feed Names link.  
On the subsequent Input Feed Names page, enter a descriptive name and press Apply.  
Creating a descriptive outlet name:  
Click on the Outlet Names link which will open the Outlets configuration page. See Outlets on page  
16 for additional information on creating descriptive outlet names.  
Creating a descriptive serial port/Pass-Thru name:  
Click on the Serial Port Names link which will open the Serial Ports configuration page. See Serial  
Ports on page 15 for additional information on creating descriptive serial port names.  
Creating a descriptive Environmental Monitor name:  
Click on the Environmental Monitor Names link.  
On the subsequent Environmental Monitor Names page, enter a descriptive name and press Apply.  
Creating descriptive sensor names:  
Click on the Sensor Names link.  
On the subsequent Sensor Names page, enter a descriptive name and press Apply.  
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The Network configuration page is used for maintenance of the network interface. From this page an  
administrator may configure the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, DNS addresses as well as  
view the link status, speed and duplex value.  
The Sentry is configured with the following network defaults to allow unit configuration out-of-the-box  
through either Telnet or HTML:  
IP address:  
Subnet Mask:  
The initial local PC network connection must be configured as noted below:  
NOTE: Contact your system administrator for instructions in reconfiguring the network connection. Reconfiguration of  
your network connection may require a restart to take effect.  
IP address:  
Subnet Mask:  
192.168.1.x (where x is 2-253)  
NOTE: The unit must be restarted after network configuration changes. See Performing a warm boot: on page 21.  
Setting the IP address, subnet mask, gateway or DNS address:  
In the appropriate field, enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address or DNS address and press Apply.  
The Telnet/SSH configuration page used to enable or disable Telnet and SSH support and configure the  
port number that the Telnet or SSH server watches. For more information on SSH see page 47 in  
Enabling or disabling Telnet or SSH support:  
Select Enabled or Disabled from the appropriate Server drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Changing the Telnet or SSH server port number:  
In the appropriate Port field, enter the port number and press Apply.  
The HTTP/SSL configuration page used to enable or disable HTTP and SSL support, configure the port  
number that the HTTP server watches and responds to, selection of the method of authentication used  
and SSL access level. For more information on SSL see page 45 in Chapter 4: Advanced Operations.  
Enabling or disabling HTTP or SSL support:  
Select Enabled or Disabled from the appropriate Server drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Changing the HTTP server port number:  
In the HTTP Port field, enter the port number and press Apply.  
Setting the HTTP authentication method:  
The Sentry HTTP server supports two authentication methods for security and validation of the  
username-password – Basic and MD5 digest.  
The Basic method utilizes Base64 encoding to encode and deliver the username-password over the  
network to the HTTP server for decoding and authentication. This basic method is supported by all  
web browsers and offers a minimum level of security.  
NOTE: The Base64 algorithm is widely-known and susceptible to packet-sniffer attack for acquisition of the encoded  
username-password string.  
The MD5 digest method provides stronger protection utilizing one-way encoded hash numbers, never  
placing the username-password on the network. Instead, the sending browser creates a challenge code  
based on the hash algorithm, provided username-password and unique items such as the device IP  
address and timestamp, which is compared against the HTTP server internal user database of valid  
challenge codes. The MD5 digest method offers a higher level of security than the Basic method but at  
present is not supported by all browsers.  
NOTE: MD5 is known to be fully supported by Internet Explorer 5.0+  
Select Basic or MD5 from the Authentication drop-down menu and press Apply.  
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Setting SSL access level  
Sentry SSL supports configuration of SSL connections as being either optional or required. The default  
access level is set to optional.  
Optional –Both non-secure (HTTP) and SSL encrypted connections (HTTPS) are allowed access.  
Required – ONLY SSL encrypted connections (HTTPS) are allowed access.  
Select Optional or Required from the Secure Access drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Serial Ports  
The Serial Ports configuration page is used for maintenance of all serial ports.  
NOTE: Pass-Thru connections may only be initiated from the command line interface via a direct serial or Telnet session.  
Setting the data-rate for all serial ports:  
Select the serial port data-rate from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Setting the serial port timeout value:  
Enter the timeout value (in minutes) in the Connection Timeout field and press Apply.  
Creating a descriptive serial port name:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the port to be configured.  
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, enter the descriptive name. Up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable  
characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal, spaces and colon characters are not allowed) are allowed. Press Apply.  
NOTE: Port names ‘1’ thru ‘64’, ‘CONSOLE’ and ‘MODEM’ are reserved system names and may not be used.  
Enabling or disabling serial port active signal checking:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the port to be configured.  
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, select On or Off from the DSR Check drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Enabling or disabling modem initialization strings:  
By default, the Sentry assumes an external modem is attached to the Modem port and sends  
initialization strings to that modem as necessary. The Sentry sends the initialization strings under the  
following conditions:  
System start –DSR is high and DCD is low  
Normal operations – If DSR transitions from low to high and DCD is low  
Normal operations – After a session initiated from the Modem port ends  
Normal operations – After a Pass-Thru connection to the Modem port is disconnected  
Click on the Edit link in the Modem port Action column.  
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, select On or Off from the Modem Initializations drop-down  
menu and press Apply.  
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Editing modem initialization strings:  
Click on the Edit link in the Modem port Action column.  
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, enter the initialization string in the appropriate field and press  
The Init1 and Init2 strings may be up to 48 characters. The Attention and Hang-up strings may be up to  
16 characters.  
Predefined Modem Initialization Strings  
String Type String  
Init 1  
Gets modem attention  
Init 2  
AT E0 Q1 S0=1 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2  
Initializes default settings required  
Switches the modem to command mode  
Forces a hang-up of an active connection  
NOTE: Sentry Remote Power Managers do NOT support variable data-rate mode modems. The modem operating mode  
must be set to fixed data-rate mode to avoid the data-rate being changed after initialization.  
The modem manual must be referred to as the command(s) required to set the configuration to fixed data-rate mode vary  
significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. The modem should be configured directly from a PC using a terminal  
program and the command &W be used to save the new configuration to memory and set it to default.  
The Outlets configuration page is used for assignment and/or editing of outlet sequence and reboot  
timers, descriptive names and wakeup states.  
Setting the outlet sequencing interval:  
Enter the sequencing interval (in seconds) in the Sequence Interval field and press Apply.  
Setting the outlet reboot delay:  
Enter the reboot interval (in seconds) in the Reboot Delay field and press Apply.  
Editing the outlet descriptive name:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the outlet to be configured.  
On the subsequent Outlet Edit page, enter the descriptive name. Up to 24 alphanumeric and other  
typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal, spaces are not allowed) are allowed. Press Apply.  
Changing the outlet wakeup state:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the outlet to be configured.  
On the subsequent Outlet Edit page, select On, Off or Last from the Wakeup State drop-down menu  
and press Apply.  
Setting the outlet Post-On delay:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the outlet to be configured.  
On the subsequent Outlet Edit page, enter the outlet Post-On delay (in seconds) in the Post-On Delay  
field and press Apply.  
The Groups configuration page is used for creation and deletion of group and assignment of outlets to  
Creating a group:  
Enter a descriptive group name in the Group Name field. Up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable  
characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal, spaces are not allowed) are allowed. Press Apply.  
Removing a group:  
Click on the Remove link in the Action column for the group to be removed and press Yes on the  
subsequent confirmation window.  
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Adding and Deleting outlets from a group:  
Press the Edit link in the Action column for the associated group.  
On the subsequent Group Edit page, select or deselect outlets to be included in that group. Press  
The Users configuration page is used for creation and removal of usernames, assignment of accessible  
outlets and group, assignment of privilege levels and the changing of user passwords.  
Creating a new user:  
Enter a user name in the Username field. Up to 16 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII  
33 to 126 decimal, spaces are not allowed) are allowed.  
Enter a password for the new user and verify in the Password and Verify Password fields. For security,  
password characters are not displayed. Press Apply.  
Removing a user:  
Click on the Remove link in the Action column for the user to be removed and press Yes on the  
subsequent confirmation window.  
Changing a user password:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated user.  
On the subsequent User Edit page, enter a password and verify the new password for the new user in the  
Password and Verify Password fields. For security, password characters are not displayed. Press Apply.  
Changing a user’s access privilege level:  
The Sentry has four defined access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and View-Only:  
Full-access for all configuration, control (On, Off, Reboot), status and Pass-Thru.  
Partial-access for control (On, Off, Reboot), status and Pass-Thru of assigned  
outlets, groups and serial ports.  
Partial-access for control (On), status and Pass-Thru of assigned outlets, groups  
and serial ports.  
View-Only: Partial-access for status and Pass-Thru of assigned outlets, groups and serial  
The administrator may also grant administrative privileges to other user accounts allowing the Sentry to  
have more than one administrative-level user.  
NOTE: You cannot remove administrative privileges from the Admn user unless another user has already been given  
administrative access level privileges created.  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated user.  
On the subsequent User Edit page, select Admin, User, On-only or View-only from the Access Level  
drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Granting or removing Environmental Monitoring viewing privileges:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated user.  
On the subsequent User Edit page, select Yes or No from the Environmental Monitoring drop-down  
menu and press Apply.  
NOTE: This also grants or removes viewing privileges for the optional Equipment Cabinet Environmental Manager. See  
the Equipment Cabinet Environmental Manager Installation and Operations manual for more information.  
Adding and Deleting outlet access:  
Click on the Outlets link in the Access column for the associated user.  
On the subsequent User Outlets page, select or deselect outlets to be accessed by the user and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting group access:  
Click on the Groups link in the Access column for the associated user.  
On the subsequent User Groups page, select or deselect group to be accessed by the user and press Apply.  
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Adding and Deleting serial port access:  
Click on the Ports link in the Access column for the associated user.  
On the subsequent User Ports page, select or deselect ports to be accessed by the user and press Apply.  
The FTP configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of all settings required to perform an  
FTP firmware upload. See Appendix B: Uploading Firmware for more information on uploading  
Setting the FTP Host IP Address:  
Enter the IP address in the Host IP Address field and press Apply.  
Setting the FTP username:  
Enter the FTP server username in the Username field, and press Apply.  
Setting the FTP password:  
Enter the FTP server password in the Password field, and press Apply.  
Setting the filepath:  
Enter the path of the file to be uploaded in the Directory field, and press Apply.  
Setting the filename for upload:  
Enter the filename of the file to be uploaded in the Filename field, and press Apply.  
Testing the FTP upload configuration:  
This test validates that the unit is able to contact and log onto the specified FTP server, download the  
firmware file and verify that the firmware file is valid for this unit.  
Press Test.  
The SNTP configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of SNTP support.  
Setting the SNTP Server Address:  
Enter the IP address in the primary and/or secondary address field and press Apply.  
The SNMP configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of all settings required to enable  
SNMP support as well as access to the trap configuration pages. For additional information on SNMP  
support and detailed descriptions of available traps, see SNMP on page 48.  
NOTE: Traps are generated according to a hierarchical architecture; i.e. if a Tower Status enters a trap condition, only the  
Tower Status trap is generated. Infeed and Outlet Status traps are suppressed until the Tower Status returns to Normal.  
Enabling or disabling SNMP support:  
Select Enabled or Disabled from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Setting the community strings:  
Enter the community string in the appropriate field and press Apply.  
Community strings may be 1 to 24 characters  
Setting the trap timer:  
Enter a trap timer value in the Error Trap Repeat Time field and press Apply.  
The Error Trap Repeat Time value may be 1 to 65535 (in seconds).  
Setting trap destinations:  
Enter an IP address in the appropriate Trap Destination field and press Apply.  
Enabling or disabling tower traps:  
Click on the Tower Traps link.  
On the subsequent Tower Traps page, select or deselect the desired traps and press Apply.  
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Configuring input feed traps:  
Click on the Input Feed Traps link.  
On the subsequent Input Feed Traps page, select or deselect the desired traps and press Apply.  
For Load traps, enter a maximum load value for the infeed in the High Load Threshold field and press Apply.  
The High Load Threshold value may be 0 to 255 (in amperes).  
Configuring outlet traps:  
Click on the Outlet Traps link.  
On the subsequent Outlet Traps page, select or deselect the desired traps and press Apply.  
The LDAP configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of all settings required to enable  
LDAP support. For additional information and configuration requirements, see LDAP on page54.  
Enabling or disabling LDAP support:  
Select Enabled or Disabled from the LDAP drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Setting the LDAP server IP address:  
Enter the IP address in the Host IP1 and/or Host IP2 address field and press Apply.  
Changing the LDAP server port:  
Enter the port number in the LDAP Port field and press Apply.  
Setting the LDAP bind password type:  
Select Simple or MD5 from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
For more information on LDAP bind password types, see Setting the LDAP bind password type  
Setting the search bind Distinguished Name (DN):  
Enter the fully-qualified distinguished name (FQDN) in the Search Bind field and press Apply.  
Setting the search bind password for Distinguished Name (DN):  
Enter the Search Bind Password in the Search Bind Password field and press Apply.  
Setting the group membership attribute:  
Enter the group membership attribute in the Group Membership Attribute Field and press Apply.  
Setting the group membership value type:  
Select the appropriate value from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Setting the user search base Distinguished Name (DN):  
Enter the User Search Base DN in the User Search Base DN field and press Apply.  
Setting the user search filter:  
Enter the User Search Filter in the User Search Filter field and press Apply.  
Setting the DNS IP address:  
Network on page 13 for information on how to set the DNS IP address.  
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Configuring the authentication order:  
Select Remote -> Local or Remote Only from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
For more information on remote authentication order, see Setting the authentication order on page 57.  
NOTE: Server Technology recommends NOT setting the authentication order to Remote Only until the LDAP has been  
fully configured and tested.  
Configuring LDAP groups:  
Click on the LDAP Groups link at the bottom of the page.  
Creating an LDAP group:  
Enter a descriptive group name in the LDAP Group Name field. Up to 24 alphanumeric and other  
typeable character (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal, spaces are not allowed) are allowed. Press Apply.  
Removing an LDAP group:  
Click on the Remove link in the Action column for the group to be removed and press OK on the  
subsequent confirmation window.  
Changing an LDAP group’s access privilege level:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated LDAP Group.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Edit page, select Admin, User, On-only or View-only from the  
Access Level drop-down menu and press Apply.  
For more information on access privilege levels, see Changing a user’s access privilege level:  
Granting or removing Environmental Monitoring viewing privileges:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated LDAP Group.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Edit page, select Yes or No from the Environmental Monitoring  
drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting outlet access:  
Click on the Outlets link in the Access column for the associated LDAP Group.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Outlets page, select or deselect outlets to be accessed by the LDAP  
Group and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting outlet group access:  
Click on the Groups link in the Access column for the associated LDAP Group.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Groups page, select or deselect outlet groups to be accessed by the  
LDAP Group and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting serial port access:  
Click on the Ports link in the Access column for the associated LDAP Group.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Ports page, select or deselect ports to be accessed by the LDAP Group  
and press Apply.  
The TACACS+ configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of all settings required to enable  
TACACS+ support. For additional information and configuration requirements, see TACACS+ on page 63.  
Enabling or disabling TACACS+ support:  
Select Enabled or Disabled from the TACACS+ drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Setting the TACACS+ server IP address:  
Enter the IP address in the Host IP1 and/or Host IP2 address field and press Apply.  
Setting the TACACS+ encryption key:  
Enter a key and verify the new key the Encryption Key and Verify Encryption Key fields. Press Apply.  
For security, key characters are not displayed.  
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Configuring the authentication order:  
Select Remote -> Local or Remote Only from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
For more information on remote authentication order, see Setting the authentication order on page 64.  
NOTE: Server Technology recommends NOT setting the authentication order to Remote Only until the LDAP has been  
fully configured and tested.  
Configuring TACACS+ privilege levels:  
Click on the TACACS+ Privilege Levels link at the bottom of the page.  
Changing an TACACS+ Privilege Level’s access privilege level:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated TACACS+ Privilege Level.  
On the subsequent TACACS+ Privilege Level - Edit page, select Admin, User, On-only or View-only  
from the Access Level drop-down menu and press Apply.  
For more information on access levels, see Changing a user’s access privilege level: on page 17.  
Granting or removing Environmental Monitoring viewing privileges:  
Click on the Edit link in the Action column for the associated TACACS+ privilege level.  
On the subsequent TACACS+ Privilege Level - Edit page, select Yes or No from the Environmental  
Monitoring drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting outlet access:  
Click on the Outlets link in the Access column for the associated TACACS+ Privilege Level.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Outlets page, select or deselect outlets to be accessed by the TACACS+  
Privilege Level and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting outlet group access:  
Click on the Groups link in the Access column for the associated TACACS+ Privilege Level.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Groups page, select or deselect outlet groups to be accessed by the  
TACACS+ Privilege Level and press Apply.  
Adding and Deleting serial port access:  
Click on the Ports link in the Access column for the associated TACACS+ Privilege Level.  
On the subsequent LDAP Group - Ports page, select or deselect ports to be accessed by the TACACS+  
Privilege Level and press Apply.  
The Tools section contains access to rebooting the unit, uploading new firmware as well as resetting the unit to  
factory defaults. This section is available to administrative level users only.  
Performing a warm boot:  
Select the Restart from the Action drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Note: System user/outlet/group configuration or outlet states are NOT changed or reset with this command.  
Resetting to factory defaults:  
See Chapter 5: for more information on resetting a Sentry to factory defaults from the HTML interface.  
Uploading new firmware:  
See Appendix B: for more information on uploading new firmware from the HTML interface.  
The Ping feature may be used to test the Sentry’s ability to contact another Ethernet enabled device’s IP  
address. For LDAP support, it may also be used to test the configuration of the Domain Name server  
IP address by testing for proper name resolution.  
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Command Line Interface  
Logging In  
Logging in through Telnet requires directing the Telnet client to the configured IP address of the unit.  
Logging in through the Console (RS232) port requires the use of a terminal or terminal emulation  
software configured to support ANSI or VT100 and a supported data rate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,  
19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 BPS) - 8 data bits-no parity-one stop bit and Device Ready output  
signal (DTR or DSR).  
To log in by RS-232 or Telnet:  
1. Press Enter. The following appears, where x.xx is the firmware version:  
Sentry Version x.xx  
NOTE: Logging in by Telnet will automatically open a session. It is not necessary to press Enter.  
2. At the Username: and Password: prompts, enter a valid username and password. And press Enter.  
You are given three attempts to enter a valid username and password combination. If all three fail,  
the session ends.  
NOTE: The default Sentry username/password is admn/admn.  
When you enter a valid username and password, the command prompt (Sentry:) appears. If a location  
identifier was defined, it will be displayed before the Sentry: prompt. See Creating a location  
description on page 37 for more information.  
Commands may be entered in any combination of uppercase and lowercase. All command characters must  
be entered correctly; there are no command abbreviations. A user must have administrative privileges to  
use the administration commands. The following tables list and briefly describe each command.  
Operations Command Summary  
Turns one or more outlets on  
Turns one or more outlets off  
Reboots one or more outlets  
Displays the on/off status of one or more outlets  
Displays the total cumulative input load  
Displays the status of the infeeds  
Connects to a serial port  
Displays the status of the integrated Environmental Monitor  
Ends the current session and brings up the Username: prompt  
Ends a session  
Ends a session  
List Outlets  
List Ports  
List Group  
List Groups  
Lists all accessible outlets for the current user  
Lists all accessible serial ports for the current user  
Lists all assigned outlets for a group name  
Lists all accessible groups for the current user  
Administrative Command Summary  
Add Grouptouser  
Add Outlettogroup  
Add Outlettouser  
Add Porttouser  
Create Group  
Grants a user access to one or more groups  
Adds an outlet to a group name  
Grants a user access to one or all outlets  
Grants a user access to one or all serial ports  
Adds a group name  
Create User  
Adds a user account  
Delete Groupfromuser Removes access to one or more groups for a user  
Delete Outletfromgroup Deletes an outlet from a group name  
Delete Outletfromuser Removes access to one or all outlets for a user  
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Administrative Command Summary (continued)  
Delete Portfromuser  
List User  
Removes access to one or all serial ports  
Displays all accessible outlets/groups/ports for a user  
Displays privilege levels for all users  
Deletes a group name  
List Users  
Remove Group  
Remove User  
Deletes a user account  
Performs a warm boot  
Set DNS  
Sets the IP address of the Domain Name server  
Specifies the file to be uploaded via FTP  
Specifies the filepath for the file to be uploaded  
Sets the FTP Host IP address  
Set FTP Filename  
Set FTP Filepath  
Set FTP Host  
Set FTP Password  
Set FTP Username  
Set Gateway  
Sets the password for the FTP Host  
Sets the username for the FTP Host  
Sets the Gateway  
Set HTTP  
Enables or disables HTTP access  
Set HTTP Port  
Set HTTP Security  
Set Infeed Name  
Set Ipaddress  
Set Location  
Specifies the target port for HTTP access  
Specifies the HTTP server authentication method  
Specifies a descriptive field for the infeed  
Sets the IP address  
Specifies a descriptive field for the HTML control screen and login banner  
Enables or disables Modem port initialization strings  
Specifies Modem port initialization strings  
Specifies a descriptive field for a device attached to an outlet  
Set Modem Inits  
Set Modem  
Set Outlet Name  
Set Outlet PostOnDelay Sets the Post-On delay for an outlet  
Set Outlet RebootDelay Sets the reboot delay for all outlets  
Set Outlet SeqInterval Sets the sequencing interval for all outlets  
Set Outlet Wakeup  
Set Subnet Mask  
Set Telnet Port  
Set Telnet  
Sets the wakeup state for an outlet  
Sets the Subnet Mask  
Sets the Telnet server port number  
Enables or disables Telnet access  
Set Tower Name  
Set User Access  
Set User Envmon  
Set User Password  
Set Port Name  
Set Port Dsrchk  
Set Port Speed  
Set Port Timeout  
Show FTP  
Specifies a descriptive field for the Sentry  
Sets the access level for a user  
Grants or removes privileges to view input and environmental monitoring status  
Changes the password for a user  
Specifies a descriptive field for a serial port  
Sets the DSR active signal checking for a serial port  
Set the connection speed for all serial ports  
Sets the inactivity timer for Pass-Thru sessions  
Displays FTP configuration information  
Displays infeed configuration information  
Display network configuration information  
Displays configuration information for all outlets  
Displays serial port configuration information  
Displays system configuration information  
Displays tower configuration information  
Displays the Sentry firmware version  
Show Infeeds  
Show Network  
Show Outlets  
Show Ports  
Show System  
Show Towers  
To display the names of commands that you may execute:  
At the command prompt, press Enter. A list of valid commands for the current user appears.  
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Operations Commands  
Operations commands manage outlet states, provide information about the Sentry environment and  
control session operations.  
Turning outlets on  
The On command turns on one or more outlets. When the command completes, a display indicating all  
outlets affected and their current states will be displayed.  
To turn outlets on:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type on, followed by an outlet name, and press Enter, or  
Type on, followed by a group name, and press Enter, or  
Type on all and press Enter.  
The following command turns the second outlet on, using the outlet’s absolute name:  
Sentry: on .B1<Enter>  
The following command turns on all the outlets in the group named ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: on ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Turning outlets off  
The Off command turns off one or more outlets. When the command completes, a display indicating all  
outlets affected and their current states will be displayed.  
To turn outlets off:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type off, followed by an outlet name, and press Enter, or  
Type off, followed by a group name, and press Enter, or  
Type off all and press Enter  
The following command turns off the outlet named FileServer_1:  
Sentry: off FileServer_1<Enter>  
The following command turns off all outlets:  
Sentry: off all<Enter>  
Rebooting outlets  
The Reboot command reboots one or more outlets. This operation turns the outlet(s) off, delays for a  
user configurable period and then turns the outlet(s) on. When the command completes, a display  
indicating all outlets affected and their current states will be displayed.  
NOTE: It is necessary to reissue the Status command to verify that the outlets have rebooted. See Displaying outlet status  
for more information.  
To reboot one or more outlets:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type reboot, followed by an outlet name, and press Enter, or  
Type reboot, followed by a group name, and press Enter, or  
Type reboot all and press Enter.  
The following command reboots all the outlets in the group named ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: reboot ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
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Displaying outlet status  
The Status command displays the on/off status of one or more outlets. The command displays the status of  
only those outlets for which the current username has power control access.  
This display includes the outlet absolute and descriptive names, the Outlet State reported to the Sentry  
by the outlet and the current Control State being applied by the Sentry. If you do not specify any  
parameter with this command, the status of all accessible outlets is displayed.  
NOTE: If the user has access to more than 16 total outlets, the Status command will display the first 16 outlets with a  
prompt to view the remaining outlets.  
For more information on outlet and control state values, see Outlet Control on page 12.  
To display on/off status of one or more outlets:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type status, followed by an outlet name, and press Enter, or  
Type status, followed by a group name, and press Enter, or  
Type status and press Enter.  
The following command displays the on/off status of the outlet named FileServer_1:  
Sentry: status FileServer_1<Enter>  
The following command displays the on/off status of all accessible outlets:  
Sentry: status<Enter>  
The following command displays the on/off status for outlets in the group ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: status ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Group: ServerGroup_1  
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Displaying accessible outlets  
The List Outlets command displays accessible outlets for the current user. The display includes the  
absolute and descriptive name of all outlets assigned to the current user.  
To display accessible outlets:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list outlets and press Enter.  
The follow command displays all accessible outlets for the current user:  
Sentry: list outlets<Enter>  
Displaying accessible groups  
The List Groups command displays accessible groups for the current user.  
To display accessible groups:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list groups and press Enter.  
The follow command displays all accessible groups for the current user:  
Sentry: list groups<Enter>  
Displaying outlets assigned to a group  
The List Group command displays outlets assigned to the specified group name.  
To display outlets assigned to a group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list group, followed by the group name and press Enter.  
The follow command displays the outlets assigned to the group ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: list group ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Group: ServerGroup_1  
Displaying accessible serial ports  
The List Ports command displays accessible serial ports for the current user.  
To display accessible serial ports:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list ports and press Enter.  
The follow command displays all accessible serial ports for the current user:  
Sentry: list ports<Enter>  
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Displaying infeed status  
The Istat or Iload command displays the status of one or more infeed.  
This display includes the infeed absolute and descriptive names and the Input Status and current Load  
reported to the Sentry by the infeed.  
To display status of one or more infeeds:  
Type istat and press Enter, or  
Type iload and press Enter.  
The following command displays the infeed status:  
Sentry: istat  
Feed ID Feed Name  
10.5 Amps  
5.5 Amps  
9.0 Amps  
0.5 Amps  
Connecting to a serial device  
The Connect command allows Pass-Thru serial connection to devices attached to one of the two  
standard serial ports (Console, Modem) or a Pass-Thru port.  
To connect to a serial device:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type connect, followed by the serial port name and press Enter.  
The follow command connects to the serial device connected to the Modem port:  
Sentry: connect modem<Enter>  
To disconnect from a serial device:  
Type !*break and press Enter.  
Displaying the status of the Environmental Monitor  
The Envmon command displays the status of the integrated Environmental Monitor.  
By default, only administrative user accounts are allowed access to the Envmon command. An  
administrator may user the Set User Envmon command to enable and disable access for other user  
To display the status of the Environmental Monitor:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type envmon and press Enter.  
The following command displays the status of the Environmental Monitor.  
Sentry: envmon<Enter>  
Environmental Monitor .A  
Name: Florida_HQ_1  
Status: Normal  
Temperature/Humidity Sensors  
Not Found  
23.5 Deg. C  
Not Found  
22 % RH  
Starting a new session  
The Login command activates the Username: prompt. The current session ends, allowing a user to log  
in and start a new session under a different username.  
To start a new session:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type login and press Enter. The Username: prompt appears.  
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Ending a session  
The Quit or Logout commands ends a session. A session ends automatically when no activity is  
detected for five minutes, or upon loss of connection.  
To end a session:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type quit and press Enter, or  
Type logout and press Enter.  
Administration Commands  
Administration commands may only be issued by a user with administrative privileges, such as the  
predefined Admn user or another user who has been granted administrative privileges with the Set User  
Admnpriv command.  
User Administration  
Creating a user account  
The Create User command creates a user account with the specified username and password. See  
Usernames and Passwords in this chapter for more information.  
To create a user account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type create user, optionally followed by a 1-16 character username (Spaces are  
not allowed, and usernames are not case sensitive). Press Enter.  
At the Password: prompt, type a password of 1-16 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII  
32 to 126 decimal). Passwords are case sensitive. Press Enter.  
At the Verify Password: prompt, retype the password. Press Enter.  
The following command creates the user account JaneDoe:  
Sentry: create user JaneDoe<Enter>  
Password: <Enter>  
Verify New Password: <Enter>  
For security, password characters are not displayed.  
Removing a user account  
The Remove User command removes a user account.  
NOTE: You may remove the predefined user account Admn only if another user account has been granted administrative  
privileges using the Set User Admnpriv command.  
To remove a user account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type remove user, optionally followed by a username. Press Enter.  
Changing a password  
The Set User Password command changes a user’s password. For security, when you type a password,  
the characters are not displayed on the screen. See For units with multiple infeed connectors, absolute  
Usernames and Passwords for more information.  
To change a password:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set user password, followed by a username and press Enter.  
At the Password: prompt, type the new password and press Enter. Passwords may contain 1-16  
At the Verify Password: prompt, retype the new password and press Enter.  
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The following command changes the password for the user JohnDoe:  
Sentry: set user password johndoe<Enter>  
Password: <Enter>  
Verify Password: <Enter>  
Setting user access level privileges  
The Set User Access command sets the access level privileges for a user. The Sentry has four defined  
access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and View-Only. For more information on user access  
The administrator may also grant administrative privileges to other user accounts allowing the Sentry to  
have more than one administrative-level user.  
NOTE: You cannot remove administrative privileges from the Admn user unless another user has already been given  
administrative access level privileges created.  
To set the access level privilege for a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set user access, followed by admin or user, optionally followed by a  
username and press Enter.  
The following command sets the user access level for JohnDoe to Admin:  
Sentry: set user access admin johndoe<Enter>  
The following command sets the user access level for JaneDoe to User:  
Sentry: set user access user janedoe<Enter>  
Granting and removing input load viewing privileges  
The Set User Envmon command grants or removes input load viewing privileges to/from a general or  
view-only user.  
NOTE: This command also grants or removes viewing privileges for the status of the optional Equipment Cabinet  
Environmental Manager and attached sensors. See the Equipment Cabinet Environmental Manager Installation and  
Operations manual for more information.  
To grant or remove input load viewing privileges for a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set user envmon followed by on or off, optionally followed by a username  
and press Enter.  
The following command grants input load privileges to the user JohnDoe:  
Sentry: set user envmon on johndoe<Enter>  
Displaying the access privilege levels  
The List Users command displays all defined users with their access privilege level.  
To display user access privilege levels:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list users and press Enter.  
The following command displays all users with their access privilege level:  
Sentry: list users<Enter>  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
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Adding outlet access to a user  
The Add OutletToUser command grants a user access to one or all outlets. To grant access for more  
than one outlet, but not all outlets, you must use multiple Add OutletToUser commands.  
To grant outlet access to a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add outlettouser, optionally followed by an outlet name and a username.  
Press Enter, or  
Type add outlettouser all, followed by a username and press Enter.  
The following commands grant the user JaneDoe access to outlets A1 and Webserver_1:  
Sentry:add outlettouser .a1 janedoe<Enter>  
Sentry:add outlettouser WebServer_1 janedoe<Enter>  
Deleting outlet access for a user  
The Delete OutletFromUser command removes a user’s access to one or all outlets. You cannot remove  
access to any outlet for an administrative level user.  
To delete outlet access for a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete outletfromuser, optionally followed by an outlet name and a  
username. Press Enter, or  
Type delete outletfromuser all, followed by a username and press Enter.  
Adding group access to a user  
The Add GroupToUser command grants a user access to a group. To grant access for more than one  
group, you must use multiple Add GroupToUser commands.  
To grant group access to a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add grouptouser, optionally followed by a group name and a username.  
Press Enter.  
The following commands grants to user JaneDoe access to the groups ServerGroup_1 and  
Sentry:add GroupToUser ServerGroup_1 janedoe<Enter>  
Sentry:add GroupToUser ServerGroup_2 janedoe<Enter>  
Deleting group access for a user  
The Delete GroupFromUser command removes a user’s access to a group. You cannot remove access  
to any group for an administrative level user.  
To delete group access for a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete GroupFromUser, optionally followed by a group name and a  
username. Press Enter.  
Adding serial port access to a user  
The Add PortToUser command grants a user access to a serial port. To grant access for more than one  
port, you must use multiple Add PortToUser commands.  
To grant serial port access to a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add porttouser, optionally followed by a Port name and a username.  
Press Enter.  
The following commands grants to user JaneDoe access to the Modem port:  
Sentry:add PortToUser modem janedoe<Enter>  
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Deleting serial port access for a user  
The Delete PortFromUser command removes a user’s access to a serial port. You cannot remove access  
to any serial port for an administrative level user.  
To delete serial port access for a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete portfromuser, optionally followed by a Port name and a username.  
Press Enter.  
Displaying user outlet, group and serial port access  
The List User command displays all accessible outlets, groups and serial ports for a user.  
To display user outlet, group and serial port access:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list user, optionally followed by a username. Press Enter.  
The following command displays information about the user JaneDoe:  
Sentry: list user janedoe<Enter>  
Username: JANEDOE  
More (Y/es N/o): Y  
JaneDoe may access the following outlets, groups and serial ports: outlet A1 which has a descriptive  
name of DataServer_1, outlet B1 which has a descriptive name of WebServer_1, group ServerGroup_1  
group ServerGroup_2, Console serial port and Modem serial port.  
Outlet Administration  
Setting the sequencing interval  
The Set Outlet SeqInterval commands sets the power on sequencing interval for all outlets.  
To set the sequencing interval:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet seqinterval all, followed by a value from 2 to 15 (in seconds)  
and press Enter.  
Setting the reboot delay  
The Set Outlet RebootDelay commands sets the reboot delay for all outlets.  
To set the sequencing interval:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet rebootdelay all, followed by a value from 5 to 60 (in seconds)  
and press Enter.  
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Creating a descriptive outlet name  
The Set Outlet Name command assigns a descriptive name to an outlet. You may use this name in  
commands that require an outlet name as an alternative to using the outlet’s absolute name.  
To create an outlet name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet name, followed by the absolute outlet name and a descriptive  
name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not  
allowed). Outlet names are not case sensitive. Press Enter.  
The following command adds the descriptive name DataServer_1 to outlet .a1:  
Sentry: set outlet name .a1 DataServer_1<Enter>  
Setting the outlet wakeup state  
The Set Outlet Wakeup command set the default wakeup state for that outlet. In the event of a system-  
wide power loss, this state will be applied to the outlet when power is restored.  
The wakeup state may be set to On, Off or Last. Upon restoration of system power; If set to On, the Sentry  
will apply power to that outlet. If set to Off, the Sentry will not apply power to that outlet. If set to Last, the  
Sentry will apply the last known power state.  
To set the wakeup state:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet wakeup, followed by on, off or last and the outlet name. Press  
The following command sets the wakeup state for outlet .a1 to off:  
Sentry: set outlet wakeup off .a1<Enter>  
Setting the outlet Post-On delay  
The Set Outlet PostOnDelay command is used set the Post-On delay for an outlet. This feature allows  
the administrator to manage boot dependencies during power-on sequencing or group commands by  
delaying the sequencing of subsequent outlets after an outlet has been powered on.  
NOTE: This delay is applied in addition to the general sequencing interval.  
To set the outlet Post-On delay  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet postondelay, followed by a value from 0 to 900 (in seconds) and  
press Enter.  
The following command set the Post-On delay for outlet .a1 to 90 seconds:  
Sentry: set outlet postondelay .a1 90<Enter>  
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Displaying outlet information  
The Show Outlets command displays information about all outlets. This information includes:  
Sequencing and reboot timer values  
Descriptive outlet name, if applicable  
Outlet wakeup state setting  
To display outlet information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show outlets and press Enter.  
The following command displays all outlet information:  
Sentry: show outlets<Enter>  
Delay (seconds)  
Outlet Options:  
Sequence Interval:  
Reboot Delay:  
2 seconds  
15 seconds  
Group Administration  
Creating a group name  
The Create Group command creates a new group name.  
To create a group name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type create group, optionally followed by a descriptive name of up to 24  
alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not allowed. Group  
names are not case sensitive). Press Enter.  
The following command creates group name ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: create group ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Removing a group name  
The Remove Group command removes a group name.  
To remove a group name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type remove group, optionally followed by a username. Press Enter.  
The following command removes group name ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: remove group ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Adding an outlet to a group  
The Add OutletToGroup command adds an outlet to a group. To add more than one outlet, but not all  
outlets, you must use multiple Add OutletToGroup commands.  
To add an outlet to a group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add outlettogroup, optionally followed by an outlet name and group name.  
Press Enter, or  
Type add OutletToGroup, followed by all and the group name. Press Enter.  
The following commands uses absolute outlet names to add outlets A1 and B1 to group name  
Sentry:add OutletToGroup .a1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Sentry:add OutletToGroup .b1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
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The following commands usese the outlets’ descriptive names to add outlets DataServer_1 and  
WebServer_1 to group name ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry:add OutletToGroup DataServer_1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Sentry:add OutletToGroup WebServer_1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
The following command add all outlets to group name ServerGroup_1:  
Sentry: add OutletToGroup<Enter>  
Outletname: all<Enter>  
Groupname: ServerGroup_1<Enter>  
Deleting an outlet from a group  
The Delete OutletFromGroup command deletes an outlet from a group. To delete more than one outlet,  
but not all outlets, you must use multiple Delete OutletToGroup commands.  
To delete an outlet from a group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete outletfromgroup, optionally followed by an outlet name and a  
group name. Press Enter, or  
Type delete outletfromgroup, followed by all then the group name. Press Enter.  
Environmental Monitor Administration  
Creating a descriptive Environmental Monitor name  
The Set Envmon Name command assigns a descriptive name to the integrated Environmental Monitor.  
This descriptive name is displayed when the Evnmon command is issued.  
To create an Environmental Monitor name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set envmon name, followed by the absolute Environmental Monitor name,  
then the descriptive name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126  
decimal – spaces are not allowed). Press Enter.  
The following command adds the descriptive name Florida_HQ_1to the Environmental Monitor:  
Sentry: set envmon name .a Florida_HQ_1<Enter>  
Creating a descriptive temperature/humidity sensor name  
The Set Envmon THS Name command assigns a descriptive name to a temperature/humidity sensor.  
This descriptive name is displayed when the Evnmon command is issued.  
To create an temperature/humidity sensor name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set envmon ths name, followed by the absolute name of the  
temperature/humidity sensor, then the descriptive name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable  
characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal – spaces are not allowed). Press Enter.  
The following command adds the descriptive name T/H2_Florida_HQ_1 to the second  
temperature/humidity sensor:  
Sentry: set envmon ths name .a2 T/H2_Florida_HQ_1<Enter>  
Serial Port Administration  
Creating a descriptive serial port name  
The Set Port Name command assigns a descriptive name to a serial port. You may use this name in  
commands that require a port name as an alternative to using the port’s absolute name.  
To create an port name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set port name, followed by the absolute outlet name and a descriptive  
name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not  
allowed). Port names are not case sensitive. Press Enter.  
The following command adds the descriptive name Rack1 to Console port:  
Sentry: set port name console Rack1<Enter>  
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Setting the serial ports data-rate  
The Set Port Speed command sets the default data-rate for the serial port.  
Valid data-rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.  
To set the serial port data-rate:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set port speed, follow by the data-rate and press Enter.  
The following command sets the serial ports data-rate to 38400 BPS:  
Sentry: set port speed 38400<Enter>  
Enabling or disabling active signal checking for serial connections  
The Set Port Dsrchk command enables or disables active signal checking for serial connections to  
devices attached to any of the available serial ports.  
To enable or disable active signal checking for serial connections:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set port dsrchk, followed by serial port name, on or off, and press Enter, or  
Type set port dsrchk all, on or off, and press Enter.  
The following command disables active signal checking for the Modem serial port:  
Sentry: set port dsrchk modem off<Enter>  
The following command disables active signal checking for all serial ports:  
Sentry: set port dsrchk all off<Enter>  
Setting the serial port timeout value  
The Set Port Timeout command is used to set the serial port inactivity timeout period. The timeout  
period defines the maximum period of inactivity before automatically closing the Pass-Thru session.  
The valid range for the period parameter is 0 to 5 (in minutes). The default period is 5.  
NOTE: Setting the timeout to ‘0’ disables the timer.  
To set the serial port timeout value:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set port timeout, followed by a value from 0 to 5 (in minutes) and press  
Enabling or disabling modem initialization strings  
By default, the Sentry assumes an external modem is attached to the Modem port and sends  
initialization strings to that modem as necessary. The Sentry sends the initialization strings under the  
following conditions:  
System start –DSR is high and DCD is low  
Normal operations – If DSR transitions from low to high and DCD is low  
Normal operations – After a session initiated from the Modem port ends  
Normal operations – After a Pass-Thru connection to the Modem port is disconnected  
The Set Modem command is used to enable or disable these initialization strings.  
Predefined initializations strings are enabled by default.  
To enable or disable the modem initialization strings:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set modem inits, followed by on or off, and press Enter.  
The following command disables the modem initialization strings for the Modem serial port:  
Sentry: set modem inits off<Enter>  
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Editing modem initialization strings  
The predefined modem initialization strings may be edited by an administrative user. The Init 1 and Init 2  
strings may be up to 48 characters each and the Attention and Hang-up strings may be up to 16 characters.  
For more information on the predefined initialization strings, see Enabling or disabling modem initialization  
Editing modem initialization strings:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set modem, followed by attn, hangup, init1, or init 2 and the initialization  
string. Press Enter.  
The following command set the Init 2 string to ‘AT E0 Q1 S0=3 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2’:  
Sentry: set modem init2 AT E0 Q1 S0=3 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2<Enter>  
Displaying serial port information  
The Show Ports command displays information about all serial ports. This information includes:  
Serial port data rate  
Modem port initialization strings  
Descriptive port name, if applicable  
DSR signal checking settings  
To display serial port information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show ports and press Enter.  
The following command displays all serial port information:  
Sentry: show ports<Enter>  
Serial Port Configuration  
ALL Ports:  
Baud Rate: 38400  
Console Port:  
DSR Check: ON  
Modem Port:  
DSR Check: ON  
Initializations: ON  
Init String 1:  
Init String 2:  
AT E0 Q1 S0=1 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2  
Attention String: @@@  
Hang-Up String: ATH  
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System Administration  
Creating a location description  
The Set Location command specifies text that appears in the HTML control screen’s Location field.  
The text is also appended to a Welcome to banner that appears when a user successfully logs in serially  
or through a Telnet session.  
If you do not issue this command, or if you issue this command without specifying any text, the control  
screen ’s Location field will be blank and no Welcome to banner will be displayed.  
To create a location description:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set location, followed by a descriptive name of up to 24 alphanumeric and  
other typeable characters (ASCII 32 to 126 decimal - spaces are allowed). Press Enter.  
Omitting any characters after typing ‘set location’ deletes any previously specified text.  
The following command specifies Florida HQ as the descriptive location for the control screen and the  
login banner:  
Sentry: set location Florida HQ<Enter>  
The following command deletes any previously specified location description:  
Sentry: set location<Enter>  
In this case, the control screen’s Location field will be blank, and no welcome banner will be displayed  
after a successful login.  
Displaying system configuration information  
The Show System command displays all system configuration information.  
Firmware version  
NIC module serial number and MAC address  
Hardware revision code and Flash size  
Uptime since last system restart  
System location description  
To display system configuration information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show system and press Enter.  
System Information  
F/W Version:  
NIC S/N:  
Sentry Version 5.2b  
MAC Address:  
H/W Rev Code: 0  
Flash Size:  
1 MB  
0 days 6 hours 14 minutes 1 second  
Florida HQ  
Creating a descriptive tower name  
The Set Tower Name command assigns a descriptive name to a tower. This descriptive name is  
displayed when the Show Traps command is issued. See Displaying trap configuration information on  
page 38 for more information on the Show Traps command.  
To create a tower name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set tower name, followed by the absolute tower name, then the descriptive  
name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not  
allowed). Press Enter.  
The following command adds the descriptive name Florida_HQ_1 to tower .a:  
Sentry: set tower name .a Florida_HQ_1<Enter>  
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Displaying tower information  
The Show Towers command displays information about the Sentry. This information includes the  
absolute and descriptive Sentry names.  
To display tower information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show towers and press Enter.  
Sentry: show towers<Enter>  
Creating a descriptive infeed name  
The Set Infeed Name command assigns a descriptive name to an infeed. This descriptive name is  
displayed when the Show Traps command is issued. See Displaying trap configuration information on  
page 38 for more information on the Show Traps command.  
To create a infeed name:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set infeed name, followed by the absolute infeed name, then the descriptive  
name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not  
allowed). Press Enter.  
The following command adds the descriptive name HQ_1_Infeed_A to the infeed on the Sentry:  
Sentry: set infeed name .aa HQ_1_Infeed_A<Enter>  
Displaying Infeed information  
The Show Infeeds command displays information about all infeeds. This information includes the  
absolute and descriptive infeed names.  
To display tower information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show infeeds and press Enter.  
Sentry: show infeeds<Enter>  
Feed ID Feed Name  
Displaying the Sentry firmware version  
The Version command displays the Sentry firmware version.  
To display the firmware version:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type version and press Enter.  
Performing a warm boot  
The Restart command performs a warm boot of the Sentry.  
NOTE: System user/outlet/group/port configuration or outlet states are NOT changed or reset with this command.  
To perform a warm boot:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type restart and press Enter.  
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TCP/IP Administration  
NOTE: A restart of the Sentry is required after setting or changing ANY TCP/IP configurations. See Performing a warm  
boot on page 38 for more information.  
Setting the IP address  
The Set Ipaddress command sets the TCP/IP address of the network interface controller.  
To set the IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ipaddress, followed by the IP address and press Enter.  
The following command sets the IP address to  
Sentry: set ipaddress<Enter>  
Setting the subnet mask  
The Set Subnet command sets the subnet mask for the network the PT40 will be attached to.  
To set the subnet mask:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set subnet, followed by the subnet mask and press Enter.  
The following command sets the subnet mask to  
Sentry: set subnet<Enter>  
Setting the gateway  
The Set Gateway command sets the IP address of the default gateway the Sentry uses to access external  
To set the gateway IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set gateway, followed by the gateway IP address and press Enter.  
The following command set the gateway IP address to  
Sentry: set gateway<Enter>  
Setting the DNS IP address  
The Set DNS command sets the TCP/IP address of the Domain Name server (DNS).  
To set the DNS IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set, followed by dns1 or dns2 and the Domain Name server’s IP address.  
Press Enter.  
The following command sets the primary Domain Name server IP address to  
Sentry: set dns1<Enter>  
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Displaying network configuration information  
The Show Network command displays TCP/IP, Telnet, SSH, Web, SSL and SNMP configuration information.  
IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS IP addresses  
Enabled-disabled status and port numbers for Telnet, SSH, HTTP,SSL and SNMP support  
HTTP authentication method and SSL access setting  
Network status  
See Chapter 4: Advanced Operations on page 45 for more information on SNMP and Remote  
To display network configuration information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show network and press Enter.  
The following command displays the network configuration information:  
Sentry: show network<Enter>  
Network Configuration  
IP Address:  
Subnet Mask:  
Port: 65535  
Port: 80  
Security: BASIC  
Network Status  
100 Mbps  
HTTP Administration  
NOTE: A restart is required after setting or changing ANY Telnet/Web configurations. See Performing a warm boot on  
page 38 for more information.  
Enabling and disabling HTTP support  
The Set HTTP command is used to enable or disable HTTP support.  
To enable or disable HTTP support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set http, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
Changing the HTTP server port  
With HTTP support enabled, the HTTP server watches and responds to requests on the default HTTP port  
number 80. This port number may be changed using the Set HTTP Port command.  
To change the HTTP port:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set http port, followed by the port number and press Enter.  
The following changes the HTTP port number to 2048:  
Sentry: set HTTP port 2048<Enter>  
Setting the HTTP authentication method  
The Set HTTP Security command is used to set the method of authentication. The Sentry HTTP server  
supports two authentication methods for security and validation of the username-password – Basic and MD5  
For more information on authentication methods, see Setting the HTTP authentication method: on page 14.  
To set the HTTP authentication method:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set http security, followed by basic or md5 and press Enter.  
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Telnet Administration  
NOTE: A restart of the Sentry is required after setting or changing ANY Telnet/Web configurations. See Performing a  
warm boot on page 38 for more information.  
Enabling and disabling Telnet support  
The Set Telnet command is used to enable or disable Telnet support.  
To enable or disable Telnet support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set telnet, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
Changing the Telnet port  
With Telnet support enabled, the Telnet server watches and responds to requests on the default Telnet port  
number 23. This port number may be changed using the Set Telnet Port command.  
To change the Telnet socket:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set telnet port, followed by the port number and press Enter.  
The following changes the Telnet port number to 7001:  
Sentry: set telnet port 7001<Enter>  
FTP Administration  
You may upload new versions of firmware into the Sentry using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This  
allows access to new firmware releases for firmware improvements and new features additions. The  
following commands are used to configure the Sentry for an FTP firmware upload. See Appendix B:  
Uploading Firmware for more information on initiating a FTP firmware upload.  
Setting the FTP Host IP address  
The Set FTP Host command sets the FTP host IP address allowing for firmware file uploads.  
To set the FTP Host IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ftp host, followed by the Host IP address and press Enter.  
The following command sets the FTP Host IP address to  
Sentry: set ftp host<Enter>  
Setting the FTP username  
The FTP Username command sets the username as required by the FTP Host.  
To set the FTP username:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ftp username, followed by the FTP username and press Enter.  
The following command sets the FTP username to Guest:  
Sentry: set ftp username guest<Enter>  
Setting the FTP Password  
The FTP Password command sets the password as required by the FTP Host.  
To set the FTP password:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ftp password, followed by the FTP password and press Enter.  
The following command sets the FTP password to OpenSesame:  
Sentry: set ftp password OpenSesame<Enter>  
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Setting the filename to be uploaded  
The FTP Filename command sets the filename of the firmware file to be uploaded.  
To set the FTP filename:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ftp filename, followed by the firmware filename and press Enter.  
The following command sets the FTP filename to snb_s50a.bin:  
Sentry: set ftp filename snb_s50a.bin<Enter>  
Setting the filepath for the file to be uploaded  
The FTP Filepath command sets the filepath for the firmware file to be uploaded.  
To set the FTP filepath:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ftp filepath, followed by the filepath and press Enter.  
The following command sets the FTP filepath to ftp://Sentry:  
Sentry: set ftp filepath ftp://sentry<Enter>  
Displaying FTP configuration information  
The Show FTP command displays all FTP configuration information.  
FTP Host IP address  
FTP Host username and password  
Firmware filepath and filename  
To display FTP configuration information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show ftp and press Enter.  
The following command displays the FTP configuration information:  
Sentry: show ftp<Enter>  
FTP Configuration  
Host IP Address:  
SNTP Administration  
Sentry supports the use of a network time service to provide a synchronized time reference.  
Setting the SNTP server address  
The Set SNTP command is used to set the primary and secondary SNTP server addresses.  
To set the SNTP server address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set sntp, followed by primary or secondary, and the SNTP server IP  
address. Press Enter.  
The following command set the primary SNTP server address to  
Sentry: set sntp primary<Enter>  
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Displaying SNTP configuration information  
The Show SNTP command displays all SNTP configuration information.  
To display SNTP configuration information  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show sntp and press Enter.  
The following command displays the SNTP configuration information:  
Sentry: show sntp <Enter>  
SNTP Date/Time (GMT): 2003-02-21 21:32:48  
SNTP Primary IP Address:  
SNTP Secondary IP Address:  
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Secure Socket Layers (SSL) version 3 enables secure HTML sessions between a Sentry Remote Power  
Manager and a remote user. SSL provides two chief features designed to make TCP/IP (Internet)  
transmitted data more secure:  
Authentication – The connecting client is assured of the identity of the server.  
Encryption – All data transmitted between the client and the server is encrypted rendering any  
intercepted data unintelligible to any third party.  
SSL uses the public-and-private key encryption system by RSA, which also requires the use of digital  
certificates. An SSL Certificate is an electronic file uniquely identifying individuals or websites and  
enables encrypted communication; SSL Certificates serve as a kind of digital passport or credential.  
The Sentry product’s SSL Certificate enables the client to verify the Sentry’s authenticity and to  
communicate with the Sentry securely via an encrypted session, protecting confidential information  
from interception and hacking.  
SSL Command Summary  
Set SSL  
Enables/disables SSL support  
Sets SSL access as optional or required  
Set SSL access  
Enabling and Setting up SSL Support  
NOTE: A restart of the Sentry is required after setting or changing ANY SSL configurations. See Performing a warm  
boot on page 38 for more information.  
Enabling or disabling SSL support  
The Set SSL command is used to enable or disable SSL support.  
To enable or disable SSL support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ssl, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
Setting SSL access level  
The Set SSL Access command is used to assign use of SSL as optional or required. The default access  
level is set to optional.  
To change the access level:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ssl access, followed optional or required, and press Enter.  
The following changes the access level to required:  
Sentry: set ssl access required<Enter>  
SSL Technical Specifications  
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) version 3  
Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1 (RFC 2246)  
SSL/TLS-enabled HTTPS server (RFC 2818)  
Self-Signed X.509 Certificate version 3 (RFC 2459)  
Asymmetric Cryptography:  
1024-bit RSA Key Exchange  
Symmetric Cryptography Ciphers:  
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Secure Shell (SSH) version 2 enables secure network terminal sessions between a Sentry Remote  
Power Manager and a remote user over insecure network. SSH provides an encrypted terminal sessions  
with strong authentication of both the server and client, using public-key cryptography and is typically  
used as a replacement for unencrypted Telnet. In addition to enabling secure network terminal sessions  
to the Sentry for configuration and power management, the SSH session may be used for secure Pass-  
Thru connections to attached devices.  
SSH requires the configuration and use of a client agent on the client PC. There are many freeware,  
shareware or for-purchase SSH clients available. Two examples are the freeware client PuTTY and the  
for-purchase client SecureCRT® by VanDyke® Software. For configuration and use of these clients,  
please refer to the applicable software documentation.  
SSH Command Summary  
Set SSH  
Enables/disables SSH support  
Sets the SSH server port number  
Set SSH port  
Enabling and Setting up SSH Support  
NOTE: A restart of the Sentry is required after setting or changing ANY SSH configurations. See Performing a warm  
boot on page 38 for more information.  
Enabling or disabling SSH support  
The Set SSH command is used to enable or disable SSH support.  
To enable or disable SSH support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ssh, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
Changing the SSH server port  
With SSH support enabled, the SSH server watches and responds to requests on the default SSH port  
number 22. This port number may be changed using the Set SSH Port command.  
To change the SSH port:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ssh port, followed by the port number and press Enter.  
The following changes the SSH port number to 65535:  
Sentry: set ssh port 65535<Enter>  
SSH Technical Specifications  
Secure Shell (SSH) version 2  
Asymmetric Cryptography:  
Diffie-Hellman DSA/DSS 512-1024 (random) bits per NIST specification  
Symmetric Cryptography:  
Message Integrity:  
Session Channel Break Extension (for RS232 Break)  
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The Sentry family of products supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This  
allows network management systems to use SNMP requests to retrieve information and control power  
for the individual outlets.  
The Sentry includes an SNMP v2c agent supporting standard MIB I and MIB II objects. A private  
enterprise MIB extension (Sentry3 MIB) is also supported to provide remote power control.  
See SNMP on page 18, for information on enabling and configuring SNMP.  
NOTE: For security, SNMP support is disabled by default.  
SNMP Command Summary  
Set snmp  
Enables or disables SNMP support  
Sets the ‘get’ community string  
Set snmp getcomm  
Set snmp setcomm  
Set snmp trapdest1  
Set snmp trapdest2  
Set snmp traptime  
Show snmp  
Sets the ‘set’ community string  
Sets a destination IP addresses for traps  
Sets a destination IP addresses for traps  
Sets the delay for steady state condition traps  
Displays all SNMP configuration information  
MIB, OID and Support  
The Sentry SNMP MIB and OID are available on the Server Technology website:  
Technical support is available 8:30AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday-Friday.  
For SNMP Support, email: [email protected]  
Enabling and Setting up SNMP Support  
Sentry SNMP support must be enabled and configured for access to Sentry3 MIB objects and  
generation of all Sentry3 traps.  
Enabling/disabling SNMP support  
The Sentry SNMP command is used to enable or disable SNMP support.  
To enable SNMP support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set snmp, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
NOTE: A restart of the Sentry is required after enabling or disabling SNMP support. See Performing a warm boot on  
page 38 for more information.  
Setting trap destinations  
The Set SNMP Trapdest1 and Trapdest2 commands are used to set the IP addresses of SNMP  
management stations receiving all traps. Sentry supports a maximum of two trap destinations; one must  
be defined to enable trap generation.  
To set the trap destination:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set snmp, trapdest1 or trapdest2, the Ipaddress and press Enter.  
The following sets the trap destination 1 to  
Sentry: set snmp trapdest1<Enter>  
To reset the trap destination:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set snmp, trapdest1 or trapdest2, and press Enter.  
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Setting the trap timer  
The Set Traptime command sets the timer period between repeated error-condition traps. The valid  
range for the timer period is 1 to 65535 (in seconds).  
The default value for the timer period is 60 seconds.  
To set the trap timer:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set traptime, followed by the timer period and press Enter.  
The following sets the timer period to 180 seconds:  
Sentry: set traptime 180<Enter>  
Setting the Get/Set community strings  
Sentry supports two SNMP community strings that provide varying levels of access to objects defined  
in the Sentry3 MIB.  
Community strings may be 1 to 24 characters.  
The Setcomm string provides read-write access to sentry3 MIB objects.  
The default Setcomm string is “private”  
To set the Setcomm community string:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set snmp setcomm, followed by the string and press Enter.  
The Getcomm string provides read-only access to sentry3 MIB objects.  
The default Getcomm string is “public”.  
To set the Getcomm community string:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set snmp getcomm, followed by the string and press Enter.  
Setting the Trap community string  
The Set SNMP Trapcomm command is used to set the community string that is included with all  
generated traps. This string must be defined to enable trap generation.  
The trap community string may be 1 to 24 characters.  
The default Trapcomm string is “trap”.  
To set the Trapcomm community string:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set snmp trapcomm, followed by the string and press Enter.  
Displaying SNMP configuration information  
The Show SNMP command displays all SNMP configuration information.  
SNMP support status  
SNMP community strings  
Trap timer value  
Trap destinations  
To display SNMP configuration information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show snmp and press Enter.  
The following command displays the SNMP configuration information:  
Sentry: show snmp<Enter>  
SNMP Configuration  
SET Community String:  
GET Community String:  
TRAP Community String:  
Error Trap Repeat Time (seconds): 180  
Trap Destination 1:  
Trap Destination 2:  
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SNMP Traps  
The Sentry supports three types of SNMP traps. Traps are enabled at the tower (T), infeed (I) or outlet  
(O) level.  
Trap Summary  
Name Level(s) Description  
Status T, I, O  
Operational status change  
Control status change  
Input load out of limit  
All traps include the Location of the Sentry as defined with the Set Location command.  
Status trap  
A Status trap is generated when an error condition occurs on a tower, infeeed, Environmental Monitor  
or individual sensor. Status traps include the reported Status, the Location of the Sentry and identifier  
and name of the affected tower, infeed, outlet, environmental monitor or sensor.  
Any error state generates a Status trap and triggers the trap timer. A new trap is generated at the end of  
every timer period until the Status returns to a non-error status. All status traps are enabled by default.  
Tower Status traps  
Tower is working correctly  
Communication to the tower has been lost  
Infeed Status traps  
Infeed is on  
Infeed should be on but no current is sensed at the infeed  
Communication to the infeed has been lost  
Outlet Status traps  
Outlet is on  
Outlet is off  
Outlet Status in transition  
Outlet Status in transition  
Outlet should be off but current is sensed at the outlet  
Outlet should be on but no current is sensed at the outlet  
Outlet should be on but a blown fuse has been detected  
Communication to the outlet has been lost  
NOTE: Traps are generated according to a hierarchical architecture; i.e. if a Tower Status enters a trap condition, only the  
Tower Status trap is generated. Infeed and Outlet Status traps are suppressed until the Tower Status returns to Normal.  
Change trap  
The Change trap is generated for all outlet status changes between any on/off conditions. Change traps  
include the outlet status, Location of the Sentry, and identifier and name of the affected outlet. For  
descriptions of the outlet status types, please refer to the prior table.  
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Load Trap  
The Load trap is generated whenever the total input load on an infeed exceeds a preset threshold. Load  
traps include the reported input load, load status, Location of the Sentry, and identifier and name of the  
affected infeed.  
Any error state generates a Load trap and triggers the trap timer. A new trap is generated at the end of  
every timer period until the Load returns to a non-error status.  
Load traps  
Infeed is on and within preset thresholds  
Infeed is off  
Non-error state – Load status currently being read  
Infeed current load exceeds preset threshold  
Infeed current load exceeds the measurable range for the infeed  
Unable to read Load status  
Communication to the infeed has been lost  
Configuring Traps  
SNMP Trap Command Summary  
Set Trap Tower Status  
Set Trap Infeed Status  
Set Trap Infeed Load  
Set Trap Infeed HighThresh  
Set Trap Outlet Change  
Set Trap Outlet Status  
Show Traps  
Enables or disables the Tower Status trap  
Enables or disables the Infeed Status trap off  
Enables or disables the Infeed Load trap  
Sets the Infeed Load trap high limit  
Enables or disables the Outlet Change trap  
Enables or disables the Outlet Status trap  
Displays trap configurations  
Enabling or Disabling a Status trap  
The Set Trap … Status command is used to enable or disable Status traps for a Tower, Infeed or Outlet.  
To Enable or Disable a Status trap:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set trap (tower, infeed, or outlet) status, followed by the tower, infeed or  
outlet name, and on or off. Press Enter, or  
Type set trap (tower, infeed, or outlet) status all, followed by on or off and press Enter.  
The following command enables the Status trap for the first tower, using the tower’s absolute name:  
Sentry: set trap tower status .a on<Enter>  
The following command enables the Status trap for the tower named Florida_HQ_1:  
Sentry: set trap tower status Florida_HQ_1 on<Enter>  
NOTE: Enabling lower hierarchical traps automatically enables traps of higher hierarchical value: i.e. enabling an Outlet  
Status trap automatically enables the Infeed and Tower Status traps for that outlet. Conversely, if a Tower Status trap is  
disabled, all associated Infeed Status & Load and Outlet Status traps will be disabled.  
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Enabling or Disabling a Load trap  
The Set Trap Infeed Load command is used to enable or disable an Infeed Load trap.  
To Enable or Disable a Load trap:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set trap infeed load, followed by the infeed name, and on or off. Press Enter, or  
Type set trap infeed load all, followed by on or off and press Enter.  
The following command enables the Load trap for second infeed on the first tower, using the infeed’s  
absolute name:  
Sentry: set trap infeed load .AB on<Enter>  
The following command disables the Load trap for all infeeds:  
Sentry: set trap infeed load all off<Enter>  
NOTE: Enabling lower hierarchical traps automatically enables traps of higher hierarchical value: i.e. enabling an Infeed  
Load trap automatically enables the Infeed and Tower Status traps for that infeed.  
Setting the Infeed Load limit  
The Set Trap Infeed Loadhigh command is used to set the upper load limits for an input feed.  
To set the infeed load limit:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set trap infeed loadhigh, followed by the infeed name, and a value from 0  
to 255 in amperes. Press Enter.  
The following command sets the infeed load limit for the second infeed on the first tower to 25  
amperes, using the infeed’s absolute name:  
Sentry: set trap infeed loadhigh .ab 25<Enter>  
Enabling or Disabling a Change trap  
The Set Trap Outlet Change command is used to enable or disable an Outlet Change trap.  
To Enable or Disable a Change trap:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set trap outlet change, followed by the outlet name and on or off. Press Enter, or  
Type set trap outlet change all, followed by on or off and press Enter.  
The following command enables the Change trap for the third outlet on the first infeed of the second  
tower, using the outlet’s absolute name:  
Sentry: set trap outlet change .ba3 on<Enter>  
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Displaying trap configuration information  
The Show Traps command displays information about all traps.  
To display trap information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show traps and press Enter.  
The following command requests trap configuration information:  
Sentry: show traps <Enter>  
Tower trap configuration:  
More (Y/es N/o): y  
Input feed trap configuration:  
Feed ID Feed Name  
255 A  
255 A  
255 A  
255 A  
More (Y/es N/o): y  
Outlet trap configuration:  
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The Sentry family of products supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Version 3. This  
support enables authentication with LDAP servers; user accounts do not need to be individually created  
locally on each Sentry device.  
This allows administrators to pre-define and configure (in each Sentry product, and in the LDAP  
server) a set of necessary LDAP Groups, and access rights for each. User’s access rights can then be  
assigned or revoked simply by making the user a member of one-or-more pre-defined Sentry LDAP  
Groups. User accounts can be added, deleted, or changed in the LDAP server without any changes  
needed on individual Sentry products.  
Sentry 5.3b LDAP support has been tested in the following environments:  
Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD)  
Novell eDirectory (eDir)  
LDAP Command Summary  
Set Authorder  
Specifies the authentication order for each new session attempt  
Enables/disables LDAP support  
Set LDAP  
Set LDAP HostIP  
Set LDAP Port  
Set LDAP Bind  
Set LDAP BindDN  
Set LDAP BindPW  
Set LDAP GroupAttr  
Sets the IP address of the Directory Services server  
Sets the LDAP server port number  
Specifies the LDAP bind request password type  
Specifies the user account Fully-Qualified Distinquished Name (FQDN) for binds  
Specifies the user account password for binds  
Specifies the user class distinguished name (DN) or names of groups a user is a  
member of  
Set LDAP GroupType  
Set LDAP UserBaseDN  
Set LDAP UserFilter  
Show LDAP  
Specifies the data type for the Set LDAP GroupAttr command  
Sets the base distinguished name (DN) for the username search at login  
Sets the filter used for the username search at login  
Displays LDAP configurations  
Set DNS  
Sets the IP address of the Domain Name server  
Verifies proper DNS configuration by name resolution  
Displays network configuration information  
Show Network  
Create LDAPGroup  
Remove LDAPGroup  
Add GrouptoLDAP  
Add OutlettoLDAP  
Add PorttoLDAP  
Adds an LDAP group name  
Deletes an LDAP group name  
Grants an LDAP group access to one or more groups  
Grants an LDAP group access to one or all outlets  
Grants an LDAP group access to one or serial ports  
Removes access to one or more groups for an LDAP group  
Removes access to one or more outlets for an LDAP group  
Removes access to one or more serial ports for an LDAP group  
Sets the access level for an LDAP group  
Delete GroupfromLDAP  
Delete OutlettoLDAP  
Delete PortfromLDAP  
Set LDAPGroup Access  
Set LDAPGroup Envmon  
List LDAPGroup  
Grants or removes privileges to view input and environmental monitoring status  
Displays all accessible outlet/groups/ports for an LDAP group  
Displays privilege levels for all LDAP groups  
List LDAPGroups  
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Enabling and Setting up LDAP Support  
There are a few configuration requirements for properly enabling and setting up LDAP support. Below  
is an overview of the minimum requirements.  
Directory Services server configuration requirements:  
1. Define at least one LDAP group.  
2. Assign users to that LDAP group.  
Sentry configuration requirements:  
1. Enable LDAP support.  
2. Define the IP address and domain component of at least one Directory Services server.  
3. Set the LDAP bind request method being utilized by the Directory Services server.  
4. Define the IP address of at least one DNS server.  
5. Test DNS server configuration using Sentry ‘ping’ support.  
6. Define at least one LDAP group and assign access rights for that group.  
NOTE: LDAP group names on the Directory Service server and the Sentry must match.  
Enabling and disabling LDAP support  
The Set LDAP command is used to enable or disable LDAP support.  
To enable or disable LDAP support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
Setting the LDAP host IP address  
The Set LDAP HostIP command sets the TCP/IP address of the Directory Services server.  
To set the LDAP host IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap, followed by hostip1 or hostip2 and the Directory Services  
server’s IP address. Press Enter.  
The following command sets the primary Directory Services server IP address to  
Sentry: set ldap hostip1<Enter>  
Changing the LDAP server port  
The Set LDAP port command sets the port to which the Sentry sends LDAP requests to on the  
previously defined LDAP server. The default port is 389.  
To change the LDAP server port:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap port, followed by the port number and press Enter.  
The following command sets the LDAP server port number to 8888:  
Sentry: set ldap port 8888<Enter>  
Setting the LDAP bind password type  
The Set LDAP Bind command sets the password type used in the bind requests. The Sentry supports  
two LDAP bind methods – Simple and MD5.  
The Simple method utilizes unencrypted delivery of a username-password over the network to the  
Active Directory server for authentication.  
The MD5 digest method provides much stronger protection utilizing one-way encoded hash numbers,  
never placing the username-password on the network. For more information on MD5, see Setting the  
NOTE: Windows 2000 is known only to support Simple binding. Windows 2003 supports both Simple and MD5 binding.  
To set the bind password type:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap bind, followed by simple or md5 and press Enter.  
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Setting the search bind Distinguished Name (DN)  
The Set LDAP BindDN command is used to set the fully-qualified distinguished name (FQDN) for user  
accounts to bind with. This is required for directory services that do not support anonymous binds.  
This field is used ONLY with Simple Binds.  
Maximum string length is 124 characters.  
NOTE: If left blank, then an anonymous bind will be attempted. This field is used ONLY with Simple binds.  
To set the search bind DN:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap binddn, and press Enter. At the following prompt, type the  
FQDN and press Enter.  
The following sets the FQDN for MSAD to ‘cn=guest,cn=Users,dc=servertech,dc=com’:  
Sentry: set ldap binddn<Enter>  
Enter Search Bind DN (Max characters 124):  
Setting the search bind Distinguished Name (DN) password  
The Set LDAP BindPW command is used to set the password for the user account specified in the  
Search Bind DN.  
Maximum password size is 20 characters.  
To set the Bind Password DN:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap bindpw and press Enter. At the following prompt, type the bind  
password and press Enter.  
Setting the group membership attribute.  
The Set LDAP GroupAttr command is used to specify the name of user class attributes that lists  
distinguished names (DN), or names of groups that a user is a member of. Maximum string length is 30  
To set Group Membership Attribute:  
At the Sentry: promp, type set ldap groupattr and press Enter. At the following prompt, type the  
group membership attribute and press Enter.  
The following sets the group membership attribute for MSAD to ‘memberof’:  
Sentry: set ldap groupattr<Enter>  
Enter Group Member Attr (Max character 30):  
Setting the group membership value type:  
The Set LDAP GroupType command is used to specify whether the values of Group Membership  
Attribute represent the Distinguished Name (DN) of a group or just the name of the group.  
To set group membership value type:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap grouptype followed by DN or Name and press Enter.  
The following sets group membership value to DN  
Sentry: set ldap grouptype DN<Enter>  
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Setting the user search base Distinguished Name (DN)  
The Set LDAP UserBaseDN command is used to set the base (DN) for the login username search. This  
is where the search will start, and will include all subtrees. Maximum size is 100 characters.  
To set the user search base DN:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap userbasedn and press Enter. At the following prompt, type the  
search base DN and press Enter.  
The following sets the DN user search base for MSAD to ‘cn=Users,dc=servertech,dc=com’:  
Sentry: set ldap userbasedn<Enter>  
Enter User Search Base DN (Max characters 100):  
Setting the user search filter  
The Set LDAP UserFilter command is used to set the search filter for the username entered at the login  
The search filter must be entered within parenthesis and adhere to the following format:  
where ‘searchfilter’ is the name of the attribute in the user class which has a value that represents the  
user’s login name. In this string, the ‘%s’ will be replaced by the entered username. Maximum string  
length is 100 characters.  
To set the user search filter:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldap userfilter and press Enter. At the following prompt, type the  
User Search Filter and press Enter.  
The following sets the user search filter for MSAD to ‘samaccountname’:  
Sentry: set ldap userfilter<Enter>  
Enter User Search Filter (Max characters 100):  
Setting the authentication order  
The Set Authorder command sets the authentication order for remote authentication sessions. The  
Sentry supports two methods for authentication order - Remote -> Local and Remote Only.  
The Remote -> Local method first attempts authentication with the Active Directory server and if  
unsuccessful with the local user database on the Sentry device.  
The Remote Only method attempts authentication only with the Active Directory server and if  
unsuccessful, access is denied.  
NOTE: With the Remote Only method, if authentication fails due to a communication failure with the Active Directory  
server automatic authentication fallback will occur to authenticate with the local user data base on the Sentry device.  
To set the authentication order:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set authorder, followed by remotelocal or remoteonly and press Enter.  
NOTE: Server Technology recommends NOT setting the authentication order to Remote Only until the LDAP has been  
fully configured and tested.  
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Displaying LDAP configuration information  
The Show LDAP command displays LDAP configuration information.  
Enabled-disabled status of LDAP support  
Directory Services server IP address and port  
Bind request password type and remote authentication order  
Search bind distinguished name and password  
User search base distinguished name and filter  
Group membership attribute and type  
To display the LDAP configuration information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show ldap and press Enter.  
The following command displays the LDAP configuration information:  
Sentry: show ldap  
LDAP Configuration  
Host IP1:  
Host IP2:  
Bind Type:  
Auth Order: Remote->Local  
Search Bind  
DN: cd=guest,cn=Users,dc=servertech,dc=com  
Password: OpenSesame  
User Search  
Base DN: cn=Users,dc=servertech,dc=com  
Filter: (samaccountname=%s)  
Group Membership  
Attribute: memberof  
Value Type: DN  
Setting the DNS IP address  
The Set DNS command sets the TCP/IP address of the Domain Name server (DNS).  
NOTE: LDAP requires the definition of at least one Domain Name server.  
To display the DNS configuration information, use the Show Network command as described on page 39.  
To set the DNS IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set, followed by dns1 or dns2 and the Domain Name server’s IP address.  
Press Enter.  
The following command sets the primary Domain Name server IP address to  
Sentry: set dns1<Enter>  
Verifying the DNS configuration  
The Ping command may be used to verify the configuration of the DNS IP address.  
To verify the DNS configuration:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type ping, followed by the domain component of the Directory Services server  
previously configured and press Enter.  
The following command verifies the DNS configuration:  
Sentry: ping  
Pinging [] with 64 bytes of data:  
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=0 triptime=0  
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=1 triptime=0  
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=2 triptime=0  
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=3 triptime=0  
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=4 triptime=0  
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Configuring LDAP Groups  
Creating an LDAP group  
The Create LDAPGroup command creates an LDAP group.  
To create an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type create ldapgroup, optionally followed by a 1-16 character group name  
(Spaces are not allowed, and LDAP group names are not case sensitive). Press Enter.  
The following command creates the LDAP group PowerUser:  
Sentry: create ldapgroup PowerUser<Enter>  
Removing an LDAP group  
The Remove LDAPGroup command removes an LDAP group.  
To remove an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type remove ldapgroup, optionally followed by a group name. Press Enter.  
Setting LDAP group access level privileges  
The Set LDAPGroup Access command sets the access level privileges for an LDAP group. The Sentry  
has four defined access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and View-Only. For more information  
To set the access level privilege for an LDAP group :  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldapgroup access, followed by admin, user, ononly or viewonly,  
optionally followed by a LDAP group name and press Enter.  
The following command sets the LDAP group access level for LDAPAdmin to Admin:  
Sentry: set ldapgroup access admin ldapadmin<Enter>  
The following command sets the LDAP group access level for PowerUser to User:  
Sentry: set ldapgroup access user poweruser<Enter>  
Granting and removing input status viewing privileges  
The Set LDAPGroup Envmon command grants or removes input status viewing privileges to/from an  
LDAP group.  
To grant or remove input status viewing privileges for an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set ldapgroup envmon followed by on or off, optionally followed by a  
group name and press Enter.  
The following command grants intput status viewing privileges to the LDAP group PowerUser:  
Sentry: set ldapgroup envmon on poweruser<Enter>  
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Displaying the LDAP access privilege levels  
The List LDAPGroups command displays all defined LDAP group with their access privilege level.  
To display LDAP group access privilege levels:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list ldapgroups and press Enter.  
The following command displays all LDAP groups with their access privilege level:  
Sentry: list ldapgroups<Enter>  
Group Name  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Adding outlet access to an LDAP group  
The Add OutletToLDAP command grants an LDAP group access to one or all outlets. To grant access  
for more than one outlet, but not all outlets, you must use multiple Add OutletToLDAP commands.  
To grant outlet access to an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add outlettoldap, optionally followed by an outlet name and a group name.  
Press Enter, or  
Type add outlettoldap all, followed by a group name and press Enter.  
The following commands grant the LDAP group PowerUser access to outlets A1 and Webserver_1:  
Sentry:add outlettoldap .a1 poweruser<Enter>  
Sentry:add outlettoldap WebServer_1 poweruser<Enter>  
Deleting outlet access for an LDAP group  
The Delete OutletFromLDAP command removes an LDAP group’s access to one or all outlets. You  
cannot remove access to any outlet for an administrative level group.  
To delete outlet access for an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete outletfromldap, optionally followed by an outlet name and a group  
name. Press Enter, or  
Type delete outletfromldap all, followed by a group name and press Enter.  
Adding outlet group access to an LDAP group  
The Add GroupToLDAP command grants an LDAP group access to a outlet group. To grant access for  
more than one outlet group, you must use multiple Add GroupToLDAP commands.  
To gran toutlet group access to an LDAP Group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add grouptoldap, optionally followed by an outlet group name and an  
LDAP group name. Press Enter.  
The following commands grants to LDAP group PowerUser access to the outlet groups ServerGroup_1  
and ServerGroup_2:  
Sentry:add grouptoldap servergroup_1 poweruser<Enter>  
Sentry:add grouptoldap servergroup_2 poweruser<Enter>  
Deleting outlet group access for an LDAP group  
The Delete GroupFromLDAP command removes an LDAP group’s access to a outlet group. You  
cannot remove access to any group for an administrative level group.  
To delete outlet group access for an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete groupfromldap, optionally followed by a outlet group name and an  
LDAP group name. Press Enter.  
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Adding serial port access to an LDAP group  
The Add PortToLDAP command grants an LDAP group access to the serial port.  
To grant serial port access to an LDAP group:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add porttoldap console and a group name. Press Enter.  
Deleting serial port access for an LDAP group  
The Delete PortFromLDAP command removes an LDAP group’s access to the serial port. You cannot  
remove access to the serial port for an administrative level group.  
To delete serial port access for a user:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete portfromldap console and a group name. Press Enter.  
Displaying outlet, outlet group and serial port access  
The List LDAPGroup command displays all accessible outlets, outlet groups and serial ports for an  
LDAP group.  
To display outlet, outlet group and serial port access:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list ldapgroup, optionally followed by a group name. Press Enter.  
The following command displays information about the LDAP group PowerUser:  
Sentry: list ldapgroup poweruser<Enter>  
Username: PowerUser  
More (Y/es N/o): Y  
Members of the PowerUser LDAP group may access the following outlets, outlet groups and serial  
ports: outlet A1 which has a descriptive name of DataServer_1, outlet A2 which has a descriptive name  
of WebServer_1, group ServerGroup_1 group ServerGroup_2 and Console serial port.  
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LDAP Technical Specifications  
Simple Bind Authentication Process  
MD5 Bind Authentication Process  
LDAP Server  
LDAP Server  
Initiate Sentry  
Prompt for login  
Initiate Sentry  
Prompt for login  
SASL Digest-MD5  
bind using  
username &  
entered password  
request with  
request with  
Simple bind using  
Search Bind  
DN & Password  
Subtree search  
starting from  
User Search Base  
DN with User  
Subtree search  
starting from  
User Search Base  
DN with User  
Search Filter  
Search Filter  
Attribute name  
compared to  
Simple Bind using  
User FQDN and  
login password  
Access Denied  
Subtree search  
starting from  
User Search Base  
DN with User  
Username groups  
access rights  
compared against  
Sentry LDAP  
Search Filter  
Access Denied  
Attribute name  
compared to  
Username groups  
access rights  
compared against  
Sentry LDAP  
Access Granted  
Access Granted  
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The Sentry family of products supports the Terminal Access Controller Access Control System  
(TACACS+) protocol. This enables authentication and authorization with a central TACACS+ server;  
user accounts do not need to be individually created locally on each Sentry device.  
This allows administrators to pre-define and configure (in each Sentry product, and in the TACACS+  
server) a set of necessary TACACS+ privilege levels, and users access rights for each. User’s access  
rights can then be assigned or revoked simply by making the user a member of one-or-more pre-defined  
Sentry TACACS+ privilege levels. User account rights can be added, deleted, or changed within  
TACACS+ without any changes needed on individual Sentry products.  
The Sentry supports 16 different TACACS+ privilege levels; 15 are entirely configurable by the system  
administrator (1 is reserved for default Admin level access to all Sentry resources).  
TACAC+ Command Summary  
Set Authorder  
Specifies the authentication order for each new session attempt  
Enables/disables SSL support  
Set TACACS Key  
Sets the IP address of the TACACS server  
Sets the TACACS encryption key  
Displays TACACS configurations  
Add GrouptoTACACS  
Add OutlettoTACACS  
Add PorttoTACACS  
Delete GroupfromTACACS  
Delete OutlettoTACACS  
Delete PortfromTACACS  
Set TacPriv Access  
Set TacPriv Envmon  
List TacPrivs  
Grants a TACACS account access to one or more groups  
Grants a TACACS account access to one or all outlets  
Grants a TACACS account access to one or serial ports  
Removes access to one or more groups for a TACACS account  
Removes access to one or more outlets for a TACACS account  
Removes access to one or more serial ports for a TACACS account  
Sets the access level for a TACACS account  
Grants or removes privileges to view input and environmental monitoring status  
Displays access levels for all TACACS accounts  
Displays all accessible outlet/groups/ports for a TACACS account  
List TacPriv  
Enabling and Setting up TACACS+ Support  
There are a few configuration requirements for properly enabling and setting up TACACS+ support.  
Below is an overview of the minimum requirements:  
1. Enable TACACS+ support.  
2. Define the IP address and domain component of at least one TACACS+server.  
3. Set the TACACS+ key configured on the supporting TACACS+server.  
Enabling and disabling TACACS+ support  
The Set TACACS command is used to enable or disable TACACS+ support.  
To enable or disable TACACS+ support:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set tacacs, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.  
Setting the TACACS+ server IP address  
The Set TACACS HostIP command sets the TCP/IP address of the TACACS+ server.  
To set the TACACS+ server IP address:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set tacacs, followed by hostip1 or hostip2 and the TACACS+ server’s IP  
address. Press Enter.  
The following command sets the primary TACACS+ server IP address to  
Sentry: set tacacs hostip1<Enter>  
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Setting the TACACS+ encryption key  
The Set TACACS Key command sets the encryption key used to encrypt all data packets between the  
Sentry and the TACACS+ server. This key must match the key configured on the TACACS+ server.  
To set the encryption key:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set tacacs key and press Enter.  
At the TACACS+ Key: prompt, type a key of up to 60 alphanumeric and other typeable characters  
(ASCII 32 to 126 decimal). Keys are case sensitive. Press Enter. To specify no password, press Enter  
at the prompt.  
At the Verify TACACS+ Key: prompt, retype the key. Press Enter. To verify no password, press  
Enter at the prompt.  
Sentry: set tacacs key<Enter>  
TACACS+ Key: <Enter>  
Verify TACACS+ Key: <Enter>  
For security, key characters are not displayed.  
NOTE: A key size of zero results in no encryption being applied which may not be supported by the TACACS+ server and  
is not recommended for a production environment.  
Setting the authentication order  
The Set Authorder command sets the authentication order for remote authentication sessions. The  
Sentry supports two methods for authentication order - Remote -> Local and Remote Only.  
The Remote -> Local method first attempts authentication with the TACACS+ server and if  
unsuccessful with the local user database on the Sentry device.  
The Remote Only method attempts authentication only with the TACACS+ server and if unsuccessful,  
access is denied.  
NOTE: With the Remote Only method, if authentication fails due to a communication failure with the TACACS+ server  
automatic authentication fallback will occur to authenticate with the local user data base on the Sentry device.  
To set the authentication order:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set authorder, followed by remotelocal or remoteonly and press Enter.  
NOTE: Server Technology recommends NOT setting the authentication order to Remote Only until the TACACS+ has  
been fully configured and tested.  
Displaying TACACS+ configuration information  
The Show TACACS command displays TACACS+ configuration information.  
Remote authentication order  
Enabled-disabled status of LDAP support  
Directory Services server IP address and domain components  
Bind request password type  
To display the LDAP configuration information:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type show ldap and press Enter.  
The following command displays the LDAP configuration information:  
TACACS+ Configuration  
Host IP1:  
Host IP2:  
TACACS+ Key:  
Auth Order:  
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Configuring TACACS+ Privilege Levels  
Setting TACACS+ account access level privileges  
The Set TacPriv Access command sets the access level privileges for a TACACS+ account. The Sentry  
has four defined access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and View-Only. For more information  
To set the access level privilege for a TACACS+ account :  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set tacpriv access, followed by admin, user, ononly or viewonly,  
optionally followed by a TACACS+ account number and press Enter.  
The following command sets the TACACS+ account access level for account 14 to Admin:  
Sentry: set tacpriv access admin 14<Enter>  
The following command sets the TACACS+ account access level for account 5 to User:  
Sentry: set tacpriv access user 5<Enter>  
Granting and removing input status viewing privileges  
The Set TacPriv Envmon command grants or removes input status viewing privileges to/from a  
TACACS+ account.  
To grant or remove input status viewing privileges for a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type set tacpriv envmon, followed by on or off, optionally followed by a  
TACACS+ account number and press Enter.  
The following command grants input status viewing privileges to the TACACS+ account 5:  
Sentry: set tacpriv envmon on 5<Enter>  
Displaying the TACACS+ access privilege levels  
The List TacPrivs command displays all TACACS+ accounts with their access privilege levels.  
To display TACACS+ account access privilege levels:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list tacprivs and press Enter.  
The following command displays all TACACS+ account with their access privilege level:  
Sentry: list tacprivs<Enter>  
Account Name  
Not Allowed  
Not Allowed  
Adding outlet access to a TACACS+ account  
The Add OutletToTACACS command grants a TACACS+ account access to one or all outlets. To  
grant access for more than one outlet, but not all outlets, you must use multiple Add OutletToTACACS  
To grant outlet access to a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add outlettotacacs, optionally followed by an outlet name and a  
TACACS+ account number. Press Enter, or  
Type add outlettotacacs all, followed by a TACACS+ account number and press Enter.  
The following commands grant the a TACACS+ account 5 access to outlets A1 and Webserver_1:  
Sentry:add outlettotacacs .a1 5<Enter>  
Sentry:add outlettotacacs WebServer_1 5<Enter>  
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Deleting outlet access for a TACACS+ account  
The Delete OutletFromTACACS command removes a TACACS+ account’s access to one or all outlets.  
You cannot remove access to any outlet for an administrative level account.  
To delete outlet access for a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete outletfromtacacs, optionally followed by an outlet name and a  
TACACS+ account number. Press Enter, or  
Type delete outletfromtacacs all, followed by a TACACS+ account number and press Enter.  
Adding outlet group access to a TACACS+ account  
The Add GroupToTACACS command grants a TACACS+ account access to an outlet group. To grant  
access for more than one outlet group, you must use multiple Add GroupToTACACS commands.  
To grant outlet group access to a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add grouptotacacs, optionally followed by an outlet group name and a  
TACACS+ account number. Press Enter.  
The following commands grants to a TACACS+ account number 5 access to the outlet groups  
ServerGroup_1 and ServerGroup_2:  
Sentry:add grouptotacacs servergroup_1 5<Enter>  
Sentry:add grouptotacacs servergroup_2 5<Enter>  
Deleting outlet group access for a TACACS+ account  
The Delete GroupFromTACACS command removes a TACACS+ account’s access to an outlet group.  
You cannot remove access to any group for an administrative level account.  
To delete outlet group access for a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete groupfromtacacs, optionally followed by a outlet group name and a  
TACACS+ account number. Press Enter.  
Adding serial port access to a TACACS+ account  
The Add PortToTACACS command grants a TACACS+ account access to the serial port.  
To grant serial port access to a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type add porttotacacs console and a TACACS+ account number. Press Enter.  
Deleting serial port access for a TACACS+ account  
The Delete PortFromTACACS command removes a TACACS+ account’s access to the serial port.  
You cannot remove access to the serial port for an administrative level account.  
To delete serial port access for a TACACS+ account:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete portfromtacacs console and a TACACS+ account number. Press  
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Displaying outlet, outlet group and serial port access  
The List TacPriv command displays all accessible outlets, outlet groups and serial ports for a  
TACACS+ account.  
To display outlet, outlet group and serial port access:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type list tacpriv, optionally followed by a TACACS+ account. Press Enter.  
The following command displays information about the TACACS+ account 1:  
Sentry: list tacpriv 1<Enter>  
TACACS+ Privilege Level: 1  
Port ID  
Port Name  
Members of PowerUser TACACS+ account members may access the Console serial port.  
TACACS+ Technical Specifications  
Authentication START Packet includes:  
action = 1 (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_LOGIN)  
priv_lvl = 0 (TAC_PLUS_PRIV_LVL_MIN)  
authen_type = 1 (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_ASCII)  
user = (entered username)  
port = (access path into the Sentry)  
rem_addr = ‘Sentry3_xxxxxx’ (xxxxxx is last six digits of MAC address)  
data = ‘‘ (null)  
NOTE: The password is sent in a CONTINUE packet.  
Authorization REQUEST Packet includes:  
priv_lvl = 0 (TAC_PLUS_PRIV_LVL_MIN)  
authen_type = 1 (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_ASCII)  
authen_service = 1 (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_SVC_LOGIN)  
user = (entered username)  
port = (access path into the Sentry)  
rem_addr = ‘Sentry3_xxxxxx’ (xxxxxx is last six digits of Ethernet MAC address)  
service = ‘shell’ (for exec)  
cmd = ‘‘ (null)  
NOTE: The access paths into the Sentry which support TACACS+ are ‘Console’, ‘Telnet’, ‘SSH’, ‘HTTP’ and  
‘HTTPS’. In the case of ‘Console’ and ‘Modem’, an administrator is allowed to rename these ports in which case the  
assigned name is used.  
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Chapter 5: Appendices  
Appendix A: Resetting to Factory Defaults  
You may reset the non-volatile RAM that stores all configurable options. This clears all administrator-  
editable fields and resets all command line configurable options to their default values, including all  
user accounts.  
You may reset the unit to factory defaults from the command line or the HTML interface, or by  
pressing the reset button. You must have administrator-level privileges to issue the command. Using  
the reset button may be necessary when a forgotten password prevents administrator login. Each of the  
methods updates the current working configuration to the factory defaults.  
NOTE: Resetting the unit resets all TCP/IP and Telnet/Web configurations. Reconfiguring the TCP/IP and Telnet/web  
settings will be required.  
To reset to factory defaults from the HTML interface  
On the Restart page in the Tools section of the HTML interface, select Restart and reset to factory  
defaults from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
To reset to factory defaults from the command line  
At the Sentry: prompt, type restart factory and press Enter.  
To reset to factory defaults using the reset button  
Locate the recessed reset button directly beside the Serial & Ethernet ports. You will need a non-  
conductive, non-metallic tool that fits inside the recess.  
Insert the tool in the recess, then depress and hold the reset button for at least ten seconds.  
NOTE: If the reset button is depressed and held for more than 15 seconds, the reset will abort.  
Appendix B: Uploading Firmware  
You may upload new versions of firmware using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This allows access to  
new firmware releases for firmware improvements and new features additions.  
NOTE: To begin an FTP upload session, you must first configure the FTP Host address, username/password, filename and  
filepath. For information on configuring the FTP settings required for firmware upload see Chapter 3: Operations.  
You may initiate an FTP upload session by issuing a command or from the HTML interface. You must  
have administrator-level privileges to initiate an upload.  
To initiate an FTP upload session from the HTML interface  
On the Restart page in the Tools section of the HTML interface, select Restart and upload firmware  
via FTP from the drop-down menu and press Apply.  
Upon issuing this command the unit will restart and upload the firmware file specified with the FTP  
Filename command from the previously configured FTP Host. See See FTP Administration in Chapter  
3: for more information.  
To initiate an FTP upload session from the command line  
The Restart FTPLoad command initiates an upload of firmware. Upon issuing this command the unit  
will restart and upload the firmware file specified with the FTP Filename command from the previously  
configured FTP Host. See FTP Administration in Chapter 3: for more information.  
To initiate an FTP firmware upload session:  
At the Sentry: prompt, type restart ftpload and press Enter.  
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Appendix C: Technical Specifications  
Domestic Models  
100-120V, 50/60Hz  
208-240V, 60Hz  
4 x IEC 60320 C20  
4 x IEC 60320 C20  
4 x IEC 60320 C19  
4 x IEC 60320 C19  
International Models  
230V, 50/60Hz  
4 x IEC 60320 C20  
4 x IEC 60320 C19  
* Input cordsets selected at time of purchase. (Contact your account representative for more information).  
Power Ratings  
Input Current Ratings1  
L’indice du courant d’entrée  
Output Current Ratings  
L’indice du courant de sortie  
A: 16  
Branch Circuit  
Circuit de la Branche  
A: 16  
B: 16  
C: 16  
B: 16  
C: 16  
D: 16  
D: 16  
A: 16  
A: 16  
B: 16  
C: 16  
D: 16  
A: 16  
B: 16  
C: 16  
B: 16  
C: 16  
D: 16  
A: 16  
B: 16  
C: 16  
D: 16  
D: 16  
1 All current ratings are in amperes. Tous les indices de courant sont en ampères. Alle Angaben der Stromstärke erfolgen in Ampere.  
Physical Specifications  
32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C)  
-40° to 185° F (-40° to 85° C)  
0 to 50,000 ft (0 to 15000m)  
10 to 90%, non-condensing  
Elevation(above MSL) 0 to 10,000 ft (0 to 3000m)  
Relative Humidity  
10 to 90%, non-condensing  
Dimensions (H x W x D)  
3.5 x 17.0 x 7.0 in.  
(89 x 432 x 178 mm)  
8.2 lbs  
(3.7 kg)  
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Data Connections  
RS-232 port  
PT22s are equipped standard with an RJ45 DTE RS-232c serial port. This connector may be used for  
direct local access or from other serial devices such as a terminal server. An RJ45 crossover cable is  
provided for connection to an RJ45 DCE serial port.  
DTE Signal Name  
Request to Send  
Data Terminal Ready DTR  
Transmit Data  
Signal Ground  
Signal Ground  
Receive Data  
Data Set Ready  
Clear to Send  
RJ45 to DB9F serial port adapter  
Additionally, an RJ45 to DB9F serial port adapter is provided for use in conjunction with the RJ45  
crossover cable to connect to a PC DB9M DCE serial port. The adapter pinouts below reflect use of the  
adapter with the provided RJ45 crossover cable.  
DCE Signal Name  
Receive Data  
Transmit Data  
Data Terminal Ready DTR  
Signal Ground  
Data Set Ready  
Request to Send  
Clear to Send  
Modem Port  
PT22s are equipped standard with a DB9-male RS-232C DTE Modem serial port. This connector is  
typically used to connect to an external modem, but may also be used to connect to any RS-232C  
device. A 9-pin female to 25-pin male cable is included for connecting the PT22s to an external  
DTE Signal Name  
Data Carrier Detect  
Receive Data  
Transmit Data  
Data Terminal Ready DTR  
Signal Ground  
Data Set Ready  
Request to Send  
Clear to Send  
NOTE: To connect to a PC serial port, a null-modem adapter and a female-to-female gender changer are required in  
addition to the included cable.  
LED Indicators  
Units are equipped with a status LED for each power receptacle. A lit/on LED indicates that power is  
being supplied at the port and a darkened/off LED indicates that there is no power at the port.  
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Regulatory Compliance  
Product Safety  
Units have been safety tested and certified to the following standards:  
European Union EN60950  
UL 508 and CAN/CSA 22.2 No.205  
This product is also designed for Norwegian IT power system with phase-to phase voltage 230V.  
USA Notification  
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,  
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This  
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case  
the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  
Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operated  
the equipment under FCC rules.  
Canadian Notification  
This Class A digital apparatus complies meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing  
Equipment Regulations.  
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigencies du Règlement sur le matériel  
brouilleur du Canada.  
European Union Notification  
Products with the CE Marking comply with both the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and the Low  
Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community.  
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the following European Norms:  
Electromagnetic Interference  
Electromagnetic Immunity  
Product Safety  
EN61000-3 Harmonics and FlickerJapanese Notification  
Japanese Notification  
Server Technology Inc. encourages the recycling of its products. Disposal facilities,  
environmental conditions and regulations vary across local, state and country jurisdictions, so  
Server Technology encourages consultation with qualified professional and applicable  
regulations and authorities within your region to ensure proper disposal.  
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)  
In the European Union, this label indicates that this product should not be disposed of with  
household waste. It should be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and  
For information on how to recycle this product responsibly in your country, please visit:  
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Appendix D: Warranty, Product Registration and Support  
Warranty and Limitation of Liability  
Server Technology, Inc. agrees to repair or replace Products that fail due to a defect within twelve (12)  
months after the shipment date of each Product unit to Buyer (“Warranty Period”). For purposes of this  
Agreement the term “defect” shall mean the Product fails to operate or fails to conform to its applicable  
specifications. Any claim made pursuant to this Agreement shall be asserted or made in writing only  
by Buyer. Buyer shall comply with Server Technology’s Standard Return Merchandise Authorization  
(“RMA”) procedure for all warranty claims as set forth in Server Technology’s operation manual.  
Buyer must return Products in original packaging and in good condition. This limited warranty  
does not include labor, transportation, or other expenses to repair or reinstall warranted Products on site  
or at Buyer’s premises.  
Server Technology reserves the right to investigate any warranty claims to promptly resolve the  
problem or to determine whether such claims are proper. In the event that after repeated efforts Server  
Technology is unable to repair or replace a defective Product, then Buyer’s exclusive remedy and  
Server Technology’s entire liability in contract, tort, or otherwise shall be the payment by Server  
Technology of Buyer’s actual damages after mitigation, but shall not exceed the purchase price actually  
paid by Buyer for the defective Product.  
Server Technology shall have no responsibility or liability for any Product, or part thereof, that (a) has  
had the Serial Number, Model Number, or other identification markings altered, removed or rendered  
illegible; (b) has been damaged by or subject to improper installation or operation, misuse, accident,  
neglect and/or has been used in any way other than in strict compliance with Server Technology’s  
operation and installation manual; (c) has become defective or inoperative due to its integration or  
assembly with any equipment or products not supplied by Server Technology; (d) has been repaired,  
modified or otherwise altered by anyone other than Server Technology and/or has been subject to the  
opening of any sealed cabinet boxes without Server Technology’s prior written consent. If any  
warranty claim by Buyer falls within any of the foregoing exceptions, Buyer shall pay Server  
Technology its then current rates and charges for such services.  
For warranty issues, contact the Product Support Department at the number listed above. All repair and  
return shipments must be approved by Server and must be accompanied by a RMA (Return  
Merchandise Authorization) number and dated proof of purchase.  
Product Registration  
Registration is your key to special offers and services reserved for Registered Users.  
Excellent Technical Support Services  
Special Update and Upgrade Programs  
Warranty Protection  
Extended Warranty Service  
New Product Information  
Register your products online today!  
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Technical Support  
Server Technology understands that there are often questions when installing and/or using a new  
product. Free Technical Support is provided from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday, Pacific Time.  
Server Technology, Inc.  
1040 Sandhill Drive  
Reno, Nevada 89521 USA  
Tel: 775.284.2000  
Fax: 775.284.2065  
Return Merchandise Authorization  
If you have a unit that is not functioning properly and is in need of technical assistance or repair:  
Submit a request for support by phone at the above number, or via the web at  
Be ready to provide:  
Company Name  
Contact Name, Phone Number, and Email address  
Model or Part Number (from the label on the equipment)  
Server Technology Serial Number  
Version of firmware  
Description of problem  
1. Technical Support will work to diagnose/resolve the problem remotely, if possible. If the problem  
cannot be resolved, Technical Support will then issue an RMA# for the return/repair of the  
equipment in question. RMA#’s are valid for 30 days only from the issue date.  
2. Shipping charges for the return of the equipment to Server Technology shall be the responsibility  
of the customer. For warranty repairs, Server Technology shall assume return shipping charges but  
for non-warranty repairs, the shipping charges shall be billed.  
3. The RMA# shall be placed conspicuously on all shipping documentation, associated  
correspondence, and the shipping container.  
4. Equipment must be returned in proper/original packaging to protect the equipment in transit. The  
customer shall be financially responsible for any damage/destruction of the equipment due to  
improper packaging.  
5. Equipment shall typically be turned around within 48-72 hours of receipt at Server Technology.  
Equipment under warranty shall be repaired at no cost. Equipment NOT under warranty shall be  
repaired at the standard labor rate plus parts. Upon diagnosis of the equipment, the customer shall  
be notified of estimated charges prior to repair.  
6. For non-warranty repairs, return of the equipment will be expedited with the inclusion of a  
Purchase Order or credit card number for incurred charges.  
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Solutions for the Data Center Equipment Cabinet  
Server Technology, Inc.  
1040 Sandhill Drive  
Reno, NV 89521  
+1.800.835.1515 TF  
+1.775.284.2000 Tel  
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Sentry, Environmental Monitoring Control Unit, Pass-Thru and Post-On are trademarks of Server Technology, Inc.  
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