Hauppauge Computer Hardware WinTV HVR 1800 User Manual

Installing the WinTV driver and WinTV  
v7 application  
Install your WinTV products. Turn on your Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 based  
PC, and boot into Windows.  
For Windows XP installations:  
After you install your WinTV device and  
boot Windows, a 'Found New Hardware'  
wizard will appear.  
Please cancel it and allow Windows to  
load fully before proceeding. With  
some WinTV products, you might see this  
message two or three times. Please click  
Cancel’ each time you see the New  
Hardware Wizard.  
Insert the WinTV Installation CD-ROM in  
your PC’s CD-ROM drive.  
For Windows 7: You will see an AutoPlay  
message. Click Run Setup.exe  
For all versions of Windows: The  
Hauppauge WinTV Installation CD-ROM”  
window will appear on the screen.  
ote: if the CD does not  
Nautorun, navigate to the  
CD and run the 'Setup.exe'  
Step 1. Install the WinTV  
Click the button labeled Step 1:  
Install Drivers.  
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Digital QAM and Analog TV. You cannot chose both Digital ATSC and Digital QAM.  
ote: If you’d like to use the A/V inputs, please see instructions below  
Nin External audio/video sources.  
If your TV source is ATSC digital over-the-air TV  
Select Digital ATSC and click Next. In the ATSC Setup menu, click Next. You  
will see the Digital ATSC  
Scan scanning for digital  
over-the-air channels.  
The digital TV scanning  
process will scan from chan-  
nels 2 to 51. As TV chan-  
nels are found, they will  
appear in the Channel box.  
When complete, click Next /  
Next and OK.  
ote: if you do not  
Nreceive any ATSC  
digital TV channels, an  
antenna signal booster might be needed. After adding a signal booster,  
see below for instructions on rescanning and the Troubleshooting section  
for information on choosing an antenna.  
If your TV source is Clear QAM Digital Cable TV  
Clear QAM digital cable TV  
channels are those TV chan-  
nels broadcast on a digital  
cable network which are unen-  
crypted (‘free to view’). If you  
are using cable TV with clear  
QAM programs, chose Digital  
QAM and Next.  
QAM channels which are  
detected but are encrypted  
are automatically not selected.  
The resulting channels in the  
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list might be both standard and high definition channels.  
If your TV source is Analog cable TV  
Select your Country and your  
TV Source from the drop  
down list. To automatically  
scan for channels, click Next  
to continue.  
Click the Scan button and  
WinTV will automatically scan  
for analog channels. The scan-  
ning process takes about 10  
External audio/video  
You can bring video into the  
WinTV from an external  
audio/video source such as a  
cable TV or satellite set top box.  
In the Device Setup Wizard,  
select External Inputs and  
click Next.  
You will be presented with the  
option to add a Composite and  
an S-Video Input. Please select  
your country (if not correct) and  
click Next.  
If you wish to connect a source not normally designed for operation in your coun-  
try, you can configure the Video Format manually from the drop down list. Change  
the value from AUTO”.  
Note: Pal BGHIDK is the commonly used format in Europe. NTSC is the broad-  
cast format used in North America.  
Rescanning TV channels or adding an external A/V source  
If you want to rescan for TV channels or add an A/V source (on those products  
with an external A/V input), click the Configuration menu (Gear button in the  
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lower left corner of WinTV v7).  
Then click on the Devices tab. Choose your WinTV device by clicking on it, then  
click Tuner setup. Chose the TV format you want to scan, then click Next. Click  
Next and a new scan will be started. When the scan is complete, click Next / Next  
and OK.  
Using the WinTV v7 application  
To watch TV, click the Watch TV button.  
To see the TV Channel list, click your right mouse button in the TV window to  
display the Options menu. Select Find Channel. You will see the channel list.  
To display the channel list all the time, while the channel list is displayed, click the  
Channel list display always on button.  
Options menu  
The Options menu is the main menu where you can select channels, turn on  
close captions, open the TV Scheduler, show the TV Guide and many other of the  
Close WinTV  
WinTV source selector  
Channel list display always on  
Current channel  
name and number  
Fast channel select  
TV Channel list  
(Settings menu)  
Program Info  
Volume adjust  
and mute  
Playback file menu  
Close captions  
Watch TV  
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Options menu  
click your right mouse button to view  
Playback menu  
Channel list  
TV Scheduler  
Close captions  
Always on top  
most important TV control functions.  
To bring up the Options Menu, click your right mouse button once in the TV  
window .  
To see the channel list, click on Find channel. You will see the list of channels  
which have been scanned.  
To show the Channel menu as part of the TV window, click the Channel list  
always on icon at the top of the channel list.  
To turn on Close captions, click on Show Captions.  
To manually schedule a TV recording, or to see which programs have been  
scheduled, click on Scheduler.  
To turn on the Always on Top mode, click on Stay on Top.  
Watch, Pause and Record TV  
WinTV v7 is always recording video to your PC’s hard drive while TV is being dis-  
played. In this way, you can immediately skip back and replay the TV program  
you are watching.  
Clicking on the Pause button will cause the video to pause, while clicking the  
Record button will cause the current TV program to be recorded to hard disk.  
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Program Playback Stop back 1 back 10 Time bar  
info file  
minute seconds  
ahead 30  
ahead 1  
Recording your TV shows  
If you want to record a TV show you are watching:  
Click the Record button. The recorded file name will popup on the video for a  
few seconds as the recording starts.  
When you are finished recording, click the Stop button.  
Click the Playback file button and select the last file recorded to play the video  
you just recorded  
To play a video you recorded earlier, click the Playback File button and then  
move your mouse and click once on the video you want to play. Click Open and  
the file will start playing.  
The recorded video file is saved in the directory set in Recordings directory direc-  
tory which can be found in the Configuration menu. The default directory is  
MyVideos. To change this directory, click the Settings button and then the Folders  
tab. Every time you record a file, a new file is automatically created. The file will be  
formatted as (ChannelNumber)_(ChannelName)YearMonthDay_TIme.  
For digital TV programs, the quality level recorded is the same as it is transmitted by  
the TV station. For example, if the TV station is transmitting a high-definition program,  
WinTV will record the program in high-definition.  
Close captions, parental control information and SAP audio are recorded with digital  
TV programs.  
For analog cable TV using the built-in hardware MPEG-2 encoder, the quality of the  
video recording is set to 6Mbits/sec. This will be a configurable setting in a future  
version of WinTV v7.  
If you want to pause a TV show you are watching:  
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Click the Pause button. Your TV video will stop and the Time counter will start  
To start the video from where you paused, click the Play button  
To rewind the video to the beginning, click the Skip to the beginning button. If  
your video was paused, click the Play button.  
To rewind the video 1 minute, click the Skip back 1 minute  
button. If your video was paused, click the Play button.  
The Delay counter displays how much time you are behind the live video. For  
example, if the delay counter says 00:01:23, then the video window is showing  
video 1 minute and 23 seconds behind live video.  
Configuration menu  
The WinTV v7 Configuration menu is accessed by clicking the gear button in  
the lower left hand corner of WinTV v7.  
General tab: you can set the Video Renderer which allows WinTV v7 to display  
video with a wide range of graphics systems.  
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Devices tab: allows is where you can re-scan for TV channels and set up the TV  
sources in WinTV v7.  
Parental control tab: is where you can set the Parental Control level.  
Advanced options: you can set options  
such as Convert TV recordings to  
.MPG file type and Game mode here.  
Selecting FM radio programs  
On those WinTV products which support FM  
radio, if you have scanned for FM radio staions  
in the section entitled “Using WinTV for the first  
time” you can change the WinTV v7 application  
to FM by clicking FM radio in the Source  
selector, found in the upper right hand corner  
of the WinTV application.  
IR blaster in WinTV v7  
If you would like to use the Hauppauge IR blaster (on those WinTV models with IR  
blaster built-in) to change the channels on your cable TV or satellite set top box,  
see the section entitled “Configuring the remote control for WinTV v7”.  
WinTV v7 TV Scheduler  
WinTV v7’s built-in TV Scheduler allows you to schedule the recording of TV  
shows. Once a record event is set, WinTV v7 can be closed and will “wake up” at  
the desired time and tuned to the desired channel.  
When a scheduled record event takes place, the WinTV v7 application records “in  
background” so that you can continue to watch your live TV program, even as the  
recording progresses.  
The TV Scheduler can be found in the WinTV v7 Options menu. Right click  
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your mouse button in the TV  
window to see the Options  
menu. Click Scheduler. To set up  
an event for timed watching or  
recording, click the Add button.  
The items that need to be set for  
each event are:  
Name: you can add a name  
to the recording. If you do not  
enter a name, the name will be  
in the channel/date format.  
Channel: chose one of your  
scanned channels.  
Start time: set to the desired  
start time. Click on the hour to set the hour, the minute to set the minute. Note: It  
takes about 15 seconds to launch the WinTV and start recording.  
Duration: number of minutes in the recorded program.  
Recurrance: one time, daily, weekly. Note: If you set for Record Weekly,  
you must also specify the Day of the Week for the recording.  
Date to Begin Program: today's date is the default. Change this if you want to  
schedule on another date.  
Source selection: leave set  
at WinTV to bring up the  
WinTV at the requested time  
and on the requested channel.  
Once these are set, click OK. You  
can add more recordings, clicking  
OK after each event is set.  
When you are finished click  
Close. The WinTV program does  
not have to be running for the  
Schedular to work. If WinTV is  
not running, it takes about 15 sec-  
onds to start WinTV and to start  
the recording of TV.  
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WinTV v7 keyboard shortcuts  
Ctrl A  
Ctrl D  
Aspect ratio  
Ctrl P  
Alt R  
Display the video and  
audio format of the TV  
Alt S  
Alt T  
Start TV  
Catch up  
Skip ahead  
Skip back  
Ctrl F  
Ctrl Z  
Ctrl O  
Freeze the video  
Ctrl C  
Ctrl >  
Ctrl <  
Open TV Scheduler  
View program details  
(digital TV program,  
where provided in the  
Ctrl S  
Ctrl W  
Alt F  
Display subtitles  
Full screen toggle  
Open File menu for  
Alt M  
Alt P  
Open the Task Menu  
Previous channel  
Ctrl Q  
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Some notes on system compatibility  
Decoding high definition ATSC TV is very CPU intensive. A graphics card with at  
least 64MBytes of memory and the latest graphics driver from the manufacturer  
makes the decoding task easier. Typically a 2.2 GHz Pentium 4 processor or  
equivalent with a graphics card having 64MBytes of memory is required to proper-  
ly decode ATSC digital TV on your PC. A 1.6GHz AMD Sempro laptop computer  
tested in the Hauppauge lab used 50% of the CPU for playing ATSC 640i format,  
and 90% of the CPU when playing ATSC 1080i, the highest definition ATSC for-  
In some cases, either a faster processor or more graphics memory might be  
required. Slow or jerky video and a noisy TV picture indicate system performance  
Jerky video with live ATSC or QAM digital TV  
Jerky or distorted video can be caused by two things in your PC or laptop: a slow  
CPU which cannot decode the ATSC TV signal fast enough, and a graphics sys-  
tem which cannot keep up with the high datarates of digital TV.  
Many times, improving the performance of the graphics display will fix the jerky  
video display of ATSC digital TV. Here are some tips on improving graphics per-  
- Use the latest graphics driver: graphics drivers are often ‘tweaked’ to improve  
performance, especially the built-in graphics on laptops. Check the Microsoft  
Windows update site to download the latest graphics driver for your computer. For  
Dell computers, check the Dell website for the latest graphics driver.  
- Use WinTV v7 Video Renderer settings to optimize graphics performance: The  
Video Renderer is found in the General tab of WinTV v7, and is used to change  
the display mode of a graphics card for TV watching. This setting does not affect  
any other Windows program.  
The default mode is EVR. The other modes are VMR9, VMR7 and Overlay. Each  
mode uses a different process to render video. Try each mode and use the one  
which gives you the best results.  
To use hardware graphics acceleration, put a check in the tick box Use hard-  
ware acceleration when possible. This will allow your graphics system to use  
hardware acceleration for video decode. Note: graphics hardware acceleration  
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does not work on all systems.  
If this setting does not help, or if you experience WinTV not responding after a  
channel change, then your graphics system cannot use hardware graphics accel-  
eration. In this case go back to settings and uncheck “use hardware acceleration”  
and rerun WinTV.  
Only some channels are found during ATSC channel scan  
If you are only receiving some known TV channels when scanning, it means your  
TV antenna is not adequate to pick up the channel. You will need either an anten-  
na signal booster (a Radio Shack antenna amplifier will work) or a high gain  
antenna. Here’s a link to an ATSC antenna selector:  
Black window when selecting an ATSC channel  
If analog channels are displayed correctly but you see a black window when  
selecting an ATSC channels, this means that WinTV is not getting a signal. This is  
most often due to poor reception. See “Only some channels are found during  
ATSC channel scan” above.  
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Uninstalling the WinTV driver and applications  
Run the hcwclear.exe from the installation CD. Select OK A black screen will  
briefly appear and once it has disappeared the software will be removed. If you  
now re-start the computer you will be at Step 4 of the installation.  
The Hauppauge Remote Control  
(optional on some models)  
The WinTV remote control software is installed automatically during the installa-  
tion of the WinTV applications.  
You will see the WinTV Remote icon in the Device Tray. The installation will add a  
shortcut to IR.EXE to the Startup group, so that IR.EXE is loaded every time after  
Windows has booted.  
If you need to restart the remote control, select Restart IR from the Start \ All  
Program Files\WinTV directory.  
Please ensure the following before trying to use this option:  
Infrared Remote control - has batteries inserted  
Infrared-Receiver, is fully connected to the IR socket of the WinTV-Card  
Infrared software is started - The IR icon is on the start bar  
To start WinTV press the GO button and a menu will appear. Use the scroll up and  
down button to select WinTV and press OK to select.  
Remote control buttons  
Go button: launches WinTV.  
Power button (green): close WinTV or launches Windows Media Center.  
TV button: when WinTV is running, hitting the TV button causes WinTV v7 to go  
to “live mode” and turns off recording or pause.  
Red record button: starts recording using the parameters set in the Pref menu.  
Pause button: if watching live TV, will pause the video. When recording, this but-  
ton will pause the video but WinTV will continue to record. If playing back video,  
this button will pause the video playback.  
Stop button (square icon): stops live TV, the recording or playback.  
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Play button: plays the  
last video recorded.  
Go button  
Back/Exit button: will  
close the current menu or  
exit full screen mode.  
0 - 9 buttons: When in  
“live” TV mode, is used to  
directly enter channel  
numbers. When playing  
back a recording, the “1”  
button will skip to 10%,  
the “2” button 20%, etc.  
of the length of the  
Skip ahead button: skip  
ahead 30 seconds.  
Skip back button: skip  
back 30 seconds.  
Go button: Start WinTV.  
Menu button: opens  
channel list.  
Red button at bottom:  
Full screen TV  
0 - 9  
Green button at bot-  
tom: not currently used  
Yellow button at bot-  
tom: not currently used  
Blue button at bottom:  
not currently used  
Sub/CC (#):  
titles on / off  
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Configuring the WinTV-HVR-1850 and  
WinTV-HVR-2250 built-in IR blaster for  
use with WinTV v7  
The IR Configuration Utility is used to configure the WinTV-HVR-2250 and  
WinTV-HVR-1850’s built-in remote control IR blaster for use with either WinTV v7  
or Windows Media Center.  
ote: the remote control is initially configured for Windows Media  
NCenter. If you want to use the IR blaster with WinTV v7, you must run  
this utility.  
To run the IR configuration utility, go to the WinTV program group and click on  
HCWCIRConfig_Tool.exe (this file can also be found on the WinTV V7 installation CD  
in the MISC folder).  
To configure the IR blaster for use with WinTV v7, remove the check from  
the box labeled Hauppauge WinTV.  
To configure as a Windows Media Center remote control, put a check in the  
box labeled “Hauppauge Consumer Infrared Receiver”  
Click OK to save the changes.  
ote: your computer must be restarted for the changes to take effect.  
Setting up the IR Blaster for use with WinTV v7  
In WinTV v7, the IR RemoteBlaster lets the WinTV-HVR board change the chan-  
nel on a satellite or cable TV set top box by transmitting ‘channel change’ com-  
mands to the box via an Infra Red (IR) transmitter.  
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ote: You will need the remote control from your set top box to com-  
Nplete the configuration in this section.  
ote: this proceedure is only necessary if you are using WinTV v7. If  
Nyou are using Windows Media Center, it will configure the IR blaster  
The WinTV-HVR’s IR blaster function consists of two components:  
IR Blaster cable. This cable has an IR cable jack and an IR transmitter. The IR  
cable jack plugs into the back of the WinTV board, and the IR transmitter needs to  
be positioned over the IR receiver on your set top box using the self stick tape  
supplied on the front of the transmitter.  
IR Blaster Config program (BlastCfg.EXE) for configuring the codes for the IR  
During the installation of the WinTV applications from the Installation CD-ROM, the  
Hauppauge IR Blaster applications will be automatically installed.  
Every time you boot Windows, the IR32 application should automatically run. You  
will notice a small IR icon in your system device tray.  
The IR Blaster Configuration program  
The IR Blaster Configuration program allows you to choose the cable TV or satel-  
lite set top box to control, or to “learn” a new set top box. The IR Blaseter  
Configuration program can be found in the Program Groups / Hauppauge  
WinTV. Run BlasterCfg.EXE  
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To set up the IR Blaster, see the guide  
IRRemoteBlaster Quick  
Installation Guide for WinTV v7.  
Learning remote control  
codes for your set top box  
Send button  
First make sure the WinTV IR trans-  
mitter is positioned over the remote  
sensor on your set top box.  
Remember, the WinTV IR transmit-  
ter has a very short transmission dis-  
tance and needs to be positioned  
over the remote sensor on your set  
top box.  
Key numbers  
To access the learn function in  
BlastConfig.exe, click on Advanced  
Config and Learn.  
You will need to ‘learn’ the 0 through  
9 keys, plus Power on and Enter. To  
learn the new keys:  
hold the remote control from  
your set top box as close to the  
IR receiver and learn sensor  
as possible  
Message box  
in the Blaster config program, click the button you would like to learn (for  
example: 1)  
then depress and hold the corresponding key on your set top box remote con-  
trol. You will be instructed in the message box when to release the key onyour  
remote control.  
Do this for the keys 0 to 9 plus On and Enter  
You should receive a LearnKey(key#) Succeeded message. Then move on to  
the next key.  
If you receive a LearnKey(key#) Failed error, this means that the key was either  
held down too long, or not long enough, or that the remote was not held close  
enough to the IR sensor on the HD PVR. Try again.  
Once you are finished with the numbers 0 to 9 and On and Enter, you can test  
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the learning by clicking the Send button in the Blaster Configuration program. It  
will send the numbers 123 to your set top box. Your set top box should now be  
on channel 123.  
Close the Blaster Configuration program and your configuration will be saved.  
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