Intel Work Light 754458 002 User Manual

Intel® Client System Setup Utility  
User’s Guide  
Version 0.8  
Part Number: 754458-002  
Legal Information  
Using the Client System Setup Utility  
Using the Phonebook  
Configuring Resources  
Controlling Boot Options  
Managing Passwords and Security Options  
Using the System Event Log  
Using the Sensor Data Records  
Using the FRU Inventory  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Using the Client System Setup Utility  
Remote System Setup  
System functions for managed servers can be setup remotely, using the Client System Setup  
Utility. The Server System Setup Utility runs on the server console and provides all of the  
necessary setup functions. The Client System Setup Utility provides the tools to do the same  
functions remotely:  
Assign resources to devices and add-in boards before loading the OS,  
Specify boot device order and system security options,  
View and clear the system event log (SEL),  
View the system field replaceable unit records (FRUs) and sensor data records (SDRs),  
Troubleshoot the server when the OS is not operational,  
View the server system-level I/O devices,  
Save and restore the system configuration.  
The tools are implemented as plug-in Active-X controls called add-ins. The specific  
functions provided will vary with individual platforms.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
When to Run the Client System Setup Utility  
Use the Client SSU when you need to do any of these tasks remotely:  
Add and remove boards affecting the assignment of resources (ports, memory, IRQs, DMA)  
Modify the server’s boot device order or security settings  
Change the server's configuration settings  
Save the server configuration  
View or clear the SEL  
View FRU information  
View the SDR information  
To determine a system configuration, the Client SSU uses the following information from the  
server system:  
The baseboard CFG file  
Configuration registers  
CMOS and non-volatile storage  
The Client SSU stores configuration values in flash memory in the server. These values take effect  
when you boot the server.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
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The BIOS checks the values against the actual hardware configuration; if the values do not agree,  
the BIOS generates an error message. You must then run the Client SSU to specify the correct  
configuration before the server boots.  
The Client SSU always includes a checksum with the configuration data, so the BIOS can detect  
any potential data corruption before the actual hardware configuration occurs.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Using the Phonebook  
The Phonebook Dialog  
The Client SSU includes a phonebook—which is shared with other ISC components—to organize  
dialing information needed to establish connections with supported platforms. Use the phonebook  
when the Client SSU is run outside of an enterprise management console, or when the Client SSU  
is unable to make a server connection when started within an enterprise management console. The  
dialog box used to maintain existing or edit new phonebook entries is shown in the following  
You can open the phonebook from the Main Menu, using the  
choosing Server>Phonebook.  
icon on the toolbar, or by  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Phonebook Dialog  
Options available in the dialog are:  
Servers: Displays a list of server names and associated phone numbers previously stored in  
the phonebook.  
Add: Opens the Add/Modify dialog, which you can use to add a new server to the  
Modify: Edits an existing entry. Before selecting this option, you must first select an existing  
entry from the Servers list and modify the existing phone number. Click <OK> to store this  
entry in the phonebook.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
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Delete: Deletes an entry from the phonebook. You must first select an existing server from  
the Server box before selecting this option. Click <OK> to delete the entry.  
Close: Exits the dialog with no action taken.  
Phonebook Add/Modify Dialog  
The Client SSU includes a Phonebook Add/Modify dialog.  
Phonebook Add/Modify Dialog  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Server Name  
The Server Name area allows you to specify the name of the server associated with a phonebook  
entry. Any change of the Server Name takes effect once the OK button is selected.  
Phone Number  
The Phone Number area allows you to specify the phone number associated with a phonebook  
entry. Like the Server Name edit control, any change of the Phone Number takes effect once the  
OK button is selected.  
IP Address  
The IP Address area allows you to specify the IP address of the selected server.  
Service Partition  
Use the Service Partition checkbox to specify whether the selected server has a service partition. A  
fully-populated service partition is required on the server for the Client SSU to establish a  
OK Button  
The OK button updates the phonebook based on the information contained in various dialogs.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Cancel Button  
The Cancel button discards any changes to the phonebook entry, closes the phonebook, and returns  
to the Main Window.  
Connect Dialog  
The Client SSU also includes a Connect dialog, which is used to establish the connection between  
the Client SSU and the SSU Server in those cases where the phone number has not been passed to  
the Client SSU on the command line or when the Client SSU was unable to make a server  
connection with the phone number provided. The dialog box used to establish a connection is  
shown in the Connect Dialog.  
Connect Dialog  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
The Modem button selects the connection type for the server specified in the Server Name edit  
Direct Connect  
The Direct Connect button is not used.  
Server Name  
The Server Name area provides an alphabetized list of server platforms that the Client SSU may  
attempt to connect to. The list is based upon information maintained in the phonebook.  
OK Button  
The OK button attempts to establish a connection with the specified server platform. When  
selected, the OK button prompts for an EMP password and if successful reboots the server to the  
service partition and attempts to establish the connection with the server SSU. If the connection  
cannot be established an error message displays and the server system should be rebooted to its  
primary operating system using the DPC. While the connection is being established the Client  
SSU displays connection information on the status bar.  
The Cancel button closes the connection dialog and returns to the Main Window.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Using the EMP Password Dialog  
The Emergency Management Port Password dialog opens when you click the OK button in the  
Connect dialog. Enter the password that will allow you to use the EMP Port on the selected server.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Configuring Resources  
The Resource Configuration Add-in (RCA) provides two major functions:  
Modifying the contents of the system by adding and removing devices  
Modifying the resources used by devices  
The Resource Configuration Add-in (RCA) provides the resource conflict detection and resolution  
services. Its purpose is to help create a working configuration after adding or removing hardware  
from the system. Only a single instance of the RCA may be used at one time.  
RCA Main Window  
The RCA presents a main window that supports several features, which are described in the  
following sections.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Resource Configuration Main Window  
It may be necessary to modify the resources of a device to accommodate certain operating systems,  
applications, and drivers. It may also be necessary to modify resources to resolve a conflict. To  
modify the resources associated with a device, highlight the device in the Devices list box and  
double-click on the entry.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Save to System Button  
The Save to System option writes the current configuration to non-volatile storage on the server  
system. The stored configuration information is used by the servers BIOS to configure the  
platform during power-up.  
Although the RCA can be started multiple times during a Client SSU session, it is recommended  
that the managed server be rebooted once the ‘Save To System’ operation is performed.  
Configuration changes to PCI devices will not be recognized during subsequent RCA uses unless  
the managed server is rebooted.  
Close Button  
The Close option exits the RCA. Although no configuration information is automatically written to  
non-volatile storage with this selection, you will be prompted to save any outstanding changes  
before exiting.  
Device Window  
It may be necessary to modify the resources of a device to accommodate certain operating systems,  
applications, and drivers. The Device Window provides several features to aid in this process.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Device Window  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Use the Function tree to select a device function so that the configuration choices and resources  
associated with the function may be updated. Selecting a new function updates the Choice box and  
the DMA, IRQ, Memory, and Ports list boxes as required. Some functions may not contain choices  
or resources and are simply used for grouping or organizational purposes.  
The Choice area shows a list of configuration choices associated with the current function. Change  
choices by selecting the desired option. Selecting a new choice may update the DMA, IRQ,  
Memory, and Ports list boxes.  
Use the DMA list box to change an existing setting of a DMA resource associated with the current  
choice. DMA resources can be changed by double-clicking the desired entry and updating the  
DMA entry in the Change DMA window. If a DMA resource is not required for the current  
choice, N/A is displayed as the only item in the DMA list box.  
Use the IRQ list box to change an existing setting of a IRQ resource associated with the current  
choice. Change the resource by double-clicking the desired entry and updating the IRQ entry in the  
Change IRQ window. If an IRQ resource is not required for the current choice, N/A is displayed as  
the only item in the IRQ list box.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Use the Memory list box to change an existing setting of a memory resource associated with the  
current choice. Change settings by double-clicking the desired entry and updating the memory  
entry in the Change Memory window. If a memory resource is not required for the current choice,  
N/A is displayed as the only item in the Memory list box.  
Use the Ports list box to change an existing setting of a port resources associated with the current  
choice. Change the setting by double-clicking the desired entry and updating the port entry in the  
Change Port window. If a port resource is not required for the current choice, N/A is displayed as  
the only item in the Port list box.  
The OK button commits any resource changes made to the device to the internal resource database.  
Updated information is not stored in non-volatile storage on the server system until the Save to  
System button is selected on the RCA main window.  
The Cancel button discards any changes made to the device and returns to the RCA main window.  
Note that after the RCA conflict detection and resolution algorithm is run, it is not possible to  
cancel changes to the selected device.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Resources Button  
Click the Resources button to start the Resource Usage window.  
System Resource Usage Window  
Viewing system resources is useful for setup and debugging system configurations. The System  
Resource Window provides several features to present this information.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
System Resource Usage Window  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
The Resource List box shows a complete listing of the specified resources currently used in the  
system, except for any relocatable expansion ROM images. Because they are fully relocatable by  
the system BIOS, Relocatable expansion ROM images are not included. The address ranges  
occupied by these expansion ROM images should not be considered in the conflict detection and  
resolution algorithm provided in the RCA.  
The IRQ button updates the Resource list box to include only IRQ resources.  
The DMA button updates the Resource list box to include only DMA resources.  
The Ports button updates the Resource list box to include only port resources.  
The Memory button updates the Resource list box to include only memory resources.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
The All button updates the Resource list box to include all system resources: IRQs, DMAs, ports,  
and memory resources.  
Dump to File  
The Dump to File button writes the system resource use information to the specified plain text file.  
The system resource use information file may be stored on either the client or server system.  
The Close button exits the System Resource Usage window.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Controlling Boot Options  
The Multiboot Add-in (MBA) provides a means for selecting Initial Program Load (IPL) devices.  
Using the MBA, you can identify all IPL devices in the system and organize their boot order. On  
power-up, the managed servers BIOS will sequentially attempt to boot from each device. Only a  
single instance of the MBA may be used at one time.  
Multiboot Main Window  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
MBA Main Window  
The MBA main window is described in the following sections.  
Boot Device Priority  
The Boot Device Priority list box contains the IPL devices in the system in descending boot  
Hard Drives  
The Hard Drives list box contains the list of Boot Connection Vector (BCV) devices in descending  
priority. Typically, the BCV device list contains hard disks installed in the system. The Hard  
Drives list shows the order in which the drives will be tried when trying to boot from a hard drive.  
Move Up / Move Down  
The Move Up/Move Down buttons allow you to move the selected IPL or BCV device in the Boot  
Device Priority or Hard Drives list box respectively.  
Save to System Button  
The Save to System button writes the updated boot priority information to non-volatile storage on  
the server system.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Cancel Button  
The Cancel button exits the Multiboot Add-in. Configuration information is not written to non-  
volatile storage on the server system with this selection, but you will be prompted to save any  
outstanding changes before exiting.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Managing Passwords and Security Options  
The Password Add-in (PWA) provides security and password support options. Within the PWA,  
you can either set or modify the current server system BIOS User or Administrator passwords or  
update any of the various security options available. Only a single instance of the PWA may be  
used at a time.  
PWA Main Window  
The PWA presents a main window with three sections relating to the Administrative Password,  
User Password, and the Security Options, which are described in the following sections.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
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Password Main Window  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Administrator Password Status  
The administrator password status control displays either Set or Not Set, depending on the current  
status of the BIOS administrative password on the server system.  
Change/Clear Admin Password  
The Change/Clear Admin Password button allows you to set or change the administrator password  
on the server system used by both the SSU and the system BIOS. All changes to the admin  
password take place immediately and do not require the Save to System button to be pressed.  
User Password Status  
The User Password Status control displays either Set or Not Set, depending on the current status of  
the BIOS user password on the server system.  
Change/Clear User Password  
The Change/Clear User Password button allows you to set or change the user password on the  
server system that is used by both the SSU and the system BIOS. All changes to the user password  
take place immediately and do not require the Save to System button to be pressed. A change to  
the user password is immediately reflected in the user password control.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Hot Key  
The Hot Key box provides a list of valid key combinations that can be used to put a system in  
secure mode. This option is only available when the user password is set—otherwise the option is  
grayed out. The Hot Key selection is saved to the platform via the Save To System button.  
(Support for this option may vary between platforms.)  
Lock Out Timer  
The Lock Out Timer box provides a list of valid secure mode timer values that may be selected. If  
no keyboard or mouse activity is detected for the specified interval, the server will change to  
Secure Mode. The option is available only when the user password is set, otherwise it is grayed  
out. The Lock Out Timer option is saved to the platform via the Save to System button.  
(Support for this option may vary between platforms.)  
Secure Boot Mode  
The Secure Boot Mode box allows you to enable or disable secure boot mode. The option is  
available only when the user password is set, otherwise it is grayed out. The Secure Boot Mode  
option is saved to the platform via the Save to System button.  
(Support for this option may vary between platforms.)  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Video Blanking  
The Video Blanking box allows you to enable or disable the server system’s video screen when the  
secure mode is active. The option is available only when the user password is set, otherwise it is  
grayed out. The Video Blanking option is saved to the platform via the Save to System button.  
(Support for this option may vary between platforms.)  
Floppy Write Protect  
The Floppy Write Protect box allows you to enable or disable writing to the floppy diskette drive  
when secure mode is active. The option is available only when the user password is set, otherwise  
it is grayed out. The Floppy Write Protect option is saved to the platform via the Save to System  
(Support for this option may vary between platforms.)  
Front Panel Lock Out  
The Front Panel Lock Out box allows you to enable or disable the reset and power buttons when  
secure mode is active. The option is available only when the user password is set, otherwise it is  
grayed out. The Front Panel Lock Out option is saved to the platform via the Save to System  
(Support for this option may vary between platforms.)  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Save to System  
The Save to System button writes the updated security options to non-volatile storage on the server  
system. Note that the Save To System button does not update either the administrator or user  
password, because they are updated immediately following a change.  
Cancel Button  
The Cancel button exits the PWA. No configuration information is automatically written to non-  
volatile storage with this selection, but you will be prompted to save any outstanding changes  
before exiting.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Using the System Event Log  
The System Event Log (SEL) contains a sequential record of events that have occurred in the  
remote server.  
The contents of the SEL will help you to determine the cause of server system failures.  
The SEL viewer allows you to  
Examine SEL records via the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)  
Examine SEL records by sensor or event type  
Save SEL records to a file on the local or remote system  
Clear SEL records from the nonvolatile storage area on the server system  
Click the SEL icon  
menu on the toolbar.  
in the Client SSU toolbar to start the SEL Manager. This also places a SEL  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
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For each entry, the SEL viewer displays:  
A record identifier  
Time stamp information  
A generator identifier  
The sensor type  
The sensor number  
An event description  
Use the online help to find information about specific controls and features of the SEL Manager.  
You can sort the columns in the SEL Manager by clicking the column heading.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Using the Sensor Data Records  
The Sensor Data Records (SDR) contain the information recorded from each of the configured  
sensors in the managed server. Record data is displayed in hexadecimal or binary form.  
The contents of the SDR file will help you to determine the cause of server system failures.  
Using the SDR tool, you can  
Examine Sensor Data Records  
Examine SDRs by Record type  
Save SDRs to a file on the local or remote system  
Click the SDR icon  
in the Client SSU toolbar to start the SDR Manager. An SDR menu is  
placed on the toolbar, which provides access to SDR Manager properties.  
Information is displayed when a specific sensor type is selected in the SDR information tree.  
Use the online help to find information about specific controls and features of the SDR Manager.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
SDR Manager Window  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
Using the FRU Inventory  
The Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) inventory records contain information about the components  
that comprise the remote server. The information, based on the Intelligent Peripheral Management  
Interface (IPMI) specification, includes such things as part numbers, serial numbers,  
manufacturer’s names, version numbers, and asset tag numbers.  
The contents of the FRU inventory files will help you to identify components that may be of  
interest while troubleshooting a system failure. Using the FRU, you can  
Examine individual FRU inventory areas  
Save FRU inventory information to a file on the local or remote system  
Click the FRU icon  
in the Client SSU toolbar to start the FRU Manager. If a server connection  
exists, you’ll see a status message to tell you that the FRU inventory records are loading. If no  
server is connected, then you'll see a connect dialog.  
Starting the FRU Manager adds an FRU menu to the toolbar, which you can use to see the FRU  
properties or reload the FRU Manager.  
The FRU Manager displays a hierarchical tree of FRU components, and detailed inventory  
information for each selected unit. Highlight a component in the tree with the mouse to see its  
associated inventory information.  
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Intel Client System Setup Utility  
Version 0.8  
The FRU Manager does not display all of the FRU information defined in the IPMI specification.  
It displays selected information from the chassis, board, and product areas that will be helpful in  
identifying the components of a managed server.  
Use the online help to find information about specific controls and features of the FRU Manager.  
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