Gardena Lawn Mower HE32 User Manual

HE 32  
HE 36  
HE 40  
Art. 4002  
Art. 4000  
Art. 4001  
MulchCut HE 36 Art. 4008  
MulchCut HE 40 Art. 4009  
GB Operating Instructions  
Mode d’emploi  
Tondeuse Hattrick  
NL Gebruiksaanwijzing  
Hattrick Gräsklippare  
Istruzioni per l’uso  
Manual de instrucciones  
Instruções de utilização  
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Beachten Sie die Sicherheitshinweise auf dem Gerät:  
Please adhere to the following safety instructions on the casing:  
Veuillez respecter les consignes de sécurité figurant sur l’appareil :  
Houdt rekening met de de veiligheidsaanwijzingen op het apparaat:  
Följ bruksanvisningen noga:  
Attenzione ai simboli di sicurezza riportati sull’attrezzo:  
Observen las indicaciones de seguridad en el aparato:  
Por favor siga atentamente as instruções de segurança fornecidas no aparelho:  
Achtung! Vor Inbetriebnahme  
Gebrauchsanweisung lesen!  
Read instruction handbook!  
Attention ! Merci de lire attentive-  
ment le mode d’emploi avant  
d’utiliser cet appareil !  
Let op! Voor ingebruikname  
gebruiksaanwijzing doorlezen!  
Varning! Läs igenom bruksanvis-  
ningen före användning.  
Attenzione! Prima di mettere in  
uso l’attrezzo, leggere attenta-  
mente le istruzioni!  
¡Atención! Antes de la puesta en  
marcha, lea el manual de instruc-  
Dritte aus dem Gefahrenbereich  
Keep bystanders away!  
Maintenez tout tiers hors de la  
zone de travail !  
Zorg ervoor dat derden buiten de  
gevarenzone blijven!  
Tillse att inga obehöriga vistas  
i området!  
Tenere lontano i terzi dalla zona  
di lavoro!  
Achtung, Gefahr! Umlaufende  
Warning! Rotating tools!  
Attention ! Danger ! Le système  
de coupe continue de tourner.  
Let op! Gevaar! Roterend maaimes!  
Varning roterande skärverktyg.  
Attenzione! Pericolo!  
Lame in rotazione!  
¡Atención! ¡Peligro!  
Cuchillas rotativas.  
Atenção! Lâminas rotativas.  
¡Mantener alejados a terceros  
del área de trabajo!  
Mantenha terceiros fora da área  
de perigo!  
Atenção! Leia atentamente este  
manual de instruções antes de  
usar o aparelho.  
Achtung! Verletzungsgefahr durch  
scharfes Schneidwerkzeug –  
Finger und Füße entfernt halten!  
Warning! Risk of injury. Keep  
fingers and feet away from sharp  
cutting tool!  
Attention ! Risque de blessures par  
le cylindre de coupe – ne mettez  
ni mains ni pieds à proximité !  
Let op! Verwondingsgevaar door  
scherp snijgereedschap – vingers  
en voeten weghouden!  
Varning! Risk för skada p.g.a.  
skärverktyg med skarp egg –  
Håll fingrar och fötter borta!  
Attenzione! Tenere sempre mani  
e piedi a distanza di sicurezza  
dalle lame. Pericolo di lesioni!  
¡Atención! ¡Peligro de lesiones  
con las cuchillas de corte afiladas!  
¡Mantenga alejados los dedos y  
los pies!  
Atenção! Perigo de danos pes-  
soais devido a ferramentas de  
corte afiadas – manter afastados  
os dedos e pés!  
Vor Arbeiten am Schneidwerkzeug  
Netzstecker ziehen!  
Before maintenance, disconnect  
the plug from the mains!  
Débranchez l’appareil avant toute  
intervention sur le système de  
coupe !  
Voor werkzaamheden aan de  
maaier, de stekker uit het stop-  
contact halen!  
Dra ur kabeln före underhåll och  
Prima di qualsiasi intervento di  
manutenzione, staccare la spina  
dalla corrente!  
Para ejecutar trabajos de limpieza,  
control o de mantenimiento de-  
senchufe el aparato.  
Antes de qualquer operação de  
reparação desligue a ficha da  
Anschlusskabel von den  
Schneidwerkzeugen fernhalten!  
Keep cord away from tools!  
Tenez le câble d’alimentation  
éloigné du système de coupe !  
Aansluitkabel buiten het snij-  
bereik houden!  
Håll kabeln borta från skärverk-  
Tenere il cavo di alimentazione  
fuori dalla portata delle lame!  
Mantenga el cable fuera del  
alcance de las cuchillas.  
Mantenha o cabo de alimentação  
afastado das lâminas!  
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using the screws (24) and  
wing nuts (23) supplied.  
Note: The cable should always 1. Swivel the folded bottom part  
pass along the outside of the  
frame (ill. I) and should never  
be pinched or crimped.  
4. To tighten the cable, put the  
clamp (2) from outside onto  
the lower part of the frame  
(ill. I, detail).  
Mounting the guide handle  
(ill. A)  
The carrying handle (4) is below  
GARDENA Hattrick HE 32 / HE 36 / HE 40  
1. Technical data  
the protective cover (15).  
1. Unfold the grass catcher (3)  
and insert the supporting frame  
(5) through the opening of the  
grass catcher (3) so that the  
plastic base is on the bottom.  
2. Then bend up the fastening  
flaps (6) by hand according  
to illustration 2 and use them  
to fix the grass catcher (3)  
to the supporting frame (5)  
according to illustration 3.  
3. Fasten the carrying handle (4)  
by pressing the supporting  
frame (5) according to illustra-  
tion 4. The assembled grass  
catcher is shown in illustration  
HE 32  
HE 36 / MulchCut  
HE 40 / MulchCut  
of the guide handle (A1) into  
the working position and allow  
it to engage. Tighten well with  
the lower linkage locking  
handles (2).  
2. Put the top of the guide handle  
(A2) onto the bottom part of  
the guide handle (A1) and  
secure using the fastening  
bits (screw and plastic wing  
Power consumption  
electric engine with brake  
1400 W  
1300 W  
230 V  
1600 W  
230 V  
50 Hz  
40 cm  
30 - 80 mm  
27.5 kg  
55 l  
230 V  
Cutting width  
Cutting height  
50 Hz  
32 cm  
25 - 55 mm  
15.5 kg  
50 Hz  
36 cm  
30 - 70 mm  
20.6 kg  
4.2 Assembling the  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40  
Grassbox / grass catcher capacity 32 l  
36 l  
plain bearing  
Parts list check  
plain bearing  
ball bearing  
3. Insert the connection cable  
into the cable guide on the  
wing screw (A 3).  
The packaging of the HE 36 /  
HE 40 should include the follow-  
ing parts:  
.Electric Hattrick lawn mower  
.Grass catcher (disassembled)  
.Top of guide handle  
.Fastening elements  
for guide handle  
Working area related emission  
characteristic value LPA  
74 dB(A)  
85 dB(A)  
< 2.5 ms-2  
74 dB(A)  
78 dB(A)  
Noise level LWA  
Vibrations avhw  
87 dB(A) / 89 dB(A)  
88 dB(A) / 90 dB(A)  
Note: Only mount the screw  
with the cable guide on the  
cable guiding side of the  
< 2.5 ms-2  
< 2.5 ms-2  
according to 84/538/EC  
Measuring method  
according to EN 836  
Note: The supporting frame (5)  
is bent for fixing the carrying  
handle (4).  
2. Operating instructions information  
.Operating instructions  
Mounting the grass catcher  
(illustration sequences 1-5)  
The grass catcher is supplied  
loose (3 component parts).  
with warranty card  
.TORX®-screwdriver for  
changing blades  
Please read and follow these  
operating instructions carefully.  
Familiarise yourself with the unit’s 16 or people not familiar with  
features, its proper use and the  
safety instructions included.  
For safety reasons chil-  
dren under the age of  
Please keep these instructions  
in a safe place.  
these operating instructions  
must not use this electric  
Hattric lawn mower.  
5. Using the product  
5.1 Connecting the unit  
Place your electric Hattrick lawn  
mower on an even area of the  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40  
– cable lock / extension cable  
Hattrick HE 32 (see ill. L/M)  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40 (see ill. B)  
First plug the extension cable (7)  
from below into the base socket  
of the combination switch/plug  
(8). Loop the extension cable (7)  
and insert it into the cable lock  
(9) on the guide handle, allow the  
lead to the socket to sag a little.  
The cable lock prevents uninten-  
tional disconnection of the elec-  
If the aerator cylinder or the cut-  
ting blades are blocked by a for-  
eign body or if the motor is over-  
loaded the motor switches off  
automatically within 20 to 35 sec-  
onds due to the built-in overload  
protection. In that case release  
the safety handle (11). Discon-  
nect the mains plug! Remove  
the foreign body if necessary.  
3. Product use  
To start the mower depress the  
release button (10) on the combi-  
nation switch/plug (8) and simul-  
taneously pull the safety handle  
(11) to the guide handle with the  
other hand. As soon as the motor  
starts you can release the release  
button (10).  
The GARDENA Hattrick HE 32 /  
HE 36 / HE 40 lawn mowers are  
designed for cutting and aerating  
lawns in and around the garden.  
It is essential to observe the  
manufacturer’s operating instruc-  
tions to ensure the unit’s proper  
functioning. The operating instruc- or in balcony boxes. In addi-  
tions also contain advice for  
for trimming bushes, hedges,  
shrubs, for cutting and pruning  
of climbers or grass on roofs  
tion, the electric Hattrick lawn  
mower must not be used for  
chopping up branches, twigs  
or for levelling irregularities  
in the soil.  
They are not designed for use in  
public facilities, parks, sporting  
grounds, on roads, in agriculture  
or forestry.  
service, maintenance and repair.  
Attention! To prevent in-  
jury, the electric Hattrick  
lawn mower must not be used  
Note: In long, wet grass, to  
start your electric Hattrick  
easily, slightly raise one side  
of the mower.  
If you release the safety handle  
(11) the motor switches off.  
Lay out the surplus cable in loose A built-in motor brake still the cut-  
loops at the side of the cutting  
lane and at the centre of the lane  
ting blades within three seconds.  
4. Assembly  
The switches installed  
by the manufacturer must  
Hattrick HE 32  
4.1 Assembling the  
Hattrick HE 32  
Mounting the guide handle  
(ill. I)  
If the aerator cylinder or the  
cutting blades are blocked by  
a foreign body or if the motor is  
overloaded release the safety  
handle (11) and disconnect the  
mains plug! Remove the for-  
eign body if necessary.  
not be removed or be bridged  
eg: by taping down the safety  
handle to the guide handle.  
This will prevent the mower  
switching off automatically,  
and could cause fatal injury.  
Note: Connect the extension  
cable to the mains so that it  
always feeds from the cut side.  
.1 handlebar frame upper  
section (handle with switch)  
.2 lower handlebar frame  
1. Slide the lower sections of the  
frame into the recesses so that  
the flat sides point outwards.  
2. Screw the frame in place using  
the wing screws (25) supplied.  
3. Place the guide handle (1) into  
the hollow grooves and attach  
it to the lower handlebar frame  
Parts list check  
The packaging of the HE 32  
should include the following  
.Electric Hattrick lawn mower  
HE 32  
5.2 Starting the Hattrick lawn  
Hattrick HE 32 (see ill. L)  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40  
(see ill. B/C)  
.Fasteners for handlebar frame  
.Operating instructions  
.TORX®-screwdriver for  
changing blades  
Attention! Cutting blades con-  
tinue to run for three seconds  
after the motor is switched off.  
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6.4 Mowing with  
the grass catcher  
As soon as there are grass clip-  
pings left on the lawn during  
mowing and aerating, the grass  
catcher should be emptied.  
handle of the grassbox (22) and  
fit it to the holder.  
Hattrick lawn mower back about  
6. Information concerning correct mowing and aerating  
1 m so that the grass clippings  
drop out and starting the motor  
becomes easier.  
6.1 General remarks  
on the care of lawns  
Adjusting the cutting height  
Hattrick HE 32 (ill. J)  
To switch on the aerator cylinder  
Note: If properly seated, the  
protective cover fits firmly to  
the grassbox.  
set the rotary switch (13) to  
To keep your lawn at its best we  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40 (ill. E)  
position “I”.  
Note: To ensure good filling  
volume regularly clean the  
grass catcher inside and out-  
recommend you to cut it regularly The electric Hattrick lawn mower  
once a week. Depending on the has a central, infinite cutting  
growth of moss and weeds, switch height adjustment via a turning  
To switch it off set the rotary  
switch (13) to position “0”.  
Please ensure that the protec-  
tive cover does not open during  
operation as foreign bodies  
(such as grass cuttings) can  
be thrown out.  
6.4.1 Grassbox HE 32 (ill. N)  
on the aerator cylinder as well.  
Frequent mowing and aerating  
improves growth of the lawn and  
makes the grass stronger.  
knob (12). In front of the turning  
knob (12) there is a display (14)  
indicating the set cutting height  
in steps of 5 mm.  
Remarks on mowing with the  
aerator cylinder switched on  
The aerator cylinder can be used  
for pulling drainages, removing  
matting and moss in the lawn  
as well as for cutting flat-rooting  
Removing the grassbox  
To remove the grassbox, lift the  
safety cover (15) with one hand.  
With the other hand use the  
handle to remove the grassbox  
Attaching the grass catcher  
Attach the grass catcher  
only with motor switched  
off and the cutting blades still.  
Mowing without the grassbox  
The Hattrick lawn mower can be  
used without the grassbox with  
the safety cover closed. The clip-  
pings are put down on the lawn  
below the safety cover.  
Hattrick HE 32:  
cutting height range 25 - 55 mm  
Short clippings (up to a length  
of about 1 cm) can be left on the  
lawn. Longer clippings must be  
removed to prevent the lawn  
becoming yellow or matted.  
Lift the protective cover (15) with  
one hand. With the other hand  
hold the grass catcher (3) at the  
carrying handle (4) and insert  
it into the fixing of the ejection  
opening from above.  
Hattrick HE 36:  
cutting height range 30 - 70 mm  
If the protective cover is released  
it automatically shuts and closes  
the ejection opening.  
If the grass is particularly tall,  
before using the aerator, make a  
pre-cut at the maximum cutting  
height to prevent overload of the  
lawn mower.  
Hattrick HE 40:  
cutting height range 30 - 80 mm  
Cut and aerate the lawn for the  
first time in spring when the grass  
begins to grow and the lawn can  
be walked on. If the grass has  
grown too long first cut it length-  
wise with a high cutting height  
setting (without switching on the  
aerator cylinder) and then cut  
at right angles with the desired  
cutting height setting, optionally  
with the areator cylinder switched  
If grass clippings stick in the ejec- 6.4.2 Grass catcher HE 36 /  
tion opening, pull the electric  
Hattrick lawn mower back about  
1 m so that the grass clippings  
drop out and starting the motor  
becomes easier.  
HE 40 (ill. D)  
Note: When working on slopes,  
always mow at right angles to  
the slope. To prevent the elec-  
tric Hattrick lawn mower from  
sliding away, point it slightly  
Removing the grass catcher  
To remove the grass catcher (3)  
lift the protective cover (15) on  
your electric Hattrick lawn mower  
with one hand. With the other  
hand take the carrying handle (4)  
and remove the grass catcher (3)  
Note: If properly seated, the  
protective cover (15) fits snugly  
to the grass catcher (3).  
At the end of the cutting lane  
or for turning round the electric  
Hattrick lawn mower, tilt it slightly  
by pressing onto the guide  
handle. This way you can turn it  
easily using the rear wheels with  
the aerator cylinder running free.  
Mowing without the grass  
Fitting the grassbox  
Attention! Attach the  
Always keep the bottom side  
of the mower casing clean  
and remove grass deposits.  
Deposits complicate the start-  
up procedure and affect the  
cutting result as well as ejec-  
tion of the grass clippings.  
The Hattrick lawn mower can be  
used without the grass catcher  
with the protective cover (15)  
closed. The clippings are put  
down on the lawn below the pro-  
tective cover.  
grassbox only with the  
motor switched off and the  
cutting blades still.  
After having aerated heavily  
moss-covered areas, it is re-  
commended to re-sow the lawn.  
This will help the affected lawn  
to recover quickly.  
If the protective cover (15) is re-  
leased it automatically shuts and  
6.2 Mowing  
With one hand lift the safety cover closes the ejection opening.  
(15); with the other hand hold the  
Only cut with sharp blades  
so that the grass is not bruised  
and turn yellow.  
If grass clippings stick in the  
ejection opening, pull the electric  
6.3 Mowing with the aerator  
Hattrick HE 32 (ill. K)  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40 (ill. F)  
The aerator cylinder can be indi-  
vidually used depending on the  
needs and condition of the lawn.  
The table below provides informa-  
tion on the use of the aerator  
To obtain a clean cut guide the  
electric Hattrick lawn mower at  
an appropriate speed in lanes as  
straight as possible. Ensure that  
the lanes overlap by a few cen-  
timetres so that no uncut strips  
are left behind.  
7. Maintenance, service, storage  
Switching the aerator cylinder  
Switch off the motor before  
switching the aerator cylinder  
on or off.  
7.1 Maintenance  
mower, or checking whether  
the extension cable is entan-  
gled or damaged. Danger of  
the blades or the aerator  
Maintenance includes all jobs  
which keep your electric Hattrick  
lawn mower in perfect working  
order. By regularly checking the  
unit (firm seating of screw con-  
nections, cracks, damage) and  
replacing defective or worn parts  
you can prevent accidents and  
Caution! Danger of injuries.  
Wear suitable protective gloves  
when working.  
To avoid injury to persons  
and material damage: Never  
clean your electric Hattrick  
lawn mower with running water,  
in particular with water under  
high pressure.  
Use of the aerator cylinder  
Cutting height setting  
Function of the aerator cylinder  
Please use only Original  
GARDENA spare parts:  
Deep aeration of the soil  
30 - 35 mm  
The aerator springs penetrate up to 4 mm  
(HE 32) and up to 7 mm (HE 36 / HE 40) deep  
into the sod depending on the type of soil.  
Triangular Blades (HE 32 /  
HE 36 / HE 40)  
Art. no. 4098  
Rectangular Blades (MulchCut  
Repairs may only be carried  
out by GARDENA service  
centres or dealers authorised  
Store your electric Hattrick  
lawn mower in a dry place  
where it is protected from frost.  
The lawn mower should be  
stored out of the reach of  
HE 36 / HE 40)  
Art. no. 4099  
Aeration of the soil surface  
Raking the lawn  
35 - 40 mm  
40 - 45 mm  
40 - 55 mm  
The aerator springs remove moss and matting  
rooting near the surface.  
Aerator Cylinder  
(HE 32)  
Aerator Cylinder  
(HE 36)  
Aerator Cylinder  
(HE 40)  
Art. no. 4095  
Art. no. 4096  
Art. no. 4097  
The aerator springs remove residues from  
the lawn.  
Turn the Hattrick off  
and disconnect from the  
mains before cleaning or mak-  
ing any adjustments to the  
Gathering grass clippings  
The aerator springs remove even wet or  
Follow the manufacturer’s  
instructions when replacing  
trodden-in grass clippings etc. from the lawn.  
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You can order these spare parts  
from your GARDENA dealer  
or directly from the GARDENA  
customer service.  
washers (17) are fitted under  
the nuts (16) and that the nuts  
(16) are on top of the blade  
bar (20).  
6. Fit a new aerator cylinder (33)  
We expressly point out that,  
according to the product liabili- other than original GARDENA  
ty law, we are not liable for any  
damage caused by our units if,  
in case of repair or exchange,  
service centre or an authorised  
specialist. The same also ap-  
to the drive shaft (34) (trian-  
gular driver), mount the plastic  
support bracket (32) and screw  
down with both screws (31).  
parts are used and repair is not plies to spare parts and acces-  
carried out by a GARDENA  
Never use spare parts or ac-  
cessories which have not been  
designed by the manufacturer!  
7.3 Replacing the blade bar  
Damaged blade bars must be  
replaced to prevent imbalance.  
Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40 (ill. H)  
1. Disconnect from the mains  
2. Upturn the Hattrick onto the  
left-hand side of the mower.  
3. Use a suitable crosstip screw-  
driver to loosen the screws  
4. Remove the bearing plate (27).  
5. Take out the aerator cylinder  
(28) together with the end plate  
(29) by removing both from the  
drive shaft (30) (rectangular).  
6. Fit a new aerator cylinder (28)  
to the drive shaft (30) (rectan-  
gular), mount the end plate (29)  
and fasten down in the Hattrick  
housing together with the bea-  
ring plate using both screws  
8. Trouble-shooting  
The following table contains the  
problems most frequently occur-  
ring and shows how to remedy  
For any other problem please  
contact for safety reasons  
one of the GARDENA service  
centres or an authorised  
7.2 How to replace the blades  
(ill. G/O)  
For safety reasons the blade  
bar must be replaced by  
GARDENA service centres  
or dealers authorised by  
Note: The blades have two  
cutting edges.  
Possible cause  
If one edge has become blunt  
the blade can be reversed.  
Broken blades must be re-  
placed immediately due to  
potential imbalance.  
7.4 Replacing the aerator  
cylinder (ill. H/P)  
Abnormal noise.  
Clattering in the unit.  
Motor fixing screws or  
mower casing loose.  
Tighten screws.  
The aerator cylinder is subject  
to natural wear and tear. If the  
springs (21) are worn the unit  
will not aerate efficiently. The  
springs and/or the aerator cylin-  
der must be replaced.  
Whistling noise.  
Foreign body blocking  
aerator cylinder.  
Switch off aerator cylinder,  
disconnect mains plug, remove  
foreign body.  
Do not regrind the blades due  
to potential imbalance.  
The blades must always be re-  
placed or reversed in pairs.  
V-belt slipping.  
Contact GARDENA Service  
Hattrick HE 32 (ill. P)  
1. Disconnect from the mains  
When replacing the blades (18)  
always use new nuts and bolts  
supplied with the spare blades. 2. Upturn the Hattrick onto the  
Uneven running.  
Strong vibration of the unit.  
Blade bar or blades damaged  
Blade bar fastening on motor  
shaft is loose.  
Tighten the blade or blade bar  
Contact GARDENA Service  
7.5 Service  
right-hand side of the mower  
1. Remove the mains plug.  
Residual dirt and grass is easily  
removed immediately after mow-  
ing. For this, place the electric  
Hattrick lawn mower on its side  
and clean it with a brush or rag.  
Also remove residue from the  
aerator cylinder.  
2. Loosen both locking nuts  
3. Use a suitable crosstip scr-  
(16) while holding the corre-  
ewdriver to loosen the screws  
sponding screws (19). Use  
Motor does not start.  
Motor cuts out.  
Defective cable.  
Check power supply cable.  
Cable cross section possibly  
too small.  
Use cable with a cross section  
of at least 1.5 mm2.  
the TORX®-wrench provided.  
4. Remove the plastic support  
3. Reverse the blades or mount  
bracket (32).  
new blades and secure tightly  
5. Take out the aerator cylinder  
(torque 25 Nm).  
Blocking by foreign matter.  
Overload protection has  
Switch off motor. Remove mains  
plug. Remove foreign matter.  
Let motor cool down for about  
2 or 3 minutes and start your  
electric Hattrick lawn mower  
(33) by tilting and removing  
Tip: During installation make  
from the drive shaft (34)  
sure that the toothed locking  
(triangular driver).  
7.6 Storage  
Cutting height is set too low.  
Overload protection has  
Make a first cut with the aerator  
cylinder switched off and  
a greater cutting height set.  
HE 32  
HE 36 / HE 40  
Always store your electric Hattric lawn mower in a closed room.  
Aerator cylinder does not run.  
Rotary switch is in position »0«.  
Set rotary switch to position »I«.  
For the Hattrick HE 32 the guide  
handle and the lower part of the  
frame can be detached.  
To save space the handle of the Hattrick HE 36 / HE 40 can be folded  
down Z-shaped. For this, loosen the lower linkage locking handles (2)  
and pull the bars sideways out of the mount. Loosen the bar tightening  
handle (1) at the joint and fold the upper part of the handle backwards  
(ill. A).  
V-belt defective.  
Replace V-belt. Contact  
GARDENA Service Station.  
Lawn turns to yellow.  
Not a clean cut.  
Blades are too blunt.  
Replace or reverse the blades.  
Correct cutting height.  
Cutting height is set too low.  
When folding down the bars make sure that the connection  
cable is not jammed or damaged.  
If you have any problem with  
Service, or return the defective receipt to one of the GARDENA  
your electric Hattrick lawn mower, unit together with a short descrip- service centres listed on the rear  
please contact our Customer  
tion of the problem and, in case  
of guarantee, with a copy of the  
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9. Advice for proper use / safety instructions  
EU Certificate of Conformity  
Checks before each  
ing area. Check for possible  
risks which might be not  
audible due to the noise of  
the machine.  
The undersigned  
Check the environment  
GARDENA Kress + Kastner GmbH · Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40 · D-89079 Ulm  
Inspect the unit before each  
use. Do not use the electric  
Hattric lawn mower if safety  
devices (safety handle; safety  
cover) and/or the blade bar  
or the blades are damaged or  
worn. Never operate the unit  
with the safety devices by-  
passed or missing.  
Never use the unit when it is  
raining or in damp or wet areas.  
hereby certifies that, when leaving our factory, the units indicated below are in accordance with the  
harmonised EU guidelines, EU standards of safety and product specific standards.  
Wear sturdy shoes and long  
trousers to protect your legs.  
Do not operate your electric  
Hattrick lawn mower near swim-  
ming pools or garden ponds.  
This certificate becomes void if the units are modified without our approval.  
Keep fingers and feet away  
from the cutting tool and the  
aerator cylinder.  
Description of the units:  
Hattrick lawn mower  
Harmonised European  
EN 292-1  
EN 292-2  
EN 836  
EN 60335-1  
prEN 60335-2-77  
Year of CE marking:  
1996 (HE 36 / HE 40)  
1997 (HE 32)  
The electric Hattrick lawn  
mower must only be operated  
with undamaged electric cable.  
If the electric cable or the  
extension cable is damaged  
disconnect the mains plug  
HE 32 / HE 36 / HE 40  
MulchCut HE 36 / HE 40  
Make sure that there are no  
other people (especially chil-  
dren) or animals anywhere  
near the working area.  
1998 (MulchCut HE 36 / HE 40)  
Inspect the area to be cut  
before beginning work.  
Remove any foreign objects  
(e.g. stones) from the area.  
Check the working area for  
foreign objects (e.g. stones)  
during work.  
Art. No.:  
4002 / 4000 / 4001  
4008 / 4009  
Ensure that you have a secure  
foothold when working. The  
cable should always be kept  
away from the cutting area.  
Noise level:  
Please observe the prescribed  
local quiet times.  
measured / guaranteed  
EU directives:  
HE 32  
HE 36  
HE 40  
85 / 85 dB(A)  
87 / 88 dB(A)  
88 / 89 dB(A)  
Machinery Directive 98/37/EC  
Electromagnetic Compatibility  
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EC  
Directive 93/68/EC  
The blade bar and the blades  
must be checked regularly  
for damage and properly re-  
paired if necessary.  
Attention! Take extra care when  
walking backwards. You may  
Electric safety  
MulchCut HE 36 89 / 89 dB(A)  
MulchCut HE 40 90 / 91 dB(A)  
Thomas Heinl  
Technical director  
The socket of an extension  
cable should be water-proof  
or the connection sockets  
for extension cables must be  
made of rubber or be encased  
in rubber.  
If, inspite of this, you contact  
any obstruction when cutting,  
turn off the electric Hattrick  
lawn mower and remove it.  
Check the unit for damage and  
have it repaired if necessary.  
Directive 2000/14/EC  
The electric cable must be  
checked regularly for damage  
and signs of wear and tear.  
Proper use /  
Only use permitted extension  
cables. Ask your electrician.  
This electric Hattrick lawn  
mower can cause serious in-  
Attachment fittings must be  
used for extension cables.  
Interruptions of work  
Never leave the electric Hattrick  
lawn mower unattended at the  
working area.  
For portable units, which are  
used outdoors, we recommend  
to use a residual-current device  
You are responsible for the  
safety of the working area.  
If you interrupt your work store having a residual-current rat-  
Only use the electric Hattrick  
lawn mower for the purposes  
specified in these instruc-  
the unit in a safe place. Discon- ing 30 mA.  
nect the mains plug!  
In Switzerland use of a  
When you interrupt work in  
order to go to another working  
area, always switch off the  
electric Hattrick lawn mower  
during transport.  
residual-current device is  
Only work when visibility is  
Familiarise yourself with the  
surroundings of your work-  
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the unit or repair it free of charge  
if the following conditions apply:  
.The unit must have been  
handled properly and in keep-  
ing with the requirements of  
the operating instructions.  
.Neither the purchaser or a  
non-authorised third party have  
attempted to repair the unit.  
Une intervention sous garantie  
ne prolonge pas la durée initiale  
de la garantie contractuelle.  
GARDENA gewährt für dieses  
Produkt die gesetzliche Garantie  
(ab Kaufdatum). Abweichend  
davon werden für das Kunststoff-  
gehäuse 10 Jahre Garantie ge-  
währt. Diese Garantieleistung  
bezieht sich auf alle wesentlichen  
Mängel des Gerätes, die nach-  
weislich auf Material- oder Fabri-  
kationsfehler zurückzuführen  
sind. Sie erfolgt durch die Ersatz-  
lieferung eines einwandfreien  
Gerätes oder durch die kosten-  
lose Reparatur des eingesandten  
Gerätes nach unserer Wahl,  
wenn folgende Voraussetzungen  
gewährleistet sind:  
Toutes les revendications dé-  
passant le contenu de ce texte  
ne sont pas couvertes par la  
garantie, quel que soit le motif  
de droit.  
.The triangular blades (Hattrick)/ Pendant la période de garantie,  
rectangular blades (MulchCut)  
and the aerator cylinder are  
wearing parts and are not  
covered by the guarantee.  
le Service Après-Vente et les  
Centres SAV agréés effectue-  
ront, à titre payant, les répara-  
tions nécessaires par suite de  
manipulations erronées.  
This manufacturer’s guarantee  
does not affect the user’s exist-  
ing warranty claims against the  
En cas de réclamation, veuillez  
envoyer le produit en port payé  
avec le bon d’achat et une de-  
scription du problème, à l’adresse  
du Service Après-Vente figurant  
au verso.  
In case of claim, please return  
the faulty unit together with a copy  
of the receipt and a description  
of the fault, with postage paid to  
one of the GARDENA Service  
Centres listed on the back of  
these operating instructions.  
.Das Gerät wurde sachgemäß  
und laut den Empfehlungen  
in der Gebrauchsanweisung  
.Es wurde weder vom Käufer  
noch von einem Dritten ver-  
sucht, das Gerät zu reparieren.  
.Die Verschleißteile Dreieck-  
messer (Hattrick) / Rechteck-  
messer (MulchCut) und Lüfter-  
walze sind von der Garantie  
GARDENA geeft op dit product  
de wettelijke garantie (vanaf de  
aankoopdatum). Op het kunststof  
maaihuis is echter een garantie  
van 10 jaar van toepassing. Deze  
garantie heeft betrekking op alle  
wezenlijke defecten aan het toe-  
stel, die aanwijsbaar op mate-  
riaal- of fabricagefouten berusten.  
Garantie vindt plaats door de le-  
vering van een vervangend appa-  
raat of door de gratis reparatie  
van het ingestuurde apparaat,  
naar onze keuze, indien aan de  
volgende voorwaarden is voldaan:  
.Het apparaat werd vakkundig  
en volgens de adviezen in de  
gebruiksaanwijzing behandeld.  
.Noch de koper, noch een  
derde persoon heeft getracht  
het apparaat te repareren.  
GARDENA accorde pour cet ap-  
pareil la garantie légale à comp-  
ter du jour de l’achat. Le carter  
en polypropylène est, lui, garanti  
10 ans. La garantie est assurée  
par le remplacement gratuit des  
pièces défectueuses ou de l’ap-  
pareil. Le choix en étant laissé  
à la libre initiative de GARDENA.  
En tout état de cause s’applique  
la garantie légale couvrant toutes  
les conséquences des défauts  
ou vices cachés (article 1641 et  
suivants du Code Civil).  
Diese Hersteller-Garantie berührt  
die gegenüber dem Händler/  
Verkäufer bestehenden Gewähr-  
leistungsansprüche nicht.  
Im Reklamationsfall schicken Sie  
bitte das defekte Gerät zusam-  
men mit einer Kopie des Kauf-  
belegs und einer Fehlerbeschrei-  
bung frankiert an die auf der  
Rückseite angegebene Service-  
Pour que ces garanties soient  
valables, les conditions suivantes  
doivent être remplies :  
.Lappareil a été manipulé de  
manière adéquate, suivant les  
instructions du mode d’emploi.  
.Il n’y a eu aucun essai de  
réparation, ni par le client, ni  
par un tiers.  
.Les lames triangulaires (Hat-  
trick) / lames rectangulaires  
(MulchCut) et le rouleau  
d’aération sont des pièces  
d’usure et sont par conséquent heid.  
exclues de la garantie.  
.De aan slijtage onderhevige  
driehoeksmessen (Hattrick) /  
rechthoeksmessen (Hattrick-  
mulchmaaier) en de verticu-  
teerrol vallen niet onder de  
GARDENA honours the guaran-  
tee legally required for this pro-  
duct (starting from the date of  
purchase). As an exception, we  
guarantee the plastic casing for  
10 years. This guarantee covers  
all serious defects of the unit  
that can be proved to be material  
or manufacturing faults. Under  
warranty we will either replace  
Deze garantie van de producent  
heeft geen betrekking op de ten  
aanzien van de handelaar/ver-  
koper bestaande aansprakelijk-  
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GARDENA Kress + Kastner GmbH  
GARDENA Service  
Hans-Lorenser-Straße 40  
D-89079 Ulm  
Produktfragen: (0731) 490-123  
Reparaturen: (0731) 490-290  
Habitec Oy  
Postboks 214  
2013 Skjetten  
Martinkyläntie 52  
01720 Vantaa  
GARDENA France  
Service Après-Vente  
BP 50080  
GARDENA Polska Sp. z o.o.  
Szymanów 9 d  
05-532 Baniocha  
Argensem S.A.  
95948 ROISSY CDG Cedex  
Venezuela 1075  
Great Britain  
MARKT (Portugal), Lda.  
Recta da Granja do Marquês  
(1618) El Talar - Buenos Aires  
27-28 Brenkley Way  
Blezard Business Park  
Seaton Burn  
NYLEX Corporation Ltd.  
25-29 Nepean Highway  
P.O. Box 68  
2725-596 Mem Martins  
Newcastle upon Tyne  
NE13 6DS  
Russia / Россия  
Mentone, Victoria 3194  
ул. Моcфилмовcкая 66  
117330 Моcква  
GARDENA Österreich Ges. m.b.H.  
Stettnerweg 11-15  
2100 Korneuburg  
Agrokip G. Psomadopoulos & Co.  
20, Lykourgou str.  
Kallithea - Athens  
Holland Road Shopping Centre  
227-A 1st Fl., Unit 29  
Holland Avenue  
Singapore 1027  
MARKT (Belgium) NV/SA  
Sterrebeekstraat 163  
1930 Zaventem  
GARDENA Magyarország Kft.  
Késmárk utca 22  
1158 Budapest  
Heimilistaeki hf  
Saetun 8  
P.O. Box 5340  
125 Reykjavik  
Slowenia / Croatia  
Silk d.o.o. Trgovina  
Brodišče 15  
M. Cassab  
Av. das Nações Unidas, 20.882  
Santo Amaro, CEP 04795-000  
São Paulo - S.P.  
1236 Trzin  
South Africa  
Bulgaria / България  
бул. „Черни връх“ 43  
София 1407  
Republic of Ireland  
Michael McLoughlin & Sons  
Hardware Limited  
Long Mile Road  
GARDENA South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.  
P.O. Box 11534  
Vorna Valley 1686  
Dublin 12  
ANMI Andreu y Miriam S.A.  
Calle Pere IV, 111  
08018 Barcelona  
GARDENA Canada Ltd.  
100, Summerlea Road  
Brampton, Ontario  
Canada L6T 4X3  
GARDENA Italia S.r.l.  
Via Donizetti 22  
20020 Lainate (Mi)  
GARDENA Svenska AB  
Box 9003  
Antonio Martinic Y CIA. LTDA.  
Gilberto Fuenzalida 185 Loc.  
Las Condes - Santiago de Chile  
KAKUDAI Mfg. Co. Ltd.  
1-4-4, Itachibori Nishi-ku  
Osaka 550  
20039 Malmö  
GARDENA Kress + Kastner AG  
Bitziberg 1  
Costa Rica  
Magasins Jules Neuberg  
Grand Rue 30  
Case Postale No. 12  
Luxembourg 2010  
Compania Exim  
Euroiberoamericana S.A.  
350 Sur del Automercado  
Los Yoses  
8184 Bachenbülach  
Ukraine / Украина  
ул. Гайдара 50  
г. Киев 01033  
San Pedro  
MARKT (Holland) BV  
Postbus 219  
P.O. Box 7098  
74, Digeni Akrita Ave.  
1641 Nicosia  
Dost Diþ Ticaret Mümessillik A.Þ.  
Yeþilbaðlar Mah. Baþkent  
Cad. No. 26  
Pendik - Ýstanbul  
1380 AE Weesp  
Neth. Antilles  
Jonka Enterprises N.V.  
Sta. Rosa Weg 196  
P.O. Box 8200  
Czech Republic  
GARDENA spol. s.r.o.  
Ripská 20  
3085 Shawnee Drive  
Winchester, VA 22604  
62700 Brno  
New Zealand  
NYLEX New Zealand Limited  
Private Bag 94001  
South Auckland Mail Centre  
10 Offenhauser Drive  
East Tamaki, Manukau  
GARDENA Danmark A/S  
Naverland 8  
GARDENA Kress + Kastner GmbH  
Postfach 27 47, D-89070 Ulm  
2600 Glostrup  
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