Oracle Audio Technologies Network Card B31003 01 User Manual

Oracle® Application Server  
Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
10g Release 3 (  
January 2007  
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Preface................................................................................................................................................................ vii  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Overview .......................................................................................... 1-1  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture...................................................................................... 1-2  
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J.................................................................... 2-1  
Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter ....................................................................................... 2-2  
Using the CCI API to Develop Applications ...................................................................................... 2-3  
Configuring Multiple Adapters ............................................................................................................ 2-4  
Updating Configuration Information .................................................................................................. 2-4  
Troubleshooting the Daemon ................................................................................................................ 3-1  
Resolving Communication Errors......................................................................................................... 3-5  
Resolving Specific Errors........................................................................................................................ 3-6  
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Configuring the Daemon for High Availability ................................................................................ 5-1  
Configuring a Binding Environment ................................................................................................... 5-5  
Migration Considerations....................................................................................................................... 5-9  
Security Considerations....................................................................................................................... 5-10  
Transaction Support.............................................................................................................................. 5-11  
Preinstallation Tasks................................................................................................................................ 6-1  
Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform......................................... 6-3  
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Updating an Existing Oracle Connect Installation with IMS/TM............................................... 6-12  
Installing Oracle Studio....................................................................................................................... 6-13  
Configuring Oracle Connect ............................................................................................................... 6-14  
Metadata for the Back-end Adapter..................................................................................................... A-1  
Data Type Mapping ................................................................................................................................ B-1  
Daemon Control ...................................................................................................................................... C-1  
Daemon Logging ..................................................................................................................................... C-3  
Daemon Security ..................................................................................................................................... C-5  
Workspaces ............................................................................................................................................... C-7  
Defining the Language and Codepage................................................................................................ D-1  
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This guide is the primary source of user and reference information on OracleAS  
Adapters for IMS/TM, which enables client applications to access transactions  
running under IMS/TM through the Sun J2EE Connector Architecture (J2CA) API.  
This document describes the features of OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM that apply to  
the UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.  
This preface covers the following topics:  
This manual is intended for Oracle integration administrators who perform the  
following tasks:  
Installing and configuring OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM  
Diagnosing errors  
Using OracleAS to access IMS/TM transactions  
Note: You should understand the fundamentals of OracleAS,  
OC4J, the UNIX and Microsoft Windows operating system before  
using this guide to install or administer OracleAS Adapters for  
Documentation Accessibility  
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation  
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Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services  
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support, call 800.446.2398.  
Related Documents  
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Other Product One  
Release 7.0 documentation set or in the Oracle Other Product Two Release 6.1  
documentation set:  
Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide  
Oracle Application Server Adapter Installation Guide  
Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide  
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User’s Guide  
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Services Guide  
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Security Guide  
The following text conventions are used in this document:  
Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated  
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.  
Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for  
which you supply particular values.  
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code  
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.  
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Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM (OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM)  
enables you to connect Oracle Application Server to an Information Management  
System-Transaction Management (IMS/TM) system. This section provides an  
overview of the features and architecture of OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
This section contains the following topics:  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Overview  
IMS/TM is a high-performance transaction management system that is part of the IBM  
IMS product family.  
The application components in IMS/TM are executable programs called transactions.  
These programs are typically written in COBOL but may possibly be written in other  
languages, such as PL/I, C and even Java. There are several types of IMS/TM  
programs including MPPs (Message Processing Programs) and BMP (Batch Message  
Processing Programs).  
IMS/TM transaction are invoked using an API called OTMA (Open Transaction  
Manager Access) as well as through 3270 terminals. IMS/TM transactions are built  
around an input message-output message concept with a special layer (MFS)  
translating the message to the screen and back, for a user interface.  
In addition to OTMA, there is also an IMS/TM transaction gateway that enables  
TCP/IP access to IMS/TM transactions.  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM includes the following features:  
Captures and maintains a metadata schema for IMS/TM by importing COBOL  
copybooks and transforming them into mapping definitions for Oracle Connect on  
the OS/390 or z/OS Series platform and by associating the data structures with  
specific physical files.  
Utilizes an enterprise application integration (EAI) model. Users of a requesting  
application can model the interactions that they want implemented, specifying  
what each interaction does, when it occurs, and the inputs and outputs expected  
for each interaction.  
Provides access to MPP based IMS/TM transactions. Each OracleAS Adapter for  
IMS/TM outbound interaction is mapped to a specific IMS/TM transaction.  
Maps data structures for facilitating access to IMS/TM transactions from within  
Introduction 1-1  
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OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture  
OracleAS adapter includes the following components:  
J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter: The J2CA IMS/TM adapter is a standard resource  
adapter that is compliant with J2EE Connector Architecture, providing J2EE  
components connectivity.  
Oracle Connect: Oracale Connect runs on the legacy system and handles requests  
from the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter, that runs within Oracle Application Server  
Containers for J2EE (OC4J).  
Oracle Studio: Oracle Studio is the configuration tool for Oracle Connect.  
Configuration tasks using Oracle Studio are performed on a Windows platform.  
Oracle Studio uses perspectives that enables you to generate specific information  
necessary to model OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
The following figure illustrates the components of OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM:  
Note: For a comprehensive description of the integration adapter  
architecture, see the following Oracle documentation:  
Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide  
Integration Flow from Oracle Application Server to a Legacy Application  
The J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter converts the J2CA interaction invocation received from  
an application client to the XML format and passes the XML format to Oracle Connect  
on the legacy server. The daemon listens for the request coming from the J2CA 1.5  
IMS/TM adapter client and assigns a server process to handle the request. The  
properties of the server process, such as connection pooling requirements, are defined  
by a workspace definition within the daemon. The server process includes an instance  
of the application engine, which converts the XML format into native structures  
understandable by IMS/TM and passes the converted XML to the back-end adapter.  
The back-end adapter builds an interaction based on the metadata for the back-end  
adapter stored in the repository and the incoming converted XML, and passes it to the  
legacy application to be executed. The results of the execution are passed back to the  
application engine, using the back-end adapter, where these results are converted to  
XML and passed back to the client.  
1-2 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
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Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM  
with OC4J  
To deploy and integrate OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with Oracle Application  
Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J), you need to configure the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM  
This section includes the following topics:  
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J  
Oracle Application Server provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)  
environment that executes on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the standard Java  
Development Kit (JDK). OC4J is J2EE certified and provides all the J2EE specific  
containers, APIs, and services. OC4J supports the J2CA 1.5 standard.  
J2CA defines standard Java interfaces for simplifying the integration of applications  
with the EIS. OracleAS adapters are deployed as a Resource Adapter (RA) within the  
OC4J container.  
The contract between the OC4J client application and the resource adapter is defined  
by the common client interface (CCI). The contract between the OC4J container and  
the resource adapter is defined by the service provider interface (SPI). The SPI API  
addresses the connection management, transaction management and the security  
Connection management enables application components to connect to an EIS and  
leverage any connection pooling provided by the application server.  
Transaction management enables an application server to use a transaction manager to  
manage transactions across multiple resource managers. Security management  
provides authentication, authorization, and secure communication between the J2EE  
server and the EIS.  
Lifecycle management contracts enable an application server to initialize a resource  
adapter instance during the deployment of the adapter or application server startup.  
In addition, it enables the application server to notify the resource adapter instance  
during server shutdown or undeployment of the adapter.  
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J 2-1  
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Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter  
The lifecycle contract provides the mechanism for the application server to manage the  
lifecycle of the resource adapter instance.  
Work management contracts enable the resource adapter to carry out its logic by using  
threads dispatched by an application server, rather than creating threads on its own.  
The handshake is done through a  
instance submission. This makes the  
application server threads management more efficient, providing better control over  
their execution contexts (like security and transaction).  
See Also: Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide, Oracle  
Application Server Containers for J2EE User’s Guide, Oracle Application Server  
Containers for J2EE Services Guide, and Oracle Application Server Containers for  
J2EE Security Guide.  
Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter  
To connect to the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter under Oracle Application Server, perform  
the following steps:  
1. Edit the  
file, which is located at the following path:  
Where rootis the Oracle Application Server root directory.  
2. Set the following settings for each connection:  
The following table lists the properties that must be specified, and optional  
Specifies the JNDI location where Oracle Application Server  
should bind the connection factory instance for application  
Sets the name of the adapter to use. The adapter is defined in the  
Oracle Connect server using Oracle Studio, as described in  
2-2 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
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Using the CCI API to Develop Applications  
Sets the TCP/IP address or host name where the Oracle Connect  
daemon is running. The daemon runs on the computer specified  
details about the daemon.  
Specifies the name of an Oracle Connect server workspace to use.  
The default workspace is Navigator.  
See Also: "Workspaces" on page C-7 for details about workspaces.  
Specifies the TCP/IP port where the Oracle Connect daemon is  
running on the server. The default port is 2552.  
Specifies a user who can access the Oracle Connect server. The  
user is defined in the Oracle Connect daemon configuration.  
page C-16 for details about users allowed to access an Oracle  
Connect server.  
Specifies a valid password for the user..  
Set to  
. When set to  
, connections can persist  
across multiple requests or connection context changes. It is  
recommended to set this property to true.  
Set to  
. When set to  
, the socket used for the  
connection is always kept open. It is recommended to set this  
property to true.  
Specifies the firewall protocol used: either none or fixedNat (the  
Nat protocol using a fixed address for the daemon). The default  
value is  
Specifies the connection timeout in seconds. The default is 0,  
meaning that there is no connection timeout.  
Specifies the name of encryption protocol to use. The default is  
null. The RC4 protocol is supported.  
Specifies the name of the symmetric encryption key to use.  
Specifies the value of the symmetric encryption key to use.  
Set to  
. When set to  
, the XA APIs are  
internally converted to local transaction APIs.  
Using the CCI API to Develop Applications  
You can develop applications to run adapter interactions using the Common Client  
Interface (CCI) API.  
Perform the following steps to use the CCI API with the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter:  
1. Select a  
for the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter.  
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J 2-3  
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Configuring Multiple Adapters  
2. Create a  
object using the selected  
is a handle to the underlying network connection to the EIS, which  
. A  
is identified in the  
3. Create a  
file by the  
object using the selected  
. Specify  
object. The  
the interaction properties using an  
object has the following format:  
The following table describes the properties that can be specified:  
Specifies the interaction name to be executed.  
Specifies the mode for the interaction:  
, or  
Specifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait for an EIS to  
run the specified interaction.  
The following is an  
4. Invoke the  
method on the interaction to initiate a call to the EIS. Pass  
any data for the interaction as input and output records.  
5. Once the interactions have been processed, close the  
Configuring Multiple Adapters  
Each J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter requires an entry in the  
described in on page 2-2.  
file as  
See Also: Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide  
Updating Configuration Information  
You can change the configuration settings for a resource adapter by editing the  
relevant entry in the file. For these changes to  
take effect, you need to stop and restart Oracle Application Server.  
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Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for  
Troubleshooting Oracle AS Adapter for IMS/TM involves checking various definitions  
and properties in Oracle Connect, including daemon status, workspace options, server  
parameters, and various system logs.  
This section contains the following topics:  
Troubleshooting the Daemon  
Troubleshooting the daemon and the communication between Oracle Application  
Server and OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM is performed using Oracle Studio. It is used  
to monitor the daemon and server activity and control what happens to the daemon  
and server processes.  
details about the configuration settings.  
This section contains the following topics:  
Starting the Daemon  
The daemon is started when OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM is installed. In case you  
have shut down the daemon, as described in "Shutting Down the Daemon" on  
page 3-2, you can restart the daemon as described in the following task.  
Note: The daemon is started on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS  
platform. It cannot be started remotely using Oracle Studio.  
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-1  
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Troubleshooting the Daemon  
Task: Starting the Daemon  
Activate INSTROOT  
as a started task to invoke the daemon.  
For example, in the SDSF screen enter the following:  
WhereINSTROOTis the high-level qualifier where Oracle Connect is installed.  
See Also: "Starting the Daemon" on page 6-10 for details about  
Shutting Down the Daemon  
To shut down the daemon, use Oracle Studio, as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer in the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. In the Runtime Explorer, right-click the computer, and select Shutdown Daemon.  
Monitoring the Daemon During Run Time  
Use the Runtime Manager perspective of Oracle Studio to monitor the daemon during  
run time.  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Right-click the required computer in the Configuration Explorer and select Open  
Runtime Perspective.  
You can manage the daemon by expanding the relevant node, daemon, workspace or  
server process, and choosing the relevant option, as described in the following  
Daemon (Computer) Options  
Right-click the daemon to display the options available for it, including the ability to  
display the daemon log.  
The following table lists the avaiable options:  
Opens the daemon editor, enabling you to reconfigure the  
Edit Daemon  
for details about the configuration settings.  
Checks the status of the daemon. The information about  
the daemon includes the daemon name, configuration  
used, the active client sessions, and logging information.  
Reload Configuration Reloads the configuration after any changes. Any servers  
currently started are not affected by the changed  
for details about the configuration settings.  
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Troubleshooting the Daemon  
View Log  
Displays the daemon log. For details see "Daemon Logs"  
View Events  
Displays the daemon events log.  
Displays information about the computer where the  
daemon is running, such as the physical address and any  
username and password needed to access the computer.  
Daemon Properties  
Shuts down the daemon on the computer.  
Shutdown Daemon  
Recycle servers  
Closes all unused servers and prepares all active servers to  
close when the client disconnects. New connection  
requests are allocated with new servers.  
Kill servers  
Immediately closes all active and unused servers.  
Note: It is recommended to use this option with caution,  
as it may lead to data loss.  
Enables to change the name of the daemon displayed in  
the Runtime Explorer.  
Removes the daemon from the Runtime Explorer.  
Refreshes the display.  
Workspace Options  
Right-click a workspace to display the options available for the workspace, including  
the ability to display the workspace log.  
The following table lists the available options:  
Opens the daemon editor to enable you to reconfigure the  
Edit Workspace  
for details about the configuration settings.  
Checks the status of the workspace, whether it is available  
or not.  
View Log  
Displays the log for all servers for the workspace. For  
View Events  
Displays the workspace events log.  
Recycle Servers  
Closes all unused servers and prepares all active servers to  
close when the client disconnects. New connection  
requests are allocated with new servers.  
Kill Servers  
Immediately closes all active and unused servers.  
Note: It is recommended to use this option with caution,  
as it may lead to data loss.  
Removes the selected workspace from the Runtime  
Disables the selected workspace.  
Refreshes the display.  
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-3  
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Troubleshooting the Daemon  
Server Options  
Right-click a server to display the options available for the server, including the ability  
to display the server log.  
The following table lists the available options:  
Checks the status of the server. The information about the  
server includes the server mode and the number of active  
client sessions for the server.  
Displays the server log. For details see "Daemon Logs" on  
View Log  
View Events  
Kill server  
Displays the the server events log.  
Ends the server process, regardless of its activity status.  
Note: It is recommended to use this option with caution,  
as it may lead to data loss.  
Refreshes the display.  
Daemon Logs  
Oracle Connect produces a number of logs that you can use to troubleshoot problems.  
The daemon manages the following logs:  
The daemon log  
The workspace log  
The server process log  
The Runtime Manager perspective of Oracle Studio provides a monitor for these logs,  
as shown in the following figure:  
Display the required log by right-clicking the level you want (daemon, workspace or  
server) and selecting View Log. Each log is displayed in a different tab. You can flick  
between logs by clicking the required tab.  
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Resolving Communication Errors  
The Daemon Log Monitor  
The daemon log displays activity between clients and the daemon, including clients  
logging in and logging out from the daemon. You can change the level of logging by  
clicking Properties. The following levels of logging are available:  
: The log displays who has logged in and out from the daemon.  
: The log displays who has logged in and out from the daemon and any  
errors that have been generated.  
: The log displays who has logged in and out from the daemon, any errors  
that have been generated, and any tracing that has been specified in the daemon  
The Workspace Log Monitor  
The workspace log displays information about the workspace being used by the client.  
You can change the level of logging by clicking Properties. The following levels of  
logging are available:  
: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server  
: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server  
process and any errors that have been generated.  
: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server  
process, any errors that have been generated, and any tracing that has been  
specified in the daemon configuration.  
The Server Log Monitor  
The server log displays activity between clients and the server process used by that  
client to handle the client request. You can change the level of logging by clicking  
Properties. The following levels of logging are available:  
: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server  
: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server  
process and any errors that have been generated.  
: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server  
process, any errors that have been generated, and any tracing that has been  
specified in the daemon configuration.  
Resolving Communication Errors  
When Oracle Studio disconnects from the IBM OS/390 or z/OS computer, the  
computer is displayed in Oracle Studio with an in a red circle. If this situation  
occurs, try to access the computer later.  
The following table describes the various scenarios that may exist when OracleAS  
disconnects from the IBM OS/390 or z/OS computer.  
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-5  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
Idle (Not Processing a Client  
Processing a Client Request  
Explicit Disconnect The server is immediately notified of The server does not know that the client has  
the disconnect and either becomes  
disconnected and continues processing. When  
(client explicitly  
closes connection  
or client program  
available for use by another client or processing completes, the server tries to reply to  
terminates (if it is not reusable).  
the client and immediately gets an error that the  
connection was lost. The server either becomes  
available for use by another client or terminates (if  
it is not reusable).  
Abrupt Disconnect The server does not know that the  
The server does not know that the client has  
disconnected and continues processing. When  
processing completes, the server tries to reply to  
the client. After an interval (typically several  
minutes, depending on the TCP/IP configuration),  
during which the TCP/IP subsystem retries  
sending the message to the client, the server  
assumes that the client has terminated and notifies  
the server that the connection has been closed. The  
server either becomes available for use by another  
client or terminates (if it is not reusable).  
client has disconnected and remains  
(client closed  
in the idle state.  
without proper  
shutdown or client After timing out based on whichever  
system hanged  
comes first of the value for the client  
idle timeout daemon workspace  
parameter or the TCP/IP KEEPALIVE  
parameter, the server is notified of the  
disconnect and either becomes  
available for use by another client or  
terminates (if it is not reusable).  
To troubleshoot client/server communication problems, you need to be familiar with  
the following:  
Daemon configuration settings.  
Oracle Connect security.  
TCP/IP subsystem. OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM uses TPC/IP for internal  
intermachine communications.  
System details, such as the account name and password of the administrator  
account, the IP address of the computers involved and whether a portmapper is  
being used.  
Resolving Specific Errors  
The following error messages relate to errors received from Oracle Connect.  
C007: Server initialization failed.  
Cause: The daemon failed to start its network service.  
Action: Check the processes being run on the system to see whether another  
daemon or program is using the port specified in the  
file for the  
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the current computer by trying to ping it  
or run FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
Action: Check whether the daemon has privileges to use the TCP/IP services on  
the current computer with the port specified in the  
file for the  
C008: Setting server event handler failed.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
C009: IRPCD process has been terminated by user request.  
Cause: This message is informational only. The daemon successfully shut down.  
Action: No action required.  
C00A: Application %s not found.  
Cause: The requested workspace does not exist.  
Action: Check that the workspace defined in the  
file is also  
defined in the daemon configuration on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform. Use  
the Status option in the Runtime Manager perspective.  
C00B: Invalid IRPCD client context.  
Cause: A non-Oracle Connect program is trying to connect to the daemon.  
Action: Check the processes and kill the relevant process with a system  
C00C: Daemon request requires a server login.  
Cause: A non-Oracle Connect server or program was trying to use a daemon  
service reserved for Oracle Connect servers.  
Action: Check the processes and kill the relevant process with a system  
C00D: Daemon request requires a client login.  
Cause: The requested daemon requires a valid client login, which was not  
Action: Reissue the command and specify a username and password.  
Action: Edit the user profile in Oracle Studio to specify a valid username and  
password for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.  
C00E: Daemon request requires an administrator login.  
Cause: The requested daemon service requires an administrative login.  
Action: Edit the daemon security in Oracle Studio to specify a valid administrator  
username and password.  
C00F: Anonymous client logins are not allowed.  
Cause: The daemon is configured to require a valid username and password,  
which were not supplied.  
Action: Enable anonymous client access in daemon security in Oracle Studio.  
Action: Edit the user profile in Oracle Studio to specify a valid username and  
password for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.  
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-7  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
C010: Anonymous server logins are not allowed.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C011: Client has already timed out.  
Cause: A server process was started on behalf of a client and the client has timed  
out before the server completed its startup.  
Action: Increase the Connect timeout value for the server workspace in the WS  
Info. section of the daemon configuration.  
See Also: "WS Info." on page C-7.  
C012: Invalid username/password.  
Cause: Invalid username/password supplied when logging on to the daemon.  
Action: See the daemon log file for the reason that the username/password were  
not accepted.  
Action: Edit the user profile in Oracle Studio to specify a valid username and  
password for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.  
Action: Make sure the daemon is started from an APF-authorized account that is  
allowed to check for system usernames and passwords.  
C014: Client connection limit reached - try later.  
Cause: The maximum number of server processes for the workspace has been  
reached, and none of the active servers could accept the client connection.  
Action: Increase the value of the  
in the WS Server  
section of the daemon configuration.  
Action: Try running the command later.  
C015: Failed to start server process.  
Cause: The Oracle Connect daemon failed to start a server process or the started  
server failed upon starting up.  
Action: See the daemon and server logs for the reason the server did not start. For  
example, you might receive an message with a reason specified in the log file  
similar to the following:  
Action: If you use impersonation, check the user profile on the client. Also see  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
To set impersonation: APF authorize all the steplibs in the server  
script on OS/390 computer.  
In the WS Security tab of the Navigator workspace under the  
daemon node in the Configuration Explorer, check the Use specific  
workspace account and clear the Workspace account field of all  
C016: Unexpected server state.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C017: Active daemon clients exist. Shutdown canceled.  
Cause: One or more clients are still connected to the daemon.  
Action: Wait until all the clients log off the daemon and then retry the shutdown  
C019: Request is not granted because someone else is locking it.  
Cause: A request to lock a resource managed by the daemon was denied because  
another user has locked the resource.  
Action: Wait for the other user to release the resource.  
C01A: Lock %s not found.  
Cause: A request to free a resource was denied because the caller did not lock that  
resource (for example, another user shut down the daemon you are working with).  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C01B: Unexpected error in %s.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C01C: Cannot update configuration without _APPLICATIONS lock.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C01D: Need to lock the application first.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C01F: Cannot set configuration of a deleted application.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C020: Failed in looking up host name (gethostname())  
Cause: Cannot connect to the remote computer.  
Action: Check that the name specified for the computer in the  
is correct.  
Action: Check that a domain name server (DNS) is available to look up the host  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run  
FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
C021: Required variable %s not found  
Cause: An environment variable required by the Oracle Connect server was not  
defined when the server started up.  
Action: Check whether the startup script makes any changes to the environment  
variables used by Oracle Connect.  
Action: Check whether the system-defined environment size is sufficiently large  
for Oracle Connect.  
C022: Server failed to connect and register with the daemon.  
Cause: An Oracle Connect server started by the daemon was not able to connect  
or register back with the daemon.  
Action: Try to connect again.  
Action: Increase the Connect timeout value for the server workspace in the WS  
Info. section of the daemon configuration.  
See Also: "WS Info." on page C-7.  
Action: Check that the startup script for the workspace launches the correct  
version of Oracle Connect.  
Action: Increase the value of the  
parameter for the  
in the WS Server  
section of the daemon configuration.  
C023: Call made to unregistered module %d.  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C024: Failed to create a socket.  
Cause: An error occurred within the TCP/IP subsystem.  
Action: Check whether you have sufficient system privileges.  
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run  
FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
C025: Failed to set socket option %s  
Cause: An error occurred within the TCP/IP subsystem.  
Action: Check whether you have sufficient system privileges.  
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run  
FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
C026: Failed to bind server to port %s  
Cause: An Oracle Connect server or daemon was not able to bind to the specified  
Action: Check whether another program is holding the port that was specified in  
file for the adapter.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
Action: Check whether you have sufficient system privileges.  
C027: Cannot create TCP service for %s  
Cause: An error occurred within the TCP/IP subsystem  
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run  
FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
C028: Unable to register (%s, %d, tcp)  
Cause: This error may happen when a portmapper is used (host:a) but the  
portmapper is not available.  
Action: Enable the portmapper.  
Action: Avoid using the portmapper (by not using  
when starting the daemon).  
C029: Failed to create a server thread  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C02A: Server thread failed to start  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C02B: Stopping the %s server - no client  
Cause: A server that was started by the Oracle Connect daemon to service a client  
did not get a client connection request within one minute. The server terminates.  
Action: In most cases, the client was terminated by a user request, so no specific  
action is required.  
Action: If no client can connect to the server, it may be that the server has multiple  
network cards and the Oracle Connect daemon is not aware of this. In this case,  
start the daemon with an IP address.  
C02C: Unexpected event - a termination signal intercepted  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C02D: Modified transport, context unknown/lost  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C02F: Corrupted arguments passed to procedure  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C030: Unable to free arguments for %s() of %s  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C031: Cannot register a non-module RPC %s  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
C032: An IRPCD program is required  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C033: An IRPCD super-server is required for module events  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C034: An invalid super-server module ID was specified, %d  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C035: Out of memory  
Cause: Not enough memory to service a client request.  
Action: Increase process memory quota or add memory to the system.  
C036: Failed to register RPC procedure module %s  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C037: Failed to register an invalid RPC procedure number %x  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C038: Cannot re-register RPC procedure number %x  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C042: Remote call to %s failed; %s  
Cause: Remote call to API failed.  
Action: Check the daemon log file.  
Action: If necessary, change the level of detail written to the log file to help  
resolve the problem.  
C043: Failed to connect to host %s;%s  
Cause: The remote host is not correctly defined to Oracle Connect or is not  
Action: Check the remote computer definition in the  
file for the  
Action: Check that the daemon is up on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform. Use  
the Status option in the Runtime Manager perspective.  
Action: Check the network connection by trying to ping the host computer or run  
FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
C045: Failed to create a service thread  
Cause: The server failed to create a thread to service a client request.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
Action: A system or process quota limit has been exceeded. Either increase the  
quota or lower the Clients per server limit field value in the WS Info. section of  
the daemon configuration.  
See Also: "WS Info." on page C-7.  
C047: %s out of memory  
Cause: Not enough memory was available to Oracle Connect to complete a  
requested operation.  
Action: Terminate unnecessary processes running on the server.  
Action: Add more memory to the system.  
Action: Allow the process to use more memory.  
Action: Limit the number of processes the daemon may start. If the demand for  
servers exceeds the number of available servers, clients get a message telling them  
the maximum number of servers has been reached and asking them to try again  
C066: Communication error with the server%s  
Cause: Connection to the Oracle Connect daemon or server failed, or an  
established session with a server has failed.  
Action: Check the remote computer definition in the oc4j-ra-xml file.  
Action: Check that the daemon is up on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform. Use  
the Status option in the Runtime Manager perspective.  
Action: In case of a network problem, check the network connection by trying to  
ping the host computer or run FTP or Telnet to or from it.  
C067: Unexpected error occurred in server function %s  
Cause: One of the server functions has exited with an exception, such as an  
Abend, or Invalid Instruction.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C068: Fail to login daemon  
Cause: The daemon is not running on the server computer.  
Action: Use the Status in Oracle Studio Runtime Manager perspective to check  
whether a daemon is running on the server  
Action: Have the system administrator reinstall Oracle Connect on the server.  
C069: Fail to get server  
Cause: The Oracle Connect daemon on the server computer could not start a  
server process to serve the client. A separate message provides more detail on why  
the server process could not start.  
Action: There are many possible causes of this error. If the cause is not clear from  
the related message, see the Oracle Connect daemon log file on the server  
Action: The resolution to this error is highly dependent on the particular cause.  
The following are some typical causes and resolutions.  
Action: Some process creation quota was exceeded. Either try again later or  
increase the quota or the other relevant system resources.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
Action: The server startup script failed.  
Action: The username given is not allowed to use the requested server. Use an  
authorized username.  
Action: A limit on concurrent clients for a server has been reached. Try again later.  
Action: If you use impersonation, then check the user profile on the client. Also  
see C015.  
C06A: Failed to connect to server  
Cause: The server assigned to the client did not accept the client connection. A  
separate message provides more detail about why the server process did not  
accept the connection.  
Action: See the daemon and server log files for the reason that the server was not  
available to accept its assigned client.  
C06B: Disconnecting from server  
Cause: A network failure, server failure or server program failure caused the  
connection to stop. The currently active transaction is stopped as well.  
Action: Oracle Connect automatically tries to reestablish a connection with a  
server upon the next SQL command issued against the server. Once the network  
or computer failure is corrected, the connection to the daemon is reestablished  
C070: Server failed to send reply to the client  
Cause: Server terminated unexpectedly.  
Action: Unless the client was intentionally stopped (for example, using  
Control-C), contact Oracle Support Services.  
C071: Connection to server %s was disconnected. Cursors state was lost.  
Cause: Either a network failure, server failure, or a server program failure caused  
the connection to stop. The currently active transaction is stopped as well.  
Action: Normally, Oracle Connect automatically tries to create a new session with  
the server upon the next attempt to access the server. If the network and server are  
accessible, the next operation should succeed. Otherwise, the network or server  
should be fixed before connection can be resumed.  
Action: In case of a server crash not related to callable user code, contact Oracle  
Support Services.  
C072: Reconnect to server %s  
Cause: This is an informational message only. The client has reestablished its  
connection with the server.  
Action: No action is required.  
C073: The parameters passed to the admin server are invalid: %s  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
C074: No authorization to perform the requested operation (%s)  
Cause: User/account has insufficient privileges.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
Action: Grant administrative privileges to the user/account using the  
Administrator parameter of the Daemon Security or WS Security sections in the  
daemon configuration.  
C075: Failed to register daemon in the TCP/IP service table  
Cause: Registration of the daemon in the TCP/IP services file has failed.  
Action: Check that the account running the daemon has the permissions to  
update the TCP/IP services file.  
E001: Failed in lock/release operation  
Cause: A lock or release operation of a global resource has failed. A separate  
message provides more details. The separate message specifies the cause of this  
Action: There are various causes for this error, including lack of sufficient  
privileges or a system resource shortage.  
J0006: Operation on already closed connection was requested  
Cause: A request using a connection that was closed was attempted.  
Action: Reopen the connection and try again.  
J0028: Internal Error: Unknown XML tag %s  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0030: Internal Error: Method %s needs to be overwritten  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0031: Internal Error: Required attribute %s not found in %s verb  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0032: Internal Error: %s ACP object was returned instead of %s as expected  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0033: Internal Error: Attempt to work with closed socket  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0034: Internal Error: corrupted message; %s bytes read instead of %s as expected  
Cause: XML sent from the client to the server has become corrupted.  
Action: Check compression settings for XML transferred from the client to the  
server. If the setting are correct, retry sending the request from the client to the  
J0035: Internal Error: Invalid redirection address %s returned by daemon  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
J0036: %s: %s  
Cause: One of the following errors was received from the server: 0 -  
server.internalError, 1 - client.xmlError, 2 - client.requestError, 3 -  
client.noActiveConnection, 4 - server.resourceLimit, 5 - server.redirect, 6 -  
client.noSuchResource, 7 - client.authenticationError, 8 - client.noSuchInteraction,  
9 - client.noSuchConnection, 10 - server.notImplemented, 11 -  
server.xaProtocolError, 12 - server.xaUnknownXID, 13 - server.xaDuplicateXID, 14  
- server.xaInvalidArgument, 15 - client.autogenRejected, 16 -  
server.xaTransactionTooFresh, 17 - server.resourceNotAvailable, 18 -  
client.authorizationError, 19 - server.configurationError  
Action: Review the server log file to determine the problem.  
J0037: Internal Error: No ACP response when %s was expected  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0039: Internal Error: ACP root is not found in the XML  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0040: Internal Error: Input record is required for interaction %s execution  
Cause: Internal error.  
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  
J0048: Invalid metadata type %s is passed to %s function  
Cause: A request for metadata was not fulfilled.  
Action: Check the validity of the request.  
J0050: Key of the put method must be of type string  
Cause: In either a GET or PUT operation, the key must be a string.  
Action: Change the key used in the operation to a valid key.  
J0059: Value %s is invalid for attribute %s  
Cause: A request for metadata was not fulfilled.  
Action: Check the validity of the request.  
J0068: Value must be of type string  
Cause: In a PUT operation, the value must be a string.  
Action: Change the value used in the operation to a valid value.  
J0069: Value must be of type MappedRecord  
Cause: In a PUT operation, the value must be a mapped record.  
Action: Change the value used in the operation to a valid value.  
J0070: Value must be of type MappedRecord[]  
Cause: In a PUT operation, the value must be mapped record array.  
Action: Change the value used in the operation to a valid value.  
J0071: Bad key for mapped record, #element or #element[] is required  
Cause: In a PUT operation, the value must be mapped record array.  
Action: Change the key used in the record to a valid key.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
J0072: Value must be of type Object[]  
Cause: In a PUT operation, the value must be mapped record array.  
Action: Change the value used in the operation to a valid value.  
J0078: In nonpersistent connection and non keep alive encryption is not supported -  
Cause: Encryption is not supported for nonpersistent connections.  
Action: There is no action to take. This warning can be ignored.  
J0079: Invalid argument passed to %s - Argument: %s, Value: %s  
Cause: The value pass.  
Action: Change the argument used to a number.  
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Resolving Specific Errors  
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Integrating OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM  
with Oracle BPEL Process Manager  
To deploy and integrate OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM with Oracle BPEL Process  
Manager, you need to configure BPEL Process Manager.  
This section includes the following topics:  
Overview of Integrating OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM with Oracle BPEL  
Process Manager  
Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides a comprehensive solution for creating,  
deploying, and managing BPEL business processes. Oracle BPEL Process Manager is  
based on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to provide enterprises with  
flexibility, interoperability, reusability, extensibility, and rapid implementation of Web  
services and business processes. It reduces the overall costs of management,  
modification, extension, and redeployment of existing business processes. Each  
business activity is a self-contained, self-describing, and modular application whose  
interface is defined by the WSDL, and the business process is modeled as a Web  
A Web Service is first published and then composed or orchestrated into business  
flows. Publishing a service is implemented by taking a function within an existing  
application or system and making it available in a standard way, while orchestration is  
implemented by composing multiple services into an end-to-end business process. The  
interactions that are defined as part of the configuration of the OracleAS Adapter for  
IMS/TM are integrated into the orchestration as PartnerLinks. Every PartnerLink is  
linked to a WSDL that describes the Web service.  
To integrating the OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with Oracle BPEL Process Manager,  
you must perform the following tasks in the specified order:  
See Also: Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide.  
Integrating OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 4-1  
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Configuring Oracle BPEL Process Manager to interact with the OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM  
Configuring Oracle BPEL Process Manager to interact with the OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM  
This section includes the following topics:  
Setting up the Connection to the Oracle Connect Server  
Perform the following steps to set up the connection to the Oracle Connect server:  
1. Open the Oracle BPEL Admin window.  
2. On the Server tab, on the Configuration tab, specify the following:  
: The IP address of the server where Oracle Connect is  
installed. For a single server, the default is  
: The port number of the server where Oracle Connect is  
installed. For a single port, the default is  
3. Repeat the previous step for each Oracle Connect server to be used by Oracle  
BPEL Process Manager. Use a comma as a separator between the different servers  
and ports.  
4. Click Apply.  
5. Restart the server where Oracle BPEL Process Manager is installed.  
Checking Metadata Availability Using Oracle JDeveloper  
Perform the following steps to verify that the metadata of the Oracle Connect server is  
available in Oracle BPEL Process Manager:  
1. Open Oracle JDeveloper.  
2. On the Connections tab, expand the Integration Server node to view the list of  
OC4J servers.  
3. Expand the node of the OC4J server on which you configured the JCA 1.5  
4. Under the Adapters node, expand the Legacy node to view a list of the Oracle  
Connect servers that you defined by using the Oracle BPEL Admin window.  
5. Under the node of the Oracle Connect server whose metadata you want to check,  
expand the node of the daemon (IRPCDINI) to view a list of workspaces.  
6. Under the node of the workspace that contains the adapter that you want to work  
with, expand the node of the relevant adapter to view a list of interactions.  
7. Double-click an interaction to view the WSDL.  
Configuring the WSDL for Outbound Applications  
When you build an outbound application, Oracle BPEL Process Manager  
automatically creates the WSDL that corresponds to the interaction. The WSDL  
specifies the name of the adapter’s connection factory as the value of the  
attribute of the  
element in the  
section. This name is generated automatically. You need to verify that a  
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Configuring Oracle BPEL Process Manager to interact with the OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM  
connection factory with this name exists on the OC4J server. If it does not, you need to  
create it, or change the name of the connection factory to the name of a connection  
factory that exists.  
The following is an example of a WSDL for outbound applications:  
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Configuring Oracle BPEL Process Manager to interact with the OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM  
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Advanced Features of OracleAS Adapter for  
Oracle Connect includes a number of tuning parameters that can improve  
performance. Specifically, the daemon can be configured to optimize communication  
between the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform and a client. In addition, the binding  
environment can be tuned to optimize request handling.  
This section contains the following topics:  
Configuring the Daemon for High Availability  
The daemon workspace is responsible for allocating server processes to clients. You  
can configure a workspace to use a pool of server processes so that a server process is  
always available for a client request. Use Oracle Studio to maintain daemon and  
daemon workspace parameters to control the allocation of server processes and their  
management in a pool.  
You can also have a number of daemon workspace configurations. Therefore, you can  
create individual workspaces for use with different adapters.  
Adding a New Daemon Workspace Configuration  
Use Oracle Studio to add a new daemon configuration. You can set up different  
daemon configurations for different situations.  
Perform the following steps to add a new daemon workspace configuration:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. In the Configuration Explorer, expand the node of the required computer.  
3. Expand the Daemons node. The available daemon configurations are listed.  
4. Right-click IRPCD and select New Workspace. The New Daemon Workspace  
screen is displayed, as shown in the following figure:  
Advanced Features of OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 5-1  
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Configuring the Daemon for High Availability  
5. Specify a name for the new workspace and optionally provide a description.  
6. Specify whether you want default settings or copy the properties of an existing  
To copy the properties of an existing workspace, click Ellipsis and select the  
workspace which properties you want to copy.  
7. Click Next. The Select Scenario screen is displayed, as shown in the following  
8. Select Application Server using connection pooling and click Next.  
9. Continue through the wizard and specify the required values for the workspace.  
10. To complete the workspace definition, click Finish.  
The new workspace is displayed under the IRPCD daemon node.  
Editing the Workspace  
You edit a workspace by using the tabs described in the following table:  
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Configuring the Daemon for High Availability  
Perform the following steps to access these tabs:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. In the Configuration Explorer, expand the the computer defined in "Setting Up the  
3. Expand the Daemons node. The daemon configurations available on this  
computer are listed.  
4. Expand the IRPCD node. The daemon workspaces are listed.  
5. Right-click the required workspace and select Edit Workspace.  
Advanced Features of OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 5-3  
Configuring the Daemon for High Availability  
The other modes can be set so that the server processes are reusable by setting the  
number of times a process can be reused with the Reuse limit value (the maximum  
number of times a particular server process can be reused or how many clients it  
can serve before it is retired). Reuse of servers enhances performance because it  
eliminates the need to repeat initializations. However, reuse runs a risk of higher  
memory leakage over time. The default for the  
indicating that no reuse limit is enforced.  
field value is  
Set the server mode in the WS Server tab of the daemon workspace editor, as shown in  
the following figure:  
When using any of the server modes you can specify a pool of server processes. These  
server processes are started when the daemon starts and are maintained in a pool. The  
server processes are available for use by new client requests from the pool, saving  
initialization time.  
Instead of starting a new server process each time one is requested by a client, the  
client receives a process immediately from the pool of available processes. When the  
client finishes processing, this server process either dies, or if reusable servers have  
been specified, it is returned to the pool.  
You set up a pool of server processes by specifying the following parameters in the WS  
Server tab.  
Initial number of servers: The number of server processes that are prestarted for  
this workspace when the daemon starts up. These are available for use by new  
client processes with minimal initialization time. Instead of starting a new server  
process each time one is requested by a client, the daemon immediately allocates  
(to the client) a server from a pool of available servers. When the number of  
available server processes drops lower than the value specified in the Minimum  
number of available servers field, the daemon again starts server processes until  
the specified number of available servers is reached. The default for this parameter  
is 0, meaning that no servers are prestarted for this workspace.  
Minimum number of available servers: The minimum number of server processes  
in the prestarted server's pool before the Oracle Connect daemon resumes creating  
new server processes (up to the number specified in the Initial number of servers  
field value, described earlier). If this parameter is set to a value greater than that of  
the Initial number of servers field value, the daemon considers the value to be the  
same as the value specified in the Initial number of servers field. In this case, a  
new server process is started and added to the pool each time a server process is  
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Configuring a Binding Environment  
removed from the pool and allocated to a client). The default for this parameter is  
0, meaning that new servers are created only when there are no other available  
Set maximum number of servers: The maximum number of available server  
processes pooled for this workspace. If the server is reusable, once a client  
disconnects from the server, the daemon returns the server to the pool of available  
servers. If the limit is reached, excess server processes are discarded.  
Number of sub-tasks: The number of sub-tasks for a server that are prestarted for  
this workspace when the daemon starts up. In addition to setting up a pool of  
server processes as described earlier, you can set additional server processes as  
sub-tasks by specifying this parameter. Thus, setting 10 servers and 10 prestarted  
sub-tasks results in 100 tasks started (10 sub-tasks for each process).  
Configuring a Binding Environment  
Each binding configuration includes the following:  
Environment settings, which are used to configure the environment used by any of  
the adapters defined in the binding.  
Application adapters on the current computer.  
Perform the following steps to configure the environment settings:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. In the Configuration Explorer, expand the node of the computer defined in  
3. Expand the Bindings node. The available binding configurations are listed.  
4. Right-click NAV and select Edit Binding.  
5. In the Properties tab, edit the required environment settings as needed. To edit an  
environment setting, click the property category node, and then click the required  
value to edit.  
The binding Properties tab is shown in the following figure:  
The binding environment is divided into the following categories:  
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Configuring a Binding Environment  
comm Category  
The following table lists the parameters that define the communication buffers:  
Specifies the size of a memory buffer on a client, which is  
used by the Oracle Connect client/server to store  
read-ahead data. The default is 200000 bytes.  
Specifies the maximum bytes that can be written in one  
chunk on a socket. The default is -1 (no limitation).  
Specifies the maximum size of an XML document held in  
memory. The default is 65535 bytes.  
Specifies the maximum size of an XML document passed  
to another computer. The default is 65535 bytes.  
debug Category  
The following table lists the parameters that define debugging and logging operations.  
When set to  
, the input xml sent to the back-end  
adapter and the output xml returned by the back-end  
adapter, are written to the log.  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
When set to  
, logs general trace information. The  
default writes only error messages to the log.  
The high-level qualifier of the log file for messages. The  
following types of message are written to the log:  
Error messages.  
Trace information and information about the query  
optimization strategy if  
is set to  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
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Configuring a Binding Environment  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
miscellaneous Category  
The following parameters define miscellaneous operations, including globalization  
support and the directory where temporary files are written.  
For use with globalization support to identify the  
codepage for the workspace. See also: Appendix D,  
The data type conversion policy when a conversion error  
0 (Default): The data in the output column will be a  
null or empty value.  
1: The data in the output column will be a null or  
empty value and the error is reported to the log.  
2: An error is reported and processing stops.  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
Identifies the application language. A default codepage is  
selected based om the value specified for this parameter.  
Specifies the codepage used by a field whose data type is  
defined as  
. Use this for a field whose  
codepage is other than that of the computer codepage.  
This parameter includes the following values:  
The name of the codepage.  
Whether the character set reads from right to left (as  
in middle eastern character sets). The default is  
The directory where temporary files are written, including  
the temporary files created for use by hash joins and for  
sorting files. The default is the current high-level qualifier.  
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Configuring a Binding Environment  
Determines the way 2-digit years are converted into  
4-digit years. When the parameter  
not set, or when it is set to a value outside the range of  
values defined for the policy, as described in the following  
paragraphs, a default value of 5 and the Sliding Base Year  
policy is used.  
Two policies are provided:  
Fixed Base Year:  
is set to a value  
greater than, or equal to 1900. In this case, the value of  
is the first 4-digit year after 1900  
that can be represented by a 2-digit year. For example,  
is set to  
, the years  
2000->2004 will be represented by 00->04. All other  
2-digits will map to 19xx.  
This solution is most required if there is live data at  
the low end (close to the year 1900), which the user  
wants to keep with the current 2-digit format.  
The user will probably change the base date only after  
ensuring that these old dates have been deleted from  
the data source.  
Sliding Base Year:  
is set to a  
positive value less than 100. In this case, the value of  
represents the number of years  
ahead of the current year that can be represented by a  
2-digit number. With each passing year the earliest  
year that can be represented by a 2-digit number  
changes to a year later.  
odbc Category  
The odbc parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
The oledb parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
oledb Category  
optimizer Category  
The optimizer parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for  
queryProcessor Category  
The queryProcessor parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for  
transactions Category  
The following table lists the parameters that define the transaction support:  
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Migration Considerations  
When set to  
, converts all simple transactions into  
distributed transactions.  
When set to  
, converts all distributed transactions  
into simple transactions.  
Set to  
to disable global-transaction capabilities.  
The high-level qualifier and name of the log file that logs  
activity when using transactions. The  
after a comma (so  
can also include the keyword  
that the format is  
) when RRS is not running  
on the OS/390 or z/OS platform.  
The number of minutes from the start of a transaction  
before any recovery operation on that transaction can be  
attempted. The default is  
This parameter is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
tuning Category  
The tuning parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
Migration Considerations  
You can migrate an adapter configuration from one platform to another. The  
configuration information is stored in the Oracle Connect repository on the source  
platform and is exported to an XML file which can then be imported to the target  
Note that when migrating a configuration, any file names and paths that are specific to  
the source platform must be changed to valid files on the target platform.  
Perform the following steps to migrate an adapter configuration:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. In the Configuration Explorer, right-click the required computer and select Export  
XML definitions.  
3. Specify the path and name of the XML file, which stores the XML representation  
and complete configuration.  
4. Edit any paths in the XML definition to the paths required on the target platform.  
For example, the setting for the serverLogFile parameter might need changing,  
depending on the platform.  
5. Set up the target platform in Oracle Studio in the same way you set up the source  
6. In the Configuration Explorer, right-click the target computer and select Import  
XML definitions.  
7. Import the XML file to the target platform.  
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Security Considerations  
Security Considerations  
Oracle Connect works within the confines of the platform security system. For  
example, on an OS/390 computer with RACF installed, and with the workspace server  
mode set to multi-tasking, a  
is performed for each task in the  
address space, according to the client connection.  
In addition, Oracle Connect provides the following security:  
A binary XML encryption mechanism, which is activated as follows:  
1. The client’s first message to the server includes a pre-defined shared key,  
includeing the key name and value in the connection string. The server gets  
the key value for the key name passed from the client from the native object  
store (NOS).  
2. The server generates a random 128-bit RC4 session key which is returned  
encrypted to the client, using the shared key. If no predefined shared key is  
provided, then a predefined, hardcoded key is used (this key is hardcoded on  
the client and on the server).  
3. Passwords are always encrypted when passed over the wire, using an RC4,  
128-bit session key, regardless of whether the entire session is encrypted or  
4. If a predefined shared key was provided, then the entire session is encrypted.  
Otherwise, only the password exchange is encrypted (using the hardcoded  
Credentials: Passwords and usernames exchanged over the network are encrypted  
using a pre-defined, hardcoded, 128-bit RC4 session key.  
Design Time: Security within Oracle Studio to grant access to Oracle Studio itself  
and to grant access to computers, user profiles and workspaces.  
Run time: Security used to access IMS/TM, including controlling the daemon for  
the access.  
Setting Design Time Security  
Setting design time security is described in the following sections:  
Securing access to Oracle Studio is described in "Setting Password Access to  
Securing rights to configure a computer in Oracle Studio is described in  
Securing access to user profiles is accomplished by right-clicking the relevant user  
profile in Oracle Studio and selecting Change Master Password. In the dialog box  
that is displayed, specify a password that must be provided in the future to edit  
the specific user profile.  
Securing access to workspaces is accomplished by right-clicking the relevant  
workspace in Oracle Studio and selecting Set Authorization. In the dialog box that  
is displayed, specify a valid user and password that must be provided in the  
future to edit the specific workspace.  
Setting Run-time Security  
During run time, security considerations are implemented as follows:  
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Transaction Support  
When the client request accesses the legacy platform through the daemon, either  
anonymous access is allowed or a valid user name and password must be  
provided for the computer in the user profile. The userName and password  
properties in the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter are used at this stage to access the  
Note: The user name used to access the daemon must also be the  
name of a user profile used.  
Access by the client must be through a valid port, according to the list of ports  
specified in the Workspace Access section of the WS Security tab in Oracle Studio.  
For details of the WS Security tab, refer to "WS Security" on page C-16.  
Note: Access to the legacy platform through a firewall using the  
NAT protocol is specified when the computer is added to Oracle  
To be allocated a server process, the client must be granted anonymous access to  
the workspace or be listed in the Workspace Users section of the WS Security tab  
in Oracle Studio. For details of the WS Security tab, refer to "WS Security" on  
The ability to run commands on the daemon, such as starting or stopping a  
daemon or ending server processes is available only to administrators who have  
been registered in Oracle Connect as a daemon administrator. A client is registered  
as a valid daemon administrator in the Daemon Security tab in Oracle Studio, as  
Note: You can also specify administrators who can run commands  
only at the level of the workspace. Specify these administrators in  
the WS Security tab, as described in "WS Security" on page C-16.  
Transaction Support  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM does not support global transactions.  
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Transaction Support  
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Installing and Configuring OracleAS Adapter  
for IMS/TM  
This section describes how to install Oracle Connect and Oracle Studio from the  
CD-ROM and how to configure Oracle Connect using Oracle Studio.  
Note: In addition to the installation procedures described in this  
section, the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter must be installed with  
Oracle Application Server. Installing the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter  
is described in Oracle Application Server Adapter Installation Guide.  
This section includes the following topics:  
Preinstallation Tasks  
Before installing OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM, ensure that your computer meets the  
following requirements:  
IBM OS/390 or z/OS Hardware and Software Requirements  
This section describes the following requirements for installing Oracle Connect on an  
IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform:  
Hardware Requirements  
The following table summarizes the hardware requirements for Oracle Connect.  
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Preinstallation Tasks  
Hardware Component  
An IBM S/390 computer  
The minimum requirement is 4 MB for each connection. A  
connection is defined as a connection to a server process or  
daemon. The actual memory requirement depends on such  
things as the size of the database and the number of databases  
CD-ROM Drive  
An internal or external CD-ROM drive  
150 cylinders  
Disk Space (3380 and  
3390 disks)  
Software Requirements  
The following table summarizes the software requirements for Oracle Connect.  
Software Component  
Operating System  
IBM OS/390 V2R5 or higher  
IBM z/OS Series V1R0 or higher  
IMS/TM TP Monitor  
V6R1 or higher  
Oracle Application  
Oracle Application Server 10g (  
Windows Hardware and Software Requirements  
This section describes the following requirements for installing Oracle Studio:  
Hardware Requirements  
The following table summarizes the hardware requirements for Oracle Studio.  
Hardware Component  
An Intel or 100% compatible personal computer (PC), based  
on a Pentium processor  
256 MB RAM  
CD-ROM Drive  
An internal or external CD-ROM drive  
100 MB free disk space  
Disk Space for Oracle Studio  
Software Requirements  
The following table summarizes the software requirements for Oracle Studio.  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Software Component  
Operating System  
Microsoft Windows 2000 with service pack 2 or higher, or  
Microsoft Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows 2003  
Network transport protocol software, TCP/IP, included with  
Microsoft Windows  
Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Note: If you have an Oracle Connect back-end adapter already  
installed on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform, then follow the  
instructions described in "Updating an Existing Oracle Connect  
The other back-end adapters that run on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS  
platform are:  
OracleAS Adapter for CICS  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/DB  
OracleAS Adapter for VSAM  
This section explains how to install Oracle Connect from the CD-ROM. This section  
includes the following:  
Installation Worksheet  
Verify that you have all the information detailed in the following installation  
worksheets, so you can refer to it during the configuration process.  
Required Information  
General Operating system  
OS/390 V2R5 or higher, or z/OS Series  
V1R0 or higher  
Disk space  
150 cylinders  
The minimum requirement is 4 MB for each  
connection. A connection is defined as a  
connection to a server process or daemon.  
The actual memory requirement depends on  
such things as the size of the database and  
the number of databases accessed.  
Installation high-level  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Required Information  
SMS only: unit where SMS resides.  
Output class  
JCL job card  
An optional card (up to 6 lines) to replace  
the prefix job (entered as it will appear in  
the job)  
ISPF load library name  
Permission to define an APF-authorized library  
Permission to write to an active proclib, such as user.proclib  
Permission to update the security manager, such as RACF  
Optionally, permission to specify an output class for Oracle Connect output  
tso profile prefix  
Ensures that the user name is not used as part of  
the dataset name allocated in the next steps  
Allocate dataset: {HLQ}.TRANSMIT.KIT  
Allocate dataset: {HLQ}.TRANSMIT.LOAD  
130 tracks (3390), format=FB, record length=80,  
block size=3120  
420 tracks (3390), format=FB, record length=80,  
block size=3120  
Copy files to OS/390 (or z/OS)  
FTP using binary mode  
da('{HLQ}.TRANSMIT.LIB') UNIT(unit) VOLUME(volume)  
Successful MAXCC is 0, 4 or 8  
Successful MAXCC is 0 or 4  
Preinstallation Instructions  
Before starting the installation, ensure that the following information is available:  
The output class for the installation output if you do not want to use the default  
value, which is A.  
The unit where SMS resides. If you use SMS to manage all datasets, then you  
cannot provide unit and volume information.  
Before starting the installation, ensure that you have the following permissions:  
Permission to define an APF-authorized library.  
Permission to write to an active proclib, such as user.proclib.  
Permission to update the security manager, such as RACF.  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Note: Optionally, ensure that you have permission to specify an  
output class for Oracle Connect output. Assigning a device that is  
set on  
prevents the loss of log information when Oracle  
Connect started tasks finish.  
Oracle Connect for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform is contained in the following  
These datasets are provided on a CD-ROM in the following directory:  
Installing the Kit  
Perform the following steps on the Mainframe:  
1. Run the following command:  
The user name will not be used as part of the dataset name. On some systems this  
is the default.  
2. Allocate datasets with the following space for each of these files:  
= 130 tracks (3380 and 3390 disks)  
= 420 tracks (3380 and 3390 disks)  
For each dataset:  
3. Using FTP, copy  
. The block size is 3120.  
the binary mode from the installation CD to the mainframe. You can replace the  
high-level qualifier to any qualifier you want.  
Installation Instructions  
Perform the following steps to install Oracle Connect:  
1. Run the following command at the TSO prompt:  
represents the high-level qualifier you want to assign for the Oracle  
Connect installation. Assign the high-level qualifier you specified in step 7 of the  
preinstallation procedure. The default value is  
Note: You can use more than one high-level qualifier (such as  
) with the following conditions:  
The total length must be less than or equal to twenty characters.  
The words transmit and buildkit cannot be used as high-level  
2. Enter the following when prompted for the restore parameters:  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
This extracts the nnn  
library from the nnn  
to the specified unit and volume. If a unit and volume are not specified, then the  
library is extracted to the current unit and volume.  
3. Run the  
member of the nn  
Follow the instructions in the Response column in Table 6–8 for each entry in the  
Screen column.  
If you want to manage the storage using SMS, then answer  
STORAGE FOR THIS INSTALLATION Y/N [N]: Y, otherwise answer N.  
ENTER THE STORCLASS FOR INSTALLATION This prompt is displayed only if SMS is used to manage the  
installation (you answered Y to the first prompt).  
Enter the storage class  
ENTER THE UNIT NAME FOR INSTALLATION If a storage class is not specified, then enter the unit name  
for temporary datasets used during the installation  
This prompt is displayed only if SMS is not used to manage  
the installation (you answered N to the first prompt).  
The volume name for temporary datasets used during the  
installation procedure  
Enter the output class only if you do not want the default  
class used (the default is A)  
CARD Y/N [Y]  
A job card is displayed. If you want to use a replacement  
card, then it must be entered as it will appear in the job. You  
can enter up to six lines. Enter a blank card to end input.  
If you do not enter a card, then the Oracle Connect default  
card is used.  
If you want to review the JCL used to install Oracle Connect,  
(M) OR AUTOMATIC (A) INSTALLATION [A]: before it is submitted, then respond M for a manual  
This prompt is displayed only if a manual installation is  
requeshen Tw [(2010006ect Tc4iew th06e)]TJ 12.30.02 Tm -0.0  
The following libraries are generated:  
is the high-level qualifiers you assigned in step 1.  
library, run the member:  
4. In the nnn  
Follow the instructions in the Response column in Table 6–9 for each entry in the  
Screen column.  
6-6 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
If you want to manage the storage using SMS, then answer  
STORAGE FOR THIS INSTALLATION Y/N [N]: Y, otherwise answer N.  
THE SOFTWARE WILL BE INSTALLED UNDER The high-level qualifier for the installation (referred to as  
INSTROOTthroughout this guide)  
You can use more than one high-level qualifier (such as  
). The total length must be less than or  
equal to twenty characters. The qualifiers can be the same  
as the ones used for the installation (see step 1).  
The words transmit and buildkit cannot be used as  
high-level qualifiers.  
ENTER THE STORCLASS FOR TEMP DATASETS This prompt is displayed only if SMS is used to manage the  
installation (you answered Y to the first prompt).  
Enter the storage class  
ENTER THE UNIT NAME FOR INSTALLATION The unit name for temporary datasets used during the  
installation procedure.  
This prompt is displayed only if SMS is not used to manage  
the installation (you answered N to the first prompt).  
The volume name for temporary datasets used during the  
installation procedure  
Confirm the entered details  
Enter the output class for Oracle Connect output. Assigning  
a device that is set on  
prevents the loss of log  
information when the Oracle Connect started tasks finish  
(the default is A).  
CARD Y/N [Y]  
A job card is displayed. If you want to use a replacement  
card, then it must be entered as it will appear in the job. You  
can enter up to six lines. Enter a blank card to end input.  
If you do not enter a card, then the Oracle Connect default  
card is used.  
To manage Oracle Connect on this computer from Oracle  
Studio, you need to enter a user account of a user who will  
have administrative authorization, or press Enter to enable  
any user to administer Oracle Connect on this computer.  
The administrative rights can be changed from within  
Oracle Studio after the installation.  
DO YOU WANT TO PERFORM A MANUAL (M) If you want to review the JCL used to install Oracle  
Connect, before it is submitted, then respond M for a  
manual installation.  
This prompt is displayed only if a manual installation is  
requested (you answered M to the previous prompt).  
DSN1 is the dataset name where INSTJBOR is located.  
5. In the nnn  
library, run the  
6. Follow the instructions in the Response column in Table 6–10 for each entry in the  
Screen column.  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Enter the ISPF load library name only if you do not want the  
Confirm the entered details  
Enter the output class for Oracle Connect output. Assigning  
a device that is set on  
prevents the loss of log  
information when the Oracle Connect started tasks finish  
(the default is A).  
CARD Y/N [Y]  
A job card is displayed. If you want to use a replacement  
card, then it must be entered as it will appear in the job. You  
can enter up to six lines. Enter a blank card to end input.  
If you do not enter a card, then the Oracle Connect default  
card is used.  
The installation is completed. All  
jobs and  
procedures are written to the  
library. INSTROOTis the high-level qualifier for the installation.  
Postinstallation Instructions  
The following postinstallation tasks must be done to work with Oracle Connect:  
Postinstallation Procedures  
Perform the following procedures after completing the installation to configure Oracle  
Allocate a dataset for INSTROOT  
, using 1 track and with  
and . The block size is 6233.  
INSTROOTis the high-level qualifier where Oracle Connect is installed.  
Using FTP, copy the  
file, in binary mode, from the  
directory in the installation CD to  
the mainframe, to INSTROOT  
Define the  
library as an APF-authorized library.  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Note: To define a DSN as APF-authorized, in the SDSF screen  
enter the following command:  
Where vol002 is the volume where you installed Oracle Connect  
and INSTROOTis the high-level qualifier where Oracle Connect is  
If the site uses SMS, then when defining APF-authorization in the  
SDSF screen, enter the following command:  
Ensure that the library is APF-authorized, even after an IPL (restart)  
of the computer.  
Move the INSTROOT  
members to any active proclib, such as  
and members are run as started tasks.  
If you decide to change the name of the  
member when you move it to a  
general high-level qualifier, then change the name specified in the StartupScript  
parameter in the daemon configuration to the new name:  
and enter  
the prompt.  
Change the  
the server:  
parameter from  
to the new name for  
Exit and save the changes.  
Change the following line in the  
script to include the IP address and  
port of the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.  
For example, before:  
starting the daemon and  
is ip address of the computer,  
is the default port for  
is the default daemon configuration.  
started tasks need permission to use an Open  
Edition TCP/IP stack. The owner must be a user with OMVS segment defined and  
the OMVS UID=  
In the security manager, such as RACF, define  
with a  
started task class and a general profile that enables the following:  
Permission to issue master console commands.  
authority for the job.  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
Access to an Open OS/390 segment (that defines access to TCP/IP OA  
authority on datasets under  
and delete datasets under  
to access to read, write, allocate  
The installation includes a PS, INSTROOT  
, that contains global  
environment information. This PS is read at startup and the correct software  
version is used, based on the details provided in the startup task.  
If you change the location of this member, then you must also change the relevant  
cards in the following jobs to the new locations:  
: Located in an active proclib, such as  
: Located in an active proclib, such as  
: Located in INSTROOT  
The input during the installation procedure is written to  
. You can use this file to provide the same inputs if  
is the high-level qualifier you assign for the  
you rerun the installation, where  
For information about specifying Oracle Connect as the service using port  
the TCP/IP network services file, refer to the TCP/IP documentation.  
Starting the Daemon  
Activate INSTROOT  
as a started task to invoke the daemon.  
For example, in the SDSF screen enter the following:  
Where INSTROOTis the high-level qualifier where Oracle Connect is installed.  
To submit the daemon as a job, remove comments from the first two lines of the  
JCL, change the PARM line as described earlier, and run the job using the  
sub command. The following is a sample JCL.  
Setting Up Oracle Connect to Work Under IMS/TM  
To run an IMS transaction, set OTMA (Open Transaction Manager Access), as follows:  
1. Install OTMA with OTMA C/I where IMS resides, as OTMA is not automatically  
installed using the IMS INSTALL/IVP Dialog.  
2. During IMS system definition, set the  
parameter in the IMS procedure to  
OTMA=YES. In addition, set additional OTMA-related parameters such as  
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Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform  
for the XCF group name and  
for the IMS member name in that  
XCF group, as in the following example:  
3. Start the OTMA Callable Interface (C/I).  
Add an entry in the program properties table (PPT) for the OTMA C/I  
initialization program as follows:  
a. Edit the  
following entry:  
member of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set by adding the  
b. To make the  
changes take effect, perform one of the following tasks:  
Re-IPL the system.  
Issue the  
c. Edit and submit the following JCL procedure to run  
4. Run  
after the IPL, to initialize the OTMA C/I.  
to an IMS/TM program library, such as  
5. Copy INSTROOT  
Setting Up Oracle Connect for Reentrancy  
All Oracle Connect load modules are reentrant to enable subtasking. Therefore, move  
to the Link Pack Area (LPA).  
WhereINSTROOTis the high-level qualifier where Oracle Connect is installed.  
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Updating an Existing Oracle Connect Installation with IMS/TM  
Using the LPA reduces real storage usage, because everyone shares the LPA copy, and  
fetch time.  
Note: If you intend using impersonation, so that you can run in a  
security context that is different than the context of the process that  
owns the server, then do the following:  
Place the INSTROOT  
member in an  
APF-authorized library outside the LPA.  
Change the  
member (located in the active proclib), by  
adding the following to the  
Where apf_library is the APF-authorized library outside the  
LPA directory where the member was moved.  
Updating an Existing Oracle Connect Installation with IMS/TM  
Verify that you have all the information detailed in the following installation  
worksheets. You can refer to it during the configuration process.  
Required Information  
CICS EXCI load library name CICS.CICS.SDFHEXCL To access IMS/DB or VSAM data under  
Permission to read the CICS EXCI library (when accessing IMS/DB or VSAM data under CICS)  
In the nnn  
library, run the  
Follow the instructions in the Response column in Table 6–13 for each entry in the  
Screen column.  
Answer YES to this prompt if you have Oracle Connect for  
(YES/NO) [YES] :  
If you responded YES to working with IMS/DB, then enter  
the library where database definition (DBD) files are located.  
If you responded YES to working with IMS/DB, then enter  
the library where Program Specification Blocks (PSBs) are  
If you responded YES to working with IMS/DB, then enter  
the name of the PSB file to use.  
If you responded YES to working with IMS/DB, then  
confirm the entered details.  
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Installing Oracle Studio  
If you want to access IMS/DB data under CICS, using  
LEGACY ADAPTER TO WORK WITH IMS/DB OracleAS Adapter for IMS/DB, then respond YES.  
ENTER THE CICS EXCI LOAD LIBRARY NAME If you responded YES to working with IMS/DB under CICS,  
then enter the CICS EXCI load library name only if you do  
not want the default.  
If you responded YES to working with IMS/DB under CICS,  
then confirm the entered details.  
Answer YES to this prompt  
ENTER THE CICS EXCI LOAD LIBRARY NAME Enter the CICS EXCI load library name only if you do not  
want the default.  
Confirm the entered details  
Answer YES to this prompt if you have Oracle Connect for  
VSAM already installed and you want to access VSAM data  
ENTER THE CICS EXCI LOAD LIBRARY NAME If you responded YES to working with VSAM under CICS,  
then enter the CICS EXCI load library name only if you do  
not want the default.  
If you responded YES to working with VSAM under CICS,  
then confirm the entered details.  
Enter the ISPF load library name only if you do not want the  
Confirm the entered details  
Enter the output class for Oracle Connect output. Assigning  
a device that is set on  
prevents the loss of log  
information when the Oracle Connect started tasks finish  
(the default is A).  
CARD Y/N [Y]  
A job card is displayed. If you want to use a replacement  
card, then it must be entered as it will appear in the job. You  
can enter up to six lines. Enter a blank card to end input.  
If you do not enter a card, then the Oracle Connect default  
card is used.  
The installation is completed. All  
jobs and  
procedures are written to the  
INSTROOT library. INSTROOTis the high-level qualifier for the installation.  
After completing the installation, perform postinstallation tasks, as described in  
Installing Oracle Studio  
This section explains how to install Oracle Studio from the CD-ROM.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
Note: If Oracle Studio is already installed because you are also  
using another legacy adapter, then you do not need to reinstall it.  
The other legacy adapters are:  
OracleAS Adapter for Tuxedo  
OracleAS Adapter for CICS  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/DB  
OracleAS Adapter for VSAM  
Installing Oracle Studio from the CD-ROM  
Assuming that the CD-ROM drive is D:, the installation file is located in the  
directory. Install Oracle Studio from the CD-ROM by running  
the self-extracting executable installation file, 4-  
Note: If you are installing Oracle Studio on a Windows XP  
computer, you cannot specify a logical drive as the Destination  
folder for the installation.  
Configuring Oracle Connect  
All modeling of Oracle Connect is performed using Oracle Studio. To use Oracle  
Studio, you first configure it to enable access to the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform  
where IMS/TM runs.  
To configure Oracle Connect, refer to the following sections:  
Note: The following tasks assume you have permission to access  
the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform and that the Oracle Connect  
daemon is running on this computer.  
Check with the system administrator to ensure these requirements  
are fulfilled.  
Setting Up the IBM OS/390 or z/OS Platform in Oracle Studio  
Perform the following steps to configure the IBM OS/390 or z/OS, using Oracle  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Right-click Machines in the Configuration Explorer and select Add Machine The  
Add Machine screen is displayed (see Figure 6–1).  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
3. Enter the name of the computer you want to connect to, or click Browse to select  
the computer from the list of computers that is displayed and which use the  
default port (2552).  
4. Specify the username and password of the user who was specified as the  
administrator when Oracle Connect was installed.  
Note: Selecting Anonymous connection enables anyone having  
access to the computer to be an administrator.  
The Add Machine screen is shown in the following figure:  
5. Click Finish.  
The computer is displayed in the Configuration Explorer.  
Securing Access to Oracle Connect  
Oracle Studio includes mechanisms to secure access to Oracle Connect both during  
modeling and during run time.  
During modeling, the following security mechanisms can be applied:  
During run-time, client access to Oracle Connect is provided by the user profile:  
Setting Password Access to Oracle Studio  
Initially, any operation performed using Oracle Studio does not require a password.  
You can set a password so that the first operation that involves accessing the server  
from Oracle Studio requires a password to be entered.  
Perform the following steps:  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle and then select Studio. Oracle  
Studio opens.  
2. Select Window from the menu bar and then select Preferences.  
The Preferences screen is displayed, as shown in the following figure:  
3. Select the Studio node.  
4. Click Change master password. The Change Master Password screen is displayed,  
as shown in the following figure:  
5. Leave the Enter current master password field empty and type a new master  
6. Confirm the password.  
7. Click OK.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
Specifying Users with Administrative Rights  
By default, only the user who was specified during the installation as an administrator  
has the authorization to modify settings on that computer from Oracle Studio. This  
user can then authorize other users to make changes or to view the definitions for a  
selected computer. Adding a computer to Oracle Studio is described in "Setting Up the  
Note: The default during installation is to enable all users to be  
Perform the following steps to specify a user with administrative rights:  
1. From theStart menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio. Oracle  
Studio opens, displaying the Design perspective.  
2. Right-click the required computer in the Configuration Explorer and select  
Administration Authorization.  
The Administration Authorization screen is displayed, as shown in the following  
The screen has the following sections:  
Administrators: Administrators can view and modify all the definitions in Oracle  
Studio for the selected computer. On initial entry to Oracle Studio, every user is  
defined as a system administrator.  
Designers: Designers can view all the definitions for the computer in Oracle Studio  
and can modify any of the definitions under the Bindings and Users nodes for the  
selected computer. For example, Oracle Studio database administrator can add  
new data sources and adapters and can change metadata definitions for a table in  
a data source.  
Users: Users can view all the definitions for the computer in Oracle Studio for the  
selected computer. Regular users cannot modify any of the definitions.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
3. Add users or groups of users by clicking Add User or Add Group for the relevant  
sections. The user or group that is added must be recognized as a valid user or  
group for the computer.  
Once a name has been added to a section, only the user or group who logs on with  
that user name has the relevant authorization.  
Setting Up Run-time User Access to the IBM OS/390 or z/OS Platform  
During run time, client access to Oracle Connect is provided by the user profile. A user  
profile contains name and password pairs that are used to access a computer, data  
source or application at run time, when anonymous access is not allowed.  
1. In the Configuration Explorer, expand the node of the computer for which you  
want to set the user name and password.  
2. Expand the Users node.  
3. Right-click the NAV user profile and select Edit User. The User Editor pane is  
displayed, as shown in the following figure:  
4. In the User editor, click Add to display the Add Authenticator screen.  
5. Select Remote Machine from the Resource type list, as shown in the following  
6. Enter the name of the IBM OS/390 or z/OS computer defined in Oracle Studio.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
7. Enter the name and password used to access the computer and confirm the  
8. Click OK.  
Modeling Interactions for OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM  
Modeling interactions for OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM involves defining an Oracle  
Connect back-end adapter using Oracle Studio. All the definitions specified in Oracle  
Studio are written to the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.  
This section contains the following topics:  
Setting Up an Oracle Connect Adapter  
To work with the Oracle Connect, you need to set up an adapter definition on the IBM  
OS/390 or z/OS platform to handle the interactions to and from an IMS/TM  
transaction. You use Oracle Studio to specify these definitions.  
Perform the following steps:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. In the Configuration Explorer, expand the node of the computer defined in  
3. Expand the Bindings node. The binding configurations available on this computer  
are listed.  
4. Expand the NAV binding node. The NAV binding configuration includes branches  
for data sources and adapters that are located on the computer.  
5. Right-click Adapters and select New Adapter to open the New Adapter wizard.  
6. Enter a name for the back-end adapter.  
Note: The word event is a reserved word and cannot be used  
when naming an adapter.  
7. Select  
as the back-end adapter type from the Type list as shown in the  
following figure:  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
8. Select Events.  
9. Click Finish. The back-end adapter is added to the list and the definition opens for  
Note: Other adapters that are displayed in the Type list are not  
supported with the version of Oracle Connect installed at the site.  
10. Select the Properties tab and change any of the properties for the adapter, as  
The Properties tab is shown in the following figure:  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
The Properties tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Cache the last transaction pipe used.  
Cache the XCF connection information.  
The maximum number of sessions allowed. The default  
value is 5.  
The RACF facility group identification.  
The RACF facility user identification.  
The transaction pipe prefix used to associate between the  
transaction and the transaction pipe it is using. The default  
is ATTU.  
The Cross System Coupling Facility client name.  
The Cross System Coupling Facility collection of XCF  
members to which the connection belongs. A group may  
consist of up to eight characters, and may span between  
multiple systems.  
The Cross System Coupling Facility group member.  
Generating Outbound Interactions  
Oracle Connect requires metadata describing the adapter interactions, including the  
structures used to pass information to and from the adapter.  
If COBOL copybooks describing the adapter input and output structures are available,  
then you can import the adapter definition using the Metadata Import wizard in  
Oracle Studio Design perspective to generate interaction metadata. If the metadata is  
provided in a number of COBOL copybooks, with different filter settings (such as  
whether the first six columns are ignored or not), then you first import the metadata  
from copybooks with the same settings and later import the metadata from the other  
If COBOL copybooks describing the input and output structures are not available,  
then you need to manually define the metadata.  
The following information is required during the import procedure:  
The COBOL copybooks: These are copied to the computer running Oracle Studio  
as part of the import procedure.  
The names of the IMS/TM transactions to be executed through the application  
Use the Metadata Import procedure to generate interaction metadata, as follows:  
1. In the Configuration explorer, right-click the IMS/TM back-end adapter defined in  
2. Select Edit metadata, to display the Metadata tab, with the IMS/TM back-end  
adapter displayed under the Adapters list.  
3. Right-click the Imports node and select New Import. The New Metadata Import  
screen is displayed.  
4. Enter a name for the import. The name can contain letters and numbers and the  
underscore character only.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
5. Select ImsTm Import Manager from the Import type list as shown in the following  
6. Click Finish. The Metadata Import wizard is displayed.  
7. Click Add. The Add Resources screen is displayed, which provides the option to  
select files from the local computer or copy the files from another computer.  
8. If the files are on another computer, then right-click My FTP Sites and select Add.  
Optionally, double-click Add FTP site. The Add FTP Site screen is displayed.  
9. Enter the server name or IP address where the COBOL copybooks reside and enter  
a valid username and password to access the computer (if anonymous access is  
used, then click Anonymous connection) then click OK.  
The FTP site is added to the list of available sites as shown in the following figure:  
Note: The selected server is accessed using the username as the  
high-level qualifier, enabling you to browse and transfer files.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
10. Right-click the computer and select Set Transfer Type. Enter the transfer type  
(ASCII or BINARY) and click OK.  
11. Expand the list of the added site until you find the necessary COBOL files. To  
change the high-level qualifier, right-click the computer and select Change Root  
Directory. Enter the new high-level qualifier enclosed in quotes, and click OK.  
12. Select the required COBOL copybook file or files and click Finish. The selected file  
or files are displayed in the Metadata Import wizard.  
Note: You can import the metadata from one COBOL copybook  
and later add to this metadata by repeating the import procedure  
using different COBOL copybooks.  
The format of the COBOL copybooks must be identical. That is, you  
cannot import a COBOL copybook that uses the first six columns  
with a COBOL copybook that ignores the first six columns. In this  
type of case you must repeat the import procedure.  
13. Click Next. The Apply Filters screen is displayed, as shown in the following  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
14. Apply filters to the copybooks, as needed.  
The following table lists the available filters:  
COMP_6 switch  
The MicroFocus COMP-6 compiler directive. Specify  
either COMP-6’1’ to treat COMP-6 as a COMP data type  
or COMP-6’2’ to treat COMP-6 as a COMP-3 data type.  
Compiler source  
Storage mode  
The compiler vendor.  
The MicroFocus Integer Storage Mode. Specify either  
NOIBMCOMP for byte storage mode or IBMCOMP is for  
word storage mode.  
Ignore after column  
Ignores columns 73 to 80 in the COBOL copybook.  
Ignores the first six columns in the COBOL copybook.  
Replace hyphens (-)  
in record and field  
names with  
Replaces all hyphens in either the record or field names in  
the metadata generated from the COBOL with underscore  
underscores (_)  
Prefix nested  
Prefix all nested columns with the previous level heading.  
Specifies whether to be sensitive to the search string case.  
Searches for the specified value.  
Case sensitive  
Replaces the value specified for Find with the value  
specified here  
Replace with  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
15. In the import wizard, click Next. The Add Interactions screen is displayed, as  
shown in the following figure:  
16. Click Add to add an interaction for the IMS/TM adapter. Provide the information,  
as listed in the following table:  
The name of the interaction. You can change the default  
name specified.  
The interaction mode. You can select one of the following:  
sync-send-receive: The interaction sends a request and  
expects to receive a response. This is the default mode.  
sync-receive: The interaction expects to receive a response  
sync-send: The interaction sends a request and does not  
expect to receive a response.  
Identifies an input record. The input record is the data  
structure for the interaction. The records generated from  
the COBOL files specified at the beginning of the  
procedure are listed. Select the relevant record for the  
Note: You must specify an input record for each  
interaction before you can click Next. If the interaction  
does not require an input record, then the record specified  
here is ignored.  
Identifies an output record. The output record is the data  
structure for the results of the interaction. The records  
generated from the files specified at the beginning of the  
procedure are listed. Select the relevant record for the  
Note: You must specify an output record for the  
interaction if the mode is set to sync-send-receive or  
sync-receive, before you can click Next.  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
Free text describing the interaction.  
IMS/TM specific parameters:  
c: The interaction commit mode.  
maxSegmentSize: The maximum size of the segment. The  
default value is 32768 (bytes).  
transaction: The name of the transaction that is executed  
when the interaction is executed. You must specify a  
transaction name for each interaction.  
The maxSegmentSize parameter enables dynamically  
splitting large messages into smaller segments. Although  
the default value can be changed, the logic of IMS/TM  
transaction must correspond accordingly. The transaction  
must perform a GU call followed by a series of GN calls in  
order to compile the entire input message. A transaction  
output message, larger than 32K, is handled by the OTMS  
C/I interface which performs the task of assembling the  
output segments into a single buffer.  
17. Add as many interactions as necessary and click Next to generate the metadata  
definitions for the adapter.  
18. Specify that you want to transfer the metadata from the Windows computer to the  
IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform and click Finish.  
The metadata is imported based on the options specified and it is stored on the IBM  
OS/390 or z/OS platform. An XML representation of the metadata is also generated.  
After performing the import, you can view the metadata in Oracle Studio Design  
perspective Metadata tab. You can also make any fine adjustments to the metadata and  
maintain it, as necessary.  
details about fine tuning the adapter metadata  
Viewing the XML Schema  
The XML describing the adapter interactions can be viewed in Oracle Studio Design  
perspective Metadata Source tab.  
A sample Source tab is shown in the following figure:  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
Creating XML Schemas  
The XML schema describing the adapter interactions and the input and output records  
for these interactions are created automatically during the import procedure, as  
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Configuring Oracle Connect  
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Advanced Tuning of the Metadata  
Oracle Studio enables you to define outbound adapter interactions. In addition, Oracle  
Studio defines input and output structures used for these interactions. The interactions  
and input and output structures are maintained as metadata in the Metadata tab of  
Oracle Studio.  
Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
Using Oracle Studio, perform the following steps to maintain the metadata for  
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Expnad the node of the required computer in the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Expand the Bindings node.  
4. Expand the NAV binding node.  
5. Expand the Adapters node to display the adapters.  
6. Right-click the IMS/TM adapter in and select Edit Metadata to display the  
Metadata tab.  
7. Right-click the required interaction in the Metadata Explorer, and select Edit.  
The metadata editor opens, displaying the General tab, with general table details. The  
following tabs are used to view and edit the metadata:  
General Tab  
Use the General tab to maintain information describing the adapter and the  
connection to the adapter.  
Advanced Tuning of the Metadata A-1  
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Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
The General tab is shown in the following figure:  
The General tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Adapter definition name  
Specifies the name of the adapter definition.  
Specifies an identifying description of the adapter.  
Specifies the authentication method used to access the  
adapter. The available mechanisms are:  
Authentication mechanism  
basic password  
Max request size  
Specifies the maximum size in bytes for an XML request or  
reply. Larger messages are rejected with an error.  
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous  
connections for an adapter (per process).  
Max active connections  
Max idle timeout  
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that an active  
connection can stay idle. After that time, the connection is  
Adapter Specifications  
Specifies the adapter-specific properties for an interaction.  
The IMS/TM back-end adapter does not have any  
adapter-specific properties.  
Interaction Tab  
Use the Interaction tab to define the general details of the interaction in addition to its  
input and output definitions.  
The Interactions tab is shown in the following figure:  
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Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
The Interaction tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Interaction name  
Specifies the name of the interaction.  
Provides a descriptive identifier for the interaction.  
Determines the interaction mode. The following  
interaction modes are available:  
sync-send-receive: The interaction sends a request and  
expects to receive a response.  
sync-send: The interaction sends a request and does  
not expect to receive a response.  
sync-receive: The interaction expects to receive a  
async-send: Not applicable  
Input record  
Identifies an input record.  
Identifies an output record for the results of an interaction.  
Output record  
Interaction Specific  
Defines the properties and values of parameters specific to  
an interaction. The  
property is available,  
which specifies the IMS/TM transaction that is called  
when the interaction is executed.  
Schema General Tab  
Use the Schema General tab to define the general details of the input and output  
record structures for the interaction.  
Advanced Tuning of the Metadata A-3  
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Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
The Schema General tab is shown in the following figure:  
The Schema General tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Schema name  
The name of the adapter.  
The schema version.  
header file to map between the data structure and the  
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Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
Schema Record Tab  
Use the Schema Record tab to define the input and output record structures for the  
The Schema Record tab is shown in the following figure:  
The Schema Record tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Use the Fields List area to define single data items within a record.  
Specifies the name of the field.  
Advanced Tuning of the Metadata A-5  
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Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
The data type of the field. The following are valid data  
Support" for details about the mapping from COBOL data  
types to IMS/TM back-end adapter data types.  
The size of the field including a null terminator, when the  
data type supports null termination.  
Note: Use the Specifications box to specify field properties.  
for details about the mapping from COBOL data types to Oracle  
Connect data types.  
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Metadata for the Back-end Adapter  
A-8 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
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Back-end Adapter Data Type Support  
OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM supports a number of data types that are used when  
defining metadata in Oracle Studio. The data types are mapped from the COBOL data  
types during the import procedure.  
Note: The mapping of data types between OracleAS Adapters for  
IMS/TM and Oracle Application Server is performed internally by  
Oracle Connect.  
Data Type Mapping  
The COBOL data type  
, in the table is an abbreviation for, and synonymous with,  
COMPUTATIONAL. Square brackets ([ ]) denote optional qualifiers for some COBOL  
compilers, which may not be allowed for other COBOL compilers.  
COBOL Data Type  
(with fractional data)  
Oracle Connect Data Type  
(without fractional data)  
(with fractional data)  
(without fractional data)  
(with fractional data)  
(without fractional data)  
(with fractional data)  
(without fractional data)  
(with fractional data)  
(without fractional data)  
Back-end Adapter Data Type Support B-1  
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Data Type Mapping  
COBOL Data Type  
Oracle Connect Data Type  
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Advanced Tuning of the Daemon  
The daemon configuration is managed using Oracle Studio. Daemon configuration is  
divided into the following groups:  
Daemon Control  
Using the Daemon Control tab, you define various daemon control options. The  
Daemon Control tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. Right-click the required daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon  
Configuration. The Daemon Control tab is displayed.  
5. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the  
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the  
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are only implemented  
after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration  
option in the Runtime Manager perspective.  
The Daemon Control tab is shown in the following figure:  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-1  
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Daemon Control  
The Daemon Control tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
The daemon restarts automatically if it fails for any reason  
(any error that causes the daemon process to terminate,  
such as network process lost or the CPU running the  
daemon crashes and the backup daemon is defined on  
another CPU). All available and unconnected servers are  
terminated and any connected servers are marked and  
terminated on release. Also the backup starts a backup for  
itself. The backup appends a new log file to the log of the  
original daemon, adding a line indicating that a backup  
daemon was started.  
recover from failure  
The maximum number of bytes that the daemon handles  
for an XML document.  
Maximum XML  
request size  
Maximum XML in  
The maximum amount of space reserved for the XML in  
The language that the daemon supports. This setting is  
used when working with a client with a code page  
different from the server code page.  
Default language  
Call timeout  
The timeout period for short calls for all daemons. The  
definition of a short call is a call that should be completed  
in a few seconds. For example, most calls to a database  
such as  
should be completed in a few seconds  
call, which can take a  
as opposed to call like a  
long time. In heavily loaded or otherwise slow systems,  
even short calls such as calls to open a file, may take a  
significant amount of time. If a short call takes more than  
the specified time to complete, then the connection is  
stopped. The default value for this parameter is 60  
seconds. Values of less than 60 seconds are considered to  
be 60 seconds.  
Specifying the timeout in a workspace overrides the value  
set in this field for that workspace.  
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Daemon Logging  
The time the client waits for a daemon server to start. If  
the daemon server does not start within this period, then  
the client is notified that the server did not respond. The  
value specified for this parameter serves as the default  
timeout for all the workspaces listed in the daemon  
configuration. The default value for this parameter is 60  
Connect timeout  
Entering the timeout in a workspace overrides the  
value set in this field for that workspace.  
Even if the XML source does not list this parameter in  
the workspace section, the workspace gets it using the  
default value. If you want to prevent a workspace  
from using the default value, you must enter a value  
of zero for this parameter in the workspace section.  
The maximum amount of time any daemon client may be  
idle before the connection with the server is closed.  
Client idle timeout  
Specifying the timeout in a Workspace overrides this  
setting for that workspace.  
Daemon Logging  
Using the Daemon Logging tab, you define the daemon log file settings, the log file  
structure and the location where the log is saved. In addition, use it to define the data  
that is logged and traced in the file.  
The Daemon Logging tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. Right-click the daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon  
5. Click the Daemon Logging tab.  
6. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the  
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the  
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are only implemented  
after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration  
option in the Runtime Manager perspective.  
7. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the  
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.  
The Daemon Logging tab is shown in the following figure:  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-3  
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Daemon Logging  
The Daemon Logging tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Specifies the daemon produces its log data. The full path  
must be specified.  
Daemon log file location  
Specifies what tracing is performed.  
Logging options  
Logs client requests for server activations; this provides  
logging of the process IDs of the started servers along with  
the location of the log files.  
Client requests for server  
Logs all of the administration requests for the daemon.  
Administration requests for  
Logs all of the daemon operations.  
Logs daemon logins.  
Daemon operations  
Daemon logins  
Daemon RPC function calls  
Daemon internal operations  
Log trace information  
Logs all daemon RPC function calls.  
Logs daemon internal operations.  
Logs low-level RPC operations.  
Specifies whether the client host and domain name are  
logged rather than the client IP address. The default is  
Display host and client  
domain name  
Trace options  
No timeout  
Specifies the type of tracing being performed.  
Disables the standard RPC timeouts, setting them to a long  
duration (approximately an hour) to facilitate debugging.  
Generates a message in the server log file for each RPC  
function called. This is useful for troubleshooting the  
Call trace  
Enables debugging messages on the server.  
RPC trace  
Generates a message in the server log file for each socket  
Extended RPC trace  
Generates a verbose message in the server log file for each  
low-level RPC function called. This is useful for  
troubleshooting the server.  
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Daemon Security  
Generates system-specific tracing of various operations.  
System trace  
Generates a timestamp for every entry to the server log  
Binary XML log level  
Sets the binary XML log level. Your options are:  
none (the default)  
Server log filename format  
Defines the name and location of the server log file. The  
field must specify the full path name. If no directory  
information is provided for the log file, then it will be  
located in the login directory of the account running  
Oracle Connect workstation.  
The following tokens can appear in the log file template and will be replaced  
: workspace name  
: date (yymmdd)  
: instance number of the given workspace server  
: server account login directory  
: server process ID  
: time (hhmmss)  
: server account name (username)  
For example,  
may produce a log file such as:  
The default log file template is  
Daemon Security  
The Daemon Security tab is used to:  
Grant administration rights for the daemon.  
Determine access to the computer.  
The Daemon Security tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. Right-click the daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon  
5. Click the Daemon Security tab.  
6. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-5  
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Daemon Security  
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the  
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the  
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented.  
They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded  
using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.  
7. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the  
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.  
The Daemon Security tab is shown in the following figure:  
The Daemon Security tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Identifies the users (accounts) allowed to perform  
administrative tasks (tasks that require administrative  
Enables all users to access the daemon and change the  
All users  
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Identifies the names of users (accounts) and groups that  
can be administrators.1  
Selected users only  
If a user is not specified, the account from which the  
daemon was started is considered the administrator. Note  
that the daemon does not require the user to log in to the  
account on the system, but to log in to the daemon using  
the account name and password.  
Machine access  
Manages access to the computer.  
Whether workspaces allow anonymous logins (without  
user name/password entries). For the optimal level of  
security, keep this option unchecked and define a  
username for the Daemon Administrators parameter. If  
unchecked, then no workspace can have an anonymous  
client. If checked, then a particular workspace allows  
anonymous clients.  
Allow anonymous  
Enables login passwords to be cached. This enhances  
performance by reducing login times for future  
connections from the same client in a session.  
Cached password  
Specifies the encryption method used to send information  
across the network. The default is an asterisk (*), meaning  
that all methods are acceptable. If an encryption method is  
specified, it must be used. The RC4 and DES3 protocols  
are currently supported.  
Encryption methods  
The name is prefixed with ’@’, to utilize the operating system GROUP feature.  
A daemon can include a number of workspaces. A workspace defines the server  
processes and environment that are used for the communication between the client  
and the server for the duration of the client request. Each workspace has its own  
definition. The workspace definition is divided into the following groups:  
WS Governing: This tab is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapters for  
WS Info.  
Using the WS Info. tab, you specify the features that control the operation of the  
workspace, such as the server type, the command procedure used to start the  
workspace and the binding configuration associated with this workspace.  
The WS Info. tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-7  
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4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.  
5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration. The WS Info.  
tab opens.  
6. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the  
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the  
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented.  
They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded  
using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.  
7. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the  
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.  
The WS Info. tab is shown in the following figure:  
The WS Info. tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Workspace name  
The name used to identify the workspace.  
Note: The default configuration includes the default  
Navigator workspace. This workspace is automatically  
used if a workspace is not specified as part of the  
connection settings.  
A description of the workspace.  
Startup script  
The full path name of the script that starts the workspace  
server processes. The script specified here must always  
activate the  
procedure and then run the  
server program (svc). If you do not specify the directory,  
the startup procedure is taken from the directory where  
the daemon resides. Oracle Connect includes a default  
startup script, which it is recommended to use.  
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Server type  
This field is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapters  
for IMS/TM.  
Workspace binding  
This field is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapters  
for IMS/TM.  
Timeout parameters The time the client waits for the workspace server to start.  
If the workspace server does not start within this period,  
then the client is notified that the server did not respond.  
Specifying the timeout here overrides the default setting,  
specified in the Control section.  
See Also: "Daemon Control" on page C-1 for details about  
the Daemon Control section.  
Client idle timeout  
Connect timeout  
The maximum amount of time a workspace client can be  
idle before the connection with the server is closed.  
The time the client waits for a workspace server to start. If  
the workspace server does not start within this period,  
then the client is notified that the server did not respond.  
WS Server  
Using the WS Server tab, you specify the features that control the operation of the  
servers started up by the workspace and allocated to clients.  
For example, you can configure the workspace to start up a number of servers for  
future use, prior to any client request, instead of starting each server when a request is  
received from a client.  
The WS Server tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.  
5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.  
6. Click the WS Server tab.  
7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration  
Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the  
required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are not  
implemented. They are only implemented after the  
configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration  
option in the Runtime Manager.  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-9  
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8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the  
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.  
The WS Server tab is shown in the following figure:  
The WS Server tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
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Workspace server  
Specifies the type of new server processes that the daemon  
starts up. The daemon supports the following server  
: Each client receives a dedicated  
server process. The account in which a server process  
runs is determined either by the client login  
information or by the specific server workspace.  
This mode enables servers to run under a particular  
user account and isolates clients from each other, as  
each receives its own process. However, this server  
mode incurs a high overhead due to process startup  
times and can use a lot of server resources as it  
requires as many server processes as concurrent  
: Clients share a server process and are  
processed serially. This mode has low overhead  
because the server processes are already initialized.  
However, because clients share the same process, they  
can impact one another, especially if they issue  
lengthy queries. The number of clients that share a  
process is determined by the Clients per server limit  
: This mode is not applicable for use  
with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.  
: An extension of single-client mode. Once  
the client processing finishes, the server process does  
not die and can be used by another client, reducing  
startup times and application startup overhead.  
This mode does not have the high overhead of  
single-client mode because the servers are already  
initialized. However, this server mode can use a lot of  
server resources as it requires as many server  
processes as concurrent clients.  
Note: The other modes can be set so that the server  
processes are reusable. The number of times a process  
can be reused is controlled by the Reuse limit field  
Reuse limit  
Sets the maximum number of times a particular server can  
be reused. A one-client server can be reused after its  
(single) client has disconnected. Reuse of servers enhances  
startup performance because it avoids the need to repeat  
initialization. The default for this field is none (0),  
indicating that server reuse is unlimited. This parameter is  
disabled only if the server mode value is  
Clients per server  
Sets the maximum number of clients a server process for  
the current workspace accepts. The default for this field is  
none (0), indicating that the number of clients for each  
server is unlimited. This field is enabled only if the server  
mode value is  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-11  
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Server availability  
Specifies the number of servers in a pool of servers,  
available to be assigned to a client.  
The following options are available:  
Initial number of servers: The number of server  
processes that are prestarted for this workspace when  
the daemon starts up. When the number of available  
server processes drops lower than the value specified  
in the Minimum number field, the daemon again  
starts server processes until this number of available  
server processes is reached. The default for this field  
is 0.  
Minimum number: The minimum number of server  
processes in the prestarted pool before the daemon  
resumes creating new server processes (to the value  
specified in the Initial number of servers field). If this  
field is set to a value higher than the Initial number of  
servers field, the daemon uses the value specified in  
the Initial number of servers field. The default for this  
field is 0.  
Keep when daemon ends: When a daemon is  
shutdown, all the servers started by that daemon are  
also killed, even if they are active. Set this field to  
if you want the servers for the workspace to  
remain active, even after the daemon has been shut  
down. If this field is set to  
, it is the  
responsibility of the system operator or manager to  
ensure that the servers are eventually killed. This  
must be done at the system level.  
Set maximum number of servers: The maximum  
number of available server processes. Once this  
number is reached, no new nonactive server processes  
are created for the particular workspace. For example,  
if a number of server processes are released at the  
same time, so that there are more available server  
processes than specified by this field, the additional  
server processes higher than this value are  
terminated. The default for this field is zero, meaning  
that there is no maximum.  
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resource limitations  
Specifies the number of servers that can be in use at any  
one time. The more servers used, the greater the system  
resources that are used.  
The following options are available:  
Number of subtasks: The number of subtasks for a  
server that are prestarted for this workspace when the  
daemon starts up. Thus, setting 10 prestarted servers  
and 10 subtasks results in 100 tasks started (10  
subtasks for each process).  
Limit number of active servers: The maximum  
number of active server processes (either available or  
in use). Once reached, no new server processes will be  
created for the particular workspace and client  
connections would be rejected if there is no available  
server to accept them. Once the number of active  
servers drops below the maximum (for example, a  
client disconnects from a server and the server  
terminates), new servers can again be started. If the  
value of this field is set to a nonzero value lower than  
the value for the Initial number of servers field, the  
daemon assumes it is set to the same value as the  
Initial number of servers field. The default for this  
field is 0, meaning that no maximum is enforced.  
Server Priority  
The priority for servers. For example, a workspace for  
applications with online transaction processing can be  
assigned a higher priority than a workspace that requires  
only query processing.  
The following priority options are available:  
Use default priority: Sets the priority as 0. There is no  
specific priority for this workspace.  
Use priority: Enables setting the priority.  
WS Logging  
Using the WS Logging tab, you specify parameters to log, that occur with the  
workspace server process.  
The WS Logging tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.  
5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.  
6. Click the WS Logging tab.  
7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-13  
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Note: You can also change daemon settings using the  
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the  
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented.  
They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded  
using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.  
8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the  
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.  
The WS Logging tab is shown in the following figure:  
The WS Logging tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
C-14 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
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Specific log file  
Defines the name and location of the server log file if you  
want the data written to a file instead of SYSOUT for the  
server process. The parameter must specify the name and  
the high level qualifier.  
The following tokens can appear in the log file template  
and will be replaced accordingly:  
: workspace name  
: date (yymmdd)  
: instance number of the given workspace server  
: server account's login directory  
: server's process ID  
: time (hhmmss)  
: server's account name (username)  
Trace options  
Specifies the type of tracing to be performed. The  
following tracing options are available:  
No timeout: Disables the standard RPC timeouts,  
setting them to a long duration (approximately an  
hour) to facilitate debugging.  
Call trace: Generates a message in the server log file  
for each RPC function called. This is useful for  
troubleshooting the server.  
RPC trace: Enables debugging messages on the server.  
Sockets: Generates a message in the server log file for  
each socket operation. This is useful for  
troubleshooting client/server communication -  
providing a detailed trace of every client/server  
Extended RPC trace: Generates a verbose message in  
the server log file for each low-level RPC function  
called. This is useful for troubleshooting the server.  
System trace: Generates operating system-specific  
Timing: Generates a timestamp for every entry to the  
server log file.  
Specifies the level of events that are logged for the  
workspace. The following event levels are available:  
: The event log only displays the IP addresses of  
client that have logged in and out from the  
: The event log displays the IP addresses of  
client that have logged in and out from the workspace  
as well as any errors that have been generated.  
: The event log displays the IP addresses of  
client that have logged in and out from the workspace  
as well as any errors that have been generated and all  
trace results that were specified in the Daemon  
Logging tab.  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-15  
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Specifies the server connection events to log. The  
following server events are available:  
Connect: The event log displays the server connection  
Disconnect: The event log displays the server  
disconnect events.  
Specifies the type of tracing performed. The following  
client events are available:  
Connect: The event log displays the client connection  
Disconnect: The event log displays the client  
disconnect events.  
This group is not applicable for use with OracleAS  
Adapter for IMS/TM.  
WS Security  
Using the WS Security tab, you specify the level of security at the workspace level, as  
opposed to the daemon level, which is set in the Daemon Security tab.  
See Also: "Daemon Security" on page C-5 for details about  
The WS Security tab is used to:  
Grant administration rights for the workspace  
Determine access to the workspace by a client  
The WS Security tab is accessed as follows:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.  
4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.  
5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.  
6. Click the WS Security tab.  
7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload  
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the  
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the  
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit  
Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented.  
They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded  
using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.  
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8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the  
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.  
The WS Security tab is shown in the following figure:  
The WS Security tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:  
Defines the users (accounts) allowed to perform  
administrative tasks (tasks that require administrative  
login) on this workspace.  
Identifies the users (accounts) with administrator  
privileges. The following options are available:  
All users: Indicates that anyone can access the  
workspace and change the settings.  
Selected users only: The names of users (accounts)  
and groups that can be administrators.  
Note: If a user is not specified here, the user specified  
in the Workspace users area will have administrator  
rights for this workspace. In this case, if all users are  
selected for the Workspace users area, then all users  
have administrator rights for this workspace.  
Allow Listing: Determines whether this workspace  
appears in the list of workspaces.  
Workspace account  
Defines the users (accounts) allowed to access the  
workspace, firewall access ports, workspace account, and  
anonymous login permissions.  
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-17  
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Workspace users  
Lists the users who are allowed to use the workspace.  
All users: Indicates that any user who has logged on  
to the daemon can use the workspace.  
Selected users only: Specifies users (accounts) and  
groups that can use the workspace.  
Note: If a user is not specified, any user who has  
logged on to the daemon can use the workspace.  
Enable ports range: Defines the firewall ports through  
which you access the workspace. Specifies the range  
of ports available for this workspace when starting  
server processes. Use this option when you want to  
control the port number, so that Oracle Connect can  
be accessed through a firewall.  
Use specific workspace account: Defines the operating  
system account used for the workspace. If not  
specified, the account name that was provided by the  
client is used.  
Allow anonymous client login to server account:  
Defines whether this workspace can be accessed  
without authentication (user name/password). If  
anonymous login is allowed, specify the server  
account name to use. If this field is not specified, then  
the value in the Workspace account field is used.  
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Globalization Settings  
OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM provides the globalization support for the following  
English (the default)  
Simple Chinese  
Traditional Chinese  
This appendix describes how to define the language support.  
Defining the Language and Codepage  
The language and codepage parameters are accessed from the computer where Oracle  
Studio is installed.  
Perform the following steps to define the required language and codepage:  
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.  
2. Select and expand the required computer node from the Configuration Explorer.  
3. Expand the Binding node.  
4. Right-click NAV and select Edit Binding.  
5. In the binding Properties tab, expand the misc node.  
Globalization Settings D-1  
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Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Defining the Language and Codepage  
Alternative Codepages  
(EBCDIC based unless noted  
IBM037, IBM500, IBM1140,  
ISO-8859-1 (ASCII based)  
IBM037, IBM500, IBM1140,  
ISO-8859-1 (ASCII based)  
EUC (Solaris)  
MS949, EUC-KR  
MS949 (Win)  
(both ASCII based)  
IBM037, IBM1140  
ISO-8859-1 (ASCII based)  
IBM500, IBM1148  
ISO-8859-1 (ASCII based)  
IBM037, IBM500, IBM1140,  
ISO-8859-1 (ASCII based)  
Globalization Settings D-3  
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Defining the Language and Codepage  
D-4 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide  
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disk space requirements  
environment parameters  
CD-ROM drive requirements  
comm parameters  
data types  
debug parameters  
hardware requirements  
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IBM S/390  
processor requirements  
query optimizer  
log files  
memory requirements  
miscellaneous parameters  
See system managed storage  
software requirements  
operating system requirements  
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Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  

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